Sentiment Analysis For Hindi Language: MS by Research in Computer Science
Sentiment Analysis For Hindi Language: MS by Research in Computer Science
Sentiment Analysis For Hindi Language: MS by Research in Computer Science
MS by Research
Computer Science
Piyush Arora
This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Sentiment Analysis For Hindi Language” submitted by
Piyush Arora to the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, for the award of the
Degree of Master of Science (by Research) is a record of bona-fide research work carried out by him
under my supervision and guidance. The contents of this thesis have not been submitted to any other
university or institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
I would like to thank my advisor Prof Vasudeva Varma who has played an important role by help-
ing and guiding in all the aspects ranging from the research area to the other general discussions which
helped me a lot to define my problem more concretely and also develop a better positive outlook towards
approaching the problem. Another set of people with whom I have been fortunate to be associated with
are Prof Rajeev Sangal, Prof Dipti Misra and Dr Prasad Pingali. They all helped me to understand what
Research is all about and how to go about for the solution of same, at first it is important to understand
the nature of the problem and then moving towards designing the solution. Apart from research, the
interactions with all helped me to know more about life, understand and analyze things in a much better
way and thus leading to my overall development.
I started my research at LTRC with Machine Translation, the journey has been good enough working
from core aspects of language on parsers, machine translation which made a base for my research work.
As it is said that “if foundation is strong you can make a big and better building over it” so the credit of
this foundation equally goes to the faculty members of LTRC - Dr. V. Sriram, Dr Samar Hussain and
Dr. Soma Poul for providing their support and guidance .
Next, I would also like to thank my seniors Pranav Kumar Vasistha, Abhilash Inumella, Sudhir Ko-
lachina, Avinesh PVS, Kushal Dave, Manasi Verma, Sambhav Jain for their guidance, suppport and to
the various fruitful discussions that happens with them. The discussions with Pranav, AbhilashI helped
me a lot to learn more about myself, my potential and to act upon it. Whenever I faced some problem in
general, they were the first person I looked upon for a solution. Discussion with Sudhir and Avinesh sir
helped me a lot to know more about research not in just my field across diverse fields. I really admire
one note which Avinesh sir gave me while he was guiding me in the Transfer-Grammar Engine- I was
always disappointed when some new bugs came but he made me understand that bugs are good for
system, bugs means that you need to improve more and the minor things you didn’t account earlier are
been getting rectified and these bugs only leads to making things better and developing a better robust
system the same scenario can be mapped to our Life. I didn’t spend much time with Kushal Dave and
Manasi Verma but the limited time frame helped a lot and motivated me to move forward , try my best.
Once you understand the problem then go and give it your best shot, try all the ideas, approaches you
feel so and there will be people to guide you and help you out if you ever get struck.
This acknowledgement would be incomplete without mention of my friends - Akshat Bakliwal, Ankit
Patil, Karan Jindal, Rahul Namdev, Manish Aggarwal and a lot more. There is a lot to say about each
one of them Akshat Bakliwal- this thesis wouldn’t be there without his help, long discussions on the
problems understanding them, analyzing them and working towards solving them. Karan Jindal- always
motivated me with his hard-work and dedication. Ankit Patil and Manish Aggarwal- had some of the
best discussion ranging from Research, Life, College and other. Rahul Namdev- the hardworking guy,
he is really a good friend and companion, the long philosophical discussions had helped a lot in the
discourse of understanding and leading a purposeful life.
I can’t forget my lab mates especially Aditya Mogadala he has been constantly providing his advice,
feedback on the work. I also want to acknowledge my wing mates without whom the things wouldn’t
have been so easy and interesting, their help and motivation persuaded me to learn, study and do re-
search more effectively. I also enjoyed the company of my juniors ( Ravi Aggarwal, Naveen Pawar,
Dhruv Data and many more) which helped and made my stay pleasant and thus I have been able to give
back to my work. I would like to thank all, for their support, encouragement and foremost for making
this journey memorable. I couldn’t conclude without expressing thanks to IIIT-Hyderabad for providing
such a good environment to live and do whatever you want. Working in lab till early morning , playing
whenever you feel like and approaching towards professors so easily whenever you have problems, en-
couraging new ideas and a learning atmosphere where - you do work , make mistakes and learn.
Above all I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents, my sisters who have been con-
stantly encouraging and supportive. The credit of all my work and for my present state goes to them. I
am deeply thankful to them for their eternal love and support.
Some lines by William Ernest Henley which has always motivated me and are my inspiration source-
“ Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears, Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul ”
Sentiment Analysis is an area of focus over the last decade. Increase in user-generated content pro-
vide an important aspect for the researchers, industries and government(s) to mine this information.
The user-generated content is one important source for various organizations to know/learn/identify the
general expression/sentiment of different users on the product.
In this work, we focus on mining sentiments and analyzing them for Hindi language. Hindi is
the 4th commonly spoken language1 in the world. With the increase in the amount of information
being communicated via regional languages like Hindi, comes a promising opportunity of mining this
information. Mining sentiments in Hindi comes with their share of issues and challenges. Hindi is
morphologically rich and is a free order language as compared to English, which adds complexity
while handling the user-generated content. The scarcity of resources for the Hindi language brings
challenges ranging from collection and generation of datasets. We take up this challenge and work
towards building resources- reviews, blogs annotated corpora and subjective lexicon for Hindi language.
We propose a technique to build a subjective lexicon given a pre-annotated seed list for a language and its
wordnet representing the network/connectivity of words using synonyms and antonyms relations. One
of the salient features of this technique is that the method can be applied for any language which has
the wordnet available. To show the applicability of the technique on other languages, we experiment
our technique on English language in addition to the Hindi language. The lexicon generated by our
algorithm is evaluated using the following different metrics.
In addition to resource creation, we take up the task of sentiment classification in Hindi Language.
We work on two different genres of Hindi User-Generated Web Content-
1. Reviews
2. Blogs
1 of languages by number of native speakers
For both of these genres we present three different approaches for performing sentiment classification
such as-
We aim at analysing the merits and demerits of each of the above approaches across the different
genres for the sentiment classification task. We discuss in detail the problems and the issues while
working with the user-generated content (reviews and blogs) in Hindi language. This research work,
throws some light on the main differences between the User-Generated Content in English and Hindi
language at linguistic and its representation level and the approaches followed to address the same.
English language provides the option of leveraging the abundant resources and tools that have been
developed in the past, the work for Indian Languages has just began since last decade and it is in early
stage of research and development, so our focus has been on- “To effectively mine the subjective infor-
mation from the user-generated content in Indian languages, overcoming the data scarcity challenges
associated with such problems.”.
Chapter Page
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Sentiment Analysis - an introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 User-Generated Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Web Content in Hindi language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Mining Sentiments For Hindi language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 General Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.6 Main Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.7 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.8 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.9 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.10 Contribution of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.11 Thesis Summary and Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1 Resources Developed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.1 Hindi Product Reviews Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.2 Hindi Blogs Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Resources Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.1 Hindi Wordnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.2 Hindi SWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.3 IIT B- Movies Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.4 English Wordnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.5 English SentiWordnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.6 English Subjectivity Lexicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
List of Figures
Figure Page
List of Tables
Table Page
In the following sections, we describe some of the basic concepts and definitions to make the discus-
sion in the further chapters simpler and easier to understand.
and emotions. This field of computer science deals with analyzing and predicting the hidden informa-
tion stored in the text. This hidden information provide valuable insights about user’s intentions, taste
and likeliness. Sentiment Analysis focus on categorizing the text at the level of subjective and objective
nature. Subjectivity indicates that the text contains/bears opinion content whereas Objectivity indicates
that the text is without opinion content.
Some examples-
The subjective text can be further categorized into 3 broad categories based on the sentiments ex-
pressed in the text.
1. Weblogs- Collection of blogs, lists of blogs mainly as hyperlinks to be used as a mechanism for
recommendation and suggestion to other blogs and websites.
2. News- The online-news catering to daily events, activities and other information across the globe
with a rapid reachability and that too in a multilingual fashion.
3. Discussion forums- The web-pages pertaining to an individual person, products, services, indus-
tries etc thus providing a mechanism to link the consumers/users with the other consumers/users
and suppliers/companies. The users can interact through different mechanisms such as- providing
feedback, requesting information, asking query, expressing opinion etc.
4. Reviews- The e-commerce and the entertainment industry has been one of the largest booming
industry across the globe. The web presence of same has provided a platform to the consumers
to share their views and feelings about the products and services and thus help the other fellow
beings in making optimal choices and decisions.
The technological advancement in the past two-three decades have enabled humans to find different
ways to interact with each other. One big revolution that became the part of the internet era is the
social network revolution. These social networking sites and other platforms leads to the generation of
petabytes of data per week. Some of the popular and widely used social networking platforms with its
brief overview-
• Facebook - The total monthly active users on facebook are around 850 million. Everyday about
250 million photos are uploaded and 2.7 billions likes are made on it. Facebook stores, accesses,
and analyzes 30+ Petabytes of user-generated data
• Twitter - Twitter has about 465 million accounts and about 175 millions tweets are done per day.
• Google+ - It has about 90 millions users and about 675,000 users are been added everyday.
The statistics mentioned above gives an idea about the rate at which the web has been increasing.
With such vast data generated regularly, it provides enormous business opportunities to handle this data
safely and precisely.
There are various weblogs which are written in Hindi. With internet reaching to more and more
people within the country and in the other parts, the users and contributors to the increasing web space
are rising tremendously. With large pool of information generated everyday, we need to properly mine
this information to aid the people by analyzing their opinions, views and take the necessary actions.
Due to the development in technology and its easy availability the number of users of internet has been
increasing and huge amount of data is generated everyday. Thus it becomes an important aspect to ana-
lyze the user’s intentions and views to improve the services and lead towards a better ecosystem.
Some of the popular news websites in Indian Languages with respect to the number of viewers is
mentioned in Table 1.1 .
1 of languages by number of native speakers#More than 100 million native speakers
Table 1.1 Common news web sites in Indian Languages
Name of Site Language Web Viewers
Malayala Manorama Malyalam 5 million
Dainik Bhaskar Hindi 3.5 million
NavBharat Times Hindi 2.7 million
Amar Ujala Hindi 2.1 million
Anand Bazar Patrika Bengali 1.05 million
Gujarat Samachar Gujarat 1 million
As discussed above, the number of users and web content for Hindi language has been increasing
tremendously. This part of the web hasn’t been explored much in the direction of sentiment and opinion
analysis. Different forms of user-generated content can be used for mining the sentiments accompanied
by it. News can be classified as subjective and objective based on the content. Large amount of blogs
and reviews are generated everyday, we can perform sentiment analysis and can generate summary
using same. We can generate gist of the discussion forums based on the sentiments expressed and the
objects being talked about. We can also perform sentiment analysis on available stories and poems and
summarize them based on the sentiments associated with each entity.
Sentiment Analysis for Hindi has its own challenges and problems as it’s a Scarce Resource Lan-
guage. Scarce resource languages are the languages for which the availability of tools, annotated corpus
and other resources is limited and under the development phase. This work, focuses on building re-
sources and performing Sentiment Analysis for Hindi language. We also discuss and address some of
the challenges faced while mining sentiments from the user-generated content.
Much of the work has been done for the English language with less focus been given to the Scarce
Resource Languages. Some of the common and popular approaches used for sentiment analysis are-
• Using Subjective Lexicon- Subjective Lexicons are a list of words where for each word we have
the scores indicating the positive, negative and objective nature of the word. In this approach, for
a given text, we sum the score of the polar/subjective terms using the subjective lexicon. Finally,
we get a combined positive, negative and objective score which gives an idea about the subjective
nature of the text. The category with maximum score defines the polarity of a document.
• Using N-Gram Modeling- In this approach, from a given training data we make N-Gram model
(uni-gram, bi-gram , tri-gram and combination of same) and perform classification of the test data
using the model formed.
• Using Machine Learning- In this method, we extract features from the text and learn the model
using the training corpus by selecting a set of relevant features. While forming features, informa-
tion is incorporated at different levels such as syntactic information, lexical information, part of
speech information, negation words such as not, no, none which reverses the polarity, abbrevia-
tion, punctuations etc to perform supervised or semi-supervised learning .
• Unstructured Data- The data available on the internet is very unstructured, there are different
forms of the data talking about the same entities, persons, places, things and events. The web con-
tains data from different sources varying from books, journals, web documents, health records,
companies logs, internal files of an organization and even data from multimedia platforms com-
prising of texts, images, audios, videos etc. The diverse sources of the data makes the analysis
more complex as the information is coming in different formats.
• Noise (slangs, abbreviations)- The web content available is very noisy. In today’s era of 140
characters texting, for their ease people use various abbreviations, slangs, emoticons in normal
text which makes the analysis more complex and difficult.
Eg mvie ws awsummm :D
The web content reports a large number of spelling variations for the same word. Eg a word
awesome can be found in various forms as- “awsum, awssuummm, awsome” the repetition of the
characters can be in any combination.
• Contextual Information- Identifying the context of the text becomes an important challenge to
address. Based on the context the behavior/use of the word changes in a great aspect.
In all the above 3 examples, meaning of long is same- indicating the duration or passage of time.
In ex-1 and ex-2 “long” indicates boredness hence a Negative expression whereas in ex-3 “long”
indicates efficiency hence a Positive expression.
With the help of above examples, it’s clear that same word with same meaning can have multi-
ple usage depending on the context. So, it becomes important to detect the context to find the
subjective information in a text
hard task for human beings to interpret sarcasm, making a machine able to understand same is a
more difficult task. Some examples of sarcasm -
• Word Sense Disambiguation- The same word can have multiple meanings, and based on the
sense of its usage the polarity of the word also changes. Example a word good in English has 21
adjective senses, 4 noun senses and 2 adverb senses whose polarity changes with respect to the
sense in which it is used as mentioned below in Table 1.2 where Pos, Neg and Obj scores indicates
the Positive, Negative and Objective scores for a particular sense of Good.
• Language Constructs- Each language has its own nature and style of writing which is accom-
panied by its own challenges and specifications. Challenges while dealing/working with Hindi
language are as follows-
– Word Order- Word arrangement in a sentence plays an important role in identifying the
subjective nature of the text. Hindi is a free order language i.e the subject, object and verb
can come in any order whereas English is a fixed order language i.e subject followed by verb
and followed by object. Some examples are mentioned in Table 1.3.
Word order plays a vital role in deciding the polarity of a text, in the text same set of words
with slight variations and changes in the word order affect the polarity aspect.
– Morphological Variations- Handling the morphological variations is also a big challenge for
Hindi language. Hindi language is morphologically rich which means that lots of informa-
tion is fused in the words as compared to the English language where we add another word
for the extra information.
As shown in the Table 1.4 the verb “хAyA” (khaya) carries far much information apart from
Corresponding Hindi
English Sentence
“Ram ate food” rAm n
хAnA хAyA
“Ram is eating food” rAm хAnA хA+rhA+h{\
“Swati is eating food” -vAEt хAnA хA+rhF+h{\
just the root/padh. It carries the inflection which provide information/idea about the tense,
gender and person. Thus with same root there can be many words in a language with varying
information i.e multiple variations of same words can have the same root with respect to the
sense of tense, gender, person and other information. Some Examples
– Handling Spelling Variations- In Hindi language, same word with same meaning can occur
with different spellings, so it’s quite complex to have all the occurences of such words in a
lexicon and even while training a model it’s quite complex to handle all the spelling variants
some examples are shown in Table 1.5
– Lack of resources- the lack of sufficient resources, tools and annotated corpora also adds to
the challenges while addressing the problem of sentiment analysis especially when we are
dealing with Non-English languages.
In comparison to the English language, Hindi on one side is morphologically rich and on the other
side it’s a free order language. These properties increase the complexity while analyzing the Hindi
web content. The content available on the internet in Hindi language has been in numerous fonts
and formats as shown in Table 1.6.
For this research, we focus only on the utf font but believe that this work could be extended to
other formats with little tweaking.
Format Example
English Sentence Ram ate food
Utf format rAm n
хAnA хAyA
Wx format rAma ne KAnA KAyA
Transliterated format ram ne khana khaya
1.7 Motivation
Understanding emotions, analyzing situations and the sentiments associated with it is the natural
ability of a human being. But how efficiently can we train a machine to exhibit same phenomenon
becomes an important and vital question to be explored and answered. Sentiment Analysis pro-
vides an effective mechanism of understanding individual’s attitude, behaviour, likes and dislikes
of a user.
Small Story- “It’s believed that when a child is small the mother knows very well what and when
he/she is going to need, at what time the child drinks, eats or even the time of difficulty when it
cries and the possible causes for same. She works towards rectifying same. She very well knows
the difference in the cry for food and cry for getting the diapers changed, thus the mother can
analyze and take the necessary action very well”
Analogous to this small story, how well our lives would be if what we want can be automati-
cally analyzed, suggested and provided to us without putting much efforts? Sentiment analysis
provides us with the services and products we want of our taste at our ease. With e-commerce
business spreading at a great speed the task of mining opinions on various products becomes an
useful resource to guide and help people in making choices and decisions. Mining sentiments and
subjective information helps to provide products and services in a personalized fashion and as per
individuals taste and likings. With more emphasis laid on personalized information it becomes
necessary and important to go about catering information to an individual, based on his likings
and taste.
The study of sentiment analysis also provide enough information about how human beings per-
ceive and express information in the form of text to express their feelings and emotions. This
wide multi-dimension aspects discussed above, motivated me to take this problem as my Research
1.8 Applications
Sentiment Analysis has been widely used for understanding the subjective nature of a text. Few
areas where Sentiment Analysis can be applied are-
1) Aid in decision making- Decision making is an integral part of our life. It ranges from “which
products to buy”,“which restaurant to go” to “which bank isurance policies to go for”, “which
investments to make”. Sentiment Analysis can be used to decide and select from the available
options based on the general opinions expressed by other users.
2) Designing and Building Innovative Products- With exposed to tough competition and open
to critics through public reviews and opinions, sentiment analysis leads to better analysis of the
products in terms of the usability and human-friendly nature. It creates an environment for better
and more innovative products.
3) Recommendation Systems- Most of the websites we visit have a recommendation system in-
built to assist us, ranging from sites related to books, online-media, entertainment, music, film
industry to other forms of art. These systems uses our personal information, previous history,
likes and dislikes and our friends information to make suggestions.
4) Products Analysis- With the help of sentiment analysis it has become easier to analyze dif-
ferent products and make the choices accordingly. This kind of analysis also helps to select a
product based on its feature specifications. The comparison between two products has also been
made quite easier.
5) Business Strategies- Much of the business strategies are been guided with respect to the re-
sponse from the people. Companies aims to satisfy the needs and demands of the users, thus
strategic moves of companies are driven through public opinions and views. With the world con-
nected through technology events have a global impact, the issue/failure on one part of the world
has an impact on the other corner of the globe. So it becomes quite important to drive prod-
ucts/services according to the public viewpoint.
6) User Modelling- From research perspective it has led to better designing of interfaces, more
interactive designs where emphasis is on Human Computer Interaction- the mechanism of how a
user interacts with the system/machine.
This work concentrates on analyzing sentiments for Hindi language. The main focus lies on un-
derstanding the challenges, issues while working on Hindi language and the approaches followed
while performing sentiment classification for the user-generated content. With very few tools
and annotated corpora available, it’s a challenging task to perform sentiment analysis for Hindi
language. The work done comprises of resource generation which involves building of anno-
tated datasets and subjective lexicon. We propose an algorithm to create Subjective Lexicon for
a language using a pre-annotated seedlist and wordnet of that language. The technique has been
applied for English and Hindi language.
2) Blogs- About 250 blogs were crawled and are used for performing sentiment classification at
blog level exploiting the inherent nature of the blogs. The aim is to perform Blog Sentiment Clas-
sification and understand the nature and complications for Hindi language as compared to that of
English language
In this research, our primary focus is on Hindi language. As stated above, Hindi language lacks
adequate resources to perform sentiment analysis. Our work involves building annotated corpus
open for public use and analyzing the same for sentiment extraction.
We proposed an algorithm to build subjective lexicon for under-resourced languages, using the
wordnet of that language. Our method of building a subjective lexicon is dependent only on
WordNet and a small pre-annotated seed list. Using WordNet and simple graph traversal method,
we construct the subjectivity lexicon. In our method, initially a small seed list of words is decided
along with their polarity and using WordNet this seed list is populated based on the synonyms and
the antonyms of the words in the list. Here, we make an assumption that synonyms possess sim-
ilar polarity and antonyms show opposite polarity. The algorithm has been tested and validated
for Hindi and English language.
We perform sentiment classification for the following genres of web content in Hindi language-
1) Product and Movie Reviews - We performed experiments with different approaches for sen-
timent classification of Hindi reviews. In the initial experiments we applied traditional methods
such as N-Gram and learning from subjective lexicon. We used various pre-processing tasks and
other optimization to capture the subjective phrases more accurately. We used negation handling,
performed stemming and morphological analysis to capture the maximum information from the
text. We discuss the pos and cons of the approaches used and show how effectively a model of
combined lexical and N-Gram features perform while addressing the sentiments classification at
reviews level.
2) Blogs- We present different methodologies of sentiment classification at blogs level which are
widely used. We comment on the merits and demerits of these approaches in the context of the
blog sentiment classification. In the first method, we use subjective lexicon(s) to perform the
classification task. We report the results in terms of accuracy of the classification and also dis-
cuss where and why these lexicons fails to classify the blogs correctly. In second method, we use
N-Gram technique to classify blog sentiments and also discuss the pros and cons of this approach.
Overall the work done in this research has been to understand the nature of user-generated content
for Hindi language and to build resources, design algorithms that would lead to the development
in the field of sentiment analysis and opinion mining for Hindi language.
The thesis has been organized as follows- Chapter 2 discuss the related work done in the area
of sentiment analysis which is splitted into three sub parts 2.1 Sentiment Analysis, 2.2 Lexicon
Generation and 2.3 Indian Language Sentiment Analysis, Chapter 3 presents the information
about the resources developed and also give an account of the resources that are used for this
research. Chapter 4 focus on Hindi Subjective Lexicon generation with detailed discussion on
various aspects ranging from what Hindi Subjective Lexicon is, the algorithm used, the uses
of subjective lexicon and the issues related to same. Chapter 5 discuss the work done towards
sentiment classification at Reviews as well as at Blog Level. We present the conclusions and the
possible future extensions of this research work in Chapter 6.
Chapter 2
Sentiment Analysis has been the focus of research community from last decade. There has been
large amount of work done for English language, the work for Indian Languages has just began.
The initial lexicon and dictionary based approaches for extracting sentiments has given way to
machine learning approaches using the syntactic and semantic features. In this chapter, we discuss
the work done in the past in the area of Sentiment Analysis. To make it simple and easy to
understand we have divided the related work into three sections-
Identifying the sentiment polarity is a complex task, to address the task of sentiment classifica-
tion various methodologies have been applied earlier. Most common, widely used approaches for
identifying sentiments for a given piece of text are as follows-
1) Syntactic Approaches- Syntactic approach towards sentiment classification using N-Grams
have been used by Bo Pang, Lillian Lee and Vaithyanathan[35]. They used the traditional n-gram
approach along with POS information as a feature to perform machine learning for determin-
ing the polarity. They used Naive Bayes Classification, Maximum Entropy and Support Vector
Machines on a three fold cross validation. In their experiment, they tried different variations of
N-Gram approach like unigams presence, unigrams with frequency, unigrams+bigrams, bigrams,
unigrams + POS, adjectives, most frequent unigrams, unigrams + positions. They concluded from
their work that incorporating the frequency of matched n-gram might be a feature which could
decay the accuracy. Maximum accuracy achieved by them among all the experiments they per-
formed was 82.9% which was obtained in unigrams presence approach on SVM.
2) Semantic/Pattern Mining- Semantic approaches using part of speech learning has also been
used quite popularly for identifying sentiments in a text. Turney and Benamara used this approach
for binary classification in [40] and [5]. Much work has also been done in the field of extracting
sentiment expressions using various NLP techniques. Nasukawa and Yi[33], Bloom, Garg and
Argamon[7] used techniques like word sense disambiguation, chunking, n-gram to perform bi-
nary polarity classification .
Ohana and Tierney [34], Saggion and Funk[38] used sentiwordnet to perform opinion classifica-
tion. They calculated positive and negative score for a review and based on the maximum score,
the polarity of the review was assigned. They also extracted features and used machine learn-
ing algorithms to perform sentiment classification. Turney [40] also worked on part of speech
(POS) information. He used tag patterns with a window of maximum three words (i.e) till tri-
grams. In his experiments, he considered JJ, RB, NN, NNS POS-tags with some set of rules for
classification. His work is extension to the work done on adjectives alone by Hatzivassiloglou
and McKeown[20] they consider patterns like RB, NN/NNS. Given a phrase he calculates the
PMI (Point-wise Mutual Information) from the strong positive word “excellent” and also from
the strong negative word “poor”, and the difference gives the semantic orientation of the phrase.
Dave, Lawrence and Pennock devised their own scoring function which was probability based
[13]. They performed lexical substitutions for negation handling and used rainbow classifiers to
decide the class of the review.
3)Features/Machine Learning- Much of the work has also been done towards using machine
learning approach for identifying the sentiment expressions. Bo Pang, Lillian Lee and Vaithyanathan
[35], Zhang [45], Go, Bhayani and Huang [18] deduced features to perform supervised machine
learning . The feature based learning has proved to perform better in comparison to the traditional
approaches of syntactic and semantic approaches. The features learned from the N-Grams models
along with that of subjective lexicon with little bit of fine tuning perform better as compared to
the normal N-Gram and Subjective Lexicon scoring mechanism.
Research in the field of sentiment analysis is done at various levels which are as follows-
1) Document Level- The document level analysis deals with classifying the whole document as a
single polarity positive, negative or objective. Bo Pang, Lilling Lee and Vaithyanathan[35], Tur-
ney [40] performed document level classification .
2) Sentence Level The sentence level analysis focus on analyzing the documents at sentence level.
The sentences are analyzed individually and classified as objective, negative or positive. The
overall document thus has a set of sentences with each sentence being marked with it’s corre-
sponding polarity. There has been significant work done by Wiebe, Bruce and O’Hara[42], Yu
and Hatzivassiloglou[44], Theresa Wilson [23], Hu and Liu[22] and Kim [30] with respect to the
sentence level classification .
3) Phrase Level- This analysis involves going much deeper and deals with identifying the phrases
in a sentence for a given document and analyze the phrases and classify them accordingly as pos-
itive, negative or objective. The phrase level analysis is also known as fine grained analysis going
deep into the text to identify the subjective items/entities and classify same as done by Wilson et
al. [43], Agarwal, Biadsky and Mckeown[1] .
The work done in the past in the area of sentiment analysis can be categorized into various genres
such as Reviews, News, Blogs analysis etc.
Blogs level analysis- Work done at blog level can be attributed to Chesley [9], Ku, Liang and
Chen[27], Zhang [46], Ben He, Macdonald, Jiyin He and Ounis[21], Melville, Gryc and Lawrence
[28], Draya, Plantie, Harb, Poncelet, Roch and Trousset[16], Godbole, Srinivasaiah and Skiena[19]
Reviews level analysis- Some of the work done at reviews level for mostly English Language is
as follows- Wiebe, Bruce and O’Hara[42], Bo Pang, Lillian Lee and Vaithyanathan[35], P Turney
[40], Yu and Hatzivassiloglou[44], Theresa Wilson [23], Hu and Liu [22], Blitzer, Dredze and
News level analysis- Godbole, Srinivasaiah and Skiena[19], Alexander Balahur[4] worked on
All the above categories deal with large text, in addition to this there has been much focus given
towards micro-blogs analysis which includes analyzing tweets, forums and chats by Go, Bhayani
and Huang[18], Nicholas A and David A[15], Apoorv, Boyi, Ilia, Owen and Rebecca[2], Dmitry,
Oren and Ari[14]
Draya, Plantie, Harb, Poncelet, Roche and Trousset[16] tried to identify domain specific adjec-
tives to perform blog sentiment analysis. They considered the fact that opinions are mainly ex-
pressed by adjectives and pre-defined lexicons fail to identify domain information. Chesley et
al. [9] performed topic and genre independent blog classification, making novel use of linguistic
features. Each post from the blog is classified as positive, negative and objective.
Turney [40] worked on product reviews. Turney used adjectives and adverbs for performing opin-
ion classification on reviews. He used PMI-IR algorithm to estimate the semantic orientation
of the sentiment phrase. He achieved an average accuracy of 74% on 410 reviews of different
domains collected from Epinion. Hu and Liu [22] performed feature based sentiment analysis.
Using Noun-Noun phrases they identified the features of the products and determined the senti-
ment orientation towards each feature. Bo Pang, Lillian Lee and Vaithyanathan[35] tested various
machine learning algorithms on Movie Reviews. They achieved 81% accuracy in unigram pres-
ence feature set on Naive Bayes classifier.
In 1966, IBM developed the General Inquirer system [39] which marked the beginning of senti-
ment extraction from plain text. This system was termed as content analysis research problem in
behavior science and comprised of 11789 words with each word having at-least one instance. In
1997, Hatzivassiloglou and Mckeown[20] developed a method to predict semantic orientation of
adjectives. Their idea was predicting the semantic orientation of adjectives based on the nature
of conjunctive joining the two adjectives. A log-linear regression model uses these constraints to
predict whether conjoined adjectives are of same or different orientations, achieving 82% accu-
racy in this task when each conjunction is considered independently. Janyce Wiebe [41] showed
a method to learn subjective adjectives from a corpora based on methods for clustering words
according to distributional similarity and a small amount of manually annotated corpora. For En-
glish, a good amount of work is done in the lines of generating subjective lexicon. SentiWordNet
[17], [3] was developed in year 2006 by Esuli, Sebastiani and Baccianella. It contains four Part-
of-Speech tags namely adjectives, adverbs, verbs and nouns with 2 million words out of which
3% are adjectives. Each word is assigned three scores positive, negative and objective such that
sum of the score for each word sums to one.
Positive score + negative score + objective score=1 (1)
for example the word “best” has a score as positive-0.75 negative-0.0 and neutral-0.25 which sat-
isfies the above equation 1.
SentiWordNet was built using WordNet and a ternary classifier. Their classifier is based on “bag
of synset” model which uses manually disambiguated glosses available from the Princeton Word-
Net Gloss Corpus. Banea, Mihalcea and Wiebe[8] proposed a bootstrapping method for building
subjective lexicon for under-resourced languages. Their method build a subjective lexicon using
a small seed list (60 words), an online dictionary (Romanian Dictionary) and a small annotated
corpora. They used word level similarity (LSA and PMI) to filter words. In their bootstrapping
method the initial seed list was manually selected and contained 60 words which were evenly
distributed among adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs.
Kamps, Marx, Mikken and Rijke[25] tried to determine sentiments of adjectives in WordNet. In
this work, they divided adjectives into four major categories and used base words (to measure
relative distance) depending on the category. For category Evaluative their base words were
“good” and “bad”, for category Activity their base words were “active” and “passive”, etc.The
polarity orientation of a word ’w’ belongs to range [-1,1], -1 for words on bad side and 1 for
words on good side. Based on this method, they populated a total of 1608 words in all four
categories with avg. correctness of 67.18% for English.
Kim and Hovy [31] proposed a method of identifying and analyzing judgment opinions. This was
a four step process in which first step was recognizing the opinion. For identifying the opinion
they introduced an algorithm to classify a word as positive, negative or objective which was based
on WordNet. They made an assumption which was to add synonyms of a word with the same
polarity as the source word. To avoid words with multiple meaning (dual nature) they applied a
method to identify closeness of a word to each category (positive, negative, objective). For their
proposed method to give high recall the initial seed list should be large enough and with wide
variety of words.
Delip Rao and Deepak Ravichandran [36] presented an extensive study on the problem of detect-
ing polarity of words. The authors considered bi-polar classification of words i.e. a word can be
either positive or negative. They performed semi-supervised label propagation in graph for polar-
ity detection of words. Each of these words represent a node in the graph whose polarity is to be
determined. They focused on three languages mainly English, French and Hindi but claim that
their work can be extended to any other language for which WordNet is available. Much work
has been done towards developing the subjective lexicon for English languages but very few work
has been done towards development of subjective lexicon for Indian Languages .
As far as Indian Languages are concerned, we can see small amount of work done in Hindi
and Bengali by Amitava Das and Bandopadhya[10], [11], Dipankar Das and Bandopadhya[12],
Joshi, Balamurali and Bhattacharyya[24]. Das and Bandopadhya[10] developed sentiwordnet for
bengali language. They applied word level lexical-transfer technique to each entry in English
SentiWordNet using an English-Bengali Dictionary to obtain a Bengali SentiWordNet. This pro-
cess resulted in 35,805 Bengali entries. Das and Bandopadhya[11], devised four strategies to
predict the sentiment of a word. First approach, an interactive game which in turn annotated the
words with their polarity. Second approach, using Bi-Lingual dictionary for English and Indian
Languages. Third approach, wordnet expansion using synonym and antonym relations, but their
article missed the approach they followed for this expansion. Fourth approach, learning from
pre-annotated corpora.
Dipankar Das and Bandopadhya[12], performed the task of emotion tagging for Bengali words.
They classified words in Ekmans six emotion classes (anger, disgust, fear, happy, sad and sur-
prise) along with three types of intensities (high, general and low) for sentence level annotation.
Joshi, Balamurali and Bhattacharyya[24] created H-SWN (Hindi-SentiWordNet) using two lex-
ical resources namely English SentiWordNet and English-Hindi WordNet Linking [26]. Using
WordNet linking they replaced words in English SentiWordNet with equivalent Hindi words to
get H-SWN.
Our work is motivated towards Hindi Language and is related to works by Kim and Hovy [31]
and Delip Rao and Deepak Ravichandran[36]. Kim and Hovy restricted their assumption to syn-
onyms, we extend the relation to antonyms. Rao and Ravichandran performed bi-polar classifica-
tion, we extend classification to third level i.e. objectivity. In this work, we use Hindi WordNet
[32] to obtain the polarity of adjectives and adverbs for Hindi Subjective Lexicon. The work done
in blogs sentiment classification is slightly related and motivated by the work done by Draya,
Plantie, Harb, Poncelet, Roche and Trousset[16]. The product reviews classification is motivated
by the work done for opinions classification by Bo Pang, Lillian Lee and Vaithyanathan [35], P
Turney [40], Amitava Das[11], and Joshi, Balamurali and Bhattacharyya[24].
Chapter 3
Hindi is a scarce-resource language, not much work has been done in the area of Sentiment
Analysis for Hindi language as discussed in Chapter-2. Our focus is to build resources and make
it public/open to be used by others. The annotated data sets for different genres, provide an
opportunity to design and develop algorithms/approaches to analyze sentiments from the web
text. In this chapter, we discuss the resources which are developed as a part of this research work
and the already existing resources that are been used in this research.
1. Reviews Dataset- We built a dataset of 700 product and movies reviews with equal number
of positive and negative reviews i.e the dataset has 350 positive and 350 negative reviews.
The reviews are built using pre-annotated 1000 positive and 1000 negative English reviews
from amazon dataset [6]. These reviews are carefully selected and are translated using
Google translation. These reviews are then manually annotated and corrected to select the
the top 350 positive and 350 negative reviews.
2. Blogs Dataset- We build a dataset of 250 blogs which were crawled from BBC Hindi. Most
of the blogs belong to the domain of politics, sports and news events. Each blog has an
average length of 20 sentences which are manually annotated at three class level-positive,
negative and objective. The sentences are annotated by three native speakers of Hindi and the
polarity of the sentences is decided based on the maximum vote ( inter-annotator agreement
3.1.1 Hindi Product Reviews Dataset1
Amazon Reviews has English reviews which are rated on a scale of 1-5. For the Multi-Domain
Sentiment Data the authors classified the reviews which have rating of 4-5 as positive and one
with the ratings 1-3 as negative reviews [6]. We carefully choose the reviews with length less
than 25 to minimize the translation errors. So after pruning the reviews based on the length, we
finally selected 1000 positive and 1000 negative review which are then translated using Google
Machine Translation. This set of 1000 positive and 1000 negative reviews are manually annotated
and edited by 3 people which are native Hindi speakers. The annotation was at the scale of 1 and
0. 1 if sentence exhibits positivity and 0 if sentence exhibits negativity else discard the sentence/
review. Thus for each review we have 3 scores by different annotators. Out of the 1000 reviews
each we selected the top 350 by cross-verifying the reviews which were manually annotated by
taking the majority vote.
The main issues we observed while building this dataset- As the word order of Hindi is differ-
ent from English Refer Table1.3, so the translation of sentences is not that good in terms of the
readability. The mis-match of vocabulary and lack of identifying the context and word sense dis-
ambiguation leads to issues at the grammatical aspects. Some Examples-
English Sentence- Clever and stylish design; a lot of colors to choose from; and an excellent per-
formance, best sport shoe.
Translated Hindi Sentence- cAlAк aOr -VAiElш .EdяAin, r\g кA eк bht s cnn к Ele,
aOr eк u(к£ prdш
n sbs aQCA х l к
Correct Hindi Sentence with re-arrangement of words- cAlAк aOr -VAiElш .EdяAin, bht s
r\g eк cnn к Ele, aOr eк u(к£ prdш
n sbs aQCA х l к яt
To address the above challenges we faced while forming the Product-Reviews dataset, we made
the following assumption - the translation leads to change in the word order so we selected the
sentences if even after translation the two conditions hold-
1) Subjective nature is prevalent or restored
2) The readability of the review is maintained
Hindi Blogs Dataset is created by crawling popular hindi news site BBC Hindi. This dataset
contains 250 blogs belonging to sports, politics and news event. The average number of sentences
are 20. The blogs have been annotated at sentence level. The details with respect to the overall
sentence variations in terms of the subjective nature is as follows-
For assigning the polarity to the sentence, three classes (1 , 0, -1) have been used.
1 for Positive- If a sentence in a blog gives an indication of positivity.
-1 for Negative- If a sentence in a blog gives an indication of negativity.
0 for Objective- If a sentence does not show any subjective behavior.
The dataset is annotated by 3 annotators who are native Hindi speakers thus for each sentence
we have three annotations. The final polarity is decided by the majority basis. If for a sentence
all the three votes differ than we discard those sentences. The humans can also make errors in
annotation, the perception and interpretation of one individual towards a particular text might be
different with respect to others. So we calculated the kappa statistics which gives an idea about
the inter-annotator agreement as shown in Table3.3.
Blogs Dataset has been made public and is freely available for research purposes only.
Kappa (κ) score between annotator
‘i’ and annotator ‘j’ (κij )
κ12 0.775
κ13 0.738
κ23 0.743
Average κ Score 0.752
Table 3.3 Kappa Scores for Manual Agreement for Hindi Blog Dataset
This resource is one of the valuable and most used resource of the Hindi Language. Hindi Wordnet
was developed in 2002 [32], it provides the words corresponding to different parts of speech
information like adjective, adverb, noun and verbs linked with other words through syntactic and
semantic relations. It provides information regarding how words are related to each other, the
words belonging to similar sysnsets, it also provides information about the synonyms, antonyms
etc for a given word.
Example - For word aQCA
similarly we have other semantic and syntactic relations between the words provided by Hindi
Wordnet .
Hindi SentiWordnet is a subjective lexicon developed by IIT bombay [24]. It contains words with
part of speech as Adjective, Adverb, Noun and Verb with each word having 3 scores positive,
negative and objective. Sum of positive, negative and objective score sums to 1. The lexicon
assigns single score to a word irrespective of the sense in which it is used.
This resource was built using two lexical resources namely English SentiWordNet [17], [3] and
English-Hindi WordNet Linking [32]. It contains 4 categories of synsets based on the Part of
Speech information which are Noun, Verbs, Adverbs and Adjectives.
This dataset [24] has about 273 movies reviews which are manually annotated, the dataset has
equal number of 125 positive and negative documents where each document has 1-2 reviews.
3.2.4 English Wordnet
Wordnet [29] is a large lexical database of English. It groups words together based on their
meanings. It also provides various semantic relations between words. Broadly their are 4 POS
categories Adjectives, Adverbs, Nouns and Verbs and within each category there is a semantic
network of words.
SentiWordnet [17], [3] is a Wordnet based resource which is automatically generated with polar-
ity scores attached to the senses instead of the terms.
Example- For word “healthy” the polarity scores are as follows-
Positive=0.75, Negative=0.0, Objective=0.25 #sense-1 (having or indicating good health in body
or mind; free from infirmity or disease; ”a rosy healthy baby”; ”staying fit and healthy” )
Positive=0.5, Negative=0.0, Objective=0.5 #sense-2 (financially secure and functioning well; ”a
healthy economy”)
Positive=0.0, Negative=0.0, Objective=1 #sense-3 (large in amount or extent or degree; ”it cost
a considerable amount”)
Subjectivity lexicon [43] contains 8221 words where each word is assigned 4 polarities (positive,
negative, both and neutral) along with 4 level gradation.
3.3 Summary
In this chapter, we discuss the resources that have been developed as a part of this research work
and the resources that have been used in this research work. We discuss the mechanisms, assump-
tions and other details which are made while making the datasets. These datasets are manually
annotated using language experts and the inter-annotator agreement is measured using standard
techniques like kappa statistics.
Chapter 4
Subjective Lexicon has been widely used for analyzing the sentiments in a web text. In this chap-
ter, we discuss in detail different algorithms for developing Subjective lexicon that have been
used in the past. We present our Graph based approach to generate Subjective Lexicon using just
the WordNet and pre-annotated seed list for a language. We present the lexicon developed using
our technique for English and Hindi language. The lexicon generated is evaluated using differ-
ent metrics- comparing against similar existing resources, manual annotation and classification
perfomance of same.
4.1 Background
Subjective Lexicon is a list of words where for each word we have the scores indicating the
positive, negative and objective nature of the word. The main three approaches for building the
subjective lexicon are as follows-
This approach deals with mapping the polarity of the words using the bi-lingual dictionaries . For
this method we require the linking or mapping between the words of the two languages and the
subjective lexicon or a dictionary of polarity of words for one language out of the two.
In this approach, we use the translation technology to convert the subjective lexicon (a list of
polarity of words) from source to the target language. Translation tools such as Google Transla-
tion, Language specific translation systems such as Sampark System etc are used for translating
subjective lexicon of one language to another.
4.1.3 Using Wordnet
This method uses the inherent structure of the language embedded in the form of the wordnet of
that language. It outputs the lexicon capturing the relations and similarity between the words of
the wordnet.
In our opinion, there are a few limitations of Using the Bi-Lingual Dictionaries and Using the
Machine Translation approaches-
1. Bi-Lingual dictionaries may not account for all the words because of language variations.
Words can be used in multiple context in either languages and context dependent word mapping
is a tough task, error prone and require manual efforts. Table 4.1 gives an idea when a word in
English can correspond to more than one words in Hindi varying in the nature as well as in the
semantics and meaning.
2. Using Translation method (from rich resource to scarce resource language) for generating
subjective lexicon, there is a high possibility of loosing the context information and have many
translation errors. One of the common problem in the translation is the mapping of a word in one
language to a phrase in the other language as discussed in Table4.2.
Whereas wordnet and its inherent relations provides much richer information to be mined while
deriving a subjective lexicon for a particular language.
Positive Negative Objective
Polarity Polarity Polarity
nrm 0.55 0.45 0.0
WXA 0.263 0.105 0.632
nAяк 0.115 0.077 0.808
ptlA 0.428 0.572 0.0
mlAym 0.5 0.375 0.125
кccA 0.035 0.07 0.895
ctr 0.357 0.428 0.215
In this section we present our graph based method to build a subjective lexicon for a given lan-
guage using Wordnet as a resource.
Our algorithm makes a hypothesis of traversing WordNet like a graph where every word in Word-
Net is imagined as a node in the graph. This graph is an undirected graph and is highly connected
but not fully connected. In this graph, nodes are connected to each other based on synonym and
antonym relations. Kim and Hovy [31] made a simple assumption that synonyms carry the same
sentiment as the word. We extend their assumption to antonyms, we assume antonyms carry
opposite polarity. Each node is connected to many other nodes i.e. each node will have many
in-links and many out-links. This graph has three basic connected components (positive, negative
and objective). Words can be connected using two kinds of edges:
Simple Edge: An edge which connects two words in the same (different) domain and represents
a synonym (antonym) relation with a given condition that each word should belong to non over-
lapping region.
Cross Edge: An edge which connects two words based on synonym (antonym) relation and atleast
one among these words lies in the overlapping region. Cross Edges among these connected com-
ponents produce words which have ambiguous (dual) nature Refer Table 4.3.
Figure 4.1 explains Simple Edges and Cross Edges pictorially. In figure 4.1, each circle repre-
sents a connected component and an overlapping zone that contains words which are ambiguous
by nature.
We use a WordNet and a list of words (seed list) which is pre-annotated based on the polarity.
Our seed list contains words belonging to all the three categories positive, negative and objective.
Each word in this seed list is expanded on synonym and antonym relations. We can consider this
expansion as a Breadth First Traversal of a graph. In this traversal method, all the siblings (nodes
at any depth d) are expanded before any node at the next level (depth d+1) is expanded. We make
use of queue data structure to maintain the order in which the nodes (words) are introduced or
Figure 4.1 Cross Edge and Simple Edge Diagram
expanded. This method helps us to ensure that each node is expanded only once and all the syn-
onyms of a word are traversed at the same time.
In our method we have 2 lists, one is temporary and the other is final list. The initial seed list
which contains seed words is copied to temporary seed list with the polarity. Now every time we
get a word (a structure which contains a pair of seed and polarity) from the temporary seed list
by de-queuing it from the list, we check for this word if it exists in the final seed list or not. If
this word is in the final seed list then we don’t populate this word further, we just add the current
polarity of this word to the polarity in the final list. But if this word is not in the final list, we do
three things-
1. Add this word to the final list with the current polarity.
2. Find out all the synonyms of this word and en-queue them in the temporary seed list with
the polarity same as the source word.
3. Find out all the antonyms of this word and en-queue them in temporary seed list with oppo-
site polarity. ( P ->N, O ->O, N ->P).
We continue this process till all the words in the temporary seed list are explored or in other words
till the temporary seed list becomes empty. When the temporary seed list becomes empty the final
seed list contains adjectives and against each adjective we have string of P’s, N’s and O’s. Based
on this we decide the final polarity of the word. Say for a word ’x’ in the final seed list we have
string ’s’ made of P’s, N’s and O’s.
Length of string (s) = Len
Number of P’s in s = nP
Number of N’s in s = nN
Number of O’s in s = nO
Positive polarity of x = nP/Len
Negative polarity of x = nN/Len
Objective polarity of x = nO/len
One of the major task while proposing a new method is the evaluation. In these kind of systems
we mainly evaluate by human judgment or by classifying some pre-annotated text. There are few
methods which are commonly used for validation-
This method is usually opted for scarce resource languages. In this method, some manual anno-
tators are appointed whose task is to annotate the lexicon generated and later, taking the majority
vote of annotators the system generated lexicon is validated.
In this method of evaluation, we find the accordance of lexicon generated with a lexicon which is
already proposed and accepted by the research community. This strategy of evaluation is used for
languages which are resource rich.
In this method of evaluation, we classify pre-annotated reviews/blogs using our system generated
lexicon and find precision, recall, F1 scores, etc to show the correctness of the lexicon. This
strategy is generally used for resource rich languages or for those languages for which we have
pre-annotated data.
Algorithm 1 Algorithm for Populating SeedList using WordNet to generate Subjective Lexicon
1: InitialSeedList = {45 words (15 Objective, 15 positive, 15 negative)}
2: // Each word is a structure which contains a pair of Seed and P olarity
3: F inalSeedList = {}
4: T empSeedList = {}
5: T empSeedList = InitialSeedList
6: while T empSeedList 6= EmptyList do
7: W ord = T empSeedList.pop()
8: // gives the f irst word in the list and removes it f rom the list.
9: Seed = W ord[0]
10: P olarity = W ord[1]
11: if Seed ∈ FinalSeedList then
12: F inalSeedList[Seed] = F inalSeedList[Seed] + P olarity
13: else
14: FinalSeedList[Seed]=Polarity
15: SynonymSet = All the synonyms of Seed
16: AntonymSet = All the antonyms of Seed
17: for all synonyms ∈SynonymSet do
18: T empSeedList.append(synonym : P olarity)
19: // P olarity will be P/N/O
20: end for
21: for all antonyms ∈AntonymSet do
22: T empSeedList.append(antonym : OppP olarity)
23: // OppP olarity will be P if Seed has P olarity N
24: // OppP olarity will be N if Seed has P olarity P
25: // OppP olarity will be O if Seed has P olarity O
26: end for
27: end if
28: end while
29: // Against Each adjective in the F inalSeedList we have a string of P ′ s, N ′ s
30: // and O′ s which contains the polarity of that word
31: for all adjectives ∈FinalSeedList do
32: S = F inalSeedList[i] // Here i is an adjective and S is the string of
33: // polarity f or that adjective
34: nP = N umber of P ′ s in S
35: nN = N umber of N ′ s in S
36: nO = N umber of O′ s in S
37: Len = length of S // P lease N ote nP + nN + nO = Len
38: P ositiveP olarity = nP/Len
39: N egativeP olarity = nN/Len
40: Objectivity = nO/Len
41: //P lease N ote : P ositiveP olarity + N egativeP olarity + Objectivity = 1
42: end for
4.4 Experiments
The algorithm proposed in section-4.2 has been tried and validated for English as well as Hindi
For English language we use English Wordnet [29] and took a list of 45 seed words 15 positive, 15
negative and 15 objective words and using our algorithm (Section 4.2) we traversed the English
Wordnet as discussed above Algorithm 1. The algorithm resulted in 9143 adjectives the details
are described in Table 4.4.
There is a trade off between the size of the seed list and the scope (coverage) of the generated
lexicon. The bigger and better the seed list, the better is the generated lexicon. But to have bigger
and better seed list, we need more manual exercise to decide the seed words and their polarity.
So, here we try to make a trade off between seed list size and generated lexicon size. Table 4.5
provides results for our lexicon with varying seed list sizes. We observed that if the seed list size
is too small than the words retrieved are few and increasing the seed list to a large number is costly
and requires human efforts. With few seedlist present instead of the complete graph traversal the
partial traversal results in varying and false polarities. Thus on an average the seed list of 45
words performed well.
Table 4.5 Results for Agreement with SentiWordNet with increasing seed list size
Number of words in
Number of adjectives in
Number of words in our
Common words in both the
Words in agreement 7297
Agreement in common words 79.8% Evaluation
The English Lexicon generated is validated against the English Sentiwordnet [17], [3] and Sub-
jectivity Lexicon [43] which are some of the commonly used subjective lexicons for English
Against SentiWordNet: Based on the polarity scores we assigned each word with a single polarity
(the polarity with highest score) for both the lexicons (the one generated by our proposed algo-
rithm and the lexicon of SentiWordNet). Our system generated lexicon achieved an agreement
of 79.8% with SentiWordNet. Detailed results are presented in Table 4.6. Most of the cases we
missed were due to dual nature of words i.e words showing positive, negative and objective po-
larity simultaneously eg small, long, short etc. Such words are highlighted in Figure 4.2
Against Subjectivity Lexicon: Subjectivity Lexicon contains 8221 words in total. Each word is
assigned one of the four polarities (positive, negative, both, neutral). It’s build using the polarity
cues that are mentioned in [37]. Considering both polarity and neutral polarity as same, we eval-
uated our lexicon. Details and results are summarized in the Table 4.7 Discussion
The English lexicon generated using our algorithm performed quite well and showed an agree-
ment of about 80% with SentiWordnet and about 81.5% with Subjectivity Lexicon. The coverage
in terms of the number of adjectives is also quite good when expansion is performed over the
English Wordnet. The main disadvantage is that our lexicon is terms based and not sense based.
But the accordance of our algorithm with the other English lexicon indicates that the Wordnet is
a well connected network of words and can be used to build subjective lexicon. Main issue and
Number of words in
Subjectivity Lexicon
Number of adjectives in
Subjectivity Lexicon
Number of words with pos as
Number of words in our
Common words in both the
Words in agreement 3430
Agreement in common words 81.47%
error comes while dealing with context sensitive words like long, easy, loose the words lying in
the ambiguous area as indicated in Figure 4.2.
For Hindi language we use Hindi Wordnet [32] and a seed list of 45 adjectival words. Table 4.8
provides a small sample of the seed list we are using for the graph traversal of the wordnet. The
lexicon built using the above mentioned approach Algorithm 1 for Hindi Language contains 8048
adjectival words in all. The details with respect to the distribution of the words is described in
Table 4.9. For each word, our lexicon provides three scores: positive, negative and objective. Sum
of these scores equals to 1.
Figure 4.2 English Graph Traversal
Agreement of each annotator
with our lexicon
Annotator 1 66.08%
Annotator 2 64.01%
Annotator 3 68.45%
Overall Agreement of our
lexicon with the annotators
Table 4.11 Kappa Scores for Manual Agreement for Hindi Lexicon Evaluation
We validate this Hindi Subjective Lexicon by all the three different methods of evaluation dis-
cussed earlier-
Human Judgment- In this method of evaluation, we hired three manual annotators who are
language experts in Hindi. We asked each annotator to tag the words generated by our system
on the scale of 3 (negative:-1, neutral:0, positive:1). After getting the list annotated by all the
annotators, we had three votes for each word and we took the majority call. Table 4.10 reports
accordance of Hindi lexicon generated using our system with manual annotation. We calculated
the Kappa (κ) Score to find a measure of inter-annotator human agreement the results are shown
in Table 4.11
Reason behind low mutual agreement among the annotators is that many words in Hindi show
ambiguous nature as shown in Table 4.3. The polarity of these words depends on the sense in
which they are used. This ambiguous nature is highlighted in Figure 4.3.
Classification- For this evaluation strategy, we performed classification of product reviews dataset
described in Chapter 3. On this data, we performed unigram presence and simple scoring method
In unigram presence method, for a given sentence/review we count adjectives of positive, negative
and objective polarity. The polarity with maximum count is assigned to the sentence/review.
In simple scoring method, for a given sentence/review we summed the positive, negative and
objective scores of each adjective. The polarity with dominant score is assigned to the sen-
Table 4.12 Results for Product Review Classification using Lexicon generated by our approach
Method Accuracy
Adjective Presence
Baseline 65.50
Baseline + Negation Handling 68.67
Baseline + Stem 67.17
Baseline + Stem + Negation Handling 70.80
Adjective Scoring
Baseline 67.33
Baseline + Negation Handling 70.00
Baseline + Stem 71.00
Baseline + Stem + Negation Handling 74.10
From every review we identified the adjectives4 and scored those adjectives using our lexicon. If
an adjective is missing from our lexicon we considered the stemmed variant of same word. In
addition to stemming we also performed negation handling. We identified the words with tag
“NEG” using sliding window of 6 words and swapped the polarity (positive and negative) of
adjectives in this range. Our sliding window, looked upto 3 words in both the directions (left and
right) of this word. Table 4.12 reports the results of classification.
We also applied this method of subjective lexicon generation for Hindi Adverbs, we took a seed
list of 75 words, 25 each positive, negative and objective. After expanding based on the algorithm
stated above Algorithm 1 we got a list of 888 adverbs with each word been assigned with 3 scores
positive, negative and objective.
Joshi et al.[24] proposed a method to generate a subjective lexicon for Hindi. Their method de-
pends on two lexical resources: English SentiWordNet and English-Hindi WordNet Linking [26],
the algorithm proposed in their research finds polarity of each Hindi word using SentiWordNet
and English-Hindi linkage. The Hindi Sentiwordnet developed in [24] has been discussed above
in Chapter-3.
Using this mentioned approach, we generated the subjective lexicon using a English-Hindi dic-
tionary Shandanjali 5 and used the English Sentiwordnet for assigning scores to the Hindi words
The adjectives were identified using Part of Speech Tagger
5 Frame.html
Figure 4.3 Hindi Graph Traversal
mapped from English to Hindi using the Shabdanjali dictionary5 . This lexicon contains 4335 ad-
jectives and 1279 adverbs. One observation we made made while generating this lexicon is that
most of the adverbs are derived from adjective and nouns like luck->luckily, happy->happily,
pretty->prettily etc. Table 4.13 details number of adjectives and adverbs across different lex-
icons. Our lexicon generated using bilingual dictionary differs from the lexicon generated by
[24] as they used English-Hindi wordnet linking and the bilingual dictionary used by us is the
Shabdanjali dictionary which is a synset based manually generated dictionary.
In this method we translated the English Sentiwordnet to Hindi using google translation and
the translated words in Hindi are assigned the polarity as that of the source word in English
Sentiwordnet. Because of translation errors and the main issue of phrasal translation many of
the words are been wrongly translated and hence the lexicon generated is far poor, some of the
examples are mentioned in the Table 4.2.
Our Lexicon
Type Bi-Ling Dict HSWN Translated Dict
Wordnet Using Wordnet Google
Approach Used
Transversal Shandanjali Linking Translation
Adjectives 8048 4335 4861 12086
Adverbs 888 1279 294 1509
The Hindi wordnet has about 15k adjectives and our algorithm is able to traverse and capture
about 8k common words which is quite good in terms of the coverage. The English-Hindi link-
ing used from shabdanjali 5 has about 5656 unique words in English which are mapped to 6670
adjectives in Hindi where one word in English can be mapped to many words in Hindi as per
sense based mapping as shown in Table 4.1. The lexicon generated using shandanjali English-
Hindi word mapping performs better in comparison to the lexicon generated using English-Hindi
wordnet linkings, in terms of both the coverage and diversity of words. The English Sentiwordnet
has about 21k adjectives but the translation results in about 12k adjectives . Most of the adjectives
have noise or phrase translation hence the coverage as well as the performance is quite poor in the
lexicon generated directly using translation.
In conclusion, the lexicon built using the wordnet approach is better as compared to the other two
in terms of the coverage i.e the number of lexical items (adjectives and adverbs) and also performs
fairly well for the classification problem as shown in Table 4.12.
The Hindi Subjective Lexicon provides the polarity information of about 8048 adjectives and 888
Hindi adverbs. The lexicon generated can be widely used as follows-
1) Business Purposes- The lexicon can be used to predict the subjectivity of a text and thus can
help in making business decisions , capturing the user’s perspectives and likelihood. It can be used
for research purposes for analyzing content coming from web belonging to different domains and
genres as blogs, news, forums etc. The lexicon provides an idea about the polarity expressed in
the text and thus can aid in performing sentiment analysis.
2) Research Purposes- This lexicon can also be used to study the pattern and similarities measure
between the text coming from similar places and person to have a periodic analysis of same.
This lexicon can also be used to compare with subjective lexicon of other languages and deduce
interesting language phenomenon between them.
One of the major limitation of this lexicon is that the current version of this algorithm does not
perform Word Sense Disambiguation. This is so because WordNet’s available (for scarce resource
languages) doesn’t provide the information of most used senses for a word and various senses in
which it can be used. Hindi WordNet (specifically) provides information about synonyms and
antonyms but lacks the information on most commonly used senses. Thus the lexicon that we
have generated is not sense based but terms based so it gives a rough idea about the term polarity
as the exact polarity comes with the sense information which is missing at present. Scope of the
system proposed above is dependent on the initial seed list used to populate the WordNet. If we
choose the seed list in a careful manner with the help of linguistic experts the results and scope of
the Lexicon thus generated would be better.
The lexicon generated using our proposed Algorithm 1 described in Section-4.2, has about 8048
adjectives and 888 adverbs. The lexicon generated using this algorithm performs better and also
contain more entries. For adjectives we used 45 seed words and expanded it using the Hindi
Wordnet which has about 15k adjectives which resulted in about 8048 adjectives. For adverbs
we used 75 adverbs which resulted in 888 adverbs only, this statistic indicates the nature in terms
of the connectivity between the words in the wordnet for adjectives and adverbs. The network/
connectivity of words in the Hindi Wordnet is better for Adjective part of speech as compared to
Adverb part of speech. In Hindi Wordnet, the adjectives are well connected and exhibit strong
connection chains whereas in the case of adverbs they form discrete unconnected clusters. The
inter-annotator agreement for adjectives is about 68% and the average kappa score is about 75%
the low score is because of the words falling in the ambiguous areas Figure 4.3. For these am-
biguous words Table 4.3 it becomes hard to assign the subjective nature as the nature of the words
depends on the context.
Some of the examples where the polarity assigned by our algorithm differ from the human anno-
tation is described in Table 4.14
Polarity Polarity
Word Given by Given by
Annotator our System
яхmF Objective Negative
EpClA Objective Negative
шFtl Positive Objective
кm Objective Negative
nm Objective Positive
tFхA Negative Objective
m-t mOlA Positive Negative
к Positive Objective
bEP Negative Positive
Table 4.14 itself indicates how complex is the task of identifying the polarity of a word ir-
respective of the context. The nature of the word changes to a great aspect in terms of the
writer/reader/speaker/listener involved and the situation/circumstances in which the word is ex-
pressed/uttered. Some examples to discuss the need of incorporating the context information-
1. s
b nrm {
2. rAm bht nrm {
In the first example the word “nrm ” indicates the positive aspect that the apples are soft whereas
in the second it represent the negative aspect that the person is very soft, delicate.
1. к
lA sHt {
2. mA-VrяF bht sHt {
In the first example the word “sHt” indicates the positive aspect that the banana is hard whereas
in the second it represent the negative aspect that the teacher is strict that too with an intensifier
So the examples discussed above clearly indicates that it becomes important to understand the
context and score the sentences accordingly and hence perform Sentiment Analysis in a selective
The lexicon generated by our algorithm performs reasonably well on the classification problem
as indicated in Table 4.12. The main issue while classification comes in handling the morph
variations and the spelling variations.
4.9 Summary
In this chapter, we presented three different approaches for building subjective lexicon 1) Using
Bilingual Dictionaries, 2) Using Machine Translation and 3) Using Wordnet. We discuss in detail
the limitations, issues with each one of them. We proposed an algorithm for traversing wordnet
like a graph to generate the subjective lexicon, the algorithm has been tried and experimented for
English and Hindi language. The method can be used for generating Subjective Lexicon for any
language using the wordnet and a seedlist of that language. The lexicon generated using our algo-
rithm for English language has been compared against existing lexicons such as SentiWordnet and
English Subjective Lexicon. The Hindi Subjective Lexicon has been evaluated using three differ-
ent metrics 1) Comparison with manual annotation, 2) Comparison with lexicons developed using
other approaches (using translation technology and using bi-lingual dictionaries) and 3) Classi-
fication Performance. The Hindi Subjective lexicon showed significant improvement in terms of
the coverage and performance as compared to the other lexicons. The Hindi Subjective Lexicon
generated at present, is a term/word based list and not a sense based mapping.
The lexicon generated is one of the first of its own kind in terms of exploiting and harnessing
the wordnet knowledge and can be extended in the future to cover the other part of speech infor-
mation. The approach used can also be explored for other Indian Languages. In future we can
come up with sense based scores which will help to ease the task of Word Sense Disambiguation
(WSD) and better words selection and hence will aid in the problem of sentiment analysis.
Chapter 5
User-generated content has been increasing tremendously, different forms of web content such
as reviews, blogs, news provide large amount of data to be mined and analyzed. This chapter
focuses on analyzing sentiments from two different genres of user-generated content 1)Reviews
and 2)Blogs. In this research we focus on Hindi Products and Movie Reviews dataset and on
Hindi Blogs dataset. We tried different approaches such as using Subjective lexicon discussed in
Chapter-4 and N-Gram approaches to mine and analyze the sentiments from a given text.
We performed sentiment classification for Hindi reviews. The review dataset that has been used
for this task is the products reviews dataset developed as a part of this research work and the
movie documents dataset [24]. The size of the datasets we used for reviews classifications is as
1. Product Reviews Dataset- It has about 350 positive and 350 negative reviews, it has a total
of 700 reviews as discussed above in Chapter 3.
2. Movies Review Dataset- It has about 125 positive and 125 negative documents where each
document has 1-2 reviews, it has a total of about 273 reviews as discussed in Chapter 3.
The main challenges while analyzing reviews are handling unstructured language, noise and
spelling mistakes but as both of the datasets we used are already manually annotated and veri-
fied so there is less noise and spelling mistakes. The main issue we faced while handling Hindi
reviews is the morphological variations Refer Table 1.4 and multiple spellings Refer Table 1.5 for
a given word .
5.1.1 Framework Tools
This section provides a brief detail of the tools and machine learning algorithms used in the
experiments. Weka
We used weka toolkit for performing classification. Weka1 is an open source toolkit developed by
Machine Learning Group at University of Waikato it provides many algorithms for classification,
clustering, data mining and also support other functionalities for performing text analytics.
Naive Bayes Classifier uses Bayes Theorem, which finds the probability of an event given the
probability of another event that has already occurred. We used the already implemented Naive
Bayes implementation in Weka toolkit.
This classifier constructs N-dimensional hyper-plane which separates data into two categories.
SVM takes the input data and for each input it predicts the class. We used libSVM2 classifier
which is available as an add on to the Weka toolkit.
5.1.2 Approaches
In this approach, we used the subjectivity lexicon developed in Chapter-4 to perform sentiment
analysis. In this set of experiments, we match all the words in a sentence with the adjectives and
adverbs lexicon whereas in the earlier experiments discussed in Chapter-, we were match-
ing only the adjectives and adverbs marked by POS tagger in a sentence. As the performance of
POS tagger isn’t that good, so to minimize the error caused by POS tagger we are matching all
the words in a sentence/review.
On the reviews data, we performed unigram presence and simple scoring method classification.
In unigram presence method, we count unigrams of positive, negative and objective polarity in a
sentence/review and assigned the polarity for which the count is highest.
In a simple scoring method, we summed the positive, negative and objective scores of each word
in a sentence/review and assigned the polarity of the dominant score.
Stemming3 - If a word was missing from our lexicon we considered the stemmed variant of that
word for scoring. Table 5.1 provides some examples with respect to the word and their stemmed
As such there are no standard stemmers available for Hindi language and stemming itself creates
some issues and makes errors so we performed morphological analysis of the word to identify the
root word and assign the polarity of the root word to the input word. Table 5.1 provides some
examples of the mophological analysis. We used the Hindi morphanalyzer developed at LTRC,
IIIT-Hyderabad 4 .
We identified the words with tag NEG (marked by Hindi Shallow Parser 2 ) and swapped the po-
larity (positive and negative) of adjectives (adverbs) in the sliding window of 6 words. Our sliding
window, looked upto 3 words in both the directions (left and right) of this word. Apart from the
lexicon developed in this research we also approached towards the reviews classification problem
using the Hindi lexicon generated by the other two methods-
1) Bi-Lingual dictionary
2) Translated Dictionary
We have used the rule-based stemmer for our experiments
We classified the product dataset which has 700 reviews and movies dataset which has about
273 reviews using the lexicons (HSL, HSWN, Bi-Lingual dict, Translated lexicon) discussed in
Chapter-4. We divided our experiments into 2 phases-
1)Only Adjectives- In this method, we score the reviews/sentences using just the adjective lexicon.
2)Adjectives+Adverbs- In this method we score the reviews/sentences using both the adjective
and the adverb lexicon .
Table 5.2 shows the classification accuracy using different lexicons. In the table 5.2 NH indicates
Negation Handling, Stem indicates using Stemmer and Morph indicates using Morph Analyzer.
We experimented with different N-grams variation and their combination (unigram, bigram , uni-
gram + bigram and unigram + bigram + trigram ). The reviews dataset has just 700 reviews which
is a small dataset so in another set of experiments we try to prune the features on term-frequency
basis. The results are discussed in Table 5.3 and 5.4 .
2) Weighing the N-Gram based on relevance- In this method we divided the pre-annotated data
into two parts namely training set and testing set, we performed 3-fold and 5-fold cross-validation.
After dividing the data we form trigrams, bigrams and unigrams on the training data and store
them in an individual n-gram dictionary. We create two separate models each for positive and
negative polarity. For testing every review we create trigrams in the similar manner. Then we
check if this trigram exists in our positive and negative trigram dictionary. If it exist then, we
increase the count of trigram matched else we break this trigram into two bigrams. These bigrams
thus formed are cross checked in the bigram dictionary, if found then the bigram match count
is increased otherwise each bigram is further split into two unigrams. These unigrams are then
checked against the unigram dictionary. Refer Figure 5.1 for diagrammatic representation of the
Product Movie
Reviews (%) Reviews (%)
Adjective Presence
HSWN (Baseline) 67.50 68.04
Bi-Lingual Dict (Baseline) 70.30 67.30
Translated-Dict (Baseline) 62.30 61.05
Our Lexicon (HSL)
Baseline 73.15 77.65
Baseline + NH 73.87 77.65
Baseline + Stem 75.70 70.70
Baseline + Morph 79.14 77.92
Baseline + Stem + NH 76.74 71.4
Baseline + Morph + NH 81.57 78.02
Adjective Scoring
Baseline 73.96 71.42
Baseline + NH 74.88 70.32
Baseline + Stem 77.44 68.03
Baseline + Morph 78.14 70.32
Baseline + Stem + NH 78.41 68.50
Baseline + Morph + NH 79.14 69.23
Adjective +Adverb Presence
HSWN (Baseline) 69.30 68.4
Bi-Lingual Dict (Baseline) 71.40 70.3
Translated-Dict (Baseline) 63.90 62.40
Our Lexicon (HSL)
Baseline 73.70 77.12
Baseline + NH 73.89 78.12
Baseline + Stem 76.03 71.79
Baseline + Morph 80.7 78.12
Baseline + Stem + NH 77.34 72.52
Baseline + Morph + NH 81.87 79.12
Adjective + Adverb Scoring
Baseline 74.62 73.6
Baseline + NH 74.96 71.8
Baseline + Stem 78.27 68.8
Baseline + Morph 80.54 73.26
Baseline + Stem + NH 79.03 69.23
Baseline + Morph + NH 81.28 71.4
Method Features NB(3) NB(5) SVM(3) SVM(5)
Unigram 1934 76.8 78.57 83.57 83.28
Bigram 6063 69.57 70.14 74.28 75
Uni+Big 7998 77.85 78.14 81 84.42
Uni+Big+Tri 15581 78.42 78.57 81.14 82.48
Table 5.3 Classification Accuracy using N-Gram and its combination for Product Reviews
Table 5.4 Classification Accuracy using N-Gram with feature pruning for Product Reviews
We also propose a scoring function which gives priority to trigram matching followed by bigrams
and unigrams.
Score = x * Count Tri-grams + y * Count Bi-grams + z * Count Uni-grams
In the scoring function we have given the least possible integer value to unigram, bigram and
trigram keeping the above constraints in mind. The rationale behind having these constrains
while deciding the values of x, y, z was that higher n-gram carries more weight then a lower
n-gram and also matching of a higher n-gram should be weighed more than matching of two
lower n-grams. Then we have normalized these values on a scale of 0 to 1. So the final x, y, z
parameters are x=7/11, y=3/11 and z=1/11. The results are discussed in Table5.5, this approach
was carried on the combination of unigram+bigram+trigram model performed over 3 fold and 5
fold cross-validation.
Approach Accuracy
Weighed N-Gram (3 fold) 76.2
Weighed N-Gram (5 fold) 77.7
Figure 5.1 Weighed N-Gram Algorithm
The two approaches 1) Using Subjective Lexicon and 2) Using N-Gram discussed above provides
valuable information, the lexicon scores gives an idea of the prior and the N-Gram scores gives
an idea of the semantic measure. In the above two approaches (Weighed N-gram and Subjective
Lexicon) we devised scoring function and calculated the polarity of an opinion but it might be
the case that the function we used is biased, so in this approach we formed feature vector incor-
porating the N-Gram information and also including the subjective lexical information5 , we used
machine learning algorithms for performing sentiment classification. We used WEKA toolkit for
classification of the testing set (reviews). The feature vector was devised for both the approaches.
The feature vector for a particular review is of the format “f1, f2, f3, f4 f5 ,f6, f7, f8, class”
pos score, neg score, pos tri, pos bi, pos uni, neg tri, neg bi, neg uni, class
The features that were used for classification are-
We have used Hindi subjective lexicon(HSL) generated by our algorithm for performing combined N-Gram + lexical
– Feature-1 It provides the positive score of a review which is calculated using the Hindi
Subjective Lexicon.
– Feature-2 It provides the negative score of a review which is calculated using the Hindi
Subjective Lexicon.
– Feature-3 It denotes the number of positive trigrams matched .
– Feature-4 It denotes the number of positive bigrams matched .
– Feature-5 It denotes the number of positive unigrams matched .
– Feature-6 It denotes the number of negative trigrams matched .
– Feature-7 It denotes the number of negative bigrams matched .
– Feature-8 It denotes the number of negative unigrams matched .
– Class Actual class of the review positive or negative.
The results for this approach are mentioned in the below table-
Table 5.6 Classification Accuracy using Weighed N-Gram and Weighed N-Gram+Lexical Approach
Results in Table 5.2 highlights that the lexicon generated using translating the sentiwordnet per-
forms poorly over both Products and Movie reviews dataset. The bilingual dictionary performs
better than the lexicon developed in [24]. The lexicon generated by our algorithm performs rea-
sonably well over both the datasets we used for experiments. Including adverbs along with adjec-
tives leads to an increase of 1-2% in the classification problem.
Using the proposed strategy for negation handling, it shows a slight (about 0.5-1%) improvement
in classification of reviews. We proposed the use of stemmer and morph analyzer to identify the
root word for adjectives which were present in the reviews but went missing from our lexicon.
Stemming and Morph both showed an improvement of 3%- 6% in classification of reviews. Ta-
ble 5.1 lists a few mapping of words to their stemmed and morphed form. For product reviews
the highest accuracy we obtained was 81.87% and for movie reviews the highest accuracy we
obtained was 79.12% for adjective and adverb presence approach, in the presence of negation
handling and mophological analysis of the words.
Using N-Gram modeling the highest accuracy we obtained is 84.42% using SVM classifier on
performing 5 fold cross-validation. Table 5.4 describes the results with pruning the features with
heuristics like Term Frequency (TF). The gradual decrease of features also results in the droping
of the classification accuracy. With just a small set of 700 reviews, our weighed N-Gram approach
performed quite well and showed an accuracy of 80.4% with SVM classifier Refer Table5.6.
5.1.4 Discussion
The problem of sentiment classification has been approached using three methods. We described
and presented the results above, the first approach of scoring the review using lexicon provides
a prior subjective score of the review and the N-Gram model helps in attaining the score with
respect to the words usage and distribution. We tried the traditional N-Gram and also weighed
N-Gram approach towards performing sentiment classification of Hindi reviews, the results were
quite good but the data available is very less to experiment with. When we increase the N-Gram
to 3 or beyond it was not able to match and the training wasn’t much effective. We also performed
negation handling, stemming, mophological analysis to decrease the information missing from
the lexicon and the N-Gram model. The stemming, morph-analysis and negation handling lead to
an increase of about 7% on adjective presence and about 6% on adjective scoring over the baseline.
The results of the lexicon approach are dependent on the coverage of the lexicon, if the coverage
is less, then for most of the reviews the lexicon will output no results or null values. Lexicon can
be used as a prior giving some information about the subjective aspect but using this as a whole
single mechanism of classification has issues until it captures the N-Gram information. While
N-Gram approach show promising results but with a small dataset of 700 reviews even learning
the optimum model becomes a challenge. For future experiments we need to have some more
data to experiment using semi-supervised approach for classifying the input.
As indicated the main challenges in the Hindi language includes morphological variations and
multiple spellings. We tried to handle these issues by using morph analyzer and stemmer but even
the performance of same is not that good. Apart from the structure view point other challenges
come with identifying the context and incorporating the contextual information into the algorithm.
5.2 Hindi Blogs Analysis
In this method of sentiment classification we used the subjective lexicons discussed in Chapter-4.
As discussed earlier for the review classification we experimented using the four lexicons Refer
Table 4.13, similarly we perform the blog sentiment classification using the four subjective lexi-
Given a blog (a collection of sentences), we calculate the polarity of the sentence by summing
the polarity of individual words which constitute the sentence. The objective score of a word
is calculated as the difference of positive and negative score from one. Overall polarity of the
blog is calculated by summing the polarity of individual constituting sentences. We performed
negation handling using a window of upto two words to the left of adjective and upto two words
to the right of adjective. Words like nhF\ ,n etc were checked as negation words which invert the
polarity. We also performed Morphological analysis to reduce the missing adjectives and adverbs
Table 5.7 reports the results of sentiment classification performed using the subjective lexicon.
Using Hindi Subjective Lexicons, we also built features for each sentence which are frequencies
of positive, negative and objective words and sum of their scores as per the lexicon. Our features
for lexical approach are <PosWords, NegWords, ObjWords, PosScore, NegScor, ObjScore, Class
>. We tested Lexical features on the complete dataset of 5638 sentences.
Table 5.8 reports the accuracy of our lexical features on SVM and Naive Bayes classifier
Naive Bayes(5
Features SVM(5 fold)
Lexical (HSL) 61.11% 58.42%
Lexical (HSL) +
61.56% 58.6%
Negation Handling
Lexical (Bi-Lingual Dict) 61.58% 58.21%
Lexical (Bi-Lingual Dict)
61.6% 58.38%
+ Negation Handling
Both of the approaches discussed above perform poorly for the problem of sentence level blogs
classification. The lexicon approach showed the maximum accuracy of 55.90% which is very less
as compared to the baseline of 61.6% considering the majority class i.e objective. The feature
based lexical approach showed an accuracy of 61.6%. Much of the information is missing and is
not captured by the lexicon approaches effectively.
Limitations- Classification using lexicon(s) have several limitations which are listed below.
– Poor Coverage: The lexicons used in this research had limited coverage. In our dataset, we
had unique 1974 adjectives out of which we found only 925 adjectives in HSL and 775 in
Bi-Lingual dict. Both of these lexicons contain only base words without any morphological
variants as mentioned in Table 5.1. Most of the morphological variants are not listed in the
lexicon and thus while handling the data it becomes important to perform Morphological
analysis and stemming.
– Context Dependency: Lexicons in general are unable to capture the context dependency.
Lexicons only look at the token at a time and fail to relate the token with other preceding
and successive tokens. Blogs exhibit context dependency not only within the sentence but
across multiple sentences.
In this method, we performed the bag of word formulation where we formed the feature vector for
the N-Grams as discussed earlier in Section 5.1 (product review classification). In this technique,
we form a feature vector of unique N-Grams using the annotated training corpus, each sample
is represented using 1’s and 0’s which denotes the presence or absence of a feature. We form a
training model of unigram from this corpus using positive, negative and objective sentences. For
a testing sample we form a feature vector of 0’s and 1’s and assign the class to the sample using
the training model formed. As described in Table 3.2, our dataset comprises of unequal number
of positive, negative and objective sentences. We randomly selected 733 negative and objective
sentences to balance the training data. We perform this experiment for five cycles i.e we randomly
select 733 negative and objective sentences 5 different times and perform the experiments, so as
to avoid the random biased selection.
Table 5.9 shows Classification Accuracy for N-Gram Technique. We sampled equal number of
sentences from negative and objective set 5 times and each time applied 5 fold cross validation.
Supervised Machine learning is widely used in performing the task of sentiment analysis. Here,
we use SVM and Naive Bayes classifier from weka toolkit to perform blog sentiment analysis.
We built N-Gram and lexicon based features and test them on SVM and Naive Bayes classifier.
We use frequency of matching trigrams, bigrams and unigrams for each class as N-Gram features.
<Tri Pos, Bi Pos, Uni Pos, Tri Neg, Bi Neg, Uni Neg, Tri Obj, Bi Obj, Uni Obj,Class >. We
tested N-Gram features on a balanced dataset (733 sentences each) i.e. equal number of positive,
negative and objective sentences. Table 5.10 reports accuracy of N-Gram features and N-Gram +
Lexical features averaged over five sample sets of 733 + 733 + 733 (positive + negative + objec-
tive) sentences.
N-Gram and Weighed N-Gram approaches also perform badly and show maximum accuracy of
54.15% and 56.15% respectively. The data is heterogeneous in nature which adds more complex-
ity and makes the 3-class (Positive, Negative and Objetcive) classification a difficult task.
Number of Sentences 733 (each)
Feature Set SVM
N-Gram 54.4% 51.6%
N-Gram + Lexical 56.15% 53.5%
So now instead of three classes we have 2 class classification problem and the data available is
distributed a little better as compared to the 3 class problem distribution-
Table 5.11 Subj vs Obj Classification Accuracy using N-Gram and N-Gram + Lexical Features
Table 5.12 Pos vs Neg Classification Accuracy using N-Gram and N-Gram + Lexical Features
Breaking the sentence level blog classification problem from 3-class (Positive, Negative and Ob-
jective) to 2-class (Subjective and Objective) showed a small improvement. The above exper-
iments inidcates that the traditioanl aproaches such as N-Gram and using Subjective Lexicon
doesn’t work well for the blogs as compared to the product and movie reviews.
Limitations- N-Gram technique classification also fails at many places. In particular to blog
sentiment analysis, N-Gram technique fails miserably because of the following reasons-
– Vocabulary mismatch: Blogs are written by different people who belong to possibly dif-
ferent culture and zones. There is a huge diversity in the composition of words, vocabulary
is influenced by local language words.
– Diverse Topics: Blogs are written on diverse topics like politics, sports, current affairs, etc.
Each of these domains have their specific words and their usage, so it becomes difficult for
the model to capture the essence of the words and also there are many cases where N-Grams
are not found in the training model. We need more large datasets to have effective learning.
– Context Dependency: N-Gram techniques generally capture the context been talked about
within the sentence level. But in particular to Blog analysis, context flows across multiple
sentences which is not captured properly by N-Gram models.
In this research we present two traditional approaches for the sentiment classification, we per-
formed a 3-class ( positive, negative and objective class) classification. The first approach uses
the prior information and scores the sentences using the lexicon method. Apart from normal scor-
ing using the lexicon, we also considered negation handling to incorporate the effects of words
which reverse the polarity. We also perform stemming and morphological analysis as shown in
Table 5.1 to minimize the missing information.
The performance of all the lexicon is similar, with best accuracy of 55.90% which is far less than
the baseline of 61.6% (assigning default class to all i.e all sentences as objective). The reason be-
ing because of the limitation of the lexicon in terms of the coverage and the vocabulary difference
between the user-generated content and the lexicon words. The lexical features with negation
handling showed an accuracy of 61.6% similar to the baseline as shown in Table 5.8. In another
approach we performed N-gram technique, the experiments done with scoring function had an
average accuracy of 54.5% as shown in Table 5.9, we also performed supervised learning using
the features formed by N-gram approach as discussed in section . Both the approaches
have their own limitations, we also performed an experiment to combine the features of both
the above approaches. Lexical approach captures the prior information and N-Gram information
incorporates context information to some extent, a combined approach perform relatively better.
This combined approach using N-Gram and Lexical features showed an improvement of about
2% using SVM on 5 fold cross-validation Refer Table 5.10. The experiment was done on 2199
sentences (733 each class), so one reason for low performance could be accounted because of less
training data. We also tried with dividing the blogs classification problem from 3 class classifica-
tion to 2 steps 2 class classification problem-
The results as shown in Table 5.11 and Table 5.12 didn’t show much improvement as compared
to the results of 3 class classification problem Refer Table 5.10.
Even it’s a challenging task to label the blogs as positive, negative or objective at document
level and further labeling the blogs at sentence level. Blogs are written kind of a diary entry,
where writers often make comparisons and make referrals to entities or events. Thus the context
information needs to be incorporated to deal with classification at sentence level.
5.2.5 Discussion
Using lexicon for blog sentiment classification, we achieved an accuracy of 56% which is very
less as compared to general text (reviews) sentiment classification. Accuracy of 55% achieved
using N-Gram (N-Gram) method is also below the par level. Accuracy on supervised machine
learning algorithms (SVM and Naive Bayes) reached a maximum of 61.6% for N-Gram + lexical
(HSL) features. Dividing the 3 class classification problem into 2 class classification even doesn’t
help much in terms of the sentiment classification at blogs level.
In this research, we found that the nature of blogs is also quite different from the other sources
of subjective information such as product reviews, tweets etc. On one hand the data is unequally
divided into positive, negative and objective sentences and on the other hand the complexity in
blogs increases because of large use of idioms, sarcastic phrases, referral sentences, proverbs etc.
In the dataset we used, the vocabulary been used by the blogger is also rich and thus increases the
challenge of classification of blogs. The factual descriptive nature of blogs uses a large mention of
quotes, proverbs, jokes, idioms etc. In figure 5.2, we quote some sentences from the blog dataset,
indicating sarcasm, idioms, proverbs and indirect subjective sentences. Sarcsam is a problem
which is even hard for the humans to annotate. It adds more complexity for the system to classify.
Solving it is beyond the scope of this work. In this research we are describing the challenges
while addressing the problem of sentiment analysis for Hindi blogs.
We described the fact with experiments that the traditional approaches followed for mining senti-
ments in the text such as N-Gram and using subjective lexicons does not work for the blogs genre
as expected. The problem of mining opinion in blogs require some other methodology which
uses the inherent properties of blogs. Typically blogs are written around some target entities and
is composed of a mixture of these entities. Generally, blogger expresses his opinion about these
entities and thus it would be useful to mine the entities first and then the opinion orientation about
them .
In future, we can work on better methods to extract entities from the blogs in the absence of tools
like Named Entity Recognizers for Hindi and other Indian Languages and extracting the modifiers
which highlights the bloggers opinions towards that entity/object. We can also come up with a
robust sense based subjective lexicon which can be used to correctly identity the polarity of the
5.3 Summary
In this chapter, we perform the task of sentiment classification for user-generated content in Hindi
Language. We worked for two genres 1) Reviews Classification and 2) Blogs Classification. The
Hindi reviews has 2 datasets -1) Product Reviews Dataset, developed as a part of this research
work, it has about 700 reviews, 2) Movies Reviews Dataset, it has about 273 reviews. The Hindi
blogs are crawled from BBC Hindi and have been manually annotated at sentence level as Positive,
Negative or Objective. We used various techniques to perform sentiment classification for both of
the genres. We tried approaches such as 1) Using Subjective Lexicon 2) N-Gram Modeling and
3) Combining N-Gram and Lexical information. We also performed stemming, morphological
analysis and also used negation handling to minimize the missing information. As compared
to reviews, blogs performed quite badly indicating that the traditional techniques of sentiment
analysis doesn’t work effectively for the blogs. The nature of the blogs is quite different as
compared to reviews and other genres. Hence in future we need to come up with the effective
techniques of mining the entities and capturing events from the blogs and mining sentiments
Figure 5.2 Idioms, Proverbs usage in Hindi Blogs
Chapter 6
6.1 Conclusions
Sentiment Analysis has been quite popular and has lead to building of better products, under-
standing user’s opinion, executing and managing of business decisions. With rapidly increasing
technology, the early approach of word-of-mouth has been shifted towards the mass opinion what
the people like and appreciate in majority. People rely and make decisions based on reviews and
opinions. The rise in user-generated content for Hindi language across various genres- news,
culture, arts, sports etc has open the data to be explored and mined effectively, to provide better
services and facilities to the consumers.
The scarcity of resources is one of the biggest challenge while dealing with sentiment analysis
for Hindi language. In this work, we focussed on resource creation which includes building of
annotated datasets and subjective lexicon for Hindi language. We build Product reviews dataset
which has 700 reviews (350 positive and 350 negative reviews) which are manually verified. We
crawled 250 blogs from BBC hindi, which are manually annotated at sentence level as Positive,
Negaive or Objective.
We designed an algorithm to generate Subjective Lexicon using the Wordnet and a pre-annotated
seed list of words for a particular language. This approach can be tried with any language which
has wordnet or some other resource in which words are connected using synonyms or antonyms
relations. We checked the validity of our algorithm for English and Hindi language and evaluated
the lexicon generated thoroughly with multiple strategies such as-
As a part of this research, we performed sentiment classification on movies and product reviews
and on blogs dataset. We also discuss in detail the challenges while working with user-generated
content in Hindi language and address some of the problems as discussed in Chapter-1. We
worked on three different approaches for performing sentiment classification and discussed the
merits and demerits of each approach-
The main contributions as a part of this research can be divided into three sections-
1. Data Creation: This involves building resources, subjective lexicon and data-set for Hindi
language which are made public to be used and developed further by the research commu-
2. Language Independent Subjective Lexicon creation: Developing an algorithm which can
construct Subjective Lexicon for any language using the wordnet and a pre-annotated seedlist
of words of that language.
3. Sentiment Classification: We performed sentiment classification for two genres of Hindi
User-Generated Web Content-
-Reviews- Hindi Product and Movie Reviews Dataset
-Blogs- Hindi Blogs Datatset
In India, there are 22 official languages and 13 languages have more than 10 million speakers.
With multiple sources of data available for each language, it is easy to gather data and analyze
In context to Indian Laguages, earlier work done for sentiment analysis has been on Bengali and
Hindi, rest all the languages are unexplored. The nature of Indian languages varies a great deal in
terms of the script, representation level and linguistic charcteristics etc. So, there is a large amount
of work that needs to be done to understand the behaviour of Indian languages and perform the
analysis of same accordingly. Subjective lexicon that we developed as a part of this research
work requires just the seedlist and a resource in which words form a connected network. We have
manually aligned multilingual dictionary available for English and 11 Indian languages (English,
Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Urdu, Malayalam, Oriya, Kannada, Gujarati, Bengali and Marathi
). In future, we can try and come up with more focused approach and other heuristics to develop
subjective lexicon for the languages which doesn’t even have a wordnet but a structure in form of
a multilingual dictionary.
We need to come with a notion of prior sentiment polarity for set of words in the form of a subjec-
tive lexicon. Then we can explore and dig in depth regarding the task of sentiment classification
for the web text and improve over same. The main issues while working with Indian languages
comes- while handling the morphological variations, identifying context, performing word sense
disambiguation and handling multiple spellings with each of them in itself is a research problem.
Much work needs to be done at this level to address the above challenges that can boost up and
help the research in the related areas. As discussed above there is lack of annotated datasets and
resources for Indian languages, so it needs considerable focus and time to be given. The basic re-
sources like part of speech tagger, morphological analyzers, named entity recognizers and parsers
have also not yet reached the state of art accuracy and needs improvement. Once we have suffi-
cient data to experiment with, various machine learning techniques can be easily used and applied
to learn from the text more effectively.
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