Research How To Cite: Dalamu, Taofeek. 2019. "Illuminating Systemic Functional

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How to Cite: Dalamu, Taofeek. 2019. “Illuminating Systemic Functional

Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities.” Digital Studies/
Le champ numérique 9(1): 8, pp. 1–50. DOI:
Published: 23 April 2019

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Dalamu, Taofeek. 2019. “Illuminating Systemic Functional
Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities.”
Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 9(1): 8, pp. 1–50.


Illuminating Systemic Functional

Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable
Tool of Digital Humanities
Taofeek Dalamu
Anchor University, Lagos, NG

The focus of the study is the application of Systemic Functional Grammatics

(SFG) to text as a facility of meaning-making. Having provided a wide
room for technological devices to read and account for elements of a
text, it portrays the exercise within the scope of Digital Humanities (DH).
The theory, championed by Halliday, describes a text from its systemic
configurations to chain structures and social relationship frameworks. To
explain the weight of SFG as an interface between text and technology,
the author chose a poem, ‘Area Boy’, in which three perspectives of the
mood system, thematic system, and transitivity system are instrumental
to expose its nuances. The approach was followed by correlating the three
systems together as a comparative analysis. The study reveals that ‘Area
Boy’ operates in declarative clauses with heavy utilization of Subject and
Finite. These are organized in marked themes. The contents of the text
are represented in material processes (e.g. spent) with supports from
both mental (e.g. remember) and verbal (e.g. said) processes. Some of the
processes along with circumstances (e.g. Of washing …, Now that …)
recur as repetitions for emphatic and enhancement purposes. On the one
hand, the article concludes that SFG can assist in interpreting textual
elements to generate meaning potential. On the other hand, through the
SFG’s metafunctional applications to ‘Area Boy’, one can suggest that the
society should give a helping hand to the less privileged. Such a behavior
can eradicate vices experienced through the ‘Area Boys’ from the society.

Keywords: ‘Area Boy’; Digital Humanities; Mood System; Systemic Functional

Grammatics; Thematic System; Transitivity System

Cette étude se focalise sur l’application de la grammaire fonctionnelle

systémique (GFS) à des textes comme moyen de facilitation de la création
de sens. Ayant pourvu une large marge pour des dispositifs technologiques
pour lire et justifier des éléments d’un texte, cette étude présente la mise
en pratique dans le cadre des Humanités numériques (HN). Cette théorie,
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as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities

promue par Halliday, décrit un texte, de ses configurations systémiques à ses

structures de la chaîne et structures des relations sociales. Pour expliquer
la signification de GFS comme interface entre texte et technologie, cet
auteur se sert du poème « Area Boy », où trois perspectives du système de
mode, du système thématique et du système de transitivité ont des rôles
déterminants dans l’exposition des nuances de GFS. Nous avons ensuite fait
une analyse comparative en corrélant les trois systèmes ensemble. Cette
étude révèle que « Area Boy » fonctionne en des propositions déclaratives
avec une utilisation intensive du Sujet et du Fini. Elles sont organisées
en thèmes indiqués. Les contextes du texte sont représentés par des
processus matériaux (par exemple, spent) avec des soutiens des processus
mentaux (par exemple, remember) et verbaux (par exemple, said). Certains
des processus, ainsi que des circonstances (par exemple, Of washing…,
Now that…), se reproduisent en tant que répétitions pour des raisons
emphatiques et appuyées. D’un côté, cet article affirme que GFS peut
aider à l’interprétation des éléments textuels pour produire du potentiel de
signification. De l’autre côté, à travers des applications métafonctionnelles
de GFS à « Area Boy », on peut suggérer que la société doit donner un coup
de main aux moins privilégiés. Un tel comportement peut éradiquer les vices
venant de la société et ceux vécus par les « Area Boys ».

Mots-clés: « Area Boy »; Humanités numériques; système de mode;

Grammaire fonctionnelle systémique; système thématique; système de transit

In the light of development, digitization has become an inevitable phenomenon
in human social affairs. As one feels its preoccupation in the physical and social
sciences; digitization has also dynamically glided into the humanities, especially,
the literary world. As a result, scholars have resolved to employ technological and
scientific devices to explore literary items to benefit readers (Burrows 2004; Craig
2004). For instance, Robinson and Saklofske (2017) interconnect computer software,
mobile applications, etc. with narratives. The utilization of mobile apps, computer
software, as modular systems, assists in synchronizing networks on the perception of
narratives. Such effort encourages distance readings and algorithmic appreciations. It
is on that critical plane that this study suggests the application of Systemic Functional
Linguistics (SFL) as a reliable tool that can facilitate the meaning potential of literary
texts. This is because SFL possesses capabilities to provide a type of analysis that can
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as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities

be utilized for close structural readings with semantic implications. The digitization
of literature attracts theoretical terms as Warwick (2016) particularly emphasizes.
The deployment of conceptual terminologies to promote digital humanities (DH)
situates SFL very viably in this arena. Consequently, the appropriate applications of
theoretical techniques, as interpretive strategies, forge lucid and direct partnerships,
and cement strong relationships between research components and meanings
derived from the materials (Schreibman, Siemens, and Unsworth 2004, xxv).
The abilities of the theory to process texts into linguistic devices makes scientific
instruments like tables and graphs effective in accounting for grammatical and
semantic frequencies in the form of Jockers and Underwood’s (2016) quantitative
methods. Also, SFL works well, by supporting the computation of clause elements in
their complex forms within the framework and methodology as discussed by Bradley
(2004), and Drucker (2016).
As stated earlier, the need for a critical inquiry (Warwick 2016) stimulates
the introduction of SFL as a reliable lens to manifest the nitty-gritty of a literary
item (e.g. poem). This grammatics (Halliday 2013, 29) addresses this operation
by characterizing the clauses of a specific poem into both structural labels and
contextual situations. Apart from that, SFL considers language in the form of
structures within the purview of socio-cultural manifestations (Kress 2010; Bartlett
2013; Dalamu 2017e, 2017h). This could be a reason for drawing a text into two
separate planes. In Halliday and Hasan’s (1985, 5) sense, “there is text and there is
other text that accompanies it: text thus is with, namely the con-text.” This notion
of elements, associated with the text, pinpoints the production environment of the
text. The socio-cultural norms, as Halliday and Hasan (1985) underscore, offer the
text much meaningful detail. This is on the grounds that the context meshes with
the text and its immediate indices as the unified element of communication.
In every language production, Halliday and Hasan assert, there are two texts.
The first text is the internal chains that bind the product of a text together as an
indivisible entity of meaning (1985, 24–26). The menus of the structural elements
are connected through cohesive ties (Eggins 2004; Dalamu 2018). The second, as
characterized, is the context of the language of interaction (Halliday and Hasan, 1985).
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as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities

This is the totality of the elements in the setting in which the language is applied.
One can argue that there is nothing fascinating in analyzing a text for the purpose
of its structural components. It is rather captivating when an analyst considers the
constituents of a text within the profile of its socio-cultural plane (Ravelli 2000, 29).
That suggestion is a probable projector of the text in the domains of cohesion and
coherence. Cohesion describes the structure of the text while coherence realizes
its context (Thompson 2004). Figure 1, below, adds flavor to the text and context
abstractions of a piece of language in use.

Figure 1: Text and context expressed through coherence and cohesion.

The convention of coherence and cohesion, “merry-go-rounding” the text, ends

up at the table of three metafunctions as shown in Figure 1, above. This explains the
idea that the three metafunctions dominate and remain the focus of SFL. Both the
meeting and melting point of coherence and cohesion are the three metafunctions
(Halliday 1985; Matthiessen 1993). Through that synthesis, meaning is generated in
text. Having said that, there are numerous conceptual frameworks in the theory that
can assist in explaining texts. These are very possible without recourse to the celebrated
three metafunctions. For instance, part of the grammatical metaphor has capabilities
to explore a text independently (Thompson 2004, 220–224). Furthermore, within
the domains of SFL, analysts can consider a text from the spheres of contextual, socio-
semiotic, and multimodal perspectives (Hodge and Kress 1988; O’Toole 1994; Kress
and Van Leeuwen 2003; Kress 2010; Dalamu 2017g). These are some of the incentives
that propel the writer to suggest that SFL contains reliable resources useful in DH.
One can feel the waves of DH in Riguet and Mpouli’s (2017) characterization of
dialogism of French discourse on literary criticism. As a result, Riguet and Mpouli
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as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities

discuss how scientific terminologies are “loaned” and adopted, giving those terms
new but literary meanings. While Muzny, Algee-Hewitt, and Jurafsky (2017) throw
some light on the dialogue, in terms of conversation, as the basis for communicative
interactions; Binotti and Azcorra (2017) explain DH values from their great
influence on the general public, describing the effectiveness of Entiéndelo (a textual
explication tool) for all humanity. The authors depict the benefits of Entiéndelo as
augmenting people’s quality of life. As modern literary communications cannot
be totally jettisoned or retired from ancient events, Bogna (2017) and Ciula
(2017) elucidate some old and new disciplines in both multi- and interdisciplinary
manners (also in Erlin 2016). The correlations draw readers’ attentions to their great
significance as well as their interrelationships. Other scholars model language from
the perspective of discourse studies in relation to DH (Rodilla and Gonzalez-Perez
2017); expound the concept of “big data” (Castro 2017); reveal unusual non-count
nominals in Modern English (Svensson 1998); and elucidate historical discourses
of race in literary elements (Lee et al 2018). Of importance is Kreniske and Kipp’s
(2014) insight on the influence of DH on the documentation of social values of
South African San nationality.
This study, as a contribution to earlier analyses, explicates the application of
technology that relies on the result of the application of SFL concepts to the text. As a
practice, the analyst has applied SFL to Adesanmi’s “Area Boy” (Adesanmi 2010, 308).
This exercise displays the influence that SFL can have on a text in terms of the writer’s
style and corpus development. In other words, the paper discusses how technology has
assisted the analyst to do a reading of a specific poem (“Area Boy”) within a framework
of functional grammar. It is the hope of the author that this will trigger further research
efforts, channeled in a similar direction of this course. As a fundamental textually-
focused theory, SFL exercises its vitality on the grammar of a language, considering the
clause, as the center of analysis. Grammar refers to the structural system of wordings of
a language (Yule 1985, 69; Dalamu 2017a, 268) that can be viewed from below, from
around, and from above. The functions and analysis of such a language are also carried
out in the way that a language communicates (Burke 1969; Quirk and Greenbaum
1973; McGregor 1992; Halliday and Matthiessen 2004).
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It is pertinent to argue that the analysis of a quantum of grammatical elements

cannot be done haphazardly because grammar itself is an organized event.
By implication, a consideration for making meaning from the grammar of a language
must not be operationalized chaotically. Rather, its organization must be in sequences.
Thus, it is also demanded that the theoretical application on grammatical structures
must begin from somewhere, that is, its constituted ordering. The concern drives
SFL to start the analysis of text from the clause, its nerve, as applied later. This shows
that the examination of every grammatical unit and function(s) has a connection
with the clause. Thus, it is obligatory for every user of SFL to get acquainted with
the clause and varieties of building blocks attached to it in either simple or complex
forms. In corollary, Ravelli (2000, 29) points out that the key to beginning a systemic
analysis is to identify a clause, which is the hub of grammar. Following Ravelli (2000),
the clause is similar in concept to a sentence, except that a sentence pertains to
written language, whereas a clause applies also to spoken language. In a specific
sense, a clause represents a state of affairs.

X-raying systemic functional linguistics

Unlike so many ideas within schools of linguistics, SFL comes along with many linguistic
tickets, as means of constructing and illuminating the thoughts of the exponents.
The major exponential ancestors are fundamentally Saussure on Syntagmatic and
Paradigmatic (De Beaugrande 1991), Bühler on the three functional models of
language (Innis 1987), and Malinowski on Context of Situation (Malinowski 1935;
Bailey 1985). The link of Hejelmslev to the theory is on Theme that taps its currency
from the Prague School (Halliday 1994). Firth is always remembered for the concept
of System – a system of systems or being polysystemic (Firth 1957; Butler 1985), while
Hasan is notably the propagator of Context of Culture (Halliday and Hasan 1985),
and Halliday on the Three Metafunctions (Halliday 1973). However, the configuration,
harmonization, and development (to an extent) of the contributions of the intellectual
progenitors of SFL’s identities rest on Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday.
Actually, Halliday conceives the bright idea of SFL from the confluence of
the thoughts of earlier scholars (e.g. Firth). The convergence occurs through the
scrutiny and careful selection of useful materials as platforms for constructing SFL.
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That insight elevates Halliday’s pedigree as synonymous with SFL (Dalamu 2017c).
This is because Halliday does not only make choices from scholarly resourceful
materials; the sage also champions the compatibility of the raw materials; and
moreover, injects invaluable terms to the subjects that SFL accommodates. This study,
in that regard, considers Halliday as the architect as well as the mason of the theory.
The centrality of the clause to grammar, as mentioned earlier, cannot be
undermined. The fragmentation of the clause produces phrases and words; the
elaboration leads to the formation of clause complexes. The writer points out that
every statement deployed by an interactant either in the form of the spoken or
written language has its origin negotiated in the clause. Such place of occupancy
encourages systemicists to make the clause kernel in analyses rather than the
sentence. The significance of the veins of the clause operations on the text can be
demonstrated, as in Table 1, below.
In one way or another, SFL is functionally-cyclical, most especially, in the
dominance of the clause in all operations. Besides, point (v), (vi), and (vii), in Table 1,
link the clause again to the three metafunctions. Beginning the construction of
meaning of a text (e.g. poem) from below the clause (e.g. word) to a full-fledged
clause and ending the exercise around the clause (e.g. discourse) is, perhaps, a sign

Table 1: Domains of the clause in SFL.

Numbers Systemic Terms Grammatical Elements Examples

I Below the clause Words, phrases Search, a system code
Ii Around the Cohesion, texture, Engineered differently
clause discourse
Iii Above the Clause complexes I sing yet dance
clause in church
Iv Beyond the Metaphorical Statistical comparisons
clause interactions elevate research
V Clause as Mood system As in Figure 8, below
Vi Clause as Thematic system As in Figure 9, below
Vii Clause as Transitivity system As in Figure 10, below
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as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities

of building up meaning from the scratch to a broad meaning derivative. It is on

that ground that SFL serves as an interface between a poem (e.g. “Area Boy”) and
technological devices (e.g. graphs) in order to position “Area Boy”, as an entity of DH.

Digital Humanities: Historical developments

In the historical development of DH, the name of Roberto Busa is estimable.
Roberto Busa was a Jesuit priest who picked interest in building a concordance for
the works of Thomas Aquinas in 1949. That assiduous effort charted a pioneering
course for what is known as DH today (Ess 2004, 133). Though, a very tedious
journey, the objective was to realize the word of Aquinas’ writings in what Busa
referred to as index verborum (Busa 1980). The effect of that singular act seems
referential up to this period. In Crane’s observation, Busa’s attempts transcended
any other struggles in the hemisphere of lexemic accountability (Crane 2004, 47).
The difficulty experienced, doing manual operations influenced Busa to seek help
from IBM to accelerate the counting and ensure accuracy (Burton 1981a, 1981b).

Hockey’s perspectives on DH history

Hockey’s approach to the history of DH from the effort of Father Busa serves as the
point of departure (2004, 4). In this classification, 1949 to early 1970s mark the
beginnings where index verborum and cum hypertextibus are reiterated. The years
of consolidation fall within 1970 to the middle of 1980s, witnessing the journal
Computers and the Humanities, conferences, the writing of computer programs,
along with the establishment of computer centers. Personal computers that foster
innovation, as Hockey (2004) reports, become necessary for scholarship to snowball
the development of DH in 1980s and early 1990s. Of significance in the era is the
long-standing impact that reminds the writer of the publication of the Human
Computing Yearbook for the storage or archiving and campaign of scholarly projects,
software, and publications (ibid.). The herald of the World Wide Web (WWW), as the
“culmination” in 1990s, becomes the irresistible boost that welcomes researchers
to first-class information, perhaps, in any subject. Moreover, WWW gives license
to anyone to publish. This promotes scholarly works as much as the elimination
of the constraint of printing pages of books. There is no page limitation, and
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as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities

every publication can be reviewed from time to time. Another great merit of the
WWW/URL is that any publication can be accessed from any part of the globe as
long as it is not passworded. Hockey (2004, 17) submits that, “now that the Internet
is such a dominant feature of everyday life, the opportunity exists for humanities
computing to reach out further than has hitherto been possible” (also in Svensson
2010; Jørgensen 2016).

Digital Humanities: Definitions and domains

Perhaps, scholars have been wisely and systematically softening academic pedals
from defining the term, Digital Humanities (e.g. Burdick et al 2012). This is because
DH is a probable subject to expand beyond human imaginations among the sub-
contending disciplines (Kirschenbaum 2010, 58). The discipline also addresses many
of the research challenges on methodological paradigms (Schreibman, Siemens, and
Unsworth 2004, xxx). However, attempts have been made to describe the contents of
the fast growing and developing DH. Thus, Busa (2004) claims that DH

is precisely the automation of every possible analysis of human expression

(therefore, it is exquisitely a “humanistic” activity), in the widest sense of the
word, from music to the theater, from design and painting to phonetics, but
whose nucleus remains the discourse of written texts (Busa 2004, xvi).

This perspective is very broad. It is coherent, Busa explains, to all possible human
social endeavors. The pointer in the description is the text. Again, at this point, the
relevance of SFL to text can be referred. As the nucleus of DH is the text, the same
text is the hub of SFL as well as the wheel of language. SFL seems the chair of DH
and language because of its theoretical underpinning in both the textual claims
and social connections (Wodak and Meyer 2001, 3–9). As such, domains of SFL
are contextually-expressed, as publicized earlier in Figure 1, in the terminology of
cohesion and coherence. The study sees a joint venture between DH and SFL.
DH seems to embrace two customary but academic lifestyles by creating a
robust and intertwining relationship between the digits (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the
alphabet (a, b, c, etc.). The partnership extends to signs and figures of various
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pluralistic annotations such as scientific representations of symbols in different

forms, capacities, and functions. This is where SFL can create an interconnection
between the two entities by positioning every element of a clause in the appropriate
place. This advances the examination of the events of the “humanities” to produce
meanings. This opportunity can be a compelling reason for Busa (2004, xxx) to
elucidate the evolving but permanent association of humanities and the computer
utilization as signaling “The finger of God.” Burdick et al (2012, vii) recognize the
communicative divine signature by validating that unlike in the past, researchers
in the humanities today live and function in “rare moments of opportunity” with
the potential to play a vastly expanded creative role in public life. Computerization
influences seem to have aided such transformation.
The testimony of Burdick et al. (2012) places a wide gulf between the knowledge
of precursors of humanities and the present humanists. The current information
age (or golden age) negotiates workable and lasting relationships between
human expressions/lifestyles and computer applications unlike past generations.
However, as the arts construct enduring relationships with computerization, the
disciplines are not in any way retreating from the long-standing tenets of founding
fathers. DH is a foremost development of “the purview of the humanities, precisely
because it brings the values, representational and interpretive practices, meaning-
making strategies, complexities, and ambiguities of being human into every realm
of experience and knowledge of the world” (ibid.). This suggests that a major
contribution of DH is the creation of additional values into the arts through the
applications of computerized interpretative equipment. As such, technological tools
are capable of advancing and enhancing the meaning-making of human activities
where SFL serves an intermediary function.
Furthermore, the Digital Humanities Manifesto articulates DH as having
observed in the discipline an array of convergent practices in two senses. One, it
explains that the “print is no longer the exclusive or the normative medium in which
knowledge is produced and/or disseminated; instead, print finds itself absorbed
into new, multimedia configurations” (Digital Humanities Manifesto n.d.). The usual
manner of exercises in the print has changed to an advanced level. Two, “digital
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tools, techniques, and the media have altered the production and dissemination of
the knowledge of arts, human, and social sciences” (ibid.). It is not contentious that
DH has taken the arts from their deep-seated artistry to a sustainable “scientific”
level of functionality. Perhaps, sooner or later, all disciplines in the Ivory Towers
rather than awarding B.A. degree titles in the humanities, will transit to awarding
a B.Sc. to every bachelor of a university. This projection depends on applications
of computational infrastructures to the humanities, which have the capacity to
realize the dream proposed (Edmond 2016; Montfort 2016; O’Donnell, Walter, Gil,
and Fraistat 2016). Responsibilities of DH dominate all fields, where human beings
operate (Butler-Kisber 2013). This is because the applications of computer facilities
are limitless most especially when one correlates every action with the renowned
slogans of IBM, Everything you need to build anything you want and THINK (IBM
2017; Creative Block Inc. 2017). This is made possible and effective because writers
of computer programs receive instructions that assist them to produce a program
that is parallel to a particular operational need and demand (Peirson, Damerow,
and Laubichler 2016). The more the scope of human beings widens the better the
areas of DH’s occupancy. Among others, DH is applied to linguistics, literary studies,
music, graphic arts, and archaeology. (Schreibman, Siemens, and Unsworth 2004).

Remarkable suggestion of John Unsworth

Father Busa, perhaps the most distinguished pioneer of the well-known DH
echelons (Schreibman, Siemens, and Unsworth 2004, ix), did not label the subject
as DH. Before 2001/2002, Busa and his contemporaneous scholars had been
tagging the remarkable activities on the new idea of textual accountability as Index
Thomisticus, Lessico Tomistico Biculturale, concordance, humanities computing,
etc. The construction of a universally-acceptable title given to what Busa started in
1949 rests on John Unsworth (Unsworth 2002), the same way that the construct
of Discourse Analysis resides in Zellig Harris, and Context of Situation rests on
Bronislaw Malinowski (Malmkjaer 2004). The big idea, according to Unsworth, came
to him while negotiating the title of the book, A Companion to Digital Humanities,
with the representative of Blackwell publishing company (Unsworth 2010; also in
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Kirschenbaum 2010, 56–57). Although, the labeling rests on Unsworth, DH is a child

of circumstance borne per chance.
However, it is pertinent to think back to Busa’s assertion on “Digitus Dei est hic! i.e.
The finger of God is here!” Busa perceives the phenomenon as an outstanding activity
involving human beings, yet, charged and influenced by God. That is the rationale
for Busa to add that “it is just like a satellite map of the points to which the wind of
the ingenuity of the sons of God moves and develops the contents of computational
linguistics, i.e., the computer in the humanities” (Busa 2004, xvi). Very salient in the
Unsworth’s (2010) construct is the adjective “digital.” The coinage, in Unsworth’s
standpoint, appears in order to move away from simple digitization of lexemes.
“Digital” as a modifier signals a form of “sporadic” shift from the counting of words
into all manifestations of humanistic operations. The “randomization” of the affiliation
of computer technological applications to various humanistic domains is a probable
factor that has prevented the discipline of DH from one-face value on definition.

SFL: The interface between “Area Boy” and technology

Although, the three metafunctions of SFL – interpersonal, textual, and
experiential – are the theoretical concepts of the study; it is significant to demonstrate
the function of SFL in the study as manifested in Figure 2, below.
The portion in the blue color (identified as A) is the poem, “Area Boy”, while
the portion in the green color (identified as C) is the technology. On the one hand,
“Area Boy” is a piece of literature that contains textual elements with embedded
meaning potential. On the other hand, the green color is the facility useful for
calibration. Because, it is seemingly difficult for the technological device to
approach “Area Boy” in order to generate systemic meaning, SFL (identified as B)
bridges the lacuna. Its application processes “Area Boy” structures into countable

Figure 2: Relationship between SFL and technology.

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values that the technology can accommodate. The systemic operations permit
the technological facility to act on “Area Boy.” In a simple term, the outcomes of
the application turn the whole exercises on “Area Boy” to semiotic slots of SFL,
and SFL to computerization devices in order to operate as DH. The theoretical
application of SFL is the wheel that turns “Area Boy” into an entity of DH. Besides
the current application, as mentioned earlier, SFL with the use of any of its concepts
(substitution, ellipsis, grammatical metaphor, coherence, context of situation, etc.)
can be applied to texts for meaning-making.

Theoretical breadth
Significantly, a demonstration of SFL as a very resourceful tool of DH inspires
the author to adopt the three metafunctions as the relevant conceptual entities.
That being said, the three metafunctions, as mentioned earlier, are the core concept
of SFL. The applications of the triadic terms to a text provide the target audience
structural, paradigmatic, and contextual meanings (Eggins 2004). Table 2, below,
shows the operational slots of the three metafunctions.
The grammatical spheres of the metafunctions shown in the analyses of
Figures 9, 10, and 11, below, make it very possible to earmark semantic slots to the
structural organs of the clauses of “Area Boy.” The system networks in Figures 3, 4,
and 5, below, are indicators of the metafunctions, operating from below, from around,
and from above. However, some of these functions are basically-intrinsic. Besides, the
system network represents the choice that a language user makes out of numerous
ones available to the individual. Contextual implications of interpersonal, textual,
and experiential metafunctions are accommodated discursively.

Table 2: Three Metafunctions’ operational slots.

Terminology Grammatical Sphere Paradigmatic Context

Interpersonal Mood System Network Tenor of Discourse
Textual Metafunction Theme System Network Mode of Discourse
Experiential Metafunction Transitivity System Network Field of Discourse
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Mood system
Thompson (2004) probes the interpersonal metafunction as a device that fulfils the
“performative” roles of every addresser to the addressee. The concept reveals either
constitutive functions or ancillary functions. The speech roles, Thompson (2004,
46–47) emphasizes, permit questions (interrogatives), commands (imperatives),
statements (declaratives), and offers (modulated interrogatives) to be realizable in
discussions (also in Dalamu, 2017b, 190–193). However, Halliday and Matthiessen
(2004, 111–132) characterize the main structural organs as the mood disposed in
Subject and Finite respectively. Predicator, Complement, and Adjunct, in Bloor and
Bloor’s (2013) conceptualization, are components of the residue. Figure 3, below,
explains further the system network of the mood choices.
Apart from exclamation marks and “sets” in English, the choices of the indicative
and imperative are clearly open in communicative activities.

Thematic system
Theme and rheme fall into the organizational ideas of a text. A user of a language
determines the componential arrangements of the communication as desired (Halliday
1994, 34–67). Apart from that, the function that the language is deployed to achieve

Figure 3: Mood System Network (Thompson 2014).

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has a great implication on the background details of a discourse. Rashidi (1992, 192)
illuminates the theme as the starting point of the message. That is, the constituent
that begins moving the encoder towards the essence of the communication. There is
the essential ideational jumping-off point directing the decoder’s attention to the
ultimate goal of the communication. The theme, in Rashidi’s approach, begins a
clause irrespective of the linguistic device experienced at the start up. In other
words, it gives a track to text productions. It is that operational condition that further
influences Rashidi (1992, 197) to describe the rheme as the nub of the message of a
clause despite the obligatory appearance of the theme in any construct (e.g. NG, Prep
G, VG, Adj G or Adv G). This manifests the essential position of the theme in structures
except in a situation of elliptical lexical amenities. Themes of the text operate in
different ways. Unmarked theme occurs when the topical theme functions as a subject
of the clause. Marked theme occurs when the theme of the clause is not the subject.
Topical theme operates whenever participant, process, and circumstance realize the
theme. Thematic theme arises before the topical theme. Exclusive discussions of the
theme are in Halliday and Matthiessen (2004, 64–87), where the point of departure,
orientation, and location connecting the social reality realize the theme (Ellis 1987,
113–121; Dalamu 2017f). Figure 4, below, reveals the system network of the thematic
system of the clause, exhibiting textual, interpersonal, and experiential/ideational
elements as the configuration of the multiple themes.
The system in Figure 4, below, shows the theme and rheme as two separate tools
of interpretations.

Transitivity system
Bloor and Bloor (2004) argue that the experiential metafunction encodes the
speaker’s experience by allowing language to play a critical role that accommodates
the goings-on and the participants involved in the activities. In consonance with
that perspective, Halliday and Matthiessen (2004, 168–259) describe the content
and participants, sometimes encompassed with circumstantials, as crucial in
disseminating information through the experiential (McGregor 1997). Valuable
materials are in (Martin 1992; Halliday and Matthiessen 2014). Figure 5, below,
elucidates the experiential metafunction, showing the processes and participants.
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Figure 4: Thematic system network (Halliday and Matthiessen 2014).

Figure 5: Transitivity system network (Dalamu, 2017i).

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Figure 5, above, reveals six processes functioning in the English language.

Material processes, mental processes, and relational processes are major while
behavioral, verbal, and existential processes are minor. These systemic facilities are
minor because behavioral, verbal, and existential occur at the peripheries of the major
processes (Halliday and Matthiessen 2014; Dalamu, 2017d). The occurrence of the
processes in a disc-like format is another operational figure that throws more lights
on the cyclical nature of SFL (Halliday 1994, 108). The linear sequence of Figure 5,
above, informs the introduction of the second material label as being a caricature.
Figure 6, below, illustrates the compatibility of the interpersonal metafunction,
textual metafunction, and experiential metafunction on a clause, indicating their
unbroken relationships. The partnership pinpoints the way that meaning potential
of a text is realizable in three different systemic forms in order to generate meanings
(Bloor and Bloor 2013; Fontaine 2013; Dalamu 2017c).

Figure 6: Three metafunctions composite system network (Dalamu 2017i).

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This study demonstrates the treaty in the three metafunctions in Figure 6,

above, in order to serve a good purpose of understanding their usefulness in DH
through technological appreciations.

The author has chosen the poem of “Area Boy” written by Pius Adesanmi out of the 231
poems in Lagos of the Poet, which addresses concerned issues of Lagos State, Nigeria
(Adesanmi 2010). Consequently, the book has huge implications concerning Lagos
and the Nigerian society at large. It is also a means of creating a global awareness of
the meaning of “Area Boy” in this part of the world. Above all that, the choice of the
poem allows the study to exhibit resultant effects of SFL on a literary text.

“Area Boy” has been divided into clauses with the systemic traditional style of the
slash demarcations, that is, “///” and “//”. “///” signifies the beginning and the end
of a stanza while “//” serves as a simple clause separator. These are the reasons for
observing slashes in the data presentation, below. The analysis of the “Area Boy” has
undergone three different spheres of the mood, thematic, and transitivity systems in
order to reveal the application of each of the three metafunctional instruments in clear
functional terms. In the mood system analysis, S = Subject, F = Finite, P = Predicator,
C = Complement, A = Adjunct, and Mod Adj = Modal Adjunct. The study also uses Circ
as Circumstance, Pro as Process, Loc as Location, and Ident as Identifying.

After the systemic analysis, the researcher exploited AntConc, a text-computing
technology (Laurence Anthony’s Software), to account for the processes in “Area Boy.”
The first step was to identify and write down the processes in a piece of paper after
which the entire “Area Boy” file was inputted into AntConc by selecting the “Open
Files” icon in the “Navigation Menu” and the “Concordance” in the “Tool Tabs”. As the
“Area Boy” file has appeared in the “Corpus File” window, each process term (e.g.
remember) was later entered into the AntConc window’s dialogue box in the left-hand
side of the “Control Panel.” The AntConc displayed the frequency in two forms after
clicking “Start”. The computing instrument showed the word recurrence in the ‘KWIC
Results Window’ and the digit in “Concordance Hits” as shown in Figure 7, below.
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Figure 7: A sample screen of AntConc.

Details about AntConc are in Anthony (2018). That exercise was conducted
to ensure the recurrence accuracy of the texts. Besides, AntConc supported the
investigation by harvesting the frequency of other linguistic elements such as at
times, you, your, and nobody.
Thereafter, the researcher utilized the Microsoft Excel Worksheet (e.g.
Figure 8, as publicized latter) to further support SFL to process the clauses in
“Area Boy.” The use of the Excel Worksheet became a fundamental tool in order
to achieve accurate classifications of the structures that the metafunctional
components have realized. As AntConc does not have the capacity for systemic
appreciations, manual counting of the grammatical constituents in the semiotic
slots has become inevitable. To this end, quantitative operations, following Jockers
and Underwood (2016), Drucker (2016), and Dalamu (2017i), allow tables to
compute the grammatical elements in the semiotic slots into appropriate values.
Each table further schematizes into a simple graph for prompt examination of the
operational facilities of the systemic elements. The scientific interpretation can
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assist the reader for easy accessibility of the functional domains of the poem. The
graphs of the mood, thematic, and transitivity systems expressed in Figure 14,
later below, are cumulated into a single piece to reveal the relationships of the
three metafunctions.

The analytical as well as reading processes in Figures 9 to 14, as later illustrated
below, inform the patterns of the discussion. However, the discussion gives
preferences to the transitivity system because the grammatical term provides
expressions for the contents of the clause. Besides, as the transitivity shows
concern for the narrator’s experience (inner and outer), the terminology also
communicates universal relations of subcomponents of logical items (Butler 1985;
Olivares 2013).

Data presentation
The items, below, are the data of “Area Boy”, written in paragraphs and poetic

Area Boy
///At times you still remember
Those agonizing years// you spent
As a cheap labourer in the General’s farm
Tilling, toiling and sweating in the sun
For the pittance//they flung at you once in a month//
Yet nobody said anything then.//

///At times you still remember

The painful years//you spent
As a reluctant houseboy in Ikoyi//
Oga’s callouseness still haunts your steps//
Madam’s overbearing attitude you cannot forget//
Yet nobody said anything then.///
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///At times you still remember

The psychological oppression
Of watching their scions spray dollars in parties
Of their limousines splashing water on you in the streets
Of your wondering//where you went wrong//
//Yet nobody said anything then.//
Now that something in you has snapped//
Now that you can no longer stomach it//
Now that you’re fighting back in the streets//
//Lashing out at the system///

///Stinging the molochs//who operate it//

And cowards who tolerate it//
It is time for them to call you names:
Tout! Vagrant! Vandal! Area boy!///

///Brother, your being an Area Boy is now the issue//

Nobody will ever bother to excavate
The fossils of disenchantment
Buried deep down in your soul.//

Data analysis
Figures 8, 9, and 10, below, display the application of mood, thematic, and
transitivity systems to the poem, “Area Boy.”
The investigation further exhibits the frequencies of the grammatical constituents
of “Area Boy”, based on SFL’s applications in Figures 8, 9, and 10, below, in tables
and graphs as expressed in the result section.

Mood system of the “Area Boy” analysis
Table 3, below, displays the values of the semiotic slots in the “Area Boy” mood
analysis in Figure 8, below.
Table 3: “Area Boy” mood system recurring value.
Semiotic Clause Total
Slot CL1 CL2 CL3 CL4 CL5 CL6 CL7 CL8 CL9 CL10 CL11 CL12 CL13 CL14 CL15 CL16 CL17 CL18 CL19 CL20 CL21
S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 19
Art. 8, page 22 of 50

F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 19
P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 19
C 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16
A 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 27
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Figure 8: “Area Boy” mood analysis.

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Figure 9: “Area Boy” thematic analysis.

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Figure 10: “Area Boy” transitivity analysis.

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Figure 11, below, is the cumulative of the values computed in the mood system
in Table 3, above.

Figure 11: “Area Boy” mood system calibration.

Figure 11, above, indicates Adjunct as the priority because it is more functional
in the “Area Boy” text. Subject, Finite, and Predicator are next with Complement
being the less functional device. The figure shows that the text is constructed in
declarative clauses, issuing statements to the target audience in order to show the
feelings of the speaker.

Thematic system of the “Area Boy” analysis

Table 4, below, reveals the values of the semiotic slots in the “Area Boy” thematic
analysis in Figure 9, as shown earlier, above.
Figure 12, below, is the cumulative of the values specified in the thematic
system in Table 4, below.

Figure 12: “Area Boy” thematic system calibration.

Table 4: “Area Boy” thematic system recurring value.
Semiotic Clause Total
Slot CL1 CL2 CL3 CL4 CL5 CL6 CL7 CL8 CL9 CL10 CL11 CL12 CL13 CL14 CL15 CL16 CL17 CL18 CL19 CL20 CL21
Theme1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 19
Theme2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 12
Theme3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4
Rheme 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21
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Rheme is the most prominent in Figure 12, above. This is the core of the message
of the “Area Boy.” Besides, Theme 1 recurs in almost all the clauses. This signals that
the organizations of the clauses are hardly elliptical. The structures are complete
statements that sometimes have Theme 2 as a support for the clauses points of
departure. Theme 3 is available only in clauses 12, 13, 14, and 18. That points out the
rarity of Theme 3 in the textual operations.

Transitivity system of the “Area Boy” analysis

Table 5, below, shows the values of the semiotic slots in the “Area Boy” transitivity
analysis in Figure 10, above.
Figure 13, below, is the cumulative of the values manifested in the thematic
system in Table 5, below.

Figure 13: “Area Boy” transitivity calibration.

Material processes record the highest value in Figure 13, above. This is
in alignment with the claim of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) that material
processes are the most deployed in language usages. Apart from mental processes
that operate at the frequency of five, other processes such as relational and
behavioral operate at the minimal levels of two points each. It is surprising that
verbal processes function in a relatively similar category with other processes
with three points. This act seems to happen because the narrator makes a sort of
reported speeches from time to time.
Table 5: “Area Boy” transitivity system calibration.
Semiotic Clause Total
Slot CL1 CL2 CL3 CL4 CL5 CL6 CL7 CL8 CL9 CL10 CL11 CL12 CL13 CL14 CL15 CL16 CL17 CL18 CL19 CL20 CL21
Material 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 9
Mental 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Relational 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
Behavioral 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Verbal 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
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Existential 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Circumstance 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 20
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Three metafunctions of the “Area Boy” analysis

Figure 14, below, is the cumulative of the values, exhibited in the mood, thematic,
and transitivity systems, as displayed earlier in Figures 8, 9, and 10, above.

Figure 14: “Area Boy” metafunctions’ relationship calibration.

Figure 14, above, demonstrates the Adjunct of the mood system, rheme of the
thematic system, and material processes of the transitivity system as the highest in
functional values, as followed by mental processes. By implication, SFL illustrates
Adjunct, rheme, and material processes, as the strongest areas of domination of
the “Area Boy” text. These are followed by Subject, Finite, and Predicator of the
mood system, and Theme 1 of the thematic system. The computing outcomes of
SFL of “Area Boy” indicate analytical skills that can augment cross-fertilization of
ideas in disciplines. The graphical appearances of textual elements create a sort of
communicative interaction for the audience in an easy way.

There are five stanzas in the poem of “Area Boy.” The segments explain the concern
of the narrator about an “Area Boy” named George in the epigraph not actually
integral to the stanzas. It is striking to read from the epitaph that the poem is for
George, the “Area Boy”, who opened up a bitter heart to me at Ojuelegba, Lagos. This
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revelation specifies the source of the poet’s influence as well as the focus. Ojuelegba
is an important part of Yaba, Lagos (not far away from the renowned University
of Lagos), where influential and highly respected people live. As a heartbeat
of Yaba, the mentioning of Ojuelegba anywhere in Nigeria signifies something
remarkably-different. It is a signpost to a very small portion of land with a flyover.
Underneath the flyover are motor parks, petty trading activities, and prostitutes.
On top of these, Ojuelegba is a domain for miscreants for twenty-four hours a day.
In all these, Ojuelegba points to a place where prostitutes transact businesses.
However, the Governor of Lagos State between 2007–2015, Babatunde Raji Fashola,
cleansed Ojuelegba of prostitutes and miscreants. Fashola positioned the place as a
worthwhile environment during his reign and that drive has been sustained till today.
Fashola is now the Minister of Power, Works, and Housing in the current Buhari’s
Administration. Despite the thorough cleansing, the negative nuances attached to
Ojuelegba have become very difficult to remove from the people’s mindsets. The
displacement of the “Area Boy” from Ojuelegba might have given rise to the heart
rendering poem of “Area Boy.”
The author approaches the discussion from the broad views of the systemic
organization of the clauses in the stanzas, and semantic values attached to the
clauses most especially from the goings-on. The poem opens up with a circumstantial
element of place, At times, to indicate a consistent feeling of the “Area Boy” concerning
the issues of life that he has undergone. This is expressed through a mental process,
remember. Remember illustrates the trauma in the cognitive capacity of the “Area
Boy.” The recurrence of you projects the poet as a voice for the “Area Boy” because
the Actor, you, refers to what has happened to an individual, as the experience of
the past that connects the “Area Boy’s” present condition. In every stanza, except
in the fifth, you functions, at least, three times consecutively. The applications of
Actor, you, present the poem more as containing declarative clauses. As statements,
Subjects and Finites operate well in propagating the interactive nature on the clauses
(Thompson 2004). All the clauses are declarative except CL15 and CL16 that are
punctuated. Apart from CL1 that the Subject, You, takes the Finite, remember, in the
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present tense, the Subjects You, They, and nobody in CL2, CL3, and CL4 present their
Subjects, spent, flung, and said in the past. Out of the past elements, spend, fling, and
say are systemically-deduced as predicators. This operation reveals SFL as a viable
tool of separating a fused verbal group structure into two systemic distinct forms
that function in the domains of Finite and Predicator (Halliday and Matthiessen
2014; Dalamu 2017b).
For the Participant, Those agonizing years, analyzed earlier as Phenomenon, in
Figure 10, CL1, is a painful expression that demonstrates how the “Area Boy” has
been subjected to the modern day slavery in the General’s farm, where the individual
works and receives a meager salary. The circumstantial communicative device, in
the General’s farm, seems to refer to “an individual who was an Army General” and
after the service years retired to establish a farm to generate money. In that course,
the “Area Boy” becomes a useful-cum-precious tool in the farm. This is because an
average Nigerian graduate detests tilling the land. Most elites are in search of and
doing white-collar-jobs. Perhaps, that attitude has contributed to the importation of
food from most parts of the world to the country. Even those that read Agricultural
(related) Sciences in Universities may not be ready to practice farming either as
relating to livestock or crop productions. It is in that light that the “Area Boy” becomes
a resourceful personality for the General, as expressed in CL2. That exploitation
encourages the speaker to conclude that Yet nobody said anything then. The clause
with a verbal process indicts every onlooker at the manhandling of the “Area Boy.”
The poet expects that all the concerned should have raised their voices concerning
the abuse of the rights of the “Area Boy” in the General’s farm. Individuals have all
been recalcitrant simply because the “Area Boy” is not a family member of successful
persons. Such unwillingness reveals the nature of relationship between the rich
and the poor. The people have forgotten that the “Area Boy” is a member of the
Nigerian society who has the right equivalent to the General’s. The adjunct, then,
serves a purpose of reminding the society of the situation of the “Area Boy” when he
needs helps and nobody is observant of his plight. Then links the past agony of the
“Area Boy” to his present status of being a vagabond. The structure below shows the
thematic functions of the stanza one.
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The point of departure of CL1 and CL4 is the same as having two themes; whereas
CL2 and CL3 elements have one theme each.
The second stanza is comparatively-parallel to the first stanza because it begins
with a flashback into the past, remembering the painful years … spent as a houseboy
in Ikoyi. The “Area Boy” is connected to Ojuelegba, while the master lives in Ikoyi.
The implication is that Ikoyi is in the Lagos Island, while Ojuelegba is in the mainland,
representing two different worlds or perspectives. Foreigners and well-meaning
Nigerians reside in Ikoyi. This can indicate that if the “Area Boy” will have an access
at all to Ikoyi, it can only be made possible through rendering services to the master.
The poet constructs one domain for the poor and the other for the affluent. The “Area
Boy” is neither a foolish person nor a senseless individual. It is that he needs helps
from the society and no one appreciates his humble cries to assist the helpless human
being. Such supports, if rendered, could give the individual breakthroughs in order
to showcase his talents and skills in resourceful ways. The mood system in stanza two
is similar in structure to stanza one. The study locates the differences in CL7 and CL8
where the Subjects, Oga’s callousness and Madam’s overbearing attitude/you, attract
different Finites. The two Finites, haunt and can no longer, operate in present forms.
It is salient to have no longer in the verbal group. It is a negative polarity that compels
the boy to continue to flashback to his experience with the wife of his master. That
is, the Madam’s imperious characteristic.
The Participant, The painful year and circumstantial element, as a reluctant
houseboy support the remark on Madam’s dictatorial capacity. The “Area Boy”
understands that he passes through pains in the master’s house, nonetheless,
because there is no one to help, the indigent resigns himself to fate. According to
the narrator, the “Area Boy” discharges his responsibilities sluggishly. The houseboy’s
experience sensitizes the readers in two forms. The master’s characteristic, expressed
as Oga’s callousness, and the madam’s attitude describes, as Madam’s overbearing
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attitude. The Oga (i.e. master) is emotionally-hardened. That heartlessness has made
the boss to be careless of the sufferings of the concerned, which has turned him to
a restless individual. Perhaps, that has lead to the persistent complaints that the
writer observes from the “poetic narrative.” The other approach is that the woman
in the house does not help matters. Madam makes the situation possibly-worse.
The madam’s domineering role overwhelms the “Area Boy” to be forcefully-dedicated
to his responsibilities despite the initial reluctance. Indirectly, the destitute engages
in a sort of forced labor in the house of the rich and, probably, in the presence of
the children Yet nobody said anything then. It is painful that nobody comes to his
aid, being a reason for the lamentation. The structure below illustrates the thematic
organization of stanza two.

CL5, CL8, and CL9 portray similar thematic choices of dual theme operations;
whereas CL6 and CL7 organize single theme each.
The third outpouring of a hurting heart shows in a psychological form in the
third stanza. The poet calls that The psychological oppression, which is Phenomenon
to the mental process, remember. The first concern positions the “Area Boy”, as a
laborer in the farm. The second challenge is the nagging of the master and wife on
the houseboy. The experience here plays out as a kind of feeling and not an exercise
of personal strength in order to achieve a mission. One can argue that the concern
of the “Area Boy”, this time, does not have a solid logical foundation. This is because
the grievance is not objective. The circumstantial devices of Of washing their scions
spray dollars in parties/Of that limousines splashing water on you … are pains that fall
into the terrain of personal feelings, expressed in the form of envy. The sentiments
of jealousy classified as oppression can lead to perpetration of evil. Moreover, the
resentment is a thought that has the potency to persuade the “Area Boy” to look for
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money at all costs. In the same spirit of self-appraisal of sensationalism, the individual
raises a complaint Of your wondering where you went wrong. Actually, it is a good
thing to be comfortable in life. Nevertheless, developing a spirit of rivalry against
someone’s neighbor is not acceptable in all ramifications of social norms. The “Area
Boy” has forgotten that fingers are not equal and can never be equal. The throbbing
heart needs to transcend the mundane activities that he witnesses and complains of
in diverse forms in order to focus on how to survive socially economically.
To fully register the grievance, four circumstantial facilities with the markers
of of (three times), and in are employed. These demonstrate the degree of the
“Area Boy’s” annoyance against the family of his master. The longevity of the
clause supports the claim above. As if that is not enough, the playing of a blame-
game emanates to project the individual as someone, who has sometimes missed
opportunities. Probably, that validation influences the speaker to begin to query
where the “Area Boy” has gone wrong. In my argument, the “Area Boy” needs to
dig deep in terms of his past, his parents, and perhaps personal disobedience to
instructions from the guardian. The stubbornness, ignorance, and lackadaisical
qualities of the complainant might have caused his present situation of indigence.
The declarative, Yet nobody said anything, motivated with a verbal process, is
striking. This is because the content recurs three times in stanzas, one, two, and
three – CL4, CL9, and CL11. The implication of the repetitive statement is that it
strongly expresses the wish of the “Area Boy.”
The verbs “to be” and “to have” as well as the auxiliary “can no longer” exhibited
in negative polarity occupy the Finite positions of CL14, CL12, and CL13. The other
‘interacts’ of the mood are repetitions of the Subjects discussed earlier in stanzas one
and two. CL15 does not have mood at all but residue. The “tormented Area Boy”, as
a laborer, a houseboy, and a psychologically-oppressed individual, expects members
of the Lagos community to provide him a succor from the anguish experienced.
Before anyone casts blame on the Lagos society, it is important to point out that
Lagos is a very busy city where the concept of individualism dominates virtually all
activities (Gustavsson 2008). The blame must first go to the parents and second to
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the government. If the parents have failed in their responsibilities of properly raising
the child, the government is supposed to bear the burden of caring for the citizens,
including the less privileged ones. Overwhelming responsibilities of other parents
may have prevented them from taking care of the “Area Boy” and others in a similar
condition. So, the plight of the boy is a lesson to all parents; people must give birth
to only the children that they can cater for because nobody will say anything while
their untrained children roam. Parents must wonder while their disobedient children
wander. The structure below demonstrates the point of departure of the clauses in
stanza three.

The organization of the clauses in stanza three reveals different communicative

background, when one makes a dialectical appreciation with earlier dissected stanzas
one and two. Three organizational structures unfold here. CL10 and CL11 have
two themes each. CL12, CL13, and CL14 operate with three themes each whereas
CL15 has neither the thematic system nor the mood system. The poet restricts the
function of CL15 to rhematic elements, corresponding to the interpersonal devices
of Predicator, Lashing out at and Complement, the system.
After the past that stanzas one, two, and three favor, the conformity of stanzas
four and five operates in the present events. The narrator describes the phenomenon,
using the circumstantial mechanism of Now, which refers to the engagement of time.
One observes the emphasis of Now in clauses 12, 13, 14, and 20 as well. The past can
be categorized as the premature stage, while the mature stage connotes the present.
The past unveils the “Area Boy” as being in servitudes of influential people, who
violate social standards to take advantage of the boy’s weakness and cheat him. The
present displays the “Area Boy”, as an individual with freedom. Thus, he troubles the
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society that, by the opinion of the boy, has not been kind to the sore-hearted person.
Those who renege in ministering to the needy usually pay the astronomical price
for their negligence. Perhaps, some people may not dream of evil perpetration; the
circumstances surrounding them may incite their behaviors toward social vices. The
“Area Boy” reveals that Now that something in you has snapped, one can retaliate, has
a connection with the experience of the past. The author can recall the utilization
of the mental process of remember in three different occasions in the verses. The
lexeme, remember, is a pointer to how the servitude experience borders the painful-
hearted fellow, and negatively influences his mental capabilities. The experience
has made the boy so unpleasant to an extent of outpouring his annoyance to the
audience. The gathered knowledge stimulates the boy to confess that one can no
longer stomach it. It is a frame of mind expressed in the mental process of can no
longer stomach that is very difficult to erase from one’s cognitive storage. It is an
indicator that those who are rich in the society must treat the poor fairly well; else
as the time is fast approaching, in no time, the less privileged will fight back, and
perhaps, be terroristic.
The poet takes cognizance of this, as commented that Now that you’re fighting
back in the street … stinging the molochs it is time to call you names: Tout! … The “Area
Boy” understands the trouble that he causes the society. Besides, it is the society
that labels him “Area Boy” and other synonymous appellations such as tout, vagrant,
and vandal. The names seem to signify the punishment that the boy inflicts on
the society. In a precise way, “Area Boys” are those irresponsible children most of
them boys (because there are no “Area Girls” in Lagos), who pick pockets, steal, and
later turn to armed robbers. Possibly, some socially affected individuals might not
be armed robbers but beggars and miscreants, who wander to beseech people for
money in order to sustain their lives under the bridge. It cannot be totally ruled out
that one, who wanders, can turn to a thief because an aphorism stipulates that an
idle hand is the devil’s workshop.
There are four processes in stanza four. These are stinging (material), operate
(material), tolerate (behavioral), and is (relational). Sting represents a poisonous spirit,
while operate refers to the workable mechanism of the social system and structure.
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Tolerate describes the attitude of the entire actors of society that accept the evil that
the powerful perpetrate on the less privileged (see Halliday and Matthiessen 2004,
179–238). At this juncture, the expectation of the narrator is that the society ought
to intervene by protesting against the General’s inhumanity, Oga’s callousness, and
Madam’s overbearing qualities. Instead of necessary interpositions, the people seem
to add to the traumatic experience of the boy. The poem draws on those behaviors to
create a relational process as an attribute as well as a cursor to the current perspective
of the society on the helpless individual, who has perhaps turned to a criminal.
CL16 expresses the residue as Predicator, stinging and Complement, the molochs.
The Subjects in CL17 and CL18 are relative markers, who, that attract different Finites
of operate and tolerate in present tense respectively. CL19’s Subject is it, which takes is
as its Finite. The explanation below characterizes the thematic choices of stanza four.

The four clauses in stanza four appear in different parameters except that CL17
and CL19 have a similar pattern of theme/rheme structures. CL16 operates only in
rheme with an empty set of theme. The stanza experiences a full-stretch of thematic
configuration in CL18 with three themes at a go.
The poet fraternizes with the “Area Boy” by calling him brother as a point of
departure of CL20. The association becomes a necessity because George, the “Area
Boy” provides the poet pieces of information about the environment and personal
feelings. The poem, “Area Boy”, seems to honor the citizens, who are victims of being
miscreants; the poet is a probable voice for “Area Boys.” Besides, the poet, being
an intellectual, subsumes himself into a similar situation in order to sensitize the
government to rise to the plight of “Area Boys”, who cause headaches to the larger
society. In respect of that, the poet perceives the challenge of the notion of “Area
Boy”, as a concern that rocks the social boat of Lagos and Nigeria at large. Even if the
government should rescue “Area Boys” after that they have been socially bartered;
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what about the damages that the misfortune has created in their subconscious
souls? The Subjects, your being an Area Boy and Nobody in CL20 and CL21 take on
the Finites, is and will ever respectively to reflect the mood system of the interaction.
The structure below indicates the themes of the stanza.

CL20 demonstrates a marked multiple structure of themes, while CL21 shows an

unmarked thematic organ. The poet concludes with a declarative that Nobody will
ever bother to evacuate/The fossils of disenchantment/Buried deep down in your soul.
Perhaps, irrespective of the aids given to the “Area Boy” the past experience might
prevent the agonized destitute from adopting the full status and responsibility of a
good citizen. In that case, it becomes imprudent to allow citizens to degenerate in
social treasures before the society rescues them from their plights. Such delay could
be very extortionate in relation to loss of lives and property.

The study shows that SFL is an instrument of DH by allowing scientific facilities to
process the structural values of the poem, as illustrated earlier in Figures 8, 9, and
10; Tables 3, 4, and 5; and Figures 11, 12, 13, and 14. The results of the analysis
of the poem, “Area Boy”, in which SFL is applied display the tenor of discourse, as
explicating the experience of the painful heart in declarative statements functioning
with Subject and Finite. These semiotic values are highly supported with Adjuncts.
The interactions reveal how the society creates bitterness in the soul of the “Area Boy.”
The organization of the clauses operates on themes, which are sometimes marked
multiple themes, as means of expressing the markedness. The mode of discourse
exhibits meaning in the rhemes, which are in alignment with most processes.
The experience that the text shares utilizes material processes of having and being
(e.g. spent, fighting back, lashing out at, stinging, and operate) in order to explain the
situation of the “Area Boy” in the past and in the present. The study also observes
the field of discourse, oscillating between mental processes (e.g. remember, can no
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longer forget, and can no longer stomach) and verbal processes (e.g. said). These are
indicators of the traumatic experience of the painful soul and his expectation from
the society. Examining the poem from the transitivity systemic approach, the author
observes some repetitive devices from the investigation. There are about five of the
communicative facilities that function as processes, circumstances, and full-fledged
clauses. These are: At times you still remember (declarative clause); Yet nobody said
anything (declarative clause); spent (material process); Now (circumstantial element
of time); and Of (circumstantial element of manner).
There are two divisions in the poem, that is, the environment of the past and that
of the present. The past experience displays accumulated thoughts of the “Area Boy”
as a laborer as well as a houseboy. Apart from that, personal feelings, crowded with
sentiments, disturb the victim. The later can be accepted as the fault of the society.
However, one is also compelled to indict the boy, and to negate his grievances.
The boy does not need to blame others for his shortcomings, failings, and challenges.
Instead of groaning, the individual ought to chart a new course of survival in a legally-
acceptable way. The envy of the master’s family berates social norms. Nevertheless,
the present, the poet alerts, is a fighting back – a time of retaliation. This represents
a period when the concerned individual feels being frustrated by the society. The
disappointment might have permitted the “Area Boy” to become a burden to the
society because the government has somehow abdicated its social responsibility of
caring for its own. That is, all citizens. The selfishness of the society contributes as
well to make a nuisance out of the helpless individual. Instead of assisting the “Area
Boy” in order to have access to good things of life, the penniless is taken advantage
of in order to slavishly serve the haughty.
From a theoretical perspective, the study suggests that SFL has the potency to
provide socio-cultural meaning potential to texts in their literary forms. It also deduces
from “Area Boy” that the government and private individuals should endeavor to
consider the less privileged, which have equal rights to survive as citizens of the
nation. Apart from the corpus that can be achieved, SFL textual interpretations have
the capacity to stimulate computer experts to construct simulations of poetic devices
that the audience can easily observe from computers. It is the hope of the study that
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researchers will make use of SFL conceptual frameworks to analyze literature for
desired meaning potential.
Furthermore and in retrospect, the constraints experienced in the manual
counting of the systemic constituents of “Area Boy” inspires the following
suggestions. To the best of my knowledge, some of the available software assisting in
DH (e.g. AntConc) could not vividly cater for systemic appreciations of texts. On that
ground, one could recommend the need for computer experts (or programmers) to
produce some software that can take care of SFL analyses and positions on lexemic
investigations. Such technological facility must have the potency to identify and
compute a corpus of systemic processes, circumstantial devices, continuatives,
vocatives, etc. of their kinds. If a project of this magnitude, involving systemicists
and software experts, is conducted; one is seemingly sure that such cross-
fertilization of ideas will yield some merits. First, the software will eradicate the
manual counting, as done in this paper, to automation of systemic accountability
of communicative facilities either in Microsoft Excel Sheet or Microsoft Word or any
other computerization concepts. Second, it might attract researchers to participate
in the development of SFL for the betterment of the humanity at large. Third, the
software could promote SFL as learner- and user-friendly. Fourth, it can aid easy
generation of meaning potential of texts to reveal “what a composer of a text means”
structurally and contextually.

My sincere appreciation goes to Dr. Daniel P. O’Donnell (Editor-in-Chief), Mr. Virgil
Grandfield (Managing Editor) and Mr. Steven Gillis (Congress 2017 Issue Manager)
of Digital Studies/Le champ numerique (DSCN), the University of Lethbridge Journal
Incubator, and all the other editors and reviewers who have contributed in one way or
another to this article. The contributions of these individuals, without mincing words,
have had great impacts on this work. I am also grateful to Mrs. Bonke Dalamu for her
consistent encouragement during the multi-tasking reviewing processes of this article.

Competing Interests
The author has no competing interests to declare.
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How to cite this article: Dalamu, Taofeek. 2019. “Illuminating Systemic Functional
Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities.” Digital Studies/Le champ
numérique 9(1): 8, pp. 1–50. DOI:

Submitted: 04 November 2017 Accepted: 18 October 2018 Published: 23 April 2019

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