NX - Naradie A Nastroje - Zakladny Prehlad PDF
NX - Naradie A Nastroje - Zakladny Prehlad PDF
NX - Naradie A Nastroje - Zakladny Prehlad PDF
Highly automated Based on the Working with other systems In fact, NX tool design applications
tool design premier foundation At the core of NX is the UGS can work with almost any type of
NX offers a powerful set of The NX applications for Parasolid™ software modeling 3D input data. NX makes it easy
automated applications for injection mold, progressive foundation, an industry standard to build 3D models from 2D
mold and die design. dies and transfer dies are built in 3D modeling technology drawing data.
on the comprehensive NX developed by UGS PLM Software
These applications enable the
design software. This means and widely used in CAD/CAM
user to complete the task of
that the very best in modeling, and CAE applications. This
moving from part design to
assembly modeling and drafting foundation provides unmatched
finished tool design in far less
technology is providing the compatibility for working with
time than with the use of
foundation for these high- 3D data.
traditional CAD applications.
performance applications.
In addition to reading Parasolid®
Maximizing productivity geometry, NX can use a
Delivering business
Mold and die tool design in NX wide range of data from other
is driven by the knowledge of CAD systems in their native
NX Tooling delivers a much
experienced designers built into formats and translate a variety
higher level of business
the functions. The applications of other formats with data
efficiency, leading to reduced
guide the user through each conversion tools.
cost, increased activity and
step of the process, multiplying
higher margins. It helps achieve
the capability and maximizing
these results by developing
the productivity of every
effective tool designs faster
tool designer.
and with fewer errors
and corrections.
A complete solution
With NX, tool designers can share the same software environment
as product and part designers and NC programmers.This
enables the overall process to be faster and more efficient.
Changes can be implemented more easily and with fewer errors.
Wasteful re-entry of data is eliminated and multiple users can
share the same 3D data.The tool designer, NC programmer
and manufacturing engineer can begin work even before the
product design is complete.
Automated mold design with UGS NX Mold Wizard
NX Mold Wizard applies Process Wizard technology to optimize Mold Wizard is built on NX, the industry’s most powerful product
the mold design process, delivering levels of productivity that development system. As a result, the tools for working with part
dramatically outperform traditional CAD software. Providing a geometry, creating parting surfaces and enabling automatic updates
structured workflow based on expert best practices, automation are among the most robust available. Less capable systems may
of mold-specific design tasks and libraries of standard mold handle basic parts and molds, but Mold Wizard can tackle the
components, NX Mold Wizard provides a step-by-step process most demanding tasks.
that promotes the most efficient workflow, while integrating
complex elements of design technology into automated sequences.
UGS NX mold design: key features
Molded part validation
Mold design to manufacture
NX Progressive Die Wizard maximizes productivity through Progressive Die Wizard functions for blank creation, blank layout,
intelligent automation of industry-specific processes. Beginning with scrap design and strip layout support a range of progressive die
the receipt of the customer’s sheet metal design, NX Progressive designs including multiple sheet metal parts, multiple rows, multiple
Die Wizard guides the user through all of the stages required to strip layouts and custom strip layouts.
construct a progressive die, streamlining complex processes and
automating tedious tasks for remarkable time savings.
Phase 2: Die base design
Progressive die design – key features
Key capabilities in UGS NX Progressive Die Wizard UGS NX Machining for die insert and structure machining
• Die design project initialization NX offers robust milling programming with high-speed machining
functions – ideal for fine finish on detailed dies in hard materials.
• Automated sheet metal feature recognition
Easy-to-use planar and cavity milling as well as automated hole
• Blank shape generator, includes formed shapes
making are productive tools for
• Blank layout NX programming on die structures.
• Scrap design
• Strip layout and 3D operation simulation
• Force center calculation
• Die base design
• Die preference setting
• Punch/die insert design
• Standard part library
• Relief design
• Pocket creation
• BOM output
• Assembly drawing creation
• View manager
Jig and fixture design
Complex configurations
Using UGS Teamcenter™ software extensions to the NX Managed Image courtesy of
J.S. McNamara Inc.
Development Environment, tool designers can define, store and
re-use an unlimited number of alternative fixture configurations.
Multiple arrangements Welding fixture complete with clamps and welding guns
NX can display multiple arrangements of fixtures that have for an automotive assembly.
different conditions, for example, opened or closed positions.
Automotive sheet metal stamping
UGS PLM Software delivers a comprehensive solution for NX, in combination with UGS Tecnomatix™ software and
automotive dies – from sheet metal design, through stamping Teamcenter ® applications, addresses the complete die design,
process design and optimization, die face design, die structure design engineering and manufacturing workflow to improve process
to a complete set of NC programming tools for die manufacturing. efficiency and part quality for automotive stamping.
Formability analysis
NC programmer
Tool designer
Product designer
The UGS NX advantage
Knowledge-driven automation
With NX, companies can apply product and process
knowledge across all elements of product development
to automate processes and maximize re-use.
System-based modeling
NX structured conceptual models standardize
design practices and allow rapid creation of variants,
transforming development from component-based
design to a systems engineering approach.
About UGS PLM Software UGS PLM Software leads to
UGS PLM Software, a division of Siemens greater innovation
Automation and Drives (A&D), is a There is no single road to innovation, but there
leading global provider of product lifecycle are signs you’re headed in the right direction.
management (PLM) software and services Leading innovators get to market faster, manage
with 4.4 million licensed seats and 47,000 compliance, optimize resources and achieve
customers worldwide. Headquartered in globalization.They’re also four times more
Plano,Texas, UGS PLM Software’s vision
likely to use PLM software to plan, define,
is to enable a world where organizations
build and support their products. UGS PLM
and their partners collaborate through
Software’s family of PLM solutions helps
global innovation networks to deliver
businesses establish Global Innovation
world-class products and services while
leveraging UGS PLM Software’s open Networks that transform their process
enterprise solutions, fulfilling the mission of innovation. Drive your business
of enabling them to transform their process to greater innovation and
of innovation. For more information on accelerate your growth.
UGS PLM Software products and services,
visit www.siemens.com/ugs.
Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. UGS, Teamcenter, NX, Parasolid, Solid Edge, Femap and I-deas are registered trademarks;
Tecnomatix, UGS Velocity Series, UGS Teamcenter, UGS Solid Edge, UGS NX and UGS Tecnomatix are trademarks of UGS Corp. All other logos, trademarks or service
marks used herein are the property of their respective owners. ©2007 UGS Corp. All rights reserved.
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