Guidance Note: Heritage Railway Association
Guidance Note: Heritage Railway Association
Guidance Note: Heritage Railway Association
Issue No: 01
Issue Date: October 2014
This document describes good practice in relation to its subject to be followed by Heritage Railways,
Tramways and similar bodies to whom this document applies.
This document has been developed with, and is fully endorsed by, Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate
(HMRI), a directorate of the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR).
The Heritage Railway Association has used its best endeavours to ensure that the content of this document
is accurate, complete and suitable for its stated purpose. However it makes no warranties, express or
implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be sufficient to ensure safe systems of work
or operation. Accordingly the Heritage Railway Association will not be liable for its content or any
subsequent use to which this document may be put.
This document is published by the Heritage Railway Association (HRA).
Copies are available electronically via our website
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. ## MATERIAL PROPERTIES .............................................................................................................. 3
3. Stress and Strain .................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Examples of Fundamental Stress Calculations .................................................................................... 8
Hoop and Longitudinal Stress .................................................................................................................... 8
Factor of Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Riveted Joints ............................................................................................................................................. 9
5. Other Related Stress Factors ............................................................................................................. 11
Metal Fatigue ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Stress Corrosion Cracking ....................................................................................................................... 12
Creep ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
6. Physical Properties of Boiler Steels .................................................................................................... 13
7. Associated material terminologies ...................................................................................................... 14
8. Properties of Non-Ferrous Boiler Materials ........................................................................................ 16
9. Purchasing New or Replacement Materials ....................................................................................... 16
10. Table 1: LMR / British Railways non-ferrous alloys ........................................................................... 17
11. Table 2: Steel Equivalence Chart ....................................................................................................... 18
12. ## NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING ................................................................................................... 19
Surface Breaking Techniques .................................................................................................................. 19
Volumetric Techniques ............................................................................................................................. 19
Dye Penetrant Inspection ......................................................................................................................... 20
Magnetic Particle inspection (MPI) ........................................................................................................... 21
Ultrasonic Techniques .............................................................................................................................. 21
Radiography ............................................................................................................................................. 22
1. Introduction
This Guidance Note is one of a series dealing with locomotive boilers that were produced by the 2006-8
meetings on “Steam Locomotive Boiler Codes of Practice”.
Railway locomotive boilers are designed to create, store and distribute steam at high pressure. The working
life of such a boiler can be considerably shortened if due care is not taken at all stages of inspection, repair,
running maintenance and day-to-day running.
In the past there have been a series of accidents and explosions owing to work being undertaken without
having due regard to the inherent risks involved. It is with that in mind that HMRI and HRA set up the series
of meetings of boiler practitioners to discuss the issues, distil good practice and codify it into this series of
Guidance Notes.
This guidance is written for the assistance of persons competent to perform these tasks. In places the
terminology used may be specific to such practitioners.
This guidance should also be useful to those in a supervisory or more general role. However no work should
be undertaken unless the persons concerned are deemed competent to do so.
Where managements decide to take actions that are not in agreement with these recommendations,
following appropriate risk assessments or for other reasons, it is recommended that those decisions are
reviewed by the senior management body of the organisation concerned and a formal minute is recorded of
both the reasons for and the decision reached.
Many people involved in boiler preservation and maintenance will come from walks of life which are not
associated with engineering and may thus have little or no knowledge of the strength of the materials that
they work with or of their physical properties. Often, corroded or wasted materials have to be renewed and
the selection of the most appropriate equivalent materials from the range currently stocked by suppliers must
be carefully made. This Section is included to illustrate the basic principles of strength of materials and their
physical properties as related to the most common steels and non-ferrous metals encountered in boiler
maintenance and as an aid to selection of appropriate materials. It is not intended to facilitate the design of
modifications and readers must appreciate that the information included herewith can only be for initial
guidance. The subject is vast and where knowledge beyond the content of this Section is required, the
reader should seek further information from credible sources.
Fig. 1a) shows a metal bar of uniform cross section under the influence of a tensile load P which is spread
over the area normal to it. Fig. 1b) shows the same metal bar under the influence of a compressive load. If
the loads are applied as shown in Fig. 1c) parallel to each other and across the bar, the resulting stress is
said to act in shear.
Strain is a measure of the change in shape of a material under the influence of stress. For the bar of metal
shown in Fig. 2, the areas shown in red illustrate a) tensile, b) compressive and c) shear strains.
Strain is defined as change in dimension compared with its original dimension under the influence of stress,
or expressed algebraically as:
Since the components of strain are both lengths, the units of strain are expressed as a decimal or
It can be appreciated that a boiler, which is loaded under the influence of steam pressure, will have stresses
set up in its structure which will give rise to corresponding strains. Strains must not be confused with
expansion which is an entirely different mechanism and is due to the influence of temperature causing
changes in dimension.
It will be useful to consider some recognised definitions of a material’s particular key characteristics:
• Elasticity – this is the property that allows a material to change its shape under the influence of a
load and return to its original size once the load has been removed.
• Plasticity – A material becomes plastic when subjected to sufficiently high stresses either in tension
or compression such that, when the stresses are removed, the resulting deformation is non-
• Ductility – This refers to a property which allows a solid material the ability to deform under tensile
stress, for example, by the material's ability to be stretched into a wire.
• Malleability – is a similar property to ductility and relates to a material's ability to deform under
compressive stress, for example, by the material's ability to form a thin sheet by hammering or
When materials are tested, a specimen is machined out of a sample of the wrought material or from a feature
of a manufactured item where specific values of strength are required to be established. Fig. 4 depicts three
stages of progression during an axially applied tensile test on a mild steel specimen. As the load increases,
the specimen with overall length shown at a) increases in length and after reaching the yield point, a neck
starts to form as shown at b). After passing the point of maximum load, the neck area reduces rapidly and
since the load is spread over a diminishing area, the stress increases. Finally, the specimen fractures as
shown at c).
In Figs. 5 and 6, the relationship between stress and strain is shown for mild steel and more ductile materials
such as copper respectively. They are both ductile materials and Fig. 5 is termed a Nominal Stress – Strain
diagram. In this diagram, the value of stress is determined by dividing the load applied to the specimen by its
original cross sectional area. The linear portion of the characteristic portrays the elastic range up to point Wy.
At point We the elastic limit is reached, following which, the application of further stress initiates the formation
of a neck. Point Wm represents the maximum load which can be carried by the specimen which is termed
the Ultimate Tensile Strength or UTS. At this point the load decreases rapidly as the cross section reduces
and the stress actually increases to the point where the specimen fractures.
The algebraic expression of Ultimate Tensile Strength is:
Maximum load
Ultimate Tensile Strength =
Original area of section
Copper and other ductile materials do not exhibit a definite elastic range and it is not possible to nominate a
definitive yield point. Referring to Fig. 6, it will be seen that the characteristic stress – strain relationship
follows a curve without a linear portion. The Yield Point is thus not obvious and is usually defined as a
percentage off set where a definite or stated amount of permanent set, typically 0.1%, 0.2% or 0.5% of the
original gauge length takes place. The UTS is at the highest point on the curve which as can be seen
extends to allow a great deal of strain before fracture takes place. This characteristic is representative of a
ductile material. For a hard material, very seldom if ever used in a boiler, the yield point is determined in a
similar manner and is termed the proof stress, typically associated with a strain of 0.1% or less.
Engineers use another derived constant known as Young’s Modulus of Elasticity which is used to determine
the stresses set up in a material that exhibit a clearly defined linear portion of the stress – strain
characteristic. The value of this constant is the slope of the line and is expressed algebraically as:
Youngs Modulus of Elasticity (E) =
In working with materials subjected to shearing forces, engineers use the term Modulus of Rigidity. The value
of this constant is expressed algebraically as:
Shear Stress
Modulus of Rigidity (G) =
Shear Strain
In the shell
illustrated in Fig. 7,
the following apply:
p = internal pressure
d = outside diameter
l = length of cylinder
t = thickness of plate
σ1 = circumferential
or hoop stress
σ2 = longitudinal
The circumferential or hoop stress equates to: σ1 =
The longitudinal stress equates to: σ2 =
At once it can be seen that the forces tending to tear the shell along its length are double those tending to
force it apart around its circumference. For this reason it will be evident that the methods used to join
longitudinal seams have to be stronger than those for circumferential joints.
Factor of Safety
A designer or stress engineer is responsible to ensure that the design of the work not only fulfils its intended
purpose but is also safe to use. This introduces the concept of safe working stress. In selecting the material
to be used, the UTS will be established from the material specification. It is never acceptable to allow the
working stress to approach the value of UTS and all designers of structural parts will only allow the working
stress to be limited to a fraction of this amount and very often to a fraction of the yield point or off set stress.
This fraction is referred to as the factor of safety. This is expressed algebraically as:
Ultimate Stress
Factor of Safety =
Safe Working Stress
For example, a material having a UTS of 25 tons per sq. in. may be assigned a safe working stress of 5 tons
per sq. in. giving a Factor of Safety of 5.
Riveted Joints
Most heritage boilers are of riveted construction. There are several types of riveted joint, the most common
being the lap type where one
plate overlaps the other as
shown in fig. 8a). Examples
of this type of joint are the
circumferential seams of
boiler barrel rings, tubeplates
and for firebox flanged plates.
In all these examples, the
rivets are stressed in single
shear. Doubling plates are
used for the longitudinal joints
where the rivets are stressed
in double shear as illustrated
in Fig. 8b). It should be noted
that in early boilers,
longitudinal barrel joints were
usually lap seamed and due
to the combined effect of
pressure and corrosive
conditions, the plates had a
tendency to groove and many
catastrophic failures resulted
as a consequence.
The thickness of the plates is defined by the loads they have to carry. Once this is established (see below)
the diameter and pitch of the rivets can be calculated.
It will be apparent that the strength of a riveted joint will never reach the same as that of the parent plate. The
concept of joint efficiency is introduced to deal with this fact as follows:
Strength of Joint
Efficiency of Joint =
Strength of original plate
The following value of ultimate stresses is typical of those used in boiler design:
Ultimate Stress ( Tons per square in)
Tension Steel 28
Copper* 14
Shear Steel 23
Copper* 9.5
Compression Steel 46
Copper* 16
*Arsenical grade copper
Assuming the previous example, the Safe Working Stress would be 5 tons per sq. in.
The theoretical thickness is then calculated from the formula for Circumferential or Hoop stress. The required
thickness is then established as:
Theoretical thickness
Required thickness =
Efficiency of the joint (0.7)
Having determined the Required Thickness, there are two more considerations in the design of a boiler to
take into account before deciding the final thickness of the plates. These are corrosion and temperature.
Normally a corrosion or temperature factor is applied where required. To illustrate this, if a corrosion factor of
0.8 is used and a temperature factor of 0.95, then if the Required Thickness is 0.5” the final thickness would
Final thickness = = 0.657"
0.8 x 0.95
πd 2 σ shear
Shear strength of rivet =
The resistance to tearing of the plate is the area of the plate between the inside of the adjacent rivets or
expressed algebraically as:
Tearing Shear strength of joint = ( pitch of rivets − diameter of one rivet ) thickness of plate x tensile stress
πd 2 σ shear
Pitch of rivets = + d
4 x plate thickness x σ tensile
Although British Standard B.S. 931 for Loco-Type Boilers of Riveted Construction is now obsolete, for those
that are concerned, the rules for riveted joints are set out in its contents. These include single, double and
other configurations of riveted joints.
Metal Fatigue
The stress patterns within a boiler’s structure are very complex. It is a tribute to the design of the locomotive
boiler that so many hundreds of thousands have provided a safe means of generating steam during the span
of the age of steam traction. In the main, designers of boilers very often employed rule of thumb principles
with a few first order calculations to bolster the assumptions. The main problem was (and still is) that what
goes on inside a boiler is largely a matter of conjecture. For example, the complex stresses in boiler stays
are difficult to ascertain and many attempts at solutions to premature fracturing have been tried. There is no
doubt that many failures of boiler components and structures result from thermal cycling. Such cycling is due
to the strains produced when lighting up from cold and cooling down from hot and more critically from heavy
fluctuations of output during operations in a railway environment. Some appreciation of what this entails may
be found useful.
The cause of premature fracture of materials under fatigue or cyclic stress conditions was not fully
understood until the coming of the aeronautical engineering industry. Items of engine mountings,
undercarriages and wings failed without warning, a truly disastrous situation. This led to intensive
investigation of the phenomenon with the result that in present times the onset of fatigue failure can be
readily predicted and actions instituted to prevent catastrophic failures. In boilers, the principles on which the
fatigue theory is based also apply in certain areas of the structure.
Considering the mechanism of cyclic stresses: The stresses involved can be applied mechanically or
indirectly by thermal means and failures are influenced both by the level of stress and to the number of
cycles to which the particular structural element is subjected.
Fig. 9 shows a rotating spindle with load acting on its free end, this load being reacted by roller bearings at
both ends. It will be apparent that the fibres in the top of the spindle are in tension, whilst those at the bottom
are in compression. As the spindle rotates through one revolution, the stresses alternate from tension to
When a material is subjected to high stress at high temperatures, it can extend or change its physical shape.
During such time, the material becomes weakened and can fail to perform its intended role. Such
temperatures and conditions do not occur in locomotive boilers although can become troublesome in high
performance watertube boilers used in power generation.
A specimen of the material is produced and an impact applied in the testing machine to fracture it. Whilst the
impact energy can be determined from the test apparatus, the results are subjective assessments and thus
some caution should be exercised with the interpretation of energy absorption figures obtained. In cases of
doubt, a professional interpretation of the fracture faces and local deformations may also be necessary when
considering the suitability of a material.
One test that can readily identify if a material is ductile is to prepare a sample strip of material and bend it
back on itself through 180° over a 1 x its thickness radius bend. If the metal “tears” on the outside of the
bend, it should be regarded as suspect and more exhaustive tests carried out.
Another property that can readily be assessed is hardness. It is often useful to know the hardness of a
material either to verify if it is representative of the material in question or if local hardening has taken place
which may lead to subsequent failure. This can be carried out on a specimen of the parent material. Several
hardness testing methods are available, the more common ones being the Vickers, Rockwell and Brinell.
Since this table was produced by British Railways; BS1400 has been replaced by BS EN 1982:2002 and
BS249 has been replaced by ASTM B927/927M-09
EN3 A 070M20
EN3 B 080A15
EN3 C 070M20
EN5 K 080M30
EN8 080M40
EN16 605M36
EN 24 817M40
EN32 080M15
EN32 C 080A15
BS970 has now been split up into - BS EN 10095:1995, 10250-4:2000, 10085-2001,PD 970-2001, BS EN
10087:199, 10083-1-1991, 10084-1-1998 all might be applicable.
Volumetric Techniques
These techniques are commonly Ultrasonic or Radiographic Examination. Both techniques, when properly
employed, give excellent results. The employment of these two techniques very much depends on the
geometry of the area to be tested. With ultrasonic techniques a clear area to allow complete scanning is
required, whereas, with radiography, changes of material section and general access to the test area may be
a consideration for not using this technique.
Thus it can be seen that no one technique fits all investigations. Where a crack is visible on the exposed
surface it may just be sufficient to use surface breaking techniques, then repair the crack by its removal and
making good by weld. On completion of the welding operation the repaired area should then be tested for
surface breaking defects (this test should not be made until at least 12 hours has elapsed from the
completion of all welding operations for materials/welding techniques susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement
type cracking to allow for any weld induced cracks to propagate). At that point a second technique of
volumetric testing to confirm the integrity of the body of the weld would be needed.
The techniques listed are not a comprehensive list and are meant for guidance; other techniques may be
more applicable and may be successfully employed.
It is normal practice to combine magnetic particle investigation for surface and near surface breaking defects
with an ultrasonic survey to ensure that a complete area survey is completed.
There are three major types of penetrant which should be applied to steel and copper for the following times
prior to developing the results.
Water Washable Post Emulsified Solvent Removed
Material Flaw
Penetration Time Penetrant Time Penetration Time
The above table gives times for the application of penetrant for interpretation in normal light. Another similar
process known as Fluorescent Dye Penetrant may be used for the detection of flaws as narrow as 150 nano-
meters. This is a specialist technique, which must only be undertaken in clean conditions with suitably
qualified staff.
Ultrasonic Techniques
Ultrasonic flaw detection, unlike the Dye Penetrant or MPI techniques, not only locates surfaces breaking
defects but assesses the whole of the weld and parent material in the area under examination taking into
account the volume of this area. This type of examination is often referred to as one of the volumetric
The ultrasonic technique uses a beam of short wavelength high frequency pulses in the frequency range of 1
to 5 MHz with wavelengths in the range 01 to 1 mm (typical values). The velocities of these waves through
material depends very much on the type of material being tested but are normally ranged between 1000-
6000 m/s. Such waves can travel large distances in fine grain metal.
In a normal simple detection technique a pulsed beam of ultrasound is sent through an item via a single
hand held probe which is placed on the material’s surface. A display screen then shows the time it takes for
a pulse to travel to a reflector, which may be the back surface of the material, a defect or any other free
surface. The received signal of a reflector may then be interpreted. The height of the reflected pulse relates
to the flaw size, but its position and what type of defect is being seen will require considerable operator skill
to interpret.
The sound waves so introduced into the material are normally of two types - compressional normally angled
at 90º to the surface ( 0º probe), and shear (traverse). This will ensure complete scan coverage of the test
area. The probes for these tests can be made such that the ultrasonic waves can be introduced to the
material at nearly any angle; normally 45º, 60º and 70º probes are used (shear wave).
The main drawback to this technique is the fact that, in older instruments, a permanent record is not
produced and the results rely on the skill of the operator. However modern Ultrasonic equipment is now able
to produce a permanent record displayed in a more user friendly way and can record all actions and values
taken by the operator which can be attached to the report of examination.
Radiography uses X-ray or gamma rays to penetrate a material to produce a permanent image on a
photographic film. The image so produced is the natural size of the object. This type of examination is often
referred to as one of the volumetric techniques.
X-rays and gamma rays are very short wavelength rays of electromagnetic radiation. The rays produced
have the ability to pass through solid material with some of the energy being absorbed by the material.
These rays affect all types of photographic film.
If a photographic plate is placed on one side of the material and a source of electromagnetic radiation on the
other side an image will be formed. The image formed will mirror the way in which the electromagnetic
energy is absorbed by the material such that variations in thickness will show on the film with no
differentiation as to whether these variations are in the surface or internal (not surface breaking).
The sources of radiation come basically in two forms:
X-rays - are produced when an electric current is passed across a cathode-ray tube. The higher the
voltage the greater the penetrating power of the radiation. It is common for industrial X-ray
equipment to range in voltage from 20 KV to 20 MV. The most powerful X-ray equipment can be
used to penetrate 20” (500 mm) of steel and produce satisfactory photographic images.
Radioactive isotope Iridium-192 gamma-radiography is commonly used for most general
engineering applications, but where greater penetrating powers are required Cobalt-60 is often
used. Other isotopes are suitable for use with this technique.
To obtain the best image definition it is desirable to have a small diameter radiation source. Typical X-ray
and gamma ray source sizes range from 1 to 4 mm which give good results. This technique is relatively
expensive both for the equipment used and cost of the photographic film. It is worth noting that it is becoming
more common for the image to be formed digitally doing away with the expense of film.
Generally gamma radiography requires a much longer exposure time than X-ray and produces a less sharp
image. Gamma radiography however is less expensive and far more portable and is commonly used for site
• Provides a permanent record.
• Reveals internal flaws within materials without affecting the material.