Justification of Artifacts Domain B
Justification of Artifacts Domain B
Justification of Artifacts Domain B
Monica Tepozano
National University
Clifton E. Johnson
This assignment serves to justify the three artifacts chosen for Domain B: Assessing Student
Learning; Artifact #1: Explanatory/Informative Essay Outline and Teacher Resources, Artifact
I selected this artifact because these were my ICEC paragraph examples and my
annotated outline that I modeled, in preparation for the students to write their own
preparation because I modeled what they were expected to do, and decreased the amount of
scaffolding, as the students became more comfortable with the paragraph style. The first ICEC
paragraph response had more support, with me providing more sentence stems and academic
vocabulary, such as transition words and phrases. As I continued the unit, my ICEC paragraphs
have less and less support, in preparation for the students to write their essay independently. By
gradually removing the added levels of support, I felt that I adequately prepared my students to
continue to develop their written language skills, while also preparing them to independently
write. In using an essay to assess a student’s learning I was focused on, “checking for
understanding and allowing students to consolidate their thinking” (Fisher and Frey, 2014, p.
The annotated outline, gave me an opportunity to explain how I would be assessing their
writing, and what components I would be looking for in their essay. I color coded the different
parts of the ICEC paragraph format, to make it more visual for students. In this way, they were
able to self-assess and make sure that they had included all of the pieces of the paragraphs in
their essays. This was an effective way of keeping track of who was on track, during the
I chose this artifact because this is a finished explanatory/informative essay that was
turned in from my third period. What you will note in this student sample is the way in which the
student highlighted her essay, to ensure that she had all of the pieces needed in her essay.
The student sample in the artifact, really highlights one of the many different ways that
students demonstrated their understanding of the essential question of the unit. She utilized the
various texts from the unit, and used text examples to support her controlling idea. She had
strong transitions, and she included all of the components from the outline.
In addition, this artifact is important because my master teacher told me the importance
of providing feedback for students. I provided feedback for the student that was “aligned to the
I chose this artifact because this was the article I utilized for my TPA 4. I used this article
close text reading and writing ICEC paragraphs. I utilized this short article before beginning a
new unit, so I could see where my students all were, so that I could adjust my teaching strategies
and student learning activities accordingly. As a result of this formative assessment, I learned
that many of my students were having difficulty making connections to the text, as well as using
text evidence to support their thinking.As Fisher and Frey (2014) state, “ analyzing student
writing is a great way for teachers to determine what their students know” (p. 62). This formative
assessment, helped guide my instruction for the unit. I planned reteaching opportunities of many
Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2014).Checking for understanding: formative assessment techniques for