LET Reviewer Math

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1. In mastery learning the definition of an acceptable standard of performance is called
a. SMART c. Criterion measure
b. Condition d. Behavior
2. Under what value measurement instrument does sentence/story completion fall?
a. Opinionnaire c. Projective technique
b. Moral dilemma d. Observation guide
3. Teacher B clears his throat to communicate disapproval of a student’s behavior. Which specific
influence technique is this?
a. Proximity control c. Signal interference
b. Interest boosting d. Direct appeal
4. Which is the first step in planning an achievement test?
a. Select the type of test items to use.
b. Decide on the length of the test..
c. Define the instructional objective
d. Build a table of specification
5. Which may NOT be a benefit derived from the use of graphic organizers?
a. Make relationships among detail clear
b. Enable students to identify important ideas and details
c. Strengthen team work
d. Represent stated information in concrete form
6. Whitehead’s “ educated man” is the man of culture and expertise. Which one most completely
describes the “ educated” man according to Whitehead?
a. Highly dependent and deeply involved
b. Critical and deeply involved
c. Productive and deeply involved
d. Productive and obeys blindly
7. Rights which can not be renounced or transferred because they are necessary for the fulfillment
of man’s primordial obligations are called
a. Perfect rights c. Acquired rights
b. Alienable rights d. Inalienable rights
8. During Spanish period the medium of instruction in schools was (were)
a. The vernacular c. English
b. Spanish and the vernacular d. Spanish
9. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to ________.
a. Discrimination c. Correlation
b. Level of difficulty d. Central tendency
10. One strength of an autobiography as a technique for personality appraisal is that
a. It can replace data obtained from other data-gathering technique
b. It gives complete data about the author
c. It makes possible the presentation of intimate experiences that can not be revealed in a face-to-
face situation by shy students
d. It may be read by unauthorized people
11. If teacher wants to develop in the learner the skills to organize ideas which one should he
a. Histogram c. Graphic organizer
b. Venn diagram d. K-W-L technique
12. Russel thinks that some amount of constraints and discipline is indispensable to education.
Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher to.
a. Allow the child to react in any manner to these constraints
b. Help the child see the importance of these constraints
c. Apologize before parents for these necessary constraints
d. Convince the child that he/she has no choice but to subject himself/herself to these constraints
13. Which characteristic of a good test will pupils be assured of when a teacher constructs a table
of specification for test construction purposes?
a. Scorability c. Economy
b. Reliability d. Content validity
16. Which one will most likely increase student participation?
a. Feeling or emotions are not permitted in the discussion
b. The group leader allows quiet members to remain quiet
c. The teacher models good listening habits
d. Repeat directions over and over until everyone listens.
17. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?
a. The mean, the median, and the mode are equal
b. Most of the scores are high
c. The mode is high
d. Most of the scores are low
18. Learning takes place best when
a. Learning exercises are focused on the right side of the brain
b. Learning exercises involve both sides of the brain
c. Learning exercises are focused on cognitive objectives
d. Learning exercises are focused on the left side of the brain
19. A negative discrimination index means that
a. Less from the lower group got the test item correctly
b. More from the lower group answered the test item correctca
c. The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper group
d. More from the upper group answered the test item correctly
20. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and so
teaches you the skill to cope with change. Which is his governing philosophy?
a. Existentialism c. Idealism
b. Realism d. Experimentalism
21. Which is a characteristic of infused or integrated instruction?
a. Does not allow deviation from intended objective
b. Includes all thinking process from low level to high level
c. Excludes related topics
d. Confines itself to higher level thinking process
22. Here is a performance objective:” WITH THE AID OF A PERIODIC CHART, the student will list
the atomic weights of the first ten elements.” The capitalized words are referred to as the.
a. Performance statement c. Behavior
b. Minimum acceptable performance d. Condition
23. Which statement about Grade 7 is correct?
a. Grade 7 was introduced in America but never in the Philippines
b. Spain introduced Grade 7 in the country
c. Grade 7 was established by the Education Act of 1940
d. The 1901 Department of Public Instruction established Grade 7
24. Marvin, a Grade I pupil, plays with his classmates but can not accept defeat. Based on
Piaget’s theory or cognitive development, in what developmental stage is Marvin?
a. Concrete operation c. Formal operation
b. Sensorimotor d. Pre-operational
25. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in this test item? EDGAR ALLAN POE
WROTE _____________.
a. The length of the blank suggests the answer
b. The central problem is not packed in the stem
c. It is open to more than one correct answer
d. The blank is at the end of the question
26. In her Science class Teacher H uses the process approach. Which order of process will she
I. Identifying the problem
II. Formulating the hypothesis
III. Setting the experiment
IV. Drawing tentative conclusion
a. II, III, I, IV c. I, III, II, IV
b. II, I, III, IV d. I, II, III, IV
27. Whitehead’s “inert ideas” apply when the teacher
a. Relates what is taught to life concerns
b. Covers the Philippine Elementary/Secondary Learning Competencies without relating them to
daily life
c. Shows how the learner is concerned with what is taught
d. Leads the learner to see how all that is taught hangs together in a meaningful whole
28. For brainstorming to be effective which one should be out?
a. Non-threatening atmosphere
b. Teacher’s judgmental attitude
c. Openness to idea
d. Making use of other’s ideas shared
29. Which is the highest level of comprehension?
a. Critical Comprehension
b. Critical evaluation
c. Integration
d. Literal comprehension
30. Which statement on spaced and massed learning is CORRECT?
a. Both massed learning and spaced learning are not effective
b. Massed learning is better than spaced learning
c. Massed learning is as effective as spaced learning
d. Spaced learning is better than massed learning
31. If teacher wants to elaborate on a central idea by adding details to the central idea which one
should he use?
a. Time line c. Venn diagram
b. Cluster map d. Story map
32. Mother equally divided the pineapple juice in two glasses for her two boys. One glass is short
but stout; another long but thin. Both boys wanted the long but thin glass believing that it contained
more. In what developmental stage are the boys?
a. Concrete operation c. Senrorimotor
b. Formal operation d. Pre-operational
33. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth. Which practice is
NOT in keeping with his role as facilitator?
a. Keeps himself abreast with educational trends
b. Dialogs with parents and with other members of the community
c. Considers the multiple intelligences of learners
d. Humiliates misbehaving pupils
34. What can be said of Jones who obtained a score of 75 in a Grammar Test?
a. He performed better thanh 75% of his classmates
b. He answered 75 items in the test correctly
c. He got a raw score of 75
d. He answered 75% of the test items correctly
35. Which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Completion c. Multiple choice
b. Matching d. Alternate response
36. Which best indicates the effectiveness classroom activities?
a. The utilization of varied techniques and approaches
b. The laughter and enjoyment of students
c. The application of concept learned in daily life
d. The variety of instructional materials used
37. Which feature was true to Philippine education during the Spanish regime?
a. Establishment of a normal school
b. Separation of Church and state
c. Vernacular as medium of instruction
d. Emphasis on religious instruction
38. Q1 is to 25th percentile as median is to
a. 40th percentile c. 50th percentile
b. 75th percentile d. 60th percentile
39. Which graphic organizer provides a visual representation of analytical thinking where the
concept, the focus of analysis, is written at the center of a circle and major characteristics are
placed like the sun’s rays from the center?
a. Sequence chair c. Web
b. Story map d. Attribute wheel
40. Which group activity is illustrated when a teacher allows the evaluation of members’ work by
the group and encourage the giving of constructive moment’s and suggestions about ways to
improve the work?
a. Jury trial c. Consensus decision
b. Critiquing session d. Round table
41. Which one indicates a teacher’s genuine enthusiasm and pride teaching?
a. Telling everyone that he went to teaching for there was no other choice then
b. Belittling the renumeration one gets from teaching
c. Engaging himself in continuing professional education
d. Sticking to teaching for the moment that three are no better offers
42. It is necessary that the parts of a lesson plan from the first to the last have
a. Completeness c. Symmetry
b. Conciseness d. Coherence
43. When is giving praise INEFFECTIVE? When it
a. Provide information to students about their competence and the value of their accomplishments
b. Uses the accomplishment of peers as the context for describing a student’s present
c. Shows spontaneity, variety and other signs of credibility
d. Focuses students attention on their own task-relevant behavior
44. In writing performance objective which word is NOT acceptable?
a. Delineate c. Intergrate
b. Manipulate d. Comprehend
45. In what way does cultural alienation fail to contribute to nation-building?
a. The Filipino will look at his culture as something superior over others
b. The Filipino has no sense of national pride
c. The Filipino closes himself to foreign influence
d. The Filipino operates on a Filipino model of development
46. Just as selected Filipino teachers today are sent abroad to study, the Americans did the same
in 1903. These teacher scholars then were known as:
a. Insulares c. Peninsulares
b. Pensionados d. Reformists
47. Which according to Rizal is the main formula for national redemption?
a. Gaining economic recovery
b. Stabilizing the political situation
c. Opening our doors to foreign influence
d. Upgrading the quality of the Filipino through education
48. An American student enrolled in the Philippines is repelled by the Filipinos’ lack of punctuality
and use of euphemism. Which term refers to his experience?
a. Ethnocentrism c. Xenocentrism
b. Colonial mentality d. Culture shock
49. What is claimed to be the overall advantage of criterion-referenced over norm-
a. An individual’s score is compared with the set mastery level
b. An individual’s score is compared with that of his peers
c. An individuals score is compared with the average scores
d. An individual’s score does not need to be compared with any measure
50. Teacher Y does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the following does she do?
a. She uses a specified content as its frame of reference
b. She describes group performance in relation to a level of mastery set
c. She compares every individual student scores with others’ scores
d. She describes what should be their performance
51. Out of the 3 distracters in a multiple choice type of test namely, A, B, and D, no pupil chose D
as answer. This implies that D is
a. A vague alternative
b. A plausible distracter
c. An ineffective distracter
d. An effective distracter
52. The main purpose of the compulsory study of the Constitution in Philippine schools is to
a. Prepare students for law-making
b. Acquaint students with the historical development of the Phil. Constitution
c. Make constitutional experts of the students
d. Develop the students into responsible, thinking citizens
53. Which must be primarily considered in the choice of an instructional aid?
a. Must be new and skillfully made
b. Must be updated and relevant to Filipino setting
c. Must stimulate and maintain student interest
d. Must be suited to the lesson objective
54. In a study pupils were asked about their preference for a mother country. Only 4.83%
preferred Philippines. This finding shows that several pupils
a. Don’t know their country
b. Are not sure of what they want
c. Haven’t developed national consciousness
d. Are not enlightened citizens
55. All the examinees obtained scores below the mean. A graphic representation of the score
distribution will be:
a. Negatively skewed
b. Perfect normal curve
c. Leptokurtic
d. Positively skewed
56. The lesson is on the pros and cons of declaring a state rebellion in the country. Teacher B
wants his students to arrive at a view of the declaration of the state of rebellion from different
perspectives. Which technique will be most appropriate?
a. Role playing c. Panel discussion
b. Simulation d. Braistorming
57. Which statement applies when score distribution is negatively skewed?
a. The mean corresponds to a high value
b. The mode corresponds to a low value
c. The median is higher than the mode
d. The mode and median are equal
58. In a normal distribution curve a T-score of 70 is:
a. Two SDs below the mean
b. Two SDs above the mean
c. One SD below the mean
d. One SD above the mean
Based on the table which is the most effective distracter?
a. Option D c. Option A
b. Option C d. Option B
60. Teacher T wants the group to evaluate an issue by having the group act out a jury trial. Which
technique will he employ?
a. Critiquing c. Majority-rule decision making
b. Panel d. Simulation
61. Which activities should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to develop
logical-mathematical thinking?
a. Storytelling c. Independent study
b. Problem solving d. Drama
62. Which type of test measures higher order thinking skills?
a. Enumeration c. Completion
b. Matching d. Analogy
63. Which is a convergent question?
a. Did the LA SOLIDARIDAD accomplished its purpose? Why or why not?
b. Who was the first editor of the LA SOLIDARIDAD?
c. Why did the LA SOLIDARIDAD come about?
d. If you were editor of the LA SOLIDARIDAD what would you do?
64. Here is a performance objective: Given a compass and a straight edge, construct a pentagon
within 5 degrees of accuracy on any of the inside or outside angles. Which is the condition
a. Within 5 degrees of accuracy
b. Constrcut a pentagon
c. On any of the inside or outside angles
d. Given a compass and a straight edge
65. Which view on intelligence runs counter to Gardner’s MI theory?
a. Learners possess multiple intelligence’s
b. Learners can develop each of the eight multiple intelligence’s
c. Learners have a single, quantifiable intelligence
d. Learners are strong in some and weak in other intelligence’s
66. Some students who are high in the scholastic aptitude tests have failed in college. Some who
are below the standards set for admission, but who, for various reason, were admitted, attained
satisfactory standings. This proves that
a. Aptitude tests can be perfectly relied on
b. Human beings are certainly predictable
c. Admission tests are not accurate, hence should not be used
d. Aptitude tests do not measure all factors important for success
67. The use of the process approach gives the students the opportunity to
a. Learn how to learn
b. Make use of laboratory apparatuses
c. Apply the scientific method
d. Learn on their own
68. Teacher H and Teacher I are rivals for promotion. To gain the favor of the promotional staff,
Teacher I offers her beach resort for free for the members of the promotional staff before the
ranking. As one of the contenders for promotion, is this becoming of her to do?
a. Yes, the rare invitation will certainly be welcomed by an overworked promotional staff
b. Yes, this will be professional growth for the promotional staff
c. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with sharing one’s blessings
d. No, this may exert undue influence on the members of the promotional staff and so may fail to
promote someone on the basis of merit.
69. A child who gets punished for stealing candy may not steal again immediately. But this does
not mean that the child may not steal again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and
learning, this shows that.
a. Punishment strengthens a response
b. Punishment removes a response
c. Punishment does not remove a response
d. Punishment weakens a response
70. Standard deviation is to variability as is to central tendency
a. Mode c. Range
b. Quantile d. Pearson
71. A comprehension skill of higher level which may be inferred or implied from reading is
a. Noting specific details
b. Picking out the main idea
c. Following directions
d. Drawing conclusion
72. One philosopher considers education as the acquisition of the art of the utilization of
knowledge. This implied that.
a. A learner’s application of what she has learned is necessary
b. A learner’s interest in art is commendable
c. A learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient
d. A learner’s acquisition of information is not important
73. For professional growth which source of teacher performance evaluation is considered more
valid and reliable considering time spent together?
a. Self –evaluation
b. Supervisory evaluation
c. Students’ evaluation
d. Peer evaluation
74. If you have to vote for the sake of the nation you will vote for
a. A candidate who has the making of a public servant
b. A neighbor who is closet to you in times of need
c. A candidate who helped you concretely by giving cash
d. A Ninong from whom you owe your father’s job
75. Teacher F wanted to teach the pupils the skill to do cross stitching. Her check up quiz was a
written test on test on steps of cross stitching. Which characteristic of a good test does it lack?
a. Scorability c. Validity
b. Objectivity d. Reliability
76. The search for related literature by accessing several data bases by the use of a telephone
line to connect a computer in a library with other computers that have database is termed:
a. Computer search
b. Compact disc search
c. On-line search d. Manual search
77. The strongest disadvantage of the alternate-response type of test is:
a. The demand for critical thinking
b. The absence of analysis
c. The encouragement of rote memory
d. The high possibility of guessing
78. Teacher wants his pupils to master the skill in adding unlike fractions. Which teaching method
should he use?
a. Discovery method c. Unit method
b. Type method d. Drill method
79. If the teacher’s pattern in questioning consist of calling on a student then asking the question.
a. The student called to answer may be able to think well of his answer
b. The rest of the class may just dictate the answer
c. The rest of the class may not engage themselves in thinking of the answer
d. All students may be encouraged to participate
80. A student was asked to respond to a series of pictures, ink blots and to similarly ambiguous
stimuli for personality appraisal. To what tool was he subjected?
a. Anecdotal record c. Projective technique
b. Sociometry d. Problem checklist
81. The guidance counselor as a social worker means that the guidance counselor will
a. Spend much time planning, giving, the interpreting tests
b. Give vocational guidance
c. Do tutoring
d. Do counseling with children who are disturbed emotionally
82. The “brain” of the computer is the
a. Monitor c. Keyboard
b. UPS d. CPU
83. A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution will most likely to be
a. Leptokurtic c. Skewed to the left
b. Skewed to the right d. Very normal
84. In the Preamble of the Code of the Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is not mentioned
about teachers?
a. Possess dignity and reputation
b. With high moral values as well as technical and professional competence
c. LET passers
d. Duly licensed professionals
85. According to Confucius, what is the best way to rule a people and attain harmony?
a. By allowing people to do as they please
b. By consulting the governed
c. By force
d. By moral example
86. Which technique gives a group an opportunity to listen to other groups’ comments or
suggestions regarding the group’s work?
a. Majority-rule decision-making
b. Critiquing session
c. Panel
d. Forum
87. Which factor hampers mastery of developmental tasks?
a. Creativity
b. Lack of motivation
c. Absence of physical defect
d. High level of intelligence
88. Which is referred to as a list of instructions that the computer carries out one at a time?
a. Diskette c. Computer program
b. File d. CD
89. Which statement about Median is CORRECT?
a. It is measure of variability
b. It is the most stable measure of central tendency
c. It is the 50th percentile
d. It is significantly affected by extrema scores
90. Why should learning activities be carefully planned?
a. This is required of a teacher
b. The ability of the teacher to plan is tested
c. The accomplishment of objectives is dependent on the plan
d. This is expected by pupils
91. In Russel’s negative theory of education”, for which reason must impositions on the learner be
a. To allow the learner to do what is required
b. To train the learner to live within limits
c. To allow the learner to discover and to inquire
d. To direct the learner to do the right thing
92. In order to avoid disgrace, a pregnant, unmarried woman takes drugs to induce abortion. Is
she morally justified to do that?
a. No. The unborn child can not made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his parents
b. Yes, It can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up
c. No. The act of inducing abortion is bad in self
d. No. It is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much due to
the absence of a father
93. In which way does heredity affect the development of the learner?
a. By compensating for what environment fails to develop
b. By placing limits beyond which the learner can not develop
c. By blocking the influence of environment
d. By providing equal potential
94. When a teacher teaches the idea that it is wrong to think that Filpino lifestyle, products and
ideas are inferior to those of other nationalities he fights against feelings of
a. Culture shock c. Xenocentrism
b. Ethnocentrism d. Acculturation
95. Which is the best indicator of a well-managed class?
a. The learners pursue their task without inhibition
b. The learners are controlled by the teacher
c. The learners blindly obey teacher’s instructions
d. The learners are earnestly engaged in an activity that leads them to realize the staged goal
96. Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) most appropriate when the score distribution is
not badly skewed?
a. Median and mode c. Mode
b. Mean d. Median
97. Which of the following teacher behaviors my NOT enhance the developmental of high-level
thinking skills?
a. Encouraging credibility as a criterion
b. Asking convergent question
c. Making students aware of their mental process
d. Teaching for meaning
98. What does a skewed score distribution mean?
a. The scores are normally distributed
b. The mean and the median are equal
c. The mode, the mean, and the median are equal
d. The scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end
99. Which is implied a negatively skewed score distribution?
a. Most pupils are underachievers
b. Most of the scores are high
c. Most of the scores are low
d. The scores are evenly distribution from the left to the right
100. The principle of individual differences requires teaches to
a. Treat all learners alike while in the classroom
b. Provide for a variety of learning activities
c. Give greater attention to gifted learners
d. Prepare modules for slow learners in class
101. Which activity is are meant for the bodily-kinesthetically intelligent pupils?
a. Cooperative learning
b. Individualized instruction
c. Independent study
d. Dance
102. The three-level approach to teaching includes the teaching of facts and skills, concepts, and
values. Which teaching is in highest level?
a. Skills c. Facts
b. Values d. Concepts
103. Which statement is NOT true of guidance?
a. Guidance is concerned with the entire individual
b. Guidance is an integral part of education
c. Guidance helps individuals develop the ability to make intelligent choices
d. Guidance makes choices for individuals
104. Which on stifles student’s initiative?
a. Rationalism
b. Extreme authoritarianism
c. “Utang-na-loob
d. “Bahala na”
105. Which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Short answer
b. Restricted-response essay
c. Completion
d. Multiple choice
106. The following are trends in making and reporting system, EXCEPT:
a. Indicating strong points as well as those needing improvement
b. Conducting parent-teacher conferences as often as needed
c. Raising the passing grade from 75 to 80
d. Supplementing subject grades with checklist on traits
107. A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling company brings about damage to
teeth. Much as he wants to share the products of his research, he could not because of
harassment from all sides. Which teacher’s right is violated?
a. Right to make a livelihood
b. Academic freedom
c. Right to one’s honor
d. Right to property
108. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set of scores?
a. Scattergram c. Frequency polygon
b. Histogram d. Scatterplot
109. Which term refers to a model which is constructed so as to emphasize a particular part or
a. Simulation c. Audio recording
b. Mock up d. Realia
110. Why can the calculator do arithmetic? Because
a. A TV inside shows it
b. A typewriter inside does it
c. A computer inside the calculator tells it how
d. A watch inside directs it
111. On which constitutional provision is the full or partial integration of capable deaf and blind
students in the classroom based? The provision on
a. Creating scholarship for poor and deserving students
b. Academic freedom
c. Providing citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youths
d. Protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality education
112. Which of the following is (are) the least stable measure(s) of central tendency?
a. Median c. Mode
b. Mean d. Mode and median
113. Teaching in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains is based on the concept that
the learner is a
a. Material and an acting being
b. Moral and a feeling being
c. Spiritual and material being
d. Thinking, feeling, and acting being
114. Which statement on responsibility is CORRECT?
a. A person’s degree of responsibility is fixed at birth
b. A person’s sense of responsibility decreases as he grows in age
c. A person’s sense of responsibility can not be developed
d. A person’s sense of responsibility increases as he grows in age
115. Which may NOT help develop attentive listening in the students?
a. Conducting oral tests frequently
b. Assigning student to give a summary of the lesson
c. Repeating direction, comments, and questions
d. Asking a student to paraphase a previous student’s response
116. Which assumption underlies teachers’ use of performance objectives?
a. Performance objectives assure the learner of learning
b. Not every form of learning is observable
c. The success of the learner is based on others’ performance.
d. Learning is defined as a change in the learner’s observable performance
117. Which is unethical for teachers to do?
a. Obeying the legitimate policies of the school administration
b. Maintaining cordial relation with parents
c. Refusing to serve in worthwhile neighborhood activities as these will adversely affect her
d. Conferring with the next of kin about the problems and needs of a student
118. Which statement is TRUE to guidance?
a. Guidance is aimed merely at the amelioration of trauma
b. Guidance is concerned with the maximum development of the individual
c. Guidance is confined to one type of life situation like social
d. Guidance is making intelligent choices for confused individuals.
119. In time of war, soldiers must be ready to give up their lives in defense of the nation. Which
principle is applied?
a. More common good-Public safety before private safety
b. Closer relationship-Friends before strangers
c. Wider social order-Family before the individual
d. Nobler person-God before man
120. “ What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” This means that
pupils learn best when they
a. Learn independently
b. Work with groups
c. Watch TV
d. Take active part in the learning process.
121. Both Muslim and Christian value marriage but the Muslim practices polygamous marriage
while the Christian practices monogamous marriage. What is this called?
a. Ethical relativism c. Acculturation
b. Enculturation d. Cultural relativism
122. Which of the following is true of the brainstorming technique?
a. Quality is given the same stress as quantity
b. Picking up others’ ideas is encouraged.
c. Only practical ideas are accepted.
d. Each suggested idea is scrutinized.
123. Research found out that children learn visual discrimination tasks more rapidly if they talk to
themselves. This shows that
a. Visual discrimination can not be learned without vocalization.
b. Visual discrimination may be learned without vocalization.
c. Vocalization assists visual discrimination.
d. Vocalization does not enhance visual discrimination.
124. Which one should Teacher Y use if he wants to teach to pupils the relationship among
a. Journal entries c. Graphic Organizers
b. Story frame d. Learning log
125. If teacher M wants to build teamwork among his students which should he use more.
a. Lectures c. Independent study
b. Cooperative learning d. Brainteasers
126. Teacher C wants to compare 2 concepts. With which technique can he accomplish this best?
a. Histogram c. Venn diagram
b. K-W-L technique d. Spider web
127. The problem method can have an incalculable value for children because
a. Learning problem-solving skills will eliminate all life problems.
b. Problem-solving skills are needed for lifetime.
c. Learning problem solving skills will mean no more misbehaved children.
d. Life is full of problems.
128. Test norms are established in order to have a basis for
a. Establishing learning objectives.
b. Identifying pupils difficulties
c. Planning effective instructional devices.
d. Comparing test scores.
129. Which is an example of a perfect duty?
a. Supporting a poor but deserving student to school
b. Paying the worker the wages agreed upon
c. Donating an amount for a noble project
d. Giving alms to the needy
130. The test item “Group the following items according to shape” is a thought question on
a. Creating c. Comparing
b. Generalizing d. Classifying.
131. Marvin, a Grade I pupil, is happy when he wins in a game but sulks when he doesn’t. Which
does Marvin’s behavior indicate?
a. Egotism c. Rigidity of thought
b. Egocentrism d. Sernilogical reasoning
132. A melody may sound sad to one and yet when the individual notes are played separately
there is nothing sad about it. This viewpoint is based on the doctrine that
a. The whole of experience is equal to the sum of its parts.
b. The whole of experience is more than the sum of its parts.
c. The whole experience is less than the sum of its parts.
d. The whole of experience is not in any way related to the sum of its parts.
133. On which theory is the logical sequencing of curriculum based?
a. Perennialism c. Essentialism
b. Progressivism d. Reconstructionism
134. In what way can instructional aids enhance learning?
a. Hold students in the classroom
b. Entertain students
c. Take the place of the teacher
d. Reinforce learning
135. To build a sense of pride among FILIPINO young which should be done?
a. Re-study our history from the perspective of our colonizers
b. Replace the study of folklores and myths with technical subjects that make youths globally
c. Re-study our history and stress on our achievements as a people
d. Set aside the study of local history
136. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their
teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching
a. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly compensated.
b. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for
betterment of communities
c. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to lead in community activities
d. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job
137. When necessary conditions are present, the use of inductive method is preferred because
a. It needs only a few instruction materials
b. There is greater active participation on the part of pupils
c. It gives the teacher more time to rest
d. Academic time is used wisely
138. Which is the best reason why Mr. Cruz begins a lesson in Math by checking and reviewing on
the previous day’s assignment and provides practice and drills?
a. Prepare the students for the mastery test
b. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for students
c. Check if parents guide their children in the making of assignment
d. Make sure that the students understand the pre-requisite skills of the lesson
139. Here is a test item: “Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna on June _________, 1861.”
What is wrong with the item?
a. The blank is very short
b. It is concerned with trivia
c. The blank is near the end
d. It is open to more than one correct answer
140. How students learn may be more important than what they learn. From this principle, which of
the following is particularly important?
a. Solving a problem within time allotted
b. Getting the right answer to a word problem
c. Knowing how to solve a problem
d. Determining the givens
141. Authority comes from GOD and is meant to:
a. Distinguish the powerless from the powerful
b. Be lorded over others
c. Be used to exploit others
d. Be used to serve others
142. With which function is the left hemisphere of the brain involved?
a. Intuitive c. Nonverval
b. Visual d. Logical
143. The study type of reading exercises gives practice in
a. Picking out the main ideas
b. All sorts of study methods
c. Reading skills needed in other subjects
d. Recognizing the precise meaning of words
144. For effective classroom management, when should a teacher undertake the task of setting up
of routine activities?
a. Every Homeroom day
b. Everyday at the start of the session
c. As soon as the students have adjusted to their schedules
d. On the very first day of school
145. The score distribution follows the normal curve. What does this mean?
a. Most of the scores are on the –2 SD
b. Most of the scores are on the + 2 SD
c. The scores coincide with the mean
d. Most of the scores pile up between –1 SD and + 1 SD
146. The computed for English and Math scores is___75. What does this mean?
a. The higher than scores in Math the higher the scores in English.
b. Math and English scores are not in any way related
c. The higher the scores in Math, the lower the scores in English
d. The lower the scores in Math the lower the scores in English
147. To which Filipino trait can one attribute a Filipino student’s resistance to scientific methods
and unquestioning obedience to authority?
a. Impersonalism c. Personalism
b. Rationalism d. Non-rationalism
148. In her conduct of item analysis, Teacher G found out that a significantly greater number from
the upper group of the class got test item # 5 correctly. This means that the test item
a. Has a negative discriminating power
b. Is valid
c. Is easy
d. Has a positive discriminating power
149. For counseling to be successful which assumption must be AVOIDED?
a. The student is willing to participate in the process
b. The counselor tells the student what to do
c. The environment must provide assurance of confidentiality
d. The counselor must be able to relate to the student
150. Which is selective reading technique meant at getting at important facts very fast?
a. Silent reading c. Oral reading
b. Skim reading d. Scanning
151. Which element should be present for brainstorming to be effective?
a. Lax atmosphere
b. Teacher’s non-judgmental attitude
c. Teacher’s use of “put down” strategy
d. Threatening atmosphere
152. Which technique is most appropriate when a teacher wants a group to agree on a plan of
a. Agenda
b. Composite report
c. Symposium
d. Consensus decision-making
153. Which order is observed in the task analysis model of lesson organization?
a. Facts, principle, concepts, generalization
b. Facts, generalization, concepts, principle
c. Facts, concepts, generalization, principle
d. Facts, concepts, principle, generalization
154. Who are NOT covered by the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
a. Teachers in the tertiary level
b. All full time or part time public and private school teacher and administrators
c. Teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, elementary and secondary levels
d. Teachers of academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal institutions
155. Education in human rights starts with
a. Loving the other
b. Liking the other
c. Caring for the other
d. Respect towards the other
156. What is the advantage of standard scores over percentiles?
a. They have a zero reference point
b. They have scales of equal units
c. They indicate an individual’s relative standing in a group
d. They indicate specific points in the normal curve
157. Teacher Q shares this concept with her students: “What you do not want done to your self do
not do to others. “This concept is
a. Buddhist and Confucian
b. Muslim and Christian
c. Christian and Confucian
d. Hindu and Christian
158. A teacher by reason of having gotten tired of elections resulting to no change did not exercise
her right of suffrage last May 14, 2001. Which provision in the Code of Ethics did she fail to
a. Every teacher shall possess and actualize full commitment and devotion to duty
b. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest
c. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and responsibilities
d. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom
159. The Continuous Progression Scheme introduced in the elementary level in the Philippines, in
the school year 1970-1971 had as its objective.
a. Mastery of the 3 r’ s
b. Pupil’s progression according to capacity
c. Mass promotion
d. Access to education
160. To educate the child for freedom is to educate him/her to
I. Respond to himself/herself
II. Respond to others
III. Do as he/she pleases
IV. Live as he/she desires
a. II, III b. I, III c. I, II d. I, IV
161. Peter sees Tony being attached by a bully classmate and realizes that, unless assisted, Tony
will be badly beaten up. He decides, however, not to stop them because Peter enjoys seeing the
fight. Did Peter act responsibly?
a. Yes, because by not taking part he prevented the fight from becoming worse
b. Yes, because he did not involve himself in the fight
c. No, Peter’s motive did not lead to any good
d. Yes, because anyway Tony, a bully himself, deserves to be beaten
162. In the problem solving method of teaching, which is the primary role of the teacher?
a. Director c. Lecturer
b. Classifier d. Judge
163. The schema theory asserts that
a. We learn by the process of conditioning
b. We are passive learners
c. We organize what we learn according to patterns
d. We are totally conditioned by our environment
164. Which term applies to the search for related literature by computer access of data bases on
discs kept in libraries?
a. Manual research
b. On-line research
c. Compact discs computer research
d. Computer research
165. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?
a. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for rating
b. Using a common conversion table for translating test scores into ratings
c. Allowing individual teaches to determine factors for rating
d. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another
166. Lorelie obtained a NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that.
a. She surpassed in performance 80% of his fellow examinees
b. She got a score of 80
c. She surpassed in performance 20% of his fellow examinees
d. She answered 80 items correctly
167. Determining the pronunciation and meaning of words by analyzing roots, affixes, and derived
forms is called
a. Contextual attack c. Structure analysis
b. Phonetic analysis d. Blending sounds
168. The cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in teaching is an influence of
a. Confucianism c. Shintoism
b. Taoism d. Zen Buddhism
169. Which test item is in the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives?
a. Explain how trees receive nutrients
b. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem
c. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth
d. List the parts of a tree
170. If the student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest, which of Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs should he satisfy?
a. Safety needs c. Belongingness
b. Physiological needs d. Self-actualization
171. When plateau is reached in a student’s learning curve, it is advisable for the learner to.
a. Continue reviewing
b. Give up learning
c. Take a rest
d. Force himself/herself to get interested
172. Based on Piaget’s theory, in what cognitive development stage in the learner who is capable
of abstract, hypothetical, and logical reasoning?
a. Concrete operation stage
b. Pre-operational stage
c. Formal operation stage
d. Sensori-motor stage
173. When teachers are convinced that it is best to teach students the skill to adapt to change
since change is the only thing permanent in this word, they subscribe to the philosophy of
a. Realism c. Pragmatism
b. Existentialism d. Idealism
174. The old adage “ Do not to others what you do not want others do to you” is a teaching of
a. Lao tsu c. Mohammad
b. Confucious d. Buddha
175. Which is the ultimate aim of classroom management?
a. To remove the physical conditions in the room that distract children’s attention
b. To set up conditions that bring about effective teaching and learning
c. To secure conformity to rulers with ease
d. To make children realize that they can not do everything they want
176. Which violates the spirit of Filipinization of educational institution?
a. An educational institution owned by a corporation of which 40% of the capital is owned by
Filipino citizens
b. An educational institution owned by a religious order
c. An American President serving as President of the educational institution
d. An educational institution owned by a charitable institution
177. Which is an element of norm-referenced grading?
a. The student’s past performance
b. An absolute standard
c. The performance of the group
d. What constitutes a perfect score
178. Which can effectively measure students awareness of values?
a. Anecdotal record c. Likert scales
b. Projective techniques d. Moral dilemma
179. Teacher K delegates some of her responsibilities to the whole class. She separate student
monitors for attendance, classroom cleaning, and distribution of learning materials. In which
aspect is she good?
a. Instructional planning c. Classroom management
b. Value development d. Classroom teaching
180. The Second World War has caused too much destruction to life and property and the Allied
forces consisting of the United States, Great Britain and France wanted to end it but Japan
consistently refused. To force Japan’s surrender the Allied forces dropped the first atomic bomb
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945. Which principle of morality applies in this
a. The end justices the means
b. Always do what is right
c. The end does not justify the means
d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil
181. Of the following methods used to discover the interests of people, which does NOT belong to
the group?
a. Analyzing activities that an individual performs
b. Using interests tests and inventories
c. Using anecdotal records
d. Asking individuals what they like to do
182. A child refuses to obey orders or displays negativism as a development trait. How may you
best handle him?
a. Insist on compliance to the same degree required of pupils.
b. Take every opportunity to praise him for every positive attitude displays
c. Avoid giving him orders or if you do and he objects take back the order
d. Detain him after office hours for him to do what he has been ordered to do.
183. Which process enhances the comparatibility of grades?
a. Determining the level of difficulty of the test
b. Using a table of specifications
c. Giving more high level questions
d. Constructing departmentalized examinationsm for each subject area
184. Royalty rights acquired through the authorship of a book are examples of
a. Imperfect rights c. Inalienable rights
b. Alienable rights d. Acquired rights
185. For grades to be made valid indicators of students achievements which process should be
a. Adopting letter grades such as A,B,C and D
b. Defining the course objectives as intended learning outcomes
c. Explaining the meaning of marks or grades
d. Giving objective type of tests
186. Using the six descriptions of the elements of a good short story, IDENTIFY IN WRITING THE
SIX ELEMENTS IN THE SHORT STORY BY O HENRY with complete accuracy. The capitalized
words are referred to as the
a. Minimum acceptable performance
b. Performance statement
c. Criterion success
d. Condition
187. For comparing and contrasting, which graphic organizer is most appropriate?
a. Story map c. Web
b. Venn diagram d. Cycle
188. Under which teaching strategy does a School’s Division practice of assigning a Girl Scout to
serve as Superintendent of the Day or Major of the Day for leadership training fall?
a. Symposium c. Panel discussion
b. Simulation d. Dramarization
189. Which is characteristic of the country’s educational system during the American regime?
a. Religious c. Filipinistic
b. Centralized d. Decentralized
190. Which term refers to the collection of student’s products and accomplishments for a period for
evaluation purposes?
a. Anecdotal record c. Observation report
b. Portfolio d. Diary
191. With Republic Act 7836 the licensure exams for teachers is with
a. Commission on Higher Education
b. Professional Regulation Commission
c. Department of Education, Culture, and Sports
d. Civil Service Commission
192. Which one helps produce an environment conducive for learning?
a. Cooperative learning
b. Long assignments
c. Individual competition
d. Excessive praise
193. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the
development of work skills aligned?
a. To teach the duties of citizenship’s
b. To develop moral character
c. To inculcate love of country
d. To develop vocational efficiency
194. Which human right does libel violate?
a. The right to one’s own life
b. The right to one’s honor
c. The right to make a livelihood
d. The right to property
195. Teacher U wants to make use of a structured format where two positions on a controversial
issue are presented formally and each speaker is a given a center amount of time to state a
position. Which technique should he use?
a. Simulation c. Debate
b. Symposium d. Critiquing session
196. A test is considered relievable if
a. It is easy to score
b. It serves the purpose for which it is constructed
c. It is consistent and stable
d. It is easy to administer
197. A class is composed to bright students. The distribution will most likely be
a. Platykurtic c. Skewed to the left
b. Skewed to the right d. Very normal
198. An arsonist is seen preparing to burn a public market. Can he be shot to death in the name of
a. Yes, but the act of killing can not be called self-defense
b. Yes, the good to be defended is of great importance and is proportionate to the evil done by the
c. No, shooting him to death is not proportionate to the arson he is preparing to do
d. No, in no way is killing justified, only God can take away life
199. If a student’s appropriate behavior is mild and that it appears that the misbehavior will not
spread to others, it is sometimes best for the teacher not to make a fuss of it. Which influence
technique is this?
a. Antiseptic bouncing
b. Planned ignoring*
c. Proximity control
d. Signal interference
200. Which materials consist of instructional units that cater to the different needs and the varying
mental levels of pupils?
a. Multi-level materials
b. Multi-grade materials
c. Minimum learning competencies
d. Plantilla

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