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Cecilia Veneziano

Thomas Z. Ramsøy
Decision Neuroscience Research Group

An Empirical Research on Voter Decision-Making

Copenhagen Business School

Cand.merc. Strategic Market Creation

June, 2011

68 pages, 150774 characters


Even if this thesis was elaborated in the distinctiveness of the Italian political context, the
methodological idea aroused during my Double Degree in Copenhagen Business School, so above all
I would like to record my gratitude to my major advisor, professor Thomas Ramsøy, firstly for giving
me the basis of Neuromarketing during his course, and then for his crucial contributions during the
setting of the experiment with e-prime. Without him I would have never elaborated this thesis.

I would like to convey special acknowledgement to the advisor of my Italian degree, professor
Antonella Carù, without whose suggestions I would not have followed this Master of Science. I am
grateful to her more than she knows because she gave me the input to come back from Ireland, where
I was working before the economic crisis, advising me to continue the studies. So, together with my
gratitude for her constant supervision during every stage of this research, many thanks should be
made for her guidance in the course of these years.

At the same time, I would like to make a special thank to Dr. Duncan Guest, cognitive scientist and
expert researcher, whose directions and recommendations have been really invaluable for the project.
He was especially sensitive in understanding the relevance of this topic since the beginning of the
research and, together with his concrete assistance, he gave me the positive energy to passionately
continue, even during the hardest moment. I am grateful to him in all possible way and I hope to keep
up this collaboration for a future publication.

It is a pleasure to thank, professor Martin Schreier, not only because he has immediately accepted to
be my discussant, but also because he has demonstrated in advance a sincere interest in the
particular argument of my thesis. Moreover, I would like to express my thanks for the work he is going
to do before the discussion.

I would like to thank all my student colleagues, with special regards for Mario Luca Valeno, who has
been a real friend since the first days of my academic experience, and Stefania Valentini who shared
with me the experience of study -and life- in Denmark.
I wish to express all my gratitude also to Beatrice and Walter for their kind linguistic support.
Special thanks should be given to my colleagues in Provincia di Monza e della Brianza, especially to
the members of my group for their patience and good humor. Grazie Margherita B., Maria F., Nadio L.,
Adriano P., Paolo P., Vittorio P., Gigi P., Vittorio A., Elio G. e Mimmo G.
Le parole da sole non possono esprimere il ringraziamento che devo alla mia famiglia per il loro
incoraggiamento negli studi e nella vita, alle mie/i cugine/i per il tempo che gli ho sottratto durante
questo progetto, e soprattutto ai miei genitori e al loro affetto, grazie al quale tutto questo è stato
Infine, grazie ad Elio che con amore ha dato un senso a ogni giorno di questi otto anni e, la cui
intelligenza, non conoscendo egoismi, ha permesso alle nostre diverse professioni e passioni di
crescere assieme.

To my country,

- RESUMÉ .................................................................................................................................... 8
-INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 11
-LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 15
VOTER’S DECISION-MAKING: EARLY INSIGHT ..................................................................... 15
A RATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ...................................................................................... 15
MARKETING MODEL ............................................................................................... 18
VOTER’S DECISION-MAKING: NEUROMARKETING INSIGHT ................................................ 20
PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT ........................................................................... 22
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND IMPLICIT ASSOCIATION ......................................... 25
-RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS ............................................................................................................. 31
-METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 35
RESPONDENTS AND DISTRIBUTION........................................................................ 35
DESIGN OF THE IAT ................................................................................................. 37
FUNCTIONING OF THE IAT ...................................................................................... 38
EXPLAINATION OF IMPLICIT OUTPUT DATA ........................................................... 40
MEASURE OF IMPLICIT PREFERENCES .................................................................... 41
SELF REPORT FOR EXPLICIT ATTITUDES .................................................................. 43
-ANALYSIS AND RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 45
HYPOTHESIS 1 ......................................................................................................... 45
HYPOTHESIS 2 ......................................................................................................... 50
HYPOTHESIS 3 ......................................................................................................... 52
-DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................. 55
HP1 CONTRIBUTIONS ............................................................................................. 55
HP2 CONTRIBUTIONS ............................................................................................. 60
HP3 CONTRIBUTIONS ............................................................................................. 62
RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS ................................................................................................. 64
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: FORECASTING METHODS ...................................... 66
-CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 69
-NOTES....................................................................................................................................... 75
- APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………. 77
- BIBLIOGRAPHY ...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 83


The better understanding of the decision-making process behind voters’ choice

has been the challenging purpose of this research, with the aim to answer
marketers’, politicians’, and citizens’ doubts about the fully deliberateness of political
To fulfill this request, our research has proposed to improve current explanations with
a new interdisciplinary approach. Economist’s models and Consumer Behavior
theories have been supported by Neuromarketing which, for the first time, has
exceed the lacking comprehension of unconscious in voter’s mind. This study has
tested empirically the assumed existence of relevant unaware sub-steps in voters’
choice process, overcoming the barriers of consciousness with the use of a recent
cognitive methodology. The Implicit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald et. al, 2003)
has made achievable to quantitatively measure the unconscious political attitudes of
68 respondents through an experiment in the Italian context. The relation between
those implicit attitudes and respective explicit preferences - collected through normal
surveys - has been outlined (r=.46); further analyses have also evidenced undecided
voters’ attitudes and Parties/Leader differences in preference structure.
Discrepancies and correlations between what subjects expressed and what they
unconsciously perceived during the test have generated a discussion about the
necessity to include implicit attitudes in the functioning of voter’s decision-making. A
new model of voting behavior framing this process has been introduced, with the
opportunity of further improvements. In conclusion, the explanation of this socially
relevant behavior has shown impressive implications, contributing to political
marketing and forecasts practices, but it has also required advanced considerations
on ethical applications of this knowledge.

Relevant academic fields: Neuromarketing, Political Marketing, Consumer

Behavior, Cognitive Psychology, Italian Politics.

There is a new field of marketing which studies consumers' cognitive and affective
responses in relation to markets: it is Neuromarketing. It originates in neurosciences
with the purpose of better understanding the functioning of human mind, in order to
improve marketing strategies (Lee et al., 2006). Through interdisciplinarity (from
neuroanatomy to cognitive psychology), it offers unique methods in decoding
processes that take place in the consumer’s mind and it can be used to measure
individual preferences, a field otherwise abundant of cognitive biases (Drucker,
2002). In some cases, effective brain responses may not be consciously perceived
by the subject; hence, this cognitive kind of data may be more revealing than other
typical marketing tools, such as self-reporting on surveys or focus groups.
That is particularly true for Political Marketing, an area of application where doubts
are still numerous, current researches are repetitive and inspire just old marketing
approaches. In this field new insights are absolutely needed to overcome concerns
as well as biases, and cognitive science nowadays offers great capabilities in this
A cognitive contribution to Political Marketing is actually my “tempting”
answer to the question: how do we choose what to vote?

This kind of investigation offers incredible opportunities for political marketers, parties
and pollsters, but it can also fascinate outside the political marketplace. Affecting
economic, social and scientific word, a deep investigation of this topic has a natural
social relevance, rising everyone’s curiosity and interest. What is more,
neuromarketing is likely impinging over the next few years, and it might be
fascinating to be able to manage it competently, to appreciate its potentiality and to
know the eventual ethical risks. The personal relevance of this thesis not only
concerns me as a future “marketer”, enhancing the ability offered by this academic
specialization, but it also interests a young administrator, a little politician and a
citizen of this country as I am.
Anyway, back to the more considerable marketing relevance, the core questions of
this research arouse from the scarce understanding of political behavior in its

Common political surveys follow formats such as “What do you think about candidate
X?”, “Which factors influence your decision to support Party Y?”, but exclusive
reliance on such survey methods actually ignores the knowledge given by
neuroscientific discoveries and implicit cognition. To fully bring the nature of political
choice, this research not only considers voters’ decision-making from its rationali
level – the explicit preference respondents are aware of – but it also investigates
voters nonconsciousii level – the unaware brain activity that gives implicit preferences
(e.g. Knutston et al., 2007). We are in a new field that we can call “Political

Within the sphere of “political choice”, the focus of this thesis is on voter’s behaviors,
expressed by measurable voting intentionsiii to a certain candidate or party. Voter
decision-making is surely one of the behaviors that demand the greatest attention
from academics, politicians, and public, with many studies and attempt to frame its
working process also outside neuromarketing. Even if the “Rational Model” is the
muster framework about voting choice, many authors have in turn recognized that
emotions and unconscious can affect political decision and that this behavior is
based on both explicit and implicit attitudes. As Taber noted “Political science, long
under the spell of the Enlightenment view of rationality, has not been particularly
friendly ground for the germination of either affective or automatic models of
information processing” (2003, p. 462). To follow this less explored path, this
research investigates the deliberate or automatic structure of voters’ responses
through a neuromarketing experiment.

In sum, the main purpose of this thesis is to better comprehend political

decision-making, discerning perceptions that compose candidates and parties
preferences during the voting choice. Aware and unaware political perceptions
have been tested to assess if voters’ attitude is a fully deliberate process or if it
is also affected by non-conscious factors.

To answer this question it is necessary to shed some new light on the interplay of
implicit and explicit processes underlying voting intentions in order to see if
implicit and explicit attitudes in political perception are coherent and when these two
measures of political perception differ (see Research Questions in Table 1).

Implicit measures of attitudes are the way to identify unaware or automatically elicited
reactions which influence political behavior (Burdein et al., 2006). Thus, an empirical
section of this research assesses respondents’ political orientation both explicitly by
the use of self-reports, and implicitly through the Implicit Association Test (IAT).
The IAT is an excellent tool measuring implicit cognition without requiring an act of
introspection or brain scanning (Banaji, 2001); it is the best available way to enter
directly into the unconscious mind of the consumer - or voter. Since its introduction in
1998 (Greenwald et al.), this method has been refined in several scientific
publications which reduced limitations, and its reliability is now totally proved (e.g.
Greenwald and Nosek, 2001). Additionally, the IAT contributed to the study of
marketing-relevant human behaviors moving neuromarketing away from being
identified solely with neuroimaging (Lee et al., 2006).

This is the first time that a research takes into account the voting behavior question
from a multidiciplinary point of view. Previous studies have developed it separately in
different branches of learning: psychology, neurology, behaviorism, CCT and
economy. On the contrary, the whole complexity of this topic is analyzed here to give
a broader framework of voting behavior, with the core support of an experiment.
This study has received first theoretical inputs from Danish Neuromarketing
researchers, but the research question, and consequently the empirical analysis, has
been matured in the Italian political context. Not only Italy is the political context I
know better because of my current life, but it is also internationally considered one of
the most interesting and extreme case in political marketing, perfect to drive this kind
of researches away from ordinary considerations.
The implementation of this research generates a discussion about the implications
of this results for Political Marketing and for literature with the introduction of the new
Neuromarketing model of voting behavior.
Finally, some consideration about the possible ethical limits of neuromarketing in
this context must also be taken into account, together with the possible further
studies offered by this socially important subject.

Focusing on voter’s implicit cognition is perhaps the toughest way to make novel
understanding of political behavior, but I am sure this is also going to be compelling
and amusing.


What is the nature of voter’s decision-making during the choice of parties and

Is voters’ attitude a fully deliberate process or is it also affected by non-

conscious perceptions?

In political choice process, are implicit and explicit voters’ preferences

coherent or do the aware and unaware attitudes toward candidates and
parties differ?

A first fundamental understanding for any political marketing strategy is undoubtedly
to comprehend how voters behave the way they do; and this is exactly the focus of
our study.
Although voter’s choice is still often considered one of the most explicit domain in
which people easily and willingly articulate their mental contents, marketers and
psychologists developed different theories on political behaviors during the years.


How to vote in an election, or whether to vote, is the result of an individual decision

making process, a subject rich of literature. As the political market place
demonstrates to have much in common with the consumer market; some theories
were developed, from the classical economics to the more recent marketing
acknowledgments, trying to explain the reason behind people's vote.


Economic theories consider human behavior as the result of a process of decision-

making made by weighing costs and benefits of actions to maximize utility (Camerer,
Since 1967, Downs's milestone, An Economic Theory of Democracy, actually
suggested that the abstract model of rational self-interested activity, used so
successfully in economic analysis, could also be applied to the behavior of private
economic agents. He has developed this relation indeed, creating the model which is
still considered the most important framework of voting behavior: the “Rational
Choice Model”iv.
It is based on two important analogies: parties can be modeled as if they were profit
maximizing entrepreneurs; voters are regarded as if they were utility maximizing
consumers trading their votes in return for favors - higher standard of living - from
parties (Downs, 1957).
Similarly, the economic model of voting behavior follows logically from the
assumptions about human nature at the heart of neoclassical economics, so it is
based on a rational individual (the so called Homo economicus).

In political marketplace this assumed individual, that we can call Voter economicus,
has some important hypothetic characteristics (Bartle & Griffiths; 2002):
1. he is consistent in his preferences;
2. he is instrumental, meaning that a vote is casted to affect policies – not to
express identity;
3. he is egoistic, because he casts his vote to optimize his own (or his
household's) wealth;
4. he is perspective, he votes to influence the future stream of benefits from the
5. finally he is an optimizer, acting to maximize benefits for a given level of costs.
It should be noticed that for the economists, the ultimate east of any model is the
extent to which it makes accurate predictions, not the realism of its assumptions
(Friedman 1951). As a result, this model is still considered up-to-date and valuable,
even if it is based on a simply theoretical base: voters will support whichever party is
perceived as most likely to benefit them most.
Downs assumptions of maximization, firstly imply that they make use of the most
appropriate of the available means to pursue their ends and, secondly that they
exhibit a well-behaved preference structure: an actor preferring both A to B (a
Democratic to a Liberal government) and B to C (and a Liberal to a Conservative
government) will also prefer A to C.
In this model, judgments could be made retrospectively or prospectively. Voters
therefore examine the promises of the parties in order to calculate an “expected party
differential” that represents the difference between the utilities they expect from the
two parties if they were elected to office. They may also compare the past
performance of parties. This “current party differential” can be used as an alternative
standard for the vote decision.
Alternatively, the current party differential can be used to determine the credibility of
the parties’ premises (Downs, 1975, p. 40). Parties that have kept their premises in
the past will be more credible that those that have not.
The basic rational-choice model of voting has retained is relevance during years, but
it has been enhanced by some economists. The best outfit of the previous
assumptions is the rational model that has been developed considering also the
element of political participation (Blais, 2000):
The relative utility of voting, for a particular eligible voter, is ΔU = pB − c
where p is the probability that a single vote will be decisive, B is the relative benefit

associated with your desired candidate winning the election, and c is the net cost of
voting – that is, the costs, minus the direct benefit of voting (whether or not your
candidate wins).
Traditionally, B is understood to refer to direct benefits to the voter. This is the
assumption of self-interest. Recent studies (Edlin et al., 2007) expounded this
framework keeping the rationality but breaking the link to pure self-interest (B) with
the inclusion of individual benefits Bself and social benefits Bsocv for an affected
population of size N: B = Bself + αNBsoc.

ΔU Bsseellff ++ ααN
U == pp ((B NBBssoocc)) −− cc

Critics to the Rational Model

The rational model, despite its undoubted simplicity and wideness, has often been
considered limited for the representation of complex political context. Much literature
actually criticized this solution, arguing about the exhaustiveness of these few
elements in making accurate predictions. Firstly, Sprague and Huckfeldt claimed that
people's political perceptions cannot be removed from their contexts (in 1987).
"Individuals are not atomistic actors in political life, but are situated within multiple
networks that provide information, cues, and opportunities to engage in politics"
(Sprague & Huckfeldt, 1987). Moreover, as accounted by many of following
researchers (lastly Dubner, 2007), this framework lacks in consistency because the
element p - the probability a single vote affects the elections - would be almost null,
with the consequence of abstentionist behaviors.
Just as it would not be rational to vote, so it is not feasible to collect a great deal of
information about politics to maximize the choice (Huemer, 2003). Economists
actually suggest that voters decide by comparing the parties' ideologies and
supporting that party whose core principles come closest to their own (Downs, 1957),
but recent researches observed that, dealing with contexts in which resources and
available time are severely limited, people use simple and fast algorithms which
require only a limited amount of information (Gigerenzer et al., 2002). Choice under
uncertainty is described as a sequential process of selection among alternatives
based on a single cue at any point in time. Far from optimization, as soon as a
satisfactory choice is reached, the decision making process stops (Gigerenzer &
Goldstein, 1996, 1999). Thus, as voting is a resources and time limited choice, in this

procedure there is no space for conscientious comparison across different cues.
Even more, economists have especial difficulties in accounting for the stability of
voters' preferences. The rational-choice lexicon appeared to contain no simile for
trust of loyalty (Fiorina, 1981), another element not included in the rational model that
should be explained furthermore with empirical evidence.

Since the 1980s, many have been arguing that “the traditional models are not
realistic and should be tested primarily by the accuracy of their predictions rather
than by the reality of their assumptions” (Hindess, 1988, p. 9-10). During these years
Marketers have gone behind the neoclassical economic view; in line with this
research question, they have outlined a more complete framework of voting behavior.

Once the restrictive assumptions of Homo economicus were broken, the complexity
of influences affecting voter behavior was also recognized in political markets.
The “Marketing Model” developed a multi-structured theory of behavior, adding
elements that are precious for the analysis of this study. Kolter, from the marketers,
argues that consumer's choice is the “result of the complex interplay of cultural,
social, personal, and psychological factors” (Kolter, 1984).
In Political Marketing, these theories resulted in the primary election marketing
model studied by Newman and Sheth (1985). As showed in Figure 1, this model
moved far from rational maximization of utility, showing seven relevant components
affecting voters’ political choices:


(Newman & Sheth 1985)

From the first marketing school many studies have been implemented and many
theories have been developed in the same direction.
Remarkable is the recent Consumer Culture Theories (CCT) approach, emphasizing
the importance of social structures in shaping individuals’ voting habits (class,
ethnicity, occupation, education, geographical location, gender etc.). They noticed
that voters often use their socio-economic reference groups vote to establish what is
appropriate behavior for “people like themselves” (also called “Social Structures
model”). A recent published article on political CCT pointed out that social class and
race may have varying affects on the political actions and views of individuals
(Leighley & Matsubayashi, 2009).

Critical to rational assumptions - where all voters follow similar procedures for making
electoral decisions – is the relevant Italian study of Baldassarri and Schadee (2005).
They argued that voters (1) reason in qualitatively different ways, (2) evaluate
according to different criteria, (3) use different types of information, and (4) follow
different paths to arrive at the same choice. From this “fast and frugal decision
making” they also suggested that, to understand voter’s behavior a set of non-
rational potential cues has to be taken in account.
The plan of this research is to codify and measure these unaware perceptions, if
there are any.
A first input in this direction was a study carried out during the 1980 presidential race,
where Abelson and his collaborators (1982) found that summary scores of affect
were better predictors of political preference than candidate personality judgment.
Feelings have actually been studied from marketers since the early 1980's. They call
them Emotional feelings and they represent “the emotional dimension of voting” such
as hope, responsibility, patriotism, etc. aroused by the candidate, having been
established on the basis of the issues the candidate advocates” (Newman et al.,
1985). He also said that a voter may be aware of the candidate's personality but, if he
does not have any feelings about it, he may be less motivated to vote.
The most interesting political investigation of this period is the first Westen's study on
this topic (1985). In his opinion, US Democratic campaigners have been unable to
run emotionally compelling campaigns. He approached the subject from his roots in
psychoanalysis, but the cores of his research were his statements about the cerebral
resistance of Democrats to use emotions. “An intellectual bias in favor of factual

debate, combined with a feeling that the brain is a morally more superior route to the
voter than access through their heart”. He also argued that there is a mistaken belief
that reason can provide not just the means but also the ends, distrusting in the
manipulative side of emotion. He continues underlining that, on top of all that
resistance, there is a personality style that is associated with many people who, in
the author's experience, reach the top in Democratic politics in the US. These
personalities have an inbuilt discomfort with emotion. He concludes representing this
discomfort as “the biggest static impediment to more effective campaigns [...]”.
In the hypothesis of not fully rational “political brains”, this consideration could be
precious to any marketers.

Nonetheless they are impressively remarkable for research purposes; marketing

theories are not totally satisfying in explaining voting behavior because they
measured personal feelings as the representation of explicit dimensions of emotional
arousal generated by the candidate. The models seen so far still lack in the analysis
of some relevant elements. In particular, unaware perceptions have not been taken
into account because they are difficult to be observed. In order to develop some
hypothesis to answer research questions we need further insights. To understand
how implicit factors can affect voting behavior we need Neuroscience.


Brain scanning techniques and our recent knowledge about how mind works are
increasingly being incorporated into marketing and political debate. They are forcing
to re-examine old assumptions by giving new evidences of the complexity of voting
choice and showing that perceptions are structured by different elements.
The fundamentals of neuromarketing regarding decision-making are briefly presented
in this section, and then the focus is moving to their application in politics, with
physical and psychological experiments.

In truth, no one studying the brain or the mind can really accept the idea of a
disembodied rational self inside our heads taking all our decisions on the basis of
self-interest (Taylor, 2009). Conversely, many neuromarketing studies have shed light

on the relevance of implicit/unconscious components in human behavior,
encouraging former marketing hypothesis in this direction.
A deep understanding of decision-making process is given by Walter and his
collaborators (2005). In their opinion neuroscience finally deconstruct the picture of
perfectly rational humans weighting costs and benefits until a deliberative equilibrium
is reached. Although they sustain that humans are definitely capable of conscious
deliberations, they give significant evidences of the fact that “many, if not most,
relevant decision processes are characterized by other features which are not under
volitional control”. They demonstrate that implicit drivers, such as automatic, fast and
affective cognitive process, actually play a decisive role during choices and,
generally, they sustained that unrecognized mechanisms - often primary emotional
responses evolved for other purposes than the choice object - lead the majority of
humans behaviors.
Similarly, there have been authors demonstrating that we share most of our emotions
with animalsvi and that our primitive Homosapiens brain is inadequate to act in the
modern political worldvii, but the most interesting neuromarketing studies are those
connecting primary unconscious behaviors with decision-making processes.
From Libet’s groundbreaking studies on earlier choicesviii, Knutston et al. (2007)
analyzed sub-steps of decision-making using neuroscience techniques. They found
that initially decisions are made at nonconscious level in our brains, before the end of
the decision process, and then they are ratified consciously. The brain response was
up to 500 milliseconds before the person was aware of making the decision; in other
words, the unconscious brain “decides” to act before our conscious mind confirms
the action.
There are various other researchers which sustained the relevance of unconscious
components in consumer choice process. Fitzsimons et al. (2002) also argued that
the degree to which nonconscious influences affect choice is much greater than what
many researchers believe. Across a series of research domains, the components
affecting choices were found to include stimuli that are not consciously perceived by
the consumer. What is more, not only there is a nonconscious downstream effect of
consciously perceived stimuli, but there are also decision processes that occur
entirely outside awareness. Most importantly, they finally argued that all decisions
consist of a mix of conscious and automatic processes, which are hence strongly

affected by nonconscious-implicit influences.
Also if we move in the field of voting behavior, Neuroscience has improved the
investigation through the contributions of two neuromarketing methodologies: brain-
scanning methods and cognitive neuropsychology.
On the one hand physiological measurements focus on fMRI (functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging) to disregard the research object from the ability and willingness
of the respondents to accurately report their answer.
On the other hand cognitive psychology researches focus on the IAT to increase
decision-making accuracy in the studies of mental processes behind implicit voting


As it was just presented, consumer choice making has been a popular subject for
neuromarketing research and many authors, in these studies, noticed the absolute
relevance of unconscious and emotional elements in driving choices.
Emotions are defined in neuromarketing as the bodily expression of an inner state
that in a fragment of second mechanically respond to a stimulus. Emotions analysis
is especially interesting because it presents automatic/unconscious elements which
are hard to conceptualize, but which can be measured by magnetic resonance (fMRI)
during voting choice.
A new role of emotions in voting behavior has been investigated by Drew Westen,
showing the great contribution of cognitive science to political market. His book, The
Political Brain (2008), is still considered to be the most relevant study on the power of
emotions to persuade in politics. “In politics, when reasons and emotion collide,
emotion invariably wins. Elections are decided in the marketplace of emotions, a
marketplace filled with values, images, analogies, moral sentiments, and moving
oratory, in which logic plays only a supporting role” (Westen, 2008).
His research is based on a brain scanning (fMRI) study of 15 committed Democrats
and 15 committed Republicans in the final heated month of the 2004 Presidential
election campaign. Slides of their favored candidate (John Kerry and George W.
Bush) were shown to each tested subject. In particular, the tests involved opposing
pairs of candidate’s biased statements contradicting each other, and the subjects
were asked to consider and rate any discrepancy. Answers showed subjects were

able to detect contradictions made by the rival party candidate and those of neutral
figures (such as actors or and other popular people) but they were not able to
recognize when their own candidate was either lying or misrepresenting the facts.
Specifically, when Republican test subjects were shown self-contradictory quotes by
George W. Bush and when Democratic test subjects were shown self-contradictory
quotes by John Kerry, both groups tended to explain the apparent contradictions in a
manner biased to favor their candidate of choice. Similarly, areas of the brain
responsible for reasoning [presumably the prefrontal cortex] did not respond during
this test, while areas of the brain controlling emotions [presumably the amygdala
and/or cingulate gyrus] showed increased activity when compared to the subject's
responses to politically neutral statements associated with neutral people (Emory
University press release, 2006).
Dr. Westen comment was: "Essentially, it appears that partisans shake the cognitive
kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively
reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states" (quoted as saying
in an Emory University press release, 2006). The author consequently concluded that
the brain is not a dispassionate calculating machine, objectively searching for the
right facts, figures and policies to make a reasoned decision, on the contrary “the
political brain is an emotional brain”. As has already sustained in 1985 (see p.13 of
the cu present research), he finally considered that the Democratic Party has often
failed in U.S. because it has appealed to the reason-loving dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex, while Republicans have won more elections because they have targeted the
“emotional brain” [ventromedial cortex], which is the most used in the choice making
Theories suggested that many behaviors engage unconscious processes that are
automatic and direct. This “unconscious mind” can produce complex emotional
responses, and can also influence behavior without our knowledge. Particularly
explicative is the example of horror movies that make us afraid also if we rationally
know that it is fiction. Amygdala stimulates hypothalamus - that exerts control on
emotions - sending inputs to it without our control.
This process may happen in our brain also when it is stimulated during political
The most relevant and controversial study in this sense is the one published by a

group of neuroscientists from the University of California, led by Marco Iacoboni in
2007a. They have used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to measure the
responses of 20 decided and undecided voters (that they called swing voters) to a
series of political Leaders candidate in U.S. at that moment. Their results were
surprising for their depth and breadth in showing that, while some voters had said
that they disapproved or that they were indifferent to a certain candidate, their brain
activity revealed they had unacknowledged impulses to like him. The study had
apparently “reached into the minds of voters and grasped their hidden emotions and
conflicts” (Aguirre, 2008). The illustrative “colored graphics” of the brain activation
during this study, published on New York Times (Iacoboni, 2007b), reinforced the
existence of non-conscious elements in political choice but they also rose criticism on
brainscanning techniques.

Critics to neuroimaging
Though it is unquestionable that neuromarketing studies have been giving important
contributions to political marketing, it is healthy to maintain a critical profile in the
evaluation of these researches.
After more than a decade of increasing publicity for brain-scanning results, the
Iacoboni article has provoked a backlash. Nature editorial commenting Iacoboni
experiment provided a necessary warning about this type of popular research
especially because conclusions are provided on analyses that are not robust. The
first problem of fMRI techniques is actually the small number of subject tested, and
the inadequate peer review, that makes results statistically weak.
Secondly, brain-scanning researches could be questionable in the methodology by
which neuroimaging data can be transformed into a picture of brain activity to be
interpreted. Actually an increased activity in any brain area is rarely exclusive to any
one function and so doesn’t have just one interpretation (e.g. a latent sympathy for
Hillary Clinton; Aguirre, 2008). The troubles aroused after Iacoboni’s article is that the
presence of an amygdala response to a certain picture do not necessarily indicate
anxiety regarding his favorite candidate, as positive emotions can activate this region
as well. Moreover, even if it was granted that amygdala responses indicate anxiety to
a certain candidate, perhaps the subject was simply anxious because his favorite
candidate was not doing well in the polls. To be successful, such studies must
compare carefully states of mind to isolate a behavior of interest and draw well-

supported inferences regarding the observable activity (Aguirre, 2008).
Beyond simply being valid, however, there is a third critical requirement which is
often understated in those researches: neuroimaging should be also useful to provide
insights not available by simply asking a voter his or her opinion(Nature editorial,
2007). “Whether anyone needs a $3 million scanner to conclude that Hillary Clinton
needs to work on her support from swing voters” questioned the Nature Editorial,
commenting Iacoboni study (2007).
A final other limitation of brainscanning is its unproven validity to pollster.
Neuroimaging does not seem attractive for electoral polling because it is very
expensive and time costing, while the chief challenge for pollsters is to obtain a
sample of responses that are representative of the population. Furthermore it
appears unnecessarily roundabout way to learn voters’ truth by measuring increased
amygdala and insula responses to pictures of opposing candidates.
These critics however do not suggest that a valid study of political behavior using
neuroimaging is not possible. Instead, while there are pitfalls to be avoided, much
has been learned regarding the behaviors and emotional states that people develop
and deploy in evaluating political candidates.
Neuroimaging find a place in the study of political marketing by revealing how the
mind works and has been molded by human nature. Behind this, some limitation of
physiological experiments can be overcome using a second valuable methodology of
Neuromarketing: cognitive psychology which, showing implicit behavioral states of
voters, has become an area of increasing interest for political marketers.


Nowadays, the closest existing way to investigate political behavior through a direct
experiment is based on researches in implicit cognition, especially those handling
with the Implicit Association Test (IAT). As we will see in this section, cognitive
psychology experiments consented to overcome the majority of the limitations of
brain-scanning. The IAT not only gave evidence to be (1) a less biased method and
(2) a better predictors of actual voting behavior, but it also (3) lowered costs
compared to fRMI and - expanding the representativeness of the sample - it (4)
allowed to have more robust results.
The IAT is a procedure for measuring implicit associations, meaning that it

quantitatively assesses feelings and thoughts that exist outside of conscious
awareness or control (Smith & Nosek, 2009). It measures the strength of
associations accumulated through everyday experiences, whether or not the person
is aware of holding those associations, and whether or not those associations are
believed to be valid or true. People can actually possess associations they honestly
disagree with, but that still exist in their minds and may strongly influence their
Smith and Nosek (2009) recently argued that thoughts and feelings people
consciously experience are integral to understand human life, however, much of
mental processing occurs outside awareness, thus their understanding is also
important for gaining insight into the ways the human mind works.
The IAT is more than appropriate for this research purpose, offering windows into
portions of the mind people are unable to express, either because they do not want
to, or because they do not even know they possess them. In this kind of studies,
people behavior is not explained only by automatic associations, but those are
usually compared to self-reported expressed thoughts. The majority of reviews
suggest that self-reported feelings are more related to behaviors controlled by the
actor (such as what someone says during an interview), whereas the IAT is more
predictive of relatively uncontrolled behaviors and appears to be a better predictor for
situations or topics that are socially sensitive such as racial prejudice and
stereotypes (Smith & Nosek, 2009).
In scientific ages, implicit social cognition is a young topic. Consequently implicit
political cognition has just about passed novelty status in political marketing, and it
has concrete opportunity to say something original.
Greenwald, Nosek and Banaji (2003) are the first recognized researchers working on
the traditional IAT model (Table 2) to assess implicit political attitudes.

TABLE 2: IAT STRUCTURE, Bush vs Gore, Greenwald et al. (2003)

As described in the previous table (Table 2, p. 26), the IAT’s measure of implicit
attitudes is based on latencies for two tasks that differ in instructions for using two
response keys to classify four categories of stimuli.
This seven steps IAT has been used as a point of departure by many researches, but
it has also been refined and simplified during the years. In fact, in their study the
same authors (Greenwald et al., 2003) have concluded that the traditional IAT could
be improved including “practice blocks” (block 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in Table 2 , p. 26) in
the Test. Despite their relative high latencies, trials of “practice blocks” gave similar
IAT results than those in “test blocks” (Greenwald et al., 2003, p. 202). Consequently
the current version of the IAT could be simply composed by two steps: only block 4
and block 7 of the traditional model (Table 2, p.26) - those with the function to test
implicit association - were retained in the novel IAT structure.
The results of the Election 2000 IAT by Greenwald et al., 2003, reported a
significant correlation between explicit and implicit political attitudes (r=.69).
The Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) is the referring measure of analysis for all
implicit cognition researches. A more recent example from Nosek and Hansen, 2008,
revealed that people who reported stronger preferences for Kerry compared to Bush
also showed stronger pro-Kerry implicit preferences (r =.63, p=.0001). Moreover, in a
general investigations of implicit and explicit attitudes toward 98 different topics,
political attitudes obtained the strongest zero-order correlations between implicit and
explicit measures – e.g., Democrats versus Republicans (r = .70), feminism versus
traditional values (r = .66), John Kerry versus George Bush (r = .63) - compared to an
average r = .38 across all topics (Nosek & Hansen, 2008).
Actually in political IATs, a positive linear correlation similar to Greenwald’s study has
been generally evidenced in many recognized analysis, and it could be taken as a
point of reference for future researches. The totality of these experiments did
conclude that in politics, the IAT effect was positively related to explicit attitudes
(Nosek & Hansen, 2008; Nosek, 2005; Nosek et al., 2007).
Finally, also a recent IAT, focused on speech tolerance in liberals, moderates, and
conservatives, reinforced the concept that implicit political identity shows convergent
validity with explicit political identity (Linder & Nosek, 2009).

Anyway this is not the final beat against a meaningful implicit political cognition
discipline, because even if the authors sustained that political topics show little

divergence between self-report and implicit reactions, this divergence still exists and
should be taken into consideration.
Even if it appears obvious that politics is the one domain in which the majority of
people easily and willingly articulate their mental contents, the majority of IAT
researchers found in political cognition the perfect way to test the unconscious side
of choices. The focus on the unconscious and emotional factors - already evidenced
by marketers - might actually give some explanations of implicit influences even on
the most - apparently - deliberate human activity (Nosek et al., 2009).
After those results Brian Nosek, one of the maximum expert in this field, continued
his studies on the implicit political cognition, sustaining that “adding an assertion that
political actions may be influenced by processes of which the actor is not aware or
cannot control is now a short step from proclaiming defunct the assumption of a
rational polity” (Nosek et al., 2009).
In a previous investigation (2005), Nosek identified four factors that contribute to
predict stronger correlation between implicit and explicit measures: (1) topics with
weaker self-presentational demands elicit stronger implicit-explicit relations than
topics with stronger self-presentational demands, (2) topics that are more elaborated
elicit stronger correspondence than those that are weakly elaborated, (3) topics with
a bipolar structure (two competing alternatives) elicit stronger correspondence than
those without a direct contrast, and (4) topics for which the respondents perceive
themselves as being distinct from the cultural norm elicit stronger correspondence
than those for which the respondents perceive themselves as being just like the

As it is possible to notice, theories and methods of implicit social cognition are quite
innovative for political application, especially outside the U.S. Even so, the early
returns of these experiments fascinated also some European researchers in latest
Friese and its collaborators (2007) measured implicit political party preferences with
Implicit Association Tests during the 2002 German Parliamentary elections. Implicit
attitudes toward the five parties (measured three months before the vote) predicted
voting behavior above explicit party preference. Undoubtedly, self-reported
preferences are predictive of voting behavior and election outcomes, but implicit
preferences appear to provide added predictive value.

Curiously, major tests on the possibility that implicit measures would offer any
additional predictive value, were implemented mainly in Italy.
Roccato and Zogmaister (2010) analyzed the relations between voting intention -
explicit and implicit - and final voting behavior. The implicit attitudes (measured using
the IAT) were substantially more effective than the explicit attitudes towards the main
Italian political leaders, in forecasting the Election official results of 2008.
Furthermore, in 2001 Italian general election, Arcuri and others researchers (2008)
also demonstrated that implicit candidate preferences measured with the IAT
optimally predicted the voting behavior of decided voters.
But the most obvious challenge in political marketing is to understand behaviors in
those voters which are unable to express any clear intention because they have not
decided yet (undecided voters).
Prediction errors in election outcomes are actually influenced by whether and how
undecided citizens will vote (Visser et al., 2000). So, the IAT may be particularly
useful with undecided voters because while they may be explicitly unengaged, they
may have implicit preferences. This implicit attitude clearly provide a nudge toward
one position over the other when the voter is making a decision, moreover it has
proved to bias subsequent information search when undecided voter attempts to
resolve the indecision (Visser et al., 2000).
Arcuri and his collaborators (2008) identified a relationship between implicit
candidate attitudes and voting behavior for undecided voters. A month prior to 2005
local election in Northern Italy, undecided voters completed an IAT measuring their
implicit attitudes toward the candidates. After the election respondents reported their
actual vote and results showed that previously undecided voters who later chose a
candidate had implicit preferences for their candidates a month before the election
despite being unable (or unwilling) to report an explicit favoring for either candidate.
Furthermore others studies revealed that Implicit and explicit attitudes may
differentially predict policy preferences. Galdi, Arcuri, and Gawronski (2008)
measured implicit and explicit attitudes towards the expansion of a U.S. military base
in Italy, and directly asked participants whether they would choose (in the future) to
support the policy. For decided participants, self-reported attitudes predicted future
choice better than implicit attitudes. However, undecided participants’ implicit
attitudes predicted their future policy choice better than their self-reported attitudes.
Additionally, the fact that initial implicit attitudes predicted later preferences for

undecided participants, suggested that some undecided voters had implicitly
“decided” prior to them being aware of their decision.
As evidenced in these studies, the main model used to predict the association
between explicit and implicit measures and political behaviors is the additive model.
As theorized by Perugini (2005), in this model both the explicit and the implicit
measures of political preference should contribute to the prediction of voting
behavior. Hence, implicit measures should add incremental validity to explicit ones
and vice versa, and more valid electoral forecasts should result when both types of
measures are used together. According to the additive model the IAT should add
predictive power, anticipating the content of the voting behavior using explicit
Despite such evidence on how implicit cognition may affect voter’s choices, there are
also studies sustaining that contextual cues can have a non-conscious effect on
voting behavior. As already express by CCT marketers, Berger and his collaborators
showed that the kind of place Americans are assigned to vote in (church, school,
etc.) has an influence on voting – namely, those voting in a school were more likely
to support funding for schools, even controlling for political ideology and other
demographic variables (Berger at al., 2008). A follow-up experiment suggested that
these contextual effects were due to nonconscious priming from the environment
around the voting booth. This suggests that, even among “decideds,” the social and
situational context may affect what actually occurs during the voting choice.
Moreover, Landau et al. (2004) used a subliminal exposure paradigm to show that
support for George W. Bush increased after nonconsciously priming the concept of
death, suggesting a possible implicit mechanism for the ideological shift following
political events such as terror attacks. On the same topic, Ferguson et al. (2009)
suggested that American nationalist ideology can be automatically activated by cues
as subtle nationalist words in a scrambled sentence paradigm or the unobtrusive
presence of an American flag (Ferguson & Hassin, 2007), activating unconsciously
concepts such as power and aggression.

All these recent studies give evidence of an implicit driver in voting behavior which
needs to be better investigated.

The set of researches and theories presented in the literature review well establishes
the two opposite convictions about political choices:
 on the one hand, some theorists have sustained the inner rationality behind
voters choice, or, more purposely, they have claimed the full deliberateness of
political attitudes, which are explicitly articulated;
 on the other hand, many researches have revealed the intrinsic nonconscious
origins of political behavior, which is generally confirmed by the existence of
implicit political attitudes that may contrast with the deliberate choices.

These theoretical conflicts produce a gap in the plain understanding of voters’

behavior. This lack in theory is also evidenced by the absence of an overall model of
voting behavior, and undoubtedly enhances our investigation on conscious and
nonconscious elements in this choice, with the aim to frame the functioning of
political decision-making (long version of Research Question in Table 1). This
research proposes to pattern the process of voters’ choice by revealing the
interplay of implicit and explicit political perceptions.

The basic hypothesis of this research has been selected referring to the existing
literature (HP1), and it has drawn the lines for two further assumptions (HP2; HP3).
Furthermore in past researches the analysis through correlation has emerged to be
the main instruments for the investigation of relationship between implicit/explicit
attitudes. Accordingly to Greenwald’s and Nosek’s studies, a 0.69 Pearson’s
coefficient (r) has been taken as a point of reference for correlation between political

Considering that, from political marketing to neuroscience, the majority of available

literature has suggested the presence of nonconscious/implicit elements in political
decisions making, the HP1 of my thesis follows this persuasive path: there is a
definite implicitness in voter’s choice that, combined with the deliberate political
perception, affects and complements the functioning of political behaviors. A
measure of implicit/unconscious political attitudes grows outside awareness in our
brains. It can be assessed independently from the explicit attitudes and it evidenced

to be autonomous because it may differ from the conscious political preferences.
Therefore, implicit and explicit preferences are not perfectly matched and the
correlation of explicit and implicit political attitudes is going to be limited (r<.69).
This main hypothesis (1) contrasts with the famous theories of rational voting
behavior model - which sustain that political choice is rationally made-up in our brain
- and (2) it is opposed to the past IAT researches which consider voter decision-
making one of the most deliberate human behavior.

However, the analysis of voting behavior takes into consideration the possibility of
voting or abstaining from the vote, and, correspondingly, a subject may decide not to
answer to explicit political questionnaires or, more often, he could be politically
undecided. The focus of our second hypothesis is actually on those voters which
have neutral political attitudes because they are undecided - the critical group of
“swing voters”, as mentioned in literature - or simply because they are reticent to
answer. So a second hypothesis (HP2) has been developed for this target and it
asserts that, where explicit voting intentions are not available (explicit attitudes=0),
clear implicit political preferences exist, may emerge, and can be measured
evidencing political attitudes which are closer to center-right or center-left (implicit
More generally, this hypothesis assumes that for the majority of people the brain has
already developed an implicit political preference, even if subjects are still
consciously unaware. Consequently, among undecided voters, implicit attitudes could
foresee the likely voter’s choice when political attitudes are expressed.

Moreover, the structure of rational preference (as elaborated in the economic model
of voting choice), maintains that, when voters prefer A to B, and B to C, they also
prefer A to C. This kind of statement can be tested throughout a candidate/logo
preferences consistency, in self-reports response and in the IAT response.
According to our main hypothesis on not fully rational voting choices, HP3 reverses
the previous postulate. Assuming that political choices are not shaped with a rational
structure in our minds, voters preferring Leader of party A compared to the Leader of
Party B do not necessarily prefer Party A to Party B. Consequently, implicit
party/leader correlation is going to be much lower than the same one at the explicit

The significant difference between implicit attitudes on Leader and implicit attitudes
on his respective Party, evidences the existence of unconscious/emotional
components in political behavior.


HP1: Political decision-making is not a fully rational choice, but it is also

controlled by automatic / nonconscious behaviors;
voters show discrepancy between explicit and implicit preferences during the
political choice, therefore the correlation of explicit/implicit political attitudes is
limited (r<.69), evidencing that political-decision making contains strong implicit
r (explicit; implicit) < 0 .69

HP2: Political decision-making sometimes occurs outside the voter’s full

the availability of clear implicit political preferences among undecided and
reticent voters are reckonable, signaling that implicit attitudes anticipate the
possible voter choice where explicit attitudes of voting intentions are not
when explicit attitude = 0, implicit attitude ≠ 0

HP3: the process of voter’s decision-making is not structured following the rational
Implicit attitudes outline a different political engagement between leaders and their
respective parties; this divergence is implicitly much stronger than explicitly,
supporting the existence of unconscious/emotional elements in political behavior.

explicit party/leader r > implicit party/leader r

implicit leader preferences ≠ implicit party preferences

From the two neuromarketing methods presented in literature, the characteristics of
the Implicit Association Test (IAT) emerged to be the most appropriate for this
research. The main reason for the selection of the IAT as a method for this research
was its reliability in measuring political perceptions, even form behaviors that were
explicitly inaccessible to observation. Implicit political attitudes are actually inferred
on the basis of the speed and accuracy of performance during the test.
The IATs together with self-reports, have been the tools used in this study to test the
hypotheses (HPs) and to answer our research question (RQ) on voter’s decision-
making. Through this empirical methodology, respondents acted as voters during the
political choice process, but their political preferences may emerge even if driven by
unconscious or non-intentional perceptions (HPs).
Scale measures of quantitative data have been gathered for implicit and explicit
responses and three levels of analysis have been evidenced (political overall
preferences, party preferences & leader preferences, and preferences on each single
leader). Subsequently, a quantitative analysis has been developed through two
mayor statistical instruments: correlations and t-tests.

The IAT, jointly with self-reports, offers incredible opportunities to shad some new
light on the interplay of implicit and explicit processes in voter’s decision-making


Subjects tested were 68 adults, men and women from 18 to 68 years old (median
age 34, average age 38). All the subjects tested were Italian potential voters as the
experiment explicitly aimed to investigate the structure of voter’s behavior in the
Italian context. Recruitment occurred via personal contact, and data have been
collected for one month, from December 6, 2010 to the January 6, 2011. During this
period, 68 IAT have been obtained (67 were valid, 1 had no registered scores)
together with 68 accurate self-reports connected to each test. 24 subjects rejected to
make the test after the instructions; the main reasons of rejecting where no time or
no understanding of the rules.

52,2% of the final participants to the IAT were male and 47,8% were female; 88,1%
were right handed and 11,9 % were left handed.

Respondents provided data from a specific laptop programmed for the experiment. In
particular, implicit voting intentions were collected through a computer based test
conduct with the use of professional software (E-prime2), which allows to present
stimuli and to measure response latencies (Response Times – RT).
Contextual self-reports were submitted on paper to each respondent. The choice to
drive the test through an “itinerant” laptop – and not inside university laboratories -
even if it was harder in its operative beginning (need for new license system and
specific technical support), it allowed to tremendously increase the
representativeness of the sample. Different social context, ages and sexes of
respondents have been chosen to avoid any limitation of non-probabilistic samples.
This significance of the sample would have been unfeasible inside university
It may be argued that a wide sample of participants could be easily contacted
through the Web, but empirical evidence attested that distributions of variables
collected through Web researches are systematically distorted (Schonlau et al.,
2004). To avoid limitations of Web administered IATs - such us multiple participations
respondents, procedural difficulties, and inaccuracy - face-to-face administered
IATs have been preferred. A very precise training and the accurateness of responses
have been assured in this way.

Completing the IAT and the related questionnaire required around 15 minutes, but
30-35 minutes is the average time dedicated to each respondent if we include the
necessary instructions and a short debriefing about Implicit Cognition.
A number of 67 valid responses is considered a large sample in Neuromarketing,
especially when the focus is on the functioning behind political choice, and not the
choice in itself. Moreover, this sample absolutely guarantee the statistical
significance of the analysis and the robustness of conclusions (power value
exceeding to detect effect of correlation with N=67; two-tailed test at p=.000).
The anonymity of IATs and self-reports was assured and especially protected
because of the sensibility of political data.


Concretely, the IAT is a computer administered test, in which respondents perform a

series of categorization trials. In each trial, a stimulus appears in the center of the
screen and must be categorized, pressing a key on the keyboard, combining it to its
Our categories are form two groups, political images and positive/negative words:
- the categories of political images are center-LEFT and center-RIGHT, their
stimulus are represented by pictures of parties and leaders which should be
classified in one of the two categories.
- the categories of the second group are POSITIVE words and NEGATIVE words,
their stimulus are represented by selected terms which should be classified for
their positive versus negative valence as the examples reported in Table 4.


Positive words (Z-key or M-key) Negative words (Z-key or M-key)
Good, safety, peace, reliability, honesty, Bad, danger, unfairness, discrimination,
fairness equality, coherence, … prejudice, incoherence, abuse, …

Considering a multitude of recognized IAT experiments, the number of 48 words (24

positive, 24 negative) have been chosen for this second group of stimuli. Their
classification through a key button change during the experiment (e.g.: positive words
are firstly classified through Z on the keyboard and then through the M key in a
second task of the experiment).

On the other hand, 6 leaders pictures and 6 party logos have been chosen through
specific requisites (Appendix 1: Stimuli - Leaders Pictures), and their classification in
the Center-Left and Center-Right categories has been decided after a pre-study
based on five interviews with local political executives of the corresponding main
Italian parties (October 2010).
The interviews evolved trough informal discussions of about 10-15 minutes, and its
aim was to avoid any eventual problem of classification by the IAT respondents. It
was evidenced the necessity to add the word “center” to the LEFT / RIGHT to better
represent the actual political landscape and the moderating tendency of last
decades. After many considerations on the current political situation, all of the
interviewed agreed on the following classification (Table 5, p. 38) which was actually

strengthen by current evolutions in the Italian political landscape.
The output of this classification, that it must be used equally during both the two
tasks of the IAT, is expressed in the following table.


Center-LEFT (Z key) Center-RIGHT (M key)
Pierluigi Bersani Silvio Berlusconi
Nichi Vendola Umberto Bossi
Antonio di Pietro Gianfranco Fini
Logo Partito Democratico - PD Logo Popolo Della Libertà - PDL
Logo Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà - SEL Logo Lega Nord - LN
Logo Italia Dei Valori - IDV Logo Futuro e Libertà per l’Italia - FLI

Center-Left is classified through the Z key in task 1 and in task 2, at the same way, M
is the key for Center-Right parties and Leaders for the whole experiment.

Pictures choice of stimuli representing Leaders is reported in Appendix 1, while

Political Stimuli representing Parties are expressed below in Table 6.



After the instructions, where it is carefully explained which letter corresponds to each
category label, and how stimulus must be classified, respondents perform fours trials
for practice; then the test begins showing previous stimuli. On each trial, an exemplar
of one of the four categories appears in center screen and participants are asked to
classify those elements. Category labels remains in view on the bottom of the page
reminding the key to press in the two cases.
In combined task blocks of the IAT, subjects switch between classifying - on the
keyboard - exemplars of one contrast (e.g. center-Left = Z vs. Center-Right = M) and
exemplars of the other contrast (e.g. positive word = Z vs. negative word = M), on
consecutive trials. Each respondent performed 100 classification (4 classification
practice + 96 classification test), divided in two equal tasks, with a possibility to make
a pause in the middle (Table 7). The political images are classified in the same way
during the whole test (c-Left = Z vs. c-Right = M), while words classification change
during the two tasks: positive must be associated with Z in the first task and with M in
the second (Table 7, version A).
Version Task Trials Z key M key
1 48 center-left + POSITIVE center-right + NEGATIVE
A pause
2 48 center-left + NEGATIVE center-right + POSITIVE

1 48 center-left + NEGATIVE center-right + POSITIVE

B pause
2 48 center-left + POSITIVE center-right + NEGATIVE

As suggested by Greenwald et al. (1998), we built two versions of the IAT. In the 1st
task of version A, the center-left stimulus are associated to positive words (they are
both classified with Z) and the center-right stimulus are associated to negative ones;
in the 2nd task of version A we associated the center-right objects to positive words
and the center-left stimulus to negative words. On the contrary, in version 2, during
the 1st task we associated the center-right parties or leaders to positive words (both
classified by M) and the center-left objects to negative words (Z on the keyboard),
while only in the 2nd task the center-left area objects were associated to positive
words and the center-right area parties or leaders to negative words. The two

versions of the test differ for the order of presentation of the two critical blocks, and
were programmed because IAT measures tend to indicate that associations have
greater strength when they are tested in the first combined task than in the second
combined task. To minimize this procedural effect, half of the population used version
A, while the other half used version B of the IAT.

We used the speed of performances in these tasks (difference of Response Times in

task 1 and in task 2) to infer our participants’ implicit political attitude.


The IAT effect – the measure of implicit perceptions – is actually based on latencies
for two tasks that differ in instructions for using two response keys to classify four
categories of stimuli. The measure of implicit associations is obtained computing from
performance speeds at a classification tasks where association strengths influence
performance (Greenwald et al., 2003).
Generally speaking, positive/negative words have the role of simpler “distractors”: as
they have to be classified with the same keys of one political side (e.g. task 1:
Z=positive, Z=center left; task 2: M=positive; M=C-right,), they affect Response Times
during the classification of political pictures. Depending on political preferences,
classification is faster when the preferred candidate or party is associated and
classified through the same key of positive words. Difference of Response Times in
task 1 and in task 2 allow to measure leaders and parties association with positive /
negative meaning. If the difference in associating positive to a certain party is higher
than to another, a preference for this subject it is evidenced.
Taking as example version A (Table 7. p. 39), if center-left is more strongly associated
with positive valence than center-right, classification should be faster in task 1 (Z =
positive + c-left; M = negative+ c-right) than in task 2. Consequently RTs of task 1 are
lower than RTs of task 2 (in milliseconds) and an implicit preference for the center left
area appears. On the contrary, for those that implicitly prefer the center right, the
block of trials which associates center-right parties or leaders with positive words are
faster (M= positive + c-right; Z= negative + c-left), compared to the block in which the
same positive words are associated to the opposed leaders and parties.

This is the core of our research, because for every respondent the IAT shows the

respective Response Time which allow to measure the score of participants implicit


After the data collection, the program returned respondent’s Response Times in
milliseconds; those data have been arranged before the analysis to obtain the
measures of implicit preferences.

A first trimming of the data has been especially necessary to eliminate wrong
responses before the analysis; if the initial classification to a stimulus was in error
(e.g. Bossi = Z), it was erased from the data (no penalty scores). Moreover, double
responses have been corrected. In the case respondents answered pressing more
than one key (e.g. zm, mz, mx), the procedure has been the following: (1) if the first
response was correct, additional wrong letters were cleaned and the results have
been included in the analysis, (2) if the first response taped was wrong, it was
eliminated from the analysis. Finally, the last 5% percentile with the slower Response
Times was individuated (from 2126 ms to 2999 ms) to limit the speed trade-off
(Greenwald et al., 2003). Anyway, it has been decided to include these data in the
analysis, because higher latencies have even proved to be meaningful for the
research (notice that the test had been already programmed to have all responses
faster than 3000 ms).

At this point, it was possible to work on Response Times to make each subject’s
implicit political preferences emerge from the IAT. This analysis has been computed
at individual level, to have the possibility to compare it with each subject’s respective
explicit attitude (expressed in self-report).
Collected data have been analyzed using the scoring procedure refined by
Greenwald et al. (2003), where the arithmetic mean latency (Response Time) of
positive association for each of the two tasks was calculated. More especially, a
differential implicit score based on speed in the two critical tasks was computed for
each respondent (Greenwald, Nosek, & Banaji, 2003). This index was computed as
the difference between Average RT of Center-Right + positive (in 2st task) and
Average RT of Center-Left + positive (in 1st task).
The difference between Response Times in associating each political side to positive
gave us 67 implicit OVERALL political perceptions (one for each respondent). If

the Implicit score was lower than 0, the subject had a center-right attitude, if Implicit
score was higher than 0, the subject had a center-left attitude (data for the first level
of the analysis).
Taking as example summary scores of Subject 1 (in red in Table 8):
- The Average RT of Center-Right in association to positive is 1428,42 milliseconds,
given by the average RT performed in classifying each Center-Right Leader and
each Center-Right Party during the 2nd task.
- The Average RT of center-Left in association to positive is 1166,87 milliseconds,
given by the average RT performed in classifying each Center-Left Leader and each
Center-Left Party during the 1st task.
In the example in Table 8 the difference between them is positive (261,55
milliseconds), meaning that the subject was faster in associating positive with Center-
Left. Subject 1’s Overall political perception shows an implicit attitude closer to
Center-Left (Average RT of C-Right in task 2 - Average RT of C-Left in task 1 >0).


RT in milliseconds
st nd
1 TASK (C-Left + positive) 2 TASK (C-Right + positive) ∆
Bersani 912,5 Berlusconi 1325
Vendola 771 Bossi 864,5
di Pietro 1455,5 Fini 975
Center-left leaders 1046,33 Center-right leaders 1054,83 Leaders attitude 8,5
PD 1769 PDL 1527
SEL 926,5 LN 1795
IDV 1407,5 FLI 2084
Center-left parties 1287,4 Center-right parties 1802 Party attitude 514,6

Center-left overall 1166,87 Center-right overall 1428,42 Political attitude 261,55

It must be noticed that, formerly, the same measure of implicit political cognition was
computed between Parties and between Leaders, in two separate measures for each
subject tested (data for the second level of the analysis).
The experiment was actually set to have RTs for each leader and party for both tasks,
so it has been possible to consider RT for each stimulus during its classification with
the same hand used to classify positive meaning. Consequently an average RT for

each political stimulus in association with positive has been computed (data for the
third level of the analysis). Some examples from Subject 1 of the average RTs for
each political stimulus are: Bersani 912,5 milliseconds, Berlusconi 1325
milliseconds, PD 1769 milliseconds, etc… (Table 8, p.42).
Similarly to the procedure followed for the Overall Implicit Attitudes, the computation
of the difference between the averages RT of Center-Right and Center- Left Leaders
in association with positive gave us the individual Implicit LEADERS political
perceptions (e.g. from Subject 1, Table 8: 8,5 milliseconds). Subsequently the same
procedure has been followed with parties RTs to obtain the Implicit PARTIES
political perceptions for each respondent (e.g. from Subject 1, Table 8: 514,6

All implicit measures of each of the 68 respondent’s political perceptions have been
calculated in this way. Then the relevant implicit scores of political perceptions have
been resumed in one database which was the basis of our SPSS analysis (Appendix
3 reports the summary of Implicit scores in the last three columns).


Together with the IAT, subjects completed a parallel self-report which allows to
measure the strength of the corresponding explicit associations. Nonetheless
researches showed that the order of presentation of the explicit and the implicit tasks
exerts minimal or even null influences on the IAT scores (Hofmann et al., 2005;
Nosek et al., 2005), we followed the “reasonable procedural guideline to
counterbalance the order of IAT and self-report, in the absence of reasons for just
using a single order” as concluded by Nosek, Greenwald, and Banaji (p. 273; 2007).
Political self-identification is reported with three simple multiple choice questions with
quantitative assessment (Appendix 2): the first one, more general, asked the overall
political attitude (Q1), the second one asked to give a judgment to each of the
leaders (Q2), the third one asked to give a judgment to each of the parties (Q3).
In all questions, participants who declared “I don’t know” have been considered
undecided, while the participants who answered “I prefer not to answer this question”
have been named reticent. Both of them were coded with 0 explicit attitudes.
Among the participants who expressed their voting intention, we coded -1 or -2 the

answers in favor of the C-Right area, 0 from the center, and +1 +2 those in favor of
the C-Left area (see Appendix 2).

Taking as example the coded self- report of Subject 1 (Table 9):

- Q1 - assessing the perceived general political preference - has been coded with 2
points as the subject perceived himself as strongly from Center-Left.
- Q2 codification allowed to quantitatively measure the Explicit political
preferences over LEADERS subtracting Center-Right average score for Leaders
to Center-Left average score for leaders (2,33 points = center-left preference).
- The same procedure has been used also to assess the Explicit political
preferences over PARTIES in Q3 (2,66 points = center-left preference).


Q1 General political preference 2
Bersani 5 Berlusconi 1
Vendola 4 Bossi 1
di Pietro 3 Fini 3
Q2 Center-left leaders 4 Center-right leaders 1,67 Leaders attitude 2,33
PD 5 PDL 1
SEL 4 LN 1
Q3 Center-left parties 4 Center-right parties 1,33 Party attitude 2,66

Explicit Overall Political Attitude 2,33

The average of (Q1) the subject’s general explicit political preference, (Q2) the
subject’s explicit preference toward leaders and (Q3) the subject’s explicit preference
toward parties, gave each Individual Explicit OVERALL political attitude for the
As before, if the resulting overall score was less than 0 it represented a Center-Right
attitude, if it was higher than 0 the subject expressed a Center-Left attitude, if it is 0
the responded was undecided or he didn’ want to answer (e.g. Subject 1 in Table 9
explicit political preference is 2,33 < 0 = Center-Left attitude).
Appendix 3 reports the summary of explicit scores in the first three columns.


Explicit political preferences of each respondents have been gathered through the
surveys and implicit political preferences have been measured associating major
candidates and parties in Italy with positive and negative words in the IAT.
Raw implicit and explicit data have been elaborated though current methodologies to
obtain valid measures of implicit and explicit political attitudes (Appendix 3). On this
quantitative data, our hypotheses verification commenced properly, with the use of
the most functional statistics.


To observe the interplay between implicit and explicit voters’ attitudes and test HP1,
the final political scores from self-reports have been correlated with the final IATs
scores from political attitude. The correlation of self-reports with the IAT for overall
political preferences (leaders + parties) is:

r =.46 with a p value < .001 (p= .000; N67).

The correlation between explicit and implicit attitudes is weaker than the threshold
political correlation of Greenwald’s IATs (r =.46 < r =.69), evidencing that, even if
there is a positive relationship, implicit political preference is not fully explained by
explicit attitudes. IATs shows that many of the implicit political preferences
(association of leaders and parties with positive meaning) differ from the aware
political preferences.

As given by the subsequent graph (fig. 2), discrepancies between IATs and self
reports are numerous and evidenced by many outliers. Vertical axes gives political
preferences collected by self report, while horizontal axes gives IAT overall implicit
attitudes computed as the delta of center-left and center-right RTs (in milliseconds).
For both measures, scores minor than 0 show center-right preferences, 0 score
means no preference, and scores higher than 0 show center-left preferences.

Figure 2

Group 2

Group 1
Group 4

Group 3

Group 5

Group 2
Group 4

Group 1

From both political sides there is a consistent group of respondents (group1) who
perceive themselves as decisively convinced about their politically opinions and
whose implicit attitude confirm their expressed political preference (black circles in
fig.2). Those subjects create the positive linear correlation, reinforced by the other
similar group of center-right explicitly and implicitly moderates (dotted circle in fig. 2).
On the contrary many explicit political attitudes which are not correlated with implicit
ones are also identifiable. There is a great number of respondents (group 2) which
exhibit fair convinced implicit association but expressed their clear political
engagement from center-left, and similarly there is a small group whose implicit
attitude is weakly from the center-right but explicitly they perceived themselves as
strongly form center-right (orange squares in fig. 1). Many of them implicitly acted as
absolutely undecided voters (they are actually illustrated adjacent to the red vertical
line in fig.1), nonetheless they expresses clear explicit preferences. On the opposite
side, between those respondents expressing slight political tendency during the
questionnaire (from -1 to +1), there are also three outliers form the center-left group

who strengthen the overall center left preference at implicit level (group 3).
Finally the most impressive data are those where implicit/explicit responses totally
differ (group 4, signaled by yellow arrows in fig. 1) and implicit responses of
undecided voters (group 5, on the red horizontal line in fig. 1). Undecided are going
to be analyzed broadly in HP2, while respondents of group 4 are those which best
exemplify the validation of our first hypothesis because, more than others, they
evidence the existence of unconscious elements in voters choices. They actually
have given a political explicit preference to one political side (e.g. center-left), but at
the implicit level, they have associated the opposite political side (e.g. center-right) to
These first results are boosted proceeding with the analysis through subsamples.

“Leader” attitudes and “Party” attitudes are the main subsamples of this research and
their implicit and explicit scores have been analyzed separately.
A Pearson’s correlation coefficient was computed to assess the relationship between
implicit and explicit political attitudes on Leaders first. Then implicit and explicit
scores on Parties attitudes have also been correlated. These analyses show that at
this second level discrepancies between explicit and implicit attitudes are even
An implicit/explicit Leader r =.37, with p value < .001 (p=.002; N67), confirms low
implicit political correlation with their respective aware leader preferences. This
unaware distance is vaguely lower in implicit/explicit Party correlation, r =.39 p
value <.001 (p=.001; N67) but, in the main, it is weak for both subsamples (r < 0.69).

Figure 3 Figure 4

Scatterplots (fig. 3 and fig. 4) endorse the previous results, outlining that the positive
linear relationship between explicit and implicit Leader and Party preferences is not
strong. Moreover in “leader” attitudes (fig.3) a discrete amounts of subject of group 2
(weak implicit preferences, make firmer explicitly) could be evidenced. Even if implicit
tendency seems confused, explicit preferences are well polarized, suggesting that
political preferences are reinforced at the explicit level in those subjects. A stronger
correlation is evidenced in figure 4 (implicit explicit correlation for Parties), but it is
also visible a discrete amounts of subjects from group 4 (opposed implicit-explicit
preferences), confirming that implicit processes exist inside the political choices and
suggesting some implications for the decision-making process, even at the party and
leader level.

Last subsamples from HP1 repeat implicit/explicit correlation at the level of each
stimulus. From the two political sides (center-left, center-right), each Leader
Response Time from the Implicit Association Test has been correlated to his related
explicit score (Table 10).


di Pietro r = - .23 p = .068 (N66)
Bersani r = - .20 p = .077 (N66)
Vendola r = - .29 p = .015 (N67)
Fini r = - .24 p = .055 (N67)
Berlusconi r = - .11 p = .037 (N67)
Bossi r = - .21 p = .084 (N67)

Although a negative linear correlation it is marked for everybody (higher the response
times, lower the explicit preference), correlation of what people explicitly and
explicitly perceive it is generally extremely low (r < .69). It should be noticed that low
significances give low statistical power to this analysis but, even considering only
significant analysis (p < .05 = Vendola and Berlusconi), the result is clear: what
people say and what people implicitly think about those leaders are two very different
The following graphs plot Response Times for the higher and the lower significant
correlations gathered; axes gives explicit attitudes on the Y and implicit Response

Times on the X (in milliseconds). The black vertical line gives the average RT for
these stimuli, while the horizontal red line separate those responses which
expressively have positive preferences (on the upper side) for those which expressed
low points of preference to those leader (on the lower side).

Figure 5 Figure 6 HP1


The negative slope of the linear regression indicates that when response times
increases, explicit preference decreases, so even if there is a certain relation
between those variables, there is surely a prominent part of the choice that is
expressed only at implicit level and which maybe needs to be taken into account for
further discussion.
Vendola implicit attitude (fig.5) seems to follow a certain coherence with explicit
preferences, showing that those who expressed high explicit preference were
actually faster in associating his image with positive (circle in the upper side of the
graph, fig. 5), while lower is the explicit attitude, higher is the implicit RTs.
On the contrary, Berlusconi’s implicit preferences were impressively high (circle with
the slower RTs in fig. 5), in spite of the fact that explicit scores were generally very
low. It is evident that a great part of respondents brains associate unawarely his
image with positive concepts, despite they do not have the same explicit opinion.
These third level results support what was expressed by previous weak correlations,
and emphasize the hypothesis of measurable different implicit political preferences in
voters’ decision-making (HP1).

All previous graphs also gave an idea about the availability of implicit attitudes in
those subjects who do not express any explicit preferences (explicit score = 0, on red
horizontal line in fig. 1, fig. 2, and fig. 3). Those respondents are undecided and
reticent voters, whose behavior is not observable simply through HP1 correlations.
To test HP2 request of better understanding of those subject’s behaviors, some
further analysis had to be made. A segment of 20 respondents whose self-report
average political preference was around 0 (mean = 0,05) has been selected. Their
explicit attitude is reported in the following bar chart (fig.7).

Figure 7

As it is possible to deduce from the IAT scores of those subjects (labels of fig.7), the
majority of the implicit attitudes of undecided and reticent voters differ from 0 (their
explicit attitude).

To prove statistically this difference a one sample t test was implemented.
The differences between implicit political preferences and 0 (explicit attitude) for
undecided and reticent voters were statistically significant, t (19) = 4.42, p < .01 (two
tailed), α = .05, indicating that it was more than what would have been expected due
to chance. This analysis shows that, although these subjects do not have explicit
preference, they do have implicit attitudes; so it definitely verifies HP2.

A statistically reliable difference between explicit and implicit attitudes has been
successfully revealed also in subsamples. The difference between 0 (the explicit
attitude) and the mean scores of implicit attitudes was significant at the Leader level,
t (18) = 4.17, p< .001 (two tailed), α = .05, and at the Party level, t (18) = 5.08 p< .01
(two tailed), α = .05. When explicit attitude is 0, implicit attitude is different from 0
evidencing the emergence of clear political preference among undecided and reticent

At the level of each Leader stimulus, Implicit Response Times have also been
segmented, eliminating those whose respective explicit preference to the candidate
were already expressed, and testing only those respondents who did not declared
any opinion about the leader (explicit attitude = 0).


Difference between Implicit RTs and 0 (explicit score)
di Pietro t (13) = 14,40 p< .01 (two tailed) α = .05
Bersani t (13) = 10,80 p< .01 (two tailed) α = .05
Vendola t (14) = 10,36 p< .01 (two tailed) α = .05
Fini t (14) = 11,70 p< .01 (two tailed) α = .05
Berlusconi t (15) = 15,92 p< .01 (two tailed) α = .05
Bossi t (15) = 19,28 p< .01 (two tailed) α = .05

The average implicit responses times were significantly different from explicit attitude
for each Leader.

Firstly the IAT demonstrate the existence of clear implicit political attitudes even on
those subjects which have unclear political explicit attitudes (mainly undecided, but
also reticent to answer to the test). Secondly, results showed that implicit and explicit
measures are essentially different and that this difference is relevant at all the three

levels of analysis (HP2 verified).


The analysis of the relationship Figure 8

structure between party and leader
preferences is necessary for a
deep investigation of political
Especially, HP3 tests if voters
preferring Leader of party A
compared to the Leader of Party B
also prefer Party A to Party B.
The explicit party/leader
preferences are strongly correlated
(r = .91, p = .000, N68). This correlation gives a well-built positive linear relationship
at the explicit level, with few outliers (fig. 8). The general consistency within self-
reports shows that the test was made accurately, but above all this explicit coefficient
has been computed to be compared with the implicit one, in the following analysis.

Figure 9

As it was supposed, the correlation between leaders and parties at the implicit level
is a lot lower than the coefficient at the explicit level, r =.53, p value= .000 (N68).
Accordingly, as illustrated by the previous graph (fig. 9), it seems that there are many
instances in which the implicit perceptions of the leader and the party differ (HP3).
Even if a positive linear correlation is still reckonable, many outliers between party
and leader preferences are evidenced (fig. 9). A great number of respondents have
implicit preferences for a certain party although, those attitudes are not confirmed by
the implicit preferences for of the leader of this party. The 2nd and the 4th quadrant of
Scatterplots in fig.8 show those incongruities between party and leader preferences.

The limits of the previous analysis is that it cannot show which Leaders are less
correlated with their respective parties, so to accordingly test HP3 there is the need
to examine the correlation between party and leader for each respective pair. Results
are expressed in Table 12.


di Pietro -IDV r = - .44 p = .000 (N66)
Bersani - PD r = - .32 p = .008 (N66)
Vendola -SEL r = - .44 p = .000 (N67)
Fini -FLI r = - .39 p = .001 (N66)
Berlusconi - PDL r = - .44 p = .000 (N67)
Bossi -LN r = - .39 p = .001 (N67)

Overall, implicitly there was a weak, positive correlation between parties and leaders
attitudes, evidencing that party and leader often differ. To have a an indication of how
separate two sets of measurements are -allowing to determine whether something
has changed and there are two distributions, or whether there is effectively only one
distribution - there is the need of other analysis.

A Paired T test was computed to assess if the leader Response Times are
significantly different to each respective party Response Times, at implicit level. Each
pair significance and the difference of paired means (Leader – Party RT) are reported
in Table 13 (p. 54).

Paired Sample Test (two tailed) α = .05 Paired ∆ means

di Pietro -IDV t (65) = - 0,96, p = .342 - 45,99

Bersani - PD t (65) = 1,09 p = .046 +58,20
Vendola -SEL t (66) = -1,15 p = .252 -52,82
Fini -FLI t (65) = - 1,07 p = .288 -55,55
Berlusconi - PDL t (66) = - 2,167 p = .034 -100,28
Bossi -LN t (66) = - 0,746 p = .459 -33,62

As in four pairs - Di Pietro and IDV, Vendola and SEL, Fini and FLI, and finally Bossi
and LN - the significance value is greater than .05 (2-Tailed), it should be concluded
that differences between Party an Leaders Response Times means exists, but they
are not statistically significant.
Anyway, the paired samples t test succeeded to reveal a statistically reliable
significance between (1) the difference in average Response Times of Bersani and
his party PD, and (2) the difference in average Response Times of Berlusconi and his
party PDL.
Bersani and PD difference between paired mean of Leader and Party Response
Times is positive (Table 13), meaning that it is easier for respondents to recognize
the party than the respective leader (RT party > RT leader).
On the other hand, Berlusconi and PDL mean difference ( Table 13) gives negative
result, meaning that it is easier for voters to recognize the Leader, than the respective
party logo (PDL).

These paired t-tests, together with the implicit party/leader correlations, completely
ratify HP3, revealing that implicit Response Time for leaders are significantly different
than implicit Response Time for parties.

The IAT concept - where subjects make selections before the conscious self has time
to screen its deeper feelings - has a multitude of reliable records of unconscious
measure. This experiment adds one encouraging employment of this tool in the
political domain, increasing our knowledge on voters decision-making. The
development of this method in Italian politics allowed to assess preferences on
current Italian parties and leaders, even when these perceptions existed only outside
of conscious awareness or control (Smith & Nosek, 2009). This measure of implicit
political perception has opened the analysis of our three main hypotheses, where
remarkable results may be offered to discussion.

As sustained by cognitive scientists, the existence of observable implicit elements in
political decisions-making has emerged during the IAT measure of political attitude.
The experiment demonstrated that voters’ explicit and implicit political preferences
are not strongly correlated, and that implicit individual attitudes frequently differ from
the explicit ones during the political choice. The substantiation of our first hypotheses
stands out that what people said and what the test showed they were feeling, were
often un-matched.
There are followers from one political side implicitly showing totally opposing
preferences during the test (group 4), there are respondents that implicitly have well-
built political preferences but then express quite moderated opinions on self reports
(group 3), there are subjects who are fairly convinced at the implicit level and then
strengthen this attitudes at the explicit level (group 2), and finally there are subjects
with well correlated implicit/explicit preferences (group1).

As noticed by many neuroscientists, the revealed implicit attitudes, combined with

the deliberate political perception, affect and complement the functioning of
political behaviors (Smith & Nosek, 2009). Consequently, the observed mental
processes occurring outside awareness are also essential for gaining insight
into the functioning of human minds (e.g. Walter, 2005) and had to be discussed.

In light of cognitive knowledge, the interplay between implicit and explicit attitudes
outlined in this experiment has been interpreted, to clarify the whole decision
processes occurring during the vote.

The observed implicit political attitudes suggest that, at non-conscious level, there
are pressures in one political direction that need to be ratified (group 1), to be
reinforced (group 2), or to be overcome (group 4), before the final aware decision is
taken. As sustained by Smith and Nosek (2009), those implicit pressures have
been developed unawarely in our minds during life experience. Our minds
exposure - to images stories and issues of politicians and parties - builds our implicit
perceptions of them during time, even if we are unaware of these processes (Smith &
Nosek, 2009).
Implicit attitudes, as the one measured during the test, are integral part of the choice
processes because they affect future mind exposures and contacts with other stimuli
which in turn affect future perceptions (Fitzsimons at al., 2002). Those non conscious
stimuli - affective, automatic and obviously implicit - are elaborated during the
decision-making through unrecognized mechanisms which lead the choices (Walter
et al., 2005). For example, our respondents showing great implicit association to
center-right have determined a positive unconscious feeling with center-right leaders
and parties, during the various exposures their minds had in their life experience (e.g.
their teacher’s opinion, listening to bus/street/coiffeur discourses, family values,
watching a movie or listening to a song, etc. ). Proceeding in the decision-making
process, their implicit favorable attitudes to center-right are elaborated in sub step of
decision process, to become aware and be recognized as their final political choice
(Walter et al., 2005, Knutston et al., 2007).

During this primary sub-step of decision-making only implicit attitudes exist, but,
affecting the choices of subsequent information (Visser at al., 2000), they are the first
elements explaining the process of political preferences. Generally speaking, implicit
attitudes affect how voters choose information and treat them in the future
(newspaper, opinion leaders, internet, TV, books, magazines, etc.). Moreover, as
suggested by literature (Westen, 2008) eventual political contradictions are not going
to be evidenced on their supported candidate, while they will be strongly remarked in
the opposed candidate. This unaware process controls the choices of information,

supports the statement of the implicit preferred candidate, and finally makes the
implicit preferences converge in the explicit choice. In a context of where people
cannot collect a lot of data to make an evaluation (Knutston et al., 2007) implicit
attitudes give the principal devices to choose; so they are one of the principal
elements affecting voter decision.

The elaboration of the choice is affected by social structures (CCT; Leighley &
Matsubayashi, 2009) and contextual elements (Marketing Model; Newman & Sheth
1985) such as:
 current events (e.g. terroristic attack, murders in your neighborhood, etc.),
 experienced issues (e.g. stolen property, family story, travels, etc.),
 individual current situation (e.g. need of an apartment, unemployment, etc.),
These elements definitely work at unconscious level, but when the decision-making
process arrives at this second sub-step they become more and more explicit. As
explained by Newman and Sheth (1985), there are other three elements working out
in voters’ mind:
 feelings aroused (e.g. empathy, positivity, fear, etc.),
 candidate image (e.g. looser, self-made man, etc.),
 social imagery (e.g. party represents labors/greens/Catholics, etc.),
Within this sub-step, from their being implicit, those elements become more and
more aware and continue to shape explicit political preferences. Finally, issues and
policies, offered by the party or candidate, are also taken into account during the

The fully conscious level is the last sub-step in political decision-making, where all
those elements previously elaborated by our mind come out in the actual political
choice. In this third sub-step the voter’s aim is to produce the maximum utility for the
subject - and his family - (Downs, 1957), and to maximize benefits attended for the
whole society (Edlin et al., 2007).
Anyway the evaluation of voters’ maximum utility is the one obtainable with “fast and
frugal” decision-making (Baldassarri & Schadee, 2005), given the amount of implicit
and explicit attitudes collected during the process.

Through this process the implicit attitudes may consequently be elaborated in the
same direction of unaware attitudes (group 1; scores in black circles in fig. 2 -
results). So, confirming what the unconscious political brain has perceived, they were
“ratified consciously” (Westen, 2008) and came out in self-reports equal to unaware
political preference.

The integration of cognitive knowledge in political decisions could also better explain
the process of those subjects whose IATs evidenced fairly convinced implicit attitudes
and then showed secure preferences at explicit level (group 2, orange squares in
figure 2 of results). By leveraging the information process implicitly closer to their
unaware preferences (Visser at al., 2000), and by confirming statement of their
primary preferred leaders or party (Westen, 2008), in the end voters consciously
strengthen the political choice already made at the implicit level. So at the beginning
of the previous process even weak implicit preferences could become convinced
future choices, following the direction of implicit attitudes. This process would enlarge
the primary political attitudes transforming subjects with fairly convinced implicit
attitudes in explicit engaged voters.

This is a well-known procedure that is also valid for undecided voters (HP2), while
the comportments of group 3 - strong implicit attitudes expressed by weak self
reports preferences - could be assimilated to reticent voters (HP2) who preferred not
to express their political opinion in survey or who lied. Moreover it should be noticed
that IAT score could be enhanced by the fact that topics for which the respondents
perceive themselves as being distinct from the cultural norm, elicit stronger
correspondence than those for which the respondents perceive themselves as being
just like the norm (Nosek, 2005).

As it was also observed in Iacoboni researches (2007), some subjects’ implicit choice
could be reassessed during the process and it can differ when outlined explicitly
(group 4, yellow arrow in figure 2 of results). In those subjects, whose explicit
attitudes differ from implicit perceptions of Leaders and Parties, the implicit attitudes
have been overcome during the last sub-steps of decision-making process, because
they are evaluated through other more aware elements. Some unaware hurdles that
this subjects’ brain acquired during life exposures to unconscious stimuli, have been

surmounted because of contextual clues, personal aware experience or - as said by
the rational model - given the utility attended by this subject.

Anyway it seems clear that, beyond classical marketing and economic theories, a
new model of voter behavior including implicit attitudes must be elaborated to explain
the real voter decision-making process.

The results for subsamples analysis confirm the validity of the process previously
outlined, evidencing strong implicit elements inside political preferences.
In the second subsample it is noticeable that correlation of explicit/implicit Leader’s
preferences is little weaker than the party one, suggesting that implicit elements are
even more present in the Leader’s choice compared to Parties choice. Emotions
seem actually best aroused by leaders’ pictures than parties’ logos.
But it is in the third subsample (individual leaders level) that discrepancies between
implicit and explicit preferences are even more noticeable, with really low implicit
correlations. Nosek, (2005) explained that when the IAT deals with two competing
alternatives (such our first level of the analysis: center-right vs. center-left) stronger
correspondence are obtained in comparison with to classifications without a direct
contrast (such this third level analysis where the classification is not bipolar but all six
leaders contrast at the same level). Even if this technical limitation explains in part
why correlation is so low, it is unquestionable that, here again, the process flowing
from implicit to explicit preference seems to have strong unconscious basis that
needs to be considered during the choice. In this analysis the implicit process
affecting voters has been significantly observed in two possible candidates which
were differently exposed to respondents’ brain perception. Voters’ exposures during
their life to Vendola are actually recent and maybe less stratified in our perceptions.
Even if it is still observable what was discussed previously (great implicit/explicit
discrepancies), the explicit-implicit correlation here is higher than the average. The
decision-making process on this candidate has just begun to affect our perceptions
and generally those who like him implicitly have expressed higher scores also
explicitly and vice-versa. On the contrary, differences between what voters have
expressed and what they implicitly perceive about Berlusconi are more remarkable.
Voters generally evidence unconscious positive association at implicit level which
often changes when preferences is elaborated consciously (lower explicit scores

registered). What voters feel and what they say it is particularly unmatched when
this stimulus appears. These results do not mean that those whose subjects didn't
match their feelings will not vote for what their explicit preferences say. But it does
suggest they'll have to overcome some internal hurdles during the choice processes
to overcome unaware perceptions.

The electorate could elaborate their judgment more or less consciously during this
process. Taking into consideration available resources (time and info) voters
therefore examine the promises of parties in order to calculate the difference
between the utilities they expect from the two parties if they were elected (Downs,
1957). Moreover they may also compare the past performance of parties, but
frequently the implicit perception is greater than other elements and leads the whole
decision-making (Fitzsimons at al., 2002). For this reason I believe that a valid
model of voting behavior could not leave measures of implicit preference


In addition to previous analysis HP2 observed the existence of clear implicit political
preferences even among undecided and reticent subjects. The majority of those
subjects - with no explicit political preferences – incredibly showed implicit attitudes
which were significantly different from 0 during the IAT, at all three levels of the
This moves our discussion at the beginning of the previously discussed voter’s
process of decision, when the subject is still unaware of his perceptions but, as
shown by our results, his implicit attitudes are significantly different from not having
any political preferences. Knutston actually gave us the theoretical basis to sustain
that sometimes decisions occur outside the voter’s plain awareness (Knutston et al.,
2007). Before proceeding with other existing framework to explain voters’ behaviors,
it should be considered that our brain incorporates a vast amount of implicit
knowledge - where we live, what we do, and who we know - that unconsciously
aggregated, already shapes our preferences.

As evidenced in the discussion of Hp1 results, Hp2 confirmed the fact that political
choices are made at nonconscious level before the end of the decision-
making process, and are scrutinized until they outcome as explicit preferences.

The final choice could be, or not be, similar to the primary implicit attitudes,
anyway, even in undecided voters, those implicit preferences affect in many way
the decision-making process, and give the political predisposition of the subject. In
actual facts, the undecided voter attempts to resolve the indecision through
implicit perceptions selecting those experiences which are closer to his deeper
feelings. Not only the eventual information search will be biased by these first
implicit attitudes (Visser at al., 2000), but during the whole process of indecision
resolution, undecided voter will be more open to believe and agree to opinions and
statements of his implicitly preferred leader or party (Westen, 2008). Generally
speaking, especially in contexts with limited resources, implicit preferences
provide a push toward one position over the other and soon or later it could
resolve the indecision. It is not to exclude that this could happen until the
undecided voter is inside the cubicle; when the voter is physically taking a decision
he finally discloses his choices, which would be unobservable in advance without
the IAT.
Consequently, among undecided voters (whose explicit attitudes is 0), a measure
of implicit preferences is a signal of their possible future political choice. Many
researches showed that undecided’s implicit attitudes predicted their future choice
when participants are unable or unwilling to express an opinion (e.g. Arcuri et al,
2008; Galdi et al., 2008). When explicit attitudes of voting intentions are not
available this information is tremendously important for marketers.
Similarly, the IAT may be useful with reticent voters because, while they do not
express their engagement with a questionnaire, they may allow to disclose their
implicit attitudes through the anonymous IAT. So this methods could be used also to
indirectly disclose perceptions of those who are unwilling to say what they vote, but
there is the total necessity that they are well-informed on IAT functioning and they
give the consensus to be tested on the research objective.

The current models actually ignore the possibility to explain undecided political
preferences, but undecided voters are those which strongly affect the predictability
of current elections and whose eventual behavior is not measurable throughout
normal questionnaires. So a measure of implicit attitudes (the IAT) and a new
framework of voter’s choice including implicit preferences are absolutely
necessary and are probably the most compelling implications of this research.


Furthermore the discussion on implicit-automatic elements in voter’s decision-making

is enriched by HP3 results. Here it is evidenced again that this voters’ choice is not
structured following the rational assumptions; in particular, voters do not follow
ordered paths for implicit preferences: those preferring the Leader of party A
compared to the Leader of party B do not necessarily prefer Party A to Party B.
Implicit attitudes during the experiment outlined a different political engagement
between leaders and their respective parties. So, even if the choice is made by
the some components, and should include a measure of implicit attitudes, results of
HP3 outlined that those processes may enhance the first or the last sub-steps, so
Leader and Party preferences could be different. Consequently, investigation on
political preferences (where the outcome choice is the object of the analysis) should
be made separately for the leader and for the party attitudes. An analysis on
candidate preference, for example, might give lower center-left preference than what
would be expressed by the same analysis on their respective parties and vice-versa,
depending if the preference has been more structured at conscious or unconscious
This HP showed that all the political Party-Leader propositions (less one) are more
easily identified by their respective leaders than by their party logos. Sustaining what
was already evidenced by Hp1, it is possible to notice that candidates arouse more
implicit attitudes than parties. So, in a model explaining the functioning on voter’s
preference about a political candidate, the existence of a measure of implicit attitudes
is even more fundamental.
The reliability of this tool has been evidenced by the fact that at the implicit level, the
sole party that was easier identified by his logo rather than by his leader was PD,
which explicitly recognizes itself in this strategy. On the contrary, parties where
leadership is accepted to strengthen their positioning - di Pietro for IDV, Berlusconi
for PDL, and Bossi for LN – actually showed the force of their leader image in the IAT
as well as in their marketing approach (deciding to show their names also on their
party Logo). Fini also has his name on his party FLI, but together with Vendola for
SEL, the dominance of their leadership over their respective parties cloud be mainly
determined by the recent constitution of their parties, whose new logos are still hardly
recognized by respondents in the automatic test.

HP3 tested that political choices are not shaped with a rational structure in our minds,
supporting the existence of unconscious/emotional elements in political behavior
which existent models still have not considered implicit elements.

Limitations and Further Researches

While the IAT is more reliable than related association measures, it is not perfectly
reliable and some limitations of results have been noticed together with possible
improvement of the current researches.
As with any measurement tool, there are extraneous influences that interfere with its
effectiveness as a measure of associations. For example, some features of the
procedure have impact on task performance (RTs). The most prominent influence is
the order of the categorization tasks, as the first performed task interferes with
performance on the second (it is easier and it could record lower RT latencies).
Anyway, as expressed in methodologies, this negative influence has been strongly
reduced in our experiment through a procedural change. Undoubtedly, further
researches in coming years will continue to refine the methodological quality of the
IAT, and more perfect association measurement could be gathered.
Moreover, a valuable further research could test the consistency of preferences over
time, to understand the reliability of this experiment and to avoid the risk of
fluctuations from moment-to-moment given by external factors.
A technical improvement would definitely be the inclusion of latencies when
participants make a mistake during the classification, instead of erasing those data.
This would be possible computing an error penalty in Response Times, which will be
successively considered during the analysis.
Finally, as the hypotheses have highlighted the existence of unaware attitudes
affecting political decision, we could be tempted to say that this influence is especially
evident in the Italian context, where implicit/explicit correlation is lower than in
previous studies. Anyway the limits of this and similar assertion is evidenced by the
fact that r increases with N, and that we do not have the adequate samples to
compare our research with the previous similar studies (where data were all collected
through the web).


This experiment improved the identification of the cerebral mechanisms that are
foundation of the voter’s behavior and allowed to fully integrate nonconscious sub-
step inside the decision-making process.



Unquestionably, each party, coalition and leader populating the political arena could
be observed rationally to evaluate costs and benefits of choosing it. Even if the utility
maximization has proved to partially explain the final choice of voting behaviors, this
research, substantiating the literature, has shown the necessity to include a measure
of implicit preference in existing models.
Existing models of voters’ behavior have been integrated and they have been
supported by neuroscientific discoveries, to implement a new model of voting
behavior which also considered the observed implicit/explicit interplay (fig. 11).

In this model - i - is the IMPLICIT component unconsciously affecting voters’

choice; it explains the political decision-making process interacting with the previous


ΔU = p (Bself + NBsoc) − c
- i- *

Social Structures

- i - is the IMPLICIT component primary affecting voters’ choice

Toward everyday experience, voter’s brain captures the implicit political attitude (-i-),
which would be the basis of his future evaluation, information search and indecision
solutions. This attitude is subsequently affected by many contextual and personal
elements, becoming more and more explicit (Marketing model). The context, with
the special magnitude of Social Structures, influences perceptions firstly implicitly
and then more and more consciously; anyway primary perceptions strongly structure
the whole decision-making. The Implicit attitude may or may not evolve in similar
explicit preference, because even if political actors are influenced by elements that
they not even recognize or control, explicit thinking is also significantly relevant
(Rational Model).

Figure 11 (p.64) shows how the previous models contributed to the new one;
illustrate the new graphical elaboration of the Neuromarketing Model Of Voting
Behavior is illustrated in Appendix 4.

For the first time the Neuromarketing model frames the interplay between the
unaware and the controlled mind, where the deliberate and intentional preferences
may - or may not - take priority over automatic responses in achieving the final
choice. The relative importance of each of the four parts could be enhanced during
the process of elaboration, and the final choice could be based more on the implicit
sub-step or more on the rational sub-step of the process.

Cognitive psychological work supplements marketing and economic work on

political behavior, because the new schema concept could incorporate unconscious
biases and heuristics, that belief systems (based on directly reported beliefs and
opinions) could not.

Limitations and Further Researches

Neuroscientists argued that the implicit side of the choice is greater than the rational
one. Even if this model recognizes the importance of unconscious decision-making, it
does not explain the weight of this key element. From our research and from
literature we can suppose that the implicit factor is relatively consistent, but in further
studies this model could be improved investigating the magnitude of each sub-step,
to obtain the average importance of each part.

The further understanding of voters’ decision-making is surely the most compelling
future development of this research. For instance, another further investigation of
voter’s mind functioning is the one suggested in our final part of the literature review.
It could be interesting to test how the mind reacts to unaware stimuli that the context
offers during the process. This could be implemented introducing subliminal stimuli in
the IAT, to observe if our brain perceptions change after different stimulus exposure
(e.g. war, fear, flags, etc.).


Media and political parties spend millions to predict the outcome of elections, anyway
complains about the result obtained by the exclusive use of self-report survey
methods are regular. Researchers have actually sustained that, what biases studies
in public opinion today is the exclusion of affective and automatic models of
information processing (Taber, 2003; Burdein, Lodge, & Taber, 2006; Kinder, 1998).
Self-report methodology is actually limited by the interest and ability of respondents
to report the factors that will predict their ultimate behavior. On the contrary, the IAT -
measuring preferences even when the subjects are not aware - has tremendously
advanced the predictability of election outcomes in most recent years.
One of the main implications of this research is actually that the IAT could be used in
a pre-electoral poll to improve the predictive power of electoral forecasts. Perugini
(2005) has claimed that both the explicit and the implicit measures of political
preference contribute to the prediction of voting behavior, so the IAT should add
predictive power to the usual forecasts of voting behavior through explicit attitudes.
Additionally, IATs and self-reports analysis have documented an optimum relation
with successive participants’ voting behavior in the totality of experiments testing
predictions (e.g. Arcuri et al. 2008). Thus, an ultimate point of discussion of this
research is that: the implicit/explicit interaction explaining the functioning of decision-
making in our model, when implemented through the IAT, could also be especially
predictive of voters’ behaviors.

After this research we can actually argue that the simultaneous use of implicit and
explicit measures can help shed light on the process of political decision-making, in
particular, we can discuss that the interplay between implicit and explicit political
attitudes can facilitate (when consistent) or forecast (when explicit are not available)

the decision. This is also a valid way to overcome biases in “exit pools” – frequent in
Italy - but it should be taken into consideration that administering a IAT involves time
consuming face-to-face interviews, and requires a network of trained interviewers
distributed throughout the territory. Thus, performing IATs would be much more
expensive than assessing the standard explicit variables.
Although the measure of implicit attitudes has demonstrated to be useful on every
subject for improving the comprehension of the decision-making, I would conclude
that, for those who do express explicit preferences, implicit measures of preferences
give unnecessary additional value for election forecast. So, I would limit the use of
this tool only when explicit attitudes are not available, in this case the costs of
administering the IAT are compensated by effective better performances in predicting
electoral outcomes.
In spite of this restriction, IATs offer invaluable applications for politician, campaign
managers, and officials researching accurate knowledge of candidate and policy

Limitations and Further Researches

To continue the Italian research on voter predictability through the IAT further studies
could be implemented to test participants a second time to ask them their actual
voting behavior. A post-electoral question would make possible to observe how
implicit-explicit attitudes changes and test the predictive power of implicit
perceptions. This further research would actually prove empirically what expressed
by theories offering a more predictive measure of the current political preferences in
As many authors warned, the application of neuroscience to political behavior
arouses a definite ethical concern (e.g. Lee et al., 2006; Aguirre, 2008).
As considered before, neuromarketing techniques (through the IAT and other
methodologies) may be able to identify voter’s preferences. While this ability is
desirable by politicians and marketers, it may be rejected by the polity and voters.
The secrecy of an individual’s ballot is the basis of modern democracies and must be
inviolable. To violate this right implies the risk of intimidations and could be a real
threat for everyone’s freedom. Fortunately such an abuse of neuromarketing is
unlikely. Given the size and noise of an fMRI scanner and give the collaboration

requested for proceeding in a IAT, no one brain could be analyzed unknowingly. The
potentialities of these methods are restricted to mind knowledge and simply implicit
attitudes may result from these studies. This system requires high subjects
cooperation and training, making these studies essentially perfect to understand the
functioning of human mind, but it is not reliable to measure actual behavior. While
there is not an immediate risk, I appreciated that this emerging methods are
monitored by “ethicists” and the possibility that neuroscience might invade our
political privacy is constantly taken into consideration.
What I consider really important nowadays is to follow a common ethical process in
political marketing, even with established methods. Threat to privacy and marketing
manipulation are - and must always be - forbidden by the low, but I think that
marketers themselves must take the responsibility of their role, banning unethical
methods and setting clear ethical limits. This is especially true for political
campaign, where values, hopes and future of people are handled. Voters’ rights rest
upon the assumption that voters’ dignity should be respected, and that marketing has
a duty to treat them fairly.

In political choices a dispassionate mind - that takes decisions by weighing the
evidence and reasoning to the most valid conclusion - does not explain alone how
the brain actually works; the political choice includes unconscious and
emotional stimuli that clearly affect political perceptions (RQ).
This empirical research in the Italian political context confirms that Neuromarketing
methods add appreciable value to the understanding of political behaviors. The
methodology of the IAT, developed by Professor Greenwald, has successfully
measured the strength of implicit association, accumulated through everyday
experiences by subjects.
Research analyses have verified that people may show implicit attitudes that strongly
affect their minds, even if they honestly differ with their aware political preferences. In
other words, the IAT revealed clear unconscious political preferences, suggesting
that hidden tendencies are included into one’s decision to vote for a
particular candidate or party.
It was obviously retained what previous recognized researches presented: we has
confirmed that thoughts people consciously and rationally experience are crucial to
understand human behaviors, however, we observed that much of mental processing
occurs outside awareness and its understanding is also important to explain voters’
The new elaboration of the “Neuromarketing Model of Voting Behavior”, that explains
how automatic and controlled processes interact with rationality to shape behavior,
will have an especially strong impact on theories, enhancing the existing interest in
affective influences on political behavior.
The idea that our “political brains” are not fully rational offers great improvement also
for election forecast practices, and it could be especially valuable for many subjects.
Pollster and parties, officials but also every voter can benefit from the theoretical
and practical implications given by this thesis improved understanding of voters’
Moreover, in the concluding review of this study results, the ultimate suggestions
of this research are for marketing.

Through HP1 we have mainly investigated the interplay between explicit an implicit
association, showing that unaware preferences exist and that, through several
unaware mechanisms, they affect the voting choice process. The main implication
for marketing is that - inside the boundary of ethical limits - the improved
comprehension of voters’ behavior could be used in political marketing to encourage
rational decision-making. Marketers have the responsibility role to work on strategies
which leverage implicit exposures, avoiding any manipulations. Offering emotional
and indirect stimuli which prepare our mind to capture subsequent rational concept
and issues, marketers have the power to help individuals to take better decisions.
The most real influence on choices is not persuading people to make this or that
choice, but the ability to structure their decision-making process as evidenced in our
model. Three sub-steps of the choice process should be taken into account in
political marketing (implicit, socio-contextual and rational). Recognizing the realism of
“limited rationality”, marketers have the role to create strategies which help voters to
move toward a sense of lucidity, plainness, and security until the aware choice has
been made.

HP2 showed that among undecided voters implicit attitudes could foresee the likely
voter’s choice when political attitudes are unexpressed, suggesting that generally the
brain has already developed an implicit political preference, even if subjects are still
consciously unaware. Thus, completely undecided are few and the majority of them
have implicit attitudes that already guide the choice process; consequently,
implications for marketing are impressive. To help individuals to overcome the
indecision and make better evaluations, marketing could enhance the process of
preference disclosure, developing strategies which help voters to overcome
unawareness. Since high levels of uncertainty (no info, no time, no objectivity)
increase the power of implicit responses, the main way for marketers to encourage
aware voting choices is to reduce the uncertainty of the political choice. Marketing
can go beyond political issues, individuating overall areas of uncertainty. To stand
above the competing parties in a fair/ethical way, it would be a mistake to
concentrate only on the rational brain, but to increase fear and ambiguity which drive
to irrational vote is neither winning overall. The most compelling strategy implies to
elicit the emotional brain, but with the aim to implicitly (1) reduce anxiety, (2) build

trust, and (3) be perceived as the one which provides solutions to people’s real

HP3 showed how implicit preferences, which are so relevant in leading the final
choice, differ so much from each Leader and its respective Party. Implications for
marketing are of course to focus on two different strategies for these two issues, in a
way that should be finally compatible to push the whole voter’s choice in the “right”
political direction. I personally suggest to work on leader to leverage the implicit
attitudes and then substantiate explicit choice using the party symbols (which are the
one actually relevant during the vote in Italy). Leaders could enhance unconscious
positive commitment being for example (1) excellent storytellers, able to design
appealing scenarios which anticipate desired message. Moreover they should be
able to (2) offer policies that first communicate values, and which really touch inner
voters’ concerns. More aware preferences could be contemporarily nourished by
leaders (3) being frank and respectful, (4) engaging in genuine dialogues and (5)
drawing out interpretations of the situation. At the same time, parties should face with
the aware side of political choice. For example, (1) it should be avoided to make
declarations connected to the party image that cannot be substantiated, (2) the voice
of voters could be associated to the party logo for the strongest statements
enhancing emotions, but then (3) the focus must be on groundwork and quality, in
order to survive to rational scrutiny.

The suggested strategies - stimulating the unconscious to make a better use of their
rational brain – offer benefits for the whole society because they increase the
awareness of the vote, reduce abstentionism, form real citizens and leave fulfilled
voters. Moreover, this contributions may be extremely interesting for marketers in
Italy, where we assist to higher uncertainty in politics, with consequent feeling of
distrust and distance that lead to unstructured political choices and a higher use of
unconscious brains.
Finally, the understanding of how the political brain works helps to explain why
political strategies can go wrong. As we evidenced that voter's choice is a complex
human behavior made by conscious and automatic components, in the observed
Italian case, Parties should implement the suggested strategies overcoming (1) the

evidenced lack in leader-emotional arousal for someone, and (2) the lack of
investment in party-rational perceptions for others.
The amount (and the value) of possible further research inside political marketing has
been previously presented, anyway, this new branch of marketing connected with
neuroscience offers incredible opportunities even outside politics in consumer’s
market. Moreover, neuroscience inferences about the relevance of emotional and
unconscious as motivational elements explain why surveys are so inefficient making
clearer to any marketing “what button must be pressed”.
To conclude I come back to the Italian reality, pointing out that it is insufficient to
analyze just the rational and emotional aspects of voting behavior as observations in
isolation. This knowledge must be used to re-examine the structure of our
democracies so that efficient rational voters’ choices can promote the effective
management of the “public”, providing services in the general interest.

"Everything has changed, except human nature"

Albert Einstein

Note that the link with irrationality here it is not in its outcome of political choice (an ultimate judgment
that is defensible regardless of how it was generated) but it is in the process (in implicit cognition there isn‟t a
deliberate, logical evaluation of the claims and evidence).
Here we take the more inclusive Nosek & Greenwald conceptualization of the terms “implicit” and
“explicit” (2009, pp. 374). A measure is implicit “if it does not require awareness of the relations of the attribute
to the response” and if the resulting effects are mental contents that respondents might be unwilling or unable to
report – because they actively disagree with their validity, do not want others to know about them, or are not
aware that they possess them. The terms rational-aware-deliberate, are both referring to explicit attitudes, while
nonconscious-unconscious-unaware are both referring to the implicit attitudes,
Vote is one behavior that can be effectively performed in a test, simulating through intention a possible
future voting behavior.
Coming from the economic approach, the Rational Model applies the assumptions and methodology of
neoclassical economic theory to what it likes to refer as the political market, for these reason it is also called
“economic model of voting behavior”.
Bsoc is the average benefit per person if the preferred candidate wins, and α is a discounting factor to
reflect that benefits to others are less important than benefits to self; thus, we would expect α < 1 for most
people. The factor Bsoc represents the benefit to others as perceived by the person making the decision whether
to vote; it is not an averaging of the actual utilities or preferences of the N persons in the population affected by
the election (Edlin et al. 2007).
“As a species, humanity expresses its undeveloped mentality through its political behavior, which does
not differ significantly from the social behavior of other animals. That is, human political behavior is driven by
the same instincts that guide the behavior of sheep, wildebeests, and other herding animals” (Watson 1994). he
exemplify this element with the millions of voters stamped to join the “herds” of charismatic leaders. There, they
delight in winning decisive victories, though it is not always clear exactly what they win
Some studies from Matthew Taylor (2009) observed that “it seems to be a tension between behavioural
economists endlessly pointing out the inadequacy of our irrational habits, and neuroscience research lauding our
finely-tuned social brains”. But he partly explained this apparent contradiction by the difference between
biological time, which is slow and incremental, and historical time, which accelerates in leaps. The brains that
evolved to perform hunter-gatherer tasks for the first 180,000 years of Homo sapiens‟ existence have, in the last
few hundred, been confronted with a world that is changing ever more quickly. He concluded that our brains
have not always adapted well to modern society (ex: obesity and loneliness).
Psychologist Benjamin Libet demonstrated in the 1970s that our awareness of a decision to act - for
example to reach out and pick up a glass - takes place later than an observable electrical change in the brain
which is associated with that act.

APPENDIX 1: Stimuli – Leaders pictures


Pictures that were more similar and neutral as possible were selected considering
those characteristics: (1) same size and shape,(2) in close-up frontal shot, (3)
colored images (4) little smiling, (5) similar formal dresses, (6) neutral background,
(7)leaders and logos perfectly aligned in the center of the slide.


APPENDIX 2 : SELF-REPORT (with codification)

Q1 Politicamente ti definisci:

-2  fortemente di centro-destra

-1  di area vicina al centro-destra

0  di centro
0  attualmente non saprei
0  non voglio rispondere a questa domanda

1  di area vicina al centro-sinistra

2  fortemente di centro-sinistra

Q2. Immagina di essere nella cabina elettorale:

dai un punteggio di preferenza a questi LEADER politici da 1 punto a 5 punti,
dove 1 è il voto più basso e 5 è il voto più alto

1  non voglio rispondere a questa domanda

2  attualmente non saprei fare questa valutazione
3 risponde

1 Antonio di Pietro 1  2 3 4 5
2 Gianfranco Fini 1 2 3 4 5
3 Nichi Vendola 1 2 3 4 5
4 Pierluigi Bersani 1  2 3 4 5
5 Silvio Berlusconi 1  2 3 4 5
6 Umberto Bossi 1 2 3 4 5

Q3. Immagina di essere nella cabina elettorale:

dai un punteggio di preferenza a questi PARTITI politici da 1punto a 5 punti,
dove 1 è il voto più basso e 5 è il voto più alto

1  non voglio rispondere a questa domanda

2  attualmente non saprei fare questa valutazione
3 risponde

FLI - Futuro e
1 Libertà per 1 2 3 4 5
IDV - Italia Dei
2 1 2 3 4 5
3 LN - Lega Nord 1 2 3 4 5
PD - Partito
4 1 2 3 4 5
PDL - Popolo
5 1 2 3 4 5
Della Libertà
SEL- Sinistra
6 Ecologia e 1 2 3 4 5


left attitude when data > 0; no attitude when data= 0, right attitude when data < 0
Subject implicit attitude
attitude LEADERS att. PARTY att. LEADER att. PARTY att.
1 2,333333333 2,333333333 2,666666667 261,55 8,5 514,6
2 2,444444444 3 2,333333333 -25,5 52,33333333 -103,3333333
3 0 0 0 13,91666667 -27,16666667 55
4 0 0 0 -4,833333333 11,83333333 -21,5
5 0 0 0 -971,6 -1182,7 -760,5
6 2 2 2 357,5666667 372 343,1333333
7 2,222222222 2,333333333 2,333333333 210,6666667 -87,16666667 508,5
8 -0,111111 0 -0,333333 -162,0083333 106,3333333 -430,35
9 -1,888888889 -2 -1,666666667 -321,9166667 -245,1666667 -398,6666667
10 -2,666666667 -3 -3 108,8333333 41,66666667 176
11 1,777777778 1,666666667 1,666666667 -84,41666667 97,66666667 -266,5
12 2,444444444 2,666666667 2,666666667 129,8333333 64,33333333 195,3333333
13 1,222222222 1 0,666666667 137 98 195,3333333
14 2 2 2 37,15 -122 196,3
15 2,555555556 2,666666667 3 306,3333333 459,5 153,1666667
16 1,222222222 0,666666667 1 80,86666667 9,333333333 152,4
17 2,111111111 2,333333333 2 212,0833333 274 150,1666667
18 1,666666667 1,333333333 1,666666667 -127,75 -72 -183,5
19 1,777777778 1,333333333 2 293,5 541 46
20 1,777777778 2 2,333333333 188,4333333 120,2 256,6666667
21 2,555555556 2,666666667 3 357,6666667 78 637,3333333
22 2,222222222 2,333333333 2,333333333 0,083333333 154,5 -154,3333333
23 1,444444444 1 1,333333333 -706,4166667 -875,8333333 -537
24 1,888888889 1,666666667 2 93,25 128,8333333 57,66666667
25 2,111111111 2 2,333333333 126,9166667 -2,666666667 256,5
26 2,222222222 2 2,666666667 359,5833333 340,6666667 378,5
27 2,111111111 2,666666667 1,666666667 24,01666667 -457,4166667 505,45
28 -0,555555556 0,333333333 0 -264,5 -90,33333333 -438,6666667
29 1,777777778 1,666666667 1,666666667 91,66666667 37,66666667 145,6666667
30 2,222222222 2,333333333 2,333333333 -11,16666667 35,16666667 -57,5
31 2,666666667 3 3 145,7083333 396,4166667 -105
32 -1,444444444 -1,333333333 -2 -919,25 -762 -1076,5
33 0,666666667 0 0 -187,0416667 -440,75 66,66666667
34 0 0 0 -29,33333333 364,2333333 -422,9
35 1,333333333 1,666666667 1,333333333 54,08333333 39,83333333 68,33333333
36 -0,222222222 0 -0,666666667 -168,4166667 -211,8333333 -125
37 0 0 0 -314,2166667 -150,8333333 -477,6
38 -1 -0,333333333 -0,666666667 -77,45 8,666666667 -163,5666667
39 -0,555555556 -1,666666667 2 -530,1166667 -667,8666667 -392,3666667

40 2,222222222 2,333333333 2,333333333 233,8333333 67,66666667 400
41 -1,444444444 -1,666666667 -0,666666667 -232 -252,8333333 -211,1666667
42 -1,666666667 -2 -2 -295,4333333 -504,5 -86,36666667
43 -1,555555556 -1,333333333 -1,333333333 -104,8333333 -177,8333333 -31,83333333
44 -1,333333333 -0,333333333 -1,666666667 -187,6666667 -474,5 99,16666667
45 2,111111111 2 2,333333333 43,91666667 -86,16666667 174
46 2 2 2 17,03333333 -12,76666667 46,83333333
47 0 0 0 288,25 147 429,5
48 1,555555556 1,333333333 2,333333333 107,8333333 57,83333333 157,8333333
49 0 0 0 2,083333333 15,33333333 -11,16666667
50 2,444444444 2,666666667 2,666666667 677,5 541,8333333 813,1666667
51 1,777777778 1,333333333 2 72,41666667 -130,3333333 275,1666667
52 1,222222222 1 0,666666667 63,51666667 -40,76666667 167,8
53 1,888888889 2,333333333 2,333333333 -101,85 -7,833333333 -195,8666667
54 1,666666667 2 2 - - -
55 0 0 0 -217,05 -323,6666667 -110,4333333
56 -0,333333333 0 0 -262,9166667 -242,8333333 -283
57 2,333333333 2,666666667 3,333333333 -228,4166667 -48,5 -408,3333333
58 2,111111111 2 2,333333333 27,91666667 44 11,83333333
59 0 0 0 -8,1 -122,5333333 106,3333333
60 0,888888889 0,666666667 1 272,5833333 -684,4 280,8333333
61 0 0 0 -505,4166667 -684,4 -326,4333333
62 0 0 0 -61,1 27 -149,2
63 -1 -1,666666667 -0,333333333 84,45 226,0333333 -57,13333333
64 0 0 0 321,4166667 535 107,8333333
65 0,888888889 1 0,666666667 509,5833333 559,3666667 459,8
66 0,333333333 0 0 658,25 645,3333333 671,1666667
67 -0,333333333 0 0 -48,56666667 -142,4666667 45,33333333
68 1,888888889 1,666666667 2 496,1833333 325,2 667,1666667


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