Destination Student - Policy
Destination Student - Policy
Destination Student - Policy
SelectCare Worldwide and the insurer will use their best efforts
to provide assistance for a sickness or injury arising anywhere
in the world. However, SelectCare Worldwide, the insurer, and
their agents will not be responsible for the availability, quantity,
DESTINATION: INTERNATIONAL STUDENT quality, or results of any medical treatment received, or for
INSURANCE failure of any person to provide or obtain medical service.
Mandatory Statement of Health and Consent
EMERGENCY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL POLICY We may require you to complete and sign an application,
which may include a statement on your state of health with a
Underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company, a consent to access your medical history when necessary.
member of The Co-operators group of companies.
IMPORTANT NOTICE Applicable to International Students studying in Canada:
To be eligible for coverage a person must, as of the effective
Please read your policy carefully. date:
To help you better understand your policy a) be a student enrolled in a school in Canada; or
Key terms in this policy are printed in italics and are defined in b) be an accompanying dependent* of an eligible student;
the Definitions section on page 5. and
What am I covered for? c) be currently in good health; and
Please read the section titled Benefits. This policy is intended d) be less than 69 years of age at the time of application; and
to cover losses arising from sudden, unexpected and
unforeseeable circumstances. e) not be insured or eligible for benefits under a Canadian
government health insurance plan. If you become eligible
What is not covered? for and insured under the government health insurance
This policy does not cover everything. Your insurance has plan of the province or territory in which you study, the
exclusions, conditions and limitations. You should read your insurance will then apply in excess of this provincial or
policy carefully when you receive it, so that you are aware of, territorial government health insurance plan.
and understand the limits of your coverage. *Coverage for dependents is only available to International
You may not have coverage for costs incurred due to pre- Students age 59 or younger.
existing medical conditions or symptoms that began before the Applicable to Canadian Students studying abroad:
effective date of your policy. You should review this and all
other exclusions that apply to your plan. To be eligible for coverage a person must, as of the effective
What if I have an emergency or claim?
a) be a student age 40 or younger at the time of application
You must notify SelectCare Worldwide (toll free 1-866-261- enrolled in a school outside Canada; or
1723 or worldwide collect 416-340-1553) within 24 hours of
admission to a hospital or before any medical consultation or b) be an accompanying dependent under age 40 of an
surgery is performed. eligible student; and
Limits on Coverage c) be currently in good health; and
If you fail to notify SelectCare Worldwide without reasonable d) be insured or eligible for benefits under the government
cause, then the insurer may reduce the benefits payable to you health insurance plan of the province or territory in which
under this policy. you reside. If you are not insured under the government
health insurance plan of the province or territory in which
How do I make a claim? you reside, the portion that would have been refunded by
To apply for benefits under this policy, you will need to send a the provincial or territorial government health insurance
completed claim form (with all original bills attached) to the plan is not a benefit of this insurance.
insurer. Please take care in filling out the form, as any missing Effective Date
information may cause delay.
When an application has been made and the premium has
Is my personal information protected? been paid, coverage begins on the latest of the date:
We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and a) the completed application is accepted by the insurer or its
security of the personal information we collect, use and representative; or
disclose. Your personal information, including your medical
history, will be collected, used and disclosed only for the b) indicated as the effective date on the application; or
purpose of providing you with the requested insurance c) you depart from your country of origin.
services. For a copy of the insurer’s privacy policy, please
contact us. Expiry Date
I want to stay longer. Can I purchase further coverage? Coverage ends on the earliest of the date:
Yes, you can, subject to policy terms and conditions. Just call a) indicated as the expiry date on your confirmation of
your agent or The Destination: Travel Group Inc. (1-855- coverage; or
337-3532) during business hours before coverage under your b) 365 days after the effective date for this policy; or
policy expires. You must be in good health, not know of any c) you no longer meet this policy’s definition of student; or
reason to seek medical attention and have not have incurred
any losses during the first period of coverage. d) 60 days after you are no longer enrolled in a school.
DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE 3. Professional Services
1. The insurer agrees to pay up to $2,000,000 for reasonable The services of a legally licensed physiotherapist,
and customary costs incurred unexpectedly as a result of chiropractor, chiropodist, osteopath, podiatrist,
your sickness or injury occurring as a result of an acupuncturist, naturopath and speech therapist (all of
emergency during the period of coverage. Costs are paid whom are not related to you by blood or marriage). A
for emergency hospitalization, emergency medical, or referral from a physician is required for acupuncturist and
other covered costs as provided in the Benefits section, naturopath. Not to exceed $600 per practitioner per
due to sickness or injury occurring during the period of calendar year.
coverage. Eligible costs will be reimbursed in accordance 4. Drugs or Medications
with the applicable provincial medical/dental association
schedule of fees or the amount specified in this policy, Prescription drugs or medications that require a physician’s
whichever is less. written prescription, up to a maximum of $10,000 not
exceeding a one-month supply.
If you are not insured under the government health
insurance plan in the province or territory in which you 5. Maternity Benefit
reside, the portion that would have been refunded by the The insurer agrees to pay up to $25,000 for the costs for:
provincial or territorial government health insurance plan is
not a benefit of this Insurance (Canadian students only). a) pre-natal care (including but not limited to tests and
prescribed medication), and
2. The insurer will pay for eligible costs incurred, up to the
sum insured, for acute emergency sickness or injury b) involuntary termination of pregnancy or resulting
incurred during the period of coverage: complications,
a) for International Students studying in Canada provided that the pregnancy commenced during the period
while you are travelling worldwide, other than your of coverage and the costs are incurred in the country of
country of origin, provided you spend at least 51% of study.
the period of coverage within Canada. No benefits will be payable for expenses incurred for
b) for Canadian Students studying abroad while you childbirth, voluntary termination of pregnancy, or postnatal
are travelling worldwide, provided you spend at least care.
51% of the period of coverage in your country of 6. Eye Examination
When a minimum of 12 months consecutive coverage has
Coverage will be provided during school breaks as been purchased the insurer agrees to pay for the services
long as the insurance is in effect during these periods. of a registered optometrist for diagnostic procedures to
3. Your dependents are covered only when dependent determine the presence of any observed abnormality in
coverage is selected and paid for at the time of the visual system.
application. Newborns will be covered from 15 days of Limited to one visit in any consecutive 12-month period of
age, provided they meet the eligibility requirements, coverage.
following written approval by the insurer.
7. Physical Examination
When a minimum of 12 consecutive months coverage has
Benefits are payable for the following costs: been purchased, the insurer agrees to pay for the cost of
1. Emergency Hospital one routine physical examination or one consultation and
prescription for the “morning-after pill” in any 12
The insurer agrees to pay for semi-private hospital consecutive month period, to a maximum of $150.
accommodation and for reasonable and customary
services and supplies necessary for your emergency 8. Emergency Air Transportation / Return Home
care during confinement as a resident in-patient. If a covered sickness or injury necessitates your
2. Emergency Medical immediate transportation or return, the insurer agrees to
pay the cost of one-way transportation by the most
The insurer agrees to pay for: appropriate means, including the use of an air ambulance
a) The reasonable and customary services of a legally or stretcher accommodation and medical escort if deemed
licensed physician, surgeon or anaesthetist. medically necessary by SelectCare Worldwide, to the
nearest appropriate medical facility or to your country of
b) Diagnostics, lab tests and/or x-ray examinations as origin. To be eligible for reimbursement, SelectCare
ordered by a physician. Worldwide must preapprove these costs.
c) The use of a licensed local land or sea ambulance to 9. Transportation of Family
the nearest hospital. If an ambulance is necessary
but is unavailable, the insurer will reimburse up to The insurer agrees to reimburse you up to a maximum of
$150 for taxi expenses. $5,000 for the cost to transport one member of your family
by roundtrip economy class (using the most direct route),
d) Private duty services of a registered graduate nurse and $150 per day up to a maximum of $1,500 for the
(who is not related to you by blood or marriage), up reasonable costs incurred by the member of your family
to $15,000.* after arrival if:
e) Rental of crutches, wheelchair or hospital-type bed a) the attending physician advises the necessary
(standard nonelectric model only), not exceeding the attendance by such a person; or
purchase price; the cost of splints, trusses, braces or
other approved prosthetic appliances; initial b) the local authorities legally require the
purchase of casts; artificial limbs, eyes or other attendance of a member of your family to identify
approved prosthetic or medical appliances.* your remains in the event of your death due to a
covered sickness or injury.
f) Oxygen and rental of equipment for its
administration.* 10. Non-Emergency Treatment
g) Blood and blood plasma, except when donated. When required as a result of a covered emergency
sickness or injury, up to $3,000 will be paid to continue
* Must be pre-approved by SelectCare Worldwide.
medical treatment. 20. Accidental Death & Dismemberment
* Must be pre-approved by SelectCare Worldwide. The insurer agrees to pay up to a maximum sum insured
11. Accidental Dental of $10,000, for loss of life, limb or sight occurring during
the period of coverage resulting directly from accidental
The insurer agrees to reimburse you up to $5,000 for injury:
emergency treatment or services to whole or sound
natural teeth (including capped or crowned teeth) caused a) Flight Accident and Common Carrier
by an accidental blow to the face. as a result of an accident sustained during the period
Treatment relating to any dental claim must be completed of coverage while riding as a fare-ticket passenger or
no later than 90 days after treatment began and must be while entering or leaving a lawfully operated licensed
completed prior to your return to your country of origin. common carrier; or
12. Dental Emergencies b) 24-Hour Accident
The insurer agrees to reimburse you up to $600 for the as a result of an accident during the period of
immediate relief of acute dental pain caused by other than coverage in any other situation not specifically
a blow to the face. mentioned under a) above.
Treatment relating to any dental claim must be completed Benefits are payable according to the following
no later than 90 days after treatment began and must be schedule. Only one amount is payable (the largest) if
completed prior to your return to your country of origin. the insured suffers more than one of these losses.
13. Wisdom Teeth a) 100% of sum insured resulting from the same
accidental injury for loss of:
The insurer agrees to reimburse you up to $150 per tooth
for dental and/or oral surgical procedures which are i. life; or
necessary for the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth. ii. entire sight of both eyes; or
14. Return of Deceased iii. both hands; or
In the event of your death due to a covered sickness or iv. both feet; or
injury, the insurer will pay up to $15,000 for the return of v. one hand and entire sight of one eye; or
your remains in a standard transportation container to your
country of origin; or up to $5,000 for the cremation or vi. one foot and entire sight of one eye.
burial of your remains at the place of death. The cost of a b) 50% of sum insured resulting from the same
burial coffin is excluded. accidental injury for loss of:
15. Mental Health Care i. entire sight of one eye; or
The insurer agrees to reimburse the expenses incurred for ii. one hand; or
treatment of mental, nervous or emotional disorders, as
follows; iii. one foot.
a) inpatient hospitalization, up to a lifetime maximum of Loss of hand or hands, or foot or feet means severance
$25,000; and through or above the wrist joint or ankle joint, respectively.
Loss of eye or eyes means total and irrecoverable loss of the
b) outpatient services, up to a maximum of $1,000 in any entire sight.
12 consecutive month period of coverage.
16. Prescription Glasses, Contact Lenses, and Hearing
Up to a maximum of $200 for prescription glasses, contact SelectCare Worldwide must be notified within 24 hours of
lenses and hearing aids required as a result of accidental admission to a hospital or before any medical consultation or
injury. This benefit does not cover the repair or any surgery is performed.
replacement of prescription glasses, contact lenses and/or Limits on Coverage
hearing aids.
If you fail to do so without reasonable cause, then the insurer
17. Tutorial Services may reduce the benefits payable to you under this policy.
Up to $20/hour to a maximum of $400 for the costs of a SelectCare Worldwide reserves the right, as reasonably
qualified private tutorial service in the event you are required, to transfer you to any hospital or to transport you to
hospitalized for 30 consecutive days or more. your country of origin if you are unable to continue your studies
18. Trauma Counselling due to a covered sickness or injury. If you refuse to be
transferred or transported when declared medically fit to travel,
Up to a maximum of $500 for trauma counselling within 90 any continuing costs incurred after your refusal will not be
days from the date of sickness or accident. The insurer’s covered and the payment of such costs becomes your sole
maximum liability is $5,000 per event under this policy and responsibility. Coverage ceases upon your refusal and no
all other policies issued by the company within one coverage will be provided to you for the remainder of the
calendar year. Where the aggregate eligible claims within period of coverage.
a calendar year exceed this limit, the eligible claims will be
reduced on a pro-rata basis and will be paid at the end of General Provisions of this policy apply. Refer to page 7.
the year. EXCLUSIONS
19. Tuberculosis testing and Vaccination Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to:
Up to a maximum of $100 for tuberculosis testing and 1. Any pre-existing medical condition that was not stable
vaccination or immunization during a 12 consecutive within the 90 days prior to the effective date.
month period, provided the minimum term of Insurance
purchased is 180 days. Coverage for tuberculosis testing 2. Any pre-existing medical condition or any related
is not payable if testing is mandated by the school board conditions for which, prior to your arrival date in Canada or
or school as a requirement for program enrolment. country of study, you had, were scheduled or
recommended for a medical consultation for the purpose
of establishing a diagnosis, and for which results had not the effective date of this policy.
yet been received at the time of departure from your
country of origin. 14. Injury resulting from training for or participating in:
3. Test and investigative consultation including, but not speed contests usually and customarily in excess
limited to biopsies, except when performed at time of an of 60 km per hour;
emergency sickness or injury; except as specified under
the Non-Emergency Treatment (Benefit 10). motor sport contests;
4. Losses while sane or insane due to: stunt activities, exhibitions or demonstrations of
any kind;
a) your emotional or mental disorders resulting from
any cause, including but not limited to anxiety or professional sport activities; or
depression, except as specifically provided under high-risk activities.
Mental Health Care (Benefit 16); or
15. Any loss incurred as a result of pregnancy, abortion,
b) your suicide or attempted suicide; or miscarriage, childbirth, or complications thereof,
c) your intentional self-inflicted injury. except as specifically provided under the Maternity
Benefit (Benefit 5).
5. Medical treatment and expenses incurred while in
your country of origin. 16. Medical expenses incurred by an infant 14 days old or
6. A medical condition which originated while visiting
your country of origin during the period of coverage or 17. Sickness or injury resulting from a motor vehicle
any condition wholly or partly, directly or indirectly, accident where you are entitled to receive benefits
related thereto. pursuant to any policy or legislative plan of motor
vehicle insurance.
7. Act of war; kidnapping; act of terrorism caused
directly or indirectly by nuclear, chemical or biological 18. Cosmetic surgery unless such surgery is a result of a
means; riot, strike or civil commotion; unlawful visit in covered sickness or injury.
any country. 19. Any medical consultation that is elective or related to
8. The participation by you or a dependent in: a prior elective procedure.
protests; 20. Dental care, services or supplies, except as
specifically provided under Accidental Dental (Benefit
armed forces activities; 11), Dental Emergencies (Benefit 12) or Wisdom
a commercial sexual transaction; Teeth (Benefit 13).
the commission or attempted commission of any 21. Treatment or services that contravene, or are
criminal offence; or prohibited by, legislation under a provincial or
territorial hospital/medical plan.
the contravention of any statutory law or
regulation in the area where the loss occurred. 22. Costs that exceed the reasonable and customary rate
for the area where the treatment or services are being
9. Any sickness, injury or medical condition, for which a performed.
diagnosis need not have been made, where the policy
is purchased or the trip is undertaken for the purpose 23. Loss or repair of or damage to eye glasses, contact
of securing medical treatment or advice. lenses, hearing aids and/or prescriptions for any of
these items.
10. Loss, death or injury, if at the time of the loss, death
or injury, evidence supports you were affected by, or 24. Any nuclear occurrence, however caused.
the medical condition causing the loss was in any way 25. General assessments or checkups, or any services
contributed to by: requested by a third party.
the use of alcohol, prohibited drugs or any other 26. Air travel other than as a passenger in a commercial
intoxicant; aircraft licensed to carry passengers for hire, except
the noncompliance with a prescribed treatment or while being transported under the terms of the
medical therapy; Emergency Air Transportation /Return Home benefit.
the use of medication or drugs that have not 27. The purchase of:
been approved by the appropriate government a) medications or drugs not approved for use by the
authority; or appropriate government authority;
the misuse of medication. b) patent or proprietary medications;
11. Any treatment, investigation or hospitalization which is c) vitamins or vitamin preparations;
a continuation of an emergency, except as specified d) drugs or medications which can be purchased
under the Non-Emergency Treatment benefit. without a prescription;
12. Any treatment, investigation or hospitalization which e) acne medications;
exceeds 30 days following the initial day that
outpatient treatment began, unless approved in f) nicotine resin products;
advance by SelectCare Worldwide. g) dietary supplements or weight loss products;
13. Travelling against the advice of a physician or any h) quantities of any drug or medication which exceed
loss resulting from a sickness or medical condition a 30-day supply within one month prior to the policy
that was diagnosed by a physician as terminal prior to expiry date;
i) contraceptives prescribed for any purpose, with the occurring during the period of coverage, which requires
exception of the “morning-after pill”, which is limited immediate intervention by a physician or legally licensed
to one per period of coverage; dentist and cannot reasonably be delayed. An emergency is
deemed to no longer exist when medical evidence indicates
j) contraceptive consultation or testing, except as that you are able to continue your trip or return to your place of
specifically provided under Physical Exam (Benefit ordinary residence or country of origin.
7); Expiry date means the date coverage ends as indicated in the
k) fertility drugs or testing; section titled Expiry Date.
l) drugs, medications, or other costs paid for by any High-risk activity(ies) mean(s) heliskiing, ski jumping,
other agency; or skydiving, sky-surfing, scuba diving (except if certified by
internationally recognized and accepted program such as
m) experimental drugs, preventative medications or NAUI or PADI, or if diving depth does not exceed 30 meters),
vaccines (except as specifically state in Benefit 20). white water rafting (except grades 1 to 4), street luge, skeleton
activity, mountaineering, or participation in any rodeo activity.
28. Any loss incurred outside of your country of study,
except for loss due to acute emergency hospital and Hospital means a facility incorporated or licensed as a hospital
other covered emergency costs due to sickness or by the jurisdiction where such services are provided and which
has accommodation for resident in-patients, a laboratory, a
injury occurring during the period of coverage while
registered graduate nurse and physician always on duty and
you are travelling, other than your country of origin, an operating room where surgical operations are performed by
provided you spend the majority of the period of a physician. In no event shall this include a convalescent or
coverage within your country of study. nursing home, home for the aged, health spa, or an institution
DEFINITIONS for the care of drug addicts, alcoholics or persons suffering
from mental or nervous disorders.
Accident(al) means a sudden, unexpected, unforeseeable,
unavoidable external event. Injury means bodily harm which is directly caused by or
resulting from an accident, being a sudden and unforeseen
Act of terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the event, excluding bodily harm that results from deliberate or
use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof or voluntary action and independent of sickness and all other
commission or threat of a dangerous act, of any person or causes.
group(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious,
ideological, social, economic or similar purposes including the Insured person means an eligible person named on the
intention to intimidate, coerce or overthrow a government application, who has been accepted by the insurer or its
(whether de facto or de jure) or to influence, affect or protest authorized representative, and has paid the required premium.
against any government and/or to put the civilian population, or Insurer means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a
any section of the civilian population, in fear. member of The Co-operators group of companies.
Act of war means any loss or damage arising directly or Medical consultation means any medical services obtained
indirectly from, occasioned by, happening through or in the from a licensed medical practitioner for any injury, sickness or
consequence of: war; invasion; acts of foreign enemies; medical condition, including but not limited to any or all of:
hostilities or warlike operations (whether war is declared or not) history taking, medical examination, investigative testing,
by any government or sovereign, using military personnel or advice or treatment, and for which a diagnosis of the condition
other agents; civil war; rebellion; revolution; insurrection; civil need not have been definitively made. This does not include
commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an regular medical check-ups where no medical signs or
uprising; military or usurped power. symptoms existed or were found during the check-up.
Aggregate limit means the total number or the maximum Mountaineering means the ascent or descent of a mountain
value of insured losses resulting from any one accident or requiring the use of specified equipment including crampons,
event causing loss. pick axes, anchors, bolts, carabiners and lead-rope or top rope
Common carrier means any land, air or water conveyance anchoring equipment.
operated by those whose occupation or business is Necessary means medically required treatment for an
transportation of persons for hire, and that issues tickets or unexpected sickness or injury.
boarding passes.
Nuclear, chemical or biological means the use of any
Country of origin means the country in which you maintained nuclear weapon or device or the emission, discharge,
a permanent residence prior to entry into Canada. dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous
Dependent means chemical agent and/or biological agent, including the resultant
contamination where:
a) your legally married spouse or a person with whom
you have been cohabitating in a common-law Nuclear means any occurrence causing bodily injury,
relationship for at least 12 consecutive months prior to sickness, disease, or death or loss of or damage to
the date of application; and property, or for loss of use of property, arising out of or
resulting from the radioactive, toxic, explosive, or other
b) any unmarried children residing with you, who are hazardous properties of source, special nuclear, or by-
more than 15 days of age and age 25 or under and product material.
dependent upon you for their sole means of support;
and Chemical agent shall mean any compound which, when
suitably disseminated, produces incapacitating, damaging
c) your parent, stepparent, legal guardian, brother, or lethal effects on people, animals, plants or material
sister, stepbrother, or stepsister who are living with property.
the student while in the country of study.
Biological agent shall mean any pathogenic (disease
Dependents are covered only when dependent coverage is producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced
selected and paid for at the time of application. toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and
Effective date means the date and time coverage begins as chemically synthesized toxins) which cause illness and/or
provided for in the section titled Effective Date. death in humans, animals or plants.
Emergency means a sudden, unforeseen sickness or injury
Period of coverage means the period from the effective date you are hospitalized due to a covered sickness or injury on or
to the expiry date as indicated in this policy and for which before the coverage expiry date.
premium has been paid. Benefit Payments
Physician means a person other than you, who is legally Unless otherwise stated, all provisions in this policy apply to
qualified and licensed to practice medicine or perform surgery each insured person during one period of coverage. Benefits
in the location where the services are performed, and is not are only payable under one policy, for each insured person
related to you by blood or marriage. during the period of coverage. If more than one SelectCare
Pre-existing medical condition means a sickness, injury or policy is in effect at the same time, benefits will only be paid
medical condition, whether or not diagnosed by a physician: under one insurance policy, the one with the greatest sum
a) for which you exhibited signs or symptoms; or insured. Benefits are only payable for the plans and the
specific sum insured selected, paid for and accepted by the
b) for which you required or received medical consultation; insurer at the time of application. Any benefits payable do not
and include interest charges. Benefits payable as a result of your
c) which existed prior to the effective date of your coverage. death will be payable to your named beneficiary or to your
Reasonable and customary means the services customarily
provided or the costs customarily incurred for covered losses, Claim Submission
which are not in excess of the standard practice or fee in the You or the claimant, if other than you, shall be responsible for
geographical area where the services are provided or costs are the verification of:
incurred for comparable treatment, services or supplies for a
similar sickness or injury. Any medical costs incurred and shall obtain itemized accounts
of all medical services which have been provided.
School means a school, university, college or other
recognized institution of learning that is accredited by the local Any payment that would have been made if the insured person
authorities. had been covered by a provincial or territorial hospital/medical
Sickness means illness or disease.
Any payment made by any other insurance plan or contract.
Stable means a pre-existing medical condition that:
Providing substantiating medical documentation from your
a) did not require, or was not referred for any medical country of origin at the request of the insurer.
Failure to provide substantiating documents shall invalidate all
b) did not require a change in type or dosage of medication. claims under this insurance.
Student means a person: Contract
a) who regularly attends school, college, university, or other The application, any completed medical questionnaire,
accredited educational institution; and confirmation of coverage, this policy, any document attached to
this policy when issued, and any amendment to the policy
b) who is enrolled in a minimum of 60% of the usual course agreed upon in writing after it is issued, constitute the entire
requirements for the program in which they are enrolled; contract. Each policy or term of coverage is considered a
or separate contract.
c) who remains in their country of study for up to 60 days The insurer reserves the right to decline any application or
immediately after completion of studies as described any request or extensions of coverage. No condition of this
under a) and b) of this definition. policy shall be deemed to have been waived, either in whole or
Terminal means a sickness or medical condition for which a in part, unless the waiver is clearly expressed in writing and
physician gave a prognosis of eventual death or for which signed by the insurer.
palliative care was received, prior to the effective date. Coordination of Benefits
Treatment means medical, therapeutic or diagnostic Coverage under this policy is in excess of all or any existing
procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by a coverage concurrently in force held by or available to you,
physician including, but not limited to, prescribed medication, including but not limited to any government health insurance
investigative testing or surgery. plan, homeowners, tenants, multi-risk, any credit card, third
Trip means the period of travel contracted by the insured party liability, group or individual basic or extended health
person and for which coverage is in effect. insurance or any private or legislative plan of motor vehicle
We, us and our means CUMIS General Insurance Company, insurance providing hospital, medical or therapeutic coverage.
a member of The Co-operators group of companies. The insurer will coordinate all benefits in accordance with the
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association guidelines.
You or Your means the insured person.
Reimbursement will not be made for any costs, services or
GENERAL PROVISIONS supplies that are payable to you under a motor vehicle
insurance policy or legislative plan pursuant to the no-fault
Assignment benefits schedule under any Insurance Act, or for which you
Any benefits payable or which may become payable under this receive benefits from any other party pursuant to any policy or
policy cannot be assigned by you and the insurer is not legislative plan of motor vehicle insurance.
responsible for and will not be bound by any assignment You may not claim or receive in total more than 100% of the
entered into by you. loss caused by the insured event.
Automatic Extension of Coverage Currency
Coverage will be automatically extended for up to 72 hours in All amounts stated in the policy, including premium, are in
the event of a delay during the period of coverage of the Canadian currency. At the option of the insurer, benefits may
conveyance in which you are riding or are scheduled to ride as be paid in the currency of the country where the loss occurred.
a passenger. This delay must be due to circumstances beyond
your control and the conveyance must be scheduled to arrive Governing Law
during the period of coverage. This policy will be governed by the laws of the Canadian
Coverage will be automatically extended for up to 5 days, if province or territory where the policy was issued. At no time
will this policy be governed by the laws and regulations of any Partial cancellations are charged a $25 administration fee.
other country. These fees are deducted from the net premium to be refunded.
Limit on Liability Refunds will not be provided for amounts less than the
It is a condition precedent to liability under this policy that at minimum required premium for the plan purchased.
the time of application, you know of no reason to seek medical Refunds will be calculated from the date of permanent return to
attention. your country of origin, or from the date you became covered
Limitation of Action under a provincial or territorial government health care plan
(inbound students only) or the day you are no longer enrolled
Every action or proceeding against the insurer for the recovery in a school within Canada or your country of study.
of insurance money payable under this policy is absolutely
barred unless commenced within the time set out in the
Insurance Act or any other applicable legislation. EXTENSIONS OF COVERAGE
Misrepresentation or Nondisclosure If you decide to extend your trip, you may apply for a new
A failure to disclose or misrepresentation of any material fact period of coverage provided you meet the Eligibility
by you, or fraud, either at the time of application or at the time requirements of the new policy.
of claim, shall render the entire contract null and void, and any If you have incurred a claim, we will review your file before
claim submitted thereunder shall not be payable. deciding on granting an extension.
Premiums Each policy or term of coverage is considered a separate
The total premium amount is due and payable at the time of contract.
application. The insurer reserves the right to decline any request for new
Rights of Examination terms of coverage.
The claimant shall provide the insurer with the opportunity to
examine you when and so often as it reasonably requires while Important Notes:
a claim is pending. In the case of your death the insurer may 1. In the event of a sickness or injury, SelectCare Worldwide
require an autopsy, subject to any laws of the applicable must be notified within 24 hours of admission to a hospital
jurisdiction relating to autopsies. or before any medical consultation or any surgery is
Subrogation (Right of Recovery) 2. To make your claim, fill out the claim form completely and
In the event of any payment of benefits under this policy, the include all original bills. Incomplete information will cause
insurer shall be subrogated to all your rights including without delay.
limitation, the right to proceed in your name, but at the insurer’s 3. Claims must be reported within 30 days of occurrence.
cost, against any third party that may be responsible for giving 4. Written proof of claim must be submitted within 90 days of
rise to a claim under this policy. You shall execute all occurrence.
documents required and shall cooperate fully with the insurer 5. Any costs incurred for documentation or required reports
to secure such rights. You shall do nothing after the loss to are your or the claimant’s responsibility.
prejudice the insurer’s right of recovery.
When submitting your claim, please include:
Time 1. A completed and signed claim form with all original bills
Expiry time of coverage is the time within the time zone where and receipts.
you were residing when the application was made. Incomplete forms will delay your claim.
REFUNDS 2. Medical records including an emergency room report and
diagnosis from the medical facility or a Medical Certificate
When submitting your refund request, please include: completed by the treating physician. Any fee for
1. a written request; and completion of the certificate is not a benefit under this
2. a copy of confirmation of coverage; and 3. Further documentation may be required upon review of
3. confirmation of your early departure such as boarding your claim.
pass or itinerary, or any other written proof of your early
return to your country of origin; and All claim forms are available by calling SelectCare Worldwide.
4. any other documentation to support your refund request. SEND YOUR CLAIMS TO:
Refunds are payable when: SelectCare Worldwide Claims Department
1. The student fails to meet visa entry eligibility requirements. 2100 – 250 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2L7
2. The insured person permanently returns to his/her country Collect worldwide: 416-340-8809
of origin 30 days or more prior to the expiry date of Toll free Canada/ U.S.A.: 1-866-261-1723
3. The student is no longer enrolled in a school within
Canada or the country of study.
4. The insured person becomes covered under a provincial
or territorial health/medical plan.
Premium refund requests, regardless of method of payment,
should be submitted to the Destination Travel Group Inc.
There will be no refund of premium if any losses have been
incurred whether or not a claim has been made.
Premiums which are 100% refundable are subject to a $10
administration fee, except when cancelled during the 10 day
examination period.
Despite any other provision contained in the contract, this
contract is subject to the statutory conditions in the Insurance
Act respecting contracts of Accident and Sickness Insurance.
For Québec residents, notwithstanding any other provisions
herein contained, this contract is subject to the mandatory
provisions of the Civil Code of Québec respecting contracts of
Accident and Sickness Insurance.
Administered by:
The Destination: Travel Group Inc.
307 – 211 Consumers Road
Toronto, Ontario M2J 4G8
Toll-Free: 1-855-337-3532
Local: 416-499-1900
Fax: 416-499-1901
Underwritten by:
CUMIS General Insurance Company
P.O. Box 5065, 151 North Service Road
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4C2
Limits on Coverage
If you fail to notify SelectCare without reasonable cause, then
the insurer may reduce the benefits payable to you under this