Mortality and Longevity of Elite Athletes - REVIEW 2010
Mortality and Longevity of Elite Athletes - REVIEW 2010
Mortality and Longevity of Elite Athletes - REVIEW 2010
The health benefits of leisure-time physical activity are well known, however the effects of engaging in competitive sports on health are
uncertain. This literature review examines mortality and longevity of elite athletes and attempts to understand the association between long-
term vigorous exercise training and survival rates. Fourteen articles of epidemiological studies were identified and classified by type of sport.
Life expectancy, standardised mortality ratio, standardised proportionate mortality ratio, mortality rate, and mortality odds ratio for all causes
of death were used to analyse mortality and longevity of elite athletes. It appears that elite endurance (aerobic) athletes and mixed-sports
(aerobic and anaerobic) athletes survive longer than the general population, as indicated by lower mortality and higher longevity. Lower
cardiovascular disease mortality is likely the primary reason for their better survival rates. On the other hand, there are inconsistent results
among studies of power (anaerobic) athletes. When elite athletes engaging in various sports are analysed together, their mortality is lower
than that of the general population. In conclusion, long-term vigorous exercise training is associated with increased survival rates of specific
groups of athletes.
© 2009 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
2. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Practical implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
1440-2440/$ – see front matter © 2009 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Teramoto, T.J. Bungum / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 13 (2010) 410–416 411
activity per week to gain substantial health benefits. Despite and athletes) were found in the titles of these articles. Then,
this recommendation, Healthy People 20104 reported that full texts of all 27 articles were obtained and examined for
40% of adults aged 18 years and older engage in no leisure- further analyses.
time physical activity. Of these 27 studies, 13 studies were excluded for the
Although the health benefits of leisure-time physical activ- following reasons: 5 studies did not compare mortality or
ity are well documented, the association between vigorous longevity of athletes with general population controls, 4 stud-
exercise training and mortality/longevity of elite athletes is ies were not original investigations but review articles, 3
not fully understood. Longitudinal observations showed that studies were duplicate reports from original investigations
vigorous exercise and sports play had an additional benefit and were published in a letter format, and 1 study was not
on lowering mortality among former Harvard College stu- published in English. The remaining 14 studies met the inclu-
dents and athletes.5 On the other hand, Wannamethee and sion criteria, were published as journal articles, and were
Shaper6 suggest that moderate physical activity is sufficient either cohort or case–control studies that are appropriate
to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mor- study designs for investigating the relationship between expo-
tality, whereas engaging in vigorous physical activity and sure (i.e., long-term vigorous exercise training) and outcome
competitive sports may increase the risk of heart attack.7,8 (i.e., mortality and longevity).
According to the American College of Sports Medicine Each of the 14 studies selected for this paper was clas-
and the American Heart Association, vigorous exercise can sified by type of sport: endurance sports (mainly aerobic
transiently increase the risk of sudden cardiac death and exercise), mixed-sports (combination of aerobic and anaero-
acute myocardial infarction, particularly among those with bic exercise), and power sports (mainly anaerobic exercise),
structural cardiac disease (e.g., hereditary or congenital car- as done by Sarna et al.10 This classification was made based
diovascular abnormalities, atherosclerotic disease).9 Because on the average maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) of ath-
of the lack of understandings, we believed that a comprehen- letes in Swedish national teams.11 Athletes not measured by
sive analysis was necessary on this topic. In particular, the the Swedish researchers, such as baseball, American foot-
following questions were formulated: (1) do elite athletes ball, and rugby players, were ranked according to the average
live longer than the general population and (2) are survival VO2 max obtained from other sources.12–14 If the study com-
rates of elite athletes related to specific types of sports? The bined athletes engaging in different types of sports and only
purpose of this literature review is to examine mortality and analysed their overall mortality or longevity, it was cate-
longevity of elite athletes who participated in different types gorised into “all-sports.” The following measures of mortality
of sports and to determine whether long-term vigorous exer- and longevity were examined in the selected studies: life
cise training is associated with higher survival rates. expectancy (LE), standardised mortality ratio (SMR), stan-
dardised proportionate mortality ratio (SPMR), mortality rate
(MR), and mortality odds ratio (OR) for all causes of death.
2. Methods
The inclusion criteria for this review were: (1) the study 3. Results
examined athletes who had experience of competing nation-
ally, internationally, or professionally and (2) the study Among the 14 articles reviewed, Sarna et al.10 examined
measured mortality and/or longevity of athletes by comparing endurance, mixed-sports and power athletes separately. Con-
them with the general population. If studies followed athletes sequently, we identified 2 studies for endurance athletes, 3
other than described above (e.g., college athletes, master ath- studies for mixed-sports athletes, 8 studies for power athletes,
letes, and recreational athletes) or did not compare mortality and 3 studies for all-sports athletes. The main findings of the
or longevity of athletes with general population controls, they studies are presented in Table 1. A majority of the studies
were excluded from this review. examined male athletes, whereas two studies included both
A preliminary literature search was performed using male and female athletes.
scholastic databases, PubMed (1950–) and Scopus (1960–). Both studies in Table 1 indicated that long-distance run-
Key words, including mortality, longevity, life expectancy, ners and cross-country skiers lived significantly longer than
death and (elite/professional) athletes and players, were used the general population or reference cohorts (LE = 2.8–5.7
to locate research articles for this review paper. Reference years longer; OR = 0.59).10,15 In particular, the observed
lists in the articles identified above were also used to locate deaths among endurance athletes were less than two-thirds of
additional articles on this topic. An abstract of each article the expected deaths estimated from the general population.10
identified by the preliminary literature search was examined Lower numbers of deaths from cardiovascular disease con-
for the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Through the abstract tributed to the better survival rates of these athletes.10
review, 17 articles were selected as the studies potentially Researchers who followed soccer, ice-hockey and basket-
suited for the current review paper. In addition, 10 more arti- ball players, as well as track and field jumpers, short- and
cles for which abstracts were not available on the databases middle-distance runners, and hurdlers, observed that these
were included, because the above key words (e.g., longevity athletes survived longer than the general population or ref-
Table 1
Studies on mortality and longevity of elite athletes engaging in different types of sports.
Type of sport Study Athletes/players Gender N Mortality/longevity
Endurance (aerobic) Karvonen et al. (1974) Finnish champion skiers born 1845–1910 Male 396 LE: 2.8–4.3 years longer than the calendar period-adjusted
general male population in Finland
Sarna et al. (1993) Finnish long-distance runners and cross-country skiers competing Male 303 LE: 5.7 years longer than age- and area of residence-matched
internationally 1920–1965 reference male cohorts in Finland
OR: 0.59 compared with age- and area of residence-matched
reference male cohorts in Finland
Mixed-sports Belli and Vanacore (2005) Italian soccer players active in the three top leagues 1960–1996 Male 350 SPMR: 1.0 compared with the national death rates specific for
M. Teramoto, T.J. Bungum / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 13 (2010) 410–416
(aerobic + anaerobic) sex, age, cause and calendar period
Sarna et al. (1993) Finnish soccer, ice hockey, and basketball players, track and field Male 1,185 LE: 4.0 years longer than age- and area of residence-matched
jumpers, short- and middle-distance runners, and hurdlers reference male cohorts in Finland
competing internationally 1920–1965 OR: 0.90 compared with age- and area of residence-matched
reference male cohorts in Finland
Taioli (2007) Professional soccer players enrolled in Italian A and B leagues Male 5,389 SMR: 0.68 compared with age- and calendar period-stratified
1975–2003 mortality from the general male population in Italy
Power (anaerobic) Abel and Kruger (2005) U.S. major league baseball players debuting 1900–1950 Male 2,604 LE: 4 years longer than age-adjusted controls from the general
Abel and Kruger (2006) U.S. major league baseball players debuting 1900–1939 Male 4,492 LE: 4.8 years longer than age-adjusted controls from the general
Abel and Kruger (2006) U.S. professional American football players debuting prior to Male 1,512 LE: 6.1 years longer than age-adjusted controls from the general
1940 public
Beaglehole and Stewart New Zealand international rugby players since 1884 Male 822 LE: the same survival curve as the general male population in
(1983) New Zealand
Metropolitan Life Insurance U.S. major league baseball players debuting 1876–1973 Male 10,079 SMR: 0.97 for players debuting 1876–1900, 0.64 for players
Company (1975) debuting 1901–1930, and 0.55 for players debuting 1931–1973
compared with the general male cohorts in the U.S.
Parssinen et al. (2000) Finnish powerlifters placed 1st–5th in weight series 82.5–125 kg Male 62 MR: 12.9% compared to 3.1% among the age-matched general
in national champions 1977–1982 male population in Finland during a 12-year follow-up (4.6-fold
higher risk of death)
Sarna et al. (1993) Finnish weightlifters, wrestlers, boxers, and track and field Male 909 LE: 1.6 years longer than age- and area of residence-matched
throwers competing internationally 1920–1965 reference male cohorts in Finland
OR: 1.02 compared with age- and area of residence-matched
reference male cohorts in Finland
Waterbor et al. (1988) U.S. major league baseball players beginning careers 1911–1915 Male 985 SMR: 0.94 compared with the general male population in the U.S.
All-sports Gajewski and Poznanska Polish athletes participating in the twentieth century Olympics Male 1,689 SMR: 0.50 compared with the age-specific urban male population
(2008) since 1924 in Poland
Female 424 SMR: 0.73 compared with the age-specific urban female
population in Poland
Menotti et al. (1990) Italian track and field athletes competing internationally as Male 700 SMR: 0.73 compared with age-matched general male controls in
members of the national team since 1940 Italy
Female 283 SMR: 0.48 compared with age-matched general female controls
in Italy
Schnohr (1971) Danish athletic champions, record-holders, and members of Male 297 SMR: 0.61 in the life period of 25–49 years, 1.08 in 50–64 years,
national teams from 19 different sports born 1880–1910 and 1.02 in 65–80 years compared with the age-matched general
male population in Denmark
Notes: LE, life expectancy; MR, mortality rate for all causes of death; OR, mortality odds ratio for all causes of death; SMR, standardised mortality ratio for all causes of death; SPMR, standardised proportionate
mortality ratio for all causes of death.
M. Teramoto, T.J. Bungum / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 13 (2010) 410–416 413
erence cohorts (LE = 4.0 years longer; SMR = 0.68).10,16 On were no significant differences in survival rates between the
the other hand, Belli and Vanacore17 found that Italian pro- groups after 50 years old.29 The reason for these inconsistent
fessional soccer players had the same death rates as the results was unclear.29
national averages (SPMR = 1.0). The investigators pointed
out that the soccer players had considerably high death rates
for diseases of the nervous system mainly from amyotrophic 4. Discussion
lateral sclerosis (ALS).17 Dietary supplements or drugs taken
by these soccer players to enhance performance were the The purpose of this review is to examine the role of long-
potential causes of ALS.17 Similar to endurance athletes, term vigorous exercise training on mortality and longevity of
mixed-sports athletes had lower cardiovascular disease mor- elite athletes. The findings across the epidemiological studies
tality than nonathlete counterparts.10 indicate that long-term vigorous exercise training can posi-
In contrast to the better survival rates observed among tively impact mortality and longevity. Specifically, endurance
endurance and mixed-sports athletes, mortality and longevity and mixed-sports athletes tend to survive longer than the
of power athletes reported across the studies were not con- general population. Lower cardiovascular disease mortality
sistent. Abel and Kruger in their two studies18,19 showed among these athletes seems to play a major role in their
that professional baseball players lived about 4–5 years better survival rates. All-sports athletes also have lower mor-
longer than controls from the general public, whereas other tality than nonathlete counterparts. On the other hand, due
studies did not find significant differences in mortality to the inconsistent results, it is not possible to determine the
(SMR = 0.94–0.97) between professional baseball players effect of exercise training for power athletes on mortality and
who began their careers prior to 1915 and people from the longevity.
general population.20,21 The nonsignificant differences in There are possible explanations of increased survival
mortality between the two groups may derive from the birth rates among elite athletes. First, elite athletes engage in high
cohort of the players. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, volumes of vigorous exercise training. It has been suggested
infectious diseases (e.g., pneumonia, tuberculosis) were the that a higher dose of physical activity has an additional
major causes of death,22 and the protective health effect of benefit on reducing all-cause mortality (i.e., dose–response
playing baseball during those years was probably minimal. relation).30 Second, high physical fitness levels achieved
On the other hand, baseball players who debuted from 1901 by elite athletes may explain their better survival rates,
to 1930 and from 1931 to 1973 had lower SMRs (0.64 and as studies have shown an inverse relationship between
0.55).20 By this time, chronic diseases (e.g., coronary heart physical fitness levels and all-cause mortality.31,32 Research
disease and stroke) were more prevalent as the causes of also suggests that physical (cardiorespiratory) fitness and
death,23 and the health benefits of physical activity (i.e., play- physical activity are independently related to the risks of
ing baseball) became evident. With regard to athletes other coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease.33 Third,
than baseball players, professional American football players elite athletes are a select group because only the healthiest
were shown to live an average of 6.1 years longer than con- and fittest individuals are likely to be able to compete
trols from the general public,24 whereas New Zealand rugby at elite levels.10 The selection of elite athletes may be
players had the same LE as the general population.25 Beagle- explained by genetic factors, as current evidence indicates a
hole and Stewart25 hypothesised that the rugby players did moderate to substantial genetic influence on physical fitness
not live longer than expected, because they did not maintain parameters related to human performance, such as VO2 max
high fitness levels after retirement and/or playing rugby itself and muscular strength/endurance.34,35 Therefore, it is likely
deteriorated their health. Sarna et al.10 reported similar mor- that individuals become elite athletes because of their genetic
tality and longevity between power athletes (weightlifters, components associated with high physical fitness, which may
wrestlers, boxers, track and field throwers) and reference provide them with survival advantages.31,32 Finally, former
cohorts (LE = 1.6 years longer; OR = 1.02). Parssinen et al.26 elite athletes, especially endurance athletes, tend to maintain
observed that 12.9% of Finnish powerlifters died prematurely active and healthy lifestyles later in life, by engaging in more
(mean age of death = 43 years) compared to 3.1% of the physical activity and smoking less than people in the general
age-matched general population during a 12-year follow-up. population.36,37 Sarna et al.10 found that athletes, regardless
Two studies showed that Olympic and national team of sport type, engaged in more leisure-time physical activity
athletes (males and females) in various sports survived or competitive sports (60% or more vs. 17%) and less smok-
longer than the general population (SMR = 0.48–0.73).27,28 ing (47–59% vs. 27%) than reference cohorts during their
Schnohr29 reported that Danish national-level athletes during adult lives. We cannot conclude what factors are responsible
the life period from 25 to 49 years had the SMR of 0.61 com- for the better survival rates of elite athletes, however all of the
pared with the age-matched general population. Conversely, factors listed above could improve mortality and longevity.
the SMRs of these athletes from 50 to 64 years old and 65 to 80 It is interesting to note the differences in mortality and
years old were 1.08 and 1.02, respectively.29 The study con- longevity among athletes engaging in different types of
cluded that the Danish elite athletes survived longer than the sports. As mentioned previously, endurance and mixed-sports
general population under the age of 50 years, whereas there athletes are likely to survive longer than the general popula-
414 M. Teramoto, T.J. Bungum / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 13 (2010) 410–416
tion, but that trend is not obvious among power athletes. One female athletes. Furthermore, the current review does not take
possible explanation for this discrepancy is that endurance into consideration the training experience (i.e., years) of ath-
activities or aerobic exercise may be more effective in lower- letes that may also affect mortality and longevity. Lastly, we
ing mortality, especially from cardiovascular diseases, than do not know if the athletes in the selected studies continued
power activities or resistance exercise.38,39 Cardiorespiratory to engage in regular physical activity after their competitive
fitness improved by aerobic exercise has been shown to be careers, even though former athletes tend to be physically
associated with the reduced risk of chronic diseases (e.g., active later in life.10,36,37 Therefore, it is not known whether
hypertension, coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes), elite athletes survive longer because they maintain active
whereas the role of resistance exercise, the main component lifestyles or because regular physical activity done during
of training for power athletes, on preventing chronic diseases youth and young adulthood (i.e., vigorous exercise train-
is not well understood.40 Another potential explanation for ing during the competitive period) is “banked” and results
lower survival rates of power athletes when compared with in enhanced mortality/longevity.
endurance or mixed-sports athletes is that former power ath- It should also be mentioned that this review paper is “narra-
letes are at greater risk of being obese and diabetic later tive” rather than “systematic.” As the first step to understand
in life.41 Miller et al.42 also found that the prevalence of the association between long-term vigorous exercise train-
metabolic syndrome (e.g., obesity and raised fasting glucose) ing and mortality/longevity, we believed that it would be
among professional American football linemen who train important to examine various studies and to obtain a broad
similar to power athletes was significantly higher than that perspective on the current topic. Therefore, we included stud-
among nonlinemen counterparts (59.8% vs. 30.1%) whose ies with different research designs (i.e., case–control and
activity consists of a combination of aerobic and anaero- cohort studies) that used different measures of mortality and
bic exercise. Evidence shows that obesity, when combined longevity (i.e., LE, MR, OR, SMR and SPMR). These factors,
with diabetes, can substantially increase disease-specific along with the limited number of existing studies, made it dif-
mortality.43,44 In addition, the differences in mortality or ficult to generate quantitative answers for the current topic, as
longevity between power athletes and other groups of athletes quantitatively combining the results of studies is an essential
may partly be a result of anabolic steroid use that is frequently feature of a systematic review.50 As a result, we were only
reported among weightlifters and powerlifters.45,46 Parssi- able to develop a qualitative summary of relevant evidence.
nen et al.26 indicated that powerlifters in their study, whose In conclusion, elite endurance and mixed-sports ath-
mortality rate was 4.6 times higher than that of the com- letes appear to survive longer than the general population
parison group, were highly suspected to have used anabolic because of their lower cardiovascular disease mortality.
steroids. It has been documented that long-term steroid use Therefore, long-term vigorous exercise training is associated
causes adverse health consequences (e.g., cardiovascular dis- with increased survival rates of these athletes. The possi-
ease and liver dysfunction) and could result in premature ble factors for the better survival rates of elite athletes are:
death.47 This may be why the studies in Table 1 that included the dose–response relation between physical activity and
weightlifters and powerlifters did not find favorable mor- mortality, higher physical fitness levels achieved by elite
tality and longevity.10,26 More studies will be necessary to athletes, the natural selection of elite athletes, and active
understand whether exercise training for power athletes is and healthy lifestyles maintained by former athletes. Lower
linked with their mortality and longevity while accounting mortality of all-sports athletes suggest that elite athletes, in
for steroid use. general, live longer than nonathletes. On the other hand,
There are limitations associated with the current literature little consensus exists regarding the benefit of vigorous exer-
review. This paper focuses on the association between long- cise training on mortality and longevity of power athletes.
term vigorous exercise training and survival rates. However, This may be due to the superiority of aerobic exercise over
factors other than exercise or physical activity that we did resistance exercise for lowering mortality, a higher preva-
not examine, such as smoking and diet/nutrition, could affect lence of obesity and diabetes in former power athletes, and/or
mortality and longevity.48,49 Besides, a paucity of existing anabolic steroid use being prevalent among power athletes.
studies on mortality and longevity of elite athletes makes it Further studies will be necessary to examine elite athletes
difficult to develop better understandings on this topic. For from a wide variety of sports. Future research should also
instance, we were able to locate only two articles that fol- be devoted to studying female athletes to determine whether
lowed elite endurance athletes, and both studies examined gender has any influence on mortality and longevity of elite
Finnish athletes. In addition, the athletes and players exam- athletes.
ined in the selected studies were playing/competing mostly
in the late 1800s to early/mid-1900s. Thus, the mortality and
longevity data from more recent athletes may not be sim- Practical implications
ilar to those found in the selected studies. Moreover, only
two studies included female athletes, hence it is not known • Similar to leisure-time physical activity, engaging in com-
whether the influence of long-term vigorous exercise train- petitive sports and vigorous exercise training is generally
ing on mortality and longevity is the same between male and beneficial to improving mortality and longevity.
M. Teramoto, T.J. Bungum / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 13 (2010) 410–416 415
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