Carbon Dioxide Injections in Aesthetic Medicine: Carboxytherapy
Carbon Dioxide Injections in Aesthetic Medicine: Carboxytherapy
Carbon Dioxide Injections in Aesthetic Medicine: Carboxytherapy
carbon Dioxide Injections
in Aesthetic Medicine
Carboxytherapy is not a new treatment modality,
but has often been under-used in aesthetic medicine.
In this article Sabine Zenker provides and overview
of treatment protocol for a range of conditions
Carbon dioxide therapy is an area of aesthetic practice that has been relatively under-researched, yet
widely used. However, those studies that have examined this technique have demonstrated that it
improves skin elasticity, circulation and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, aids collagen repair,
and destroys localised fatty deposits. It is a simple and cost-effective technique. This article reviews the
literature available with regard to carboxytherapy and outlines the techniques of treatment.
arbon dioxide technique for aesthetic purposes uses
therapy (CDT), or intradermal or subcutaneous injections
carboxytherapy, is not a using a medical grade 30 G or 32 G needle
new technique within to inject sterile carbon dioxide gas, which
medical practice. is delivered using standard
Developed in France programmable apparatus, for the
during the 1930s, it was found that treatment of aged skin, dark
bathing in pools of carbon dioxide‑rich undereye circles, localised fat pads, and
water helped to speed up wound stretchmarks, for example.
healing. By the 1950s, the technique was
used by cardiologists to treat patients Carbon dioxide:
Sabine Zenker is with peripheral arterial occlusive mode of action
Dermatologist, Dermatology
disease, as well as other conditions Carbon dioxide is an odourless and
Surgery Clinic, Munich,
Germany caused by poor blood circulation and fat colourless gas, which, when injected
accumulation in the arteries. Since subcutaneously, diffuses at the
email: 1995, when the term ‘carboxytherapy’ cutaneous microcirculatory level. As a
was coined, it result, the body will
has increased in
popularity in the
The use of carbon attempt to correct
what it considers an
field of aesthetics, dioxide in medicine is not imbalance of oxygen/
and particularly a novel technique, but carbon dioxide
for lipolysis1, 2 and has been used in medical levels, increasing
dermal rejuvenation blood flow to supply
treatments.. Indeed, therapeutics for oxygen and nutrients
studies have centuries. to the skin and
demonstrated that vessels. This
CDT improves skin elasticity, circulation ultimately improves the appearance of
and the appearance of fine lines and the skin. As detailed, however, the use of
wrinkles, aids collagen repair, and carbon dioxide in medicine is not a novel
destroys localised fatty deposits. technique, but has been used in medical
Keywords Essentially, carboxytherapy is the therapeutics for centuries. Reports
carbon dioxide injections,
collagen, lipolysis, dermal transcutaneous administration of carbon suggest that in the 17th and 18th centuries it
regeneration dioxide for therapeutic purposes. The was used to treat chronic skin ulcers
and for its anti-infective properties, and interest was These reactions cause the pH of the blood to decrease
reignited during the 1930s to treat organic and functional and a release of oxygen to bodily tissue, increasing
arteriopathies4. The term ‘carboxytherapy’ to describe capillary blood flow. This, in turn, promotes Bohr’s effect
the treatment was introduced over 60 years later, in (the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve) (Figure 1),
1995, by Luigi Parassoni during the XVI National Meeting which explains how readily haemoglobin acquires and
of Esthetical Medicine in Rome5. These days, the use of releases oxygen molecules into the fluid that surrounds
carboxytherapy, particularly in aesthetic and anti‑ageing it. An increased concentration in carbon dioxide leads to
medicine, is now a lot more prevalent and increasing in a lower binding affinity of oxygen and haemoglobin7.
popularity, particularly throughout Europe. A range of Furthermore, the release of growth factors takes places,
different devices are available with which to administer such as local angiogenic growth factors (Figure 2), which
treatment, but essentially the physician will need a induce circulation, encourage lipolysis, and encourage
device which meets CE and ISO standards, and has dermal regeneration, for example.
filters to avoid contamination, allows for flow regulation,
has a pressure regulator, and administers heated gas in Increased circulation
order to reduce pain. The overriding point to consider pertaining to increased
In carboxytherapy, carbon dioxide is introduced to the circulation in carboxytherapy is that hypercapnia
patient’s skin. An excess of carbon dioxide in the injected improves tissue oxygenation8. When applied topically
tissue (hypercapnia) provides the stimulus in the oxygen (e.g. as CO2 water bathing), the increase in carbon dioxide
requirement hypothesis6. Approximately 70% of carbon concentration within the tissue and peripheral blood
dioxide in the body reacts with plasmatic water to form vessels causes precapillary arterioles to dilate, ultimately
carbonic acid: increasing blood flow to the skin9. Hypercapnia further
lowers the resistance of the arteries in the skin and
CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 muscles, which dilate on account of the decline in pH.
This takes place even with carbon dioxide administration
And ultimately reacting to leave bicarbonate dissolved into the skin10. Curri and Bombardelli11 reported the
in the blood plasma: Figure 3 Technique when
verification of this increased vasodilation in the
treating the periorbital arterioles and metarterioles, as well as the increased
H+ + HCO3- area — typical injection points vasomotion, using optic video capillaroscopy. The
Figure 4 Skin appearance during and after treatment of the periorbital area: (A) within 2 minutes; (B) 4 minutes; and (c) 6 minutes
Brandi et al1 showed that carboxytherapy positively
affects the physiological oxidative lipolytic process:
Dermal regeneration
Intradermal carboxytherapy for the treatment of ageing
Figure 6 Subcutaneous injections to the submental area or damaged skin was developed from an animal-based
blind, interventional, cross-sectional study, which
Figure 7 Treatment of localised
fat pads — before (A) and after
injected carbon dioxide into the dermis of wistar rats3.
(B) three treatment sessions The control group received injections of saline. The
(using RioBlush) researchers in the study observed the compacting of
collagen fibres following the infiltration of carbon
dioxide, and especially when this took place
intradermally. Furthermore, there was a notably
improved appearance in the skin, as well as intense
collagen turnover. The use of CDT on damaged or
ageing skin also results in a thicker appearance of the
dermis, the collagen fibres being distributed more
diffusely1, and stimulates collagen synthesis3. This
means that carboxytherapy can also be used to improve
scar tissue through the increase in collagen deposition
and reorganisation, and the improvement in skin
texture and tone16.
are contraindications that the physician should take following injection, an erythema will occur around the
into account: treated area and the upper eyelid will inflate (Figures 4
■■ Acute, untreated cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled and 5). However, no post-treatment care is necessary,
blood pressure, and vasovagal episodes and the appearance of the eyes after the prescribed
■■ Acute respiratory problems number of sessions is greatly improved (Figure 5).
■■ Bleeding syndromes, cerebrovascular accident
(stroke), acute thrombosis or recent pulmonary Facial fat pads
embolism To treat mild under-eye fatpads, a mixture of
■■ Connective tissue disease subcutaneous and intradermal injections should be
■■ Skin infection used. Subcutaneous injections alone should be used for
■■ Uncontrolled diabetes mental fat pads. Indications for the use of carboxytherapy
■■ Pregnancy and lactation (although no data is available in the submental area include skin laxity, prejowl sulcus,
in this regard). an undefined jawline, and a mild fat pad under the chin.
It is also important to note that with carboxytherapy Techniques and results are shown in Figures 6–8.
there is an absence of toxicity and any other relevant
side-effects. Dermal rejuvenation
Carboxytherapy can be used to rejuvenate the skin on
Injection techniques and treatment the face, décolletage, neck and hands, and improves
protocols rhytides, withered skin, fine wrinkling, lost tissue
Depending on the type of treatment to be performed, luminosity and skin laxity. Using a 30 G needle, flow
the injection technique will vary. Intradermal injections should be up to 80 cc/min, with intradermal injections
should be used for dermal rejuvenation, while spaced out by 1–2 cm. Patients will generally receive
subcutaneous injections are reserved for lipolytic between four and eight treatment sessions every
effects. When injecting for skin rejuvenation, the 3–4 weeks. Clinical results are shown in Figure 9.
injection is performed
intradermally using a 30 G Carbon dioxide
needle. The injection angle
therapy can be used
should be maintained at < 150
with bevel border up. to rejuvenate the skin on
Immediately after injection, the face, décolletage, neck
the CO2 gas diffuses into the and hands, and improves
needle-surrounding tissue.
The clinical endpoint of each
rhytides, withered skin,
injection is at the occurrence fine wrinkling,
of an erythema and distension lost tissue luminosity and
of the injected tissue. The flow
skin laxity.
of the CO2 gas has to be
adjusted individually. For
subcutaneous injections, the injection will be into the
subcutaneous structures; the injection angle should be
30–450, using a 30 G needle. The same clinical endpoints
will determine each injection. The gas should be cold for
fat pad treatment, as it seems to be more effective
(although the author was unable to find any evidence in
the literature to support this).
Periorbital area
When used in the periorbital area, carboxytherapy can
treat rhytides, dark circles, vascular pooling, tissue
luminosity, skin laxity, and mild fatty prolapse. Dark
circles and wrinkles should be treated with intradermal
injections, while mild fat pads should have a mix of
intradermal and subcutaneous injections. Flow should
be up to 40–60 cc/min, with warm gas and using a 30 G
needle. Generally, patients will receive four to eight
sessions, with one session every 2–4 weeks. The
technique and typical injection points are shown in
Figure 9 Skin rejuvenation on
Figure 3. Injections are usually painless, so anaesthesia is the neck, before (A) and after
rarely used, but the patient will feel a warm sensation on (B) eight treatment sessions
injection (vasodilation). Between 5 and 10 minutes (using RioBlush)
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