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Lecture Ce447

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Water Supply, sewerage and sanitation are not only the basic necessities of life,
they are also crucial for achieving the goal of “Health for All”. Increased sanitation
coverage is directly linked to improvement of health status.
Water Supply is perhaps the most important and basic need that has to be provided
with reliability, sustainability and affordability.
Water supply coupled with sanitation is essential in order to facilitate the citizens to
lead a healthy and productive life. Integration of sanitation and sewerage schemes
with water supply so that it is given adequate priority during the Plan period.
Treating of wastewater from storm water drains and industrial effluents before they
enter the watercourses. Adoption of innovative and alternate technologies for safe
disposal, recycling and reuse of waste water wherever possible.
Water supply components
 Water sources structures (Dams, wells, reservoirs)
 Surface water & Groundwater
 Pipelines from source
 Water treatment plant components
 Pumping stations
 Storage (elevated tanks)
 Distribution System
Preliminary studies for water supply projects:
The main factors required to be studied to supply a city with water system are:
- Sources of water available
- Quantity of water
- Population (present and future)
- Water consumption (present and future)
- Design Period (30 – 50 years)

Quantity of Water
The quantity of water to be supplied to any community depends on:
- The population
- The per capita consumption of water
Water supply works must to be designed to serve the present population as well as
the future population
In the design of water works, it is necessary to estimate the quantity of water
needed in the future (water demand).
- The number of people that will be served at the end of the design period
- The consumption rate
o Average daily consumption in a community (m3/day) = Total water
use in one year /365 days
o Per capita average daily consumption: the amoint of water used by
individual per day, Lpcd = Avg. daily consumption in a community
(Lpd) /mid year population

- Analysis of factors affecting water consumption (e.g. climate, economic

level, population density, quality of water, etc.)

Pumping Water
Surface or
Treatment Pumping
groundwater Plant Wastewater

Pumping Desalination
Sea Water

Treatment Plant

for Disposal and/or Reuse

Population Estimation (forecast / projection)
- Population project periods may range from 5 to 50 years depending on the
particular component of the system that is being designed (e.g.
distribution system, treatment plant, pumping stations, etc.)
- Estimation of population depends on many factors such as:
o Past census records (Bureau of census)
o Economic conditions
o Future growth of the economical and industrial activities in the
- The rate of population growth can be expressed as a percent increase per
year (e.g. 1.7% per year) (e.g. 17 people per year per 1000 population)
- Factors affect rate of increase of population
o Natural growth (birth and deaths)
o Immigration
o Diseases
o Economic development
o Health care

A typical population growth curve has three segments: a geometric increase

(exponential), an arithmetic increase and a decreasing rate of increase.

Methods for Estimation the future Population:

1- Arithmetic Method
- Short term population prediction, 1-10 years
- The rate of population growth (dp/dt) is constant:
dp/dt = Ka = arithmetic constant
Pt = Po + Kat
Pt : the population at some time in the future
Po : the present population
t : the period of projection
Ka : the growth rate = ∆P/∆t
Based on the previous population record, estimate the population in the year 2010.

Year 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Population 70000 82000 95000 105000 115000

Ka = 1/n {∑(∆P/∆t)} = 1/4{(82,000 -70,000)/10 + (95,000-82,000)/10 +
(105,000 -95,000)/10 + (115,000 – 105,000)/10} = 1125
Pt = Po + Kat
P2010 = P2000 + Kat = 115,000 + 1125 × 10 = 126,250 people

2- Geometric Method (uniform percentage method)

- Short term population prediction, 1-10 years
- The rate of population growth (dp/dt) is proportional to population
(exponential growth)
dp/dt ∞ P

dp/dt = Kg P
Integrating both sides yields:
ln Pt = ln Po + Kg ∆t  Kg = ln (P2 / P1 )/∆t
Pt = Po e Kg ∆t
Solve the previous example using the geometric method.
Kg (1960-1970) = ln (82/70) / 10 = 0.0158
Kg (1970-1980) = ln (95/82) / 10 = 0.0147
Kg (1980-1990) = ln (105/95) / 10 = 0.0100
Kg (1990-2000) = ln (115/105) / 10 = 0.0091
Average Kg = Po e Kg ∆t = 115,000 e 10 × 0.0124 = 130, 182 people

3- Logistic Method
- Long term population prediction, 10-50 years
- It is assumed that the population growth curve has an S shape and the city
has a saturation that will not be exceeded (limiting population)
- From the available population record, we choose three values, two near the
two ends of the record (Po and P2) and one in the middle of the record (P1)
P = Psat/[1 + e  + b ∆t ]
Psat = [2Po P1 P2 – P12 (Po + P2)]/ (Po P2– P12)
 = ln [(Psat - P2) / P2]
b = [1/n] ln [Po (Psat – P1)/ P1 (Psat – Po)]
n = the time interval between succeeding censuses (e.g. 10, 20 years)
∆t = t - to

Estimate the population in 2010, If the population record of a city is:
Year 1960 1980 2000

Population 30,000 90,000 250,000

∆t = t - to = 2010 -1960 = 50 years
n = 20 years
Po = 30,000 P1 = 90,000 P2 = 250,000
Psat = 1,530,000 a = 1.633 b = -.057
P2010 = 1,180,449 = 1,180,000

 Population Density
o Population density describes the physical distribution of population

o The total population of a city is needed to estimate the total volume of

water or wastewater to be considered. But to design pipe systems for
these flows, information about the population densities is required.

o Population densities may be estimated from data collected on already

developed areas or from zoning master plans for undeveloped areas.

o The following table presents the range of population densities found in

areas of different characters.
Residential zone classification Population density (people/km2)
Single-family dwellings (large lots) 1250 – 3700
Single-family dwellings (small lots) 3700 – 5500
Multiple-family dwellings 5500 – 25,000
Apartments 25,000 – 250,000

Estimate the expected average water consumption rate (Lpcd) for the
area shown below. Data on the expected saturation population densities and
water demands are also given.

Industrial Area Mosque

30 ha 2 ha; 2000 c
30,000 L/ha.d 50 Lpcd
High rise Buildings
50 ha
Hospital 350 c/ha
10 ha School 450 Lpcd
200 beds – 700 Lpd/bed 5 ha; 1500 students
400 employees --- 300 Lpd/employee 200 Lpcd

Commercial Area Park and

120 ha Playground
200 people/ha; 30,000 L/ha.d 15 ha
15,000 L/ha.d

University Single-family dwellings

60 ha 200 ha
10,000 students 70 person/ha
200 Lpcd 450 Lpcd

Zone Area Population Consumption Consumption Total
(ha) (Lpha.d) (Lpcd) consumption
Industrial 30 - 30,0000 - 900
Mosque 2 2000 - 50 100
High-rise 50 350x50=17,500 - 450 7,875
Hospital 10 200 beds - 700 140
400 employee 300 120
School 5 1500 - 200 300
Commercial 120 200x120=24,000 30,000 - 3,600
Park and 15 - 15,000 - 225
University 60 10,000 - 200 2000
Single-family 200 70x200=14,000 - 400 6,300
Total 69,600 - 21,560
Average water consumption = 21,560 / 69,600 = 0.31 m3/c.d = 310 Lpcd

Water uses
1- Domestic use
- Water used in houses, hotels…..for sanitary, culinary and other purposes
such as:
 Toilet flushing and bathing (sanitary): 80 % of the total domestic use.
 Kitchen and drinking: 10 % of the total domestic use.
 Clothes wash
 Car washing, garden watering, house cleaning,….
- Domestic use represents 50 % of the total water consumption
- Common range : 75 – 380 Lpcd

2- Commercial and Industrial use

- Water used in industries and commercial establishments (stores, factories

- Industrial consumption depends on size of industry and whether the industry
has its own water supply
- Commercial consumption represents 15% - 25% of the total water
3- Public Use
- Water supplied to public building and used for public services (schools,
street flushing, fire protection, prisons……)
- Common range: 50 – 75 Lpcd
4- Loss and Waste
- Water that is "uncounted for" due to:
 Leaks from water pipes
 Unauthorized connections
 Errors in meter reading
 Pump slippage
- Represents about 10% of the total water consumption

Total water consumption = 1 + 2 + 3 +4

Factors affecting Water Consumption

1- Size of the city
- Small cities might have much less water consumption that larger cities
due to limited water use, absence of sewer system and water supply
system and other reasons.
- In U.S., average daily per capita water consumption 130 – 1200 Lpcd.

2- Industrial and commercial activities

 Industrial water use has no direct relation to population

 Whether industry has its own water supply!
 Existing and future industrial water use must be carefully studied.
 Commercial water use is related to number of people employed.

3- Living Standard of population

In slum areas, domestic water use is low

4- Metering of water

Metering can reduce water consumption by as much as 50%

5- Climate

During hot, dry weather, water consumption is high

6- Other factors

- Water quality: water of poor quality will be used less than water of better
- Cost of water (water tariff)
- System pressure: high pressure will lead to greater use
- Maintenance and efficiency of the water supply system: good
maintenance and high efficiency of system management means less leaks.

Variations in water consumption
- Water demand / consumption vary from hour to hour, from day to day,
from month to another, from season to season, and from year to year.
- The average daily per capita consumption, Lpcd (avg. annual
consumption rate) does not reflect variations in water demand.
- To evaluate variations in demand:
o Must have complete pumping records
o In the absence of data, you can estimate the rates of
Max. daily rate = 1.8 × avg. daily rate
Max hourly rate = 1.5 × max. daily rate = 2.7 × avg. rate
Avg. daily rate (summer) = 1.2 × avg. daily rate
Avg. daily rate (winter) = 0.8 × avg. daily rate
Min. consumption rate = 0.2 to 0.5 × avg. daily rate
(important for the design of pumping stations)

Goodrish formula (for moderate size cities):

P = 180 × t -0.1
Where P = Percentage of the annual avg. rate
t = length of the period in days

Fire Demand
 Annual volumes used are small but rate of use is high
 Fire demand can be estimated from the following formula:
F (gpm) = 18 C (A)0.5 where A = total building floor area excluding
basement (ft2)
F (m3/day) = 320 C (A)0.5 where A in m2
C = a coefficient related to the type of construction and existence of
automatic sprinkler

C = 1.5 for wood frame construction
C = 0.8 for noncombustible construction
C = 1.0 for ordinary construction
 Fire demand calculated from above formulas should not be more than 8000 gpm
(32 m3 /min) in general, nor 6000 gpm (23 m3 /min) for one story construction.

 Fire demand can also be estimated in terms of population:

F (m3/hr) = 231.6 √P (1 – 0.01 √P) not exceed 1500 m3/hr
Where P is population in thousands
 Fire flow duration: The duration during the required fire flow must be available
for 4 to 10 hours. National Board of Fire recommends providing for a 10 hours
fire in towns exceeding 2500 in population.

 The water distribution system (the pipe network) should be designed to provide
the larger of"
 The maximum hourly demand or
 The maximum daily demand + fire demand

A community with a population of 22,000 has an average consumption of 600
Lpcd and a fire flow dictated by a building of ordinary construction with a floor
area of 1000 m2 and a height of 6 stories. Determine the required capacity of
the pipe distribution system.
Avg. daily consumption = 600 × 22000 = 132 × 105 Lpd = 13,200 m3 /day
Max. daily consumption = 1.8 × Avg. daily rate = 1.8×13,200 = 23, 760 m3 /day
Max. hourly consumption = 2.7×Avg. daily rate = 2.7×13,200 = 35,640 m3 /day
F = 320 C √A = 320 ×1× (√1000×6) = 24,787 m3 /day (17.2 m3 /min < 32 m3
/min, o.k)

The fire flow duration = 10 hr
The total flow required during this day = 23, 760 m3 /day + 24,787 (10/24) =
34,000 m3 /day < Max. hourly rate (35,640 m3 /day)
Then, the pipe capacity must be 35,640 m3/day

Estimate the municipal water demands for a city of 225,000 persons, assuming
the average daily consumption 600 Lpcd.
Step 1: Estimate the avg. daily demand "Qavg"
Qavg = 600 L/cd × 225,000 c = 135,000,000 L/d = 1.35 × 105 m3/day
Step 2: Estimate the max. Daily demand "Qmax"
Qmax = 1.8 × 1.35 × 105 = 2.43 × 105 m3/day
Step 3: Calculate the fire demand
Q (m3/hr) = 231.6 √P (1 – 0.01 √P)
= 231.6 √225 (1 – 0.01 √225) = 2,952.9 m3/hr = 49.215 m3/min
For 10-hr duration of daily rate:
Q = 2,952.9 m3/hr × (10 h/day) = 0.3 × 105 m3/day
Step 4: sum of max. daily demand and fire demand
The total flow required = 2.43 × 105 + 0.3 × 105 = 2.73 × 105 m3/day
Step 5: calculate the max. hourly demand:
Qmax. Hourly = 2.7 × 1.35 × 105 = 3.645 × 105 m3/day
Step 6: compare and we take the larger which will be 3.645 × 105 m3/day

Design Periods for water supply components

The design period of the components of a water supply sysyem depends on:
 System life
 First cost (costly system needs long design period)
 Ease of expansion after design period
 Possibility that the system will become obsolete by technological

Item Design period Remarks
Water source structure Design capacity of source should
(dams, wells, reservoirs) meet the max. daily demand during
Surface water 20 – 50 the design period (not on a
Groundwater 5 continuous basis)
Pipelines from source ≥ 25 Cost of construction is much more
than cost of materials. Life of pipe is
very long
Water treatment plant 10- 15 Expansion is generally simple. Most
components units are designed on the basis of
avg. daily rate at the end of design
period but the hydraulic design is
based on the max. expected flow
through the plant
Pumping stations 10 Expansion and modification are easy
Storage (elevated tanks) Variable depending Its design linked to design of pumps
on cost but usually
Distribution System Indefinite (>100) Replacement is very difficult and
expensive. |Design is based on the
max. anticipated development in the

Annual rate of increase

Pn = Po (1+R/100)n
Where R = rate of increase
n = Time period (years)
Pn = Pop. After n years
Po = Present pop.
Example: If R = 2 % & Po = 60000 cap. It is required to estimate Pop.
after 30 years
P30 = 60000 (1+2/100)30 = 108680 capita

Future Water Consumption
Percentage increase in W.C. = 10 % of percentage increase in population
∆ W.C. = (10/100) ∆Pop.

Example: R = 2 % (% increase of Pop.)

W.Co (present W.C) = 200 L/c/d
It is required to determine W.C. after 30 years
W.C30 = W.Co (1+0.1R/100)n
W.C30 = 200 (1+2/1000)30 = 212.4 L/c/d

For a town of Pop. 60000 cap. And an average water consumption of 200 L/c/d.
If the Pop. Increased at a rate of 2% per year and the increase of water
consumption is 10 % of the percentage increase of Pop. Per year. Find the max.
monthly, daily and hourly consumption discharge now and after 30 years.
Qaverage (now) = Pop. (now) × W.C. (now)
= 60000 × 200 = 12 × 106 L/d = 12000 m3/d
Qmax. Monthly = 1.4 (12000) = 16800 m3/d
Qmax. daily = 1.8 (12000) =21600 m3/d
Qmax. hourly = 2.7 (12000) =32400 m3/d
At future Qaverage (future) = Pop. (future) × W.C. (future)
P30 = 60000 (1+2/100)30 = 108680 capita
W.C30 = 200 (1+2/1000)30 = 212.4 L/c/d
Qmax. monthly = 1.4 (108680 × 212.4) = 32317 m3/d
Qmax. daily = 1.8 (108680 × 212.4) = 41550 m3/d
Qmax. hourly = 2.7 (108680 × 212.4) =62325 m3/d

Wastewater (Sewage)
Sources of Wastewater
Domestic Wastewater
Wastewater from residential area and commercial establishments
Industrial Wastewater
 Industrial sewage quantities vary with the industry type, size, industry
development and many other factors
 Wastewater from industries must be discharged to sewer networks only after
Ground water Infiltration
 Water enters sewers from underground water through poor joints, cracked
pipes and walls of manholes
 Infiltration rate depends on:
o Height of water table
o Construction care of sewers
o Properties of soils
 Infiltration rate is difficult to predict because construction conditions and soil
properties very widely
Storm water
 Runoff from rainfall, snowmelt and street washing
 Storm water may be drained into a separate storm sewers or into a combined
sewers which carry all types of sewerage
A pipe or conduit generally closed but not flowing full that carries sewage.
Sewers are classified according to their use:
o Sanitary separate sewers: carry municipal wastewater and any
subsurface water (infiltration) and surface water (inflow) that enter the
o Storm Sewers: carry storm water
o Combined sewers: carry municipal wastewater and storm water

Water enters sewers from the surface during rainfall events through roof and
basements drains and perforated manholes.
Wastewater Sewer System

Estimate of wastewater quantities

• Quantity of wastewater is related to water consumption

• The relationship between water demand and wastewater flow varies from city to
• 70% to 130% of the water consumed becomes wastewater
• Accurate wastewater determination comes from past gauging (measurements)
• Usually the recommended design flow rate is not less than 100 gal/cap-d (380

Variations of Wastewater Flow

 Like water consumption, wastewater flow varies with time of day, day of the
week, season of the year, and weather conditions.
 Sewers must be designed to accommodate the maximum rate or there may be a
backing of sewage into lower plumping fixture of buildings.
 Max. wastewater flow = Max. daily flow + max. infiltration
o Max. daily flow = avg. flow × peak factor
o Min. daily flow = 50% of the avg. flow
o Peak factor (P.F) = max. flow/avg. flow
o P.F. can be estimated by the following formulas:
Harmon formula: P.F = 1 + 14/(4 + P0.5 )
Where P = Population in thousands
Babbit formula:
P.F = 5/P0.2 (for residential area)
P.F = 4/P0.2 (for industrial areas)

Design Periods of Sewerage System Components
Item Design period (yr) Remarks Design flow

Sewers Indefinite Expensive to replace Qpeak

and long lived
Pumping station About 10 Easy to expand and Qavg , Qmin ,
short lived Qpeak
Treatment plant 15 - 20 Easy to expand Qavg , Qpeak

In a city, the population growth is characterized as exponential with growth rate of
2% and the annual increase in water consumption is 2 Lpcd. Estimate the avg. and
peak flow rates (m3/d) in both the current year 2009 and the year 2019, if the
Current population of a city = 150,000 and Current avg. water consumption = 100
Lpcd. Assume that 80% of the water use reaches sewers, and exclude infiltration.


Avg. W.W. flow rate = 0.80 × 100 Lpcd × 150,000 c = 12 × 106 Lpd = 12,000 m3/d
P.F = 1 + 14/(4 + √P ) = 1 + 14/(4 + √150 ) = 1.86
Peak W.W flow = 12,000 × 1.86 = 22,320 m3/d
For the year 2019
Population = 150,000 × e 0,02 × 10 = 183,210
Avg. per capita water use = 10 y × 2 Lpcd/y + 100 Lpcd = 120 Lpcd
Avg. W.W flow rate = 0.8 × 120 × 183,210 = 17,588,160 Lpd = 17,588 m3/d
P.F = 1 + 14/(4 + √183) = 1.8
Peak W.W flow = 17,588 × 1.8 = 31,658 m3/d

Distribution of Water
Methods of Distribution
Water may be distributed by:
1- Gravity distribution
Used when water source is located at some elevation above the city to
provide sufficient pressure
2- Pumping without storage
 Water is pumped into water mains, and the flow must be constantly
varied to match the fluctuations in demand
 The least desirable method
3- Pumping with storage
 Water is pumped at a uniform rate for a given period with flow in
excess of consumption (during periods of low water demand) is stored
in elevated tanks or reservoirs. And during periods of high demands,
the stored water augments the pumped water to equalize the pumping
rate and to maintain more uniform pressure in the system
 The most desirable and common method

Purpose of Storage
 To meet variable water demand while maintaining sufficient water
pressure in the system (equalizing or operating storage)
 To provide storage for fire fighting and storage for emergencies such as
failure of water source, repairs and maintenance
o Storage volume = operating storage + fire storage + emergency storage
o Emergency storage is about 25% - 30% of the operating and fire
capacity requirements (normally it is 1 day average consumption)

Computation of Operating Storage
 When no information on water demand is available, equalizing storage is
taken to be 15%-25% of the maximum daily consumption.
 When information on water demand is available (i.e. records of water
consumption), operating storage can be calculated or found graphically:
o Supply-Demand Curve Method

24-h pumping rate =

Actual demand avg. hourly demand

Area I
(L/s) Area II Area III

M.N 12 N 12 M.N
Time of day

Hourly Demand for the Max. Day

Area I = Area II + Area III = Operating Storage

Average Average Hourly

Time Hourly Hourly Cunulative Hourly Demand
Demand Minus Hourly
Rate Demand Demand Demand as Demand
a percent of 286207.5-
(gpm) Average col3
(gal) (gal)
12-.M. 0 0 0 0.0
1 A.M. 2170 130200 130200 45.5 156008
2 2100 126000 256200 44.0 160208
3 2020 121200 377400 42.3 165008
4 1970 118200 495600 41.3 168008
5 1980 118800 614400 41.5 167408
6 2080 124800 739200 43.6 161408
7 3630 217800 957000 76.1 68407.5
8 5190 311400 1268400 108.8 -25192.5
9 5620 337200 1605600 117.8 -50992.5
10 5900 354000 1959600 123.7 -67792.5
11 6040 362400 2322000 126.6 -76192.5

12 6320 379200 2701200 132.5 -92992.5
1 P.M 6440 386400 3087600 135.0 -100192.5
2 6370 382200 3469800 133.5 -95992.5
3 6320 379200 3849000 132.5 -92992.5
4 6340 380400 4229400 132.9 -94192.5
5 6640 398400 4627800 139.2 -112192.5
6 7320 439200 5067000 153.5 -152992.5
7 9333 559980 5626980 195.7 -273772.5
8 8320 499200 6126180 174.4 -212992.5
9 5050 303000 6429180 105.9 -16792.5
10 2570 154200 6583380 53.9 132008
11 2470 148200 6731580 51.8 138008
12 2290 137400 6868980 48.0 148808
-1465275 1465275

Average hourly demand = 286208 gal

Demand rate on maximum day







Time of Day
Hourly demand rate
average hourly demand rate

o Mass-Digram Method
Plot the cumulative water consumption against time for the maximum day.

Types of Storage Reservoirs

 Surface reservoirs
 Stand pipes
o Tall cylindrical tanks whose upper portion constitutes the useful
storage and the lower portion serves to support the structure.
o Standpipes over 15 m in height are not economical.
 Elevated tanks
o Steel or concrete reservoirs.
Location of Storage Reservoirs

 The location of a reservoir affects its ability to equalize operating pressure

throughout the distribution system.
 Normally, the reservoir should be located near the center of use to decrease
friction losses by reducing the distance from the supply point to the area served.
 In large metropolitan areas a number of distribution reservoirs may be located
at key points.

Pressure Required
 Recommended pressure rang (according to AWWA) is 400 to 500 KPa (60-

70 psi or 4-5 bars) because this:

o will supply water for buildings up to 10 stories in height
o will supply sprinkler systems in buildings of 4-5 stories in height

 Pressure in the range of 150 to 300 kPa (20-40 psi) in residential areas of
small towns may be used.
N.B.: AWWA Standards for Water Utilities ( AWWA - American Water
Works Association)

The Pipe System

Primary mains

Secondary mains

Transmission line
From pumping station

o The primary mains (arterial mains)

 Carry flow from the pumping station to and from elevated
storage tanks.
 Laid in interlocking loops with the mains not more than 1 km.
 Should be valved of not more than 1.5 km.
o The secondary mains
 Form loops within the primary mains and run from one primary
to another.
 Carry water from primaries to the various areas.
o The small distribution mains
 Supply water to every user and to fire hydrants.
 Connected to primary, secondary or other smaller mains at both

System Configurations
Branch line

Primary main

Branching system

Grid System

Combination System
Velocity and Pipe Sizes
Velocity range: 1 -2 m/s (at max. flow including fire flow)
o Small distribution mains:  150 mm (6 in)
 300 mm (12 in) in major streets
o For lines providing only domestic flow, the pipe diameter van be as small
as 100 mm (4 in), with length not exceed 400 m if dead ended or not
exceed 600 m if connected to the system at both ends
o In small communities, lines as small as 50-75 mm can be used but the
length should not exceed 100 m if dead ended, and 200 if connected at
both ends.


Pressure (P)
 Pressure = force exerted by water mass under the influence of gravity per unit
surface area
F mass x acceleration mxg volume x density x g
P = ----------- = --------------------------- = --------------- = -----------------------------

P = --------------------- = ρ x g x h = γ h

 = specific weight of water (N/m3)

If h = 1m , then P = 9800 (N/m3) × 1 (m) = 9800 N/m2 = 9800 Pa = 9.8 KPa
Units of pressure
o KPa = 0.102 m of H2O
o Psi (Ib/in2) = 6.9 KPa = 0.7 m of H2O
o bar = 100 KPa = 10.2 m of H2O
o 1 atm = 101.3 KPa = 14.7 psi = 10.33 m of H2O

Pipe and Open-Channel Flow

o Pipe flow: e.g. pipe flowing full or under pressure
o Open-channel flow: e.g. open channel, partially filled sewers (the free-
liquid surface is subject to atmospheric pressure)
Flow in Pipes
 Flow Regimes : Laminar and turbulent
o Laminar flow: streamlines remain parallel to one another and no mixing
occurs between adjacent layers
o Turbulent flow: mixing occurs across the pipe
o The transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends on the velocity in the
pipe (V), the pipe diameter (d), the fluid density (ρ), and its viscosity (μ) [or

its kinematic viscosity, μ/ ρ ] according to Reynolds Number (Re) (a
dimensionless parameter):

V(m/s)   (kg / m3 )  d (m) V    d V  d

Re   
 ( pa.s)  

o If Re < 2100 (the flow is laminar)

Equation of Continuity

One concept which must be satisfied in all water flow problems is continuity of
flow. This recognizes that no water is lost or gained and no cavities are formed or
destroyed as the water passes through a pipe conduit. A proper understanding of
flow continuity is essential to the design and evaluation of water supply systems.
When the fluid is essentially noncompressible, such as water, continuity is
expressed in the following equation:

Vin ×Ain = Vout ×Aout

The Bernoulli Theorem

The basic principle that Bernoulli discovered is the one most often used in hydraulics and
is generally described as the law of conservation of water energy, or simply Bernoulli’s
Theorem. It is one of the most fundamental and far-reaching statements concerning fluid
mechanics and it applies Newton’s law of conservation of energy to the flow of water. It
is stated in the equation:

P1 V12 P V2
  Z1  2  2  Z 2  hL
 2g  2g
 velocity  head
Where P/= pressure head

Z = elevation head

hL = friction losses + minor losses= head losses due to friction and momentum
changes at exits, entrances, changes in cross section
The Hazen-Williams formula has been developed specially for use with water and has
been generally accepted as the formula used for pipe flow problems.

v  0.849CR 0.63s 0.54

v = velocity of flow, m/s
R = hydraulic radius, m
S = slope of the energy gradient Q  0.849CAR0.63s0.54
C = a roughness coefficient

Values of C in the Hazen-William Formula and of n in the Manning Formula.

Head loss due to Friction:

Head loss as a result of friction (hf) can be computed using the Hazen Williams

hf = KQ1.85
10.7 L
Where C1.85d 4.87

Q = flow through the pipe (m3/s)

L = pipe length (m)
D = pipe diameter (m)
C = Hazen-Williams coefficient = roughness coefficient

Graphical solution of the Hazen-Williams equation for C = 100 can be made by the
use of a nomograph.

Sc = S100 (100/C)1.85
dc = d100 (100/C)0.38
Qc = Q100 (C/100)

Where S = slope of the energy gradient line (E.G.L) = hf/L


Determine the head loss in a 1000 m pipeline with a diameter of 500 mm that
is discharging 0.25 m3/s. Assume that C = 130.

Using the Hazen-Williams equation

10.7 L 10.7  1000

h f  KQ1.85  1.85 4.87
Q1.85  1.85 4 ,87
0.251.85  2.96m
C d 130 0.5

Using the nomograph for C = 100

At Q = 250 L/s and d = 500 mm  S100 = hf/L = 4.6 m/1000 m
S130 = S100 (100/C)1.85 = (4.6/1000) × (100/130)1.85 = 2.83/1000

hf = S × L = (2.83/1000) × 1000 = 2.83 m

 Graphical solution of the Hazen-Williams equation for C = 100 can be made
by the use of a nomograph (Fig. 3-3, U.S system). The following nomograph is
in the SI system (metric system)

Nomograph for Hazen William Equation

based on C = 100


A cast-iron water pipe, 400 mm in diameter, carries water at a rate of 0.125 cms.
Determine, by means of the Hazen-Williams formula. The slope of the hydraulic
gradient of this pipe and the velocity of flow.

Solution 1. Graphical solution

Use the nomograph, line up the known value, d=381, the actual
diameter of a nominal 400-m pipe, and Q=0.125, and find

S = 0.0045 m/m

v = 1.09 m/s


An asbestos cement water pipe (C=140) with a diameter of 300 mm has a slope of
the hydraulic gradient of 0.0025 m/m. Determine, using the Hazen-Williams
formula, the capacity of the pipe and the velocity of flow.

Solution 1. Graphical solution

Use the nomograph, with d=305 mm, the actual diameter of a 300-mm
pipe, and s=0.0025, find Q = 0.048 cms and v = 0.66 m/s

However, it must be remembered that the nomograph, as indicated was

constructed for C=100, whereas pipe in question has a C=140. Consequently, the
value of Q and v need to be corrected.

Design of Water Distribution System

The design includes the following steps:

 Prepare a detailed map of the area to be served showing topographic contours
(or controlling elevations) and locations of present and future streets and lots.

 Mark the layout of the pipe network including main feeders, secondary
feeders, distribution mains and storage reservoirs.

 Estimate the present and expected population and the spatial distribution of
the population.

 Estimate the design flow.

 Disaggregate flow to various nodes of the system.

 Assume sizes of pipes based on water demands and code requirements.

 Analyze the system (for each sub-area) for flows, pressures and velocities and
adjust sizes to ensure that pressures at nodes and velocities in pipes meet the
criteria (i.e. pressure = 40 – 75 psi, velocity = 1 –2 m/s) under a variety of
design flow conditions.
o This can be done in a variety of ways and this what we mean by the
hydraulic analysis of a water distribution system (the determination of
flows, headlosses in various pipelines and the resulting residual
o Note: Variables in the headloss equation:
 Length (L)
 Diameter (d)
 Flow (Q)
 Headloss (hL or S)
 Roughness (C)
Known variables: L and C

Method of Analysis
 Equivalent pipe method
 Hardy cross method
 Method of sections
 Circle method
 Computer models

Equivalent Pipe Method

 An equivalent pipe is an imaginary pipe that replaces a real system of pipes
such that the head losses in the two systems are identical for a quantity of flow.

 Pipes in Series
1 3

L1, d1 L2, d2
L3, d3

Q = Q1 =Q2 = Q3
hf = hf1 + hf2 + hf3
hf = K1 Q1.85 + K2 Q1.85 + K3 Q1.85 = Q1.85 (K1 + K2 + K3)
Keq Q1.85 = Q1.85 (K1 + K2 + K3)
Keq = K1 + K2 + K3

 Pipes in Parallel
Q 1
Q 2
Q 2
Q 3

hf = hf1 = hf2 = hf3

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3

But hf = K Q1.85  Q = (hf / K)0.54

Q = (hf / K1)0.54 + (hf / K2)0.54 + (hf / K3)0.54

(hf / Keq)0.54 = (hf / K1)0.54 + (hf / K2)0.54 + (hf / K3)0.54
(1 / Keq)0.54 = (1 / K1)0.54 + (1 / K2)0.54 + (1 / K3)0.54
(1 / Keq0.54) = (1 / K10.54) + ( 1/ K20.54) + (1 / K30.54)
Keq-0.54 = K1-0.54+ K2-0.54+ K3-0.54

Find an equivalent p ipe 2000 m in length to replace the pipe system shown below.
Assume C = 100
1000 m
200 mm

A B C 600 m D
400 m F 250 mm
200 mm

800 m
150 mm

Replace the parallel lines BEC and BFC with one equivalent line 1000 m in length

Keq-0.54 = K1-0.54+ K2-0.54

10.7 L
K = ---------------
C1.85 d4.87

K1 = (10.7 x 1000) / (1001.85 x 0.24.87) = 5412.1

K2 = (10.7 x 800) / (1001.85 x 0.154.87) = 17575.6
Keq = (10.7 x 1000) / (1001.85 x d4.87) = 2.13 / d4.87
(2.13 / d4.87)-0.54 = 5412.1-0.54 + 17575.6-0.54 = 0.0147

(2.13 / d4.87)-0.54 = 0.0147
0.665 d2.63 = 0.0147  d = 0.235 m = 235 mm

Replace the serial line AB, BC, and CD with one equivalent line 2000 m in length.

400 m 1000 m 600 m

A 200 mm B 235 mm C 250 mm D

Keq = K1 + K2 + K3

K1 = = (10.7 x 400) / (1001.85 x 0.24.87) = 2164.8

K2 = 2.13 / d4.87 = 2.13 / 0.2354.87 = 2461.2
K3 = (10.7 x 600) / (1001.85 x 0.254.87) = 1095.4
Keq = (10.7 x 2000) / (1001.85 x d4.87) = 4.27 d-4.87
4.27 d-4.87 = 2164.8 + 2461.2 + 1095.4 = 5721.4
d = 0.228 = 228 mm = 230 mm

2000 m
230 mm

The Hardy Cross Method
 The method of equivalent pipe cannot be applied to complex systems because
crossovers results in pipes being included in more than loop and because a
number of withdrawal points are normally throughout the system.

 In any network of pipes, the following conditions must be satisfied:

o Flow into each junction (node) must equal flow out of the junction.
o The sum of head losses around each loop must be zero.


Q1  + ve
Node A Node B Q2  - ve
hL1  + ve
hL2  - ve
hL1 + hL2 = 0

 The method consists of :

o Flows are assumed to each of the pipe with directions such as Qin =
o Correct the flow in each loop according to balanced head loss.

For any pipe in a loop  Qi = Qio + ∆Q ---------(1)

Qi = actual flow in the pipe
Qio = assumed flow
∆Q = required flow correction
The headloss in the pipe is hLi = Ki Qix --------(2)
Substitute (1) in (2):
hLi = Ki (Qio + ∆Q)x
hLi = Ki (Qiox + x Qiox-1 ∆Q) = Ki Qiox + x Ki Qiox-1 ∆Q
For a balanced flow, the sum of head losses must equal zero:

∑ hLi = 0 for i = number of pipes = 1 to n
∑ hLi = ∑ [Ki Qiox + x Ki Qiox-1 ∆Q+………] = ∑ Ki Qiox + ∑ x Ki Qiox-1 ∆Q
If ΔQ is small compared with Qio, we may neglect the terms of the binomial
series after the second one:
The above equation can be solved for ∆Q

- ∑ hLi
∆Q = -------------------- -------(3)
x ∑ (hLi / Qio)

For Hazen-Williams equation x = 1.85

Where Qio = assumed flow in pipe i
hLi = headloss due assumed flow in pipe i
i = 1 to n

The procedure for solving pipe network using the Hardy Cross method:
o Assume a direction and quantity of flow for each pipe in the system
such that Qin = Qout
o Select one pipe loop in the system and compute the net headloss for
that loop based on assumed flows (use the nomograph for Hazen-
o Compute the flow correction using Eq. 3 and correct each of the flows
in the loop by this amount.
o Apply this procedure to each pipe loop in the system.
o Repeat for earlier loops until correction get significantly small (within
5% of the flow in any line).
o Adjust the pipe sizes to reduce or increase velocities and pressure and
repeat the procedure until a satisfactory solution is obtained.


(1) 200
300 L/s (3) 70 L/s

1000 m
400 mm (1) 100
300 m (3)
300 mm (1) 30 700 m (4)
(1) 100 (2) 200 mm
(2) (3)
(3) 300 m 160 L/s
(4) 200 mm
1000 m 500 m
300 mm D 200 mm
(1) 100 (1) 60
(2) (2)
(3) 70 L/s (3)
(4) (4)

hL/L = S = 0.00213 (Q1.85 / d4.87) For C = 100, Q in (m3/s), d in (m)

OR you can use the nomograph
1st Trial
Line Q (L/s) D (mm) L (m) S = hL/L hL hL/Q Modified Q
AB 200 400 1000 0.00942 9.42 0.0471 204
BD 30 200 300 0.00082 2.47 0.0823 34
DE -100 300 100 0.0106 -10.6 0.106 -96
EA -100 300 300 0.0106 -3.18 0.038 -96
∑ -1.89 0.2672
∆Q = - (-1.89)/[1.85 x 0.2672] = 3.8 = 4

Line Q (L/s) D (mm) L (m) S = hL/L hL hL/Q Modified Q

BC 100 200 700 0.076 53.51 0.5351 78
CD -60 200 500 0.030 -15 0.25 -82
DB -34 200 300 0.0103 -3.12 0.092 -56
∑ 35.39 0.8771
∆Q = - (35.39)/[1.85 x 0.8771] = - 21.8 = - 22

(1) 200
(2) 204
300 L/s (3) 70 L/s

1000 m
400 mm (1) 100
(2) 78
300 m (3)
300 mm (1) 30 700 m (4)
(1) 100 (2) 56 200 mm
(2) 96 (3)
(3) 300 m 160 L/s
(4) 200 mm
1000 m 500 m
300 mm D 200 mm
(1) 100 (1) 60
(2) 96 (2) 82
(3) 70 L/s (3)
(4) (4)

2nd Trial
Line Q (L/s) D (mm) L (m) S = hL/L hL hL/Q Modified Q
AB 204 400 1000 0.0098 9.8 0.048 196
BD 56 200 300 0.0262 7.85 0.14 48
DE -96 300 100 0.0098 -9.84 0.1025 -104
EA -96 300 300 0.0098 -2.95 0.0307 -104
∑ 4.86 0.3212
∆Q = - (4.86)/[1.85 x 0.3212] = - 8.2 = - 8

Line Q (L/s) D (mm) L (m) S = hL/L hL hL/Q Modified Q

BC 78 200 700 0.0483 33.8 0.433 77
CD -82 200 500 0.053 -26.5 0.323 -83
DB -48 200 300 0.0197 -5.9 0.123 -49
∑ 1.4 0.879
∆Q = - (1.4)/[1.85 x 0.879] = - 0.86 = - 1

(1) 200
(2) 204
300 L/s (3) 196 70 L/s

1000 m
400 mm (1) 100
(2) 78
300 m (3) 77
300 mm (1) 30 700 m (4)
(1) 100 (2) 56 200 mm
(2) 96 (3) 49
300 m 160 L/s
(3) 104 (4)
(4) 200 mm
1000 m 500 m
300 mm D 200 mm
(1) 100 (1) 60
(2) 96 (2) 82
(3) 104 70 L/s (3) 83
(4) (4)

3rd Trial
Line Q (L/s) D (mm) L (m) S = hL/L hL hL/Q Modified Q
AB 196 400 1000 0.0091 9.1 0.046 195
BD 49 200 300 0.02 6.13 0.125 48
DE -104 300 100 0.0114 -11.41 0.11 -105
EA -104 300 300 0.0114 -3.42 0.033 -105
∑ 0.4 0.314
∆Q = - (0.4)/[1.85 x 0.314] = - 0.69 = -1

Line Q (L/s) D (mm) L (m) S = hL/L hL hL/Q Modified Q

BC 77 200 700 0.0417 33 0.43 77
CD -83 200 500 0.0542 -27.1 0.33 -83
DB -48 200 300 0.0197 -5.9 0.123 -48
∑ 0 0.883
∆Q = - (10/[1.85 x 0.883] = 0

(1) 200
(2) 204
300 L/s (3) 196 70 L/s
(4) 195

1000 m
400 mm (1) 100
(2) 78
300 m (3) 77
300 mm (1) 30 700 m (4) 77
(1) 100 (2) 56 200 mm
(2) 96 (3) 49
300 m 160 L/s
(3) 104 (4) 48
(4) 105 200 mm
1000 m 500 m
300 mm D 200 mm
(1) 100 (1) 60
(2) 96 (2) 82
(3) 104 70 L/s (3) 83
(4) 105 (4) 83

Notes on Water distribution Systems

 Water pipes are normally installed within the right-of-way of the streets.
 Soil cover: 0.75 m – 2.4 m depending on climate.
 Trench width:
o Clearance of about 30 cm on either side of the pipe (i.e. for a pipe of
1220 mm diameter, the trench width = 1.220 + 0.60 = 1.82 m). Extra
clearance should be provided at joints and fittings
 Backfill materials should be free from rocks, and refuse.

Pumps and Pumping Stations

 Pumps are used for:

o Pumping water from source to treatment plants.
o Pumping from reservoirs at water treatment plants to distribution
o Pumping water within distribution systems.
o Pumping within water and wastewater treatment plants.
o Pumping wastewater in certain wastewater collection systems.

 Types of Pumps
All pumps are classified as:
(1) Kinetic–energy pumps (turbo-machine).
 Centrifugal pumps (most widely used pumps in water &
wastewater applications):
o Radial-flow pumps
o Axial-flow pumps
o Mixed flow pumps
 Others

(2) Positive displacement pumps.

 Reciprocating pumps (piston or diaphragm pumps)
 Rotary pumps (e.g. screw pumps)
 Others

Centrifugal Pumps

 As the head (H) increases, then the discharge (Q) decreases.

 Principle Components of Centrifugal Pumps
(1) The rotating element (the impeller): It forces the liquid being pumped into a
rotary motion.
(2) The shaft on which the impeller is mounted: it could be horizontal or vertical
(3) The pump casing: to direct the liquid to the impeller and lead it away.
(4) The frame: to support the pump casing.

Liquid flow path inside a centrifugal pump

Screw Pumps

 The pump capacity (Q) is independent of the head.

 Pump capacity (Q) depends on the depth of the liquid entering the screw; the
lower the level, the less the discharge
 Screw pumps are sort of automatic variable speed pumps.

 Advantage of screw pumps over centrifugal pumps
o They can pump water containing large solids without clogging.
o They operate at constant speed over a wide range of flows with
relatively good efficiency.

Pump Drive units

 Electric motors: constant-speed motors and variable-speed motors

 Internal-combustion engines (usually as a source of standby power): diesel
engines, natural gas engines.

Pumps Application terminology

 Capacity (Q): volume of water pumped per unit of time [m3/s, Mgal/d, gpm].

 Head (H): the head against which pump must works when water is being
pumped, [m, ft].

 Power: the power the pump consumes when it pumps up [KN.m/s = Kilowatt
= KW].

Output Power, pout = P Q where P = pressure the pump can deliver

Output Power, pout = γ H Q
Input Power, pin = Output Power, pout / Efficiency, ep
pin = pout / ep
(i.e. Power consumed = Power Delivered / Efficiency)

 An efficient pump is one that consumes little as compared to what it
 ep range from 60% to 85% due to energy losses in the pump.

hL = head losses = friction losses + minor losses = system head

hs = static suction lift (between pump datum and suction water level)
hd = static discharge head (between pump datum and discharge water level)

Hs = static head (between the two water levels) = hs + hd
TDH = total dynamic head = the head against which the pump must work when
water is being pumped.
TDH = Hs + hL1 + hL2 + (Vd2/2g)

hL = head losses = friction losses + minor losses = system head

hs = static suction head (between pump datum and suction water level)
hd = static discharge head (between pump datum and discharge water level)
Hs = static head (between the two water levels) = hd - hs
TDH = total dynamic head = the head against which the pump must work when
water is being pumped.
TDH = Hs + hL1 + hL2 + (Vd2/2g)

Pump Head-Capacity Curve (Pump Characteristics Curve)

 The head (TDH) that a pump can produce at various flowrates (Q) and
constant speed is established in pump tests conducted by the pump

 During the tests, the capacity is varied and the corresponding head is
measured. Also, the efficiency and the input power are measured.
Pump operating range
6% - 120% of the bep

Runout head
Lowest head

 At maximum efficiency, the discharge is known as the normal or rated
discharge of the pump, and the corresponding head is known as the rated head.
The corresponding point on the head-capacity curve is known as the best
operating point (bep).

System Head-Capacity Curve

 To develop a system head-capacity curve for your system, calculate the

headloss at different Q, add the headloss to the static head to get TDH or H, and
plot TDH against Q.

Note: your system: the arrangement of pipes, fittings, and equipment through
which the water will flow

 TDH = Hs + friction and minor losses + velocity head (small)

TDH = Hs + hL ( function of Q)

 If we plot the pump H-Q curve, it will intersect with the system H-Q curve,
and the point of intersection is the point at which the pump will operate

 How to select a pump that matches our conditions of our system:
o Mark the H-Q point at which we desire our pump to operate on the
system H-Q curve.
o Inspect several possible pump curves (representing several pumps) and
superimpose each onto our system curve, and the select the pump that
matches our desired point (at or near the desired point).
o Note that the static head may vary depending on tank drawdowns and
filling. Thus, both maximum and minimum static heads should be used
to develop the system curve. The distance between them will be the
actual operating range of the pump you choose.

Flow, Head, and Power Relationships for Pumps

 Pump discharge changes with impeller diameter and operating speed.

 For a given impeller diameter (D is constant) operating at two or more
speeds, we have:

Q∞N --> Q1/Q2 = N1/N2 --> Q2 = Q1 (N2/N1)

H ∞ N2 --> H1/H2 = N12/N22 --> H2 = H1 (N2/N1)2
p ∞ N3 --> p1/p2 = N13/N23 --> p2 = p1 (N2/N1)3
Q = discharge
H = Head
p = power input
N = pump speed (rpm)

Note: If N2 = 2 N1 then Q2 = 2 Q1 , H2 = 4 H1 , and p2 = 8 p 1

(Doubling the speed will increase the discharge by a factor of 2, the head by a
factor of 4, and the power by a factor of 8)

 For a pump operating at the same speed (N is constant), a change in impeller

diameter (D) affects discharge, head, and power input as follows:

Q∞D --> Q1/Q2 = D1/D2 ---> Q2 = Q1 (D2/D1)

H ∞ D2 --> H1/H2 = D12/D22 ---> H2 = H1 (D2/D1)2
p ∞ D3 --> p1/p2 = D13/D23 ---> p2 = p1 (D2/D1)3

Note: If D2 = 2 D1, then Q2 = 2 Q1, H2 = 4 H1, and p2 = 8 p1

Multiple-Pump Operation (for constant speed pumps)
 Parallel Operation

o For two or more pumps operating in parallel, the combined H-Q curve
is found by adding the Qs of the pumps at the same head.
 For two pumps:
QA Pump A


Pump B

 Q = QA + QB at a given head
 Power input, p = pA + pB
γ Q H/e = γ QA HA/eA + γ QB HB/eB
Q H/e = QA HA/eA + QB HB/eB

If the two pumps are identical, H = HA = HB and QA = QB

Q = 2 QA = 2 QB & Q/e = QA/eA + QB/eB

 Series Operation
o For two or more pumps operating in series, the combined H-Q curve is
found by adding the Hs of the pumps at the same Q.
 For two pumps:

Pump A Pump B

 H = HA + HB at a given Q and Q = QA = QB
 Power input, p = pA + pB
γ Q H/e = γ QA HA/eA + γ QB HB/eB
H/e = HA/eA + HB/eB

If the pumps are identical, HA = HB, and Q = QA = QB

H = 2 HA = 2 HB & H/e = HA/e1 + HB/e2

A pump with a head-capacity characteristic curve shown below, is used to transfer
60 L/s of water through a 1000-m long pipe from a reservoir at an elevation of 105
m to another reservoir at an elevation of 130 m
(1) Find the diameter of the pipe (assume that C = 100 and neglect minor losses)
(2) Determine the pump power required assuming that the pump efficiency is



60 Discharge (L/s)

At Q = 60 L/s  TDH = 40 m
TDH = Hs + hf = (130 – 105) + hf
TDH = 25 + hf

But hf = [10.7 x L x Q1.85] / [C1.85 x d4.87]

hf = [10.7 x 1000 x 0.061.85] / [1001.85 x d4.87]
d4.87 = 0.000781  d = 0.230 m = 230 mm

Power input = γ Q H/e = [9.8 KN/m3 x 0.06 m3/s x 40 m] / 0.80 = 29.4 KW


At night, water is pumped from a treatment plant reservoir through distribution

piping to an elevated storage tank as shown below. The pumping station operating
at a flow capacity of 60 L/s and discharge pressure of 500 KPa. Determine:
(a) the pressure at A and B
(b) the maximum depth of water that can be stored in the elevated tank.
[ Assume C = 100 and neglect minor losses and velocity head ]

Elevated Tank

EL: 135 m

30 L/s
d = 250 mm EL: 110 m
L = 1000 m d = 200 mm
B L = 500 m
EL: 105 m
EL: 100 m
Q = 60 L/s
Reservoir Pressure = 500 KPa


Pressure available at C = 500 KPa = 500 KPa / 9.8 KPa/m = 51 m

Pressure at B = 51 – (105 – 100) – hfCB
From Hazen-Williams nomograph, at Q = 60 L/s and d = 250 mm
then S = 9 m / 1000 m
S = hf/L --> hf = (9/1000) x 1000 m = 9 m
Pressure at B = 51 – 5 – 9 = 37 m [ or 37 x 9.8 = 363 KPa ]
Pressure at A = 51 – (110 – 100) – hfCB – hfBA = 51 – 10 – 9 – hfBA = 32 – hfBA
From Hazen-Williams nomograph, at Q = 30 L/s and d = 200 mm

S = 8 m / 1000 m, then hfBA = (8/1000) x 500 m = 4 m
Pressure at A = 32 – 4 = 28 m [ or 28 x 9.8 = 274 KPa ]
Maximum depth of water in the tank = (110 + 28) - 135 = 3 m
A simplified water supply system consisting of a reservoir with lift pumps, an
elevated storage, piping, and a load center (i.e. withdrawal point), is shown in the
Figure below. Draw the hydraulic gradient for the system and calculate the
quantity of flow available at point B from both the reservoir and the supply pumps
if the pumps provide a pressure of 600 KPa, and the residual pressure at the load
center is 200 KPa. [Assume C = 100 and neglect minor losses and velocity head]

Elevated Tank

40 m
Load center

d = 300 mm C
A EL: 110 m L = 500 m
d = 150 mm EL: 108 m
EL: 100 m L = 2000 m

Lift pumps

Pressure at A = 600 KPa = 600 KPa / 9.8 KPa/m = 61.2 m

Pressure at B = 200 KPa = 200 KPa / 9.8 KPa/m = 20.4 m


61.2 m 20.4 m 40 m

A EL: 110 m
EL: 108 m
EL: 100 m 57
Pressure at B = Pressure at A – Elevation difference – hfAB
20.4 = 61.2 – (110 – 100) – hfAB
20.4 = 61.2 – 10 – hfAB
20.4 = 51.2 – hfAB
hfAB = 51.2 – 20.4 = 30.8 m ---> S = hf/L = 30.8 m / 2000 m = 15.4 m / 1000 m
From nomograph at S = 15.4/1000, and d = 150 mm ----> QAB = 20 L/s

Pressure at B = Pressure at C – Elevation difference – hfCB
20.4 = 40 – (110 –108) – hfCB
20.4 = 40 – 2 – hfCB
20.4 = 38 – hfCB
hfCB = 38 – 20.4 = 17.6 m ---> S = 17.6 m / 500 m = 35.2 m / 1000 m
From nomograph at S = 35.2/1000 and d = 300 mm ---> QCB = 200 L/s

Total Q available at B = 20 + 200 = 220 L/s

o When a liquid flows into a region where its pressure is reduced to
vapor pressure of the liquid, the liquid boils and vapor pockets develop
in it. The vapor bubbles are carried along with the liquid until a region
of higher pressure is reached, where the bubbles suddenly collapse and
the liquid rushes to fill the voids creating very high localized pressures
that cause pitting of the surrounding surfaces.

o It occurs in pumps when the absolute pressure of the pump inlet drops
below the vapor pressure of the water being pumped. The bubbles are
formed and when the water reaches the impeller, the bubbles collapse.

o Damages caused by cavitation:

 Reduce pump efficiency and capacity.
 Damage the impeller (pitting).
 Damage the valves and fittings.
 Cause shaft deflection and break.

o How to determine if cavitation is a problem?

 If the available “net positive suction head” (NPSHA) which is

the head available in the system at the eye of the impeller to
push the water into the pump to replace water discharge by the
pump, is more than “net positive suction head” required by the
pump (NPSHR) to prevent cavitation, then no cavitation will
 NPSHR is a characteristic of the pump (determined by the
 NPSHA is a characteristic of the system.

hs = static suction lift


NPSHA = [– hs – hfs – Vs2/2g] + [ patm/ γ – pvapor/ γ]

NPSHA = [– hs – hfs] + [ patm/ γ – pvapor/ γ]
Vs2/2g cancels out because it is also included in the NPSHR.

If hs = 2 m and hfs = 0.5 m
Water temperature = 20 oC  pvapor = 2.34 KPa = 2.34 KN/m2
patm = 101.325 KPa. Determine the NPSHA.
NPSHA = [– hs – hfs] + [ patm/ γ – pvapor/ γ]
NPSHA = [– 2 – 0.5] + [ 101.325/ 9.8 – 2.34/ 9.8] = 7.59 m

hs = static suction head

NPSHA = [+ hs – hfs – Vs2/2g] + [ patm/ γ – pvapor/ γ]

NPSHA = [+ hs – hfs] + [ patm/ γ – pvapor/ γ]

o Causes of Cavitation;
 Operating the pump at high speeds (impeller runs too fast for
water to keep up).
 Operating the pump at a capacity greater than bep (toward the
runout head). This will increase the losses.
 Operating the pump at a capacity lower than the bep (toward the
shutoff head). This re-circulates the water within the impeller
causing vibration and hydraulic losses.

For these reasons, operating a pump at a rate of discharge within a

range between 60% and 120% of the bep is a good practice.
(Q = 0.6 Qbep to 1.2 Qbep)

 Excessive suction lift.

 Excessive friction and minor losses in suction piping.
 High temperature of water.
 Insufficient submersion of the suction pipe in the suction tank
(air will draw right in with water).
 Entrained air (outside air coming into the system on the suction
side through an opening, suction valves and joints).
 The discharge head is too high and the pump will operate
outside the operating range.

Water Pipes
 Selection of pipe type depends on:
o Characteristics of water
o Internal water pressure
o External pressure / loads
o First cost and maintenance cost
o Pipe durability (resistance to corrosion, bending and tensile stress)

Types of Pipes
 Iron Pipe
o Durable and has a service life of > 100 years.
o Cast iron and ductile iron.
o Ductile iron is produced by adding magnesium alloy to an iron of very
low phosphorus and sulfur content.
o Ductile iron is lighter, less brittle, and more stronger than cast iron.
o Subject to corrosion: the inside of the pipe may be coated with scales
of rust (tuberculation), reducing the pipe diameter and increasing its
o Therefore, it is common to line iron pipes with cement or bituminous
o Pipes can also be encased in polyethylene tubes to protect against
external corrosion.
o Size: 2 to 79 inch (50 – 2000 mm) with several thickness classes in
each size.
o Length: up to 5.5 m.

 Steel Pipe
o Made of iron with small amount of carbon added to it (0.15% –

o Stronger, lighter, and cheaper than iron pipes.
o More likely to be damaged by corrosion than iron because of its thin
walls (needs coating with cement or bituminous material)
o Service life: about 50 years.
o Usually used in transmission lines.

 Concrete Pipe
o Three types
(1) Concrete cylinder pipe
 High-tensile-strength wire is wrapped about a steel pipe
and then covered with a layer of concrete. The inside of
the pipe is lined with cement.
 Used for high internal pressure (up to 1800 KPa)
High-tensile-strength wire

Steel pipe Cement mortar


(2) Pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe

 The steel pipe is pre-stressed by winding the wire tightly
to pre-stress the pipe that is covered with concrete. The
exterior is then finished with a coating of cement covered.
 Used for higher internal pressure (up to 2400 KPa).

High-tensile-strength wire wound

tightly on the pipe

Steel pipe Cement mortar

Concrete + cement cover

(2) Reinforced concrete pipe (without steel cylinder)

 Used for low pressure (⊁ 310 KPa)

Steel bars Concrete


o Properties of concrete pipes:

 High durability and low maintenance cost.
 No tuberculation.
 Smooth pipes
 Service life ≈ 75 years.

 Asbestos Cement Pipe

o Composed of a mixture of asbestos fiber, cement, and silica sand.
Pipes are formed from this mixture on a rotating steel mandrel and
then compacted with steel pressure rollers, heat-dried and cured.
o Smooth pipes.
o Light and cheap.
o Resist corrosion.
o Do not conduct electricity.
o Not as strong as cast iron pipes.
o Asbestos is carcinogenic when fibers are inhaled.

 Plastic Pipe (Thermoplastic Pipe)

o Types:
 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
 Polyethylene (PE).
 Polybutylene (PB).

 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS).
o Resist corrosion, chemicals and biological attack.
o Light and exceptionally smooth.
o Cheaper than iron and concrete pipes
o Used mainly for service connections and household plumbing systems.
o Affected by water temperature (expansion and compression).
o Service life ≈ 25 – 30 years.


 Valves are used to control the magnitude or the direction of water flow.
 All valves have a movable part that extends into the pipe for opening or
closing the passage of water.
 The means of operating the movable element of a valve are by screws, gears
or water pressure.

 Gate Valves
o Shutoff valves: to stop the flow of water through pipes.
o Located at regular intervals (150–350 m) throughout distribution
systems so that breaks in the system can be isolated.

 Butterfly Valves
o Shutoff valves.
o Have a movable disk that rotates on axle.

o Cheaper, more compact, easier to operate, and less subject to wear
than gate valves.
o Not suitable for water containing solids.

 Check Valves
o Allow water flow in only one direction (backflow preventer).
o Open under the influence of water pressure and closes automatically
when flow ceases.

o Installed at the end of the a suction line to prevent draining of the
suction line and loss of prime when the pump is shut down (foot
o Also, installed on the discharge side of pump to reduce hammer forces
on the pumps.
 Globe Valves
o Shutoff valves.
o Used in household plumbing.
o Cheap but create high headloss.

 Air Relief Valves

o Air can enter pipe network (from a pump drawing air into the suction
pipe, through leaking joints, and by entrained or dissolved gases being
released from the water) and thus increase resistance to water flow by
accumulating in high points, in valve domes and fitting, and in
discharge lines from pumps.

o Air relief valves are used to discharge trapped air.
o The valve contains a floating ball at the top of a cylinder, sealing a
small opening. When air accumulates in the valve chamber, the ball
drops away from the outlet opening, allowing the air to escape.
 Pressure Reducing Valves
o Automatically reduce high inlet pressure to a predetermined lower
outlet pressure, to prevent excessive pressure in the pipe network at
lower elevation.
o Regulating the flow through the valve controls outlet pressure. Less
flow means more headloss is developed and thus the outlet pressure is

o The desired outlet pressure is preset by turning the hand wheel to

adjust the position of the spring. If the inlet pressure is high the valve
will close (the disk is moved upward) to reduce the amount of flow
through the valve and thus reduce the pressure.

 Altitude Valves
o To control the flow into and out of an elevated storage tank to
maintain desired water-level elevation.
o The valve closes when the tank is full and remains closed until the
water level drops to a predetermined level before it open to refill the
o Refilling occurs when the system pressure exceeds the tank pressure.

Fire Hydrants

 Hydrants are installed along streets behind the curb line at a distance of 0.6 m
(to avoid damage from overhang vehicles).

 Function of fire hydrants:

o Extinguish fires
o Wash down streets
o Flush out water mains

 The pipe connecting the hydrant to a distribution main is normally ≮ 150 mm

in diameter.

Storm-Water Flow

 When rain falls on a certain area,

o a portion will be lost by evaporation,
o a portion will be lost by infiltration into ground,
o a portion will be intercepted by vegetation,
o a portion will be held in depression, and
o a portion will flow overland (run off).

 Storm sewers should be designed to carry the maximum (peak) rain runoff
produced from a certain drainage area (catchment basin).

 The peak rate of runoff depends up:

o Type of precipitation
o Intensity and duration of rainfall
o Distribution of rain fall
o Direction of prevailing storm
o Climatic condition
o Type and size of catchment area
o Characteristics of soil / surface of drainage area

 Methods to determine the peak runoff

o Empirical formula
o Rainfall runoff correlation studies
o The inlet method
o Digital computer models
o The hydrograph method
o The rational method

The Rational Method
Q = rate of runoff (m3/h)
i = rainfall intensity (m/h)
A = drainage area (m2)
C = runoff coefficient (fraction of the rain that appears as runoff)
 Runoff Coefficient (C)
o C relates the combined effects of infiltration, evaporation and
surface storage.
o It increases as the rainfall continues (depends on characteristics of
drainage area: slope, moisture, soil type, ground cover, etc.).
o For impervious surfaces:

C = 0.175 t1/3 or C = t / (8 + t)
Where t = duration of storm in minutes
o For improved pervious surfaces:
C = 0.3 t / (20 + t)
o Table 13-2 presents C values for various surfaces

o For a composite drainage area (e.g. residential area and business
area) an effective runoff coefficient can be obtained by estimating
the percentage of the total area that is covered by roofs, lawn, etc.,
multiplying each fraction by the corresponding C and then summing
the products:
C effective = C1 (A1/Atotal) + C2 (A2/Atotal) + ………
C effective = (C1 A1 + C2 A2 + ……) / Atotal

Determine the run off coefficient for an area of 0.2 Km2, of which 3000 m2 is
covered by buildings, 5000 m2 by paved driveways and walk, and 2000 m2
by Portland cement streets. The remaining area is flat, heavy soil covered by
Area C
Surface Type 2
Ci (Ai/Atotal)
(m ) (Table 13-2)
0.7 (3000/200,000) – 0.95
Roofs 3000 0.7 – 0.95 (3000/200,000) =
0.0105 – 0.0143
0.75 (5000/200,000) – 0.85
Paved driveway 5000 0.75 – 0.85 (5000/200,000) =
0.0188 – 0.0213
0.8 (2000/200,000) – 0.95
Cement streets 2000 0.8 – 0.95 (2000/200,000) =
0.008 – 0.0095
0.13 (190,000/200,000) – 0.17
190,000 0.13 – 0.17 (190,000/200,000) =
(Slope = 2% ≈ flat)
0.124 – 0.162
C effective = ∑ 0.16 – 0.21

The effective C = 0.16 – 0.21

The higher C value can be used as a conservative practice.
o Table 13-3 presents values for composite areas of specific

 Rainfall Intensity – Duration – Frequency Relationships (IDF Curves)

o Intensity: the average amount of rain falling per unit time (mm/min).
o Duration: the time interval the rain falls with a given intensity (min).
o Frequency (recurrence interval, or return period): the average period in
years between rainfalls of a given intensity for a given duration.

25- year frequency

10- year frequency

Intensity (mm/h)
48 5- year frequency



Duration of rainfall (min)

o For storms with duration of 30 minutes, the maximum average intensity
anticipated once every 5 years is about 15 mm/h, and
o And the maximum average intensity anticipated once every 10 years is 26
o General observations:
 The shorter the duration, the greater the intensity.
 A high-intensity storm will have lower frequency (i.e. it will
be repeated after long duration of time interval).

 Frequency (return period)

o It establishes the frequency with which the sewer system will be
overloaded on an average.

o The frequency chosen is a matter of economics.

 It is too expensive to design a sewer to carry largest flow which
could ever occur
 But, flood damage to properties should be avoided when

o 5-year frequency is used for residential areas.

o 10-years frequency is used for business areas.
o 15-year frequency is used for high-value districts.

 Duration (time of concentration, tc)

o Time of concentration: the time required for the maximum runoff to
develop (the time required by the water to reach the outlet or sewer from
the most remote point of the drainage area).

o If the rainfall duration is < tc , the runoff will not be maximum, as the
entire area will not contribute to runoff.

o If the rainfall duration is > tc , the runoff will not be maximum, as the rain
intensity reduces with the increase in its duration.

o The maximum runoff will be obtained for the rain having a duration equal
to the time of concentration (which is called the critical rainfall duration).

o After tc is determined, the intensity can be obtained from the intensity-

duration-frequency curve.

o Estimation of tc:
tc = Flow time from the most remote point in the drainage area to the
point in question.
= Overland flow time (inlet flow time) + channel flow time.

Inlet time = 5 min

Area 1

Inlet time = 8 min

Area 2

Length = L

Velocity of water in pipe = V

 If point of interest is A (i.e to find the flow in pipe AB)

tc = 5 min
 If the point of interest is B (to find the flow in pipe BC)
tc = [5 min + L/V] or tc = 8 min
Choose the bigger tc

 The inlet time
 Varies depending on the characteristics of the drainage area including

amount of lawn, slope of street gutters or ground, spacing of street inlets, etc.
 For high-density area with closely spaced street inlet, tc = 5 – 10 minutes.

 For highly-density areas with relatively flat slopes, tc = 10 – 20 minutes.

 For areas with widely spaced street inlets, tc = 20 – 30 minutes.

 Figure 13-3 can be used to estimate tc (the Figure neglects the effect of

rainfall intensity).

A sewer drains a single-family residential area (A= 10,000 m2) with C = 0.35. The
distance from the most remote point is 60 m over ordinary grass with a slope of
4%. Determine the design flow.

 From Figure 13-3, inlet time = 15 min. = tc
 From a curve of the intensity-duration-frequency relationship at t = 15 min
for a certain return period (say 10 year return period), the intensity can be found.
i = 156 mm/h.
 Q = C i A = 0.35 x 0.156 m/h x 10,000 m2 = 546 m3/h.

A storm drain system consisting of two inlets and pipe is to be designed using rational
method. A schematic of the system is shown. Determine the peak flow rates to be used
in sizing the two pipes and inlets.

1 acre = 0.4047 ha = 4047 m2 = 43560 ft2

Rainfall intensity (in/hr) as a function of t is:

Size Inlet 1 and pipe 1:

Area A and B contribute, take largest tc = 12 min

A = 5+3 = 8 acre
C = (5*0.2+3*0.3)/8 = 0.24
I = 30/(12+5)0.7 = 4.13 in/hr
Q = CIA = 0.24*4.13*8 = 7.9 cfs

Size Inlet 2:

Flow from area C contributes, take tc = 8 min

A = 4 acre
C = 0.4
I = 30/(8+5)0.7 = 4.98 in/hr
Q = CIA = 0.4*4.98*4 = 8.0 cfs

Size pipe 2:

Flow from all areas

Take tc = 12+1 = 13 min

A = 5+4+3 = 12 acre
C = (5*0.2+4*0.4+3*0.3)/12
= 0.29
I = 30/(13+5)0.7 = 3.97 in/hr
Q = CIA = 0.29*3.97*12 = 13.8 cfs

Note how tc is taken as the largest value (12 min) plus travel trough pipe1.

Sewer Materials
 Pipes used to transport water can be used to collect wastewater.

 However, it is better to used less expensive pipes as flow in sewers is by gravity

(no pressure)
 Iron and steel pipes can be used if sewage is pressurized.

 Vitrified Clay Pipe

o Made of clay that has been ground, wetted, molded, dried, and burned in a
kiln (Vitrification of the clay).
o High weight, and rigid.
o Resist biological and chemical attacks, and abrasion.
o Used mostly in gravity sanitary sewers.

 Concrete Pipe
o High weight, and rigid.
o Non-reinforced concrete pipe.
o If size is more than 24 in (610 mm), the pipe should be reinforced.
o Good for storm sewer because of its large size, strength, and abrasion
o Subject to corrosion where acids are present.

 Thermoplastic pipe
o Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE) pipes are the most common
plastic pipes used in sewer systems.
o Light weight.
o Ease in field cutting, and high impact strength.
o Subject to changes by long-term UV exposure.
o Subject to environmental stress cracking.
o Can be used for both gravity and pressure sanitary sewers.
o PVC pipes are used for building connections and branch sewers.

o PE pipes are used for long pipelines (under adverse conditions: swamp or
underwater crossings).

 Asbestos Cement pipe

o Rigid pipe.
o Subject to corrosion where acids are present.
o Used for both gravity and pressure sanitary sewers.
o Available in nominal diameters from 100 to 1000 mm (4 – 42 in).
o Available in wide range of strength classifications.

Types of Sewers

Sewer Manholes
 Purpose
o to interconnect two or more sewers
o to provide entry for sewer cleaning and inspection
 Location
o at changes in direction
o at changes in size
o at substantial changes in grade
o at intervals of 90-150 m in straight lines (not more than 150 m except for
sewers which can be walked through)

o Drop manhole is usually provided when the difference in elevation between
the high and low sewers exceeds 60 cm.

Sewer Corrosion
 Sulfates SO4 present in wastewater are reduced to hydrogen sulfide H2S

 H2S is released into the air space of the sewer, where it may re-dissolve in

condensed moisture accumulated at the crown. Dissolved H2S is then oxidized

to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) causing the corrosion of the crown of concrete, iron, or
steel sewers.

 Control of sewer corrosion

o By chlorination to halt biological activity (at least temporarily).

o By forced ventilation to reduce crown condensation, strip H2S from the
atmosphere of the sewer, and provide sufficient oxygen to prevent sulfate
o By lining sewer with inert materials (plastics, clay tiles, or asphaltic

Storm-Water Inlets
 Surface waters enter a storm drainage system through inlets located in street

gutters or depressed areas that collect natural drainage.

 Catch basins under street inlets are connected by short pipeline to the main


 Types of storm-water inlets:

o Curb Inlets (vertical inlets): vertical openings in the curb.

o Gutter Inlets (horizontal inlets): depressed or un-depressed openings in the
gutter section of the street.
o Combination Inlets: composed of both curb and gutter openings.

 Locations of inlets

o Placed at gutters usually at street intersections.

o At mid points of the blocks if they are more than 150 m long.

Hydraulics of Sewers

 Sanitary and storm sewers are usually designed to flow as open channels (gravity

flow), partially full, and not under pressure.

 Manning equation is used in sewer design:

Q = (1 / n) A R2/3 S0.5
Q = flow rate (m3/s)
A= cross sectional area of flow (m2)
R = hydraulic radius (m/m) = cross-sectional area of flow / wetted perimeter

π D4 /4 D
R = ------------ = ------- For circular pipes flowing full
πD 4

R = ------------ For
L+2D D

S = slope of energy grade line.

S = pipe invert slope (slope of pipe bottom), For uniform flow ( i.e. V 1 = V2 and
P1/ γ = P2/ γ).

n = coefficient of roughness (Table 3-5)

n = 0.013 is used to analyze well constructed existing sewers and to design new
n = 0.015 is used to analyze most old existing sewers.

 Nomograms shown in Figure 16-2 through 16-4 can be used for circular pipes

flowing full (n = 0.013):

o Given any two parameters (Q, D, S, or V), the remaining two can be

D = 200 mm, and S = 0.02 (i.e. 2%)
Then, from Fig. 16-2 we have Q = 2.9 m3/min and V = 1.48 m/s

If a 255-mm sewer is placed on a slope of 0.01, what is the flowing full quantity,
velocity of flow at n = 0.013 and n = 0.015.

From Fig. 16-2 at D = 255 mm and S = 0.01 for n = 0.013

 Q = 3.75 m3/min and V = 1.25 m/s

Qn2 (1/n2) A R2/3 S0.5 Qn2 n1

-------- = ------------------------  -------- = --------
Qn1 (1/n1) A R2/3 S0.5 Qn1 n2

Vn2 n1
Similarly --------- = ---------
Vn1 n2

Qn = 0.015 = Qn = 0.013 x (n1/n2) = 3.75 x (0.013/0.015) = 3.25 m3/min

Vn = 0.015 = Vn = 0.013 x (n1/n2) = 1.25 x (0.013/0.015) = 1.1 m/s
 Figure 16-6 is useful in estimating partial flow values (q, d, v) from full-flow
conditions (Q, D, V).

The measured depth of flow in 1228-mm concrete storm sewer on a grade of 0.002
m/m is 737 mm. What are the quantity and velocity of flow?

From Fig. 16-3 at D = 1228 mm and S = 0.002 (i.e. 0.2%)

Q = 110 m3/min and V = 1.55 m/s

d/D = 737/1228 = 0.6 then from Fig. 16-6 q/Q = 0.55 and v/V = 0.87
q = 0.55 x 110 = 60.5 m3/min
v = 0.87 x 1.55 = 1.35 m/s

If the flow in a pipe is at a depth of 50% of the pipe diameter,
Then d/D = 0.5 and from Fig. 16-6  q/Q = 0.4 and v/V = 0.8
i.e. Q = q/0.4  Q = 2.5 q
A sewer selected to be full at 2.5 times the design flow will be half full at the actual
flow (q).

A 915-m sewer is installed on a slope of 0.001. The sewer is 100 m long and runs
from a manhole at which its invert is at 98.75 to a river discharge at which its invert
is at 98.65. The pipe is to carry a flow of 0.28 m3/s.
What is the depth of the water at the upstream manhole when the downstream water
surface at 98 m? and at 100 m ?

Case 1 Manhole

98.75 + 0.915 = 99.665 m

98.75 m

D = 915 mm, L= 100 m, S = 0.001

98.65 m 98.00 m

D = 915 mm and S = 0.001
Then from Fig. 16-3  Q = 38 m3/min = 0.63 m3/s
q/Q = 0.28 / 0.63 = 0.44
Then from Fig 16-6 at q/Q = 0.44  d/D = 0.52
d = 0.52 x 915 = 475.8 mm
Elevation of water surface at upstream end = 98.75 + 0.4758 = 99.23 m

Case 2

hL 100 m

98.75 + 0.915 = 99.665 m

98.75 m

D = 915 mm, L= 100 m, S = 0.001

98.65 m

As the water surface at the lower end (river) is above the crown at the upper end,
then the pipe is flowing full throughout its length.

For the water to flow through the pipe at a rate of 0.28 m3/s, the water level in the
upstream manhole has to be higher than the water level at the lower end (river).
By how much?  By hL.

At Q = 0.28 m3/s and D = 915 mm  S = 0.00023 m/m

hL = headloss = losses due friction + minor losses (exit and entrance)
hL = 100 x 0.00023 + 0.014 (assumed) = 0.037 m

Elevation of water surface at upstream end = 100 + 0.037 = 100.037 m

Design of Sewer Systems

First: Preliminary Design

 To evaluate the feasibility of the project and estimate costs.

 Prepare a map(s) of the city showing locations of streets, alleys, public parks,
buildings, streams, railways, elevations of streets, surface slopes, high and low
points (ground contours), and other features and structures which may
influence or may be influenced by the sewer system.

 Estimate the anticipated population, its density, and its waste production at the
end of the design periods, and predict future commercial and industrial
development (design period is indefinite but > 20 years).

 Select sites for treatment plants and or disposal.

 Based on the previous information, estimate the quantity of pips of various

sizes (Q and slope are known then size can be estimated), the quantity of
excavation, the quantity of pavement repairs and other appurtenances
(manholes, drop inlets, building connections, ...).

 Estimate costs for the different alternatives identified as physically practicable

and environmentally acceptable.

Second: Detailed Design

(1) Underground Survey

 Locate any underground obstacles such as existing sewers, water mains,

telephone and electrical cables, tunnels, and other underground structures.

 Establishes soil properties and locations of rock and other difficult sub-surface
conditions in the area of the project (may require soil borings and soundings).

 Establish the location of underground water table.

(2) Preparation of maps: Maps (scale: 1:500 to 1:1000) should include:

 Locations of all underground structures.

 Locations and basement elevations of all buildings.

 Locations and elevations of all streams (wadis), ditches, and max. and min.
levels therein.
 Street centerline elevations every 15 m and at any abrupt changes in surface
 Elevations of street intersections.

 Types of street pavement.

 Ground contours (at 0.5 to 3 m intervals).

 Permanents benchmarks on each block of every street in which a sewer is to be


 Profiles of all streets in which sewers are to be placed.

(3) Layout of the System

A tentative layout of the proposed system is made on the map by:

 Locating sewer lines along the streets with arrows showing the direction of
flow, which is normally in the direction of the ground slope.

o Location: the most common location of a sanitary sewer is at or near

the center of the street serving both sides of the street. In wide streets,
it may be more economical to install a sewer on each side.

o Depth of sewer: limited by the desirability of minimum excavation,

service to basement sanitary facilities, and the need to provide

minimum cover to prevent freezing in cold climate, and backflow
through connections.

 Sewers should be located at depths such as that it can pass all

other utilities with the possible exception of storm sewers.

 Minimum cover: 3 m in cold climate; ≥ 0.75 m depending on

pipe size and the anticipated loads.

 Locating manholes at sewer intersections, abrupt changes in horizontal

direction or slope, changes in size, and at regular intervals along straight runs
(spacing should not exceed 150 m except in sewers which can be walked
through). Manholes should be numbered for identification.

(4) The Vertical Profile

 Prepare a vertical profile for each sewer line (horizontal scale 1:500 to 1:1000;
vertical scale of about 10 times greater).
o The profile shows:
 The ground surface.
 Tentative manhole locations
 Elevations of important subsurface structures/strata (rock,
basements, telephone line, water mains, ….).
 Locations of bore holes.
 Cross streets.

o The profiles are used to assist in design and serve as basis for
construction drawings. A plan of the sewer line and relevant other
structure is usually shown on the same sheet.

o When design is completed, pipe sizes and slopes, elevations at changes
in size and grade are noted on these profiles. See Figure 16-1. Note
that the values listed at each manhole represent:
The ground elevation,
Entering invert elevation,
Leaving invert elevation, and
The cut to the leaving invert.

(5) Principles of Design

 Design using Manning equation.

 Velocity:
o For sanitary sewers
Vmin = 0.6 m/s – 0.75 m/s
Vmax = 3 m/s
Vmin for depressed sewers = 1.0 m/s

o For storm sewers

Vmin = 0.9 m/s
Vmax = 3 m/s

 The usual practice is to design the sewer slopes to ensure the minimum
velocity with flow at one-half full flow / full depth.

 Minimum size of pipe:
o 200 mm.
o Use 100 – 150 mm pipes for house connection.
 Minimum slopes:
o Sewers with low slopes are often recommended to avoid excessive
 Change in sewer direction without change in size:
o A drop of about 30 mm is to be provided in the manhole to account for
the loss in head resulting from the change in direction.
 Change in sewer size with or without change in direction:
o The crowns of the smaller and the larger sewer are matched to ensure
that the smaller sewer will not be caused to flow full by backflow from
the larger sewer unless the larger is also full.

Sewer Design Example

(The area tributary to each line is shown by the dash lines on the map)
 Population density = 10,000 persons/km2
 Maximum flow rate = 1500 L/c.day (including infiltration)
 Minimum cover over sewer pipes = 2 m
 Minimum sewer diameter = 200 mm
 Minimum velocity = 0.6 m/s, and n = 0.013

Line MH.18 – MH.19
L = 90 m
Ground elevations = 97.74 m and 96.4 m
Tributary area = 10,000 m2 = 0.01 km2
Tributary population = 0.01 km2 x 10,000 persons/km2 = 100 people
Max. flow rate = 1500 L/c.d x 100 = 150,000 L/d = 150 m3/d = 0.1 m3/min
S = (97.74 – 96.4) / 90 = 0.0149
At S = 0.0149 and Q = 0.1 m3/min --> D < 200 mm
Then at S = 0.0149 and D = 200 mm --> Q = 2.4 m3/min and V = 0.59 m/s < 0.6
m/s, Therefore the slope (S) has to be increased to give V = 0.6 m/s
At S = 0.018 and D = 200 mm --> Q = 2.8 m3/min and V = 1.42 m/s
q/Q = 0.1/2.8 = 0.04 --> v/V = 0.45 --> v = 1.42 x 0.45 = 0.64 m/s > 0.6 m/s (OK),
then D = 200 mm , S = 0.018, Qf = 2.8 m3/min, q = 0.1, v = 0.64 m/s
Invert at the upper end = 97.74 – 2 – 0.2 = 95.54 m
Invert at the lower end = 95.54 – (0.018 x 90) = 93.92 m
Line MH.19 – MH.20
L = 90 m
Ground elevations = 96.4 m and 95.27 m
Tributary area = 7,000 m2 = 0.007 km2
Tributary population = 0.007 km2 x 10,000 persons/km2 = 70 people
Total tributary population = 100 + 70 = 170 people
Max. flow rate = 1500 L/c.d x 170 = 255,000 L/d = 255 m3/d = 0.18 m3/min
S = (96.4 – 95.27) / 90 = 0.0125 = 0.013
At S = 0.013 and Q = 0.18 m3/min --> D < 200 mm
Then at S = 0.013 and D = 200 mm --> Q = 2.35 m3/min and V = 1.22 m/s > 0.6
q/Q = 0.18/2.35 = 0.08 --> v/V = 0.53 --> v =1.22 x 0.53 = 0.65 m/s > 0.6 (OK),
then D = 200 mm , S = 0.013, Qf = 2.35 m3/min, q = 0.18, v = 0.65 m/s
Invert at the upper end = 93.92 m
Invert at the lower end = 93.92 – (0.013 x 90) = 92.75 m

Line MH.20 – MH.21
L = 90 m
Ground elevations = 95.27 m and 93.93 m
Tributary area = 7,000 m2 = 0.007 km2
Tributary population = 0.007 km2 x 10,000 persons/km2 = 70 people
Total tributary population = 170 + 70 = 240 people
Max. flow rate = 1500 L/c.d x 240 = 360,000 L/d = 360 m3/d = 0.25 m3/min
S = (95.27 – 93.93) / 90 = 0.015
At S = 0.015 and Q = 0.25 m3/min --> D < 200 mm
Then at S = 0.015 and D = 200 mm --> Q = 2.5 m3/min and V = 1.3 m/s > 0.6
q/Q = 0.25/2.5 = 0.1 --> v/V = 0.55 --> v = 1.3 x 0.55 = 0.72 m/s > 0.6 (OK)
But at S = 0.011 and D = 200 mm --> Q = 2.1 m3/min and V = 1.1 m/s > 0.6
q/Q = 0.25/2.1 = 0.12 --> v/V = 0.58 --> v = 1.1 x 0.58 = 0.64 m/s > 0.6 (OK)
Then D = 200 mm, S = 0.011, Qf = 2.1 m3/min, q = 0.25 m3/min and v = 0.64 m/s
Invert at the upper end = 92.75 m
Invert at the lower end = 92.75 – (0.011 x 90) = 91.73 m
Line MH.21 – MH.22
L = 120 m
Ground elevations = 93.93 m and 93.69
Tributary area = 12,000 m2 = 0.012 km2
Tributary population = 0.012 km2 x 10,000 persons/km2 = 120 people
Total tributary population = 240 + 120 = 360 people
Max. flow rate = 1500 L/c.d x 360 = 540,000 L/d = 540 m3/d = 0.375 m3/min
S = (93.93 – 93.69) / 120 = 0.002
At S = 0.002 and Q = 0.38 m3/min --> D < 200 mm
Then at S = 0.002 and D = 200 mm --> Q = 0.9 m3/min and V = 0.47 m/s < 0.6 (not
At S = 0.007 and D = 200 mm --> Q = 1.7 m3/min and V = 0.89 m/s > 0.6 (OK)
q/Q = 0.38/1.7 = 0.22 --> v/V = 0.68 --> v = 0.89 x 0.68 = 0.61 m/s > 0.6 (OK)
Then D = 200 mm, S = 0.007, Qf = 1.7 m3/min, q = 0.38 m3/min and v = 0.61 m/s

Invert at the upper end = 91.73 m
Invert at the lower end = 91.73 – (0.007 x 120) = 90.89 m
Line MH.22 – MH.17
L = 87 m
Ground elevations = 93.69 m and 92.99
Total tributary population = 360 + 5725 (from 15th street) = 6085 people
Max. flow rate = 1500 L/c.d x 6085 = 9,127,500 L/d = 9,175.5 m3/d = 6.34 m3/min.
S = (93.69 – 92.99) / 87 = 0.008
At S = 0.008 and Q = 6.34 m3/min --> D = 305 – 380 mm
At S = 0.008 and D = 380 mm --> Q = 9.8 m3/min and V = 1.45 m/s > 0.6 (OK)
Depth of sewer at the lower end of line MH.21 – MH.22 = 93.69 – 91.09 = 2.6 m >
2.0 m (minimum cover)
Thus, we can use lower slope (say 0.004)
D = 305
to minimize excavation Line O

91.23 91.09 D = 200

Line MH.21 – MH.22


At S = 0.004 and D = 380 mm --> Q = 6.95 m3/min and V = 1.04 m/s

q/Q = 6.34/6.95 = 0.91 --> v/V = 1.02 --> v = 1.02 x 1.04 = 1.06 m/s > 0.6 (OK)
As sewer changes size then the crowns must be matched
The crown of line MH.22 – MH.17 at the upper end must be at 91.09 m and its
invert = 91.09 – 0.38 = 90.71 m
Thus, the invert at the lower end = 90.71 – (0.004 x 87) = 90.36 m
Depth of sewer at the lower end = 92.99 – (90.36 + 0.38) = 2.25 m > 2 m (OK).




200 mm
95.54 0.018 200 mm 305 mm
2.2 200 mm
96.4 0.013
95.27 200 mm
93.92 0.011 91.32
2.48 92.75 93.93
2.52 91.73
2.2 93.69
Profile of Sewer MH.18 – MH.22 90.89


200 mm
305 mm

91.23 380 mm
93.69 0.004
91.23 L = 87 m 92.99
90.71 90.36
2.98 2.63

Profile of Sewer MH.22 – MH.17

Design the stormwater drainage system for the area shown in the following figure. Draw a
neat profile along the route of MH 3-MH 2-MH 1. On the profile show all pipe sizes,
slopes, and ground and invert elevations.
The rainfall intensity (mm/h) for the area can be found from the following equation:
, where t is the rainfall duration (min)
The minimum allowable scouring velocity required to avoid the deposition of solids is 0.9
m/s and the maximum is 3 m/s. The minimum depth of the sewer below the street must be
1.5 m and coefficient of roughness, n = 0.013 is applicable.

2 Runoff Coefficient C
Sub-basin Drainage Area A (m ) Inlet time (minutes)
I 7000 0.60 5.00
II 16000 0.50 12.00
III 12000 0.80 8.00

 Line 1 (MH1-MH2) (collects storm water from sub-basin I)
A = 7000 m2, tc = 5 min
i = 1200 / (t + 45) = 24 mm/h
q = C i A = 0.6 x (24 /1000x60) x 7000 = 1.68 m3/min
Ground elevations: 95 and 95 m
From nomograph at Q = 1.68 m3/min and Vmin = 0.75 m/s  D = 200 – 255 mm
At D = 255 mm and S = 0.004  Q = 2.4 m3/min and V = 0.8 m/s
q/Q = 1.68/2.4 = 0.70  v/V = 0.95  v = 0.95 (0.80)=0.76 m/s > 0.75 m/s (OK)
Invert level at the upper end = 95 – 1.5 – 0.255 = 93.245m
Invert level at the lower end = 93.245 – 0.004 x 120 = 92.765 m

 Line 2 (MH2-MH3) (collects storm water from sub-basin II and sub-basin I)

Area contributing flow to line 2 = 7,000 + 16,000 = 23,000 m2
tc = max. of :
[12 min]
[5 + (120 m / 0.76 m/s x 60 s/min)] = [5 + 2.63] = [7.63 min]
i = 1200 / (12 +45) = 21.05 mm/h
Ceff = (0.50 x 16000+0.6x7000)/23000 = 0.53
q = C i A = 0.53 x 21.05/(1000x60) x 23,000 = 4.28 m3/min
Ground elevations: 95 m and 94.2 m
S= (95-494.2)/200 = 0.004
From nomograph at Q = 4.30 m3/min and S =0.004  D = 350 – 380 mm
At D = 380 mm and S = 0.004  Q = 7.0 m3/min and V = 0.92 m/s
q/Q = 4.28/7.0 = 0.62  v/V = 0.9  v = 0.9(0.92)=0.83 m/s > 0.75 m/s (OK)
Invert at upper end = (92.765 + 0.255) – 0.380 = 92.64 m
Invert at lower end = 92.64 – (0.004 x 200) = 91.84 m

o Line 3 (MH3 – outfall)

Area contributing flow to line 3 = 7,000 + 16000 + 12,000 = 35,000 m2
tc = max. of :
[5 + (120/0.76x60)+(200/0.83x60)] = [5 + 6.65] = [11.65 min]

12 + (200/0.83x60)= 16.02 min
8 min
i = 1200 / (16.01 +45) = 19.67 mm/h
Ceff = (0.60 x 7000+0.50 x 16000+.8x13000)/35000 = 0.646
q = C i A = 0.646 x (19.67/1000x60) x 35,000 = 7.41 m3/min
Ground elevations: 94.2 m and 93.9 m
S = (94.2 – 93.9)/100 = 0.003
From nomograph, at S = 0.003 and Q = 7.41 m3/min  D = 380 – 460 mm.
At D = 460 mm and S =0.003  Q = 9.5 m3/min and V = 1.0 m/s
q/Q = 7.41/9.5 = 0.78  v/V = 0.98  v = 0.98 m/s > 0.75 (OK)
Invert level at the upper end = (91.84 + 0.38) – 0.46 = 91.76 m
Invert level at the lower end = 91.76 – 0.003 x 100 = 91.46 m

Inlet-MH1 Inlet –MH2 Inlet –MH3

Line 1 255 mm Line 2

380 mm Line 3
460 mm
95 S=0.004 95 S =0.004
93.245 92.765
1.755 94.2 S=0.003
91.84 93.9 outfall
91.76 91.46
2.44 2.44
Profile of the storm Sewer


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