Asphalt Plant: Manual and MS-22 Principles of Construction of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements Contain Much More
Asphalt Plant: Manual and MS-22 Principles of Construction of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements Contain Much More
Asphalt Plant: Manual and MS-22 Principles of Construction of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements Contain Much More
Asphalt Plant
Figure 4-2
Asphalt Batch Plant
Figure 4-4
Pugmill Operations
Courtesy of The Asphalt Institute
On a drum dryer plant, the weighing system and belt with rising temperatures. Correction multipliers listed
speed on the main cold feed conveyor control the in Appendix B convert measured quantities to the
asphalt feed rate. It is important to check the belt standard 60oF basis. Temperature correction is also
speed indicator for slippage, especially when a plant needed when calibrating asphalt pumps in dryer drum
first starts a production run. Watch for loss of plants.
calibration due to belt tension errors caused by
buildup of aggregate at the tail roller, misalignment of Carefully document asphalt deliveries.
the belt, and frozen rollers. Also watch for friction or
obstruction of the load cell mechanism. 4.3.6 Batch Plant Dryer
The temperature of the aggregate leaving the dryer is
4.3.5 Asphalt Cement Storage affected by the feed rate, the time the aggregate stays
Most plants have at least two tanks, which must be in the dryer, and the burner setting. Residence time in
level for tank stick measurements to be accurate. Both the dryer is usually three to four minutes. Dryers are
the tanks and the circulation system piping must be usually tilted about 3 to 5 degrees from horizontal; the
heated. steeper the tilt, the faster the aggregate passes through.
Asphalt oxidizes quickly at high temperatures, so For even, efficient heating, the dryer should spread the
exposure to air needs to be minimized. For this reason aggregate in an even veil across the center of the
the circulation return line must discharge below the drum. This is affected by the arrangement of the
surface of the asphalt in the tank. flights and the speed of the drum (usually about 8 to
10 rpm).
Keeping the storage temperature below the specified
maximum (usually about 325oF) minimizes oxidation Burner and draft fan adjustments are also important to
and the danger of explosion. Temperature corrections dryer operation. In an efficient dryer there is
must be made to tank measurements; asphalt expands complete combustion of the fuel and the exhaust gases
4.3.14 Pugmill
Mix time should be the minimum needed to
adequately coat the aggregate with asphalt, as
determined by Ross Count tests. Over mixing leads to
oxidation (premature aging and embrittlement) of the
Excessive clearance between paddle tips and the
pugmill liner result in “dead spots” of unmixed
material in the mixer. Paddles wear with time, so the
clearance needs periodic adjustment to stay within
specifications. The clearance between paddle tips and
pugmill is generally 3/8 inch to 5/8 inch.
Nonuniform mixing will result if the mixer is filled