Organisational Change Management
Organisational Change Management
Organisational Change Management
Being able to develop and implement effective change initiatives is paramount to ensuring
ongoing business success. Change is phrased as the shift in behaviour of the whole
organisation, to one degree or another.
Change Management is thus a structured approach and set of tools for mapping and
understanding the cumulative and collective impact of the portfolio of change on
employees throughout the organization. Resistance to change is completely normal, unless
it becomes persistent and dangerous for the project.
The benefits of Change Management
Target Group
The training Change Management is designed to provide insight into the basic processes
of, understanding, and is therefore especially suitable for:
Knowledge Objective
Identify organisational drivers of a change initiative and the links with governance
Apply an appropriate process framework to help plan and understand
organisational change.
Use a range of organisation paradigms to understand, support and sustain change
processes, taking account of the culture of the organisation.
Establish a clear framework of roles, skills and activities through which leaders
from different levels can support and sustain the change process.
Build a change team.
Help prepare people for change.
Support the identification of and mapping of stakeholders and help develop
approaches to build and maintain engagement.
Draft the communications plan for a change initiative.
Recognise signs of resistance to change and propose actions to mitigate it.
Propose a range of levers by which a change can be sustained and become
embedded in the organisation.
Change Practitioners provide support and coaching to managers and supervisors as they
help their direct reports through transitions, and to project teams as they integrate Change
Management activities into their project plans.
The Practitioner should know
Procurement 1. Clarity on organization vision and goals 1. Definition of area of change (Business
2. Role clarity Process Reengineering, reporting
3. Reporting structures structures, systems change etc.)
4. Measurable key performance indicators 2. Communication plan
5. Training needs analysis (Individual Development 3. Forces for and against the change
Plans) 4. Risk assessment and management plan
6. Communication plan (Amongst all stakeholders) on e.g. cost, program failure and ways of
changes to be made mitigating
7. Strategic fit between operating environment and 5. Define stakeholder pyramid and how
chosen strategies e.g. payment before receiving change will affect each of them
product as opposed to establishing accounts with 6. Define the change management team
suppliers and monthly payments are done especially and their roles in the change process
in this volatile environment 7. Carry out the change management plan
detailing areas, responsibility, budget and
time frame
8. Resistance Management Plan
Stores 1. Understanding the political and business 1. The changing political and economic
environment. environment requires Change
2. Clarity of short term or long term goals of the Management to keep abreast with
company. emerging competition.
2. To include the short and long term goals
from the executives for management to
ZBC 1. Planning Scope Creep as an operations team. 1. Alignment of Key Project Requirements
2. Planning for Change Management aligned with from Engagement with Client to Project
each project module deployment. Implementation.
3. Buy in from all project stakeholders from project 2. Clear Communication.
inception to minimize resistance. 3. Mapping of step by step processes that
will effect change and who will be
4. Addressing Staff concerns related to
5. Management planning and anticipation
of risks and challenges.
6. Management of costs associated with
change management and the project
7. Support for change management.
8. Stakeholder Management.
Call Centre 1. Recruiting proper caliber for Call Centre operations. 1. Need for a software to queue and direct
2. Diverting experienced staff to other projects reduces Call Centre calls
the efficiency of Call Centre when a new employee has
2. To find the best way to reduce Staff
to learn the processes.
turnover to other projects.
3. To find the best way to incentivize Call
Centre employees
IT 1. Payments taking too long to be effected thereby 1. We need faster turn-around time from
causing project delays Dev. Team.
2. Demotivated staff and low morale 2. We need dev team to respect our
3. Quick turn round time for payments.
Municipalities 1. Misunderstanding the business of our clients with a 1. Skills training on managing integration
view to modelling better working processes processes
2. Failure to appreciate new key business benefits 2. Project walk through leading to end to end
against varying requirements for individual clients. process.
3. Mismanagement of key intra & inter-personal changes 3. Managing role changes, integrating
and their impact to the business processes. towards a broad businesses sense.
4. Non-participation in new business implementation 4. Reviewing performance outcomes against
processes. clientele expectations.
Tolling/CBM 1. Lack of buy-in from Tolling Controllers that can 1. Taking ownership of the Tolling
enhance the efficiency of Tolling Operations operations.
2. Slow to put legislation that will make Tolling 2. User role clarity that may increase staff
processes clearer. complement but increasing efficiency and
3. Lack of willingness to act against system offenders. controls.
4. Lack of willingness to offer their Cashiers for 3. Perceived slowness by Dev Team to effect
continuous training - CBM. system change request.