Mo Pai Traditions
Mo Pai Traditions
Mo Pai Traditions
Figure 1 – Breath in deep into the stomach until max point. Hold
Breath for 3 seconds
(Sun Lutang)
Step 2 – Holding Low Static postures until failure.
(Liao Wu Chang)
Step 3-
(Sun Lutang)
Stand in Wu Wei and breath in deep until lungs and stomach are full
with air. As you exhale compress air downward into Dan Tien and
flex sphincter and stomach muscles crunching forward as in second
picture; place one hand in other and press into Dan tien just below
your naval. Hold compression for 3 seconds and direct your Qi
through both arms back around into your hands. Hold the Qi in your
Step 1
Inhale until lungs and stomach are full. Hold for three seconds.
As you release the air, slowly press arm out ward and down as
You compress the air into the Dan Tien and flex the sphincter.
Draw the Qi only through the hand pushing downwards, as in
pictures two and three. Do 5 times, two times a day on each side.
Step 2
Remember to inhale and expand energy upward with your mind in this drill.
As you exhale and compress drop the weight into your feet; holding the energy.
This level consists of connecting breathing to the 108
Yang Changfu Taiji set.