Pandora's Apartheid Box

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Pandora's Apartheid Box-

As a preamble let me state that the original writer known as "Mike Smith" is unknown to me, he
remains anonymous and actively pursues that anonymity. As such I don't believe I have an obligation
to him in any way, as far as I'm concerned his work becomes public domain when he chooses to
remain anonymous whilst publishing on the internet.

That being said, he has an interesting perspective on happenings relating to my land of birth,South
Africa. I believe in freedom of speech and am reproducing these writings here as they were deleted
from the public domain by the company hosting his blog.

None of the information has been verified by me or promoted as absolute truth.--Let the reader
beware and make up his/her own mind.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Time to open Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 1
By Mike Smith
22nd of April 2010

When we were children. We could never understand what the church minister meant when he said
that all sins are sins and all sins are equally bad. It did not make sense to us, because telling a lie is not
as bad as murdering someone...or is it?

Personally I believe that lying is far more dangerous than murder. Lying can kill entire civilisations.

You see...Lying is an art. There are many facets to it, but basically successful lying works like this:

You start with a massive lie. Some idiots will believe it, some will be mildly sceptic and a few
intelligent ones will dismiss it as hogwash. Then you tone the lie down a bit, and those mildly sceptic
ones becomes believers and the few intelligent ones who thought they knew the truth start doubting
themselves and think, “OK, some of it might be true, but it is mostly bullshit”.

And so it carries tone the lie down a little bit more until everyone accepts it as the truth.

See, people do not believe lies, because they have to, but , because they want to...But there are lies and
then there are statistics...and then there is the truth. And that is what I profess to.

And so the lie of Apartheid and everything about it was started as a massive lie until Apartheid was
accepted as a crime against humanity on the 30th of November 1973.
The Crime of Apartheid
Was it a Crime? A Crime against humanity?...or was it the fairest system ever created for multicultural

These are the questions I want to explore in a series of articles.

“Why”, you ask?

This so called “Crime of Apartheid” is a daemon released from Pandora’s Box. It has far reaching
consequences that were previously not considered. It has consequences and it is making people
nervous...everyone from international corporations, international church organisations to sovereign
nations are currently biting their nails...

What is the motivation to open Pandora’s Box? Does common sense not tell you to rather keep it shut?
Do you really want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes?
When it comes to “The Crime of Apartheid”, the only motivation is GREED.
So who are these greedy people brave enough to open Pandora’s Apartheid Box? They are called

The Khulumani support group

Khulumani means “To speak out” in the Zulu Language.

So let us speak out. Let us not hold back anymore. Let us not pay 20,000 blacks R30,000 “restitution
for suffering under Apartheid” like the ANC did after the TRC (Truth and Reconciliation

To understand it better I have to take you back a while to when us whites willingly handed power over
to the Blacks in 1994...

We thought we had an honest deal. The deal was actually simple. We wanted the international
community to lift all economic and sport sanctions against us so we could play Rugby and take part in
the Olympics. In exchange we asked the ANC to stop planting bombs in shopping centres and
landmines on farm roads, we told the international community that we were willing to bury the
hatchet with the ANC, provided they do the same.

We wanted to bury Apartheid and build a fantastic country all working together to make the country
even stronger than what it was. We thought it was achievable, because we always got on well with our
Black domestics in our homes or our black colleagues at work.

We knew nothing about the communist agitations happening in the townships. Most of us, were
political dunces at the time. Our political beliefs were very liberal after we left (brainwashing) school
and entered the realm of Liberal activist student politics.

The reality was that when we buried the hatchet, the ANC continued the struggle. They have not at the
time, neither now achieved their ultimate goal, which is a total communist South Africa...and
therefore will continue the struggle until there is not a single white person left in South Africa.

How did I realise that the ANC was continuing the struggle?

I saw it with the TRC, I saw it with the introduction of Affirmative Action and Black Economic
Empowerment. I saw that the ANC was not willing to let it all go. They were not interested in burying
the hatchet. The ANC was not interested in “A better life for all”.

The ANC was only interested in making as much money for themselves and screw the rest of all South
Africans, Black or White.

The ANC equals Greed. Nothing will ever be enough. You cannot bargain or deal with them, because
they will take everything you put on the table and demand more. It is futile to deal with these Marxist
terrorists. Dealing with them will mean you will lose everything you have and they will not give up a
single thing they have. You will keep on giving until you have nothing more to give, at which point you
become expendable. That is when they will kill you. We as ordinary whites in South Africa are fast
approaching that stage.

Along came the TRC who paid blacks in South Africa R30.000 each for their bullshit stories about
how Apartheid oppressed them. The oppression and benefits will be dealt with in another article, but
as far as I am concerned, when someone offers me R30,000 then I can also suck a brilliant story of
oppression out of my thumb.
Make the sum people. R30,000 paid out to about 20 thousand black??? R600, that

So to take stock. We thought it was enough to hand over our country that we built with our money and
our expertise. We thought it was enough to give them a first world country with a nuclear and space
program. We identified every single black who supposedly suffered under Apartheid, we believed all
their lies all 20,000 who came forward, we paid them restitution of R30,000 each...

But let me tell you, it was not enough, It will never be enough with these Marxist terrorist scum. No,
they want blood. They want us to pay in the very last drop...more on that later.
They have started a court case in the USA against international companies who benefited from
Apartheid. They name Land Rover (Leyland) and Mercedes who supplied vehicles to patrol the
townships, they mention Oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell who ironically donated their
headquarters in SA to the ANC that is now called Luthuli House. They name Barclays Bank who
withdrew from SA and at the same time changed their name to First National Bank and continued to
fund the ANC.
These same ANC scum now turns against their international masters and demands restitution...

But what about countries that supported the previous National Party?
We immediately think of Taiwan and Israel? Surely if you can claim restitution from international
corporations who supported Apartheid then you can also claim restitution from countries who
supported the Apartheid government at the time.
See, what I mean about opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box? The ANC should have left sleeping dogs
lying, but no, greed has no brakes...

So let us see where this journey takes us. Let us see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
At the end of this series you will see that we never had any friends, nobody had any friends. Nobody is
friends currently and nobody will ever be friends with anybody. Everybody lies about everyone else.

The biggest lie is the one that everyone believes about Apartheid.
These scavenges are all in it for the money and the power.

It is a dog eat dog world out there my friends, and we as White South Africans chose to be the EPOL

.../to be continued.
Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 2 - What “diversity” means in South Africa.
By Mike Smith
23rd of April 2010

Nobody can understand Apartheid unless they understand the diversity of the people of South Africa.

Let us start with the whites.

In South Africa there are several groups of whites. The two main groups are the Afrikaans speaking
and the English speaking ones.

The Afrikaners are the descendants from mainly Dutch, Flemish, French, German and some other
Western European backgrounds. The Afrikaners have a unique culture, their own language and they
are mostly protestant.

The English speaking whites of South Africa are from mostly British background. They are made up of
English, Scots, Welsh and Irish well as a large contingent of ex Rhodesians. These
English speaking Whites of South Africa can today not be referred to as British anymore. Very few
hold British passports. They developed a unique accent and culture in South Africa and are fully South
African today. Their forefathers came to South Africa long before there were any Whites in Australia
or New Zealand.

South Africa also has other large white communities such as the Portuguese (300,000), the Greek (+/-
100,000) and the Jewish communities (70,000). They all have their own religions and cultures. The
Portuguese are mostly Catholic, the Greeks are orthodox Christians and the Jews are mostly orthodox

Further, South Africa has a Chinese population who arrived around 1870 to work in the gold mines
until Chinese immigration was stopped by an exclusion act in 1904. The South African Chinese
community is about 300,000 strong.

The Cape coloureds are also diverse and complex from a wide variety of backgrounds. Today there are
the two main groups, Christians and Muslims. There is about 4 million coloureds in total.

It is commonly understood by most foreigners and also amongst many South Africans, that the
coloureds are a mixture of Black and White ancestors. This is false. The coloureds as a group existed
long before the Whites saw any Blacks for the first time around 1770 in the Eastern Cape about
1000km from Cape Town. This was 120 years after the Dutch settled at the Cape (1652).

The indigenous people of the Cape were the Khoi Khoi(Hottentots). They were almost 90%
annihilated by a smallpox epidemic at the Cape (1703).

The Dutch also imported artisans such as bricklayers, carpenters, etc from Malaysia and Indonesia.
These were the Muslims or Cape Malay people. The KhoiKhoi and the Cape Malay also intermarried
and interbred. A small percentage of Whites also married coloureds, but it was actually very rare. A
large amount of the passing sailors frequented coloured prostitutes. Today the Cape Coloured features
vary from dark brown to almost White or yellow and their hair vary from peppercorn curly to straight
black. Some have KhoiKhoi features and some Arabic or Malaysian. Today the Muslim and Christian
coloureds have distinct and different cultures. Some speak a dialect of Afrikaans and some English.

In Natal we find most of South Africa’s Indian population. They total about one million and are
descendants of indentured labourers (for the sugar cane plantations) and traders from India and Sri
Lanka. They speak mostly English, but many still speak Tamil, Hindi or Urdu. Their religion is mostly
Hindu but many are Muslim.
So far I have not even started with the blacks yet.

Most foreigners believe that South Africa has one group of Blacks that speak one language and have
one culture. Nothing could be further from the truth.

South Africa’s Black population is not homogenous. There are several different tribes who all speak
different languages and who have distinct and hugely different cultures.

There are main tribes such as the Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Venda, Ndebele, Sotho, Swazi and the
Shangaan/Tsonga people. But it does not stop there, because these main tribes consist of smaller
tribes. For instance the Xhosas are made up of Mpondo, Fingo, Thembu, Bhaca, Nhlangwini and
Xesibe tribes. The Sothos are made up of North Sotho (Bapedi) and South Sotho (Basotho) tribes. The
Tswanas are only a part of the main tribe known as the West Sotho. Other tribes that make up the
West Sotho are the Kwena, Kgatla, Tlhaping, Tlharo, Rolong and Ngwato.

The Venda tribe is made up of mainly the Mphephu and the Lemba, but in total the Vavenda can be
bordered off into 27 clearly distinguishable tribes.

The Zulus are made up of about 200 smaller tribes

The Swazis are made up from the Nkosi, Shongwe, Khumalo and Hhlatyawako tribes. The Northern
Sothos are made up from the Pedi, Koni, Phalaborwa, Lobedu and Kutswe tribes....

And so I can go on...All in all South Africa has nine official Black languages, with 23 sub categories and
innumerable dialects.

Yes, these different tribes of South Africa all have different languages, cultures and belief systems. The
Vendas for instance have a special affinity to crocodiles. The Zulus consider themselves as a warrior
tribe and they do not circumcise their boys when they are initiated into manhood, they have to kill a
bull with their bare hands. The Xhosas on the other hand do circumcise their boys and therefore
Xhosas consider Zulus as mere boys regardless of their age.

When a Xhosa and a Zulu work together and they have words, the Xhosa will first and always accuse a
Zulu of being a boy, thus not a man.

Another remarkable piece of information that very few people know about is that the Lemba people
who form part of the Venda tribe are JEWISH.

No. They did not convert to Judaism after meeting some Jewish immigrants to South Africa. President
Kruger found them already with their Jewish belief system going back more than two thousand years.
They migrated from the Kenya or Ethiopian regions. South Africa’s black Jews
I hope that the reader can see that South Africa is a palette of people, cultures and religions, but also
note that I started with the white people who were leading in the atomic age into Africa and I ended
with Blacks who are for all intents and purposes still nomadic Negro tribes stuck in the stone-age.

With this background, is it really so unimaginable and difficult to understand that the way of
“Separate development” (Apartheid) was the best and fairest solution for the problems of South

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 3 – The violent nature of Blacks. First rationale for
By Mike Smith
26 April 2010

Many white South Africans feel guilty about Apartheid, they feel as if they actually did something evil
or bad, but that is totally wrong.

Ex president De Klerk apologised for Apartheid and so did the Dutch Reform Church Dominee,
Swanepoel who also started pulling out his intestines about Apartheid and apologised on behalf of the
entire church without any mandate from anyone of the congregation. Ds Swanepoel se derm uitrygery
oor Apartheid

So when such “leaders” tell us how wrong we were, then we tend to believe them. But let us look at the

Anyone who knows the history of South Africa will know that nobody suffered more on the soil of
South Africa, no one has bled as much as the Afrikaners and their descendants the Boers. The Whites
of South Africa and specifically the Afrikaners have nothing to be sorry for. In fact the Blacks owe
them a tremendous gratitude and a gigantic apology for the way they treated Whites in the last 350

The Afrikaners have a song that is taught to all Afrikaans kids from the crib and that every Afrikaner
today knows. The name of this song is called, “Siembamba”. The lyrics are so heavy that I almost do
not want to repeat it here. But it goes like this,

“Siembamba, mama se kindjie,

Siembamba, mama se kindjie
--draai sy nek om, gooi hom in die sloot;
trap op sy kop dan is hy dood.”

For our international readers I will freely translate and then explain.

“Siembamba, mommies little child,

Siembamba, mommies little child,
--Wring his neck, throw him in the ditch,
Step on his head, then he is dead…”

Believe it or not…this is a song Afrikaans people sing to their children while rocking them to sleep!

It records the brutality of the Xhosas who would indiscriminately kill white women and white babies
during the nine Kaffir wars. Black men are mostly cowards who are only brave when in packs. They
actually seldom engage in head on confrontation with White men. When they attack it is always in
groups, while people are asleep. Their preferred targets are the elderly, women and children.

A common myth amongst foreigners and South Africans alike is that they think that before the White
man came to Africa, Blacks lived in peace and harmony with nature and with each other.

This harmony with nature is not entirely wrong. It is the perception of “In harmony with nature” that
is misunderstood.

People want to believe that nature is pure and good and that the lion lies with the lamb, but reality is
far removed from that. When one sees how hyenas tear a live animal apart, how a praying mantis bites
the head off her mate after copulation how the Streptococcus bacteria can destroy human flesh, one is
left with a feeling that nature can be very cruel.

Nature amongst African blacks have always been very cruel. Blacks who supposedly lived in tune with
nature were regularly eaten by lions, crocodiles, bitten by snakes, stung by scorpions and their
numbers controlled by insects like the mosquito (Malaria) or the Tsetse fly(sleeping sickness). Yellow
fever and Cholera were other forms of nature to control the numbers of Blacks...

But it has to be said that before the white people came to Africa, the most effective way Blacks
controlled their own populations were with genocidal tribal wars...and cannibalism.

Let me point out some of the psyche of the Blacks in order to try and understand his petty jealousy
and envy.

Amongst the Black communities it is not allowed for individuals to show ingenuity or individualistic
prosperity. The moment one Black person starts to rise a little above the others, he will be the first one
to be hammered down by the community like a nail in a wooden floor. Those who do prosper are
ostracised by their black tribes and it will be said of them that they are not real blacks that they are
whites with a black skin...

That mentality still persists to this day, but this petty envy is accompanied with an inbred,
inextinguishable, brutality that the whites of Africa came face to face with and learned about the hard

Ever since the white man set foot on South African soil, he has been shocked and horrified at the
brutality of the blacks. No matter how much the whites wanted to believe in the “equality of man”,
they were sadly confronted only with the brutality and reality of Stone Age savages.

Blacks of central Africa sold other blacks they have conquered into slavery to Arabs, other black tribes
and also to whites. The moment one tribe had a bit more than the others, they would be prone to a
nocturnal raid by neighbouring tribes who would kill all the men, rape the women and children, steal
the cattle and incorporate the women and children into their own tribes.

Tribes who were not strong enough would flee the area. In sub Saharan Africa it meant that nobody
wanted to flee north, because they knew it was a desert where they could not survive. So the only way
was to flee south. The weakest of the weakest tribes were right in the front, followed by a slightly
stronger tribe, followed by ever increasing stronger tribes further north, driving the weaker ones

Roundabout the same time that whites first settled in South Africa, black tribes first entered South
Africa. They were contemporary settlers of the area now known as South Africa. In some areas whites
were the first and in others, blacks were the first.

Blacks moving South and Whites moving north looking for better grazing for their cattle eventually
met at the Fish and the Kei rivers around 1770...About 120 years after the Whites first (permanently)
settled at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 . To put it into perspective, it was about the same time as
New York was founded in the USA.

Who were these Blacks they met at the Fish River? They were the Xhosa. The Xhosa were fleeing from
the Zulus who murdered them en masse. Even until today the word or name “Xhosa” in Zulu is
synonymous with the word “coward”.

The animosity between the Xhosas and the Zulus goes back hundreds of years. Mandela and Mbeki,
the two previous presidents were both Xhosas, but the current president, Jacob Zuma is a Zulu. Zulus
and Xhosas hate each other more than they hate whites and that says a lot.

But why do the other Blacks of South Africa hate the Zulus? It goes back to “King” Shaka. Note I put
“King” in inverted commas. Blacks can never be kings of any kind...before one can be a King, one
should first be a MAN.

Shaka was a sadistic psychopath who committed genocide on a larger scale than Rwanda has ever
seen. The Zulus wiped out entire tribes, entire cultures in what is today known as the Mfecane or
Dfecane (Annihilation). Shaka’s terror was so great that Mzilikazi, the chief of the Matabeles fled
BACK NORTH...direction where Zimbabwe is today.

Amongst all this chaos arrived the White man in the region of the Xhosas. They fought nine “Wars”
against the Xhosa between 1811 and 1879. The Frontier Wars, Kaffir wars or Xhosa wars

Everytime the wars were about Xhosas stealing cattle and other livestock, burning down homesteads,
killing not only white farmer families in the most horrific torturing ways, but also the coloureds who
worked for the whites.

It was at the time of the sixth Kaffir war that Piet Retief decided to trek with the other Voortrekkers.

Piet Retief and his party thought they could negotiate and buy land from the Zulus, but they were
massacred on a hill at the kraal of the Zulu King, Dingaan when they respected the wishes of Dingaan
to leave their weapons outside.

Every man and boy, around 100 in total, were clubbed to death. Retief was the last to be killed, so as to
witness the death of his comrades.

Dingaan then ordered all Voortrekker laagers to be attacked along the Bushman’s River. An orgy of
violence started. Families were camped at Bloukrans, Dorinkop, Moordspruit, etc. Cowardly blacks
would attack them during the middle of the night, killing everyone in the most horrific ways. Women
were brutally gang raped and pregnant women were cut open, their babies killed in front of them
while they still lived. Small children and babies were picked up by their feet and their heads smashed
against the sides of the wagons.

Among the Voortrekkers , 41 men, 56 women and 185 children were killed. In addition another 250 or
252 Khoikhoi and Basuto that accompanied the Voortrekkers were killed. A girl called Johanna van
der Merwe (12 years old at the time) sustained 21 assegai wounds, but managed to survive.

The Voortrekkers built the town Weenen (meaning wailing) at the site.

The Bloukrans Massacre

Throughout the following decades up until the present day the whites of South have experienced this
petty envy and brutality at the hands of blacks. Examples are legion. Boers retaliated at Makapansgat
where blacks savagely murdered whites in the most horrific ways. Hermanus Potgeter was tied down
to a rock bed and skinned alive like an animal while still conscious, he died while the blacks ripped his
organs out.

More lately we saw the brutal black on black murders with the necklace method . We saw blacks
storming into white churches with AK 47’s and hand grenades, opening fire on the unarmed
congregation such as at the St James Church massacre. We have seen everything from brutal Muti
murders to the evil torture preceding the brutal killings of White farmers and their family members in
Rhodesia, Namibia and also in South Africa, most of the time nothing stolen. More than 3000 White
farmers and family members murdered to date since the ANC took over in 1994.

It is necessary to reiterate that this violent nature of blacks are not directed at whites only, so the black
behaviour apologetics who claim that this behaviour is retribution for wrongs committed by whites
against blacks, have no leg to stand on, because most often than not this black violent nature is
directed at their own kind as we have seen with Shaka’s defecane, Muti murders and necklacing.

No, this brutality, this murderous, stealing and other asocial behaviour of Blacks could never and can
never be reconciled with the behaviour of the deeply religious and pious Boers of South Africa.

This violent behaviour of blacks was one of the rationales for Apartheid. The other was cultural
differences. More on that in the next edition. For now it is important to realise that whites in South
Africa never wanted to rule blacks. Whites wanted to separate from blacks and stay as far away from
blacks as possible.
Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 4 – Black culture and customs. Second Rationale for

By Mike Smith
27 April 2010

I find it rather amusing that the cultural relativists wants to tell us that all cultures are equal and that
no culture is better or higher than another, but these same primitive cultures they want to make equal
to our White Western culture, rejects the notion of equality outright.

In South Africa we observe this amongst blacks on a daily basis. Again the examples are legion, but let
us start with the way the African black treats his women. I said women (plural), because Black men
are polygamous. They can marry as many women as they can afford.

When a black man walks down the street, his wife is lucky if he allows her to walk five paces behind
him. Most of the time he tells her to go walk on the other side of the street and a few paces behind
him. You see this all the time in South Africa, but we who grew up in South Africa just accept it as “it is
just the way blacks are”.

Although black women can vote in official government elections, on a tribal level they have no political
say and are not allowed to even sit amongst men least raise an opinion.

I said that a black can have as many wives as he can afford. That does not mean that he has to work
and look after his wives. Quite the contrary. Traditionally the women do all the work in black culture.

Black men buy their women and pays for them in cows in a system known as “Lobola”.
It starts with five cows and then the two families barter a price. The price is dependent on her social
status, whether she is still a virgin or already has a child, what education she has, etc. The daughter of
a chief is worth around twenty cows, but normally the price is kept down to between five and ten cows
for ordinary women.

Once married the woman is chattel and becomes the possession of the man, to breed and beat as he
feels fit. The Xhosas practice what is called, uKetwala (the hunting down of a young girl and raping
her to make her his wife)

Missionaries from Europe have tried to convert the Blacks to Christianity ever since the whites first set
foot on African soil. These missionaries came across savages who believed in the powers of their dead
ancestors, rather than that of a deity. Just about all civilisations had deities of some sort, but it was
absent amongst blacks in South Africa. Believing in an almighty God and abstract thoughts such as
time infinity takes intelligence that blacks lack.

These missionaries saw the results of intonjane (female initiation) and ukwaluka (boy’s circumcision
and initiation into manhood) where some boys were lucky to live after their penises fell off due to
gangrene, etc. They saw the licentious behaviour and customs of the blacks, but none of their efforts
could ever win the blacks over.

They struck up compromises in the hope to later convert the blacks, but even after their best attempts
the best they achieved was that blacks accepted Christianity as an addition to their tribal religions and
beliefs, not as a replacement. Blacks continue to practice their traditional beliefs in parallel with
Christianity up until this very day.

Read about the fruitless experiences of the missionaries here

The bible says in Mathew 7 verse 6:

“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample
them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”

In Mathew 13, Jesus said to plant the seeds on fertile soil only, because the rest will only produce
thorns and weeds.

But let us explore the weed and thorn infested soil of African customs.
To us whites the initiation rites of blacks are horrific and barbaric practices that are still practiced to
this very day. No Xhosa will ever be accepted as a man if he as a last resort to save his life, went to a
western hospital during the circumcision period.

The Zulus initiation into manhood is called ukeshwama. A group of boys have to kill a bull with their
bare hands. They pull out his tongue, stuff dirt down his throat, squeeze his testicles till it burst and
then finally wring his neck by gripping the horns until his neck snaps. They also have to tear meat
from the carcass with their bare hands and eat it raw. This is all in the name of “Culture”.

But the most horrific practice amongst blacks in South Africa and Africa in general has to be “Muti-

One just has to make an internet search or a search on a news site like IOL for “Muti-murders” to be
shaken to the core at the brutality of the black man.
Muti means “medicine”. It is made from plants or animal organs, but the most powerful muti is made
from human body parts, harvested while the person is still alive.

Everything from sexual organs to hands, lips, ears and other organs are cut from victims of all ages
while they are still alive, including young children and babies.
Some will say that these are a few dissident Sangomas (traditional healers) who practice “muti-
murders”, but the shear amount of these killings tells us that there are huge markets of believers
amongst the black communities which drive these killings.

Blacks further believe in the “Tokoloshe”, a hairy goblin-like creature with a huge penis, who is sent by
the Sangoma to attack them if they have done something wrong.
One can literally write volumes on the evil practices and beliefs of black South Africans.

In more modern times new “cultural beliefs” of blacks have emerged that shows their primitive
mindset that no amount of education or conversion to Christianity has been able to change.

Blacks believe that sex with a virgin will cure AIDS. This has resulted in horrific rapes of babies as
young as six months.

Black men rape lesbians, to “correct” them. It is called by the media, “corrective rapes”.

How can any cultural relativist ever be able to convince us that these practices, customs and cultures
are the same as ours?

The problem is that people who do not know Africa, or more specific, South Africa, will never believe
anything I wrote above, yet it is all true and only a fraction of the truth about the blacks of South
Africa. The information is today freely available on the internet and in books.

Cultural relativists should first go and try to preach their “equality” and “relativism” to the blacks of
Africa, before they try to convince others of it.
The whites of South Africa learned the hard way from observing the black man in his natural habitat
over hundreds of years since they first settled on South African soil in 1652.

Despite all this evil, never, not once, did it cross the minds of the Whites to annihilate and obliterate
the entire black populations of South Africa, although they had every reason to do so. The whites were
too pious and despite all the evils committed against them during the nine Kaffir wars, at Bloukrans,
at Bloodriver, at Makapansgat, etc, still believed in “Peaceful co-existence” with Blacks.

The whites acknowledged the nature of Blacks, with all their evil customs, cultures and superstitious
beliefs. The whites did not want to change any of it like the missionaries attempted (and failed) to do.
No, they just wanted to separate themselves from such evil as far as possible.

In the end the piousness of whites would mean their downfall. What they should have done was to
extinguish this evil.
Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 5 – Black cognitive ability. Third Rationale for Apartheid.
By Mike Smith
27 April 2010
Long before studies like “The Bell Curve” or “Race and Reason” were published, before IQ tests were
invented, we whites of Africa knew the mind of the black man intimately.

Nobody had to prove anything to us. We knew the limitations of the African black and his capacity to
break whatever he touches. We knew his strengths and his weaknesses.
From simple, obvious and uncomplicated examples the white man drew his conclusions about black’s
cognitive abilities.

The white man noticed that the blacks from South Africa never invented the wheel. Blacks never had
any written languages. They had no dug-out canoes, let alone ships. Their dwellings were nothing but
single roomed shelters that resembled poor imitations of inverted bird’s nests, made from sticks and
grass. They had no woven cloth and were wearing animal skins. They had no maps and no borders.
They had a primitive belief system and their tribal laws were held and changed by “elders” at will after
drinking their tribal beer/brew.

They were nomadic cattle herders that never permanently settled in one place for too long. They
hardly grew crops and if so, it were small patches of subsistence maize introduced by the whites who
brought it back from South America, the only place where it grew and existed.

Yes that is right. Maize, which is today the staple food of all Blacks throughout the entire Africa, comes
from South America and was introduced to blacks by white European settlers. Blacks today cannot
even imagine a life without maize, yet they say that whites never brought anything good to Africa. As I
said before, blacks needs to go down on their knees and thank the Lord for sending the white man to
their evil continent. Because as far as providing for themselves...they are useless.
Blacks have proven that they cannot farm. They hardly understand the principle of irrigation, let alone
ever building any dams. When a slight drought occurs one year all their crops fail and they starve.

Whites in South Africa developed commercial farming into a science and built universities such as
Elsenburg at Stellenbosh

...blacks who have worked on white farms for their entire lives, for generations, never learned a thing
and every white commercial farm that was handed over to blacks failed, even after vast amounts of
money was thrown at them, training was given and the most modern implements bought for them by
the government.

This tragedy is documented in a book by Dr. Phillip du Toit called, The Great South African Land
Scandal . Dr du Toit has made his book available online, free of charge.
Liberals and cultural relativists will be quick to point out that there are many blacks today who are
academics, medical doctors or lawyers.

They will tell us that the environment determines IQ. They somehow believe that a black child raised
in a white household, who went to white schools and who had all the opportunities as a white kid
would magically become equal or better than a white child.

It is only the simpleminded who believes this. Eskimos live on the same parallel as Northern
European Whites, but have never been able to reach the same level of development and ingenuity as
Whites from Scandinavia, Russia or Germany. Blacks who live in Tropical conditions have never been
able to build the structures of the Incas, the Mayas or even anything resembling the beauty of Angkor
Wat in Cambodia.

Besides, the Australians tried it. They took Aborigine children away from their communities, raised
them in wealthy white households, sending them to only the best schools, etc. The results were that
these Abbo children reverted to the same behaviour and sometimes worse than that of their
traditional communities. Today we refer to them as The stolen generation

So what about those clever blacks you ask?...The ones who are doctors, etc...?
Anybody who has ever taught blacks anything, lectured to them or tried to jerk them into the
twentieth century will understand what I am about to say?
I have to tell you a little story here.

When I was at school in South Africa I had a friend. Let us call him “Manie”.
Manie was a hyper intelligent young boy. At the age of eleven when we had the “Rubik Cube” craze, he
was solving the puzzle in 50 odd seconds. Later on in high school, Manie produced straight A’s, he
could play several musical instruments including the drums, guitar and trumpet. He played Rugby
and was also a martial artist of note. Manie became a dentist and is currently practicing in the UK.

While he was a medical student I once asked him how difficult the course was. He said to me that to
become a doctor is not difficult. It is a SHIT load of work to study, but it is not difficult as in
Engineering or Physics. I asked him why he opted for Dentist. He told me that when he wants to drive
a Porche, he wants to go out there and buy him one. He was honest. He did not become a dentist,
because he had some calling in life...he did it purely for the money.

So for blacks to become medical doctors is actually not that difficult.

The black (Zulu) historian and Shaman, Credo Mutwa talks about this in his book, “My People”

Credo says that blacks never had any written language so they have no written history. Their history is
passed down orally from Sangoma to Sangoma. See, the Sangoma is not only the traditional healer, he
is also the preserver of the oral history, the tribal laws and the ancient rituals and customs of the

He explains that blacks have an excellent memory that they drill from childhood through stories,
rhymes and songs. To remember detail they use what we would call “memory association”.

For instance, Credo Mutwa says that the blacks have a huge respect for the late president of the ZAR,
Paul Kruger. President Kruger had an ability to mimic the sounds of all birds through whistling. Even
till this day the township of Mamelodi east of Pretoria, capital city of the ZAR and South Africa is
named after Paul Kruger, the whistler. His statue stands on Church Square in Pretoria.

When one teaches blacks, it is not uncommon to find that they score well to very well in tests or exams
where they have to repeat what they were taught. In fact it is almost well known amongst educators
that blacks are better at this than whites.
But when it comes to applying knowledge...when it comes to using logic, faultfinding and problem
solving skills, blacks fall by the wayside. They just cannot do it.

A black can pass all the theory exams to become a pilot, but put him in a simulator and subject him to
crisis situations where he has to think rapidly, then one sees the cogs of the black cognitive system
start flying all over the place. And I am talking about the one percent...the best of the best,. The other
99% are only good to dig ditches, provided they do not break the pick or spade.

The proof is in the pudding. It is not as if the world is over run by Nobel Laureates for hard sciences
like physics or chemistry. How many black astro or nuclear physicists do you know?

Today much is being said about Black education under Apartheid, but the truth is that in 1987 at the
height of Apartheid, six million black children were at school, a new record for South Africa at the
time. In the previous year 1800 classrooms for secondary education were built by whites, with white
money for blacks. About 130 new schools were built. If one considers the schools burnt down by
blacks at the same time the education standards of blacks could have been even higher.

At the time black South Africans had the highest literacy rate amongst other blacks on the entire
continent. Blacks had eight universities in South Africa producing lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc of
world standard. None of those people would say today that their education and degrees are of an
inferior standard. Quite the contrary, they are extremely proud of their education they underwent
during Apartheid. Telling them that their education was “Sub standard” would be insulting them.

As I have mentioned before, South Africa was a world leader in medical science during Apartheid and
established a unique Medical university called MEDUNSA which produced amongst others on average
200 black doctors per year. MEDUNSA also trained nurses and other medical staff.
The most amazing thing is that no matter how well Blacks are educated, they never let go of their
superstitious believes in the Tokoloshe, Muti witchcraft and ancestor worship. Blacks who hold high
positions today such as ministers in parliament or judges...blacks who are engineers, still consult the
witchdoctor on a regular basis. Blacks still run around and attack everyone, including their own with

No amount of western education will ever be sufficient to change the African black savage into
respectable human beings. They are what they are. We have to be honest with ourselves and with
blacks and accept them them for who and what they are. We have to realise that our cultures will
never be compatible.

Just as the Boers never wanted to rule over the Blacks, the Boers will NEVER accept blacks ruling over

The previous National Party government was not stupid. They never took any decisions without
thoroughly investigating all options. They studied the Swiss Canton system and the Belgium model
with the Flemish and Walonians ...No sytem could be compared to the unique South African situation.
Apartheid was not the only option. There were others to consider like the Stalinist option of just
exterminating all opposition in their millions. But BJ Voster asked us to accept the reforms, because
the other options were just too ghastly to comprehend for the pious Whites of South Africa.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 6 Other rationales for Apartheid.

By Mike Smith
30th of April 2010

So far I have only scratched the surface and told the reader about the more common practices and
customs of Blacks that whites know about and find abominable such as, Lobola (buying wives with
cows), the initiation rituals of boys and girls, witchcraft, superstition, muti-murders, raping babies to
cure AIDS, etc.

There are so many more rationales for Apartheid that one can actually write a book about them. And
indeed someone has written a book about it...several books actually. His name is Credo Mutwa and
the name of the book is “My People-The writings of a Zulu witch-doctor”. (1969) ISBN 014003210X

The book is extremely rare and few people know about it. It is not even mentioned on the Wikipedia
page of Credo Mutwa. It is a fascinating book, giving you insight into the various traditions of black
South Africans of various tribes, their beliefs, their superstitions, their customs and their mindset.

Credo is the most respected Sangoma and Sunusi in the whole of South Africa. He is a traditional
healer, a black historian and an authority on traditional customs and beliefs of the black tribes of
Africa. If one has to compare him to Christianity, then Credo Mutwa would be the pope of traditional

He mentions several practices that is just too ghastly for the pious whites of South Africa to accept.

One of the things he describes is the Black law of infanticide when twins are born. This practice is still
carried on today. Think about it...look around many black twins have you seen in South

“The law requires that if a woman gives birth to twins, one must be destroyed by having a round
pebble pushed down its throat. But in the case of triplets, one must die and two must live”

“My People”, Chapter 10, Pg. 218

So the few “twins” we see amongst blacks were actually triplets of which one was killed.

Blacks also killed their own wounded soldiers

“The wound would fester and sooner or later the patient would die. Even small gaping wounds spelt a
write-off of the patient; large mPanga slashes were regarded as fatal at the outset and warriors thus
wounded were given a mercy death. Many battle axes were furnished with special ‘dispatchers’ for this
“My people” Chapter 11, pg. 234.

I will conclude with a topic that very few people wish to address and prefer to ignore...But if we are
going to be honest about blacks and why we had Apartheid, then we need to mention the facts that
blacks are untidy and...well they smell funny.

One just has to look at how blacks live. From ancient times until today, it does not matter where in the
world one goes, a black area looks like a pig sty. I have seen this in Trinidad and Tobago, in Haiti, in
Jamaica in the Bahamas and everywhere I went in Africa. I have seen this from black areas in
European cities to ghettos in the USA.

Blacks just cannot keep their environment clean and tidy. Everything is disorderly, chaotic and
dirty...Rubbish lying all over the place.

Another phenomenon that one sees in townships of South Africa, is that Blacks do not plant grass,
flowers or trees amongst their tin shacks. This is amazingly odd. Firstly, because blacks work as
gardeners or bricklayers for whites.

So the ability to build is there, the ability to keep lawn and a garden is there. Why is it that blacks
never do in their own areas what they do when they are working for whites?

Maybe their environments are reflections of how they keep their bodies orderly and tidy as well.

This is how blacks are. They are actors. They can even mimic a White accent, white behaviour or
intelligence and appear almost the same as whites. Many whites fall for this and indeed believe that
blacks are the same as whites...but it is when one gets to know blacks up close and personal that one
sees through this veil and behind the mask.

Blacks can bullshit a lot, especially when they work for whites. Then they know they have to put their
best foot forward or lose the job. That is when they wash, dress respectably and behave almost white.
In the workplace, blacks who are utterly incompetent will fake competence, bullshit their way through
every day, steal other’s work...all an act to hide their incompetence and when they are caught out, they
just change jobs and repeat the process.

That is when one realises that the so called intelligent words coming out of the mouths or pens of
Martin Luther King or Barack Obama are all stolen. All non original thought and written by speech
writers or whispered in their ears by advisors.

But something blacks find extremely difficult to hide is their body odour. Blacks smell. Everyone
knows this. You go to Poland, you go to Japan and you ask anybody about blacks, you will hear they
say, “Blacks smell”.

Maybe there is a biological reason for it, but I am not exactly keen on finding out. All I know is what
my nose tells me and that is that Blacks smell really bad and that I cannot live with that.

But let me quote what Credo Mutwa says in his book, “My people”, (1969) chapter ten.

“Xhosa women also prepare mysterious potions to secure their husbands to them, so that they will not
be forsaken. This potion is prepared as follows: The woman refrains from taking a bath for several
days, and then rubs the body dirt off her skin in little rolls. To this she adds the hair she has shaved off
her private parts. Then follows ground Bangalala root which, when mixed with milk, is a violent
aphrodisiac. The recipe may also include the powdered dry petals of a sunflower, a little spittle, and a
piece of sandlewood. The whole concoction is then heated in a bowl until red hot and thus reduced to
ashes. These ashes are then stirred into the milk of a nanny goat which had a deformed kid, until a
thick putty is formed. This is then rolled into little balls or pills, which are added one at a time to the
husband’s food.”
“My People”, Chapter ten, pg. 213.

It is clear that the religions, cultures, customs and the behaviour of blacks are just too different than
that of white, Christian people.

These cultures are worlds apart and totally incompatible with each other.

Whites and blacks will never get along in South Africa. Anybody who believes such a pipe dream as a
multicultural “Rainbow Nation”, does not know black culture or white culture. Such a person would
only be fooling himself through masturbating his own delusional, liberal, feel-good mindset. No, I am
sorry to disappoint such people, but blacks and whites are NOT the same.

The reality of South Africa is so that few options actually exists. Either one of the two, black or white,
totally wipes out the other or they separate completely. Not partial separation as under
Apartheid...Total separation.

The reasons for Apartheid are still as valid today as they were 100 years or 50 years ago. Whites can
never apologise for Apartheid, because whites cannot help for the inferior cultures, customs and
behaviour of blacks. Separation and separate development of all the tribes is and was the most
humane and fairest solution for all the complex groups of South Africa.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 7 – The role of a government

By Mike Smith
4th of May 2010

When one asks most people, white or black, what the role of government is one will get various
opinions depending on who one pose the question to, but in general most people believe that the role
of government is to develop and maintain infrastructure, in other words build dams, roads, schools,
etc. Their means of doing this (it is believed) is to tax the citizens.

Most people also believe that the government (politicians and civil servants) steal some of this money
out of the state coffers...and that is what we call corruption.
They further believe that some governments steal more than others. Some build more schools and
roads than others and a good government is the one who does not steal and who builds lots of “things”
such as sport stadiums.

But in reality it basically works like this...

Several political parties compete to rule the country to represent the people. The party that has the
best sales pitch, that appears to be the most just will win, voted in by the majority population. Once in
power the self-enrichment starts. The politicians do not care one bit about the people who have voted
for them. Their sales pitches, lies, empty promises, bullshit and fraud is all just to get to the feeding
trough and pocket the spoils, but open theft will soon end them into prison so they have to be sly
about it.

All governments spend more than they raise in taxes. Government officials borrow money from
gigantic banks and other financial institutions to finance their building of roads, houses for the poor,
etc. They then contract the jobs to companies that they themselves own, their families own, etc. This
borrowed money ends up in the pockets of the politicians, but the loans needs to be paid back. This is
where our taxes come in. Our taxes pay back to the banks what our governments have stolen.

The more liberal/socialist the government, the bigger the government structure will be and the bigger
the theft, nepotism and corruption will be. Conservative and nationalist governments tends to be
smaller and the corruption a lot less.

The more uneducated the people of a country is, the least they will grasp this thieving principle and
the fewer checks and balances will be kept on their thieving government.

That is why liberal/socialist governments will introduce dumbed down education systems such as
Outcomes Based Education and Training (OBET) to keep the people uneducated. In fact everything
from sports to radio, newspapers and television will be changed to keep people ignorant of the theft
going on behind the scenes.

It is important to reiterate that theft and corruption happens in ALL governments to some extent.
Some of them are mild when it comes to corruption, but most are aggressively greedy. The longer they
stay in power, the longer they are in the front row of the feeding trough. That is why a socialist
government like the ANC in South Africa has one goal and that is to stay in power for ever. Or as Jacob
Zuma said, The ANC will rule until Jesus comes back

In order for us to understand the reasoning and rationale behind Apartheid it is necessary to briefly
look at the role of Government.

We as human beings want to live and survive. We want to pass on our genes into the future and in this
short period of being here on earth, we want to be happy.

Part of being happy is to have a house, furniture, a television, or whatever makes us happy...basically
to own property.

This is called the right to life and the pursuit of happiness through the ownership of property.

Problem comes in when someone wants to take your life away, take your property away or interfere in
anyway with your pursuit of happiness.

Such a person is then initiating force. He is stealing from us, physically attacking us, defrauding us, etc
and therefore threatening our survival and our pursuit of happiness which are the most fundamental
rights an individual can have.

When you are a strong burly bloke, you can easily defend yourself against such a person and your
retaliatory force will be just. You did not initiate the force, but protected your right to life and

But what if the assailant has weapons, or there are more than one? What if you are a child, a frail
woman, an elderly person or mentally handicapped? How do you then protect yourself against the
initiation of force?

And that dear people is why we have a government. The ONLY job of any government is to protect our
individual rights. The role of any government is to protect our right to life and our pursuit of
happiness from those who wants to take it away from us.

The way government does it is to have an army to protect us from those outside of our country who
are or might be attacking us and threaten our survival and pursuit of happiness and to have a police
force to protect us from those inside our country who wants to take our individual rights away.

The government therefore needs to uphold the laws that the citizens feel are rightful and just to
protect them from the initiation of force and what threatens their individual rights...First as a warning
to those intending on taking away those individual rights and also to punish those who break these

One thing a government should never do is to initiate force against its citizens. This becomes a dicey
topic, because extorting taxes is a form of initiation of force. A government can actually totally fund all
its expenditures through other moral means such as setting up trust funds with all the money and
property it owns, donations and people paying for services such as passports, toll roads, vehicle
registration, etc.

Companies who want to transport their goods through harbours, by rail or road, etc should pay for
using this infrastructure. Taxes therefore become obsolete. There is not a single government
department that cannot FULLY pay for itself.

Nevertheless, I am digressing.

The National Party government in 1948 were faced with all these dilemmas when they came to power.
Their primary task as a government was to protect ALL the citizens of South Africa.

In the previous instalments of this series I tried to explain the background to this dilemma,
considering the vast diversity of South Africa’s people, their cultures, their religions, their languages
and their histories.

I explained how Blacks from literally hundreds of smaller tribes were fighting against each other for
hundreds of years before the whites came to South Africa, often wiping each other out completely.

Credo Mutwa writes in his book “My People” (1969), chapter eleven, page 244:

“One of the High Laws of the Bantu is the law of revenge...The result of this law is that there are blood-
feuds going on all over Africa which show no sign of dying out. Some of these have already been going
on for generations. The Zulus have been feuding with the Basutus (Sothos), and also with the
Shanganes of Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique), for more than a century. The feud between the
Baluba and some of its neighbouring tribes has been going on for nearly six hundred years, while the
feud between the Masai and the Wakambi in Kenya has now entered its tenth century. The Bahutu
(Hutus) and the Wa-Tu-Tutsi (Tutsis) have been at each other’s throats for as long, and as recently as
1963 the newspapers reported that this senseless feud had accounted for another 30,000 Wa-Tu-Tutsi

Note how Credo Mutwa writes about the animosity between the Hutus and the Tutsis of Rwanda in
1969, referring to a relatively small massacre of 30,000 Tutsis in 1963. It culminated in full blown
genocide of between 800,000 and 1,2 million Tutsis in 1994.

This is exactly the chaos Apartheid tried to prevent.

The South African situation was unique. It was a major challenge and it had to be solved fairly. The NP
had to find a compromise that everyone could live with and be happy with.

The White NP government intimately knew the blacks of South Africa and the blacks of Africa in
general. They knew about Shaka’s Defecane that was worse than the Rwanda genocide, they knew
about all the inter cultural and inter tribal differences of the blacks of South Africa. They knew about
the massacres of whites during the Xhosa wars, the massacre of whites at Bloukrans, the Battle of
Blood River and countless more.

The only way to keep the peace, protect all the citizens of South Africa and to secure the individual
rights of all the people of South Africa was to separate them, let them develop at their own pace, give
them autonomy the right to rule themselves, draw up their own laws and enforce those laws with their
own armies and police forces...The official government policy was called...”Seperate
Development”...The Media called it, “Apartheid”. Proposed in 1973 accepted and enforced in 1976The
United Nations General Assembly declared Apartheid a crime against humanity without offering an
alternative to South Africa’s situation.

The question is thus open. Considering the background that I have sketched so far in this series...what
would you have done if you were in charge of South Africa at the time, faced with the same challenges?
What would your solution have been?

The worst that Apartheid critics can dig up...the worst “Massacre” they can ever refer the
Sharpeville shootings in 1960 when 69 blacks died.

Compare that to Rwanda 1994...

Rwanda is exactly what Apartheid tried to prevent. It does not matter what people says about
Apartheid today...on the watch of the National Party, no Rwanda style massacre ever occurred on
South African soil.

More than 3000 white farmers were not killed by black savages under Apartheid, reported rapes of
50,000 per year never happened under Apartheid.

Contrary to what most blacks and/or liberal whites would like to think about what whites supposedly
did to blacks under Apartheid. There are no mass graves, there is not a single concentration camp, and
there are certainly no gas chambers where whites tried to exterminate blacks.

Quite the contrary. White South Africans built the biggest hospital in the world, Baragwanath (today
called the Chris Hani Barragwanath hospital) for blacks with white expertise and white taxpayer’s
money... 3200 beds and 6760 staff members.

For that, and many other altruistic and charitable endeavours, whites of South Africa were and still
are made out as the evil skunks of the world.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 8 – The lies about the Homelands
By Mike Smith
5th of May 2010

A common myth or lie about Apartheid is that the whites stole the land from the blacks and shoved
them on 13% of the land of South Africa in what was called Homelands. It is further believed that
blacks barely scratched out a living in these homelands due to it being on barren soil or arid regions. It
is further claimed that whites made sure there were no minerals on these lands before giving to the

It is time to address these lies.

Traditionally South Africa belongs to the whites who first permanently settled South Africa since 1652.
Blacks entered South Africa at about the same time, but never permanently settled any area, because
they were nomadic cattle and goat herders. Blacks only started settling areas permanently after about

Wherever the Boers or Voortrekkers went they bargained for land with local Blacks who settled certain
areas before them. In fact there is hardly any part of South Africa that was conquered by whites from
blacks. Piet Retief’s treaty with the Zulu King, Dingaan still exist to this day.

Blacks settled other areas than the whites and in those areas blacks have the right or claim on those
areas. It is however difficult to determine their claims, because blacks had no written language, no
maps and no legislation such as land title deeds.

Despite this, whites researched the areas that Blacks traditionally settled and gave them full autonomy
to rule themselves, with their own police forces and armies trained in South Africa with white taxpayer

To create work, white business people were encouraged to open factories in these countries with huge
tax concessions.

The ten homelands were as follows:

Transkei –Xhosa
Ciskei – Xhosa
Venda – Venda
Bophuthatswana – Tswana
Gazankulu – Tsonga/Shangaan
KaNgwane – Swazi
KwaNdebele – Ndebele
KwaZulu – Zulu
Lebowa – Pedi (Northern Sotho)
QwaQwa – Sotho

Note how some blacks got TWO or even THREE countries of their own.

The Xhosas got both Ciskei and Transkei.

The Tswanas who have their own country called Botswana, also got Bophuthatswana.
The Sothos who already had Lesotho as their own country also got Lebowa and QwaQwa.

The Swazis who already had their own country Swaziland got KaNgwane.

After South Africa became a union in 1910, the territories (British protectorates) of Bechuanaland
(Botswana), Basutuland (Lesotho) and Swaziland was excluded from the union, but the plan was to
incorporate them later. The successive South African governments always tried to enclude them, but
the British played delay tactics and after South Africa withdrew from the commonwealth in 1961 it
ended any prospect of incorporation of these territories into South Africa. Botswana got its
independence from Britain in 1966, Lesotho in 1966 and Swaziland in 1968.

If one considers that these countries are actually part of the original South Africa, then the territories
under Black rule and autonomy including the other homelands makes up 50% of the total land and
not 13%.

One further has to remember that about 70% of the current South Africa is uninhabitable simply
because it is too mountainous or it is half desert in the Western part. Only about 10% is under normal
climate conditions economically viable farmland.

When one considers the rainfall map of South Africa and the areas settled by Blacks, then one sees
that Blacks settled in above average rainfall areas. The soil of these homelands was some of the most
fertile soil of South Africa.

Today the black ANC government is taking white owned farms away and handing them over to blacks
to be totally ruined in a few months.

Something else a lot of people do not know is that the White NP government ALSO forced whites off
their land by paying them out undervalued sums for their farms so that they could hand it over to
blacks in the establishment of the homelands.

I personally know people who lost their successful dairy farm in those days to make way for the Ciskei.

About 48% of all the viable agricultural land was in these Black homelands.
Today the Blacks want to say that these lands are barren. As I have mentioned it is totally false, but on
the other hand, these were the areas the blacks chose out for themselves to settle on about 200 years
ago. The cannot blame the whites for it today.

It is often said that whites first made sure that there were no minerals in these homelands before they
gave it to the Blacks.

This is also false. In the homeland of Bophuhatswana, the Tswana homeland in addition to having
their own country Botswana, we can find the largest Platinum deposits in the entire subcontinent.
Gold are also mined as a byproduct in these platinum mines.

In the “Book Verrat an Südafrika” Klaus Vaque mentions an article in the German Magazine
“Deutschland-Magazin” Nr. 3/83 where a Lebowa chief was asked if it was true that blacks have been
pushed onto worthless desolate areas...

I freely translate, the chief answered:

“No, it is not true. We have here all the raw materials except diamonds and crude oil. We have all
other minerals. As far as agriculture is concerned, we have some of the richest parts of South Africa.
We have good rainfall and good soil. I think our livestock are some of the best and our wheat and
maize potential is fairly high. The people who say that we have been pushed onto dry and desolate
areas do not know what they are talking about. I think they are talking about others.”
The question has to be asked...what is so bad about giving all the major Black tribes of South Africa
their own country where they could rule themselves on territory they historically settled and where
they could be ethnically homogenous, where they could speak their own language, practice their own
culture and religion and where they could be totally free?

What is the crime in that?

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 9 – The lies about the Townships

By Mike Smith
7th of May 2010

It is today not un-common to find White people who lived through Apartheid in South Africa who
have never set foot in a black or coloured township. Most whites never lost anything in a township and
never saw the need to go to there. Besides it was dangerous, and the further they could stay away from
blacks the better.

People commute from Somerset-West, Strand or Gordon’s Bay along the N2 highway to Cape Town
for years every day, but they never ever turns off into the townships south of Cape Town International
Airport (D.F. Malan Airport) to have a look. All they see are the slums of Cross-Roads, Langa and
Nyanga and it scares them away...

Most whites do not even know the coloured township of Mitchel’s Plain. They do not know the bad
areas such as Tafelsig, Lentegeur or the posh areas such as Woodlands or Strandfontein.

If they could see the millionaires houses of Athlone, they would fall on their backs.

The image that most whites of South Africa have about a township is what they have seen on
television, in papers or magazines.

I myself was about 19 years old and a conscript when I first set foot in Gugulethu, Cape Town. I can
remember how surprised I was at how good the houses looked in certain parts...all the sports facilities
and other amenities were not what I have seen on TV. We were only shown the worst parts...the
Squatter Camps.

Actually the word “Township” is today confused with the word “Squatter Camp”, but we are not
allowed to use the un-PC term of “Squatter Camp” anymore, it is now called, “Informal Settlements”...

Nevertheless, a black township in South Africa has different sections just like any other town around
the world. It has rich areas where educated blacks and black businessmen live in millionaires villas, it
has the middle class areas and it has...well the squatter camps.

The problem is that the media always only show us the poor, squatter camp areas. Whites of South
Africa and the world are kept ignorant by the media. We are not allowed to see that there are literally
millions of extremely well-off blacks in South Africa who live in fairly good areas, on par with whites
or well-off coloureds.

The lies about the townships are numerous, but the most common one is that blacks were forced to
live there under extreme poverty conditions and were denied the same amenities as whites had.

Well, in the previous section of this series I pointed out that all the black tribes were given their own
countries to live in where they traditionally settled. Nobody forced them to come to white cities. But
blacks streamed in their thousand towards the white cities and set up squatter camps around the
outskirts of these white areas, because they knew that whites were giving them work, but also, because
they knew whites were very charitable and always gave them free clothes, food, etc.

This is quite ironic, because on the one hand the whites are painted as evil racists and blacks
selectively believe this when they want to, but when blacks are truly honest with themselves, they will
realise that whites always gave them lots of stuff...for free. It has always been like that in South Africa
and will probably be like that for a long time to come, because South African whites are
compassionate, charitable and good people.

Nevertheless when these squatter camps became too large and/or a health risk due to the unhygienic
practices of blacks, whites would build them proper houses with proper sewage systems, health
clinics, schools, churches, roads with electric illumination, sports facilities and many more. This is
how the townships came about. Basically built by white taxpayer money...

Now I know there will be some people not convinced that these townships were actually quite well
kitted out. So let us take an example...let us take the most well known township of South Africa, called
Soweto, but the same can be said of just about any black township in South Africa.

At the hight of Apartheid in 1978 Soweto had 115 Football fields, 3 Rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11
Cricket fields, 2 Golf courses, 47 Tennis courts, 7 swimming pools built to Olympic standards, 5
Bowling alleys, 81 Netball fields, 39 children play parks, and countless civic halls, movie houses and

In addition to this, Soweto had 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 Technical Colleges, 8 clinics, 63 child day
care centres, 11 Post Offices, and its own fruit and vegetable market.

There were 2300 registered companies that belonged to black businessmen, about 1000 private taxi
companies. 3% of the 50,000 vehicle owners in 1978 were Mercedes Benz owners. Soweto alone had
more cars, taxis, schools, churches and sport facilities than most independent countries in Africa. The
Blacks of South Africa had more private vehicles than the entire white population of the USSR at the

Today Soweto has modern shopping malls like, Dobsonville Shopping Centre. In 2005 the Protea
Gardens Mall opened. This was followed by the Baramall Shopping Centre and the Jabulani Shopping
complex and the Maponya Mall. Experts say that Soweto has as much as 25% oversupply of retail

The Canadian Medical Doctor, Dr Kenneth Walker wrote about Soweto, (I freely translate from
“Verrat an Südafrika”, Klaus Vaque, 1987,pg 41)

“In Soweto I saw many homes that costs about $100,000 (1978) and that had a BMW in the driveway.
All houses are single storey. Many are recently painted. Many had flowerpots in the windows and lawn
in the front. Only 2% were shacks. If I had the choice to live in Soweto or in the apartment dwellings
or “Projects” of New York, Chicago, or Detroit where there is so much crime, then I would not hesitate
for one moment and choose Soweto.”

The biggest hospital in the world, Baragwanath with 3200 beds and at its peak almost 8000 staff had
23 operation theatres fitted out with the most modern medical equipment that existed in the world.
Blacks were treated here, operated full state costs to the white-taxpayers for unlimited periods.
The budget of this hospital was and is higher than the yearly budget of most small member states of
the United Nations.

Next door to Baragwanath is the St. John’s Eye Clinic. The clinic is world famous for the treatment of
Glaucoma, Cataracts, traumatic eye injuries and rare tropical diseases. All built and maintained by
white taxpayer’s money.

Baragwanath in 1978 employed 450 medical doctors in full-time service. It treated 112 000 in-patients
and 1.62 million out-patients per year. The children and infant death rate with 34.8 per 1000 was
lower than Harlem in New York.

In 1982 alone, this hospital performed 898 heart operations of world quality.
Ironically...90% of the blood donors for this hospital were whites, who donated blood free of charge,
totally save black lives. (Quoted from The Citizen, 2 April 1987).

In my time at school and as a student, the Red Cross or St Johns Ambulance would come to our white
schools, universities, colleges and even our workplaces to solicit for blood donations. All we got was a
cup of tea and some biscuits. Regular blood donors would get a lapel pin and would wear it proudly at
work or university.

Today the blacks want the whites to apologise for “the evils” of Apartheid. They want compensation.
They have been compensated R30,000 each after the TRC , but it is not enough... they want more,
they want blood...but we have already given them our blood. We already saved millions of black lives
with our blood donations during Apartheid. How do you put a price on our blood that we donated?
How do you put a price on black lives saved by white blood?

As you can see dear reader, the blacks of South Africa are eternally indebted to us whites...not the
other way around. We owe them nothing, they owe us... big time.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 10 – District Six, A case study in forced removals.

By Mike Smith
8th of May 2010

When one today thinks about Apartheid forced removals, immediately Sophia Town in Johannesburg
(blacks) and District Six in Cape Town (coloureds) springs to mind. We will take District Six as a case

Today one is up against a mind set of people who wants to believe that District Six was a Multicultural
paradise where, mostly coloureds, some Indians, some whites and also a few blacks all lived in
harmony and perpetual bliss.

They believe that the evil white government destroyed a happy go lucky community and forced them
onto the Cape Flats, mainly where Mitchels Plain is today.

To tell the truth about District Six today will be a revolutionary act.

Firstly a bit of history...

Where is or was District Six?...Well if you stand with your two legs in the water of Table Bay and you
look towards Table Mountain, District Six would be on your left side at the slope of Table Mountain,
just above “The Castle”. Today the Cape University of Technology (Zonnebloem campus) stands on
part of the area.

The origins of District Six is like this.

Many moons ago during the Dutch and later British rule, it uses to be a farm called Zonnebloem. After
the abolishment of slavery throughout the British Empire (1833) coloured people started squatting on
the outskirts of Cape Town against the foot of Table Mountain, because they still wanted to work for
the whites, but when they were slaves they were housed by whites, but as free people they now had to
find their own houses.

Two areas of freed slaves developed in Cape Town in what is called, “The Bo-Kaap” and “District Six”.

The Bo-Kaap was mainly a higher classed Muslim area and District Six, although also having a lot of
Muslims, was made up from other coloureds of lower social standing.
Now it has to be remembered that the Cape Colony only introduced official building regulations in
1861. By that time, 28 years of indiscriminate building by coloureds, resulted in a slum area
developing in Cape Town’s District Six that was getting worse with every day passing. There was no
proper sewage or running water infrastructure in those days. In no time, District Six became an
overcrowded slum, with narrow alleyways between jumbled together structures.

Here one has to consider that building rules are largely there for safety and health reasons. Windows
need to be of a certain size to allow fresh air and natural light in. Rooms need to be a certain
height...Every human being needs a certain amount of breathing space to prevent diseases such as
Typhoid, Tuberculosis, etc from breaking out (as is the case in overcrowded concentration camps).
Streets need to be a certain width so that ambulances and fire trucks can reach emergency situations.

The coloured people from District Six knew nothing of such “trivialities”. They just kept on adding
more structures made from wood and corrugated iron sheets.

This phenomenon can still be observed when one visit coloured areas today. No sooner have they
received a house from the government for free, or they start building a “hok” (shack) in the backyard.
Some have even multiple shacks or what is called “Wendy Houses”, low quality wooden dwellings.
These shacks and Wendy Houses are rented out and provide the owner with an income. Some even set
up shebeens (illegal, informal drinking bars) in their backyard.

In the case of District Six it was exactly like that. Some of these people had several such shack
dwellings that they would rent out and became what is referred to as the “Slumlords” of District Six.
Most houses were small, some consisting of only one room housing as many as 20 people. The toilet
was in the back yard and washing comprised turns in the bath tub in the kitchen or washing oneself in
a “kom”, a plastic bowl filled with some hot water. Once a week was enough.

Further, In District Six started what is today referred to as the “Skolly gangs”...coloured hooligans,
who preferred a life of crime, drinking and drugs over honest hard work.

By the 1930’s District Six was a rat infested hellhole full of shebeens, “smokkelhuise” (smuggling
houses) and brothels, where, alcohol and drugs flowed freely and sparked more and more social ills.

The government realised that something had to be done about District Six before an epidemic of
bubonic plague or cholera could break out that would have killed thousands.

The government knew the history of the three smallpox epidemics of 1713, 1755 and 1767. The
smallpox epidemic of 1713 killed about 90% of the KhoiKhoi (Hottentots) and about 25% of the whites
of Cape Town.

The University of Cape Town has all the archives in their library. It is called THE DENIS

Denis Verschoyle, an Irish immigrant, was a City Engineer and Town Planner in Cape Town. From
1961 to 1972, he lectured on the history of town planning in the School of Architecture and Planning at
the University of Cape Town. He died in 1997.

The information is today freely available to anyone who wants to know the truth about Cape Town
planning and in particular, District Six.

Basically Mr. W.S.Lunn who was city engineer in the 1930’s had a plan. He wanted to transform
District Six. He wanted to build proper houses with proper infrastructure and so, started building
houses... by the beginning of the Second World War, a total of 1127 homes had been built. But the
coloureds did not want to move into the new houses. They claimed the rent was too high, but the rent
was actually subsidised by the government (i.e.) White taxpayer money and very affordable.

This a coloured culture for you. They always seem to have money for drugs and alcohol, but never for
rent or utilities. Why pay rent and electricity when you can live for free in a shack and burn candles
and have more money for alcohol?

Eventually some did move into these houses, but as usual the backyards started being filled with
illegally erected structures.

Today the coloureds that lived in District Six have very fond memories of a period when alcohol
flowed freely, Dagga was smoked and every second person could play a musical instrument. Their
memories of District Six are every night...I do not dispute that they were very happy

Like I said, in reality the place was a nest of social ills, it was dirty and it was a health risk...a ticking
time bomb in actual fact.
But how does one convince a pig that wallowing around in shit all day is bad for him, when he is so
happy at doing it? When one takes the pig away from his shit puddle, washes him off and let him live
in a clean orderly place, he will be most distraught and upset with you. He will forever have fond
memories of his shit puddle, where he was happy. No amount of explaining will ever convince him of
anything else.

So how did these memories of such a harmless and convivial District Six take root in the minds of
coloureds over the years?

Basically the newspaper called “The Cape Times”, in an attempt to save District Six, ran some articles
in the 1950’s focussing on the music and culture of the people, painting everything rosy and saying
nothing about the social ills, the gangs, the brothels, the alcohol and drug abuse...or the rats.

In 1966 the National Party declared District Six to be a 'White Group Area' so enabling them to
destroy all buildings, except religious ones, on the grounds of 'slum clearance'.

The government moved about 60,000 people from District Six to the Cape Flats at a cost of 30 million
Rand including compensation. In 1970, the government renamed the area Zonnebloem after the
original Dutch farm.

They offered the land to investors to rebuild it, but no investors showed interest to rebuild the area, so
the Government built the Cape Technikon Zonnebloem campus there.

In District Six, there is a museum today that documents this period in an extremely biased and
subjective way.

It says that about 60,000 coloureds were forcibly removed from District Six to the Cape Flats because
of the colour of their skin.

It fails to mention that the coloureds of the Bo-Kaap are still living there and so are the ones from
Observatory. If the government wanted to remove the coloureds from District Six, because of the
colour of their skin or to take their “prime” land, why did they not also move the Bo-Kaap coloureds?
The Bo-Kaap is situated in the centre of Cape Town on prime property and worth billions. Why did the
government not build millionaires villas in District Six, but instead chose to build a learning

The simple truth is that District Six was everything from an eyesore, to a filthy slum, to a gang and rat
infested hellhole.

The government in those days employed highly qualified health inspectors. One of them who were
involved with the destruction of District Six told me how they went in there, saw rats the size of cats
and millions of cockroaches half a foot they had to board up these building structures first,
fumigate them before they could destroy them, because they feared the plague would spread to the
rest of Cape Town.

Today the ex residents of “District Six” are a dime a dozen. Although only 60,000 were moved today
the “survivors” are probably double that if not more.

The “victim mentality” has fully taken hold of these “ex residents of District Six”, but what they forget
is about 40,000 whites were also forcibly removed from their land to make place for the Black

These whites have never been properly compensated for losing their farms that they had to sell way
below market value to the government at the time, but they simply got on with life and made a living
somewhere else.

District Six was a case study in this issue, but the same can be said for places like Sophia Town where
Blacks were also removed. Large concentrations of people from whatever race, who overcrowd and
indiscriminately build with no planning, will always, pose a health risk not only to themselves, but
also to their neighbouring communities.
Today they complain about forcibly being removed, but what was the alternative... Death by epidemic
proportions? They should be thankful that they are still alive today to yarn swap about their times in
District Six, because if they carried on the way they did, disease would have wiped them out for sure.

The irony is that they cannot see the truth. They see the NP government as a bunch of racists who
wanted to exterminate them, but if that was the goal of the NP, they could simply have done nothing
and waited for the bomb of disease to explode.

No, the NP did everything in their power to avoid it. They actually saved thousands of coloured lives
and entire future generations, along with their music and culture in District Six with their removal to
the Cape Flats.

Today it is easy to reminisce about the banjo playing, alcohol and dagga clouded times of District Six,
but when you are a professional government with a job to protect all your citizens...the picture
is rather different.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 11– Bantu Education under Apartheid

By Mike Smith
11th of May 2010

If Communists value and care so much about education, why do they kill off the educated elite as the
first thing they do in taking over a country?

From Stalin’s purges to Mao’s “Great leap forward”, From Cuba to Cambodia...the first thing the
Communists do when they take over is to kill the academics and educated elite...IN THEIR
MILLIONS. In Cambodia they killed about 2 million alone. People were killed for simply wearing
glasses, because if you could read, you were already too clever.

That alone should convince anyone that communists have never and will never give a toss about
education. In fact the worst enemy of the communist is the educated person. The entire system of
communism is depended on a dumbed down, uneducated and unemployed proletariat (the sheep).

Today the Bantu-Education Act of 1953 is highly criticized, called “racist” and “discriminatory”.

I wonder how many of those critics have ever read it through, because I have and I still challenge
anyone to point me to the discriminatory part.

Yet it is today held up as one of the main reasons for the resistance against Apartheid as well as the
violence of the student’s uprisings of 1976.

Its critics are the usual gang of liberals, culture relativists, humanists and racial egalitarians, but their
criticism holds no water.

If one scrutinises the Act as posted above, one will see that the act established a black education
department, basically gives the minister of education along with the minister of finance the right to
fund the black government schools in a way they deem appropriate, that the government holds the
right to determine the medium of instruction and that the minister of education can consult and
establish black school councils on how to run the schools and what to teach.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. As I said in part Seven of this series, the duty of the
government was not and is not and will never be to provide schools (or any other infrastructure) to
anybody. The role of the government is to protect the citizens against the initiation of force. That is it!
For the rest of the part, they should keep their nose out of the business of the people.

Government schools are actually a form of initiating force. It steals our money, it locks our children up
with criminals, gangsters and drug dealers every day, it teaches them socialist doctrines, dumb them
down incapable of rational or logical thought, and it falsifies our history. ..But people like schools,
because they think schools do good. Nevertheless the NP government taxed whites almost to death to
provide schools for blacks. During Apartheid schooling was made compulsory for all children up to 16
years of age...
But apart from the actual Bantu Education Act of 1953, that nobody ever reads, and just believe what
they find in Wikipedia about Apartheid Education...How did it actually work?

As I have pointed out during this series, whites and blacks have huge cultural differences between
them. Whites and blacks have huge religious and language differences between them.

Would it not be fair that blacks be instructed in a way that is more suited towards their cultural and
religious needs? If one takes the road of the racial egalitarian and lacks, destroyculture relativist, one
would destroy the culture of the their language and religion.

Cultural Relativism destroys all cultures. Racial egalitarianism destroys all races, humanism destroys
all religions.

Remember that the previous government was called the “National Party” not, “The National Socialist
Party”. It did not believe in the destruction of other cultures and people, it believed in the peaceful co-
existence between diverse groups, their preservation and separate, but equal development.

And that is all Bantu Education was. It acknowledged the cultural and religious differences of whites
and blacks and seeked to educate both groups along those cultural lines.

Surely it would be wrong to force the stories of Snow White and Goldilocks down the throats of black
children. How do they relate to Repunsel with here long hair when blacks have peppercorns or afros?

It would be far better if they learned their own songs, their own culture and their own stories of how
the zebra got its stripes when God did not intend for black and white to even exist.

The same with white children. It would be far better to teach them about their own poems, songs and
books. Blacks and whites have different heroes, different values, different everything.

Blacks needs to be educated in a different way than whites. Blacks have a natural, affinity to music,
dance and colourful art. Should one have destroyed that and forced them subjects that they do not
like, do not understand or should one have taken their natural talents and improve on it?

When someone says that the Bantu Education system was inferior to that of the whites, then that
person either admits that black culture is inferior or that whites are superior. They will then have to
explain what they mean by inferior. Inferior to what? Relative to what?...Maybe High Western
civilised education? If they say that educating blacks along black cultural lines is inferior to educating
whites along white cultural lines then I have to ask you...Who are the real racists here...liberals or

There were thousands of blacks during the time of the National Party who made it to university and
for those provisions of tertiary education of world standard was provided. Ten black universities in SA
and the homelands in total.

Today one just has to look around to see how many medical doctors, nurses, lawyers and judges there
are in South Africa who got their education under this exact “Bantu Education” system of the National
Party. It was not inferior at all. If one accuses any of these graduates of having a substandard degree
or education, one would be insulting such a person.

One has to remember that blacks In South Africa had no schools, no written language no basic
arithmetic, nothing... prior to the white man came to Africa and through their missionaries started
educating blacks.

African societies placed strong emphasis on traditional forms of education well before the arrival of
Europeans. Education involved oral histories of the group, tales of heroism and treachery, and
practice in the skills necessary for survival in a changing bush environment.

The European styled English and Afrikaans/Dutch curriculum placed no value on such skills. It would
have been morally wrong to force such a European system on the blacks of South Africa.
Today there are many who wants to quote and say that the NP wanted to purposefully keep blacks
stupid and who selectively quotes what suits them , but when one look deeper and see the truth
behind the bullshit and the proof of the pudding then the picture is rather different.

In an article called “Die Afrikaner” 11 Feb 1987, the quarterly magazine called “Vox Africana Nr 29
4/87 stated that,

South Africa had 4,8 million whites and 18,2 million blacks in 1987. The whites paid 77% of the taxes
and the blacks only 15%...despite this...56% of the government budget was spent on blacks.

Today it is often quoted that, “Per-capita government spending on black education slipped to one-
tenth of spending on whites in the 1970s”. Source

What everyone fails to say is that...

Since 1970 the budget for black education was raised by about 30% per year every year. More than any
other government department.

In the period 1955 -1984 the amount of black school students increased 31 times from 35,000 to 1,096

65% of black South African children were at school compared to Egypt 64%, Nigeria 57%, Ghana52%,
Tanzania50% and Ethiopia 29%.

Amongst the adults of South Africa, 71% could read and write (80% between the ages 12 and 22).
Compare this to Kenya 47%, Egypt 38%, Nigeria 34% and Mozambique at 26%.

In South Africa, the whites built 15 new classrooms for blacks every working day, every year. At 40
children per class it meant space for an additional 600 black students every day!!!

In 1985 there were 42,000 Blacks at 5 universities in South Africa, about the same amount at the
universities of the homelands.

Another example of “Bantu Education is the unique medical university of MEDUNSA that I
mentioned in Part 5 of this series. Here the whites trained black medical doctors, dentists, veterinary
surgeons and paramedical personnel to world class full state costs. About 200 black
medical doctors were
qualified here every year...thanks to the “oppressive” Bantu Education system.
Source: (Verrat an Südafrika, 1987, Klaus Vaque).

In my search to find the true reasons for the 1976 Soweto School riots, I found that most sources say
that the riots was because of AFRIKAANS being forced to be taken as the medium of instruction. Why
this vilification of Afrikaans?

The truth is that if one looks at the original decree one will see that both English and Afrikaans would
be used on a 50-50 basis. Once again we see how Afrikaans has been vilified over the years. I can still
understand to a degree why the blacks would object to Afrikaans or English, but what I cannot
understand is why the coloureds of Cape Town, who only spoke Afrikaans or English, would also
boycott and riot.

Here is the original decree...

Northern Transvaal Region
"Regional Circular Bantu Education"
Northern Transvaal (No. 4)
File 6.8.3. of 17.10.1974

To: Circuit Inspectors

Principals of Schools: With Std V classes and Secondary Schools
Medium of Instruction Std V - Form V

1. It has been decided that for the sake of uniformity English and Afrikaans will be used as media of
instruction in our schools on a 50-50 basis as follows:

2. Std V, Form I and II

2.1. English medium: General Science, Practical Subjects (Homecraft-Needlework-Wood- and
Metalwork-Art-Agricultural Science)
2.2 Afrikaans medium: Mathematics, Arithmatic, Social Studies
2.3 Mother Tongue: Religion Instruction, Music, Physical Culture
The prescribed medium for these subject must be used as from January 1975.
In 1976 the secondary schools will continue using the same medium for these subjects.

3. Forms III, IV and V

All schools which have not as yet done so should introduce the 50-50 basis as from the beginning of
1975. The same medium must be used for the subjects related to those mentioned in paragraph 2 and
for their alternatives. ...

Your co-operation in this matter will be appreciated.

(Sgd.) J.G. Erasmus
Regional Director of Bantu Education
N. Transvaal Region ...

Further. One has to remember that the National Party government always insisted on “Mother Tongue
Education” for ALL races during the primary school period. It was official government policy.

Further note how Afrikaans and English would only be used for Mathematics, Science and technically
skilled subjects. The rest would still be mother tongue.

But why would they want to introduce Afrikaans and English in these black schools to instruct
subjects like mathematics, science and metalwork?

Well, the problem is that blacks simply never had any words for objects they never knew; they
borrowed Afrikaans and English words to describe technical things. The word for Scissors is “Iskêra”
from Afrikaans (skêr). The word for knife is “Imêsi” from the Afrikaans word (mes), etc.

Can you imagine trying to explain the replication of a DNA molecule to a black student in Xhoza? Can
you imagine explaining the parts of a lathe to black students studying metalwork or woodwork? If you
are going to use 90% English words, you might just as well do the entire thing in English...or
Afrikaans for that matter. A lathe is a dangerous piece of equipment...people can kill themselves.

The other reason I found that blacks objected to was the maximum age of school attendance. Whites
would finish school at 18 or 19.

Blacks on the other hand would be 18 years old in grade 7 or 25 years old in matric (Grd 12). They also
started later at the age of 8 or 10. Then they expected the whites to just keep on paying for this. Then
they cannot understand why less money was spent on them than on whites every year. Not only were
they 5 times more than whites, they flunked so much that they spent an average of an extra five years
at school.

The irony of it all is that the Indian journalist Prega Govender wrote an article in the Sunday Times of
22 October 2006, telling how black students at school were taking English as their first language at
school, dropping their own mother tongue as second language and replacing it with Afrikaans, which
they found easier. These students either dropped their own mother tongue completely or relegated it
to “Third Language status”
Prega Govender, Easy-Afrikaans-chosen-over-African-languages

Now I ask you, “What were all those riots in 1976 for?”

The whites of South Africa made a big mistake. They should never have introduced “Bantu Education”
to the blacks. They should never have taught the blacks anything. It was not their responsibility to
educate blacks. If blacks are so good, then they should educate their own people. They should build
their own schools, universities, and colleges with their own money, their own initiatives and their own
know-how. They should go for it...I wish them nothing, but luck.
For our efforts to educate the blacks out of stone age and into the modern era, we were vilified and
stoned, even killed by. We were cursed at, spat at and blamed for everything else.

The alternative we see today is the socialist “Outcomes Based Education and Traning” system, where
“nobody fails”, “Everyone passes”...”Pass one;Pass all” is the ridiculous slogans and demands
nowadays. Little black boy in a group with whites and coloureds dragging their marks down and
raising his own merely through his presence...but hey... they all pass, right? What is the problem?

The school system is a timebomb...Four Natal schools with 0% matric pass rate

“Liberation before education” was the slogan during the Eighties. Have the communists succeeded in
their goal? Have they dumbed down the blacks and most whites? A few pockets of free thinkers
remained who are today blowing the horns.
People are waking up from their liberal and socialist sleep. The ANC keeps singing their lullaby, but
everywhere the horns are blowing and more and more people are waking up...The ANC knows their
days are numbered. Bantu Education made them clever enough to realise that...

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 12– The Architects of Apartheid

By Mike Smith
11th of May 2010

Today when one asks, “Who was the Architect of Apartheid” one would almost unanimously get the
answer of “Dr. H.F. Verwoerd”. It is today taught in schools and all over the internet as “fact”...

The saying goes that when you want to beat a dog, it is easy to find a stick. Today the Afrikaners, the
decedents of the Boers, are bearing the brunt of this accusation as “”The Creators, and or the Monsters
of Apartheid”.

Now some Afrikaners would proudly accept that title as the inventors of a system of segregation called
Apartheid and as I have said, they might even try to patent this model, but do they actually have a
claim to it?

When one does the proper research one will find that the segregation policies that eventually became
known as “Apartheid” was actually not started by the Boers/Afrikaners but by the British High
Commissioner Lord Alfred Milner between the end of the Second Anglo Boer War and unification of
South Africa in 1910.
Milner started a group called his “Kindergarten” made up of civil servants close to him. Why, you ask?

In those days and especially in 1905 the subject of “The Native” question and the “Asian menace” first
came up when the Cambridge Anthropologist, Alfred Haddon, addressed a meeting between the
“British Association for the Advancement of Science” and The South African Associations. (Source, A
Commonwealth of Knowledge, Science, Sensibility, and White South Africa 1820-2000, Saul Dubow)

Sir Godfrey Langdon, author of “The South African Native Affairs Commission report”, urged Howard
Pim to outline an overall scheme of racial segregation.

The official report from those days is called, “Report of the 75th Meeting of the British Association for
the Advancement of Science 1905 (London, 1906”).

Lord Milner was an arch racist who had some serious dualistic problems. He described himself as a
“Race Patriot” in a letter to Haldane, 21Jan. 1901, “Very Confidential”, in Headlam(ed.), Milner
Papers, ii.206.

Milner had no time for the Boers and many times tried to slight them on their characteristics – for
example he said that the Boers can continue to fight a guerrilla war for a while, “just as low types of
animal organisms will long survive injuries which would kill organisms of a higher type outright...” (M
van Wyk Smit, Telling the Boer War”)
Milner could not synchronise his hatred for the Boers, their “Backwardness” as he described it, with
the countless defeats of the British and the superiority of the Boers on the battlefield.

In those days the post Anglo Boer war British Government of South Africa were hoping to erase
differences between Boers/Afrikaners and the English speaking South Africans. They thought it would
be only a matter of time before these two groups would fully merge.

The “Selbourne Memorandum” of 1907 opens and speaks of these two principal races of South Africa -
British and Dutch – to overcome their historical differences. The memorandum declared that both
groups were “Teutonic in origin” and that the fusion between them would only be a matter of time as
it was with the Saxons and the Normans who were distantly related.

The Selbourne memorandum said that there were more differences between the people of Ireland or
Canada than there were between the Boers and the British of South Africa.
Basically, the idea before the Unification of South Africa in 1910 was to unite the two white tribes and
separate them from the blacks.

Two of Milner’s “Kindergarten” group, Lionel Curtis and Patrick Duncan confided in each other,

“The fact is that we have all been moving steadily from the Cape idea of mixing up white, brown and
black and developing the different grades of colour strictly on the lines of European civilisation, to the
very opposite conception of encouraging as far as possible the black man to separate from the white
and to develop a civilisation, as he is beginning to do in Basutoland, on his own lines.” (Patrick
Duncan Papers BC294C23.3.8, University of Cape Town, Manuscripts and Archives, Curtis to Duncan,
26 Nov 1907).

The term applied to this British strategy was called “Segregation”. The Afrikaans word for it would be

As can be seen so far, the idea of Apartheid came from various sources. The Whites of South Africa,
whether it be Boer or Brit had an intimate knowledge of the Blacks of South Africa. It was basically a
common consensus that Whites and Blacks have to be separated.

We ALL and white...wanted Apartheid. This can be seen from the aspirations of the Sothos
and the Swazis who wanted their own kingdoms where they could preserve their own culture,
language, religion and where they could rule themselves. The Tswanas who got Botswana is another
example. Therefore we are all guilty of the so called “Crime of Apartheid”.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any nation who wishes to secure and preserve their way of life.
There is nothing wrong with any nation wishing to live in peaceful harmony with their neighbours.

Segregation, Apartheid or Separate and Equal Development was a unique concept, wished by all South
Africans, both Black and White. Nobody has to feel guilty about it today. It was OUR country and we
had to find a solution where we could all be happy with and live with each other.

Today the critics of Apartheid are numerous, yet nobody have produced a better model for the unique
South African situation. The current “Rainbow Nation” model has proved to be an abject failure.

The need for people to rule themselves and have a national identity is the most natural system on
earth. It is called Nationalism. We have seen this need amongst the Basks and the Catalonians of
Spain, the Croatians, Serbs, Montenegros, etc of Yugoslavia, The Irish and the Scots of the UK, The
Kurds of Syria and Turkey, The Ibos of Nigeria, The Hutus and Tsutsis of Rwanda, the Muslims in
Chad, The Tamils in Sri Lanka, The Greeks and Turks in Cyprus, The Walonians and the Flemish in

This need to be separate is a worldwide phenomenon. Maybe Apartheid was not perfect, but show me
a political system that is.

In South Africa we came upon a system that kept the peace and where we lived happily alongside with
each other until the Communist agitators entered and disturbed our peace, where they played us off
against each other after we have already fought all our battles and made peace with each other. We
found our own solution. We found our own peace that was called “Apartheid”, but the communist
wanted the riches of our country and made us enemies again.

South Africa will forever be a unique situation and only us...The Blacks and Whites of South Africa will
be able to find a solution we can all live with in the end.
The solution for our problems will come from us who have shared this beautiful country for hundreds
of years, not from outsiders who just want our gold and minerals.

Let me finish with a quote....

“You do not want any reforms; You want my country”

(President Paul Kruger to Lord Alfred Milner - 31st May1899, shortly before the outbreak of the
second Anglo Boer war)

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part Thirteen – The Apartheid laws on mixed marriages
By Mike Smith

25th of May 2010

One of the first and most criticised laws of the “Apartheid” era is the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages
Act No 55 of 1949. This law, along with the Immorality Amendment Act, Act No 21 of 1950; amended
in 1957 (Act 23) made it illegal to marry or have sexual relations with other races.

Many people today believe that this act was introduced by the now hated Afrikaner dominated
National Party, but that is simply not true.

As early as 1685 Dutch Cape law prohibited marriage between white men and slave women; some
legal unions of white men with free women of colour continued to take place, but with decreasing

The predecessors of the “Apartheid” laws on mixed marriages were the Immorality Act [No. 5] of 1927,
and the two laws of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (Transvaal) of 1897, called law no. 2 and 3 --
1897, "Wet tot tegengaan van deontucht," (Law prohibiting sex between whites and blacks.)

There were some other laws namely the Cape Colony law no. 36- 1902, "Betting Houses, Gaming
Houses, and Brothels Suppression Act,“ which prohibited voluntary sexual relations for the purpose of
gain between white women and Africans.

In Natal: No. 31-1903, "Criminal Law Amendment Act," prohibited indecent relations between white
women and coloured persons (sec. 16); coloured were defined in the "Vagrancy Law" 15-1869 as
"Hottentots, coolies, bushmen, Lascars, and members of the so-called kaffer population."

Orange Free State: No. 11 -- 1903, "Suppression of Brothels and Immorality Act," sec. 14-16.
Transvaal: No. 46-1903, "Immorality Ordinance," similar to Natal, but with harsher punishment and
with a very broad definition of "native" as including natives of the indigenous or coloured races of
Africa, Asia, or St. Helena.

The Rhodesian "Immorality and Indecency Suppression Act" (by Cecil John Rhodes's British South
African Company) made illegal and punishable sexual relations between a white woman and a black
man (but not those between a white man and a black woman).

South Africa was by far not the only country to introduce a ban on mixed marriages. Neither were the
Germans with the 1935 15 September: "Nürnberger Gesetze" prohibiting interracial sex and marriage
between "Aryans" and "Jews" in Nazi Germany; "Gesetzzum Schutz des deutschen Blutes und der
deutschen Ehre" and"Reichsbürgergesetz," Reichsgesetzblatt 1146.

Germany actually banned interracial marriage in German Samoa as early as 1912.

A Spanish royal decree in 1805 required that persons of "pure blood" obtain permission of the viceroy
or the audiencia in order to marry "elements of Negro and Mulatto origin."

5 April 1778: The "Order of the Council of State forbade all marriages between whites and blacks in
France, on penalty of being expelled at once to the colonies."

In 1771 The Viceroy of Portuguese Brazil ordered degradation of an Amerindian chief, who,
"disregarding the signal honours which he had received from the Crown, had sunk so low as to marry
a Negress, staining his blood with this alliance."

In 1724 French edict (of March) by Louis XV banned intermarriages between whites and blacks (but
not whites and Indians) in Louisiana; this special Code noir for Louisiana also prohibits whites "or
freeborn or
freed blacks" to live in concubinage with slaves; article 6 says:

"Défendons à nos sujets blancs, de l'un et de l'autre sexe, de con-tracter mariage avec les Noirs, à
paine de punition et d'amende arbitraire; et à tous curés, prêAtres ou missionaires, séculiers ou
réguliers, et méme aux aumôniers de vaissaix de les marier." ("We forbid our white subjects of either
sex to contract marriage with blacks, under threat of punishment and fines; and forbid all clerics,
priests, or missionaries, lay or ordained, and even ships' chaplains, to marry them.")

In fact, between 1913 and 1948 (The year the NP government came to power in South Africa) laws
prohibiting miscegenation were enforced in 30 of the 48 states of the USA and continued until 1967.

The question of miscegenation is a bit of a red herring. On the one side there are the Bible experts that
are split into two groups fighting amongst themselves. One group quotes reams of text explaining that
God prohibits marriages outside of our race. Their equally Biblical fanatical opponents declare that we
are “All one in Christ”…

I am always sceptical of people who build their entire argument on what the Bible says.

As I have explained before, the only job of a government is to protect all its citizens against the
initiation of force. The question thus arises whether laws against miscegenation are the job of the

How is the decision of two consenting people to mix their race any business of the government or
anyone else? They are not attacking anyone, they simple love or lust after each other. Pretty harmless
at first glance if you ask me, but this issue needs to be looked at deeper. We have to go back to the
basics of nature.

Most simplistic arguments that one hears is that “ a cat and a dog does not mix”, but the truth is that a
black dog can mix with a white dog and more specific a Labrador can mix with an Alsatian. A Persian
cat can mix with a Siamese cat, etc.

In nature we see many closely related species that can interbreed, but do not. The Black Wildebeest
and the Blue Wildebeest in Africa can interbreed, but in the wild, they do not. It is only when they are
forced together in small game reserves that they do and have to be kept apart.

The reason for this, the game wardens explain is, because the offspring of this miscegenation is a weak
result, prone to diseases of all kinds and weakening both herds in the long run. This offspring is easily
eaten by predators or taken out of the gene pool by disease.
This is Mother Nature’s way of ensuring the survival of the species as Darwin said. Similar cases can
be made for the White and Black Rhino or the Kruger and Knysna Elephants as well as thousands of
closely related bird species. The fact is that Mother Nature prefers to keep species apart to ensure their
survival…the survival of all of them. Nature is Nationalistic and Nationalism is nature. It is true
diversity, not make believe liberal nonsense that aims to destroy all species.

But how does this law of nature manifest itself amongst different human species or races?

Between 1946 and the enactment of the Apartheid law to prohibit mixed marriages in 1949, only 75
mixed marriages had been recorded, compared with some 28,000 white marriages. That is about
0.23% of all marriages in the country and relatively insignificant.

It shows that we still prefer our own kind to breed with, the way nature intended it to be. The
formation of “China Towns”, Negro ghettos, Muslim and Jewish communities in European countries
is a testimony to this perfectly natural phenomenon.

We do not actually need laws to keep us apart, we do not need laws prohibiting us from interbreeding.
Nature takes care of this in its own way. It is when we want to play God and set the laws for Mother
Nature that she comes back and hits us over the head.

Our greatest mistakes that we ever made were to interfere with Mother Nature. We think we are
clever, we think we can reroute rivers and build levies and dykes, but the time will come that Mother
Nature will return everything to the natural state of being. We think that we can force different species
and nations together and force them to interbreed under unnatural Socialist captivity, but sooner or
later Mother Nature restores the status quo with disastrous results. The break-ups of the Soviet
Union, Yugoslavia and the genocide in Rwanda in recent years are case studies in point.

We do not seem to have a problem with the separation of Blue and Black Wildebeest after hearing the
explanation of game wardens, yet the separation of different human species is regarded as
“Evil”…even “A crime against humanity”….The fact that genetically Black diseases such as Sickle Cell
amenia and Lupus are transferred to children is of no concern to the liberal brigade. The lifelong
suffering of such children is sacrificed at the politically correct altar.

When a married couple with small children have a divorce, the courts are quick to point out that their
major concern is the welfare of the children involved, but when it comes to marrying adults of vastly
different ethnical and cultural backgrounds, no consideration for the wellbeing of the future offspring
is produced.

Children from such unions suffer their entire life. They never have a complete identity. They never feel
as if they fit in anywhere. They are never considered as “White”, neither are they ever considered as
“Black”. They are torn between two worlds. Even when they decide to fully embrace one side of the
union and identify with it, they will never fully be accepted by that side.

In the six thousand years of recorded history there have been about 25 great civilisations. Just about
every single one has disappeared due to miscegenation with lesser races.

These are the stark realities that previous white governments were faced with. Was it moral to
legislate interbreeding? Yes, certainly.

The prevention of interbreeding of different cultures and races means the protection of those cultures.
It means securing their continuation and their future.

The Liberal doctrines of Multiculturalism and Racial Egalitarianism are illogical paradoxes; the end
result is not the protection of different cultures and races, but the destruction of all. It leads to NO
culture, NO Race, No religion and NO identity.

Can you imagine a world where there is only one type of flower in the entire world? Can you imagine
only one type of plant; only one type of food; only one type of car; only one type of music; only one
style of dress code…? That is what the end result of Communism is.

We have seen this kind of influence from various communist states already. Mao Ze Dong introduced
“The Mao suit”….a unisex black or blue dress code that was worn by millions of Chinese. That was his
sick vision of a communist world.

In East Germany you basically had one type of car, the Trabant…maybe a Warburg if you were lucky,
but you had to wait years for a car…

That is what Liberals and Socialists proudly call their unholy paradox of “Diversity” today.

During Apartheid, very few people actually had a problem with the prohibition on mixed marriages or
the immorality act. The Indians, the Chinese, the Muslims, the Jews, the Greeks or the Portuguese
never actually complained, because they saw it as a way of protecting their cultures and their way of

Only the blacks and the coloureds objected to these laws. One cannot blame them for wanting to breed
with whites, because it is a natural phenomenon supported by Darwin to select superior genes for your

Therefore the desire of coloureds and blacks to breed with whites is an admission on their part that
whites have superior genes. If they are so convinced about black superiority then they would select the
best amongst their own.

The Seal/Heidi Klum, O.J.Simpson/Nicole, Tiger Woods/Elin Nordegren, Alan Boesak/ Elna … type
relationships are testimony only to the inferiority these men feel about their own people and about

In their desire to be with white women and produce children with them they acknowledge their own
inferiority and the inferiority of their own women. It is clear that the LWB`s (Liberal White Bitches)
who married these so called successful Blacks had only money, status and limelight on their agendas,
but every single one eventually came face to face with the degenerate criminal streak inherent in the
black genes.

It would actually be amusing to know what black women think of these race traitor men of them,
because as soon as they have a bit of money, they buy themselves a white whore that no respectable
white man will even touch with a barge pole.

Coming back to the South African situation, we have to decide whether the laws of Apartheid was
justified. Did it succeed in protecting ALL the citizens of South Africa?

Here we have to consider short term and long term goals. In the short term the laws of Apartheid
ensured relative safety and peace between various races and cultures that can not be equalled by the
current ANC Marxist terrorist regime. In fact if it was not for the insurrection of the communist
agitators, we would still be living in peace and harmony with each other today.

In the long term…? Well the proof is in the proverbial pudding. All the different tribes of South Africa
with their diverse cultures and languages are still largely intact and with us today. We have to thank
he policies of “Mother tongue education” at least in primary school level and separate, but equal,

If the argument is to promote and protect diversity then Nationalism has passed with flying colours
and honours.

My original question therefore still stands, “Whether laws against miscegenation are the job of the

Personally I believe that mother nature will take care of this. The only law we need in this respect is
the law of nature. In formalising a natural law, the NP opened themselves up to attack. All things
considered one can understand their rationale as a professional government wishing to protect all of
its citizens, irrespective of their diversity. They have fully succeeded in that.

During the 1980`s Professor Heese from Stellenbosh University wrote a book called, “Groep Sonder
Grense” (Group without borders) where he researched the interracial marriages amongst whites and
coloureds during the early periods of European settlement at the Cape. His conclusion was that
Whites in South Africa have about 6% coloured blood in them. Many say that his book was banned by
the NP government, but it is utter nonsense. I was personal friends with the son of Prof. Heese,
namely Johan. He took a lot of flack from teachers because of the book his dad wrote, so much so that
he had to change schools, but we all got to read “Groep sonder Grense”. It was not banned at all.

The 6% coloured genes Prof. Heese referred to was actually less than France who has a 9%
miscegenation rate. And less than Germany, Belgium or The Netherlands.

In South Africa amongst the Afrikaners we have a special family, a special paradox, called the
Breytenbach brothers.

On the one hand we have Colonel Jan Breytenbach, Commander of the crack South African Defence
Force, Special Forces known as “The Recces” (Recognisance Unit). He was also commander of the
most decorated unit namely “32 Batalion” (Buffalo soldiers, mainly black unit with white officers
fighting communists). He was also commander of the 44th Parra Brigade. A finer soldier on the face of
this earth will be hard to find.

On the other hand we had his brother, Breyten Breytenbach. He fell in love with a French/Vietnamese
woman and was not allowed to live with her in South Africa. Breyten Breytenbach is one of our best
poets and novelists. He went to France and founded an anti Apartheid organisation called Okhela. He
planned terrorist attacks against white South Africans and tried to re-enter in 1975, but his own ANC
Marxist buddies who did not trust him sold him out and he spent 7 years in prison for high treason.

Breyten Breytenbach, a victim of the mixed marriages act, is your typical liberal useful idiot who still
do not know where he stands. The one moment he praises the ANC and the next he criticises them.

Recently he declared that we are all coloureds of various degrees, we are the “Rainbow nation” after

Now I do not have a problem with that per se….Problem is that the ANC on all their government forms
still insist on us declaring our race, because they allocate Affirmative Action quotas and BEE contracts
to non-whites. So if we are all so “Coloured”, what is the problem? When can we start to insist on our
AA and BEE rights?

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 14 – Scapegoating Apartheid to steal our country and our
By Mike Smith
1 June 2010

There are several reasons why South Africa had to be given over to the ANC Marxist terrorists;
Apartheid was not one of them.

Compared to human rights abuses in Islamic and Communist countries, Apartheid was actually mild.
By 1987 just about all the Apartheid laws were abolished, but the world still kept sanctions and
boycotts against South Africa.

It becomes clear that the “Struggle against Apartheid” was nothing more than a deception by
international power players to get their hands on the treasure chest of the world, namely South Africa.

There were mainly three reasons to conquer South Africa by any and all means.

1) South Africa is the richest country in the world when one considers the mineral wealth beneath its
2) South Africa was a Christian and Nationalist state and therefore a rock in the way of globalists.
3) The strategic sea route around the Cape of Good Hope was in the hands of these Nationalists.

South Africa’s wealth

Just before the outbreak of the Second Anglo Boer war, “Human rights abuses” was used as a stick by
British imperialist to get their hands on the wealth of the Boers. This excuse would be repeated again
fifty years later in 1948 to vilify and demonize the whites of South Africa and more specifically the
Afrikaners as the creators of the evil system of “Apartheid”. This term was created by the media. The
official policy of the government was “Separate and equal development”.

In the previous chapter, I showed clearly that the Afrikaners were NOT the architects of Apartheid
neither where they the only ones who practiced it, yet countries with far worse human rights records
hypocritically installed a full spectrum of sanctions against South Africa.

Whenever I think about the demise of South Africa, I think about lions and hyenas fighting over the
carcass of a dead Springbok. Once they have eaten themselves full, they leave the rest for the vultures
(the ANC) to pick off.

But why would the entire world gang up against four million whites at the Southern tip of Africa?

The reason is that South Africa possesses the mineral wealth that can make it a superpower in the
world. In the 21st century the mineral wealth of South Africa will surpass the oil wealth of the entire
Arabic region.

Many of these minerals are critical to the Western weapons industry. Therefore the Soviet Union
wanted their hands on these minerals so that they could first of all have control over all the mineral
wealth in the world, and secondly so that they could deny the West these strategic minerals and in
doing so win the cold war.

The West could not let this happen. They could not let the Communist control the mineral wealth of
South Africa and in doing so cut off the jugular vein of the Western world and at the same time control
the strategic sea route around the Cape of Good Hope.

If the Communists were allowed to control South Africa they could form a mineral cartel similar to
that of the OPEC oil cartel and could close the tap on the West whenever they felt like it.

South Africa possesses 93% of the world’s Manganese, 83% of the Platinum, 61% of the world’s
Vanadium, 63% of the Gold, 29% of all the diamonds, amongst many others.

The Communists knew that whoever controlled the strategic Cape sea route also controlled a jugular
vein of the Western economy. About a quarter of the West’s oil comes around the Cape. On average 70
ships round the Cape of Good Hope every day. That is about 25,000 ships a year with a Brutto
Registered Tonnage (BRT) of 550 million tons. (Welt am Sontag, special edition May/June 1986).

By now the reader is probably asking himself why the West would have sanctions against a pro-
western, anti-communist country such as South Africa. Not only would they cut off their own jugular,
but also that of neighbouring Southern African countries that depended on the harbours of South
Africa for their exports of ore.

Is it really believable that the West would risk suicide because of a system such as Apartheid? Why
would the West support a Marxist terrorist organisation such as the ANC, whose goal always was to
make South Africa a member of the Communist world?

The answer to this we will only find when we see the onslaught against South Africa in a holistic,
global strategic way in which the West and the East had common goals.

In his book, “The War on Gold”, Dr. Anthony Sutton writes that the reasons for the onslaught against
South Africa had very little to do with human rights issues or the internal politics of South Africa. That
was all just propaganda for the war on Gold.
Dr. Sutton adds that Henry Kissinger, who left the prosecution of political dissidents in the USSR
untouched, would also not be touched by the welfare and concern about voting rights for blacks in
South Africa.

Professor Sutton adds that the war on gold was orchestrated from Wall Street who also financed the
Bolshevik Revolution. These diabolical International financiers want a “New World Order”, a one
world government of “Dollar Imperialism” under Wall Street control under which the USSR would
only be a technical and economic colony of the United Nations. (See “Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution, Dr. Anthony Sutton).

The independence and sovereignty of any nation is a stumbling block in the way of people who wants
a one world government with a single currency, a world police force and a world army.

The UN delegate Andrew Young, after a visit to Windhoek, Namibia told journalists that a Communist
Angola or Namibia would not bother the USA in the least, because such countries would always be an
easy market for goods from the USA. The payment would always be in the form of mineral concessions
that the enslaved nations would be required to work for.

Today the colonisation of Africa is made out to be the enslavement of blacks, but this is simply
nonsense. The colonisation of Africa meant advancement for blacks. A better living standard,
education and peace like they never experienced before.

It is the Decolonisation of Africa that means slavery to these blacks. Never before in history has blacks
been so much exploited and enslaved as after decolonisation. None of the colonial powers such as
France, Belgium, England, Portugal or even the Whites of South Africa have ever exploited the blacks
of Africa as much as the High Financiers are doing today. These Third World countries are de facto
the property of high finance groups who make their currencies into worthless paper and any loans in
US dollars have to be paid back in the form of mineral concessions.

This neo-colonisation of Africa by Wall Street is thus hitting two birds with one stone. Firstly they get
their paws on the mineral wealth of the country and secondly the country sacrifices its independence
and sovereignty in the march to a one world government.

A strong, independent sovereign and White South Africa that possessed the largest Gold reserves in
the world and, next to the USSR the largest reserves of strategic minerals, therefore became a gigantic
rock in the way of these global financers and their planned Socialist World Government.

A corrupt black, Communist government is much easier manipulated than a professional and strong
incorruptible white government.

Neither the Western financers nor the Communists ever give anything away for free. All the weapons
and money the ANC received from the Communists and the West needs to be repaid now. Further the
ANC takes on massive projects such as building of (low quality) houses for blacks, acquiring weapons
such as frigates, submarines and fighter jets from Europe to a country that is not at war and at peace
with all its neighbours. Soccer stadiums are built that will become white elephants in no time. They set
up Socialist schemes such as the “All-pay” system of paying grants to unproductive and lazy blacks
that breed more unproductive and lazy blacks. They give out contracts for new types of driver’s
licenses, passports, etc…

All of these government schemes are contracted out to companies owned by the top brass of the ANC
and needs to be financed from somewhere. The Western financiers are only too glad to grant them
loans of billions of dollars that ends up straight in the pockets of ANC fat cats such as Tokyo Sexwale
and Patrice Motsepe.

At the end of the day this money needs to be paid back…by the white taxpayer, the enslaved milk cow
of the ANC. It is therefore in the interest of the ANC to prevent the whites of South Africa to find out
the true extent of the theft and rape of the country that is currently being perpetrated under their
noses. It is in the interest of the ANC to paint a rosy picture of a rainbow nation and dumbing whites
down into believing all is well in South Africa, because they cannot afford all the whites to leave the
country as more than a million of the four million whites have already done.
But the Global Financiers are not really bothered about how many whites leave South Africa. In fact
the sooner they leave the better, because the moment the milk cow runs away, the sooner the ANC will
have nothing to repay the financiers and the sooner they will start pawning off the mineral
concessions of South Africa.

The problem is that they did not reckon with the tenacity of white South Africans who love their
country and who do not want to or can not leave. These whites stay and work themselves to death to
appease the ANC…hoping that it will be enough to ensure their continued existence in a country that
is going to the dogs. They do not realise that they are persona non grata in South Africa.

The chess game starts to become a bit clearer once they realise that the end solution is to get rid of all
whites in South Africa. If the whites do not want to leave willingly then they should be terrorised into
leaving through violent house invasions, rape, torture, and farm murders. The final solution will be an
all out, full blown genocide of white South Africans.

That is why we see this playoff of racial tensions between white and black South Africans who are all
too ignorant to realise that they are just white and black pawns in a chess game that they do not
understand and where the wealth of South Africa is the prize.

Unless whites leave South Africa to the last man, they will soon become the targets of impatient global
financiers who are using the blacks as their instruments to get their hands on our mineral wealth by
any means. It has nothing to do with racism or human rights; it is just business as usual for the
financial elite of the world.

Many will say that the mineral wealth and the marine resources of South Africa was not the property
of the Boers to start with, that it belonged to the blacks all along, but that is devoid from any truth as I
have explained so far in this series. The Blacks and the Whites were contemporary settlers of South
Africa. The Boers discovered the gold and the diamonds that the blacks were sitting on and did not
even value. The law of “Finders Keepers” therefore prevails. Blacks never extracted any gold from ore.
The blacks did not eat fish because they have a fear of the ocean and never even had dug-out canoes.
The whites of South Africa started mining and fishing on a commercial scale and therefore have full
claim to these resources.

The selling out of whites and the treason by their own leaders who were collaborators of these global
institutions such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission will be dealt
with in future posts.

The shocking truth of how bankers, countries, large corporations and church organisations ganged up
and mobbed against an anti communist, Christian, sovereign nation will all be revealed…

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 15 – Smuts and Rhodes’ “World State”

By Mike Smith
3 June 2010

The history you will read below is denied to most students today at school, but relatively freely
available to people who are willing to do the research and make the connections.

Today we find many so called “Conspiracy theorists” who speak of a “World State” and those who try
to make them off as nutters, even in the face of hardcore proven facts and evidence. Most of the time
truth and facts are all we need to see and understand what happened to South Africa.

The idea of a “One world government” with a one world army and police force under the UN, might be
familiar to most readers who are observers of world affairs and who can see that we are daily tiptoeing
towards a Communist totalitarian state. What most people do not know is that since Machiavelli first
rolled the ball and proposed the basic idea of world government and rule without scruple of justice or
humanity, the ball was picked up in South Africa by team mates Rhodes and Smuts who ran with it.

In order for us to understand why Apartheid was scapegoated to hand South Africa over to Marxist
Black terrorists; how South Africa became the skunk amongst nations, why the Western Capitalist as
well as the Communists and every man and his dog ganged up on us…we have to look at events
holistically. We need to see the roots, the trunk the branches and the position of the tree in the forest.
We need to see the position of the forest in the country, the country on the continent, the continent in
the world and the world in the universe.

It is only then that we will understand why South Africa had to go and why Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, who
saw himself as an “unmovable piece of granite” was assassinated.

A good point to start with is the idea of “Holism” or the man who coined the word “holistic” namely
General Field Marshal Jan Smuts

Today when one speaks to Black people in South Africa one would soon hear that they do not really
mind racists, because they say, “At least we know where we stand”.

With Liberals it is a different story. Helen Zille of the DA has tried her entire life to win the support
and respect of the Blacks, but I can assure her it will never happen. In Credo Mutwa’s book, “My
People” he says that Blacks do not trust liberals. Blacks never know where they stand with liberals who
are nice in front of them, but try to shaft them behind their backs. Blacks of South Africa have an
immense respect for President Paul Kruger, but they have no respect for Jan Smuts…and with good

Jan Smuts advocated racial segregation for most of his career, but after loosing the election in 1948 to
the National Party he changed his tune and issued the Fagan Report. The main recommendation of
the commission's report was that influx control of African people to urban areas should be relaxed.

During the Second Anglo Boer War he led Boer troops in the Transvaal under Koos De la Rey who
were supplied by the Germans, but afterwards in the First World War he turned against the Germans
and Koos De la Rey and fought on the side of the British, with General Botha annexing the German
Colony, German South West Africa, now known as Namibia and commanding the British in German
East Africa .

Smuts was a bright character. He graduated from Stellenbosch University with honours in Science and
Literature. He then studied many subjects at Cambridge in England amongst other things, Law.

Back in Cape Town he became a lawyer and journalist for the Cape Times. He also became friends
with Cecil John Rhodes, who owned the De Beers mining company, and became his personal law

When Rhodes launched the Jameson Raid in 1895-96 Smuts was furious and felt betrayed by his
friend and employer and subsequently left De Beers to go to Johannesburg.

Again Smut’s erratic behaviour came to the fore. At first he fully supported Rhodes’ expansionism
policies, but suddenly was its biggest opponent.

After the war, Smuts was instrumental in drawing up plans for the unification of the two Boer
Republics of Orange Free State and Transvaal and the two British colonies of Natal and the Cape that
happened in 1910.

Smuts created the South African Defence Force and served on the British Imperial war cabinet during
WW1 as well as WW2. He also helped to create the Royal Air Force. He was a signature at the treaty of
Versailles and a proponent of The League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.

After WW2 Smuts worked day and night to draw up the charter for the new United Nations. Smuts
had a driving force and personal philosophy called “Holism” defined as "the tendency in nature to
form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution"

One biographer ties together his far-reaching political vision with his technical philosophy:
“It had very much in common with his philosophy of life as subsequently developed and embodied in
his Holism and Evolution. Small units must needs develop into bigger wholes, and they in their turn
again must grow into larger and ever-larger structures without cessation. Advancement lay along that
path. Thus the unification of the four provinces in the Union of South Africa, the idea of the British
Commonwealth of Nations, and, finally, the great whole resulting from the combination of the peoples
of the earth in a great league of nations were but a logical progression consistent with his
philosophical tenets.”
Smuts was seriously disappointed when at the first UN general assembly in 1946, India chastised him
about his racial policies and the condition of Indians in SA.

Smuts' view of Africans was patronising, he saw them as immature human beings that needed the
guidance of whites, an attitude that reflected the common perceptions of the white minority
population of South Africa in his life time and in 1929 he justified the erection of separate institutions
for blacks and whites in tones reminiscent of the later practice of apartheid.

The United Nations would be one of the first double speak, Orwellian Newspeak names we will
encounter, because the UN is an organisation that is suppose to keep peace, but their means is making
war…an organisation that did not come to unite nations, but to destroy nations on its march to a one
world government.

But what about Cecil John Rhodes, Smuts’ drinking partner before the Anglo/Boer War? Rhodes got
much of his ideas from John Ruskin, a “Do-Gooder” liberal arsehole who was famous for his
impassionate championship of “the downtrodden masses”. Funny enough, Ruskin’s life ended with a
mental breakdown as so often happens with La-La-Land Liberals who think themselves God-Like.
Nevertheless Rhodes was a student of Ruskin at Oxford where Ruskin spoke of a “New Imperialism”.

He told his aristocratic students that to preserve their privileged lives they have to absorb the lower
classes and that they have to extend it to the non-English world.

Rhodes was greatly influenced by Ruskin and when he arrived in SA, he had an idea and that was to
make the entire Africa British or as he said it, “Paint the map of Africa Red (i.e. British)”

More than fifty biographies were written about Rhodes, A university in Grahamstown South Africa is
named after him, two countries (North and South Rhodesia) were named after him. (Today called
Zambia and Zimbabwe).A massive memorial to him stands below the University of Cape Town.

In his first will, Rhodes wrote his ambition was “ extending British rule , throughout the world and
founding so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the interest of

Rhodes also set up a secret society called the Round Table based on the Jesuit model (Society of
Jesus) and interestingly enough also the model that Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati
adopted in 1785 and also used by the Communists. The model works on a principal of circles within
circles where the inner circles knows more than the circles surrounding it. In the inner circle (“Circle
of initiates”) were Lord Rothchild, Sir Harry Johnston, Mr Balfour, and other personages prominent
on the South African scene. The outer circle was called “the Association of Helpers” or as Lenin called
them, “The useful idiots”. We simply refer to them as “Liberals”.

Another of Rhodes’s legacies is the Rhodes Scholarship under which about a hundred young men are
handpicked from the British empire, the USA and Germany every year to spend two years at Oxford
University where they receive special instruction in world affairs, the object being so that, “after 30
years there would be between two and three thousand men in the prime of life scattered all over the
world, each one of whom would have impressed on his mind in the most susceptible period of his life
the dream of the Founder. Moreover each one of whom, would have been specially, mathematically
selected towards the Founder’s purpose”. Prominent Rhodes scholars include Bill Clinton,
actor/singer Kris Kristofferson, Edwin Hubble (Hubble space tellescope), film director Terrence Malik
(The Thin red Line and Badlands) and feminist Naomi Wolf who wrote “The beauty myth”.

Lord Milner became the head of the Round Table in 1891 and surrounded himself with a group of
young men called, “Milner’s Kindergarten”. Prominent members were, Phillip Kerr who held many
positions in British South Africa, Lord Lothian, British ambassador in Washington and Lionel Curtis
British Official and author who promoted a World State. He became the head of the Round Table
when Milner died.
Lord Lothian was the one who said that, “We should strive to build the Kingdom of Heaven on

I find it amusing how “World State”, “One World Government” proponents always claim that “Peace”
and “Heaven” will come of their efforts, but in reality it just brings more and more war, suffering and

Blacks in South Africa and Africa as a whole believe that they have aquired “Freedom”, but all they
experience is death and misery. As George Orwell said in “1984”…, “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery
and Ignorance is Strength”

In the next edition we will see the happenings on the other side of the Atlantic, namely in the USA and
Canada…the role-players, the Rhodes and Smuts successors, who would strive for a “One World
Government” and how they sold out the whites in Africa.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 16-The hidden government

By Mike Smith
6th of June 2010

One of the basic strategies of war is to find and identify your enemy. If we want to know who the
enemies of South Africa were and who constantly crucified us upside down at the United Nations for
“The Crime of Apartheid”, then we should open a few cans of worms and peek deep down the rabbit-

The attack against South Africa was never about the abolishment of Apartheid. It was about the
destruction of all western systems of freedom and democracy. They wanted Western Capitalism to be
replaced with Scientific Socialism.

Most people understand the Communist attack on South Africa, but why the Western World also
climbed in and kicked us while we were down is a bitter pill to swallow and difficult to understand. We
were a pro Western, Capitalist, Nationalist and Christian country. Why would the Western World
attack us?

Most people refuse to believe that the West can be bad. That the West can support Communism. “How
can Capitalist leaders cut off their own necks”? they ask…

Dr Carrol Quigley wrote a monumental work on the subject called. “Tragedy and Hope” and the entire
text can be read online. Quigley was a highly respected professor at Princeton and Harvard
Universities. He was the mentor of Bill Clinton who was one of his students. He was also professor of
history at Georgetown University and did 25 years of in depth research before he wrote his book. I
won’t call such a great man a “conspiracy theorist” rather a realist who saw how deep the rabbit hole

Here is an excerpt from his book “Tragedy and Hope”…

“There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which
operates to some extent in the way the Radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this
network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the
Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network
because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to
examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for
much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and
recently, to a few of its policies but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain
unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.”

About the same time of Rhodes’s death in 1902, Smut’s ideas of a Union of South Africa (that would
destroy the two Boer Republics forever) and Milner surrounding himself with his
“Kindergarten”…Woodrow Wilson became the president of the USA (1913). He is often credited for his
“Fourteen Point plan” and one of the drafters of the League of Nations, the forerunner to the United
Nations for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1919.
The “Presidential Advisors”

The presidency of Woodrow Wilson saw the introduction of what is now called “The Presidential
Advisers” who are still haunting the White House to this day. It is based on a Boer general namely Jan
Smuts’ ideas who was a traitor of South Africa, a collaborator of the “One World Government” who
served on two British war councils during two world wars as an “Advisor”.

It started with a character called Edward Mandell House who was an American diplomat, politician,
and presidential advisor. He was also a Marxist. Commonly known by the title of Colonel House,
although he had no military experience, he had enormous personal influence with U.S. President
Woodrow Wilson as his foreign policy advisor until Wilson removed him in 1919. In 1921 He founded
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) whose purpose was to communize and destroy the freedom
and independence of the United States, and to lead the country into a one-world government.

In 1912, House wrote the fictional book "Philip Dru: Administrator" in which he (Dru) was working for
"Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx."

In this book, House planned the conquest of America, telling how both the Democratic and
Republican Parties would be controlled, and be used as instruments in the creation of a socialistic
government. In his fictional perverse mind, he leads the democratic western U.S. in a civil war against
the plutocratic East, becoming the dictator of America. It is said that after President Wilson read the
book "Philip Dru: Administrator" he had a stroke and pined into senility and his second wife became
the de facto president of the USA for a while. Every single president of the USA since Wilson has read
the book that Mandell House wrote.

House also asked for the establishment of a state-controlled central bank which was also proposed in
"The Communist Manifesto". In 1913, both of these proposals became law.

The Federal Reserve Act was passed, which brought into power a private central bank to create the
money of the United States, taking this power away from the United States Congress. And the 16th
Amendment to the United States Constitution, (graduated income tax as proposed by Karl Marx), was
also ratified. In 1940, at the invitation of President Roosevelt, members of the CFR gained domination
over the State Department, and they have maintained this domination ever since. More on this
organization later.

Another famous one of these “Advisors” was Bernard Baruch who was of German Jewish origin and
advisor to six presidents of the USA over a period of 60 years.

Baruch was also known as the “Park bench statesman”. He preferred to do his business on a park
bench, because he was well aware of bugging devices. During both World Wars he was ever insistent
that “One man” become the head of an “Advisory Commission” to the Defense Council of which an
investigating commission of Congress in 1919 said, “It served as the secret government of the United

In 1935 he said something that shows what he had in store for the American people…”had the 1914-
1918 war gone on another year our whole population could have emerged in cheap but serviceable
uniforms”, shoe sizes being the only permissible variation.

Mr Baruch in those words revealed his vision of a future America: a faceless mindless mob allowed
only to do labour, provided with Identity numbers and bread cards - (The Grand design – Douglas

Next up is Harry Lloyd Hopkins , an ulcerous type, intense, jittering with nerves, a chain smoker ,
black coffee drinker and the closest advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt.

This Roosevelt era is quite significant, because it was at the end of WW2 that Mr. Hopkins and a guy
called Alger Hiss gave half of Europe away to Communist at the Yalta conference. This period is
probably the darkest days in the history of Europe and it will take generations to recover from the
yoke of Communism.
This man Alger Hiss would later be tried for treason, because he was a communist spy. Alger Hiss was
also one of the founding members of the United Nations.

Over the years we would see many more of these “Advisers”, but probably the worst one of them all
would be Henry Kissinger. Never before in history have humanity had a larger, more diabolical enemy
than Henry Kissinger.

After the United Nations were formed, we saw a series of “No-Win Wars” against communism, as
Douglas Reed, British author, journalist and playwright calls it in, “The Grand Design” and “The Siege
of South Africa”.

First one of these “No-Win Wars” would be Korea where American, British, Australian and Canadian
troops would be sent to fight Communist who was supplied with aircraft, artillery and amour by
“Advisor” Mr. Hopkins. South Africa, as part of the UN, also sent troops and pilots.

It was all deception. When the successful American commander, MacArthur, wished hotly to pursue a
beaten enemy across the Yalu River, President Harry Truman sacked the general. Korea was portioned
off like Europe and Germany, and the Communists were left with the Northern half.

These “No-Win” wars we saw through from Korea, Vietnam and Namibia, to present day Iraq and
Afghanistan, where both sides are supplied with weapons and money from the same sides and profits
are made on the corpses of Western White men.

But let us look at some of these organizations that would play major roles in attacking us in South
Africa and who supported Marxist terrorists with money, training and logistics. Prof. Quigley calls
them “An Anglophile Network” founded out of the Round Table of Rhodes from South Africa. Scary to
think that this spider web had its origins in South Africa of all places, but it is all true.

Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House)

The RIIA is a British think tank that absorbed Rhodes’ Round Table and Milner’s “Kindergarten”
members. It was founded in 1920 and is part of the British establishment.

Chatham House holds meetings at which members, discuss the on goings of world affairs. Over the
years many famous statesmen have spoken to distinguished audiences at Chatham House. Recent
notable speakers include Jack Straw (British Foreign Secretary) and the Palestinian Prime Minister.

Its famous Chatham House Rule, when invoked, ensures confidentiality of all meeting participants.
The rule currently reads as follows:

"When a meeting or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use
the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any
other participant, may be revealed".

Council on Foreign Relations

Prof. Carroll Quigley ( who was a CFR member himself) writes in his book, "Tragedy & Hope":

"The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that
national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established."

Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR for 16 years, warned the American people of
the organization’s intentions:

"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups has one objective in common — they want to bring
about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second
clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their
key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the
control of global government."
And Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI Headquarters staff in Washington, D.C., summarized
the organization’s purpose as follows:
"The ultimate aim of the CFR is to create a one-world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official
part of it."
The CFR’s activities are treasonous to the U.S. Constitution. Their goal is to destroy the United States
of America, and to make the country a part of their global government scheme.

It has to be further remembered that there are over 170 journalists, correspondents, and
communications executives who are members of the CFR. The leaders of ‘Time’, ‘Newsweek’,
‘Fortune’, ‘Business Week’, and numerous other publications are CFR members. Its members have
run, or are running, NBC and CBS, ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Washington Post’, ‘The Des Moines
Register’, and many other important newspapers.

The Trilateral Commision

In 1973, The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Jimmy Carter amongst
others. David Rockefeller is the head of the Chase Manhattan Bank (now called JP Morgan Chase). He
is the grandson of J.D. Rockefeller who founded Standard Oil.

The Trilateral Commission was kick started with a donation from the Ford-Foundation to work for the
same goal: a one-world government.

The Trilateral Commission's roots stems from the book, "Between Two Ages", written by Zbigniew
Brzezinski in 1970. In this book, Brzezinski praised Marxism, thought of the United States as obsolete,
and praised the formation of a one-world government.
Senator Barry Goldwater said this of the TC:

"The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational
consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government
of the U.S

David Rockefeller appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the Director of the Trilateral Commission.

The Bilderberg Group

David Rockefeller is also a member of the Bilderberg group, a highly secretive international think tank
who meets annually since 1954. This group, some believe conspires to foster global government. It was
founded by Joseph Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Belgian Prime Minister Paul
Van Zeeland. Bilderberg invites 100 (or more) of "the most powerful people in Europe and North
America", for annual, closed door meetings at five star resorts. The group stresses secrecy:

"What's said at a Bilderberg conference stays at a Bilderberg conference."


Another prominent member of the Bilderberg group is Dr Henry Kissinger who was instrumental in
the downfall of South Africa and a personal friend of Pik Botha, former Foreign Affairs and
Information Minister of South Africa. You can read more and watch some interesting videos at the
links below.

Bilderberg group
The Tavistock Institute for Human Behaviour

The Tavistock Institute

In his book Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, Dr. John Coleman, "a former
intelligence agent of British MI6," discusses the The Tavistock Institute for Human Behaviour.
(Founded in 1946 by a grant from the Rockefeller foundation).

The Tavistock Institute developed the mass brainwashing techniques which were first used
experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods
have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on
human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology.
A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a
refugee, the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the
propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.

Coleman states that "All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal---to break
down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of
the World Order.

There are numerous other organizations at play in this global game that is marching us on to a One
World Government.

They all interlink and who all strive for the same goal, that of a one world government, but the major
player s at this poker game have been named and will suffice as far as this article stretches. This rabbit
hole is unbelievably deep. The bottom of which we are still trying to find.

It is only through an understanding of the position of South Africa and its White population in the
context of these international role players and organizations that we will be able to understand why
South Africa had to be handed over to Black Marxist terrorist.

It is not my aim to expose every single person or organization who is striving for this “One World
Socialist Utopia”.

To me it will be sufficient if the reader can grasp and comprehend that the attack on South Africa had
very little to do with our internal politics of “Separate, but equal development”, today known as

It was an orchestrated plan flowing down from the top of international globalists; both Communist
and Capitalists, who saw South Africa as a major stone in the path of their march towards a
totalitarian one world government.

Not only did we have untold riches in minerals beneath the soil of or country, not only did we control
a major shipping route around the Cape of Good Hope, but we were also a shining example of the
success of Nationalism as opposed to the failure of Communism on the rest of the continent and in the
rest of the world.

Communism is such a useless self destructing system that primary school children can grasp the
simplicity of its failures. Without massive financial support from the Western Capitalists it would soon
self destruct and disappear down the toilet of shit political and economical ideas.

The sick Frankenstein Monster of Communism is plugged into a lifeline from global bankers who
ensures that their creation, their diabolical baby, survives.

A good example is the two Portuguese colonies of Angola and Mozambique.

In Angola the Americans supported the mildly communist Dr. Jonas Savimbi of UNITA against the
severely Communist MPLA government with money and “Stinger” missiles. In Mozambique the
Communist FRELIMO were supported by the Chase Manhattan Bank of David Rockefeller. The
opposition RENAMO, supported from South Africa was about to take over control in Mozambique at
one stage, when David Rockefeller personally flew in to prop up the Communist FRELIMO

The effect of the carnage that took place in those two countries is still visible to this day.

To us it will always seems like a Capatalist/Communist paradox…something that does not make
sense…But Author Garry Allen in his book, “None dare call it Conspiracy” sums it up beautifully on
page 32:

“If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to
consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of superrich men promoting socialism
becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking
megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden
masses, but of the economic elite.”

Page 35

If you wanted to control the nation's manufacturing, commerce, finance, transportation and natural
resources, you would need only to control the apex, the power pinnacle, of an all-powerful socialist
government. Then you would have a monopoly and could squeeze out all your competitors. If you
wanted a national monopoly, you must control a national socialist government. If you want - a
worldwide monopoly, you must control a world socialist government. That is what the game is all
about. "Communism" is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a movement created,
manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world . . . first by
establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a
"Great Merger," into an all-powerful world, socialist super-state

Page 37
But the ultimate advantage the creditor has over the king or president is that if the ruler gets out of
line the banker can finance his enemy or rival. Therefore, if you want to stay in the lucrative king-
financing business, it is wise, to have an enemy or rival waiting in the wings to unseat every king or
president to whom you lend. If the king doesn't have an enemy, you must create one.

And so my dear readers were an enemy created. That “Enemy” was “Apartheid” and the whites of
South Africa who upheld it.

In the next edition we will look at the dream of Smuts and Rhodes that we today know as the
nightmare of the United Nations and the hypocrisy of nations who slagged us off and turned us into
the skunks of the world, You will be shocked past your bones to your soul…

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 17 – The Banking Conspiracy

By Mike Smith
9th of June 2010

I was going to jump to the UN and show how SA became a skunk amongst Nations, but in the light of
new evidence in the form of admission and confirmation from none other than ex Foreign minister
Roelof Frederik (Pik) Botha about the role of international banks ganging up against South Africa
during the National Party government, I thought it appropriate to explain in more detail how huge
international banks manipulate countries.
I have also received some requests to explain the methods used by bankers.
Kindly note that I am not anti Capitalism in exposing these bankers. Quite the contrary, I am in full
favour of laissez faire capitalism, but one has to distinguish between genuine free market capitalism
and that of manipulative high finance Mega-banking monopolies.
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World
Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
(James Paul Warburg Appearing before the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on 7th
February 1950. He was an international banker, a member of the CFR and financial advisor to F.D.

I must admit that when I started this series, I knew I would sooner or later end up at a point where I
had to address the influence of powerful international think tanks such as the RIIA, the CFR and the
Trilateral Commission in bringing down South Africa and handing it over to a Black Marxist terrorist
regime. I knew the time would come that I would have to address the role of Mega Bankers and how
they financed the communist revolution in South Africa. I knew the time would come where I would
be slammed with the epithet of “Conspiracy Theorist”.

I thought hard about how to address this issue. It is like being labeled a “Racist” when you speak the
truth. In this case it is the same. There is however only one way to counter the lies and propaganda of
these communists and that is with hard facts and the truth.

So along came Mr. Pik Botha who was the minister for foreign affairs as well as Information during
the last years of Apartheid (1977-1994) and affirms everything I and so many other writers have

Last Sunday (6th of June 2010) he wrote an article in Rapport, the Afrikaans Sunday paper, titled “Die
land wás op pad na ekonomiese verwoesting” (The country wás on its way to economic ruin)...

In this article he affirms how the Chase Manhattan Bank of David Rockefeller wanted to call in all
loans to the SA government. He further affirms his year’s long friendship with Dr Henry Kissinger,
that still continues to this day, and how he asked Kissinger to intervene with the Bank. Kissinger
phoned him back 04h00 in the morning and told him that it was too late, there is nothing he could do
and in fact the other banks were going to do the same thing. They were going to overnight ruin the
economy of South Africa. It was only due to a rescue package from a Swiss Banker called Dr. Fritz
Leutwiler that saved the country.

Every person who has done an in-depth study of how Apartheid was brought down comes to the same
conclusions, the same discoveries, the same organizations, the same banks and the same names.

The internationally acclaimed journalist Aida Parker back in the Seventies published a series of
articles in “The Citizen” called, “Secret War on South Africa”. This was a revolutionary move on her
side. These well researched articles were so hot that she was forced to resign shortly after that and
start her own edition called “The Aida Parker Newsletter”.

She came to exactly the same conclusions about the CFR, the RIIA, the TC and gigantic oil, industrial
and banking concerns as well as international media corporation who wants to introduce “a world
government or “Super state”.

The German author Klaus Vaqué in his book “Verrat an Südafrika” dedicates an entire chapter (Ch. 5)
to the conspiracy of the Bankers against South Africa.

Eustace Mullins in his book Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1952) tells the story of a few New York
bankers who met on the evening of 22 November 1910 at the Hoboken train station, New Jersey. They
were to board the train and their destination was the exclusive Jekyl Island Hunt Club on Jekyl Island,
Georgia that belonged to the J.P. Morgan bankers.

This group of bankers are known as the “Aldrich group” after Republican senator Nelson Aldrich who
would lead the commission. With him was three bankers, Frank Vanderlip of the then mightiest bank,
“National City Bank of NY”, to whom the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Company also belonged.
The other two were Henry P. Davidson of J.P. Morgan Company and Charles D. Norton, the president
of “First National Bank of New York”.

One other person who was part of this group was Paul Moritz Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb and Company.
He was the principal representative of the European banking family, The Rothschilds.

These men left for Jekyl Island, not to go and hunt, but to work out a law that would be treason to
America and would give these bankers control over the money of the USA. This law is called “The
Federal Reserve act” of 1913. They waited until 23 December 1913 when most congress representatives
would already be on Christmas holiday before they passed this bill (signed by Woodrow Wilson)
through congress and got it approved. On this day ended the American constitution and the freedom
of Americans were handed over to a handful of bankers.

How the Bankers make money out of War.

Every government spends more money than they get in taxes. They use this for big projects such as
dams, roads or simply for free handouts.

This money is then borrowed from these big banks and the taxpayers pay the money and interest back.
It is thus in the interest of these bankers to drive up the debt of a country, because more debt means
more interest.

Nothing drives a country deeper in debt than a war. So if the banks want to make money, they just
support the enemies of the state to initiate war, whereupon the state then borrows money from the
bankers to fight this war. It is quite common for these bankers to finance both sides of the war. How
many people dies in these conflicts means nothing to them.

The first harvest for these bankers came three years after passing the Federal Reserve Act at the end of
the First World War,…and because it worked so well, they built in the start of another World War into
the Treaty of Versailles.

The Vietnam War could have been won within months if the generals were allowed to do their job. Ten
years and 58,156 dead American soldiers later the only ones who won were the bankers.

Today many people believe that Communism is a movement of suppressed masses who are fighting
against the exploitation from their employers. Nothing is further from the truth.

Most people know that the Bolshevik revolution in Russia came in (Oct) November 1917, but few
knows that the Tsar already abdicated in March, seven months before that. At that time there was an
interim, provisional government run by prince Lvov, moulded on the American model. Unfortunately
Alexander Kerensky a Socialist revolutionary succeeded prince Lvov. He then lifted a ban on all
communists that were previously banned under the Tsar and so allowed 250,000 communist
revolutionaries to re-enter the country.

When the Tsar abdicated, Lenin and Trotsky were in exile in Switzerland and the US respectively. At
that time the Bolsheviks were no real power in Russia. Lenin was sent all across Europe in his sealed
train and had about $5-6 million of gold with him. It was arranged by the German High Command,
Max Warburg and Alexander Helphand.

The father-in-law of Max Warburg’s brother, Felix, namely Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co also
helped finance the Bolshevik Revolution.

According to the newspaper “Journal American” of 3 February 1949, Jacob Schiff donated $20 million
dollars to the Bolsheviks.

Mr. Bakhmetiev, the last Russian Imperial ambassador in the USA said that the Bolsheviks
transferred more than 600 million rubles to Kuhn Loeb & Co between the years of 1918-1922.

As we can see, the revolution never comes from the oppressed masses it comes from the top down or
from the outside in. It is financed from high power and finance institutions. No war just breaks out
spontaneously, it is carefully orchestrated.

Not only did these bankers support the Communist, but they also kept them alive for decades. It is all
documented in the work, “Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development”, by Dr Anthony

Everything the Soviets ever had has been acquired from the USA. One can say the Soviet Union was
“Made in the USA”.

It does not matter whether a hundred million people died under Communism and 2 Billion are still
enslaved under the Communist yoke today…it was a small price to pay for a future world government.

The methods used by these bankers are one of power play. They tell governments to toe the line or
they will send the communists. They do this in Thailand, in Greece and they did the same in South
Africa. There is a way to defeat these communists and bankers, but more on that in a later edition.

In South Africa these bankers supported the communists, because they knew that when the natives
would start getting agitated and started revolting, the White people would try to appease the
aggressors, by building them free houses, schools, hospitals, play parks etc…

The more the Whites built the more money they needed, so they borrowed it from the international

The more the blacks were stirred, the more they demanded and the deeper the country got into debt.
At the same time South Africa was fighting a prolonged war on the Angola Namibia border, had
sanctions and embargoes against her and was losing a propaganda war at the United Nations and
world media.

This tactic eventually becomes a vicious spiral until the point where these banks can literally bankrupt
a country or a currency as we have seen recently in Greece and with the Euro. Such is the strategy of
appeasement and why it will never work. The Beast is insatiable and there is only one way to stop its
appetite for destruction; cut off its head.

Another technique they use is the one of “Angst”. The German word “Angst” is also in the English
language, but it is hard to explain. It is something German people are very aware of, because their
entire lives are based on it. Nobody is as “ängstlich” as Germans.

It is a condition of constant worrying and fear combined with anticipation and finding solutions. It is a
technique used very well in the insurance industry. The more they can make you think and worry and
fear, the more money they can make out of you. Inventing risks and fears where none exists is their
game and we pay them just so we can sleep better at night.

One of these fears was the threat of nuclear war with the USSR during the Cold War that never
existed. As Henry Kissinger once said, “The world’s superpowers will never make war on another; The
European Socialists are too dumb to understand that. The Soviet Union is too badly prepared for it...”

This Soviet incompetence and bad preparedness was so well illustrated when a West German teenager
named Mathias Rust flew a light aircraft from Finland through a supposedly impregnable air defence
system, all along a railway track in Russia and landed on the Red Square in Moscow. It led to the firing
of several senior Russian officers including the Defence Minister Sergei Sokolov. Today the Russians
maintain that Rust was tracked several times, but they never received an order to shoot him down.
Nonsense! They will never admit that they were outsmarted by a 17 year old boy.

Another example was the Russian aeroplane in which the Mozambiquen president Samora Machell
died. An independent international investigation pointed out that bad maintenance of the aircraft and
the incompetence of the pilots who got lost and did not stick to the flight plan (probably drunk from
too much Vodka) were the reasons for the crash over South African territory, but can always
count on a communist to blame everything on big, bad, South Africa, as they did.

This technique of using angst is playing on our worst fears and used to great effect by the communist
and international banking elite to get us to pay. Even our fear of the dark is being exploited as with
ESKOM shutting down and blacking the country out. Eskom proposed a 35% increase in electricity
tariffs and got from Nersa (National Energy Regulator) 25% in 2010 on top of a 30% increase in 2009
and a 28% increase in 2008...And the sheep just accepts it all without as much as a bleat, because they
are scared of the dark. Source

Today in the absence of The Soviet Union and Apartheid, new enemies should be created and fears
exploited so that the bankers can make money and keep us enslaved. Our fear of suffocation is used to
perpetuate lies about “Greenhouse gasses”, our fear of drowning is exploited to lie about “melting ice
caps” and “global warming”. Our fear of terror lurking behind every bush (no pun intended) is used to
fight “Al Qaida” for the control of the world Opium trade, our fear of prison or economic ruin is
preventing us from speaking the truth and doing something about the killing of our people in South
Africa…and so I can go on…fear, fear, fear…

These fears were used in South Africa to great effect. Apart from Black and White fearing being wiped
out by another, we feared financial collapse as Pik Botha tried to tell us then and is telling us now. We
feared the “Swartgevaar” (Black terror) and the “Rooigevaar” (Red Terror). We feared everything from
world isolation to being caught out on camera by Leon Schuster.

Maybe if we feared GOD it would have gone better…

Nevertheless, FEAR is an acronym in the English language for "False Evidence Appearing Real. It
makes the wolf appear bigger than he actually is. But it is through knowing the truth and exposing
their methods that we will fear no more and laugh in the faces of these manipulators, because when
we fear something we give it power…And that I refuse to do.
Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 18 – Hypocrisy at The United Nations

By Mike Smith
10th of June 2010

In an excellent article Citizen Kane, occasional contributor to the South Africa Sucks blog gave an
accurate account of who and what the United Nations Organization actually is, namely a communist

I will therefore not duplicate what he mentions in his article, but simply underline it. What I want to
highlight in this article is the hypocrisy of nations uttered at this communist platform against South
Africa and how South Africa was turned into “A skunk amongst Nations” as Les De Villiers mentions
in his book by the same name.

Les de Villiers who has a masters degree in linguistics was a journalist and diplomat in Canada and
headed the South African Information Services in the USA for five years.

What irked him the most was the double standards of nations represented at the UN general assembly
and the hypocrisy with which they slagged off South Africa and its human rights situation.

It was in 1960 that the Afrikaans Newspaper, “Die Burger” first took stock of South Africa’s position in
the world and called it, “Die Muishond van die wêreld” (The skunk of the world).

It was Cicero who said, “When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff”.

Judging from how SA was treated at the UN from 1946 to 1994 it is clear that the UN had many
students of Cicero.

At the end of WW2 Jan Smuts led the SA delegation at the San Francisco Conference where the UN
was found. Like I have mentioned before, Smuts was one of the main writers of the UN charter. He
also served as Chairman of the General Assembly. Smuts was well respected as a statesman during
both war and peace.

In Article 2, paragraph 7 of the UN Charter it is stated clearly that the UN shall not intervene in
matters which were essentially within the jurisdiction of any member state.

Great was Smut’s surprise when at the very first UN General Assembly in 1946, India insisted that the
condition of Indians in South Africa be discussed. This is the same India who has a caste system of
discriminating against their own people and who have major issues with Pakistan over Kashmir.

Smuts found himself up against a stonewall of prejudice at the very organization he helped to create.
At first there was only 51 states and from Africa only four, South Africa, Liberia, Ethiopia and Egypt.

After WW2 Africa was still mainly colonial, but during the fifties and sixties, Britain, France, Portugal
and Belgium left Africa and the Communists took over almost all of their former colonies.

Today there are 53 African states out of 192 nations represented at the UN and they all have the same
vote as western countries. Out of the world’s 195 countries only three are today not members namely,
Kosovo, Taiwan and The Vatican City.

Basically the UN is run by the Africans. Even Henry Kissinger admitted it, because the Blacks only
have to open their mouths with a loud tribal howl and an automatic two-thirds majority occurs,
thanks to the support from the Communists and the Asian bloc.

With this two-thirds majority, the African states rammed through dozens of condemnatory
resolutions against Apartheid and South Africa and got Apartheid declared as a “Crime against
humanity” in1976. Up until today, the UN General Assembly has not made any findings, nor have
apartheid-related trials for crimes against humanity ever been conducted.

In 1971 Communist China was welcomed as a member of both the General Assembly and the Security
Council at the expense of Taiwan (Nationalist China).

Communist China with a record of killing 25 million of its own citizens and till this day guilty of gross
human rights abuses with a string of gulag death camps, forced abortions and killing 3000 pro
democracy demonstrators at Tiananmen Square, is one of the permanent members of the UN Security
Council. In 1972 they joined the pharisaical choir to get South Africa expelled from the UN.

If Apartheid and South Africa did not exist, they would have invented some other “Whipping boy”,
because how else could they have ignored what was going on in Ireland, Vietnam, Nigeria, etc?

During these days at the UN it used to become customary for the African nations to stage mass
walkouts every time a South African delegate mounted the podium. This is a testimony to the
tolerance blacks have to viewpoints differing to their own. Their argument was that blacks in South
Africa led a “subhuman existence”.

But then, in 1961, the then foreign minister of South Africa, Eric Louw presented a factual comparison
of the living conditions of blacks in South Africa compared to other African states. He proved that
Blacks in SA had a higher per capita income, better educational opportunities, far superior medical
and social services and altogether a higher standard of living than anywhere in Africa.

How did the blacks respond to the truth? The Black African states engineered a motion of censure
against him (first of its kind) and his speech was struck from the record.

Even “The Washington Post”, who regularly criticized South Africa, noted: “Nothing that South Africa
has done and nothing that its representatives said, justified the mob-like censure which the United
Nations visited upon that country and its Foreign Minister, Mr Eric Louw.”

In 1973, The Mauritian ambassador, Radla Kirshna Ramphul piped up and said that South Africa
could not be heard in the General Assembly until her credentials were approved and it became
impossible for South Africa to fully participate in the UN.

The next year, 1974, Bouteflika of Algeria took the presidential chair of the UN. Pik Botha, Foreign
minister of South Africa who led a multiracial delegation mounted the rostrum to make a brief
statement. Bouteflika’s moustache twitched in disdain and he refused to recognize the presence of
Botha, Botha responded by not congratulating him on his election to the presidency. It was
clear…South Africa had no friends at the UN.

In 1974 came the call to have SA expelled from the UN. They voted 93 to 23 (14 abstaining) that SA
was not fit for membership.

“Voor in die koor” (in the front of the choir) was the Ugandan Foreign minister Elizabeth Bagaya,
representing a country run by a cannibalistic dictator Idi Amin who became synonomous with
oppression of blacks (the Lango and Acholi people) and the indiscriminate execution of dissidents.
Between 100,000 and 500,000 people were brutally murdered in Uganda at the time. She hardly
batted an eyelid in listing the alleged “Crimes” of South Africa.

In that very same assembly, sat the Indians who gave Smuts such a hard time in 1946, seemingly
unaware that Amin expelled all the Indians from Uganda. Nobody had the guts to object to this
macabre performance. That nobody burst out laughing is beyond me.

When India, Pakistan and Ceylon(Sri Lanka) were taking on Jan Smuts over their brethren in SA, he
offered to pay for their repatriation to their home countries. A small group from SA took him on on his
offer as an advance party, but soon returned telling their fellow Indians in SA to stay where they were,
because conditions in their motherland were unbearable. Indians in South Africa at the time enjoyed a
per capita income six times higher than that in India and towards the end of Apartheid on par with
and sometimes higher than that of whites.
These same Indians and the rest of the world who were slagging South Africa off about Apartheid at
the UN seemed to be unconcerned about the 900,000 refugees who were fleeing religious persecution
in India and Pakistan during the 1960’s. They cared little for the 500,000 Indians thrown out of
Burma, tens of thousands expelled from Uganda, or the thousands victimized in Kenya and Tanzania.

Ten years before that Indonesia slaughtered tens of thousand of women, men and children of Chinese
background, Many African countries have done worse, yet China and Russia, operators of their own
Gulag Archipelagos voted to expel South Africa.

Only the United States, Britain and France prevented the expulsion of South Africa in 1974, mainly
because they realized that similarly Arab countries could gang up against Israel and expel the Jewish

But the General assembly eventually had the final word, before the year was out they voted 91 to 22
(19 abstentions) to suspend SA from its deliberations. The Arabs supported the Africans in exchange
to hold back on the Palestine issue. Barely days after the suspension of SA, the terrorist leader of the
PLO, Yassar Arafat rocked up at the UN. He was welcomed by the Africans and the Arabs as a hero
and Israel’s freedom to speak at the UN was restricted.

In 1967 the UN Human Rights Commission decided to establish a special unit to investigate
“allegations” of cruelty against prisoners in SA jails, while in Saudi Arabia according to the Anti-
Slavery Society’s report to the UN, slaves were still sold. The Society estimated that King Feisal and
wealthy members held thousands of slaves.

Gerald L’Ange of the “Johannesburg Star” was their when the resolution was adopted to throw SA out
of the UN, but he said the Commission was thrown into discord when they had to deal with
complaints of gross violations in eight countries. These complaints included mass tribal killings in
Burundi, detention of 55,000 political prisoners in Indonesia, torture of hundreds of dissidents in
Brazil, suppression of political rights in Iran, forged marriages in Tanzania, interrogation by torture of
thirty people by the British Army in Northern Ireland and discrimination against Indians in Gyana.

L’Ange pointed out that these eight cases were drawn from a list of 7,000 violations. When a proposal
to investigate these cases more closely was made, it met stiff opposition from the Soviets, who
obviously had a lot to fear about the treatment of their prisoners in the Gulags.

In the same Burundi, who was mouthing off about racism in South Africa, the Tutsis were killing off
thousand of Hutus. The retaliation in 1994 would lead to a genocide that the UN did not, could not
and did not want to stop.

The killings in the Sudan mounted to 100,000 a year. The Biafran war in Nigeria lasted 30 months
and 2 million were killed and 5 million ended up in refugee camps…What did the UN do? The UN
chose to be observers.

But when eleven rioting black mine workers were shot at a mine in Carletonville, South Africa, Kurt
Waldheim immediately launched a full enquiry into it.

But it was not only the Africa countries who were voting against South Africa.

Prior to 1974 Portugal was always a friend of SA, but suddenly leftist post coup Mario Soares who
capitulated Guinea Bissau and Mozambique to Communist forces rose in the General assembly and
fiercely attacked South Africa in his “Volte-Face” (total change) speech under great applause of the
Africans. At that stage, South Africa was handing blacks self rule (over a long term peaceful period) to
full Black independence under democratic principles. Mozambique was plunged into a civil war that
killed almost a million people and displaced 5 million.

At the General assembly of 1962 the Soviet Foreign minister, Gromyko, speaking from a home base
littered with labour camps and harsh prisons, described South Africa as, “The veritable private
domain of slave owners”. The soviet minister’s speech just happened about the same time of the
erecting of the Berlin Wall, that trapped the East Germans under a Communist yoke, and South Africa
giving full freedom and independence to the Xhosas in Transkei.
In true Orwelian New-speak, freedom has become slavery and peace has become war.

Israel for many years supported many of the black states and even donated money to the Organisation
for Africa Unity (OAU). Then came the Yom Kippur War against the Arabs and overnight all of Black
Africa severed ties with Israel. Her only real friends proved to be the USA, the Netherlands, Portugal
and South Africa.

For Israel it was a rude awakening. Yosef Lapide, who wrote for the Tel Aviv newspaper “Ma’Ariv” had
this to say about Black African states:

“Well, the so called liberated African states are, with a few exceptions, a bad joke and an insult to
human dignity. They are run by a bunch of corrupt rulers, some of whom, Like Idi Amin of Uganda,
are mad according to all the rules of psychiatry. I feel unburdened when I say this; I wanted to say this
all these years, and all these years I had the feeling that we fool the public when, for reasons of
diplomacy, we donot tell them that the majority of black African states are one nauseating mess”

Lapide found that “The lowliest of Negroes in South Africa has more civil rights than the greatest
Soviet author; The most oppressed negro in South Africa has more to eat than millions of Africans in
“Liberated” countries.”

He further added that “The most rabid White extremist in South Africa will not treat Negroes in the
way Negroes treated-and still treat- Whites in the Congo, in Uganda and in other African states.”

Lapide goes further, “The people advocating “progress”, who were so worried about the rights of the
majority in South Africa, have never raised their voices for the majority in Hungary or in Cuba, in Red
China or in Egypt.”

“In half a dozen states-including Ethiopia-thousands of persons die every day of hunger, while the
rulers travel by Cadillac and steal food that is being sent to aid their subjects.”

“Only in the sick minds of “progressives” do the babies die of starvation with a smile on their lips,
because the ruler who starves them to death has a black skin.”

“For the life of me, if I must choose between friendship with Black Africa, as it is today, and friendship
with a White state that is orderly and successful, and contains a blossoming Jewish community, then I
prefer South Africa. The only pity is that we waited until the Blacks threw us out.” – end of quote.

Tja, such was the disillusionment of Israel…

However, no mention of the UN attack on SA would be complete without mentioning the Nordic
Countries who also stepped to the front of this holy Black crusade against South Africa.

The Whites in the South African government thought that they had an opportunity to present some
facts to reasonable white people…

How wrong they were.

The South African government extended an invitation to the Nordic countries to visit South Africa at a
time convenient to them, with every facility to go where they pleased and to meet whomever they
wished. It was declined rather curtly. The African Nations were obviously not the only ones who lived
in fear of hard facts about the South African situation.

In 1973 Black African terrorist gathered in Oslo, Norway under UN auspices to plan strategy. A year
later the “Special Committee on Apartheid” went on an expensive junket to publicize its efforts and to
meet with anti-apartheid elements in churches, schools, universities and labour unions throughout

Nevertheless, the Latin American countries, dubbed the African countries in the UN the “Aplandora”
(the Steamroller). The UN is only a platform for black communist propaganda.

In 1974 West Germany also applied for admission to the UN. She soon found out who exactly runs the
show at the UN. West Germany was told to toughen her stance against South Africa if it was serious
about being allowed in on the first vote. Chancellor Willy Brand obliged in his maiden address of the
UN general assembly. He promised to support the UN resolutions aimed at getting rid of “The
anachronistic remnants of Colonialism”…

In countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada it became fashionable for politicians to slag
South Africa off just so they could win votes. At the UN every man and his dog was against us.

We have to remember these lessons learned in those days when we are serious about having a country
of our own one day. The UN will never allow a strong independent nation state to exist, let alone a
white one, despite what the Charter says. Let us look at the Katanga episode as a Case study in point.
The story is told in the book, “The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations” by Edward

When The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) received independence from Belgium on 30 June
1960 Patrice Lumumba, a Gin drinking, dagga-smoking piece of communist scum became the prime
minister and he told the King of Belgium at the official handover, “Nous ne sommes plus vos singes
(We are no longer your monkeys)”…

Six days later black soldiers mutinied against their white officers and attacked numerous European
targets. Armed bands of mutineers roamed the capital looting and terrorizing the white population,
raping and killing as far as they went. This caused the flight of thousands of European refugees to
Brazzaville and Stanleyville. Belgian troops had to intervene.

Another six days later on 11 July 1960, with the support of Belgian business interests and over 6000
Belgian troops, the province of Katanga in the southeast declared independence as the State of
Katanga under the leadership of Moise Tshombe.

Tshombe was an educated accountant and successful businessman. He was pro-Western, pro
Capitalist and a Christian and hated Communism.

Now comes the interesting part. Tshombe asked the Americans for help to restrain the communist
forces. The communist Lumumba, went crying at the UN and the UN took his side, passed a
resolution (143) with the support of America and Russia, and the UN troops were sent in to chase out
all the Belgian and mercenary troops and to use force to prevent the secession of Katanga. Katanga
was loaded with minerals and the richest part of the DRC.

Within a few weeks, thousands of UN troops arrived in the DRC. Belgium pulled its troops back and
left the DRC to the mercy of the communist Lumumba and the UN troops.

The UN troops did almost nothing to stop the carnage against whites and the people of Katanga. They
did not bring peace or control…they mostly stood by and watched as the country was being destroyed
and how it came more and more under Communist control.

Tshombe restored calm and peace in Katanga. His foreign affairs minister said they wanted Katanga
to be a bastion of Anti-communism in Africa. Tshombe himself said that he abhors Communism and
that he would never change.

It infuriated the UN Security council so much that shortly afterwards they attacked Katanga. Initially
the UN had a few successes, but then the Katanga forces hit back and drove the UN back.

Clearly frustrated the UN used mercenaries to start a terror campaign against Katanga civilians.
Murder, arson, torture, rape and plunder was used to subdue the Katangese. 90% of the houses
destroyed by the UN were civilian buildings. Children and adults were indiscriminately bayoneted and
entire hospitals destroyed.

Amazingly, Katanga held out two years against the UN barbarians and prevented the capitulation of
their country to Communists. The UN troops regrouped and were kitted out with new equipment,
airplanes, helicopters. American dollars paid for everything and all the military hardware were

29 December 1962, the UN launched a second assault on the freedom and independence loving
country of Katanga. A month later as the UN invasion reached its peak, Moise Tshombe told his brave
soldiers, “Men, in the last two and a half years you fought three times like heroes against the enemy,
but now the enemy masses are just too much. Shortly after that the last flame of hope, freedom and
independence died in the Congo.

And so we can mention many instances in Cuba, Nicaragua, Hungary, Angola, Mozambique, Namibia
and Rhodesia where the UN handed power over to communist regimes. In the 65 years of existence of
the UN, it has never once acted against the communists. Terrorist organisations like SWAPO were
given observer status in the UN even before they became the government of Namibia. Not only that,
SWAPO, the ANC, ZANU-PF and many other terrorist organisations are directly sponsored by the

South Africa was the last domino to fall, before the rest of the West would be tackled directly. “Day
X”...the day of a one world totalitarian government is fast approaching. When we were under a total
onslaught in South Africa, friends were few. Today many who were against Apartheid are laughing and
dancing on the graves of 3000+ white farmers, they are ignoring our plight for help all over the world,
but those same people should realize that their day will come...when they will feel how it feels like to
lose your country, being powerless and watching helplessly how your country is being destroyed.

Anybody who has dreams of an independent white homeland in Africa, should bear in mind that the
UN had a full scale Battle-plan of ground, air and sea invasions worked out to attack White South

The “Chicago Tribune” wrote on 24th of July 1965 that a 170 page Battle Plan with the title, “
Apartheid and United Nations Collective measures” was compiled by the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. It detailed a ground invasion with 93,000 troops with air and sea support after
which the country would be handed over to a Black government and be under an international trustee
control. It would be a 30 day Blitzkrieg and would cost US$ 94,537 000. They even worked out the
casualties on both sides and the amount of wounded.

On the hand of this evidence it is clear that the United Nations is not, nor has ever been a friend of
Whites in South Africa and in the event of a future racial war or war for independence we will not only
be up against the Blacks, but we will have to reckon with the UN supporting them as well.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid box – Part 19- The Role of the Commonwealth

By Mike Smith
19 June 2010

As we have seen most of the hatred of South Africa came from hypocritical nations at the communist
platform known as the UN, but the UN was only one such an assembly for the hypocrites of the world
where they could spew their Nelson-eyed poison against South Africa. The British Commonwealth was

Today there are many who claim victory over Apartheid. The former Anti Apartheid Movement (AAM)
is one of them. They also claimed that one of their biggest achievements was to get South Africa kicked
out of the Commonwealth. Their role was important but if we have to single out a person to be
credited for this, then it has to be John Diefenbaker of Canada.

Separating myths and truths, we have to get a few things strait first. South Africa was not kicked out of
the Commonwealth, she forcibly withdrew, but let us look at the historical events that led to it.

On October 5, 1960, South Africa's white voters decided to make the country a republic and replace
the British monarchial constitution with a Republican one. It was expected of Commonwealth
members to re-apply for membership whenever they changed their form of government. Many people
feared that the Afro-Asian countries in the Commonwealth would vote against South Africa and vote
for her expulsion.

There is nothing wrong with rejecting the British Monarchial system and adopting a Republican
constitution. India did it as well and was admitted again into the Commonwealth despite the
discriminatory caste system of the country, but as could be expected, nobody ever lets a chance go by
without taking a few swipes at South Africa.

The Commonwealth is suppose to be a family of nations, where the focus should be on points of
agreement rather than disagreement.

The history of the Commonwealth goes back to about 1880 when the South African statesman John X.
Merriman first used the term “Commonwealth” to refer to a future group of former colonies of the
British Empire in their relationship with Britain. In 1905 He wrote to Jan Smuts describing his idea of
a “Commonwealth of Nations” of which South Africa would be a member along with countries such as
Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Smuts with his personal philosophy of “Holism” immediately liked the idea. Ultimately Smuts would
have many pet projects such as the unification of the two Boer Republics and the British colonies of
Natal and the Cape into a unified South Africa, the Commonwealth, the charter and formation of the
League of Nations and ultimately the charter for the United Nations that the Boer general and later
Prime minister of South Africa almost single handedly wrote himself. The only alterations were
basically the removal of “God” from his original draft.

I have no doubt that Smuts meant well and that he had sincere and good intentions, unfortunately he
was what Vladimir Lenin called, a “Useful Idiot”. He found out quickly in 1946 at the very first UN
assembly how his baby would be used against him and his country, South Africa.

Nevertheless, the Balfour declaration of 1926 as well as the Statute of Westminster in 1934 ensured
equality for South Africa at the Commonwealth along with Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Before, during and for some time after WW2, the Commonwealth functioned well. These founding
members and independent nations retained deep seated family ties with Britain and mutual interests
with each other.

Then came along, Pakistan, India, and Jamaica (and all the ex British Caribbean islands), Nigeria,
Kenya, Ghana, Malaysia, Singapore, Uganda, Gambia, etc…and a new club of hypocrites, intolerant to
views differing with their own emerged.

At about this time, the conservative Prime minister of Canada, John Diefenbaker was quite adamant
against any ousting of South Africa from the Commonwealth until the largely anti-Apartheid Canadian
press started working him into a tight corner and intimidating him.

In his book, “A skunk amongst Nations”, Les de Villiers describe what happened on page 47,48.

It was going to be the tenth Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference in London…

“On the day of Diefenbaker`s departure from Ottawa to attend that fateful Commonwealth meeting in
March 1961 a three column photograph of the doyen of the press corps in Canada, Charles Lynch,
appeared in the local press. In his hand he held a black ball. The caption read: “Black Ball ends Crystal
Balling”. Students planned to hand the black ball to Diefenbaker at Ottawa airport, it was stated, so
that he could drop it in the lap of the South African delegation at the Commonwealth conference. They
were prevented from doing so by Royal Canadian Air Force guards, and Charles Lynch took over the
mission.” – Les de Villiers, “A skunk amongst nations”.

At the Prime Ministers' Conference in 1961, Verwoerd formally applied for South Africa to remain in
the Commonwealth. The prime ministers were divided. Diefenbaker broke the deadlock by proposing
that the conference not reject South Africa's application, but instead states in a communiqué that
racial equality was a principle of the Commonwealth. This was adopted, although Britain and New
Zealand disagreed with Diefenbaker's proposal. South Africa could not accept the communiqué. At
that conference, the Afro Asians commanded six of the eleven votes, but it was not necessary for
Nigeria, Malaya, Ceylon, India and Pakistan to cast their votes. South Africa withdrew its application
and exits the Commonwealth.

According to Peter Newman, this was "Diefenbaker's most important contribution to international
politics ... Diefenbaker flew home, a hero."

The “Vancouver Sun” praised Diefenbaker, “The Telegram” exclaimed, “The Commonwealth has been

This is the same Diefenbaker who a few months before steadfastly refused to be a party to South
Africa’s expulsion.

At this same time hypocritical Canada had severe restrictions on immigrants of colour other than
“White” and treated their Indian and Eskimo (Inuit) people as second class citizens worse than South
Africa ever treated her indigenous blacks…But it did not stop this hypocrite Diefenbaker to issue a
Declaration of Human rights and distribute it freely to schools.

As so many true believers and so called experts in this field, Diefenbaker’s, doctrine of human rights
was, however, an abstract one…the condition of underprivileged Eskimos and Indians in Canada
remained unchanged,
The same can be said for the way Australia treated their Aborigines and New Zealand treated their
Maoris…Any of these nations could equally have been vilified and kicked out of the Commonwealth
for the very same reasons they had against South Africa, but it was just South Africa’s time... The time
of the other nations will still come.

And what about those nations that opposed South Africa? How did they fare? India had millions of
“Untouchables” in her rigid caste system. Ceylon had the stateless Tamils, Ghana was a dictatorship
and Nigeria was on the verge of a bloody clash between her major tribes called the Biafran war.

Dr Vervoerd said to the Indian Prime Minister during the deliberations, “Within ten years we will
stamp out illiteracy on the part of our blacks, but you won’t do so in fifty years”.

Verwoerd was obviously speaking about the now hated “Bantu Education” system that saw the blacks
of Africa propelled to the highest literacy standards on the entire African continent.

But Karma is a bitch and she came to visit the ones who ganged up on the pious Boers of South Africa.

Two years later, Diefenbaker lost the general election in Canada and was reduced to an opposition
back bencher. In a night of terror, the Nigerian Prime Minister Tafewa Balewa, and his trusted aides
ended up in shallow graves near Lagos. The Biafran war followed in Nigeria and claimed more than
two million lives. Kenya and Uganda expelled tens of thousands of Indians. India and Pakistan fought
over borders…and in Bangladesh another few hundred thousand victims were claimed.

Back in Canada in 1966, the new Prime Minister Lester Pearson was already loading and setting up
the guns against the latest problem namely Rhodesia and he wanted to “Crush White Supremacy”

It is not often that a staunch liberal comes up for South Africa, but after the Ottowa summit an
American liberal journal asked Professor John Hutchinson (John Hopkins University) to write an
article about the 12 day Commonwealth parley…said he…

“You asked for my observations on the proposal, made at the last Commonwealth summit, for a
Commonwealth Force to be stationed in Rhodesia for ten years to keep the peace and, presumably, to
usher in a democratic age…The mind expands at the idea. General Amin of Uganda could administer
massacres. Prime Minister Forbes Burnham of Guyana might give a course on inter-racial affection.
Prime Minister Errol Barrow of Barbados, who apparently is not afraid of bloodshed in Rhodesia,
could advise on the maffia consessions, a major perk in the Carribean. I do not quite know what Prime
Minister Gough Whitlam of Australia might do, since he is busy analyzing other governments, but
perhaps he could squeeze in a lecture on “Apects of Aboriginal Freedom”: it would not take long, since
there are only aspects to deal with…”
Yes dear reader…This is what we call “Politics of the absurd” as we have seen at the UN and the
Commonwealth as well with the Canadian press, but such is the power of the press and so called
democracy of the UN and its Mini-Me, the Commonwealth. Today we hold “Democracy” as the highest
value of the Western World, but thanks to “Democracy” we have Hamas, a Fundamentalist Islamic
Terrorist organization in charge of the Palestinians. Thanks to democracy Hitler was voted into power.
Thanks to democracy we have a Black Marxist terrorist government in South Africa…The will of the
majority rules the world they say…

Let me remind you that it was the overwhelming majority that cried: “Release, Barabbas!”…

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid box – Part 20- Dr. Verwoerd, Nationalist Visionary, “The most hated
man in South Africa” and the success of Nationalism

By Mike Smith
21 June 2010

Most people today cringe when one mentions the name of Dr. Verwoerd. Even ardent right-wingers
are careful to be associated with Dr. Verwoerd, normally denouncing this great visionary before the
cock crows a third time. People in general believe that Dr. Verwoerd was “The Architect of

This is plain nonsense as I have proved in this series. Most of the Apartheid laws were already in place
when the National Party came to power in 1948. These laws were drawn up under British rule when
South Africa was still a colony and during the time of Jan Smuts who was a liberal puppet of the

There is a technique in historical research to cross reference information about certain people. It
works like this…

Most great historical figures are praised by their own people and loathed by their enemies. So in order
to find out the true nature of an historical figure it is sometimes necessary to look at what the enemies
of such people have to say. That is exactly what we will be doing in this post, but let us first have a look
at Dr. Hendrik French Verwoerd

Dr Verwoerd was born to Dutch parents in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and moved to South Africa
when he was two years old in 1903, shortly after the Anglo Boer War. The family moved to Rhodesia
shortly after they arrived in South Africa. Most of his childhood he spent in Bulawayo in Rhodesia.

In 1917 the family settled in Brandfort in the Orange Free State. Verwoerd studied at the prestigious
Afrikaans University of Stellenbosch and as a brilliant student he obtained his BA and his MA degrees
cum laude. He eventually obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy that included Psychology.

Verwoerd then won two bursaries and decided to take the one that would offer him the opportunity to
study in Germany. In 1925 he arrived in Germany and studied at three German universities namely
Leipzig, Hamburg and Berlin.

He got married in Germany to Betsie Schoemann, toured Europe and then moved over to the USA
where he did some more research. Upon his return to SA…at the tender age of 26…Verwoerd became
professor in Sociology at Stellenbosch, his alma mater.
In 1937 he became editor of “Die Transvaler” (The Transvaler, an Afrikaans daily paper). In 1950 he
became Minister of Native affairs in the National Party government of Dr. D.F. Malan.

It is important to note that all these Nationalist Afrikaner leaders of the time were no idiots. Dr Malan
had a Doctorate in Divinity (Theology) from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands as well as a
Masters degree in Philosophy. Yet most people refer to them today as “Dumb Dutchmen”…

Verwoerd was thus a man who was highly educated, well travelled and could speak several languages
including Afrikaans, Dutch, German, English as well as the black languages of Zulu and Shona. He
was also a natural leader whose talents were recognized at student level already.
Verwoerd was elected Prime Minister on 2 September 1958, promising to uphold with honour the
democratic institutions of the country .. and .. justice between white and non-white.

Verwoerd,reformulated the Apartheid policy calling it "separate development,"

He wanted to guide Africans to self-determination once they were considered to be ready.

On the 3d of February 1960 British Prime Minister, Mr Harold Macmillan, delivered his famous
"winds of change-speech" before the joint session of the Union Parliament.

On the 5th of October 1960 a referendum regarding a Republic for SA was held. The Yes vote won with
a majority of 74,580 votes - 90,73% votes were cast.

Verwoerd led the nation to become a republic. On 15 May 1961 in London, at the meeting of the
Commonwealth, Verwoerd announced that South Africa withdrew its membership. South Africa
became a republic on 31 May 1961.

Verwoerd’s biggest critics were the English speaking press in South Africa, but let us look at what the
“Rand Daily Mail” (a sworn enemy of Verwoerd) on 30th of July 1966 wrote about this great man.

“At the age of 65 Dr. Verwoerd has reached the peak of a remarkable career. No other South African
Prime Minister has ever been in such a powerful position in the country. He is at the head of a massive
majority after a resounding victory at the polls. The nation is suffering from a surfeit of prosperity and
he can command almost unlimited funds for all that he needs at present in the way of military
defence. He can claim that South Africa is a shining example of peace in a troubled continent, if only,
because overwhelming domestic power can always command peace. Finally, as if that were not
enough, he can face the session (of parliament) with the knowledge that, short of an unthinkable show
of force by people whom South Africans are rapidly being taught to regard as their enemies, he can
snap his fingers at the United Nations. Thanks to the recent judgement of the Hague Court (on the
South West Africa issue) he can afford to condescend to the world body, graciously remaining a
member as long as it suits him. Indeed, the Prime Minister has never had it so good.”

In his booklet, “Assassination and the tragedy of South Africa”, Jaap Marais, deceased leader of the
HNP speaks of the success of Apartheid and why Dr. Verwoerd was killed.

Jaap Marais was another of these so called educated “Dumb Dutchmen”. He was a politician, an
attorney a devoted ornithologists as well as the man who translated William Shakespeare’s “Julius
Ceaser” into Afrikaans.

Marais states that under Verwoerd and his policy of “Separate development (“Apartheid”), the living
standards of Blacks were rising at 5,4% per year against that of the whites at 3,9% per year. In 1965
the economic growth of South Africa was the second highest in the world at 7,9%. The rate of inflation
was a mere 2% per annum and the prime interest rate only 3% per annum. Domestic savings were so
great that South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion.

A few months before Dr. Verwoerd was assassinated, the editor of the British periodical, “Statist”, Paul
Bareau, wrote...

“At the rate at which South Africa is now expanding the term „miracle” is likely to be appropriate to its
development over the next few years”.

In other words, South Africa was an emerging economic and military threat to the Anglo American

Nevertheless... All of this, South Africa under Nationalism, achieved despite of worldwide arms
embargoes, economic sanctions and the entire world supporting the enemies of South Africa.

It has to be remembered that after the Anglo Boer War where the British destroyed all the economic
power of the Boers by a “Scorched Earth Policy” of burning their farms to the ground, killing their
livestock and interning their women and children in horrific concentration camps where 27,000 white
women and children died...there was no “Bailout” or “Marshal Plan” to rebuild South Africa. The
Boers rebuilt South Africa and created their own wealth singlehandedly with absolutely no foreign

“Time magazine”, eleven days before Dr. Verwoerd’s assassination, wrote,

“South Africa is in the midst of a massive boom. Attracted by cheap labour, a gold backed currency
and high profits, investors from all over the world have ploughed money into the country, and the new
industries that they have started have sent production, consumption – and the demand for labour –
soaring. Such are the proportions of prosperity...”

Quotes like these are numerous and a testimony to the success of Dr. Verwoerd’s policy of “Separate
development”. These quotes come from sources that were normally extremely hostile to Dr. Verwoerd
and South Africa.

We will deal with sanctions in a later edition, but for now I just have to explain that the object was to
bring South Africa economically to its knees, to impoverish the people (all the people and especially
the blacks) so that they would start a revolution against their government. It totally backfired, because
South Africa just became more and more self sufficient.

Nobody ever took the personal philosophy of the Boers into concideration. In South Africa we have a
common saying, “ A Boer makes a plan”...

It is a saying, a philosophy that we grow up with, that was forged over hundreds of years on the
African continent. No matter how hard it gets, no matter how tough life gets for us, we can always
make a plan.

When the world imposed oil embargoes against us to bring us to our knees, we simply invented a
method of making fuel from coal, known as SASOL. When the world cut of weapons, we simply started
ARMSCOR and in no time we were not only self sufficient...we were exporting top of the range
weapons to the very countries who imposed those sanctions against us.

Such is the will of the whites of South Africa to survive. The more the world tried to isolate us the
more selfsufficient we became. Our scientists, medical doctors and engineers were some of the best in
the world and leading at the forefront of technology. Our observatory at Sutherland was fully booked
out by international astronomers years in advance.

Karl Marx predicted that the more Capitalism grows the poorer the common man will become and the
more he will be and feel exploited. Nationalism in South Africa proved Marx wrong. The more
industries were created, the more jobs were available and the living standard of blacks in South Africa
was the highest on the continent of Africa.

Not only that, Nationalism ensured the survival of all the nations of South Africa....It ensured the
survival of their languages and their cultures.

It was obviously a massive blow to the Anglo America establishment who wanted to destroy South
Africa and get their hands on the riches of the country. The spite and envy came out in the word of
Lord Deedes who said that “The Afrikaans speakers made two big mistakes. One was to leave the
Commonwealth - and the other was to survive.”

So they did not reckon with the tenacity of the Afrikaners and their will to survive...not only to survive,
but to prosper!

But even Lord Deedes admitted, “White South Africa grew to become the economic giant of the
continent, the other members of the Commonwealth virtually sank into poverty.”

The British Foreign Office and the US State Department were disappointed to say the least. South
Africa turned out to be a major success under Nationalism and every other country in Africa opposing
the system of Apartheid was sinking into poverty.
What was happening at the time was that Dr. Verwoerd was winning the Cold War all by himself. He
was showing the world how successful Nationalism is and he was showing up the failure that
Socialism/Communism is.
Verwoerd also initiated an investigation into power monopolies known today as the “Hoek” report
(1965). Verwoerd delegated the job to Professor Piet Hoek and asked him to investigate the
stranglehold that economic monopolies such as Anglo American (the Oppenheimers, mining),
Rembrandt (Anton Rupert, liquor and cigarettes) , Trust Bank (Jan Marais), Sanlam (A.D. Wasenaar,
insurance), etc were holding.

In addition, Verwoerd destroyed the Marxist terrorist onslaught against South Africa by nipping arch
Communists (including Mandela) in the bud by arresting them in Rivonia and destroying all their cells
in South Africa. By 1965 the ANC and the SA Communist Party was defeated.

In her book, “People’s War”, Dr Andrea Jeffrey on page 7 quotes Oliver Tambo the leader of the ANC
saying in 1964, “it appears as if the guns of MK (uMkhonto we Sizwe, Spear of the Nation, armed wing
of the ANC) have been silenced for all time.”

There is no doubt that Dr. H. F. Verwoerd was a remarkable man. The best Nationalist leader and
politician who ever lived and the best Prime Minister South Africa ever had.

Dr. Hendrik French Verwoerd loved South Africa with all his heart. He loved all the nations and all the
cultures of South Africa. He wanted to protect and secure the future of all the rich cultures that make
up the country of South Africa. “Seperate Development” was his vehicle,

He was a true patriot who turned South Africa into a first world country and the envy of the world. He
laid the foundation that turned South Africa into the only nuclear power on the continent. He was
“The man of Granite” who stood up against the entire world who wanted to destroy South Africa and
the last vestiges of White success on the continent of Africa. He wanted to protect the culture and
survival of his own people as much as he wanted to protect the culture and the survival of all the black
tribes of South Africa.

Today he is despised as a “Racist” when he should be praised as a visionary.

Whilst Premier of Free State, Terror Lekota removed the statue of Hendrik Verwoerd, which had been
mounted in front of the building that housed the provincial administration.

Lekota apparently found the mere sight of Verwoerd, to which he was subjected every time he showed
up for work, quite offensive.

Today that statue stands in an honorary position in the Afrikaner enclave known as “Orania”

But Dr Verwoerd does not need any statue of himself. By the time he died he built his own monument
which is there for all to see: The Republic of South Africa…

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 21- The Assassination of Dr. Verwoerd

By Mike Smith
24 June 2010

In the previous section we saw how Dr. Verwoerd took South Africa to heights as never seen before
and probably will never see again. South Africa was economically, militarily and politically at its peak
under the nationalist government of Dr. Verwoerd.

Dr. Verwoerd was no ordinary man. In his book “At last we have got our country back” G.H. Calpin
wrote of Dr. Verwoerd.

“He was the kind of man who might instinctively have invited the dislike of some for the sheer
mathematical brilliance of his intellect…He had the mind of a computer”.

There is never a shortage of inferior minds jealous of a brilliant thinker. One such an envious inferior
mind was Piet Cillie, editor of “Die Burger”, Afrikaans newspaper owned by NASPERS who owns
several other newspapers as well. The English press being in full control of the Oppenheimers of Anglo
American/De Beers.

In 1960-1961, this intellectual midget tried his hand at Dr. Verwoerd, but came horribly short. Cillie
never forgave Verwoerd his excellence and success in running South Africa.

Verwoerd was a man of outstanding character. When the whole world was ganging up against Ian
Smith’s Rhodesia after declaring UDI, Verwoerd refused to institute economic sanctions against the
Rhodesian government, declaring his full support for Rhodesia.

Another victory of Verwoerd was the one over the UN on South West Africa, Namibia at the
International court in The Hague.

What happened was basically that South Africa in 1914 (as a British colony) annexed South West
Africa (German colony). After the First World War, Germany was bankrupt and Britain did not want a
vast desert to administer, so the League of Nations gave South Africa a mandate in 1920 to administer
the territory of South West Africa, which it did very well. Under SA rule, SWA reached development
on par with SA and Rhodesia.

The mandate allowed SA to apply its laws in SWA as an integral part of South Africa. It further
stipulated:” The mandatory shall promote to the utmost the material well being and the social
progress of the inhabitants”

It further required, “freedom of conscience, and religion, prohibiting the slave trade, trafficking in
arms and liquor, and preventing the establishment of foreign fortifications and military basis on the

The plan against SA was to bring charges of human rights abuses in South West Africa against the
South Africans. That would give the UN the right to invade South West Africa as well as SA.

Ethiopia and Liberia, on behalf of the African block laid the charges in 1962 at the International Court
of Justice. Their evidence was the usual bullshit (no evidence) uttered at the UN General Assembly
and that of so called “petitioners” – self-styled political exiles from SWA. Charges were amongst
others, “Exterminating the native inhabitants and militarizing the territory”.

These bastards soon realized that making unsubstantiated allegations at the UN general Assembly is
totally different to delivering proof in a court of law.

SA delivered a written presentation of 3000 pages, called 15 expert witnesses out of 38 presented. The
evidence showed amongst others, fifty countries which , by law and official practice, differentiate
between groups, classes or races – forty of them members of the UN at the time, including Ethiopia
and Liberia themselves.

South Africa refused to accept the written allegations by the “petitioners” and wanted to get them in
court and cross examine them, but at no stage was Ernst Gross, the American lawyer on behalf of the
African states interested in calling any “petitioners”. South Africa even offered to pay all their
expenses, just for a chance to cross examine them, but to no avail.

Nevertheless, the court ruled in favour of SA and dismissed the nonsense of the African bloc. Despite
their defeat, the UN voted in 1966 (114-2) that SA ‘s mandate in SWA have ended.

Verwoerd would not be forgiven for this victory over the UN. He thwarted the invasion plan drawn up
by the Carnegie Endowment for International peace and wiped his backside with their blueprint called
“Apartheid and United Nations Collective Measures”.

Verwoerd also practically annihilated the British and American sponsored opposition parties (United
Party and Progressive Party) in the March 1966 general elections.

There was only one option left, Verwoerd had to go…

Nine days before the Death of Verwoerd, “The Sunday Tribune” (Durban) published a front page
article written by Aida Parker, headlined, “Verwoerd must go plan: Cape Nats back Anton
Rupert”…and…”The knives are out in the National Party…”

Anton Rupert was the billionaire of Rembrandt and Rothmans tobacco. He was also a CFR member.
During WW2 he was anti-British, but after the war he dropped his Afrikaner Nationalist friends and
became an exponent of a “Pax Americana”, hosting Bobby Kennedy during his 1961 visit to SA and
fully identified himself with the British-American interest and objectives for South Africa.

Piet Cillie, editor of “Die Burger” was spearheading the plan to replace Dr. Verwoerd with Anton
Rupert. When Jaap Marais wrote a letter to Cillie asking him about the report in “The Sunday
Tribune” and what the options was to get rid of Verwoerd seeing that a vote of no confidence was out
of the question, Cillie refused to answer and threatened Marais with lawyers. Marais was researching
it for his book “Die Era van Verwoerd”. He never heard from Cillie or his lawyers after that.

The Eleni

At the time of his death, a Greek ship called, “Eleni” was in Cape Town for almost a month,
undergoing repairs. Tsafendas, the assassin, frequently visited the vessel and tried to buy a weapon
from the crew.

Three days before the assassination, people on the ship asked people on the quay whether they knew
that Dr. Verwoerd was dead.

It also came out in the enquiry afterwards that Tsafendas visited the vessel almost daily and bought a
pistol and a tried to buy a knife.

Another interesting point is that “The Evening Standard” of London carried the following report:
“Young man on Dieppe-Newhaven ferry asked if there was any news of the Verwoerd assassination –
last Friday (ie 2 September)…”

Verwoerd was assassinated on the 6th of September.

The report stated that a liberal politician, Allan Thomas was reading his paper when a young man
approached him and asked him if there was any news on the assassination of Verwoerd…For days
before the assassination.

It appears that even in the UK there was advanced warning of the coming assassination.

“The Lone Nutter assassins”

Over the years we have seen many assassinations such as that of Abraham Lincoln, J.F. Kennedy,
Bobby Kennedy, John Lennon…attempts on Reagan and the Pope…and in every instance the killers
were so-called “Lone nutters”.

Such is the general belief in the case of Dr. Verwoerd as well. The truth is rather different to what most
people today believe.

As early as 1937 Demetrio Tsafendas was identified as a Communist and the SA authorities refused
him a permanent residency visa. He later admitted that he joined the Communist Party in 1939.

He was born in Mozambique. His father was a Greek sailor and his mother was a mixed race

In 1941 age 23, he joined the Merchant Navy and started sailing all around the world. In 1946 he was
taken up in the North Grafton hospital in the USA where they noted he joined the Communist Party at
the age of twenty and was faking mental illness because he was scared to go back to the ship due to
leaks on the vessel.

In 1947 he was again refused permanent residence in SA due to being a Communist and in 1959 his
name was placed on the Black List of the Department of Home Affairs.
In 1959 whilst in Britain he was noticed in the company of radical leftists. Tsafendas himself later
mentioned that when they were private, some of these leftists raised the possibility of having the
Prime Minister of South Africa shot. Less than a year later in April 1960 came the first attempt on Dr.
Verwoerd’s life.

The first attempt on Verwoerd’s life

A deluded farmer called David Beresford Pratt, who also went to Britain and who have been involved
in political activities of the Liberal Party, shot Dr. Verwoerd at close range.

Pratt was a brilliant student at King Edward VII Boys’ High School in Johannesburg. He then studied
at Cambridge University and obtained a BA (Hons) and qualified as a chartered accountant. He went
back to SA to help his father farm. He had two children from his first wife and then later married a
Dutch woman he met in SA.

Pratt showed very strange and neurotic behavior. He lived in a 35 room mansion filled with treasures
and antiques. At times he would go missing and stay with the homeless in Johannesburg returning to
shut himself inside his mansion for months. He was also reported to be charming.

On the morning of 9 April 1960,he took his 22 Pistol to the Rand Easter Show. Apparently after
hearing Hendrik Verwoerd’s lack of concern for public life, he went up to Verwoerd and shot him
twice in the head.

Another source (“Transition” issue 75/76) says he was motivated after seeing a group of about 100
black prisoners being bundled into a van. Miraculously Verwoerd survived the attack.

After having been examined, Pratt was reported to have been a sufferer of epilepsy for 40 years and
from a mental disorder. On 26 September 1960 the Judge President sent Pratt to jail and awaits his
fate. He was later transferred to Orange Hospital, Bloemfontein.

On his 52 birthday on 1 October 1961, Pratt hanged himself with a coiled-up bed sheet in his room. It
became apparent that he had suffered an epilepsy relapse a few nights before he decided to hang

It seems as if there was never a shortage of “Lone Nutter Assassins” who wanted to kill Dr. Verwoerd.

The second attack on Verwoerd

In November 1963, Tsafendas entered South Africa illegally, and in February 1964 he again applied for
permanent residence. In his application he stated that he suffered from no mental illness and a
medical certificate to this effect was attached.

The immigration board granted him permanent residence.

Tsafendas had various jobs. In March 1965 he was medically examined by the South African Railway
and Harbours Services and they also found nothing wrong with him.

In August 1965 Tsafendas, classified as white under Apartheid, applied to be reclassified as

“Coloured”. It was then that a decision was taken to deport him. The Minister of Home Affairs signed
a deportation order, but it was not enforced by the time of the assassination.

On 20th of July 1966 Tsafendas was appointed as a messenger in the House of Assembly, but only
started working on 1st of August 1966. A month later on 6th of September 1966 he assassinated Dr.
Verwoerd in the House of Assembly.

In one month Tsafendas seems to have gained enough insight about parliamentary procedures to
know exactly when the most relaxed time would be for the attack namely just before the proceeding of
the day’s events, when MP’s were strolling towards their benches and sitting casually chatting with
one another.

Tsafendas, in typically cowardly fashion approached Dr. Verwoerd from behind and stabbed him four
times…three of the wounds were of fatal nature.

A medical doctor in the House who attended to Verwoerd afterwards said “The assassin must have
received training in the art of wielding a knife”.

An Afrikaans Sunday paper also reported from the medical evidence that it was evident that the
assassin must have had thorough training.

John Vorster appointed as successor to Verwoerd

The first thing Vorster did was to appoint his own commission of enquiry consisting of a total of
…ONE MAN, who found that there was “no ground for the rumour that the wounds had been inflicted
by an expert”.

On the 7th of September, one day after the assassination, “The Star” (Johannesburg) had a headline:
“No sign of assassination plot. This was the work of a lone killer, says Vorster”.

It has to be remembered that Vorster was Minister of Justice, and therefore of Security, making him
responsible for the security of Verwoerd...

More remarkable was that Vorster started systematically undoing the foundation of all that Verwoerd
built up. This would later be carried on by P.W. Botha and F.W. De Klerk who would eventually hand
over the country to Marxist Terrorist rule.

Nevertheless, the press reported that the Security Police had a file on Tsafendas. When the head of the
Security Police was phoned on the day of the assassination, he had a file with him in a short time.
Amazingly Vorster promptly issued a statement that “the report that the Security Police had a file on
Tsafendas was devoid of all truth”.

This was a blatant cover-up. It later surfaced that the Security Police had no less than FOUR files on
Tsafendas. Two were destroyed without authority and a third was completely missing.

In the previous edition I mentioned that Dr Verwoerd launched an inquiry into “Die Georganiseerde
Geldmag” (The organized money power) known as “The Hoek Report” by Prof Hoek of Pretoria

This report was finished after Verwoerd’s death and Vorster refused to publish it.

Parts of it leaked out in 1969. It found that Anglo American Corporation was the largest private group
in the economy, large enough to frustrate government policies. Anglo paid disproportionately low
taxes, resulting in loss of government revenue of millions. Hoek pointed out that as an important
supplier of key minerals to the SA defense industry, Anglo should be brought under much stricter
government control. He suggested that its operational boundaries in South Africa be limited, and
restrictions placed on its foreign-based companies such as Charter Consolidated in London.

This is all documented in the fascinating book called “South Africa Inc.” by Pallister, Stewart and
Lepper, 1987, page 100. On the same page it states that “Oppenheimer, in fact, was able to develop
cordial relations with Vorster”.

So who benefitted from the assassination of Verwoerd?

Obviously John Vorster who was appointed the new Prime Minister and who would carry out the
wishes and policies of Harry Oppenheimer.

The Hoek report was shelved and for the Anglo American Corporation it was business as usual. The
restrictions Verwoerd was going to impose on their operations magically disappeared.

The Cillie and Rupert, “Verwoerd must go” plan succeeded.

After the death of Verwoerd, Anton Rupert said, “The fact that Dr. Verwoerd was no longer Prime
Minister, was the best thing that could have happened for South Africa”.
The fourth and most important beneficiaries were the British-American powers behind the ANC, who
were out to break the Afrikaner’s political power and get South Africa in line with the other
Communist controlled Southern African States of Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia.
Tsafenda’s Communist leanings were just a useful shield behind which others such as Britain and the
USA operated.

The policies Vorster introduced on behalf of the Oppenheimers

Vorster and his Foreign Affairs minister, Hilgaard Muller (Rhodes Scholar) introduced a strategy
called “Détente” which focused on appeasing the Black Communist enemies of South Africa. From
1974-1976 Vorster betrayed the white Portuguese in Mozambique and Angola, allowing the
Communists to take over. He betrayed the whites in Rhodesia, introducing economic sanctions
against Rhodesia and pressuring Ian Smith to accept Black Communist rule. He also betrayed the
whites of South West Africa, by accepting the so-called Western Powers’ Formula (Resolution 435 of
the UN Security Council), which laid the foundation for the Communist take-over of South West

Vorster was a “Useful Idiot” whose appeasement strategies fed the crocodiles in the hope that South
Africa got eaten last. And indeed, what a feast it was when we got eaten as well. In fact, I think the
feast is not finished...yet.

Nevertheless, the last bastion against Communism in Southern Africa fell to the Marxist terrorist gang
of the ANC/SACP/ Cosatu alliance in a bloodless coup, facilitated by F.W. De Klerk…28 years after the
assassination of Dr. Verwoerd.

Behind this operation was the British design of using the franchise of the blacks to continue by other
means the Boer War against the Afrikaners, preferring Communist rule over South Africa to Afrikaner
political power and influence in the sub-continent.

Main Sources:

South Africa Inc, Pallister, Stewart, Lepper, 1987

Verrat an Südafrika, Vaque, 1987
Assassination and the tragedy of South Africa, Jaap Marais
South Africa, A skunk amongst nations, Les De Villiers, 1975
People’s War, Andrea Jeffrey, 2009
Tragedy and Hope, Quigley, 1966

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 22: Holy Terror: How the Church Crucified South Africa
By Mike Smith
18 July 2010

One of the sorest points for us Whites in South Africa to accept and a really bitter pill to swallow is the
role that the church played in our demise.

We can accept everything, we can accept the role of the UN, organizations such as the CFR, etc…but
one thing we refuse to accept is that our church brethren ganged up against us and stabbed us in the
back. It is just not something Christians do to other Christians. But the record of history stands. Some
of the biggest role players in the demise of South Africa and its handing over to a Communist terrorist
regime were the churches of the world.

It all had a reason. See…A people that is robbed of its spiritual values and from whom the moral
principles and rules of conduct is taken away, becomes a ball in the hands of ideologists and powers
that can hit it in any direction it wants.

Today, when we think back to the times during Apartheid, one remembers a lot of prayer and a lot of
religion in our lives. Sundays shops were closed. Sundays we went to church and Sunday school.
Church was always full and we had to fight for seats. Monday morning at school, hall-assembly was
opened with prayer. We had Bible class at school. In fact our education system was called CNE
(Christian National Education).

Our parents were involved with church charities, even deacons or elders in the church. These were the
people who took us as children to the beach, who bought us ice cream…these were not evil people.
These were God-fearing, loving and caring people…

How is it possible that the world could hate such pious people, call them evil monsters and wanted to
destroy them? But it is true, that is what happened. We the good Christian people of South Africa were
made out to be the skunks of the world by none other than world church organizations.

Saying that the whites of South Africa were traditionally religious is an understatement, and almost a
lie in the eyes of people who want to believe that the Whites and especially the Boers of South Africa
were “Evil Monsters”.

But let us hear what someone from neutral ground has to say about the pious Boers of South Africa.

The veteran and liberal German journalist and author Peter Scholl-Latour has been throughout Africa
and also South Africa during the dark days of Communist takeover of many countries and he wrote a
book called “Afrikanische Totenklage” which would loosely translate to “The African Death Song” ,
subtitled as “Der Ausverkauf des Schwarzen Kontinents” or “The sell-out of the Black Continent”.

On page 372 he has an Interview with a Jewish businessman of South Africa called Arthur Goldstein
in 1985…

Goldstein says the following about the Boers…I freely translate…

“These Boers create a double sided feeling within me. The relationship between Pretoria and
Jerusalem is closer than both sides would admit. For us it is a pragmatic cooperation against the
radical third world states.
But how can we forget that the older generation of the National Party openly sympathized with Hitler
and his racial madness during the Second World War? The Prime Minister, John Vorster was a
member of the “Ossewabrandwag” a neo-Nazi organization and was during the war interned by the
British.On the other side, we discovered here, at the Southern tip of Africa a horribly distorted mirror
image of our own religious history. O, these Afrikaners are more true to the Bible than we Jews. They
know their old Testament. On TV there is a Bible quiz. On this show, normal every day citizens are
tested on their knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. The Quiz-master would ask them about a verse from
one of the books of our prophets and almost instantly the answer will come with staggering precision.
Do you know that these Boers see themselves as the new “Chosen People of God”? When they trekked
away from British domination they saw themselves as the trek of Moses who lead his people to the
promised land, and the Blacks they encountered were to them like the Amalekites or the Philistines.
During the 1930’s these Boers were impoverished bare feet livestock farmers or railway workers, but
after the Second World War they reached their social ascension. Step by step they reached key
positions in the Capitalist world and actually pushed the arrogant British against the wall. Believe me,
this white tribe of Africa is not in the mood to ever give up or capitulate.”

End of quote.---

So how did it happen that such strong willed and religious people eventually DID capitulate to Satanic
Communist forces that they already defeated?

Such a victory could only be achieved through infiltration and treachery at the very heart and soul of
the pious Boers…In the centre of all their policies stood their belief in the Almighty God, their
Calvinistic values and beliefs such as “good conquers evil”.

World Council of Churches - Satanic Communism

Funny how the same names always re-appear. David Rockefeller not only donated the ground that the
UN building stands on in New York, he also built the headquarters of the WCC in Geneva. In 1958 he
also donated $2 million to build a training centre for theologians in Geneva. He also donated money
for the starting of a fund to further Christian Rock music…
This is the same Rockefeller who built an abortion centre in New York where more than 10,000
abortions take place every year. The same Rockefeller who financed the Sex-Guru Bhagwan, who
financed the Club of Rome, etc.

Most people think that Communism is Atheistic; that it simply rejects all religions, but that is not true.
Communism is Satanic. Karl Marx was a practicing Satanist detailed in the book “Marx and Satan” by
Richard Wurmbrand.

Communists, at least the top Communists are not atheists at all; they believe in God, they just hate

Since Mordechai Marx Levy, also known as Karl Marx wrote his three volumes of “Das Kapital” and
his “Communist Manifesto”, commissioned and supported by the House of Rothschild and the
mysterious “League of Just Men”, the Christian belief system has come under attack from the forces of

The disciples of Marx such as Lenin set out to wipe all religions and especially the Christian religion
from the face of the earth, because all these religions stood in the way of a Satanic World Revolution
that would put EVIL in charge.

By 1941 there were only 4000 churches left in the USSR from an original 46,000. In the first 30 years
after the Bolshevik Revolution, 48 million people were liquidated, the equivalent of a Rwanda every 9
months. Amongst them were 48,000 priests or religious ministers.

Despite the efforts of Stalin and Khrushchev the numbers of believers actually increased in the
underground churches. So the Communists decided to change their tactics.

Instead of attacking the church from outside, they started infiltrating the churches with students who
were all KGB agents. These theologians knew more about Marx and revolution than they knew about
Jesus and prayer.

And so the prosecution of people who baptized their children, their priests etc started, but the
Communist would always keep a few churches as show windows for visiting clerics such as Billy
Graham who would then go back to the USA and tell of “Religious freedom” in the USSR under

In the West the Communists used a different tactic. They started using sympathetic liberals and useful
idiots to do their work. Georgi Dimitrov, the Bulgarian Communist leader said that such liberals were
worth more than “500 poor devils who do not understand much more than allowing themselves to be
beaten up and clubbed by the police”.

He also said:

“Specifically, we should use ambitious politicians who needs support; Men who acknowledge that we
Communist can smooth their way and give them publicity. Such men would sell their souls to the
Devil and we are in the business of buying souls.”

It would not only be politicians who sold their souls to the Devil, but also many Church men.

The Communists knew only too well that the loosing of faith does not come out of the congregation or
from the bottom up; No, it comes from the top down from the clergy themselves.

Through the use of these liberal theologians and their “God is dead” theology, every message in the
Bible was turned into a revolutionary slogan and the Bible itself became a revolutionary handbook.

At the forefront of this heretical movement was the World Council of Churches (WCC) which is so
aptly described by Les de Villiers in his book “SA; Skunk amongst Nations” as “A Churchy version of
the United Nations”.

For the WCC it is not about the unity of World Christians, but the unity of all religions, sects and cults,
a Socialist brotherhood of man that will open the door for full blown totalitarian Communism. The
final goal of the WCC is a One World Government, with one united “Church” for atheist, Budhist,
Taoist, Muslim, Jew, Voodoo, etc… The WCC are well known to frequently hold prayer gatherings with
Muslims, Hindus, Taoists, etc.

The strategy to let the churches run empty is twofold. On the one side we see in the media how the
church is made laughable in the eyes of the world through one scandal after another so that the church
loses its credibility in the eyes of the religious Christian. On the other hand there is an active drive to
use the Church apparatus and its money to support the goals of Communism.

The attack on the whites of Southern Africa actually started in 1961 when the Russian Orthodox
Church was accepted as a member of the WCC. It was the same year that Kennedy called an end to the
“Cold War” and proposed a peaceful co-existenz with the USSR. It meant that we had to accept
Communist dictatorships as democratic systems equal to that of the west.

This band of KGB agents went to work from the inside of the WCC and after about ten years it would
become clear to even the dumbest person that the Orthodox Church was not interested in furthering
Christian Ideals, but rather furthering the communist hegemony of the USSR.

In the 1970’s they managed to pass their controversial “Programme to Combat Racism” in the WCC,
dressed up and camouflaged to appear somewhat Christian through all the smoke and mirrors of
humanistic, theological feel-good bullshit.

Racism would come to mean a one-way street. Only whites were “Racists”. I have until this day never
heard of a single cent being spent by the WCC to fight racism against whites…No, the “Programme to
Combat Racism” was nothing but a Church funded “WAR ON WHITES”.

Nevertheless, the programme under direction from the Dutch sociologist Sjollema, would be a major
success for terrorist groups all over the world, especially for the ones in Southern Africa, who instantly
received a moral and theological boost from the main “Christian” organization of the world.

It opened the door for churches and church front organizations to start donating millions of dollars to
Marxist terrorist organizations in the name of “Anti-racism” and “Liberation from White Oppression”.
Christians from Western nations paid millions over to terrorists believing their money was going for
“Humanitarian Aid” in Africa.

Again the double standards we have come to known so far evinced at every meeting of the WCC.
Everyone was vehemently opposed to Apartheid, but as soon as the persecution and atrocities against
Christians behind the Iron Curtain were mentioned, everyone kept quiet and looked the other way. In
1968 while the free world expressed spontaneous revulsion at the brutal Russian invasion of
Czechoslovakia, the WCC remained silent until Soviet goals were achieved.

In the USA these member churches of the WCC would help to drive America out of South Vietnam,
letting the entire Vietnam fall into the hands of the Communists scum.

The WCC was so moved by “those who suffer” in Vietnam that it sent sixteen tons of expensive
medical supplies and equipment to the Communist Vietcong insurgents…at the same time the WCC
assisted and abetted draft-dodgers and deserters from the American Armed Forces in Canada and

The Swedish government who were already donating a $100,000 a year to the Marxist cause,
suddenly increased their contribution to $3million per year. The Lutheran World Foundations did not
waste time either. They donated 65,000 German Marks to FRELIMO, the Communist regime in
Mozambique who killed about 2 million people in their civil war with pro West, pro Capitalist,

But the biggest contributor to the Marxist Terrorist cause came from the Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Germany (EKD). To understand why, one has to understand the German psyche and guilt complex
since WWII. The Stuttgart Declaration of guilt made by Martin Niemöller who wrote the famous
poem, First they came is the one who is the father of the guilt complex of the Germans. With his
declaration, he made all of Germany alone responsible for WWII and all the atrocities…the Allied
forces and especially the Russians were ten times worse than the German people, but I suppose it is all
about money and enslaving people as milk cows for communism at the end of the day. If you want to
be buried in money, just stand in the middle of a German city and accuse them of being “racists” and
you will soon see how they will shower you with money with tears of guilt in their eyes.

It might come as a revelation to South Africans that in Germany, people who write on their job
applications that they are Christians are taxed for it. One pays about €30 a month to be a Christian.
The government actually encourages people to admit that they are atheists when they are not.

This tax called “Kirchensteuer” is deducted by the government and people think it goes for the upkeep
of Germany’s beautiful churches, but Norbert Homuth wrote in “Diagnosen” (Oct 1984, pg 42) that
65% of the money paid to the WCC went directly to Marxist Terrorist organizations in South Africa.

The “Patriotic Front” in Rhodesia, in 1978 got US$ 85,000. This Patriotic Front was at the same time
supported from Cuba and the USSR. Shortly before this payment the Patriotic Front killed 207 White
and 1712 black civilians.

Over the years, millions more from the WCC went to nineteen terrorist organizations, most directly
opposed to South Africa such as SWAPO, FRELIMO or the MPLA. In 1978 these terrorist with money
from the WCC killed 35 foreign missionaries and their children in Rhodesia.

Previously people would donate money to the church to aid missionaries, to build churches and to
help the poor, but now old women in America and Western Europe would starve their canaries for a
week to donate money to assist Marxist terrorist organizations who murdered, raped and bombed
innocent civilians regardless of colour or creed.

The WCC naively said that the terrorist organizations gave them their word that the donations would
not be used for arms. Of course the terrorists would give their word. After the money was donated the
WCC had no control over the funds. You cannot put a leg of lamb in a lion’s cage and hope he holds it
for a week before he starts nibbling it.

The WCC, forever pontificating about “Love, Justice and Peace” was never interested in uplifting the
living standards of blacks in Africa. It is clear from their support of terrorists who wanted to blow up
the Cabora Bassa Dam in Mozambique and the Kunene project between Angola and South West
Africa…Initiatives of the South African Whites to provide hydro electricity and food production to the
entire Southern African region. Sjollema expressed himself to London businessmen saying that the
uplifting of black living standards and paying them higher wages was “not helping the situation”…

The strategy is to keep the poor (blacks) in deprivation and misery so as to get them so far as to revolt
against their government.

The Kairos document.

The Kairos document is a diabolical, Liberation Theology, Marxist Critical Theory, propaganda,
claptrap, document written in 1985, but no-one really knows by whom. Some say that Rev Frank
Chikane was one of the authors. It was issued by the ICT or Institute for Contextual Theology,
undersigned by some 150 clerics and theologians from just about every church in SA and translated
into just about every European, African and Asian Language. Kairos means “The time has come” in
Greek…and so the time has come for Apartheid.

In it, Communism is obscured with no real definition and even glorified, while the White government
and their God is vilified as “the God of teargas, rubber bullets, shamboks, prison cells and death
sentences”…”The Devil disguised as God”… It called for the overthrow of State Theology, only the state
is violent; the people just show desperate attempts to defend themselves. The violence of “the people”
(Black Communists in the Townships) were likened to that of a woman defending herself against rape.

Basically everything that is against Communism is “evil” and everything that is pro- Communism is
“good”…A pseudo religious document that called for Church support of terrorism from Communists
against real Christians.
So much for “turning the other cheek” and “loving thy enemies”, hey?

No, “Turning the other cheek” and “loving thy enemy” is only for real Christians suffering genocide
and oppression under a Marxist terrorist regime. Then violence against such a tyrannical Communist
regime is discouraged. You can read this Kairos document that was undersigned by amongst others,
the Catholic Bishop below.

The Kairos Document

Many other churches supported the necklacing and burning to death of black opponents to
Communism and the bombing of civilians, black and white, by Marxist terrorist organizations such as
the ANC, PAC, Cosas, etc…

In the Citizen of 29 June 1987, a black woman and former ANC terrorist turned Christian, Salamina
Borephe, shocked the USA with her acknowledgement of how she took part in this orgy of violence in
the townships.

She mentions how the Anglican Church priests told them that “Communists were heroes from central
Africa such as Mugabe, Nkomo and Samora Machel. She tells of how these priests taught them to hate
the white South Africans and in particular the Afrikaans speaking “Boers”.

She would further mention how they would gather in the Catholic Church on Sunday the 2nd of
September and Monday morning around 5h30 they were already up to throw stones at buses and cars.

Many of these Church Men would eventually sell their souls to the Devil and Mammon and oppose the
National Christian government of South Africa.

The SA Catholic Church General Secretary, Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa was arrested for the illegal
possession of weapons and ammunition on 16 May 1986.

The great Socialist Saint and propaganda idiot Archdiocese Dennis Hurley was a supporter of the
“End Conscription Campaign” and who accused one of our crack anti-insurgent units “Koevoet” of
human rights abuses on the Angola border, when at the same time the landmines and atrocities of
SWAPO’s PLAN forces on civilian farm roads were overlooked? Despite severe objections from the
Catholics of South Africa, the Bishop’s conference in 1984 received around US$ 400,000 from
overseas congregations to support Marxist terrorist organizations in SA. The next year the figure
tripled to over a million USD.

Another one of these mini United Nations organizations is the South African Council of Churches
(SACC) who was in an alliance with the ANC during Apartheid and whose membership included and
still includes most of the English Churches as well as the Afrikaans Dutch Reform Church (NG Kerk).

Former leaders included Arch Communist Frank Chikane (one of the alleged authors of the Kairos
document and whose feet were washed by ex minister of Safety and Security Adrian Vlok). Also
Desmond Tutu and Beyers Naude, both notorious Marxist collaborators and church men who have
lost their faith and sold their souls to the Devil, were leaders of the SACC.

The three Afrikaans protestant Churches withdrew from the WCC in 1960 after their Cottesloe
Consultation at Johannesburg where Aparteid was investigated in loco and found “guilty as charge”,
but most of the English churches remained including the Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans and

The most shocking evidence of the Church involvement with Marxist terrorist organizations in
Southern Africa came out on 15 February 1984 in the form of a two year investigation known as “The
Eloff Report”.

It revealed the extent to which the SACC and al it’s churches were involved with Marxist terrorists,
hell-bent on making South Africa ungovernable with civil unrest in direct contrast to what The Bible
says in Romans 13.

Anglican Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu and holder of a Nobel Peace Prize, who was the General
Secretary of the SACC at the time admitted that he was waging a massive psychological war against
South Africa. Together with their member churches the SACC also waged a war overseas to get
governments and organizations to exercise political, economical and diplomatic pressure against the
National Party government.

Relentlessly the diabolical SACC (SA Communist Church) campaign was waged against the true
Christians of South Africa. These satanic churches were in solidarity with everything from militant
“Black-power” organizations, Marxist terrorist organisations to radical black trade unions. Tutu called
the leader of the ANC, Arch Communist Oliver Tambo, “A sincere person of Christian conviction in his
strive for peace, justice and democracy in South Africa”.

What he failed to explain is what “peace, justice and democracy” means to the Communist. For a
Communist peace can only come when the entire world is enslaved under Communism, justice means
the summarily execution of all opponents to Communism and Democracy means a One Party
Communist State.

Bishop Tutu further failed to mention that Oliver Tambo as the head of the ANC was directly
responsible for the Pretoria, Church Street bombing in 1983, where 19 people were killed (many were
black women and children) and more than 200 injured.

Tutu called Communist Terrorist Nelson Mandela his boss and “Future State President of South
Africa”. This “Red-Bishop” is a self confessed Socialist and someone who “hates Capitalism”,
according to the Sunday Times of 29 December 1985, he said…

"There is no alternative to taking up arms. There is no room for peaceful struggle in South Africa."
(Washington Times, cit. UCANEWS 10/85)…

…but at the same time claimed to be a pacifist…

How this Satanist could ever be the Archbishop of Cape Town is beyond logic. He even denied the
divinity of Christ by saying, "Some people thought there was something odd about Jesus' birth… It
may be that Jesus was an illegitimate son." (Cape Times, 24.10.80).

This liar and “Pillar of Peace” who presided over the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” said…
"Thank God I am black. White people will have a lot to answer for at the last judgment." (Argus,

You can read more of ArchTutu’s wisdom over here…The Arch Bishop and The Bible

The Eloff Report further mentions the “Asingeni Fund” that was advertised to collect and donate
money to victims of the 1976 riots and to pay their legal costs. This fund was used for explosives, civil
unrest, destruction of private property, robbery, stone throwing, etc…

People like Tutu and Boesak supported the very terrorists who burst into the St. James Church and
tried to kill everyone inside with AK47’s and hand grenades. In May 1982 the PAC, who were later
responsible for the St. James Church massacre, thanked the WCC and its different organizations for
financial and moral support over the past years and expressed their hope that it would continue.

Tutu’s partner in crime at the TRC was Dr Alex Borraine, a former man of the cloth who went to work
for Anglo American/De Beers. At the TRC he would be one of the jesters in the “Des and Alex show”.
At one stage he even tried his former boss and paymaster Nikki Oppenheimer for alleged collaboration
with the Apartheid government. Oppenheimer told him with a smile exactly where to get off…quoting
from the Bible, he said to Borraine, “Let he without sin cast the first stone…”

The NG Kerk or Dutch Reform Church also had many of these Anti-Apartheid “men of (their) god”.
Beyers Naudé, Nico Smith, Johan Heyns were all secular humanist church men and traitors to their
people who played significant roles in the Communist onslaught against White South Africa.

In 1990, Ds. Willie Jonker would pull a Martin Niemöller and take all of the “Blame” and “Sins” of
Apartheid on the Afrikaner and his church. A declaration was issued called The Rustenburg
Declaration , which proclaimed to all the world that the South African Churches had repented of and
confessed to ”heresy”, ”disobedience to God”, ”denial of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”, ”misuse of the
Bible”, ”slowness to denounce apartheid” and ”spiritualising the Gospel.”

Professor Willie Jonker of Stellenbosch, though not entitled, confessed the Apartheid guilt of the
whole Dutch Reformed Church and the Afrikaans people as a whole.
Willie Jonker pulling out his intestines about Apartheid

Other organizations that supported these terrorists were the UN Trust Fund and the International
University Exchange Fund (IUEF, CIA front organization). With this money the WCC also supported
other Marxist Terrorist organizations in the Philippines, South Korea and Indonesia.

The onslaught against South Africa was not limited to the greed over its strategic minerals and sea
route around the Cape of Good Hope, but it was also a Satanic, end-time attack on one of the last,
strong bastions of Christianity that stood in the way of the Marxist “New World Order” and its Pseudo
World Church.

Main Sources:

“Verrat an Südafrika” - Klaus Vaque

“Afrikanische Totenklage” – Peter Scholl-Latour
“People’s War” – Dr. Andrea Jeffrey
“SA; A Skunk amongst Nations” – Les De Villiers
“In Sight of Surrender” – Les de Villiers
“The Paper Curtain” – Eschel Rhoodie
“The Third Africa” – Eschel Rhoodie

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box, Part Twenty Three. Behind the Paper Curtain ...And Beyond.

By Mike Smith

17 August 2010

The Apartheid years are basically contemporary to the “Cold War” years. After WWII, Stalin drew an
“Iron Curtain” between the Communist and the Western worlds. In China, Korea and Vietnam they
spoke about a “Bamboo curtain”. Germany was divided into two countries in an experiment to see
which system works the best amongst intelligent whites. The Berlin Wall was raised around the same
time as another curtain was drawn in the world…As Dr. Eschel Rhoodie called it in his book, a curtain
of “truth” or a media, “Paper Curtain” was drawn on South Africa. Unlike the Communist who drew
their own curtains to hide the truth and their lies, the Paper curtain was drawn on South Africa by the
local and International media to hide the truth and spread the lies about South Africa..

The effect of this propaganda about South Africa can still be seen today. In the 2010 Soccer World Cup
people found it difficult to believe that beautiful cities like Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria,
Bloemfontein, etc can even exist in Africa. When you tell them, show them pictures of the houses in
which white South Africans live then they refuse to believe it. When they see white South Africans
living better than European Whites, our National roads in better condition than European Autobahns
it totally upsets their mental model of what they created in their brains about South Africa.

If you tell them that South Africa was a nuclear power with a space program during Apartheid, they
think you are lying. The highest development they imagine for SA is one storey dwellings, game
reserves, some mines and a few farms.

Another image people from the rest of the world have about South Africa is that it is full of white
racists that severely suppress blacks and keep them as virtual slaves.

How did the world reach this false and negative picture of South Africa? We have the media to thank
for that.

In her book, “People’s War”, Dr. Anthea Jeffery explains the “Twenty-to-Two” rule that Jill Wentzel
spoke of in her book, “The Liberal Slideaway” on pages 114-116.
Journalist who wanted to write about Left-wing violence such as the horrific necklacing murders and
Marxist terrorist bombs blowing up innocent people of all races had to first write twenty sentences
explaining the “Evils” of Apartheid and why the violence was necessary before they wrote two
sentences on the Marxist violence. It was like saying grace before a meal. This Twenty-to-Two rule
fostered a self-censorship in the media but was also used by organisations such as the UDF and the
Black Sash Movement to which Helen Zille, current leader of the opposition Democratic Alliance,
belonged. For every two sentences of left-wing violence there would be twenty sentences on Police

But the lies of the media went further than that. Les de Villiers documented it in his book “South
Africa, A skunk amongst Nations”. He writes on page 149…

“Black children scrambling for coins dropped in a garbage can by enterprising journalists became
examples of deprivation. Black mineworkers secured to rocky slopes down a gold mine to prevent
them from slipping were paraded in glossy magazines overseas as slave workers chained to their jobs.”

Blacks sleeping on the lawn in a park were filmed by international TV crews and presented to their
audiences as “dead blacks” with whites walking past nonchalantly.

De Villiers further states, “The press does not have to lie to damage a country’s reputation-or an
individual’s. Truth can be quite honestly perverted by concentrating on the negative to the almost
complete exclusion of the positive.”

It is called “Selective Negativity” or “Advocacy Journalism”.

During the time of the Sharpeville shooting incident, these international journalists stomped around
South Africa with great excitement. They created nonsense such as that dum-dum-bullets were used
by the police.

Norman Phillips of the “Torronto Daily Star” was instructed in no uncertain terms, by his
headquarters in Canada, via cable to his Johannesburg Hotel: “Give us the blood and guts”.

He did not disappoint. He was so eager to please his bosses that he ventured into a firsthand “battle
scene” account of a bloody riot in Cape Town while himself was living in the relative ease of his
medium class Durban Hotel room – 700 miles away. Problem is that some of the events he reported
on never took place. Phillips was detained in jail under special emergency orders until the next flight
left for Canada.

A few months later he released a “war diary” called, “The tragedy of Apartheid” and was recognised as
an authority on Apartheid South Africa.

The journalist game during Apartheid was simple and straightforward, “Praise the protesters and
abuse the authorities. Every black protester was inculpable and every policeman a headbreaker.

After General Smuts’ United Party was beaten at the polls in 1948 by the almost exclusively Afrikaans
speaking National Party it presented the English press in South Africa and the world with a new stick
and another dog to beat. The Nazi-invective was drawn.

Shortly after the May 1948 election, the London Daily express set the tone and their reporter cabled
London, “South Africa is in the grip of Nazi tyranny”. Malan and his supporters were pictured as arch
enemies of both Jew and Anglo Saxon at home and abroad.

The rhetoric to link the Apartheid government to the “Hitlerian Totalitarianism” continued unabated
despite South Africa at the time being one of only eight countries in Africa allowing an opposition to
function freely, the other 35 countries were under dictatorial rule.

The biblical or Teutonic sounding names of Afrikaner leaders were emphasized and their English
names ignored. Prime Minister John Vorster was always referred to in this manner in the Afrikaner
press, but the English press stuck to his second name, Balthazar. There was no end to pulling the
Nazi-invective on the Afrikaners.
Truth is that 60% of the South African troops who fought courageously and died valiantly on the side
of the English-speaking world against the forces of Nazi Germany were Afrikaners. D.F. Malan’s
government was actually one of the very first to recognise the new state of Israel. He was the first head
of state to visit the newborn country.

Since 1967 – and especially during the Yom Kippur War of 1973 substantial financial support flowed
from South Africa to Israel. The seven million dollars contributed by Jews and many Afrikaners and
the willingness of the South African government to allow the transfer of such capital, in view of
balance of payment problems, was a tribute to the warm-heartedness of South African whites for

Yet the Nazi image persisted. The New Zealand “Listener” and “Christchurch Press” expressed fear for
their “English speaking brethren in South Africa.

When J.G Strijdom succeeded Malan, the overseas pundits said that English speaking South Africans
would lose their language rights and would be treated as second class citizens. None of it ever
happened. They called Strijdom “Openly Anti-British…a fierce demagogic and capable speaker, who is
at his best or worst in his favourite language, Afrikaans – a rudimentary language not well adapted to
the finer nuances of meaning”…

Such was the hate speech against the Afrikaners, yet these hypocrites claimed that the benevolent and
pious Afrikaners were the worst evil that ever walked the earth since the Nazis. That they built
concentration camps and gas chambers for blacks.

In “The Paper Curtain”, Dr Eschel Rhoodie recalls on page 194 an argument he had with a Professor at
Trinity College (Hartford, Connecticut) and whose belief in concentration camps for the Blacks in
South Africa was unshakable. Dr. Rhoodie says…

“Finally I suggested that he should visit South Africa and if he could bring back one photograph of
such a camp I would personally pay his expenses. The next day he announced to the student
newspaper that the Government of South Africa had invited him to an “all expenses paid tour” of
South Africa.”

Today no one can point out even one concentration camp for blacks, no gas-chambers and no mass
graves from the Apartheid era…It simply never existed.

When the Nazi invective did not work the media tried to paint white South Africans as “Slave

The British journalist Adam Raphael of “The Guardian” started investigating British business interest
and wages paid to Blacks in South Africa. His inspiration was a book called “The South African
Connection” written by the Communist Ruth First, wife of arch Communist Joe Slovo and editor of the
“Anti-Apartheid News”.

Wages of Black mine workers were described as “Near starvation level”, despite mountains of free,
calorie-rich food heaped on the worker’s plates three times a day. The Guardian published eight
editorials under headings such as “Scandal of African Labour” and “Time to audit or shame and
serfdom in South Africa”.

Other journals in Britain picked up on this theme. In the second week of March 1973, 30 articles about
black wages in South Africa appeared in the Fleet Street press alone, the following week it climbed to
66 articles and by the end of March 1973 it soared to 77 articles. During April 188 articles on Black
wages in South Africa were published.

The British Parliament took over from Raphael and the Rogers commission started probing Black
wages in South Africa.

They were tackling the dust on the furniture in South Africa whilst ignoring the grime on the floors
elsewhere where Britain had business interests. On South African sugar plantations, Black South
Africans were earning five times the wages paid to tea leaf pickers in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). In Hong
Kong, a British crown colony, more than thirty thousand child labourers were slaving away when it
was suppose to be illegal. Chinese workers doing the same work as Europeans were paid 1/70th to
1/100th of the European wages…by British companies.

Wages for unskilled black labour in South Africa were five times higher than that in former British
colonies such as Kenya, Uganda or Ghana and on par with wages paid in Liberia. The Rogers
Commission further found that Britain was paying Jamaicans, Indians and other coloureds in its
Merchant Navy wages well below the Plimsoll line set for Whites at a time that the South African
Merchant Navy of Safmarine was paying British officers three times more than what South Africans
were earning on the same ships for doing the same job.

These hypocrites from Britain and the USA issued guidebooks on what Blacks in South Africa should
be paid. They came to a figure of $140 per month. Someone took the trouble to go to the
Washington`s Census Bureau to determine how many Americans were earning wages below that level.
Back came the answer: Twenty-four million – mostly Black!

When South Africa executed two Blacks for killing a court witness it was front page news all over the
world. When 69 rioting and dangerously armed blacks were killed while attacking the police station at
Sharpeville it sent the international media into frenzy. When 11 out of control armed and looting
blacks were killed at a mine in Carletonville the international media called it a “Mini Sharpeville” and
went almost crazy….

When 70,000 blacks were killed in Cameroon in 1964 the reports hardly made the papers. When a
100,000 blacks per year lost their lives in strife in the Sudan it made some inside pages. At the time of
Sharpeville the death toll in Burundi, Uganda and Nigeria topped a million, but it hardly managed to
stir the press pundits of the world.

In Uganda Idi Amin expelled 40,000 Asians…something that never happened in South Africa, but
apparently the Liberal International press finds Black racists less offensive than white racists.

In the early 1960’s Fred Friendly of CBS TV set out to produce a special on South Africa. He promised
the SA authorities that it would be an unbiased and objective review of current affairs. The end result
was titled “Sabotage in South Africa”. It might as well have been called “Sabotage of South Africa”.

Strings of Anti South African movies were made by the British. Their names speak for themselves,
“The Colour line; Whiter than Thou; The Dumping Grounds; South Africa loves Jesus; Last grave at
Dimbaza and The good ladies of Johannesburg”.

Along came two British producers, John Morgan (Thames TV) and Hugh Burnett (BBC-TV) who made
a film each titling the two productions, “The Afrikaner”. Morgan subtitled his celluloid treatise,
“Where Sport and politics go hand-in-hand”.

It was mainly a program on sport in South Africa filmed during the 1968 British Rugby tour of South
Africa. John Morgan portrayed the Afrikaner sportsman as a dour brute bent on avenging the Anglo-
Boer War by bashing his British opponents into bloody submission. By mentioning that the Springbok
Captain, Dawie de Villiers, also happened to be a religious minister (Dominee), the Afrikaner was
further vilified as a political and physical brute and religious fanatic all rolled into one.

After seeing the film, Mary Morgan of the Daily Mirror wrote about the Afrikaners…

“Those Dutch farmers in far off South Africa had faith in “God and the referee” to ensure victory. God
works best in bodies, made harder and fitter, it seems; and these dour church-going “dogged Dutch”
were sold with the will to win, and a sense of mission that to win is their task.”

Burnett’s “Afrikaner” portrayed “The white tribe that rules South Africa” as isolationist Bible-
pounders on the defence. He carefully selected “Official spokesmen” like Gert Yssel to proselytize on
the evils of the mini-skirt…obscure men who were ridiculed by their own people.

In other movies, isolated outbreaks of diseases such as marasmas, palarga, kwashiorkor, and
malnutrition were blown up to portray it as the norm in South Africa. Some movies like “End of
Dialogue” were given amateur looks and presented as made by black “freedom fighters” such as the
PAC, but were in fact made by White Liberals.

The Swedes Per Sanden and Rudi Spee came up with a shock treatise on “The Massacre of Caprivi” in
South West Africa (Namibia). Relying on the tales of one black man and parading a series of
unidentified human skulls, the Swedes proclaimed with horror that no fewer than 105 defenceless
blacks were massacred by South African troops in 1968. Reacting to strong challenge from South
Africa, the producers first reduced the “death toll” to sixty-three, and then decided that “perhaps there
may have been two massacres instead of one. How can anyone take these foreign journalists seriously?

In Haiti political opponents of President Duvalier were simply lined up against a wall and shot
without a trial. In Algeria opponents of erstwhile President Ben Bella, including some men who helped
him to power were tried in secret military courts, without the right of counsel and without the right to
appeal. In the USSR execution of political prisoners was common place. People founding to be
practising capitalism were simply shot. In Indonesia offenders were heard in secret by President
Sukarno’s judges and sentenced in secret. The sentences were also carried out in secret. In several
Middle Eastern countries such as Yemen, opponents of the government in power are shot out of hand
or beheaded in public. In Morocco in early 1965, fourteen Nationalists were tried and executed in
secret by a military court.

In South Africa on the other hand, a person accused of sabotage or treason like Nelson Mandela, could
obtain legal counsel from anywhere in the world, was tried in public with the press and judges of
foreign countries invited to sit in on the proceedings. The accused were tried by a Supreme Court
Justice, who is not the nominee of a political party, and have the right of Appeal. He was not tried for
“Opposing the Government” (there are millions of people and several newspapers opposing the
Government every day), but for Specific Crimes like blowing up Post Offices or Power Stations,
smuggling arms from aboard, or assisting an armed attempt to overthrow the government, etc…

The examples are legion, but for now it will suffice.

Maybe many of these media people were actually trying to be truly objective, but their objectiveness
and political centre lies somewhere between left and far left. The Right for them is an unknown land.
Personally I think it was a matter of vultures descending on a carcass. Most of these journalists knew
exactly what they were doing and how they were knifing the whites of South Africa in the back.

People will ask what the South African government did as counter measures to this anti-South African
propaganda. Did they not defend themselves?

They certainly did, but it was a super-jet that was shot down before it could take off. As usual the
betrayal came from within. The man who sunk the project was none other than future Prime Minister,
State President and dictator, P.W. Botha.

For those who have followed this series, you will agree that there is no doubt that South Africa was
under a full scale onslaught from all over the world. The United Nations, The British Commonwealth,
The World Council of Churches, the electronic and printed media, were all trying to bury the Whites of
South Africa so that International Financiers could get their grimy paws on our mineral riches.

The responsibility for South Africa’s image fell on the Department of Information. The Minister of
Information at the time was Dr. Connie Mulder, father of Freedom Front Plus leader and ANC
collaborator, Dr Pieter Mulder.

The time was the 1970’s. The Prime Minister of South Africa was John Vorster. Minister of Defence
was P.W.Botha.

Dr. Eschel Rhoodie was the Secretary of the Department of Information. A brilliant and highly
intelligent man, Dr. Rhoodie established a task team with major players like his own brother Deneys
Rhoodie and personal friend Les de Villiers. They would be the spin doctors that would polish South
Africa’s image with truth and objectivity…countering the lies and subjectivity of the international
media, the UN, etc.

About 70 Million Rand (about the same in dollars at the time) were made available from the defence
budget to fund secret projects such as establishing the magazine “To the Point” in Europe and the
newspaper “The Citizen” in South Africa and buying the Washington Star newspaper in the USA to
counter the lies coming from the David Rockefeller newspaper, The Washington Post.

This is nothing new. Every single government does this. The Netherlands government for instance
sponsors several Newspapers on both the right and the left to paint them in a rosy picture. The
English South African Newspaper, The Rand Daily Mail, belonging to Anglo American/De Beers, who
felt under threat from The Citizen “Exposed” the so called “Information Scandal” as misappropriating
funds for clandestine operations.

P.W. Botha saw his opportunity to seize power. He could swat two flies with one blow, namely his own
party rival Dr. Mulder, Leader of the NP in Transvaal as well as the then Prime Minister John Vorster.
Both resigned along with Dr. Rhoodie and P.W. became the new Prime Minister. Pik Botha, Minister
of Foreign Affairs and personal friend of Henry Kissinger took over the Department of Information.

Dr Rhoodie fled to Ecuador, then to the UK and eventually was arrested in France. He was witch
hunted and made the scapegoat for projects that P.W. Botha knew fully about and secretly funded in
the best interest of South Africa. By 1979 Rhoodie was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to 12 years
in prison. The sentence was later reversed and Rhoodie was absolved from all blame by the
Bloemfontein Appeals Court and set free. He then left for the USA and worked in advertising until his
death in 1993.

P.W. Botha would become the man that would steer South Africa into the abyss. A virtual dictator, he
is the one who took South Africa from the original National Party policy of Dr Verwoerd’s “Separate
and Equal Development” to “Power Sharing” with Blacks….But more on that in the next edition.

If only the likes of Dr. Rhoodie and Les de Villiers were allowed to run their projects, South Africa
today would have had a much different image in the world but it is water under the bridge and
cowboys don’t cry.

We have come to learn that when one door closes on the white man another one opens. For us it came
in the form of Dr. William Bradford Shockley, who invented the transistor and was awarded the Nobel
Prize for Physics in 1956.

Dr David Duke mentions the Shockley phenomenon in his book, “My Awakening”.

Shockley was not only a highly intelligent scientist, he was also well aware of racial issues and racial
intelligence. Shockley knew that the White race was and is under threat and if we do not do
something, the White race will cease to exist.

As Dr. David Duke says…Dr. Shockley’s invention of the transistor enabled us to have Personal
Computers, lap tops and the internet today. Dr. Shockley handed us an electronic Excalibur to smite
the world of lies out there. Today the internet is in our hands and we can actively participate to
counter the lies of our beautiful country, South Africa.

Let us not be unrealistic or delude ourselves. Apartheid had its faults like all political systems in the
world. There is no paradise on earth, but in Africa the Republic of South Africa under White rule was
the closest thing to it…

Main Sources:

The Paper Curtain – Dr. Eschel Rhoodie

South Africa; A Skunk Amongst Nations – Les De Villiers

People’s War – Dr. Anthea Jeffrey

P.W. Botha; The last Betrayal – Dr Eschel Rhoodie

Verrat an Südafrika – Klaus D. Vaqué

My Awakening – Dr. David Duke

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box. Part 24 – P.W. Botha – Start of the Final Betrayal

By Mike Smith
11th of September 2010

Today it is commonly accepted amongst most conservative thinking whites in South Africa, wondering
about where it all went wrong for us, that former president F.W. de Klerk was the bastard who handed
our country over to the Marxist terrorist ANC in 1994.

Frederik Wilhelm De Klerk and Nelson Mandela shared the Nobel peace prize back in 1993 for this so
called “peaceful” handover.

The man who should actually have been credited for all the betrayal was not De Klerk, it was P.W.
Botha. De Klerk only signed on the dotted line. The credit for the entire handover to black Marxist
scum can be laid squarely at the feet of non other than P.W. Botha, “Die Groot Krokodil” (The big
Crocodile) or Ingwenya ekhulu.
The name was given to him by the Blacks. Ingwenya (crocodile) or Inyoka(snake) are the Zulu words
for a reptiles…the most feared, hated and disrespected species amongst Blacks in South Africa. P.W.
Botha his rise to power and his betrayal of the whites in South Africa would prove justice to that

It is difficult to find objective biographies of the man today, because most of his biographers were also
personal friends of him such as “P.W. Botha” by Dirk and Johanna de Villiers(1984) written at P.W’s
own request.

One book that stands out however is the book called “P.W. Botha, The last Betrayal” by Dr Eschel
Rhoodie (1989).

The trouble between Rhoodie an P.W. goes back to the time of the so called “Information scandal” of

Dr. Eschel Rhoodie never belonged to any political party. He was also not a member of the inner circle
of Afrikanerdom, the ultra Secret Society and intellectual think tank called “The Afrikaner
Broederbond” and was therefore never trusted by his superiors. He was highly intelligent and a loyal
civil servant and became the lead spin doctor, Secretary of Information, at the age of 38.

Rhoodie drew up a team of experts to counter the bad image of South Africa abroad. These people
included highly intelligent people like Les de Villiers (author of “South Africa: A skunk amongst
nations”) and even his own brother Denys Rhoodie. Both where authors in their own right.

They set about and countered the hostile press inside and out of South Africa. They founded the
newspaper ”The Citizen” mainly to counter the hostile English newspaper ”The Rand Daily Mail” and
a counter to the crap that was published about South Africa in Europe by publishing a magazine in the
Netherlands called “To The Point”.

They also wanted to buy the newspaper in the USA called the “Washington Star” to counter the hostile
“Washington Post” at the time.

The idea was precisely NOT to sell Apartheid, because Apartheid was not for export. Rather they
would promote those points of view for which there was bi-partisan support, for example the need for
foreign investment; better trade and political relations; The dangers of Communism; The right of
sportsmen to participate in events overseas; More visitors to come to South Africa, etc.

It was all to tell the truth about South Africa, what a beautiful country it is and inviting everyone to
come and have a look for themselves. They never wanted to hide anything.

Every single project was funded from the budget of the Ministry of Defence. P.W. Botha was the
minister of defence at the time. This secret scheme had the approval of the Prime Minister, B.J.
Vorster, the chief of the Intelligence Services, General Hendrik van den Bergh, the Minister of
Information Connie Mulder and Gerald Barrie, the then head of the Department of Information.
The Rand Daily Mail broke the “Scandal” as a misappropriation of state funds to the extent of R75
million. The leak was, Mr. Gerald Barrie.

At the same time every single government around the world were doing far more. In the Netherlands
for instance the government was funding three Newspapers on both the left and the right to paint it in
a positive light.

Nevertheless, all these guys ganged up against Dr. Rhoodie and made him the scapegoat whilst
claiming financial amnesia. Dr Rhoodie was later exonerated by the Appeals court.

But let us look where South Africa was politically at the time.

South Africa had a full Westminster democracy for the whites. South Africa was well on its way to
implement full Apartheid as envisioned by Hendrik Verwoerd. The idea was to give blacks full self rule
in their own fully independent countries to the extent where racial discrimination would be
completely eliminated.

John Vorster, Prime Minister, at the time was still committed to this policy. South Africa had a
President at the time called Marais Viljoen who was basically just a figure head and had almost no
political power. He was the president of the entire country and ALL its people. The Prime Minister
was the actual head of the country.
P.W.saw the information scandal as his great moment to seize power of the entire country.

At the time his political rival in his own party was Dr Connie Mulder. The man to follow in the
footsteps of Verwoerd and Vorster. Dr. Connie Mulder is the father of Corné Mulder and Pieter
Mulder who is today the leader of the moderate conservative Freedom Front Plus as well as deputy
minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Jacob Zuma’s cabinet.

Dr. Connie Mulder could speak perfect German. In fact, he was professor of German and history at the
prestigious Afrikaner University called RAU or the Rand Afrikaans University. This is the man that
was groomed to take over from John Vorster.

P.W. Botha’s predecessors all had University degrees. Both Vorster and Strijdom were lawyers. Malan
studied mathematics and science before he got his masters in Philosophy and his doctorate in Divinity
from Utrecht in the Netherlands. Verwoerd had a doctorate in Philosophy and also studied at the
Universities of Hamburg, Berlin and Leipzig in Germany. Hertzog had a doctorate in Law from the
University of Amsterdam. Smuts was a polymath, were at university at the age of sixteen, he studied
High Dutch, German, Latin and ancient Greek along with science and law. He graduated from
Cambridge University in England.

On the other hand there was P.W. Botha whose highest education was a highschool Matric Certificate.
P. W. Botha was a typical rich boy, farmer son. His only credential is that his father led a platoon
against the British in the Anglo Boer war and his mother was interned in a British Concentration
camp. P.W. was a proper “Boer” from the former Boer Republic, the Orange Free State.

His lack of education would show later in his life and his inability to grasp basic political terminology
and policy would be embarrassing to watch on television when he was interviewed or made a speech.

As a young man he once rode his horse through the house of a poor white family on their farm, known
as “Bywoners” and let his horse shit throughout the house. The son of that family eventually also made
it into parliament as well and P.W. , in front of the entire parliament embarrassed him and recalled
the story to great laughter of his friends.

P.W. , A university drop out after his first year, became a paid messenger of the National Party,
running errands between the post office and the bank. Verwoerd made him a deputy of Internal
Affairs and Vorster made him Minister of Defence despite P.W. Botha ever having donned the uniform
of a soldier or having any military background whatsoever. In fact he has never, ever showed any
leadership potential throughout his life. He was just an angry, arrogant bully and would remained so
his entire life.
When the so called Information scandal broke in 1978 he lied through his teeth even under oath to
simultaneously sack Prime Minister B.J. Voster, his political rival Dr. Connie Mulder and make Dr.
Eschel Rhoodie the scapegoat of the whole affair. He also handpicked the Erasmus Commission to
come up with the right findings that he had no knowledge of 75 million Rand that came off his defense

That is how P.W. Botha became the new Prime Minister of the Republic of South Africa.

He was a political gut fighter, an opportunist and a National Party apparatchik who outlived his
competition and like scum floated to the top pushed by the driftwood from below.

Under Vorster South Africa still pursued the policy of Apartheid in South Africa and of Détente with
other African Nations. Although South Africa had many critics at the time, it nevertheless was a stable
and economically strong country. The Rand was very strong, even stronger than the dollar. South
Africa had sanctions against her, but nothing serious or crippling.

The day P.W Botha became the prime minister of South Africa, marked the end of Apartheid and the
start of the downward spiral.

P.W. Botha was a useful idiot of the International Socialist Bankers, the CIA and MI6 and easy to
manipulate. He had frequent visits from Chester Crocker, Henry Kissinger and international Bankers
like David Rockefeller who used a carrot and stick approach to get him to abandon the policy of
Apartheid and adopt a policy of “Power Sharing” with blacks.

The idea of “Power Sharing” with blacks did not come from P.W. Botha. It was a liberal idea first
proposed by Sir de Villiers Graaff of the liberal opposition United Party. P.W. therefore made himself
guilty of political plagiarism and started following, under advice from his overseas masters, the
policies of the opposition, not that of his own National Party.

In February 1980 P.W. Botha stood accused in Parliament of having used the apparatus of the
National Intelligence Service to intercept the post and tap the phones of politicians, newspaper
editors, labour union leaders, students and worst of all Members of Parliament.

In America, President Nixon was fired for the same thing in the “Watergate” scandal, but not P.W.
Botha. He was all powerful and above the law.

Nevertheless, P.W. was not content with just being the Prime Minister. Along with the new 1983
constitution came his promotion. In 1984 he combined the powers of Prime Minister and President
into an executive presidency with almost unlimited power. P.W. Botha became a dictator, above the
law, worse than General De Gaulle of France and slightly less than Franco of Spain.

He turned the Afrikaans media such as “Die Burger” and “Beeld” into his own mouth pieces along with
the SA Broadcasting Corporation. He was the man who hired and fired the editors and the bosses of

He used government money to place full size advertisements in newspapers to campaign for his NP
and his policy.

He even got involved with stupid projects such as staging a Coup d’état in the Seychelles supporting a
mercenary called “Mad” Mike Hoare.

P.W. and the path he was on would be a path that would prove disastrous for South Africa and its
people including P.W. Botha himself.

P.W. Botha became the president in 1978. Five years later in 1983 he introduced the Tricameral
Parliament giving Indians and Coloureds representation in the white run country.

What did it achieve? The world imposed more sanctions on South Africa, the Rand lost more than half
of its value virtually overnight. He split the Afrikaners down the middle. He raised political
expectations in Blacks that led to the brink of a civil war and several states of emergency being
declared. Terrorism increased. P.W. Botha was the creator of his own chaos.
In 1976 the Rand was worth US$ 1.40. In P.W. Botha’s final year in 1989 in was worth 38 cents. In
1976 under Vorster not a single terrorist bomb exploded in South Africa. In P.W.’s last month in
power there were 29 known terrorist blasts alone... Basically one a day.

Dr. Andries Treurnicht who had a doctorate in political Philosophy, saw through the liberal nonsense
of P.W. Botha and quit the NP in 1982 taking a third of the Afrikaner voters with him to find the
Conservative Party.

To understand just how far LEFT the National Party moved under P.W. Botha, one has to note that
the Conservative Party in 1987 became the official opposition in the parliament, displacing the
Progressive Federal Party (Liberals). At that stage there was hardly any difference between NP and
PFP policy. The Star newspaper even predicted that the NP would lose the next election and that the
CP would become the new government.

But it was too late. P.W. Botha already scrambled the omelet and there was no way of going back.

In the 1992 referendum Dr. Treurnicht and the CP lost the “No” vote 2 to 1 in favour of power sharing
with Blacks.

It is hard to analyze deceit and treachery, because what appears on the surface and is being put to the
public and what is happening behind the scenes are two different things.

Maybe if P.W. was a bit more educated he would not be so easy to manipulate as by Pik Botha
(Minister of Foreign Affairs) and Henry Kissinger.

P.W. was not the sharpest pencil in the box and he believed that he was all powerful, a megalomaniac
who thought he was the main peanut in the pack, the untouchable boss, but the truth is that he was a
victim of manipulation and he was too stupid to realize it.

But P.W. was not entirely naive. He knew exactly what he was doing and where he was steering the
whites of South Africa.

In public he was staunchly anti-communist. He built up the South African military might to the point
where SA became an exporter of weapons. He is credited with approving the establishment of crack
special forces units such as “Koevoet” and “32-Buffalo Battalion”. He is also credited for the
development of six nuclear weapons with the co-operation of the Israelis.

On the other hand, no right thinking person can believe that it is possible to “share power” with 40
million Blacks when you are only 5 million Whites. P.W. maybe genuinely and naively believed that it
was possible to hang on to power under such conditions, but I doubt it.

Maybe he genuinely believed that it was possible for whites and blacks of South Africa to live happily
and peacefully together, despite this not having worked anywhere else in the world, who knows? I for
one doubt that.

P.W. Botha knew that “Power Sharing” was Newspeak and actually meant “Handing over of Power” to
Black Marxist terrorist scum.

He fully knew that he was leading the whites into the black Communist abyss like the Pied Piper of
Hamlin led the rats into the water. He knew that Nelson Mandela, a convicted Marxist Terrorist would
become the first black president of South Africa and actually relocated him from Robben Island prison
to a luxury house complete with swimming pool on the grounds of Victor Verster prison.

All this time he kept on increasing taxes on whites to fund his appeasement of blacks in the homelands
who were doubling their numbers every 20 years while whites were doubling their numbers every 100
years. How he could believe it was possible to hang on to white power after “Power Sharing” is beyond
normal logic.

All Mr. Botha’s ideas were destined to crash, it was simply a matter of which parachute had the
smallest hole.
At his death in 2006 Nelson Mandela said, "While to many Mr Botha will remain a symbol of
apartheid, we also remember him for the steps he took to pave the way towards the eventual
peacefully negotiated settlement in our country."

Botha was 90 years old when he died...unfortunately his death came 90 years too late.

By the time F.W. de Klerk took over from P.W. Botha the damage was done. P.W. is the one who got
rid of the bulk of the Apartheid legislation, not De Klerk. The omelet was thoroughly scrambled
already; De Klerk and his henchmen merely put the seasoning on top.

What took the National party 50 years to build up, P.W. Botha destroyed in his first five years of his
decade in power.

It was the Roman Statesman, Philosopher and Orator Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.) who once

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An
enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor
moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in
the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar
to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in
the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer
is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

(Attributed. 58 BC, Speech in the Roman Senate)

Unfortunately, South Africa did not survive the foolishness and treachery of P.W. Botha.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 25: Stumbling on the Banks of the Rubicon

By Mike Smith
22 March 2011

Can one pinpoint a date when Apartheid actually ended?

Many people today think that Apartheid ended on the 2nd of February 1990 when De Klerk made his
speech to unban the ANC, the SACP and to release Nelson Mandela, but this was just the conclusion to
some decisions that were taken much earlier.

Apartheid officially ended on the 2nd of August 1985 in an old observatory in Pretoria.

Our story left off the last time with P.W. Botha who started the great betrayal of the whites of South

We will pick up the story again in 1985, when P.W. Botha was about to deliver his disastrous “Rubicon
Speech” on the 15th of August of that year.

The speech is today fully attributed to P.W. Botha, but in fact he never wrote the original speech
himself. The story of South Africa’s Rubicon is a fascinating one.

In September of 1984 violence erupted in the black townships after the ANC and Marxist agitators
introduced their “People’s War” and stepped it up.
In July 1985 a state of emergency was declared as a short term measure, but it became clear to the NP
that more long term solutions needed to be found for black inclusion in politics in South Africa.

This obviously excited the investors and creditors of South Africa.

It is said that a banker lends you an umbrella when the sun is shining… and then wants it back when it
starts to rain.

This is exactly what happened in March 1985 when Chase Manhattan Bank led a string of other banks
to the South African Reserve Bank and demanded their money back…immediately.

Economic pressures and threats of disinvestment were the order of the day. One company after the
other, from Kodak, to Mobil and Barclays bank started to withdraw from South Africa.

In the days running up to the Rubicon Speech, Foreign Minister Pik Botha was assigned to go state
South Africa’s future course in Europe and former UN ambassador Carl von Hirschberg was assigned
to do the same in the Far East. Neil van Heerden a senior Foreign Affairs official was assigned to
prepare African leaders for the speech.

Von Hirschberg had to wait several days for a flight to Taiwan and Japan. During this time he decided
to write a ten page draught speech for President P.W. Botha.

But why did Von Hirschberg have this sudden urge to write a speech for the president?

A few days prior to him writing the speech, on the 2nd of August, a secret, clandestine meeting of the
National Party, took place in Pretoria in a building called the Ou Sterrewag (Old Observatory), which
served as a conference facility for Military Intelligence.

What the crux of that meeting was is still shrouded in mystery and probably only known to the
attendees at the time. According to an interview with Chris Heunis, conducted by his son twenty years
after the event, the main decision was to include blacks in the cabinet.

According to F.W. De Klerk who was one of the attendees of the meeting at the observatory, the
meeting took certain decisions to enable Chris Heunis to embark on a new initiative in negotiations
with blacks.

De Klerk describes the Sterrewag decisions as the end of the whole ideology of grand apartheid and as
an initiative that had the potential of persuading the world that real change was underway. Noted in
an article by historian Herman Gilomee on Politics web 20th of August 2008

In the same article Gillomee stated that Carl von Hirschberg, Deputy Director-General of the
Department of Foreign Affairs, recounted:

"When I met Pik in his office after the Sterrewag meeting, he was bursting with enthusiasm. He could
hardly contain himself. It was his account of the policy changes agreed to at the meeting that I used in
the draft I prepared as an input for PW Botha's Durban speech. It is my clear impression that PW had
agreed to these changes, so I was not particularly concerned that he might reject them."

These National Party conspirators, including the President himself, unanimously and without the
knowledge of the public that voted them into power, decided to end Apartheid and hand the country
over to Marxist terrorist Blacks.

They wanted to make this public in a speech by the president at the congress of the National Party
(NP) of Natal on the 15th of August 1985 in Durban. The emissaries such as Pik Botha and Von
Hirschberg had to go out and prepare the world for this speech.
The Rubicon Speech was intended to in part diffuse the township violence that showed no signs of
abating and also to preclude the adoption of tough sanctions by the USA and other industrial nations
against South Africa. In the end it had the opposite effect.

Whilst in Europe, Pik Botha basically promised the world that Apartheid has come to an end and that
it will all be made known in a speech by President P.W. Botha. Foreign minister Pik Botha was just
relaying the decisions that were taken at the secret meeting held at the Ou Sterrewag, but he was not
sure if the president would eventually include it all in his speech.

Nevertheless, according to Werner Scholtz, a South African diplomat who attended the briefings in
Europe, "Pik Botha spoke with great enthusiasm and several times said: Gentleman, we are crossing
the Rubicon".

What happened next is described by Les de Villiers in his book “In sight of surrender” page 88.

“On Friday morning 9 August 1985, when he arrived back in South Africa, Pik Botha was met by Von
Hirschberg, and his deputy minister Louis Nel. Together they proceeded to the VIP lounge at Jan
Smuts Airport and reviewed the speech draft. Botha made a few changes. Over coffee that morning the
foreign minister inserted the following line of his own: “I believe that we are today crossing the
Rubicon. There can be no turning back”. This, he felt would dramatize what was bound to be a
momentous and dramatic break with the past and the beginning of a new era of race relations.”

Enters F.W. de Klerk.

At the time he was the NP leader in Transvaal and also the minister of Education and development. In
1985 de Klerk was seen by the political scientist Robert Shrirre as the “main conservative obstacle in
the cabinet”.

That is right. The man we today view as a liberal traitor in the NP was once one of the most

The full role of De Klerk in the Rubicon speech has never been established but it is rumoured that he
played a major role in diluting and watering it down. As I have said, he was one of the attendees at the
Sterrewag on 2nd of August 1985, but did not like the new direction that was decided upon.

Allister Sparks wrote an article in the Washington Post of 19 August 1989 in which he says, “ De Klerk
is said to have pressed Botha into drafting his so-called Rubicon speech in 1985, a defiant warning
that he would not change the white minority’s hold on the country.”

It is not sure why president P.W. Botha decided to change his mind. Some say he was angered by the
speculation of the press making expectations after the Sterrewag meeting, some say he was upset with
Pik Botha’s over-enthusiasm and “over-promissing” to European and American emissaries.

On the late afternoon of Saturday the 10th of August, P.W. Botha told Chris Heunis that he was not
prepared to make a “Prog-speech”…referring to the liberal opposition Progressive Federal Party.

On the 14th of August, a day before the Rubicon speech, President P.W. Botha summoned some
cabinet members to a meeting. De Klerk would state later:

"That morning PW Botha demanded to know who was involved in providing inputs for the speech. He
picked up all the inputs and threw them on the table."

He then said:

"I will not make that speech. I shall make my own speech."

He then read them a speech that was compiled by Daan Prinsloo who was an official in his office. It
had some of the elements and recommendations made by ministers Pik Botha, Chris Heunis and
Barend du Plessis. The introductory comment warned about raising expectations too high.

The cabinet was gob smacked, stunned into disbelief.

Chris Heunis later told his son in an interview, "We sat there like a bunch of little children, listening to
him reading his speech to us. No one protested, in fact everyone nodded in agreement."

On the 15th of August in front of a capacity crowd in Durban, screened live to a world audience of
more than two hundred million, P.W. Botha delivered his final speech and said that he “was not
prepared to lead White South Africans and other minority groups on a road of abdication and suicide.”

He further said,” Destroy White South Africa and our influence, and this country will drift into
factional strife, chaos and poverty.”

"Don't push us too far", he warned at one point with a wagging finger, confirming the stereotype of the
ugly, staunch and irredeemable Afrikaner.

P.W. Botha had poor communication skills. After the Rubicon speech, the press dubbed his ramblings
the Rubik’s Cube because it puzzled the world.

Instead of crossing the Rubicon, P.W. Botha got cold feet, made an about turn and headed straight
back for the Laager.

Later on, both Pik Botha and Carl von Hirschberg said, that of the original draft speech only one line
remained, that of the reference to “crossing the Rubicon”.

The speech was completely rewritten by Daan Prinsloo and P.W. Botha.

On 17th September 1992 Pik Botha released the original draft to “The Star” and claimed that “he wrote
it”…an obvious lie. Von Hirschberg wrote the original draft. Pik only added one line.

Nevertheless he said that if P.W. Botha delivered the speech in its original form, Nelson Mandela
would have been released five years earlier.

The world wanted reforms. They wanted blacks in power. P.W. did not deliver. The world felt tricked
by Pik Botha who promised them Apartheid was about to be ended and P.W. Botha who refused to
cross the Rubicon.

Within weeks after this disastrous speech about 430 International Banks came knocking at the door of
Gerhard de Kock, at the time governor of the SA Reserve Bank…all wanted their loans back
immediately…threatening to seize South African assets abroad.

The South African situation was dire. It was only the Swiss Banker Dr.Fritz Leutwiler who saved South
Africa from total bankruptcy back then.

The results of the Rubicon speech was an $11 million dollar outflow from South Africa in the years
Les de Villiers write on page 96 of “In sight of surrender”…

“In a matter of only five years since 1985, South Africa lost 25 billion rand that would otherwise have
been available for housing, education, hospitals and other social programs.”

Dr. Chris Stals, the later governor of the Reserve bank concluded; “ The post-Rubicon events of 1985
had a devastating effect on the South African economy and contributed largely to unemployment and

The Rubicon Speech was one of the greatest watershed moments in South African Politics. Instead of
diffusing the violence, the sanctions and the disinvestment campaign, it stepped it up a few notches.

Today it is difficult to understand what went through the mind of P.W. Botha at the time.

He was the one who started the ball rolling towards black inclusion in politics called “Power sharing”
and the ending of Apartheid. He created the Tricameral Parliament and included Coloureds and
Indians in the government of South Africa. He scrapped several Apartheid laws such as the mixed-
marriages and immorality acts, and later the Group Areas Act as well as the influx-control measures.

Delivering the original Rubicon speech and handing over the country to blacks would have been a
natural progression of his policies. It was a fait accompli…Alea iacta est! Why did he decide on a 180
degree turn?
It could be that he realized that he would lose his power to a black president and wanted to cling to
power. Maybe he was afraid of a Communist invasion and violent pogrom.

Robin Renwick, British ambassador to South Africa, maintains that the security chiefs had persuaded
the president to enforce the status quo with strict security measures.

Businessman, Anton Rupert speculated that a critical intervention was a threat by De Klerk, Transvaal
NP leader at the time, to withdraw his party from the NP’s parliamentary caucus. Today it is
incomprehensible to think that it was the conservative De Klerk who held P.W. Botha back on the
banks of the Rubicon. One can only speculate.

All it did was to delay the inevitable by four years, at a cost that almost destroyed South Africa.

On exactly the same day (15th of August) four years later in 1989, F.W. de Klerk became the new State
President after P.W. Botha was forced to resign by his co-conspirators of the Ou Sterrewag.

Almost immediately after coming to power F.W. de Klerk started stepping on the dagger that P.W.
Botha originally inserted into the backs of the white South Africans…

F.W. de Klerk finally started implementing the treacherous decisions taken at the Old Observatory on
that fateful day of the 2nd of August 1985…but more about that in the next edition.

Main Sources:
• “In Sight of surrender” by Les de Villiers, 1995

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 26: The role of Government, and what Treason actually
By Mike Smith
25th of March 2011

Part of this series is not only to uncover the true facts about the Apartheid era, but also the rationale
behind the thinking, the feelings and the mindsets of the people during this troubled period in our

One aspect that foreigners and the youth who have not lived through Apartheid, find difficult to
comprehend is in the question they ask; “How could you just give the country away to black Marxist
terrorists on a silver platter?”

Truth is that the whites of South Africa did not give the country away. We were betrayed, not defeated.
We were betrayed by our leaders: Sold out, double crossed...

If we want to accuse the likes of F.W. de Klerk, Pik Botha and Roelf Meyer of being traitors than we
need to know exactly what their roles were, what exactly treason is and then look at exactly what they
did. We then need to evaluate and look at ourselves and determine if we are justified in branding
them, “traitors”.

So let us first see what exactly the role of government is.


Most people if asked, “Why do we need government?”, will tell you that we need them to take our tax
money and build roads, dams, houses for the poor, etc…This is however not true.

Law has been part of man since his primitive days. If you take two men and put them on an island,
they will immediately start making rules and therefore laws.
The reason for making laws is to prevent them from using force against each other and in so doing
ensure the survival of both.

It can therefore be seen that man survives by reason, by using his mind.

Further, man has certain individual rights. The right to life, the right to liberty and the right to pursue
happiness. Of these, the right to life is the primary and most fundamental right.

If these rights are taken away or suppressed it means that man can no longer use his reason to survive
and eventually everyone will die.

In a group of people you will always have some that are physically stronger or intellectually better
than others. When one person discovers that he can get what he wants by taking it from others, he
says that he can survive without reason. Such a person will be initiating force. The initiation of force is
always immoral as opposed to the retaliation of force which is not only moral, but necessary for
continued survival of the individual.

If someone initiates force against you, you have a right to defend yourself or to use retaliatory force in
order to survive or continue your liberty and your pursuit of happiness.

But what if you are smaller than the other person, a woman or a child, or elderly…maybe the other
person has a weapon and you do not. It means that you will die or your fundamental rights will be
taken away from you.

For that reason we need a government. The ONLY job of a government is to protect the individual
rights of its citizens. The only way in which they can do it is to have the monopoly on the usage of

The initiation of force can either come from outside the country or from inside. Therefore we need a
police service to protect the citizens from those inside the country who wants to initiate force and an
army to protect the citizens from the initiation of force from outside.

The usage of force needs to be objective and therefore we need a law system that is fair and objective
to create a society in which the citizen’s individual rights are guaranteed.

It is not the job of the government to tax the citizens and spend their money on grand projects.
Taxation itself is a form of extortion and therefore the initiation of force. Government can be funded
in other ways such as charging fees for services rendered, administering state assets like a trust fund,
donations, etc. There is not a single government department that cannot run self sufficiently.


Most people think that the government draws up a constitution to protect the rights of the citizens.
Not so.

History has shown that although man instituted government to protect the rights of citizens, more
often than not, those exact governments become the greatest threats to those rights.

A constitution is a set of laws that specifically apply TO THE GOVERNMENT not to the citizens.

A proper constitution limits the power of government, by telling it specifically which actions it is
allowed to take and excluding all others.

The government has NO power to do anything that is not specifically designated by the people to it.
Government is therefore not above the law. A proper constitution has at the core of every enumerated
power granted to government, the protection of individual rights.

But a piece of paper is not enough to stop a government from acting tyrannically or steal from its
citizens. That is why I use the word, PROPER constitution. The East German GDR was also found on
democratic principles and even had a liberal constitution.

For that reason there needs to be a separation of powers and certain checks and balances in place.

If one group in government becomes too powerful they can become a danger to the citizens. By
separating the powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches, a further limit is placed on the
power of government.

Checks and balances further limit the power of government, by splitting the powers up into many
hands. If one branch of government abuses its power or undermines the individual rights of the
citizens, then its members can be removed by the other branches. This is called impeachment.

If all of this fails, then the right of the citizens to defend themselves or as it is called in the USA, “the
right to bear arms” against a tyrannical government comes into play. The last check on government is
an armed populace. Ultimately, the only thing that can prevent the use of force is the threat or use of
greater force. To this end, the people are the ultimate check on government.

Only an armed population has the ability to overthrow a tyrannical government. Governments are well
aware of this. That is why in all dictatorships the ownership of guns are outlawed to the ordinary

In a proper democracy, various political parties with different policies compete to run the
government. The one who wins gets a mandate from the public to run the government and to a certain
degree implement their policies, provided that they do not undermine the individual rights of the
citizens. For that reason there are the opposition parties to keep them in check and regular elections.
If they act out of control, they can be voted out.

However, voting has some disadvantage as well. A government can hide behind a claim of being
legitimately elected and can introduce small doses of policy that the public might not agree with and
the public will accept it because they have a high pain threshold. With the ability to vote, people will
be far less likely to resort to violence to end government abuse. In the end they say, “Well, we will just
vote them out at the next election”.

Justice delayed is often justice lost and some things simply cannot wait a few years until the next

Treason: About M.I.C.E. & M.E.N.

The Leagal definition of treason is

The betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid
its enemies.

Most of the role-players at the time of capitulating to Marxist terrorist scum, such as F.W. de Klerk,
Pik Botha, Roelf Meyer, et al, are aware that the whites of South Africa today view them as traitors.
This can be seen from the sniping comments on online news articles about them. It is hard to find any
white person in South Africa nowadays who do not see them as such.

In an interview with Murray La Vita of Beeld the Afrikaans daily, De Klerk acknowledged that he knew
white South Africans viewed him as a traitor today. He also said that it did not bother him at all.

He has no regrets and no bad conscious about what he and his group of Sterrewag conspirators did.
What is the psychology of such people.

What causes treason? A man does not just wake up one day and decide to betray his country and his
people. There are several motivators why he does it. When one studies the psychology of patriotism
and treason one comes up with reasons why people betray their countries and nations and why others
stay loyal.

The Acronym M.E.N. stands for Morals, Empathy and Nation. These are the attributes found in
patriots. They have a strong sense of morals, they are empathetic to the plight of others especially
their own ethnic group and they tend to have a strong sense of belonging…of Nationalism.

The acronym M.I.C.E stands for money, ideology, coercion, and ego.

In the past, it was believed that the biggest reasons for treason were Money and Ideology. Coercion,
the act of blackmailing or threatening through death or violence played a minor role. Lately it has
been found that the Ego is the greatest contributing factor for treason.

Of the personality disorders found in spies and traitors, the two most common are antisocial
personality disorder and narcissism. The traitor has a massive sense of self and allegiance solely to
himself. He feels nothing for others. Experts say disproportionate numbers of pathological narcissists
are at work in the most influential reaches of society such as medicine, finance and politics

Such people are born traitors. There is not much one can do to change them. That is why treason
carries the death penalty in many states around the world.

In Dante’s “Devine Comedy” he and the poet Virgil travels into Hell in the first part called “Inferno”.
Dante passes through the gates of Hell, which bears an inscription, the famous phrase "Lasciate ogne
speranza, voi ch'intrate", or "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Before entering Hell completely, Dante and his guide see the Uncommitted, souls of people who in life
did nothing, neither for good nor evil.

On their way through the nine circles of Hell, they pass many bad people, but the innermost circle, the
last one before hell proper… is reserved for traitors. In Hell proper Satan the ultimate traitor against
God is bound.

And that is what will be the fate of those who betrayed us. They will one day stand in front of their
Maker and will have to explain themselves.

Now that we understand what a government is suppose to do…what the social contract between the
government and the public is…and what TREASON is, we can start to think back to the time of the
National party in the P.W. Botha to De Klerk era. We can now start to think if what they did were
unconstitutional and ultimately TREASON.

Does their acts fullfill the definition of treason above?

Below is a full page advert in a Newspaper from the time of P.W. Botha, (one of many) paid for by
using taxpayer’s money. It spells out the policy of P.W. Botha and the NP of the time. The date is 2
February 1986. Six months after his Rubicon speech in which he promised the people that he “Was
not prepared to lead White South Africans and other minority groups on a road of abdication and

Opening Pandora's Apartheid Box - Part 27 - The Internationalists setting the stage for the Utimate

By Mike Smith 27 March 2011

Following the P.W. Botha’s disastrous Rubicon Speech, the USA passed the Comprehensive Anti
Apartheid Act or (CAAA). (passed by the Senate 78 to 21, the House by 313 to 83)

It was the last straw. The isolation of and sanctions against South Africa were the worst that any
country in the world had endured up until that time. It was total it was complete. No more Mr. Nice
Guy…no more carrot, only stick.

President Ronald Reagan tried to veto the CAAA, but congress would have nothing of it. This override
marked the first time in the twentieth century that a president had a foreign policy veto overridden.

There would be amongst other things a ban on all loans to South Africa, even to black owned charities
and companies. A ban on all exports to South Africa including fuel, crude oil, weapons, technology
such as computers and services to the police and army. A ban on all imports from SA such as steel
coal, arms, farm products uranium, textiles. There was a permanent ban on the import of Kruger
Rands. South African Airways planes could not land anywhere in the USA anymore…And to drive the
message home…Congress approved a $40 million “Assistance to those harmed by Apartheid”
donation…Which meant more money from the the West to aid the Marxist terrorist ANC, SACP and

The act also required that a report from the president be made every twelve months. If “Substantial
progress” was not made…more sanctions would follow. Including the seizing of deposit accounts of
South African citizens abroad.

These sanctions could only be lifted under five conditions.

1. The release of Nelson Mandela and all so called “Political Prisoners”…read Marxist terrorists,
Communist agitators, bomb planters, saboteurs and mass murderers who caused atrocities against the
all the citizens of South Africa including blacks, coloureds, whites and everyone inbetween.

2. The repeal of the State of Emergency and the release of all persons detained under it.

3. The unbanning of “Democratic political parties” and the permission of free political process.

4. The repeal of the Group Areas Act and the Population Reggistration Act.

5. Agreement “To enter into good faith negotiations with truly representative members of the black
majority without preconditions”.

Not only did the NP government experience pressure from the entire world instituting severe
sanctions, sports and cultural boycotts against it, it also experienced pressure from big business inside
South Africa.

Shortly after the Rubicon speech, in September 1985, Gavin Relly of Anglo American led a delegation
to Lusaka to have talks with the ANC greatly enhancing the status and international standing of the
banned terrorist organization…classed by the CIA at the time as one of the ten most dangerous
terrorist organizations in the world.

Mike Rosholt of the gigantic Barlows group in October 1985 went chest to chest with P.W. Botha. P.W.
previously told business leaders that they “should stick to business and leave politics to the
Rosholt made it clear to P.W. Botha that in South Africa there was no longer any clear distinction
between political and socio-economic issues. They were inextricably linked.

In 1987 Chris Ball of Barclays bank financially assisted the ANC by placing an advertisement in several
English newspapers on the organization`s 75th birthday. They also made loans to the ANC. P.W.
Botha ordered an inquiry and charged Chris Ball. Justice Munnik of the Cape Supreme Court found
that, despite his denials to the contrary, Chris Ball was fully informed beforehand what these loans
would be for. Ball resigned and emigrated to the UK. So did Tony Bloom of the Premier Group and
Gordon Waddell, CEO of Anglo-Vaal and former son in law of Harry Oppenheimer, owner of Anglo
American who was also the greatest shareholder in Barclays Bank.

Harry Oppenheimer maintained that he had no prior knowledge of or granted approval for the
Gordon Relly trip to Lusaka.

It has to be added that before 1994 Anglo American controlled about 80% of all the stock on the
Johannesburg stock Exchange. Today, 17 years later, they still control about 80% of all the stock on
the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

In 1987 Dr Van Zyl Slabbert of the Progressive Federal Party led a delegation of 60 academics and
influential whites to talks with the banned ANC in Senegal. This was in total defiance of the NP

Inside South Africa society was threatened by another monster, the Introduction of the Maoist
“People’s War” and Operation Vula the ANC/SACP. Operation Vula (Vula means open-up in Xhosa)
was commanded by Mac Maharaj an Indian Communist. It was the decision of the ANC to shift their
focus from 20% Civilian targets to 80% civilian targets.

The result was chaos and brutal mass murder of black citizens accused of disloyalty by the ANC
Marxist terrorists. The now famous necklace method was used daily to kill so called informers and
terrorize the black population into supporting the ANC. A state of emergency was declared to restore
law and order.

Outside of South Africa, on the Angolan Border with Namibia the combined Communist forces of
Cuba, The MPLA, East German and Russian military advisers were launching major offensives against
UNITA a South African ally, but were thoroughly defeated at the Lomba River or what was later
dubbed the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.

All over the world mass Rock music concerts calling for the freeing of Mandela and the ending of

To make things worse for the National Party, the Right was on the rise. In 1982 another threat arose
caused by P.W. Botha himself. The Conservative Party of Dr. Andries Treurnicht was created after the
Conservatives in the National Party split off. They were strongly opposed to P.W. Botha’s policies of
“Power Sharing” with blacks. They started gaining so much popularity that they became the official
opposition on 6th of May 1987 displacing the liberal PFP by gaining 27% of the support. The liberal
PFP could only muster 14% of the vote. The NP since they came to power was always on the right of
the opposition…

For the first time since 1948 the National Party found themselves, left of the opposition. The NP had
52,3% of the vote.

Nevertheless the NP thought that this gave them a mandate to continue the process of handing power
over to the Blacks, because 52,3% and 14% from the PFP as well as the 2% of the New Republican
Party basically ensured a two thirds majority on the LEFT of the political spectrum. Their assumption
was wrong…criminal in fact.

Nevertheless, not only did South Africa face massive escalations of Communist agitated terrorism and
violence threatening civil war from inside the country, but also an amassing of Communist
conventional forces and onslaught from outside, but the worst was that Western Capitalist from
outside South Africa as well as from inside were financing the Marxist terrorists.

Never in the known history of the white race has the ENTIRE WORLD ganged up against such a tiny
nation of five million whites, mostly Christians, such as they did towards the end of twentieth century
at the Southern tip of Africa.

In September 1989, when F.W. de Klerk took over from his predecessor P.W. Botha, South Africa was
on the ropes. The South African currency had fallen to 36 US cents, compared to $1.40 a decade ago.
Unemployment lines were growing daily. Prices in stores were soaring. The inflation rate stood at
16%. At the centre of South Africa’s problems at the time stood a national debt of $20.5 billion Rand.

In October 1989 the American Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Herman Jay Cohen warned De
Klerk that the new Bush administration would institute punitive measures of its own unless South
Africa took legislative action before June 1990 to abolish Apartheid.

In 1992 during the Angolan elections, Cohen would declare the elections free and fair despite all other
observers disputing this and the evidence of major electoral fraud to the contrary evincing. Shortly
after this Cohen resigned and went to work for the Angolan government as a foreign agent and later
also worked for the mass murderer Robert Mugabe as a foreign agent.

Nevertheless, after F.W. de Klerk came to power, he was basically given six months to end Apartheid
or South Africa would, economically and therefore militarily, be destroyed.

The severity of sanctions against South Africa is contained in three books, namely “In Sight of
surrender” by Les de Villiers, “South Africa: The sanctions report”, by The Commonwealth Secretariat
and “Race for Sanctions”, by Francis Njubi Nesbitt.

There can be no doubt that these sanctions crippled South Africa. It was hurting to the bone. Later on,
De Klerk would consistently deny the impact of sanctions on South Africa, but the truth is rather
different. There is however a very good reason for De Klerk’s denial at the time…It will be revealed

For now, it is important for us to consider the circumstances of the time, because this was the reality
of the situation faced by President F.W. de Klerk and the other NP “Talking Heads” on SABC
television such as Barend du Plessis, Pik Botha and Chris Heunis at the time.

It cannot be emphasized any more…by the time de Klerk came to power South Africa was on the
ropes, being pummeled and pounded by about 150 other nations across the world. Friends were
scarce…We were on our own. The message was clear, “Give the country over to blacks
UNCONDITIONALLY or face complete ruin.”

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 28. De Klerk 1989 – 1990

By Mike Smith
27th of March 2011 Klerk

In an interview with Murray La Vita of Beeld the Afrikaans daily, De Klerk acknowledged that he
knows white South Africans viewed him as a traitor today. He also said that it did not bother him at

But was he a traitor or a victim of circumstance? We need to look at this serious accusation of
treachery in an objective manner. In the old South Africa as well as during the Anglo Boer War, the
punishment for treason was the death penalty, as it still is amongst many nations of the world.

At the same time of P.W. Botha’s reign during the 1980’s, F.W. De Klerk was Minister of Education.
The school set work books suddenly started to change. Kids had to study all sorts of pro-black anti-
white books such as “To kill a Mockingbird” and “Fiela se Kind” (Fiela’s Child). Dutch works such as
“De Onrustzaaier” to invoke sympathy with Communist agitators were shoved down the children’s

On the television, programmes such as the Cosby Show, Webster, later the fresh Prince of Bell-Aire,
etc were shown that portrayed blacks as educated and the same as whites.

It was clear that a machine was in operation. A propaganda machine that was suppose to prepare our
minds for the final takeover by Marxist Communist forces. F.W. de Klerk as the minister of Education
was one of the major gears in this machine.

De Klerk at the time of the Rubicon Speech in 1985 was a staunch Conservative in the National Party.
He was actually seen as a “major conservative stumbling block” by journalists such as Allister Sparks
of the Rand Daily Mail who exposed the so called Mulder-gate or Information Scandal.

Nevertheless, as we have seen, De Klerk was the man who held P.W. Botha back on the banks of the

How conservative was F.W. de Klerk really? He was on the one hand in favour of segregated
Universities, but on the other hand supported equal financial support to all schools. Was he a
hypocrite, a “Tweegat-jakkels”, (a fox with two burrows)? This trait of F.W. de Klerk would evince
throughout his life. The ultimate question needs to be asked. What made F.W. de Klerk change his
ideology from one of the most conservatives in the NP government to that of one of the most liberal?

We know that in the early 1990’s he paid a serious of visits to Russia. Even visited the mausoleum of
Lenin. Did F.W. de Klerk undergo Communist re-education?

How could such a conservative man be the one who ultimately gave the country away to black Marxist
terrorist scum?

Within four years after the Rubicon Speech on exactly the same day, 15th of August 1989 De Klerk
became the new president of South Africa, through a Palace revolution inside the NP which was a de
facto coup d'état orchestrated by him and Pik Botha and the other conspirators of the Ou Sterrewag
meeting in 1985.

The time was right for a new man to implement the decisions taken at that clandestine, cloak and
dagger meeting. P.W. Botha groomed Finance Minister Barend Du Plessis as his successor, but the NP
caucus chose F.W. de Klerk…”The man with the smile”…

That is how the newspapers and the rest of the media dubbed him. Whenever you saw F.W. de Klerk
in a photograph or on television he always had a smile or a glitter in his eye. He radiated optimism. In
fact he had the face of the perfect traitor. He was the perfect Pide Piper.

By the time F.W. came to power, people were tired of the face of his predecessor P.W. Botha.

P.W. Botha’s always serious and cynic face for the past ten years had become the subject of comical
songs such as “Sit dit af” (Switch it off) by gay musician Johannes Kerkorrel who were referring to
P.W. Botha’s constant talking head on SABC television.

Also Pieter Dirk-Uys a gay comedian started an entire satirical age against the National Party and
P.W. Botha in particular, mocking him licking his lips and wagging his finger.

When De Klerk entered the stage, there was no more mocking…only praise and hope.

De Klerk, who is a chain smoker, never smoked in public or on the television. His perfect smile was
regularly checked and cleaned for the cameras. His suit jackets swapped in order for him not to stink
of smoke before important meetings. Everything about him was a false front. De Klerk became the
new smiling puppet of his masters the major Anglo American business people involved in SA, and
their spy agencies such as the CIA and MI6. He was their man that would deliver the riches of the
treasure chest of the world into their laps.

Nevertheless, De Klerk was chosen to finally “Cross the Rubicon”.

Almost immediately after coming to power he started implementing the policies drawn up after the
clandestine meeting at the old Sterrewag.

In September 1989 he allowed a demonstration of 35,000 dissident blacks, agitated by Communist

forces, known as “The Big March” in full contravention of the State of Emergency.

On the 15th of October 1989 Walter Sisulu and seven other Marxist terrorists (sorry, political
prisoners) were released. With De Klerk’s permission, they were welcomed back into Soweto at a huge
ANC rally…the first in 25 years.

In the days after the fall of the Berlin Wall on the 9th of November 1989 that marked the end of the
Cold War and the assumed end of the Communist threat to South Africa, De Klerk, on 16th November
1989 declared all beaches open and scrapped the Separate Amenities Act a cornerstone of Apartheid.

On 24 November 1989 he scrapped the Group Areas Act another cornerstone of Apartheid, in four
“free settlement areas” that allowed blacks to live in white areas.

On the 13th of December, De Klerk entertained Nelson Mandela, a convicted Marxist terrorist,
prisoner and mass murderer to a full banquet at Tuynhuis, his official residence in Cape Town…our
equivalent of the White House…at full taxpayer expense.

One would think that all these gestures would have had a positive effect on the violence in South
Africa at the time. Wrong! Quite the contrary.

As early as September 1989 the reports started streaming in via Roger Thurow of the Wall Street
Journal, “Eleven dead in Mitchell’s Plain, four dead in Lavender Hill, and two dead in Khayelitsha. In
all, church groups said 25 people died (police confirmed 12 deaths) and more than 100 were injured in
the black townships around Cape Town…

Nevertheless the opening of parliament in the 2nd of February 1990 was drawing nearer. About 500
journalists from all over the world were congregating in Cape Town to hear F.W. de Klerk’s speech at
the opening of parliament…would it be another disappointing Rubicon speech?

At this stage we need to halt and think what I said in Part 26 about the role of government, what the
constitution is and what F.W. de Klerk did.

Remember that the constitution is a set of laws to control the government, not the people. The
constitution is a set of laws spelling out what the Government can do…everything else is forbidden.
The constitution states the basic individual rights of its citizens such as the right to life, freedom and
the pursuit of happiness. The sole purpose of government is to protect those rights.

When the South African public voted the National party into power (again) in 1987, they expected the
social contract between the citizens and the government to be upheld and the government had no
right to act outside of their mandate to rule as stated in the constitution.

So far we have seen that the National Party held a secret meeting at the Old Sterrewag a Military
Intelligence conference place, on the 2nd of August 1985 and completely outside of their mandate
conspired to hand the country over to Black Marxist Terrorists. This in itself is enough to try the entire
previous NP government for conspiracy to commit treason.

The scrapping of the Separate Amenities Act as well as the Group Areas Act allowed dangerous Blacks
and Coloured criminals into White communities . It endangered every single basic right that we
allowed the government to exercise.

If one thinks back to the legal definition of treason, then not only were they betraying the citizens of
South Africa, but actively supporting its well known enemies.

The release of legally convicted and highly dangerous terrorists such as Walter Sisulu and other
Marxist terrorists without them having to denounce violence was a crime against the people of South
Africa…Black and white…for the subsequent violence, terrorism and downright murder that followed
across South Africa were directly orchestrated by them. It was a direct cause of F.W. De Klerk’s
premature ejaculation to keep the Anti-Apartheid whores of the world happy.

I do not know how to emphasize this enough. We should never forget what a Constitution is and the
limits it sets on government.

Within days of coming to power and within a few months thereafter, F.W. De Klerk and the NP were
not only criminally acting against the constitution and outside of their mandate to rule, but also
deliberately caused treason against ALL South Africans.

The government was constitutionally bound to protect ALL its citizens against the initiation of Force.
The NP government was supposed to protect the safety of all its citizens.

History speaks for itself. The NP and De Klerk as State President. Failed magnanimously in their basic
tasks as a government within the first few days of him coming to power.

1989 was not even out when we should have had them all on the stand for treason or conspiring to
commit treason.

Considering that SA had the death penalty in place for treason in those days, I would say that F.W. de
Klerk should consider himself lucky that he is still alive today. History shows the public killing their
leaders for far less than what he had done

Anyway..If you think that was bad…wait for the next edition where more evidence of treason will be

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box - Part 29 – Secret talks with the Enemy
By Mike Smith
30th of March 2011

Today when one observes online forums and newspaper columns, most white South Africans believe
that we were sold out and betrayed by the negotiators F.W. de Klerk, Roelf Meyer, Pik Botha, et al at
the Codesa talks.

The truth is rather different. What we as the public saw at the Codesa talks were merely a puppet
show. It was an act. What we saw was a deception to make the South African public and the world
believe that “meaningful negotiations” were underway.

The breakdown of the talks; the public holding their breaths; the negotiators taking hands and
starting the talks again…followed by another breakdown in talks; threats to pull out…the country on
the brink of civil war; more gasps from the public, etc, etc…It was all show. A psychological trick.

The real negotiations between the NP government and the ANC took place years before that already.
By the time of Codesa, the spoils were already divided.

Let me explain…

Although denouncing Mandela as an arch Marxist committed to violent revolution, P.W. Botha in
order to curry favour with blacks in South Africa and to show the world that Mandela was being
treated well moved Mandela in 1985 from Robben Island to Polsmoor outside of Cape Town. In those
days still a decent prison.

In January 1985 in an address to the House of Assembly, Botha offered to free Mandela on condition
that Mandela pledge opposition to acts of violence to further political objectives.

Mandela’s daughter Zinzi read his reply. Mandela said that the government was responsible for the
violence. If there was a democracy there would not be any need for violence.

Ironically history today shows that the further South Africa moved away from Apartheid and closer to
a multiracial democracy, the more the violence increased and now, 17 years after the introduction of
such a democracy, violence, murder, rape, etc is at an all time high in South Africa, far worse than
during any period of Apartheid.

In December 1988, Mandela was moved to a four-bedroom house of his own complete with a
swimming pool and shaded by fir trees, on a prison farm called Victor Verster, near Paarl, just outside
of Cape Town. He could also receive visitors as he pleased and his wife Winnie could sleep over, an
offer she declined.

To the public of South Africa, the NP showed defiance and refused to talk to terrorists, but behind the
scenes secret talks with the ANC Marxist terrorists were already in full swing.

Prof. Sampie Terreblanche of Stellenbosch University was involved in clandestine meetings with the
ANC at the end of the 1980s. In 1985 the members of staff of Stellenbosch founded the "Discussion
group '85" of which he became the chairman. They felt that the South-African government was on the
wrong track. Sampie Terreblanche ended his membership of the NP in 1987 and became one of their
strongest critics. He was a founding member of the DP and its first economic adviser, but is now no
longer active in party politics.

Former Deputy Minister for Defence and National Intelligence and, since 1980, Justice Minister,
Kobie Coetsee, already started secret talks with Mandela in 1985 under directorship of National
Intelligence Services.

He met Mandela in the hospital while Mandela was being treated for prostate surgery.

Over the next four years, a series of tentative meetings took place, laying the groundwork for further
contact and future negotiations.

Prof. Willie Esterhuyse, a prominent academic of Stellenbosch University, met Thabo Mbeki in
England in 1987 and was told to report back to National Intelligence Services (NIS).

In 1988 more talks followed between Mbeki and around 20 members of the political elite of South

NIS director Dr. Niel Barnard and his deputy Mike Louw were already having many secret talks with
Mandela at the time, Barnard recalled in all, 48 meetings. Barnard also met Thabo Mbeki, Jacob
Zuma and Aziz Pahad in Bern, Switzerland in 1989.

NIS also organized what became known as the Dakar Safari . The Institute for a Democratic
Alternative for South Africa (Idasa) and a group of fifty-two mainly Afrikaans-speaking intellectuals,
sixty-one in total, conferred with the banned ANC in Dakar, Senegal, from 9-12 July. Delegates were
drawn from academic, professional, cultural, religious and business fields. The seventeen-person ANC
delegation was headed by Thabo Mbeki.

Amongst the delegates from South Africa were Tony Bloom, Dr F. van Zyl Slabbert, Willie Esterhuyse,
Dr. Theuns Eloff, Breyten Breytenbach, Andre P. Brink, Ampie Coetsee, Andre du Toit, Jannie
Gagiano, Herman Gilliomee, Max du Preez, Rashied Lombard, Jimmy Matthews, Hennie Serfontein,
Alistair Sparks, Alex Boraine and Gretha Fox.

Gretha Fox? She was an actress…why did she have to go along?

On the surface the National Party was protesting heavily whilst already in talks of their own with the

In his book, “Really inside BOSS: a tale of South Africa’s late intelligence service”, P.C. Swanepoel
writes on page 49 that since 1986 the Chairman of the Afrikaner Broederbond, Pieter de Lange had
been meeting secretly with the ANC and that for two and a half years from November 1987 until May
1990 the Afrikaner Broederbond held twelve such clandestine meetings with the ANC. Amongst these
influential Broederbonders were, Prof Sampie Terreblanche, Wimpie de Klerk (former Dutch
Reformed Minister, lecturer, newspaper editor of Rapport and The Transvaler and also the liberal
brother of president F.W. de Klerk), Prof Willie Esterhuyse and others.

These meetings took place at a luxury mansion that belonged to and were sponsored by Rudolph
Agnew, Chairman of the British mining house Consolidated Goldfields.

Wimpie de Klerk described these events in his diary as follows.

“For me personally they meant a great deal; The luxury trips and accommodation; The experience of
sitting close to the fire and engaging in political breakthrough work to bring the National Party and
the ANC to dialogue; The bonds of friendships that developed between Thabo Mbeki, Aziz Pahad,
Jacob Zuma and myself; The access to direct confidential information; The position of intermediary,
because from the beginning until now I have conveyed “secret messages” from the ANC to F.W. and
even the other way around, but F.W. was and is very cautious…”

In his book “Tomorrow is another country”, the journalist Alister Sparks writes on page 86, that Prof.
Willie Esterhuyse after those experiences taught his political science students that, “Negotiations do
not always have to be formal; You can use Glenfiddich to solve a problem.”

It was also Niel Barnard’s NIS who smuggled the first bunch of Marxist exiles amongst others, Mbeki
and Zuma, back into the country and put them up in a safe house in Pretoria North, without the
knowledge of the security police. This was a blatant act of treason and downright criminal.

In the BBC Radio4 program, “The Reunion” Barnard remarks, “all good intelligence agencies should
be ahead of their governments.”

He was referring to the South African NIS who repeatedly urged the Nationalist government to find a
way to talk to the ANC.

Barnard was also famous for tying Nelson Mandela’s shoe laces before he was due to meet PW Botha
for the first time. This incident is also discussed in The Reunion

Later on Prof Willie Esterhuyse would write about his experiences and meetings in English pubs with
the Communist enemies of South Africa and how South Africa’s super spies laid the table for handing
the country over to the Marxist enemies. Willie Esterhuyse was a NIS spy under the Code name “Gert”

When Mandela was freed from prison on the 11th of February 1989 he wanted Niel Barnard on his
side, but Barnard told him, “Sir, this is YOUR moment, besides how is it going to look if you walk out
of prison with a Boer Spy?”…

That is what Barnard called himself…”A Boer Spy”. More like “A Boer Traitor” if you ask me. A
Hensopper and a Joiner.

In his book, Volksverraad pg 92 Advocate P.J. Pretorius writes, the following in Afrikaans, freely
translated directly underneath,

“Toe dit gedurende September 1992 vir NI duidelik word dat die ANC en die SAKP die
onderhandelingsoorlog teen die NP wen, het die NI self in die geheim by gespreksvoewring met die
ANC en die SAKP betrokke geraak. Omdat intelligensie ‘n lae prioriteit vir die ANC en die SAKP was
moes die NI en sy establishment van nagenoeg 5 000 personeellede die wese van die intelligensiewese
aan die opkomende bewind bemark. NI se burokratiese posisie was op die spel. NI se hoofbstuur
(waaronder Mike Louw, George Grewar, Mikde Kuhn, Eksteen Theron, SED Hofmeyer en Jakes
Jacobs), het vroeg in 1993 die ANC en die SAKP op die Diens se geheime eiland in die Vaaldam
onthaal om NI se beeld by die ANC en die SAKP te verbeter. ‘n Plan om die regses te vernietig is aan
die ANC/SAKP voorgelê ter wille van burokratiese magsvertoon.”

”By September 1992, when it became obvious to National Intelligence that the ANC and the SACP
were winning the negotiation war, National Intelligence secretly got involved with talks of their own
with the ANC and the SACP. Because intelligence were a low priority for the ANC/SACP, the NI
establishment with about 5000 members had to market themselves to the up and coming regime. NI’s
bureaucratic position was at stake. NI’s top management (amongst others Mike Louw, George Grewar,
Mike Kuhn, Eksteen Theron, SED Hofmeyer and Jakes Jacobs) hosted and entertained the
ANC/SACP in 1993 at the Services’ secret island in the Vaal Dam to improve the image of NI with the
ANC/SACP. A plan to destroy the right wing was presented to the ANC/SACP as a show of
bureaucratic force.

At this stage we have to revisit the legal definition of treason.

“The betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to
aid its enemies”

See…it is one thing to fly First Class all over the world making luxury trips to have secret negotiations
with the enemy at taxpayer’s expense…it could even be in order to conspire the dividing of the spoils
after the Great Betrayal whilst sipping single malts with the enemy around the fire; an enemy who was
planting bombs and killing South African citizens…

But it is quite another thing to conscript and send 18 year old boys to go fight a war against Marxist
terrorists on the Angolan Border whilst you are abetting and smuggling these same Marxist enemies
into South Africa and putting them up in safe houses…at taxpayer’s expense.

While these traitors were conspiring to hand over our country to Marxist terrorist scum, young boys
were dying on the Angolan border. When these young conscripts were curled up in their sleeping bags
in the bush of Angola, unshaved and stinking from not having bathed for days, these traitors were
sipping Whiskey with the enemy around a cozy fireplace inside an English Mansion.

In March 1993, 32 Battalion, a crack Special Forces unit and the most decorated, was disbanded and
its members left out on their own devices.

Commandant Willem Ratte asked his wife to sew a small black bag together. He then collected 30 old
one Rand coins (for their high silver content) from the former soldiers. Commandant Ratte handed
the thirty pieces of silver to the battalion's spokesperson, Louis Bothma, with the request that they be
given to President F.W. De Klerk. Willie Snyman was a member of parliament at the time. In this
capacity, he handed De Klerk his wages of treason on behalf of the soldiers as a symbol of his Judas
treachery to the former soldiers who fought Marxism in the Namibian/Angolan Border. De Klerk,
according to reports, was very hurt by this gesture.

I have to say, that when the Director of National Intelligence ties the shoelaces of a convicted Marxist
Terrorist and mass murder before secret meetings, then you know…You have been properly screwed

But what has happened to Dr. Lukas Daniel (Niel) Barnard since the great betrayal?

Well he seems to have invested his thirty pieces of silver quite well in ACG World: Life at the Top
(with a whole lot of Nigerians) if one considers who the trustees are.

Also read John Carlin interviews Niel Barnard

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 30 – The NP pulls off the biggest Confidence Trick in the
history of South Africa

By Mike Smith

8th of April 2011

When F.W. de Klerk mounted the rostrum to open parliament for the 41st time on Friday the 2nd of
February 1990, nobody except his cabinet and National Intelligence knew what was about to be
announced…and obviously General Tienie Groenewald of Military Intelligence Com.Ops. who wrote
the speech for him.

De Klerk unbanned several terrorist organizations, announced the freeing of Nelson Mandela and
expressed a desire to renegotiate the future of South Africa with all concerned.
The Conservative Party showed their disgust with the speech by walking out of parliament.

After his speech South Africa would never be the same again and would continue on a downward
spiral for all its citizens.

The press later dubbed it “Red Friday” and “The Red Speech”, because of all the Marxist terrorists that
were unleashed on South Africa.

Later on De Klerk would cite the demise of Stalinist Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe as his
main reasons for allowing him the opportunity to unban these organizations. He felt that without the
support base from these former Communist countries, the “liberation movements” posed less of a

Truth is that the economical and ideological support that these Marxist terrorist organizations were
receiving came mostly from the West. From Churches, from charities, from singers, actors and other
celebrities, from Scandinavian donors, etc…

De Klerk knew this. He was a member of the State Security Council (SSC) and had full access to all
intelligence reports.

Nevertheless, De Klerk announced in his speech, “The season of violence is over. The time for
reconstruction and reconciliation has arrived.”

We all know that hindsight is twenty-twenty, but of all the forms of wisdom, hindsight is probably the
least merciful, the most unforgiving.

Truth is that De Klerk’s speech on the 2nd of February 1990 did not end the season of violence, it
started it. Between his speech in 1990 and 1994 South Africa experienced the most violent period in
her history.

On the 11th of February 1990, arch Communist Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela walked hand-in-hand with
his wife Winnie out of Victor Verster prison near Paarl. He was whisked away to Cape Town’s City Hall
from where he would make his first public address in 27 years…a rather unforgiving and resentful
speech in front of 80,000 people.

He called for the intensification of the struggle on all fronts, saying, “Now is the time to intensify the
struggle on all fronts” and he called for. “redoubling” of efforts in the armed struggle. He further called
for the continuation of sanctions against South Africa and the isolation of the Pretoria regime. He
called for more rolling mass action saying, “It is only through disciplined mass action that our victory
can be assured.”

Hardly reconciliatory and peaceful. Rather, it sounded like Mandela was on the war path.
Mandela’s complete speech

After his speech he spent his first night out of prison at the mansion of Champagne Socialist, Arch
Bishop Desmond Tutu, in Bishops Court.

In the next two months mass action intensified in Tokoza (80,000), Daveyton, (60,000), Alexandra
(50,000) etc. By the end of April 1990, 25 policemen were killed, their homes demolished with front-
end loaders….the SAIRR monitored more than 400 assaults on councilors and policemen from
January to July 1990.

The institute’s CEO John Kane-Berman later wrote in his book, “Political Violence in South Africa”, pg
58 that more than half of these incidents were never reported in any of the six English newspapers in
Johannesburg. Almost no photographs either, “yet Right-wing violence and intimidation were
regularly featured, prominently displayed, and reported on by teams of investigative journalists,
accompanied by photographers”.

Unrest in the Black homelands of Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei escalated with murder and
bomb blasts…the season of violence was only starting.
What were the whites feeling at the time?

At this stage whites were mostly unaffected by the violence. It was still mostly in the black townships
and the homelands. Whites still had hope. They thought the violence would soon dissipate. After all
Nelson Mandela was free, Apartheid laws were for the most part scrapped and South Africa was on the
road to black rule…Why the violence?

Further, De Klerk and Mandela promised that the season of violence was over and the whites naively
swallowed it all.

In Natal, virtual civil war erupted between the ANC (who bought youths over to their side with R50
notes) and the IFP. Still the whites hoped it would all be over soon.

Where were De Klerk and Mandela at this stage?

They were dogging each other’s footsteps in Europe and the USA, De Klerk asking for sanctions to be
lifted and Mandela asking for sanctions to remain until he was in power.

South West Africa becomes Namibia

During the same time President De Klerk and Foreign Minister Pik Botha were involved in giving
more South African territory away, namely South West Africa and the South African harbor Walvis

A brief history of the South West issue is here necessary. The vast land between the Kunene River in
the North and the Orange River in the South is for the most part a desert. It was of no use to the
British during the nineteenth century and all they were interested in were the Penguin islands and the
deep water port of Walvis Bay which they annexed in 1878. The rest of the land became a German
colony since 1884. The Caprivi Strip became part of SWA in 1890.

During the Second Anglo-Boer War, the Germans supported the Boers, but when the Boers
surrendered in 1902 they had to pledge legion to the Crown of England…which they reluctantly did.
Thousands of Boers refused to do so and rather emigrated to Argentina.

In 1910 South Africa became a Union made up of the Two Boer Republics of The Orange Free State
and The Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek as well as the two British Colonies of The Cape and Natal.

At this stage Walvis Bay became part of South Africa.

In 1914 the First World War broke out in Europe and it presented a nice opportunity for the British to
test the loyalty of the Boers. Prime Minister Louis Botha was asked to annex SWA on behalf of the
British Crown, basically going to war with their former friends the Germans. It further has to be
remembered that a great deal of Boers to this day are themselves from German decent. At the time of
1914 many could still speak German.

This sparked a rebellion by General Manie Maritz and some others who saw an opportunity to restore
the old Boer Republics. They managed to get a total of about 3000 men together. Generals Jan Smuts
and Louis Botha along with 32,000 troops of which about 20,000 were former Boers themselves
quelled the rebellion and by 1915 South West Africa came under South African control. Please note
how the majority of the Boers were now fighting on the side of the British…not on the side of Maritz
and De La Rey.

At the end of the First World War, Germany was bankrupt and could not run the colony again. Britain
did not want it, because it was a useless desert, so the League of Nations put it under a mandated rule
by South Africa.

According to this mandate South Africa had to introduce its laws and protect the citizens, by amongst
other things keeping out hostile foreign forces.

The League of Nations seized to exist when the United Nations was created, but the UN was not the
automatic successor of the League of Nations.
When the UN wanted SWA under their control South Africa objected, because at that stage the South
Africans have built up SWA complete with harbours, dams, roads, airports, and other infrastructure.
SWA was for all intents and purposes a fifth province of South Africa, although it was never officially

The International Court of Justice in 1966 further ruled in South Africa’s favour and said that South
Africa was not obliged to hand over SWA to the UN and should continue its supervisory role.

Despite this ruling by the ICJ in 1966, the UN unilaterally ended South Africa’s mandate in SWA.

In 1971, acting on a request for advisory opinion from the United Nations Security Council, the ICJ
ruled that the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia was illegal and that South Africa was
under an obligation to withdraw from Namibia immediately. It also ruled that all member states of the
United Nations were under an obligation to recognize the invalidity of any act performed by South
Africa on behalf of Namibia.

Since 1966 until 1989 (for 23 years) two generations of mainly White but also Coloured, Indian and
Black men would fight on the Namibian Angola border to keep out the Marxist terrorist insurgents
and keep the citizens of Namibia, of all races, free from Communist oppression and genocide that was
rife in the rest of Africa, basically everywhere where the Communists took over.

On the 21st of March 1990, the 30th anniversary of the Sharpeville incident, De Klerk handed over the
keys of Namibia to South Africa’s former enemies, the Marxist terrorist SWAPO. For 14 years prior to
that, Foreign Minister Pik Botha along with his friends, Chester Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State
for African Affairs, and Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State, were planning this treacherous event
whilst sending South African men to die on the border.

For almost a century South African taxpayer money went into Namibia to build up infrastructure on
par with South Africa. Hospitals, schools, universities, roads…everything was built with the money of
South Africans.

Pik Botha and F.W. De Klerk gave it all away with no mandate from the South African voters. In 1994
even the official South African territory of Walvis Bay was given away with no referendum, no
mandate and no compensation whatsoever.

This was an act of high treason. De Klerk had no right to give away property that did not belong to him
and in fact belonged to South Africans.

Nevertheless, at the handing over of Namibia on the 21st of March, De Klerk again echoed his words
from the 2nd of February. He called himself an “Advocate of peace” and the “Season of violence was
over”. It proved to be a trifle too optimistic.

Irreversible change

As De Klerk and Mandela traveled the world for the rest of 1990, one would constantly hear De Klerk
making reference to “Irreversible Change”.

For instance, on the 24th of September 1990 De Klerk addressed the Washington National Press Club,
expressing his satisfaction over President Bush accepting the “Irreversibility” of change in South

During a ceremony at the Rose Garden that same morning he used the word “irreversible” five times
and it bounced off his lips another few times in the question and answer session that followed.

The “irreversibility” of change was a precondition of the lifting of sanctions, but it also signaled at that
stage that for the whites of South Africa, the time was over. The omelette was scrambled. There was no
turning back.

In October 1990 despite major violence, the State of Emergency had been lifted totally and Foreign
Minister Pik Botha informed the President of the UN General Assembly that more “than 100
discriminatory laws and regulations have been repealed and only three Apartheid Laws still

Two of these, The Group Areas Act and the Lands Act, Botha promised would be repealed at the
opening of Parliament in early 1991. The Third one, The Population Registration Act could only be
adopted if the new constitution was accepted.

This is where it gets interesting

The Population Registration Act was the cornerstone of not only Apartheid, but as well as the Tri-
cameral Constitution of 1983. Scrapping it would not only bring down Apartheid, but the Government
itself and would leave a void. It was a constitutional impossibility to scrap the Population Registration

The entire Tri-cameral constitution was based on the fact that there were different houses of
parliament (House of Assembly-Whites, House of Representatives-Coloureds, and House of
Delegates- Indians).

If the NP government scrapped this Act, it would mean there would not be anymore Whites,
Coloureds and Indians as per definition. Everyone would be equal in front of the law.

It would mean that the NP would have to dissolve the entire government, call an election and that the
people of South Africa would have to create a new constitution.

There was no way around this and the NP knew it. If the NP wanted to remain in power it could not
repeal the Population Registration Act. If they did repeal the act, they would be committing political
suicide and lose all power.

F.W. de Klerk himself was a lawyer and he knew this only too well. There was only one way to pull this
off. They had to play the biggest confidence-trick on the whites voters of South Africa.

How to con Whites out of power 101

The government was fully advised by MI and NIS on how to do this.

General Tienie Groenewald was the protégé of Eschel Rhoodie and the chief expert on propaganda as
well as psychological warfare. He knew the South African public intimately. He would play a major
role in what happened next.

By early 1991 Law and Order Minister Adriaan Vlok released figures on violence in South Africa. A
total of 17,088 incidents of unrest in 1990 set a new record. (The Star, Johannesburg, 11th of February

The Civil War between the IFP and the ANC spread from Natal to the townships around
Johannesburg and Pretoria.

The death toll in the first four months of 1990 stood at 1400; about the same as for the entire year
before. By the end of 1990 there had been 3700 deaths in political violence. This was 163% increase
over the 1400 deaths in 1989. Since the war between the IFP and the ANC started in the late 1980’s
the death toll now topped the 7000 mark. There was surely no “end to the season of violence” as De
Klerk promised.

On the 1st of February 1991 De Klerk again opened parliament with a speech. As everyone expected,
he announced the repealing of the Group areas Acts and the Land Acts.

He sprung a surprise when he announced that also the Population Registration Act of 1950 would be
repealed, despite earlier indications that such a step would be constitutionally impossible.

Les De Villiers write in his book “In sight of Surrender”, page 179…

“On the part of the Government”, De Klerk explained, “the view was held that the Population
Registration Act would have to be repealed eventually, but that this could not be done immediately
because the Act was technically necessary for the maintenance of the present constitutional
dispensation. Therefore it would be possible to repeal the Act only once a new constitution had been

Further investigation, he announced, showed that it was, in fact, possible to repeal this Act, provided
that it was accompanied by the adoption of “temporary Transitional Measures” toward the acceptance
of a new constitution”.

De Klerk was lying through his teeth. It could not be done. He did not fool the opposition Conservative
Party. De Klerk's speech was interrupted by jeers and cries of "traitor" from white opposition
Conservative Party members. Some were forcefully ejected, which prompted a walkout by the
remainder of the 41 party members.

After this speech, more violence and rolling mass action by tens of thousands of blacks took place. The
townships were in chaos. Necklace murders were the order of the day…

De Klerk waited until the Currie Cup Rugby season was in full swing. The White public, for whom
Rugby is a second religion, would be totally fixated on the biggest sporting event on the calendar. At
that stage the Rugby World Cup was only a few months away and South Africa would once again not
be able to partake due to sports boycotts.

The human mind does not like chaos. It is repulsed by horrible acts of violence such as necklace
murders. It wants order and calm. On the television, radio and newspapers the public was bombarded
with scenes of horrible violence, chaos and mass action across the country as well as, at the same time,
the beautiful game of Rugby. People wanted an end to this chaos they just wanted to watch Rugby, but
instead it was getting worse by the day.

The Intelligence operatives knew exactly what they were doing. They relied on another factor; The
political blindness, naivety and ignorance of the greater white electorate.

Probably 99% of them had never read the Constitution or the Population Registration Act let alone
understand it. They simply trusted the NP to take care of them…they just wanted to watch the Rugby,
have a beer and forget about the violence ripping across the country.

At a special ceremony on Thursday the 27th of June 1991at his office in the Union Buildings, in
Pretoria, President F.W. De Klerk signed off on the last three remaining Apartheid Laws in full view of
the world press and television cameras.

According to De Klerk, the scrapping of the Group Areas Act, the Land Act and the Population
Registration Act meant that the book on Apartheid was closed.

What De Klerk forgot to add was that when he did that, he also closed the book on himself and his

From that day onwards, the NP had no constitutional right to govern anymore, they had no mandate
anymore. There was no interim transitional measures in place, nothing.

On the 27th of June 1991, the National Party Government became an unconstitutional and illegal

That makes everything they have done afterwards also illegal, including the 1992 referendum and the
negotiations on behalf of the whites of South Africa. The entire 1994 election was illegal and the ANC
government today is therefore illegal.

One would ask today, “But why did the lawyers not do anything? Surely they knew what was going

Yes. They knew full well what was going on. ONE man…one such a lawyer raised his voice.

His name was Jaap Marais, the leader of the HNP (Herstigde Nasionale Party or the Reconstituted
National Party), a small rightwing faction that broke from the NP in 1969.

Jaap Marais said that the NP was an illegal government and had no right or mandate to govern. He
was 100% right. Marais called for a boycott of all elections since then. Taking part in any election after
27 June 1991 would give legitimacy to such an election and therefore legitimacy to the ANC Marxist

Problem was that the HNP catered exclusively for the Afrikaners and almost all their literature and
speeches were in Afrikaans. The HNP even refused to translate their name into English, rejecting
bilingualism. They were seen as a fringe, extremist, and somewhat Calvinistic religious fanatic, right-
wing group, mostly because of disinformation by the liberal media and the NP government.

Even so, Marais prided himself on his command of the English language and would gently correct
English-speaking interviewers on their grammar and syntax. He was a devotee of poetry, particular
the works of John Keats and T S Eliot, and had translated Shakespeare's Julius Caeser into Afrikaans.
He was also a connoisseur of fine wines - and an acclaimed breeder of budgerigars, winning many
international awards for this hobby, some of them from Britain. Source Tellegraph

To his dying day he continued to recall the good old ways of apartheid and to predict the eventual
inevitable collapse of a foolhardy experiment with multiracial democracy. He never forgave the British
for the Anglo Boer War in which both his parents were interned.

Pity… Maybe if the HNP took a more reconciliatory and unifying stance and catered for all the whites
in SA instead of just the Afrikaners and adopted bilingualism, they would probably have been taken
more seriously at the time and would have mustered more support.

I am not sure if there were any other lawyers at the time that also realised that the whites of South
Africa were being conned out of their country, but if there were, they were few and far between and
certainly not mentioned in the media.

At the end of the day, the Intelligence operatives won. The NP remained in power and the Whites of
South Africa carried on watching Rugby while the townships were burning…The whites had
confidence in the NP and believed they knew what they were doing. They firmly believed that the NP
was acting in the best interest of South Africa and its people.

Posted by Mike

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 31- De Klerk’s liberal conversion and the mindset of treason
By Mike Smith
21st of May 2011

So far we have seen that many authors describe F.W de Klerk as once being one of the most
conservative in the NP government. What is it that changed him? How does one man, bordering on
the extreme right wing in his party change to become one of the most liberal and hand the country
over to Black Marxist terrorists? Did the change come out of his own accord or was he forced to

We have seen that there are several reasons why people become traitors or cross over to the other side.
The main reasons are represented by the acronym M.I.C.E… Money, Ideology, Coercion and Ego or
any combination of the above.

Of these the most often one is the Ego. Traitors are criminals of the worst kind and something that
criminals all share is their own greed and the belief that they will never be caught out. They are
narcissists who believe they are somehow special.

What was it that moved F.W. de Klerk to become one of the worst traitors of his people to date? Was it
one of the above or all of the above…or was it a specific combination?

In this chapter I will explore whether F.W. de Klerk fulfilled the criteria to be called a traitor. I will not
follow the letters of M.I.C.E. in the proper order but in the order of what I believe was the importance.
I will start with…

The “I” for Ideology

Several authors as well as F.W. de Klerk’s own brother Wimpie de Klerk and F.W de Klerk himself,
states that F.W. never really experienced a Damascus conversion moment. With him it was a slow,
gradual change. This is not entirely true. F.W. de Klerk did have a Damascus moment…well sort of…

De Klerk used to go on holiday during the time of the run-up to his speech on the 2nd of February
1990 and sit at the beach teeming out over the water doing a huge amount of introspection and

At this stage it is necessary to explore the ideology of F.W. de Klerk at the time. When we say he was
conservative or religious, then we need to define HOW conservative and HOW religious he actually
was. For that, we need to digress slightly and explore the general beliefs and religious convictions of
the Afrikaners in South Africa.

For the most part Afrikaners are staunch protestant people. Since the arrival of the first Dutch farmers
at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652, they brought their Dutch Reformed Church (Nederduits
Gereformeerde Kerk) NGK and Calvinistic religion with them. Highly educated ministers or
“Dominees” were imported from the Netherlands. NG Kerk dominees study theology for seven years
at university.

By 1834 when the Great Trek started on the Eastern Frontier in what is today the Eastern Cape, the
Dutch Reformed Church (NGK) was one of the mightiest organizations at the Cape and opposed to the
Great Trek.

The Farmers who trekked and who later started their own Republics namely the ZAR (Transvaal) and
the Orange Free State therefore started a new Church independent from the Dutch Reform Church or
NGK. This church is known today as the “Hervormde Kerk” or “Reconstituted Church”. The
Hervormde Kerk (HK) also imported their own Dominees from the Netherlands.

At the time there was a debate going on in the Netherlands on whether hymns should be sung in
church together with Psalms or only Psalms. The argument was, “In God’s Church, only God’s word”.

The argument was that, hymns were sometimes of unknown and therefore dubious origins and could
have been inspired by Satan who urged a drunk to write a hymn in his drunken state. Actually they
found that some of the hymns were in contradiction to the Calvinistic teachings, the Canons of Dort
and the Belgic Confession.

A dominee called Dirk Postma arrived in the Boer Republic of the ZAR to take up service in the
Hervormde Kerk, but upon hearing that he might have to sing Hymns in church, he broke away with
15 members and a short while later started a new Ultra Conservative church called the Gereformeerde
Kerk or (GK) and enrolled 300 members.

So at this stage there were three of these Dutch Reformed Churches. The Nederduits Gereformeerde
Kerk (NGK) of the Cape, The Hervormde Church (HK) of the Transvaal and the Gereformeerde Kerk
(GK), the Boer Church.

One of the founding fathers of the GK church was Boer President Paul Kruger himself. Together with
his15 founder brothers and 300 new members they founded the GK under a seringboom in
Rustenburg in 1859.

Paul Kruger was a deeply religious man. He also believed that the earth was flat and claimed that he
only ever read one book in his life and that was the Bible. He said that he did not need any other
books. He knew most of the Bible off by heart.(Maritin Meredith Diamonds, Gold and War. (New
York:PublicAffairs),pg 76.)

The GK or “Dopper” Chruch is still known today as the “Boer Church”.

Why is the GK church known as the “Doppers”? The word comes from the Dutch name for a small
bowl. When one places such a small bowl on someone’s head and shave off all the protruding hear,
one ends up with a peculiar conservative and puritan hairstyle of the time.

The Doppers calls the DRC or Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK) members, “Gatjieponders”…the
word comes from “Gat-Jappon” which literally translates to “Arse-coat” referring to the tuxedo style
coats they used to wear 200 years ago. But I am digressing…

Nevertheless, all three churches NGK, HK and GK are sister churches and the dogma basically the
same, i.e. Calvinistic. The only difference is basically the singing of hymns in church. The GK only
sings Psalms and what is called “Skrifberymings”, text out of the Bible rewritten to rhyme and given

Another difference is the belief of the Ultra Conservative “Dopper” Church that God personally
intervenes in the lives of people and that when one prays long and hard enough, God will show one the
way…show one which course to take. They believe that one can get a calling from God. In Afrikaans it
is called a “Roeping”.

F.W. De Klerk was, and still is, such an Ultra Conservative Christian…a “Dopper”, a member of the
Boer Church. F.W. de Klerk comes from a thoroughbred Boer family.

During his time of intense introspection, F.W. de Klerk also searched for such a sign from God, to
show him the way, a calling to do something great. The sign eventually came in the form of his
personal friend and Dopper Dominee, Pieter Bingle of Cape Town.

De Klerk, his wife Marike and Pieter Bingle knew each other since their student days at the
Potchefstroom University. Pieter Bingle was at the wedding of his son and testified in the murder trial
following the murder of former First Lady Marike de Klerk. Pieter Bingle and F.W. De Klerk are also
members of the same Afrikanerbond lodge (afdeling) , Leeuwenhof in Cape Town.

At the inauguration of F.W. de Klerk as State President, Dominee Pieter Bingle gave a sermon…His
text was from Jeremiah 23 verse 16 and 22.

Jeremiah 23: 16…

Thus says the LORD of hosts:

“ Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you.
They make you worthless;
They speak a vision of their own heart,
Not from the mouth of the LORD.

Verse 22:..

“But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words, Then they would
have turned them from their evil way And from the evil of their doings.”

Basically, Dominee Pieter Bingle told F.W. De Klerk to stop listening to the people and his advisers
who were all “false prophets”. He told De Klerk that he was standing in the Council Chamber of the
Lord; that he was an instrument of God.

He told De Klerk that he who stands in the Council Chamber of the Lord will be aggressive enough to
tackle problems and challenges fearlessly.

Pieter Bingle said…

“New ways will have to be found where roads enter culs de sac, or are worn out or cannot carry the
heavy traffic. Excess baggage will be cast aside. Certain will stay and others will have to be discarded.
Those stuck in the grooves of the past will find that besides the spelling, depth is the only difference
between a groove and a grave.”

During the sermon, Pastor Bingle said, "Mr. de Klerk, as our new President, God is calling you to do
his will. Today God calls you to serve as the President of South Africa. God's commission is not to
serve as the President of some of the people, but as the President of all the people of South Africa."

F.W. De Klerk was deeply moved by Pieter Bingle’s sermon. He was literally in tears. At a post
inaugural meeting he told his friends and families that they should pray for him while the tears were
flowing down his cheeks. He said that God called him to do a specific task…to save South Africa…To
save all the people of South Africa.

He said that he knew he would be rejected by his own people, but that he had to walk this road and
that his friends and family should help him. He confessed that God had called him and that he could
not ignore the call.

De Klerk the narcissist felt himself special…singled out by God Almighty to do this job…to commit the
ultimate treason against his people.

About his convictions, Allister Sparks quotes De Klerk in “Tomorrow is another Country”, page 100.

“I also believe that God directs things here on earth, and as a result I had to accept that my election as
president was something HE wanted to happen, and therefore in my relationship-my vertical
relationship- I have a direct responsibility and I must try to live according to that.”

From that day on, De Klerk knew what to do. God told him to hand over the country to a gang of
Marxist terrorists.

We will see later how “God” directed De Klerk…but let’s continue on our journey through betrayal.

Whilst De Klerk enjoyed his Damascus moment…On the other side of the parliamentary benches, the
Conservative party felt different. These people were also Christians who believed God told them to
oppose De Klerk’s decisions such as Dr. Andries Treurnicht who was a Dutch Reform minister for 14
years himself and later became leader of the Conservative Party, the opposition of the National party.

But why was F.W. de Klerk in doubt to start off with? What cognitive dissonances were playing off in
his mind at the time of his Bingle induced Damascus moment?

Well, several things played a role. For that we need to go back to the mid 1980’s and the discussions
between people at grill parties (Braais) a favorite past time of South Africans. We have to backtrack
into the fears and doubts of the people of the time.

In 1985 president P.W. Botha scrapped the Mixed Marriages Act and the Immorality Act which
outlawed interracial marriage and interracial sex.

Since 1983 P.W. Botha split the Afrikaners down the middle with the HNP and CP on the right and the
NP and the PFP on the left. The PFP was run by a liberal Afrikaner called Dr. Van Zyl Slabbert. Inside
the NP itself one had three factions, namely liberal (Verligtes), Moderates (Draadsitters), and
Conservatives (Verkramptes).

Around the Braais one would find friends and family with the entire spectrum of political views
debating religion and politics, of which few actually had any idea. The Afrikaners of the time were for
the most part political ignoramuses. Their political believes were based on Black and White racial
politics and the threat of Communism which was from the Devil. Asked them what “Liberal” and
“Conservative” meant, they probably would not know.

Typical braai conversation would be, between a liberal and a conservative Afrikaner and the liberal
would ask the conservative,

“OK, so you believe in Apartheid, but when you go to heaven, would there also be Apartheid in
heaven? Does God have a heaven for blacks and another for whites, or how does it work? Or do you
believe that only whites go to heaven? Do blacks also have souls or only whites? What about all those
converted blacks out there who converted to Christianity?”

Another question would be, “OK, so you say you are so conservative…The laws have now changed. It is
now possible for whites to marry or have sex with blacks…What are you going to do when your son or
daughter comes home with a black man or a coloured woman?”

So with these questions in the minds of white South Africans of the time let us consider the de Klerk

The De Klerk Family

When one thinks that F.W. de Klerk was Ultra Conservative then it is still nothing compared to Marike
(Willemse) de Klerk his first wife. She was an extremely benevolent person who helped the poor
Afrikaners a lot, but she was even more conservative than F.W. De Klerk.

Her father, Wilhelm Willemse, was an academic and writer. He was Professor of Social Pathology and
Psychology at Pretoria University.

Nevertheless, the couple never had any children of their own. They adopted three children together;
Jan, Willem, and Susan, whom they obviously brought up with their religious convictions and
conservative values.

Little Willem de Klerk, turned out to be the black sheep of the family.

He was about 18/19 at the time that P.W. Botha abolished the Immorality Act in 1985 that prohibited
sex between whites and coloureds. He was also one of the first to take advantage of this new found

F.W. de Klerk’s youngest son had a weakness for all those attractive coloured girls down in the Cape.

While he was a student at the Cape Technikon he met a young coloured lady that took his fancy called
Erica Adams. Erica was the daughter of a Coloured politician namely Deon Adams of the Labour
Party. They were madly and passionately in love and wanted to get married, they got engaged, but his
mother Marike flipped out. No ways that she wanted coloured grandchildren, especially not from her
darling youngest boy Willempie.

She told him that he was putting his entire father’s work in jeopardy. That he was going to destroy
South Africa if he continued the relationship with this coloured girl. After two years of severe pressure
from his mother Willem ended the relationship with Erica.

Willem then went on to marry a White Afrikaner girl called Hermien Mostert. She was an ex teacher
and at the time she held a senior post at Woolworths. At their wedding Dominee Pieter Bingle did the
table prayer. ds. Kobus van der Westhuyzen moderator of the NGK in the Western Cape married

Nevertheless the marriage lasted four and a half years. The couple got divorced around the same time
that F.W. de Klerk got divorced from Marike…more on that later.

While young Willem was married to Hermien, the owner of a very popular restaurant in Kloof Street,
Cape Town, said Willem de Klerk and a woman with dark hair had visited the restaurant a month
before and were openly affectionate with one another.

Who was this mysterious dark haired woman? Her name was, Nicole Norodien. Another Cape
Coloured exotic beauty for young Willem De Klerk. Willem then married her in Paarl in February

He started to divorce her in 2009 (the case is still ongoing) after she had an affair with a
Johannesburg Businessman, Ernest Lefebvre. Willem de Klerk sued Lefebre for R200,000 but lost.

During the divorce case she claimed that De Klerk was "unpredictable and aggressive" towards her,
and that he is "emotionally and verbally abusive". Norodien described him as "regularly intoxicated",
adding that he drank "excessive" amounts of alcohol. She claimed he had been having an affair and
said he had had several previous adulterous relationships.
Nevertheless he had two children with Norodien.

Norodien also wanted the court to order De Klerk to pay her maintenance of R15 000 a month, as well
as comprehensive medical aid cover, a car worth R300 000, a house of up to R2-million or R20 000 a
month for accommodation and "household necessaries" worth R200 000.

Was Norodien right? Was Willem de Klerk now having another affair with another coloured woman?

Willem De Klerk now 44 years old has just (May 2011) settled out of court with another coloured
woman named Desiré Joseph , a 27 year old midwife at the Tygerberg Hospital. She comes from the
Boland town of Wellington where her parents own a furniture shop.

They met in a pub in the town of Paarl. She claimed that he was the father of her child Ana-Wilmien,
but he denied it and wanted paternity tests done. Paternity test proved that he was indeed the father
of the child.

Why did she leave him? She said she caught him with another coloured woman in the same pub when
she was seven months pregnant.

The end result today is that former President F.W. de Klerk now has three coloured grand children.
His worst fears came to life. What we spoke about around braais happened to him. His son came
home with a coloured woman…several in fact…and several grandchildren.

How could he still morally justify Apartheid when his son was producing coloured grand children on a
regular basis?

All F.W. de Klerk’s superior education as a lawyer, his conservative convictions, his Ultra Conservative
religious beliefs that he raised his children on all came to naught when his youngest boy came home
with a coloured girl and evinced a weakness for Cape Coloured beauties.

As a once Ultra Conservative politician it must have chewed F.W. de Klerk up inside. Although Willem
was an adopted child, he was still raised in the De Klerk household. He attended church and Sunday
school, graduated with a “Boere Matriek” called “Katkisasie”, accepted into the Gereformeerde Kerk,
the Boer church, yet still he discarded all of those conservative upbringings and still went for race

Under Apartheid laws F.W. de Klerk’s son would have been in prison.
F.W. de Klerk had to make peace with this and that his grand children would be coloureds. One can
almost have sympathy with him today. His Ideology changed from Ultra Conservative to Liberal. A
rare occurrence, for normally it is the other way around.

The “E” for Ego

We have already seen that F.W. de Klerk thought of himself in a narcissist way as singled out by God
to save South Africa.

Nevertheless. During the early years of F.W. de Klerk’s presidency he traveled to London where in
1989 his friend Dawie De Villiers, former Springbok Rugby player, turned liberal politician and at the
time ambassador to London, introduced him to a Greek couple Tony and Elita Georgiadis.

Tony Georgiadis and his brother are the owners of a shipping company operating out of London called

During the sanction years against South Africa, Tony Georgiadis went out of his way to deliver oil to
South Africa. He bankrolled the National Party and defied international sanctions to deliver oil to our
However, Tony Georgiades name appeared again when Independent Democrats leader Patricia de
Lille released her "arms deal dossier" in 1999, identifying him as a lobbyist for German arms

In 2008 the M&G revealed that Georgiadis received at least $22-million from ship-builder Thyssen for
lobbying fees and paid more than three amounts of R500 000 to the ANC and two charities linked to
Nelson Mandela and his wife, Graça.

Tony Georgiades and his former father in law George Lanaras, the father of Elita are business partners
and were the targets of German investigations into the arms deal.

Elita married Tony Georgiadis in 1971, but divorced him in 1998 to marry former South African
president FW de Klerk. Georgiadis had in the meantime begun transferring his circle of contacts to the
new Mandela government.

Marike and F.W. de Klerk became good friends with the Giorgiadis couple. They became frequent
visitors to Greece where they were the guests of the Giorgiadises on Tony’s luxury motor yacht.

Elita was a spoiled woman. She grew up rich and had a privileged life and was bored of all the luxury.
She started to have an affair with the very religious and conservative F.W. de Klerk. Apparently God
turned a blind eye at the time, because De Klerk was still the chosen one…

By 1994, Georgiadis suspected his wife of having feelings for De Klerk and confronted the outgoing
president about it. De Klerk agreed to sever contact with Elita, but he did not. Maybe if he prayed and
asked the Lord to show him the way, he would have had another Damascus moment.

Nevertheless during the entire time of the Codesa negotiations, also known as the “Roelf and Cyril
show”, De Klerk was disinterested. All he had on his mind when our country was handed over to
Marxist terrorists gangsters was his Greek mistress.

De Klerk was totally obsessed with Elita. He followed her around like a lost puppy. He was so besotted
that he was not thinking rationally. His entire country was slipping into the hands of criminal Marxist
scum, his people about to be slaughtered, yet De Klerk could not care less. De Klerk was betraying his
friend Tony, he was betraying his wife Marike, he was betraying God and it was only natural that he
would eventually betray his people too.

To understand what type of person De Klerk is, one has to remember that he left his wife Marike on
Valentine’s Day 1998 to live with his mistress. Six days after the death of Marike he married Elita.

In her emotional biography, Marike: A Journey Through Summer and Winter, ghost-written by
Maretha Maartens, the former first lady described the closing chapter of the couple's marriage.

Of the day the former president left, she wrote:

"He walked to the front door with his suitcases and we stretched out our arms to one another, hugged
one another and shook like reeds in the north wind.

"He cried, so did I. I told him: 'If you change your mind, I'll forgive everything - up to 70 times seven.'

"... He whispered: 'I'm certain about my decision. Stop hoping.'"

Where was Dominee Pieter Bingle to intervene and chastise his friend F.W. de Klerk? Instead of
preaching to him about skanks such as Jezebel or Delilah he searched for a fig leaf to cover F.W. de
Klerk’s sins. He told the people not to judge De Klerk and that those without sin should throw the first

The “M” for Money

Was F.W. paid to hand over South Africa? How did he gain financially?
Well, he obtained half of the Nobel Prize which is about $1,4 million dollars. It means F.W: got about
$700,000 officially for handing the country over. He wrote a biography and got royalties from other
books about him. He travels the world and delivers speeches as the chairman of the F.W. de Klerk
Foundation and the chairman of the Global Leadership Foundation and obviously makes a bit of
money like that.

This is all legal. The question we need to ask is was he paid a specific sum? How much was he paid and
most importantly who paid the piper and called the tune?

In a report in the Citizen , Steven Motale reported that former president P.W. Botha in an interview
with a Dutch Newspaper a few days before his death alleged that De Klerk received “Millions of
dollars” to hand over the country to the ANC.

P.W. Botha made the same allegations to author Jan Lamprecht

when Lamprecht visited him at his home “Die Anker” in George. The amount was not even that big. $3
million or something to that effect.

Apparently P.W. Botha said he knew about the offer, because the same offer was made to him. He did
not accept. He also did not say how big the offer was or who the donor/s were.

The leader of the HNP Willie Marais wrote a letter to De Klerk asking for his explanation and why the
money was not declared. De Klerk threatened with lawyers in the light of libelous accusations, yet he
never went through with it. The National prosecuting Authority and the Scorpions simply ignored
these allegations and it was never investigated.

What we do know is that in 2008 De Klerk owned a prestigious wine farm in the Cape called
“Wildepaardejacht” which was his residence for ten years. It had 14 hectares of vineyards and 7
hectares of olives and fruit orchards. It went on the market for R35 million.

After this De Klerk bought himself a R20 million mansion in Fresnaye in Cape Town where he is still
living today with his Greek wife.

Have no doubts. F.W. de Klerk is not a poor man today.

Whether he took the money that was offered to him and P.W. Botha, is hard to say. Whether the NPA
will ever investigate it fully is another question. What concerns me more is who could have been the
possible sponsors?

A glimpse of this comes from two books. The first one I already touched on, namely, “Tomorrow is
another Country” by Allister Sparks, formerly a journalist from the Anti Apartheid newspaper the
Rand Daily Mail and the man who exposed the Muldergate, Eschel Rhoodie so called “Information

Sparks tells us that the secret negotiations between prominent Afrikaners including F.W. de Klerk’s
brother Wimpie was sponsored by Consolidated Gold Fields, a British Mining Company established in
1887, 12 years before the British went after the gold in the two former Boer Republics of the ZAR and
the Orange Free State.

On page 82, Spark says that there were twelve of these secret meetings, between November 1987 and
May 1990. Eleven of them took place at Mells Park House, in the village of Mells, near Bath,
Somersetshire, a luxury estate belonging to Consolidated Gold Fields.

Sparks mentions that the man behind it all was the director of public affairs at Consolidated
Goldfields, Michael Young.

He was the mediator or facilitator in these secret meetings. It was his job to find the role-players for
the secret meetings. It was his job to get Professor Willie Esterhuyse and Thabo Mbeki amongst others
drunk on Glenfiddich, telling jokes and yarn swapping so they could see that in their drunken state
they were all the same. All the the air fares, food and liquor were sponsored by Michael Young and
Consolidated Gold Fields. A small price to pay for all the gold in South Africa.

You can read about The Briton who facilitated the secret meetings over here. Today it is hardly a
secret anymore; In 2009 they produced a movie for BBC Chanel 4 called “Endgame” telling us
everything about the secret meetings facilitated by Michael Young. At the time the meetings were ultra
secret, illegal and participants talking to a terrorist organization such as the ANC would not only lose
their jobs, they would be imprisoned. The ANC was on the CIA’s list of the ten worst terrorist
organizations in the world…not that it actually mattered, because the CIA was funding them.

The French have a saying, that if you want to hide something, all you have to do is put it in the centre
of the picture and nobody will notice it.

This model or method of getting role players secretly together to betray their countries worked so well
in the case of South Africa that Michael Young wants to export it to capture other nations.

Who needs war nowadays? As Prof. Willie Esterhuyse told his students afterwards, these things
nowadays get decided over a bottle of single malt whisky. The end result is the so-called “Peace” we
have in South Africa at the moment.

The other players in this game are exposed in the book, „Really Inside Boss“ by P.C. Swanepoel, a
retired senior National Intelligence Services agent (Director of Research) who discovered the role of
the CIA in funding the ANC and other terrorist organizations in South Africa through various front
companies and conduits in the UK and South Africa as well as through student organizations in South

When Swanepoel went to his boss, “Lang Hendrik” van den Bergh to tell him what he had discovered,
General van den Bergh, also known as “The Tall Man” turned a blind eye. He refused to even read the

William Rourke “Big Bill” Jordan, who ran a company called IMCO in the centre of Sandton City
Centre, Johannesburg, was the head of the CIA’s Special Operations in South Africa at the time.

Big Bill was a personal friend of General Van den Bergh. He uses to spend his Sundays on General Van
den Bergh’s farm driving his tractor around to get some fresh air. (pg99).

Today one shudders to believe the naiveté of our former National Intelligence masters. In those days
we believed that the West was our friends. We were always Pro-Western and even fought on the side
of the West in two World Wars. It was incomprehensible that these people would one day betray us.

It is wrong of us to say today that “The Americans betrayed us” or “The English were at it again like in
the Boer war.”

The average American or Englishman today has no idea of what their hidden governments; the
Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs were up to. They are as
much victims of the same organizations as we are in South Africa.

It appears as if these people, The Anglo American Establishment of the CFR and the RIIA through
their agents, the CIA and MI6, in co-operation with big business, were the ones who made the offers to
P.W. Botha and F.W. De Klerk. If F.W. de Klerk indeed took any of the money it would be interesting
to find out if it was declared and whether he paid taxes on it.

The “C” for Coercion

So we have covered the M, the I and the E of M.I.C.E.

However, what did the C in M.I.C.E stand for again? It stood for “Coercion”…meaning what did they
blackmail him on?

The State Security Council

During the time of P.W. Botha, he formed what was called the State Security Council. It was a group of
about 100 civil servants from various departments. Its function was to advise the government on
formulating and executing national security policy. Botha himself chaired the SSC. F.W. De Klerk was
a member of the SSC from 1985-1989.

These were the people who decided how the enemies of Apartheid should be “removed”. They were the
ones who gave the orders to hit squads such as the Civil Cooperation Bureau (military) and Vlakplaas’
unit C10, later called C1 (Police) and later denied having any knowledge of atrocities and human rights

Today the head of Vlakplaas Eugene de Kock is serving a 212 year prison sentence for doing the jobs
nobody else wanted to do and which he was instructed to do by the SSC.

Minutes of the meetings of the State Security Council shows that F.W. de Klerk was present when the
decision was taken to “Remove” Mathew Goniwe.

Goniwe and the so called “Cradock four” were abducted, beaten and murdered by three Black Security
Branch policemen a Sergeant Faku, Sergeant Mgoduka, and one Sakati . They burnt the bodies in the
car that Goniwe was traveling in.

The three policemen themselves who participated in the killing of the activists were later killed in a car
bomb blast at Motherwell in 1989.

The usage of semantics such as “Remove” would later emerge to be simply meaning offering the
person a job in the Transkei or something to that effect…it never meant “Kill”. These were the word
games De Klerk was playing when he personally ordered the killing of five sleeping teenage boys in
1993 when the Codesa negotiations were coming to a close.

Funny enough, when political opponents of the NP turned up dead one after the other, after the SSC
ordered them to be “Removed”, no enquiry was ever made. No investigations, no arrests…nothing.

De Klerk had many skeletons in his closet, not just his love affair with his Greek mistress at the time
(that nobody knew of).

A few years later his former wife Marike wrote two books. Her second book, “A place where the sun
still shines” was an attempt to help women who are going through the same as she went through with
F. W. de Klerk.

She wrote an entire chapter on F.W. de Klerk. She was bitter and suffering from depression.

The editor of Marike de Klerk’s two books, Maretha Maartens of publishers Carpe Diem, sent a copy of
the chapter to F.W. de Klerk. The chapter was called, Grotgesprek (Cave Conversation).

F.W. De Klerk was livid. Maartens confirmed to Afrikaans newspaper Rapport that the chapter was
deleted at FW’s request adding that a compromise was reached whereby some portions were
published while others, the more bitter elements, were withdrawn.

Both F.W. de Klerk and Rapport has a copy of the original chapter. It is being kept from the public.
What was it that Marike de Klerk wanted to reveal in her book? An anonymous source provided
Rapport with the chapter, where Marike warns Elita that she too will die alone.

Marike was brutally murdered under mysterious circumstances at her Bloubergstrand sea view
apartment at the Dolphin Beach complex on the fourth of December 2001.

I have heard from a person who was close to her that Marike was working on a third book in which she
would “Reveal all” about F.W. de Klerk’s treachery.
Marike was growing more and more desponded with the crime situation in South Africa and she knew
that F.W. de Klerk had a big part in betraying South Africa and its entire people. She was married to
him for 39 years after all. She would know exactly how much money he received and by whom it was

To use F.W.’s semantics…for this she was “Removed”.


In my analysis it is clear that the entire scope of MICE was used to get De Klerk to capitulate and
commit the ultimate treason. His sins were covered up into the finest detail. For instance he
incessantly chews gum to hide that he is a chain smoker of Stuyvesants.

The public was duped. The F.W. de Klerk that we saw on television was a tall clean shaven intelligent
man always with a smile on his face. The people were taken in by him. He was the new broom, and boy
was he sweeping clean…getting rid of all those cob-webs of the old Apartheid era. The real F.W. de
Klerk was a different man. Inherently a traitor of note.

Today F.W. de Klerk is fully aware of the fact that white South Africans and other minorities consider
him as a traitor. In August 2010 F.W. de Klerk was interviewed by Murray La Vita of Beeld and F.W.
said that the name “Traitor” doesn’t bother him.

The man simply has no conscience. No remorse about what he has done to his people. At least Judas
hanged himself after betraying Jesus, but F.W. de Klerk is still with us. He doesn’t see himself as a
traitor. He sees himself as something like Jesus reincarnated…An example to the world…The savior of
South Africa…

The world acknowledged it after all when he received second prize at the Nobel prize ceremony, next
to God Mandela.

De Klerk is unrepentant. He still firmly believes that he did the right thing in the interest of all South
Africans. If one considers the corruption and misrule of the ANC, the high crime rate the
discrimination against whites and other minorities in South Africa, then it becomes hard to
understand De Klerk’s reasoning. The question begs, “Is the man blind?”

During the Anglo Boer War, the Boers used to execute his type by firing squad.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box Part 32. Who does the land belong to?
By Mike Smith
26th of June 2011

I know, I am digressing wildly. With my last chapter I was on the betrayal of the country by F. W. de
Klerk and his henchmen.

I should have included this chapter a lot earlier. I assumed that this information to be so well known
that it I did not have to include it in my book. I apologize to my readers and followers for veering off
on a tangent here.

Nevertheless, the truth has to be spoken and if you bear with me it will shock you.

I normally refrain from giving attention to a self-aggrandizing, nappy-wearing fool such as Julias
Malema. I have more important things to write about or do with my life than to spend time on an
uncivilized, illiterate, petulant toddler, but this escaped clown from the ANC circus has gotten up the
noses of some of my readers and white folk in South Africa with his remarks about nationalization and
grabbing white owned farmland in South Africa so I thought it well to settle a few issues by educating
him and also those who are worried about his ramblings and verbal bowel movements.

What got my attention is the fact that Dr. Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch moved South Africa up
to stage six of the eight stages of Genocide last week after Malema, the leader of the ANC youth league
threatened to confiscate white owned farms without compensation. His reason being that whites stole
the land from blacks in the first place through colonization and legislation such as the Native Lands
Act of 1913. Worse was that a sudden Rush of whites wanted to emigrate because of his claptrap.

Nevertheless, anybody with the elementary knowledge of history, law and politics in South Africa
knows that this is utter junk, not even worthy of a second thought, but clearly Malema is preaching to
his fellow low-browed, plebian followers who gives him a courtesy-suck every time he masturbates
their African victimhood, which is nothing else but an excuse for their self-induced failure and right to
milk whites until “Jesus comes”.

I have no problem if someone wants to emigrate because of unfair laws such AA or BEE. I have no
problem if anybody feels they can no longer live under a heavily biased socialist government and pay
taxes to them. I have no problem with anybody feeling that they need to emigrate because of the
government clamping down on freedom of speech and the right to own property. But I do have a
problem with someone wanting to run away from a limp-wristed coward and his gang, because when
the fight starts I will be there in the front line. I pray for that day. Let us continue…

The Lies

There is a common belief in South Africa that the Natives Land Act of 1913 shoved blacks on reserves
(7% of the land) and prohibited them from buying land in white areas. That whites forcibly removed
them to these reserves and that these reserves were on the worst land in the country with no mineral
riches and that whites kept all the best land and minerals for themselves.

Now if I was a black man, I would probably also want to believe that myth, because it would ensure me
eternal victimhood status and compensation for generations to come.

Unfortunately, it is a blatant lie and can be attributed to the lack of reading ability or legal
comprehension of the journalists and historians of our time.

First of all the biggest Platinum reserves in the world runs through the former Black homeland of
Bophuthatswana. The former Nationalist government had no problem allocating this area to the
Tswanas for self rule, although they already had a massive country called Botswana given to them by
the British. It was originally part of South Africa, called Bechuanaland. Blacks further got another two
massive countries from the British called Lesotho and Swaziland. There goes their 7%.

Lie number two corrected. Black homelands were on the worst land in South Africa.

When one compares the rainfall map of South Africa and anybody with elementary knowledge of
South Africa will tell you that the largest part of South Africa is called the Karoo. It is a semi dessert
comparable to Arizona or Nevada in the USA. Blacks never even entered this area let alone settle it.
Whites made it blossom and created successful sheep farms producing meat of world quality.

Black “Settlements” are found on the north and east coast of South Africa. The East Coast having a sub
tropical climate and the north a prairie-like climate with summer rainfall and thunder storms. An
exception to this is the Western Cape with a Mediterranean climate and winter rainfall.

The northern and eastern part of South Africa with its beautiful green grasslands and fertile soil is
where the blacks eventually coalesced and this is the land they chose for themselves. Their eventual
homelands were found on the land they inhabited out of their own free will. The Afrikaners even have
a song praising the greenness of Natal, called “ Groen is die land van Natal” ( Green is the land of
Natal).It was perfect grazing area for the cattle herding blacks.

Lie number three, Blacks are indigenous to South Africa and first settled it.

Today Blacks in South Africa often tell Afrikaners and other minorities such as the Coloureds, Indians,
Chinese or Jews to adapt to their misrule and corruption or “Go Home”…implying that we, who have
been born here, who holds legal citizenship through successive birthrights should emigrate to Europe,
Malaysia, India or Israel. That the only ones who have a legal claim to South Africa, all of it, are the
Blacks believe that they are indigenous to South Africa when they are not and this has been proven by
DNA research.

We are ALL settlers in South Africa. All South Africans are settlers, regardless of their skin colour, and
their DNA carries the proof.

So says Dr Wilmot James, head of the African Genome Project, a distinguished academic, sociologist
and, more recently, honorary professor of human genetics at the University of Cape Town.

Apart from a few scattered archeological remains found of black culture in the far northern Transvaal
prior to 1652, it is generally agreed that Blacks and Whites were contemporary settlers of South Africa.
I use the term “Settler” loosely, because blacks never settled South Africa, their presence was nomadic.
Blacks were mere itinerants who traveled from place to place with no fixed home. Whole capital
“cities” of grass huts could be moved if grazing was exhausted.

They had no demarcated areas, no fences, no borders, no maps, no title deeds to proof ownership of
any land apart from a verbal claim and mutual understanding that their temporary presence in a
certain area in a certain period of time constituted “ownership” of the land.

They left behind no foundations of buildings, no statues, no roads, no rock paintings, not a single
proof of “settlement” of the land, prior to the Whites settling South Africa. The only rock paintings
were made by the Bushmen and the Hottentots (Khoi-Khoi and San) in the caves they temporarily

Blacks were pastoral-nomads and the Bushmen/Hottentots were hunter-gatherer-nomads. Whites on

the other hand built cities, railroads, dams and a first world country comparable to the best in Europe
and the new world…their legacy speaks of a people who intended to live there for a thousand years, if
not eternity.

To claim that the whole of Africa belongs to Blacks is absurd. It is like an Italian claiming the whole of
Europe belongs to Italians, including Norway.

In fact, the pyramids of Egypt is proof of white settlement going back thousands of years, so is that of
the Phoenicians settling in Carthage and the Greeks settling in Alexandria. The Arabs settled North
Africa soon after the Prophet Mohammed died and the whites settled Southern Africa from 1652

Today there are three Africa’s as Dr. Eschel Rhoodie calls it in his book “The Third Africa”
(1968)…Arabic up north, Black in the centre and Whites at the south.

The White settlers of the Cape first came face to face with the Bantu around 1770 on the banks of the
Great Fish River, 120 years after Van Riebeeck came to the Cape and 1000 km east of Cape Town.

Lie number four, Whites created black reserves and homelands.

The TruthBlacks created the homelands themselves, thanks to Shaka.

The common belief is that the black tribes at the time were all living peacefully and in the spirit of
Ubuntu with each other in a virtual liberal paradise. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Zulu tyrant, Shaka, at the time was committing genocide against other tribes. Wiping out an
estimated 2 million people in what is now known as the Defecane (great scattering). The Swazis and
the Ndebeles fled back north in the direction of central Africa where they migrated from. The Sotho’s
fled into the mountains of what is today, Lesotho. The rest of the smaller tribes huddled together
trying to find strength in coalescing.

That is the history of black South Africans that blacks prefer to ignore…that blacks drove other blacks
of their land, not whites.
It is into this Maelstrom of black chaos that the Boers trekked in 1838. As far as they went they found
large open sections of country uninhabited by anyone.

Black tribes fleeing Shaka’s carnage grouped themselves into areas finding protection in concentrated
numbers. This is how Sir Theophilus Shepstone later found them huddled together on self created
reserves. He just demarcated it in order to protect them from each other.

The creators of the Bantustans were not the Boers or the Whites, it was a black man called Shaka.

Did Whites simply take over black land? The answer is no. The elaborate answer can be found in a
letter written by the congregation of the short lived Boer Republic of Lydenburg in the name of
Dominee A, Smith from Uitenhage in 1860 after continuous accusations by the Cape Government and
the Dutch Reform Church that the Voortrekkers were stealing black land and not converting the
indigenous people to Christianity. It is documented in the book, “Kerkverraad” by François Richter
and Dr X on page 98.

The letter was first published on Tuesday, 3rd of April 1860 in “De Oude Emigrant” Potchefstroom.

I will freely translate (and not verbatim) the sections of importance.

Start of quote…

“We are are members of a “Volk” (nation) that is attacked and despised by you today. You attacked our
rights and our dignity. We are the people who gave up all our belongings in a search of a country of
our own where we can govern ourselves, just like you want to govern yourselves.

You refer to us leaving the Cape Colony as if we wanted to withdraw ourselves from civilization. You
accuse us that we do not act as missionaries and force Christianity on a people who do not wishes it
upon themselves.

You ask, “Did the Almighty tell our Commandant general to stand up and take ownership of the land?”

Our answer is that the largest area of the current British Colony, Natal and the Free State were legally
bought by by the Dutch immigrants from the former legal “Kaffir tribes” (sic) who lived on it. A
section was taken over by legally fought wars, wars that were caused by the Natives.

When the Dutch Immigrants found themselves in 1836 landless between the Vet and Vaal River, they
bought the land from the natives.

While peace were established with the “Kaffir tribes” surrounding them, Mozilikatze and the Zulus or
Matabeles attacked us without warning killing defenseless women and children on land we already
bought from them and stole everything they could find.

When Chief Commandant Potgieter arrived back from his trip to Delagoa Bay and saw the murdered
families he did what you and I and every other person would have done, he annihilated the enemy.

Under Piet Retief a large section of Natal was bought from the Zulu King, Dingane, who without
warning killed 70 men. They then proceeded to kill (at Bloukrans) every white man woman and child
they could find.

Under a small group of Kommandant General Pretorius the Zulus were defeated (At Blood River). In
1845 a large section of land in the area of Ohrigstad was bought from the natives and in 1846 they
bought another section of land from the “Kaffir King” “Omswaas”.

In 1854 another section of land between the Buffels and Pongola Rivers now Utrecht, was bought from
the Panda and a year later they bought another section of land from Omswaas north of the Pongola

And with this, the question of how we, the “Despicable Dutchmen”, took ownership of our land is

End of Quote

The Shocking Truth about the Native Land Act of 1913

Most credible historical sources and journalistic contributions such as Allister Spark’s book, “The
mind of South Africa, The story of the rise and fall of Apartheid” selectively omits the truth about the
Natives Land Act of 1913. I will now expose and reveal the truth.

This law is often quoted by pseudo historians and liberal propagandists to “prove” how “Whites” in
South Africa dispossessed “blacks” of their land.

…until one takes this law under the loop.

From the start when one researches the 1913 Native Land Act one is confronted with several ironies.

The act was brought in by Minister J.W. Sauer, a Cape Liberal and Minister of Native Affairs who
opposed disenfranchisement of blacks and was widely considered a friend of the Blacks.

John Tengo Jabavu, a prominent "educated African" and editor since 1876 of the first Xhosa
newspaper Isigidimi Sama Xosa ("The Xhosa Messenger") welcomed the Act.

How then can this act today be considered as “The original Apartheid Sin”?
It is largely through the writings of Sol Plaatje.

Despite his Coloured or Dutch sounding name, Solomon Tshekiso Plaatje (1876-1932) was a Tswana.
He was a black intellectual and writer who could speak seven languages including Dutch and German
and who translated Shakespeare into Tswana. He was editor and part-owner of Koranta ea Becoana
(Bechuana Gazette) in Mafikeng, and in Kimberley, Tsala ea Becoana (Bechuana Friend) and Tsala ea
Batho (The Friend of the People). Plaatje was the first black South African to write a novel in English
– Mhudi, (1919).

In 1914 he wrote a book called, “Native Life in South Africa”, full of anecdotal “evidence” of black
dispossession in South Africa. Hardly any real evidence that would stand up in a court of law today.

It is this work that is used by one-eyed academics, liberals and historians to prove their case of how
whites dispossessed blacks of their land and the origin of the “Whites-stole-black-land” myth
perpetuated by ANC propagandists and more recently by Nobel Laureate for Woodwork and un-
distinguished academic, Julias Malema.

Prior to this act, in 1906, the various black tribes complained to the British Government that whites
and Indians and other Black tribes, but most importantly Companies, bought land on their reserves
and fearing this encroachment, they rioted.

Because of this, a young black lawyer educated at Oxford and Columbia Universities, named Pixley
Seme called various African Chiefs together and started in 1912, the African National Congress or the

The government of the day appointed a commission to investigate the situation, called the Lagden
Commission. It is on the recommendations of this commission that the Native Lands Act of 1913 was
The original Act…The Native Lands Act of 1913 can be viewed Here. Please download it before it
disappears down the Orwellian “memory hole”.

It starts off with, “To make further provision as to the purchase and leasing of Land by Natives and
other Persons in the several parts of the Union and for other purposes in connection with the
ownership and occupation of Land by Natives and other Persons.”

At the time, the word “Native” was probably used for Blacks and “Other Persons” probably referred to
Whites, Indians, Coloureds, etc, but that is pure speculation. The act says…quite clearly… “native"
shall mean any person, male or female, who is a member of an aboriginal race or tribe of Africa”.

By that definition, Afrikaners definitely qualify, seeing that the group, their language and their culture
originated in South Africa.

Where English settlers always held on to their European roots, Afrikaners cut their ties to Europe.
They even named themselves and their language after the continent.

The law further distinguishes native companies…

“…and shall further include any company or other body of persons, corporate or unincorporate, if the
persons who have a controlling interest therein are natives”…

That means any company founded on South African soil by Afrikaners or any other natives, including
banks or mines could buy land from each other.

Nowhere in this Law does it specifically refer to Blacks and Whites. Nowhere does it say that Blacks
could not buy White land or vice versa.

It then carries on and says,

“1. (1) From and after the commencement of this Act, land outside the scheduled native areas shall,
until Parliament, acting upon the report of the commission appointed under this Act, shall have made
other provision, be subjected to the following provisions, that is to say: --
Except with the approval of the Governor-General --

a. a native shall not enter into any agreement or transaction for the purchase, hire, or other
acquisition from a person other than a native, of any such land or of any right thereto, interest therein,
or servitude thereover; and

b. a person other than a native shall not enter into any agreement or transaction for the purchase,
hire, or other acquisition from a native of any such land or of any right thereto, interest therein, or
servitude thereover. “

Here one has to understand already that the law, just like all Apartheid laws, use to cut both ways. It
was perfectly fair.

Further that the law never specifically referred to Whites or Blacks. It only refers to “Natives” and “A
person other than a native”.

Not only could “other persons” not buy “Native Land”, but also that, “Natives” could not buy “Other
Person’s” land…

As I have said. The act was 100% fair.

But right in the beginning it says, “Except with the approval of the Governor-General…”

That means that there was an escape clause. The law stipulates that Black tribes could still buy white
land subject to evaluation of a committee and the approval of the Governor General… And boy did the
blacks buy land…
Recently a study has been made by two distinguished academics, Professors Feinberg and Horn, that
totally blows this theory about black land dispossession by whites apart. It is called:



I suggest you download this data from the PDF link provided for future reference before it disappears
off the internet and down the memory hole.

* Harvey Feinberg is Professor Emeritus of History, Southern Connecticut State University, New
Haven, and Research Collaborator, Department of History, University of Pretoria.

* André Horn is Associate Professor of Geography, University of Pretoria.

A reference to this study can also be found at the following link, written by a black journalist called
Jacob Dlamini of Bussiness Day, Was Natives Land Act SA’s original political sin?

This study proves that contrary to common belief, the 1913 Lands Act resulted in MORE land for
blacks not LESS. The act resulted in Blacks increasing their land ownership by 65%. This is
conveniently ignored and omitted from contemporary history.

It proves that at the time Black tribes were farming right next to Whites. It proves that whites were
renting land from blacks and vice versa.

Sometimes Whites and Blacks were farming on the same land in total symbioses without interference
from government, taking care of each other and their shared livestock. Liberal journalist Allister
Sparks also acknowledges this in his book, “The Mind of South Africa”.

The study by Feinberg and Horn further proves that the Nationalist government of Barry Hertzog
allotted far more white land to blacks than the liberal government of Louis Botha and Jan Smuts.
Today, it is believed that the Nationalists brought nothing constructive to South Africa. The
Nationalists are vilified to kingdom come by journalists and historians alike. The truth is rather

Quoting from Dlamini’s article…

“Between 1913 and 1936, for example, Africans bought about 3200 farms and lots outside of native
areas. What’s more, the 1913 act was not retroactive, meaning that Africans who already owned land
outside of the native reserves could not have it taken away from them. Feinberg and Horn say that
between 1913 and 1924, under the governments of Louis Botha and Jan Smuts, there were 302
exemptions granted, amounting to 35% of the total. Between 1924 and 1936, when JB Hertzog was in
power, there were 565 exemptions granted, amounting to 65% of the total. “

In effect what happened is that blacks could congregate into a group and call themselves a tribe,
appoint a “headman” and thus buy white land on a “willing buyer willing seller basis”. Was this legal?
Was it ethical? Was it mafia-like conspiracy to steal and encroach on White land? Who stole the land
from whom…or was there no stealing whatsoever?

It is this age old system of “Willing buyer; Willing seller” created by whites and black South Africans
themselves that the ANC and Julias Malema want to do away with today. The ANC wants to steal all
the land.

It is this interference with the lives of the citizens of the country that we have a problem with; black
and white alike. The further the ANC or any government for that matter stays away from us the better.
We will solve our own problems.

That includes the United Nations, The Common Wealth and The African Union. Stuff them all. We
South Africans will find the solutions to our own problems.

What this study proves, is that White South Africans especially Afrikaners and Blacks, sorted out their
issues with each other decades ago. They were enemies; they fought bitter wars against each other.

Then they became friends. They lived and farmed side by side with each other, respecting each other.
They came to common agreements of “Live and let live” and “Each to his own”…until the
internationalist and their Communist agitators with their self interest and view on self enrichment by
stealing the mineral wealth from all South Africans played the one off against the other.

South Africa is at the moment at a crossroads. There is the rough road and there is the smooth road.

We as the reasonable whites and blacks of South Africa can choose to co-exist with each other as we
have done for the last four hundred years and as we have decided in 1994 or we can choose to go to
war with each other.

Fact is that the Afrikaners can take a lot, but sooner or later they also reach the “Gatvol” stage. Sooner
or later even the strongest ox gets tired.

When the Afrikaners are fed-up, they have never backed down when it comes to a fight for their
existence and their place in the sun… and they have always produced a good account of themselves.

Whether it was the Mighty Zulu Empire at Blood River, the Mighty British Empire in the Anglo-Boer
War or the Mighty Communist Empire in Angola…one thing is for sure, you do not scratch the balls of
a sleeping lion with a thorny twig. When he wakes, do not beg for mercy.

Fact is that, when all the historical facts, truths and lies have been laid bare in front of reasonable
people, it still means nothing. The ANC do not even hold themselves by their own Freedom Charter
that says “South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white.” Or that “The rights of the people
shall be the same, regardless of race, colour or sex”…

The ANC today practices unequal laws of Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment,
quotas in university entrance and sport…How in God’s name do they expect us to take them seriously
when they preach “Equality” but practices Inequality?

In the study of revolution, Crane Briton was a master who wrote the book “Anatomy of a Revolution”.
He analyzed the various stages of revolution based on various case studies. All revolutions passes
through these stages from the “Old Order” to a “Moderate Regime” to a “Radical regime”, to
“Thermidorian reaction” which is a reaction to the brutality and the excesses of the revolution.

In the light of the current ANC acknowledged “National Democratic Revolution” I will leave it up to
the reader to decide in which faze we are in.

Crane Briton says in his book that it is the “Great Haters”, the single-minded men of heroic emotions,
who eventually rides revolutions to their successful conclusions.

It is the focused minds of young tigers who are not distracted from their ultimate goal, who are willing
to kill en masse, who are willing to risk their lives and who are willing to die for their cause who will
eventually rule the land. Fortunately we are not that far yet, but we are close...

When the Blacks sing, “Hamba kahleUmkhonto”...

Go, go well, Umkhonto,

Umkhonto, Umkhonto we Sizwe.
We,we the people of Umkhonto,
Are ready to kill the Boers...

Are they talking reconciliation? Are they willing to work towards a commonly shared country by all
South Africans? I do not think so.

When Jacob Zuma sings “Bring me my machine gun” does he intend to use that machine gun on
Blacks? Obviously not. When Julias Malema regurgitate the words of Peter Mokaba and sings “Kill the
Boer; Kill the Farmer” and millions of blacks laud him...what do they think goes through the minds of
the young Afrikaners?

I can tell Malema what the Afrikaners think and how they behave.

The ANC is shit scared of the right wing Afrikaners, the AWB...they see them as their greatest threat.
They are wrong.

Let me tell you how it goes at an Afrikaner social gathering or braai.

Obviously there are the Rightwing fanatics who want to shoot everything and who want to blow up
everything to do with the ANC and "Kaffirs”.

They are the ones who wants to take it to the streets in mass action and want to Toi-Toi ala Kaffir and
go and demonstrate in front of the Union Buildings with pickets in their hands.

Then there are the “New Liberal Afrikaners” who make up the biggest part of the Afrikaners today.
These are the youngsters and housewives brainwashed by liberal bullshit radio and tellevision who
praise Mandela as a demi-god and who believe in the “Rainbow Nation Bullshit...and who listens to
Jack Parrow and “Die Antwoord”....They are zeros on a contract.

Then right at the back you will see a quiet “Old Ballie” who does not say a word. In fact he only listens
and looks somewhat bored, yawning and checking out his finger nails. When prompted for an opinion
he dislodges an old liberal Greek philosophical quote that no-one has heard of or can comprehend
before reverting back to his quiet observing state... reservedly smiling at the audience, drinking in
their ignorance and stupidity.

This is the man the ANC should actually be scared of, because he is an “Old Liberal” who has
been around the block and knows that bullshit baffles brains. What goes on in his mind, nobody
knows and he won’t share with anybody else. He is the man who slowly and quietly chips away at the
block and if needs be has a lifetime of education and experience to make a decisive difference when
the time comes.

He is the one who knows that survival of the species do not rest on a few Recce Special forces who can
survive for two weeks on eating grasshoppers and Mopani worms. He is the one who knows that
survival does not depend on success in a few glorious battles such as Blood River, Majuba, Spioen-Kop
or the Lomba river...No.

He is the one who knows that survival takes a long term view. A view of a chess player thinking eight
moves ahead all the time...A vision of seeing your nation in fifty years from now...two hundred years
from now.

In ancient Rome, when a glorious General returned from battle, The Romans had a massive parade
down the main street. The General would ride in on a chariot to the thunderous applause of the his side would be a subject, whispering in his ear...”You are only human, You are only

Certain people in the ANC have forgotten that they are only human. That the same people who have
put them into power can take that power away at the drop of a hat.

Many years ago I watched the sitcom, “The Cosby-show” where Dr. Huxtable’s son gave him uphill. In
the end he lost it and told his son, “Remember that I gave you life, I brought you into this world and
that I can take it away”.

This is the lesson Julias Malema and the ANC still needs to learn.

But when all is said and done, “Might is right”...Africa taught us that lesson. Shaka did not care about
political debates or philosophy.

Alexander the Great might have listened on occasion to Aristotle of Stagira, but when it came to the
crunch, Alexander was the first man over the wall of an enemy city thrusting a blade between the ribs
of an enemy soldier while the philosophers were pondering back home about the existence of life.

Whether it was Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Julius Caesar, Napoleon or Shaka...the ones who
eventually conquer the land are the ones who are willing to take it by force. Holding on to that land for
a thousand years is the realm of the philosophers and the warrior poets.

At the moment things are really hotting up in South Africa. All the whites have a feeling of the time is
near now. The situation is almost unbearable at the a cyst waiting to explode, whites are
bracing themselves for the onslaught to come. Whatever Malema hoped his rhetoric would achieve is
having the counter effect. Whites are uniting like never before. They are finally starting to recognize a
common enemy.

For his sake I hope he has the will and dedication to pull through what he wants to start, this time it
will be all or nothing, there will be no half measures. No mercy.

Julias Malema last week made his offer quite clear when he put it on the table. Here is our offer. Go
for it! We stop at the equator. Do with it what you want, Julias.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box Part 33 - How the negotiations were lost

By Mike Smith
23rd of August 2011

How is it possible that a people with one of the strongest military forces of the time, ranking then
under the tenth best in the world, could lose a negotiating battle with almost unarmed blacks?

How is it possible that university educated white lawyers and academia could lose at the negotiating
table to seemingly simple blacks? I mean…how difficult could it be?

This is the story of the negotiations and the treason that led to the destruction of Afrikaner

Why even enter into negotiations at all?

At the time of 1982 the white Apartheid South Africa was a nuclear power with the assistance of Israel.
Officially South Africa had seven nuclear weapons according to the IAEA , but in his book “The
unspoken Alliance: Israel’s secret relationship with Apartheid South Africa”, Sasha Polakow-Suransky
mentions on page 222; 223 that over 20 nuclear weapons and more than 100 nuclear artillery shells
were produced. Where these lost weapons are today is a mystery.

In addition to the nuclear weapons, South Africa also possessed chemical and biological weapons.
South Africa built up its arms industry with the help of Israel to the point where Armscor was a major
exporter of sophisticated weapons such as the G5 and G6 howitzers.

South Africa had a nuclear space program with satellites being built at Houteq near Grabouw in the
Western Cape and orbital as well as sub orbital and ballistic missiles being tested at the Overberg Test
Range near Arniston in the Western Cape.

At the same time, the ANC Marxist terrorist organisation was finished. By 1980 they were hunted
down and beaten into submission by the South African security forces that would sniff them out under
every rock and in every nook and cranny they were hiding. From Mozambique to London, from
Zambia to Sweden, they were sent parcel bombs or were paid personal visits by the South African hit
squads and bluntly eliminated.

South Africa pioneered and waged the original “War on terror” and showed the world that there is
only one way to defeat terrorists and that is to beat them at their own game. You have to terrorise the
terrorists into submission.

Nevertheless, by 1980 the ANC was little more than a rented office with a fax machine in Dares
Salaam. Inside South Africa, Inkatha, the Black Consciousness Movement, Black theology movements
and since 1983 the UDF were more the people representing the Blacks, not the ANC. The ANC was
largely forgotten by 1980.

In fact there was no reason to enter into negotiations with the ANC at all. There were no reasons to
enter into negotiations with any of the Black Anti Apartheid movements whatsoever. The Whites of
South Africa ruled the roost.

If the Blacks wanted a bloody civil war they would have received one. The whites were firmly in
control of the police and army. It would have been annihilation on a grand scale like the world has not
seen since Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot.

Instead, the whites of South Africa decided to bring an end to violence and live in peace with their
black neighbours. The white South Africans were also tired of being seen and treated by the rest of the
world as the “Skunk amongst Nations”. They thought that with Apartheid gone, with all
discrimination gone, sanctions would be gone, sports boycotts would be gone and then they could
build an even stronger South Africa together with the blacks...side by side, hand in hand...A South
Africa that would be the darling of the world, not the skunk.

The politically ignorant and religiously naive (certainly for the most part) White South Africans at the
time thought that when Apartheid was gone, they would be welcomed back by the world like the
prodigal son in Luke 15 in the Bible. Best of all was that they could finally compete in the Rugby World
Cup from which they were excluded in 1987 and 1991.

So when the choice to negotiate came, along with all the rosy promises of a better South Africa for all
by the politicians and the media, as opposed to civil war with the Blacks, white South Africans voted
69% to 31% in favour of negotiations. It was not that they thought they would lose such a war. A
peaceful solution simply seemed like the better option for all at the time.

At this stage it has to be stressed that the whites voted for “Negotiations” (whatever that meant at the
time) not for capitulation as understood by the National Party. President F.W. de Klerk promised a
second referendum on whether the negotiations were successful and acceptable to the whites. He
promised that he would not budge on certain “Checks and Balances”...

What was going on in the mind of White South Africans at the time?

The feeling was that most of the whites swallowed the propaganda by the world and South African
media. People had high hopes. They honestly believed that a New South Africa with everyone living in
peace and harmony was possible, despite history showing us 180 degrees the contrary not only in
South Africa, but also the rest of the world.

But just as love is blind, South African Whites fell in love with the idea of the “New Improved South
Africa” and chose to ignore the realities.

The mindset of the Whites

White South Africans are for the most part very efficient people. They believe in hard work and getting
the job done as soon as possible. They are therefore somewhat impatient in solving problems, finding
solutions and gets frustrated when the process drags on too long.

Another trait of White South Africans in general and especially the Afrikaners is their immense sense
of “fair play”. It stems from their almost religious participation in sports, their Calvinistic religious
beliefs and their Roman Dutch Law system.

Little did the white South Africans realise that their traits would ultimately be used against them.

Deception and the Art of War

Today it is difficult to believe that the negotiators on the white side of Codesa had no plan, no strategy
and were totally ignorant to the basics of warfare. Know yourself and know your enemy is the basics of
Sun Tzu’s Art of War. All warfare is based upon deception...and the Communists were masters of

When it came to negotiations with blacks, the best experiences that whites ever had with blacks were
bartering at a roadside curio stand or deciding on what wage should be paid for a day’s work in the
kitchen or garden of a white person.

It is with this kind of attitude that the White negotiators at Codesa approached the ANC. They thought
they were going to bargain with a few blacks on wood carving of an animal. The Whites at Codesa
totally underestimated the ANC negotiators.

The ANC negotiators, white and black had a totally different approach. They travelled to Vietnam in
1978 to learn the techniques of “People’s War” from General Vo Nguyen Giap as documented in the
book by Dr. Anthea Jeffery. They traveled to Moscow, East Germany, Cuba and Beijing to learn from
the best about ideological, revolutionary and negotiation warfare techniques.

Both Joe Slovo and Cyril Ramaphosa were lawyers. Slovo was a colonel in the KGB. These guys were
not idiots and they were on a mission to win.

Bobby Godsell of Anglo American Corporation called Ramaphosa “The most skilled negotiator I have
ever met”.

Since 1979 the ANC introduced the techniques of General Giap that defeated the mightiest military to
date, the USA.

These were the techniques taught to and employed by the ANC in South Africa during Apartheid and
during the negotiation. The gullible black women and children of the townships were at the same time
the soldiers and the weapons of war against the armed South African forces.

The ANC negotiating strategy and techniques

When the negotiations started, the ANC was entering a no-holds barred, no rules fight when the NP
was entering a boxing match under Queensbury rules. There could only be one outcome. Total defeat
of the NP.

The NP had all the positioning and all the leverage, then they slipped up…but how is this possible?

The answer can be found in Von Clausewitz’s “On War”, Book One. Von Clausewitz says that first of all
one should not assume that the position of defense and attack is equal. It is totally unequal. This is
also stated in Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” under siege warfare.

He further states that there are two things to consider in a war strategy, the size of the opponent and
his willingness to fight.

It does not matter how big, how many weapons, how much money or how many numbers an opponent
has. If the willingness to fight is not there and instead a willingness to make peace is already there, the
opponent stands no chance. He will lose. A thirteen year old girl will beat him.

The fight was taken out of the dog

The NP took it that their armed and security forces already legitimately defeated the ANC. They
proved it to the world. They could now sit back and relax while the ANC signed their demands at
negotiations on the dotted line.

To the NP the fight was effectively over. The hand was outstretched to help the defeated enemy to his
feet and make friends as if nothing ever happened.

To the ANC the fight only just started. All the defeats they suffered all the blows on the nose and on
the mouth meant nothing now. They achieved the start position they wanted. The NP, instead of
finishing them off on the ground when they had the chance, helped them up. Now the real battle
would start.
The NP government soldiers might have been masters in bush warfare, but they were amateurs in
ideological warfare.

It is astonishing and embarrassing today to look back at the NP negotiations at Codesa and how the
Communists ran circles around them.

The ANC strategy almost comes straight from Von Clausewitz’s first chapter. War is politics continued
by other means. The ANC saw negotiations as an extended armed struggle. When the NP lowered their
weapons the ANC intensified the use of theirs.

The strategy of the ANC is not hard to grasp. As a backdrop to their negotiations they used horrific
violence such as necklace murders of their own supporters.

They knew the whites would be impatient to put an end to this violence would therefore want to get
the negotiations out of the way as soon as possible so they could have their peace. The ANC on the
other hand was very patient. They fully exploited the NP negotiator’s impatience, sense of fair play,
and efficiency to “get the job done”.

To a communist, just showing a willingness to negotiate is already a sign of weakness. If you were
really strong, you would have taken him out. Therefore there can never be any meaningful
negotiations with communists.

The NP negotiators thought about compromise. Whites had to give up a few things; Blacks give up a
few things and in the end everyone walks away as a winner.

Not to a communist. A communist never compromise. He never gives up anything. If he does, it is

only to get something better in return.

Compromise is never a good idea. When two sets of basic principles compromise for the sake of
getting along, the result is some muck in the middle and nobody gets along. One cannot compromise
on good principles. When good and evil compromise then evil always wins. Evil can only exist,
because the good principles have been compromised on.

But the ANC had some other techniques up their sleeves.

The communists are obsessed with saving face. They never want to be seen as the ones who have lost
the conventional war.

One tactic they use is “Stage setting”. At negotiations they would seat their opponents looking into the
sun or directly in the sun so they feel hot and uncomfortable. Food will be doctored so they feel tired,
or ill. Chair legs of the opponents would be shorter than that of the communists. Everything down to
the journalists and cameramen would be carefully chosen. Even the language will be chosen to put the
negotiators on the backfoot.

Another one is “The loaded agenda”. For instance they would have a hundred points on a list of
negotiations; they would present the first five on relatively mediocre issues to the NP as preliminary
issues that would first have to be met before any negotiations could start.

One of it was to exclude military generals like Magnus Malan and police minister Adriaan Vlok from
the negotiating table.

Every single one of these preliminary issues actually was points that should have been negotiated, but
the NP did not want to appear as the guilty unwavering deadlocking party who would de-rail,
negotiations. So they gave in…An immediate sign of weakness to the Marxist terrorist ANC.

If the NP refused, the ANC would have used it against the NP as a sign of their inflexibility to negotiate
and they would have occupied the moral higher ground.

The negotiations would start over the next five items on the list. The NP would be impatient to get the
job done and square away the issues, but the ANC would be patient…deliberately prolonging it by
frustrating the NP with arbitrary issue, until the NP would say, “OK, OK, we give in, It is not that
important anyway…, let’s move on to the next point”.

Negotiation would start on a difficult issue and at the point where it seemed the NP would not budge,
violence ala “People’s War” would erupt at Boipatong or some other place in the country, or Cyril
Ramaphosa would threaten that more mass action would follow and four months of negotiations
would have been wasted and down the drain. All blame for violence would obviously be put on the NP
government or Inkatha, who would be blame the NP of violating the ceasefire and negotiations would
be unilaterally suspended by the ANC…

Automatically the NP would stand there like a bunch of idiots, not realizing, not even faintly grasping
what was going on in the ANC strategy and would do everything to get back on track with negotiations
to look like the good boys.

They also used a tactic called “Welshing”. The communists have no problem to make interim
agreements and go back on their words. When you point out that an agreement has already been
reached, they would tell you, “No, your interpretation of the agreement is wrong…”

Having agreements in writing also helped little. By inserting punctuations at the right places they
could change the meaning of a sentence by 180 degrees.

The chief negotiators of the NP government at Codesa one were Barend Du Plessis and Gerrit Viljoen.

Both were highly educated gentlemen. Du Plessis was educated at Potchefstroom University in South
Africa and furthered his studies in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, Viljoen at Cambridge and

After the failure of Codesa one, both Finance Minister Barend du Plessis and Constitutional
Development Minister, former Broederbond chairman and South West African administrator Gerrit
Viljoen resigned and were taken up in hospital from exhaustion…They were no match for the ANC
negotiating team.

That is what negotiations with communists bring you.

Nevertheless, Viljoen was replaced by Roelf Meyer who was taught trout fishing by Cyril Ramaphosa,
the ANC chief negotiator on a Sidney Frankel fishing weekend in August 1991 where Ramaphosa
rescued Roelf and ripped a fishing hook from Roelf’s hand with a pair of pliers.

It was a friendship sealed in blood, yet at Codesa-two they were at opposite sides of the table,
supposedly against each other. Both were relatively young at the time. Roelf Meyer 45 and Cyril
Ramaphosa 40.

Codesa-two would be what Allister Sparks calls in his book, “Tomorrow is another country”, “The
Roelf and Cyril Show”.

During the months of June to September 1992 when negotiations were broken off Roelf and Cyril
would secretly meet one on one in hotels several times a month.

During this time, ambitious Afrikaner politicians such as Roelf Meyer, Martinus van Schalkwyk and
Leon Wessels started to realize the game was over and started to evaluate their own career prospects
and entered into separate negotiations with the ANC. They were more interested about their own
political and business futures than with the wellbeing of white South Africans. Meyer represented the
government and Wessels represented the National Party at the negotiations.

Eventually negotiations deadlocked on three issues, releasing political prisoners, several extremely
dangerous murderers, and Fencing Inkatha areas in and prohibiting the carrying of traditional

Communist leader Joe Slovo broke the deadlock by admitting that the ANC was not dealing with a
defeated enemy and would have to offer the NP some form of power sharing for at least five years.
Police and military officers would keep their jobs, etc…

His reason was that the ANC had no trained civil servants to take over from the NP and thus would
have to co-operate with them for at least a while until they could fully take over.

As the mafia boss Don Corleone in “The Godfather” so famously mentioned… he made them an offer
they could not resist.

The whole time Chief Buthelezi of the Zulus acted like a prima donna, refused to budge on any issues
and feeling constantly insulted by not getting the respect he craved and so he was sidelined.

Over the Christmas and New year period of 1992 and 1993 two secret meetings known as “Bosberade”
(Bush negotiations) took place between the National Party negotiators and the ANC top ranks at
D’Nyala game reserve near Lephalale, formerly known as Ellisras in the Northern Transvaal, now
known as Limpopo province.

There Leon Wessels shared hour long talks with Joe Slovo in the swimming pool, Cyril, his wife and
Roelf Meyer went nighttime game watching together on the back of a Land Rover. Delegates went
jogging together in the morning and shared campfire stories under a Tamboti tree at night while the
best cuts of meat were being barbecued for them by their hosts…all sponsored by the unknowing white
taxpayers on the verge of being sold out by their government.

During this time Leon Wessels said that he and Cyril Ramaphosa “found each other”…whatever that

Can white South Africans complain today about these negotiations? It is after all the mandate they
gave the NP during the 1992 referendum.

They did not specify that negotiations should take place around a round table. They did not tell them
that they should win. Besides, negotiations in a swimming pool or around a braai were therefore fully

The next month the negotiators of the 26 groups would convene at the World Trade Centre in
Kempton Park and every time a deadlock was reached, Roelf an Cyril would slip away into a corner
and quietly convene, then return with a solution, the other 24 parties effectively excluded. The media
dubbed it the Roelf and Cyril Show. The other 24 parties might just as well not have been there.

At the time the President F.W. de Klerk seemed disinterested and more involved with his Greek
mistress. When the negotiations were finally over and the Codesa results were published in 1993, he
exclaimed to his chief negotiator, Roelf Meyer, “My God Roelf, jy het ons uitverkoop!”

(My God, Roelf, you sold us out!)

From F.W. de Klerk’s empty promises of “Checks and balances”, “Minority rights” and a second
referendum, nothing came. We lost our country and we would never have the peace we were

Since Codesa-one started on the 20th of December 1991 until the interim constitution was accepted on
the 18th of November 1993 the entire Codesa meetings and all the secret negotiations were facilitated
and watched over by the National Intelligence Services (NIS).

Advocate P.J.Pretorius in his book “Sell Out, 1997, pg 350” mentions that during this time and
towards its end, in April 1993, it became clear to NIS that the NP was losing the battle against the
Marxist ANC at the negotiating table and that they, along with 15,000 employees would soon be
without jobs.

In order to survive they would have had to embark on a marketing strategy to sell themselves to their
new masters, the Marxist ANC. So what they did was to invite the ANC honchos to a secret meeting on
their secluded Island in the middle of the Vaal Dam near the town of Heidelberg (Transvaal) to make a
presentation of their capabilities and how they could and would sink the “New Enemies”, namely the
Right Wing Afrikaners.
The main focus of their presentation was on “Intel-igence”…obviously illegally and unconstitutionally
monitoring the public’s phones, cell-phones, internet, etc…

The ANC being keen students of Sun Tzu accepted, because in Chapter thirteen “On the use of Spies”
Master Sun Tzu advises that spies, all five kinds, should always be treated well.

Soon afterwards the so-called Rightwing was neutralized.

The negotiations of Codesa should never have taken place. The referendum should never have taken
place. As I have mentioned before. When F.W. de Klerk revoked the Population Registration Act, he
did away with the Tri Cameral Constitution of 1983. From that moment on the NP was an illegitimate
government with zero rights to negotiate or call referendums.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box Part 34 - How the right was neutralized. (Section A)
By Mike Smith
6th of November 2011

After all the betrayal prior to 1994 in which South Arica was handed over to a gang of Marxist
terrorists, people today ask, “But why did the right not do anything?”

Good question and one we will have to answer our children in the future, if one actually had a proper
rightwing to speak of, but in the case of South Africa, the rightwing was fully infiltrated by the left. It is
not something that happened over night. It took decades to achieve.

The rise of Afrikaner Nationalism- A threat to the globalists

The first “Right-wingers” were probably the “Bittereinders” or “Bitterenders” who refused to accept
the authority of the British Crown. It all started in 1914 with the Maritz Rebellion.

Up until the end of the Second World War South Africa was mostly run by the liberal former Boer
General Jan Smuts, who as we have seen almost singlehandedly drew up the UN constitution. He also
served on the British War Council during both World Wars.

At the time Afrikaners were divided in their political beliefs. Many of the Anglo Boer War survivors
were still alive and the horrific British concentration camps still fresh in the minds of many

During the Anglo Boer War, Germany supported the Boers and in 1914, Colonel Manie Maritz led a
rebellion against former Boer Generals Jan Smuts and Louis Botha who wanted to suck up to the
British crown and annex German South West Africa.

General Christiaan Beyers who was by that time a general in the Union defence Force resigned in
protest and said in writing: "It is sad that the war is being waged against the 'barbarism' of the
Germans. We have forgiven but not forgotten all the barbarities committed in our own country during
the South African War," referring to the atrocities committed during the Boer War.

When he and General Koos de La Rey were on their way to discuss their plans of a revolt with General
Kemp, the police set up a road block and killed Koos de la Rey. Later they claimed it was a mistake.
They mistook him for one of the Foster Gang.

Nevertheless the rebellion was squashed by Smuts and Botha and the ringleaders imprisoned and
fined. Botha let them out after two years in a reconciliation gesture. They then joined the National
Party who would politically rather than militarily fight the war further.

If Von Clausewitz said in “On War” that war is a continuation of politics by other means, then the
reverse must also be true that politics is also a continuation of war by other means.

In 1914 the National Party was formed by Afrikaner Nationalist.

In 1918 as the First World War drew to a close, the Afrikanerbroederbond was formed. It was a secret
organization, a think-tank of Afrikaner academics whose aim was to uplift the impoverished
Afrikaners who lost their farms, their animals and many family members due to the scorched earth
policies and the concentration camps of the British.

Their method would be to infiltrate various spheres of society such as business, academic institutions,
politics and in so doing advance the Afrikaner cause.

What made the Afrikaner resentment grow stronger was an onslaught on their language, their religion
and their culture after the Anglo-Boer War.

In 1924 the NP came to power under General Hertzog. Ten years later Smuts’ SA Party merged with
the NP and formed the liberal United Party with Smuts at the head.

In 1938, one hundred years after the Great Trek, the Afrikaners organized a symbolic re-enactment of
this historic event coinciding with the building of the Voortrekker monument in Pretoria.

This 1938 Great Trek re-enactment stoked the fires of Nationalism in the hearts of the Afrikaners like
nothing before. It was on the eve of the Second World War and needless to say, when WWII broke out
there was still a strong anti-British resentment amongst many Afrikaners.

Smuts saw Afrikaner Nationalism who aspired towards their own republic as a threat to his own ideals
of a One World Government as laid out in his constitution of the UN and besides, he still remembered
the 1914 rebellion and was adamant to prevent another rebellion.

The “problem” was pointed out to him by his intelligence chief, Ernie Malherbe who said that the
Afrikanerbroederbond needed to be destroyed. They were the driving force behind the National Party.
Smuts embarked on a typical “divide and rule” strategy.

In consultation with Colonel JCC Laas and Dr. Hans van Rensburg they created the Nazi sympathizer
organization called the “Osssewabrandwag” (Sell Out, Adv P.J. Pretorius, pg 104).

According to OB leader Robey Leibrandt in the book “Vertel alles in geen genade” (pg104) Hans van
Rensburg together with his father donned the British government uniform in 1914 and shot Boer
rebels in the Freestate.

Dr. Van Rensburg’s car was seen sporadically late at night at Smut’s house in Irene and in 1947 he was
paid 12,500 pounds for services rendered to the Smuts government (Sell Out, pg 106)

The OB served two purposes. First it divided the Afrikaners, second it was a decoy set up by the Smuts
government to collect and neutralize extreme rightwing Afrikaners.

Smuts wanted to join WWII and Hertzog wanted South Arica to stay neutral. This split caused
Hertzog to resign and Smuts took over as Prime Minister. By 1940 137,000 Afrikaners joined the
Smuts army, but about 300,000 joined the OB. The idea was that should Germany win the war,
Afrikaners would negotiate their republic with the Germans, seeing that the British closed that

By 1942 the Afrikaners were so divided that the OB started losing great numbers of members. By the
end of the war, the OB basically ceased to exist.

However, just before WWII in 1937, the police recruited John Balthazar (J.B.) Vorster and Hendrik
van den Bergh as agents to penetrate the OB. Outwardly they carried the image of extreme rightwing
saboteurs, but secretly they were working for the Smuts Military Intelligence.

When they were caught, the normal procedure would have been to try them for high treason, but
instead, Smuts had them interned at a camp at Koffiefontein. During this internment, John Vorster,
received weekly visits from none other than Julius First, founder member of the SA Communist Party
which was aligned to the ANC. He was the father of Ruth First and the father in law of arch
Communist Joe Slovo.
It soon became apparent that there was a strong bond between Vorster and Julius First. (Sell Out,

Later under Prime Minister Verwoerd, Vorster would become the Minister of Justice and his deputy
Hendrik van den Bergh became the head of the Secret Service known as BOSS, The Bureau for State
Security also known as the Bureau of State Security. After the assassination of Verwoerd, that several
authors such as Jaap Marais and Pretorius hypothesize that Vorster had a hand in, Vorster became the
new Prime Minister.

Subverting the Afrikanerbond from a Nationalist to a Liberal organisation

The subversion of the Afrikanerbroederbond was more complicated.

In the early 1960’s the CIA realized that to hand South Africa over to black rule, the
Afrikanerbroederbond and the National Party would have to be infiltrated and changed from the

As the Afrikaner community grew more successful, a liberal school of thought started to take place.
Afrikaners went to study in Europe and the USA and came back with these influences. Poets,
journalists and academics started becoming more and more liberal. This demi-cult of enlightened
Afrikaners became known as the “Verligtes” (enlightened ones). And they called the conservative
Afrikaners, the “Verkramptes” literally “The cramped-up ones”.

The man who coined the two phrases was Dr. Wimpie de Klerk when he held a speech at the Sabra
youth congress at Warmbad. In his speech he chastised both sides and held the moderate Afrikaner up
as the positive and ideal Afrikaner.

Around 1964 this liberal older brother of later president F.W. de Klerk, Prof. Wimpie de Klerk first
made contact with the CIA. According to Adv. Pretorius, himself a former spy, in his book SellOut
page 192,
Wimpie de Klerk became a CIA agent operating on South African soil in 1965.

It was the start of the division in the Afrikanerbroederbond and the NP. Members were driven into
two camps of either “Verligtes” or “Verkramptes”. In 1969 at the Transvaal NP congress a conservative
faction who saw through the liberalization of the NP broke away and founded the HNP or “Herstigde
Nasionale Party” (Reconstituted National Party).

By 1972 the Afrikaner establishment was totally divided. When the prominent Afrikaner businessman
Dr Anton Rupert realized that the liberal coup d’état amongst the the NP and the
Afrikanerbroederbond was completed, he handed in his resignation from the AB in 1972.

At the time the conservative Afrikaans newspaper “Die Transvaler” was supporting the NP. This all
changed on the 13th of August 1973 when Wimpie de Klerk became the new editor.

Almost overnight he plucked the newspaper from the nationalist clutches of the NP. He stated that no
newspaper had the privilege of supporting the NP’s view. He also said that he is a loyal friend, but that
he is no propagandist…for the NP that is. Ironically he became arguably the biggest liberal
propagandist the country ever saw.

The Newspaper started conveying liberal ideas such as the creation of “grey areas” where whites and
coloureds could live together and that separate amenities should not just be Black and white but also
“grey”. He further stated that the urban blacks should get permanent status.

Further, this arrogant liberal newspaper editor started prescribing to the NP government and
especially Prime Minister John Vorster which direction the NP should take. It often brought him at
loggerheads with the Prime Minister.

John Vorster was following a policy of détente. It came from Henry Kissinger (CFR) who wrote a
secret document called “National Security Memorandum” (1969). The report was a guideline for the
US policy towards Southern Africa. It was based on CIA reports, which in turn rested on data supplied
by the South African Bureau of State Security (BOSS).
This shows how the CIA was making recommendations to the SA government and at the same time
supported the liberals against the government to drive their liberal policies forward.

It was during this time that the highly intelligent Dr. Eschel Rhoodie came on the scene and became
director of the Department of Information as South Africa’s chief spin doctor.

During the 1960’s Rhoodie was mentored by ambassador Anthony Hamilton, a deeply conservative
man, and found himself in New York in the CIA espionage circles. Rhoodie was especially concerned
about the negative image of South Africa abroad.

It was there that he learned the technique of lobbying from the CIA, who taught him that there was
only one way to control the press and that is to own it.

His five year plan and proposal to the government was approved by cabinet and secretly funded from
the Defence budget through the Department of Information. The object was to buy and establish
newspapers overseas and in South Africa to counter the negative liberal press. It was nothing new.
Most governments did exactly the same thing.

Over time Rhoodie attempted to buy the Washington Star and acquired the Dutch periodical “To the

In South Africa in 1976 “The Citizen” was created.

Enter Tienie Groenewald

One man that was also recruited by Rhoodie was Tienie Groenewald from Air Force Intelligence. His
job was to write speeches, something that he is exceptionally good at.

Groenewald was also unhappy that the information campaign was done too haphazardly and needed a
more structured approach. In 1975 he tabled a document laying out the concepts of “Total Strategy”
and “Total Onslaught” as written about in a trilogy of books by the French strategist, General André

By1976 Groenewald was transferred back to Air Force Intelligence. It was by his recommendations
that the State Security Council was created.

The Enlightened Ones

Nevertheless, the liberal onslaught against the Afrikaners kicked into high gear in June 1973 when 29
prominent liberalists in the NP formed the “Enlightened Action Movement” under chairmanship of
Gerrit Viljoen.

Members of the public were not aware of its existence. It operated in utmost secrecy and was a CIA
front. In 1974 Gerrit Viljoen also took over the chairmanship of the Afrikaner Broederbond from Dr.
Andries Treurnicht. The final phase of the liberal coup d’état of the AB was complete. From then on
Afrikaner politics would be driven more and more into a liberal direction.

The Information Scandal

In the mean time Rhoodie funded a small rightwing party in Norway and hundreds of other
clandestine projects. The establishment of the AWB (Afrikaner Resistance Movement ) and Inkhata
(Zulu nationalists) was also carried out.

It was then that Rhoodie made a big mistake. He tried to buy and control the liberal English press in
South Africa, owned by the billionaire gold empire of the Oppenheimer family. It was called "Project
Annemarie" (Annemarie was the name of Rhoodie's teenage daughter) by his wife Katy.

The liberal newspaper, The Rand Daily Mail under editor Allister Sparks received information from a
secret source and journalists Mervyn Rees and Chris Day broke the news on the “Information
Scandal”. It led to the axing of Rhoodie and Information Minister Connie Mulder, Vorster’s protegé.
Vorster resigned and P.W. Botha came to power as Prime Minister. He won by a narrow margin,
showing that he did not enjoy much support. The NP was further divided.

Rhoodie’s Dirty Tricks department was put under Military Intelligence and renamed Com.Ops.
(Communications Operations) and master manipulator Tienie Groenewald was to head it.

Creation of the AWB

On 7th of July 1973, Eugene Terreblanche, a former police officer along with 6 other members
founded the AWB in a garage in Heidelberg. One of the founding members was the brother of Tienie
Groenewald, Jan Groenewald who also became the secretary and deputy leader of the organisation.

Both Terreblanche and Jan Groenewald were paid members (fund raisers) and founding members of
the HNP. They were friends since 1968. Terreblanche was a warrant officer and at one stage a member
of the Special Guard that protected NP politicians. Jan Groenewald was stationed at the head office of
the Police security branch in Pretoria.

The other founding members of the AWB were also HNP members. Source: Victory or Violence
(Arthur Kemp) Chapter One.

Note the importance of the number 7 here. 7.7.1973 founded by 7 members. It features in the flag of
the AWB. A triskelion of three sevens with an uncanny resemblance to a swastika.

The AWB was founded as an Afrikaner separatist movement with the object apparently to create a

In reality it was created by Eschel Rhoodie’s department of Information and General Van den Bergh’s
BOSS. It fell under the department of Law and Order under which the SA police reported. Adv
Pretorius on page 210 of SellOut states that it initially fell under the Division Security Police a branch
of the SAP of which Groenewald was a member. That explains why so many policemen were recruited
into its ranks as well as into its leadership.

It was basically a recreation of the Ossewabrandwag that was created by the Smuts government. It
served the same purposes as the OB. It was political rightwing dialectic to appease the far right that
was seen as a threat to the government, it grouped all the far right-wingers under one umbrella so they
could be easily identified and it gave hope to the poor whites through the creation of an impossible
dream of a Volkstaat.

In short it was created to undermine the far-right. At the height of its history it had almost as many
police informants and spies as normal members.

The Vorster government also feared a possible hostile takeover by blacks and the AWB would then
serve as the nucleus of a “Rightwing Army” to protect the whites.

Adv Protorius on page 211-212 of Sell-Out mentions a secret government document that was leaked to
the newspaper “The Weekend Star” on which it reported on 1-2 April 1995 on page 3 written by
Norman Chandler. The article was titled, “AWB ‘formed by Vorster government’: Plan backfired and
resulted in rise of militant neo-nazis, says secret document”.

It claimed that the AWB did not arise spontaneously from the political urging of the conservative
Afrikaner. The document claimed that Jan Groenewald and other persons were brought together by a
government representative (this person is not named). It was said to them that a resistance
organization had to be established and an army built up, to protect the interest of whites in the future.

Members of the AWB were apparently consulted by the Ministry of Law and Order (now called the
Department of Safety and Security).

Terreblanche was chosen as executive chairman and both him and Groenewald were appointed to the
managing council. The document said that the managing council (hoofraad) worked in association
with the government.
According to Arthur Kemp in his biography of the AWB “Victory or violence: The story of the AWB of
South Africa” in Chapter one and especially on page 7 he mentions that Terreblanche repeatedly
denied that he was the leader. In several interviews he stated that he was just a member and although
he was the executive chairman of the AWB he was not the leader.

This begs the question, “Who was the leader of the AWB?”

Who was the obscure unnamed person who brought the founding members together? Later Jan
Groenewald would claim that the leadership position was kept open in the event that if a true leader
came past he could step into this position.

Originally the AWB was a secret organization and kept no minutes of meetings out of fear of
infiltration. For about four years they held meetings in secret and the public were not aware of them.

Kemp also mentions that they actively went out to recruit members of the armed forces as well as
lawyers. This was holding to the original purpose of establishing an army or militia. They were since
1979 secretly funded by Dr. Albert Hertzog, the millionaire businessman and son of former Prime
Minister J.B.M. Hertzog.
Albert Hertzog was the founder of the HNP and after Jaap Marais worked him out he threw his weight
behind the AWB. Paying the salary of Groenewald which was R1000 per month. A relatively excellent
salary for the time. The first permanent office of the AWB was in “Das Central” building in Volkstem
Avenue in Pretoria, just around the corner from the offices of the Chief of Police.

Dr Albert Hertzog, Minister for Posts and Telegraphs during the 1960’s, said that TV would come to
South Africa "over his dead body," denouncing it as "a miniature bioscope [cinema] over which
parents would have no control." He also argued that "South Africa would have to import films showing
race mixing; and advertising would make non-white Africans dissatisfied with their lot." The new
medium was then regarded as the "devil’s own box, for disseminating communism and immorality".

Ironically television would play a major role in furthering the AWB’s real purpose…as well as its death.
The first public action undertaken by the AWB was in 1977, four years after its creation, when 35
members arrived at shopping complex where liberal actors were busy circulating petitions to the
public to open the state Breyten Theatre to all races. Intimidating the actors they tore up all the

Two years later in 1979 they disrupted a lecture of historian Prof. Floors van Jaarsveld at UNISA,
because he was advocating the abolishment of the Day of the Vow, 16th of December, a holy day for
the Boers on which the Battle of Bloodriver was fought and won against the Zulus.

Fourty six AWB members marched into the Senate Hall carrying whips, a bucket of tar and a sack of
feathers. They tarred and feathered the professor. The next day it was all over the news and in every
newspaper. Suddenly everybody knew who the AWB was. This incident was orchestrated by Tienie
Groenewald to bring the AWB into the open (SO, pg270)

It was the start of the true purpose of the AWB; To make the Right-wing look like buffoons and idiots.
After the tar and feather incident the AWB would become more anti Semetic, references to “The White
Race” and stiff arm Nazi salutes were used. Members and even children were dressed in Nazi-like
uniforms and of course the buffoonery increased.

Their modus operandi would be to disrupt NP meetings and heckle the speakers from the back until
fist fights broke out. All in front of the national and international media. It was then also televised in
South Africa and the world.

The AWB had a miniscule following in comparison to the NP. Although their numbers steadily grew to
15,000 in 1990, they claimed to have a support base of up to 150,000. This was wishful thinking. Their
support amongst Afrikaners was less than one percent.

The legacy of the AWB lies in what they succeeded in doing; Driving the bulk of the Afrikaners further
to the left than they have ever been. Their public image was that of low-class, asocial and stupid whites
that no respectable person wanted anything to do with. Their association with the Conservative Party
of Dr. Andries Treurnicht and his refusal to disassociate himself from them was also the eventual
death of the CP.

In effect what was happening amongst the whites in South Africa during the 1980’s was a massive
collective mind shift to the left. On the one hand was the leftist media, television, movies, music, etc
portraying blacks as the same as whites. Leftist academics, religious ministers, poets, actors, etc were
all working on the mindset of the Afrikaners. On the other side was the buffoonery of the AWB and the
extremist rightwing.

South Africa was isolated through sanctions and sports boycotts. In effect it was a giant mental asylum
and the inmates were the guinea pigs that were experimented on in mass psychology and groupthink.
This model would later be introduced in other countries as well.

There is no doubt that the majority of the AWB members really believed in their cause, but the AWB
functioned like all secret organisations. The inner circle knew the true agenda and the outer layers
were the sheep who understood little of the workings of the inner circle or their plans.

The late 1980’s were the last days of Apartheid and during these times more little ultra-rightwing
organisations for whom even the AWB was too left, started up. They had names such as Boerestaat
Party (Boer State Party), Orde Boervolk (Order of the Boer Nation), Orde van die dood (Order of the
dead), Blanke Bevrydings Beweging (White Freedom Movement), Boere Weerstands Beweging (Boer
Resistance Movement), etc..

By 1990 the AWB had served its purpose and should have been disbanded. MI Com.Ops. organized
secret meeting with the AWB to reconstitute its relationship with the state. An internal power struggle
in the AWB was created to oust Eugene Terreblanche. Several members asked that he resign, but he
refused so they resigned. The AWB was weakened but a year later in November 1991, Terreblanche
called a meeting at Kiber Park in Johannesburg to reconstitute the AWB. At the same time he created
another organization called VEKOM or the Volkseenheidskomitee (People’s Unity Committee)…More
on Vekom later, but this marked the point where the official relationship between the state and the
AWB split. (SO, 352)

On the 2nd of February 1990 President F.W. de Klerk delivered his “Red” speech, in which he lifted
the ban on the ANC, the PAC, the SA Communist Party and set Nelson Mandela Free. (SO,pg333)
This famous speech was written by General Tienie Groenwald of Military Intelligence who admitted it
at a fund raising dinner of the Pretoria CVO-school at the Monument –golf club. He repeated this
admission in January 1994 when he addressed the Directorate Action Committee (DAKOM) of the
Afrikaner Volksfront.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box Part 34 - How the right was neutralized. (Section B)
By Mike Smith

6th of November 2011

Piet “Skiet” Rudolph

Many in the rightwing were livid after De Klerk’s speech…at least appeared to their followers to be.
One man that stepped to the fore was Piet “Skiet” Rudolph an agent of the Security Police (SO, pg355).

He was a former politician, member of the HNP,CP, AWB and leader of the Orde Boervolk. On the
night of 15 April 1990, he and some supporters stole weapons and ammunition from the South African
Airforce Head Office’s armoury in Pretoria and the Wemmerpan military base, south of
Johannesburg. He phoned the Pretoria news and said that war was eminent and the weapons would
be used to arm Boer Commandoes.

Several bombs were planted. Melrose House in Pretoria, the place where was signed the peace treaty
that ended the Second Boer War of Liberation and the existence of the Boer Republics was the first. A
bomb was also placed at a black taxi rank. Another bomb flattened the headquarters of the National
Union of Mineworkers (NUM) of Rustenburg.
In June 1990 Piet Rudolph made and released a video in which he declared war on the government of
“the empire of the Republic of South Africa”, the ANC and on the SACP (South African Communist

After the call to arms of Rudolph, actions across the country followed one another. Some offices of the
National Party (NP, De Klerk’s party in power) and the ANC were blown up; houses of NP members;
properties of Jews who supported the ANC and the idea of a single supranational state in South
Africa; a synagogue; two taxi stations; a store frequented by blacks in Kempton Park; the tracks that
connected the black township of Tembisa with Kempton Park; the offices of an anti-nationalist
Afrikaans-language newspaper and pro-government Beeld. Occurred some actions with throw of
grenades against blacks in West Rands.

Some of these actions were carried out by members of the Orde Boerevolk, some by members of AWB,
other by small cells joining the nationalist armed struggle. Other violent acts were implemented by the
South African Secret Service, as a means to promote the repression against Boer nationalists.

Piet Rudolph was arrested on September 17, 1990. In court Rudolph declared himself in favour of
peace as long as this didn’t lead to the slavery of the Boer nation, dominated by a black and foreign
majority. In this case, he said we will “struggle to the death”.

The Orde Boerevolk publicly renounced the armed struggle, saying it supported negotiations leading
to the creation of an independent Boer state. The waiver led to a rapid release of many fighters,
including Piet Rudolph. Piet Rudolph never said where he had hidden, or where they had finished the
many weapons and explosives removed from the South African armed forces. Once released he was
immediately appointed publicity secretary of the AWB.

Rudolph gave up the post of deputy leader of Boerestaat Party and left the Orde Boerevolk, dissolving
it. But other members decided to keep it active.

Annoyed by the lack of agreement with the Inkhata Freedom Party (the Independence Party of Zulus),
Piet Rudolph abandoned the AWB in 1992. After Piet Rudolph, left the AWB, he reactivated the Orde
Boerevolk, organization that he leads even to this day. He, at the age of 74, still goes around disrupting
meetings of organizations who genuinely strive for Afrikaner secession such as the VVK meeting on
17th of February 2011. According to him they are trying to subvert the Boer cause of the re-
establishment of the original Boer Republics.

The only thing the exploits of Piet Rudolph and the Orde Boervolk succeeded in was to drive the
Afrikaners further to the left and vote “Yes” in the 1992 referendum.

The Battle of Ventersdorp

The build up to the battle of Ventersdorp started on a farm called Goedgevonden on 11 May 1991.
Black squatters moved in and virtually overnight erected a shanty town and started stealing livestock
from the Boer Farmers. The AWB warned the government that if they did not do anything, the AWB
would take matters into their own hands.

The police warned back that if they do the police would protect the squatters. A standoff occurred and
the farmers broke through the police and horsemen with clubs razed the shanty town to the ground.
The police fired on the white farmers injuring four.

It was the first time since 1922 that the police fired on Boers.

The Boers warned that next time they would fire back.

On the night of 9th of August 1991, President Klerk decided to deliver a speech and hold a
public meeting in the Rightwing stronghold of Ventersdorp.

Terreblanche announced that he would hold an AWB meeting that same night and that they would
deliver a petition to De Klerk.
Sensing a possible confrontation the police (about 2000) cordoned off De Klerks hall with six rolls of
razor wire. An entire squadron of RSA Defence Force armoured cars, called Ratels, each armed with a
12,7mm calibre rapid fire gun, were placed on standby some 7 kilometers out of town. Roadblocks
were set up on all the incoming roads but these proved to be fairly ineffective.

When de Klerk arrived at the hall he was informed by a senior RSA police officer that he should not
proceed with the meeting as the possibility of violence was great. The advice was turned down.

Outside, things began to hot up. Terre’Blanche announced to the crowd that he was going to the NP
hall to try and get into the meeting and present a petition to De Klerk. Heeding a call up, a large crowd
of about 2,000 AWB men formed outside the Ventersdorp hotel, to be met by a contingent of RSA
policemen and dogs, which had been deployed there to try and prevent the crowd from moving in the
direction of the hall.

The marchers split into two groups, one group being led by Terre’Blanche and the other by Piet
Rudolph. Vicious hand fights broke out between the protesters and the police after the AWB shouted
insults at De Klerk and a policeman sprayed teargas in the face of an AWB member.

A black taxi drove past and the AWB members attacked it and shot at it. The taxi crashed into a police

All of a sudden the entire town’s lights went out after someone cut the electricity.

The Boers and the police then started exchanging fire with live rounds. Almost out of nowhere a
pickup full of blacks drove through the AWB injuring several whites. Two died later. Suddenly another
black taxi and a bus appeared in the main road. On the one side of the war was the AWB on the other
was the Old SA and the New SA.

By the time the lights came back on 3 AWB’s men lay dead and another 43 whites were injured. 15
Blacks (who had been inside the taxis and the pickup) had also been injured. Two of the dead Boers
had been run over by the pickup while the third Boer had been hit in the torso by a full burst of RSA
police shotgun fire. At least seven RSA policemen were admitted to hospital with gunshot wounds.

De Klerk left the area in a Caspir armoured vehicle. Terreblanche went to a TV camera and asked,
“Where is De Klerk? I want to speak to him. There are men lying dead here”.

The Battle was over at about 10h30 that night.

Afterwards a fresh wave of rightwing bombings of NP targets occurred in late 1991 into 1992…And the
Afrikaners as well as other whites moved further to the left.

The AVF, the Generals, and secret Rightwing negotiations with the ANC

We have seen in previous chapters how the government and the intelligence community of NIS and
MI were all unconstitutionally and illegally holding secret talks with the ANC in various places in the
world, but mostly at Mells Park House in Somerset, England.

What is less well known is that the right and far-right organisations were also secretly meeting with
the ANC.

But first some background.

In 1980 the American diplomat and soon to be assistant secretary of State for African Affairs, Chester
Crocker wrote a document under the heading, South Africa: Strategy for Change. On page 333 we

“...the primary issue facing Botha and his like-minded lieutenants is to organise and lead
Afrikanerdom away from the dead end of Verwoerdian ideology. The answer lies in using the NP and
the state apparatus itself as instrument for change.”
The state apparatus Crocker talked about was the intelligence services. In 1982 the intelligence
networks such as NIS, MI and the State Security Council started working together in what was called
the “Co-ordinating Intelligence Community” or KIK.

By 1982 the HNP was eliminated and neutralised as a threat to the NP and the Conservative Party
(KP) was formed after Dr Treurnicht, former Broederbond chairman (1972-1974), broke away from
the NP and took about a third of its members with. This moderated the “Verkrampte Afrikanerskap”

From the start the KP and the HNP could not find each other and the Rightwing was split down the

In 1980 the CIA made a target analysis of Tienie Groenewald with the view to recruit him. In 1983 he
became a CIA informer and from February 1983 a spy in the CIA network. In 1986 Groenewald
converted to the Mormon faith and was given American Citizenship, but it is not clear under which
name. From August 1986 to Novemebr 1995 Tienie Groenewald was head of the liberal group inside
the Afrikanerbond known as the “Enlightened Action Movement”.

As far as can be ascertained, not even the Intelligence community was aware of his hidden agendas,
but Harry Oppenheimer was aware of what was happening and fully supported Groenewald. They met
from time to time (SO, p309).

From 1980 onwards Tienie Groenewald oversaw the training of a group of rightwingers with Koos van
der Merwe as their ringleader on the MI Fontana farm next to the Murray Hill and Petronella turn off
on the N1 Pietersburg/Pretoria highway, about 120km north of Pretoria. Koos van der Merwe
infiltrated the IFP and is today the chief whip of the Zulu Inkhata Freedom Party.

Tienie Groenewald’s son, Pieter Hendrik Groenewald, a petty officer was also involved with various
duties on Fontana farm such as delivering provisions.

At that stage Jan Groenewald, brother of Tienie Groenewald was the deputy leader of the AWB.

The idea was to create a Rightwing Front...And this is exactly what they did and what it was and
always will be. The word “Front” is an ambiguous word. It can mean to some “Front Line” in battle, to
others a “united front” when in reality to the inner circle the “Front” is a deception to hide behind.

In 1990 as part of the deception, General Tienie Groenewald resigned from MI, apparently disgusted
by President F.W. de Klerk’s the concessionary policies of F.W. de Klerk. We know this is nonsense
because Groenewald himself acknowledged that he wrote De Klerk’s 2.2.1990 speech.

He resigned, because his only son Pieter Hendrik Groenewald, a police officer by day and also an
undercover agent who did covert work in the black townships, stuffed up when he and a Brian
Chester-Browne wanted to murder three ANC activists and blame it on a fictitious rightwing
organization created by MI called “The White Wolves”.

In a brutal assault that made headlines, two members of the so-called “Witwolwe” stalked a car
carrying three ANC activists: Petrus Mbakena, Simon Koba and Xavier Lekgoate. They forced the car
from the highway near Mamelodi and shot at the three men. Mbakena and Koba died instantly when
they were shot in the stomach and face. Lekgoate who was shot three times crawled into a ditch and
played dead. He later identified his assailants.

The two men were released on R1000 bail, after which Pieter Hendrik fled to Portugal abetted by what
one insider called "his father's connections". He married a Brazilian heiress and had a son with her.

He was on the run for almost ten years and on Interpol’s most wanted list. In August 1998 he was
arrested by the Portuguese authorities for spying and being in possession of surveillance equipment.
Daddy Tienie spent a fortune on his son’s defence and flew over regularly to visit him. Pieter Hendrik
was extradited to SA and spent seven years of a 20 year sentence at the Zonderwater Prison. He was
released in January 2010.

Nevertheless, also in 1990 an organisation called VEKOM was created by Eugene Terreblanche of the
AWB. It stood for Volkseenheidskomitee (Nation Unity Committee). (Originally called
Eenheidskomitee 25).

It was an MI front created as an umbrella organisation of rightwing parties, organisations, academics,

theologians and professionals to pursue an Afrikaner homeland outside of the parliamentary sphere.

Tienie Groenewald was called in and almost immediately took over the leadership position. From the
start they wanted to pursue the path of negotiations. It was a set up to rope the Right-wing into
negotiations with the ANC.

During this time, in November 1990 Prof Willie Jonker of the NGK (Dutch Reformed Church) at a
theology seminar at Stellenbosch delivered a leftist speech in which he apologised to blacks on behalf
of the Afrikaners for “injustices to the blacks during the Apartheid years. This blatant speech read by
Jonker was written by brilliant speech writer, Tienie Groenewald. (SO,338)

VEKOM like all the rightwing organisations Tienie Groenewald was involved in such as the Blanke
Bevrydings Beweging and the Afrikaner Volks Unie did not last long. It quietly withered away into

During this time Ivor Jenkins of the Institute for Democratic Alternatives in SA (IDASA) launched a
program called, “Conservative Dialogue Programme” (CDP) through which they tried to persuade the
rightwing hardliners to join the negotiations with the ANC and the SA Communist Party.

IDASA was a pro-democracy lobbying group founded by former Liberal opposition leader Frederik
van Zyl Slabbert under suspicious circumstances after he quit Parliament in 1986 to try to bring
Afrikaners and the African National Congress (ANC) closer together. It is commonly accepted that it
was a front of the NP and probably created by Tienie Groenewald of MI Com.Ops. Prof Abraham
(Braam) Viljoen was the coordinator of the CDP that wanted the Rightwing to negotiate with the ANC
and the Communists.

This is how the Afrikaner Volksfront was created. It was a deception; A “front” to fool genuine right-
wingers into believing that it was there to unite them when in fact it worked actively against them
behind the scenes.

The AVF was created on the 7th of May 1993 by General Constand Viljoen and three other Generals
including General Tienie Groenewald, Koos Bischoff and Kobus Visser. It is said that Constand Viljoen
had financial difficulties at the time (SO,356).

Present at the creation of the AVF was the Conservative Party and none less than twenty rightwing
organisations including the BBB and the AWB.

A few days before that the CP leader Dr. Andries Treurnicht died under suspicious circumstances.
Less than a month prior to that on the 10th of April 1993, Communist Party Leader Chris Hani was
assassinated by Janusz Walluz, a Polish immigrant. According to Adv. Pretorius in Sell-Out, pg 355
Walluz was an MI agent and the assassination was orchestrated by MI. The firearm was traced to be
one of the ones stolen by Piet Rudolph from the Air Force head quarters.

Funny how the same names keep coming up time after time.

In the latter part of 1992 Constand Viljoen was sent to Washington, DC by Tienie Groenewald to
undergo a crash course in handling the public as a politician. Dr Piet Koornhof was his mentor.

On the brink of Civil War

On the morning of 7 May 1993 about 15,000 farmers, armed to the teeth assembled at a Rugby
stadium in Potchefstroom in the Western Transvaal. The NP deputy minister of Agriculture, Tobie
Meyer, brother of Roelf Meyer, tried to address them. The farmers were suffering a severe drought
and several farmers were recently murdered across the country.

The crowd shouted, “Shoot him, send him home, get rid of the traitor!”
Constand Viljoen was called to the stage. He spoke off the cuff. He told them that the ANC was still
pursuing an armed struggle and that the farm murders were part of it. The NP should stop
negotiations and sort out the security situation first...

“Lead us, Lead us!” the crowd shouted at the general.

The general continued, “Every Afrikaner must be ready. Every farm, every school is a target...A bloody
conflict which will require sacrifices is inevitable, but we will gladly sacrifice, because our cause is

“You lead, we follow!” the crowd bellowed in response. (Unspoken Alliance, Israel and SA, pg 225)

They wanted him to lead them into an apocalyptic Third Freedom War, but a few days later it became
clear that they misread the general, because in an interview with Allister Sparks he said that, “I am not
for fighting. I am not available for that role-not at the moment.”

Viljoen would repeat this many times later. Denouncing a possible armed struggle and showing his
commitment to “negotiations”. (TIAC, Sparks, pg 200-201).

However, part of the AVF creation was the creation of a “Boer People’s Army” drawn from farmers,
miners and a large amount of Citizen Force reservists who have all undergone two year military
service and have served in the Angolan War. It was called the Boere Krisis Aksie (Boer Crisis Action)
under Commandant Douw Steyn.

In 1993 Tienie Groenewald became an agent for NIS (agent reference # 93G1092MG). One of his tasks
was to compile a list of all the names of the top BKA members.

On the 1st of March 1993, the Cape Times on page 2 reported the following:

“General Tienie Groenewald, former SADF Intelligence chief, claims the government and the ANC
have a list of 5000 Boer Volkstaat supporters who ‘will be locked up’ if violence follows a
constitutional deadlock, according to a report in the Sunday Times here yesterday.” (SO, pg362)

Nevertheless, the rightwing supporters and farmers who have lost faith in their politicians and saw
them as traitors were all swept forward in a new wave of enthusiasm and hope. Finally their Generals,
their real leaders, would lead them, like in the Anglo Boer Wars a century before...30,000 men armed
to the teeth and military trained stood ready to be led into the Armageddon of the Third Boer War.

But Tienie Groenewald and MI had that base covered already.

Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box Part 34 - How the right was neutralized. (Section C)
By Mike Smith

6th of November 2011

The Viljoen Brothers

Viljoen grew up in Standerton where his family supported liberal Jan Smuts.(SO,p302).

What is not so well known is that Constand Viljoen has an identical twin brother called Professor
Abraham (Braam) Viljoen, a liberal dominee and theology professor at UNISA, turned farmer and he
is well known in leftist circles.

Constand and Braam Viljoen look so much alike that people have difficulty distinguishing amongst
them. Often they greet the wrong brother.

Braam Viljoen, a member of Van Zyl Slabbert’s IDASA and one of the first to go talk to the exiled ANC
in Dakar amongst other places, also maintained close relations with the conservative farmers unions
such as TLU and VLU. Through them he tried to arrange informal talks between the white right and
the ANC.

And so another round of secret talks was started.

The four Volksfront generals, through the manipulation of Tienie Groenewald decided to hold secret
talks with the ANC. Constand Viljoen asked his twin brother, Braam to arrange and facilitate the
meetings. With them looking so much alike, it would be almost impossible to tell who was playing
what role at the time.

The meetings had to be secret for two reasons. Firstly the Volksfront supporters would be enraged if
they discovered that the generals who were suppose to lead them into war, were fraternising with the

And secondly, the ANC supporters would be enraged if they found out that their leaders were
negotiating with the white right a few days after one of their greatest leaders, Chris Hani was killed.

Because Braam Viljoen looked so much like Constand, he could not be seen with the ANC, so he had to
drive into the parking basement of Shell House, their headquarters, and meet the ANC delegation
there in his car.

The first meeting between the AVF and the ANC took place at Nelson Mandela’s yellow stucco house
in the affluent Johannesburg suburb of Houghton. Representing the AVF were three generals, Viljoen,
Groenewald and Visser. The ANC contingent was made up of Nelson Mandela, Joe Modise and Joe
Nhlanhla. At subsequent meetings Douw Steyyn was also there.

Of these meetings they are all euphoric today. Nelson Mandela poured the men tea and surprised
General Viljoen by addressing him in the general’s own mother tongue, Afrikaans. (Unspoken
Alliance, Sasha Polakow-Suransky, pg 226 ).

They could not resist the Mandela charm that was working in overdrive. The ANC smooth talked
them, flattered them, roped them in, befriended them...and the AVF fell for it. They have learned
nothing from history...of how Piet Retief and his men were also conned into entering Dingaan’s kraal
without their weapons. Just this time the Boers left their best weapons, their brains, outside the gate
of Mandela’s house.

Allister Sparks gives an account of this first meeting on page 204 of his book Tomorrow is another

Mandela’s appraisal of the situation they both faced was frank. “If you want to go to war,” he told the
generals, “I must be honest and admit that we cannot stand up to you on the battlefield. We don’t have
the resources. It will be a long and bitter struggle, many people will die and the country may be
reduced to ashes. But you must remember two things. You cannot win because of our numbers: You
cannot kill us all. And you cannot win because of the international community. They will rally to our
support and they will stand with us.”

General Viljoen was forced to agree.

More than twenty meetings followed. Braam Viljoen was joined by two co-facilitators, Ivor Jenkins
and Jurgen Kögl. Mandela did not come again, but Thabo Mbeki with his experience of allaying white
fears was there. He even assured them that their claim to a Volkstaat would be addressed after a
feasibility study was done. He proposed that a Volkstaat Council be established after the elections. The
AVF accepted this.

But then negotiations stalled and the white right started new calls for a military intervention. Then
suddenly the opportunity arose.

The Bop Massacre

During the negotiations between the NP and the ANC at the World Trade Centre at Kempton Park,
they reached a Record of Understanding. In protest to this, Prime Minister Buthelezi (IFP) of Kwazulu
established an alternative to Codesa called Cosag (Concerned South Africans Group).

It was an alliance between the four independent homelands and the right wing Afrikaner Volksfront
(AVF). If one was attacked the others would come and help.

When the Negotiation Council at Kempton Park decided that the TBVC homelands would be
reincorporated into South Africa and all citizens have their South African citizenship restored on the
1st of January 1994, the dictator of Bophuthatswana, Lukas Mangope resisted. In February 1994, two
months before the first general and fully democratic election he decided that Bophuthatswana would
remain independent as it was granted to them 17 years before.

22,000 Civil servants fearing they would lose their salaries and pensions went on strike, supported by
ANC agents who started an insurrection.

The civil servants went on a looting spree and rampage in the capital Mmabatho. Later on the Bop
police joined them. By the 10th of March Mangope lost control and chaos reigned in the capital.

He appealed to General Constand Viljoen for help to restore order, because the AVF was in the
COSAG alliance. Part of the AVF was obviously the AWB, but Mangope specifically asked General
Viljoen not to bring the AWB into his country, because his people would resent these ultra-rightist
presence. The AWB was politically unacceptable to them. Viljoen and the AVF were considered

Viljoen answered the call and the Boere Krisis Aksie was rapidly mobilised under command of Colonel
Jan Breytenbach, former special forces commander and Comandant Douw Steyn.

A message was broadcasted over Radio Pretoria, the AWB clandestine radio sender headed by Jan
Groenewald, brother of Tienie Groenewald.

All AWB commandoes were told to head for Mmabatho. On hearing this Viljoen told Terreblanche to
call off his men, but he said they were already on their way. He then told Terreblanche to keep his men
outside at the border and wait for further instructions.

Viljoen also called General Georg Meiring of the SADF and informed him of the AVF operation to
ensure there is no clash with the SADF.

The BKA men under Cmdt Steyn were to proceed to the airport unarmed, establish a base and they
would then be supplied with weapons, ammunition and rations from the Bop Defence Force under
General Jack Turner. After this Colonel Breytenbach would take over.

Steyn had 1500 men ready within hours and another 3000 on standby. When they got to the airport
there were only 150 automatic R4 rifles waiting for them. Promises were made that more weapons
would come soon from a nearby armoury, but it never arrived.

Meanwhile, reports came in that despite all the orders and requests to Terreblanche that his troops
stay outside of Bophuthatswana, about 600 AWB men were already in Mmabatho armed to the teeth,
driving through the streets on their pick-up trucks taking pot-shots at the blacks, killing 37 and
wounding several more.

The next day, the Beeld newspaper called it a “Kafferskietpiekniek” (nigger-shooting-picnic).

By mid-morning on Friday the 11th of March, Mangope’s army mutinied and joined the rebels against
him. They rode through the streets shooting back at the AWB

At the airport Comandant Steyn’s men had still not received their weapons. When he went to the
armoury himself, the guards refused him entry. With only 10% of his men armed, he decided to
withdraw his force.
He left the 150 armed men to hold the airport until they could hand it over to the SA Defence Force.
And so they left the same way as they came.

Not so the AWB. Some of them got lost and were racing through townships firing at people and huts.
Several shots were fired back at them.

In the nearby town of Mafikeng a convoy of pick-ups and cars was driving up a long road. Ahead was a
roadblock. The convoy broke through the barrier and the Bop soldiers and policemen fired at them.
The AWB fired back.

The last car in the convoy was an old blue Mercedes Benz with three passengers, Aalwyn Wolfaardt,
Fanie Uys and Nic Fourie. The Bop soldiers fired a burst through the windscreen wounding all three

The car stopped and the men crawled out. Uys was propped against the back wheel of the Mercedes.
Wolfaardt was stretched out on his stomach. Behind them Nick Fourie, a building contractor from
Natal looked dead.

Minutes later, frenzied black policemen by the name of Ontlametse Bernstein Menyatsoe stepped
forward and shot the unarmed and wounded Uys with his R4 automatic rifle through the body…all in
full view of the national and international television cameras and the reporters.

Menyatsoe then turned to Wolfaardt and shot a single shot through the back of his head. He then went
around and shot each of the three men again, just to finish them off, then held the rifle up into the air
like a trophy.

Back in Naboomspruit Ester Wolfaardt and her eight year old daughter Analise were watching
television that night. Aalwyn was dead for six hours already, but the AWB did not call. She and her
daughter saw Aalwyn being executed on the six o’ clock news.

The South African Defence Force moved in and restored order within a few hours. Ambassador Tjaart
van der Walt was installed as administrator of the territory joined by the ANC’s Job Mogoro as co-

The shooting of the three men in Bop was televised all over the world and severely demoralised the
white right. Even today, most people get chills down their spines when they think about it. It was a
terrible humiliation for the right-wing.

The black policeman Menyatsoe remained in the police and received amnesty from the TRC a few
years later. He is still a policeman today and a hero amongst his people.

Meanwhile, the night before the registration deadline for the 27th of April 1994 national election,
Constand Viljoen weighing up his options to lead his 30,000 men into war or take part in the election,
he took a bold decision after being influenced by his liberal religious twin brother Braam Viljoen. With
ten minutes to go before the deadline he registered a party called the “Freedom Front”. The next day
the Conservative party and the other generals announced that they were following Viljoen.

And so ended the delusions of grandeur of the Rightwing to fight a Third Boer War.

The Volkstaat Council

After the election The ANC kept their word. They allowed the creation of the Volkstaat Council even
funded it for five years (1994-1999), placing the Afrikaners like rats in a labyrinth of bureaucracy,
obstacles and red tape to ensure they never realize their impossible dream of a Volkstaat.

The Chairman was Dr Johann Wingaard. In an interview with David Strobin of Global Politician, 27th
of May 2005, he said that the ANC was never serious about the Council. Accommodating the
Afrikaner’s idea of a Volkstaat was to Mandela and the ANC nothing but a public relations exercise. All
talk, nothing more. The ANC regarded the Volkstaat Council as a 'sick joke'.

I quote Dr. Wingaard:

“The only time that the ANC showed any interest in our work was at an encounter with a
constitutional committee headed by Essop Pahad (now Minister of the Presidency [until 2008,
author]). At that encounter we tabled an interim report and proposed that a tenth province be created
where Afrikaners would be in a natural majority. Storming out of the committee room, he accused the
Freedom Front of negotiating in bad faith. The press was waiting in the media briefing room, where he
delivered a tirade of anti-Afrikaner clichés and rejected out of hand the concept of territorial self-
determination as a return to apartheid. Instead of defusing a constitutional deadlock, they deceived
ethnic Afrikaners with empty promises of self-determination.”

When Strobin asked Dr. Wingaard if he had any hopes of the ANC ever implementing some of the
Volkstaat Council’s recommendations and whether the Afrikaners would ever gain independence or
autonomy in South Africa, Wingaard answered:

“No. Afrikaners will have to shed blood for any form of self-determination, as elsewhere in the
world…The only way to achieve that aim is the African way. Civil war.”

In 1999 funding was stopped and the Volkstaat Council unofficially disbanded. Viljoen retreated from
politics and went to farm 300 km east of Johannesburg.

In 2001, tired and frustrated by ANC politics he handed over the reins of the Freedom Front to Dr
Pieter Mulder, son of Connie Mulder who was the Minister of Information during the Information
Scandal with Eschel Rhoodie.

On 10 May 2009 President Jacob Zuma announced his appointment of Dr Mulder as the Deputy
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Mulder is now in the pay of the ANC government. “Die
Burger” reported on the 26th of August 2011 about a Wikileaks revelation of a diplomatic cable dated
3rd of April 2009, that prior to the 2009, Mulder wanted to enter into a secret alliance with the ANC
so that if the ANC did not get a 2/3 majority, the Freedom Front alliance would have ensured them of

That is why Zuma, prior to the election was courting the Afrikaners and even having BBQ’s with their


Today in his book, The Other Side of history, Dr. Van Zyl Slabbert recounts the general Constand

“He and other generals were urged from various quarters to stage a coup. 'I have 30 000 men under
arms who will rise at a moment's notice,' he told me a number of times in those first few months.
Viljoen, who is an expert on revolutionary warfare, was well aware of the folly of a coup option, but he
was also very frustrated and angry at the political marginalization of, what he saw as, the interests of
the Afrikaner minority through the unfolding process of negotiations. And for this, he put the blame
squarely on De Klerk's shoulders.”

About General George Meiring, Slabbert recounts…

'Ja, man,' Meiring said to me, 'I know all about Constand and his 30 000, but it would not have
worked and Constand knew it. We talked about the coup option and Constand said to me: "You know,
George, if you and I wanted to, we can take over this country tomorrow." "Yes," I said, "it is true. But
you and I also know that if we did, what do we do the next day?'

What kind of comic book delusion is: “..if you and I wanted to, we can take over this country
tomorrow…”? It sounds like the cartoon characters, Pinky and the Brain.


Tienie Groenewald and Constand Viljoen confirmed as spies by Mi6

On the 3rd of June 1994 the newspaper “Africa Confidential”, mouthpiece of Mi6, the British
intelligence service, ran a story called: “South Africa: Eyeing the spies. (AC, Vol 33 No10). It was
reported on in “Die Afrikaner” 19-25 August 1994 and “Patriot” 19th of August 1994. It reads as

“In the past election horsetrading, the African National Congress took all the major security portfolios
to the annoyance of the Deputy President Frederik de Klerk…Significantly, The Freedom Front’s Gen.
Constand Viljoen and Tienie Groenewald, a former intelligence chief, have become allies of the new
government and are feeding intelligence on the far right to the reconstructed DMI (Department
Military Intelligence). Africa Confidential has learned it was General Viljoen who passed key
intelligence to DMI which led to the arrest of the first two of 33 far rightwingers, including key
officials of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) in connection with the series of bomb blasts
before the election.”

Further, in September 1994, Constand Viljoen’s car was pushed off the road. Fearing for his life, he
asked Tienie Groenewald for help, who in turn called in the VIP protection unit of MI. Normally they
only look after the Chief of Defence or the Minister of Defence. A photo of Constand Viljoen’s
bodyguards was taken in October of 1994 by Koos Venter of “Die Afrikaner” during Viljoen’s speech at
Waterkloof. It confirmed Groenewald and Viljoen’s connection to the government. (SO, pg 371)

Death of the National Party

The first democratic election of The New South Africa on the 27th of April 1994 came and went.
Nelson Mandela was the new President. Two deputy presidents in the form of Thabo Mbeki and F.W.
de Klerk took his side in a Government of National Unity (GNU).

On the 24th of June 1995, South Africa’s rugby team “The Springboks” won the Rugby World Cup,
beating New Zealand at Ellis Park. Mandela was there wearing the No.6 jersey of the captain Francois
Pienaar handed him the trophy and when Francois Pienaar triumphantly lifted the Cup above his
head, the stadium erupted in euphoria.

Rugby, that sport that has become such an integral part of the Afrikaner culture and kept them in
isolation for so many years during Apartheid, was a bridge between the leader of the ANC and the
white South Africans especially the Afrikaners. The triumph of the Springboks was a triumph for the
whole of South Africa black and white. The hopes among the people were high. South Africa could
conquer the world. Most whites, even the diehard right-wingers believed in the possibility that a
multiracial, multicultural South Africa, could after all work.

But the danger lights were already flickering to the paranoid in the ANC who feared the rise of
Afrikaner Nationalism more than anything else.

On the surface, Mandela was reaching out to the Afrikaners. A month after the Rugby World Cup, he
visited the 94 year old widow of Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, Betsie, at her home in Orania where they had tea

In a historic move two years before that, Wilhelm Verwoerd a young philosophy lecturer at
Stellenbosch University and grandson of the former South African Prime Minister H.F. Verwoerd
joined the ANC together with his wife Melanie, who later became South African ambassador to
Ireland. Business men were falling over their feet to meet Mandela.

But as the nebula of the euphoria died down, another picture started to become clear. The ANC was
not finished with Afrikaner Nationalism...yet.

In his book “Annotomy of a Revolution”, Crane Brinton explains on pg. 24 that all revolutions go
through certain stages.

“All are begun in hope and moderation, all reaches a crisis in a “reign of terror” and all end in
something like dictatorship – Cromwell, Bonaparte, Stalin. The American revolution does not quite
follow this pattern, and is therefore especially useful to us as a kind of control.”
He goes on to explain and use examples of various revolutions to point out that almost without
exception, the regime that replaces an oppressive one is normally more oppressive than the former.
The ANC would stick to this pattern.

As the Verwoerd’s were dining with the ANC, Dr. H.F. Verwoerd’s name was being changed all over
South Africa. The name of the dam changed to the Gariep dam and his statue removed to Orania. Not
only was the name of Verwoerd, but in fact all the prominent Afrikaner names of everything from
airports to parks, roads and towns changed.

The intellectualism of the Afrikaners was being undermined. Schools were being integrated. RAU, that
proud university of Afrikanerdom was integrated and Anglicized/Africanized, many more followed.

The economic strength of the Afrikaners was undermined through Affirmative Action, Black
Economic Empowerment and quotas in University entry and sport.

The entire civil service was transformed. Competent Afrikaners and other whites laid off and
incompetent blacks took their places.
It was at the backdrop of these events that we should see the final death of the National Party.

De Klerk stayed in the GNU only after the interim constitution was accepted on the 8th of May 1996.
The next day, frustrated with the politics of the ANC, he prematurely pulled out his party from the
GNU, dealing the NP a fatal blow. On 8th of September 1997 at the founding of the New National
Party (NNP) he handed the reins of the Party over to the 37 years young Marthinus “Kortbroek” van

The name “Kortbroek” (short pants) he got because several people accused him of being gay, because
of his boyish looks (he is married with two children) and being slightly offended he stated, “I am not
gay, I am a true Boerseun. I wear short pants”.

At the 1999 general elections, the NNP could only secure 7% of the vote, down about 13% from their
20,4% in 1994. Oh how the mighty NP has fallen. Most of its former supporters have moved past them
further to the left to the Democratic Party of Tony Leon.

For a short while after the 1999 election the NNP joined the DP in an alliance called the “Democratic
Alliance” or DA, the name it still holds today. However in 2000 it broke away from the DA to join the
ANC in an alliance.

Prior to the 2004 elections the NNP leadership informed its MP’s that the party would soon be
dissolved and several NNP politicians started looking for other political homes. Many struck deals
with the ANC.

Unethically, they kept quiet about it and never informed the electorate who still went and voted for
them. The NNP only received 2% of the votes. Shortly afterwards on the 9th of April the NNP was
dissolved and the rest of the politicians including the leader Marthinnus van Schalkwyk joined the

Van Schalkwyk’s reward for destroying the NNP was the post of Minister of Environmental Affairs. He
is currently still in the ANC as Minister of Tourism.

But who is Van Schalkwyk really? Van Schalkwyk served in the SADF from 1978 to 1979. His political
career began during the late apartheid years at the Rand Afrikaans University as chairman of the
Student Representative Council (SRC), the Afrikaanse Studentebond (ASB), and later of the
Ruiterwag, the youth wing of the Afrikanerbroederbond.

During this time he became the leader of a new youth movement called “Jeugkrag” (Youth Power), a
front of Military Intelligence headed by General Tienie Groenewald. Military intelligence secretly
funded Jeugkrag. On the surface it was suppose to be an organization opposed to the Afrikaner

In reality it was spying on fellow Afrikaans students in an operation known as “Project Essay”.
Jeugkrag operated exclusively on Afrikaans university campuses and sought to influence the political
views of Afrikaans-speaking students, turning them more liberal.


This chapter attempted to illustrate to the reader that during the Apartheid era, before it and after it,
the rightwing was, is and probably always will be infiltrated by their enemies. There are many more
examples to use, but this will suffice for the moment.

What makes it so especially disconcerting is that these traitors pretend to be the friends, leaders or
mentors of those genuinely conservative or nationalist, yet secretly work against them.

Their agenda is not the wellbeing of the Afrikaners or white South Africans in general. They have no
cause, other than their own benefit and self enrichment. They have no loyalty to their nation, their
country or to God.

The problem is that they will always be amongst us. In fact there will never be a shortage of traitors
and spies when it comes to betraying our people.

As William Shakespeare said in Hamlet:

”When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.

Hamlet, Act 4, Scene five.

By Mike Smith
10th of April 2012

The biggest blunder of South Africans were to believe that they could ever co-exist with Marxist

Further blunders were to accept that Marxist propaganda has triumphed, that Apartheid was wrong
and that a Marxist takeover of the country was inevitable and unalterable. To have accepted the words
of people like former Prime Minister John Voster that “The alternative was just too ghastly to

Their fear of an all out racial/civil war in South Africa allowed white South Africans to be intimidated
and bluffed into appeasing a weak enemy.

This caused the whites of South Africa to drift into a state of mental stagnation, apathy and inaction.
In short, white South Africans have been behaving exactly the way the Communists wanted them to

Instead of maintaining a state of intellectual vigilance we have allowed Marxist propaganda to

brainwash us and our children and get the better of us. We have forgotten the blood, sweat and tears
of our forefathers that have been spilled in this country to secure our future.

We have forgotten the ideals of the Boer leaders to establish independent republics under God alone.

Nevertheless, in 1994, the whites of South Africa in a 70% majority capitulated to the forces of
Marxism, disarmed themselves, abandoned their nuclear programs, dismantled the nuclear weapons
and gave the country over to their Marxist enemies.

The first time in history that something like this has ever happened. No country, no nation has ever
willingly disarmed themselves and handed over power to their mortal enemies.

It will be the template for future takeovers of free nations and the rest of the free world better take
heed because what we went through in SA in the early 1990’s is coming to a doorstep of other free
nations soon.

What made it worse to accept is that this happened whilst the enemy was waging a terror campaign in
the country called “People’s war”.

To disarm in the face of an obvious and present danger is an immoral act. It can only lead to self

What led up to the disarmament was the secret negotiations between the intelligence community,
liberal intellectuals, NP government officials and the ANC/SACP Marxists in Dakar, England,
Switzerland, Lusaka, etc and ultimately culminating in the farcical Codesa negotiations.

Disarmament means that one depend upon agreements instead of strength. Agreements are
absolutely useless unless they can be enforced and without the means to enforce these agreements,
ones weapons and strength, it is nothing but blind and naïve capitulation to the forces of evil.

In a vacuum of disarmament a group or party with criminal intentions like the Marxist ANC/SACP
requires very few secret arms to overcome all opposition and subject the entire population under the
yoke of totalitarian slavery.

During the entire time of the Codesa negotiation, the ANC Marxists NEVER once considered
disarmament or suspending their armed struggle as they wished to call their reign of terror. The NP
did all of that. They totally emaciated the whites of South Africa.

Disarming in the face of political conflict did not lead to peace and freedom, it invited war.

Disarming was the message of the enemy who wanted us to throw away our weapons and tie our
hands behind our backs so that they could beat, rape, torture and murder us into submission.

However, the worst disarmament we ever did was not the surrendering of our military weapons to the
communists, but the surrendering of our minds.

Peaceful co-existence

We fell for the Marxist promises of peaceful co-existence, because the alternative would be a full out
civil war. The truth is that the alternative to co-Existence was co-Resistance.

The truth is that Communism does not have to be tolerated. It has no political, moral or economic
right to even exist. It is a combination of sick and laughable theories that can never, has never and will
never work. In fact it is extremely vulnerable to many types of peaceful pressures of free men and
women. Communism can be beaten in South Africa and worldwide.

It can be done without a bloody civil or racial war. It can be beaten worldwide without the prospect of
a bloody class war or nuclear annihilation.

In South Africa, co-existence with ANC Marxist terrorists and Communists is impossible. It is a
contradiction in terms, because it means trying to co-exist with an enemy that has our conquest and
ultimately world conquest as their agenda and goal.

They are constantly planning and striving for it through the application of deception, subversion,
broken covenants and terror campaigns. Either one resists this evil or one is conquered by it.

Another mistake that we made was to believe that a Marxist terrorist organization such as the ANC,
the South African Communist Party and their Rottweiler’s, the trade unionists of Cosatu are legitimate
expression of political or trade union action.

Political groups solve their problems by entering into negotiations, attending conferences, and
working out their differences with bona fide compromises which all parties are expected to perform.

The current ANC-SACP-Cosatu Troika is a criminal conspiracy which uses deceit, disregard for laws,
disregard for the constitution, intimidation, terror, subversion, violations of treaties (such as Codesa),
open insurrection through mass action protests and incitement to race war through their mouthpieces
like Peter Mokaba and Julius Malema to remain in power and rob the country’s taxpayers into
By viewing the ANC-SACP-Cosatu Troika as a legitimate political organization is the same as giving
bank robbers business licenses.

Once we realize that we are dealing with criminals we should look at how law enforcement deals with
criminals. Immobilize the criminal, render him harmless, isolate him and rehabilitate him.

Many rogues can and have been rehabilitated. After WWII Germany and Japan were successfully
rehabilitated and became some of the strongest capitalist societies in the world.

During the Angola Bush War (1966 – 1989) many black Askaris were rehabilitated and fought on our
side in for instance 32-Batalion, the most decorated unit in the SADF.

So what is the answer for South Africa? War or Work?

Here we have to look at our past and see what our strengths were always.

There can be no doubt that when it came to military strength, the Whites of South Africa always gave
an exemplary account of themselves.

Up against the Xhosas on the Fish and Kei River, up against the Zulus at Blood River and Rourkes
drift, up against the entire British Empire the Boers in the Anglo Boer Wars were militarily superior.

Throughout the First and Second World Wars South African soldiers always gave a good account of
themselves against the totalitarian Nazis or Italian fascists.

Up against the full might of Red Aggression in the form of the MPLA, Cubans, Russians and East
Germans on the Angola Namibian border, there is no doubt that militarily, South Africans were

Yet today the Communists are in charge of South Africa?

Further, during WWII the Germans and the Japanese proved to be some of the best soldiers that ever
existed, yet militarily they were defeated through superior numbers, superior weaponry and isolation.

After the war the Germans and the Japanese adopted a new strategy. They went to work.

They fully rebuilt their countries and conquered the world economically, something they could not
achieve politically or militarily.

This brings us to the other strength of white South Africans in particular and something we often
forget is what made South Africa the great country that it is, namely HARD WORK.

Today, tens of thousands of white South Africans who are extremely well educated, engineers, doctors,
scientists, and even artisans such as electricians, millwrights, hairdressers, chefs, etc are not only
making a name for themselves worldwide, but for their people and their country in general. They work
without complaint, long hours, often with no remuneration for overtime, etc…

Wherever a white South African is employed in the world his boss wish that he had ten more such
people, because South African whites know what WORK is. We get this work ethic in with our
mother’s milk.

Any white farmer in South Africa will tell you that if you want to survive, you cannot gippo, you cannot
slack off, you cannot pretend to be sick, you work until you drop.

This mentality, state of mind or work ethic is what carved a first world country such as South Africa
out of the harshness and chaos of Africa, rock by rock and is what made South African whites sought
after employees the world over. Even the ANC knows that if you want a job done, hire an Afrikaner.

So again...what is the answer? To War or Work? That is the question.

To be a white South African is the apotheosis of work. South Africa is what it is today through work
and forgotten work.

Sure, we were the best soldiers on the continent of Africa and arguably the best in the world, but
military success has always proved to be temporarily. Somehow the Boers still lost their republics and
ultimately South Africa was still lost to the evil forces of Marxism.

So let us start with the creation of everything.

The entire world and universe came into existence through the WORK of God.

From the start man has cleared bush and build himself a shelter to protect himself against danger and
hardship. Later on he expanded to cultivate food and domesticate animals so that he could secure his
own life and that of his family. Then came cities to protect himself and his greater family and out of
that a nation materialized.

There is a perennial nobleness in work. In Greek mythology Hercules had twelve labours and was
worshipped for it. The Czar of Russia became a toiling shipwright and worked with his axe in the
docks of Saardam. The leader of the Polish resistance against Communism Lech Walesa was a dock
worker and shipwright too.

History is our record. When one looks at the great pyramids of Egypt and South America, when one
looks at the great civilizations of Greece and Rome, their art, their teachings and their knowledge,
when one looks at the majestic cathedrals of Europe, when one looks at our modern Western
civilization, then one truly grasps the power of hard work. The world is scattered with the footsteps of
hard labour.

There is always hope in a man who works; In idleness there is only perpetual despair. From the
innermost heart of a worker rise his God-given force and his nobleness.

Only the lazy and insolent see labour as some sort of degrading necessity or even humiliation, to
plough a field, mine ore, or build civilizations…

Truth is…to feel the sweat on one’s brow, to feel it running into and burning one’s eyes, to wipe it off
and continue in the face of intolerable hardship is what makes us noble men.

Not war, but discipline in toil of brain, heart and hand… is the only true manhood and leads us to
genuine nobility.

Labour is what distinguishes us from animals who merely eat drink and sleep. In the universe of
intellect, man must work. He is nothing, can be nothing, can achieve nothing and fulfill nothing
without working.

Without work, man will not secure himself, his family or any future happiness.

But it has become part of our society in South Africa to focus on work for selfish needs; for display and
ostentation. To live in security villages, drive the latest BMW or Mercedes Benz instead of building
more universities for our people or studies of our cultures, languages and art.

In South Africa we can currently also see an unnatural situation. Those who have done nothing are not
starving, instead they are growing fat, but even so, such a person is standing proof that somebody has
at some stage worked for that fatness of another.

It makes them parasites off the labour of others. Such an unnatural situation is doomed for failure and

The history of undeserved wealth has always been a history of corruption and downfall.
Throughout history the fall of great civilizations from Babylon to Rome can be attributed to unnatural
accumulation of wealth without hard work.

But thankfully the majority of the whites of South Africa are from a class who produces and not only
consumes. They add to the treasure of human comfort and not only take away.

The human body was not made for a luxury life. It sickens, sinks and dies under such a life. The
human mind was not made for indulgence. It grows weak, effeminate and dwarfish under such

Someone who initially grew strong out of poverty always sees his fortune squandered by his children
or grand children.

Yet we are almost all on that same road of accumulating wealth and leaving it behind for the following
generations of our offspring who do not value the efforts of our ancestors.

We, ourselves, do not value the hard work and effort, the blood sweat and tears, it took to create our
inheritance, South Africa.

Today we look for a Great Leader or Savior…

You do not look for the bone, sinew and strength of a nation, its loftiest ideals and virtues, its patriots
and martyrs, men who can meet the days of perils, hardship and disasters among the children of ease,
indulgence and luxury.

No, you look for them where they are WORKING.

We did not lose our country because we did not FIGHT hard enough. We lost our country, because we
did not WORK hard enough.

Not everyone is a soldier or can be a soldier, but we can all be workers. And we can all work towards a
better or future South Africa. Every man woman and child can work towards freedom for our people.

So why the reluctance to work?

Why work so hard when your name will not be carved in marble on a statue erected in your honour?
Why work when you will soon die and the world will forget about you, never remember your name,
never read any of your books, look at any of your paintings or remember you as a great general or

The answer is that every man and women has a work to do within him/herself; A work greater and
more sublime than any work of genius.

Every man has to work on his own soul, his own conscious and his own intellect.
Before you can be a king, you first have to be a man.

Therefore the answer to the long-term future existence of whites on the southernmost tip of Africa
does not lie in “War”, but in “Work”.

However, it will take a combined effort. It will take parents, teachers, university academics, university
students, the students themselves, businessmen and –women, legislators, journalists, religious
ministers, and artisans from every walk of life to start rolling up their sleeves and putting shoulder to
the wheel.

The time for apathy is over. The time for blame-shifting is over. We have to think about our future and
the future of our children. We have to start thinking about whether we want to be here in 50 years
time or 200 years from now.

In the Bible God said in Isaiah 2 verse 4 that

"He will judge between the nations, and will render decisions for many peoples; and they will hammer
their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against
nation, and never again will they learn war."

Ultimately we get the country we are willing to WORK for not WAR for.

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