Enabling Banks To Bank On Government Business

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The Complete Government Business Module

The Industry Concern
Large banks authorized to conduct government business are
facing an ever increasing need to optimize the costs in order to
maintain profitability while delivering services to the public without
compromising on quality.

The banking professionals are seeking a web enabled cross

platform solution that harness end-to-end government transactions
carried out on behalf of various government departments. And by
moving from conventional business process to fully automated
system to eliminate transaction delays and error prone processes.

Moreover, the need to establish the Centralized Payment

Processing Center for disbursement of central civil pension has
raised paramount concern among banks to implement a proven
solution that efficiently manage their entire branch pension position
at CPPC level.

“The volumes of government business are going up with

increasing budget allocation. In addition, banks are penalized for
even minor delays, ”

The Solution
“11 public sector banks and 2 top private banks
have entrusted their government business ability to
Government Business Module (GBM) by ACCEL enhance efficiency and increase service quality to
Frontline Ltd is functionally rich and technically
enriched software product, catering to the full-fledged Accel Frontline Ltd.”
banking solution to the government business
undertaken by Banks.
A Platform Agnostic Solution:
GBM consists of the Tax Collection and remittance by
Banks both Direct, Indirect taxes falling under the Accel Frontline maximizes operating flexibility and each
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Central bank’s technology investment with its flexible
Board of Excise and customs (CBEC) of the Central,
architecture, scalable hardware platform and the ability
besides the various state revenues and taxes apart
from handling of various modules like Pension to seamlessly accommodate near- and long-term
scheme with Centralized processing and payment, growth.
New Pension Scheme and savings schemes such as
Public Provident Fund, Senior Citizens Savings Our GBM software is compatible to any platform like
Scheme, RBI Relief Bond scheme HP- UNIX, SUN Solaris, IBM AIX platform. Thus, it has
flexible architecture that can be implemented in any
Built on a proven j2EE platform, GBM is designed for kind of server environment.
transaction intensive deployments that require
scalability and high availability during high volume of Banks also have the option to implement as an “off-the-
government transactions. The solution has been
shelf” or customize the system to support their
tailored to meet unique needs of central and each
governing states in India. dynamic operational requirements. They can even
choose to implement any single prominent module or
the whole GBM modules in a standalone or tightly
Prominent Modules

CBDT (OLTAS56– Online Tax Accounting EXIM

EDI (Electronic Data Interface) for collection of
The module covers designated terminal Branches customs duty, payment of duty drawback under
collect taxes from the Taxpayers and send the Export and Import is also handled with due
information to the Nodal Branches (RT 01, 02) and interface with the Customs Office, termed as EXIM
the Nodal Branches in turn send the consolidated (Export and Import) module. EXIM module also
information of Branches under their network to the takes care of banks to communicate with
Link Cell (RT 01, 03) who in turn will send the centralized environment directly at Delhi.
consolidated information of all the Nodal Branches
under its network, i.e. for the Bank as a whole to
the Tax Information Network of NSDL as per the The Public Provident Fund Scheme 1968 Module
Government guidelines under OLTAS (Tax in the GBM software takes care of the Subscription,
collection Processes of the Central Board of Direct nominations, withdrawals, Loans and agency
Taxes) CBDT (RT01, 04) Error Correction commission features, interest calculation, penalty,
mechanism (RT18) also form part of the module. remittance of funds etc. PPF accounts can be
transferred from one branch to another branch/
CBEC (EASIEST – Electronic Accounting
System in Excise and Service Tax)
In a similar fashion, this module cater to the
collection and remittance requirements of CBEC, GBM caters to the requirements of the Senior
under the newly introduced concept of EASIEST Citizens Savings Scheme in its entirety duly
with provision for upload of the information capturing all the business rules of the scheme. It
transmission from the designated terminal takes care of subscription, withdrawals, premature
branches to Nodal Branches, from Nodal Branches withdrawals, agency commission features, interest
to Link Cell which are termed as RT 51, 52 at
Terminal Branches, RT 51 and 53 at Nodal Branch All Modules are compliance
and RT 51 and RT 54 at Link Cell. with government standards
All the Scrolls and Reports as required by the and supports ISO 8583
message controls
Government authorities, respective Ministries of
Ministry of Finance and NSDL – RBI are available.
Similarly all the guidelines / validations / rules as
circulated by RBI are well adhered to such as,
Challan Identification Number, March Residual
Collections, PAN/TAN validations in the respective
modules of Direct and Indirect Taxes.
State Tax module covers the various functionalities
of the state revenue collections mainly State Tax
and other taxes of respective State such as
Parameterization, Hierarchy, Masters Creation and
mapping, Remittance Calendar Maintenance, Head
of account mapping, TOC rate, TOC sharing
percentage maintenance, Transaction, INet data
upload and Scrolls/Reports/E-scrolls for each State
Prominent Modules

The various RBI Relief Bonds that are in force as
also the Savings Bonds can be handled in the
MODULE with all the validations as per rules,
subscription, nomination maintenance, interest
process, deduction of TDS on Interest calculated,
repayment of bond, remittance of Funds to
Government central accounts Dept, maintenance of
Agent masters, payment of agent commission and
so on.

This module provides solution for regular Pension
Payments to various Government Department
Pensioners, one of the vital functions which the
Banks have been assigned to handle with ease,
thereby serving the respective pensioners.
The Pension Module is a comprehensive solution to
define different Government Departments like Civil,
Defence, Railways, Telecom, State Government,
etc. with all the parameters and validations as
applicable to each type of pensioners as also inbuilt
provisions to define and handle the various NEW PENSION SCHEME (NPS)
parameters / components as per the respective
The Government has newly introduced “New Pension
Government regulations.
Scheme” with tier I (non-withdrawable) and tier II
(withdrawable savings account) concepts. NPS
PENSION – CPPC module covers all the features including
parameterization, service request maintenance with
GBM also takes care of the recently introduced
amount of commission, percentage of service tax and
single window concept - CPPC (Centralised
receipt number maintenance for each service
processing and payment centre). With this new
request. Capturing of data in the subscriber
concept, bank can do the processing and payment
Registration screen, handling of various service
for all the PPOs of any particular treasury for the
requests such as contribution, withdrawal, scheme
bank as a whole at one place (CPPC branch). With
preference change, subscriber modification, PIN-
GBM CPPC branch can capture the data of all
TPIN request etc. by subscriber. It also takes care of
PPOs of various branches having full control of
transfer of funds to POP, Generation of various
data. However, pay branches can inquire the data of
scrolls and reports at POP-SP and monitoring of
their own, make changes in case of change of
service requests by all POP-SPs, generation of MIS
status of pensioner, capture certificate details, issue
and SCF file including various reports pop-sp wise at
Pension Pay slip, TDS certificate to the pensioners.
GBM takes care of Multiple commutation, 6th Pay
logic, Defence pension functionalities, automatic
deduction of TDS from the eligible PPOs while
making payment.
The Advantage

 Extensive support to various

Government Transactions

 Significant increase in turnover of

Government Business

 Accurate Calculation /
Processing based on rules set by

 Quickly adapting to Changes /

New Regulations announced by
the Government

 Defining Hierarchy based on

requirements of the bank/
Do You Know? Technical Specification
∗ Our clients entrusted the ability to Operating systems
 Flexible MIS reporting for quick serve 2000 concurrent users per UNIX (AIX, Solaris, HP-UX)
managerial decisions related to day through GBM
various schemes Application servers
∗ GBM process 500,000
 Supports ISO 8583 for message
transactions per day retaining Databases
business value of our banking Oracle
 Quick and accurate Data
Consolidation at branches

 Integrated software or as a
The Difference:
standalone application
Banks in India have realized the benefits of successful implementations of
Government Business Module. Our solutions have produced tangible
 Improving efficiency and benefits including increases in concurrent user capacity and highest
reducing cost number of transactions with less or no down time.

 Cross Platform and Web-enabled We create business values through our value chain that delivers Mission
critical applications, Infrastructure solution and Support service under one
 Easier Up-gradation / migration roof.

 Quick Migration of Data If you are looking at enhancing your profitability and quality of services in
government business. Remember there are 13 top banks in India to
recommend Accel Frontline for Government Business Module (GBM).

About Accel Frontline Ltd:

Reach us
Accel Frontline Limited is serving in the Industry for more than 2 decades.
Accel Frontline Limited Providing solution across verticals that include
54,Greams Road, approximately 20 leading banks in India. With 2000 + employees and SEI
Chennai,india-600 006 CMMi Level 3 for its Enterprise Software Solutions practice we cater the
best to our clients. We maintain strategic technology relationships with IBM,
Ph : 91-44-4223 3917 Microsoft and Sun Microsystems to combine best breed of solutions in line
Fax : 91-44-4223 3917 with our client’s vision.
Email : sales@accelfrontline.com
Web : www.accelfrontline.com

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