Instrument Air System Design

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Instrument/Service Air system Design

The equipment associated with the Instrument air system as used in the industry, generally
consists of an air compressor, air dryer and an air receiver fitted with a liquid drain trap. The
instrument air system is utilized by various plant instrumentation, some of which may have a
critical role in plant operation and safety. Therefore, the equipment should be properly sized and
capable of producing the required air quality.

1. Air Quality Specification:

The Specification for Instrument air quality is governed by ANSI/ISA-7.0.01 "Quality Standard for
Instrument Air". This specification stipulates the following:

1. Pressure Dew Point: "The pressure dew point as measured at the dryer outlet shall be at
least 18F below the minimum temperature to which any part of the instrument air system
is exposed. The pressure dew point shall not exceed 39F at line pressure".
2. Particle Size: "A maximum 40 micrometer particle size in the instrument air system is
acceptable for a majority of pneumatic devices".
3. Lubricant Content: "The lubricant content should be as close to zero as possible and
under no circumstances shall it exceed one ppm w/w or v/v."
4. Contaminants: "Instrument air should be free of corrosive contaminants and hazardous
gases which could be drawn into the instrument air supply".

2. Calculation of Pressure Dew Point:

Note that the pressure dew point is the dew point at line pressure (example, -40F dew point at
100 psig.) As line pressure increases the dew point increases. Traditionally, regenerative
desiccant air dryers for instrument air systems are capable of providing high level of moisture
removal (usually -40F dew point but as low as -100F) over a wide range of air flow rates used in
the industry. Consider ambient conditions of 14.7 psia, 68F and 40 percent Relative Humidity.
The dew point can be calculated as follows:
Sat. vapor pressure at 68F= 0.3389 psia (from steam tables)
Therefore, moisture vapor pressure at 40% RH= 0.3389 x0.4=0.135 psia
From steam tables 0.135 psia is the saturation vapor pressure at 43F, therefore normal dew
point is 43F
Now consider the same case when dew point (that is, pressure dew point) is evaluated at a higher
pressure of 114.7 psia. In this case, the moisture vapor pressure evaluated above at 0.135 psia is
multiplied by the pressure ratio, giving 0.135 x 114.7/14.7= 1.053 psia. From steam tables, this
is the saturation pressure at approximately 104F.
Therefore, the pressure dew point is 104F compared to normal dew point of 43F.



3. Air compressor dryer

Air compressor dryers use a number of different methods to remove moisture and water vapor
from compressed air, depending on the air dryer types. Each type of air dryer has its own
advantages and disadvantages which can make them more appropriate for certain situations.
The amount of water vapor in air is measured as its ‘dew point’. The lower the temperature of
air’s dew point, the less water vapor it contains and the drier it is. While some air dryer types can
remove almost all the water vapor in air, lowering dew point becomes increasingly more
expensive and difficult as water vapor is removed.

Refrigerated compressed air dryers

Refrigerated dryers are a popular compressed air dryer type as they are the most cost-effective
to own and operate. Refrigerated air dryers work by cooling compressed air down until the water
vapor condenses into a liquid form, which is then drained away.

Refrigerated dryers are the best choice to dry air for general purposes, as they remove the largest
amount of water with the least amount of energy use. This can greatly reduce the problems
associated with wet compressed air without spending more resources to completely remove
water vapor.

Pros: Cost efficient

Cons: Does not completely remove moisture

Membrane compressed air dryers

Membrane dryers work by shifting pressurized air through a fine membrane. This membrane is
designed to let water molecules pass but traps larger air molecules. This effectively separates
water vapor from the air and dries it. A small amount of compressed air is then recycled into the
system to eject the separated water vapor and reset the membrane.

Membrane dryers use up very little space and don’t require electricity to operate. Because of this
they’re recommended for use in remote locations and in industries where explosions are a risk

Pros: Small and effective

Cons: Expensive and eventually need replacing

Desiccant compressed air dryers

Desiccant dryers use materials which absorb water from compressed air and can then be heated
up to release and remove water content. This reversible process typically occurs in two separate
compartments which alternate between heating and drying.

Desiccant dryers are also known as regenerative dryers or two tower dryers because they can
efficiently cycle between their two compartments, ensuring that compressed air is constantly



being dried. Desiccant dryers also dry air to a very low dew point and so are best suited for
delivering compressed air to sensitive applications.

Pros: Can dry compressed air effectively

Cons: Expensive to operate. Heated dryers require large amounts of electricity

Deliquescent compressed air dryers

Deliquescent materials are special compounds which attract and absorb water vapor in
compressed air to form a liquid solution through their combination. Mineral salts such as calcium
chloride are commonly used in deliquescent dryers.

Deliquescent dryers normally require installation of a coalescing filter before air reaches the
chemical dryer. Coalescing filters work by trapping particles and water until they grow large
enough to drain away, removing liquid water before it enters the dryer and helping to preserve
the deliquescent material.

A particle removal filter may also be needed after the deliquescent dryer to prevent chemical
particles coming through, depending on the use of the compressed air.

Pros: Dries air quickly and efficiently to a high quality

Cons: Requires daily replacement of materials and additional filters

Removing water vapor from your air compressor is essential to ensuring proper functionality and
reducing the need for future maintenance and repairs. Dried compressed air can enable you to
power your applications safely and efficiently without having to deal with errors and

4. Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryers:

There are various types of air dryers such as the regenerative desiccant type, refrigerated type,
deliquescent type, membrane type and point-of-use type dryer. Each type of dryer has its own
limit on the air outlet dew point. Regenerative desiccant air dryers are commonly used in the
process industry and are the most expensive.
The dryers work by adsorbing moisture on desiccant material such as alumina, silica gel molecular
sieves. The desiccant material is contained in two packed towers which are alternately in service
or being regenerated. The regeneration can be achieved by different methods, such as, using a
purge of dry air from the operating tower or by using internal heaters or by an external heat
source. Use of purge of dry air is a simple process with the discharge air purged to the
atmosphere. However, use of purge air consumes about 15 to 20 percent of the compressed air
capacity and is best utilized when there is sufficient excess air capacity.
The capacity of air dryers as provided by the vendor is generally in terms of "inlet scfm" at a
service pressure of 100 psig and service temperature of 100F. At different service conditions, the



inlet flow to the dryer needs to be corrected by multiplying by the pressure correction factor and
the temperature correction factor.
If service pressure is higher than 100 psig (say 120 psig) the flow capacity of the dryer increases
by the pressure ratio (120+14.7)/(100+14.7)=1.17. On the other hand, if service temperature is
higher than 100F (say 115F), the flow capacity of the dryer decreases by the ratio of moisture
saturation vapor pressure ratio at 100F and 115F (that is, 0.9492 psia/1.4711 psia=0.64).
Based on above, the corrected flow to a dryer rated for inlet of 100 scfm (at 100 psig/100F) and
operating at 120 psig/115F, would be =100 x 1.17 x 0.64 = 75 scfm. Note that this is 25% less than
the rated value of 100 scfm.
Desiccant Type Air Dryer Schematic - 1

5. Possibility of Mismatch between Compressed Air Supply and Demand:

The term "standard cubic feet per minute - scfm" should be used with caution due to variation in
values used to represent standard pressure and standard temperature. In the compressed gas
industry, standard conditions are taken as 14.5 psia, 68F and 0 percent relative humidity. Other
variations for standard pressure/temperature conditions are 14.7 psia and 32F. As such, these
variations can cause confusion and result in a mismatch between the compressed air supply and
compressed air demand.
For example, consider an end-user demanding 10 scfm of air with the understanding that
standard conditions are at 14.7 psia and 32F. Air density (ρ) at these conditions of pressure and
temperature is ρ=p/RT= 0.808 lbs/cu. ft. In other words, the air demand is for 10 ft3/min *0.808
lbs/ft3= 8.08 lbs/min.
Now consider a reciprocating compressor supplying 10 scfm air at standard conditions of 14.5
psia, 68F. Air density (ρ) at these conditions of pressure and temperature is ρ=p/RT= 0.742 lbs/cu.
ft. In other words, the air supply is providing 10 ft3/min *0.742 lbs/ft3= 7.42 lbs/min of air.



This quantity of air is only 92% of the air demand of 8.08 lbs./min and therefore does not meet
the requirement of the end user.
In case of a centrifugal compressor, the lower ambient pressure and higher ambient temperature
at suction conditions leads to lower discharge pressure.
Note that in some cases, compressor capacity is stated in terms of Free Air Delivery (FAD) which
is merely the discharge volumetric flow converted back to inlet conditions of the compressor.
Effect of Relative Humidity on Compressor Inlet Conditions:
As mentioned earlier, the compressed gas industry uses 14.5 psia, 68F and 0 percent relative
humidity as the standard conditions. Now consider actual site conditions at 14.5 psia, 68F and
100% relative humidity. The moisture saturation vapor pressure at 68F is 0.339 psia, therefore
the dry air pressure is reduced from 14.5 psia to 14.161 psia (14.5 psia-0.339 psia= 14.161 psia).
In turn, this reduced pressure value at compressor suction decreases the mass flow capability of
the reciprocating compressor (or decreases the discharge pressure in case of a centrifugal
Air receiver with Liquid Drain Trap and Balance Line - 2

Volume of the Air Receiver Tank:

The air receiver provides a storage volume of compressed air to be used when the compressor is
off-line or when the air demand temporarily exceeds the compressor output. If the users require
100 psig in the air receiver and the compressor is set to provide 100 psig air to the receiver, then
there is no hold-up or buffer. For the air receiver to be effective, it must therefore operate within
a pressure band.
For example, assume that the demand for compressed air requires 100 psig pressure in the air
receiver and the compressor is set to operate in a pressure band to load at 120 psig and unload
at 130 psig. This means that in case the compressor is off-line, or if air demand increases, a
storage volume corresponding to air receiver pressure ranging from 120 psig to 100 psig is always



The air receiver volume can be calculated from the following equation which shows the time
taken for the air receiver to drop from the higher pressure point to the lower pressure point
within the operating pressure band:
t= time, mins
V= volume of air receiver, cu ft
p1= upper limit of air receiver operating band, psia
p2= lower limit of air receiver operating band, psia
C= net air consumption (scm)
pa= atmospheric pressure (psia)
If air is supplied to the air receiver during the time interval being evaluated, then the value of C
must be reduced by the rate of air supplied.
Air Compressor:
There are three types of air compressors generally used in the industry. These are as follows:

1. Centrifugal Compressors
2. Reciprocating Compressors
3. Rotary Screw Compressors

Centrifugal compressors are cost effective in large sizes only, can provide oil-free air delivery and
have the characteristic pressure curve with pressure decreasing as capacity increases.
The reciprocating compressors have effective multistep capacity control but has a high first cost
with special foundations for vibrations and needs routine maintenance.
The rotary screw compressor is popular in instrument air service since it is a compact package at
a relatively low first cost and provides oil-free air.
Compressor Control Strategy and Air Receiver Volume:
The rotary screw compressor capacity can be controlled by a variable speed drive. However, for
oil free compressors speed turndown is limited to about 50% of maximum speed depending upon
adequacy of bearing lubrication at low speed and on compressor discharge temperature.
Therefore, during periods of low air consumption, the compressor will need to be unloaded with
the discharge-to-suction bypass open (and if an over-run timer is fitted, it can stop the
compressor in case it runs in unloaded condition for a pre-set period of time). With a large sized
air receiver, the compressor will be unloaded for a longer period of time thus minimizing wear
and tear associated with the compressor's load/unload frequency or start/stop frequency.



Therefore, the air receiver should be sized accordingly keeping in view the associated wear/tear
effect on the compressor and motor.
Moisture Drainage from Air Receivers:
The atmospheric humidity entering the air compressor ends up in the air receiver which is usually
at a temperature below the dew point of the compressed air. Note that the pressure dew point
is higher than the atmospheric dew point resulting in water accumulation at the bottom of the
air receiver. This water is usually drained out through a liquid drain trap which drains the water
while preventing escape of compressed air.
The balance line allows air which has entered the trap to be discharged back to the receiver.
Without the balance line, air binding can occur in the liquid trap.
The size of the liquid trap depends on the differential pressure across the trap and the required
discharge flow rate. The required discharge flow rate can be computed as follows:
Assume ambient air is at 14.5 psia, 70F and 70% relative humidity:
Saturation vapor pressure at 70F = 0.363 psia (from steam tables)
Vapor pressure at 70% Relative Humidity = 0.363 x 0.7 = 0.25 psia
Vapor pressure of dry air=14.5-0.25 = 14.25 psia
Mol fraction of water vapor=0.25/14.5=0.017
Assuming compressor inlet capacity of 500 scfm= 500/379.5=1.317 moles/min
Water vapor in compressor inlet= 1.315 x 0.017 =0.022 moles/min
Now (0.022 moles/min) x 18 x (60/8.338) = 2.89 gallons per hour. This is the amount of water to
be discharged from the liquid trap at the bottom of the air receiver.
The demand for compressed air may vary significantly at the plant. Therefore, the compressed
air system must be designed such that that all components in the system (compressor, air dryer,
air receiver and drain) are able to cope with the variation in demand. In this context, the design
tips provided in this paper may help the system designer



Instrument Air
DBR for IPP Service Air (SA)
Unit (IA) Remarks
Description Requirement
GT & Auxiliaries Nm³/hr. 50 50 Assumed

Fuel Gas Conditioning System Nm³/hr. 25 25 Assumed

DM Plant Nm³/hr. 10 25 Assumed

Misc. Nm³/hr. 10 50 Assumed

Total Air requirement Nm³/hr. 95 150

Total air requirement for 2 Nm³/hr.
145 200
Factor Considered
= 1 for Continuous
Multiplication (Diversity) Factor
- 1 0.5 Operation (IA) &
0.5 for Intermittent
Requirement (SA)
Margin for Wear & Tear (5%
Nm³/hr. 7.25 5
Margin for Leakage Nm³/hr.
14.5 10
(10% Considered)
Purging air qty for Dessiccant Nm³/hr.
21.75 0.00
air dryer
Sub Total Compressed Air Nm³/hr.
188.50 215.00 For both the units
Total Compressed Air Nm³/hr.
Required Capacity of Air
CFM 237.28
Compressors Selected
Selected Capacity of Air
CFM 240
Compressors Selected
Qty of Compressors to be
Nos 2 Nos (1W+1S) For two units
Instrument air required CFM 112
Dryer capacity CFM 112 Say 150CFM
Number of Dryers working Nos 1 2nos.(1w+1s)



Service air receiver capacity calculation

Service Air Requirement Nm³/hr. 215

T = V (P1 - P2) /
As per IS 7938
(C x Po)
Po bar 1.013

P1 bar (a) 8.5

P2 bar (a) 5

C m³/hr. 245.1

T min 2

V m³ 2.4
Service Air Receiver Volume 1no. Of 3m3 in
m³ 3
considered Power block

Instrument air receiver capacity calculation

Instrument Air Requirement Nm³/hr. 188.5

T = V (P1 - P2) / (C x
As per IS 7938
Po bar 1.013
P1 bar (a) 8.5
P2 bar (a) 5.5
C m³/hr. 214.89
T min 4
V m³ 4.8
1no. Of 5m3
Instrument Air Receiver
m³ 5.0 in Power
volume considered
block area




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