Gerome L 2006
Gerome L 2006
Gerome L 2006
To cite this article: J. C. Geromel & P. Colaneri (2006): Stability and stabilization of discrete time switched systems,
International Journal of Control, 79:07, 719-728
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International Journal of Control
Vol. 79, No. 7, July 2006, 719–728
(Received 29 April 2005; revised 8 February 2006; in final form 20 February 2006)
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This paper addresses two strategies for stabilization of discrete time linear switched
systems. The first one is of open loop nature (trajectory independent) and is based on the
determination of an upper bound of the minimum dwell time by means of a family of
quadratic Lyapunov functions. The relevant point on dwell time calculation is that the
proposed stability condition does not require the Lyapunov function be uniformly decreasing
at every switching time. The second one is of closed loop nature (trajectory dependent) and
is designed from the solution of what we call Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities from which
the stability condition is expressed. Being non-convex, a more conservative but simpler
to solve version of the Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities is provided. The theoretical results
are illustrated by means of examples.
For switched systems with ðÞ being state dependent, each instant of time k 2 N is arbitrary. Hence, asym-
the stability condition is expressed in terms of a set of ptotic stability is preserved whenever it remains
inequalities that we call Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities unchanged for a period of time greater or equal to
because the variables involved are a set of symmetric the minimum dwell time . The next theorem
and positive matrices fP1 , . . . , PN g and a Metzler provides the theoretical basis towards a possible
matrix . The point to be noted is that our asymptotic solution of the proposed problem by characterizing
stability condition does not require any stability an upper bound for . It uses the concept of
property associated to each individual matrix of the multiple Lyapunov function with the innovation that
set fA1 , . . . , AN g and it contains as special cases the the classical assumption on its decreasing at switching
quadratic stability condition and the results of times is no longer needed.
Daafouz and Bernussou (2001) and Zhai (2001). The
price to be payed, however, is the non-convex nature Theorem 1: Assume that, for some 1, there exists
a collection of positive definite matrices fP1 , . . . , PN g
of the the Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities being thus
of compatible dimensions such that
difficult to solve numerically. For this reason, a more
conservative but easier to solve asymptotical stability
condition is proposed. A0i Pi Ai Pi < 0, 8i ¼ 1, . . . , N ð4Þ
This paper, which is the discrete-time counterpart of
Geromel and Colaneri (2005), is organized as follows. and
In x 2 time switching control is considered. The switch-
ing rule (k) is considered piecewise constant and an A0
i Pj Ai Pi < 0, 8i 6¼ j ¼ 1, . . . , N: ð5Þ
upper bound of the minimum dwell time is determined.
Section 3 is entirely devoted to state switching control
The time switching control (3) with lqþ1 lq
where the goal is to design a proper function uðÞ such
makes the equilibrium solution x ¼ 0 of (1) globally
that the system (1) is globally asymptotically stable
asymptotically stable.
with the switching rule ðkÞ ¼ uðxðkÞÞ. Finally,
x 4 concludes the paper. Proof: Consider, in accordance to (3), that ðkÞ ¼
The notation used throughout is standard. Capital i 2 f1, . . . , Ng for all k 2 ½lq , lqþ1 Þ where lqþ1 ¼ lq þ q
letters denote matrices, small letters denote vectors and with q 1 and that at k ¼ lqþ1 the time switching
small Greek letters denote scalars. For matrices or control jumps to ðkÞ ¼ j 2 f1, . . . , Ng, otherwise the
vectors ð0 Þ indicates transpose. For symmetric matrices, result trivially follows. From (4), it is seen that, for all
X > 0 (0) indicates that X is positive definite (non- k 2 ½lq , lqþ1 Þ, the Lyapunov function vðxðkÞÞ ¼
negative definite) and min ðX Þ, max ðX Þ denote xðkÞ0 PðkÞ xðkÞ, along an arbitrary trajectory of (1)
its minimum and maximum eigenvalue respectively. satisfies
The sets of real and natural numbers are denoted
by R and N respectively. The L2 squared norm of vðxðk þ 1ÞÞ ¼ vðxðkÞÞ þ xðkÞ0 ðA0i Pi Ai Pi ÞxðkÞ
n 2
P1 2 R 0 defined for all k 2 N equals kxðkÞk2 ¼
< vðxðkÞÞ ð6Þ
k¼0 xðkÞ xðkÞ.
Stabilization of discrete time switched systems 721
which enables us to conclude that there exist scalars Finally, with 1, it is always possible to define a
2 ð0, 1Þ and > 0 such that time switching control strategy (3) such that AðkÞ is
periodic. As a consequence, a necessary condition for
kxðkÞk22 ðklq Þ vðxðlq ÞÞ, 8k 2 ½lq , lqþ1 Þ: ð7Þ the feasibility of those constraints is
On the other hand, using the inequalities (5) we have YN
ðÞ :¼ max q Bp < 1, ð11Þ
q¼1,..., n
0 p¼1
vðxðlqþ1 ÞÞ ¼ xðlqþ1 Þ Pj xðlqþ1 Þ
¼ xðlq Þ0 Ai q Pj Ai q xðlq Þ where qðÞ denotes a generic eigenvalue of ðÞ
0 0ð Þ ð Þ and fB1 , . . . , BN g are matrices corresponding to any
< xðlq Þ Ai q Pi Ai q xðlq Þ
permutation among those of the set fA1 , . . . , AN g.
< xðlq Þ0 Pi xðlq Þ However, since (3) may produce non-periodic policies
< vðxðlq ÞÞ, ð8Þ as well, the necessary condition (11) for the existence
of a feasible solution to inequalities (4) and (5), generally
does not meet sufficiency. In the sequel, this aspect
where the second inequality holds from the fact that will be illustrated by means of an example.
for every ¼ q 2 N it is true that A0i Pi Ai Pi .
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Morse (1996).
For illustration purpose of the theoretical results
A0i ðPi Ri ÞAi ðPi Ri Þ
obtained so far, let us consider the following example
< Q A0i Ri Ai þ Ri characterized by N ¼ 2, matrices A1 ¼ eB1 T and A2 ¼
" X
"1 eB2 T where
k k
< Q A0k
i QAi þ A0k
i QAi
k¼1 k¼0
0 1 0 1
< Ai QA"i
0" B1 ¼ , B2 ¼ ð21Þ
10 1 0:1 0:5
<0 ð17Þ
and T ¼ 0.5 which corresponds to get samples from
holds for all i ¼ 1, . . . , N which implies that two continuous-time systems at each T seconds. First,
A0i ðPi ; Ri ÞAi < ðPi Ri Þ for every 2 N. from (12), we have calculated the upper bound of the
Consequently, taking into account the switching minimum dwell time as being 6. To give an idea
strategy (3) with lqþ1 lq ¼ q and the inequality of its conservativeness we have calculated from the
(15) one gets plot of figure 1 the value per ¼ 6 corresponding to
the necessary condition for stability (11), arising from
vðxðlqþ1 ÞÞ ¼ xðlqþ1 Þ0 Pj xðlqþ1 Þ linear periodic systems. Both being equal indicates,
0q q for this simple example, that the minimum dwell time
< xðlq Þ0 Ai ðPi Ri ÞAi xðlq Þ
< xðlq Þ0 ðPi Ri Þxðlq Þ 1.5
< vðxðlq ÞÞ xðlq Þ0 Rðlq Þ xðlq Þ ð18Þ
1 1 lqþ1
X X 1
q (∆)
0 0ðklq Þ ðklq Þ
xðkÞ QxðkÞ ¼ xðlq Þ0 Ai QAi xðlq Þ
k¼0 q¼0 k¼lq
1 0.5
xðlq Þ0 Rðlq Þ xðlq Þ
is ¼ 6. On the other hand, for comparison purpose before, the Lyapunov function vðxðkÞÞ ¼ xðkÞ0 PðkÞ xðkÞ
we have applied an extension to discrete-time systems goes to zero as k goes to infinity however, it is not
of the classical result of Morse (1996) for the determina- uniformly decreasing with respect to time. In figure 2,
tion of an alternative upper bound for the minimum due to the stability conditions of Theorem 2, the
dwell time, i.e. ¼ ½T , where T maxi¼1,..., N fTi g points marked with ‘‘o’’, defines a globally conver-
and gent sequence vðxðlq ÞÞ, for all q 2 N. Solving again
problem (23) but for " ¼ þ1 and ¼ 6 the minimum
logðÞ cost increases to ¼ 229:01 as a consequence of allow-
Ti ¼ inf : kAki k < k , 8k 0 : ð22Þ
>0, 0<<1 logðÞ ing a more flexible switching rule (3) with lqþ1 lq 6.
This assures the global convergence of the sequence
For matrices in (21) we have numerically determined marked in dashed line. This is a clear improvement
T1 ¼ 13:56 and T2 ¼ 4:66 yielding an estimation for on stability conditions, minimum dwell time and
the minimum dwell time as being 14. Hence, guaranteed cost calculations when compared to the
in this particular example, the result provided by the results available in the literature to date.
solution of problem (12) is much more precise but at
expense of a more expressive computational effort.
Moreover, using the method in Zhai et al. (2002), we 3. State switching control
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which together with the set of positive definite matrices
fP1 , . . . , PN g enables us to introduce the following
non-quadratic Lyapunov function
0 0
vðxÞ :¼ min x Pi x ¼ min i x Pi x : ð26Þ
v (x(k))
i¼1,..., N 2
As it will be clear in the sequel, this Lyapunov function
is crucial to our purpose. Before proceeding, let us
recall the class of Metzler matrices denoted by M and
constituted by all matrices 2 RNN with elements
ij , such that
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
k X
ij 0,
ij ¼ 1, 8i, j: ð27Þ
Figure 2. The Lyapunov function. i¼1
724 J. C. Geromel and P. Colaneri
It is clear that any 2 M is such that presents this condition does not imply on the asymptotical
an unitary eigenvalue since c 0 ¼ c 0 where stability of Ai. However, an interesting case occurs
c 0 ¼ ½1 1. In addition, it is well known that the when all matrices fA1 , . . . , AN g are asymptotically
eigenvector associated to the unitary eigenvalue of stable for which the choice ¼ I is possible and the
is non-negative yielding the conclusion that there state switching strategy proposed preserves stability.
always exists 1 2 such that 1 ¼ 1 . The next Furthermore, if the set fA1 , . . . , AN g is quadratically
theorem summarizes the main result of this section. stable then the Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities admit
a solution P1 ¼ ¼ PN ¼ P. In this classical but
Theorem 3: Assume that there exist 2 M and a set
particular case, at any k 2 N, the control law uðxðkÞÞ ¼
of positive definite matrices fP1 , . . . , PN g satisfying the
i 2 f1, . . . , Ng is arbitrary and asymptotical stability
Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities
is once again guaranteed. Hence, Theorem 3, contains
! as a particular case (since the Lyapunov–Metzler
ji Pj Ai Pi < 0, i ¼ 1, . . . , N ð28Þ inequalities do not depend on anymore) the quadratic
j¼1 stability condition.
In the literature, the Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities
The state switching control (24) with with 2 M fixed, have been introduced in order to
study the mean-square (MS) stability of Markov Jump
Linear Systems (MJLS). In that context, the Metzler
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which yields uðxðkÞÞ ¼ arg min xðkÞ0 A0i PAi xðkÞ ð41Þ
i¼1,..., N
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makes the equilibrium point x ¼ 0 of the switched
ji Pj Ai A0i PAi < Pi , i ¼ 1, . . . , N ð37Þ
system (1) globally asymptotically stable. Indeed,
considering the Lyapunov function vðxðkÞÞ ¼
xðkÞ0 PxðkÞ we have
and thus the lemma is proved from the observation that
the matrices defined in (35) are such that Pi > 0 for all
i ¼ 1, . . . , N and is a Metzler matrix. œ vðxðk þ 1ÞÞ ¼ xðkÞ0 A0ðkÞ PAðkÞ xðkÞ
Invoking the fact that P > 0 and 2 , the condi- ¼ min xðkÞ0 A0i PAi xðkÞ
i¼1,..., N
tion (34) whenever satisfied, implies that A ¼
P !
i¼1 i Ai is asymptotically stable. Indeed, multiplying ¼ min xðkÞ 0
i A0i PAi xðkÞ
the inequality 2
A0i PAi A0i P A0i xðkÞ 0
1i A0i PAi xðkÞ
¼ P Ai I 0 ð38Þ
PAi P I i¼1
The state switching control (24) with uðxðkÞÞ given by (29) The state switching control (24) with uðxðkÞÞ given by
makes the equilibrium solution x ¼ 0 of (1) globally (29) makes the equilibrium solution x ¼ 0 of (1) globally
asymptotically stable and asymptotically stable and
1 X
1 X
xðkÞ QxðkÞ < min x00 Pi x0 : ð44Þ xðkÞ0 QxðkÞ < x00 Pi x0 : ð48Þ
i¼1,..., N k¼0 i¼1
ð1 Þ1
ji ¼ 1 ð49Þ
vðxðk þ 1ÞÞ vðxðkÞÞ < xðkÞ0 QxðkÞ ð45Þ j6¼i¼1
The numerical determination, if any, of a solution of which being valid for all i ¼ 1, . . . , N are the
the Lyapunov–Metzler inequalities with respect to the Lyapunov-Metzler inequalities (43). From Lemma 2,
variables ð, fP1 , . . . , PN gÞ is not a simple task the upper bound (44) holds which trivially implies
and certainly deserves additional attention. The main that (48) is verified. The proposed theorem is thus
source of difficulty stems from its non-convex nature proved. œ
due to the products of variables and so LMI The basic theoretical features of Theorem 3 and
solvers do not apply. Perhaps, a point to be Lemma 2 are still present in Theorem 4. The most
further investigated is that its particular structure important is that the asymptotic stability of the set of
ji 0 being scalars may help on the design of an matrices fA1 , . . . , AN g still is not required. In addition,
interactive method based on relaxation. notice that the guaranteed cost (48) is clearly worse
In this paper we pursue another route. The main idea
than the one provided by Lemma 2 but the former
is to get a simpler, although certainly more conservative
being convex makes possible to solve the problem
stability condition that can be expressed by means
of LMIs being thus solvable by the machinery available ( )
in the literature to date. The next theorem shows X
min x00 Pi x0: ð47Þ ð51Þ
that working with a subclass of Metzler matrices, 0<<1, P1 >0,..., PN >0
characterized by having the same diagonal elements,
this goal is accomplished.
by LMI solvers and line search.
Theorem 4: Let Q 0 be given. Assume that there The next example illustrates some aspects of
exist a set of positive definite matrices fP1 , . . . , PN g the theoretical results obtained so far. Consider the
and a scalar 0 < 1 satisfying the modified system (1) with N ¼ 2 and matrices A1 ¼ eB1 T ,
Stabilization of discrete time switched systems 727
× 104 1.5
x (k)
d (γ)
0.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 k
Figure 4. Time simulation of the state switching control.
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