Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
II Year
I Semester T P C II Semester T P C
IV Year
I Semester T P C II Semester T P C
1 Transport Phenomena 1 Industrial Safety & Hazard
3+1 3 3+1 3
2 Chemical Engineering Plant 2 Elective-II
3+1 3
Design Multicomponent Distillation
3 Process Modelling & Simulation 3+1 3 Fluidization Engineering 3+1 3
Corrosion & Its Control
4 Biochemical Engineering 3+1 3
5 Open Elective (For the Students 3 Elective-III
of other Branches) Computational Fluid
Industrial Pollution Control Dynamics
Engineering 3+1 3 Optimization of Chemical 3+1 3
Design and Analysis of Processes
Experiments Computational Methods in
Green Fuel Technologies Chemical Engineering
6 Elective –I 4 Elective-IV 3+1 3
Advanced Separation Catalysis
Technology 3+1 3 Pipeline Engineering
Nanotechnology Process Trouble Shooting
Polymer Technology
7 Process Equipment Design & 5 Project Work 9
Drawing (Using Autocad) Lab 3 2
8 Simulation Lab 3 2
22 21
Functions of a complex variable:
Introduction -Continuity – Differentiability – Analyticity – Properties – Cauchy-Riemann
equations in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Harmonic and conjugate harmonic functions –
Milne – Thompson method
Applications: Potential between parallel plates, coaxial cylinders, potential in angular regions
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Elementary functions:
Exponential, trigonometric, hyperbolic functions and their properties – General power Z (c is
complex), principal value.
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e
ABET internal assessments 1 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B
Complex integration:
Line integral – Cauchy’s integral theorem – Cauchy’s integral formula – Generalized integral
formula -Liouville Theorem - Morera’s Theorem
Applications: Circulation along closed curve, conservative fields
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e k
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Power series:
Radius of convergence – Taylor’s series,-Maclaurin’s series -Laurent series- Singular point –
Isolated singular point – pole of order m – essential singularity.
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Residue theorem and applications
Residue- Residue theorem
Applications: Evaluation of integrals of the type (a)
(d) Integrals by identation
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Conformal mapping:
Transformation by exp z, ln z, z2, z ^n (n positive integer), Sin z, cos z, z + a/z. Translation,
rotation, inversion and bilinear transformation – fixed point – cross ratio – properties –
invariance of circles
Application: Potential between Noncoaxial cylinders, Flow around a corner
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e k
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Text Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, Wiley 2011.
2. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, International Edition, Pearson,
3. Grewal, B. S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. John H. Mathews, Russell W. Howell, Complex Analysis for Mathematics and
Engineering, 5th Edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006.
2. Saff, E. B and A. D. Snider, Fundamentals of Complex Analysis, 3rd Edition, Pearson,
3. Dennis G. Zill and Patrick Shanahan, A First course in Complex Analysis with
Application, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011.
Subject ABET Learning ABET Internal JNTUK External
Category Objectives Assessments Evaluation
a) Apply knowledge of math,
science, & engineering
b) Design & conduct
experiments, analyze &
interpret data
A. Questions should
c) Design a system/process to
meet desired needs within
B. Definitions, Principle
economic, social, political,
1. Objective tests of operation or
ethical, health/safety,
2. Essay questions tests philosophy of
manufacturability, &
3. Peer tutoring based concept.
sustainability constraints
4. Simulation based C. Mathematical
Theory d) Function on multidisciplinary
5. Design oriented treatment,
Design teams
6. Problem based derivations, analysis,
Analysis e) Identify, formulate, & solve
7. Experiential (project synthesis, numerical
Algorithms engineering problems
based) based problems with
Drawing f) Understand professional &
8. Lab work or field inference.
Others ethical responsibilities
work based D. Design oriented
g) Communicate effectively
9. Presentation based problems
h) Understand impact of
10. Case Studies based E. Trouble shooting
engineering solutions in
11. Role-play based type of questions
global, economic,
12. Portfolio based F. Applications related
environmental, & societal
G. Brain storming
i) Recognize need for & be able
to engage in lifelong learning
j) Know contemporary issues
k) Use techniques, skills,
modern tools for engineering
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – I Sem.
Learning Objectives: The content of this course shall provide the student the basic concepts of
various mechanical systems and exposes the student to a wide range of equipment and their
utility in a practical situation. It shall provide the fundamental principles of materials, fuels,
Steam, I. C. Engines, compressors, hydraulic machines and transmission systems that usually
exist in any process plant.
Stresses and strains: kinds of – stress-strains, elasticity and plasticity, Hooks law, stress –strain
diagrams, modules of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, linear and volumetric strain, relation between E,
N, and K, bars of uniform strength, compound bars and temperature stresses.
Types of supports – loads – Shear force and bending moment for cantilever and simply
supported beams without overhanging for all types of loads.
Theory of simple bending, simple bending formula, Distribution of Flexural and Shear stress in
Beam section – Shear stress formula – Shear stress distribution for some standard sections
Thin cylindrical shells: stress in cylindrical shells due to internal pressures, circumferential
stress, longitudinal stress, design of thin cylindrical shells, spherical shells, change in dimension
of the shell due to internal pressure, change in volume of the shell due to internal pressure.
Thick Cylinders: Lame’s equation- cylinders subjected to inside and outside pressures columns
and Struts.
Steam boilers and Reciprocating air compressors: Classification of boilers, essentialities of
boilers, selection of different types of boilers, study of boilers, boiler mountings and accessories.
Reciprocating air compressors: uses of compressed air, work done in single stage and two-stage
compression, inter cooling and simple problems.
Internal combustion engines: classification of IC engines, basic engine components and
nomenclature, working principle of engines, Four strokes and two stroke petrol and diesel
engines, comparison of CI and SI engines, comparison of four stroke and two stroke engines,
simple problems such as indicated power, brake power, friction power, specific fuel
consumption, brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency.
Transmission systems:
Belts –Ropes and chain: belt and rope drives, velocity ratio, slip, length of belt , open belt and
cross belt drives, ratio of friction tensions, centrifugal tension in a belt, power transmitted by
belts and ropes, initial tensions in the belt, simple problems.
Gear trains: classification of gears, gear trains velocity ratio, simple, compound –reverted and
epicyclic gear trains.
After completing the course, the student shall be able to determine:
The stress/strain of a mechanical component subjected to loading.
The performance of components like Boiler, I.C.Engine, compressor, steam/hydraulic
turbine, belt, rope and gear.
The type of mechanical component suitable for the required power transmission.
Text Books:
1. Strength of Materials and Mechanics of Structures”, B.C.Punmia, Standard Publications
and distributions, 9 th edition, 1991
2. Thermal Engineering, Ballaney,P.L., Khanna Publishers, 2003
3. Elements of Mechanical Engineering, A.R.Asrani, S.M.Bhatt and P.K.Shah, B.S. Publs.
4. Elements of Mechanical Engineering, M.L.Mathur, F.S.Metha & R.P.Tiwari Jain
Brothers Publs., 2009.
Reference Book:
1. Theory of Machines, S.S. Rattan, Tata McGraw Hil , 2004 & 2009.
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – I Sem.
Electrical Circuits: Basic definitions, Types of network elements, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s
Laws, inductive networks, capacitive networks, series, parallel circuits and star-delta and delta-
star transformations.
Dc Machines: Principle of operation of DC generator – emf equation - types – DC motor types –
torque equation – applications – three point starter, swinburn’s Test, speed control methods.
Transformers: Principle of operation of single phase transformers – emf equation – losses –
efficiency and regulation
Ac Machines: Principle of operation of alternators – regulation by synchronous impedance
method –principle of operation of 3-Phase induction motor – slip – torque characteristics -
efficiency – applications.
Rectifiers & Linear Ics: PN junction diodes, diode applications (Half wave and bridge
rectifiers). Characteristics of operation amplifiers (OP-AMP) - Application of OP-AMPs
(inverting, non inverting, integrator and differentiator).
TRANSISTORS: PNP and NPN junction transistor, transistor as an amplifier, single stage CE
Amplifier, frequency response of CE amplifier, concepts of feedback amplifier.
Text Books:
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits, R.L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, 9th Edition,
PEI/PHI 2006.
2. Surinder Pal Bali, Electrical Technology: Vol – I Electrical Fundamentals & Vol – II
Machines and Measurement, Pearson, 2013.
3. John Bird, Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Naidu, M. and S. Kamakshaiah, Electrical Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.
2. Rajendra Prasad, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, 2nd Edition, PHI Learning,
3. Nagasarkar, T. K. and M. S. Sukhya, Basic Electrical Engineering, 2nd Edition, Oxford
Publications, 2009.
4. Mithal, G. K., Industrial Electronics, 9th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2000.
II Year B.Tech. Chemical. Engineering -II-Sem.
Polar effects – Inductive effect, Electromeric effect, Resonance, Hyper conjugation, Steric
Inhibition of resonance – Examples.
Mechanism and application of following organic reactions: a) Friedel-Craft reaction b) Riemer-
Teimenn Reaction c) Beckmann rearrangement d) Aldol condensation e) Perkin Reaction f)
Benzoin condensation.
a) Halogenation of Alkane b) Addition of HBr to Alkene in the presence of peroxide c) Allylic
halogenation using N-Bromo succinimide (NBS) d) Thermal halogenation of Alkanes.
Stereo isomerism; Optical isomerism; Symmetry and chirality; Optical isomerism in lactic acid
and tartaric acid; Sequence rules; Enantiomers, Geometrical Isomerism; E-Z system of
nomenclature, conformational analysis of ethane and cyclohexane.
Sources of aromatic compounds: Aromatics from coal, carbonization of coal, coal gas
manufacture and recovery of aromatics, fractional distillation of coal tar, methods of preparation
of aromatics from petroleum products (catalytic reforming, high temperature cracking etc.,).
Heterocyclic compounds: Nomenclature, preparation, properties and uses of (1) Pyrrole (2)
Furan (3) Thiophene (4) Pyridine (5) Quinoline (6) Iso-quinoline.
Dyes - Colour and Constituion; Classification of Dyes; Preparation and uses of (1) Malachite
green (2) Rosaniline (3) Congored (4) Bismark brown (5) Fluoroscien.
Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, the students will
have a basic knowledge of the factors that influence the stability and the reactivity of
organic substances.
be able to conduct a chemical reaction whether it is on lab scale or industrial scale with
comlete understanding of its mechanism.
be able to understand reactions taking place via free radical mechanism particularly in
petroleum refining processes
have knowledge of isomerism, particularly stereoisomerism and the complexity of
organic molecules.
have knowledge of aromatic compounds which are precursors for a number of industrial
organic products like drugs, dyes etc.
Text Books:
1. Morrison, R. T., R. N. Boyd and Saibal, Kranti Bhattacharjee, Organic Chemistry,
Pearson, 2011.
2. L. N. Ferguson, The Text of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, East-West Press, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Finar, I. L., Organic Chemistry, Vol 1, Pearsons, 2002.
2. Peter Sykes, A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition, Pearson,
3. Bansal, R. K., A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition, New Age International,
4. Agarwal, O. P., Organic Chemistry Reactions and Reagents, 47th Edition, Krishna
Prakashan Media (P) Ltd., 2011.
5. Arun Bahl and B. S. Bahl, Advanced Organic Chemistry, S. Chand Publishers, 2010.
6. H. M. Chawla and P. L. Soni, Textbook of Organic Chemistry, Sultan Chand & Sons,
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering-I-Sem.
Learning Objectives: The subject of chemical process calculations is intended to make the
students understand mainly the calculations involved in material and energy balances of process
units. The students will be trained to
understand and correctly implement unit conversions in process calculations.
understand and apply theoretical knowledge towards problem solving.
analyze and solve elementary material balances in physical and chemical processes.
analyze and solve elementary energy balances in reactive and non-reactive processes.
formulate and solve combined material and energy balances.
realize the relevance of thermodynamics in process calculations.
carry out complex process calculations using MS Excel.
Stoichiometric relation: basis of calculations, methods of expressing compositions of mixtures
and solutions, density and specific gravity, Baume and API gravity scales.
Behavior of Ideal gases: Kinetic theory of gases, application of ideal gas law, gaseous mixtures,
gases in chemical reactions.
Vapor pressure: Liquefaction and liquid state, vaporization, boiling point, effect of temperature
on vapor pressure, Antoine equation, vapor pressure plots, estimation of critical properties, vapor
pressure of immiscible liquids and ideal solutions, Raoult’s law, Non-volatile solutes.
Humidity and Saturation: Relative and percentage saturation or dew point, wet bulb and dry bulb
temperature, use of humidity charts for engineering calculations.
Material balances: Tie substance, Yield, conversion, processes involving chemical reactions.
Thermophysics: Energy, energy balances, heat capacity of gases, liquid and mixture solutions.
Kopp’s rule, latent heats, heat of fusion and heat of vaporization, Trouton’s rule, Kistyakowsky
equation for non polar liquids enthalpy and its evaluation.
Combustion Calculations: Introduction, fuels, calorific value of fuels, coal, liquid fuels,
gaseous fuels, air requirement and flue gases, combustion calculations, incomplete combustion,
material and energy balances, thermal efficiency calculations.
Out Comes: A student who successfully completes this course will be able to
learn all background information/charts/datasheets required to carry out process
calculations. Some of these are vapor pressure correlations, latent heat correlation, steam
tables, psychrometric charts, enthalpy-concentration diagrams etc.,
formulate and solve simple and moderately complex process calculations associated to
industrially prominent chemical processes and technologies.
conceptualize an integrated methodology that encompasses the knowledge in other
subjects (Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics and Mathematics) and MS Excel for a
systematic and structured approach towards chemical process calculations.
analyze chemical processes through the power of modeling and computation. These
include back-calculation methods, inventory losses and revenue related assessment etc.
Text Book:
1. Hougen O A, Watson K.M. and Ragatz R.A., Chemical Process Principles, Part -I,
Material and Energy Balances, 2nd Edition, CBS Publishers & distributors, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, D.H. Himmelblau, 7th
Edition. PHI, New Delhi, 2009.
2. R. M. Felder and R. W. Roussear, Elementary principles of chemical processes, 3rd Ed.,
Wiley, 1999.
3. N. Chopey, Handbook Chemical Engineering Calculations, 3rd Edition, Mc-Graw Hill,
4. Bhatt, B. I., Thakore S. B., Stoichiometry, 5th Ed., Tata Mc-Graw Hill Education 2010.
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – I-Sem.
Learning objectives:
The students will learn the basic concepts of distribution law, phase rule, chemical kinetics,
solutions, spectro-photometry and separation techniques.
The distribution law helps in understanding how a solute is distributed between two
immiscible solvents; and also in selecting conditions for extraction of solutes
(particularly naturally occurring products).
Phase rule explains the equilibrium existing between the different phases of a
heterogeneous system, solubility limits in a ternary system of water and two other liquids;
construction of the solubility curve of the system; distribution ratio of the miscible
component in the immiscible phases.
Study of chemical kinetics explains the rates at which chemical reactions occur and also
explains theories of reaction rates (Collision theory, Transition state theory) - rates of
different chain reactions –Steady state approximation- these are important for chemical
engineers to design equipment.
The study of solutions is to understand the total vapor pressure of ideal or non-ideal
mixtures of two volatile liquids as a function of chemical composition, miscibility of
liquids, ideal and non ideal solutions – distillation methods– azeotropic mixtures.
Study of fundamentals of spectroscopy gives an understanding of qualitative and
quantitative analysis of substances (functional groups, ions, elements) and also helps in
handling the spectrophotometers.
The study of Chromatography is useful in quantitative and qualitative analysis of
mixtures, and also to understand the mechanism by which components are separated on
GC and HPLC techniques.
Distribution Law: Distribution Law – Nernst Distribution Law – Distribution Coefficient –
Explanation and Limitations of Distribution Law - Modification of Distribution Law –
Determination of Equilibrium Constant from Distribution Coefficient – Applications of
Distribution Law.
Phase Rule: Phase Rule – Terms involved in Phase Rule – Types of Liquids – Derivation of
Phase Rule – Phase Diagrams of One Component (Water and Sulphur system), Two
Component System – Eutectic Point (Lead Silver System) and three component system.
Applications of Phase Rule.
Chemical Kinetics: Introduction to Chemical Kinetics – Theories of Reaction Rates – Collision
Theory – Modified Collision Theory – Absolute Reaction Rate Theory (Transition State Theory)
– Reaction between Ions – Influence of Solvent (Double Sphere Activated Complex and Single
Sphere Activated Complex) – Influence of Ionic Strength on the Rate of the Reactions - Chain
Reactions – Hydrogen and Bromine, Hydrogen and Oxygen (Steady State Treatment) –
Explosion Limits.
Solutions: Liquid-liquid-ideal solutions, Raoult’s law. Ideally dilute solutions, Henry’s law.
Non-ideal solutions, Vapor pressure - composition and vapor pressure-temperature curves.
Azeotropes-HCl-H2O, ethanol-water systems and fractional distillation. Partially miscible
liquids-phenol-water, trimethylamine-water, nicotine-water systems effect of impurity on
consulate temperature. Immiscible liquids and steam distillation.
Spectrophotometry: General features of absorption-spectroscopy, Beer-Lambert’s law and its
limitations, transmittance, Absorbance, and molar absorptivity; Single and double beam
spectrophotometers. Application of Beers-Lamberts law for quantitative analysis of
1) Chromium in K2Cr2O7 2) Mn in MnSO4 3) Iron (III) with thiocyanate.
Separation Techniques:
Solvent extraction: Principle and process, Batch extraction, Continuous extraction and counter
current extraction, Application-Determination of Iron (III).
Chromatography: Classification of chromatography methods, Principles of differential migration
Adsorption phenomenon, nature of adsorbents, solvent systems, Rf values, factors effecting Rf
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): Principles and Applications.
Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC): Principles and Applications.
Text Books
1. Laidler, K. J., Chemical Kinetics, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1965.
2. Puri, B. R., L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathama, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Publishing Company, 2008.
3. Castellan, G. W., Physical Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Narosa Publishing House, 2004.
4. Manas Chanda, Atomic Structure and the Chemical Bond, 4th Edition, Tata-McGraw-
Hill, 2000.
5. Bahl, B. S., G. D. Tuli and Arun Bahl, Essentials of Physical Chemistry, 24th Revised
Version, Chand & Co, 2000.
6. Kapoor, K. L., A Textbook of Physical Chemistry, Macmillan, 2000.
Reference Books
1. Peter Atkins, Julia de Paula, Physical Chemistry, 9th Edition, Oxford University Press,
2. John A. Dean, Chemical Separation Methods, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969.
3. Kour, H., An Introduction to Chromatography, Pragati Publishers, 2007.
4. Sastry, M. N., Separation Methods, Himalaya Publications, 3rd Edition, 2005.
II Year B. Tech Chemical Engineering – I Sem.
List of Experiments:
1. Draw the valve timing diagram of a 4-stroke diesel engine and port timing diagram of a
2-stroke petrol engine.
2. Perform load test on a 4-stroke C.I. Engine and draw the performance curves.
3. Pattern design and making – for one casting drawing.
4. Taper turning and thread cutting on a Lathe machine.
5. Performance on an Impulse/Reaction Hydraulic Turbine.
6. Performance of Centrifugal/Reciprocating Pump.
7. Find the volumetric efficiency, isothermal efficiency of an Air compressor.
The student will be able to predict the performance of several mechanical components and
operate a lathe machine to produce the required job work.
Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
estimate the efficiency of a DC machine as motor & generator.
estimate the efficiency of transformer at different load conditions & power factors.
understand the performance of a 3-Phase induction motor by conducting direct test.
pre-determine the regulation of an alternator by Synchronous impedance method.
control the speed of a DC shunt motor by Field flux control method & Armature
Voltage control method.
understand the performance characteristics of a DC shunt motor by conducting direct test.
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – I-Sem.
Learning objectives:
Physical and Organic Chemistry Laboratory is intended to help promote understanding of
concepts learned in theoretical physical chemistry and organic chemistry. Emphasis will be laid
on acquisition of accurate data, data and error analysis and correlating the data to theory. The
course will also help develop the student ability to prepare organic compounds independently.
Out comes:
A student who successfully completes this laboratory should be able to do the following:
can determine accurate physical, thermodynamical and kinetic properties experimentally.
apply theoretical principles and mathematical analysis to the data obtained.
work effectively with others in performing experiments and writing reports.
understand and Practice ethically correct presentation of data.
understand and practice proper laboratory safety procedures.
gain familiarity with a variety of physic-chemical measurement techniques.
can identify, analyze and synthesize organic compounds.
R – 13: Chemical Engineering
2nd Year II – Semester Syllabus
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – II Sem.
Random variables and Distributions:
Introduction- Random variables- Distribution function- Discrete distributions (Review of
Binomial and Poisson distributions)-
Continuous distributions: Normal, Normal approximation to Binomial distribution, Gamma and
Weibull distributions
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a b e k
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Moments and Generating functions:
Introduction-Mathematical expectation and properties - Moment generating function - Moments
of standard distributions ( Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions) – Properties
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Sampling Theory:
Introduction - Population and samples- Sampling distribution of mean for large and small
samples (with known and unknown variance) - Proportion sums and differences of means -
Sampling distribution of variance -Point and interval estimators for means and proportions
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e k
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Tests of Hypothesis:
Introduction - Type I and Type II errors - Maximum error - One tail, two-tail tests- Tests
concerning one mean and proportion, two means- Proportions and their differences using Z-test,
Student’s t-test - F-test and Chi -square test - ANOVA for one-way and two-way classified data
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a b d e h k
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6 7 10
JNTUK External Evaluation A B D E F
Curve fitting and Correlation:
Introduction - Fitting a straight line –Second degree curve-exponential curve-power curve by
method of least squares.
Simple Correlation and Regression - Rank correlation - Multiple regression
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a d e h k
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6 10
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E
Statistical Quality Control Methods:
Introduction - Methods for preparing control charts – Problems using x-bar, p, R charts and
attribute charts
Subject Category
ABET Learning Objectives a e k
ABET internal assessments 1 2 6
JNTUK External Evaluation A B E F
Text Books:
1. Richards A Johnson, Irvin Miller and Miller and Freund Johnson E Freund, Probability
and Statics for Engineering, 8th Edition, PHI Learning, 2011
2. Sharon L. Myers, Keying Ye, Ronald E Walpole, Probability and statistics for Engineers
and Scientists, 8th Edition, Pearson 2007
3. Willam Menden Hall, Robert J. Beaver and Barbara Beaver, Introduction to Probability
and Statistics, Cengage Learning, 2009
Reference Books:
1. Sheldon, M. Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,
4th Edition, Academic Foundation, 2011
2. Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying E. Ye, Essentials of
Probability & Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Pearson, 2013
3. Johannes Ledolter and Robert V. Hogg, Applied Statistics for Engineers and Physical
Scientists, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2010
Subject ABET Learning ABET Internal JNTUK External
Category Objectives Assessments Evaluation
l) Apply knowledge of math,
science, & engineering
m) Design & conduct experiments,
analyze & interpret data
n) Design a system/process to meet H. Questions should have:
desired needs within economic, I. Definitions, Principle of
13. Objective tests
social, political, ethical, operation or philosophy
14. Essay questions tests
health/safety, manufacturability, of concept.
15. Peer tutoring based
& sustainability constraints J. Mathematical
16. Simulation based
Theory o) Function on multidisciplinary treatment, derivations,
17. Design oriented
Design teams analysis, synthesis,
18. Problem based
Analysis p) Identify, formulate, & solve numerical problems
19. Experiential (project
Algorithms engineering problems with inference.
based) based
Drawing q) Understand professional & K. Design oriented
20. Lab work or field work
Others ethical responsibilities problems
r) Communicate effectively L. Trouble shooting type
21. Presentation based
s) Understand impact of of questions
22. Case Studies based
engineering solutions in global, M. Applications related
23. Role-play based
economic, environmental, & questions
24. Portfolio based
societal context N. Brain storming
t) Recognize need for & be able to questions
engage in lifelong learning
u) Know contemporary issues
v) Use techniques, skills, modern
tools for engineering practices
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering- II-Sem.
Learning Objectives: This course involves the fundamentals of fluid flow by including both
theory and the applications of fluid flow in chemical engineering. Basic concepts of fluid
mechanics will be taught to make the students to
understand basic concepts associated to fluid flow such as viscosity, shear, newtonian and
non-newtonian fluids etc.
learn and apply continuity and Navier Stokes equation as a fundamental equation for the
analysis of chemical processes.
learn and apply the concept of boundary layer theory and governing mathematical
equations for newtonian and non-newtonian fluid flow.
learn and apply Bernoulli’s equation for various simple and complex cases of fluid flow.
understand the basic differences between compressible and incompressible fluid flow and
suitably adapt, modify and apply suitable correlations for compressible fluid flow.
have sound knowledge with respect to various important fluid flow related machinery and
equipment. Emphasis shall be towards various types of pumps, compressors and blowers.
master the relevant theory for the application of fluid flow past solid surfaces. Emphasis
is towards drag and pressure drop correlations for packed and fluidized beds.
understand various accessories required for fluid flow such as fittings and valves and
their relevance towards variation in pressure drop correlations.
understand the knowledge related to various fluid flow measuring devices (Venturi,
Orifice, Rotameter and Pitot Tube).
Basic concepts of Dimensional analysis, nature of fluids, hydrostatic equilibrium, applications of
fluid statics.
Fluid flow phenomena-Laminar flow, Shear rate, Shear stress, Rheological properties of fluids,
Turbulence, Boundary layers.
Basic equation of fluid flow –Mass balance in a flowing fluid; continuity, differential momentum
balance; equations of motion, macroscopic momentum balances, Mechanical energy equations.
Incompressible Newtonian/Non-Newtonian flow in pipes and channels- shear stress and skin
friction in pipes, laminar flow in pipes and channels, turbulent flow in pipes and channels,
friction from changes in velocity or direction.
Flow of compressible fluids- Definitions and basic equations, Processes of compressible flow,
Isentropic flow through nozzles, adiabatic frictional flow, and isothermal frictional flow.
Flow past immersed bodies, Drag and Drag coefficient, flow through beds of solids, motion of
particles through fluids.
Fluidization, Conditions for fluidization, Minimum fluidization velocity, Types of fluidization,
Expansion of fluidized bed, Applications of fluidization, Continuous fluidization, slurry and
pneumatic transport.
Transportation and Metering of fluids- Pipes, fittings and valves, pumps: positive displacement
pumps, and centrifugal pumps, fans, blowers, and compressors Measurement of flowing fluids-
full bore meters, insertion meters.
Out Comes:
By mastering the fluid mechanics course, the student shall be able to:
analyze fluid flow in circular and non-circular conduits.
do calculations associated to the estimation of friction factor and pressure drop in
circular conduits.
do calculations involving Bernoulli’s equation for the transport of acidic, alkaline,
hydrocarbon and miscellaneous incompressible fluids in pipelines.
calculate the pressure drops and energy requirements associated to compressible fluid
flow in circular and rectangular ducts.
estimate pressure drop in packed and fluidized beds.
rigorously carry out various calculations associated to fluid flow in various types of
pumps, fans and blowers.
calculate, analyze and calibrate various flow measuring devices.
Text Books:
1. McCabe,W.L., J.C.Smith & Peter Harriot Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition, 2001.
2. Christie J. Geankoplis, Transport Processes and Unit Operations, PHI, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Fox, R.W. and A.T.McDonald, Introduction to fluid mechanics, 5th edition, John wiley&
sons, 1998.
2. J.M.Coulson and J.F.Richardson, Chemical engineering, Vol-1: Fluid flow, Heat Transfer
and Mass Transfer, Pergamon Press, 4th Edition, 1990.
3. Noel De Nevers, Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011.
4. Bragg R and F. A. Holland, Fluid Flow for Chemical and Process Engineers, 2nd Edition,
Hodder Stoughton Educational, 1995.
5. Patrick Abulencia, J and Louis Theodore, Fluid Flow for the Practicing Chemical
Engineer, John wiley and Sons, 2009.
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – II Sem.
Learning Objectives: The course introduces the student principles of mechanical operations and
their application in chemical process industries. The students will be able to
understand the fundamentals associated to liquid agitation and mixing.
gain basic knowledge in particle characterization namely particle size, shape and specific
have working knowledge of particulate solids handling and mixing
learn the principles of size reduction and screening
understand the Principles and concepts of filtration
understand the functioning of various prominent solid fluid operations related equipment
namely gravity settlers, thickeners, classifiers, clarifiers, sedimenters and Cyclones.
understand the working principle of electrostatic precipitation and flotation and their
relevance in industrial practice.
Agitation and mixing of liquids: Agitation of liquids, circulation velocities, power consumption
in agitated vessels, purpose of Agitation, types of impellers.
Blending and mixing of liquids, suspension of solid particles, dispersion operations.
Properties, handling and mixing of particulate solids: Characterization of solid particles,
properties of particulate masses, storage of solids and mixing of solids, types of mixers, mixers
for non-cohesive solids and mixers for cohesive solids.
Size reduction: Principles, criteria for comminution, characteristics of comminution, size
reduction equipment-crushers, grinders, ultra-fine grinders, cutting machines, Equipment
Screening: Screening, Industrial screening equipment’s, general factors in selecting a screening
equipment, comparison of ideal and actual screens, material balance over a screen and screening
Filtration: Cake filters, centrifugal filters, filter aids, clarifying filters, liquid clarification, and
gas cleaning.
Principles of cake filtration, principles of clarification and principles of centrifugal filtration.
Separations based on motion of particles through fluids: Gravity sedimentation process: gravity
classifiers, sorting classifiers, clarifiers and thickeners, Equipment for sedimentation, clarifier
and thickener design.
Centrifugal settling process: Separations of solids from gases: Cyclones; Separations of solids
from liquids: Hydrocyclones, principles of centrifugal sedimentation, centrifugal classifiers.
Electrostatic separation: Principle, charging by contact electrification, charging by conductive
induction, charging by ion bombardment, types of equipment, effect of humidity, applications of
Flotation: General description, flotation reagents, applications, flotation machines, capacities,
flotation economics.
Out Comes:
A student proficient in Mechanical Unit Operations will have working knowledge associated
particle Characterizations and Solids Handling
mixing and size reduction of solids
screening and Filtration
equipments associated to solid fluid mechanical operations such as gravity settlers,
thickeners, classifiers, clarifiers, sedimenters and Cyclones.
electrostatic precipitators and flotation equipment
industrial case studies associated to mechanical unit operations
conceptual design of equipments in mechanical unit operations
Text Book:
1. McCabe,W.L.and J.C.Smith and Peter Harriott, Unit Operations in Chemical
Engineering, McGraw Hill, 7th Edition. 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Brown, G.G., Unit Operations, CBS Publishers, 1995.
2. Badger,W.L.and J.T.Banchero, Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Tata McGraw-
Hill, international Edition, 1997.
3. Narayanan, C.M., abd Bhattacharya,B.C., Khanna Publishers, 2011.
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
Basic concepts of thermodynamics will be taught to make the students to study and understand:
the laws of thermodynamics and their application to engineering systems.
chemical potentials, Gibbs and Helmholtz Free Energies and real gases.
the phase behavior and properties of pure fluids and fluid mixtures with applications to
the analysis and preliminary design of power plants , refrigeration systems and chemical
engineering systems.
Introduction: The scope of thermodynamics, defined quantities; temperature, volume, pressure,
work, energy and heat.
The first law and other basic concepts: The first law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic state
and state functions, enthalpy, the steady-state steady flow process, equilibrium, the reversible
process, constant-V and constant-P processes, heat capacity.
Volumetric properties of pure fluids: The PVT behavior of pure substances, virial equations, the
ideal gas, the applications of the virial equations, Cubic equations of state, generalized
correlations for gases. Mollier diagram and steam tables.
The second law of thermodynamics: Statements of the second law, heat engines, thermodynamic
temperature scales, thermodynamic temperature and the ideal-gas scale, Entropy, Entropy
changes of an ideal gas, mathematical statement of the second law.
Thermodynamic properties of fluids including residual and generalized property correlations.
Thermodynamics of flow processes; principles of conservation of mass and energy for flow
systems, analysis of expansion processes; turbines, throttling; compression processes –
compressors and pumps; calculation of ideal work and last work. Examples on hydrocarbons and
natural gas.
Production of Power from Heat: Vapor Power Cycle: Simple Steam power cycle, Rankine cycle,
and comparison of Rankin & Carnot cycles, Regenerative cycle.
Refrigeration and liquefaction: The Carnot refrigerator, the vapor compression cycle, the
comparison of refrigeration cycles, the choice of refrigerant, absorption refrigeration, the heat
pump, liquefaction processes.
Out Comes:
After successful completion of this course, the students can obtain a good understanding of the
principles of thermodynamics and a proficiency in applying these principles to the solution of a
large variety of energy flow and equilibrium problems. The students will be able to
solve problems using the energy balance appropriate for a system.
solve problems using the entropy balance appropriate for a system.
evaluate, manipulate and use thermodynamic partial derivatives.
correctly use a thermodynamic property chart and steam tables.
acquire an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
acquire adequate ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice.
Text books:
1. Smith, J.M. and HC Van Ness, M.M.Abbott, Introduction to chemical engineering
thermodynamics, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. Rao, Y.V.C., Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Universities Press India Ltd.,
Reference Books:
1. Koretsky, M.D., Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
2. Richard Elliott,J. and Carl T.Lira, Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics,
, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.
3. Stanley Sandler, Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th Edition,
Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2006.
4. Vidal,J., Thermodynamics: Applications in Chemical Engineering and the Petroleum
Industry, Edition Technip, 2003.
5. Kyle, B.G., Chemical and Process Thermodynamics, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning, 2008.
6. Thomas E. Dauber, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, 1985.
II Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – II Sem.
Learning Objectives: This course is designed to make the students understand and anlyze
the functionalities of various unit processes and operations in chemical engineering.
process technologies associated with sulphur, sulphur acid and nitrogen industries
process technologies associated to phosphorus, phosphoric and chlor-alkali industries.
processes associated to cement, ceramic and glass industries.
processes associated with water, producer and coke oven gases, acetylene, oxygen and
water utility treatment plants.
Sulphur and sulphuric acid: Sources of sulphur- sulphuric acid, different processes of
manufacturing-contact process, DCDA process for sulphuric acid manufacture.
Nitrogen industries: Manufacture of ammonia, nitric acid, urea andammonium nitrate.
Phosphorous and phosphoric acid industries: Methods for production of phosphorous and
phosphoric acid, manufacture of super phosphate andtriple super phosphate
Chlor-alkali industries- Manufacture of soda ash, caustic soda and chlorine.
Cement: Types of cement, manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement [OPC], slag cement
Ceramic Industries: basic raw materials, whit waxes, heavy clay products, refractories, enamels
and enameled metals, Types and manufacture of glass.
Fuel and industrial gases: Production of water gas, producer gas and coke oven gas, production
of acetylene, oxygen and nitrogen.
Water: Sources of water, hardness, treatment for different end uses, municipalwater
conditioning, industrial waste water treatment.
Out Comes:
A student adept in inorganic chemical technology must
have a technological know-how of various process equipments and their respective
functions in candidate process flowsheets.
relate the physical and chemical properties of various compounds towards the working
principles of various established technologies in industrial flowsheets.
understand complexity of various process equipments such as furnaces, complex
distillation units etc.,
have conceptual knowledge towards the application of principles of energy efficient,
pollution abatement and raw-material recovery and reuse in process flow sheets.
have an overall idea towards various alternate processes for the manufacture of important
inorganic products.
have a working knowledge towards various important issues (safety issues, economics
etc.) associated to inorganic chemical technologies.
Text Book:
1. Gopala Rao,M and Marshall Sitting, Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Technology for the
21st Century, 3rd Edition, East West Press, 2010.
Reference Book:
1. Austin, G. T., Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, Tata-McGraw Hill Publishers, 2012.
II Year B.Tech. Chemical Engineering- I-Sem.
Classification of engineering materials, Levels of Structure, Structure-Property relationships in
materials, Crystal Geometry and non-crystalline (amorphous) states. Lattice -Bravais lattices,
crystal systems with examples. Lattice co-ordinates, Miller and Miller- Bravais Indices for
directions and places: ionic, covalent and metallic solids; packing factors and packing efficiency,
ligancy and coordination number. Structure determination by Brag’s X-raydiffraction method.
Crystal Imperfections-classification-point defects-estimation of point defects-Dislocations-
classification(edge and screw)-surface defects -dislocation motion and its relevance to
mechanical and chemical properties –stress-strain relationship and diagrams for different
materials(metals, non-metals, rubbers and plastics and polymers)-elastic and plastic deformation-
slip -stress required to move a dislocation.Multiplication of dislocations –dislocation reactions,
effect on mechanical behavior of materials.Strain hardening/work hardening –dynamic recovery
and recrystallization.
Fracture and failure of materials: ductile fracture analysis-brittle fracture analysis-fracture
toughness-ductile-brittle transition-fatigue fracture-theory, creep and mechanism –methods to
postpone the failure and fracture of materials and increase the life of the engineering components
Solid –liquid and solid-solid equilibria formetals and alloys. Phase rule-phase diagram for pure
metals (single component system), alloys (binary systems)-micro structural changes during
cooling-Lever rule and its applications-typical phase diagrams-homogeneous and heterogeneous
systems, formation of Eutectic, Eutectoid mixtures- non-equilibrium cooling.Binary Systems
(phase diagrams) for study: Cu-Ni,Bi-Cd,Pb-Sn, Fe-C ,Al-Cu
Materials for chemical and petrochemical industrial process equipment- Effect of alloying on
mechanical and chemical behavior of materials, applicationsof heat treatment methods for
strengthening of engineering materials.
Stability criteria of materials in chemical/petrochemical industrial environments. Corrosion and
Oxidation of materials –basic mechanisms-types of corrosion, Corrosion testing and evaluation
Prevailing methods to combat corrosion. Coatings –metallic non-metallic, passivity, cathodic
Out Comes:
After the course, the students will be
equipped with knowledge to prepare material selection diagram, evaluation of equipment
life and prediction of life of the equipment.
acquiring the abilities to carryout reliability studies.
ready to carryout equipment failure analysis and propose the remedial measures.
Text Books:
1. Raghavan, V., Materials Science and Engineering; 5th Edition, PHI, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Ravi Prakash, William F.Smith, and Javed Hashemi, Material Science and Engineering,
4th Edition, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2008.
Reference Books:
1 Elements of Material Science and Engineering, Lawrence H. Van Vlack, 6th Edition,
Pearson, 2002.
2 Balasubramaniam,R., Callister’s Materials Science and Engineering, Wiley, 2010.
3 Mars G. Fontana, Corrosion Engineering, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2005.
II Year B. Tech Chemical Engineering – II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
Fundamentals of momentum transfer will be demonstrated in a series of laboratory exercises like
determination of discharge coefficient of orifice, venturi, notches, friction factors in pipes,
pressure drop in packed and fluidized beds, fluid viscosity, characteristics of centrifugal pump,
characterization of fluid flow, verification of Bernoulli’s theorem, measurement of point
velocities. Hands-on experience and communication skills will be achieved.
List of Experiments:
Outcomes: After completion of the course, students will be able to do the following:
operate fluid flow equipment and instrumentation.
collect and analyze data using momentum transfer principles and experimentation
prepare reports following accepted writing and graphical techniques.
perform exercises in small teams.
demonstrate principles discussed in momentum transfer lecture course.
demonstrate appropriate work habits consistent with industry standards.
II Year B. Tech Chemical Engineering – II Sem.
List of Experiments:
1. Verification of crushing laws with the actual power ration rising hammer mill.
2. Verification of the combination laws and critical speed of a ball mill.
3. Calculation of the effectiveness of screen in horizontal and inclined position (vibrating
4. Verifications of the laws of size reductions using Rod mill or Jaw crusher.
5. Verification of the Stokes law range and steady the characteristics of different particles in
single medium.
6. Determination of the specific cake resistance and medium resistance in a vacuum filter or
plate and frame filter press.
7. Study of the sedimentation characteristics of a thickener and design of a continuous
8. Determination of specific cake resistance and medium resistance of leaf filler.
9. Determination of the froth flotation characteristics in mineral concentration.
10. Determination of the settling rates of particles in hydrocyclones
11. Determination of separation factors of air and hydraulic classifiers.
12. Analysis of various sizes of given material by sieve analysis and determination of
Cumulative and Differential Analysis.
13. Verification of the laws of crushing using drop weight crusher and determination of work
14. Determination of the size distribution of a given powder sample by air elutriation method.
15. a) Study of hindered settling and sedimentation characteristics of solids in liquid
b) Determination of thickener cross sectional area using kynch theory.
16. Determination of laws of crushing of a given sample in pulveriser of a given sample and
determination of bond’s work index
Outcomes: After successful completion of this lab course, the students will be able to do the
operate and explain the function of size reduction equipment, filtration equipment,
classifiers, thickeners, solid particle separators, settlers, floatation equipment and particle
screening equipment.
measure and explain the effect of design parameters on the dynamics of the above
equipment and performance.
work in teams to conduct experiments effectively and efficiently.
collect, correlate, and analyze data with respect to theoretical principles learnt in
mechanical operations classes.
write lab reports to document experimental work.
R – 13: Chemical Engineering
3rdYear I – Semester Syllabus
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
This course is designed to introduce a basic study of the phenomena of heat transfer to carry out
thermal design/ heat transfer process design for heat exchange systems such as process heat
exchangers, reboilers, air/utility coolers/condensers, furnaces, boilers, super-heaters, evaporators,
driers, cooling towers etc. The principles involve the estimation of overall heat transfer
coefficients, heat transfer surface area, pressure drop involved in single-phase and multi-phase
flow regimes.
The students will be trained to acquire skills to carry out the detailed mechanical design of heat
exchangers such as number tubes, selection of shell and tube material, estimate number of baffles
and also provide necessary information regarding TEMA classification.
Introduction: Nature of heat flow, conduction, convection, natural and forced convection, and
Heat transfer by conduction in Solids: Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity, steady state
conduction in plane wall & composite walls, compound resistances in series, heat flow through a
cylinder, conduction in spheres, thermal contact resistance, plane wall: variable conductivity.
Unsteady state heat conduction: Equation for one-dimensional conduction, Semi-infinite solid,
finite solid.
Principles of heat flow in fluids: Typical heat exchange equipment, countercurrent and parallel
current flows, energy balances, rate of heat transfer, overall heat transfer coefficient, electrical
analogy, critical radius of insulation, logarithmic mean temperature difference, variable overall
coefficient, multi-pass exchangers, individual heat transfer coefficients, resistance form of
overall coefficient, fouling factors, classification of individual heat transfer coefficients,
magnitudes of heat transfer coefficients, effective coefficients for unsteady-state heat transfer.
Heat Transfer to Fluids without Phase change: Regimes of heat transfer in fluids, thermal
boundary layer, heat transfer by forced convection in laminar flow, heat transfer by forced
convection in turbulent flow, the transfer of heat by turbulent eddies and analogy between
transfer of momentum and heat, heat transfer to liquid metals, heating and cooling of fluids in
forced convection outside tubes.
Natural convection: Natural convection to air from vertical shapes and horizontal planes, effect
of natural convection in laminar flow heat transfer.
Heat transfer to fluids with phase change: Heat transfer from condensing vapors, heat transfer
to boiling liquids.
Radiation: Emission of radiation, absorption of radiation by opaque solids, radiation between
surfaces, combined heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation.
Evaporators: Types of Evaporators, performance of tubular evaporators, vapor recompression.
Heat Exchange Equipment: General design of heat exchange equipment, heat exchangers,
condensers, boilers and calendrias, extended surface equipment, heat transfer in agitated vessels,
scraped surface heat exchangers, heat transfer in packed beds, heat exchanger effectiveness
(NTU method).
Out Comes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
understand the basic laws of heat transfer.
account for the consequence of heat transfer in thermal analyses of engineering systems.
analyze problems involving steady state heat conduction in simple geometries.
develop solutions for transient heat conduction in simple geometries.
obtain numerical solutions for conduction and radiation heat transfer problems.
understand the fundamentals of convective heat transfer process.
evaluate heat transfer coefficients for natural convection.
evaluate heat transfer coefficients for forced convection inside ducts.
evaluate heat transfer coefficients for forced convection over exterior surfaces.
analyze heat exchanger performance by using the method of log mean temperature
analyze heat exchanger performance by using the method of heat exchanger
Calculate radiation heat transfer between black body surfaces as well as grey body
Text Books:
1. McCabe, W.L., J.C Smith and Peter Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
2. Y.V.C.Rao, Heat Transfer, Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2001.
Reference Books:
1. D.Q. Kern, Process Heat Transfer, Tata- McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. Holman, J.P., Heat Transfer, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
3. Donald Pitts and L.E.Sisson, Schaum’s Outline of Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition, McGraw-
Hill, 1998.
4. Sukhatme, P., A Text Book on Heat Transfer, 5th Edition, Universities Press (India) Pvt.
Ltd., 2005.
5. Binay Dutta, K., Heat Transfer: Principles and Applications, PHI Learning, 2009.
6. Coulson, J.M.; Richardson, J.F.; Backhurst, J.R.; Harker, J.H., Chemical Engineering:
Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer, Vol.1, 6th Edition, Reed Elsevier India,
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Natural Products Processing: Production of pulp, paper and rayon, Manufacture of sugar,
starch and starch derivatives,
Coal Chemicals: Gasification of coal and chemicals from coal.
Industrial Microbial Processes: Fermentation processes for the production of ethyl alcohol,
citric acid and antibiotics,
Edible Oils: Refining of edible oils and fats, fatty acids, Soaps and detergents.
Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Precursors: Petroleum refining to produce naphtha,
fuel hydrocarbons and lubricants.
Processes for the Production of Petrochemical Precursors: ethylene, propylene, butadiene,
acetylene, synthetic gas, benzene, toluene and xylene. (Cracking, Catalytic reforming and
separation of products)
Plastics and Polymers: Production of thermoplastic and thermosetting resins such as
polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE), polypropylene, phenolic resins and epoxy resins. Polymers and
their applications in engineering practice. (PVC, PTFE, Polystyrene)
Fiber Forming and Electrometric Polymers: Synthetic fibers: polyamides, polyesters and
acrylics from monomers, Processes for the production of natural and synthetic rubbers.
A student with sound knowledge of organic chemical technology shall be able to address the
For a given product, list various competent processes.
Identify the best process in terms of raw material availability and product demand.
For the identified best process, have knowledge for the know-how of various processes
and unit operations with specific emphasis on the functionality of these sub-processes.
Correlate fundamental knowledge in various subjects of chemical engineering with
organic chemical process technologies.
Outline various problems associated with organic product production processes and
possible technical approaches to overcome them in industrial production and practice.
Text Books:
1. Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, G.T. Austin, 5th Edn., McGraw Hill, New York,
2. Dryden’s Outline of Chemical Technology, M. Gopala Rao and Marshall Sitting, 2 nd
Edn., Affiliated East-West Press, 1973.
Reference book:
1. A Text Book of Chemical Technology, S.D. Shukla and G. N. Pandey, Vol.2, 2nd
Edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1986.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to learn:
Sensible heat effects and latent heat
Heat effects of industrial reactions.
Heat effects for chemical change.
Estimation of properties of solutions.
Concept of fugacity and partial molar properties.
VLE calculations using Raoult’s law, modified Raoult’s law and generalized method.
VLE calculations from equation of state.
Estimation of reaction equilibrium constant and equilibrium conversion for liquid phase
reactions, gas phase reactions and industrial reactions.
Applications of phase rule for reacting and non-reacting systems.
Heat effects: Sensible heat effects, Internal energy of ideal gases: Microscopic view, Latent
heats of pure substances, heat effects of industrial reactions, heat effects of mixing processes.
Standard heat of reaction, Standard heat of formation, Standard heat of combustion, temperature
dependence of heat of reaction
Solution thermodynamics: Theory: Fundamental property relation, Petrochemical potential as
a criterion for phase equilibrium, partial properties, ideal gas mixtures, fugacity and fugacity
coefficient for pure species, fugacity and fugacity coefficient for species in solutions, generalized
correlations for Fugacity coefficient, The ideal solutions, excess properties.
Solution thermodynamics: applications: the liquid phase properties from VLE data, models for
the excess Gibbs energy, property changes of mixing
VLE at low to moderate pressures: The nature of equilibrium, the phase rule, Duhems
theorem, VLE: Qualitative behavior, the gamma /Phi formulation of VLE, Dew point and bubble
point calculations, flash calculations, solute (1)/solvent (2) systems
Thermodynamic properties and VLE from equations of state: properties of fluids from the
virial equations of state, properties of fluids from cubic equations of state, fluid properties from
correlations of the Pitzer type, VLE from cubic equations of state
Chemical Reaction Equilibria: The reaction coordinate, application equilibrium criterion to
Petrochemical reactions, the standard Gibb’s energy change and the equilibrium constant, effect
of temperature on equilibrium constants, relation of equilibrium constants to composition,
equilibrium conversion for single reactions, Phase rule and Duhem’s theorem for reacting
After the completion of course, students will be able to
Estimate heat requirement for any physical change and chemical change.
Find fugacity coefficient and activity coefficient for a component in a mixture.
Identify the non-ideal solution model for vapour liquid equilibrium.
Obtain VLE data using appropriate cubic equations of state.
Apply phase rule.
Find reaction equilibrium constant and equilibrium conversion for single reactions and
multiple reactions.
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, J.M. Smith, H.C. Van Ness and
M.M. Abbott, 7th ed. McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Rao Y.V.C., Universities Press (India) Pvt.
Ltd., 1997.
Reference Books:
1. Chemical and Process Thermodynamics, BG Kyle, 3rd Edition, Phi Learning, 2008.
2. Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, J. Richard Elliott, Carl T. Lira,
2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.
3. Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, Stanley I Sandler, 4th
Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2006.
4. Molecular Thermodynamics In Fluid Phase Equilibria, J.M. Prausnitz, R.N.
Lichtenthaler, Azvedo, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1998.
5. Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics, Milo D. Koretsky, Wiley India Pvt Ltd,
6. Thermodynamics: Applications in Chemical Engineering and the Petroleum Industry, J.
Vidal, Editions Technip, 2003.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
To gain an understanding of the definition of reaction rate, the variables affecting the rate
of reaction, and the kinetics of homogeneous reactions with respect to concentration
dependency and temperature dependency
To learn about the interpretation of batch reactor data obtained for both constant volume
and variable volume batch reactors for determining the kinetics of homogeneous
reactions of various types
To learn the basic concepts of design of ideal reactors in particular batch reactor, plug
flow reactor and mixed flow reactor
To understand the size comparison of single reactors, multiple reactor systems, recycle
reactor and autocatalytic reactions
To gain knowledge of design for reactions in parallel and reactions in series carried out in
batch, plug flow and mixed flow reactors. Also, to understand the concept of product
distribution in parallel and series reactions
To study the effects temperature and pressure on reaction kinetics and equilibrium
conversion from a thermodynamic point of view
To understand the design of reactors for non-isothermal, adiabatic and non-adiabatic
operations respectively for carrying out single reactions
To understand how exothermic reactions are carried out in mixed flow reactors as a
special case.
Overview of chemical reaction engineering: classification of reactions, variables affecting the
rate of reaction definition of reaction rate. Kinetics of homogenous reactions- concentration
dependent term of rate equation, Temperature dependent term of rate equation, searching for a
mechanism, predictability of reaction rate from theory.
Interpretation of batch reactor data: constant volume batch reactor:- Analysis of total
pressure data obtained in a constant-volume system, the conversion, Integral method of analysis
of data– general procedure, irreversible unimolecular type first order reactions, irreversible
bimolecular type second order reactions, irreversible trimolecular type third order reactions,
empirical reactions of nth order, zero-order reactions, overall order of irreversible reactions from
the half-life, fractional life method, irreversible reactions in parallel, homogenous catalyzed
reactions, autocatalytic reactions, irreversible reactions in series.
Constant volume batch reactor– first order reversible reactions, second order reversible
reactions, reversible reactions in general, reactions of shifting order, Differential method of
analysis of data.
Varying volume batch reactor: differential method of analysis, integral method of analysis,
zero order, first order, second order, nth order reactions, temperature and reaction rate, the search
for a rate equation.
Introduction to reactor design: general discussion, symbols and relationship between CA and
XA; Ideal reactors for a single reaction- Ideal batch reactor, Steady-state mixed flow reactor,
Steady-state plug reactors.
Design for single reactions: Size comparison of single reactors, Multiple- reactor systems,
Recycle reactor, Autocatalytic reactions.
Design for parallel reactions: introduction to multiple reactions, qualitative discussion about
product distribution, quantitative treatment of product distribution and of reactor size.
Irreversible first order reactions in series, quantitative discussion about product distribution,
quantitative treatment, plug flow or batch reactor, quantitative treatment, mixed flow reactor,
first-order followed by zero-order reaction, zero order followed by first order reaction.
Temperature and Pressure effects: single reactions- heats of reaction from thermodynamics,
heats of reaction and temperature, equilibrium constants from thermodynamics, equilibrium
conversion, general graphical design procedure, optimum temperature progression, heat effects,
adiabatic operations, non adiabatic operations, comments and extensions. Exothermic reactions
in mixed flow reactors-A special problem, multiple reactions.
A student on completion of the course would be able to
Analyze the experimental data obtained from ideal reactors and determine the kinetics of
homogeneous reactions of various types for both constant volume and variable volume
Design ideal reactors for carrying out homogeneous reactions.
Compare the performance of various types of reactors including multiple reactor systems and
recycle reactors.
Design suitable reactors for carrying out reactions in parallel and reactions in series.
Analyze the effects of temperature and pressure on equilibrium constants and equilibrium
Design reactors for adiabatic and non-adiabatic operations.
Text Book:
1. Chemical Reaction Engineering, Octave Levenspiel, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
References Books:
1. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, H.S. Fogler, 2nd Edition. PHI, 1992.
2. Chemical Engineering Kinetics, J. M. Smith, 3rd Edition. McGraw- Hill, 1981.
3. Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Aris. R., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1969.
4. Modeling of Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design, Coker, A.K., Gulf Professional
Publishing, 2001.
5. Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Davis, M.E., and R.J. Davis,
McGraw-Hill, 2002.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to learn:
1. Classification of various mass transfer operations.
2. Diffusional mass transfer for diffusion in solids & fluids and estimation of diffusivities.
3. Estimation of the Mass transfer coefficients for laminar and turbulent flow.
4. Turbulent mass transfer theories and analogy between heat, mass and momentum transfer
5. Equilibrium based separation by distillation and different types of distillation operations.
6. The principles for design of distillation towers making simplified assumptions and also
using enthalpy- concentration diagrams.
7. The concepts of equilibrium based separation by absorption and stripping and
corresponding data analysis.
8. The concepts for design of equipment for gas-solid operations and gas-liquid operations
Introduction to Mass Transfer Operations: Classification of the Mass-Transfer Operations,
Choice of Separation Method, Methods of Conducting the Mass-Transfer Operations, Design
Principles, Unit Systems.
Molecular Diffusion In Fluids: Molecular Diffusion, Equation of Continuity, binary solutions,
Steady State Molecular Diffusion in Fluids at Rest and in Laminar Flow, estimation of
diffusivity of gases and liquids, Momentum and Heat Transfer in Laminar flow.
Diffusion:Diffusion in Solids, Fick’s Diffusion, Unsteady State Diffusion, Types of Solid
Diffusion, diffusion through polymers, diffusion through crystalline solids, Diffusion through
porous solids & hydrodynamic flow of gases.
Mass Transfer Coefficients: Mass Transfer Coefficients, Mass Transfer Coefficients in
Laminar Flow, Mass Transfer Coefficients in Turbulent Flow, eddy diffusion, Film Theory,
Penetration theory, Surface-renewal Theory, Combination Film-Surface-renewal theory, Surface-
Stretch Theory, Mass, Heat and Momentum Transfer Analogies.
Inter Phase Mass Transfer: Concept of Equilibrium, Diffusion between Phases, Material
Balances in steady state co-current and counter current stage processes, Stages, Cascades,
Kremser – Brown equation.
Distillation-I : Fields of applications, VLE for miscible liquids, immiscible liquids, steam
distillation, Positive and negative deviations from ideality, enthalpy-concentration diagrams,
flash vaporization and differential distillation for binary and multi component mixtures.
Distillation-II: Continuous rectification-binary systems, multistage tray towers–method of
McCabe and Thiele, enriching section, exhausting section, feed section, total reflux, minimum
and optimum reflux ratios, use of steam, total and partial condensers, cold reflux, multiple feeds,
tray efficiencies.
Ponchon and Savarit method, the enriching and stripping sections, feed tray location, total reflux,
minimum and optimum reflux ratios, reboilers, use of open steam, condenser and reflux
accumulators, azeotropic distillation, extractive distillation, comparison of azeotropic and
extractive distillation-Distillation in packed towers.
Absorption and Stripping: Absorption equilibrium, ideal and non ideal solutions selection of a
solvent for absorption, one component transferred: material balances. Determination of number
of plates (graphical), absorption Factor, estimation of number of plates by Kremser Brown
equation. Continuous contact equipment: HETP &HTU concepts, absorption of one component,
determination of number of transfer units and height of the continuous absorber, overall
coefficients and transfer units, dilute solutions, overall height of transfer units.
Equipment For Gas-Liquid Operations: Gas dispersed, sparged vessels (bubble columns),
mechanical agitated equipments(brief description),tray towers, general characteristics, sieve tray
design for absorption and distillation (qualitative treatment), different types of tray efficiencies,
liquid dispersed venturi scrubbers, wetted-wall towers, packed towers, counter current flow of
liquid & gas through packing, mass transfer coefficients for packed towers, end effects and axial
mixing- tray towesrvs packed towers.
Out comes:
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
1. Estimate the diffusivities of gases and liquids for diffusion through solids, liquids and
2. Estimate the mass transfer coefficients for laminar flow and turbulent flow.
3. Design and operate stage wise and continuous contact distillation towers.
4. Design and operate stage wise and continuous gas-liquid contact towers for absorption
and stripping.
Text Books:
1. Mass Transfer Operations, R.E. Treybal, 3rdEdition.,McGraw Hill, 1980.
2. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, W.L.McCabe, J.C.Smith& Peter Harriott,
McGraw- Hill, 6th Edition, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical engineering, Vol 1,Backhurst, J.R., Harker, J.H.,
Richardson, J.F., and Coulson, J.M., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
2. Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical engineering, Vol 2, Richardson, J.F. &Harker,J.H.
with Backhurst, J.R., Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
3. Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Binay K. Datta, PHI Learning
Private Ltd., 2009.
4. Diffusion: Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems, Cussler, E.L., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984.
5. Design of Equilibrium Stage Processes, B.D.Smith, McGraw-Hill, 1963.
6. Staged Cascades In Chemical Processing, P.L.T.Brian, Prentice-Hall, 1972.
7. Equilibrium Staged Separations, Phillip C.Wankat, Prentice-Hall PTR, 1988.
8. Equilibrium-Stage Separation Operations in Chemical Engineering, E.J.Henley and
J.D.Seader, John Wiley & Sons, 1981.
9. Transport Processes and Unit Operations by Christie J. Geankoplis, 4th Edition, PHI,
10. Separation Processes, C.J. King, 2nd Edition, McGraw- Hill, 1980.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
To learn the basic elements of an instrument and its static and dynamic characteristics
To study the various types of industrial thermometers
To learn the basic concepts of various types of composition analysis
To learn the various types of instruments for measurement of pressure, vacuum, head,
density, level and flow measurement
To get an overview of various recording, indicating and signaling instruments, transmission
of instrument readings, instrumentation diagrams, control center, process analysis and digital
Fundamentals: Elements of Instruments, static and dynamic characteristics-Basic concepts of
response of first order type instruments.
Industrial Thermometers 1: Mercury in glass thermometer-Bimetallic thermometer-Pressure
spring thermometer, Static accuracy and response of thermometry.
Industrial Thermometers 2: Thermo electricity-Industrial thermocouples-Thermo couple
wires-Thermo couple wells and response of thermo couples; Thermal coefficient of resistance-
Industrial resistance-Thermometer bulbs and circuits-Radiation receiving elements-Radiation
photo electric and optical pyrometers.
Composition analysis: Spectroscopic analysis by absorption, emission, mass and color
measurement spectrometers-Gas analysis by thermal conductivity, analysis of moisture.
Pressure, vacuum and head: Liquid column manometers-Measuring elements for gauge
pressure and vacuum-indicating elements for pressure gauges-Measurement of absolute pressure-
Measuring pressure in corrosive liquids-Static accuracy and response of pressure gauges.
Density and specific gravity measurements- direct measurement of liquid level-Pressure
measurement in open vessels-Level measurements in pressure vessels-Measurement of interface
level-Density measurement and level of dry materials.
Flow Meters: Headflow meters-Area flow meters-Open channel meters-Viscosity meters-
Quantity meters-Flow of dry materials-Viscosity measurements.
Recording instruments-Indicating and signaling instruments-Transmission of instrument
readings-Controls center-Instrumentation diagram-Process analysis-Digital instrumentation.
Text Book:
1. Industrial Instrumentation, Donald P.Eckman, CBS, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Patranabis, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
2. Process Control and Instrumentation Technology, Curtis D. Johnson, 3rd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 1988.
3. Process Instrumentation Applications Manual, Bob Connell, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill,
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
List of Experiments:
Out Comes: Upon successful completion of this lab course, the student will be able to:
understand the basics of experimental techniques for heat transfer measurements.
operate the heat transfer equipment like heat exchangers
process experimental data and obtain correlations to predict heat transfer coefficients for
design of heat transfer systems.
conduct the experiments at R & D level in the industry
understand the professional and ethical responsibilities in the field of heat transfer.
produce a written laboratory report.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
The objective of mass transfer laboratory is to help the students in understanding the basic
concepts of mass transport process; to make the students familiar with the most of the separation
equipment on laboratory scale; to acquaint with the experimental procedures for the
determination of transport properties; further, the students will have hands on experience in
handling and operation of different types of mass transfer equipment.
1. Estimation of diffusivity coefficients: (a) vapors (b) solids
2. Distillation, a) Steam distillation b) Differential distillation
3. HETP evaluation in Packed Towers
4. Vapor Liquid Equilibria
5. Evaluation of Mass transfer coefficients
(a) Surface Evaporation (b) Wetted wall column
6. Equilibrium Analysis of Carbon dioxide absorption in alkaline solutions.
7. Deoxygenation of tap water:
a. Determination of the overall mass transfer coefficient based on gas phase resistance.
b. Determination of the individual mass transfer coefficient based on gas phase
c. Determination of relationship between mass transfer coefficients and the gas
flow rates.
8. Aeration of tap water:
a. Determination of the overall mass transfer coefficient based on liquid phase
b. Determination of the individual mass transfer coefficient based on liquid phase
c. Determination of relationship between mass transfer coefficients and the gas flow
The student will be able to:
Recognize the various modes of mass transfer to determine the mass transfer rates
using Fick’s law for estimating the diffusion coefficients.
Design and conduct experiments; analyze and interpret data related to mass transfer.
Visualize and understand mass transfer operations.
Work in teams accommodating the contributions of team members having a variety of
skills and perspectives.
Identify, formulate and solve mass transfer problems.
Attain proficiency in written, graphical and communications.
Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
R – 13: Chemical Engineering
3rdYear II – Semester Syllabus
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering – II Sem.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
Student will be able to learn about:
Equilibrium separations based on liquid-liquid contact along with data analysis from
equilibrium diagrams represented in triangular and rectangular coordinates.
Equilibrium liquid-liquid separation using multistage counter current contactors.
Different liquid- liquid extraction equipments like continuous contact equipments,
agitated extractors, centrifugal extractors along with supercritical fluid extraction and
fractional extraction.
Basic concepts of leaching using single and multistage leaching operations.
Usage of psychometriccharts and design of humidifiers and cooling towers.
Mechanism of batch drying and details of batch and continuous drying.
Basic concepts of adsorption and construction of adsorption isotherms.
Different types of adsorbers like fixed bed, moving bed and fluidized bed absorber.
Details of different pressure driven, concentration driven, electro potential driven
membrane separation processes and different types synthetic types membranes and
Liquid-Liquid Operations: fields of usefulness, liquid-liquid equilibrium, equilateral triangular
co-ordinates, choice of solvent, stage wise contact, multistage cross-current extraction, Multi
stage counter current without reflux-multi stage counter current with reflux,.
Extraction Equipment: Differential (continuous contact) extractors, spray towers, packed
towers, mechanically agitated counter-current extractors, centrifugal extractors, dilute solutions,
super critical fluid extraction, fractional extraction.
Leaching: Fields of applications, preparation of solid for leaching, types of leaching, leaching
equilibrium, single stage and multi stage leaching calculations, constant under flow conditions,
equipment for leaching operation.
Humidification Operations: Vapor pressure curve, definitions, psychometric charts, enthalpy of
gas-vapor mixtures, humidification and dehumidification, operating lines and design of packed
humidifiers, dehumidifiers and cooling towers, spray chambers.
Drying: Equilibrium, definitions, drying conditions- rate of batch drying under constant drying
conditions, mechanisms of batch drying, drying time through circulation drying.
Classification Of Drying Operations: Batch and continuous drying equipment, material and
energy balances of continuous driers, rate of drying for continuous direct heat driers.
Adsorption-I: Adsorption, types of adsorption, nature of adsorbents, adsorption equilibrium,
single gases and vapors, adsorption hysteresis, effect of temperature, heat of adsorption, vapor
and gas mixtures- one component adsorbed, effect of change of temperature or pressure. Liquids,
adsorption of solute from dilute solution, the Freundlich equation, adsorption from concentrated
solutions, adsorption operations, stage wise operation, application of Freundlich equation to
single and multistage adsorption (cross current & counter current).
Adsorption-II: Adsorption of vapor from a gas, fluidized bed, continuous contact, steady state
moving bed adsorbers, unsteady state–fixed bed adsorbers, adsorption wave, elution, adsorption-
desorption operations- thermal desorption of gases, activated carbon solvent recovery, pressure
swing and vacuum swing adsorption (qualitative treatment), regeneration with purge and
desorbent. Ion-Exchange: Principles of ion exchange, techniques and applications, ion-
movement theory, ion exclusion.
Membrane Separation Processes: Basic principles of membrane separation, classification of
membrane processes – pressure driven, concentration gradient driven, electric potential driven
processes – brief introduction on reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration,
pervaporation, dialysis, membrane extraction, electrodialysis. Types of synthetic membranes –
microporous, asymmetric, thin-film composite, electrically charged and inorganic membranes.
Membrane modules - industrial applications.
After completing the course the student will be able to:
Analyse liquid-liquid equilibrium data.
Design single stage and multi stage liquid extractors.
Make calculations using psychometric charts for humidification and drying operations.
Prepare the adsorption isotherm, screen and design adsorption equipment.
Identify and analyse the membrane separation processes based on the driving force.
Identify the membranes and design membrane modules for particular use.
Text Books:
1. Mass transfer operations by R.E. Treybal, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1980.
2. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, W.L. McCabe, J.C. Smith & Peter Harriott,
McGraw- ill, 6th Edition, 2001.
3. Membrane Separation Processes, KaushikNath, PHI, 2008
Reference Books:
1. Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical engineering, Vol 1,Backhurst, J.R.,
Harker,J.H.,Richardson, J.F., and Coulson,J.M., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
2. Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical engineering, Vol 2, Richardson, J.F. &Harker,J.H.
with Backhurst, J.R., Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
3. Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Binay K. Datta, PHI Learning
Private Ltd., 2009.
4. Diffusion: Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems, Cussler, E.L., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984.
5. Design of Equilibrium Stage Processes, B.D.Smith, McGraw-Hill, 1963.
6. Staged Cascades In Chemical Processing, P.L.T.Brian, Prentice-Hall, 1972.
7. Equilibrium Staged Separations, Phillip C.Wankat, Prentice-Hall PTR, 1988.
8. Equilibrium-Stage Separation Operations in Chemical Engineering, E.J.Henley and
J.D.Seader, John Wiley & Sons, 1981.
9 Transport Processes and Unit Operations by Christie J. Geankoplis, 4th Edition, PHI,
10. Separation Processes, C.J. King, 2nd Edition, McGraw- Hill, 1980.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning objectives:
To understand and be able to describe quantitatively the dynamic behavior of process
To learn the fundamental principles of control theory including different types of
controllers and control strategies.
To learn how to estimate the stability limits for a system, with or without control.
To calculate and use the frequency response of a system.
To describe quantitatively the behavior of simple control systems and to design control
To gain a brief exposure to advanced control strategies.
To learn how to tune a control loop and to apply this knowledge in the
To learn the different types of control valves and design of the control valve.
Introduction to process dynamics and control, Response of First Order Systems - Physical
examples of first order systems
Response of first order systems in series, higher order systems: Second order and transportation
Control systems Controllers and final control elements, Block diagram of a Petrochemical rector
control system.
Closed loop transfer functions, Transient response of simple control systems.
Stability Criterion, Routh Test, Root locus, Transient response from root locus, Application of
root locus to control systems Introduction to frequency response, Control systems design by
frequency response.
Advanced control strategies, Cascade control, Feed forward control, ratio control, Smith
predictor, dead time compensation, internal model control.
Controller tuning and process identification. Control valves.
At the completion of the course a student should be able to:
Describe a process, how it works and what the control objectives are.
Describe processes with appropriate block diagrams.
Numerically model a process.
Identify the stability limits of a system.
Apply the advance control strategies.
Tune process controllers.
Experimentally determine the dynamic behavior of a process.
Design and operate control valves.
Text Book:
1. Process Systems Analysis and Control by D.R. Coughanowr, 2nd ed. McGraw Hill,
Reference Books:
1. Chemical Process Control, G. Stephanopolous, Prentice Hall, 1984
2. Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering, Volume 3, 3rd Edition: Chemical and
Biochemical Reactors and Process Control, Richardson J. F., Elsevier India, 2006.
3. Automatic Process Control, Donald P. Eckman, John wiley, Reprint 2011.
4. Process Dynamics and Control, Dale Seaborg, Thomas F. Edgar, Duncan Mellichamp,
2nd edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
5. Principles of Process Control. Patranabis, 3rd Edition McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.,
6. Industrial Process Control Systems, 2nd Edition, Dale R. Patrick, Stephon, W. Fardo,
CRC Press, 2009.
7. Modern Control Systems, 11th Edition Dorf, Pearson, 2008.
8. Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010.
9. Principles and Practices of Automatic Process Control, Carlos A. Smith, Armando B.
Corripio, 3rd International Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
10. Process control: Concepts, Dynamics & Control, S. K. Single, PHI Learning, 2009.
11. Process control, Peter Harriott, Tata McGraw-Hill 1964. (10th reprint 2008).
12. Computer-Aided Process Control, S. K. Singh, PHE Learning, 2004.
13. Essentials of process control, William L. Luyben, Michacl L. Luyben, McGraw-Hill,
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
To understand the various terms and activities related to economics which can be useful
during economical evaluation of any chemical process industries.
To understand the concepts and calculations involving time value of money, present and
future worth of property
To have the knowledge about capital recovery, depreciation and depreciation calculations
To understand the methodology of cost estimation including fixed and variable costs by
considering the concept of cost indices.
To understand the concept of balance sheet, profit and loss accounting and income
To understand the concept of profitability evaluation of project and select the best
process alternative based on its economic evaluation
To understand the concept of rate of return and payout time, and replacement of existing
To have knowledge of the economic balance in evaporation, fluid flow, heat and mass
transfer, cyclic operations, reactors and inventory in process operations
To learn about the economic analysis of a complete process
To learn about multivariable input-output analysis for analyzing the production of
chemical products
Introduction: The process industries – capital and interest – economics and the process
Value of Money – Equivalence: Value of money – equations for economic studies –
equivalence – example problems – the bond problem.
Amortization: Capital recovery – depreciation – straight-line method, sinking-fund method,
fixed percentage method – interest in depreciation calculations – depreciation accounting –
Capital Requirements for Process Plants: Cost indices – equipment costs – the Williams six-
tenths Factor – service facilities – buildings and other non-process items – capital requirements
for complete plants-approximate cost estimates-detailed cost estimates – total and process
investment – the balance sheet – sources of capital.
Costs, Earnings, Profits and Returns: Variable costs – fixed costs-explanation of individual
items of fixed costs-interest as an Item of cost – using cost data-cost studies-the Income
statement-income statement ratio – profits and earnings-a discussion of theoretical economy and
accounting-analysis of the income statement – economic production charts – capacity factors –
incremental costs – differential analysis of economic production charts
Economics of Selecting Alternates: Annual cost method – present worth method – equivalent
Rates of Return and Payout Time – Replacements: Rate-of-return method – payout-time
method – effect of source of capital – nonproductive investments and taxes – consideration of
capacity factor – replacement of existing facilities – irreducible factors in economic analyses.
Economic Balance: Economic balance in evaporation – economic vessel design – economic
balance in fluid flow, heat transfer and mass transfer - economic balance with two variables,
combined operation-combined operations with one variable- combined operations with two
variables, combined operations with alternates
Economic Balance in Cyclic Operations: Batch operations (fixed cycle time) – batch
operations (variable cycle time) – multiple equipment units – semicontinuous operations.
Economic Balance in Reactors: Economic analysis for variable feed and product grades,
variable recovery – economic balance for waste stream concentrations – economic balance for
yield in process operations-yield in a batch reactor (catalytic or noncatalytic)-yield in continuous
multistage reactors (noncatalytic)- yield in a flow reactor (catalytic)
Economic Balance and Inventory in Process Operations: Semicontinuous operations – batch
operations – non-repetitive operations – process inventory considerations – the general case of
inventory – general summary of economic balance.
Economic Analysis of A Complete Process: Operating plants-appraised value-earning value-
stock and bond value – proposed plants-capital requirements-estimated annual returns –
evaluation – reliability of cost estimates.
Text Book:
1. Process Engineering Economics, H.E. Schweyer, McGraw-Hill, New York,1955.
Reference Books:
1. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, M. S. Peters and K. D.
Timmerhaus, McGraw Hill, 4th Ed., 1991.
2. Cost and Optimization Engineering, F.C. Jelen, McGraw-Hill, International ed., 1997.
3. Process Engineering Economics, James R. Couper, Marcel Dekkar, Inc., 2003
4. Introduction to Process Economics, F.A. Holland, F. A. Watson, J. K. Wilkinson, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
5. Schaum’s outline of engineering economics, Jose Sepulveda, William Souder, Byron
Gottfried, McGraw-Hill, 1984.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
The dispersion model- axial dispersion, correlations for axial dispersion, Petrochemical reaction
and dispersion.
The tanks in series model- pulse response experiments and the RTD, Petrochemical conversion.
The convection model for laminar flow- the convective model and its RTD, Petrochemical
conversion in laminar flow reactors.
Earliness of mixing, segregation and RTD- self-mixing of a single fluid, mixing of two miscible
Catalysis and catalytic reactors- catalysts, steps in a catalytic reactions, synthesizing a rate law,
mechanism and rate limiting step. (From chapter 6 Fogler).
Heterogeneous reactions- introduction.
Solid catalyzed reaction: pore diffusion resistance combined with surface kinetics, porous
catalyst particles, heat effects during reaction, performance equations for reactors containing
porous catalyst particles.
Solid catalyzed reactions: Experimental methods for finding rates.
Deactivating catalysts- mechanisms of catalyst deactivation, the rate and performance equations.
Fluid-fluid reactions: kinetics- the rate equation.
Fluid-particle reactions: kinetics- selection of a model, shrinking core model for spherical
particles of unchanging size, rate of reaction for shrinking spherical particles, extensions,
determination of rate controlling step.
A student on completion of the course would be able to
Carry out RTD studies on non-ideal flow reactors and determine the conversions
Fit the experimental data to dispersion model, tanks-in-series model and the convection
model and to predict the conversions that can be obtained using the above models.
Predict the effect of earliness of mixing, segregation and RTD on conversion.
To determine the kinetics of solid catalyzed reactions, fluid-fluid reactions, and fluid-
particle reactions.
To carry out experiments for determining the rates of solid-catalyzed reactions.
To determine the rate of deactivation in solid-catalyzed reactions.
To determine the rate controlling step in fluid-particle reactions.
Text Book:
1. Chemical Reaction Engineering by Octave Levenspiel 3rd ed. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, H.S. Fogler, 2nd Edition. PHI, 1992.
2. Chemical Engineering Kinetics, J. M. Smith, 3rd Edition. McGraw- Hill, 1981.
3. Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Aris. R., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1969.
4. Modeling of Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design, Coker, A.K., Gulf Professional
Publishing, 2001.
5. Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Davis, M.E., and R.J. Davis,
McGraw-Hill, 2002.
6. Chemical Reactor Theory: An Introduction, Denbigh K.G., and J.C.R. Turner, 3rd Ed.,
Cambridge University Press, 1984.
7. Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, Froment, G.B., and K.B. Bischoff, 2nd Ed.,
Wiley, 1990.
8. An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Design, C.G. Hill Jr.,
John Wiley, 1977.
9. Chemical Reaction Engineering: A First Course, Metcalfe, I.S., Oxford University Press,
10. Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics, Missen, R.W., C.A.Mims and B.A.
Saville, Wiley, 1999.
11. The Engineering of Chemical Reactions, Schmidt, L.D., Oxford University Press, New
York 1998.
12. Chemical reactor design, Peter Harriott, Marcel Dekkar, 2002.
13. Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers, Stanley M.Walas. Uni Publishers, 1989.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
To calibrate and determine the time lag of various first and second order instruments.
To determine the response in single and two capacity systems with and with-out
To understand the advanced control methods used for complex processes in the
industries. Different experiments like Flow, level and cascade control can be configured
and studied.
To study the open loop (Manual control) and the on/off controller, Proportional
controller, PI controller, PD controller, PID controller, Tuning of controller (Open loop
and close loop methods), and to study the stability of the system (Bode plot).
To understand the control valve operation and its flow characteristics.
To determine the damping coefficient and response of U-tube manometer.
1. Calibration and determination of time lag of various first and second order instruments.
Major equipment - First order instrument like Mercury-in-Glass thermometer and overall
second order instrument like Mercury-in-Glass thermometer in a thermal well.
2. Experiments with single and two capacity systems with and without interaction.
Major equipment- Single tank system, Two-tank systems (Interacting and Non-
3. Level control trainer
Major equipment - Level control trainer set up with computer.
4. Temperature control trainer
Major equipment -Temperature control trainer with computer.
5. Cascade control
Major equipment -Cascade control apparatus with computer.
6. Experiments on proportional, reset, rate mode of control etc.
Major equipment – PID control apparatus
7. Control valve characteristics
Major equipment – Control valve set up.
8. Estimation of damping coefficient for U-tube manometer
Major equipment - U-tube manometer.
The student will be able to
Estimate the dynamic characteristics of first and second order systems.
Apply the advanced control methods used for complex processes in the industries.
Screen and suggest controllers like On/off, P, PI, PD and PID for process systems.
Identify the stability of the system.
Screen and suggest the types of control valves.
III Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
To determine the order of reaction and rate constant using batch reactor, CSTR, and PFR
and analyze the data by differential and integral methods.
To determine the activation energy and specific reaction rate constant of a reaction of a
known order using a batch reactor.
To determine the rate constant and to study the effect of residence time on conversion in
To compare the experimental and theoretical values for space times and volumes of
reactors when CSTR in series.
To determine the RTD and dispersion number for packed bed and tubular reactors using
1. Determination of the order of a reaction using a batch reactor and analyzing the data by
(a) differential method (b) integral method.
2. Determination of the activation energy of a reaction using a batch reactor.
3. To determine the effect of residence time on conversion and to determine the rate
constant using a CSTR.
4. To determine the specific reaction rate constant of a reaction of a known order using a
batch reactor.
5. To determine the order of the reaction and the rate constant using a tubular reactor.
6. CSTRs in series- comparison of experimental and theoretical values for space times and
volumes of reactors.
7. Mass transfer with chemical reaction (solid-liquid system) –determination of mass
transfer coefficient.
8. Axial mixing in a packed bed. Determination of RTD and dispersion number for a
packed-bed using tracer and Determination of RTD and dispersion number in a tubular
reactor using a tracer.
Learning Objectives:
The objective of mass transfer laboratory is to help the students in understanding the basic
concepts of mass transport process; to make the students familiar with the most of the
separations in leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, humidification, drying and adsorption; to
acquaint with the experimental procedures for the determination of transport properties; further,
the students will have hands on experience in handling and operation of different types of mass
transfer equipment.
1. Determination of binodal curve and tie line data for ternary liquid equilibrium
2. Leaching of dium carbonate from a mixture of sand + sodium carbonate using water in
a single stage and three stage system ( cross - current & counter-current):
(a) Determination of mass transfer coefficients and (b) Rate of mass transfer
3. (a) Hydrodynamics of Spray column. (b) Extraction studies in sieve tray and packed
4. (a) Determination of wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures (b) Construction of
psychometric chart (c) Performance of cooling tower
5. Studies in batch and continuous drying.
6. Studies on the adsorption of acetic acid from aqueous solutions by charcoal/ activated
carbon to determine the constants of the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms.
7. Studies on continuous adsorption of acetic acid from aqueous solutions in activated
carbon bed to determine the break-through response cureve.
The student will be able to:
Design and conduct experiments; analyze and interpret data related to mass transfer in
leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, humidification and adsorption.
Visualize and understand mass transfer operations.
Work in teams accommodating the contributions of team members having a variety of
skills and perspectives.
Identify, formulate and solve mass transfer problems.
Attain proficiency in written, graphical and communications.
Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
R – 13: Chemical Engineering
4thYear I – Semester Syllabus
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to learn:
The estimation of transport properties like mass diffusivity, thermal conductivity and
To identify and solve various momentum transport problems based on shell momentum
balance approach.
To identify and solve various heat transport problems based on shell energy balance
Concepts of concentration distribution in solids and in laminar flow based on shell mass
balance approach.
The derivation of the equation of continuity & equation of motion in Cartesian
coordinates and curvilinear coordinates.
The unsteady state velocity profile, temperature profile and concentration profiles for
laminar flow conditions.
Basic concepts of turbulent flow transport.
Viscosity and the mechanisms of momentum transfer: Newton’s law of viscosity (molecular
momentum transport), generalization of Newton’s law of viscosity, pressure and temperature
dependence of viscosity, molecular theory of the viscosity of gases at low density, molecular
theory of the viscosity of liquids.
Thermal conductivity and the mechanisms of energy transport: Fourier’s law of heat
conduction (molecular energy transport), temperature and pressure dependence of thermal
conductivity, and theory of thermal conductivity of gases at low density.
Diffusivity and the mechanisms of mass transport: Fick’s law of binary diffusion (molecular
mass transport), temperature and pressure dependence of diffusivities, theory of diffusion in
gases at low density.
Shell momentum balances and velocity distributions in laminar flow: shell momentum
balances and boundary conditions, flow of a falling film, flow through a circular tube, flow
through annulus, flow of two adjacent immiscible fluids, creeping flow around a sphere.
Shell energy balances and temperature distributions in solids and laminar flow: shell
energy balances; boundary conditions, heat conduction with an electrical heat source, heat
conduction with a nuclear heat source, heat conduction with a viscous heat source, heat
conduction with a Petrochemical heat source, heat conduction through composite walls, heat
conduction in a cooling fin, forced convection, free convection.
Concentration distributions in solids and laminar flow: shell mass balances; boundary
conditions, diffusion through a stagnant gas film, diffusion with a heterogeneous Petrochemical
reaction, diffusion with a homogeneous Petrochemical reaction, diffusion into a falling liquid
film (gas absorption), diffusion into a falling liquid film (solid dissolution), diffusion and
Petrochemical reaction inside a porous catalyst.
The equations of change: Derivation of the equation of continuity in Rectangular and Polar
coordinates, the equation of motion, the equation of energy, the equation of continuity of a
component in multi component mixture (in rectangular coordinates only), the equations of
change in terms of the substantial derivative.
Use of equations of change to solve one dimensional steady state problems of momentum, heat
and component transfer
Unsteady state one-dimensional transport of momentum, heat and component transfer.
Introduction to Turbulent transport, Time smoothing of equation change, Models for turbulent
flux (explanation of equations only).
After completion the course, the student will be able to
Determine diffusivity, thermal conductivity and viscosity at low and high pressure.
Derive momentum flux and velocity distribution for typical geometries.
Derive heat flux and temperature distribution for typical geometries.
Derive mass flux and concentration distribution for typical geometries.
Derive unsteady state velocity profile, temperature profile and concentration profile.
Derive equation of change for turbulent transport.
Analyze the momentum, heat and transport problems involved in process equipment.
Text Books:
1. Transport Phenomena by Bird R.B., Stewart W.C., Lightfoot F.N., 2nd ed. John Wiley,
Reference Books:
1. Transport Processes: Momentum, Heat and Mass, C. J. Geankoplis, PHI, Allyn and
Bacon Inc., 2ndRevised Edition, 1983.
2. Transport Phenomena for Engineers by L. Theodore, International text Book Company,
3. Transport Phenomena- A Unified Approach, Robert S. Brodkey, Harry C. Hershay,
McGraw-Hill International Edition, 1988.
4. Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations-A combined Approach, Richard G. Griskey,
John Wiley, 2002.
5. Mass Transport Phenomena, Christie J. Geankoplis, Ohio State Univ Bookstore, 1984.
6. Modeling in Transport Phenomena: A Conceptual Approach, Ismail Tosun, Elsevier,
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
To get an overview of plant design and to study the general design considerations
To understand the development of design database-process creation, process design,
process flow diagrams, piping & instrument diagrams.
To learn the general procedure for flow sheet synthesis and development.
To understand the basic concepts of materials handling equipment and design.
To learn the basic theory of heat transfer in heat exchangers and design of heat
To understand the selection of suitable separation process.
To learn about reactor design procedure and selection of reactor and catalysts.
Overview of plant design: General overall design considerations-Process design development-
Flow sheet development-Computer aided design-Cost estimation
General design considerations: Environmental protection-Plant location-Plant layout-Plant
operation & control.
Development of design: Development of design database-Process creation-Process design-
Process flow diagrams-Process design-Piping & instrument diagrams.
Flow sheet synthesis and development: General procedure-Process information-input/output
structure-Function diagrams-Operations diagrams-Process flow sheet - Algorithmic flow sheet
Materials-handling equipment & design: Basic concepts-Piping in fluid transports processes-
Pumping of fluids-Compression and expansion of fluids-Compression and expansion of fluids-
Agitations and mixing of fluids-Flow measurement- Storage & containment of fluids-Transport
of solids-handling of solids.
Heat transfer equipment design: Basic theory of heat transfer in exchangers-Determination of
heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops-Selection of heat exchanger type-Design of key heat
exchanger types-Optimum design of heat exchangers.
Separation equipment design: Selections of suitable separation processes-Equipment for
distillation, absorption, stripping, humidification and filtration.
Reactor equipment design: Reactor and catalyst equipment-Selection of catalysts-Types of
reactors-Selection of reactors-Design of reactor systems-Procedure for reactor design.
Understand the basic principles of plant design and the general design considerations.
Ability to develop process design, flow diagrams, piping and instrumentation diagrams,
including flow sheet synthesis and development.
Gain basic insights into the design of equipment pertaining to materials handling, heat
transfer, separation processes, and reactors, both catalytic and non-catalytic.
Text Book:
1. Plant Design & Economics for Chemical Engineers, Max Peteres, Klaus D.
Timmerhaus, Ronald West, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Chemical Engineering Design, R.Sinnot and Gavin Towler, 5th Edition, Butterworth-
Heinmann, 2009.
2. Applied Process Design for Chemical & Petro Chemical Plants, E.E Ludwizg, Vol-1,2
& 3, Gulf professional publishing, 3rd Edition, Elsevzier,2001.
3. Chemical Process Equipment Selection & Design, J.R. Couper, W.R.Penny, J.R. Fair, &
S. M. Walas, Revised 2nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2010.
4. Introduction to Process Engineering and Design, S.B.Thakore and B.I.Bhatt, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2007.
5. Chemical Processing Engineering: Design & Economics, H.Silla, Marcel Dekkar, Inc.,
6. A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design & Economics, Gael D.Ulrich, Process
Publishing, 1984.
7. Process Engineering and Design Using Visual Basic, Arun Datta, CRC Press, 2008.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
Existing and ongoing trends in chemical engineering require systematic analysis of complex
chemical processes through the medium of process modeling and simulation. The following
objectives need to be achieved through the course on process modeling and simulation:
Basic philosophy of process model development and simulation for chemical engineering
Theory of numerical methods applicable for the solution of linear and non-linear system
of equations.
Theory of numerical differentiation, integration and regression.
Modeling of chemical processes using partial differential equations.
Mathematical models for chemical engineering systems-Fundamentals-Introduction to
fundamental laws.
Examples of mathematical models of chemical engineering systems- Constant volume CSTRS-
Two heated tanks-Gas phase pressurized CSTR-Non isothermal CSTR.
Examples of single component vaporizer- Batch reactor-Reactor with mass transfer-Ideal binary
distillation column- Batch distillation with holdup.
Numerical methods for simulation-I: Iterative methods-Bisection, false position, Newton–
Raphson, successive approximation methods- Comparison of iterative methods-Solution of linear
simultaneous algebraic equations- Computation of eigen values and eigen vectors- Gauss
elimination method- Gauss-Jordan and Gauss-Seidel’s method.
Numerical methods for simulation-II: Numerical integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s
rules-Numerical solution of differential equations-Euler method, Runge-Kutta fourth order
method-Milne predictor corrector method.
Interpolation, Lagrange interpolation-Forward difference-Backward difference and central
difference interpolation methods-Least square approximation of functions-Linear regression-
Polynomial regression.
Computer simulation examples: Gravity flow tank- Three CSTRs in series-Binary distillation
column- Batch reactor-Simulation of Non-isothermal CSTR-VLE dew point, bubble point
calculations - Countercurrent heat exchanger.
Application of solution of partial differential equations in simulation: Techniques for
convective problems-Unsteady state steam heat exchanger-Techniques for diffusive problems-
Unsteady state heat conduction in a rod.
Text Books:
1. Process Modeling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers by W. L. Luyben,
McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 1990.
2. Numerical Methods for Engineers, S.K. Gupta, New Age International, 1995.
3. Computational Methods for Process Simulation, W.F.Ramirez, 2nd Edition, Butterworth-
Heinmann, 1997.
Reference Books:
1. Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering, Roger G.E. Franks, Wiley-
Interscience, 1972.
2. Chemical Engineering: Modeling, Simulation and Similitude, T.G. Dobre, J. G. Sanchez
Marcano, Wiley-VCH., 2007.
3. Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, R. G. Rice, D. D. Do, John
Wiley & Sons, 1995.
4. Chemical Process Modeling and Computer Simulation, Jana Amiya K. 2nd Edition, PHI
learning, 2011.
5. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat, Mass Transfer process, N. C. Markatos,
D. G. Tatchell, M. Cross; Springer, 1986.
6. Process Simulation, W. Fred Ramirez, Lexington Books, 1977.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
To have an overview of the basic structure and function of important cell types, RNA and
DNA, amino acids and proteins
To learn about enzyme structure, function and kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions
To learn about immobilization of enzymes, industrial applications and understand
immobilized enzyme kinetics
To learn about the kinetics of cellular growth, models for cellular growth, and thermal
death kinetics of cells and spores
To understand the various metabolic pathways, biosynthesis, transport across cell
membranes, end products of metabolism and stoichiometry of cell growth and product
To get acquainted with design and analysis of various bioreactors and also to have an
overview about fermentation technology
Introduction to Microbiology: Biophysics and the cell doctrine, the structure of cells, Important
cell types, from nucleotides to RNA and DNA, amino acids into proteins.
Kinetics of Enzyme catalyzed reaction: The enzyme substrate complex and enzyme action,
Simple enzyme kinetics with one and two substrates, other patterns of substrate concentration
dependence, Modulation and regulation of enzyme activity, other influences on enzyme activity.
Immobilized Enzyme technology: Enzyme immobilization, Industrial processes, utilization and
regeneration of cofactors, Immobilized enzyme kinetics: Effect of external mass transfer
resistance, Analysis of intra-particle diffusion and reaction.
Kinetics of cellular growth in batch and continuous culture, Models for cellular growth –
Unstructured, structured and cybernetic models, Thermal death kinetics of cells and spores.
Introduction to metabolic pathways, Biosynthesis, Transport across cell membranes, End
products of metabolism, Stoichiometry of cell growth and product formation.
Design and analysis of Biological reactors: Batch reactors, fed-batch reactors, Enzyme
catalyzed reactions in CSTR, CSTR reactors with recycle and cell growth, Ideal plug flow
reactors, Sterilization reactors, Sterilization of gases, packed bed reactors using immobilized
catalysts. Fermentation technology: Medium formulation, Design and operation of a typical
aseptic, aerobic fermentation process.
Transport phenomena in Bioprocess systems: Gas-liquid mass transfer in cellular systems,
determination of oxygen transfer rates, overall kLa’ estimates and power requirements for
sparged and agitated vessels, scaling of mass transfer equipment, heat transfer.
Downstream Processing: Strategies to recover and purify products; Separation of insoluble
products-filtration and centrifugation; cell disruption-mechanical and non-mechanical methods;
Separation of soluble products: liquid-liquid extractions, membrane separation (dialysis, ultra
filtration and reverse osmosis), chromatographic separation-gel permeation chromatography,
electrophoresis, final steps in purification – crystallization and drying.
The expected outcomes are that the student
Will become familiar with basic cell structure and biomolecules.
Understand the basic principles of gene expression, translation, transcription, regulation
and protein synthesis, RNA and DNA
Grasp the mechanisms and energetics of biomolecule and cell conformation and
differentiation, ionic transport and cell communication
Develop a clear picture of what enzymes are, what their functions are and analyses the
kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions.
Demonstrate a clear understanding of immobilized enzyme technology and the kinetics
Apply the above knowledge to the basic analysis and design of bioreactors.
Text Books:
Reference books:
1. Biochemical Engineering, James M.Lee, Prentice-Hall-1992.
2. Biochemical Engineering, Aiba, Humphrey and Mells, Academic press, 1973.
3. Bioprocess Engineering principles, Pauline M. Doran, Academic Press, 2012.
4. Biochemical Engineering, H.W. Blanch and D.S. Clark, Marcel Dekker, 1997.
5. Introduction to Biochemical Engineering, D.G.Rao, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning objectives:
Types of emissions from Chemical industries and Effects of environment, Environment
legislation, Type of pollution and their sources, Effluent guidelines and standards.
Characterization of effluent streams, Oxygen demands and their determination (BOD, COD, and
TOC), Oxygen sag curve, BOD curve mathematical, Controlling of BOD curve, Self-purification
of running streams, Sources and characteristics of pollutants in fertilizer, paper and pulp
industry, petroleum and petroleum industry.
Methods of Primary treatments: Screening, Sedimentation, Flotation, Neutralization, and
methods of tertiary treatment.
Brief studies of Carbon absorption, Ion exchange, Reverse osmosis, Ultra filtration, Chlorination,
Ozonation, treatment and disposal
Introduction to waste water treatment, Biological treatment of wastewater, Bacterial and
bacterial growth curve, Aerobic processes, Suspended growth processes, Activated aerated
lagoons and stabilization ponds, Attached growth processes, Trickling filters, Rotary drum
filters, and Anaerobic processes.
Air pollution sampling and measurement: Types of pollutant and sampling and measurement,
ambient air sampling: Collection of gaseous air pollutants, Collection of particulate air
pollutants. Stack sampling: Sampling system, Particulate sampling, and gaseous sampling.
Air pollution control methods and equipments: Source collection methods: raw material changes,
process changes, and equipment modification.
Cleaning of gaseous equipments particulate emission control: Collection efficiency, Control
equipment like gravitational settling chambers, Cyclone separators, fabric filters, ESP. Scrubbers
and absorption equipment
A course of this nature makes the student socially conscious about the methods for a
clean environment. After knowing the technology of reducing pollutant levels in the
environment, he can deal with the efficient treatment of effluent streams, (liquids, solids
and gaseous streams) and design water / sewage treatment systems at an affordable cost.
The information given in the course may help the student to monitor the environmental
pollutants in the respective industry and try to implement the techniques and methods
highlighted in the above course to the best of his ability.
Text Book:
1. Environmental Pollution and Control Engineering, Rao C. S., Wiley Eastern Limited,
India, 1993.
Reference Books:
1. Pollution Control in Process Industries, S.P. Mahajan, TMH., 1985.
2. Waste Water Treatment, M.Narayana Rao and A.K.Datta, 3rd Edition, Oxford and IHB,
3. Industrial Pollution Control and Engineering, Swamy AVN, Galgotia publications, 2005.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
The general philosophy of designing and carrying experiments and analyzing the data
generated from experiments.
Factorial and fractional factorial designs and their relevance to simultaneously increase
experimentation efficiency and reduce cost.
Mathematical methodologies for the efficient analysis of the data generated from
experimentation to instill confidence in the data for utilization towards industrial process
modeling and simulation efforts.
Linear and non-linear regression analysis.
Overview of various software packages for statistical design and analysis of experiments.
Introduction to probability, Probability laws, Baye’s theorem, Probability distributions,
Parameters and statistics
Normal and t-distributions, Central limit theorem, Random sampling and declaration of
independence significance tests
Randomization and blocking with paired comparisons significance tests and confidence interval
for means, variances, proportions and frequencies.
Analysis of variance, Experiments to compare k-treatment means
Two-way factorial designs, blocking, Yate’s algorithm
Fractional factorial designs at two levels, Concept of design resolution
Simple modeling with least squares (Regression analysis), Matrix versions of normal equations
Course Outcomes
A student with sound knowledge in this course shall be able to do the following tasks:
Design an experiment with minimal experimental runs and maximum diversity in the data
Analyze obtained data for its consistency to represent the natural phenomena associated
in the experiment
Improve experimental approaches by rigorous data analysis
Utilization of probability and statistical knowledge to define and refine experimental data
Develop process models using linear and non-linear regression for experimental data.
Analyze the competence of regressed models to represent experimental data.
Text Book:
1. Statistics for Experimenters, G.E.P. Box, William G. Hunter and J.S. Hunter, John Wiley
& Sons. 1978.
Reference Books:
1. Design and Analysis of Experiments, D.C. Montgomery, 2nd Edition John Wiley and
Sons, 1984.
2. Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering: A Practical Guide, Zivorad R. Lazic,
Wiley – VCH, 2005.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
The students will be imparted the knowledge of:
Various green fuel technologies available worldwide.
Production of Bio-ethanol from crops, molassel and cellulosic bio mass.
Production of Bio-diesel from plant seeds, algae, and by utilizing supercritical process.
Methane gas production utilizing bio digesters.
Introduction: Plant based biofuels- World biofuels scenario- Thermochemical conversion of
biomass to liquids and gaseous fuels.
Bioethanol from crops – Cane sugar: Production of ethanol from molasses - Bioethanol from
starchy biomass: Production of starch Saccharifying enzymes - Hydrolysis and fermentation.
Bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass: Pretreatment of the substrates-Production of
Cellulases and Hemicellulases- Hydrolysis and fermentation.
Biodiesel production technologies and substrates- Lipase-catalyzed preparation of biodiesel-
Biodiesel production with supercritical fluid technologies; Biodiesel from algae: Algaculture-
Challenges-Algaculture for biodiesel production
Biodiesel from different plant seeds: Palm oil diesel production and its experimental test on a
diesel engine - Biodiesel production using karanja (pongamia pinnata) and jatropha (jatropha
curcas) seed oil - Biodiesel production form rubber seed oil and other vegetable oils.
Microbial production of methane: Different types of bio-digesters and biogas technology in
The students will have basic knowledge on:
What are green fuel technologies
How bio-ethanol, bio diesel & Methane are produced from crops, cellulosic biomass, plant
seeds & bio digester.
1. Hand book of Plant Based Biofuels, Ashok Pandey, CRC Press, 2009.
2. Biofuels Engineering Process Technology, Caye M. Drapcho, Nghiem Phu Nhuan, Terry
H. Walker, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Learning Objectives:
Characteristics of Separation Processes: Mass and energy agents, Equilibrium processes and
rate governed processes, Selection of separation processes factors influencing the choice of a
separation process, Degree of freedom analysis for an absorber, two product distillation column,
pattern of change in concentration and temperature distribution along the column for binary and
multicomponent multistage separations.
Thermodynamic analysis of Processes: Concept of availability and lost work, Calculations on
lost work for a simple two product distillation column.
MESH models for computer solution (only teach hoe the equations are arranged to ease a
computer solution, no simulation). Heat integrated and divided wall distillation columns to
minimize energy consumption.
Azeotropic distillation, Extractive distillation and Pressure swing distillation, How to select
entrainers for Azeotropic and Extractive distillation, Industrial applications of these distillation
Residue curve Maps: Introduction, Explaining the concepts using ternary diagrams, Direct and
indirect splits, distillation boundaries, Identifying feasible and infeasible products in distillation
and their use in selecting entrainers for distillation.
Reactive distillation: Introduction, Industrial applications and mathematical model development
(Only the model development no simulation)
Batch distillation: Introduction, Industrial applications and mathematical model development
using Fenske assumption (Only the model development no simulation).
Introduction to Multicomponent Absorption; Industrial applications; Model development for
Kremser equation solvent loss. Introduction of adsorbers, cryogenic separations, supercritical
fluid extraction, chromatographic separations.
Introduction to Membrane Separation Technologies; Types of membrane materials; Types of
membrane processes: Gas permeation, Reverse osmosis, Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration,
Nanofiltration, Electro-dialysis, dialysis; Membrane process models: Solution-diffusion model;
Resistances and series model; Concept of concentration polarization; Process design calculations
and industrial applications.
A student proficient in the Advanced Separation Technology course shall be able to address the
For a given separation problem, identify the most relevant separation technology based
on physical properties.
Thermodynamic analysis of distillation columns.
Working knowledge of complex and dividing wall distillation columns; heat integrated
distillation columns; azeotropic, extractive and pressure swing distillation columns.
For the identified separation technology, carry out process mass balances and design
Prominent industrial applications of advanced separation technologies.
Possible scope for membrane technologies in process industries.
Text Books:
1. Separation Process, C. Judson King, Mc Graw Hill, 1982.
2. Separation Processes Design, J. Sieder and E.J. Henley, Wiley John Sons Publishers,
3. Membrane Separations, M.H.V. Mulder, Springer Publications, 2007.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Elective – I
Learning Objectives:
Properties of Nano-materials
Characterization of nano-materials
Synthesis approaches for nano-materials from chemistry perspective
Synthesis technologies for nano-materials from process perspective
Applications of nano-science, nano-technology and nano-materials
The big world of Nano-materials: History and scope, can small things make a big difference?
Classification of Nano structured material, fascinating nano structures.
Unique properties of nano-materials: micro structures and defects in nano crystalline materials,
effects of nano dimensions on materials behavior.
Synthesis Routes: Bottom-up approaches, Top-down approaches, Consolidation of nano
Applications of Nano-materials: Nano electrons, micro and nano electro mechanical systems,
nano sensors, nano crystal, food and agriculture industry, cosmetics, consumers goods, structure
and engineering automotive industry, water treatment, and environment, nano medical
applications, textiles, paints, energy, defenses and space applications, structure applications.
Tools to characterize Nano- materials: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Small Angle X-ray Scattering
(SAXS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM),
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), Field Ion
Microscopy (FIM), 3-Dimensional Atom Probe (3-DAP), Nano-indentation.
Classification of Nano-materials; Inter molecular forces in organic polymerics, Aqueous,
Biological, Vander-waal, Electro static, Double layer forces in acid phase and acid base systems.
Depletion interactions, Hydro phobic forces layering, Mesoscale thermodynamics of Nano scale
particles. Gibbs treatment of interfaces, Mesoscale fluid dynamics, thin films.
A student proficient in nanotechnology shall be able to do the following tasks
Sound knowledge of chemistry specific approaches for nano-material synthesis
Working knowledge of various nano-particle fabricating technologies
Prominent applications of nano-technology
Working principles of various characterization methods for nano-technology
Identify and Quantify various intermolecular forces that exist at the nano-scale
Working knowledge of thermodynamics at the nano-scale
Text Books:
1. Text book of Nano-Science and Nano-Technology, Murthy B.S., Shankar P., Baldev Raj,
B. B. Rath and James Murday, Universities Press India Limited, Hyderabad, 2013(Units-I
2. Nano Materials & Introduction to synthesis, properties and application, Dieter Vollath,
wiley vch, 2006 (Units-V–VI).
Reference Book:
Elective –I
Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to learn:
Basic fundamentals of polymer technology and classification of polymers.
Different methods of polymerization and comparison between among them.
Kinetics of addition polymerization.
Different methods to measure molecular weight and size of a polymer.
Crystallinity of polymers and determination of properties of polymers with deformation.
Thermodynamics of polymer mixtures like Flory Huggins theory, free volume theory,
free volume theory with diffusion.
Role of additives like antioxidants, plasticizers, lubricants, stabilizers, inhibitors in
Description of manufacture of few typical polymers.
Polymer processing methods like Moulding, extrusion, calendaring and also composites
and compounding.
Introduction; definitions: Polymer & macro molecule, monomer, functionality, average
functionality, co-polymer, polymer blend. Plastic and resin.
Classification of polymers: Based on source, structure, applications, thermal behavior, and mode
of polymerization.
Methods of Polymerization: Mass or Bulk polymerization process, Solution polymerization
process, Suspension polymerization process and emulsion polymerization method comparison of
merits and demerits of three methods.
Mechanism and Kinetics of Addition or Chain Polymerization: Free radical addition
polymerization- Ionic addition polymerizations- Coordination polymerization- Ordination or
Step growth or Condensation polymerization.
Measurement of molecular weight and size: End group analysis, Colligative property
measurement, light scattering, ultra centrifugation, solution viscosity and molecular size and gel
permeation chromatography, poly-electrolytes.
Polymer structure and physical properties: The crystalline melting point, the glass transition
temperature, Properties involving large deformations, Properties involving small deformations,
Property requirements and polymer utilization.
Thermodynamics of polymer mixtures: Introduction, criteria for polymer solubility, The Flory
Huggins theory, free volume theories, free volume theory of diffusion in rubbery polymers, gas
diffusion in glassy polymers, polymer-polymer diffusion.
Degradation of Polymers, Role of the following additives in the polymers: Fillers and reinforcing
fillers ii) Plasticizers iii) Lubricants iv) Antioxidants and UV stabilizers v) Blowing agents vi)
Coupling agents vii) Flame retardents viii) Inhibitors.
Brief description of manufacture, properties and uses of i) Polyethylene (HDPE&LDPE), ii) Poly
propylene iii) Polyvinylchloride iv) Polystyrene v) Polytetra floroethylene vi) Polymethyl
methacrylate vii) Polyvinyl acetate & Polyvinyl alcohol.
Polymer Processing: Molding, Extrusion, other processing methods (calandering, casting,
coating, foaming, forming, laminating), multi-polymer systems and composites, additives and
After the completion of the course will be able to
Classify the polymers.
Know the different methods of polymerization
Find kinetics of addition polymerization
Determine the molecular size and weight of polymers.
Find glass transition temperature, phase diagrams and crystallinity of polymers.
Find the effect of additives in polymers.
Describe the manufacture of few typical polymers.
Identify appropriate polymer processing methods.
Text Books:
1. Polymer Science and Technology, Joel R. Fried, Prentice Hall, 2003.
2. Textbook of Polymer Science, Billmeyer, F. W. Jr. 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
3. Textbook of Polymer Technology – I & II, R. Sinha, Biotech Pharma Publications, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Plastics, J.H. Brison & C.C. Gosselin, Newnes, London 1968.
2. Polymeric Materials, C.C.Winding & G.D.Hiatt Mc Graw Hill Book Co. 1961.
3. Polymer Science, Vasant R. Gowariker, N V Viswanathan, Jayadev Sreedhar, New Age
International, 1986.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Outcomes: The student shall be able to carry out the following tasks independently:
Create & use standard symbols for pipes, valves, fittings along with auxiliary details
such as insulation, heat tracing and ultimately create pipeline numbering /specification
system with details such as line size, metallurgy, rating, service, external (insulation /
heat tracing) condition etc., suitable for given application.
Create & use standard (ISA / ASME) symbols for sensing elements, instruments, signals
& control loops, control valves etc.
Draw standard Process Flow Diagram (PFD) in AUTOCAD using the steady state
Simulation output (flow diagram and Heat & Material balance) with flagged stream
numbers & basic stream conditions such flow, phase, pressure & temperature conditions.
Draw a detailed Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) in AUTOCAD as per the
standard / specified details with piping specifications, instrumentation starting from
sensing element to complete control loops, basic details of the equipment including
nozzles, design conditions of the equipment, standard symbology to represent minor
piping such as drains, instrument lead-lines etc.
Carryout mechanical design & draw of (a) Shell & tube and Double Pipe Exchangers (b)
Distillation columns & absorber and (c) Spherical storage vessel using the process design
Text Book:
1. Joshi’s Process Equipment Design by V.V. Mahajani, S.B. Umarji, 4th Edition,
Macmillan Publishers, 2009.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - I Sem.
Outcomes: The student shall be able to carry out the following tasks independently:
Create input file for given raw data (pure components & distillation cuts) by appropriate
pseudo-cut, thermodynamic model selection for hydrocarbon & sour applications
Create additional components suitable for usage of Utility streams (Steam, Boiler Feed
water, Air etc.) as appropriate for the requirement.
Simulate a process plant using a basic process flow diagram /scheme by building a
simulation flow chart /environment and converging the model (a) reflecting the actual
plant operating conditions, while rating and /or troubleshooting and (b) meeting the
desired objectives, while designing or sizing.
Use techniques to converge of recycle loops with minimal iterations and apply suitable
accuracy margins for convergence.
Use three-phase separation / decant techniques for moisture bearing hydrocarbons as
Use appropriate tray efficiencies (from literature) for various distillation applications and
optimizing reflux ratio / Reboiler duties / number of trays for a given product
Size /rate the pipeline& pumping systems for single /two phase applications and evaluate
multiphase pipelines for slug /dump conditions etc.
Carryout detailed thermal sizing or rating of shell & tube exchangers as per TEMA
specifications and API guidelines.
Generate Heat & Material Balance of the streams with required physical & chemical
properties from converged simulation.
Generate sized equipment data sheets as per the industry standards with required information for
detailed design / manufacture.
R – 13: Chemical Engineering
4thYear II – Semester Syllabus
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
To educate in HSE in handling and storage of hazardous chemicals and in safe operation
of unit operations/ unit processes like reactions, distillations, compression/expansion, and
absorption/desorption etc.
To learn the principles of designing equipment eliminating the possibilities of fire,
explosion, toxic releases etc.
To learn how to overcome hazardous situations during installation, pre-commissioning,
commissioning, normal operation and/or during execution of any maintenance work.
To learn various techniques and measures available to investigate industrial accident.
Introduction: Safety programs - Engineering ethics - Accident and loss statistics - Acceptable
risk - Public perceptions - The nature of the accident process - Inherent safety.
Toxicology: How toxicants enter biological organisms - How toxicants are eliminated from
biological organisms - Effects of toxicants on biological organisms - Toxicological studies -
Dose Vs response - Models for dose and response curves - Relative toxicity - Threshold limit
Industrial hygiene: Government of India regulations and OSHA - Industrial hygiene
identification - Evaluation - Control.
Source models: Introduction to source models - Flow of liquid through a hole - Flow of liquid
through a hole in a tank - Flow of liquids through pipes - Flow of vapor through holes - Flow of
gases through pipes - Flashing liquids - Liquid pool evaporation or boiling - Realistic and worst-
Case releases.
Toxic release and dispersion models: Parameters affecting dispersion - Neutrally buoyant
dispersion models - Pasqual-Gifford model - Dense gas dispersion-Case Study.
Fires and explosions: Classification of fires - The fire triangle - Distinction between fires and
explosions – Definitions - Flammability characteristics of liquids and vapors - Limiting oxygen
concentration and Inerting - Flammability diagram - Ignition energy – Autoignition – Auto
oxidation - Adiabatic compression - Ignition sources - Sprays and mists – Explosions. Case
Designs to prevent fires and explosions: Inerting - Static electricity - Controlling static
electricity - Explosion-Proof equipment and instruments – Ventilation - Sprinkler systems -
Miscellaneous designs for preventing fires and explosions.
Introduction to reliefs: Relief concepts – Definitions - Location of reliefs - Relief types - Relief
scenarios - Data for sizing reliefs - Relief systems.
Relief sizing: Conventional spring-Operated reliefs in liquid service - Conventional spring-
Operated reliefs in vapor or gas service - Rupture disc reliefs in liquid service - Rupture disc
reliefs in vapor or gas service - Deflagration venting for dust and vapor explosions - Venting for
fires external to process vessels - Reliefs for thermal expansion of process fluids.
Hazards identification: Process hazards checklists - Hazards surveys - Hazards and operability
studies - Safety reviews - Other methods.
Risk assessment: Review of probability theory - Event trees - Fault trees - QRA and LOPA.
Accident investigations: Learning from accidents - Layered investigations - Investigation
process - Investigation summary - Aids for diagnosis - Aids for recommendations.
Outcomes: After the course, the students will become knowledgeable in the following:
Accessing the various hazards involved in handling hydrocarbons in Oil & Gas sector.
Visualization of all possible safety issues at all the phases of industry by applying the
techniques like Hazop, QRA etc.
Steps to be followed during design stages to overcome possible safety threats.
Measurement and monitoring of safety index.
Fire preventing/Firefighting systems.
Accident investigation process-Root causes analysis.
Text Book:
1. Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications, Daniel A. Crowl, Joseph F.
Louvar, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Safety and Accident Prevention in Chemical Operations, H.H.Fawcett and W.S.Wood,
2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1982.
2. Guidelines For Process Safety: Fundamentals in General Plant Operations, Center for
Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1995.
3. ILO – OSH 2001.
4. Government of India: The Factories Act 1948, amended 1954, 1970, 1976 and 1987;
The manufacture, storage and import of hazardous chemicals rules, 1989; The
Explosives Act 1884; The Petroleum Act 1934; National policy on safety, Health and
environment at workplace, Government of India; Constitutional provisions of
occupational safety and health, The Constitution of India.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to learn:
VLE calculations like determination bubble point and dew point for multicomponent
systems using K-values and relative volatility.
Different shortcut procedures to calculate the equilibrium stages for given separation.
Various rigorous calculations methods like Lewis Matheson method, Thiele –Geddes
method, BP method, Tridiagonal Matrix method.
Multicomponent flash vaporization, steam distillation and differential distillation.
Basic concepts and details of azeotropic distillation and extractive distillation.
Concepts for tray design and tray column sizing.
Different packing types, packing hydraulics.
Calculations for packing efficiency, concept of HTU and HETP concepts.
Introduction to distillation: Vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) - K-Values and relative volatility-
ideal and non-ideal systems-effect of temperature, pressure and composition on K-values and
volatility-Phase diagrams-Calculations of bubble points and dew points- Azeotropes- Key
fractionation concepts – Approximate material balance.
Short Cut Methods for Stage and Reflux Requirements: Pseudobinary systems-Hengstebeck
method; Emperical Methods: Various methods for calculation of minimum reflux ratio- Feneske
equation for minimum number of stages- FUG method-Erbar and Maddox method-Krkbride
equation for feed plate location-Distribution of non-key components: Hengstebeck and Geddes
Rigorous Distillation Calculations: Basic concepts –Rigorous computational methods- Lewis-
Matheson method and its variations-Thiele- Geddes method and its variations- B.P.method -
Tridiagonal matrix method- Computations using computer programming.
Multicomponent single stage operations: Flash vaporization- Raleigh distillation and steam
Azeotropic and extraction distillation: Concepts- Configurations and case studies.
Tray design and operations: The common tray types-Tray capacity limits-Tray hydraulic
parameters- Flow regimes on trays.
Tray column sizing & tray efficiency: Tray design and tray efficiency fundamentals-
Predictions of tray efficiency.
Packing design and operations: Packing types- Classifications-Packing objectives- Packing
hydraulics- Comparing tray and packing-Sizing of packed column.
Packing efficiency & predictions: The transfer unit concept-The HETP concept – Factors
affecting HETP – HETP Predictions- Mass transfer models – Rules of thumb – Data
After the completion of the course the student will be able to:
Determine bubble point and dew point for multicomponent mixtures using K-values and
relative volatility.
Determine minimum reflux ratio, minimum no. of stages, feed tray location, and
distribution of key components using various shortcut methods.
Determine the number of stages in multi-stage multicomponent towers by various
rigorous calculation methods.
Make calculations of multicomponent single stage operations like flash vaporization,
differential distillation and steam distillation.
Carry out the design of azeotropic distillation and extractive distillation systems
Design a tray and packed columns accounting efficiency terms.
Text Books:
1. Distillation Design, Henry Kister, McGraw-Hill, 1992.
2. Distillation, Mathew Van Winkle, McGraw-Hill, 1967.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Multicomponent Distillation, C. D. Holland, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
2. Distillation Principles and Processes, Sydney Young, White Mule Press, 2011.
3. Elements of Fractional Distillation, C.S. Robinson, E. R. Gilliland, 4th Edition, 1950.
4. Distillation Design in Practice, L. M. Rose, Elsevier, 1985.
5. Distillation Tray Fundamentals, M. J. Lockett, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective –II
Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to learn:
1. Base concepts of fluidization and its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Various industrial applications of fluidized bed.
3. Different regimes of fluidization and flow maps.
4. Geldeart classification of particles.
5. Estimation of minimum fluidization velocity.
6. Davidson model and K-L model.
7. Basic concepts of turbulent and fast fluidized bed.
8. Vertical & horizontal movement of solids.
9. Estimation of gas interchange coefficients.
10. Heat and mass transfer from the bubbling bed model.
Introduction: The phenomenon of fluidization-Liquid like behaviour of a fluidized bed-
Comparison with other contacting methods-Advantages and disadvantages of fluidized beds.
Industrial applications of fluidized beds: Coal gasification-Gasoline from other petroleum
fractions; Gasoline from natural and synthesis gases-Heat exchange-Coating of metal objects
with plastics-Drying of solids-Synthesis of phthalic anhydride-Acrylonitrile-Polymerization of
olefins-FCCU-Fluidized combustion of coal-Incineration of solid waste- Activation of carbon-
Gasification of waste- Bio-fluidization.
Fluidization and mapping of regimes: Minimum fluidization velocity-Pressure drop vs.
Velocity diagram-Effect of temperature and pressure on fluidization-Geldart classification of
particles- Terminal velocity of particles- Transport disengaging height-Turbulent fluidization-
Pneumatic transport of solids-Fast fluidization-Solid circulation systems- Voidage diagram-
Mapping of regimes of fluidization.
Bubbles in dense bed: Single rising bubbles- Davidson model for gas flow at bubbles-
Evaluation of models for gas flow at bubbles.
Bubbling fluidized beds: Experimental findings- Estimation of bed Voidages- Physical models:
Simple Two phase model; K-L model.
High velocity fluidization: Turbulent fluidized bed- Fast fluidization- Pressure drop in turbulent
and fast fluidization.
Solids movement, mixing, segregation and staging: Vertical movement of solids- Horizontal
movement of solids; Staging of fluidized beds.
Gas dispersion and gas interchange in bubbling beds: Dispersion of gas in beds- Gas
interchange between bubble and emulsion- Estimation of gas interchange coefficients.
Particle to gas mass transfer: Experimental Interpolation of mass transfer coefficients- Heat
transfer- Experimental heat transfer from the bubbling bed model.
After completion of the course the students will be able to
1. Identify the appropriate industrial application of a fluidized bed.
2. Determine the flow regimes of fluidization and construct the flow maps.
3. Analyse fluidization behaviour using Davidson model and K-L model
4. Find gas interchange coefficients.
5. Evaluate of heat transfer coefficients and mass transfer coefficients using bubbling bed
6. Determine pressure drop in a turbulent and fast fluidized bed.
Text Books:
1. Fluidization Engineering, Kunii Diazo and Octave Levenspiel, 2nd Edition, John Wiley
& Sons Inc, 1991.
2. Fluidized Bed Technology: Principles and Applications, J.R. Howard, Taylor and
Francis, 1989.
Reference Books:
1. Fluidization Fundamentals and Application, Howard Littman et al., American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, 1970.
2. Handbook of Fluidization and Fluid Particle Systems, Wen-Ching Yang, CRC Press,
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective –II
Learning Objectives:
Introduction: Corrosion and oxidation, Cost of corrosion – Direct and Indirect losses due to
chemical corrosion; Definitions – Extractive Metallurgy in reverse – Dry corrosion, wet
corrosion – Electro chemical cell as corrosion cell – Electrochemical Mechanism of corrosion –
Corrosion cells.
Corrosion Reactions: Metal / Environmental, anode, cathode and the corresponding electrode
reactions – Metallurgical aspects of corrosion.
Mixed potential theory of corrosion/ Modern Theories in brief.
Corrosion Cell and Electrochemical Polarisation, over-potential/ over-voltage: Potential –
current diagrams (EVANS diagrams)–Electrode potentials–EMF series–Galvanic series–
Corrosion potential–Corrosion current density–Thermodynamics of corrosion as irreversible
electrode process, Tafel equation for over-voltage and evaluation of corrosion rates from current
– potential data;,– Corrosion rate expressions: ipy (inches per year penetration), mpy (mils per
year), mdd (milligrams per decimetre square per day).
Forms of corrosion: Basis on which the corrosion processes have been categorized:
Uniform attack: A hypothetical case for comparison – Pitting factor, Examples for uniform
Localised corrosion: Pitting corrosion, crevice and gasket corrosion-Formation of micro climates
– Filiform corrosion.
Galvanic corrosion: Electro chemical – Application of EMF in Galvanic series: Dezincification,
bimetallic corrosion (two metal corrosion) – Differential concentration, differential temperature
and differential stress corrosion cells.
Application of Galvanic corrosion for parting and separation
Forms of Corrosion: Grain–Grain boundary corrosion–Intergranular Corrosion (IGC) in
stainless steel (SS)–Weld decay, knife line attack – Remedial measures for IGC.
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)–Caustic cracking (Boiler corrosion), hydrogen damage,
hydrogen embrittlement, season cracking of brasses and other alloys – Remedial measures.
Fatigue Cracking–Fatigue failures in corrosive media–Remedial measures.
Corrosion Testing: Testing Panels/specimens –Preparation–Surface preparation of specimens
for testing–Testing media–Static and flow of dynamic test–Effect of flow, oxidiser
concentration, temperature and medium concentration.
Testing Methods: Weight loss method, corrosion rates evaluation using Faraday’s laws, linear
polarization techniques from current potential data–Rapid estimation of corrosion rate–Corrosion
measurements gadgets–such as pitting gauge–Corrosion rate data representation–Nanographs
Corrosion Control: Organic coatings (paints, varnishes, lacquer, anti–corrosive paints)
Inorganic – Chemical conversion coatings such as, Anodizing, Phosphating, Chromating –
Metallic coatings; Cladding; Design considerations–Equipment & Layout Design for easy
access; Linear polarization for rapid estimation of corrosion rate; Impedance method in brief.
Cathodic protection–Anodic protection–Materials: New materials for corrosion prevention,
Alloys – Composite structure – Particulate composites.
Corrosion inhibition using Corrosion inhibitors – Modification of medium.
Definitions and economic aspects would give the students a wide scope about this topic.
Mechanism will give the student basic chemical reactions resulting in oxidation and
Various types of corrosion have been discussed; all these are mostly encountered in the
industrial practice. This helps the students to diagnose the type of corrosion, its
consequences in the deterioration of the material and its properties.
Remedial measures and corrosion mitigation techniques, helps the student to apply the
principles while designing the equipment.
The students will be able to choose a suitable material for a given situation and apply the
techniques for the protection of the material/equipment/devices.
Students can apply the inhibition methods to modify the medium or the equipment to
increase the life/longevity of the component/structure/equipment/device.
Text Books:
1. Corrosion and Corrosion control, Herbert H. Uhlig & R. Winston Revie, 4th Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, 2008.
2. Corrosion Engineering, Mars G. Fontana, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005.
3. Hand book of Corrosion Engineering, H H Uhlig, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective –III
Learning Objectives:
Basic Philosophy of CFD: Governing equations of Fluid Dynamics, Incompressible Inviscid
flows sources and vortex panel methods.
Mathematical properties of fluid dynamic equations – Discretization of partial differential
Transformations and Grids, Explicit finite Differential methods – Some selected applications to
inviscid and viscous flows.
Boundary layer equations and methods of solution
Implicit time dependent methods for inviscid and viscous compressible flows, with a discussion
of the concept of Numerical dissipation
Introduction to finite element methods in computational fluid dynamics – Weighted residual
formulation – Weak formulation – Piece wise defined shape functions – Numerical integration –
Partial construction of a weak formulation – Examples.
Use of finite difference method and finite volume method for practical applications.
Use of software tools available for arriving at some problems of interest.
Distinguishing different flow regimes while performing numerical analysis
Use of source and vortex panel method of inviscid flow to practical problems
Arriving at pressure and flow distribution for complicated flow systems.
Text Books:
1. Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Introduction, John F. Wendt, John David Anderson,
Springer, 2009.
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Basics with Applications (1-5 Chapters), John
D.Anderson, Jr.McGraw – Hill, Inc., New York, 1995.
Reference Books:
1. Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid flow, S.V. Patankar, Taylor & Francis, 1980.
2. An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method,
Versteeg, H.K., and Malalasekera W., 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.
3. Muralidhar, K. Sundarajan, T., Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa
Publishing House, 1995.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective –III
Learning Objectives:
Nature and organization of Optimization problems: Examples of applications of
optimization, The essential features of optimization problems, Formulation of objective
functions, General procedure for solving optimization problems, obstacles to optimization.
Classification of models, model building procedures, fitting functions to empirical data, the
method of least squares, factorial experimental designs, fitting a model to data subject to
Basic concepts of Optimization: Continuity of functions, uni-modal versus Multi-model
functions. Convex and Concave functions, Convex region, Necessary and sufficient conditions
for an extremum of an unconstrained function, interpretation of the objective function in terms of
its quadratic approximation.
Optimization of Unconstrained functions: One-dimensional search: Numerical methods for
optimizing a function of one variable, scanning and bracketing procedures, Newton’s, Quasi-
Newton’s and Secant methods of uni-dimensional search, region elimination methods,
Polynomial approximation methods.
Unconstrained multivariable Optimization: Direct methods, random search, grid search, uni-
variate search, simplex method, conjugate search directions, Powell’s method, indirect methods-
first order, gradient method, conjugate gradient method, second order gradient, Newton method,
relation between conjugate gradient methods and Quasi-Newton method.
Linear programming and applications: Basic concepts in linear programming, Degenerate
LP’s – graphical solution, natural occurrence of linear constraints, the simplex method of solving
linear programming problems, standard LP form, obtaining a first feasible solution, the revised
simplex method, sensitivity analysis, duality in linear programming, the Karmarkar algorithm,
LP applications.
Optimization of Unit operations-1: Recovery of waste heat, shell & tube heat exchangers,
evaporator design, liquid-liquid extraction process, optimal design of staged distillation column.
Optimal pipe diameter, optimal residence time for maximum yield in an ideal isothermal batch
reactor, chemostat, optimization of thermal cracker using linear programming.
A student proficient in this course shall be able to do the following tasks:
Ability to formulate a chemical engineering process problem into an optimization
Ability to formulate a non-linear regression problem as an optimization problem
Working knowledge of the basic concepts involved in optimization techniques.
Working knowledge of various optimization techniques such as Newton’s method,
Quasi-Newton’s method, Secant method, conjugate search methods, Powell method,
simplex method etc.,
Ability to solve class room linear and non-linear programming problems using a
Apply Optimization techniques for the solution of Chemical and Refinery engineering
Text Books:
1. Optimization of Chemical Processes, T. F. Edgar & Himmelblau D, Mc-Graw. Hill,
2. Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, Kalyanmoy Deb, PHI-
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, Singaresu S. Rao, 4th Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, 2009.
2. Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering, Ashok Belegundu, Tirupathi
R. Chandrupatla, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
3. Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications, Andreas Antoniou,
Wu-Shing Lu, Springer, 2007.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective –III
Introduction: Algebraic equations-Process simulation- Differential equations.
Review of numerical methods and their application in fluid flow, heat transfer, phase equilibria&
mass transfer operations.
Equations of state: Mathematical formulation –Solving equations of state using Excel & Solver-
Solving equations of state using MATLAB with a few examples.
Vapor liquid equilibrium: Flash and phase separation, Isothermal flash–Development of
equations, Example using Excel, Thermodynamic parameters-Example using MATLAB, Non
ideal Liquids–Test of thermodynamic model.
Chemical reaction equilibrium: Chemical equilibrium expression- Example of Hydrogen for
fuel cells, Solution using Excel & MATLAB; Chemical equilibria with two or more equations-
Multiple Equations- Solutions Using MATLAB.
Mass balances with recycle streams: Mathematical formulation-Example without recycle-
Example with recycle; Comparison of sequential and simultaneous solution methods- Example
of process simulation using Excel for simple mass balances.
Mass transfer operations: Multi component distillation with shortcut methods-Multi
component distillation with rigorous plate-to-plate methods- Packed bed absorption & Gas plant
production separation.
Chemical reactors: Mathematical formulation of reactor problems plug flow reactor and batch
reactor, continuous stirred tank reactor-Using MATLAB to solve ordinary differential equations-
Isothermal plug flow reactor, Non isothermal plug flow reactor- Using FEM LAB to solve
ordinary differential equations- Isothermal plug flow reactor, Non isothermal plug flow reactor-
Reactor problems with mole changes and variable density-Chemical reactors with mass transfer
limitations- Continuous stirred tank reactors-Transient continuous stirred tank reactors.
Transport Processes in One Dimension: Applications in chemical engineering–Mathematical
formulations- Flow of a Newtonian fluid in a pipe- Flow of a non-newtonian fluid in a pipe-
Transient heat transfer- Linear adsorption.
Fluid flow in two and three dimensions: Mathematical foundation of fluid flow- Entry flow in
a pipe-Entry flow of a non-newtonian fluid-flow in microfluidic devices-Turbulent flow in a
pipe-Start Up flow in a pipe-Flow through an orifice-Flow in a serpentine mixer-Boundary
conditions-Non dimensionalization.
The students well trained in the computational methods of chemical engineering shall be able to
do the following tasks:
Identify suitable software package (EXCEL, MATLAB , FEM LAB etc., ) to solve a
given chemical engineering modeling problem.
Attain proficiency to write code and utilize tools available in various softwares to solve
the given problem.
Debug and troubleshoot code for the generation of solution.
Interpretation of software based simulation results from prior chemical engineering
Parametric analysis and case studies for process system analysis.
Text Book:
1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Computing, B.A. Finlayson, John Wiley
&Sons.,Inc, 2006.
References Books:
1. Applied Mathematical Methods for Chemical Engineers, Norman W. Loney, 2nd
Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2007.
2. Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, ArvindVerma, M. Morbidelli, Oxford
University Press, 1997.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective – IV
Introduction: Homogeneous Catalysis; Bio Catalysis; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Why is
Catalysis Important? The Chemical industry; Catalysis as a multidisciplinary Science.
Solid Catalysts: Requirements of a Successful Catalyst; Structure of metals, Oxides and
Sulfides and their Surfaces; Characteristics of Small Particles and Porous material; Catalyst
Supports; Preparation of Catalyst Supports; Unsupported Catalysts; Zeolites; Catalyst testing.
Catalyst Chracterization: X – Ray Diffraction (XRD); X – Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
(XPS); Extended X – Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS); Electron Microscopy;
Mossbauer Spectroscopy; Ion Spectroscopy: SIMS, LEIS, RBS; Temperature – programmed
Reduction, Oxidation and Sulfidation; Infrared Spectroscopy; Surface science techniques.
Reaction Kinetics I:The Rate Equation and Power Rate Laws; Reactions and Thermodynamic
Equilibrium; Temperature Dependence of the Rate; Integrated Rate Equations: Time
Dependence of Concentrations in Reactions of Different Orders; Coupled Reactions in Flow
Reactors: The Steady – State Approximation; Coupled Reactions in Batch Reactors; Catalytic
Reaction Kinetics II:Langmuir Adsorption Isotherms; Competitive Adsorption; Reaction
Mechanisms; Langmuir – Hinshelwood or Eley – Rideal Mechanisms; Langmuir – Hinshelwood
Kinetics; The Complete Solution; The Steady State Approximation; The Quasi – equilibrium
Approximation; Steps with Similar Rates; Irreversible Step Approximation; Steps with Similar
Rates; Irreversible Step Approximation; Nearly Empty Surface; Reaction Order; Apparent
Activation Energy; Entropy, Entropy Production, Auto Catalysis and Oscillating Reactions;
Kinetics of Enzyme – catalyzed Reactions.
Reaction Rate Theory:Introduction; The Boltzmann Distribution and the Partition Function;
Partition Functions of Atoms and Molecules; Maxwell – Boltzmann Distribution of Velocities;
Total Partition Function of System; Translational Partition Function; Vibrational Partition
Function; Molecules in Equilibrium; Collision Theory; Activation of Reacting Molecules by
Collisions: The Lindemann Theory; Transition State Theory; Thermodynamic Form of the Rate
Transition State Expression; Transition State Theory of Surface Reactions.
Heterogeneous Catalysis in Industrial Practice: Steam Reforming Process; Reactions of
Synthesis Gas; Water Gas Shift Reaction; Synthesis of Ammonia; Crude Oil; Hydro treating;
Gasoline Production; Petrochemistry: Reactions of Small Olefins; Automotive Exhaust
The students proficient in catalysis must
Know various techniques for catalyst preparation including zeolites, monoliths etc.,
Know various characterization properties a catalyst must possess for its functionality
Know various catalyst surface and materials characterization techniques and analysis of
associated results
Be able to identify pertinent adsorption based kinetic models for existing laboratory data
Be able to apply various reaction rate theories for industrial catalysis problems
Have a sound knowledge with respect to the catalysis practiced in chemical industry for
hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactions, petroleum refinery processes, petrochemical
processes and environmental processes.
Text Books:
1. Chorkendorff I., Niemantsverdriet J. W., (2005). Concepts of modern catalysis and
kinetics, Wiley-VCH, Weinhem.
2. Viswanathan B., Sivasanker S., Ramaswamy A. V. , (2002). Catalysis: Principles and
Applications, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Julian R. H. Ross (2011). Heterogeneous Catalysis: Fundamentals and Applications,
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective – IV
Elements of pipeline design: Fluid properties – Environment - Effects of pressure and
temperature - Supply / Demand scenario - Route selection - Codes and standards -
Environmental and hydrological considerations – Economics - Materials / Construction –
Operation - Pipeline protection - Pipeline integrity monitoring.
Pipeline route selection, survey and geotechnical guidelines: Introduction - Preliminary route
selection - Key factors for route selection - Engineering survey - Legal survey - Construction /
As-built survey - Geotechnical design.
Natural gas transmission: General flow equation – Steady state - Impact of gas molecular
weight and compressibility factor on flow capacity - Flow regimes - Widely used steady-state
flow equations – Summary of the impact of different gas and pipeline parameters on the gas flow
efficiency – Pressure drop calculation for pipeline in series and parallel – Pipeline gas velocity –
Erosional velocity – Optimum pressure drop for design purposes – Pipeline packing –
Determining gas leakage using pressure drop method – Wall thickness / pipe grade –
Temperature profile – Optimization process – Gas transmission solved problems.
Gas compression: Types of compressors – Compressor drivers – Compressor station
configuration – Thermodynamics of isothermal and adiabatic gas compression – Temperature
change in adiabatic gas compression – Thermodynamics of polytropic gas compression – Gas
compressors in series – Centrifugal compressor horsepower – Enthalpy / Entropy charts (Mollier
diagram) – Centrifugal compressor performance curve- Reciprocation compressors.
Coolers : Gas coolers – Air-cooled heat exchangers –Heat transfer equations for coolers – Fan
air mass flow rate – Required fan power – Gas pressure drop in coolers – Iterative procedure for
calculations based on unknown T2.
Liquid flow and pumps: Fully developed laminar flow in a pipe – Turbulent flow – Centrifugal
pumps – Retrofitting for centrifugal pumps (Radial-flow) – Pump station control – Pump station
piping design.
Transient flow in liquid and gas pipelines: Purpose of transient analysis – Theoretical
fundamentals and transient solution technique – Applications – Computer applications.
Pipeline mechanical design: Codes and standards – Location classification – Pipeline design
formula – Expansion and flexibility – Joint design for pipes of unequal wall thickness – Value
assemblies – Scraper traps – Buoyancy control – Crossings – Depth of cover – Aerial markings –
Warning signs.
Pipeline construction: Construction – Commissioning.
Materials selection: Elements of design – Materials designation standards
Pipeline protection, Instrumentation and Pigging: Pipeline coating – Cathodic protection –
Cathodic protection calculations for land pipelines – Internal corrosion – Flow meters and their
calibration – Sensors – Pigs.
Text Books:
1. Pipeline Design and Construction: A Practical Approach, M. Mahitpour, H. Golshan
and M.A. Murray, 2nd Edition, ASME Press, 2007.
2. Pipeline Engineering, Henry Liu, Lewis Publishers (CRC Press), 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Piping Calculation Manual, E. ShashiMenon, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
2. Piping and Pipeline Engineering: Design, Construction, Maintenance Integrity and
Repair, George A. Antaki, CRC Press, 2003.
3. Pipeline Planning and Construction Field Manual, E. ShashiMenon, Gulf Professional
Publishing, 2011.
4. Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook, E. W. McAllister, 7th Edition, 2009.
5. Liquid Pipeline Hydraulics, E. ShashiMenon, Mareel Dekker, Inc., 2004.
6. Gas Pipeline Hydraulics, E. ShashiMenon, Taylor & Francis, 2005.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Elective – IV
Learning Objectives:
To have working knowledge of various process equipment and range of operating
parameters and variables. The equipment refer to pumps, heaters, refrigeration systems,
process heaters, water coolers, distillation and vacuum towers and reactors.
To have basic knowledge of various reasons for equipment malfunctioning.
To have working knowledge of various petroleum refinery processes such as Crude
Distillation Unit, Delayed Coking Unit, Fluid Catalytic Cracking, Sulfur Recovery and
Alkylation Units
To have basic knowledge of various reasons for process malfunctioning
To have basic philosophy of integrating, analyzing and retrospection of time dependent
process data.
Introduction to Process Troubleshooting and guidelines for process troubleshooting
Centrifugal pumps: What can go wrong?; How pumps work: Rattling Equals Cavitation; Why
pumps cavitate on start- up; Origins of cavitation; Starting troublesome pumps and ensuring
minimum recirculation flow; Consequences of cavitation : Oversized pumps surge, When not to
pull a pump, Internal recirculation; Worn- out impeller; Blowing seal : Rough running, check
spare pumps, Avoiding motor failures, Expanding pump capacity.
Process Heaters: Draft; Reduced draft; Combustion air supply; Trimming burner operation;
Optimizing excess air; Optimizing heater draft; Excessive draft; Plugged draft gauges;
Insufficient Air; Optimizing excess air; Flue gas oxygen; Flame appearance; Fin tube damage;
Sealing skin leaks; Convection and radiation; Draft measurements; Leak prevention; Air
preheaters; Preheater vibration; Other Ideas to save energy; Measuring heater temperatures;
Spotting hot tubes; Cooling overheated tubes; Coke deposition; Oil burning; Heater huffing and
puffing; Expanding heater capacity; Draft limited; Heat absorption limited.
Process Heat exchangers: Process heat transfer, fouling, high pressure drop and chemical
Water Coolers: Plugged tubes; Back flushing; Air bumping; Acid cleaning; Calculating water
flow rate; Hydrocarbons leaking into cooling towers; Which exchanger is leaking?; Warm
cooling tower; High exchanger outlet temperature; Water side fouling; Biological growth; pH
control; Cycles of condensation; Monitoring exchanger fouling.
Distillation Towers: Confusing Incidents; High liquid level induces flooding; Vertical
temperature survey; Two phase bottom level problem; Foaming; Expanding tray capacity;
Damaged trays; Liquid filled towers; reflux changes; Level control; Reboiler problems; Trapout
pans; Plugged reboilers; Repair of trapout pans; steam side problems; Blown condensate seal;
Reflux problems.
Vacuum Towers: Loss of bottoms pump suction pressure: Insufficient quench, TGO pan
overflows, Grand oil, Suction screen, Air leak; High flash zone pressure; Thermal cracking;
Ejector problems: Air leaks, Motive steam quality, Condensers, Plugged seal legs, Ejector
internals; Black gas oil; Excessive production of trim gas oil; Low pumparound draw
temperatures; Light resid; Steam to heater passes; Projects to improve gas oil recovery; Transfer
line failures: Furnace tube failures.
Crude Distillation - Interpreting process drop data; The solution is an aspect of the problem;
Eliminating the gas oil; A tray construction error; Correcting the tray problem; Typical
troubleshooting problems: Decreased fractionation, upset tray decks; Improper heat balance,
Raise pumparound to save energy, Light naphtha end point, Dirty naphtha; Steam stripping cat
cracker feed;Causes of inadequate stripping; Steam stripping summary; Defining the project
scope; Stripping steam rates; Gathering the artificial intelligence; Diesel oil stripping; Jet fuel
stripper; Bottom’s stripper; The wrap up meeting; Leaking Drawoff trays; Welded trapout pans;
Overhead Condenser corrosion; Exchanger train fouling; Preflash towers save energy; Energy
saving; Preflash tower foaming; Rising energy index.
Delayed Coking processes – Coking heater; Mass velocity and heat flux; Feed interruptions;
Velocity steam; Sodium; Light resid; Foamovers; Parallel Passes; Steam air decoking; On-line
spalling; Wet gas compressor; A fouled overhead condenser; Vapor line restrictions; Wet gas
compressor rotor fouling; Combination tower; Explosion proof trays; Energy savings; Coke
drum cycles affect combination tower operation; Minimizing coke yields.
Reactors – Low conversion, deviations in feed ratios, deviations in operating parameters,
catalyst damage, balance life assessment of catalyst.
Fluid Catalytic Cracking Units – Catalyst steam stripping; Riser temperature control with
stripping stream; Observing optimum stripping steam rates with high concentration of CO in
regenerator flue gas; Catalyst poisoning affects wet gas compressor performance; Compressor
surge affects regen slide valve; Causes of increased hydrogen production; Resin entrainment into
FCCU feed; Catalyst regeneration problems: Air grid troubles, Insufficient air, Regeneration size
and spent catalyst distribution, Identifying air grid damage; Catalyst deactivation; Catalyst
deactivation Vs. refactory feed; Reducing regenerator temperature; Troubleshooting cyclone
malfunctions: Dipleg unsealed, plugged dipleg, Dipleg failure; Air blower problems; Catalyst
feed mixing; Cracking catalyst data.
Amine Regeneration and Scrubbing – Dirty amine; The seeds of destruction; Dirty amine
ruins operation; Cleaning up amine: Corrosion inhibitors; reboiler corrosion; Regenerator feed
temperature; Reclaimer operation: Washing the reclaimer, How much soda ash to use; Extending
reclaimer tube life, Using a reclaimer instead of a filter; Foaming: Early warning system, Causes
and cures of foaming; Liquid – liquid amine scrubbers; Declining amine strength; Retrofitting
tips; Cut reboiler steam usage; Minimizing CO2 recovery.
Alkylation – The alkylation process; Process flow; Acid carry over; Physical carry over; Low
isobutene concentration; Reduced acid circulation; Poor mixing.
Sulfur Recovery – Sulfur recovery chemistry; Process flow; What can go wrong : Finding lost
conversion, measuring sulfur losses, Wrong air ratio, Plenty of catalyst, Reactor problems, COS
and CS2, Leaking reheat exchanger, Sulfur fog, Cold reheat gas, When to change catalyst;
Pressure drop; Carbon deposits; Leaks cause pressure drop; Preventing boiler leaks; Condenser
leaks; Routine pressure surveys; Plugged seal legs; Shortened seal legs; Catalyst support screens;
Start- up tips; Avoid deficient oxygen; Start up atmospheric vent; Maximizing plant capacity;
Oxygen enrichment; Fail safe with O2; Bypass reheat exchanger; increased front end pressure;
Hydrocarbon in acid gas ; Water vapor and carbon dioxide; Reactor inlet baskets; Pyrophoric
iron; Tail gas clean up.
After the course, the students will become adept in Process Troubleshooting Course and must be
able to do the following:
For each equipment, prepare a summary document that provides the operating range of
parameters and variables of all important sections of the equipment. The equipments
refer to pumps, heaters, refrigeration systems, process heaters, water coolers, distillation
and vacuum towers. The graduate engineer will be able to identify process upsets in
advance and take necessary corrective actions proactively.
Monitoring of reactors/converters - root cause analysis for low conversion – optimizing
feed ratios and operating parameters.
Classify and identify all important parameters associated with safety regulations of the
process equipment.
Be able to analyze the impact of variations in operating parameters on the performance of
process /equipment.
Identify possible reasons for malfunctioning of an equipment.
Suggest possible remedial mesures for process startup and regular operation of the
equipment and overall process.
For a process, identify all possible reasons for its process deviation/upset. The processes
may refer to Crude Distillation Unit, Delayed Coking Unit, Fluid Catalytic Cracking,
Sulfur Recovery and Alkylation Units.
Text books:
1. Troubleshooting Process Operations, Lieberman N. P., 3rd Edition, PenWell Books,
Oklahoma, 1991.
2. Successful Troubleshooting for Process Engineers – A Complete Course in Case studies,
Woods D., Wiley, 2006.
IV Year B. Tech. Chemical Engineering - II Sem.
Learning Objectives: The students are guided to learn the following aspects:
Understanding & evaluating the usage / commercial /environmental aspect of a
Petroleum Product / process from a demand / supply or regulation point of view.
Understanding & evaluating the technology aspects of various alternatives available,
called “Best Available Technologies (BAT)”, through literature & references and select a
suitable process with optimum capacity.
Carrying-out the basic design of the process using steady state simulation and generate
PFD heat & material balance and utility consumption summary.
Preparing Material Selection drawing based on 20 year equipment life. Carrying-out
preliminary equipment design, with mechanical details, of all major equipment and
preparing equipment data sheets.
Preparation of Equipment Layout & Plot Plan drawing.
Preliminary cost estimation of the plant (CAPEX) and OPEX via utility / chemical /
catalyst consumption.
Presentation & Project management skills.
Outcomes: The student shall be able to independently carryout the following tasks:
Preparation of Project Feasibility Reports for Petroleum /Petrochemical Plants.
Gather & use various sources such as market data, literature, customer feed-backs etc. to
evaluate the Best Available Technologies in the market and select suitable process
meeting the site conditions, environmental regulations, product quality etc.
Simulation of Overall Plant including estimation utility consumptions.
Generation of PFD (Process Flow Diagrams), MSD (Material Selection Diagrams) and
Heat & material balance reports.
Sizing of all plant equipment and preliminary cost estimation using cost indexes, charts&
Preliminary cost estimation of piping, instrumentation, electrical equipment, civil works
& construction as % of Equipment cost, to determine Installation cost of the plant.
Preliminary utility, catalyst & chemical consumption estimation and using this data
estimating the operating cost.
Manage a comprehensive project in a planned manner, within specified time and present
the salient features of the result to the audience with confidence and clarity.