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Bid.Keahlian : Semua Bidang Keahlian Tingkat : XII

Prog.Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian Hari/Tanggal :
Komp.Keahlian : Semua Komp. Keahlian Waktu :

1. Berdoa dahulu sebelum memulai pekerjaan.
2. Tulislah Nama, Kelas dan Nomor Ujian Peserta pada kolom yang tersedia di sudut kanan
atas pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 butir, semuanya harus dijawab.
I. Pilihan Ganda = 40 butir
II. Uraian = 5 butir
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian sekolah apabila ada tulisan yang kurang jelas atau rusak
5. Apabila ada jawaban yang anda angga psalah dan ingin memperbaikinya, tidak diperbolehkan
memakai tip-ex atau penghapus melainkan dengan cara seperti di bawah ini:
A B C D diperbaikimenjadi A B C D
6. Perbaikan jawaban hanya diperbolehkan paling banyak 2 (dua) kali setiap soal.

Number 16– 17refer to thetext below

ANEOLIA: The Expert in gas analysis
Aneolia is a French company specializing in instrumentation for gas measurement, and
packaging control. Our key customers are Food and Medical Companies, Heavy Industries, and
Conservation of Works of Art.
Our technical team takes care of the calibration of all brands of gas analysers. We also repair
all generation of abyss instruments.
We guaranty a fast and maximum service reactivity. Permanent telephone assistance,
maintenance within 48 hours after reception of devices at workshop.

16. What is the text about?

A. telephone Assistance
B. gas Analysis Company
C. french Fries
D. F & B Restaurant

17. The technical team repairs....

A. the permanent telephones
B. the devices of the workshops
C. the calibration of gas analysers
D. the generation of abyss instrument
Number 18– 19refer to the text below
The Houses of the Toraja
The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and central Sulawesi (Celebes) are
known by the name of Toraja, which has come to mean “those who live upstream” or “those who
live in the mountains”. Their name is in fact derived from the word Raja, which in Sanskrit means
“king”. The society is hierarchically structured, the noblemen are called rengnge, the ordinary
people to makaka,and the slaves to kaunan, birth determines which rank a person will occupy.
The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja are the “buffalo
horns”, the roof design and the rich decoration on the walls. The buffalo is a symbol of status,
courage, strength and fighting spirit.
Designed as a representation of the universe, the tongkonan is constructed in three parts, the
upper world (the roof), the world of humans (the middle of the building), and the underworld (the
spac under the floor). The highly distinctive roofs constructed by the Toraja have given rise to
various ingenious interpretation. Certainly the roof is something of deep significance for the Toraja,
and even today they build “modern” (in other words houses built with cement) houses with such

18. What is the text about?

A. the ethnic groups of southwest and central Sulawesi
B. the description of a traditional house of Toraja
C. the distinctive features of traditional houses
D. the symbol of parts of traditional house of Toraja

19. What are the ordinary people commonly called?

A. Tongkonan
B. Rengnge
C. Makaka
D. Celebes

Number 20– 21refer to the text below

Mohammad Mahfud served as the minister of defense in the cabinet of Abdurachman Wahid, and
was a member of the National Awakening Party in the People’s Representative Council from 2004-
2008, when he was elected a constitutional Judge by Yudhoyono’s Administration. Currently, he is
the chairman of the Indonesian Constitutional Court.

20. What was Mahfud in Abdurahman’s government?

A. the minister of defense
B. a chairman
C. a member of National Awakening Party
D. a constitutional judge

21. How long Mahfud become a member of the national Awakening Party?
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 6 years

Number 22– 23refer to the text below

We are pleased to announce the appointment of
PT Jaya Wijaya Shipping
As General agent for
In the Republic of Indonesia with effect from
20th May 2016 at 1.00 p.m.
With effect from the date and time
Here in above mentioned
P. T BiruMaritim International
Shall cease to be our General Agent and we wish
to express our appreciation for the
valuable support given to us during
their tenure as General Agent

22. What is the announcement about?

A. the changing of the name for PT BiruMaritim International
B. MISC BERHARD’s appreciation of PT Wijaya Shipping’s service
C. the appointment of PT Jaya Wijaya Shipping as General Agent
D. the appointment of MISC BERHARD as General Agent in Indonesia

23. Who advertised the announcement?

A. General Agent
B. Misc Berhard
C. PT Jaya Wijaya Shipping
D. PT Biru Maritim Indonesia



Where do we usually find the notice?

A. at the lake
B. at the beach
C. at the river
D. at the swimming pool

Number 25– 26refer to the text below

Dietary Supplement
600 mg 100 soft gels
Supplement Facts
Serving size : 1 soft gel
Amount per 1 soft gel %Daily Value*
Vitamin D 200
IU 50
Calcium (from milk) 600
Mg 60
Zinc 15
Mg *
*daily value has not established
Other ingredient : Gelatin, Glycerin, Purified
Direction : As a dietary supplement, take one soft
gel for adult daily
Manufactured for :
EXP 04 27 18
LOT 2 75 61
Walnut, CA 91789
Made in U.S.A
25. The label telling us about ... of a dietary supplement.
A. the information
B. the usages
C. the material
D. the benefits

26. How many soft gels does someone take everyday?

A. 1 gel
B. 15 mg
C. 60 mg
D. 600 mg

27. John : How are we going to do after work?

Ann : We can have dinner at plaza at 07.00 p.m. if you like.
John : It sounds good. I pick you up at 06.30 p.m. We need a half an hour together.
Where will they probably be at six forty-five?
A. at the Plaza
B. in the Office
C. still at work
D. on the way to the Plaza

28. Ramos : We’re here to discuss the space program. We have a limited amount of time, so
let’s get started
Vidia : I think the space program is a waste of money. Think of all the research scientists
could be doing on disease with the money. Furthemore, the money is coming out of
the taxpayer’s pocket.
From the dialog above we can conclude that Vidia ... with the program
A. dislike
B. disagreed
C. dissatisfied
D. discouraged

29. Doni : Can I help you?

Lusi : Yes, something wrong with my computer.
Doni : Oh, what’s the problem?
Lusi : It doesn’t work.
Doni : OK. Let me have a look at it. Hm, it’s the power button.
Lusi : Oh, really.
Doni : Yes. Can you leave it here for repair?
Lusi : OK, and how much will it cost?
Doni : Well, it should cost Rp 200.000.
What does Doni do?
A. clerk
B. plumber
C. technician
D. electrician

30. Rika : This room is quite hot. ....

Dila : Of course not. I’ll do it at once
A. Would you mind to switch on the fan?
B. Can you switch off the lamp, please?
C. Can you help me?
D. Do you agree with me?
31. Tiara : I didn’t see Rachma in her class. Where is she now?
Dessy : ... It has to be submitted tomorrow.
A. She’s gone hiking to Mount Salak with her classmates.
B. She is operating the new photocopy machine.
C. She was attending the meeting of students association.
D. She is finishing her accounting assignment in the library.

32. Sinta : What do you do on Sunday?

Almira : ...Seeing blooming flowers makes me be more relaxed.
A. I go cycling to the beach
B. I water the plants in the garden
C. I do some exercises in the gym
D. I watch TV program about farming

33. Daniel :Do you speak English?

Jayden :I do and I speak Germany too. ....
Daniel :Wow, that’s great. Mastering many kinds of language is very important.
A. I am interested in learning language.
B. You are the master of the languages.
C. I am not interested in learning language.
D. We learn English together every afternoon.

34. Susan : What are you going to do next holiday?

Fandi : ... They miss us so much.
Susan : Have a nice holiday!
A. We are coming to my hometown.
B. We will visit our grandparents.
C. We’ve gone to some countries.
D. We miss the flight.

35. Mr. White : Why did you come late for the meeting yesterday?
Peter : ... , because I left some tasks there.
A. I’ll go to the police station,
B. I had a flat tire,
C. I had to go back home,
D. I’m typing new documents,

Number 36– 38refer to the text below

WienBach Stationary Ltd
27 Jl. KayuManis, Jakarta 13210
(021) 4721454
March 16, 2016

Ms. Denia
Hope Ltd.
18 Jl. Tarumanegara 45
Kalimantan 22543

Dear Ms. Denia,

Thank you (36) ... ordering 20 cases of premium paper from WienBach Stationary Ltd.
(37) ... order has been shipped and should reach you within the next five business days.
Find your enclosed total bill for the above order amounting to Rp 5.000.000 and the check
for Rp 500.000 is your refund. (38) ... you paid in advance, we are giving you a 10 percent cash
discount and we are paying the shipping and handling, also.
Wien Banch Stationary Ltd. is pleased to add you to its list of customers. We look forward
to you next order.

Customer Service

A. to
B. for
C. with
D. from

A. your
B. I am
C. our
D. us

A. furthermore
B. however
C. fortunatelly
D. because

The text is for question 39 and 40

Pay attention!
Our school will (39) ... a Debate Competition
 Participant : All students in our school
 It will be (40) ... from 10th – 12 March 2017
 Prices : I Rp 2.000.000
II Rp 1.500.000
III Rp 1.000.000
Please join to us!

A. had
B. has
C. have
D. be

A. hold
B. holding
C. holded
D. held


41. Change these Active voice into Passive voice !

a. My teacher punish Aryo, the naughty student
b. They blamed me for something I had not done.
42. Complete these sentences with the suitable answer!
a. If the teacher spoke louder during the speaking examination, we ... (know) his instruction.
b. If the dog ... (stop) barking, we would have slept well.

43. Arrange this procedure into good instruction!

How cook in the rice cooker
 To keep warm the system starts working
 use the measuring cup to measure the rice. One cup of uncooked rice will
make about 3 cups of cooked rice.
 place the pan inside the cooker, turn it lightly to the right and left to place the
pan directly onto the heating place. Then plug in the power cable to switch
on. Make sure the switch lamp is on. Do not switch on the pan in the body!
 Wash the rice 3 or 4 times with fresh meter in a bowl, and wash until the
water becomes almost clear.
 put rinsed rice and water into pan using the water level marking inside the
 When the rice is done, the button clicks off.

44. Complete the dialog into a good dialog!

Mella : Have you decided what to order?
Nafila : Not yet but I need something to quench my starving.
Mela : Well, ... this special fried rice?

45. Change these phrase into English Adjective in Series!

a. Wajah cantik bulat
b. Rambut pirang bergelombang

Kepala SMK Muhamadiyah Kroya Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Sawud Ariffianto, MM Ayu Sulistyawati, S.Pd

NBM 750 433 NBM -

Pengawas SMK
Dinas Pendidikan & Kebudayaan
Kab. Cilacap

Drs. Tri Winarso, M.Ed

NIP. 19620502 198803 1 009

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