Papillary Carcinoma in A Lingual Thyroid: An Unusual Presentation
Papillary Carcinoma in A Lingual Thyroid: An Unusual Presentation
Papillary Carcinoma in A Lingual Thyroid: An Unusual Presentation
A lingual thyroidisa massofectopic thyroidtissue located previous 2 weeks. She had no associated dysphagia or
in the midline of the base of the tongue. Its estimated dyspnea, and no other relevant history.
prevalence rangesfrom 1 in 3,000to 1 in 10,000 popula- A general physical examination revealed no abnor-
tion. Wereport theinterestingcase ofa28-year-old woman malities. However, the oropharyngeal examination
who presented with a primary papillary carcinoma in a revealed the presence of a globular, fleshy, 2-cm mass
lingual thyroidand a histologically normalthyroidgland. arising from the midline on the base of the tongue. On
To thebestofourknowledge, thiscase probably represents intraoral palpation, the mass was limited to the orophar-
only the second reported case of a follicular variant of a ynx without supraglottic extension. The mass was firm
papillarycarcinoma arising in a lingual thyroid. and sensitive to touch, but it did not bleed on touch. No
other swellingwasfound in the upper aerodigestive tract.
Introduction External examination of the neck revealed bilateral
Lingual thyroid is the term applied to a mass of ectopic 0.5 x 1.0-cm level IB nodes that were nontender, mo-
thyroid tissue that is located in the base of the tongue bile, and firm. On further palpation, a firm, nontender,
at the midline. Its prevalence is variably estimated at 1 solitary, 1.0 x 1.0-cm nodule was found in the superior
in 3,000 to 1 in 10,000 population.' The primary thy- pole of the left thyroid lobe. This mass moved with de-
roid tissue is absent in 70% of cases.' Lingual thyroids glutition but not with protrusion of the tongue.
usually contain histologically normal tissue; reports of Findings on computed tomography (CT) of the oro-
a carcinoma arising within this form of ectopic thyroid pharynx were suggestive of a vascular malformation
are rare. In this article, we report an extremely rare case (figure). The mass measured 2.5 x 2.3 x 3.6 em. Fine-
of a follicular variant of a papillary carcinoma arising needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) ofthe oropharyngeal
in a lingual thyroid. mass revealed only blood and skeletal muscle bundles,
which suggested ahemangioma of the tongue base. FNAC
Case report of the solitary thyroid mass demonstrated evidence of
A 28-year-old woman presented to our outpatient unit colloid changes in the nodule.
with a complaint of blood-tinged saliva for the previous Laboratory testing revealed a total triiodothyronine
2 weeks. She said that she had experienced a similar (T 3) level of 104 ng/dl, a total thyroxine (T 4) level of 6.3
episode 3 years earlier; the previous episode had lasted figl dl, and a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levelof
3 days and subsided without any treatment. She also 2.09 mIU/L, all of which were within the normal refer-
reported that she had felt a lump in her throat for the ence range. The patient's hemoglobin concentration was
low at 10.2g/dl, and she therefore received a transfusion
of 3 units of a-positive, cross-matched whole blood.
Following preoperative preparation, the lesion was
From the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Kas- excised via a median pharyngotomyapproach. Complete
turba Medical College. Mangalore, India (Dr. Bhojwani, Dr. Hegde,
exposure of the tongue base was achieved by entering
and Dr. Alva); and the Department ofENT. RajaRajeshwari Medical
College & Hospital. Mangalore (Dr. Vishwas). The case described in the pre-epiglottic space and vallecula. Intraoperatively,
this article occurred at the Kasturba Medical College. the globular vascular mass was found to be arising from
Corresponding author: Dr. Kiran M. Bhojwani, Department ofOto!aryn-
gology-Head and Neck Surgery. Kasturba Medical College Hospital,
the left side of the tongue base on a stalk. The pedicled
Attavar, Mangalore-575002, India. Email: fleshy mass extended anteriorly up to the circumvallate
carcinoma. Our review of the literature found fewer 5. Benhammou A. Benche ikh R. Benbouzid MA. et aI. Ectopic lingual
thyroid. B-ENT 2006;2(3):121-2.
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variety,":" In only 5 of these reported cases":" did the 7. Bayram F, Kiilahli I, Yiice I. et al. Fun ctional lingual thyroid as
unusual cause of progressive dysphagia . Thyroid 2004;14(4):321-4.
patient develop papillary cancer, and in only I case "
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the best of our knowledge, our case is probably only the 205-10.
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second reported case of the follicular variant of a papil- case reporta nd reviewo fthe literature.Thyroid2001;1 1(12):1191-6.
lary carcinoma arising in a lingual thyroid. 10. BigottiG. Coli A. Follicular carcin oma in lingual thyroid presenting
Patients with a lingual thyroid and a nonfunctioning as a latero -cervical mass. Case report and review of the literature.
I Oral Pathol Med 1997;26(3):142-6.
primary thyroid can be treated with levothyroxine to II . Casella A, Pisano R, Navarro Cuellar C, et al. Papillary carcinoma of
keep their TSH level between 0.2 and 0.6 mIU/L, which the base of the tongue. Case clinic. Minerva Stomato11999;48( II):
should result in shrinkage of the tissue and a return of. 535-8.
12. Goldstein B, Westra WH, Califano J. Multifocal papillary thyroid
general health to normal. When a lingual mass does carcinoma arising in a lingual thyroid: A case report. Arch Otolar-
not shrink or when it bleeds or becomes ulcerated, a yngol Head Neck Surg 2002;128(10) :1198-1200.
biopsy is advisable. In the event that ectopic thyroid 13. Perez JS. Munoz M, Naval L. et al. Papillary carcinoma arising in
lingual thyroid. J Craniofac Surg 2003;31(3):179-82.
tissue harbors a malignancy, surgery at the base of the 14. Basaria S. Westra WH, Cooper DS. Ectopic lingual thyroid mas-
tongue followed by a total thyroidectomy is advisable, querading as thyroid cancer metastases. I Clin Endocrinol Metab
provided that the cervical thyroid gland is present on
15. Hari CK, Kumar M. Abo-Khatwa MM , et al. Follicular variant of
preoperative ultrasonography. papillary carcinoma arising from lingu al thyroid. Ear Nose Throat
In terms of the surgical approach to a lingual tumor, 12009;88(6):E7.
an oral, lateral cervical, or even a transhyoid incision
may be best. A temporary tracheotomy may be advis-
able in anticipation of postoperative edema in the base
G t
of the tongue and upper pharynx. In cases of advanced
and invasive cancer, substantial damage to the tongue
can be expected.
Following surgical clearance, radioiodine scanning
is necessary; iodine-I3I ablation should be performed
only when the pathologic characteristics so demand. The
patient should then receive adequate doses of lifelong
levothyroxine and should be followed for intrathyroidal
o e
cancer by scanning and serial assays of thyroglobulin.
In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of
thoroughly investigating all patients who present with
a midline tongue swelling. The diagnosis ofa malignant
lingual thyroid may be easily missed, as it initially was
in our patient.
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