DNV RP f106 October 2003
DNV RP f106 October 2003
DNV RP f106 October 2003
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Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F106, October 2003
Page 3
Guidance note:
1.2.3 This RP covers primarily the process of coating of ordi-
In its widest sense, the term “pipeline coating” includes linepipe nary pipe joints, and pipe joints with a buckle arrestor. It may
coating, field joint coating (FJC) and coating field repair (CFR). also be used for coating of pipeline components (e.g. bends,
FJC and CFR are typically performed under the same contract is-
sued by the installation contractor, whilst linepipe coating is tees and reducers), or for coating of linepipe for onshore pipe-
mostly carried out by another coating manufacturer contracted lines, using the same or similar coating systems. The user shall
by the pipeline operator, installation contractor or linepipe man- consider the needs for amendments and deviations for such
ufacturer. applications.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 1.2.4 The following activities associated with linepipe coating
are not covered in the present recommended practice:
1.1.3 Submarine pipelines are almost invariably designed
with a cathodic protection (CP) system, mostly based on — Requirements for the qualification of supplier specific
galvanic (or “sacrificial”) anodes. The CP system serves as a coating materials for general purposes (i.e. not project spe-
back-up for any deficiencies of the pipeline coating, including cific), see Guidance Note to 5.4.3.
defects during manufacturing and damage during transporta- — Detailed design of linepipe coating systems for project
tion/installation, in addition to any assumed degradation of specific purposes (e.g. heat insulation, anti-buoyancy; see
coating materials and mechanical damage during operation. also Guidance Note to 5.4.2).
Hence, CP design for submarine pipelines is closely related to — Application of concrete weight coating.
the design and quality control of pipeline coatings, including
FJC and CFR. 1.2.5 Although considerations related to safety and environ-
mental hazards associated with either pipe coating work or
1.2 Scope properties of the coating in the ‘as applied’ condition (reflected
by national and multi-national regulations) are of great impor-
1.2.1 This Recommended Practice (RP) has been prepared to tance, such are never-the-less beyond the scope of this docu-
facilitate the specification and execution of coating work. ment.
While the requirements and recommendations are general, the
document contains advice on how amendments can be made to 1.3 Objectives and use
include project specific requirements and requirements/guide-
lines by a regulating authority, or to reflect the pipeline opera- 1.3.1 This Recommended Practice (RP) has two major objec-
tor’s general philosophy on pipeline corrosion control. tives; it may either be used as a guideline for the preparation of
manufacturing specifications for external pipeline coating sys-
1.2.2 This RP covers the process of applying external coating tems as defined in 1.2.2 above, or it may be used as an attach-
systems for corrosion control of submarine pipelines at the ment to an inquiry or purchase order for such coatings. If
coating plant, and includes the qualification and implementa- Purchaser has chosen to refer to this RP in a purchase docu-
tion of this process. The following coating systems are cov- ment (see definition in Sec. 3, then Contractor shall consider
ered: all requirements in this RP as mandatory (see Sec. 3), unless
superseded by amendments and deviations in the specific con-
1) Single or dual layer fusion bonded epoxy*). tract (see 1.3.4).
2) 3-layer coating based on an inner layer of fusion bonded
epoxy (FBE) applied by spraying, an intermediate adhe- 1.3.2 If reference is made to this RP in a purchase document
sive layer applied by spraying or extrusion, and an outer (see definition in Sec. 3), the following additional information
jacket of polyethylene (PE) applied by extrusion*). and requirements shall always be specified, if applicable and
relevant to the specific coating system as defined in the Coat-
3) 3-layer coating based on an inner layer of FBE applied by ing Data Sheet (CDS) of ANNEX 1:
spraying, an intermediate adhesive layer applied by spray-
ing or extrusion, and an outer jacket of polypropylene (PP) Information:
applied by extrusion. — Pipe material (reference to selected standard or purchas-
4) Multi-layer PP coatings with the 3 innermost layers as for er’s specification), nominal inner diameter, wall thickness
3) above and a relatively thick layer of foamed or syntactic and length.
PP for the purpose of thermal insulation plus an outer jack- — Seam weld dimensions, including tolerances, if relevant
et in PP. for the specified coating system.
— Any temporary external coating (e.g. varnish type) or per- — Pipe end protection (e.g. temporary corrosion protective
manent internal coating on pipes to be supplied for exter- coating and use of end caps, see 5.10.4).
nal coating. — Special requirements to handling and storage of pipes
Requirements: — Special requirements to shipping of coated pipes (5.10.4),
including final inspection (5.7.9).
— Coating design; i.e. type of coating system, max./min. — Further deviations or amendments to this document.
thickness of individual coating layers (5.6.5), surface
roughness/profile and colour. 1.3.4 As far as practical, tentative test methods and acceptance
— Coating configuration at pipe ends such as length of cut- criteria for testing indicated in the CDS as “to be agreed” (see
back and coating chamfer angle (5.6.6). 1.3.2) or “by agreement” (see 1.3.3) shall be specified by Pur-
— Project specific requirements to the detailed design of chaser in the inquiry. Purchaser may also specify any prefer-
coating system (e.g. heat insulation capacity, maximum ence for a specific test method in case more than one method
fluid temperature, maximum water depth), if included in is specified for mandatory testing (“to be included”). If alter-
the scope of work. native methods are given in the CDS and no specific method
— Specific requirements for pre-production qualification has been specified by Purchaser, the method to be used is
testing (PQT) such as number of pipes to be coated, optional to Contractor.
qualification of repairs (type and number) and schedule for
notification and supply of documentation (5.2). 1.3.5 ANNEX 2, Tables 1 and 2 show examples of how devi-
— Methods and acceptance criteria for any testing indicated ations and amendments to the common requirements in Sec. 5
“to be agreed” in the applicable CDS of ANNEX 1 (see and to a specific CDS, respectively, may be specified in a pur-
5.3.3). chase document.
— Permissible coating repairs, e.g. maximum number per 1.4 Structure of document
pipe and maximum size (5.8.3).
— Requirements to pipe tracking (5.5.2) and marking (5.9.1). 1.4.1 Requirements that are common to all types of external
— Requirements to documentation, e.g. schedule for supply linepipe coating systems are given in Sec. 5 whilst those appli-
of documentation and format (5.9). cable to a specific system or application are contained in indi-
vidual ‘Coating Data Sheets’ (CDS) in ANNEX 1.
1.3.3 The following items, intended as a check list, may be in-
cluded in purchase documents, as applicable and relevant. (For 1.5 Relation to DNV-OS-F101 and other DNV docu-
specification of amendments and deviations in purchase docu- ments on pipeline corrosion control
ments, see 1.3.4 below.):
1.5.1 DNV-OS-F101 “Submarine Pipeline Systems”, Sec. 8,
— Additional testing indicated “by agreement” in the CDS gives some guidelines to the selection of pipeline external cor-
(see 5.3.3), and any special conditions for testing (e.g. rosion protective coatings, field joint coatings and concrete
above and/or below ambient temperature). coatings, and general requirements to their manufacturing.
— Specific coating materials to be used (e.g. supplier propri- This document (DNV-RP-F106) provides detailed require-
etary products, see 5.4.3). ments for the manufacturing of factory applied external coat-
— Verification of thermal insulation capacity by testing ing of linepipe.
— Qualification of personnel carrying out coating repairs 1.5.2 DNV-RP-F102 “Pipeline Field Joint Coating and Field
(5.2.7). Repair of Linepipe External Coating” gives detailed require-
— Specific requirements to the ITP (5.3.2). ments to the manufacturing of such coating.
— Facilities needed for the Purchaser’s quality surveillance.
1.5.3 Cathodic protection of coated submarine pipelines is
— Regulatory-, or Contractor’s requirements to the control of
covered in DNV-RP-F103 “Cathodic Protection of Submarine
health and environmental hazards associated with coating Pipelines by Galvanic Anodes”.
— Contractor’s management of non-conformities (5.5.12, Guidance note:
5.7.8) and concession requests (5.5.1). This document offers CP design parameters that are based on the
— Additional pipe receipt inspection, e.g. checking of dimen- requirements to pipeline coatings in DNV-RP-F102 and in DNV-
sions or weight (5.5.3). RP-F106 (i.e. present RP), reducing the need for arbitrary con-
servatism in CP design due to potential deficiencies associated
— Surface preparation of pipes other than “cosmetic” grind- with pipeline coating design and/or quality control of coating
ing (5.5.11). manufacturing..
— Cleanliness of coated pipe ends and internal surfaces
(5.5.7 and 5.6.7). ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
3. Terminology and Definitions 5.1.2 The MPS shall as a minimum include the following data
sheets, procedures and other information:
Purchaser party (pipeline operator or main contractor)
issuing inquiry or contract for coating work, — coating material properties, including supplier’s product
or nominated representative data sheets (PDS) and/or certificates (5.4.3 - 5.4.9)
— receipt, handling and storage of materials for surface prep-
Contractor party to whom the coating work has been aration and coating (5.4.10 - 5.4.12)
contracted — coating plant lay-out sketch or flow diagram
manufacture “manufacture/manufacturing” relates to the — surface preparation (5.5)
manufacturing processes associated with the qualification — data sheets for chemical pre-treatment products (5.5.14)
of linepipe coating (PQT), and the subse- and masking tape (5.6.4), if applicable
quent production of such coatings. The pro-
ducer of coating materials is referred to as — coating application (including control of essential process
“coating material supplier” or “supplier” parameters, see 5.6.6)
— inspection and testing (5.5, 5.7)
shall indicates a mandatory requirement — coating repairs and stripping of unrepairable coating (5.8)
should indicates a preferred course of action — preparation of pipe ends after coating (5.6.6, 5.6.7 and
may indicates a permissible course of action 5.7.5)
agreed refers to a written arrangement between — pipe tracking (5.5.2, 5.9.1)
agreement Purchaser and Contractor (e.g. as stated in a — marking and documentation (5.5.2 and 5.9)
contract) — handling and storage of coated and uncoated pipes (5.10).
report and refers to an action by Contractor in writing
notify Procedures for the last five items are subject to acceptance by
Purchaser. Some detailed requirements for items to be includ-
accepted refers to a confirmation by Purchaser in ed in the coating manufacturing specification are given in 5.4
acceptance writing – 5.10.
certificate refers to the confirmation of specified prop-
Guidance note:
certified erties issued by Contractor or supplier of
coating materials according to EN For “accepted/“acceptance”, and “agreed”/”agreement”, see
10204:3.1.B, ISO 10475:5.1-B or equivalent definitions in Sec .3
purchase refers to an inquiry/tender, or to purchase/ ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
document(s) contract specification, as relevant
5.1.3 Purchaser may specify (see 1.3.3) that other additional
For definition of coating terms associated with submarine detailed information is included in the MPS, e.g. procedures
pipeline systems, reference is made to 1.1.2 above. for testing and inspection, Contractor’s management of non-
conformities and concession requests (see 1.3.3).
5.2 Pre-production qualification testing (PQT)
4. Abbreviations
5.2.1 The primary objective of the ‘pre-production qualifica-
CDS Coating Data Sheet tion testing’ (PQT) is to verify that the MPS is adequate to
CP Cathodic Protection achieve the specified as-applied coating properties. Of partic-
ular interest are those aspects that require destructive testing
CR Concession Request and hence cannot be frequently verified during regular produc-
FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy tion. The PQT shall use the specific coating materials, equip-
ITP Inspection and Testing Plan (see 5.3.2) ment and key personnel to be used during ordinary production.
Furthermore, it shall establish that specified dimensions/toler-
LE Liquid Epoxy (“two-pack” type) ances for cut-back preparation and surface roughening of the
MIP Manufacturing and Inspection Plan (see 5.3.3) coating (if applicable) can be met. The PQT shall also include
MPS (Coating) Manufacturing Procedure Specification any receipt testing of the actual coating materials supplied for
(see 5.1) the specific assignment. Coating of pipe joints with buckle
NC Non-Conformance arrestor and pipeline components, if applicable, shall be
included in the PQT.
PDS (Coating material) Product Data Sheet (see 5.4.4)
PE Polyethylene (polyethene) 5.2.2 Coating manufacturing procedures (including repairs)
PP Polypropylene (polypropene) and equipment for coating shall be qualified prior to produc-
tion, or alternatively (if contractually agreed) during the man-
PQT (Coating) Pre-Production Qualification Testing ufacturing start-up phase of the plant (normally referred to as
(see 5.2) “first day production test”).
RP Recommended Practice Guidance note:
For more complex coating systems, it is recommended that the
PQT is carried out in due time prior to start-up of production.
5. Common Requirements ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
Guidance note: carried out for each repair procedure to be used for repairs.
In case of any doubt whether changes of process parameters are Testing shall as a minimum include holiday detection and
“significant”, a new PQT should always be carried out. For cer- adhesion to steel surface and/or parent coating. It shall further
tain coating systems, in particular those that are dependant on be demonstrated that the repair does not deteriorate the proper-
curing of an innermost epoxy layer by induction heating, the ties of the adjacent parent coating (e.g. adhesion to steel sub-
quality of the coating is dependant on a combination of parame- strate).
ters, including coil arrangement and applied power, line speed
and pipe wall thickness that are unique for each specific project. 5.2.13 Results from all inspection, testing and calibrations
The PQT shall demonstrate proper application temperature by
direct temperature recordings at the location where FBE shall be during qualification, recordings of essential operational
applied. Furthermore, it is essential for coating configuration at parameters for coating (including e.g. line speed and parame-
pipe ends i.e. length of cut-back and coating chamfer angle, that ters relevant to temperature control for linepipe and coating
the capability of the equipment to apply a uniform thickness of materials ), and coating material certificates shall be compiled
the individual layers is verified prior to start of production. It is in a PQT report. Unless otherwise agreed, the report shall be
recommended that a previous PQT of such coating systems is not accepted by Purchaser prior to start of production.
accepted, and that the PQT is witnessed by a competent person
representing Purchaser. 5.3 Quality control of production
5.3.1 Prior to start-up of regular production, Contractor shall
submit the following documents to Purchaser for acceptance:
5.2.4 Specific requirements for pre-production qualification
testing, including e.g. number of pipes to be coated and — a project specific MPS updated to reflect the process
repaired, schedule for notification and reporting, shall be spec- parameters used during the completed and accepted PQT
ified in the purchase document (see 1.3.2 -1.3.4 and definition — a project specific ‘inspection and testing plan’ (ITP)
of “purchase document” in Sec. 3). updated to reflect the process parameters used during the
completed and accepted PQT (see 5.3.2)
5.2.5 For pipes with internal coating, the PQT shall confirm — a daily log format (see 5.7.10)
no detrimental effects of the external coating process. — a description of responsibilities of personnel involved in
Guidance note: quality control.
This should include e.g. visual examination of internal coating
for discolouration, cracking or blistering, and testing of adhesion. 5.3.2 The ITP shall meet the general requirements of ISO
10005, Sec. 5.10. It shall be in tabular form, defining all quality
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- control activities associated with receipt of coating materials,
inspection and marking of incoming pipe, surface preparation,
5.2.6 For linepipe coating intended for thermal insulation, coating application and inspection/testing of the applied coat-
Purchaser may require verification of insulating capacity by ing. The activities shall be listed in consecutive order, with
testing (to be specified in the purchase document). each activity assigned a unique number and with reference to
the applicable code(s), standard(s) and Contractor’s proce-
5.2.7 Purchaser may require that the PQT shall include qual- dure(s) or work instruction(s) that shall apply for the specific
ification of individual coating applicators to carry out more project. Furthermore, frequency / extent of inspection and test-
complex repairs of coating. ing, acceptance criteria and actions in the case of non-con-
5.2.8 An MPS and an ‘inspection and test plan’ (ITP, see formances shall be defined in the plan. The ITP shall further
5.3.2) specific for the PQT, together with a detailed schedule contain a column for inspection codes, (e.g. inspection,
for coating application, inspection/testing and reporting shall witnessing and hold points) indicating the involvement of
be submitted to Purchaser in a timely manner (as per purchase Contractor, Purchaser and any 3rd party. It is good practice to
document) prior to start-up of the qualification activities. include a reference to the applicable reporting form/document
and to refer to the specific equipment or tools to be used for
5.2.9 Coating application temperature, drying or curing condi- verification.
tions, shall be according to coating material supplier’s recom- Guidance note:
mendations. Data sheets and calibration certificates for It is recommended that the ITP also reflects the relevant manu-
instruments essential to quality control (e.g. temperature sen- facturing steps, in addition to the inspection and testing activities,
sors) shall be available for Purchaser’s review during the PQT. all in the consecutive order they occur during production. Such a
document is sometimes referred to as a ‘manufacturing and
5.2.10 If practical, the pipes to be coated for PQT should be of inspection plan’ (MIP).
the same supply as that used for production. As a minimum, 3 ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
pipes shall be coated with a full coating system. For 3- and
multi-layer systems with an innermost layer of FBE, minimum
one pipe shall be coated without adhesive to allow easy strip- 5.3.3 Unless otherwise agreed (see 1.3.3), methods and fre-
ping of the outer PE/PP layer for verification of FBE thickness, quency of inspection and testing, as well as acceptance criteria
curing of FBE and PE/PP as-applied tensile properties. The shall be in accordance with the applicable CDS in ANNEX 1
number of personnel involved in coating application during the of this document. The following notes apply to all CDSs:
PQT, including any supervisor, should be the same as that used
for normal production. — “according to MPS / ITP” means that testing method and/
or acceptance criteria are optional to Contractor but shall
5.2.11 Purchaser shall have the right to select or accept pipe(s) be defined in the MPS / ITP
for inspection and testing during the PQT. Unless otherwise — “to be included” under “frequency / qualification” means
agreed, test methods and acceptance criteria shall be in accord- that testing shall be included during PQT
ance with the applicable CDS in ANNEX 1 of this document. — “to be agreed” means that testing shall be carried out, and
The frequency and extent of testing for properties with a fre- that test method and/or acceptance criteria (as applicable)
quency/extent of testing noted as “by agreement” in the CDS are subject to agreement. (A tentative test method and
shall be specified in purchase document (1.3.3). acceptance criterion is preferably to be specified by Pur-
chaser in inquiry and the agreed method / criterion shall be
5.2.12 Qualification of coating repairs shall be performed to included in the contract)
verify the properties of maximum allowable repair size as — “by agreement” and “agreed” testing method or accept-
specified in purchase document. Minimum 3 repairs shall be ance criterion means that Purchaser may require testing,
and/or that methods and acceptance criteria are subject to for batch wise certification as indicated ”by agreement” in the
agreement (to be specified by Purchaser in inquiry and CDS.
confirmed in contract). Guidance note:
For specification of amendments and deviations to the data In the case of continuous production, “batches” will not apply
sheets, see 1.3.5. and a “lot” is defined based on e.g. hours or weight/volume of
5.3.4 The MPS, ITP, and ‘daily log’ shall be in English, unless ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
otherwise agreed.
5.3.5 Procedures and work instructions referenced in the ITP, 5.4.7 For properties of processed (as-applied) coating materi-
and applicable acceptance criteria, shall be available to all per- als, and in particular those related to long-term environmental
sons concerned with the associated work and in their normal degradation resistance, data for a representative product spec-
language. ification (i.e. not batch/lot specific) will normally apply and a
“test report” based on non-specific testing is issued (EN
5.3.6 Purchaser shall have the right to inspect any activity 10204, type 2.2 or ISO 10474, type 4.2). For certain coating
associated with coating work throughout production and to systems, mandatory requirements for certification of such
carry out audits of Contractor’s QA / QC system. Purchaser processed properties apply as indicated by “to be included” or
shall identify any hold points for witnessing (see 5.7.1) in the “to be agreed” in section 2 of the CDS, column “Coating Ma-
ITP and inform Contractor accordingly. terial Qualification” (see 1.3.2). Contractor may specify
further properties for certification as indicated ”by agreement”
5.4 Coating and blasting materials in the CDS (see 1.3.3).
5.4.1 In this sub-section, “coating materials” cover materials Guidance note:
for coating repairs as well as for linepipe coating. Data on as-applied coating properties that are much dependent on
surface preparation and/or coating application (e.g. adhesion and
5.4.2 The selection of coating materials for a particular resistance to bending, blistering and cathodic disbonding) should
project, and the specification of properties to be verified during be considered as indicative only and cannot replace any PQT data
PQT and production, shall take into account the maximum and as specified in sub-section 3.2 of the applicable CDS.
minimum operating temperature of the pipelines, and any spe- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
cial conditions during installation and operation.
Guidance note: 5.4.8 Properties of blasting materials shall be documented
Unless included in Contractor’s scope of work, the selection of (e.g. in a product data sheet for inclusion in the MPS). Abra-
generic types of coating materials (e.g. high density PE or PP) sives for stainless steel linepipe shall be based on fused alu-
shall be specified by Purchaser. (This selection is typically car- minium oxide, stainless steel shot or non-ferrous garnet
ried out during conceptual design).
according to an appropriate standard.
5.4.9 Contractor shall verify that all coating materials and
5.4.3 Supplier specific coating materials shall be specified by abrasives received are in accordance with the specified
Contractor in the MPS (see 5.1.2). Purchaser may specify in requirements in the MPS. The verification may include testing
inquiry any preferences for supplier specific coating materials. - by Contractor himself (or by a third party) -, and/or review of
supplier’s certificates. Review of certificates and any verifica-
Guidance note: tion testing to be performed by Contractor shall be included in
Prior to the issue of a specific purchase order, Purchaser or Con- the ITP.
tractor may choose to qualify specific coating material formula-
tions according to their own requirements for linepipe coating 5.4.10 Until compliance with specified requirements has been
(which need not be project specific). Such coating qualification confirmed, the coating and blasting materials received by Con-
should be specific to a production facility, and a defined range of
production process parameters. Purchaser and/or Contractor may tractor shall be kept physically separated from checked mate-
require witnessing of the coating material qualification testing, rials. Any materials checked and found non-conforming shall
either by himself or by a third party, or that the qualification test- be marked and quarantined.
ing shall be performed by a third party.
5.4.11 All materials to be used for surface preparation and
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- coating of pipes shall be contained in their original packing
until use and shall be adequately marked, including:
5.4.4 Coating materials shall be described by supplier in spe-
cific ‘product data sheets’ (PDS), including relevant properties — manufacturer’s name and place of manufacture
of raw materials and processed (as-applied) materials, recom- — material type and product designation
mendations for surface preparation, application temperature — batch/lot number
range, conditions for curing/drying, detailed instruction for — weight (for materials in drums, bags or similar)
storage and handling. The PDSs (including those to be used for — size (for materials in rolls or similar)
repairs) shall be contained in the MPS.
— date of manufacturing (and shelf life, if applicable)
5.4.5 Testing and certification of coating material properties — manufacturing standard (if applicable)
may relate to properties of either raw materials (as-delivered) — short instruction for storage and handling (including
or processed (as-applied) materials. In the latter case, test pan- health and safety notes).
els with applied coating, or specially prepared coating layers
(i.e. without substrate) are used. 5.4.12 Contractor shall ensure that all materials for coating
and surface preparation are stored and handled so as to avoid
5.4.6 Certain properties related to raw materials (as-delivered) damage by environment or other effects. The supplier’s recom-
for coating shall be certified per batch / lot (i.e. by an “inspec- mendations for storage and use shall be readily available for
tion certificate” type 3.1.B according to EN 10204, or type Purchaser’s review.
5.1.B according to ISO 10474), in accordance with section 2,
column “Production”, of the relevant ‘coating data sheet’ 5.4.13 Any mixing of coating material batches/lots to be used
(CDS) in ANNEX 1. Contractor may specify further properties for production shall be described in the MPS.
5.4.14 Recycled coating materials may be used if detailed in 5.5.8 During blast cleaning, the pipe surface shall be at least
the MPS, stating e.g. requirements to cleaning and maximum 3°C above the dew point temperature and the ambient relative
addition to virgin coating material. Purchaser may require doc- humidity should not exceed 85%. Pre-heating of pipes is
umentation that such use does not affect the specified proper- required if humidity is higher.
ties. For FBE powder, the maximum amount of recycled
material shall not exceed 15%. 5.5.9 After the blast cleaning, the pipes shall be thoroughly
checked, e.g. by survey alongside a rotating pipe so that the en-
5.4.15 All coated pipes shall be traceable to individual batch- tire pipe surface is covered.
es/lots of coating materials.
5.5.10 Marking of defects (if applicable) shall be carried out
5.5 Receipt inspection of pipes and surface prepara- using “French chalk” only.
5.5.11 Slivers, swabs, burns, laminations or gouges shall be
5.5.1 All surface preparation and associated inspection and removed by cosmetic grinding. (Any needs for, and specific
monitoring activities shall be carried out according to the qual- requirements to, more excessive grinding required by Purchas-
ified MPS and ITP (5.3.2). Methods, acceptance criteria and er shall be specified in purchase documents). The remaining
frequency or extent of inspection and testing shall comply with wall thickness shall comply with the applicable linepipe spec-
requirements given in the relevant CDS in ANNEX 1, and/or ification. (Checking of remaining wall thickness by ultrasonic
amendments in purchase documents (see 1.3.2 and 1.3.3) as testing shall be according to ASTM E797 or equivalent). Pipes
applicable. Once qualified, any changes from the MPS / ITP with any dressed area larger than 10 cm2 shall be completely
shall be formally accepted by Purchaser through a “concession re-blasted. Unrepairable pipes shall be quarantined and Pur-
request” (CR). chaser notified accordingly.
5.5.2 On receipt, every pipe shall be identified by a unique 5.5.12 Dust or abrasive remains shall be removed from the
number (i.e. as applied by pipe manufacturer) and any addi- pipe surface using dry clean air, vacuum cleaning, brushing or
tional marking made by Contractor to maintain identity shall an equivalent technique. Compressed air quality shall be con-
be performed as specified or accepted by Purchaser (5.9.1). trolled (to be specified in MPS / ITP). Surface cleanliness and
Intermediate storage of pipes shall be according to 5.10. roughness shall be verified as detailed in the applicable CDS in
ANNEX 1. Measurements of residual salt contamination may
5.5.3 Each pipe shall be subject to an initial visual examina- be performed using special proprietary equipment if specified
tion. Particular emphasis shall be paid to examination of pipe in the ITP, and provided that compliance with the referenced
ends. Pipes with severe damage such as dents, ovality, cuts and standard can be demonstrated. Pipes not meeting specified
other defects that cannot be corrected by surface dressing shall requirements shall be subject to new blast cleaning or rejec-
be removed and Purchaser notified accordingly. Any require- tion. In the case of repeated failures, surface preparation shall
ments to additional checking of pipe dimensions and/or weight be discontinued and Contractor shall issue a ‘non-conformance
shall be specified in purchase document. report’ suggesting measures to improve the efficiency of the
associated process.
5.5.4 Salts, soils and other loose contamination shall be 5.5.13 Precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination or
removed from the pipe surface using a suitable water-based other damage to the pipe surface after completed surface prep-
cleaning method (e.g. high-pressure fresh water or brushing). aration (e.g. by conveyor rollers) and/or superficial rusting.
Organic contaminants like oil and grease shall be removed by Requirements for maximum duration (in hours) between blast-
using suitable hydrocarbon solvents or detergents (type to be ing and coating, and/or maximum relative humidity shall be
specified in MPS). Purchaser shall be notified promptly if the specified in the MPS / ITP.
surface condition of the received pipes is deemed to affect the
quality of the coating. 5.5.14 Mechanical surface preparation may be followed by a
chemical treatment (to be stated in the MPS / ITP) if accepted
5.5.5 Pipe surfaces shall be prepared for coating using blast by Purchaser. Any associated pre-heating of pipes, checking of
cleaning to provide a surface cleanliness and surface rough- chemicals and control of application shall be specified in MPS
ness (anchor pattern) to meet the requirements in the applica- / ITP.
ble CDS of ANNEX 1. Any relaxation of these requirements
based on coating supplier’s recommendations shall be accept- 5.6 Coating application
ed by Purchaser. Materials and equipment to be used shall be
described in the MPS. 5.6.1 All coating work shall be carried out according to the
qualified MPS. Once the MPS has been qualified, any changes
5.5.6 Relevant properties of blasting materials shall be docu- of materials, equipment and essential process parameters
mented (e.g. in a product data sheet). Receipt, storage and (including e.g. change in line speed) shall be formally accepted
marking of purchased products shall be as defined in 5.4.9 - by Purchaser through a CR.
5.4.13. The blasting material and pressurised air system shall
be kept dry and free from injurious contaminants, including 5.6.2 If pre-heating is applied, temperature control shall
salts, oil and grease. Recycled blasting material shall be ensure that no pipe is heated above 270°C. Powder application
checked for cleanliness at regular intervals (to be specified in on linepipe shall be by automatic electrostatic spraying with
the ITP and recorded in the ‘daily log’). Checking of oil control of compressed air quality. For use of re-cycled coating
contamination shall be carried out according to ASTM D4285. materials, see 5.4.14.
Conditioning of grit during production shall be described in the
MPS. Special precautions shall be taken to avoid contamina- 5.6.3 Throughout coating application, essential parameters af-
tion of blasting materials for stainless steel linepipe (to be de- fecting the quality of the coating (e.g. application temperature
scribed in MPS). of linepipe and coating materials, line speed, relative humidity,
etc) shall be monitored on-line and recordings noted in the
5.5.7 Special protection of machined bevels and/or internal ‘daily log’ (5.7.10). For certain coating systems, the applica-
surfaces, e.g. by use of end caps during cleaning, may apply (to tion temperature shall be continuously monitored and recorded
be specified in purchase documents). Precautions shall be tak- on-line as specified in the applicable pipeline ‘coating data
en to avoid contamination of stainless steel linepipe by C-steel sheet’ in ANNEX 1. Equipment for monitoring shall be cali-
particles, C-steel tools and handling equipment. brated at scheduled intervals as specified in the ITP (5.3.2).
5.6.4 Any use of temporary coatings or tapes to mask coating b) defects with major reduction in coating thickness but with-
application at pipe ends shall be described in the MPS (materi- out exposure of bare metal (or no indication by holiday de-
al data sheets to be included). tector), and
c) damage that extends down to the pipe material or an inner
5.6.5 Coating thickness (nominal and minimum values of coating layer (or indication by holiday detector).
individual layers, maximum value if applicable) shall be de-
fined in purchase document (i.e. unless thicknesses stated in ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
the CDS shall apply).
Guidance note: 5.7.5 Inspection shall verify specified dimensions for coating
Thickness measurements during production are made on a spot cut-backs and any requirements for cleanliness of pipe ends.
check basis and are primarily intended to verify nominal coating
thickness (or minimum/maximum average thickness), not an ab- 5.7.6 Failures during testing which are obviously due to
solute minimum thickness for individual pipes. The capability to defective sampling or operational errors of testing equipment
produce uniform coating thickness for individual pipes is to be may be disregarded and testing repeated on the same pipe.
verified during the PQT.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 5.7.7 Individual pipes not meeting specified criteria shall be
re-coated, or if possible (see 5.8), repaired. In case of failure of
a pipe coating during fractional testing (e.g. each 20th pipe or
5.6.6 The length and surface condition of pipe ends to be left twice per shift), the preceding and following pipes shall be
uncoated (or “cut-back”), and any chamfering of edges, shall tested individually until at least 3 successively coated pipes
be performed in accordance with the requirements in purchase show adequate properties. In the case of repeated failures to
documents and in the MPS. Any use of temporary protective meet specified acceptance criteria, Purchaser shall have the
coating on pipe ends shall be specified or accepted by Purchas- right to require testing frequency to be increased. Similarly,
er. subject to acceptance by Purchaser, testing frequency may be
5.6.7 Any remainders of coating or blasting materials on the reduced as a result of repeated successful testing.
internal pipe surface shall be removed by an appropriate meth- 5.7.8 In case of repeated failures to meet specified require-
od. Special requirements to cleanliness of internal surfaces ments, production shall be discontinued. Contractor shall then
may apply as specified in purchase documents. Unless other- carry out an examination of the cause(s) of the failure and issue
wise accepted by Purchaser, any end caps supplied with the a ‘non-conformance report’. Non-conforming pipes (individu-
pipes shall be refitted soon after coating has been completed. al or lots) shall be marked and quarantined.
5.7 Inspection and testing of coated pipes 5.7.9 Purchaser may specify a final inspection of the pipe
5.7.1 Coated pipes shall be inspected and tested according to coating prior to discharge.
the ITP (5.3.2). Any changes shall be formally accepted by
Purchaser through a ‘concession request’. Purchaser shall be 5.7.10 All data from inspection and testing of coated pipes,
allowed to witness all inspection and testing. Contractor shall essential operating parameters (e.g. application temperature,
give adequate notice for Purchaser to arrange for witnessing of line speed, etc.) and calibration of testing and monitoring
special hold points indicated in the ITP (see 5.3.6). equipment, shall be noted in the ‘daily log’. For pipe specific
data, reference shall be made to the unique pipe number 5.5.2).
Guidance note: The log shall be up-dated on a daily basis and is to be available
Purchaser should consider the needs and benefits of carrying out for Purchaser’s review at any time during manufacturing.
quality surveillance during production, either as an audit or by
continuous presence by trained and qualified inspectors. 5.8 Repairs and stripping
5.8.1 Coating repair may apply to coating holidays associated
with production or damage to the coating during handling and
5.7.2 Inspection and testing of coated pipes during qualifica- storage at Contractor’s facilities. (For repairs of linepipe coat-
tion and production shall be carried out according to the appli- ing in the field, reference is made to DNV-RP-F102)
cable methods, acceptance criteria and frequencies specified in
the applicable CDS and any amendments made in purchase 5.8.2 Coating repairs shall also be carried out and inspected
documents (see 1.3.2 and .3.3). If alternative test methods are according to a qualified procedure (see 5.2). Requirements to
given in the CDS and Purchaser has not specified any prefer- coating repair materials in 5.4 apply.
ence in purchase document (see 1.3.4), then the selection of
method is optional to Contractor. 5.8.3 Maximum permissible repairs (e.g. maximum surface
area of individual repair, maximum repairs per pipe and maxi-
5.7.3 Purchaser may specify testing of specified coating mum number of pipes with repairs) shall be specified in pur-
properties during production requiring cutting of pipe wall chase documents (1.3.2 and 1.3.3) and in MPS. Inspection of
(e.g. cathodic disbondment testing and hot water soak test). repairs shall as a minimum include visual examination, check-
Such testing may then be carried out on a special (dummy) test ing of thickness and holiday detection.
pipe if all other conditions are the same as for regular produc-
tion. 5.8.4 All major repairs (e.g. coating damage down to pipe sur-
face) shall be noted in the ‘daily log’ and shall be traceable to
5.7.4 Visual inspection of completed coating shall ensure that individual batches of coating material.
the entire pipe surface is covered, e.g. by survey alongside a
rotating pipe. 5.8.5 Stripping of unrepairable coating for re-coating of pipe
Guidance note: shall be carried out according to a procedure accepted by Pur-
chaser. Temperature control shall ensure that no pipe is heated
Acceptance criteria for visual coating defects should be quantita- above 270°C. Multiple stripping of coating (i.e. for the same
tive as far as practical. Photographs of non-acceptable defects
may be helpful. Characterisation of damage to the linepipe coat- pipe) shall be subject to a CR.
ing should distinguish between, e.g.
5.8.6 Any cutting of pipes shall be carried out according to a
a) superficial defects that can be repaired by light surface procedure accepted by Purchaser. Cutting of individual pipes
dressing, shall be subject to a CR.
Coating Data Sheet No.1: Single or Dual Layer Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating (Continued)
Initial/ intermediate wash- according to MPS/ITP not applicable by agreement by agreement
ing by water or phosphoric
Surface cleanliness ISO 8501-1 A/B ≥ Sa 2 ½. to be included every pipe
Surface cleanliness ISO 8502-3 rating max. 2 to be included first 5, then 1/30
both pipe ends
Surface roughness ISO 8503-4 RZ min. 40 µm; to be included first 5, then 1/30
max. 100 µm both pipe ends
Final surface condition visual examination free from surface defects to be included every pipe
Pipe temperature prior to according to ITP according to ITP to be included continuous monitoring
chemical treatment (if
specified in MPS)
3.2 Coating Application and Final Inspection/Testing
Item/Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
PQT Production
Pipe temperature according to ITP according to ITP to be included continuous monitoring
Coating material and pipe according to ITP according to ITP to be included continuous monitoring
Pipe feed rate according to ITP according to ITP to be included continuous monitoring
Water quenching according to ITP according to ITP to be included continuous monitoring
Appearance of coating visual according to ITP to be included, every pipe,
100% surface area 100% surface area
Pipe end configuration according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe,
both pipe ends
Holiday detection GBE/CW6 part 1, App. C no holidays to be included, every pipe,
or by agreement 100% surface area 100% surface area
(visual/acoustic alarm func-
Thickness ISO 2808 according to ITP to be included first pipe and start/lead pipe 1),
or by agreement then one pipe every shift
4 recordings (90°) at both pipe
ends and mid section
Degree of cure FBE: differential thermal FBE: ∆TG = max. 5°C to be included first pipe, start/lead pipe1)
analysis according to then one pipe every shift
or by agreement
Adhesion ISO 2409 or classification: 0 (ISO to be included by agreement
ISO 4624 or 2409)
DIN 30671 min. 34 MPa (ISO 4624)
or by agreement no detachment (DIN
Impact resistance GBE/CW6 part 1, App. D according to standard to be included not applicable
or ASTM G14
Hardness ISO 2815 by agreement by agreement by agreement
Porosity CAN/CSA-Z245.20 by agreement by agreement by agreement
Bending resistance GBE/CW6, Appendix B no cracking or disbond- to be included by agreement
(specimen) (min. 2% strain) ment
at room temperature
Cathodic disbonding ASTM G8 or max. 7 mm disbonding, 48 to be included by agreement
GBE/CW6, part 1, App. E hrs at 65°C, or 28 days at
or other agreed procedure room temperature
Hot water soak test GBE/CW6 max. 4 mm disbonding, 7 to be included by agreement
Part 1, App. E days at 80°C
or agreed procedure
Residual magnetism by agreement by agreement by agreement by agreement
1) “start/lead pipe” refers to first pipe after interrupted coating
“according to ITP”, “to be included”, “to be agreed” and “by agreement” are explained in 5.3.3
Coating Data Sheet No. 5: Asphalt Enamel (or “Bitumen”) Coating (Continued)
3.2 Coating Application and Final Testing(Inspection
Item/Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
PQT Production
3.2.1 Primer layer
Application temperature according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe
(max. 50°C)
Coating layer thickness according to ITP according to ITP to be included first 10 pipes then every 10th
pipe, 3x4 locations (90°
3.2.2 Full layer
Time duration from priming according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe
Enamel temperature according to ITP according to ITP to be included continuous monitoring
Pipe temperature according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe
Wrap and enamel configura- according to ITP according to ITP to be included according to ITP
Appearance of visual examination according to ITP to be included every pipe,
finished coating 100% surface area
Total thickness according to ITP 5.0 mm minimum to be included first 10 pipes then every 10th
(incl. seam weld) pipe, 3x4 locations (90º
9.0 mm maximum apart)
Holiday detection NACE RP0274 no defects acceptable to be included every pipe,
min. 15 kV 100% surface area
Rate: 150-250 mm/s
Adhesion tapping by wooden stick according to ITP to be included first 10 pipes then every 10th
(Tapping/sounding test) (According to ITP) pipe, “100%” surface area
Adhesion cutting by knife through coating shall be difficult to re- to be included first 5 pipes (one pipe end),
(Peeling test) coating (e.g. 30x100 mm move, causing cohesive fail- then first pipe per shift
strip) and peeling by force ure of the coating.
(According to ITP)
Compactness test examination of strip re- according to ITP to be included first 5 pipes (one pipe end),
moved from coating for ho- then first pipe per shift
mogeneity and thickness of
individual layers (acc. to
Pipe end configuration according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe, both pipe ends
“according to ITP”, “to be included”, “to be agreed” and “by agreement” are explained in 5.3.3
Coating Data Sheet No.7: Polychloroprene (or “Vulcanised Rubber”) Coating (max. operating temperature 90°C for ordinary
1 Coating Configuration
Primer (bonding agent) Type and thickness according to ITP
Polychloroprene Thickness to be agreed
2 Coating Materials
Item/Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
2.1 Primer material Coating Material Quali- Production
According to ITP according to ITP according to ITP to be included every batch/lot
2.2 Polychloroprene material, raw material and as-ap-
plied (processed) properties
Rheometer curve ASTM D2084 according to ITP to be included every batch/lot
Hardness ISO 7619 or 56-68 Shore A to be included every batch/lot
ASTM D2240
Density ISO 2781 or 1.40–1.70 kg/dm3 to be included every batch/lot
BS 903 Part A1
Tensile strength ISO 37 min. 11 MPa to be included 1/20 batch/lot or by
Elongation at break ISO 37 min. 350% to be included 1/20 batch/lot or by
Compression set ISO 815 max. 20% at 60°C or to be included 1/20 batch/lot or by
max. 30% at 70°C agreement
Tear strength ISO 34 -1 min. 20 N/mm to be included 1/20 batch/lot or by
Accelerated ageing ISO 188 according to ITP/MPS to be included not applicable
Ozone resistance ISO 1431-1 or by agreement by agreement not applicable
ASTM D1149
Seawater absorption ISO 1817 by agreement by agreement not applicable
Abrasion resistance DIN 53516 by agreement by agreement not applicable
Volume resistivity ASTM D257 by agreement by agreement not applicable
Thermal conductivity by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
Penetration ASTM G17 by agreement by agreement not applicable
3 Surface Preparation, Coating Application and Final Testing
3.1 Surface preparation
Properties Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
PQT Production
Initial surface condition visual examination free from visual surface to be included every pipe,
contamination, tempo- 100% surface area
rary corrosion protection
and defects
Pipe temperature and relative hu- according to ITP pipe temperature min. to be included minimum once per hour
midity 3°C above dew point
Salt contamination after blast ISO 8502-6 max. 20 mg NaCl/m2 to be included first pipe and every 10th
cleaning pipe
Surface cleanliness ISO 8501-1 A/B ≥ Sa 2 ½. to be included every pipe
Roughness ISO 8503-2 grade Medium (G) to be included every pipe
Final surface condition visual examination free from surface defects to be included every pipe
100% surface area
3.2 Coating Application and Final Testing
Primer and Polychloroprene
Max. duration from surface prep- according to ITP to be included every pipe
aration to application of primer
Ambient temperature and humidi- according to ITP min. 15°C and to be included every hour
ty max. 75% rel. humidity
Pipe temperature according to ITP min. 3°C above dew to be included every hour
Surface appearance prior to prim- according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe
er application
Primer drying time according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe
Primer appearance visual inspection according to ITP to be included every pipe
Primer thickness ISO 2187 according to ITP to be included every pipe
Wrapping appearance visual inspection according to ITP to be included every pipe
(prior to vulcanising)
Coating Data Sheet No.7: Polychloroprene (or “Vulcanised Rubber”) Coating (max. operating temperature 90°C for ordinary
grades) (Continued)
Vulcanising temperature and according to ITP according to ITP to be included every batch, continuous
pressure monitoring and record-
Vulcanised coating appearance visual inspection according to ITP to be included every pipe,
100% surface area
Coating layer thickness ISO 2187 according to ITP to be included every pipe,
3x4 locations (90° apart)
Holiday detection BS 6374 according to ITP to be included every pipe,
100% surface area
Adhesion (peel strength) ISO 813 or by agreement to be included every pipe (at cutback or
at room temperature BS 6374 on test plate)
at max. operating temperature by agreement by agreement by agreement
Hardness ISO 7619 or according to ITP to be included every pipe
ASTM D2240
Pipe end configuration according to ITP according to ITP to be included every pipe,
both pipe ends
Bending resistance by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
(full scale test),
at room temperature
at min. installation by agreement by agreement by agreement not applicable
Cathodic disbonding, ASTM G8 or max. 10 mm disbonding, to be included by agreement
at room temperature or at 65°C GBE/CW6 or 48 hrs at 65°C or 28 days
other agreed procedure at room temperature
at max. operating temperature, if by agreement by agreement not applicable
higher than 65°C
“according to ITP”, “to be included”, “to be agreed” and “by agreement” are explained in 5.3.3
Coating Data Sheet No.8: Multi-Layer Polychloroprene (“Vulcanised Rubber”) Coating (primarily for heat insulation)
1 Coating Configuration
Primer (bonding agent) Type and thickness according to ITP
Inner layer High temperature rubber grade (polychloroprene applicable up to 90°C), thickness to be agreed
Mid layer Insulation rubber grade, thickness to be agreed
Outer layer Polychloroprene, thickness to be agreed
2 Coating Materials
Item/Property Test method Acceptance criteria Frequency
2.1 Primer material Coating Material Quali- Production
as for CDS 7, 2.1 as for CDS 7, 2.1 as for CDS 7, 2.1 as for CDS 7, 2.1 as for CDS 7, 2.1
2.2 Rubber materials, raw material and as-applied
(processed) properties
2.2.1 Inner layer
as for CDS 7, 2.2 as for CDS 7, 2.2 as for CDS 7, 2.2 as for CDS 7, 2.2 as for CDS 7, 2.2
Table 1: Example of a Purchaser specification of amendments and/or deviations to “Common Requirements” in Sec.5 of this RP, see
Sec. 5 ref. Item/Property Amendment Description
or Deviation
1.3.2 FBE layer thickness Amendment Min. thickness 250 µm,
max. thickness 450 µm.
1.3.2 Full layer thickness Amendment Min. thickness 3.0 mm (2.7 mm allowed on seam weld),
max. thickness 5.0 mm.
1.3.2 Cut-back design Amendment Cut-back to be prepared by brushing.
Length: 120 ±10 mm, chamfer angle 20° ±2°
5.1.2 MPS Amendment Specification of management of non-conformities and concession
requests to be included in MPS.
5.2.1 PQT Amendment Minimum 3 pipes shall be coated and tested successfully.
5.4.2 Coating materials Amendment Purchaser list of approved products shall apply.
5.7.7 Final inspection Amendment All pipes shall be subject to final visual inspection prior to discharge from
5.8 Repairs Amendment Only one damage affecting FBE layer per pipe and max. 10 cm2 repair
area is allowed. (Pipes with more damage to be stripped and re-coated).
5.9.3 Documentation Deviation Documentation shall be retained for 3 years.
Table 2: Example of a Purchaser specification of amendments and/or deviations to ‘coating data sheet’ (CDS) in ANNEX 1 of this
RP, see 1.3.5.