Ip Work Book Final Reg
Ip Work Book Final Reg
Ip Work Book Final Reg
Positive results for students will come from changes in the knowledge, skill, and behavior of their teachers and
parents. State policies and programs must provide the opportunity, support, incentive, and expectation for adults
close to the lives of children to make wise decisions.
Success Indicators
School Leadership and Decision Making: Establishing a team structure with specific duties and time for
instructional planning.
yy A team structure is officially incorporated into the school improvement plan & school governance policy.
yy Teachers are organized into grade-level, grade-level cluster, or subject-area instructional teams.
yy Instructional teams meet for blocks of time (4 to 6 hour blocks, once a month; whole days before and after
the school year) sufficient to develop & refine units of instruction & review student learning data.
yy All teams prepare agendas for their meetings.
yy All teams maintain official minutes of their meetings.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Engaging teachers in aligning instruction with stan-
dards and benchmarks.
yy Instructional teams develop standards-aligned units of instruction for each subject and grade level.
yy Units of instruction include standards-based objectives & criteria for mastery.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Engaging teachers in assessing and monitoring
student mastery.
yy Units of instruction include pre-/post-tests to assess student mastery of standards based objectives.
yy Unit pre-/post-tests results are reviewed by the instructional team.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Engaging teachers in differentiating and aligning
learning activities
yy Units of instruction include specific learning activities aligned to objectives.
yy Materials for standards-aligned learning activities are well-organized, labeled, & stored for convenient use
by teachers.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Assessing student learning frequently with stan-
dards-based assessments.
yy Instructional teams use student-learning data to assess strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum and
instructional strategies.
yy Instructional teams use student-learning data to plan instruction.
yy Instructional teams use student-learning data to identify students in need of instructional support or en-
hancement & plan instruction accordingly.
yy Instructional teams review the results of unit pre-/post-tests to make decisions about the curriculum & in-
structional plans & to “red flag” students in need of intervention (both students in need of tutoring or extra
help &students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of early mastery of objectives).
Indicators in Action
Success Indicators for
Instructional Planning
Indicators in Action
Instructional Planning
School Name:
Team Name:
Meeting Location:
Meeting Date:
Time Meeting Begins:
Time Meeting Adjourns:
Team Leader:
Approval of Minutes from previous Meeting:
Topics to discuss:
Team Effectiveness:
Student Behavior:
Other Business:
Indicators in Action
School Name:
Team Name:
Meeting Location:
Meeting Date:
Time Meeting Begins:
Time Meeting Adjourns:
Team Leader:
Members Present:
Student Behavior:
Instructional Planning
Other Business:
Indicators in Action
Success Indicators for
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Engaging teachers in assessing and monitoring
student mastery.
yy Units of instruction include pre-/post-tests to assess student mastery of standards based objectives.
yy Unit pre-/post-tests results are reviewed by the instructional team.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Engaging teachers in differentiating and aligning
learning activities
yy Units of instruction include specific learning activities aligned to objectives.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Assessing student learning frequently with stan-
dards-based assessments.
yy Instructional teams use student-learning data to assess strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum and
instructional strategies.
Indicators in Action
Instructional Planning
Step 2: Determine the concepts, principles, and skills that a unit will cover
Once the team has identified the units, list the concepts, principles, and skills that the unit will cover. Your district
or state may have already done this work in the form of curriculum guides. If so, use them as your foundation.
Step 3: Identify the standards and benchmarks that apply to the grade level and unit topic
The standards and benchmarks are established by the state or district and communicate what mastery of a par-
ticular concept or skill includes. They are the “skeleton” of the curriculum and will inform the development of
A Standard is a broad description of what students in a particular grade level should, at a minimum, know
and be able to do.
A Benchmark is a more specific description of what students in multiple grade levels should, at a minimum,
know and be able to do.
Use of the “Aligning Units to Standards” template helps Instructional Teams match Units of Instruction with the
appropriate district or state standards and benchmarks.
Step 4: Develop all objectives that clearly align to the selected standards and benchmarks.
This step is so important it has there is an entire Success Indicator dedicated to it. Using the benchmarks will help
ensure that the objectives are standards-aligned. They will also assist instructional teams in:
yy Determining what the “target” for learning within a grade level is
yy Selecting the verb that defines exactly what students should be able to do at that grade level
yy Determining the level of student action they expect
yy Once these three points are defined, Instructional Teams are ready to formulate them into a TARGET objec-
A target objective is specific and:
yy Aimed at a benchmark and appropriate to the grade level
Indicators in Action
Target Objective: The student will be able to name the four primary directions on a navigational compass.
Target Objective: The student will be able to name the four primary directions on a navigational compass.
Criteria for mastery: Given a blank compass face, the student will write the name of the four primary directions on the
correct locations.
If the student solves 8 out of 10 (80%) the teacher may decide that the student has mastered the objective but
made a couple of calculation errors.
Other objectives may not leave room for error. For instance, if the objective is for students to write their name, the
teacher may expect 100% accuracy.
Step 7: Develop pre/post test items that are clear, specific, and would provide evidence of mastery consistent
with the established criteria.
There is one final step in the process: The development of pre- and post-tests to assess student mastery of stan-
dards-based objectives. The pre-test and the post-test are the same test; the difference is in the timing of their
The pre-test is a quick assessment at the beginning of the unit or period of instruction to gauge each student’s
readiness for an objective and inform the need for “leveled objectives” and/or assignments. The pre-test should
not be graded.
The post-test is a way to get a quick read on students’ mastery after the completion of the unit or after completion
of the period of instruction allotted for the objective. When instruction is aligned, teachers will have several other
ways to determine mastery as well.
Between the pre-test and the post-test, students will complete a variety of learning activities and possibly other
assessments. The results of the post-test may be graded, or included as part of larger graded tests.
To develop a pre and post-test item, let’s return to our target objective and criteria for mastery:
Target Objective: The student will be able to label the four primary directions on a navigational compass.
Criteria for Mastery: Given a blank compass face, the student will write the name of the four primary directions on the
correct locations.
Pre-Test/Post-Test Item: Mark the four primary directions on the blank compass face.
Be sure to note that a pre/post test is Instructional Team created and may include both verbal and written ques-
tions and answers as appropriate to the grade level. It is one means for quickly checking each student’s readiness
for a unit (pre-test) and mastery of unit objectives (post-test).
Instructional Planning
Objective Sequence
Unit Sequence
Objective Level
Grade Level
Standard/Benchmark Code: The code designated by the state or district for the standard/benchmark.
Standard/Benchmark Descriptor: Two to four words that describe the entire standard/benchmark.
Unit Code: Grade level, Subject, Sequence Number of Unit (example: 3R01 for third grade reading, first unit)
Unit Title: A phrase that describes the overall theme of the unit.
Objective Code: Unit Code plus a hyphen and a sequential number for each objective in the unit followed by a
T, P, or E for Target, Prerequisite or Enhanced (example: 3R01-01T for third grade reading, first unit, first target
objective). The Prerequisite and Enhanced levels for this objective would carry the same sequence number (3R01-
01P for Prerequisite; 3R01-01E for Enhanced).
Objective Descriptor: Two to four words that describe the objective.
Page: 1
Grade Level: 3rd Subject: Reading Unit of Instruction Code: 3R01
Unit of Instruction Title: Effective Communication
Indicators in Action
Standard/ Objectives Pre-Test/
Benchmark (with Objective Objective Descriptor Criteria for Mastery Post Test Items
(Code) Code Prefix)
3R01-01T Sentence structure When given a rubric that 1. Given a bank of vocab-
provides proper sentence ulary words, the student
Construct proper sentences structure, the student writes two proper sen-
A3 using correct grammar, develops properly written tences.
punctuation, capitalization. sentences with 80% mas-
Unit Plan Template
Grade Level: Subject: Unit of Instruction Code:
Objectives Pre-Test/
(with Objective Objective Descriptor Criteria for Mastery Post Test Items
Code Prefix)
Instructional Planning
Indicators in Action
Units of Instruction
The unit plan is developed by the Instructional Team to define a unit of instruction and outline the standards and
target objectives (typically grade level) addressed in the unit of instruction. A unit of instruction is typically about
four weeks of work within a subject area.
The Instructional Team:
1. Determines the concepts, principles, and skills that will be covered within the unit.
2. Identifies the standards/benchmarks that apply to the grade level and unit topic. Should be explicit
within those grade level benchmarks.
3. Develops all objectives that clearly align to the selected standards/benchmarks.
4. Names the objective codes in sequential order.
5. Determines the best objective descriptors.
6. Considers the most appropriate elements for mastery. Discusses this thoroughly, making sure all ele-
ments are clear. Name them.
7. Develops pr-/post-test items that are clear and specific and would provide evidence of mastery consis-
tent with the criteria established.
Note: A pre-/post-test is teacher (Instructional Team) created and may include both verbal and written questions
and answers as appropriate to the grade level. It is one means for quickly checking each student’s readiness for a
unit (pre) and mastery of unit objectives (post).
Instructional Planning
1. What is the length of time of a unit of instruction for your subject and grade level (typically four to
six weeks)?
Unit 1:
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Unit 5:
Unit 6:
Unit 7:
Unit 8:
Unit 9:
Unit 10:
Indicators in Action
Aligned Instruction
Alignment is a process of matching up the written curriculum (the one that appears in curriculum guides for a
school or district) with the tested curriculum (the one that appears in the tests) and the supported curriculum (the
one that appears in textbooks and other resources) to make the taught curriculum (the one the teacher actually de-
livers) more effective. The alignment process serves two related purposes: It serves as a check on guide/text/test
congruence, and it provides teachers with an organizational structure for their own planning (Glatthorn, 1995).
“Alignment is an explicit match between the taught and the tested curriculum” (Schmoker, 2001, p. 53). With the
development of state learning standards and state standards-based assessments, aligning the curriculum (what
is taught) to the assessment is accomplished by aligning the curriculum with the standards on which the assess-
ments are based.
“One of the chief failings of school systems is the bewildering array of options teachers have for teaching, and
the haphazardness this creates. Teachers pick and choose from among these options to teach an increasingly
idiosyncratic versus common set of learning objectives and skills – even though common standards are essential
to clear communication, coherence, and alignment among instructional effort, resources, and programs” (Rosen-
holtz, 1991, pp. 17–18). Again, this fretting about a common set of learning objectives, expressed in 1991, has been
ameliorated by the development of state learning standards and assessments. But that is only one step toward
solving the problem of “haphazardness.” The next big step is for teachers to align their “taught curriculum” with
Cotton (2000) has identified alignment as one of the schooling practices that matters most. In her list of the kinds
of monitoring of student progress that should be taking place in schools, there are 8 practices listed:
1. Collecting and reviewing student performance data to ensure early identification and support for
students with learning difficulties.
2. Establishing and using procedures for collecting, summarizing, and reporting student achievement
3. Reviewing test results, grade reports, and other materials to identify problems and taking action based on
the findings.
4. Reviewing assessment instruments and methods for their suitability to the students being evaluated, and
making changes as needed.
5. Making summaries of student performance available to all staff for their use in planning; making periodic
reports to parents and community members.
6. Using assessment methods beyond standardized achievement tests (e.g., performance assessments,
portfolios) to enrich their understanding of students’ progress.
7. Aligning classroom assessments of student performance with the written curriculum and actual
8. Routinely checking students’ understanding by conducting recitations, checking students’ work during
seat work periods, assigning and checking homework, administering quizzes, and reviewing student
performance data. (Cotton, 2000, pp. 12–13).
Cotton, K. (2000). The schooling practices that matter most. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curricu-
lum Development.
Glatthorn, A. (1995). Developing a quality curriculum. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Schmoker, M. (2001). The results handbook: Practical strategies from dramatically improved schools. Alexandria, VA: As-
sociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Rosenholtz, S. J. (1991). Teacher’s workplace: The social organization of schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
Instructional Planning
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Indicators in Action
Learning Plan Grid Template
Standard Code:
Mode of Instruction
Objective Descriptor Independent Work Computer Based Student-Directed Group Teacher-Directed Group Homework
Exploratory topics:
Instructional Planning
Instructional Planning
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Assessing student learning frequently with stan-
dards-based assessments.
yy Instructional teams use student-learning data to plan instruction.
yy Instructional teams use student-learning data to identify students in need of instructional support or en-
hancement & plan instruction accordingly.
yy Instructional teams review the results of unit pre-/post-tests to make decisions about the curriculum and
instructional plans and to “red flag” students in need of intervention (both students in need of tutoring or
extra help and students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of early mastery of objectives).
Indicators in Action
Instructional Planning
Student Profile
Gathering student learning data by an individual teacher helps to clarify the purpose of achievement through the
scope of the whole child. Recording that data in a framework that encourages reflection and conversation within
an Instructional Team builds a pathway for decision-making. A Student Profile is a suggested framework for an
Instructional Team to begin a record of each of their students that concretely provides an on-going glimpse of
the child’s classroom achievement and supports their conversation of assessment data, behavior, and parents.
That profile, or record, might include a concise comment from the child’s previous teacher. An introductory
letter sent by the new teacher at the beginning of the school year could request insightful and simple information
by the parents and child. Ongoing data gleaned from classroom assessments, portfolios, and the student’s
effort at differentiated classroom activities found in the profile gives a quick, but broad, overview of a student’s
motivation and achievement. This record succinctly communicates a student’s efficacy to those most closely
connected and responsible for his/her achievement at a specific time (grade level/subject) in a lifetime pursuit of
Note: It is a good idea to complete a summary form at each parent-teacher-student conference. These forms are
maintained and passed from teacher to teacher, year to year, so that the teacher has a record of previous parent-
teacher-student conferences. This “data” may be added to that described above.
A Student Profile can provide a variety of information (data) to the teacher that is reviewed on an on-going basis,
and supplemented. While academic achievement is at the forefront of a school’s concern, we also recognize the
value of “knowing the whole person.” The Student Profile can perform as that more complete description of the
Student Profile Template
Work Sample H
Parents/Guardians Subject:
Indicators in Action
Interests SLP activities Quarterly Ratings
10) Activity
Parent(s) Very Good (VG), Good (G), Poor (P)
What do I need to know about your child? Student Work Portfolio Classroom Support
Review dates: Rating: IEP Highlights
Clubs, Extracurricular
Complete (C) Incomplete (I)
Class Progress Chart Template
Indicators in Action
Unit of Instrucion:
Student’s Name
Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning: Engaging teachers in differentiating and aligning
learning activities
yy Materials for standards-aligned learning activities are well-organized, labeled, & stored for convenient use
by teachers.
Indicators in Action
Instructional Planning
Weekly Class Schedule Example
Week of: Teacher’s Name:
9:30-10:00 Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time
10:30-11:00 Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time
11:30-12:00 Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time
1:30-2:00 Social Studies WC Social Studies WC Social Studies WC Social Studies WC Social Studies WC
2:00-2:30 Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time
3:00-3:30 Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time Work Time
Indicate in each cell: Whole Class (Subjects); Work Time (Subjects); Lunch; Recess; Specialist Teachers (e.g. Art, Music)
Weekly Class Schedule Template
Week of: Teacher’s Name:
Indicate in each cell: Whole Class (Subjects); Work Time (Subjects); Lunch; Recess; Specialist Teachers (e.g. Art, Music)
Instructional Planning
Indicators in Action
Whole Class Instruction Weekly Outline
Week of: Teacher: Subject:
Review: To provide
students with clear
evaluations of their
progress in attaining
learning goals; detect areas
that need further teaching
or practice; connect prior
learning with new learning.
Think: To introduce new
lesson; continue activating
prior knowledge; stimulate
student cognition relative
to the topic through cues,
advance organizers,
question sprinkling.
Know: To directly
teach the new skills or
concepts through lecture,
demonstration, modeling.
Indicators in Action
Instructional Planning
instruction and back through the business of independent learning. Monitoring the achievement of assigned
tasks determines how each student works toward mastery of the aligned objective. It is opportunity to intervene
as needed, check the completion of work, reinforce and extend “the student’s learning through feedback and im-
mediate instruction at the time when attention is needed and is most effective” (Wang, 1992). Attention to indi-
vidual learning needs is at its peak when the teacher recognizes the success or difficulty each student displays in
a prescribed task and modifies the Student Learning Plan “on the spot.” Early curriculum planning has provided
the teacher with variety and alternative options for learning. Monitoring those instructional tasks contributes to a
teacher’s formative assessment of each student, and keeps the learning targeted.
Using Groups During Work Time
The Student Group is a good time for cooperative learning strategies (see Appendix). The Teacher Group is an
opportunity to directly teach leveled objectives to students with similar readiness. A row of computers or cluster
of computers at tables may provide an area of the classroom for computer-based instruction. While students are
working on their assigned activities in each of these areas, other students may be doing independent work at their
desks. Students can move from area to area during a class session, engaging in a series of activities targeted to
their need. So how does each student know what to do, which activities the teacher has planned just for him or
her? Student Learning Plans are a perfect organizational tool for personalizing instruction and encourging self-
directed learning in students.
Student Learning Plans (SLPs)
The unit pre-test gives the teacher a basis for individualizing the first Student Learning Plan of the unit. Then the
teacher adjusts the Student Learning Plan, and each subsequent Student Learning Plan, in response to the stu-
dent’s demonstrated mastery of objectives in the assigned learning activities. The class progress chart helps the
teacher keep track of how everyone is progressing in meeting the objectives of the unit. Scanning the chart also
helps the teacher know where to re-teach, alter whole-class instruction, or focus instruction at the Teacher Group.
When a Student Learning Plan is completed, it is sent home for review by parents and then returned to the stu-
dent’s file. At the end of a unit of instruction (or the end of a grading period), the Student Learning Report is sent
home to parents to report the student’s progress toward learning objectives.
It is a good idea for the teacher to keep a copy of each different SLP used for the week, with the names of the
students who were given that SLP attached. These are called student monitoring SLPs, help the teacher keep track
of who is doing what, and provide a backup in case an SLP is misplaced. When the teacher changes the student’s
SLP during the week, the change can be noted on the student monitoring SLP. Of course, the student’s copy of the
SLP is a record of activities completed as well as assigned, and when finally placed in the student’s file provides
perfect documentation of what the student has done.
See the template for a Student Learning Plan on the following page. SLPs for kindergarten and early grades can
be created using symbols and colors instead of words to direct the students to centers and activities. Activity
packets can be similarly coded and colored.
Wang, M. C. (1992). Adaptive education strategies: Building on diversity. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.
Student Learning Plan Template
Student’s Name: Teacher’s Name:
2) 4) CC 2) 4)
2 1) 3) AC 1) 3)
2) 4) CC 2) 4)
3 1) 3) AC 1) 3)
2) 4) CC 2) 4)
4 1) 3) AC 1) 3)
2) 4) CC 2) 4)
5 1) 3) AC 1) 3)
2) 4) CC 2) 4)
Centers: AC = Activity Center and number of activity to complete; CC = Cooperative Center; EC = Exploratory Center
Activity Number and Title correspond with Activity Instructions.
Student: Draw line through completed activity. Teacher Check indicates that sequence was completed by student.
Teacher Comments:
Parent Comments:
Reflection Activity
Use this template to reflect on how the Classroom Management indicators are currently implemented in your classroom. Refer back to it, as you
plan for their improved implementation in your classroom.
Instructional Planning What Do You Do Now? How Can It Be Improved? What Is Your First Step?
School Leadership and Decision
Making: Establishing a team
structure with specific dutires and
time for instructional planning.
Instructional Planning What Do You Do Now? How Can It Be Improved? What Is Your First Step?
Curriculum, Assessment, and
Instructional Planning: Engaging
teachers in aligning instruction with
standards and benchmarks.
Indicators in Action
Instructional Planning What Do You Do Now? How Can It Be Improved? What Is Your First Step?
Instructional teams review the results of
unit pre-/post-tests to make decisions
about the curriculum & instructional
plans & to “red flag” students in
need of intervention (both students
Indicators in Action
For more information, please visit www.indistar.org/Action
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