Kamstrup 382J
Kamstrup 382J
Kamstrup 382J
kWh meter 5(105)A without breaker
kWh meter 5(85)A with breaker
Measurement in 4 quadrants
Measurement in up to 8 tariffs
Load profile in 4 quadrants
DLMS/COSEM compliant
OBIS identification codes
Voltage quality measurement
Safe data logging of consumption
D ata s h eet
Kamstrup 382J is a direct connected electricity meter for three independent and galvanically separated measuring
registration of electric energy. The meter is full electronic systems, the meter makes accurate measurements whether
without movable parts. Thus, shock and impact during it measures on 1, 2, or 3 systems. The energy registration is
transportation and mounting do not affect energy saved in the integral data logger, which ensures good data
registration. history with its depth of 36.
Furthermore, measurements are correct, no matter the As standard, all 382J meter types offer real time load profile
physical mounting direction. generation for all 4 quadrants. The load profile provides
The shunt measuring principle gives good linearity, a detailed information about consumed or produced energy.
considerable dynamic range, and ensures that the meter is Kamstrup 382J offers smart disconnect functionality as well
not influenced by magnetism. as prepayment as standard. Smart disconnect allows control
The easily readable display scrolls automatically between of the internal relays based on exceeding a current/power
readings, or readings can be changed manually by the limit.
consumer activating the push button. The required display The prepayment functionality uses a countdown register to
readings as well as their order are configurable. control the internal breakers.
In addition to being read from the display, data can be The meter is configurable and can be supplied from the
collected via the optical output or from the module area by factory with required functions. A minimum of handling
means of a suitable communication module. The unique during installation is thus secured.
module area permits external changing of tariffs, pulse input
and output, and configuration as well as connection of AMR
and AMM modules.
Kamstrup 382J has DLMS/COSEM as standard. DLMS/
COSEM is an open standardized protocol, which can be
accessed by both the optical eye as well as a suitable
communication module placed in the module area. This
ensure that Kamstrup 382J is interchangeable with DLMS/
COSEM compliant meter types from other producers.
From the factory, the meter can be configured to measure Kamstrup A/S
both imported and exported energy. As it is constructed with Industrivej 28, Stilling
DK-8660 Skanderborg
TEL: +45 89 93 10 00
FAX: +45 89 93 10 01
5810559_H1_GB_02.2011 www.kamstrup.com
Meter types with and without breaker Like voltage drop, energy consumption is calculated as an
expression of the current compared to the phase voltage and time.
Meter types without breaker: 382B, 382C, 382Jx2, 382Jx3,
382Jx4, 382Jx5, 382Jx6, 382Jx7 The energy registration per measuring system is communicated to
the meter’s legal processor via the meter’s internal bus system.
Meter types with breaker: 382D, 382E, 382JxB, 382JxC,
382JxD, 382JxE, 382JxF, 382JxG After correction the energies are summed in the main energy
Display Permanent memory
The display is a liquid crystal display that makes it possible to Measured and calculated data is safely stored in the memory
read out the meter’s registers. Available registers depend on the (EEprom). Data is stored by every change in energy register values.
Furthermore the below mentioned values are stored at the end of
The display configuration is constructed as 3 independent display a debiting period.
lists. One for automatic shift function, one for manual shift
function and one for battery supplied shift function. The display is Active energy A+
constructed of segments as shown on the figure. Active energy A-
7 digit identification field Quadrant reading Status reading Reactive energy R+
Reactive energy R-
Active energy A+ Tariff ( T1-T4 )
Reactive energy R+ Tariff ( T1-T4 )
Peak power P+max Tariff 1
Peak power P+max Tariff 1 Hour
Value field L1 L2 L3 T1 T2 T3 T4 Unit field
Peak power P+max Tariff 1 Date
Peak power P+max Tariff 2
Mains voltage reading Tariff reading Peak power P+max Tariff 2 Hour
Value field Peak power P+max Tariff 2 Date
Peak power P+max
This field is used for displaying register values.
Peak power P+max Date
7 digit identification field
Peak power P+max Hour
OBIS code identification of the value in the value field.
Accumulated peak power P+max akk
Quadrant reading Date
The actual active quadrant is indicated. Hour
Status reading Hour counter
Indication of critical internal errors and magnetic influence. Number of debiting periods
Unit field Power threshold counter
Pulse input
This field is used for displaying the units of registers in the value
Optical reading
Tariff reading An optical infrared sender and receiver is placed on the front of
Displays the active tariff, if tariffs is chosen. the electricity meter to the left.
Mains voltage reading This optical reading can be used to read data or to configure e.g.
Indicates whether mains is connected above cut-off by either display set-up and pulse figure.
flashing or being permanently on for each individual phase. When By using METERTOOL for kWh meter, the meter’s 3-display lists can
flashing voltage is above cut-off but current is below cut-off. be configured. Furthermore the integration period, target date for
debiting logger and debiting logging interval can be changed.
The automatic shift function (scoll) changes between the selected Finally the pulse input on the meter can be scaled and tariffs can
readings in the required order every 10 sec. Historical data cannot be changed.
be selected in the automatic shift function. Up to 16 readings can
It is not possible to change the meter’s legal data without breaking
be selected.
the verification seal.
Operation of the manual shift function is activated by pushing and
releasing the push button. The order is optional, however it is not
possible to opt out the legal readings. Up to 30 readings can be
A battery operated shift function can be selected, which makes
it possible to read the display without the meter being mains
supplied. This require a battery backup. Activating the push button
changes the reading. Up to 8 readings can be selected.
The meter automatically returns from manual shift function to
automatic scroll function two min. after the last activation of the
push button.
Energy measurement
The meter has one shunt per measuring system and resistance
division for voltage measurement.
Load profile
Load profile is configurable to 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes following the integration period.
The number of profiles generated follow the selected energy type of the meter.
Minutter 5 15 30 60
A+ 37 110 225 450
A+/A- 26 80 160 320
A+/A-/R+/R- 17 50 100 200
Main terminals Voltage outputs
Elevating connections Size 0.25 – 1.5 mm², 5 mm
Cable terminal forks
Size For use with connector type:
Screws TORX Tx 10
Multi core 7-core Massive/cable Torque 1Nm
Brass terminal ≥ 10 mm² ≥ 10 mm² ≥ 4 mm²
35 mm²
Steel terminal ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 1.5 mm²
35 mm²
Steel terminal ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 1.5 mm²
25 mm²
Load curve
Fejl i %i %
cos(ϕ)=1= 1
0,0 cos(ϕ)=0,5
Cos(phi) = 0,5 ind.
Cos(phi) cap.
= 0,8 cap.
5 20 100 200 840 1680
Load in %
Belastning i %of I
af Ib
Påvirkningfrom voltage variation
fra spændingsvariation
Fejl i %i %
Cos(phi) = 1
Cos(ϕ)=0,5 ind.ind.
Cos(phi) = 0,5
40 80 90 110 115
Voltage ini %
Spænding %afofUnUn
Influence from
Påvirkning fra frequency variation
0,5 I=0,1Ib,
I=0,1 lb, Cos(phi)=1
I=0,5 lmax,
-0,5 Cos(ϕ)=0,5
98 102
i %% of Un
af fn
Influence fromfratemperature
Påvirkning temperaturvariationvariation
I=0,1 lb,Cos(phi)=1
I=0,1Ib, Cos(ϕ)=1
Fejl i %
I=Ib, Cos(phi)=1
I=lmax, Cos(ϕ)=1
I=Imax, Cos(phi)=1
-40 -25 -10 5 40 55 70
I=Itr, Cos(ϕ)=1
I=ltr, Cos(phi)=1 – frequency variation
-40 -25 -10 5 23 40 55 70
Configuration 5 (RRR)
RRR Frequency – transmitting power
RRR Frequency – transmitting power
None 000
EU 310 RF S 310
EU 311 RF S 311
EU 312 RF S 312
EU 319 RF K 319
SE 320 RF S 320
SE 321 RF S 321
SE 322 RF S 322
SE 328 RF K 328
NO 330 RF S 330
NO 339 RF K 339
DK 340 RF S 340
DK 349 RF K 349
3-phase, 4-wire
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+ -
S0 20 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+ -
S0 20 21
Phase indication
Lights individually, when
power is on the phase. 684-38A-C4-00-010 2007W13
Sn:1 EN 50470-1/3
3 x230/400V -40 - +70C
0,5-5(85)A 50 Hz T10063
LED/S0:1000 imp/kWh
Kl. A (3) EN 62053-23
41,5 90
Configuration SW, METERTOOL for kWh meter 68 99 570
Long terminal cover 60 mm 30 26 226
Extra long terminal cover 100 mm 30 26 323
Long terminal cover, meter with breaker 30 26 362
Optical reading head with 9-pole-t Dsub connector 66 99 102
Optical reading head with USB connector 66 99 099
DIN rail mounting 68 30 007
Extension for the top mounting ring 68 30 010
Top fitting, metal bow 68 50 101
Contact plugs, 50 pcs. 68 50 102
Cable terminals, 50 pcs. 68 50 103
Supercap for backup of RTC 68 30 012
Lithium battery for backup of RTC 68 30 013