Kamstrup 382J

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Kamstrup 382

kWh meter 5(105)A without breaker
kWh meter 5(85)A with breaker
Measurement in 4 quadrants
Measurement in up to 8 tariffs
Load profile in 4 quadrants
DLMS/COSEM compliant
OBIS identification codes
Voltage quality measurement
Safe data logging of consumption
D ata s h eet

Safe data logging of events

Immune to magnetic influence Type approved according to:
Active positive energy
Tamper detection
EN 50470-1 (MID)
Real-time clock (RTC) EN 50470-3 (MID)
EN 62056-21 Mode A Active negative energy and reactive energy
IEC 62052-11
IEC 62053-21
IEC 62053-23

Kamstrup 382J is a direct connected electricity meter for three independent and galvanically separated measuring
registration of electric energy. The meter is full electronic systems, the meter makes accurate measurements whether
without movable parts. Thus, shock and impact during it measures on 1, 2, or 3 systems. The energy registration is
transportation and mounting do not affect energy saved in the integral data logger, which ensures good data
registration. history with its depth of 36.
Furthermore, measurements are correct, no matter the As standard, all 382J meter types offer real time load profile
physical mounting direction. generation for all 4 quadrants. The load profile provides
The shunt measuring principle gives good linearity, a detailed information about consumed or produced energy.
considerable dynamic range, and ensures that the meter is Kamstrup 382J offers smart disconnect functionality as well
not influenced by magnetism. as prepayment as standard. Smart disconnect allows control
The easily readable display scrolls automatically between of the internal relays based on exceeding a current/power
readings, or readings can be changed manually by the limit.
consumer activating the push button. The required display The prepayment functionality uses a countdown register to
readings as well as their order are configurable. control the internal breakers.
In addition to being read from the display, data can be The meter is configurable and can be supplied from the
collected via the optical output or from the module area by factory with required functions. A minimum of handling
means of a suitable communication module. The unique during installation is thus secured.
module area permits external changing of tariffs, pulse input
and output, and configuration as well as connection of AMR
and AMM modules.
Kamstrup 382J has DLMS/COSEM as standard. DLMS/
COSEM is an open standardized protocol, which can be
accessed by both the optical eye as well as a suitable
communication module placed in the module area. This
ensure that Kamstrup 382J is interchangeable with DLMS/
COSEM compliant meter types from other producers.
From the factory, the meter can be configured to measure Kamstrup A/S
both imported and exported energy. As it is constructed with Industrivej 28, Stilling
DK-8660 Skanderborg
TEL: +45 89 93 10 00
FAX: +45 89 93 10 01
5810559_H1_GB_02.2011 www.kamstrup.com
Meter types with and without breaker Like voltage drop, energy consumption is calculated as an
expression of the current compared to the phase voltage and time.
Meter types without breaker: 382B, 382C, 382Jx2, 382Jx3,
382Jx4, 382Jx5, 382Jx6, 382Jx7 The energy registration per measuring system is communicated to
the meter’s legal processor via the meter’s internal bus system.
Meter types with breaker: 382D, 382E, 382JxB, 382JxC,
382JxD, 382JxE, 382JxF, 382JxG After correction the energies are summed in the main energy
Display Permanent memory
The display is a liquid crystal display that makes it possible to Measured and calculated data is safely stored in the memory
read out the meter’s registers. Available registers depend on the (EEprom). Data is stored by every change in energy register values.
Furthermore the below mentioned values are stored at the end of
The display configuration is constructed as 3 independent display a debiting period.
lists. One for automatic shift function, one for manual shift
function and one for battery supplied shift function. The display is Active energy A+
constructed of segments as shown on the figure. Active energy A-
7 digit identification field Quadrant reading Status reading Reactive energy R+
Reactive energy R-
Active energy A+ Tariff ( T1-T4 )
Reactive energy R+ Tariff ( T1-T4 )
Peak power P+max Tariff 1
Peak power P+max Tariff 1 Hour
Value field L1 L2 L3 T1 T2 T3 T4 Unit field
Peak power P+max Tariff 1 Date
Peak power P+max Tariff 2
Mains voltage reading Tariff reading Peak power P+max Tariff 2 Hour
Value field Peak power P+max Tariff 2 Date
Peak power P+max
This field is used for displaying register values.
Peak power P+max Date
7 digit identification field
Peak power P+max Hour
OBIS code identification of the value in the value field.
Accumulated peak power P+max akk
Quadrant reading Date
The actual active quadrant is indicated. Hour
Status reading Hour counter
Indication of critical internal errors and magnetic influence. Number of debiting periods
Unit field Power threshold counter
Pulse input
This field is used for displaying the units of registers in the value
Optical reading
Tariff reading An optical infrared sender and receiver is placed on the front of
Displays the active tariff, if tariffs is chosen. the electricity meter to the left.
Mains voltage reading This optical reading can be used to read data or to configure e.g.
Indicates whether mains is connected above cut-off by either display set-up and pulse figure.
flashing or being permanently on for each individual phase. When By using METERTOOL for kWh meter, the meter’s 3-display lists can
flashing voltage is above cut-off but current is below cut-off. be configured. Furthermore the integration period, target date for
debiting logger and debiting logging interval can be changed.
The automatic shift function (scoll) changes between the selected Finally the pulse input on the meter can be scaled and tariffs can
readings in the required order every 10 sec. Historical data cannot be changed.
be selected in the automatic shift function. Up to 16 readings can
It is not possible to change the meter’s legal data without breaking
be selected.
the verification seal.
Operation of the manual shift function is activated by pushing and
releasing the push button. The order is optional, however it is not
possible to opt out the legal readings. Up to 30 readings can be
A battery operated shift function can be selected, which makes
it possible to read the display without the meter being mains
supplied. This require a battery backup. Activating the push button
changes the reading. Up to 8 readings can be selected.
The meter automatically returns from manual shift function to
automatic scroll function two min. after the last activation of the
push button.

Energy measurement
The meter has one shunt per measuring system and resistance
division for voltage measurement.

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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S0 pulse output Kamstrup 382 with radio
Emits pulses of active energy at 1000 pulses per kWh. The pulses These meter types have build in radio communication on the
are emitted synchronously with the LED. electricity meter’s main circuit board.
The S0-output is specified according to the standard This is to optimise the product and eliminates the need for
DIN 43864. mounting the radio module subsequently.
The maximum voltage, which may be connected to the S0 output, When the meter’s module area is used with an other type of
is 27 VDC (at 1 kΩ), and the maximum current, which may be communication, the integrated radio communication will be
drawn through the output, is 27 mA. deactivated.
The pulse duration is 30 msec.
Kamstrup 382 with breaker
Plug-in modules These meter types have build in disconnect function.
If needed, Kamstrup 382 can be extended by a plug-in This means it is possible to disconnect the mains output from the
module without subsequent reverification. electricity meter.
The module area communicates with the electricity meter’s The disconnection can be done locally by using the meter’s
microprocessor via an internal data bus from the module area. push button, automatically by either the smart disconnect or
This provides innumerable functional possibilities, extra prepayment function, by METERTOOL for kWh meter or remotely by
pulse output, tariff modules, power supply modules and data a connected reading system.
communication via GSM/GPRS, PLC, TCP/IP, radio or other medias. The disconnection must NOT be used as a safety switch.
The meter can be re-connected via the same media as it has been

Load profile
Load profile is configurable to 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes following the integration period.
The number of profiles generated follow the selected energy type of the meter.

Logging depth in days for 382J:

Minutter 5 15 30 60
A+ 37 110 225 450
A+/A- 26 80 160 320
A+/A-/R+/R- 17 50 100 200

Approved measuring data

The meter is type approved according to the Measurement
Instrument Directive (MID) for active positive energy and
according to national requirements for other energy sizes
where required.

Approval Norm Approval Norm

Type test according to Terminal according to DIN 43857
– Active positive energy EN 50470-1 S0 pulse output according to DIN 43864
EN 50470-3
Optical reading according to DLMS/COSEM
– Reactive energy as well as
and EN 62056-21 Mode A
active negative energy IEC 62052-11
IEC 62053-21 OBIS codes according to IEC 62056-61
IEC 62053-23

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Technical data
Measuring principle Application area Indoors or outdoors in suitable
– Current Single phased current meter cabinet
measurement by current shunt
Internal consumption per phase
– Voltage Single phased voltage
measurement by voltage divider 382BC
Nominal voltage Un 3x230V ± 10% Current circuit 0.01 VA
(only for Aron meter)
Voltage circuit 0.5 VA, 0.1 W
1x230V ± 10%
2x230/400V ± 10%
3x230/400V ± 10% 382J without breaker
Current circuit 0.01 VA
Current Ib(Imax)
Voltage circuit 0.5 VA, 0.2 W
382 without breaker 382 with breaker 35 mm²
5(105)A 35 mm² 382DEJ with breaker

10(60)A 10(65)A Current circuit 0.01 VA

10(85)A 10(85)A Voltage circuit 0.7 VA, 0.45 W

5(85)A 5(85)A Material

– Cover Transparent polycarbonate
Class A – Base Glass reinforced polycarbonate
Data storage EEprom
Nominal frequency fn 50/60 Hz ± 2% > 10 years without voltage
Phase displacement Unlimited, not for Aron Display LCD, 7 mm-digit height
meters however (Value- and unit fields)
Operating temperature -40°C - +70°C LCD, 5 mm-digit height
(Identification readings)
Storage temperature -40°C - + 85°C LCD, 3 mm-digit height
Protective class IP52 (voltage- and tariff-readings)

Protection class II Meter constant 1000 imp./kWh,

1000 imp./kvarh
Relative humidity < 75% year’s average at 21°C
< 95% less than 30 days/year, Real Time Clock (RTC)
at 25°C
Accuracy Typical 5 ppm at 23°C
Real time clock backup
382 without breaker 382 with breaker – Battery life > 10 years at normal operation
– Supercap life > 10 years at normal operation
Approx. 680 g Approx. 1200 g
Supercap operating hours A week fully charged
S0-pulse diode 1000 imp./kWh
Pulse duration 30 ms ±10%
S0-pulse output 1000 imp./kWh
Pulse duration 30 ms ±10%
Short circuits level 4500 A²t

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Connection modules
The meter can be supplied or retrofitted with the following inputs M-Bus Remote reading via M-Bus system.
and outputs from main circuit board by connection modules,
without reverification. 2 tariffs Tariff control via external 230 VAC.
S0 Supply Sends 24 V via a two wire and Current Loop Tariff control of 2 or 4 tariffs,
pulses, by pulling down the supply CS and 230 VAC.
at 0 V at each pulse.
PLC Remote reading via power line
Data/pulse Serial RS232 communication, open communication.
collector, 300/1200 baud.
TCP/IP Remote reading via TCP/IP
Maximum load (current).
GSM/GPRS Remote reading via GSM/GPRS
Pulse value Pulse width/Pulse pause
Imp/kWh, Imp/kvar
Supports SMS reading.
30 msec 80 msec
Radio Remote reading via radio
1 105A 105A
10 105A 105A (Build-in in 382C, 382E, Jx4, Jx5,
100 105A 105A Jx6, Jx7, JxD, JxE, JxF, JxG, JxH, Jx9)
1000 86A 32A
10000 8,6A 3,2A

Main terminals Voltage outputs
Elevating connections Size 0.25 – 1.5 mm², 5 mm
Cable terminal forks
Size For use with connector type:
Screws TORX Tx 10
Multi core 7-core Massive/cable Torque 1Nm
Brass terminal ≥ 10 mm² ≥ 10 mm² ≥ 4 mm²
35 mm²
Steel terminal ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 1.5 mm²
35 mm²
Steel terminal ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 6 mm² ≥ 1.5 mm²
25 mm²

Screws PZ 2 and straight slot

Torque 2.5 – 3 Nm

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Typical accuracy charts

Load curve



Fejl i %i %
cos(ϕ)=1= 1

0,0 cos(ϕ)=0,5
Cos(phi) = 0,5 ind.
Cos(phi) cap.
= 0,8 cap.

5 20 100 200 840 1680
Load in %
Belastning i %of I
af Ib

Påvirkningfrom voltage variation
fra spændingsvariation


Fejl i %i %

Cos(phi) = 1

Cos(ϕ)=0,5 ind.ind.
Cos(phi) = 0,5


40 80 90 110 115
Voltage ini %
Spænding %afofUnUn

Influence from
Påvirkning fra frequency variation


0,5 I=0,1Ib,
I=0,1 lb, Cos(phi)=1


0,0 I=0,5 lmax,


I=0,5 lmax,
-0,5 Cos(ϕ)=0,5

98 102
i %% of Un
af fn

Influence fromfratemperature
Påvirkning temperaturvariationvariation



I=0,1 lb,Cos(phi)=1
I=0,1Ib, Cos(ϕ)=1
Fejl i %

0,0 I=lb, Cos(ϕ)=1


I=Ib, Cos(phi)=1
I=lmax, Cos(ϕ)=1
I=Imax, Cos(phi)=1


-40 -25 -10 5 40 55 70

MPE (Maximum permissible error)

Composite error from:
1,0 – load
0,5 – Voltage variation
Fejl i %i %

I=Itr, Cos(ϕ)=1
I=ltr, Cos(phi)=1 – frequency variation

0,0 I=10 ltr, Cos(phi)=1

I=10 Itr, Cos(ϕ)=1
I=Imax, Cos(ϕ)=1
Cos(phi)=1 – temperature variation

-40 -25 -10 5 23 40 55 70

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Ordering details
684- X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10
X1 Phases
3x230V 2
3x230/400V 3
X2 Current
0.25-5(105)A 35 mm² 1
0.25-5(65)A 4
0.5-10(60)A 6
0.5-10(85)A 7
0.25-5(85)A 8
X3 Class
Class A A
Class B B
X4 Generation
Basis B
Communication C
Disconnect D
Comm + Disconnect E
DLMS and load profile J
X5 Energy type
A+ 1
A+/A- 2
A+/A-/R+/R- 4
A+/R1 5
X6 HW option
Basis 1
RTC (Battery) 2
RTC (Supercap) 3
RF S incl. battery 4
RF K incl. battery 5
RF S incl. Supercap 6
RF K incl. Supercap 7
Breaker, battery, supercap B
Breaker, supercap C
Breaker, RF Senea, supercap, battery D
Breaker, RF Kamstrup, supercap, battery E
Breaker, RF Senea, supercap F
Breaker, RF Kamstrup, supercap G
X7 Tariff configurable
No tariff 1
2-tariff 2
Configurable 3
4-tariff 4
X8 X9 X10 Country code
DK 010
RUS 025
ES 031
NO 040
LV 045
LIT 049
GB 050
A 055
CH-I 059
EST 061
CH-D 063
PL 064
CH-F 065
ISL 067
DE 070
NL 080
FIN 084
SE 090

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Configuration 1 (A-B-CCC-DD-E)
A Decimals displayed (locked)
A Decimals in display B LED configuration (locked)
7.0 1 CCC Module
6.1 2 DD Input / output configuration
B LED configuration E Integration period
LED switched off without consumption 1
LED switched on without consumption 2
CCC Module
No module, OK 000
S0 Supply module, SK 001
Data/pulse module, RK 003
M-Bus module, MK 005
Tariff module, 4 tariff, 230 V, WK 008
Tariff module, 4 tariff, 230 V, CS, PK 018
S0 Pulse module 021
PLC module, router, ext. RTC 039
IP101i, TCP/IP module 040
Radio module, high power 043
Radio module, router, S 052
GSM6i, GSM6i/RF, GSM7i 053
S input/output 055
Wireless M-Bus 064
DD Input/output configuration
Contact Kamstrup XX
E Integration period
5 min. 1
15 min. 2
30 min. 3
60 min. 4

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Configuration 2 (FFF-GG-HH-I)
FFF Display configuration –
Contact Kamstrup for further information.
GG Target date
GG Target date
External controlled 00
HH Debiting logging interval
1. 01
2. 02 I Various
3. 03
4. 04
5. 05
6. 06
7. 07
8. 08
9. 09
10. 10
11. 11
12. 12
13. 13
14. 14
15. 15
16. 16
17. 17
18. 18
19. 19
20. 20
21. 21
22. 22
23. 23
24. 24
25. 25
26. 26
27. 27
28. 28
HH Debiting logging interval
None (external controlled) 00
Monthly 01
Every second month, January 02
Every socond month, February 03
Every third month, January 04
Every third month, February 05
Every third month, Marts 06
Half-yearly, January 07
Half-yearly, February 08
Half-yearly, Marts 09
Half-yearly, April 10
Half-yearly, May 11
Half-yearly, June 12
Yearly, January 13
Yearly, February 14
Yearly, Marts 15
Yearly, April 16
Yearly, May 17
Yearly, June 18
Yearly, July 19
Yearly, August 20
Yearly, September 21
Yearly, October 22
Yearly, November 23
Yearly, December 24
I Various
30ms, pulses 1
80ms, pulses 3

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Configuration 3 (JJ-K-LL-M-NN)
JJ Disconnect setup
JJ Disconnect setup K Peak power
None 00 LL GMT
K Peak power M Available
Peak power standard 0 NN Unit pulse input
Peak power for tariff 1 1
Peak power for tariff 2 2
0 London 00
1 DK, DE, FR, ES 01
2 FIN 02
3 03
4 04
5 05
6 06
7 07
8 08
9 09
10 10
11 11
12 12
-11 13
-10 14
-9 15
-8 16
-7 17
-6 18
-5 19
-4 20
-3 21
-2 22
-1 23
M Available
None 0
NN Unit pulse input
None 00
kWh 01
m³ 02
L 03

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Configuration 4 (OOO-PPP-QQ)
OOO Tariff control table/Holiday table/
Table for summer/normal time plan
OOO Tariff control table
PPP Summer/normal time table
Contact Kamstrup XXX
QQ Protocol
PPP Summer/normal time table
None 000
001 EU 001
QQ Protocol
None 00

Configuration 5 (RRR)
RRR Frequency – transmitting power
RRR Frequency – transmitting power
None 000
EU 310 RF S 310
EU 311 RF S 311
EU 312 RF S 312
EU 319 RF K 319
SE 320 RF S 320
SE 321 RF S 321
SE 322 RF S 322
SE 328 RF K 328
NO 330 RF S 330
NO 339 RF K 339
DK 340 RF S 340
DK 349 RF K 349

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Connect the meter in accordance with the installation diagram on Connection diagrams
the meter’s type label. The valid connection diagram appears from the type label on the
front of the meter.

3-phase, 4-wire

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
+ -
S0 20 21

3-phase, 3-wire (Aron)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

+ -
S0 20 21

Security and installation guide lines

The meter shall only to be used for measuring electrical energy Current local standards, guidelines, regulations and instruction
and shall operate within the specified values only. must be observed. Only authorised personnel are permitted to
The meter must be switched off when working on it. It can be install electricity meters. Meters for direct connection must be
highly dangerous to touch the meter parts when the meter is protected against short circuit by a backup fuse in accordance with
switched on. the maximum current stated on the meter.
Therefore, the relevant safety fuse must be removed and kept in a The meter constant LED blinks proportionally to the consumed
place where unauthorised persons cannot insert it. active energy.
Only authorised personnel must break the sealing.

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

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Phase indication
Lights individually, when
power is on the phase. 684-38A-C4-00-010 2007W13
Sn:1 EN 50470-1/3
3 x230/400V -40 - +70C
0,5-5(85)A 50 Hz T10063
LED/S0:1000 imp/kWh
Kl. A (3) EN 62053-23

The electricity meter's connection The electricity meter is provided

terminals can be sealed in the with verification sealings from the
usual way through the sealing factory, which are visible through
screws and the meter's top cover. the top cover.

Kamstrup 382 without

Kamstrup 382BC breaker Kamstrup 382 with
Kamstrup breaker

41,5 90

Kamstrup 382 J-generation

Kamstrup Metering Solutions 13 5810559_H1_GB_02.2011
S0 Supply module SK 68 50 001
Data/pulse module, relay output RK 68 50 003
M-Bus module MK 68 50 005
Tariff module, 4 tariffs, 230 VAC WK 68 50 008
Tariff module, 4 tariffs, 230 VAC, current loop PK 68 50 018
S0 Pulse module 68 50 021
PLC module, router, external RTC PO 68 50 039
IP101i, TCP/IP module IK 68 50 040
Radio module, router, high power QR 68 50 043
S RF router 68 50 052
GSM6i, GSM6i/RF, GSM7i 68 50 053
S input / output 68 50 055
Wireless M-Bus 68 50 064

Configuration SW, METERTOOL for kWh meter 68 99 570

Long terminal cover 60 mm 30 26 226
Extra long terminal cover 100 mm 30 26 323
Long terminal cover, meter with breaker 30 26 362
Optical reading head with 9-pole-t Dsub connector 66 99 102
Optical reading head with USB connector 66 99 099
DIN rail mounting 68 30 007
Extension for the top mounting ring 68 30 010
Top fitting, metal bow 68 50 101
Contact plugs, 50 pcs. 68 50 102
Cable terminals, 50 pcs. 68 50 103
Supercap for backup of RTC 68 30 012
Lithium battery for backup of RTC 68 30 013

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