Final Faculty Position Recruitment

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राष्ट्रीय प्रोद्योगि की संस्थान, द ु ापुर


Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur – 713209,
West Bengal, India, Website
Tele: 0343-275-2100 Fax: 0343-254-7375

Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC/PWD For Faculty Positions

Advertisement No. NITD/Estt./01/06/2019 Dated: 21.06.2019

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, an Institute of National Importance under Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Government of India invites applications from Indian nationals possessing excellent
academic background along with commitment to quality teaching and research under Special Recruitment
Drive for SC/ST/OBC/PWD of Faculty positions as per following table in different departments. Annexure
– I:

Sl.No. Name of the Post Pay Scale

1 Professor Level-14A, Pay Matrix ₹. 159100-220200/-. 159100-220200/-

2 Associate Professor Level -13A2, Pay Matrix: ₹. 159100-220200/-. 139600-211300/-

3 Assistant Professor Grade-I Level -12, Pay Matrix: ₹. 159100-220200/-. 101500-167400/-
4 Assistant Professor Grade-II Level -11, Pay Matrix: ₹. 159100-220200/-. 84800- 117200/-

5 Assistant Professor Grade-II Level -10, Pay Matrix: ₹. 159100-220200/-. 70900- 98200/-


Qualifications for the Post:- PhD with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate
branch with a very good academic record throughout.
Detailed Educational Qualifications, Experience and other criteria for selection shall be as per the Modified
Recruitment Rule (MRR) for Faculty in NITs approved in the Minutes of the meeting of the Council of
NITSER on 26th May, 2017, issued by MHRD, GOI vide No. 33-9/2011-TS.III, dated 29/05/2017 and
published in the Gazette of India dated 24.07.2017 and also available on our website at
Last date of receipt of complete application at 05.00 P.M on July 19, 2019.

Eligibility Criteria for Faculty Positions:-

Sl. Posts Essential Requirements for the post Cumulative

No essential
Credit points
01 Professor 10 years after Ph.D. or 13 years total working experience, 80
out of which 07 years should be after Ph.D. At least 03
years at the level of Associate Professor with AGP of
Rs. 9500/- or 04 years at the level of Associate Professor
with AGP of Rs. 9000/- or combination of Rs. 9000/- and
Rs. 9500/- or equivalent in an Institution of repute/R&D
lab or relevant Industry.
02 Associate Professor 06 years after Ph.D. of which at least 03 years at the level 50
of Assistant Professor with AGP Rs. 8000/- or
09 years total working experience of which 03 years
should be after Ph.D., with at least 03 years at the level of
Assistant Professor with AGP Rs. 8000/-
03 03 years after Ph.D. or 06 years total teaching and 20
Assistant Professor Grade-I research experience in reputed academic Institute/R&D
Labs/relevant industry.
04 Assistant Professor Grade-II 01 year post Ph.D. experience of Teaching and Research 10
in Institution of repute/Industry.
05 Assistant Professor Grade-II Ph.D. only NIL

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Academic Compensations and Incentives
In addition to normal pay and allowances as applicable to the central government employees stationed at
Durgapur, following additional incentives are also available to the faculty members:
a) Full funding for attending National/International conference either for presenting a paper or chairing
session as per Institute guidelines membership of professional societies and purchase of books under
Professional Development Allowance (PDA), limited to `3.00 lakh in 3 years for all taken together
(policy may change from time to time as per GOI guidelines).
b) Accommodation: Suitable residential accommodation as per rules subject to availability will be provided
in the Institute Campus. HRA as per GOI norm may be paid in lieu of residential accommodation.

General Information
1. All Qualifications, Experiences will be considered as on or before 19.07.2019(Closing date of
2. Application along with all the relevant documents must be submitted by the candidate.

3. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD is as per GOI Rules.

4. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates is applicable as per government of India norms.

5. Candidates should submit their valid SC/ST/OBC/PWDs/Disability Certificate issued by the competent
Authority in the prescribed format along with application form, in support of their claim.

6. The valid OBC-Non Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) certificate should be issued as per the prescribed
format of Government of India by appropriate Authority.

7. All degrees mentioned in the application should be awarded by an Institute/ University recognised by
the Government.

8. No person, (i) who had entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or
(ii) who is having a spouse alive, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be
eligible for appointment to the said post;

9. As an Institute of National Importance, NITD strives to have a workforce which reflects an all India
character and hence candidates from all over the country are encouraged to apply.
10. NITD strives to have a workforce which also reflects gender balance and hence women candidates are
especially encouraged to apply.

11. Persons employed in Government / Semi Government Organizations or Autonomous Bodies

should submit their application through proper channel .

12. Selection shall be made following the details guidelines as per Modified Recruitment Rule9MRR) for
Faculty in NITs, approved by President of India and published in Gazette of India dated July 24, 2017.
However, the Institute may implement any revision/modification/amendment to the MRR duly
approved and notified by Government of India from time to time.

13. There shall be no distinction between external and internal candidates with regard to the requirements of
essential qualification, essential requirements and cumulative essential credit points and experience in
Schedule of MMR. However, there shall be no constraint with respect to specialisation for the serving
faculty members in this institute applying for higher post/grade pay.

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14. All new entrants shall have Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline and shall have first class in
preceding degrees.
 Incase first class is not mentioned in the preceding degrees, then the candidates should have passed
and secured at least 6.5CGPA(on a 10-point scale) or 60% marks in aggregate
 Conversion from CGPA to percentage or vice versa given by individual Institute/University will not
be considered/allowed for determination of eligibility.
 In case the candidate has passed and secured CGPA under any other point scale (other than 10 point
scale), then certificate issued by the authorized signatory (not the Mentor/Supervisor/Head of the
Department) of the Institute/University to the effect of having secured first class in such degree
must be attached. Alternately, the CGPA may be equivalently converted on 10 point scale for
determination of eligibility.
 The above mentioned CGPA/Percentage/Degree should be awarded by a recognized

15. Application received on or before the published closing date will only be considered for scrutiny and

16. Mere fulfilment of minimum qualification and experience requirements does not entitle any candidate
for a call for interview. A short listing criterion may be set higher than the minimum advertised.
17. Depending on perceived availability of qualified candidates, different departments may set different
short listing criteria. The same department may also set different short-listing criteria for different

18. The Institute reserves the right to call all the eligible candidates or short listed candidates for interview
after screening by the Institute. The Institute also reserves the right to defer or cancel the selection
process without assigning any reason thereof. The decision of the Institute in this regard will be final
and binding on all the applicants who respond to this advertisement. No interim communication on the
status of application will be entertained.

19. Candidates who are unable to attend the interview for being abroad can be permitted to attend the
interview on their request (sufficiently) through video conferencing on case to case basis. It is
mandatory to have personal presence in the interview for the applicants who are residing in India.

20. Candidates who will get selected for interview will have to produce original documents in support of all
the particulars mentioned in their application form regarding their reservation category, educational
qualification, experience, and other claims.
21. Apart from merit, the specialization of a candidate within a department will play a vital role in
selection. Candidate with specialization in greater need by the department will be given
preference. Candidates with studentship or work experience in reputed Universities, Institutions
or Industry or with greater relevance to the academic programmes of the department will be
given preference. The Institute’s decision on reputation of other Universities/Institute will be

22. The Institute reserves the right to offer a lower post and/ or AGP than that applied for by any candidate
based on recommendation of the selection committee.

23. Experienced and/or meritorious candidates may be granted higher starting pay on recommendation of
the selection committee.

24. Selected candidates on regular positions will be under probation and will be confirmed subject to
satisfactory completion of the probation and other requirements as per Institute Rules.

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25. Candidates may be posted and/or transferred to any appropriate department “deems fit” at any time
during service career at the discretion of the management.

26. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of the candidature.

27.Name of the shortlisted candidates will be displayed in the Institute website. Beside, all information
regarding selection test, Interview schedule etc. will also be provided through the Institute website only.
The Institute will not be responsible in any manner if a candidate fails to visit / access the website in
time. Candidates are requested to regularly visit the Institute website i.e., for updated

28. The decision of the Institute in all matters will be final. No correspondence /interim inquiries will be
entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection/ interview including reasons
for not being called for interview. Any dispute with regard to the selection / recruitment process will be
subject to Courts / Tribunals having jurisdiction over Durgapur.

How to Apply

Interested candidates will apply on the prescribed application form to be downloaded from the Institute
website. The completed application form should reach the Registrar, NIT Durgapur,
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur 713209, West Bengal, India on or before by 5 P.M., dated
19.07.2019 by Speed Post /Registered Post . The envelope should be superscibed the post “..
………………………………” Level…………. in .................... Department.
W ho are in employment of Government/Govt. Undertaking/ Autonomous Body, must send
their application through proper channel. Candidates applying for more than one department have to
submit separate complete application.
The Institute reserves the right to increase/ decrease/ allocate the number of posts in any
department or cancel the recruitment procedure to any or all post s without any prior notice as
well as without assigning any reason thereof. The institute will not be responsible for any
postal loss or delay.


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Specializations Required
Sl. No. Department Specialization

1 Biotechnology (BT) 1. Computational Biology

2. Biochemical Engineering
3. Plant Biotechnology
4. Development Biology

2 Chemical Engg. (CH) 1. Process Dynamics & Control

2. Process Analysis and Optimization
3. Modeling and Simulation
4. Process Equipment Design
5. Fluid Mechanics
6. Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer
7. Chemical and Bio-Chemical Reaction Engineering, Biochemical
8. Nanotechnology
9. Environment Engineering
10. Catalysis
11. Energy Engineering
12. Computational Fluid Dynamics,
13. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
14. Petroleum Refinery & Petrochemicals
15. Combustion Engineering
16. Chemical Process Industries
17. Membrane Technology
18. New and Renewable Energy and allied fields.

3 Chemistry(CY) 1. Organic Chemistry (Multi-step organic synthesis or total synthesis)

2. Physical Chemistry (Classical/non-classical
thermodynamics/nonlinear dynamics)
3. Inorganic Chemistry (Synthesis, characterization and application of
Inorganic catalysts)
4. Physical /Inorganic Chemistry( Electrochemical Sensor/Non-
conventional energy.
4 Civil Engg. (CE) 1. Structural Engineering
2. Geotechnical Engineering
3. Transportation Engineering
4. Water Resources Engineering
5. Construction Engineering
6. Environmental Engineering
7. Surveying Engineering
8. Geo-Environmental Engineering
9. Earthquake Engineering
5 Computer Science and 1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Engg. (CS) 2. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
3. Data Science
4. Embedded System and IOT
5. Cyber Security
6. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)
Page 5 of page 7

Sl. Department Specialization

6 Earth and Environmental 1. Petrology
Studies (EES) 2. Structural Geology
3. Geomorphology
4. Quaternary Geology
5. Remote Sensing & GIS
6. Fuel Geology
7. Mathematical Geology
8. Air Pollution Control
9. Solid Waste Management
10. Air pollution
11. Solid Waste Management
7 Electrical Engg. (EE) 1. Electrical Machines and Drives
2. Power Electronics
3. Control Systems
4. Microprocessor and Embedded Systems
8 Electronics & Communication 1. VLSI and Microelectronics: Nanoelectronics, MEMS,
Engg.(EC) Mixed Signal IC Design, Analog and Digital IC Design, RF
IC Design, Power Management IC Design, Process
Technology, SoC Design and Testing.
2. Digital Systems: Computer Architecture and Organization,
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers, Embedded Systems.
3. Communication and Networking: Optical Communications,
Millimeter Wave Technology, Wireless Communication and
Networking, Information Theory, IoT and Security.
4. Signal Processing: DSP, Speech Processing, Image
Processing, Biomedical Signal Processing.
5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Sensor and
9 Humanities and Social 1. Sociology
Sciences(HSS) 2. Social Work
3. Psychology
4. Legal Studies (IPR/Human Rights/Criminology/Cyber Law)
10 Management Studies (MS) 1. Human Resource Management
2. Marketing Management (specially for Digital Marketing)
3. Entrepreneurship
4. System and Operation Management
11 Mathematics (MA) 1. Algebra
2. Statistics
3. Topology
4. Theoretical differential equation
5. Probability
6. Differential Geometry
12 Mechanical Engg. (ME) 1. Production Engg. or Manufacturing Engg.
2. Machine Design
3. Thermal Engg. or Heat Power

Page 6 of page 7
Sl. No. Department Specialization
13 Metallurgical and Materials 1. Materials Modelling and Simulations
Engg. (MME) 2. Advanced Materials
3. Mechanical Metallurgy
4. Physical Metallurgy
5. Electrometallurgy and Corrosion
6. Manufacturing Technologies
7. Materials Characterization
8. Process/Extractive Metallurgy
14 Physics (PH) 1. Condensed Matter Physics (Theory)
2. Spectroscopy
3. Nuclear/Particle Physics
4. Gravitation/Cosmology/Astrophysics

The following minimum eligibility criteria are as follows:

Department Minimum Qualification required

Chemical (CH) The candidates must be B.E/B.Tech (or equivalent) in Chemical Engineering
with/without M.Tech (or equivalent) and Ph.D in the relevant field.
Civil Engg.(CE) The candidates must be B.E/B.Tech (or equivalent) in respective discipline with/without
M.Tech(or equivalent) and Ph.D awarded / final thesis submitted in any of the above
areas of specialization.
Computer Sc. & Engg. (CS) B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering (or equivalent) or Electronics (with
specialization in Comp. Sc. & Engg.) with PhD.
Electrical Engg.(EE) The candidates must be B.E/B.Tech (or equivalent) in respective discipline with/without
M.Tech(or equivalent) and Ph.D awarded / final thesis submitted in any of the above
areas of specialization.
Electronics & Communication B.E/B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engg. with PhD/ M.Sc in Electronics with
Engg.(EC) Ph.D.
Mechanical Engg.(ME) The candidates must be B.E/B.Tech (or equivalent) in respective discipline with/without
M.Tech(or equivalent) and Ph.D awarded / final thesis submitted in any of the above
areas of specialization.
Metallurgical & Materials B.E/B.Tech in Metallurgical & Materials Engg. or Materials Science and Engineering
Engg.(MME) with or without M.E/M.Tech in relevant discipline with PhD.
Biotechnology(BT) B.E/B.Tech in Biotechnology (or equivalent) /M.Sc Biological Science any of the
specialization mentioned with PhD.
Mathematics(MA) M.Sc in Mathematics / Statistic or relevant field with PhD.
Chemistry(CY) The candidates must be Post Graduate in Chemistry and Ph.D. awarded / final thesis
submitted in any of the above areas of specialization. Candidates with Post Doctoral
experience will be given preference.
Physics(PH) The candidates must be Post Graduate in Physics and Ph.D. awarded / final thesis
submitted (PhD degree must be awarded during the Interview/Selection Committee
Meeting) in any of the above areas of specialization. Candidates with Post Doctoral
experience will be given preference.
Management Studies(MS) The candidate must have MBA with Ph.D awarded / final thesis submitted in any of the
above areas of specialization
Earth and Environmental M.Sc in Geology / Applied Geology (or equivalent) with Ph.D or B.E/B.Tech in
Studies(EES) Environmental Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Chemical Engineering and M.Tech in
Environmental Engg. / Environmental Science and Technology with PhD.
Humanities and Social The candidate must have Post Graduate Degree in Sociology /Social work/ Psychology /
Sciences(HSS) Legal Studies: ((IPR / Human Rights / Criminology/ Cyber Law ) with Ph.D.
Note: i) Beside the minimum eligibility criteria the Department can impose additional criteria for shortlisting
ii) The Institute reserves the right to consider suitable specializations of candidates apart from the above
iii) Ph.D must have been awarded at the time of Interview or else candidature will be canceled.
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राष्ट्रीयप्रोद्योगि कीसंस्थान, द ु ापुर Self-

(An Autonomous Institution of the Govt. of India under MHRD)

Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC/PWD for Faculty Positions

Advertisement No.: _______________________________ Date:___________________________

(Note: Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected)

Post Applied for Pay level


1. Name in full (in capital letters)

2. Father’s / Husband’s Name

3. Mother’s Name
4. Date of birth
Age as on 19.07.2019 Yea Mont Day
r h
5. a) Marital Status : Married/ b) Gender : Male / Female
6. Unmarried
a) Permanent address: b) Correspondence Address:

Phone (with E-mail

STD) /Mobile ID:
7. No.
8. Category under which seeking SC/ST/OBC/PWD

9. Details of Educational Qualification (from Matriculation onwards):

Exam. Specializatio Board/University Passing Class/ marks/CGPA

Passed n Division

* For PhD Degree mention the duration/period.

Signature of the Applicant

Page 1 of page 16

12. Details of employments:

(a) Teaching: Total……………….. Post

S.No. Name and Designatio Pay- From To Duratio Type of
address of n scale n
employer organization

11. Other information (Experiments/Computational projects added to

teaching laboratories/ Courses offered through application of ICT/E-learning
packages prepared):

12. Research Activities: (Specify total Number and attach list of publication
in each category as per format given):

(a) Paper publications in National / International Journals

(SCI/SCOPUS indexed journals only ): (Attach photocopy of first page):

S.No. Title of paper Author(s) Name of the Vol. & Year Pages

Signature of Candidate
Page 2 of page 16
(b) Paper Publications in Conference (SCI/SCOPUS/Web of
Science/Internationally renowned Conference) (Attach photocopy of
first page)
S.No. Title of paper Co-author(s), if Name of the Date
any Conference

(c) Number of UG and PG students guided / Ongoing:

Guide Ongoing Guided Ongoing

(d) Details of Ph D Students (Guided and Ongoing) :

S.No Name of Student Year Title of the Status
Dissertation (Completed

Signature of Candidate
Page 3 of page 16
13. Books/Monographs/Book chapters written:
S.No. Name of book/ Name of Co- Year of Publisher
monograph/ Book author(s), if Publication with
chapters any address

14. Seminars/Short Term Courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools

Sl No. From To Name of As Chairman Number of
the /Co- Participants
course ordinator

15. Seminars/ Short Term Courses/ Summer Schools/ Winter School

attended, if any
S.No. From To Institute/ Sponsored by Name of
Organization the

16. Research Projects / Sponsored project/ Consultancy activities:

Sponsoring Title of the Period Amount Status(Completed/
Agency Project ongoing)

Signature of Candidate
Page 4 of page 16
17. Membership of Professional Bodies:
S.No. Name of Professional body Membership no. with validity

18. Administrative/ Institute Support work:

S.No. Section/office/ From To Position held Responsibilities
Institute level

19. Any other relevant information : (Add Separate sheet if required)

20.Name and address of two References:

1 Referee 2nd
Name Name

Position Position
Address Address
E-mail E-Mail
Phone No. Phone No.
E-mail E-Mail Address

Signature of the Applicant

Page 5 of page 16
“I hereby declare that the statements made by me in / above form are
true, complete and correct to best of my knowledge and belief.”

Place:…………. Signature
of Applicant

Certified that Mr/Ms.--------------------------Son/Daughter of Shri-----------------------------

------------------------is a permanent/temporary/ad-hoc employee of the
/organization since-------------------------------. The Department/Institution/
organization has no objection if he/she is appointed in National
Institute of Technology Durgapur against the posts advertised by the NIT
Durgapur vide advertisement No………………………………………………………..


Signature & Seal of forwarding


Page 6 of page
राष्ट्रीय प्रोद्योगि की संस्थान, द ु ापुर

(To be filled by the candidate)
Post Applied for: Name of Post Level


1 Name and Address with E- mail Id
2. Date of Birth/Age as on 19.07.2019
3. Category (SC/ST/OBC/PWD) PwD : Yes/ No Gender: Male/Female
Education Qualifications:
College/ % of
Exam/Degree Specialization University Class/ Grade Year
Institute marks/CGPA
Class X
4. Class XII
Others, if any

5. Period spent on acquiring Ph. D

Post- Doctoral Specialization
(a) Present Position, with PB
(b) Date of entry into present position
Page 7 of page 16
Total Experience Years: Post Ph.D:
Teaching Experience Years: Post Ph.D:
Research Experience Years: Post Ph.D:
Industrial Experience Years: Post Ph.D:

Number of years of post-Ph.D experience

outside NITD(for Ph.Ds of NITD)

Publication details International National

10 Papers in SCI/SCOPUS indexed Jls.

Conference Proceedings( SCI/SCOPUS
indexed /Web of science
11 No. of Thesis guided UG: PG:
12 No. of Ph.D thesis Completed: Submitted: Ongoing:

13 No. Books/chapters authored Books: Book Chapters:

14 No. of patents Granted: Filed:

No. of R&D Projects: Total Amount:
15 R & D Projects/Consultancy jobs
No. of consultancy jobs: Total Amount:
16 Fellowship in Professional body
17 No. of awards/distinction, if any
18 Cumulative Credit points
19 Any other relevant information
Signature of Applicant
Page 8 of page 16

(B) DATA FOR EVALUATION OF CREDIT POINT. (See the Modified Recruitment Rule for guidelines)

Name of Post Level

Post Applied:


(1). Externally sponsored R & D projects completed or ongoing / Patent granted:

Sl. Name of the project along with the name(s) of Duration Amount in Whether PI? Total No. of Credits
No. all the investigators/Patent granted with name Starting Ending Lakhs investigators
of inventor(s) Month & Month &
Year Year


Total Credit points

(2). Consultancy projects:

Sl.No. Agency
Name of the persons Consultancy
Name of the work and the year Credits
involved amount in Lakhs

Total Credit points
Page 9 of page 16

(3).Ph.D. Guidance (Completed including thesis submitted):

Sl.No. Title of the Thesis Name of supervisor(s) 1st Date of Credits
Total No. of
Supervisor? award/Submissio
n/Viva voce
Total Credit points

(4). Paper Publications in non-paid SCI/Scopus indexed Journals only (Since the last promotion):

Sl. Name of the Journal Title of the paper with Vol. Author (s) First author/ Total Credits
No. No. & year Name No. of
Main authors

Total Credit points

(5).Paper Publications in Conferences (SCI/SCOPUS/ Web of Science/ Internationally renowned conference):

Sl.No. Name of the Conference Title of the paper with Author (s)Name First author/ Total Credit
Date No. of s
Main Supervisor? author
Total Credit points
Page 10 of page 16

(6). Administrative Responsibilities Entrusted:

[HOD, Dean, Chief Warden, Professor in-charge of T & P, Advisor(Estate), CVO, PI (Exam), TEQIP Coordinator]
[Since the last promotion]:

Details of Responsibility Entrusted Authority Department/Institute Starting Ending Credits
Date Date
Total Credit points

(7). Administrative Responsibilities Entrusted:

(Warden, Assistant warden, Associate Dean, Chairman/Convener Institute Academic Committees, In-Charge Computer Centre/IT
Services /Library/Admission/Student Activities and other Institutional activities)
[Since the last promotion]:

Sl. Details of Responsibility Entrusted Authority Department/Institute Duration Credits

No. Starting Ending
Date Date
Total Credit points

Page 11 of page 16

(8). Administrative Responsibilities Entrusted:

[Chairman and convener of different standing committee and special committee (ex officio status will not be considered), faculty in-
charges (Each for
one year duration) of different units or equivalent]
[Since the last promotion]:

Details of Responsibility Entrusted Authority Department/Institute Starting Ending Credits
Date Date
Total Credit points
(9). Administrative Responsibilities Entrusted:
(Departmental activities identified by HOD like lab. In-charges or department level committee for a minimum period of one year)
[Since the last promotion]:

Details of Responsibility Entrusted Authority Department/College Starting Ending Credits
Date Date

Total Credit points

Page 12 of page 16

10. Conducted Workshops/FDP/Short term courses of minimum 05 working days duration offered as coordinator or
(Since the last promotion):

Sl.No. Title of the Course Duration Co-ordinator (s)/Convenor Credits

Starting Ending
Date date

Total Credit points

11.Conduct of national programmes like GIAN etc. as course coordinator:(Since the last promotion):

Sl.No. Title of the Course Duration Co-ordinator (s) Credits

Starting Ending
Date date

Total Credit points

12. Conducted National /International conference as chairman or secretary: (Since the last promotion):

Duration Chairman/Secretary Credits

Sl.No. Title of the Conference Starting Ending
Date date

Total Credit points

Page 13 of page 16

13. Length of service over and above the relevant minimum teaching experience required for the given cadre:(Since last
Sl. No Years of service over and above the relevant minimum teaching experience required for the given Credits
Total Credit points

14. Establishment of new Laboratories:(Since the last promotion)

Sl.No. Name of Lab. established Funded by Co-ordinator (s) Credits


Total Credit points

15. Details of Theory Courses taught over and above 6 credits hrs.:(Since the last promotion)

Sl.No. Name of Course No. of hrs/week with credit Credits


Total Credit points

(16).PG Dissertation Guided: (Since the last promotion)

Sl.No. Title of the Project Name of supervisor(s) Academic session Credits

Total Credit points

Page 14 of page 16

(17).UG Projects guided:(Since the last promotion)

Sl.No. Title of the Project Name of supervisors Year of Credits

Total Credit points

(18). Text/ Reference book published on relevant subject from reputed international publishers: (Since the last promotion)

Year of Credit
Sl.No. Title of the Text/Reference book Publishers
publication s
Total Credit points

(19). Text/ Reference book published from reputed national publishers or book chapters in the books published by reputed
international publishers:
(Since the last promotion)
Year of
Sl.No. Title of the Text/Reference book Publishers Credits
Total Credit points

(20).Details of significant outreach activities:(Since the last promotion)

Sl.No. Activities Year Credits

Total Credit points

Page 15 of page 16

(21).Fellowships of IEEE, FNA, FNAE, FNASc:

Sl.No. Professional Society Year Credits

Total Credit points

(22). Placement percentage (only for the placement cell officers/faculty in-charge of placement): (Since the last promotion)

Percentage of placement(% to be based on total number of

Sl.No. Year Credits
students passing out and single job offer)
Total Credit points

(C).Self-Assessment Score of the applicant:

[Cumulative Credits Points of (1) to (22) above]

Place & Date Signature of applicant


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