Unit 2 The family
77 years of marriage
Warm up
11 Write the words and phrases from Key language on the board in random order. Tell
students that they are going to read a text which includes these words. Ask what they
‘think the text will be about (someone's if),
2 Asi students to put the stages of fen order. When you check the order lc the past
tense form of the verbs.
Main activity
1) Give each student the text. Tell students that they have ane minute to look tit. Then ask
‘al where the text is from, bl what Its about and c) who sin the photos. Draw students”
attention tothe date ofthe article
2 Ask tudents to read the frst paragraph and find four ofthe stages of ife onthe board.
3 Explain that newspaper articles often giv the man point of the story in tne first paragraph
and then return to ther later in the aticle. Ask studonts in which paragraph the stages of
lie are mentioned again. Then ask what paragraph 4is about.
44 Askstudents to read the text again an find the other stages of fe inthe list onthe board
5 Elcitthe pronouns and possessive adjectives which are used to talk about Fed (he, him,
hha, Ove (she, her, her and the couple (they, them, ther. Ask students to find these
‘words inthe text and to check that they al refer to Fed, Olve and the couple. El that
the use of he an his in paragraph 7 refers to John, their son,
‘Ask students to find examples of, my, me and we, us, eur and decide who they refer to,
Port out that these can all be found inthe direct speech, and depend on wha is speaking.
7. Give each student the exercises. Encourage students to work together in pairs so that they
can help each other with Exercise A. Then they complete the summary ofthe text for,
exercise B.|
bean married for 77 years in Api
are about to ener the Guinness Book
of Records as the UK's longest
marie couple The couple fst met
in 1915, then were separated by the
First Word War. They met again in
1919 and fell in love. They got
engaged and married - but only while the children grew up, ‘MY mother gave up her life for
after sixyeas, hen they had saved The couple now fave 11 her family and home. Our parents
$600 to buy ther first house. randchildren and 12 great- opened doors of opportunity for
Thee eth 2 et
in her no, ty tet
Se ait
Fed a lt shel tan
{Started work for the local gas
} company; Olive had left at 14 and
{tena ara
Tost ely eee th
tee tairouelutootene
rate Ove it cou
inindneandktdctnednn Ne fed tied te
OS me yor aerate ga
tense few chia
rot ss ees
UF ey ud te
ite heen fy a
coats mache edited
tml he ert hoe
iat Sh nt rbd
hon sen sews sea! at
Moree one a
toh tte
would do without him
parents. ‘They are
more loving parents.
Back home in Northampton,
Fred renewed his friendship
with Olive. The couple had @
sinyeat engagement belore
their mariage. They had two
children, Jon and Brenda, Fred
became chief cashier tthe gas
company, Olive stayed at home
‘randchilden ~ the latest just tao
yeas ol. Two years ago they had to
leave their onn home because of
Fred’s poor health. They now live
together in an old people's home in
Wellsborough, Leicestershire,
"We have lots of lovely memories
but the bith of our two children is
the mast special’ said Olive, And
the best decade for me was when
retirement just meant we could
spend more time together. 1 ove
Fred so much. | don't know what 1
Their son, John, 73, a retired
professor of genetics who lives in
Austria, is full of prise for his
devoted to each other” he said
“And my sister an I could not have
a a
us which they never had
themselves and encouraged us to go
through them.
1960s. His
Exercise A
‘The sentences below are not in the text. Use other
information in the text to decide if the sentences
are true or false. What information helped you?
1 Fred and Olive first met in winter.
2 They were from Northampton,
3 Frod joined the army in 1915,
A They got married in April 1925,
5 They bought a house in Northampton,
{6 John and Brenda didnt have chien
Exercise B
Complete the sentences and write a summary of
the newspaper article.
Fred and Oive fist 1. 1915, they met againin 2 war,
They fell 3 engaged. in 1925 they bought 4. married
Fred and Olive 3 children. Fred 6. 1960s.
The couple 7 102 They nowhave §. great
grandchildren. They ive % home, They have been 10
In Apel, They are 1) longest married couple,
From Reading xa by tz Orscoll@ Cambrge nhesty Press 2008 QCM