A Study of E-Banking in India: Trends of Popularity
A Study of E-Banking in India: Trends of Popularity
A Study of E-Banking in India: Trends of Popularity
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Presented by-
Atharva Dhamale & Others.
Jnana Prabodhini Prashala, Pune,
Maharashtra, India.
While doing this research, many People gave us various suggestions and opinions while conducting the
project. We have tried to incorporate all those suggestions which are really relevant in preparing our final report.
We think it is essential to thank all those who have contributed and helped us throughout the project.
We pay our immense gratitude to Rajatjoshi and Mrs. Mukulikathatte for their continuous and deliberate
discussion on the topic and indeterminable burden taken by them in helping us throughout conducting the project.
We would also like to thank our friends who rendered their wholehearted co-operation in the successful
completion of the project work.
Finally, we are thankful to all the people who willingly responded to the questionnaire and their contribution
has been valuable. This project would not have been completed without their participation.
Today, India is fastest developing country in the world and after demonitisation in 2016, there is
surge in E-banking sector of India. E-banking is now a key component of today’s digitalised world. In this
study, we collected data about past of E-banking in India, analysed present situation of E-banking in India
by taking surveys and tried to predict the future of E-banking sector in India.
In this study, we studied 7 different factors related to E-banking in India, which are as follows
1. Different modes of transaction
2. No. Of users
3. Technological advancements in E, banking
4. Net amount of transactions in E. banking
5. Government policies
6. Awareness in public
7. Use of different services offered by E-banking
We then conducted a survey in Pune city and outskirts to get the required data after which we
analyzed it and tried to determine the possible future. In the survey we had asked various questions like
their preferred mode of banking, No of transactions per week done by them.
Then we analyzed the data collected from survey and RBI, and find out some conclusions using the
analysis we tried to predict the future in two phases.
1. Introduction
2. System web
3. Survey introduction
4. Survey data analysis
5. SWOT analysis
6. Predicted future-introduction
7. Data analysis and future predictions
8. Predicted future-phase I&II
9. Desirable future-phase I&II
10. Action plans
11. Conclusion
12. References
4) Government policies
As mentioned earlier Gov. Is trying to initiate various schemes like Jan DhanYojana which is going to
make E-banking sector even to the poorest sections of the society and for the same reason we have chosen this
5) Technology
Today the Modi government is trying to implement more and more schemes as well as policies which will
help in making Indian economy the Cashless economy. For these new technological advancements such as
Biometric system, eye scanner etc. This is going to affect the development of E-banking sector on a greater
extent. Therefore we have chosen this as an important factor
6) Volume of transactions-
For studying this topic one of the most important factor to be taken in the consideration is volume of
transactions. Under this factor we have studied number of transactions as well as amount of transactions (in
millions).We wanted to know how the people are transacting throughout the India and how the number of
transactions will be affected by the wild card decision of Demonetization and for the same reason we have
taken this factor into consideration.
7) Number of users-
As mentioned before the number and amount of transactions is ultimately dependent upon the number of
users. If there are no users of a particular system that system will not able to sustain for a long time. Thinking
similarly about E-banking sector we have chosen this as an important factor
Fig 1
• For case study a survey was conducted from November2016 to December2016 for the project .This survey
was done on the basis of 500 respondents from various sectors.
• Mainly the objective of the research is to understand online banking user’s behaviors, opinions, preferences
and expectations
Survey Questionnaire
E-Banking survey
*name not required*
{E-banking includes ATM, debit or credit cards, online payments, online transactions, online shopping,
paytm and other digital wallets also }
*Please tick on appropriate answer*
3) Qualification or education-
4) If you want to do transaction of RS5000 or more then which mode will you prefer?(please give sequence
from first preference to last preference by giving rank 1 to 6 in descending order.)
Mode of transactions Cash Cheque Debit card Credit card online Paytm or bit coins
(give preference from
1 to 6)
Why you gave first preference to this mode? (Mode which you gave 1 st preference above)
No. of transactions
9 or 9+
7) Living area
I)less information about e-banking
II)online bank account is not activated
III)misconceptions or security reasons
services preference
fund transfer
ATM banking
ATM services
Account services
Fund transfer
Bill payment
e-tax payment
Investments and services
Loans and credit services
Internet security services
68% 32%
Fig 2
Here we can observe that according to survey around 68% of the total people who answered the survey are
using e-banking. Today in India (according to RBI statistics) around 35 % of the population is using E-Banking
for daily transactions. In the near future this number will increase by 50-60%.
0-3 51%
3-6 22%
6-9 15%
9+ 12%
no. of people
30 Series1
0 to 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9+
frequency of transactions per week
Fig 3
According to the data the frequency is for 0-3 transactions per week. Out of every 100 persons nearly 50%
do less than 3 online transactions per week. As we all know DEMONITIZATION is going to change this
situation completely. Here we can see that nearly 12% people are doing on an average 9 and more transactions
per week. According to our prediction in the near future this percentage will increase by two- folds
No of people
Online payment Balance enquiry ATM banking Fund transfer Other services
Online banking services
Fig 4
The graph clearly tells us that the service used mostly by the people is Online Payment. People prefer to
pay online rather than visiting the place physically to pay. Nearly 32% people use the service of online payment
mostly. The second most used service is Fund Transfer accounting to about 26%. The third most used service is
ATM Banking accounting to about 22%. There are various modes by which the funds can be transferred
between two accounts, but if we look at the % of people doing fund transfer by various means like cash ,
,Cheque ,Online etc. we can see that from these 22% around 21% do transactions by cash, 38% transact by
Cheque and 41% do transactions online.
Here we can clearly observe that the highest percentage of people , that is 33% people want Internet
security services to be improved.This clearly indicates the fact that Official Govt. sites are highly insecure and
there is risk of Hacking and Misuse of confidential data. Today it is surprising to see that our online bank
account, credit card number etc. can be hacked only in 6 seconds. There is an urgent need to improve these
No of people
Fig 6
Here are some of the important reasons for which the people are not using E-banking. We can observe that
most percentage of the people are not using E-banking because they are Not Well Informed about E-banking.
Around 30% people are not aware about, some very basic questions like how to do banking transactions
online? What things we need to do online transactions and many more basic questions about E-banking
This clearly indicates that there is an urgent need to organize awareness and information campaigns on
E-banking. Secondly around 27% of the people are not using E-banking because of the inactivated online
Credit 18%
Online 27%
Cheque 25%
Debit 19%
Cash 11%
Fig 7
This graph shows the modes of transactions preferred by people. 27% people have given the first
preference to the Online mode of transaction. This is the highest percentage among other modes but still we can
observe that it is very less. There can be variety of reasons for such a small percentage of people using Online
mode of transaction. Some of these reasons we can see in graph no.5.
Further 25% of people prefer Cheque as a mode of transactions. This is also a secure mode of transaction.
Compared to other modes of transactions online modes provides us with variety of services.
Transparency and Disclosure practices are available almost everywhere
E-banking is Facilitating the offering of more services
Online services and E-banking are Increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty
Competitive advantage for banks
As the competition will increase banks will try launching more and more schemes reaching to the wider
public section.
Reduces the time, cost and effort in the interaction
We will be able to do transactions by sitting at home within a few seconds which will reduce the time
consumed. Infrastructure required for the setup of online services will be less leading to the effective
reduction in cost and efforts
E-banking provides Permanent access to the bank
It is a Safe and secure method regarding security issues
Discounts and offers on Online services are attracting more customers
Delayed statements of transactions are consuming a little bit of more time and thus people are thinking it to
be more time consuming
Less awareness about e-banking
Misconceptions about security reasons are making people use E-banking on a very small scale
Low Internet connectivity in rural and some urban areas is preventing people from accessing online bank
Lack of trust in people. People are not well aware about E-banking and think of it as a risky method.
Insufficient penetration of Mobile banking in rural areas
Infrastructural issues such as building banks and ATM machines in rural areas.
E-banking services are costly .so, it is not affordable for poor people
IJISRT19JU327 www.ijisrt.com 452
Volume 4, Issue 6, June – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Online payments are not accepted everywhere
Demonetization-Promoting CASHLESS transactions-demonetization is positive booster for e-banking.
People don’t have any money in hand so; people have no other option other than online banking. So, people
will move towards E-banking
Promotion of inter-connectivity between banks and customers-Today, BJP government is promoting
e-banking .so, people are getting more information about E-banking and as a result e-literacy is increasing.
Increased quality of online services
Supporting Government policies
Increasing investment in E-banking sector
Increased competition among companies in E-banking sector-
This may led to increase in qualities and decreased cost of services provided in E-banking
Security problems-today ,there are many security threats in online transactions like-
Card trapping
Fake websites
Keystroke logging
Use of malware programs
Because of above threats people are not using E-banking because there is fear in minds of people about
online transactions
Misuse of lost cards-if people don’t deactivate their cards after getting lost, then other people may misuse it.
Misuse of confidential data –many times confidential data like phone no. ,password of email address and
many other things may leak while performing online transactions
Development in E-banking will led to decrease in employment of people in banking sector .so, it may
create a big problem of unemployed people
DEMONITIZATION a wild card decision taken by the Modi Government proved to an important decision
for E-banking sector in India. This introduced us to the concept of ‘CASHLESS Society', which is mostly
based on the concept of E-Banking and cashless transactions. In this section we have mainly focused on
predicted future for Credit and Debit cards, Mobile transactions, and NEFT transactions. We got our required
data from official RBI site and tried to predict its future by figuring out the possible rates at which the usage of
this technology will increase.
Note -
1]All data till January 2016 is collected from official website of Reserve Bank of India -
2] The future is predicted by analyzing the graph and rate of change in slope and also from results of the
3] the term POS means ‘point of sale purchase.’
Fig 8
This graph shows the number of mobile transactions from Dec.11 to Jan.16. Here during jan.15 to dec.15
we can observe the drastic increase in number of transactions mainly due to the government change. Modi govt.
initiated various policies and schemes which are helping to boost the number of online transactions. That is the
main reason, according to our predictions this will keep increasing at the steady rate over next 5 years.
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Fig 9
No of transactions
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Year total
Fig 10
As mentioned above total number of existing credit cards is going to increase by 6% to 8% per annum, as
predicted,from the graph above we can conclude that according to the black dotted line average annual growth
in no of transactions done by credit cards at ATM is increasing at an average rate of 3.5% per annum, similar to
the situation above due to the wild card decision of DEMONITIZATION, this increase will be 6% to 7% per
annum according to our prediction. Such a large % increase in total number of credit card transactions is seen
because, according to the RBI data and our survey data, more than 50% population per 100 persons transact on
an average 0 to 3 times per week , but in the upcoming 2 to 3 years number of these transactions will be more
than 9 transactions per week according to our predictions. This is the main reason for why we are going to
witness such a large increase in number of transactions by credit cards in the near future
No of transactions
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Fig 11
Amount of transactions
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Year total
Fig 12
Comparing among the credit and debit cards it is clear that amount of transactions using Debit card [ATM]
is going to be clearly higher than that of the Credit cards .In this graph at present i.e. January 2016 we can
observe that total amount of transactions is around 800 crores which is going to reach around 1300 crores by
December 2021. This is the drastic increase in amount of transactions by credit cards is mainly due to the wild
card decision of Demonetization. As said earlier the increase in amount of transactions is going to increase at
even higher rates, the main reason being the less charges applied on debit cards than the credit card.
Amount of transactions
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Fig 13
3) Similarly red dotted line represents the linear growth that is going to take place in the total amount of
transactions done by credit cards at POS as a result of DEMONITIZATION
u in the near future that is
in the next 5 years till January 2021 o
Comparing among the credit and debit cards it is clear that amount of transactions using Debit card [ATM]
is going to be clearly higher than that of the Credit cards .In this graphf at present i.e. January 2016 we can
observe that total amount of transactions is around 100 crores which is going to reach around 500 crores by
December 2021.This is the drastic increase in amount of transactions by m
credit cards is mainly due to the wild
card decision of Demonetization. As said earlier the increase in amount of transactions is going to increase at
even higher rates, the main reason being the less charges applied on debit cards than the credit card.
IJISRT19JU327 www.ijisrt.com e 462
Volume 4, Issue 6, June – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
No of existing cards
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Fig 14
Here as represented if we observe the graph carefully, we can observe that the black line is clearly
indicating the linear growth in the total number of existing debit cards in the upcoming 5 years, with respect to
the data from December 2011 to January 2016, but in reality this is not going to happen due to the wild card
decision of DEMONITIZATION. Demonetization is promoting the idea of cashless society, which is going to
affect this trend of E-banking on a greater extent. According to black dotted line the total number of existing
debit cards is going to increase 4% per annum but because of demonetization this can become two fold and
according to our predicted future this will increase by average 8% to 9% per annum.
No of transactions
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Year total
Fig 15
No of transactions
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Fig 16
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Fig 17
Comparing among the credit and debit cards it is clear that amount of transactions using Debit card [ATM]
is going to be clearly higher than that of the debit cards .In this graph at present i.e. January 2016 we can
observe that total amount of transactions is around 210 crores which is going to reach around 450 crores by
December 2021.This is the drastic increase in amount of transactions by debit cards is mainly due to the wild
card decision of Demonetization. As said earlier the increase in amount of transactions of debit cards is going
to increase at even higher rates, the main reason being the less charges applied on debit cards than the credit
11- 12- 12- 13- 13- 14- 14- 15- 15- 16- 16- 17- 17- 18- 18- 19- 19- 20- 20- 21-
Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan Dec Jan
Fig 18
Comparing among the credit and debit cards it is clear that amount of transactions using Debit card [ATM]
is going to be clearly higher than that of the Credit cards .In this graph at present i.e. January 2016 we can
observe that total amount of transactions is around 150 crores which is going to reach around 570 crores by
December 2021.This is the drastic increase in amount of transactions by debit cards is mainly due to the wild
card decision of Demonetization. As said earlier the increase in amount of transactions is going to increase at
even higher rates, the main reason being the less charges applied on debit cards than the credit card.
Fig 19
This graph shows the total number of transactions at the national level where the money was deposited by
the people in their bank account. The duration of this graph is from Jan.09 to Jan.21. We can observe the
gradual increase in the number as well amount of transactions during the last 12 years At present i.e. Jan.16
total amount of is 100 crores and is gradually going to increase to more than from 350crores.While the number
of transactions is going to increase from 20 crores to 70 crores
Fig 20
This graph shows the total number of transactions at the national level where the money was deposited by
the people from withdrawal their bank account. The duration of this graph is from Jan.09 to Jan.21. We can
observe the gradual increase in the number as well amount of transactions during the last 12 years at present i.e.
Jan.16 total amount of is 40 crores and is gradually going to increase to more than 90 crores. While the number
of transactions is going to increase from 125 crores to around 670 crores.
This is the future which we think will happen in India with current economic growth and infrastructure
Phase-I (2016-2021)
1)By 2021 around 50% people will be using E-banking
2)Around 60% of the hotels, street shops and other institutions will be installed with various payment methods
like virtual,online,plastic money, biometric system etc.
3)New services like Paytm, Bhim app etc will be introduced in the near future i.e. in 2018-2019
4)Looking on a broad basis more than 55% of the people in Maharashtra will be Digitally Literate
5)Popular and the most used modes of transactions in the upcoming 5 years will be
• Online
• Cheque
• Plastic money
6)Government policies and schemes will start reaching the rural areas
7)SHGs will help people in villages in being digitally literate and will promote the concept of CASHLESS
SOCIETY in that village
8)More ATMs and swipe machines will be installed in most of the villages
1) More than 65% of the population will be using E-banking and Online mode of transactions and this
percentage will keep growing steadily. By 2030 more than 70% of the population will be using E-banking
2) People will be doing more than 80% of the transactions through mobile banking or net banking
3) Government will mainly focus on making India a cashless country and thus Government will keep launching
various schemes and policies will even reach to smallest villages
4) Plastic money users i.e. Credit card users, Debit card users, Smart card users will keep growing at a steady
rate of 4%-5% per annum
5) The mobile banking penetration in India, currently being around 50%, will increase to 60%-65%
6) New ways of transactions such as transacting by biometric or eye scanning, will be commonly used
everywhere. This will also reach to the poorest sections of the society and will help in making them Digitally
This is the ideal future which we think is essential to make India a superpower till 2030. But , for this ideal
future , we need stable government , people’s support and good implementation of government policies till the
root levels of India.
Phase 1-2016-2021
Infrastructure Development
• Everyone will be connected through bank accounts through various governmental schemes.so; everyone
will be a part of formal banking system. This will help government to spread awareness about E-banking
among people
• Services of online banking will be provided everywhere and anytime .This will help people to overcome
their problems related E-banking.
• Internet connectivity all over India at reasonable rate. This will help to increase efficiency of E-banking.
• Sufficient energy resources will be available for electricity generation and supply. Electricity is one of the
most important resource required for E-banking .so, if there is 24/7 supply of electricity ,then there will be
no problem in performing online transactions
85% people will be Dependent On E-Banking
All services(included both government and private) will be available online.
Following services and many more services will available online-
Phase 2-2021-2026
We have proposed new mode of transaction which will work as an ideal mode of transaction for Indian
Other advantages
1) Eco-friendly mode-no use of paper .so, totally pollution free mode of transactions. This will help in the
conservation of trees and will provide other environmental benefits also.
2) This system will be under government's control so, all profit will be of government, and As a result wealth
drain will stop. FDIs in India along with the wealth generation at the local level will help the government for
providing better facilities.
Desirable future
• Internet access –everywhere almost free. Everyone will be able to access the bank websites and get the
required information
• All services will be quick ,user-friendly and efficient
• Cards or cash: B.V.M.T. Plastic money and cash transactions will be almost negligible and will gradually
decrease to 0%.People will prefer using B.V.M.T instead of cash transactions as it will be easier and
accessible to all including rural areas.
• 99% of transactions will be done by using E-banking. Cash transactions will be almost negligible
• From pan shop to hospital, everywhere transactions B.V.M.T will be available
• Internet Servers will more efficient and can operate at very high speeds without any interruptions which
will ultimately help in reducing time consumption and human labour.
• Transactions more than 1lakh will done with triple security-password ,onetime code ,B.V.M.T
• Transactions more than 10000 will done with Double security-B.V.M.T and onetime code
These are the actions which people of India and Government should take to achieve the goal of desirable
Infrastructure development
• Deepening of banking system- with the help of self-help groups (SHGs) and NGOs, Everyone should be
connected to formal Indian banking system.
Every person in rural India will be connected to formal Indian banking system. This will help to promote
e-banking in remote areas.
• Having bank account must be compulsory for everyone.
• Swipe machines should be installed in all remote and rural areas.
• Every person in India will get e-banking facilities anywhere, anytime allover India.
• Setting internet towers and providing internet facilities all over India .This will help to increase efficiency
of online money transactions. This will decrease interruptions and problems while performing online
• Self-sustainable energy source should be created and provided 24/7.sufficient electricity supply will help to
improve quality of services offered.
• Better implementation of government schemes.
• Government should focus on promoting cashless transactions and restricting cash transactions
• Government payments like taxes should be made online
• We should try to promote the concept of Cashless Society in the nearby areas
Today E-banking or Net banking and cashless transactions have become very important for the fast
development of Indian Economy. After the wild card decision on Demonetization by the Modi government
Indian Economy will take giant strides in its development. Looking at the present situation there in an urgent
need for the promotion of the Cashless society by the Indian government.
In today’s world of globalization, promoting cashless society is the necessary thing for development of any
country.Now, it is need of INDIA to develop a user friendly ,more efficient mode of online banking which will
boost the E-banking sector in India.
But before we should at least try to spread awareness about benefits and threats of e-banking, for which we
can take help of online shopping companies like amazon and flip-cart.
Today, there is exponential growth observed in E-banking sector .but, to have controlled and sustainable
growth of this sector our government should take some serious steps for promotion and regulation of online
Finally, we conclude this project to a following statement- “E-banking is a necessary thing for
development and progress of any country”
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[2]. www.wikipidia.org
[3]. The Economics times
[4]. Indian express
[5]. essaytank.blogspot.com
[6]. slideshare.com