API Score Associate Professor
API Score Associate Professor
API Score Associate Professor
ix III
Table 1
Assessment Criteria and Methodology for University/College Teachers
Overall Grading:
Good: Good in teaching and satisfactory or good in activity at
Sl.No.2. Or
Satisfactory: Satisfactory in teaching and good or satisfactory in activity at Sl.No.2.
Not Satisfactory: If neither good nor satisfactory in overall grading
Note: For the purpose of assessing the grading of Activity at Serial No. 1 i.e. Teaching
all such periods of duration which have been spent by the teacher on different kinds of
paid leaves such as Maternity Leave, Child Care Leave, Study Leave, Medical Leave
etc. and Deputation shall be excluded from the grading assessment. The teacher shall
be assessed for the remaining period of duration and the same shall be extrapolated
for the entire period of assessment to arrive at the grading of the teacher. The teacher
on such leaves or deputation as mentioned above shall not be put to any disadvantage
due to his/her absence from his/her teaching responsibilities subject to such
leaves/deputation was undertaken with the prior approval of the competent authority
following all procedures laid
down in these regulations and as the acts, statutes and ordinances of the parent
Table 2 Assessment Criteria and Methodology for University Teachers
(Assessment must be based on evidence produced by the teacher such as: copy of
publications, project sanction letter, utilization and completion certificates issued by the
University and acknowledgements for patent filing and approval letters, students‘ Ph.D.
award letter, etc,.)
Faculty of
Faculty of Social Science
Sciences/Engineering/Agriculture/ /Library/Education/Physical
Medical /Veterinary Sciences Education/Commerce/
Management & other
related discipline
Research Papers
Published in Peer
08 per paper 10 per paper
Reviewed/UGC listed
Books/e- books authored
which are published by 10 10
International publishers
National publishers 08 08
Chapter in Edited Book 05 05
Editor of Book by
International Publisher 10 10
Editor of Book by
National Publisher 08 08
*e-content (developed in
05 05
4 quadrants) per module
MOOCs (developed) per
module/lecture 05
Research Projects
Completed: 10
More than 10 10
lakhs 05 05
Less than 10
lakhs 05
More than 10 lakhs 02 02
Less than 10 lakhs 03
Consultancy: 03
10 10
National 07 07
Document 10 07
International 07 04
National 04
5. Research
Guidance 10/per degree awarded ,05/thesis 10/per degree
Ph.D. awarded 05/per
thesis submitted
02/degree awarded
dissertation 02/per degree awarded
6. *Invited
lectures /
/paper 7
presentation 7
5 5
International 2
(within 2
State / University
The Research Score for papers would be augmented as follows:
Peer reviewed /UGC listed journals
i) Paper in referred journals without impact factor - 5 Points
ii) Paper with impact factor less than 1 - 10 Points
iii) Paper with impact factor between 1 and 2 - 15 Points
iv) Paper with impact factor between 2 and 5 - 20 Points
v) Paper with impact factor between 5 and 10 - 25 Points
vi) Paper with impact factor >10 - 30
Points Joint Publication:
(a) Two authors: 50% of total value of publication for each author
(b) More than two authors: 70% of total value of publication for the
First/Principal/Corresponding authorand 30% of total value of publication for
each of the joint authors.
Joint Projects: Principal Investigator and Co-investigator would get 50% each.
* Note:
Paper presented if part of edited book or proceeding then it can be claimed only
For joint supervision of research students the formula shall be 70/30. First
Supervisor shall get 7 marks and co-supervisor 3 marks.
In development of e-content in 4 quadrants for a complete course/e-book may
be assigned points equivalent to authoring a book at national level,
contribution to development of e-content modules in complete course/paper/e-
book may be awarded points same as that of contributed chapters in edited
book and editor of e-content for complete course/paper/e-book may be
awarded points same as that for editor of a book by National Publisher.
Development of various quadrants of complete MOOCs may be given the
weightage similar to authoring a book, contribution to development of
modules in a complete MOOCs may be awarded points same as contributed
chapters in edited book and coordinator of MOOCs for complete course may
be awarded points same as that for editor of a book by National Publisher.
For the purpose of calculating research score of the person, the combined
research score from the categories of Policy Document and Invited lectures /
Resource Person /paper presentation shall have an upper capping of 30% of
the total research score of the person.
The research score shall be from the minimum of 3 categories out of 6 categories.
II. Associate Professor:
i. Good academic record with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant disciplines.
ii. A Master‘s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading
system is followed).
iii. A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position
equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or Accredited Research
Institution/industry with a minimum of seven publications in the peer reviewed/UGC listed journals and
a total research score of Seventy Five (75) as per the criteria given in Appendix III, Table 2. 7
iv. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology –
mediated teaching learning process.
Table: 3
Criteria for Short listing of candidates for Interview for the Post of Assistant
Professors in Universities
S.No. Academic Record Score
1. Graduation 80% and 60%to less 55% to less
above = 15 than 80% than 60% = 10
2. Post Graduation 80% and 60%to less 55% to less
above = 28 than 80% than 60% = 20
3. M.Phil. 60% and above = 07 55% to less than 60%
= 05
4. Ph.D. 30
5. NET with JRF NET or 07
equivalent 5
6. Research Publications 10
(2 marks for each
research publications
published in Peer
Reviewed/UGC listed
7. Teaching/Post 10
Doctoral Experience
(2 marks for one
year each)#
# However, if the period of teaching/Post-doctoral experience is less than one
year then the marks shall be reduced proportionately.
(A) (i)M.Phil + Ph.D Maximum– 30 Marks
(ii) JRF/NET/SET Maximum - 07 Marks
(B) Number of candidates to be called for interview shall be decided by the
concerned universities.
(C) Academic Score - 80
(D) Research Publications - 10
(E) Teaching Experience - 10
• Total : - 100
(D)SET/SLET score shall be valid for appointment in respective
State Universities/Colleges/Institutions only
Table: 3 B
Criteria for Short listing of candidates for Interview for the Post of Assistant
Professors in Colleges