Section - 1 ' Objective Type Questions: Q. (1) - Choose The Correct Options

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Section – ‘ 1 ’ Objective Type Questions


Q.(1). Choose the correct options :-

1. Which of the following equations is a linear equation?
A. 2x^2-12x+3 B.x-4+y C. 1/2x D. 25/x – 66

Ans. B. x-4+y

2. In the usual notations, choice for the correct E is

A. E = 1 + ∆ B. E = 1 - ∆ C. E = 1 +ᶯ D. None of these

Ans. A. E = 1 + ∆

3. 5x^2 - 10x – 20=0 is a Quadratic Equation. True or False?

Ans. True

4. The difference between upper and lower limit of interval is called?

A. Class Limit B. Class Interval C. Class Frequency D. Midvalue

Ans. A. Class Limits

5. How many Regression lines are there?

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

Ans. A. Two

6. Measure of dispersion is:

A. Range B. Mean Deviation C. Standard Deviation D. All of the above

Ans. C. Standard Deviation.

7. Who propounded the Coefficient of Association of Attribute:

A. Fisher B. Yule C. Karl Pearson D. Marshall

Ans. B. Yule

8. Sample is the representative of:

A. Universe B. Investigation C. Data D. None of the above
Ans. C. Data

9. Another name for Ogive curve is:

A. Histogram B. Frequency Polygon
C. Cumulative frequency polygon D. None of these

Ans. C. Cumulative frequency polygon.

10. The problem of report is:

A. Problem of Language B. Problem of Concepts
C. Problem of objectives D. All of these.

Ans. D. All of these

Section – ‘ 2 ’ Short Answer Type Questions


Q.2. What are Constant and Variable ?

Ans. In linear algebra, there are 2 types of quantities :

(1) Constant Quantity

(2) Variable Quantity

(1) Constant - A constant is a quantity whose value does not change. In other words, a
constant value for e g. 1, 2,.....,10 are constants.

Constant - When during a set of mathematical operations a quantity does not

change and remains the same, we call it a constant. Constant are expressed by a, b, c

Constants are of two types: (i) absolute constant; (ii) arbitrary constant

Absolute Constant - It assumes the same value during every mathematical operation.
g. 1, 2, 3,. . V7, - 7 etc.
Arbitrary Constant - It is a quantity which remains constant during a specific
operation but in another context it may assume a different value. Examples,

(1) The voltaic of a cane can be changed by changing its rows and keeping its fengit
constraint. Here the height of the cornea is an arbitrary constant

(ii) In line y = mx+c m and c are constants for a given line , but for a different lirne the
values of an and c assume different values.

(2) variable - A variable is a quantity that does not have a fixed value. For example,
the temperature of a day is represented by the quantity is different in nature,
therefore is a variable.
Variable - A quantity which may be assume different values in a set of
mathematical operations. Generally a variable is expressed by letters x,y, z etc.
Variables are of two types: (1) Independent variable (i) Dependent variable.
Independent variable –A Variable which may be assign any arbitrary value is
called independent variable.
Dependent variable- A variable whose value depends upon the assigned arbitrary
values of an independent variable is called dependent variable .
Illustration: In the equation
y = 2𝑥 2 +5x+1 When
x = 1, y = 8 , x= 2 , y= 19, x= - 1,y = 2 etc .
Here 2,5, 1 are constant, x is independent variable and y is dependent variable.


The sum of two numbers is 8. If their sum is four times their difference. Find
the numbers.

Sol. : Let the two numbers be x and y, according to question,

( x + y )=8 …..(1)

4( x - y ) =( x + y )

Or 4x – 4y = x + y

Or 4x – x - 4y – y = 0
Or 3x – 5y = 0

Multiplying (1) by 3 = 3x + 3y = 24 …….(2)

Subtracting (1) from (2)

-8y = -24 …….(3)


Substituting the value of y in (1)



Therefore, required numbers = 3, 5.


Q.3. Write about collection of data through schedules ?

Ans. This method of data collection is very much like the collection of data through
questionnaire, with little difference which lies in the fact that schedules (Performa
containing a set of a questions) are being filled in by the enumerators who are
specially appointed for the purpose. These enumerators along with schedules, go top
respondents, put to them the questions from the Performa in the order the questions
are listed and record the replicas in the space meant for the same in the Performa. In
certain situations, schedules may be handed over to respondents and enumerators
may help them in recording their answer to various question in the said schedules
Enumerators explain the aims and investigation and also remove the difficulties which
any respond feel in understanding the implications of a particular question or the end
definition or concept of difficult terms. This method requires the selection of
enumerators for filling up stion.schedules or assisting respondents to fill up schedules
and as such enumerators should be very carefully selected. The enumerators should
be trained to perform their job well and the nature and scope of the ms of
investigation should be explained to them thoroughly so that they may well
understand the implications of different questions put in the schedule. be intelligent
and must possess the capacity of loss-examination in order to find out the truth.
Above all, they should naire be honest, sincere, hard-working and should have
patience and could to Enumerators should variance. these his method of data
collection is very useful in extensive enquiries and can lead to fairly reliable results. It
is, however, very expensive and usually adopted in investigations conducted by
governmental agencies upon or by some big organisations. Population census all over
the world is our use conducted through this method

Difference between Questionnaires and Schedules

Both questionnaire and schedule ‘are popularly used methods of and collecting data
in research surveys. There is much resemblance in the nature of these two methods
and this fact has made many people to lasting remark that from a practical point of
view, the two methods can be taken naira lo be the same. But from the technical
point of view there is difference between the two. The important points of difference
are as under .

(1) The questionnaire is generally sent through mail to informants be answered as

specified in a covering letter, but otherwise without r assistance from the
sender. The schedule is generally filled out by research worker or the
numerator, who can interpret questions when necessary.
(2) To collect data through questionnaire is relatively cheap and mescal since we
have to spend money only in preparing the naira and in mailing the same to
respondents. Here no field staff on d. To collect data through schedules is
relatively more expensive considerable amount of money has to he spent in
appointing In schedules. enumerators and in imparting training to them.
Money is also spent in preparing schedules.

From the following data regarding the number of members in 7 families,
calculate the mean deviation and its coefficient.
2, 5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 4 .

Sol. :
Serial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Measurement 2 3 3 4 4 5 6
Deviation 2 1 1 0 0 1 2
from Median
4 (d)

Median = Size of n+1/2th item

Or, = Size of 7 + 1 / 2th = 4th item = 4

M.D. = ∑d/n = 7/7 = 1

Coefficient of M.D. = M.D. / Median

= ¼ = 0.25 .


Q.4. What is the correlation ? write short note on the importance or utility
of correlation.


Meaning and Definition of Correlation

When for every value of a variable X we know a corresponding Ans. value of a second
variable Y (i.e., the data is in the form of paired measurements), then we are
interested in the relationship of these two variables.

Analysis of Bivariate Data

The analysis of univariate data in case of economic, social and scientific areas
becomes insufficient. So, in some situations, say production price, height of father
and son, marks obtained in two subjects, heights of husbands and their wives, a series
of expenses on advertisement and sales Measures of two characters of each
individual in a group of individuals, etc., it is necessary to form bivariate series.
If a change in one variable is accompanied (or appears to be accompanied) a change
in other variable and vice-versa, then the two variables are said to be correlated and
this relationship is known as correlation or covariation.

Utility and Importance of Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis is a very important technique in Statistics, It is useful in
physical and social sciences and business and economics. The correlation
analysis is useful in the following cases:
(i) To have more reliable forecasting.

(ii) To study economic activities.

(iii) To estimate the variable values on the basis of an other variable values.

(iv) To make analysis, drawing conclusions etc. in the research or statistical


According to Neiswanger "Correlation analysis contributes to the understanding of

economic behaviour, aids in locating the critically important variables on which others
depend, may reveal to the economist the connections by which disturbances spread
and suggests to him the paths through which stabilizing forces may become
effective." To a businessman correlation analysis helps to estimate costs, sales, prices
and other related variables. Correlation analysis is the basis of the concept of
regression and ratio of variation.

Find the rank correlation co-efficient -

X 75 88 95 70 60 80 81 50
Y 120 134 150 115 110 140 142 100

Sol. : Calculation of Rank correlation coefficient:

X Rank Y Rank Differences D

b/w ranks
75 5 120 5 0 0
88 2 134 4 -2 4
95 1 150 1 0 0
70 6 115 6 0 0
60 7 110 7 0 0
80 4 140 3 1 1
81 3 142 2 1 1
50 8 100 8 0 0
N=8 N=8 6

Formula for Spearman’s correlation coefficient

Rp = 1* 6∑D*D / N (N*N-1)

= 1 – 6*6/ 8(8*8-1)

= 1 – 36 / 504

= 1 – 0.07 = + 0.93 .


Q.5. Write about Analysis Or Decomposition Of Time Series.

Ans. To discover and measure any regularities which characterise the movements of a
time series and to isolate them individually is known as the analysis of time series . In
other words,

Analysis of a time series consists of discovering, measuring and isolating the

components of the time series or the process of studying interpreting and isolating
the force that influence a time series is called the analysis of time series. The analysis
of the movements of variables which are dependent on time over periods of time is
referred to as time series analysis. The classical approach to analyse a time series is in
term of four distinct types of variations or separate components that influence a time
series. To study the components of a time series individually is often called
decomposition of a time series.
Mathematical Models of Time Series

For an analysis of time series, the traditional or classical method is to suppose some
type of relationship among the components of a time series. The two relationships
often called "Models of Time Series" are as follows:

Additive Model: Here we assume tl.1at the various components of a time series are
additive and the values are the sum of the four components. Symbolically


Where, Y =Observed value in the time series

T= Trend

S= Seasonal Variations

C= Cyclical Variations

I= Irregular Variations

2. Multiplicative Model: Here we assume that any particular value in a time series
in the product of the four components. Symbolically,


Calculate cost of living index number using aggregative method for 1940 with
base as 1939.

Articles Quantity Unit Price Price

consumed 1939 1940
Rice 6 Mds Md 5.75 6.0
Wheat 6 Mds Md 5.00 8.0
Gram 1 Md Md 6.00 9.0
Arher 6 Mds Md 8.00 10.0
Ghee 4 Seers Seer 2.00 1.5
sugar 1 Md Md 20.00 15.0
Sol. : Computation for cost of living index number :

Articles Quantity Price Price P1Q0 PoQo

Q0 P0 P1
Rice 6 5.75 6.00 36.00 34.50
Wheat 6 5.00 8.00 48.00 30.00
Gram 1 6.00 9.00 9.0 6.00
Arher 6 8.00 10.00 60.00 48.00
Ghee 4 2.00 1.5 6.00 8.00
Sugar 1 20.00 15.00 15.00 20.00
174.00 146.50

Cost of living index number = ∑P1Q1/∑P0Q0 * 100

= 174/146.5 * 100

= 118.8 .


Q.6. Write a short note Bayes Theorem of Probability.

Ans. Bayes' Theorem- Probabilities can be revised when new information pertaining
to a random experiment is obtained. of revising probabilities is a familiar one, for all
of us, even to those with no previous experience in calculating probabilities have lived
in an environment ruled by whims of chance and have made informal probability

We do also intuitively revise these probabilities upon observing certain facts and
change our actions accordingly. Our concern for revising probabilities arises from a
need to make better use of experimental information. This is referred to as Bayes'
theorem after the Reverend Thomas Bayes’ who proposed in the eighteenth century,
that probabilities be revised in accordance with empirical findings Quite often the
businessman has the extra information on a particular event or proposition, either
through a personal belief or from the past history of the event. Probabilities assigned
on the basis of personal experience, before observing the outcomes of the
experiment are called prior probabilities. For example, probabilities assigned to past
sales records, to past number of defectives produced by a machine, are examples of
prior probabilities. When the probabilities are revised with the use of Bayes' rule, they
are called posterio probabilities. Bayes theorem is very useful in solving practical
business problems in the light of additional information.

Suppose, a random experiment having several mutually exclusive events E1, E2,....
and the probabilities of each event P(ET), P(E2).. .have been obtained. These
probabilities are reffered to as prior probabilities because they represent the chances
that events before the results from obtained. The investigation itself may have servel
which we may designate by the letter R, the conditional several possible outcomes,
each statistically dependent upon Es. For particulary result probabilities P(R/E1),
P(R/E2),.... are often available. The result itself serves to revise the event probabilities
upward or downward. The resulting values are called posterior probabilities since
they apply after the information result has been learned. The posterior probability
values actually conditional probabilities of the form P(E1/R), P(E2/R) that may be
found according to Baycs' Theorem. The

posterior probability of Ej for a particular result R of an empirical investigation may be

found from
𝑃 Ej 𝑃(𝑅/𝐸j)
P ( Ej / R ) =
𝑃 𝐸1 𝑃 𝑅/𝐸1 +𝑃 𝐸2 𝑃(𝑅/𝐸2)

Out of 6 Indians and 4 Americans, a committee of 5 is to be constituted. Find the
probability that there are exactly two Indians in it.

Sol. : Total number of persons, 6 + 4 = 10

The number of ways of constituting a committee of 5 out of 10,

N = 10 Combination 5 = 10!/5!5! = 10 *9*8*7*6*5! / 5!*5*4*3*2*1 = 126

The number of ways of selecting 2 Indians out of

6 = 6 Combination 2= 6*5/2*1= 15
The number of ways of selecting 3 Americans out of 4:

= 4 Combination 3= 4! / 3!*1! = 4

Favorable ways, α= 15*4 = 60

Therefore, Required Probability = a/n = 60/126 = 10/21 .


Section – ‘ 3 ’ Long Answer Type Questions


Q.7. Write short notes on :-

1.) Population 2.) Sample 3.) Parameter 4.) Frequency distribution 5.)Cumulative


(1). Population :

In statistics, universe or population simply refers to an aggregate f items to be studied

for an investigation. Ordinarily, the term population used to mean total number of
people living in a country. Population of India was approximately 84.4 corers in 1991.
But in statistics, the term population is used in a special sense.

In statistics, the term population means the aggregate of all items about which we
want to obtain information. To illustrate, there are two thousand students in a
particular college. If an investigator collects information regarding all the 200
students, then two thousands students would be taken as universe or population.
Each unit of these two thousands is called Item. To further illustrate, one sugar mill
out of the 10 sugar mills we are studying would be called item. All the ten sugar mills
would constitute population or the universe.

Population may be finite or infinite- Finite population comprises of limited number

of items, e.g. number of students and teacher of a college. Infinite population, on the
other hand, comprises of unlimited mosquitoes in an area. The technique of statistical
analysis in which all items relating to the universe or population are studied is called
Census Method. For example, data collected on the basis, of a survey conducted by
contacting all the two thousand college students or all the sugar mills is called Censes

(2). Sample:

It is that method of statistical survey in which the investigator does not contact
all the items to collect information but only a few of them that represent the
entire population. If out of the total 2000 Students only 200 students are
contacted for collecting data this would be a sample investigation. It is
expected that the sample of 200 students represents the characteristics of the
entire population of 2000 students.
Thus, a sample is that part of the universe or population which we select for
the purpose of investigation. The technique of statistical investigation based on
sample data is called Sample Method.
Essential of a Sample:- In order to arrive at unbiased and right conclusion, a
sample must have the following qualities for essentials:
(1) representative: - A sample must represent all the characteristics of the
universe. It is possible only when each unit of the ands equal chances of being
selected in the sample.

(2)Independence:- All units of a sample must be independent o each other. In other

words, inclusion of one item in the sample should not be dependent upon the
inclusion of some other items of the universe.

(3) Homogeneity:- If more than one sample are selected from a universe, these
samples should be homogeneous (and not contradictory) to each other.

(4) Adequacy:- The number of items in the sample should be fairly adequate so that
some reliable conclusions are drawn for the universe as a whole.

(3). Parameter:

It is a unit of measurement of an area of a field.

(4). Frequency Distribution:

Frequency series or series with frequencies may be of two types:

(i) Frequency Array of Discrete Series and (ii) Grouped frequency distribution or
Continuous Series

(i) Frequency- Frequency is the number of occurrences of an item in the universe.

In other words, the number of times an item repeats’ itself in the population is
called the frequency of that item.

(ii) Class Frequencies- The number of times an item repeats itself corresponding to
a range of value (or class interval) is called class frequency. For example, if there
are 4 students securing marks between 10-15, then 4 is the frequency
corresponding to the class interval 10-15 Thus 4 will be called class frequency.

(iii) Frequency Distribution- The arrangement consisting of observations and their

frequencies is called a frequency distribution

(5). Cumulative Frequency:

Cumulative frequency series is that series in which the frequencies are

continuously added corresponding to each class interval in the series he
frequencies then, become cumulative frequencies. Cumulative frequencies
corresponding to the first 'class interval' would the same as the frequency
obviously be the same as itself. But for the second 'class interval the
cumulative frequency would be the sum total of the frequencies corresponding
to both the second as well as first 'class interval'. Table 1 below gives an
example how cumulative frequencies are obtained

Table 1- Cumulative Frequencies Series

Marks Frequencies Cumulative Frequencies

5-10 3 3
10-15 8 3+8=11
15-20 9 11+9=20
20-25 4 20+4=24
25-30 4 24+4=28
The denominator of a fraction is greater than the numerator by 3. If 1 is
added to both the numerator and denominator of the fraction and 1 is
subtracted from the numerator and 3 from the denominator, the new fraction
will be consequently equal.
Find the fraction.

Sol. :

Let the fraction be x / y, then denominator is greater than the numerator by 3

Therefore, Y=x+3 ...( 1 )

If 1 is added to numerator and denominator of the fraction or if 1 is subtracted

from the numerator and 3 from denominator the new fraction will be equal.

Hence, x+1/y+1=x–1/y–3

Therefore, ( x + 1 ) ( y -3 ) = ( x – 1 ) ( y + 1 ) ( By cross multiplication ) =>

xy – 3x + y – 3 = xy + x – y – 1

=> - 4x + 2y - 2= 0

=> - 4x + 2y = 2 ...( 2 )

Substituting value of y from equation ( 1 ) in equation ( 2 ),

- 4x + 2( x+3) = 2

=> - 4x + 2x + 6 = 2

=> - 2x + 6 = 2

=> - 2x = 2 - 6

=> - 2x = - 4

Therefore, x=2

Putting the value of x in equation ( 1 ),

Therefore, y=5

The required fraction is = 2 / 5 . Ans.

Q.8. Write about collection of Data Through Schedules.

Ans. This method of data collection is very much like the collection of data through
questionnaire, with little difference which lies in the fact that schedules (Performa
containing a set of questions) are being filled in by the enumerators who are specially
appointed for the purpose. These enumerators along with schedules go to
respondents, put to them the questions from the preformed in the order the
questions are listed and record the replies in the space meant for the same in the
preformed. In certain situations, schedules may be handed over to respondents and
enumerators may help them in recording their answers to various questions in the
said schedules. Enumerators explain the aims and objects of the investigation and
also remove the difficulties which any respondent may feel in understanding the
implications of a particular question or the definition or concept of difficult terms.

This method requires the selection of enumerators for filling up schedules or

assisting respondents to fill up schedules and as such enumerators should be very
carefully selected. The enumerators should be trained to perform their job well and
the nature and scope of the investigation should be explained to them thoroughly so
that they may well understand the implications of different questions put in the
schedule. Enumerators should be intelligent and must possess the capacity of cross-
examination in order to find out the truth. Above all, they should be honest, sincere,
and hard-working and should have patience and perseverance.

This method of data collection is very useful in extensive enquiries fairly reliable
results. It is, however, very expensive and in investigations conducted by
governmental agencies or by some big organisations. Population census all over the
world is this method of data collection and can lead to is or by some big organ
conducted through this method.
Difference between Questionnaires and Schedules
Both questionnaire and schedule "are popularly used methods of collecting data in
research surveys. There is much resemblance in the nature of these two methods and
this fact has made many people to remark that from a practical point of view, the two
methods can be taken to be the same. But from the technical point of view there is
difference between the two. The important points of difference are as under:

(1) The questionnaire is generally sent through mail to inform ant further
assistance from the sender. The research necessary. to be answered as
specified in a covering letter, but otherwise without The schedule is generally
filled out by the research worker or the enumerator, who can interpret
questions when necessary
(2) To collect through questionnaire is relatively cheap and economical since
We have to spend money only in preparing the questionnaire and in mailing
the same to respondents. Since considerable amount of money has to be spent
in appointing enumerators and in imparting training to them. Money is a
appointing schedules.

(3) Non-response is usually high in case of questionnaire as many people do not

respond and many return the questionnaire without answering all questions. Bias due
to non-response often remains indeterminate. As against this, non-response is
generally very low in case of schedules because these are filled by enumerators who
are able to get answers to all questions. But there remains the danger of interviewer
bias and cheating.

(4) In case of questionnaire, it is not always clear as to who replies, but in case of
schedule the identity of respondent is known.

( 5) The questionnaire method is likely to be very slow since many| respondents do

not return the questionnaire in time despite several reminders, but in case of
schedules the information is collected well in time as they are filled in by

(6) Personal contact is generally not possible in case of the questionnaire method as
questionnaires are sent to respondents by respondents by post who also in turn
return the same by post. But in case of schedules direct personal contact is
established with respondents.

(7) Questionnaire method can be used only when respondents are e information can
be literate and cooperative, but in case of schedules the information can be
gathered even when the respondents happen to be illiterate.

Calculate mean deviation and its co-efficient by direct method : -

Roll numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Marks 54 71 57 52 49 45 72 57 47

Sol. : Calculation of mean deviation and its co-efficient by direct method –

First we will calculate median –

S.NO. Marks arranged dx ( 56 ) dm

In ascending order

1 45 11 9

2 47 9 7

3 49 7 5

4 52 4 2

5 54 2 0

6 57 1 1

7 57 1 1

8 71 15 13

9 72 16 18
n=9 504 66 56

a = ∑ m / n = 504 / 9 = 56

m = size of ( n + 1 / 2) th item

= size of ( 9 + 1 / 2) th item

= size of 5th item is 54 marks

∂( a ) = ∑ da / m = 66 / 9 = 7.33

Co-efficient of m.p. from mean = ∂a / a = 7.33 / 56 = 0.13


∂m = ∑ xm / n = 64 / 9 = 7.11

Co-efficient of D from median = ∂m / m = 7.11 / 54 = 0.13

( Approx) Ans.

Q.9. mention the definitions, importance and common principals of correlation.

Ans. Correlation is a statistical technique that is used to analyze the behaviour of two
or more variables. In practice it is seen that there is mutual connection between two
or more substances. For example, as well as increasing the age of the people, their
weight increases, i.e. the age and weight of people have mutual connection. Similarly,
when the income of the people increased, their consumption expenditure also

It is clear from this that there is a mutual connection between the income of the
people and their consumption expenditure. Hence it can be said that the two pillars
can be related in this way. That there will also be a word of discontinuation in the
second store. Two pandemic The method of finding solutions between such changes
is called correlation analysis. In essence, correlation is such a statistical technique by
which direction and quantity or degree are measured for the mutual relationships
found between two or more variables. Conjunction expresses the connection of the
cause and the result in two variables. .

Bodington - "When two or more bugs, groups or groups of colonies If there is a

definite relation then it is called correlation.”

King -" is related to correlation between the two pillars or the groups of the

Prof. L. R. Connor -" If two or more amounts change in sympathy such that one of
them if there is a tendency to change in the second zodiac as a result of the changes
that happen, then those amounts is called correlates. "

The importance of correlation

in the present time in the demography The importance of the correlation has
increased greatly, the first of all this technique was Sir Francis Galton, and Karl
Pearson is credited with popularizing this technique. Karl Pearson, after studying the
lengths of the father and the son, concluded that the long father There are always
long boys, in addition to studying many problems of two posts in economic, social and
political fields. Is not correlation is only used. The importance of correlation
techniques in practical life is evident on Nimnakit grounds

1. The relations between the variables - the relationship between the variables can
be determined by correlation techniques. For example, if the price increases, the
fulfillment of the item also increases. The information related to this relation can be
found here. Is known only.

2 . Estimating the value of a second variable based on the value of a variable - In

this case, the use of regression technique is done in the statistics, which is based on
'correlation' technique.

3. To be helpful in understanding economic practices - Correlation techniques are

helpful in understanding economic practices; For example, the value of the item and
its Based on the relation between demand , the elements affecting the demand of the
object can be determined. By studying the ups and downs of the economy by the
consensus, it helps in implementing effective policies to re-establish sustainability.
4. To be helpful in business - the way of correlation helps the administrator to run his
business. For example, there is a close relationship between the amount of
advertising expenditure and sales volume. Therefore, the practitioner can take a
decision regarding the amount of sale of the item based on advertising expenditure.

5. Reducing the limit of uncertainty - Studying correlation reduces uncertainty in

relation to decision-making. In Tippet's words, the effect of the correlation reduces
the expansion of uncertainty of our prediction. ''.

6. Assistant in the research work - In the present time, the use of correlation
techniques in the financial and social sector of the research work started to be very
high. The importance of the study of correlation is increasing in the research work of
math and physics.

Interpretation of correlation coefficient

Correlation in two pillars is found in various dimensions. To find the coefficient of
correlation, the practice of Carl Pearson is adopted, which is always between 1 and 1.
This means that the amount of correlation between the two variables can be
completely positive or completely negative. If it expresses it as a percentage, it will be
called. That the relation between two variables can be 100% positive or 100%
negative. Positive correlation and negative correlation are actually the highest and
the lowest boundaries of the correlation. Hence it is said that the coefficient of
coefficient remains between these two ranges i.e., + 1 and - 1. The general rules for
the selection of the co-ordinal coefficient of these bays and the amounts between
them are as follows.

1. Full correlation - 'There is full correlation, positive and negative two types.
When the changes of two variable values are in equal proportion and in the
same direction, they have full positive correlation. In such a situation, the
coefficient of coefficient is + 1. On the contrary, if the changes in both variable
values are in the same ratio but in the opposite direction, they have a full
negative correlation and their denominator - Are there.
2 . Absence of correlation - If there is no sympathetic relation between the
two categories, that is, mutual dependence is not found at all, i.e. the absence
or lack of correlation is called. In such a situation, the coefficient of coefficient
is zero (0).

2. Limited limitation of the correlation - the complete correlation in economic

and social sectors is not visible. Normally there is a positive or negative
correlation of limited magnitude between the absence of correlation and the
conditions of complete correlation. In these circumstances, the coefficient of
coefficient is more than zero but less than one. Three forms of limited
correlation can be as follows - High, Medium and Lower. When the coefficient
of coefficient occurs between 75 and 1 then it is called high relation. It can be
positive or negative. When the amount of correlation is too high or low, then
the correlation number comes between approximately 25 and 75, it is called
the correlation of middle class. It can also be positive or negative. When two
co-ordinations occur in co-changes in the lower ratio, their correlation is called
the low level correlation. If there is a low correlation correlation between
coefficient () and + 25 and in the case of negative correlation it () and - 25 is
found between.

Find the rank correlation co-efficient –

X 75 88 95 70 60 80 81 50
Y 120 134 150 115 110 140 142 100

Sol. : Calculation of Rank correlation co-efficient

X Rank y Rank Differences between d

Ranks ( D )

75 5 120 5 0 0

88 2 134 4 -2 4
95 1 150 1 0 0

70 6 115 6 0 0

60 7 110 7 0 0

80 4 140 3 +1 1

81 3 142 2 +1 1

50 8 100 8 0 0

N=8 N=8 6

Formula of spearman’s correlation co-efficient

r’p = 1 * 6 ∑ D2 / N (N * N – 1)

= 1 – 6 * 6 / 8 ( 8 * 8 - 1) = 1 – 36 / 504

= 1 – 0.7 = + 0.93. Ans.

Q.10. what is time series? Explain in brief the various components of the time
series. What is the importance of time series analysis.

Ans. The intent and definition of the time range -

In which the information related to economic elements

such as production, import-export etc. are given on the basis of the years, it is known
as Kalmala. For example if. If there are several years of Chinese production statistics
in India, in any occupation, then it will be called Kalamala. According to pro. Werner
Harsh, "Kalamala is a system of the same variables - values of the contemporaries of
the periods of time or time.”In the words of Kane and Keeping," Samska groups based
on time are called period ranges.

"Ingredients of Components / Components of Kalamala-

How many kinds of changes can occur in one category. They can be the changes, they
are called their constituents. The separate study of these organizations of Kalamala is
called the analysis of Kalmala. Generally, these organizations are called main Rub Can
be divided into three parts.

Long-term tendency or long-lasting trend - suggests the long-term changes in a

gradual process, which gives information about whether the related economic
component should occur normally in the long run For example; there has been a
tendency for India's population to grow in the last 100 years.

Carpet changes- changes in economic components due to nature and customs in a

single year, whose nature is regular, are called regular short term high-tech and after
a fixed period they are recurred so that they can be predicted. . These are the
following two types.

(I) Seasonal variance - Seasonal variants are influenced by such factors which result in
decreasing regularity and uniformity - increasingly growing. Such variances can be per
hour, per day, per week or even per month. These variants are occasional and regular.
These changes are certain and their predictions are possible. For example, the value
of agricultural produce always decreases on crop opportunities. Generally, their
duration is less than one year.

(ii) Cyclic overarching - these terminologies are also regular, but their duration is
more than one year. Business cycles are very important in the financial world and
they affect all the prices, production, remuneration of workers etc. However, the
timeline of these incidents is not as sure as the seasons, and this is the reason that
the effects of them are called cyclical altitudes. A business cycle is full of prosperity,
lethargy, recession and resurgence through four phases. It can be 3 years, 5 years, 10
years, or 20 years.

1. Irregular reducing- irregular changes are due to uncertain reasons. So imagine

them before. It is not possible. For example due to famines, floods, wars,
strikes, there may be accidental or irregular changes in the economy. Since
there is no regular period to produce them, that is why it is called irregular or
divination. |

Importance of time-class analysis

Analysis of time-series analysis, specialization in the study of financial problems
and their solutions. Holds importance on the following grounds, the importance
of analysis of the period of time is clarified. Can go.
1.Yan - Periodic and momentary day-to-day - changes are present in the
present economic and commercial era. The information about changes in
economic components, such as consumption, production, value, trade etc., is
achieved only by the study of time series.
2. Analysis of past behaviours - An analysis of the future data gives information
about the elements affecting the economic component. For example, the
impact of traffic on traffic and communication was affected by the impact of
the trade on this; it can be obtained by looking at the statistics of previous
3. Estimates about the future - An analysis of the calculus can be adopted in
the future.
4. Comparison - Important information can be obtained by comparing
Kalamalas. For example, conclusions can be obtained by comparing the growth
rate and the rate of development after independence before attaining
5. Universal Use - Analysis of the Columns brings benefits to all sections of the
society. Therefore, the lawful analysis of the time range is like a compass that
works as a guide for economists, businessmen, producers, consumers, plan
makers, rulers and politicians to determine social, economic, financial and
business policies.


From the following index numbers construct new indices ( a )

With 1962 as base year and ( b ) by chain base method.
Year 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

Index No. 100 110 175 250 300 400

Sol. : Computation Of Index Numbers

Year Index Number Base 1962 Chain Base M

1959 100 100 / 250 * 100 = 40 100 / 100 * 100 = 100

1960 110 110 / 250 * 100 = 44 110/ 100 * 100 = 110

1961 175 175 / 250 * 100 = 70 175 / 110 * 100 = 159

1962 250 250 / 250 * 100 = 100 250/ 175 * 100 = 143

1963 300 300 / 250 * 100 = 120 300 / 250 * 100 = 120

1964 400 400 / 250 * 100 = 160 400 / 300 * 100= 133.3

Index Numbers so found are :

( a ) 1962 as Base : 40, 44, 70, 100, 120, 160 .

( b ) Chain Base : 100, 110, 159, 143, 120, 133.3 . Ans.

Q.11. what is the way of doing research? Elaborate its various steps.

Ans. Research or research under any research or research methodology is carried

out under a systematic method. Under which the researcher works under a whole
process, from problem or topic selection to research report, respectively. This process
is accomplished through various stages.

The major steps of the research

1. Selection and Analysis of Problems - The first step in the research is the
selection and analysis of the problem. First of all, the researcher has to select
the area and subject in which he wants to do research. In this stage the
researcher has no clear knowledge of the problem related to the study. After
selecting the problem, the problem is explained. All the different types of facts
related to that problem are investigated. For this, books, descriptions,
reference books, letter magazines, etc. related to the problem are studied and
information is obtained by contacting the concerned persons as well. An
attempt is made to understand this type of problem. When a clear and
complete picture of all aspects of the problem comes to the learner, then only
he can choose the subject area for his study.

2 . Construction of the hypothesis - The second step of the research is to construct a

carrier hypothesis. In the words of Mr. Lundberg, "The hypothesis is an experimental
generalization, whose validity remains to be seen. In fact, in the absence of
hypothesis, any kind of research cannot be imagined. Therefore, after explaining the
problem, the researcher decides which particular aspect he should focus on. For this,
he tries to make such a theory in his view that the theory will probably prove the
basis of his study. This idea or idea is called the hypothesis itself.

3. Overview and Compilation of Facts - Choosing Problems and Creating


Afterwards the researcher observes all the facts that help him understand the
problems related to the study object. A researcher in this regard should keep in mind
that he should only look at the facts which are related to the study topic. After
observing the facts, the facts related to the study topic have to be compiled. The facts
in the research are compiled from two major sources (i) primary and (ii) secondary
sources. Our intentions from primary sources are from sources that the researcher
compiles or stores itself for its use. Their collection is done with a fresh start. This
syncretism is completely original and they are collected as per their requirement.
Secondary sources are those that provide the facts already gathered in connection
with the subject, such as government records, individual diaries etc. As per the
requirement of the study subject, the information from all these sources is compiled
to check the validity of the hypothesis.

4. Classification and tabulation of facts - After compilation of facts, their

Classification and tabulation have to be done. No conclusions can be reached on the
basis of the stacks of facts received by the compilation; hence classification and
tabulation are done in their appropriate categories so that the patterns contained in
them can be traced. This work should be done with utmost care and requires trained

5. Generalization - The fifth phase of research is generalization under which a

researcher follows different methods to create different rules related to the study
object on the basis of observation, observation, compilation and classification. A
scientific rule does the work of rendering in such a way that it creates definite, clear
and irreversible rules in relation to its study object. The rules made by him are eternal
and authentic and verified. They can also be tested.

6. Report - A systematic, concise and clear report is presented on the basis of the full
research pram from the last step, so that the context of this research can be easily
available for further research and this research can be done to other related persons
in this field. .

The odds against A solving a sum are 7 : 6 and the odds in favour of B solving
the same are 11 : 8. What is the probability that the sum will be solved if
both of them try it?

Sol. : Probability that A solves the question = 6 / 7 + 6 = 6 / 13

Probability that A doesn’t solve the question = 1 - 6 / 13 = 7 / 13

Probability that B solves the question = 11 / 11 + 8 = 11 / 19

Probability that B doesn’t solve the question = 1 - 11 / 9 = 8 / 19

Probability that both do not solve the question = ( 1 - 6 / 13 ) ( 1 – 11 / 19 )

Hence, Probability that the question is solved =

1 – ( 1 – 6 / 13 ) ( 1- 11 / 19 ) = 1 – 7 / 13 * 8 / 19

= 1- 56 / 247 = 191 / 247 = 0.773 .



3. SHIVESH SEN - Short Ans(2 Prac & 2 Theory)

4. ANKIT PANDEY - Short Ans(1 Prac & 2 Theory)
5. MAHIMA SINGH - Short Ans( 2 Prac & 1 Theory)

6. KULDEEP BIDUA – Long Ans( 1 Prac & 1 Theory)

8. SHREYA THAKUR - Long Ans(1 Prac & 1 Theory)
9. NAKEEB KHAN - Long Ans(1 Prac & 1 Theory)
10. SATYAM THAKUR - Long Ans(1 Prac & 1 Theory)

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