Quest For Question
Quest For Question
Quest For Question
The Task:
Work cooperatively in the research team to determine a topic of interest for the group’s quantitative research. Then,
frame at least three research questions, one for every quantity research design (descriptive, correlational,
experimental). All research questions must reflect the topic of interest and relevant to the team’s senior high school
The Product:
Present the result of the brainstorming activity to the rest of the class through a slideshow-aided, five-minute
presentation on September 25th, Monday.
The presentation must be reflective the following questions:
1. Why did your group choose your topic of interest? What did you find most interesting about the topic? Explain
its relevance to the senior high school strand you are under.
2. What are the prospective research questions your group came up with. Briefly explain the concept behind
each question and how your team intends to carry out the research.
3. What are the possible challenges/difficulties you might encounter for every research question. Consider the
elements of time, money, and effort.