DR - Shaheen Part 2 PDF

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Prometric Exam Collection 2018

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• Original File By Dr. Dr.shaheen kashif

• Edited by Dr. Mohsen S. Ozaibi (OziDent.com)


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1. Which part of instrument should be parallel during calculus removal:

A. Shank***
B. Blade
C. Cutting edge
D. Handle

2) The most non-irritant material (biocompatible) is:
A. Titanium ***
B. Gold noble alloy
C. Chrome (cobalt)
D. Chrome (nickel)

3) Pt. had trauma in facial (blow ) nasal discharge contain CSF what is content:
a. ↑Glucose ***
b. ↑Protein
c. Glucose oxide
d. Tri sulphate

4) Verrucous carcinoma:
A. Malignant lesion***
B. Bengin lesion

5) The 4th canal in maxillary first molar found in:
A. In palatal root
B. In MB root ***
C. In DB root
D. Between palatal and distao-buccal canal

6) During intra-uterine life, embryo become fetus after:
A. 1st week
B. 1st month
C. 2nd months
D.3rd months***

8) Syphilis 1st appear as:
A. Multiple vesicles
B. Erythematous (reaching)
C. Ulcer***
D. (Bullia)
9) The posterior palatal seal of maxillary complete area can be detected by the following except:
A. Hamular notch
B. Fovea palatine***
C. Anterior vibrating line
D. Posterior vibrating line

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10) Over extend GP should be treated by:

A. Surgically***
B. Solvent
C. Ultrasonic scalier
D. Round bur rotary inst.

11) Blue grass appliance used for:
A. Tongue thrusting
B. Mouth breathing
C. Thumb sucking***
D. Correct swallowing

12) Question regarding to obturation:
A. Obturation technique affect sealer distribution in coronal ⅓
B. Obturation technique affect sealer distribution in middle ⅓
C. Obturation technique affect sealer distribution in apical ⅓
D. No relation bet. Sealer distribution and location of roott *****************

13) Submandibular abscess drainage through:
A. Incision intaorally through mylohyoid muscle
B. Extra orally at the mandibular angle area****************

14) Gingivectomy indication for all except:
A. Extensive alveolar removal ***************
B. Eliminate supra bony pocket
C. Eliminate periodontal abscess

15) pt .with infection in sublingual , submandibular , sub mental area called:
A. Ludwig's angina ***

16) After scaling and RP , healing done by:
A. Long junctional epithelial*****************

17) Management of fractured tuberosity:
A. Replace & suture the soft tissue ******************
B. Replace & suture with intra-alveolar wire
C. Remove & leave it to heal
D. Remove & suture to heal with primary heal
18) Best feature of sealant should be:
A. Viscosity ***************************8
B. High retentive
C. Resilient
D. High strength

19) New recommendation is to finish amalgam:
A. 24 h**************

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20) After gingivectomy , surface epithelial occurs:

A. 3-5 days
B. 7-14 days******************
C. 15-50 days
D. 20-22 days

21) Ugly duckling stage:
A. 6-8 y
B. 9-11y************

22) Open margin on crown what to do:
a. Cover it with cement
b. Replace crown *************
c. Cover it with porcelain
d. Cover it by burnishing the metal

23) 25 file color:
a. Red**************

24) Best pedo behavior:
a. Tell-show-do**************

25) – office bleaching:
a. 38% hydrogen peroxide****************

26) Tooth loss by acids :

28) Unacceptable attitude from dentist for uncooperative pt. with physical disability:
a. Send him home *********************
b. Tell- show –do
c. Hand mouth tech.

29) What is importance of epinephrine in anesthesia:
a. Prolong vasoconstriction**************

30) Small access in the central lead to:
a. Incomplete debridement****************

31) Pt. physiological stress , smoker before 1 y he reported to school he has necrosis gingival , redness, no
attachment loss , treated by mechanical debridement and systemic antimicrobial thereby:
a. Periodontitis
b. ANUG***
c. Lichen planus

32) Traditional glass ionomer:
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a. Susceptible to dehydrate + no free monomer*****************

b. 32)Pedo patient got trauma in one of the anterior teeth causing pulp hyperemia and this pulp
hyperemia is due to:
a. loss of blood
c. b. intrusion of tooth
d. c. congestion of pulp ***************

33)The periodontal tissues comprise which of the following tissues:
a. Gingiva and the PDL
b. Gingival, PDL, and alveolar bone
c. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, and cementum***************
d. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and enamel

34)Treatment of Keratocyts:
a. Through Enucleation / Incision

35)The relationship between The working end of the hand piece and tooth surface is called:
a. Adaptation **********************
b. Activation
c. Angulations
d. Accessibility

36)Major connector is applied in:
a. Diagnosis and ttt plan******************

37)Delay eruption of the teeth with insomnia and weight loss:
A. Clediocranial dysphagia
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Hypopituitarism *************

38)2 years child came to your clinic complaining from white spot in all his teeth . ttt should include: A.
Parental counseling *******************
B. Caries examination
C. Nutritional survey
D,ANTICIPATORY guidance******************

39))Pt. with pain in lower mandibular molar , he has osteoporosis , the dentist should expect the
following in
OPG: ^
A. Cotton wool appearance
B. Orange peel appearance
C. Root may not be apparent due to ↑ bone density
D. Thin cortical plates***********************

40)Best instrument to plane gingival area in CLass 2:
A. Gingival marginal trimmer ****************
B. Hatchet
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C. Chisel

41)Retrograde filling is indicated in what condition:
A. Max. central incisor with good filling with 9 mm radiolucency ****
B. Max. premolar with post & core & buccal root with 4 mm short filling & RL at the apex but the palatal
root with good filling
C. Max. 1st molar with MBR & DBR short filling & palatal root with fracture instrument

43) During access cavity , it is important to concentrate on:
A. Remove caries before access opening **************
B. Take diagnosis radiographically
C. Use rubber dam

44)Enamel caries proximally:
A. Should be restored immediately
B. Should be restored when reach DEJ *****************
C. Should be restored when reach DEJ and wide spread start

45)H- file has more cutting efficiency compared to k-files due to:
A. More negative rake angle
B. More positive rake angle ******************
C. More cutting tip

46)During eruption of lower mandibular molar , there is a spicule of hard tissue in the central fossa when
the tooth is erupting , this is called:
A. Ectopic eruption
B. Hematoma
C. Eruption sequestering*****************
D. Eruption cyst

47)in systamic water F we look for :
a)age *****************
c) conc.

48)symptoms of chronic pericoronitis :
a)pain in mouth open
c) lymph enlargment

49: The body secrets antibody against antigen using which cells:
A. T lymphocyte
B. B lymphocyte*******************
C. Palasma cell
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50: What kind of radiograph which we do not use for TMJ movement:
A. Transcranial*******************
B. Computerized tomography
C. Conventional tomography
D. Arthrography

51: The cause of black cast which prevents pickling due to:
A. over heat**********************
B. Contamination with gas
C. incomplete casting

52: Patient has bulimia and has lesion in palatal surface in upper teeth with recurrent vomiting. What is
the type of lesion :
A. Attrition
B. Abrasion
C. Erosion************************

53: Electric pulp tester on the young is not accurate because:
A. Late appearance of Fibers A************************
B. Late appearance of Fibers C
C. Early appearance of fibers A
D. Early appearance of fibers C

54: The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is:
A.Failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus
B. Lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth***********************
C.Lack of attention to tooth shape, position, and contacts
D.Lack of prominent cusps, deep sulcus, and marginal ridges
55: 8 years old patient has trauma in tooth number 11 , half an hour ago, with incipient pulp exposure .
treatment is:
A. Pulpotomy with formacresol
B. Apexification
C. Direct pulp capping**********************

56: Patient presented to you with immediate denture done 5 - 10 months ago complaining of pain in the
labial area of the mandible what is the diagnosis
A. Epulis fissuratum ******************************
B. Hypertropic labial frenum

57: Patient on treatment with steroids are placed on antibiotic after oral surgical procedure because:
A.The Patient is more susceptible to infection************************
B.Antibiotics are synergistic to steroids
C.Antibiotics protect the Pt. from steroid depletion

58: After class V GIC restoration removal of a thin flush of GIC is done by:
Scaller or knife immediately
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Finishing abrasives immediately

Scale or knife subsequently
Finishing abrasives subsequently
1. a + b
2. a + d*************************
3. a + c
4. d + c

59: We can use to score palatal posterior seal on a cast:
1. Le jao carver.
2. Kingsley scraper. *********************
3.lecron carver

60:. Why the moisture heat sterilization is better than dry heat sterilization
a. Breaks the protein cell membrane at moderately low temp. ********************
b. Breaks the protein cell membrane at very high temp.

61: The following factors affect the health:
1- hereditary.
2- environment.
3- social and economic factors.
4- family welfare.
A) 1+2
B) 1+2+4
C) 1+2+3
D) All of the above*********************
62. Clinical failure of the amalgam restoration usually occurs from:
a. Improper cavity preparation.
b. Faulty manipulation.
c. Both of the above*****************8

63. Cavity etching before applying GIC is:
1.10% Polyacrylic acid 10 seconds.*****************************
2. Polyacrylic acid 60 seconds.
3. Phosphoric acid 10 seconds.
4. Phosphoric acid 60 seconds

64.After scaling and root planning healing occurs by:
a. Long junctional epithelium. ****************************
b. New attachment.
c. New bone and connective tissue formation.
d. New attached periodontal ligament fibers

65. The divergence should be mesiodistally for an amalgam restoration:
a. no it should be convergent.
b. if the remaining proximal‫ ة‬marginal ridge = 1.6 mm.
c. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge only > 1.6mm.
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d. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge only <1.6mm**********************

66. Patient needs fixed bridge after you check in mouth of the patient see change color of bridge to cloudy
to milky what causes?
a. Excessive fired. **********************
b. Reduced fired.
c. Excessive moisture.
d. Increased poursity.

67. Over extend GP should be treated by
A. Surgically***
B. Solvent
C. Ultrasonic scalier
D. Round bur rotary instrument

68. years old, extracted upper 1st primary molar. what is the space maintainer
A. Band and loop ***
B. Crown and loop

69. Most common marginal failure of fixed prosthodontics is
A. Periodontal
B. Pulpal
C. Caries***
D. Mechanical
70. Pt. came with severe pain from tooth with direct pulp capping , x-ray no PA , no pain with percussion
but the pain with
cold and hot lasting diagnosis
A. Reversible pulpitis
B. Irreversible pulpitis ***
C. Acute apical periodontitis
D. Cracked

71. Sinus track with gutta percha traced to the apex, indicate
A. Horizontal fracture
B. Chronic apical abscess****************
C. Pulp degeneration
D. Acute form of chronic abscess

72. Internal resorption
A. Rarely in deciduous teeth
B. Initiated by odontoblast
C. Seldom confused with external resorption
D. It is usually asymptomatic*****************8

73. Pt. have an accident in aside he has infra orbital level of eyes , psudoptosis and pain to temporofrontal
suture and posterior open bit , which did he has
A. Gorlin fracture
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B. Le-fort 1 & 2
C. Le-fort 3
D. Isolated zygomatic fracture ***

74. 3 walls defect tilled which autogenous osseous coagulum that contain:
1. Intraoral cancellous bone mixed with patient blood.
2. Intraoral cortical bone mixed with patient blood
3. Mixed intraoral cancellous & cortical bone mixed with patient blood*****************
4. Extra oral cancellous bone mixed with patient blood

75. 2 walls defect in perio what is the best graft to treat this defect
a. Cortical freeze dried bone allograft
b. Cancellous freeze dried bone allograft.***************
c. All are the same

76. Bluegrass grass appliance used for
A. Tongue thrusting
B. Mouth breathing
C. Thumb sucking***
D. Correct swallowing

17-Biological width is
A. Epithelial attachment + connective tissue attachment***

18-Glenoid fossa in
A. Temporomandibular jointt ***

19-Composite matrix consist of
A. Bis- GMA***
C. Celluloid
D. Mylar

20-After Gingivectomy , surface epithelial occurs
A. 3-5 days
B. 7-14 days***
C. 15-50 days
D. 20-22 days

21-Principle of tooth preparation in all except
A. Preserve tooth structure
B. Supra gingival margin ***
C. Resistance and retention
D. Structural durability
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22-potency file
A. Push the file apically to remove debris or remove any block at apex***
B. Using circumferentially file to remove bio of lateral caries
C. Recapitulation with bleach

23-Pedo. Pt. has difficulty on communicating with people and in learning , he push the food instead of
swallowing it :
a. Down syndrome
b. Autism syndrome **************8

24-45 days baby during examination we find asymptomatic white, multiple nodules the mid of the palate.
what is you
diagnosis :
a. Epstein pearls*****************
b. Bohn nodules
c. Mucus retain cyst
d. herpetic

25-Pt. with bilateral swelling of mandible , profound swillingof maxilla , cheeks are stroked with lower
line depressed , x-ray radiolucent lesion with ↓ bone trabecular displacement of anterior teeth : a. Fibrous
b. Cherubism ***************8
c. Basal cell nevus
d. Giant cell granuloma

26-Polysulphide what needed
a. Pour 1 h***
b. Pour 12 h
c. It need pressure
d. Need a special instrument to temper it

27-What to prevent contamination restoration tech
a. Rubber dam***
b. Cotton roll
c. Salivary ejector

28-Child with physical disability and highly un cooperative with not present in the plan
a. Behavior shaping
b. Sending to home*************
c. Tight with board**
d. TSD
29-Major connector when to put in which phase
a. Examination
b. Diagnosis and ttt. plane ***
c. Tttt.
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30-Loose enamel rods at the gingival floor of a class II amalgam cavity should be removed using
A. Straight chisel.
B. Hatchet
C. Gingival curette
D. Gingival marginal trimmer***

31-Loss of enamel surface due to acidic substance called
a. Abrasion
b. Erosion***
c. Attrition

32-For decrease periodontal problem most effective way in addition to antiseptic solution
a. Dental health education***
b. Through and remove of plaque

33-What mean dental (primer) function
a. Remove smear layer
copolymerize with the resinn ***

34-pedo pt. 2y old has intruded central incisor
a. Anterior Occlusal x-ray***
b. 2 bite wing
c. O.P.G
d. 2 bite wing +2 Occlusal x-ray

35-Lingual nerve is
a. Branch of facial nerve.
b. Branch of mandibular nerve.
c. Supply submandibular gland
d. Both b and c ***

36-Die is done to
A. Allow for better waxing ***
B. Adjust the errors in preparation
C. Make investment easier
D. Adjust correct finish line

37-In 1 cusp how many pin
A. 1***
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

38-Maryland bridge indicate
A. 2 missing teeth
B. Young patient ***
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C. When need translucency

D. When abutment is extensively restored

39-Fluoride application should be done
A. Every 1 year
B. Every 3 months
C. Every 6 months ***
D. Every 18 months

40-least corrosion resistance phase of amalgam is
A. Ag-Hg Gama 1
B. Cu-Ag
C. Sn-Hg(tin-mercury) Gama 2***

41-Pedo pt. , gray teeth , narrow at apex , easily detached
A. Amelogenesis
B. Dentinogenesiss ***

42-Patient with healthy gingiva , upon insertion of perio probe , it should stop at
A. Most coronal of junctional epithelium ***
B. 1/3 of coronal of junctional epithelium
C. 2/3 of coronal of junctional epithelium
D. Most apical point of junctional epithelium

43-What of these material are not noble material
a. Copper ***
b. Gold
c. Palladium
d. Platinum

16-Best time treating 4 years old child pt. in dental clinic

A. Morning***
B. Afternoon
C. Evening
D. Late evening

A. Hard caries on dentin is removed by

B. Bur high speed***
C. Bur low speed
D. (Chesile)

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