DR - Shaheen Part 2 PDF
DR - Shaheen Part 2 PDF
DR - Shaheen Part 2 PDF
It’s important to understand that this is a reference source and it’s based on people’s
experience and referred to some sources for verification none the less … we are human and we can
do mistakes… but this is the best we can do – OziDent Team.
We cannot guarantee Success but we are the best possible choice with the highest success rate.
C. Chisel
41)Retrograde filling is indicated in what condition:
A. Max. central incisor with good filling with 9 mm radiolucency ****
B. Max. premolar with post & core & buccal root with 4 mm short filling & RL at the apex but the palatal
root with good filling
C. Max. 1st molar with MBR & DBR short filling & palatal root with fracture instrument
43) During access cavity , it is important to concentrate on:
A. Remove caries before access opening **************
B. Take diagnosis radiographically
C. Use rubber dam
44)Enamel caries proximally:
A. Should be restored immediately
B. Should be restored when reach DEJ *****************
C. Should be restored when reach DEJ and wide spread start
45)H- file has more cutting efficiency compared to k-files due to:
A. More negative rake angle
B. More positive rake angle ******************
C. More cutting tip
46)During eruption of lower mandibular molar , there is a spicule of hard tissue in the central fossa when
the tooth is erupting , this is called:
A. Ectopic eruption
B. Hematoma
C. Eruption sequestering*****************
D. Eruption cyst
47)in systamic water F we look for :
a)age *****************
c) conc.
48)symptoms of chronic pericoronitis :
a)pain in mouth open
c) lymph enlargment
49: The body secrets antibody against antigen using which cells:
A. T lymphocyte
B. B lymphocyte*******************
C. Palasma cell
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50: What kind of radiograph which we do not use for TMJ movement:
A. Transcranial*******************
B. Computerized tomography
C. Conventional tomography
D. Arthrography
51: The cause of black cast which prevents pickling due to:
A. over heat**********************
B. Contamination with gas
C. incomplete casting
52: Patient has bulimia and has lesion in palatal surface in upper teeth with recurrent vomiting. What is
the type of lesion :
A. Attrition
B. Abrasion
C. Erosion************************
53: Electric pulp tester on the young is not accurate because:
A. Late appearance of Fibers A************************
B. Late appearance of Fibers C
C. Early appearance of fibers A
D. Early appearance of fibers C
54: The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is:
A.Failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus
B. Lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth***********************
C.Lack of attention to tooth shape, position, and contacts
D.Lack of prominent cusps, deep sulcus, and marginal ridges
55: 8 years old patient has trauma in tooth number 11 , half an hour ago, with incipient pulp exposure .
treatment is:
A. Pulpotomy with formacresol
B. Apexification
C. Direct pulp capping**********************
56: Patient presented to you with immediate denture done 5 - 10 months ago complaining of pain in the
labial area of the mandible what is the diagnosis
A. Epulis fissuratum ******************************
B. Hypertropic labial frenum
57: Patient on treatment with steroids are placed on antibiotic after oral surgical procedure because:
A.The Patient is more susceptible to infection************************
B.Antibiotics are synergistic to steroids
C.Antibiotics protect the Pt. from steroid depletion
58: After class V GIC restoration removal of a thin flush of GIC is done by:
Scaller or knife immediately
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B. Le-fort 1 & 2
C. Le-fort 3
D. Isolated zygomatic fracture ***
74. 3 walls defect tilled which autogenous osseous coagulum that contain:
1. Intraoral cancellous bone mixed with patient blood.
2. Intraoral cortical bone mixed with patient blood
3. Mixed intraoral cancellous & cortical bone mixed with patient blood*****************
4. Extra oral cancellous bone mixed with patient blood
75. 2 walls defect in perio what is the best graft to treat this defect
a. Cortical freeze dried bone allograft
b. Cancellous freeze dried bone allograft.***************
c. All are the same
76. Bluegrass grass appliance used for
A. Tongue thrusting
B. Mouth breathing
C. Thumb sucking***
D. Correct swallowing
17-Biological width is
A. Epithelial attachment + connective tissue attachment***
18-Glenoid fossa in
A. Temporomandibular jointt ***
19-Composite matrix consist of
A. Bis- GMA***
C. Celluloid
D. Mylar
20-After Gingivectomy , surface epithelial occurs
A. 3-5 days
B. 7-14 days***
C. 15-50 days
D. 20-22 days
21-Principle of tooth preparation in all except
A. Preserve tooth structure
B. Supra gingival margin ***
C. Resistance and retention
D. Structural durability
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22-potency file
A. Push the file apically to remove debris or remove any block at apex***
B. Using circumferentially file to remove bio of lateral caries
C. Recapitulation with bleach
23-Pedo. Pt. has difficulty on communicating with people and in learning , he push the food instead of
swallowing it :
a. Down syndrome
b. Autism syndrome **************8
24-45 days baby during examination we find asymptomatic white, multiple nodules the mid of the palate.
what is you
diagnosis :
a. Epstein pearls*****************
b. Bohn nodules
c. Mucus retain cyst
d. herpetic
25-Pt. with bilateral swelling of mandible , profound swillingof maxilla , cheeks are stroked with lower
line depressed , x-ray radiolucent lesion with ↓ bone trabecular displacement of anterior teeth : a. Fibrous
b. Cherubism ***************8
c. Basal cell nevus
d. Giant cell granuloma
26-Polysulphide what needed
a. Pour 1 h***
b. Pour 12 h
c. It need pressure
d. Need a special instrument to temper it
27-What to prevent contamination restoration tech
a. Rubber dam***
b. Cotton roll
c. Salivary ejector
28-Child with physical disability and highly un cooperative with not present in the plan
a. Behavior shaping
b. Sending to home*************
c. Tight with board**
d. TSD
29-Major connector when to put in which phase
a. Examination
b. Diagnosis and ttt. plane ***
c. Tttt.
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30-Loose enamel rods at the gingival floor of a class II amalgam cavity should be removed using
A. Straight chisel.
B. Hatchet
C. Gingival curette
D. Gingival marginal trimmer***
31-Loss of enamel surface due to acidic substance called
a. Abrasion
b. Erosion***
c. Attrition
32-For decrease periodontal problem most effective way in addition to antiseptic solution
a. Dental health education***
b. Through and remove of plaque
33-What mean dental (primer) function
a. Remove smear layer
copolymerize with the resinn ***
34-pedo pt. 2y old has intruded central incisor
a. Anterior Occlusal x-ray***
b. 2 bite wing
c. O.P.G
d. 2 bite wing +2 Occlusal x-ray
35-Lingual nerve is
a. Branch of facial nerve.
b. Branch of mandibular nerve.
c. Supply submandibular gland
d. Both b and c ***
36-Die is done to
A. Allow for better waxing ***
B. Adjust the errors in preparation
C. Make investment easier
D. Adjust correct finish line
37-In 1 cusp how many pin
A. 1***
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
38-Maryland bridge indicate
A. 2 missing teeth
B. Young patient ***
www.ozident.com | mail@ozident.com | Special Thanks to Dr. shaheen kashif