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Italicized words identify words or phrases in each defi- crepancies and must be investigated. Some hotels con-
nition that are defined elsewhere in this glossary. duct A.M. room checks on every room to determine each
room’s status. Sometimes the housekeeping department
absenteeism Employee absence from work. A high
schedules workers according to the results of the A.M.
rate of absenteeism is considered to be a reliable indica-
room check.
tor of low employee morale.
anaerobic Indicates a bacterium that can live without
acid rain Rain or fog that contains sulfur dioxide and ni-
exposure to air (oxygen).
trous oxides. Damaging to plants, lakes, streams, and even
buildings. Most of it is the result of burning fossil analyze problems Gather facts, ascertain causes, and
fuels (e.g., coal and oil) in electricity generation facilities. develop alternative solutions.
acrylics A group of clear, tough plastic resins produced annual linen reorder plan System of ordering linen
from acrylic acids. that provides long lead times for various items of linens;
allows a hotel or hospital to deal directly with a linen
actual expenditures Actual spending for labor and
mill; allows for the mill to weave linen at a time most
supplies to support the generation of revenue, as op-
beneficial to the mill.
posed to budgeted (planned) costs or forecast (ex-
pected) costs. antichlor A substance used to remove excess chlorine
from fabric after bleaching.
administration A management task. Attending to the
details of executive affairs. antisepsis A process by which chemicals are used on
the skin for bacteriostatic and germicidal purposes.
administrative theory First introduced by Henri
Fayol, it was an attempt to apply scientific principles to a area responsibility plan A document that geographi-
business organization. A subcomponent of the classical cally defines physical areas of a facility and assigns re-
school. sponsibility for cleaning among the various departments
of a hotel or hospital organization; usually developed
aerobic Indicates a bacterium that must be exposed to,
from the division of work document.
and requires, air (oxygen) to survive and grow.
asepsis To be free from germs and infection.
all-purpose cleaner A multipurpose agent designed
for several different cleaning tasks, depending on the di- asepsis (medical) A method used to prevent the
lution ratio applied. spread of a communicable disease. Handwashing and
isolation are examples.
amenity Anything that makes a guest’s stay easier and
more pleasant. Often pertains to items that are viewed asepsis (surgical) A method using sterile equipment,
as luxurious. An amenity is not normally categorized as supplies, and procedures when entering the “sterile” in-
a guest essential. terior of the body.
amortize To periodically and gradually decrease a cost assets Items of value. Notations on a company balance
or expenditure to zero over a stated period of time; for sheet in the books of account, which represents the book
example, the preopening cost of a hotel or hospital. value of assets. See also capital assets; current assets;
fixed assets.
A.M. room check A visual look at guestrooms that are
supposed to be ready to receive guests for the purpose atom The smallest combination of nucleus (core or
of verifying status. Check is made at about 8:00 A.M. protons and neutrons) and surrounding electrons that is
Those rooms not in a ready status are called A.M. dis- associated with a given “named element.”

482 Glossary

autoclave An ovenlike machine, using steam under capital assets Long-term tangible or intangible assets
pressure, in which supplies are subjected to intense heat such as land and buildings. See also current assets; fixed
for a specific period of time. Also called a sterilizer. assets.
bacillus A bacterium that is rod-shaped. capital expenditure budget Financial statement of es-
bacteria Used to refer to microorganisms in general; timated capital expenditures over a given period of time.
also, the same as germs and/or microbes. capitalize Convert an expenditure into a capital item
bacterial Soils or compounds containing active (live) or charge the cost of an item to a capital expenditure ac-
bacteria. count. See also expense; capital expenditure budget; fixed
bacteriostat An agent that arrests the growth of
bacteria. carcinogen A substance that causes cancer.

badge system Method of identifying employees by card entry system Technically superior system for
their identification badges. A badge usually indicates gaining regular entry into a hotel guestroom. Most sys-
where an employee works and identification number tems use plastic devices (cards) with changeable elec-
and may contain the employee’s photograph. tronic signatures that activate door locks, eliminating the
need for a metal key.
balance sheet a statement of financial position at a
point in time; includes assets, liabilities, and owners carnuba wax A high-quality wax obtained from the
equity. leaves of the carnuba plant.
bed and bath linen Items such as sheets, pillowcases, case goods Furniture in a guestroom that is made
hand towels, bath towels, washcloths, and cloth bath of wood and used for storage, such as an armoire or
mats. desk.
bedding All bed linens, such as sheets and pillowcases, cationic Describes an ion that is positively charged.
and all blankets, shams, dust ruffles, pillows, quilts, com-
forters, coverlets, mattress pads, and bedspreads. central processing unit (CPU) This processing chip is
the brains of the computer. The CPU is where most cal-
behavioral school An approach to management that culations take place.
seeks to apply knowledge gained from the disciplines of
human psychology and sociology to the management of chambermaid See section housekeeper.
employees. Proponents assert that organizational pro-
checkout (C/O) Designation assigned to a guestroom in
ductivity can be enhanced by meeting the psychological
which the guest has permanently left the hotel and the
needs of the employee.
room is waiting to be serviced, or in the process of being
biorecovery service A contract cleaning company that readied for the arrival of a new guest. Synonymous with
specializes in cleaning up human remains and bodily on-change.
chemical agent A chemical added to a solution in the
bomb threats Malicious announcements of forthcom- correct dosage that will kill bacteria, or at least stop their
ing explosions or bombings. growth.
books of account Collection of all accounting ledgers, chief steward Supervisor of a department that special-
journals, and files associated with the financial account- izes in cleaning and maintaining kitchens.
ing system established for the particular housekeeping
operation. chlorofluorocarbons Man-made chemicals used
chiefly in refrigeration, but now banned because they
budgeting Act of creating a management system used contribute to global warming by destroying the ozone
for the allocation of resources over a given period of layer.
civil disturbance In hotels or hospitals, a disturbance
buffing The act of polishing the surface of a floor with caused by one or more people refusing to obey the re-
a low-speed (175–350 rpm) floor machine. quests, commands, or demands of those in authority.
burnishing The act of polishing the surface of a floor
classical school The first great theoretical school of
with a high-speed (350+ rpm) floor machine to achieve
management. Characterized by a systematic approach to
an extremely high gloss (wet look) surface.
the management of the assets and the employees in a
cakes A tunnel washer does not have a centrifuge to corporation. Henri Fayol and Frederick W. Taylor are
spin linen dry, so the linen is pressed to extract excess considered by many to be the founders of this manage-
water. The result is a round cakelike object. ment school.
Glossary 483

classification of accounts Arrangement of various control (or incontrol) revenues and expenses that are
types of revenues, expenses, and costs into meaningful within the budget.
groupings for accounting purposes.
control information Data collected and used to main-
cleaning and guest supply inventory A major seg- tain control of an operation.
ment of operational inventory under the direct control
and responsibility of the executive housekeeper. controllable costs Classification of supply and ex-
pense accounts under the control of a department man-
cleaning and maintenance circuits (rounds) Planned ager. See also wage costs; employee costs.
sequences for attending to the cleaning of various public
areas. controller (also comptroller) Manager in charge of all
accounting functions of a hotel or hospital. Duties in-
Clostridium perfringens (clos-TRID-ee-um per-FRIN- clude overall budget preparation, costing, and internal
gins) No gram stain. An anaerobic spore. audit procedures and measuring performance against
“Botulism,” found in feces, sewers, milk improperly ster- previously approved plans, procedures, and standards;
ilized, or sealed foods. Also found in untreated wounds interpreting and reporting financial data to other mem-
(gaseous gangrene). bers of hotel management; participating in making pol-
coach-pupil method A one-on-one training system of icy decisions and executive action.
assigning one trainee to one instructor. controlling Performing certain activities that ensure
coccus A bacterium that is round-shaped. progress toward desired objectives according to plan. A
sequential function of management.
communicate To pass or receive knowledge, instruc-
tions, or data and to ensure understanding. control profit (loss) What remains after subtracting
controllable costs, wage costs, and employee costs from
communication symbols A series of written symbols
revenue within a given department. Usually under con-
used to communicate the status of guestrooms; for ex-
trol of a department manager.
ample, R, C/O, OCC, DND, RFV, OOO, MR, and T.
coordinating (efforts of employees) Relating the ef-
competitive shopping Looking critically at the alter-
forts of employees in the most effective combinations.
native sources and suppliers of items and services pur-
An activity of directing.
chased to support a hotel or hospital operation.
computer An electronic system of hardware compo- corporate transient hotel A hotel that is usually used
nents used to store and process data electronically. by businesspeople on expense accounts. May have a
transient group market in addition to some consumer
conceptual thinking A management task. Formulating guests.
notions for the resolution of problems.
count sheet Form used to record results when taking
conference method A training technique whereby stu- inventory.
dents participate in a workshop arrangement for prob-
lem solving. An excellent technique for supervisory coverlet A bedspread that covers just the top of a dust
training. ruffle. It does not reach to the floor.
consolidated room sales summary Document pre- creating a position ( job) description Identifying and
pared by the sales and marketing department of a hotel defining the scope, relationships, responsibilities, duties,
indicating rooms expected to be sold during the upcom- and authority of people in an organization. An activity of
ing fiscal year. Used by other departments to budget organizing.
salaries, wages, and controllable costs in support of ex-
pected room sales; a part of the overall budget package. critique Statement of performance analysis, usually re-
served for elements or areas on a performance state-
consumer (market segment) A market segment of ho- ment that are not in control. The statement should con-
tel guests who are not usually on an expense account; for tain comments as to intended action and how control of
example, vacationers with or without young children. the elements will be regained. A standard operating pro-
See also group market; corporate transient hotel. cedure performed by department managers of well-
contingency approach Management theory that holds controlled companies.
that the appropriate management style is contingent cross contamination Spreading germs from one loca-
upon the makeup and attitude of the subordinate. tion to another. This can happen when mops or cleaning
Closely related to the situational leadership model. cloths pick up bacteria in one location, and the house-
continuous functions of management Related actions keepers then uses the same equipment to clean another
(analyze problems, make decisions, communicate) that area, thereby transporting the pathogenic organisms to a
managers do continuously. new surface.
484 Glossary

current assets Assets of a short-term nature such as denier A unit of weight of silk, nylon, or rayon that is
cash, accounts receivable, and inventories. See also fixed an indicator of fineness. One denier is equal to 5/100 of
assets. a gram in a 450-meter length of thread. The smaller the
number, the smaller the circumference of the thread.
cut loop The yarns in a carpet arranged into areas of
(Fifteen-denier nylon lingerie is more transparent than
high-cut tufts and lower-loop tufts to form a sculptured
25-denier nylon lingerie.)
pattern of various heights.
departmental meetings A technique of communicat-
daily routine Series of administrative and work-
ing with all members of a department at the same time.
related events that occur between 6:30 A.M. and mid-
Housekeeping departmental meetings should be sched-
night and form the routine for a housekeeping depart-
uled at least once each month and when unique situa-
ment in the guestroom portion and public areas of a
tions warrant them. Meetings should be interesting, in-
hotel. See also housekeeping day.
formative, and always under the control of management.
daily work assignment sheet Form that indicates spe- Employees should always be allowed time to ask ques-
cial work tasks required for a given day and assigned to tions, which should receive timely replies.
a specific worker.
department staffing guide Document that specifies
damp mopping The use of a damp (not wet) mop for positions within the organization and the number of
spot cleaning of spills and overall cleaning of light dirt people required to fill these positions. Used as a hiring
from floors. This technique is not intended to remove guide.
heavily embedded dirt or old floor finish.
depreciate Systematically reduce the book value of a
deep clean Periodic act of cleaning a guestroom in fixed asset over its estimated useful life.
depth. Involves moving heavy furniture, high dusting,
turning mattresses, vacuuming draperies and curtains, detergent A chemical that acts like a soap and is used
and other cleaning functions not normally performed in for cleaning numerous surfaces. Detergents can be used
the day-to-day servicing of a guestroom. Synonymous effectively in hard water where ordinary soap will not
with general clean. produce suds and will leave a residue.

deferring maintenance Postponing maintenance and developing employees Improving the attitudes,
custodial activities to create a short-term cost savings. knowledge, and skills of employees with a view toward
However, the strategy ultimately results in higher over- assigning greater responsibilities or effecting promo-
all costs. tions. An activity of staffing.

deficiency of knowledge (DK) A reason given for non- developing policies Making decisions that will govern
performance of a task. Workers could not perform the when, where, and how procedures will be implemented;
task even if their lives depended on it. Usually caused by usually of long-standing nature. An activity of planning.
no training or lack of understanding of what has been developing strategies Deciding how and when to
taught. achieve certain goals. An activity of planning.
deficiency of task execution (DE) The failure of work- development of subordinates Responsibility of man-
ers to perform a task properly after training. agement to ensure the professional growth of those
defoamer Chemical added to a fabric cleaner that re- placed under the manager.
duces the amount of suds produced by the detergent in
dilution control Controlling the mixing of certain all-
the cleaner. Defoamers are often used in water extrac-
purpose cleaners with water in prescribed amounts that
tion carpet cleaning chemicals so that the pickup tanks
will enable the performance of various types of cleaning
are not inundated with suds.
operations. See also dilution ratio.
delegating Creating responsibilities for or assigning
dilution ratio Comparison of the amount of water that
tasks to subordinates, passing to them the required au-
is, or must be, added to a specific cleaning agent that is
thority to act, then exacting accountability for results. An
recommended for a specific cleaning task. For example,
activity of directing.
a 20:1 dilution ratio means 20 parts water to 1 part clean-
delineating relationships Defining liaison lines within ing agent to perform a specific task. See also dilution
formal organizations that will facilitate relationships. An control; all-purpose cleaner.
activity of organizing.
diplococcus pneumonia (dip-lo-COCK-us new-MOAN-
demonstration method Training technique in which ee-a) Gram positive. Lobar (lung) pneumonia. Also
you show someone how to do something. walking pneumonia. Treatable with antibiotics.
Glossary 485

directing Performing certain activities that bring Used in sizing laundries. See also washing capacity; han-
about purposeful action toward desired objectives. A se- dling capacity.
quential function of management. duvet Also known as coverlet. Covers the bed down to
discrepancy A situation occurring when the reported the dust ruffle. Some duvets have a pocket in which a
status of a guestroom by the front desk is different from comforter can be inserted to keep it clean.
the status actually observed by the housekeeping de- dwell time Period of time a disinfectant has to remain
partment during A.M. or P.M. room checks. For example, on a surface to be effective.
front desk believes a room to be occupied and house-
keeping reports the room as a ready room or a checkout eighteen-room workload Size of the room-cleaning
room. Discrepancies must be resolved by the front desk, workload assigned daily to section housekeepers in the
or the room must be rechecked by housekeeping. model hotel in this text. A typical workload that would
be assigned to well-equipped section housekeepers in a
disinfectants A substance or means used to destroy corporate transient hotel.
pathogenic microorganisms.
electronic data processing (EDP) Processing of data
disinfection A condition existing when infectious ma- by computer when input and output hardware are con-
terial or infection(s) are removed. nected on-line to a computer’s central processing unit
disinfection (concurrent) Process used while disease is
still in progress. electrowriter Electromechanical device used for
transmitting facsimile handwritten messages, usually be-
disinfection (terminal) Process used when disease is tween housekeeping, front desk, and engineering.
elements of management See management elements.
dissatisfiers Items peripheral to a job, such as pay,
emergencies Unpredictable combination of circum-
working conditions, company policies, and quality of su-
stances or resulting states that call for immediate en-
pervision, that if not properly attended to will demoti-
lightened action; can often be anticipated but seldom
vate employees. The positive effects on motivation
caused by properly attending to dissatifiers are usually
short-lived. See also satisfiers. employee absenteeism See absenteeism.
division of work document A report prepared by the employee appearance Aspect of employee behavior
executive housekeeper as a result of inspection and in- or training having to do with personal and uniformed
vestigation of a new facility before opening. The report appearance. A concern of management and supervision.
indicates areas that will require cleaning and contains employee claims of unfairness Statements by workers
recommendations as to who should be responsible for that indicate less than harmonious relations with man-
cleaning each area. Forms the basis for development and agement; related to the manner in which employees are
promulgation of the area responsibility plan. being treated. A major cause of worker attempts and de-
documented Recorded event, happening, or inspec- sire to unionize.
tion result. employee contamination Corruption of relatively in-
experienced or impressionable employees through the
do not disturb (DND) A verbal or written notation by
observance of the dishonest acts of others.
a guest that he or she is not to be bothered. Refers to the
guest, not the guestroom. Guest usually makes the re- employee costs Costs occurring as a result of having
quest by hanging a small sign, which says, “Do not dis- employees; exclusive of per hour wage costs; include
turb,” on the hall side of a guestroom door. costs of health and welfare, sick leave, meals, and other
benefits. See also controllable costs; wage costs.
double double (DD) Guestroom having two double
beds. employee handbook Collection of facts, rules, regula-
tions, and guidelines about a hotel, a hospital, or a spe-
double occupancy Guestroom occupied by two guests. cific department; usually given to an employee at the
See also single occupancy; multiple occupancy. time of hiring to assist in employee orientation.
double rooming Front desk accidentally rooms two employee hygiene Personal cleanliness habits of em-
separate guests or guest parties in the same room; usu- ployees that may be of concern to other employees or
ally occurs as a result of an unresolved discrepancy. guests.
drying capacity Optimum weight of linen that should employee problems Problems that cause employees
be placed in an automatic commercial dryer; for exam- to have difficulties on the job; employees who cause in-
ple, 50-pound, 100-pound, 200-pound, 300-pound dryers. terruptions or inefficiencies in work.
486 Glossary

employee profile Concise biographical sketch of an or operation within a hotel. Synonymous titles include
employee, indicating certain traits, characteristics, and director of services, director of internal services, and di-
personality. rector of environmental services (in hospitals).
employee requisition Document initiated by a depart- exit interviews Management’s attempt to gain infor-
ment and forwarded to the personnel office requesting mation regarding working conditions and reasons for
that hiring procedures be started to fill a vacancy or a voluntary separations from former employees of the
newly created position. organization.
employee theft prevention Positive program or plan expense to To write off as an expense or expenditure
that anticipates the possibility of employees stealing. or to charge to an expense account as cost of doing busi-
ness on an operating statement over a given period of
employee turnover See turnover. time. See also capitalize.
employment checklist Document used during the ac- face weight The number of ounces of yarn per square
quisition phase of hiring new employees; used to guar- yard in a carpet.
antee that no steps are omitted or overlooked in the hir-
ing process. filling The threads of yarn that run the width of the
fabric (also known as the weft).
employment history Written record of prior employ-
ment status; usually a part of an employment application financial statement Summary of accounts, showing a
indicating chronologically where the applicant has balance as of the beginning of business on a given date,
worked in the past, inclusive dates of employment, name the credits and the debits made, and the balance remain-
of employee’s supervisor, and reason for leaving the ing at the end of the accounting period. See also operat-
employment. ing statement; balance sheet.

entomological Relating to insects, especially those finish Final coat(s) of either wax or a synthetic product
that can cause or carry diseases. that is intended to protect a floor from abrasion, provide
a seamless and smooth top layer for the floor, and when
environmental services A hospital’s housekeeping polished, will provide a glossy and reflective surface.
finished sheet A sheet size that includes the top and
epoxy A synthetic, seamless flooring material. Very bottom hems.
long-lasting and extremely durable.
fire Chemical decomposition of a fuel element
Escherichia coli (ee-shear-EEK-ee-ah COAL-i) Gram- through combustion or burning. For fire to occur and
negative. Can grow in soap. Never use bar soap in a pub- sustain itself, there must be four elements—fuel, oxygen,
lic washroom. Bacteria can be contracted from the drop- heat, and a chemical reaction.
pings of animals.
fire by-products The side effects or results of fire. They
establishing organizational structure Developing the include heat, smoke, toxic gas, and fumes.
formal organization plan for the accomplishment of
tasks within a company. An activity of organizing. first-line supervisor One who supervises one or more
first-line workers.
establishing position qualifications Defining qualifi-
cations and preparing specifications for people who first-line worker A trained worker who performs
will fill positions in an organization. An activity of hands-on work at the lowest level of the organization;
organizing. works for a first-line supervisor.

establishing procedures Deciding and specifying how fixed assets Tangible assets of a long-term nature such
a task is to be done. An activity of planning. as land, buildings, machinery, and equipment. See also
assets; capital assets; current assets.
executive committee Usually the highest level of op-
erations management for a hotel property. Includes, but fixed positions Positions that are fixed in terms of
work and man-hour requirements; positions not subject
is not necessarily limited to, the general manager, resi-
to being reduced in hours because of fluctuations in
dent manager, director of food and beverage, controller,
and director of sales and marketing. Ex officio members
may include the director of personnel, chief engineer, flash point The temperature at which the vapor from a
and security director. The top policymaking body of the flammable substance will ignite momentarily in the air,
property. in the presence of a small flame.
executive housekeeper Person in charge of manage- flatwork A laundry term that is used for sheets, pil-
ment and administration of a housekeeping department lowcases, and table linens.
Glossary 487

floor plan layout Engineering or architectural draw- gray goods Unfinished fabric directly from the loom.
ing of the layout of machinery, furniture, fixtures, and
gram positive/negative Refers to the color staining of
test samples of certain bacteria. Gram “positive” is a
forecasting Establishing where present courses of ac- “blue” test result when certain bacteria are treated
tion will lead. An activity of planning. with testing reagents. Gram “negative” is a “red” test
forecasting man-hour requirements A short-run
statement of need for the utilization of man-hours to ac- greenhouse gases Primarily carbon dioxide and
complish a specific task. methane, but also nitrous oxides, hydrofluorocarbons
(HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluo-
foundation The primary coat(s) of sealer applied to a
ride (SF6). These gases absorb heat in the atmosphere.
floor. A foundation’s intended purpose is to prevent
This phenomenon leads to global warming.
spilled liquids that may cause staining and other damage
from penetrating into the floor. ground warp Yarn threads that run lengthwise in a
towel. They are used as the backing for the pile warp
fourteen-point theft prevention program Fourteen
threads. The ground warp is usually a polycotton blend.
guidelines for managerial and supervisory action that
may reduce employee theft and dishonesty. group market Market segment of hotel business, usu-
ally defined by the sale of 10 or more room nights in one
fresh look Inspection conducted by people not regu-
larly associated with an area; allows for observing and
reporting deficiencies not noticed by someone regularly guest essentials Guest supplies that are essential in
in contact with the area. guestrooms but that the guest would not normally be ex-
pected to use up or remove upon departure. Examples
front office manager Person in charge of front office
include water glasses, ice buckets, and clothes hangers.
operations in a hotel. One of several principal assistants
See also guest expendables; guest loan items.
to a resident manager, who is on the same level as the ex-
ecutive housekeeper. Person in charge of the front desk, guest expendables Guest supplies that guests would
bell services, transportation, and other related activities normally be expected to use up or take away upon de-
in a hotel. parture. Examples include stationary, toilet issue, and
soap. See also guest essentials; guest loan items.
full-time employment Incumbent has attained full-
time status, usually after successfully completing training guest loan items Guest supplies not normally found in
and a probationary period of employment. In union-free a guestroom but available upon request. Examples in-
environments, implies that the employee is committing clude hair dryers, razors, ironing boards, and irons.
to work and the company is committing to schedule the Guests sign a receipt and specify a time that the item
employee 30 or more regular hours of work each week. may be picked up by the housekeeping department. See
also guest expendables; guest essentials.
function room sheet Form on which special instruc-
tions are given for setting up, arranging, or rearranging a guest receipt log book Log book in which guests sign
guestroom for a special function. See also parlor; hospi- for the use of guest loan items.
tality suite; function room.
guest request Any special request not normally in-
functions Management duties and activities. Can be cluded in the regular servicing of a guestroom, such as
divided into sequential and continuous functions. for extra towels, hair dryer, razor, roll-away bed, or baby
fungus Simple plant lacking chlorophyll. Bread mold
is an example. guestroom Numbered room in a hotel provided
specifically for occupancy by one or more regular or
furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FFE) Classification
transient guests; is most often rented but can be compli-
of fixed assets of a hotel or hospital that have specified
mented to special guests; is located in a major subsection
depreciable lives, usually ranging from three to seven
of a hotel known as the guestroom portion of the hotel.
guestroom attendant (GRA) See section housekeeper.
general clean See deep clean.
guestroom portion of the hotel Specific area of a ho-
global warming An alarming planetary trend precipi-
tel in which guestrooms are located; also includes guest
tated by the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the at-
corridors, elevators, stairwells, vending areas, and some
mosphere and the burning of fossil fuels.
service areas. Not included are public areas, restaurants,
GRA Guestroom attendant See section housekeeper. lounge areas, recreation areas, or major service areas.
488 Glossary

guestroom types A differentiation among guestrooms manager, indicating the correct status of all guestrooms
based on types of sleeping accommodations or equip- in a hotel as visually noted at about 3:00 P.M. each day.
ment; usually identified by specific symbols as follows: T, Compilation of results obtained from P.M. room checks
room with one twin bed; TT, room with two twin beds; D, conducted of the entire guestroom portion of the hotel.
room with one double bed; DD, room with two double Specifies which rooms are ready for occupancy, occupied
beds; ST, studio, room with a day bed or convertible sofa; by a guest or contain luggage, and/or on-change (being
Q, room with one queen bed; K, room with one king bed; serviced for newly arriving guests).
P, parlor sitting room usually having hidden sleep equip-
housekeeping central Synonymous with main linen
ment, may be set for a small meeting or hospitality func-
room. Central physical point of administrative and oper-
tion; S, suite, two or more rooms that connect internally
ational activity for a housekeeping department. Usually
and are sold as one unit; CON, rooms that are adjacent
contains or is adjacent to the offices of the executive
and connect internally; BS, bilevel suite, a suite on two
housekeeper and principal assistants. Under the supervi-
levels having an internal stairway between levels; ES,
sory control of the linen room supervisor and/or night
executive suite, a high-quality suite, usually having two
housekeeping supervisor. Central point of control for all
or more rooms but only one with access to the hotel
communications emanating from and received by the
corridor. housekeeping department. A point of issue for selected
guest supplies Supplies specifically needed because and special items of supply. See also satellite linen room.
guests are staying in a hotel. See also guest expendables; housekeeping day That period of a 24-hour day when
guest essentials; guest loan items. the housekeeping department is open and operating;
handling capacity Measure of the design of a laundry usually from about 6:30 A.M. until midnight.
facility that relates to the amount and ease of handling housekeeping manager Manager who is the principal
of linen within the facility. See also washing capacity; assistant to the executive housekeeper; person who is di-
drying capacity. rectly responsible for guestroom cleaning. May also be
hardware (computer) Physical components of a com- the person in charge of the housekeeping department in
puter system; includes input and output devices, proces- a small property.
sor, printing devices, and video monitors (CRTs). housekeeping standing rotational scheduling form
HazComm Hazardous Communication Standard for Form used to create and display a system of standing ro-
chemicals and toxic wastes established by the Occupa- tational scheduling, specifying regular days off for
tional Safety and Health Administration. housekeeping teams and other individuals within the de-
partment. See standing rotational scheduling system.
holes in the ozone layer This phenomenon is caused
by the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Since the housekeeping team (regular or swing) Group of
banning of the production of this chemical, the situation housekeeping employees consisting of one senior house-
has started to stabilize. keeper (supervisor), several section housekeepers or
GRAs, and a section housekeeping aide, who work to-
homogeneous Uniform throughout. Everything is gether as a regular team or designated swing team
made up of the same elements. within an assigned house division. The team is usually
hospitality suite Guestroom that has been temporar- identified by a color or number similar to that of the
ily set up to accommodate a small party; may require the house division where it is assigned to work.
movement of some furniture; more appropriately set in hypochlorite A salt or ester of hypochlorous acid.
a suite or parlor. Hypochlorous acid is an unstable, weak acid that is used
house breakout plan Document specifying the divi- as a bleach and disinfectant.
sion of the guestroom portion of a hotel into meaningful idophors A variety of disinfectants.
work units for cleaning and servicing. The plan is usually
a line drawing of the floor plans of the rooms section, ap- individual development (ID) program Development
propriately divided into room sections and house divi- program for managers being groomed for greater re-
sions to delineate supervisory responsibilities. sponsibilities and/or promotion by the Marriott Hotel
house division Group of four to six room sections with
indoor air quality (IAQ) Good indoor air quality is
associated and/or specified corridors, elevators, stair-
present when 80 percent of the occupants are satisfied
wells, and service and storage areas; may be assigned a
and there are no harmful pollutants present as deter-
color or letter designation and be placed under the con-
mined by cognizant authorities—according to the Ameri-
trol of a senior housekeeper (supervisor).
can Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Condition-
housekeeper’s report A report made daily to the front ing Engineers (ASHRAE). There is a growing concern
desk by the housekeeping department and signed by a about the pollution found in the air inside buildings. Air
Glossary 489

inside is generally considered to be much worse on av- key pouch Leather container for storing keys. Pouch
erage than the outside air. usually contains an identifying mark or number to facil-
itate easy reference to a specific area of the facility and
input (computer) Data entered into a computer for
ease in subcustody reference and key control inventory.
labor costs See wage costs.
inspection day One particular day of the workweek
when regular inspections of guestrooms and other sec- laundry consultant Expert in the development of
tions of the hotel are performed. See also zone inspec- laundry facilities and operations.
tion program.
laundry supervisor Working supervisory position in a
inspection program Regular inspection of specified hotel or hospital on-premises laundry; reports to a laun-
areas of a hotel or hospital. Usually formalized and spec- dry manager.
ified through standard operating procedures. See also
leadership Management task of influencing people to
property inspection program; zone inspection program.
accomplish desired goals.
inspector Person who does nothing but inspect
leadership style The observed behavior of the leader
guestrooms in a hotel or hospital to ensure that stan-
in an organization. Commonly observed styles have
dards of cleanliness are being maintained.
been categorized and given labels by management theo-
integrated waste management A strategy that incor- rists. Examples include MacGregor’s “Theory X” man-
porates many different methods to solve the problem of ager who has a high concern for production but little
solid waste. Solutions include source reduction, reuse, concern for the welfare of subordinates in the organiza-
recycling, waste transformation, and landfilling. tion, and the “Theory Y” manager who has both a high
concern for production and a high concern for people in
intermediate host A transmitter of disease that is not
the organization.
affected by it. Also known as an “immune carrier.” An
example is the anopheles mosquito; it can bite a person leave of absence (LOA) Authorized period of time
infected with malaria, then bite another victim, thus away from work without pay; granted by management to
transmitting the disease. an employee, during which time seniority is protected.
inventory Quantity on hand of an item of value; leveling technique Enlightened style of conducting a
recorded in the books of account as current assets. performance appraisal when poor, questionable, or un-
satisfactory performance is the subject of the appraisal.
inventory (verb) To count and record the quantity of
items of value. level loop A type of carpet in which the pile loops are
of uniform height.
inventory control Management function of classifying,
ordering, receiving, storing, issuing, and accounting for linen broker Person who deals in linens; may represent
items of value. several linen mills; has knowledge and access to sources
of immediate linen supplies.
inventory record book Record of amounts of specific
items on hand; also contains pricing information and val- linen count sheet Form used to record the results of
uation of total inventory. counting items of linen. See also count sheet.
ironers Commercial pieces of machinery used for iron- linen in use Specific amount of linen in circulation or
ing linens in a commercial or on-premises laundry. being used by a housekeeping department to service
guestrooms at the time a linen inventory is taken. See
JCAHO Joint Commission of Accreditation of Health
also linen, new, on hand; linen on hand.
Care Organizations.
linen mills Places where linens are woven. Linen mills
job descriptions Documents describing the work to be
usually sell to hotels and hospitals through linen brokers,
done in each of several unique jobs within a department.
but large or well-managed hotel organizations deal di-
Specify working hours, special qualifications of the
rectly with mills.
worker, if any, responsibilities and duties of incumbents
to the positions to which they refer. Usually prepared for linen, new, on hand Specific amount of new and un-
workers who do hands-on work and first-line supervis- used linen that is stored in cases on the property and is
ing. See also position descriptions. available when needed; as a part of total linen on hand.
jute A strong, smooth fiber that comes from plants in linen on hand Total amount of linen as reflected by in-
Asia. It is used to make rope, canvas, and carpet backing. ventory of all linen. Includes new linen on hand and
linen in use.
key control program Plan or control for the preven-
tion of loss of keys used by employees in the daily per- linen poundage requirements Specified amount of
formance of their work functions. linen by weight, generated from linen demands of a
490 Glossary

specific hotel or hospital based on the size of the facility of man-hours and materials involved in the repairs
(number and type of beds). Used to determine washing performed.
capacity and drying capacity and in sizing laundries.
make ready (MR) The act of servicing a guestroom for
linen room supervisor Working supervisor in charge occupancy. Making a room ready prepares the room for
of main linen room activities; assistant to the executive a change of status from checkout (C/O) or tidy (T) to a
housekeeper. Person is in charge of the central or main ready (R) room.
linen room, linen room operations, and communications
making decisions Arrive at conclusions and judgements.
with the housekeeping department, the front desk, engi-
neering, and the guests. management continuous functions Analyzing prob-
lems, making decisions, and communicating.
linens Traditionally, the cloth made from flax fiber; the
term is now used to indicate sheets, pillowcases, wash- management elements Those things that a manager
cloths, cloth bath mats, towels, tablecloths, and napkins. has to work with: ideas, material resources, money, and
linen valuation Monetary value of the linen inventory,
including both new and in-use linens. Calculation is de- management science The modern-day derivation of
termined by multiplying specific linen counts of each scientific management. Management science attempts to
item of linen by the last known purchase price of the apply mathematical models to aid in making manage-
item. A value of the asset linen inventories as a part of ment decisions.
total inventories. management sequential functions Group of related
line organization The organizational structure paral- actions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and con-
lels the duties and activities involved in the production trolling) that a manager may be seen to do in a given se-
of a good or service. Follows the principle of span of con- quence. This sequence is most appropriate when manag-
trol and unity of command (every employee answers to ing a project.
just one supervisor). management tasks Continuous objectives imposed on
lobby housekeeper See public area (PA) housekeeper. a person who manages, such as conceptual thinking, ad-
ministration, and leadership.
lobby housekeeping aide See public area (PA) house-
keeper. management triangle Relationship of three aspects of
managerial activity: concern for the accomplishment of
lock cylinder That portion of a door-locking mechanism work, concern for the people who perform the work, and
that contains the keyway; houses the pins that match the application of scientific techniques to the field of
indentation of a particular key being used to open a door. management.
Cylinders are removable and thus interchangeable.
manager (as a leader) Person assigned to manage or
loss-prevention program A plan or procedure supervise a group of employees; must have leadership
whereby action may be taken to eliminate or minimize skills.
the loss of life or property.
managerial grid Graphical presentation of five classi-
MacGregor, Douglas Educator, author, management cal styles of behavior exhibited by managers when think-
psychologist; noted for the development of the Theory X ing through decisions in a group setting.
and Theory Y models for managers.
managerial style See leadership style.
maid See section housekeeper.
managing change Stimulating creativity and innova-
main linen room See housekeeping central. tion among subordinates that will foster cooperation
when changes in policies and procedures are necessary.
maintenance checklist Document used as a guide in
An activity of directing.
the performance of a maintenance inspection.
managing differences Encouraging independent
maintenance inspection Inspection conducted for the
thought among workers, and resolving conflict; com-
sole purpose of uncovering repair needs, as opposed to
monly thought of as problem solving. An activity of
cleaning needs; also conducted to ensure that preventive
maintenance is being regularly performed on machinery
and equipment. man-hour justification Statement explaining the need
for and how man-hours will be used in support of
maintenance work request form A three-part docu-
revenue-generating operations.
ment used for recording the need for repairs; is trans-
mitted to the engineering department. Form allows for material Broad classification of items, including furni-
the control and progressing of work and the recording ture, fixtures, equipment, and supplies used in or under
Glossary 491

the control of a housekeeping or other department motivating employees Creating an atmosphere

within a hotel, hospital, or health care institution. whereby employees are persuaded or inspired to take a
desired action. An activity of directing.
material safety data sheets (MSDS) Informational
sheets available from manufacturers of chemicals that multiple occupancy Guestroom is occupied by more
describe the toxic effects of these chemicals and the than two guests. See also single occupancy; double
proper procedures to use when handling them. The occupancy.
HazComm Standard demands that these sheets be made
Mycobacterium diphtheria (my-co-back-TEER-ee-um
available to all employees who may exposed to a poten-
dif-THEE-ree-ah) Gram positive. Transmitted in milk.
tially hazardous chemical.
Not too prevalent due to vaccination now available
measuring results Ascertaining whether there have against disease.
been, and the extent of, deviations from goals and stan-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (my-co-back-TEER-ee-um
dards. An activity of controlling. too-BER-cue-LOW-sis) Gram negative, acid-fast (can-
mercerizing A fabric finishing process that treats cot- not be killed with acid).
ton with sodium hydroxide (a caustic soda). This process napery Tablecloths, napkins, and doilies.
strengthens the cotton and enables dyes to better pene-
trate the fabric. Patented by John Mercer (1791–1866), natural disaster Event capable of causing loss of life,
an English fabric printer. great material damage, destruction, and distress. May be
caused by fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, or tornado.
metal cross-linked polymer finishes Floor finishes
that contain heavy metals, such as zinc. These finishes needles Refers to hypodermic needles.
have fallen into disfavor because of their potential harm new linen on hand See linen, new, on hand.
to the environment.
night clerk’s report to housekeeping Report pre-
microbiology A natural science that began with the pared by the night clerk for the housekeeping depart-
discovery of the microscope. It had been suggested since ment at the end of the night’s activity; prepared at the
the thirteenth century that “invisible” organisms were front desk; indicates guestrooms that will require service
responsible for decay and disease. In the latter quarter of during the upcoming workday.
the nineteenth century, the term microbe was coined to
describe these organisms, all of which were thought to be night housekeeping supervisor Supervisor in charge
related. Bacteriology, protozoology, and virology are of evening housekeeping operations; an assistant to the
three subdisciplines. executive housekeeper.

micron A unit of measure—10-6 meter, or 1/25,000 of night supervisor’s report of evening activities Report
1 inch. (Bacteria are usually in the range of 1 to 300 maintained by the night supervisor in charge of the sec-
microns.) ond work shift, indicating the volume and type of activ-
ity performed by the evening shift. Includes a record of
microorganisms Bacteria, rickettsiae, small fungi (such checkouts and tidies made ready, rechecks made and the
as yeasts and molds), algae, and protozoans, as well as results thereof, and a summary of special requests made
problematical forms of life such as viruses. by guests.
mineral A solid homogeneous crystalline chemical ele- no-iron linens Specific type of linens manufactured
ment or compound that results from the inorganic with a certain percentage of polyester fiber. Also identi-
processes of nature having a specific chemical composition. fied as blend linens; for example, 50-50 blend has 50 per-
miscellaneous charge Nonstandard charge (as op- cent cotton content and 50 percent polyester fiber. If
posed to a charge for room rent, food, or beverage) of a properly handled in laundering, it will appear wrinkle-
hotel guest for services rendered or product purchased. free.

molecule A compound created by the combination of nonionic detergent A detergent that does not ionize
a certain group of atoms. in solution.

morning activities Group of activities occurring from nonresilient flooring Flooring materials that do not
“give” to any degree underfoot. Examples include con-
about 6:30 A.M. until about 1:00 P.M. during the house-
crete, ceramic tile, epoxy, marble, terrazzo, and all other
keeping day. They include opening the house, commenc-
stone floors.
ing the assigned work, conducting an A.M. room check,
receiving information about checkout rooms, making up nosocomial infection An infection that results from a
guestrooms, and providing ready rooms to the front desk stay in a hospital and the exposure to germs present in
throughout the day for reassignment to new guests. that hospital.
492 Glossary

occupancy forecast Short-range estimate of guest- nique is referred to as the coach-pupil method of
room occupancy expected over a given period of time, training.
such as a day, a week, or other accounting period of usu-
opening the house A daily operational planning pro-
ally not more than 90 days.
cedure whereby rooms requiring service are assigned to
occupancy type Manner in which a registered guest or section housekeepers specifically scheduled to work that
group of guests will occupy a room; single occupancy is day. Procedure becomes more or less complicated de-
one person only to a room; double occupancy is two peo- pending on occupancy levels and number of guestrooms
ple to a room, multiple occupancy is more than two peo- that must be reassigned as pick-up rooms. This is the first
ple in a room. of several morning activities performed each day and
should be completed before workers arrive for work.
occupied (OCC) The status of a guestroom indicating
that a guest or guests are in residence; the presence of open section A specific room section created for the
luggage in the room indicating the probable presence of regular assignment to a section housekeeper for cleaning,
a registered guest. but, due to lack of occupancy, has no section housekeeper
assigned. Occupied rooms in the open section must be
odor-pair neutralization Molecules of gas from chem-
reassigned as pickup rooms to a section housekeeper on
ical stimulate receptor cells deep inside the nose that
that day.
cancel out unpleasant odors being caused by other gas
molecules. operating budget A financial statement of a plan giv-
ing an estimate of operating revenues, expenses, and
once-around method Method of cleaning a guestroom
profit (or loss) expected for a given period of time. See
whereby unnecessary steps and transportation of sup-
also budgeting; capital expenditure budget.
plies and equipment are eliminated or minimized.
operating cost Expenses associated with generating
on-change See checkout.
revenues. See operating statement; operating budget.
one par of linen Quantity of linen required to meet
operating statement Periodic financial report indicat-
certain requirements; usually the total amount required
ing actual performance (results) as compared with bud-
to cover beds and to handle bath needs in all
geted performance; reports revenues, expenses, and
profit (or loss) over a given period of time; may also re-
one-stroke solution Dilution ratio of an all-purpose port utilization of other assets such as labor, man-hours,
cleaner that provides a proper cleaning agent for certain and material.
operations in approximately one wipe; for example, 4:1
operational budget cycle Chronological expression of
dilution ratio of a specific cleaning agent is used to sani-
time involving budget preparation, activation, and oper-
tize a toilet in one wiping stroke. See also three-stroke
ation. Budget cycles usually start three to six months be-
fore the beginning of the fiscal year. They include expec-
on-line Computer equipment (input and output de- tations of annual sales revenues and planned utilization
vices and the central processing unit) that is electroni- of salaries, wages, and controllable supplies. Time is then
cally connected and ready to operate at all times on de- allowed for review and critique of the new budget. Fi-
mand of an operator; as opposed to off-line equipment, nally, budget approval precedes the beginning of the
which requires the mechanical or time-scheduled entry new budget year. As the year proceeds, plans are made
of data into the system. to start the next budget cycle.
on-premises laundry Also called the in-house laundry. operational budget for the housekeeping department
A laundry that is built, owned, or operated by the user of Housekeeping segment of the total operational budget
the linens processed; usually on the same premises of a hotel or hospital. In hotels, that portion of the oper-
where linens will be used, but facility may be detached. ating budget dealing with guestroom revenue, house-
keeping department salaries and wages, employee costs,
on-scene commander Member of local fire or police
and controllable costs related to the servicing of
protection organization or other technically competent
guestrooms and public areas of a hotel.
municipal official having authority over local law or
police services who takes charge at the scene of an organic A substance or a product of substances of
emergency. plant or animal origin. Chemically, organic compounds
contain carbon “r” strings of molecules attached to one
on-the-job training (OJT) Training technique whereby
or more hydrogen molecules.
one or more trainees are shown what to do on the job.
Employees practice the skill and are observed by the in- organizing Performing certain activities that arrange
structor. Work is then critiqued by the instructor. When and relate people and work for effective accomplish-
only one trainee receives instruction at a time, the tech- ment of objectives. A sequential function of management.
Glossary 493

orienting new employees Familiarizing new employ- percale A cotton cloth that is closely woven so as to
ees with their situation and surroundings. An activity of give a smooth finish.
performance analysis Breaking apart a job into its
osmological Relating to soils of organic or inorganic various elements of work to evaluate how the elements
matter that emit unpleasant odors. affect each other.
out of order (room) (OOO) Designation assigned to a performance appraisal Formal act of notifying em-
guestroom that for some mechanical or repair reason ployees about the observed quality of their perfor-
cannot be occupied by a guest. Authority for such desig- mance. May be verbal but is usually written and becomes
nation usually rests with the chief engineer. an official part of the employee’s record.
output (computer) Data generated by a computer as a performance standards Conditions that will exist
result of input data being fed into a central processing when key duties are done well. An activity of controlling.
unit, which in turn responds to the direction of a com-
period Segment of time in which performance will be
puter program.
demonstrated and measured against a plan or budget.
outsourcing Contracting with outside firms to provide
period linen inventory count record Log or similar
services that may have originally been performed by
record of all items of linen counted as reported on linen
in-house employees.
count sheets during period, inventories. See also inven-
padding A layer of material placed under carpet to in- tory; inventory control; inventory record book.
crease resiliency. It can be made from a number of nat-
period statements Financial statements book of an op-
ural and synthetic materials.
erational nature covering a set period of time; indicating
panic emotion Uncontrolled psychological departure revenue, expenses, and control profit (or loss); usually
from responsible action or behavior when experiencing show comparisons to budget for the same period; re-
fear or sudden widespread fright as a result of not know- quire critique of out-of-control elements. See also oper-
ing what to do in an emergency situation. ating statement.
par A standard, specific, or normal level of stock. personal development of managers Responsibility of
managers to develop subordinates or junior managers
parlor (P) Sitting room usually having hidden sleep
for future assignments.
equipment; may be set up for a small meeting or hospi-
tality suite. personal plan Document prepared by a manager indi-
cating how he or she intends to carry out assigned
participative management Act of involving workers
responsibilities and meet commitments or stated
in discussions regarding decisions that ultimately affect
the workers.
personnel action form (PAF) Standardized document
part-time employee In the hotel industry, one who
used for recording details about an employee such as
regularly commits to and is scheduled to work by the
name, address, job classification, rate of pay, and record
company 29 hours or less per week. See also steady
of past performance with the company for company ref-
extra; regular employee; temporary employee; pool
erence; may be computerized.
petroleum naphtha solvents Fabric cleaners and spot
pathogenic Disease-causing, disease-producing.
removers made from distilled petroleum or coal tar
pathogenic microorganisms Disease-causing bacteria products.
and viruses.
phenolic compounds Any one of a series of aromatic
pay increases Stepped increments of pay normally hydroxyl derivatives of benzene, of which carbolic acid is
awarded to an employee for satisfactory performance the first member.
during specified time periods, for outstanding perfor-
photochemical reaction A reaction of certain pollu-
mance, or in recognition of cost-of-living increases.
tants in the atmosphere that produces ozone, which is a
pay scale A published table of compensation offered lung irritant and a component of smog.
for jobs performed; usually indicates increments of pay
physical agents Nonchemical agents that will affect
based on seniority and minimum and maximum com-
the growth of bacteria or will destroy it. Examples of
pensation to be offered for each job. Usually developed
nonchemical agents are sunlight, temperature, heat,
by personnel departments as a result of wage surveys of
moisture, and pressure.
the surrounding area, degree of difficulty of jobs sur-
veyed, availability of labor markets, and company physical linen inventory Actual count or supply of
policies. various items of linen on hand.
494 Glossary

pickup room Occupied room in an open section that indicates where the manager should apply his or her
must be assigned to a section housekeeper in a nearby time. See and compare job descriptions.
section for servicing.
preopening budget Plan for the use of certain fixed
pile The threads of yarn found on the surface of a rug. and variable cost items before opening a hotel or hospi-
The nap. Pile density and weight are indications of tal. See also preopening cost or expense.
preopening cost or expense Those costs or expenses
pile warp Yarn threads that run lengthwise in a towel normally associated with opening a hotel or hospital
that make the terry loops on both sides of the towel. (before revenue generation commences). Such costs are
These are normally 100 percent cotton fibers. usually amortized over a several-year period after oper-
planning Performing certain activities that predeter- ation has begun. May include the cost of certain fixed as-
mine a course of action. A sequential function of sets as well as preoperating costs.
management. primary backing The primary backing is the surface
P.M. report A document used for noting the status of into which carpet fibers are stitched in a tufted carpet.
guestrooms in a room section in the late afternoon, usu- The backing is normally made from polypropylene.
ally about 3:00 P.M. Report forms are developed daily for probationary period of employment Usually the first
every section in the hotel to indicate whether rooms are three or four months of employment when training is
occupied (OCC), ready (R), or checkouts (C/O). P.M. re- being conducted and suitability for full-time employ-
ports form the basis of the housekeeper’s report. ment is being established. A period of employment
P.M. room check Visual inspection of every guestroom before the inauguration of all employment rights and
in a hotel to determine observed status of rooms. Results benefits.
of the room check are recorded on the P.M. report. problem solving Act of seeking solutions to profes-
polygraph examination Inconclusive examination of a sional and personal problems. The end result of analyz-
person that may give indications as to the honesty or dis- ing problems.
honesty of that person. Federal law forbids its use for
problem-solving temperament The personal and psy-
preemployment testing in all but a few occupations and
chological emotion and attitude displayed by a manager
has effectively limited its use to but a handful of other
when involved in problem solving.
processor (computer) Also known a central processing
polypropylene A lightweight resin. It is used for mak-
unit (CPU).
ing carpet backing, molded plastics, and insulation.
productivity The ability to produce. Management the-
polyurethane A strong plastic resin that resists fire,
ory is concerned with increasing productivity.
acids, and decay. It is used in a number of applications,
including insulation, a substitute for foam rubber, and a pro forma An imaginary balance sheet or system of
substitute for varnish. accounts containing figures for illustrative purposes;
pool employee or employment Classification of em- usually provides retroactive indications of how an oper-
ployee or employment whereby the worker is called in ation will run.
to work when needed. No regular schedule of work is ex- program (computer) The electronic intelligence
pected or promised. stored in a computer that controls the processing of
poor performance Appraisal indicating that quality data. See also software (package).
of performance is less than satisfactory but not unsatis- programming Scheduling of a group of tasks in a de-
factory. sired order. An activity of planning. Also, the act of de-
portion control Specifying and providing to workers veloping a software program for a computer.
specific quantities of chemicals, cleaning solutions, or progressing work Act of keeping track of work com-
other measurable agents used in housekeeping opera- pleted by a section housekeeper during the house-
tions. Some cleaning agents are prepackaged in mea- keeping day.
sured proportions and may be issued to section house-
keepers for cleaning tasks. project Element of work to be performed that is not
routine or part of a daily routine.
position descriptions Similar to job descriptions but
written for management positions. Documents that set property inspection program Formalized program for
forth the manager’s basic function, scope of activities, the inspection of an entire hotel or hospital property. See
specific responsibilities, and reporting relationships; also also inspection program; zone inspection program.
Glossary 495

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (sue-doe-MOAN-us air-o-gin- readily resolved at the front desk; requires that the
O-sa) Gram negative. Very resistant to disinfectants. A housekeeping department take a second visual look at
major problem in public restrooms. Disease is more the guestroom to ascertain the correct status of the
prevalent in women. Bacteria will grow in standing water. room.
public area housekeeper One who works in public ar- recycling Breaking a product down to its essential ele-
eas as opposed to the guestroom portion of the hotel. ments and making a new product.
public areas Physical areas of a hotel where the gen- red tag system Control system using a red tag (form)
eral public may congregate or walk; includes lobby area, to administer the legal removal of property from a hotel
public sitting area, public restrooms, and public thor- or hospital facility. The form indicates what material is
oughfare. Does not include guestrooms or the guestroom being removed and who the rightful property owner is; it
portion of the facility. is signed by a manager. A receipt (second copy) of the
public areas department A department in a large ho- form is collected by a door security person as the item is
tel responsible for the cleaning of all public areas (e.g., removed and is returned to the authorizing manager for
pools, lobbies, convention centers, casinos, restaurants, control.
etc.). regular employee One who has attained full-time em-
purchasing Management function of researching and ployment status; usually attained after successfully com-
ordering items of value used in the production of rev- pleting a probationary period of employment.
enue. Some companies have purchasing agents who do relief team See swing team.
all purchasing; others require department managers to
perform purchasing functions for their departments, al- repair and physical maintenance Correction of a
lowing for better departmental accountability for physical defect in a facility; occurs under the direction of
expenditures. the head of the repair and maintenance department
(chief engineer).
purchasing agent Person who performs the purchas-
ing function for all departments within an organization. reporting systems Determining critical data that will
See also purchasing. be needed, by whom, and how often in order to follow
the conduct of an operation. An activity of controlling.
purify the room rack Correcting the front desk room
rack to reflect the correct status of all guestrooms; usu- resident manager Person in charge of hotel opera-
ally done about 4:30 P.M. each day by reference to the tions exclusive of food and beverage operations; princi-
housekeeper’s report. pal assistant to a hotel manager. An executive commit-
tee member. Usually the immediate supervisor for a
quality circle Group of people consisting of managers,
front office manager and the executive housekeeper.
supervisors, and workers, all having an equal responsi-
bility for quality of work or production output. resilient floors Floors that “give” underfoot. When
quaternary ammonium compounds Any derivative of dented, a resilient floor will eventually rebound wholly
ammonium in which the four hydrogen atoms have been or partially to its original form. Resilient flooring mate-
replaced by organic radicals. Quaternary ammonium rials include asphalt tile, carpet, linoleum, rubber, vinyl
compounds are used as disinfectants and in various tile, and wood.
medicines. resort hotel A hotel with fine amenities and luxury
ready or ready to rent (R) Status of a guestroom indi- flair located near or organized about social settings, geo-
cating that the room is vacant and has been serviced for graphical points of interest, or centers of activity. May be
occupancy. See also checkout; occupied. frequented by business travel but is primarily a vacation
reagents A group of testing solutions used to identify
certain bacteria and their properties. Such tests can help reuse Using a product more than once before recy-
determine what chemicals should be used to kill certain cling or landfilling.
bacteria. rewarding employees Praising or disciplining employ-
reasonable security for guestrooms A level of quality ees as necessary to show acceptance or rejection of per-
in the attributes or physical items in a guestroom that formance. A part of performance appraisal; an activity of
provide the guest with a reasonable measure of protec- controlling.
tion from uninvited guests.
room check Visual check of a guestroom by an em-
rechecks Guestroom or rooms that have been identi- ployee to determine the status of the room. Room is ei-
fied by the front desk as discrepancies and that cannot be ther ready (R), occupied (OCC), or checkout (C/O).
496 Glossary

room found vacant (RFV) Status of a guestroom as ob- sealer A product intended to fill in the holes in the
served by housekeeping that was thought to have been porous surface of a floor. It protects the floor from
occupied according to the front desk. This is not an un- spilled liquids.
usual occurrence when guests who have made prior secondary backing A second backing on a carpet that
arrangements for payment of bills depart without noti- provides additional strength, usually made from
fying the front desk. Also, guests who pay in advance polypropylene or jute.
may depart without notifying the front desk. This creates
a discrepancy that must be resolved by rechecking the second request Second maintenance work request
room. form submitted to the maintenance department
for work called for on a prior request and not yet
room inspections Periodic inspections of guestrooms completed.
to ensure that standards of cleanliness and servicing are
being maintained. seconds Linens and clothing that have imperfections.
Most imperfections are not noticeable and have no ef-
room revenue Gross monies generated from the sale fect on the product’s use.
of guestrooms in a hotel.
section housekeeper Person regularly assigned to
room section Group of 13 to 20 guestrooms reason- clean guestrooms in a hotel. Synonymous with maid,
ably contiguous to each other that may normally be chambermaid, room attendant. See also GRA and
cleaned and serviced by one person in one eight-hour guestroom attendant.
shift. The room section is normally assigned a number
section housekeeper’s daily work report Form de-
and assigned to a section housekeeper. signed for a specific (numbered) room section that is
sales per man-hour Performance ratio of two statistics used by a section housekeeper during the day. A copy of
maintained by the hotel industry that can act as a mea- this form will be used to make a P.M. room check and will
sure of operational performance; reflects the amount of become a P.M. report.
revenue received for the sale of guestrooms for every section housekeeping aide Worker who is a member
man-hour used in support of the hotel occupancy that of and assists workers in a housekeeping team. Must be
generated the revenue; can be budgeted or forecast in capable of lifting heavy objects and operating heavy ma-
preparation of a comparison to actual performance. See chinery in the servicing and cleaning of major areas in
also target statistics. the guestroom portion of a hotel; is not directly involved
Salmonella choleraesuis (sal-moe-NELL-a coll-er-ah- in regular and routine guestroom cleaning.
SUE-iss) Gram negative. A form of food poisoning. security Quality or condition of being free from dan-
Body can usually tolerate and throw off. The bacteria are ger, fear, anxiety, uncertainty, doubt, or care.
used to test germicides.
selecting employees Recruiting and acquiring quali-
Sanforizing A patented process that preshrinks cot- fied people for each position in an organization. An ac-
ton, linen, or rayon fabric. The process was invented by tivity of staffing.
Sanford L. Cluett (1874–1968).
selvage The side edge of a towel. There is no pile
sanitizer A sanitizing substance or product. To sanitize warp present in the selvage. It is finished off to prevent
is to prevent the spread of disease. unraveling.
satellite linen room One of several service areas lo- senior housekeeper Hourly supervisor who is in
cated in the guestroom area of the hotel used as central charge of a house division and division personnel; super-
workstation for a housekeeping team; a storage area for vises several section housekeepers and a section house-
bed and bath linens and other supplies used regularly by keeping aide; performs supervisory functions and en-
section housekeepers and aides in the performance of sures that division workers perform to standards;
their work tasks. See also housekeeping central. inspects guestrooms cleaning when necessary.

satisfiers Experiences intrinsic in a job or work that senior housekeeper’s daily work report form A doc-
create positive attitudes and act to enhance motivation. ument indicating every room within a house division
See also dissatisfiers. broken down into sections. Allows the senior house-
keeper to progress work of section housekeepers
scenario An outline of possible events or happenings. throughout the day within the assigned division.
scientific management Systematic way of thinking senior housekeeping aide Working supervisor assis-
about management based on obtaining information tant to the executive housekeeper; is in charge of all pub-
from which to derive facts, form conclusions, make rec- lic area cleaning, project work, storeroom inventories,
ommendations, and take action. and training section and utility housekeeping aides.
Glossary 497

sequential functions of management See manage- spalling The chipping or breaking up of a stone floor
ment sequential functions. surface.
setting objectives Determining desired end results. span of control The number of subordinates that can
An activity of planning. be adequately supervised by a superior. Factors that
have an influence on this number include the complex-
shams Decorative pillow covers used on a bed. Shams
ity of the task, the level of skill of the subordinates, dis-
are often made from the same material as the bed-
tance, and time.
spirochetes Corkscrew-shaped microorganisms.
sharps A small plastic case outfitted for a flow-
through cleansing agent that is used to clean and sanitize spores Microorganisms that are in a restive, protective
needles, scalpels, and other sharp instruments. shell.
shellac A varnish made from alcohol and refined lac. spot check Selective inspection of guestrooms and
Lac is a sticky substance made from the deposits of other sections of a hotel to ensure that standards of
insects. cleanliness and maintenance are being maintained.
simulation training A training technique whereby a spray buffing The application of a finish solution
guestroom is set aside for training purposes and various while polishing a floor’s surface to retouch worn spots
situations are presented to the trainee for resolution. and to restore a glossy look to the floor’s surface.
single occupancy Guestroom is occupied by only one staffing Performing certain activities that result in se-
guest. See also double occupancy; multiple occupancy. lecting competent people for positions in an organiza-
tion. A sequential function of management.
situational leadership Management theory that as-
serts that the leadership style of the manager must vary standard operating procedure (SOP) A formal docu-
according to the situation, that being the skill level and ment of a standing nature that specifies a certain method
attitude of the subordinate. of operating or a specific procedure for the accomplish-
ment of a task.
sizing laundries Determination of proper washing,
drying, and handling capacities for on-premises laun- standards of cleanliness Statement of the conditions
dries. that will exist when work has been performed satisfacto-
rily. Used sometimes as a basis for constructing inspec-
skip To leave a hotel without paying a bill.
tion forms. See also standards setting.
smog The origin of the word was a combination of
standards setting Prescribing the conditions that will
“smoke” and “fog.” It is a witch’s brew of airborne pol-
exist when work has been done satisfactorily.
lutants including ozone, particulates, hydrocarbons, ni-
trous oxides, and sulfur dioxides. The cause is primarily standing rotational scheduling system A continuous
the burning of fossil fuels. system of scheduling workers or teams of workers for
regular days off in each week of a seven-week period.
snoop Someone hired to work undercover for the pur-
Regular days off in each workweek rotate forward (or
pose of gathering evidence against people guilty of dis-
back) as each week passes through the seven-week cycle.
honest acts.
See also tight schedule.
software items Fixtures found in a hotel or hospital
Staphylococcus aureus (staff-ill-i-COCK-us OAR-ee-us)
room that are normally considered a part of depreciable
A grapelike-cluster organism that can cause boils, skin
fixed assets, such as mattresses, curtains, draperies, pil-
infections, purulent discharge, and/or peritonitis.
lows, and other items of soft nature; does not include bed
and bath linens. steady extra Classification of employee or employ-
ment for people who work in a steady but part-time
software program The program by which a computer
manner; used mostly in union operations. See also part-
processes data; as opposed to computer hardware, the
time employee.
physical components of a computer system.
sterilization A process whereby all bacteria are killed
source reduction The best strategy, when appropriate,
by heat.
to reduce a solid waste stream. It consists of not creating
waste to begin with. stock-out A depleted item that is normally found in
sours A substance that is used to lower the pH level of
the laundry wash water to enhance the bleaching Streptococcus pyogenes (strep-tow-COCK-us pie-O-
process. jeans) Chainlike round organism that causes the strep
498 Glossary

throat infection. Gram positive. Bacteria found in public team staffing System of staffing whereby employees
places; wound and throat infections. Also associated with are hired and combined into identifiable teams for the
scarlet fever and rheumatic fever. purpose of performing units of work that have been
combined into logical relationships. See also team sched-
stewards’ department Food and beverage depart-
uling; housekeeping team.
ment in a hotel operation that cleans and maintains
kitchens, among other tasks. team system of organization System of formal orga-
nization whereby several similar organizational groups
stripper A product designed to remove old floor finish
may be identified and recognized as performing identi-
and sealer. The product often has an ammoniated base.
cal types of work tasks. See also team scheduling; team
styrene butadiene rubber A synthetic rubber made staffing; housekeeping team.
from petroleum and used as a floor surface material.
temporary employee Classification of employee or
subroutine A routine series of events or activities per- employment for which the period of employment will be
formed periodically in a housekeeping department, dif- only temporary. Employment termination date is usually
ferent from the daily routine but of equal importance. In- established at the time of employment.
volves controlling operations, purchasing, personnel
tensile strength An indicator of fabric quality. The de-
administration, communications and training, and long-
gree of tensile strength is determined by the amount of
range planning.
weight it takes to tear a 1⬙ ⫻ 3⬙ piece of fabric.
suite (S) Two or more guestrooms that are sold as a
terminal cleaning The action of cleaning a patient
unit and that connect internally. See also guestroom
room or surgical suite upon completion of its use.
terrazzo A composition flooring material made from
swing team Housekeeping team that works in relief of
chips of marble, granite, travertine, or other materials,
one or more regular housekeeping teams that have been
and portland cement.
assigned a regular day off. Swing teams work in place of
regular house division teams according to predeter- Theory X A way of thinking about employees that im-
mined scheduling on a standing rotational schedule. plies that there is no intrinsic satisfaction found in work;
that human beings avoid it as much as possible; that pos-
syringe Refers to a hypodermic syringe.
itive (authoritative) direction is needed to achieve orga-
systemeering A term coined by Baring Industries nization goals; and that workers possess little ambition
(laundry consultants) relating to the service provided by or originality. A Theory X manager is recognized by the
their consultants when studying and establishing laundry manner in which he or she communicates.
equipment requirements for a user (customer). Service
Theory Y Managerial thinking that implies that work is
includes recommendations for equipment purchases, bid
natural and to be enjoyed by the worker; that the com-
service, and mechanical rough-in drawings for utility
mitted worker will exercise self-discipline and direction;
that avoidance of responsibility, lack of ambition, and
table of personnel requirements Management tool emphasis on security are general consequences of expe-
that shows the number of rooms that will require service rience—not inherent human characteristics.
and the number guestroom attendants needed for each
Theory Z Japanese management model that asserts
percentage of occupancy.
that productivity can be enhanced in an organization by
taking corrective action Adjusting plans and counsel- involving all employees in the planning and decision-
ing as necessary to attain standards. May require replan- making process. Term coined by Thomas Ouchi in
ning and a repeat of the sequential functions of manage- his management text, Theory Z. See participative
ment. An activity of controlling. management.
target statistics Numerical items of data that become thermoplastic Certain resins that have the potential of
goals for the measurement of performance. becoming soft when heated.
Taylor, Frederick W. Noted industrialist, author, and thread count The total number of threads in a one-
consultant recognized as the father of scientific manage- inch-square piece of cloth. It is one of a number of qual-
ment. ity indicators.
team scheduling System of scheduling whereby a three-stroke solution Refers to the dilution (with wa-
group of employees organized into a permanent team is ter) ratio of an all-purpose cleaner that provides a
scheduled to perform work as a unit. See also team proper agent for certain cleaning operations in approxi-
staffing. mately three wipes; for example, 40:1 dilution of a spe-
Glossary 499

cific cleaning agent is used to clean mirrors and windows that occur in a year and dividing by the average number
in three wiping strokes. See also one-stroke solution. of total positions in the organization (the total number
of positions in the organization at the beginning of the
ticking A strong cloth used to cover mattresses and
year plus the total number of positions at the end of the
year divided by 2). This ratio is expressed as a percent-
tidy (tidies) (T) The act of tidying or identifying rooms age. High turnover is costly to an organization.
that require tidying in order to make ready to rent. Tidies
turnover rate See turnover.
require only light service and usually do not require the
full making of a bed or heavy service. Tidies are also uniforms Distinctive clothes worn by employees so
rooms that have already been serviced once before a that they can be recognized by the general public as be-
guest departs but then require light service to make ing part of a business.
them ready for reoccupancy. varnish A liquid that gives a shiny, hard, transparent
tight schedule System of scheduling whereby a stand- surface to wood or metal. It is made from resins that
ing rotational schedule may be or is modified on a daily have been dissolved in oil, turpentine, or alcohol.
basis to accommodate a specific guestroom occupancy. virus A part of the protist kingdom; includes influenza
time card control The act of controlling use of time (a flu virus), herpes simplex, vaccine (cowpox), adeno
cards by employees so as to conform to company policy virus type 2, and AIDS. Gram positive (blue stain). Ma-
and government regulations. jor cause of infections (boils, carbuncles, ear infections)
and food poisonings. Size is 0.8 to 1 micron. It is resistant
time in the hole An expression of calendar days be- to antibiotics. Best cure is heat.
tween the time a worker completes a workweek and the
time that paychecks or pay will become available; ranges volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Hydrocarbons.
between three and fourteen days, depending on payroll Unstable elements that easily turn into gases. Found in a
processing and delivery procedures. host of products such as paint strippers, cleaners, and
solvents. They constitute a major source of indoor air
time sheets, weekly or periodic Documents on which pollution.
times from employee time cards are recorded; forms the
wage costs Classification of labor based on the calcu-
basis for calculation of earned or benefit pay. A basis for
lation of hours worked times a given or assigned wage
payroll. May contain other forms of pay besides time ac-
rate, depending on the classification of the employee.
tually worked.
See also controllable costs; employee costs.
torn sheet size Torn sheet size is the length and width
wage department Classification system for the identi-
of a sheet before the top and bottom hems are added.
fication of various types of man-hours used by depart-
Top and bottom hems will subtract approximately five
ments in hotels and hospitals. Classifications usually re-
inches from the length of the sheet.
fer to the types of work that are to be performed.
total linen on hand See linen on hand. warp Lengthwise threads of yarn in a fabric.
training employees Making employees proficient in wash formula Quantitative determinants of how long
the performance of a task through instruction and prac- a specific type or piece of linen is to be washed, rinsed,
tice. An activity of staffing. and extracted; includes temperatures of wash and rinse
Tricophyton interdigitale (tri-CO-fi-ton inter-digit-ALL- solutions and quantities of detergents, bleaches, and soft-
ee) No gram stain. A fungus (athlete’s foot). The fun- eners to be used during the various wash cycles.
gus can be used to evaluate a germicidal. washing capacity Optimum weight of linen that
truck mount A portable carpet extraction system that should be placed in an automatic commercial washing
is installed in a panel truck. It consists of a solution tank, machine; for example, 50-pound, 100-pound, 200-pound
a recovery tank, a heater, and pumps. Hoses are attached washer; used in sizing laundries. See also drying capacity;
from the unit to the operator’s wand. handling capacity.
waste transformation The alteration of materials in a
tung oil A poisonous oil from the seeds of the tung
solid waste stream. The intent is to reduce their mass.
tree. It is often used in finishing wood surfaces.
Compactors, pulpers, and shredders are used in the
tunnel washer A high-capacity laundry washer found transformation. Can also be meant to alter the waste
in commercial laundries. into another form, such as in a waste-to-energy plant.
turnover The number of employee separations in an weekly maintenance Identified housekeeping service
organization over a period, expressed as a percentage. or repair-type maintenance that is to be performed each
Calculated by taking the total number of separations week on schedule.
500 Glossary

weekly wage analysis Breakdown of expended wages workshop training Training technique used primarily
by departments, showing comparisons to budgeted and for supervisors. Involves the presentation of managerial
forecast wages; identifies out-of-control areas and indi- problems and allows the participants to work out one or
cates corrective measures to regain control of costs if more solutions, which are then critiqued.
workweek Seven consecutive days with an identifiable
weekly wage forecast Document prepared weekly by beginning and ending used to identify and separate one
housekeeping management indicating how many man- week from another in a continuous daily operation.
hours will be required or expended, and in what wage Workweeks may begin on any day of the week and end
departments (classifications), to support a specified fore- six days later. The identification of workweeks is imper-
cast of guestroom occupancy. ative in continuous daily operations for scheduling and
accounting purposes.
weft The threads of yarn that run the width of a fabric.
zero-based budgeting A concept of budgeting that re-
“What-if” publication Interesting presentation of quires the planner to start the entire budgeting process
emergency situations a person might encounter in a ho- from scratch each year. No prior assumptions regarding
tel or hospital. Presentation is in the form of questions past years are made. Although extremely accurate in its
asking “what if” and enlightened alternative responses. approach, it is time-consuming and difficult to attempt in
work calendar Seven-week period of time divided into an extremely complex and/or large organization.
workweeks; indicating regular workdays and regular zone Segmented part of a facility subject to zone in-
days off in each week as presented in the standing rota- spection. See zone inspection program.
tional scheduling system.
zone inspection program A form of property inspec-
work-centered theory of management Classical the- tion whereby various sections of a hotel are divided into
ory of management that focuses on a concern for pro- zones and assigned to several zone inspectors; usually
duction. conducted once each week.

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