As with any other creative text each person will have an individual
response to a film. Whilst you may enjoy say, the unusual camera
angles in a film, someone else might find them annoying because
they distract from the narrative. A friend may think that a certain
facial expression reveals something important about a character;
you may see it as meaning something completely different. When
we read a film we are interpreting the text as we see it; we are
saying why we think the filmmaker made certain choices and what
the film means to us.
If you read a written text and it has a certain effect on you, for
instance it makes you scared, we can look closely at the way the
text has been constructed to see how the writer has used the tools
at their disposal to create the fear.
Reading a film works in exactly the same way except that the tools
that are used to create meaning are different. We call these tools
film language.
From the moment we first start watching the film we begin to get
involved. The first few images of a film (the opening sequence) are
very important to us as they give us lots of clues as to what the
film will be about. We look at the opening shots of place and time,
and put them into context. We look at the actors we are presented
with and make assumptions about their characters and roles in the
film and their relationship to each other. We look at the title of the
film – the way it is worded and the style of the lettering and we try
to guess what genre (type) of film it will be. We listen to the sound,
which is often predominantly music at this stage, and the tone and
beat of this again give us further clues as to how the film will
develop. We do all this automatically – at this time we are
extremely receptive and actively involved.
Without realising it, we have entered into the world of the film and
begun to read the signals that have been set up for us; we have
begun to decode the film language.
The codes films use do not only have to be visual. The use of
sudden loud music signals 'something dramatic is about to happen
– pay attention!' An extreme close-up shot of a person’s face
signals 'this character's reaction is very important'. The study of
these systems of signs is called semiology.
Most film audiences are able to recognise these film codes; even
young children are aware of the basics. As students of film you will
learn how to analyse this film language in more detail. Your level of
interaction will be greater and you will be able to be more specific
about what it is that makes a film 'good' or 'bad'.
Use of lighting
Often, the edges of what we can see on the cinema screen are
extended by the use of sound. We might hear a doorbell ring and
we acknowledge that there is someone being let into the house
even though we can’t see them. Likewise, we might hear the siren
of a fire engine and we know that there is a road outside.
Use of editing
When the filming has been completed, the editing process begins.
This is a matter of choosing which shots to include, which to put
next to which, and what method to use to join the shots together.
So how does the audience interact with the film through the
1) Selecting and ordering the shots
The director can create a mood or atmosphere by choosing certain
shots in a certain order, to build a picture in our minds. We
automatically link what is happening in one shot with what happens
in those either side of it, as this is what happens in real life. Thus,
by showing us a window frame and then a shot of a house, we
presume the house is what you see out of that window. In this way
we are interacting with the film.