Syllabus & Model Paper: Entrance Test

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Sr.# Subject No. of










Syllabus 1-5

Recommended books 6



Syllabus 8-19

Recommended Books 20

TOS 21


Syllabus 22-27

Recommended Books 28


Syllabus 29-36

Recommended Books 37

TOS 38


Syllabus 39-40

TOS 41
Model Paper For Entrance Test 2011 42-60
Section of Physics 42-45
Section of Chemistry 45-50
Section of English 51-52
Section of Biology 52-57
Section of Aptitude 58-60
F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.


1. Physical Quantities and Units

2. Forces

3. Fluid Dynamics

4. Light

5. Waves

6. Deformation of Solids

7. Ideal Gases

8. Heat and Thermodynamics

9. Electronics

10. Current Electricity

11. Magnetism and Electromagnetism

12. Modern Physics

13. Nuclear Physics

Recommended books


Learning Outcomes

a) Understand what is physics.

b) Understand that all physical quantities consist of a numerical magnitude and a unit.
c) Recall the following base quantities and their units; mass (kg), length (m), time (s),
current (A), temperature (K), luminous intensity (cd) and amount of substance (mol)
d) Describe and use base units and derived units.
e) Dimensional units of physical quantities.


Learning Outcomes

a) Show an understanding the concept of weight.

b) Show an understanding that the weight of a body may be taken as acting at a single
point known as its centre of gravity.
c) Weightlessness in an elevator.
d) Define and apply the moment of force.


Learning Outcomes

a) Concept of viscosity.
b) Understand the terms steady (Laminar, streamline) flow, incompressible flow, non-
viscous flow as applied to the motion of an ideal fluid.
c) Appreciate the equation of continuity.

A1V1 = A2V2 for the flow of an ideal and incompressible fluid.

d) Understand Bernoulli’s equation
P + ρ v 2 + ρ gh = Constant
e) Understand that the pressure difference can arise from different rates of flow of a fluid
(Blood flow).


Learning Outcomes

a) Understand interference of light.

b) Understand diffraction of light.
c) Describe the phenomenon of diffraction of X-rays by crystals and its use.
d) Understand polarization of light.
e) Concepts of least distance of distinct vision.

• Short sightedness, long sightedness.

f) Understand the terms magnifying power and resolving power
1 λ
(R = ,R = ) of optical instruments.
α min ∆λ
g) Derive expressions for magnifying power of simple microscope and compound
h) Understand the principle of optical fibres, types and its application.


Learning Outcomes

a) Understand the simple harmonic motion with examples.

b) Explain energy in simple harmonic motion.
c) Describe practical examples of free and forced oscillations.
d) Understand the resonance with its applications.
e) Understand and describe Doppler’s effect and its causes. Recognize the application of
Doppler’s effect.
f) Understand Ultrasound with its uses in scanning.
g) Show an understanding speed of sound in different media.
h) Audioable frequency range.


Learning Outcomes

a) Appreciate deformation caused by a force and that is in one dimension.

b) Understand tensile or compressive deformation.
c) Understand the terms stress, stain young’s modulus and Bulk modulus.
d) Energy stored in deformed material.


Learning Outcomes

a) Recall and use equation of state of an ideal gas PV = nRT .

b) State the basic assumptions of Kinetic theory of gases.
c) Derive gas laws on the basis of kinetic theory of gases.
2 1
d) Understand pressure of gas P= N 0 < mv 2 > .
3 2


Learning Outcomes

a) Understand the term thermal equilibrium.

b) Concepts of temperature and temperature scales.
c) Compare the relative advantage and disadvantage of thermocouple, thermometer
and mercury thermometer.
d) Understand laws of thermodynamics.
e) Show an understanding the term internal energy.


Learning Outcomes

a) Logic gates:
• OR gate, AND gate, NOT Gate, NOR gate and NAND gate.
b) Understand the basic principle of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and appreciate its use.


Learning Outcomes

a) State Ohm’s law and solve problems V= IR

b) Combinations of resistors.
c) Show an understanding of a capacitor.
d) Combinations of capacitors.


Learning Outcomes

a) Magnetic field due to current in

i) Straight wire
ii) Solenoid
b) Understand Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Learning Outcomes

a) Principle of production of X-rays by electron bombardment on metal target.

b) Describe main features of X-ray tube.
c) Use of X-rays in imaging internal body structures.
d) Show an understanding of the purpose of computed tomography or CT scanning.
e) Show an understanding of the principles of CT scanning.
f) Understand laser principle and its type (Helium – Neon Laser).
g) Describe the application of laser in medicine and industry.


Learning Outcomes

a) Understand Radioactivity.
b) Understand Radioactive decay.
c) Radio Isotopes and their biological uses.
d) Nuclear radiation detectors

• GM tube, Wilson cloud chamber.

e) Radiation hazards and biological effect of radiation.


1. Physics part 11, Punjab Text book board

2. Physics part 12, Punjab Text book board

3. Tom Duncan, John Murray, A–level Advanced Physics, 5th edition

4. Nelkon & Parker, Advanced level Physics, 7th edition

5. Poh Liong Yong, A level Pacific Physics, Volume I

6. Poh Liong Yong, A level Pacific Physics, Volume II

Table of Specification (PHYSICS-2011)
F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.

Sr. No Topic MCQs

1. Physical Quantities and Units 02

2. Forces 02

3. Fluid Dynamics 03

4. Light 04

5. Waves 04

6. Deformation of Solids 02

7. Ideal Gases 02

8. Heat and Thermodynamics 03

9. Electronics 02

10. Current Electricity 03

11. Magnetism and Electromagnetism 03

12. Modern Physics 07

13. Nuclear Physics 07

Total 44

F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.

A. Physical Chemistry
1. Fundamental Concepts
2. States of Matter
3. Atomic Structure
4. Chemical Bonding
5. Chemical Energetics
6. Solutions
7. Electrochemistry
8. Chemical Equilibrium
9. Reaction Kinetics
B. Inorganic Chemistry
1. Periods
2. Groups
3. Transition elements
4. Elements of Biological Importance
C. Organic Chemistry
1. Fundamental Principles
2. Hydrocarbon
3. Alkyl Halides
4. Alcohols and Phenols
5. Aldehydes and Ketones
6. Carboxylic Acid
7. Amino Acids
8. Macromolecules
9. Environmental Chemistry
Recommended Books



In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Define relative atomic, isotopic, molecular and formula masses, based on the C
b) Explain mole in terms of the Avogadro’s constant.
c) Apply mass spectrometric technique in determining the relative atomic mass of an
element using the mass spectral data provided.
d) Calculate empirical and molecular formulae, using combustion data.
e) Understand stoichiometric calculations using mole concept involving.
i) Reacting masses

ii) Volume of gases


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Understate gaseous state with reference to:

i) Postulates of kinetic molecular theory
ii) Deviation of real gases from ideal behavior
iii) Gas laws: Boyle’s law, Charles law, Avogadro’s law and gas equation (PV=nRT)
and calculations involving gas laws.
iv) Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour at low temperature and high pressure
v) Causes of deviation from ideal behaviour
vi) Conditions necessary for gasses to approach ideal behaviour
b) Discuss liquid state with reference to:
• Evaporation, vapour pressure, boiling and hydrogen bonding in water
c) Explain the lattice structure of a crystalline solid with special emphasis on:
i) Giant ionic structure, as in sodium chloride.
ii) Simple molecular, as in iodine
iii) Giant molecular, as in graphite; diamond; silicon(IV) oxide
iv) Hydrogen-bonded, as in ice
v) Metallic as in Cu and Fe.
d) Outline the importance of hydrogen bonding to the physical properties of substances,
including NH3, H2O, C2H5OH and ice.
e) Suggest from quoted physical data the type of structure and bonding present in a


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Identify and describe the proton, neutron and electron in terms of their relative
charges and relative masses
b) Discuss the behaviour of beams of protons, neutrons and electrons in electric fields
c) Calculate the distribution of mass and charges within an atom from the given data
d) Deduce the number of protons, neutrons and electrons present in both atoms and
ions for a given proton and nucleon numbers/charge.
i) Describe the contribution of protons and neutrons to atomic nuclei in terms of
proton number and nucleon number
ii) Distinguish between isotopes on the basis of different numbers of neutrons
f) Describe the number and relative energies of the s, p and d orbitals for the principal
quantum numbers 1, 2 and 3 and also the 4s and 4p orbitals
g) Describe the shapes of s and p orbitals
h) State the electronic configuration of atoms and ions given the proton number/charge
i) Explain:
i) Ionization energy
ii) The factors influencing the ionization energies of elements
iii) The trends in ionization energies across a Period and down a Group of the Periodic


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Characterise electrovalent (ionic) bond as in sodium chloride and Calcium oxide.

b) Use the ‘dot-and-cross’ diagrams to explain
i) Covalent bonding, as in hydrogen(H2); oxygen(O2); chlorine(Cl2); hydrogen
chloride; carbon dioxide; methane and ethene
ii) Co-ordinate (dative covalent) bonding, as in the formation of the ammonium ion
and in H3N+– -BF3.
c) Describe the shapes and bond angles in molecules by using the qualitative model of
electron-pair repulsion theory up to 4 pairs of electron including bonded electron pair
and lone pair around central atom.
d) Describe covalent bonding in terms of orbital overlap, giving σ and Π bonds
e) Explain the shape of, and bond angles in ethane, ethene and benzene molecules in
terms of σ and Π bonds

f) Describe hydrogen bonding, using ammonia and water as simple examples of
molecules containing N-H and O-H groups
g) Explain the terms bond energy, bond length and bond polarity and use them to
compare the reactivities of covalent bonds
h) Describe intermolecular forces (Van der Waal’s forces), based on permanent and
induced dipoles, as in CHCl3, Br2 and in liquid noble gases
i) Describe metallic bonding in terms of a lattice of positive ions surrounded by mobile
j) Describe, interpret and/or predict the effect of different types of bonding (ionic
bonding; covalent bonding; hydrogen bonding; Van der Waal’s forces and metallic
bonding) on the physical properties of substances
k) Deduce the type of bonding present in a substance from the given information


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Understand concept of energy changes during chemical reactions with examples of

exothermic and endothermic reactions.
b) Explain and use the terms:
i) Enthalpy change of reaction and standard conditions, with particular reference to:
Formation; combustion; hydration; solution; neutralization and atomisation
ii) Bond energy (∆H positive, i.e. bond breaking)
iii) Lattice energy (∆H negative, i.e. gaseous ions to solid lattice)
c) Find heat of reactions/neutralization from experimental results using mathematical
d) Explain, in qualitative terms, the effect of ionic charge and of ionic radius on the
numerical magnitude of lattice energy
e) Apply Hess’s Law to construct simple energy cycles, and carry out calculations
involving such cycles and relevant energy terms, with particular reference to:
i) Determining enthalpy changes that cannot be found by direct experiment, e.g. an
enthalpy change of formation from enthalpy changes of combustion
ii) Average bond energies
iii) Born-Haber cycles (including ionisation energy and electron affinity)


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Describe and explain following concentration units of solutions

i) Percentage composition
ii) Molarity (M)
iii) Molality (m)
iv) Mole fraction (X)
v) Parts of million (ppm)
b) Understand concept and applications of colligative properties such as:
i) Elevation of boiling point
ii) Depression of freezing point
iii) Osmotic pressure


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Explain the industrial processes of the electrolysis of brine, using a diaphragm cell
b) Describe and explain redox processes in terms of electron transfer and/or of changes
in oxidation number
c) Define the terms:
• Standard electrode (redox) potential and Standard cell potential
d) Describe the standard hydrogen electrode as reference electrode
e) Describe methods used to measure the standard electrode potentials of metals or
non-metals in contact with their ions in aqueous solution
f) Calculate a standard cell potential by combining two standard electrode potentials
g) Use standard cell potentials to:
i) Explain/deduce the direction of electron flow in the external circuit.
ii) Predict the feasibility of a reaction
h) Construct redox equations using the relevant half-equations
i) State the possible advantages of developing the H2/O2 fuel cell
j) Predict and to identify the substance liberated during electrolysis from the state of
electrolyte (molten or aqueous), position in the redox series (electrode potential) and


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Explain, in terms of rates of the forward and reverse reactions, what is meant by a
reversible reaction and dynamic equilibrium
b) State Le Chatelier’s Principle and apply it to deduce qualitatively the effects of
changes in temperature, concentration or pressure, on a system at equilibrium
c) Deduce whether changes in concentration, pressure or temperature or the presence
of a catalyst affect the value of the equilibrium constant for a reaction
d) Deduce expressions for equilibrium constants in terms of concentrations, Kc, and
partial pressures, Kp
e) Calculate the values of equilibrium constants in terms of concentrations or partial
pressures from appropriate data
f) Calculate the quantities present at equilibrium, given appropriate data
g) Describe and explain the conditions used in the Haber process.
h) Understand and use the Bronsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases
i) Explain qualitatively the differences in behaviour between strong and weak acids and
bases and the pH values of their aqueous solutions in terms of the extent of
j) Explain the terms pH; Ka; pKa; Kw and use them in calculations
k) Calculate [H+(aq)] and pH values for strong and weak acids and strong bases
l) Explain how buffer solutions control pH
m) Calculate the pH of buffer solutions from the given appropriate data
n) Show understanding of, and use, the concept of solubility product, Ksp
o) Calculate Ksp from concentrations and vice versa
p) Show understanding of the common ion effect


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Explain and use the terms: rate of reaction; activation energy; catalysis; rate
equation; order of reaction; rate constant; half-life of a reaction; rate-determining
b) Explain qualitatively, in terms of collisions, the effect of concentration changes on the
rate of a reaction
c) Explain that, in the presence of a catalyst, a reaction has a different mechanism, i.e.
one of lower activation energy
d) Describe enzymes as biological catalysts (proteins) which may have specific activity
e) Construct and use rate equations of the form
Rate = k[A]m[B]n
with special emphasis on:
i) Deducing the order of a reaction by the initial rates method
ii) Justifying, for zero- and first-order reactions, the order of reaction from
concentration-time graphs
iii) Verifying that a suggested reaction mechanism is consistent with the observed
iv) Predicting the order that would result from a given reaction mechanism (and vice
v) Calculating an initial rate using concentration data
f) Show understanding that the half-life of a first-order reaction is independent of initial
concentration and use the half-life to calculate order of reaction.
g) Calculate the rate constant from the given data
h) Name a suitable method for studying the rate of a reaction, from given information


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

Discuss the variation in the physical properties of elements belonging to period 2 and 3
and to describe and explain the periodicity in the following physical properties of
a) Atomic radius
b) Ionic radius
c) Melting point
d) Boiling point
e) Electrical conductivity
f) Ionization energy


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

Describe and explain the variation in the properties of group II, IV and VII elements
from top to bottom with special emphasis on:
a) Reactions of group-II elements with oxygen and water
b) Characteristics of oxides of carbon and silicon
c) Properties of halogens and uses of chlorine in water purification and as bleaching
d) Uses of Nobel gases (group VIII)


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

Discuss the chemistry of transition elements of 3-d series with special emphasis on:

a) Electronic configuration
b) Variable oxidation states
c) Use as a catalyst
d) Formation of complexes
e) Colour of transition metal complexes


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Describe the inertness of Nitrogen

b) Manufacture of Ammonia by Haber process
c) Discuss the preparation of Nitric acid and nitrogenous fertilizers
d) Describe the presence of Suphur dioxide in the atmosphere which causes acid rain
e) Describe the manufacture of Sulphuric acid by contact method



In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Classify the organic compounds

b) Explain the types of bond fission, homolytic and heterolytic
c) Discuss the types of organic reactions; Polar and free radical
d) Discuss the types of reagents; nucleophile, electrophile and free radicals
e) Explain isomerism; structural and cis-trans
f) Describe and explain condensed structural formula, displayed and skeletal formula
g) Discuss nomenclature of organic compounds with reference to IUPAC names of
Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols and Acids

In this topic, candidate should be able to:

Describe the chemistry of Alkanes with emphasis on

a) Combustion
b) Free radical substitution including mechanism
Discuss the chemistry of Alkenes with emphasis on
a) Preparation of alkenes by elimination reactions
i) Dehydration of alcohols
ii) Dehydrohalogenation of Alkyl halide
b) Reaction of Alkenes such as
i) Catalytic hydrogenation
ii) Halogenation (Br2 addition to be used as a test of an alkene)
iii) Hydration of alkenes
iv) Reaction with HBr with special reference to Markownikoff’s rule
v) Oxidation of alkenes using Bayer’s reagent (cold alkaline KMnO4) and using hot
concentrated acidic KMnO4 for cleavage of double bond
vi) Polymerization of ethene
Discuss chemistry of Benzene with examples
a) Structure of benzene showing the delocalized Π-orbital which causes stability of

b) Electrolphillic substitution reactions of benzene

i) Nitration including mechanism

ii) Halogenation
iii) Friedel Craft’s reaction


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Discuss importance of halogenoalkanes in everyday life with special use of CFCs,

halothanes, CCl4, CHCl3 and Teflon
b) Reaction of alkyl halides such as:
SN-reactions, (Reactions of alcohols with aqueous KOH, KCN in alcohol and with
aqueous NH3)
Elimination reaction with alcoholic KOH to give alkenes.


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

Discus Alcohols with reference to

a) Classification of alcohols into primary, secondary and tertiary
b) Preparation of ethanol by fermentation process
c) Reaction of alcohol with
i) K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4
ii) PCl5
iii) Na-metal
iv) Alkaline aqueous Iodine
v) Esterification
vi) Dehydration


a) Discuss reactions of phenol with:

i) Bromine ii) HNO3
b) Explain the relative acidity of water, ethanol and phenol


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Describe the structure of aldehyde and ketones

b) Discuss preparation of aldehydes and ketones by oxidation of alcohols
c) Discuss following reactions of aldehydes and ketones
i) Common to both
• 2,4-DNPH
ii) Reactions in which Aldehydes differs from ketones
• Oxidation with K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4, Tollen’s reagent and Fehling solution
• Reduction with sodium boron hydride
iii) Reaction which show presence of CH3CO group in aldehydes and ketones
• Triiodomethane test (Iodo form test) using alkaline aqueous iodine.


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Show preparation of ethanoic acid by oxidation of ethanol or by the hydrolysis of

b) Discuss the reactions of ethanoic acid with emphasis on:
i) Salt formation
ii) Esterification
iii) Acid chloride formation
iv) Amide formation
c) Hydrolysis of amide in basic and acidic medium
d) Describe the strength of organic acids relative to chloro substituted acids


In this topic, candidate should be able to:

a) Describe the general structure of α-amino acids found in proteins

b) Classify the amino acids on the basis of nature of R-group
c) Describe what is meant by essential amino acids
d) Understand peptide bond formation and hydrolysis of polypeptides/protein


In this topic, candidate should be able to describe and explain

a) Addition polymers such as polyethene, polypropene, polystyrene and PVC.

b) Condensation polymers such as polyesters, nylon
c) Structure of proteins
d) Chemistry of carbohydrates
e) Chemistry of lipids
f) Enzymes
g) Structure and function of nucleic acid (DNA & RNA)


In this topic, candidate should be able to

a) Understand causes of water pollution

b) Discuss disposal of solid wastes
c) Understand chemistry and causes of
i) Smog
ii) Acid rain
iii) Ozone layer


1. Chemistry, Class 11, Punjab Textbook Board

2. Chemistry, Class 12, Punjab Textbook Board

3. E.N. Ramsden, A-level Chemistry, 4th edition, Nelson Thornes

4. David, R., Klein, (2005) General Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons.

5. Leo, J., Mulone, (2005), 7th edition, Basic Concepts of Chemisrty, John Wiley and Sons

6. Ratcliff, B., Eccles, H., Raffan, J., Nicholson, J., Johnson, D., Acaster, D., Matthews,

P., and Newman, J., As Level and A-Level chemistry (2008), Cambridge.

Table of Specification (CHEMISTRY-2011)
F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.

Topic MCQs
A. Physical Chemistry
1. Fundamental concepts 02
2. States of matter 02
3. Atomic structure 02
4. Chemical bonding 02
5. Chemical energetics 01
6. Solutions 02
7. Electrochemistry 01
8. Chemical Equilibrium 02
9. Reaction kinetics 02
B. Inorganic Chemistry
1. Periods 02
2. Groups 02
3. Transition elements 02
4. Elements of biological importance 02
C. Organic Chemistry
1. Fundamental principles 02
2. Hydrocarbon 02
3. Alkyl halides 02
4. Alcohols and Phenols 02
5. Aldehydes and Ketones 02
6. Carboxylic acid 02
7. Amino acids 03
8. Macromolecules 03
9. Environmental chemistry 02

Total 44

F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.

The English section shall consist of four parts:

Part I:
• It will be comprised of Four Questions in which the candidate will have to select
the appropriate/suitable word from the given alternatives.
Part II:
• It will contain sentences with grammatical errors and the candidate will have to
identify the error. There will be Four Questions from this part.
Part III:
• There will be Four Questions consisting of a list of Four sentences each. The
candidate will have to choose the grammatically correct sentence out of the given
four options.
Part IV:
• In this part, the candidate will be asked to choose the right synonyms. Four
options will be given and He/She will have to choose the most appropriate one.
There will be Ten Questions from this part.

Essential Word Power

1. A Acupuncture 28. Amazon 55. Ascetic

2. Aberration 29. Ambulatory 56. Asgard
3. Abnegate 30. Ameliorate 57. Askance
4. Aboriginal 31. Amenities 58. Aspersion
5. Absolution 32. Amorphous 59. Assimilate
6. Abstruse 33. Ampere 60. Assume
7. Acclimate 34. Analogue 61. Atrophy
8. Accolade 35. Anaphylactic 62. Attire
9. Accrue 36. Aneurysm 63. Audacious
10. Acquiesce 37. Angina 64. August
11. Actuary 38. Anomaly 65. Auspicious
12. Acumen 39. Anomie 66. Avatar
13. Adage 40. Antagonist Avid
67. Avid
14. Adamantine 41. Antibody 68. Avoirdupois
15. Addled 42. Apocryphal 69. Bacchanal
16. Admonition 43. Apprehension 70. Baedeker
17. Adonis 44. Aquaplane 71. Balk
18. Adroitness 45. Aquifer 72. Bamboozle
19. Aerobic- exercise 46. Arbiter 73. Bantam
20. Aerodynamic 47. Arboreal 74. Barbaric
21. Affect 48. Arcane 75. Basilica
22. Affinity 49. Archives 76. Batik
23. Afflatus 50. Argosy 77. Batter
24. Akimbo 51. Aria 78. Battery
25. Alacrity 52. Armada 79. Bauble
26. Allay 53. Articulated 80. Bayou
27. Altruistic 54. Artifice 81. Beguile
82. Behest 141. Chimerical 200. Cut and run
83. Belated 142. Chivalry 201. Cuvee
84. Benediction 143. Chromosome 202. Cygnet
85. Beneficence 144. Churn 203. Cynical
86. Benign 145. Chutzpah 204. Dacha
87. Bequeath 146. Clamorous 205. Dale
88. Berate 147. Claret 206. Dam
89. Berm 148. Classic 207. Dappled
90. Beset 149. Classical 208. Dark horse
91. Bifurcated 150. Clement 209. Dead-ender
92. Bistro 151. Close 210. Deadhead
93. Blandish 152. Cloud nine 211. Debility
94. Blasphemous 153. Coast 212. Debunk
95. Blathering 154. Cobble 213. Debut
96. Blaze 155. Coccyx 214. Decant
97. Bloom 156. Coercive 215. Decathlon
98. Bonk 157. Coif 216. Decelerate
99. Bonsai 158. Collage 217. Decorum
100. Botanicals 159. Comatose 218. Decry
101. Bouquet 160. Comely 219. Defenestration
102. Bowdlerize 161. Commiserate 220. Deferential
103. Braille 162. Commute 221. Deferment
104. Brambles 163. Compact 222. Delegate
105. Brassy 164. Compatible 223. Delta
106. Bravura 165. Complacent 224. Demographics
107. Bray 166. Concerted 225. Demure
108. Brio 167. Condone 226. Denomination
109. Broach 168. Conciliatory 227. Deracinate
110. Broadside 169. Confiscatory 228. Desiccate
111. Buckle 170. Confound 229. Deuce
112. Buoyant 171. Congeal. 230. Devious
113. Burgeoning 172. Congruent 231. Dexter
114. Cachet 173. Contemporary 232. Diaspora
115. Caesarean 174. Contiguous 233. Diffidence
116. Caliph 175. Contradow 234. Diffident
117. Calisthenics 176. Contravention 235. Diligence
118. Camber 177. Contrive 236. Diligent
119. Cameo 178. Contumely 237. Diocese
120. Candelabra 179. Contusion 238. Diorama
121. Capital 180. Copacetic 239. Diptych
122. Capsule 181. Coquetry 240. Discombobulate
123. Carapace 182. Cordial 241. Discourse
124. Cardigan 183. Cordiality 242. Discrepancy
125. Career 184. Corked 243. Discretion
126. Caricature 185. Corollary 244. Disdain
127. Cartographer 186. Corpuscle 245. Disingenuous
128. Cast 187. Corroborating 246. Dissension
129. Catacomb 188. Cosset 247. Dissent
130. Catalyst 189. Coterie 248. Dissenter
131. Catharsis 190. Covert 249. Dissonance
132. Caulk 191. Coveted 250. Diva
133. Cause célèbre 192. Crass 251. Divagate
134. Cay 193. Craven 252. Divulge
135. Centennial 194. Crenelate 253. Docent
136. Cerberus 195. Crescendo 254. Dote
137. Chassis 196. Crescent 255. Downy
138. Chastise 197. Criterion 256. Droll
139. Chiaroscuro 198. Cue 257. Dryad
140. Chicane 199. Cul-de-sac 258. Dulcet

259. Dunce 318. Fermentation 375. Horse latitudes
260. Duplicitous 319. Fiesta 376. Hue and cry
261. Edda 320. Figment 377. Humane
262. Effect 321. Filigree 378. Hydra
263. Effervescent 322. Finagle 379. Hypertension
264. El dorado 323. Fistmele 380. Hypothermia
265. Electrolytes 324. Flaunt 381. Ichor
266. Elicit 325. Flibbertigibbet 382. Idealist
267. Elucidate 326. Florid 383. Ilk
268. Elusive 327. Flotsam and 384. Illicit
269. Embed jetsam 385. Imam
270. Embedded 328. Flux 386. Immobilize
271. Emblazon 329. Fop 387. Immolate
272. Emblematic 330. Forswear 388. Impediment
273. Emboss 331. Frowsy 389. Impending
274. Emit 332. Funicular 390. Impetuous
275. Empathy 333. Gable 391. Impetus
276. Emulate 334. Galoot 392. Impinge
277. Encomium 335. Galvanize 393. Implacable
278. Encumber 336. Gambit 394. Importune
279. Encyclical 337. Garnish 395. Imprecation
280. Enhance 338. Gaudy 396. Impregnable
281. Ennui 339. Genocide 397. Improvise
282. Epicenter 340. Geodesic 398. Impugn
283. Equipoise 341. Gesticulate 399. Impute
284. Equivocate 342. Gesundheit 400. Inanity
285. Ergometer 343. Gild 401. Incarnate
286. Eschew 344. Glaucoma 402. Incentive
287. Espalier 345. Glaze 403. Incisive
288. Ethic 346. Glib 404. Inculcate
289. Etude 347. Glucose 405. Indigent
290. Euphonious 348. Gradient 406. Ineradicable
291. Evanescent 349. Grapevine 407. Inertia
292. Evasive 350. Green 408. Infallible
293. Evocative 351. Gridlock 409. Infidel
294. Excavate 352. Guileless 410. Infraction
295. Execrable 353. Guise 411. Infusion
296. Exhortation 354. Gull 412. Inherent
297. Exonerate 355. Guru 413. Iniquity
298. Exploitation 356. Habiliments 414. Innocuous
299. Extemporaneous 357. Hackles 415. Innovate
300. Extrapolate 358. Hail 416. Inoculate
301. Extricate 359. Halcyon 417. Inordinate
302. Extrinsic 360. Hallux 418. Inquisition
303. Fabricate 361. Hammer and 419. Inscrutable
304. Facile tongs 420. Inter
305. Facilitate 362. Harangue 421. Intransigent
306. Fait accompli 363. Hawk 422. Intrinsic
307. Fakir 364. Hector 423. Irrefutable
308. Fartlek 365. Heinous 424. Isotroplc
309. Fascia 366. Hem and haw 425. Itinerant
310. Fateful 367. Herbicide 426. Jackknife
311. Faux 368. Herculean 427. Jaded
312. Fawning 369. Hermetic 428. Jargon
313. Feasible 370. Heterogeneous 429. Jejune
314. Feckless 371. Hiatus 430. Jell
315. Felicitous 372. Holistic- medicine 431. Jeopardy
316. Felicity 373. Homeopathy 432. Jeremiad
317. Feral 374. Hone 433. Jettison

434. Jig 493. Mausoleum 552. Onslaught
435. Jihad 494. Maverick 553. Onyx
436. Jingoism 495. Mean 554. Opaque
437. Jitney 496. Medley 555. Opportune
438. Jocular 497. Melange 556. Optimum
439. Jocund 498. Memento 557. Orb
440. Joist 499. Menial 558. Origami
441. Journeyman 500. Mentor 559. Orthodox
442. Joust 501. Meritorious 560. Orthotic
443. Jubilee 502. Mesa 561. Otiose
444. Judicial 503. Mesmerize 562. Overdraft
445. Judicious 504. Metabolism 563. Oxymoron
446. Juggernaut 505. Microcosm 564. Pad
447. Juncture 506. Militate 565. Paddy
448. Junket 507. Minatory 566. Palatable
449. Junta 508. Mirth 567. Palaver
450. Justify 509. Misanthropy 568. Palazzo
451. Juxtapose 510. Misapprehension 569. Palpitation
452. Kahuna 511. Mitigation 570. Pampas
453. Ken 512. Modish 571. Pan
454. Kerfuffle 513. Monolithic 572. Pandemic
455. Kibitz 514. Monotheism 573. Paper tiger
456. Kiln 515. Montage 574. Papier-mache
457. Kismet 516. Moot 575. Par
458. Lacerating 517. Morass 576. Paradox
459. Laconic 518. Moratorium 577. Paragon
460. Lacunae 519. Mordant 578. Paramedic
461. Laity 520. Mosaic 579. Parameter
462. Lampoon 521. Mosey 580. Parcel
463. Lapidary 522. Mote 581. Pare
464. Largess 523. Motif 582. Parlous
465. Latent 524. Motley 583. Paroxysm
466. Lathe 525. Mountebank 584. Pathos
467. Laud 526. Mulct 585. Patisserie
468. Lee 527. Mumbo jumbo 586. Peccadillo
469. Leitmotif 528. Murky 587. Pedestrian
470. Lemming 529. Muse 588. Peerless
471. Liement 530. Must 589. Pending
472. Ligament 531. Myriad 590. Pendulous
473. Ligature 532. Nadir 591. Peninsula
474. Lineage 533. Nary 592. Penultimate
475. Lion's share 534. Née 593. Perfidious
476. Lipid 535. Neologism 594. Perfidy
477. Lissome 536. Nexus 595. Perfunctory
478. Litter 537. Nibelung 596. Perimeter
479. Liturgy 538. Niche 597. Peripheral
480. Lodestar 539. Nike 598. Periphery
481. Lucidity 540. Nip and tuck 599. Permeate
482. Lulu 541. Non sequitur 600. Permutation
483. Macrame 542. Nuance 601. Peroration
484. Magnanimous 543. Nuclear family 602. Perpetuate
485. Magnum 544. Obeisance 603. Perseverance
486. Malevolence 545. Obi 604. Persnickety
487. Mandala 546. Obliterate 605. Perspicacious
488. Maneuver 547. Obsequious 606. Phalanx
489. Manicured 548. Obstreperous 607. Phlegmatic
490. Manifestation 549. Obtuse 608. Picayune
491. Mansard 550. Odometer 609. Piety
492. Matriculation 551. Onerous 610. Pilaster

611. Placate 670. Reciprocal 729. Seriatim
612. Placebo 671. Reclamation 730. Shaman
613. Plague 672. Reclusive 731. Shrapnel
614. Platonic 673. Reconnoitre 732. Sidle
615. Plethora 674. Rectify 733. Sierra
616. Pollex 675. Red herring 734. Siesta
617. Polyunsaturated 676. Redolent 735. Silhouette
618. Pomp 677. Regatta 736. Simony
619. Porcinely 678. Regime 737. Sinecure
620. Portmanteau 679. Regnant 738. Singe
621. Portray 680. Relegate 739. Sisyphean
622. Postulate 681. Relief 740. Skeptical
623. Potable 682. Remedial 741. Skew
624. Potpourri 683. Renege 742. Skittish
625. Precipitate 684. Renovate 743. Smithereens
626. Précis 685. Repute 744. Smorgasbord
627. Preclude 686. Resonance 745. Snide
628. Precursor 687. Resound 746. Sojourn
629. Predatory 688. Restitution 747. Solvent
630. Pre-emptive 689. Resuscitate 748. Somatic
631. Premise 690. Retrench 749. Sophistry
632. Premonition 691. Riff 750. Spa
633. Preplate 692. Robust 751. Specious
634. Prevail 693. Roil 752. Specter
635. Prevalent 694. Rope-a-dope 753. Splotch
636. Prig 695. Roster 754. Spurious
637. Primal 696. Ruddy 755. Squander
638. Privation 697. Rue 756. Stagftation
639. Pro forma 698. Ruminant 757. Stalwart
640. Procrastinate 699. Sagacity 758. Stanch
641. Procure 700. Sampan 759. Staples
642. Prodigious 701. Sampler 760. Static
643. Prolific 702. Sanatorium 761. Stay
644. Proponent 703. Sanctity 762. Stentorian
645. Proscription 704. Sandbagger 763. Steppe
646. Provender 705. Sanguine 764. Sticky wicket
647. Provident 706. Sarong 765. Stilted
648. Provocative 707. Satiate 766. Stimuli
649. Prowess 708. Satire 767. Stipulate
650. Prune 709. Scam 768. Stoicism
651. Purchase 710. Sceptic 769. Stratagem
652. Putrid 711. Sciatica 770. Subdivision
653. Quadriceps 712. Score 771. Succumb
654. Quagmire 713. Scorned 772. Sui generis
655. Quarter 714. Scruple 773. Sunder
656. Queasy 715. Scrutinize 774. Superficial
657. Querulous 716. Scut work 775. Superfluous
658. Queue 717. Scuttle 776. Supposition
659. Quintessential 718. Sear 777. Surplice
660. Quintile 719. Sec 778. Surrealism
661. Quorum 720. Sedate 779. Surrealistic
662. Radiant 721. Seder 780. Sward
663. Rakish 722. Sediment 781. Swivel
664. Rambunctious 723. Segment 782. Sycophantic
665. Rapacious 724. Seminary 783. Syllogism
666. Rapport 725. Senescent 784. Symbiosis
667. Raze 726. Sensibility 785. Table d'hote
668. Reactionary 727. Septic 786. Taboo
669. Recapitulate 728. Serendipity 787. Tactile

788. Tai chi 817. Trundle 846. Vintner
789. Tailgate 818. Tussle 847. Virago
790. Talk turkey 819. Uber 848. Virulent
791. Tank 820. Uncanny 849. Vista
792. Tariff 821. Undergird 850. Viticulture
793. Taxidermy 822. Understeer 851. Vituperative
794. Tchotchkes 823. Undulate 852. Vociferous
795. Telepathy 824. Undulating 853. Voguism
796. Temperance 825. Unmitigated 854. Voracious
797. Tenacious 826. Unregenerate 855. Voraciousness
798. Tessellate 827. Urbane 856. Vortex
799. Therapeutic 828. Vale 857. Vulcanize
800. Tinge 829. Valedictory 858. Wadi
801. Tipping point 830. Vanquish 859. Wan
802. Titan 831. Vascular 860. Wheedle
803. Torpid 832. Vaud 861. Whiplash
804. Totem 833. Vegetate 862. Woof
805. Totemic 834. Velodrome 863. Wry
806. Traction 835. Venality 864. Wunderkind
807. Tranquil 836. Vendetta 865. Xanadu
808. Transcend 837. Veneer 866. Xanthic
809. Transient 838. Venerable 867. Xanthippe
810. Transmute 839. Venomous 868. Xenophobic
811. Trash talk 840. Ventricle 869. Xeric
812. Treacly 841. Veracity 870. Xyloid
813. Trepidation 842. Vertex 871. Yarmulke
814. Triage 843. Verve 872. Yin and yang
815. Trifle 844. Viability
816. Trilogy 845. Vintage


1. Getting On In English By JOHN HAYCRAFT

2. English Grammar For Students Workbook By Anne Seaton

3. High School English Grammar & Composition By WREN & MARTIN

4. Oxford English For Undergraduates By D.H. HOWE, T.A. Kirkpatrick, D.L. Kirkpatrick

5. The Heinemann ELT, English Grammar, An Intermediate Reference and Practice

Book, New Edition By Beaumont Granger

F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.


1. Introduction to Biology

2. Cell Biology

3. Biological Molecules

4. Microbiology

5. Kingdom Animalia and Plantae

6. Human Physiology

7. Bioenergetics

8. Biotechnology

9. Ecosystem

10. Evolution and Genetics

Recommended Books


Branches of Biology

Learning outcomes:

a) Define the following terms:

Ecology, Physiology, Histology, Genetics, Zoogeography, Molecular Biology,
Microbiology, Marine and Fresh water Biology, Biotechnology, Parasitology.
b) What are the various levels of Biological organization starting with atomic and
subatomic levels to community level?
c) Define the following terms:
Transgenic plants, Cloning, Biological control, Biopesticides, Pasteurization,
Disease Control (Preventive measure, Vaccinization, Drug therapy)


Cell structure
Structure and Function of cellular organelles
Cell division

Learning outcomes:
a) Compare the structure of typical animal and plant cell
b) Compare and contrast the structure of Prokaryotic cell with Eukaryotic cells
c) Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane and transportation (diffusion, facilitated
diffusion, active and passive transport), endocytosis and exocytosis.
d) Outline the structure and function of the following organelles:
Nucleus, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Mitochondria, Centrioles,
e) Explain Mitosis, what is its significance?
f) What is Meiosis, describe it in detail.
g) Describe Meiotic errors (Down’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s
h) Discuss the terms Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis;
i) Discuss and explain:
• Uncontrolled cell division (cancer)
• Programmed cell death (Apoptosis)
• Necrosis


Nucleic acids
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

Learning outcomes:
a) Discuss carbohydrates: Monosaccharides (Glucose), Oligosaccharides (Cane sugar,
sucrose), Polysaccharides (Starches)
b) Describe Proteins: Amino acids, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary
structure of proteins
c) Describe Lipids: Acylglyceroles, waxes, Phospholipids, Terpenoids
d) Describe the structure along its back bone composition and function of DNA as
hereditary material, Replication of DNA (Semi-conservative), Role of triplet codons,
Transcription (making up of mRNA), Translation (protein synthesis: role of
ribosomes, mRNA, tRNA)
e) Give the structure and types of RNA (mRNA, rRNA, tRNA)
f) What is enzyme and its role in reducing activation energy?
g) Define the following terms:
• Enzymes, Coenzyme, Co-factor, Prosthetic group, Apoenzyme and Holoenzyme
h) Explain the mode/mechanism of enzyme action
i) Describe the effects of temperature, pH, enzyme concentration and substrate
concentration on the rate of enzyme catalysed reaction
j) Explain the effects of reversible and irreversible, competitive and non-competitive
inhibitors on the rate of enzyme activity

Learning outcomes
a) Which are the viral diseases in humans?
b) Reteroviruses and Acquired Immunodeficiency diseases
c) Describe the Life cycle of Bacteriophage (in detail with its all steps) including:
• Lytic cycle
• Lysogenic cycle
d) Describe the structure and types of bacteria
e) Discuss in detail:
• Gram +ve bacteria
• Gram –ve bacteria
• Nutrition in bacteria
f) What are the uses and misuses of antibiotics?
g) What are molds (fungi)? How they are useful and harmful to mankind, give
h) Describe the Life cycle of fungus (Rhizopus).


Kingdom Animalia (phyla)
Kingdom Plantae

Learning outcomes:
a) Porifera (with respect to their capacity to regenerate)
b) Coelenterata (coral reefs as habitat for sea animals)
c) Platyhelminthes (Harmful effects on human beings) with examples
d) Ascheliminthes (Infection in humans) with examples
e) Arthropoda (Economic importance of Arthropods and harmful impacts on Man)
f) Define the following terms:
• Coelomata, Acoelomata, Pseudocoele, Radiata, Bilateria, Diploblastic and
Triploblastic organization.
g) Economic importance of families with reference to food and other usefulness:
• Cassia
• Solanaceae
• Gramineae


a) Digestive System

b) Gas exchange and Transportation

c) Excretion and Osmoregulation

d) Nervous System

e) Reproduction

f) Support and Movement

g) Hormonal Control (Endocrine Glands)

h) Immunity

Learning outcomes:
a) Digestive System:

• Anatomy of digestive system and specify the digestion in:

- Oral cavity (role of teeth, tongue, saliva and enzymes)
- Stomach (enzymes)
- Small intestine
- Large intestine
b) Gas exchange and Transportation:

• Anatomy of respiratory system (nostrils, trachea, lungs)

• Explain the term breathing
• Discuss Blood composition, lymph, structure of heart, carriage of oxygen and
carbon dioxide
c) Excretion and Osmoregulation:

• Describe the structure of kidney and its functions with respect to homeostasis
• What are Kidney problems and cures?
- Kidney stones, lithotripsy, kidney transplant, dialysis, renal failure
• What do you understand by the term Homeostasis?
d) Nervous System:

• What is Nervous system and its types?

• Explain CNS (Central Nervous System) including forebrain, mid brain, hind brain
and spinal cord
• Explain PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) and its types (Autonomic and
Sympathetic Nervous System)
• Neurons (Associative, motor and sensory neuron)
• Discuss the Nervous disorders (Parkinson’s disease, Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s
• What do you understand by Biological clock and circadian Rhythms?

e) Reproduction:

• Explain the Reproductive system in male in detail

• Explain the Reproductive system in female / Menstrual cycle
• Explain:
- Spermatogenesis
- Oogenesis
• Discuss the following Diseases in detail which are sexually transmitted:
- Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Genital Herpes, AIDS and how these diseases can be
controlled (treatment is not required)
f) Support and Movement:
• Explain the role of Human skeleton and skeletal muscles in locomotion
• Explain the process of muscle contraction
• What is Muscle fatigue, Tetani, Cramps?
• Describe the structure and functions of involuntary, voluntary and cardiac
g) Hormonal control (Endocrine glands):

• What are hormones?

• Describe Hypothalamus with its hormones.
• Describe Pituitary gland with hormones secreted from its Anterior, Median and
Posterior lobe
• Describe adrenal gland with its hormones.
• What are Islets of langerhans?
• What are the hormones of alimentary canal (Gastrin, secretin)?
• The hormones of ovaries and testes
h) Immunity:

• Immune system and define its components:

- Antigen
- Antibody (structure of antibody)
- Lymphocytes (B and T cells)
• What is cell mediated response and humoral immune response?
• Types of Immunity:
- Active immunity
- Passive immunity
• What do you mean by vaccination?


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Learning outcomes
a) Photosynthetic pigments and their absorption spectrum
b) Light dependent stage
c) Light independent stage
d) Describe the respiration at cellular level including:
• Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport Chain


DNA technology

Learning outcomes
a) Explain Recombinant DNA Technology
b) Discuss Polymerase Chain Reaction (detailed procedure)
c) What do you understand by the following terms:
• Gene therapy
• Transgenic animals


Components of Ecosystem
Biological succession
Energy flow in ecosystem
Impacts of Human activity on ecosystem

Learning outcomes:
a) Abiotic and biotic components of ecosystem
b) What is succession, give various stages of succession on land.
c) Explain the following terms:
• Predation, parasitism, symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, grazing
d) Describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem
• Food chain
• Food web
e) What is the significance of Human activity on ecosystem as population, deforestation,
ozone depletion, atmospheric pollution, Green house effect, industrial effluents
(insecticides and herbicides).


Darwin’s theory
Lamarck’s theory
Evidences of evolution

Learning outcomes
a) Theory of Darwin and Lamarck, also discuss the merits and demerits
b) Evidences of evolution from paleontology and comparative embryology
c) Sex determination and sex linkage in humans
d) Define the following terms:
• Mutations, Epistasis, Gene, Allele, Multiple allele, Pleiotropy.


1. Biology (Part-I, II) Punjab textbook board, Lahore.

2. Biology (A Level) by Mary Jones, Richard Fosbery, Dennis Taylor, Jennifer Gregory;

endorsed by University of Cambridge International Examinations.

3. Biology by Mike Boyle & Kathryn Senior.

4. Biological science by D.J. Taylor, N.P.O. Green, G.W. Stout, Editor: R. Soper.

5. Advance Biology principles & Applications by C.J. Clegg and D.G. Mackean.

6. Biology principles and processes by Robert, Reiss and Monger.

Table of Specification (Biology-2011)
(For F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.)

Topic MCQs
1. Introduction to Biology 04
2. Cell Biology 10

3. Biological Molecules 01

a) Carbohydrates 01
b) Proteins 01
c) Lipids 01
d) Nucleic Acids 01
e) Enzymes 04
4. Microbiology
a) Virus 01
b) Bacteria 02
c) Fungi 01
5. Kingdom Animalia and Plantae 05

6. Human Physiology
a) Digestive System 04
b) Gas exchange and Transportation 04
c) Excretion and Osmoregulation 05
d) Nervous System 04
e) Reproduction 05
f) Support and Movement 05
g) Hormonal Control (Endocrine Glands) 04

h) Immunity 05

7. Bioenergetics 05

8. Biotechnology 05

9. Ecosystem 05

10.Evolution and Genetics 05

Total 88

F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.


The Aptitude Test helps the University/ Admission Board to make more informed choices
from amongst the many highly qualified applicants who apply for admission to medical
and dental colleges. The Aptitude Test does not contain any curriculum nor any science
content: nor it can be revised for. It focuses on exploring the cognitive powers of
candidates and other attributes considered to be valuable for health care professionals.

The Aptitude Test ensures that the candidates selected have the most appropriate
mental abilities, attitudes and professional behaviours required for new doctors and
dentists to be successful in their careers.

The Aptitude test is designed to be a test of aptitude rather than strictly academic
achievement as evidenced by FSc or non FSc marks. The Aptitude Test will assess a wide
range of mental abilities and behavioural attributes identified by medical and dental
colleges as important.


The objectives of the aptitude test are to evaluate the student in following areas:
 Approach to common ethical and moral issues
 Understanding of human behaviour specially related to bio medical sciences
 Understanding and application of the principles of confidentiality, honesty and
 Understanding and application of the principles of consent, counselling and
conflict resolution
 Personality attributes
 Basic principles of learning, reward and punishment
 Understanding of the issues related to the interaction of health professionals with
the pharmaceutical companies, patients and other health professionals
 Understanding of human emotions and relationships
 Understanding of IQ and EQ
 Simple arithmetical and mental mathematical skills
 Ability to comprehend, analyse and solve simple day to day problems


The Aptitude Test will consist of three subtests:

1 Ethical, moral, professional and personality attributes: Assesses the

candidate’s attitudes about moral, ethical and professional issues. It will also
assess personality attributes of the candidates. There will be twelve questions
in this section

2 Quantitative and abstract reasoning: Assesses candidate’s ability to solve

numerical problems and abstract reasoning. There will be five questions in this

3 Analytical reasoning and problem solving: Assesses candidate’s ability

to deal with various forms of information, to infer relationships, to make
informed judgements, and decide upon an appropriate response. There will be
five questions in this section.


For Aptitude Test preparation is neither necessary nor desirable. The test is designed to
be a test of aptitude rather than academic achievement, therefore the test does not
draw on any particular body of knowledge nor curriculum, which a candidate can learn in

However candidates should practice answering the types of questions that will be
presented in the Aptitude Test, to familiarise themselves with question styles, multiple
choice format and varying requirements of each subtest. Sample questions are given

Table of Specification (APTITUDE-2011)
(For F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc.)

Topic MCQs
1. Quantitative 05

2. Analytical Reasoning 05

3. Ethics and Morality 12

Total 22

University of Health Sciences, Lahore

Roll No. of Candidate Signature of Candidate

For F.Sc. and Non-F.Sc. Students
Total MCQs: 220
Max. Marks: 1100 Time Allowed: 150 Minutes

Choose single best option

Q.1 At the present time, how many frontiers of fundamental science are there:
A) Two C) One
B) Three D) Four
Q.2 The unit of pressure in base unit is:
A) Kg ms-2 C) Kg m-1 s-2
B) Kg ms2 D) Kg m-1 s-1

Q.3 The physical quantity which produces angular acceleration in body is called:
A) Force C) Centripetal force
B) Momentum D) Torque

Q.4 A man in an elevator ascending with an acceleration will conclude that his weight
A) Decreased C) Reduced to zero
B) Increased D) Remained constant

Q.5 The Law of conservation of mass gives us the equation of:

A) Stoke’s law C) Bernoulli’s theorem
B) Continuity D) Torricelli’s theorem

Q.6 1 torr is equal to :

A) 135.3 Nm-2 C) 132.3 Nm-2
B) 133.3 Nm-2 D) 130.3 Nm-2

Q.7 Viscosity of liquids with rise in temperature:

A) Increases C) Remains the same
B) Decreases D) First decreases then increases

Q.8 The phenomenon of polarization of light reveals that light waves are:
A) Extremely short waves C) Transverse electromagnetic waves
B) Longitudinal waves D) Long wavelength waves

Q.9 Diffraction of X-rays by crystals show that:

A) X-rays are just like visible light C) X-rays have very short wavelength
B) X-rays are electromagnetic waves D) The intensity of X-rays is high

Q.10 The image of an object 7mm high is only 1.4 cm high. The magnification produced by
lens is:
A) 0.7 C) 2
B) 1 D) 0.2
Q.11 Infra-red signals travel through optical fibres of wavelength about:
A) 2 µm C) 1.5 µm
B) 1.3 µm D) 1.9 µm

Q.12 Total energy of a body executing simple harmonic motion is directly proportional to:
A) The amplitude C) Reciprocal of amplitude
B) Square root of amplitude D) Square of amplitude

Q.13 The wavelength of the wave produced in a microwave oven is:

A) 15 cm C) 12 cm
B) 13 cm D) 10 cm

Q.14 The frequencies of ultrasonic waves are:

A) In audible range C) Lower than 20 kHz
B) Greater than 20 kHz D) Greater than 20 Hertz

Q.15 A train is approaching a station at 90 Kmh-1 sounding a whistle of frequency 1000Hz.

What will be the apparent frequency of the whistle as heard by a listener sitting on
the platform?
A) 1079.4 Hz C) 1078.5 Hz
B) 1179.4 Hz D) 1178.5 Hz

Q.16 Mathematical notation for “ NAND” gate is:

__ __
A) X = A+ B C) X = A. B
B) X = A.B D) X = A.B
Q.17 Heat leaves a system; it is taken as:
A) Positive C) Neither positive nor negative
B) Negative D) Zero

Q.18 First Law of Thermodynamics is the Law of:

A) Conservation of momentum C) Conservation of mass
B) Conservation of Energy D) Conservation of velocity

Q.19 Increase in temperature is due to increase in:

A) Translational K.E C) Gravitational K.E
B) Rotational K.E D) Vibrational K.E

2 N 1
Q.20 V = < mv2 > represents:
3 P 2
A) Boyle’s law. C) Charles law
B) Ideal gas D) Gas general equation

Q.21 The dimension of strain is:

A) [ T ] C) [ LT-1 ]
B) [ M ] D) None.

Q.22 The ratio of applied stress to volumetric strain is called:

A) Young’s modulus C) Bulk modulus
B) Shear modulus D) Modulus of elasticity

Q.23 Beam of electron can be called as:

A) Positive rays C) Cosmic rays
B) Cathode rays D) X-rays
Q.24 Pressure of gas given by:
2 1 2 N 1
A) P= N< mv2 > C) P= < mv2 >
3 2 3 V 2
B) P = Constant K.E 1 1
D) P = No < mv2 >
3 2
Q.25 ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ gates have:
A) Two outputs C) Three output
B) Single output D) No output

Q.26 Shunt Resistance is called:
A) Low resistance C) Bypass resistance
B) High resistance D) Specific resistance

Q.27 One Coulomb per second is equal to:

A) One volt C) One Walt
B) One ampere D) One ohm

Q.28 Ohm is defined an:

A) VC-1 C) CV-1
B) VA-1 D) AV-1

Q.29 A current carrying conductor is surrounded by:

A) Magnetic field C) Conservative field
B) Electric field D) Gravitational field

Q.30 Force on a charged particle having charge ‘ q ‘ moving with velocity ‘ v ‘ parallel to
magnetic field of intensity ‘ B ‘ is given by:
A) F = q vb C) F = q v/B
B) F = vb/q D) F = 0

Q.31 In X-ray tube electrons are accelerated by applying a:

A) High current between anode and C) High stopping potential between
cathode anode and cathode
B) High voltage between anode and D) High power between anode and
cathode cathode

Q.32 In medical science which radiations are used to locate fractures or cracks in bones or
A) Infra-red radiations C) X-rays
B) Gamma radiations D) Ultra violet radiations

Q.33 The minimum wavelength of X-ray produced if 10kvp Potential difference is applied
across the anode and cathode of the tube is:
A) 1.24 x 10-10m C) 124 x 10-10m
B) 12.4 x 10 m D) 0.124 x 10-10m

Q.34 Laser light is highly:

A) Directional C) Unpolarized
B) Scattered D) Non- directional

Q.35 A light beam from a high power laser when focused by a lens can produce:
A) A high temperature C) A moderate temperature
B) A low temperature D) A very low temperature

Q.36 A laser beam can be employed safely to weld a detached:

A) Bone of body C) Retina of eye
B) Finger of hand D) Tooth

Q.37 CT scanning is the abbreviated name of:

A) Computed Technology C) Computerized Technique
B) Computed Tomography D) Classical Technique

Q.38 One curie is equal to:

A) 3.70 x 1010 atoms decay in one C) 3.70 x 106 atoms decay in one
second second
B) 3.70 x 108 atoms decay in one D) 3.70 x 104 atoms decay in one
second second

Q.39 In cloud chamber, each track corresponds to the passage of:

A) One group of α− particles C) Two α − particles
B) One α − particle D) Three α − particles

Q.40 In β – particle emission its mass of nucleus remains practically the same while its
charge changes by:
A) One unit C) Three unit
B) Two unit D) Four unit
Q.41 A nuclide 220R84 decay to a new nuclide S by two α - emissions and two β − emissions;
the nuclide S is:
A) 218S84 C) 212S82
B) S84 D) 216S82

Q.42 Beta particles are fast moving particles, called:
A) Protons C) Neutrons
B) Electrons D) α-Particles
Q.43 Cobalt-60 is used to:
A) Cure blood cancer C) Cure thyroid cancer
B) Cure bone cancer D) Cure tumor

Q.44 In radioactivity, the rate of decay:

A) Can be increased by magnetic field C) Can be kept constant by electric
B) Can be decreased by magnetic field field
D) Is not effected by electric or
magnetic field

Q.45 The mass spectrum of lead is shown:




204 206 207 208

What quantities are represented by X-axis and Y-axis?

X-axis Y-axis
A) Atomic number Relative abundance
B) Mass number Atomic number
C) Mass number Height of peak
D) Atomic number Mass number

Q.46 Number of atoms of oxygen in 90g of glucose is (C=12, H=1, O=16):

A) 3.011x1023 C) 6.022x1024
B) 6.022x1023 D) 1.8x1024

Q.47 A mixture of 20% NH3, 55% H2 and 25% N2 by volume has a pressure of
9.8x104Nm-2. What is the partial pressure of NH3 in Nm-2?
A) 1.96x104 C) 2.92x104
B) 2.45x104 D) 4.90x104

Q.48 Density of water (H2O) is maximum at:

A) 1000C C) 40C
B) 00C D) 140C

Q.49 How many total number of unpaired electrons are shown in the electronic
configuration of Cr:
A) 3 C) 5
B) 4 D) 6

Q.50 Energy of s, p and d sub-shells is in the order:

A) s>p>d C) d>p>s
B) p>s>d D) s>p<d

Q.51 Hydrogen bonding plays a very important role in stabilizing various structures. In
which of the following case hydrogen bonding is not involved?
A) Structure of ice C) Solid state of iodine
B) Secondary structure of protein D) Double helix structure of DNA

Q.52 The shape of SnCl2 as predicted by valence shell electron pair repulsion theory is:

A) Linear C) Tetrahedral
B) Bent D) Triangular pyramidal

Q.53 A correct equation for the enthalpy change of formation of NH3(g) is:
A) NH4Cl(s) NH3(g) + HCl(g)
B) N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)
1N 3H
2(g) + 2(g) NH3(g)
2 2
D) N2O(g) + 4H2(g) 2NH3(g) + H2O(l)
Q.54 Boiling point of water is 1000C. To a sample of 500g of water 3g of urea (NH2)2CO are
added. The boiling point of solution is expected to be (N=14, C=12, O=16, H=1):
A) 1000C C) 99.520C
B) 100.0520C D) 99.000C

Q.55 The mole fraction of methanol in a solution containing 90g water, 92g ethanol and
96g methanol is (C=12, O=16, H=1):
A) 0.2 C) 0.5
B) 0.3 D) 1.0

Q.56 The relevant Eo values for 3 half cells are:

Mn3+ + e- Mn2+ Eo =+1.49V

Fe3+ + e- Fe2+ Eo =+0.77V

Co3+ + e- Co2+ Eo =-0.28V

Which is the strongest oxidizing agent?

A) Mn3+ C) Co2+
B) Fe2+ D) Mn2+

Q.57 Sulphuric acid is manufactured by contact process. One stage in the contact process
involves the reaction between sulphur dioxide and oxygen.

2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) ; ∆H= -197KJ-1mol

Which statement about this step is true?

A) High temperature favours the C) No catalyst is used in this step
formation of SO3 D) This process is carried out at 2000C
B) High pressure favours the
formation of SO3

Q.58 Kp and Kc for a gaseous reversible chemical reaction may be same or different. Select
the reaction for which the two constants have same numerical value:

A) N2 + 3H2 2NH3

B) PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2

C) N2 + O2 2NO

D) 2SO3 2SO2 + O2

Q.59 The oxidation of Iodine ion by H2O2 takes place according to the equation,

H2O2(aq) + 2H3O+(aq) + 2I-(aq) I2(aq) +4H2O(l)

The rate equation may be written as:

Rate = k[H2O2]x [H3O+]y [I-]z

This reaction takes place in three steps:

Step 1 H2O2 + I- IO- + H2O

Step 2 IO- + H3O+ HIO + H2O
Step 3 HIO + H3O+ + I- I2 +2H2O

What is the value of x, y and z if step 1 is the rate determining step:

x y z
A) 1 1 1
B) 1 0 1
C) 1 2 0
D) 2 1 1

Q.60 States of reaction were measured at different initial concentration of reactants A and
B. Data collected is given below in tabular form:

[A] [B] Initial

0.009 0.001 0.1
0.018 0.002 0.4
0.018 0.001 0.2
0.009 0.002 0.2

Select the rate expression that corresponds to the data:

A) Rate α [A][B] C) Rate α [A]2[B]
B) Rate α [A][B] D) Rate α [A]2[B]2

Q.61 The periodic variation in a physical property of elements with proton number 1 to 60
is shown in the figure below:

Which property is shown in the figure?

A) Melting point C) Boiling point
B) Atomic radius D) First ionisation energy

Q.62 Four elements of period-2 are given, select the element with highest first ionization
A) B C) N
B) C D) O

Q.63 An element of group IV shows the following properties:

i It is high melting.
ii It is lubricant.
iii It is used as an electrical conductor.

What could be the substance?

A) Silicon C) Tin
B) Graphite D) Lead

Q.64 Disinfection of water by chlorine is avoided if organic matter like phenol or humic
acid is present in water. It is due to the formation of toxic and carcinogenic products
with chlorine. Chlorine combines with humic acid to form:
A) Chloramines C) Chloroform
B) Nitrogen trichloride D) Carbon tetrachloride

Q.65 Visible spectroscopy is used to relate colour of a complex and the wavelength of
absorption. The relation between absorbed wavelength and observed colour is shown

λ (nm) Colour of complex

400 Green-Yellow
450 Yellow
490 Red
580 Blue
650 Green

The visible spectrum of a complex is shown. What is the colour of complex observed?

A) Green-Yellow C) Blue
B) Yellow D) Red

Q.66 Transition element complexes show colour. The colour shown by different elements is
different due to:
A) Different number of shells C) Absorbance of same wavelength
B) Energy difference of d-orbitals from visible light
varies with nature of ligand D) Different geometry of complexes

Q.67 What is not the use of H2SO4:

A) Paint and pigments C) Food preservation
B) Detergents D) Dye stuff

Q.68 Fertility of acidic soil is restored by adding:

A) Lime C) Baking soda
B) Caustic soda D) Milk of magnesia

Q.69 Which pair of the following compounds is optically active:

i. H2N—CH2—CO2H
ii. HOCH2—CH2—CO2H
iii. CH3—CH(OH)—CO2H


iv. HO CH—CH2—NH—CH3


A) 1 and 2 C) 3 and 4
B) 2 and 3 D) 1 and 4

Q.70 Which one of the following reagents is not an electrophile:

A) NO2+ C) SO3
B) CH3+ D) CH3OH

Q.71 When ethene reacts with bromine in the presence of a little NaCl, many electrophilic
addition products are formed. Which of the following is not a possible product:
A) CH2—CH2

Br Br

B) CH2—CH2


C) CH2—CH2

Br Cl

D) CH2—CH2


Q.72 Chlorination of methane in the presence of sunlight involves mechanism of:

A) Electrophilic substitution C) Free radical addition
B) Free radical substitution D) Free radical alkylation

Q.73 Alkaline hydrolysis of bromoethane takes place by SN2 mechanisms as given below:

OH + OH------C-------Br OH—CH2 + Br-


What is charge on the intermediate?

A) +2 C) -1
B) +1 D) -2

Q.74 Nucleophilic substitution of tertiary alkyl halide gives tertiary alcohol. What is the
type of this reaction:
A) SN1 C) Addition-elimination
B) SN2 D) Elimination-addition


Cl Cl
Q.75 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol is strongest antiseptic present in Dettol. Which of the

following reagent is suitable for its preparation from phenol:
A) PCl5 C) HCl
B) SOCl2 D) Cl2

Q.76 Rectified spirit contains 95% ethanol in water. It is converted to absolute alcohol by:
A) Fractional distillation C) Treating with lime
B) Filtration D) Steam distillation

Q.77 Vanillin is a constituent of the vanilla bean and has the structure:




Which of the following reagent will not react with vanillin?

A) 2,4-Dinitrophenyl hydrazine C) Br2 in CCl4
B) [Ag(NH3)2]+ (Tollen’s reagent) D) Aqueous NaOH + I2

Q.78 Acetaldehyde and acetone can be distinguished by:

A) Tollen’s test C) Bayer’s test
B) Iodoform test D) 2,4 DNPH test

Q.79 2-hydroxy propanoic acid can be prepared in the following two steps starting from

Step 1 Step 2

What is the reagent and condition for the two steps?
A) HCN, Acid hydrolysis C) HCN, basic hydrolysis
B) NaCN in alcohol, oxidation with D) NaCN in alcohol, reduction Sn+HCl
Q.80 Highest acid strength in aqueous medium is associated with:

Q.81 20 α-amino acids found in protein are bifunctional compounds having at least a
carboxylic acid group and an amino group. Which of the following α-amino acid has
the secondary amino group in its structure?
A) Valine C) Proline
B) Alanine D) Glycine

Q.82 On hydrolysis, protein yield amino acids. In all proteins about 20 different amino
acids are found. Which is not a characteristic property of these 20 amino acids?
A) All are optically active C) Proline has secondary amino group
B) Those optically active have L- at 2-position
configuration D) They decompose before melting
Q.83 When an alkali is added to the aqueous solution of an amino acid, net charge on a
molecule of amino acid is:
A) +ve C) Zero
B) –ve D) May be +ve or -ve
Q.84 A reaction of an addition polymer is shown:

What is the structure of the monomer?

A) CH2—CH3




Q.85 Which of the following functional groups is present in fats?

A) Carboxylic acid C) Alcohol
B) Aldehyde or ketone D) Ester
Q.86 Starch is a mixture of two polysaccharides, amylase and amylopectin. Amylase has
linear structure where as amylopectin is branched. In amylopectin, branching is due
A) α-1,4 glycosidic linkage C) α-1,6 glycosidic linkage
B) β-1,4 glycosidic linkage D) β-1,6 glycosidic linkage
Q.87 Natural rain water has a pH of 5.6. What is the pH of the acid rain?
A) 1-2 C) 8-9
B) 6-7 D) 4-5
Q.88 Four statements regarding the characteristics of ozone are given, select the
A) Ozone is produced in most of the C) It reduces the durability of paint
tropical regions D) It is useful to plants
B) In polar regions it causes various
health problems

Q.89 He was _______________ of all valuable possessions.
A) Robbed. C) Pinched.
B) Stolen. D) Established.

Q.90 The presence of armed guards ____________ us from doing anything disruptive.
A) Defeated. C) Irritated.
B) Excited. D) Prevented.

Q.91 Our flight was _____________ from Lahore to Islamabad airport.

A) Diverted. C) Deflected.
B) Reflected. D) Shifted.

Q.92 I am _____________ forward to our picnic scheduled in next month.

A) Looking. C) Seeing.
B) Planning. D) Going.

SPOT THE ERROR: In the following sentences some segments of each

sentence are underlined. Your task is to indentify that underlined segment of
the sentence, which contains the mistake that needs to be corrected. Fill the
bubble / circle corresponding to that letter under the segment in the MCQ
Response form.

Q.93 They did not guess how closely he had kept in touch with across the road.

Q.94 He proved that if only germs were excluded of wounds, inflammation was averted.

Q.95 The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body drew tight as if he were standing at the
centre of a vacuum.

Q.96 He came to the hurdles that he remember, over which once he had one so easy a victory.

In each of the following question, four alternative sentences are given. Choose
the CORRECT one and fill the bubble / circle corresponding to that letter in the
MCQ Response Form.

A) He lacked both the training and the equipment needed in the job.
B) He lacked both the training and the equipment needed by the job.
C) He lacked both the training and the equipment needed on the job.
D) He lacked both the training and the equipment needed for the job.

A) They tried to pacify him for kindness and affection.
B) They tried to pacify him in kindness and affection.
C) They tried to pacify him by kindness and affection.
D) They tried to pacify him with kindness and affection.

A) Then he sat down in corner and remained queit.
B) Then he sat down in corner and remained quite.
C) Then he sat down in corner and remain quiet.
D) Then he sat down in corner and remained quiet.
A) He was drenched with the hotness of his fear.
B) He was drenched in the hotness of his fear.
C) He was drenched by the hotness of his fear.
D) He was drenched off the hotness of his fear.
In each of the following question, four alternative meanings of a word are
given. You have to select the NEAREST CORRECT MEANING of the given word
and fill the appropriate Bubble / Circle on the MCQ Response Form.

A) Annoying C) Viable
B) Aggressive D) Waxy

A) Respectful C) Warlock
B) Uncertain D) Snow white

A) Dodged C) Indisputable
B) Grained D) Damaged

A) Productive C) Prudential
B) Enormous D) Waddle

A) Shocked C) Assured
B) Discarded D) Attracted

A) Foolishness C) Onions
B) Large City D) Wisdom

Q.107 GRIM
A) Gratis C) Severe
B) Restless D) Grater

A) Lazily C) Ideally
B) Indecently D) Gaily

A) Furious C) Secret
B) Come to death D) Frustrated

Q.110 DOZE
A) Dogged C) Sleep
B) Diet D) Medicine to be taken

Q.111 The branch of biology that deals with cell functions is called:
A) Histology. C) Molecular biology.
B) Physiology. D) Microbiology.

Q.112 Different tissues having related functions together form:

A) Organ. C) Organelles.
B) Individual. D) Molecules.

Q.113 Statement made by a scientist that may or may not be true is:
A) Theory. C) Scientific law.
B) Hypothesis. D) Statement.

Q.114 The method by which pests are destroyed by using some living organisms is called:
A) Bio-pesticide. C) Biological control.
B) Integrated management. D) Pasteurization.

Q.115 Robert Hook was the first person to see cells in:
A) Various plants. B) Animals.

C) Fungi. D) Cork.
Q.116 The concept “OMNIS cellula-e-cellala” means that, new cells are formed from:
A) Non living materials. C) Pre-existing living cells.
B) Dead organic matter. D) As the result of chemical reactions.

Q.117 In generalized plant cell the nucleus is:

A) Present in middle of the cell. C) Absent.
B) Displaced to the side of the cell. D) Modified into endoplasmic
Q.118 Plasma membrane is found in the cells of:
A) Animals only. C) Both in plants and animals.
B) Plants only. D) Bacteria only.

Q.119 The semicircular channels and system of tubes found in cytoplasm are known as:
A) Ribosomes. C) Endoplasmic reticulum.
B) Glyoxisomes. D) Vacuoles.

Q.120 The structures that are involved in the manufacture and supply of energy to the cell
A) Centrioles. C) Nucleolus.
B) Plastids. D) Mitochondria.

Q.121 In a plant cell chlorophyll is present in:

A) Chromoplasts. C) Stroma.
B) Leucoplasts. D) Chloroplasts.

Q.122 Cytokinesis is a division of:

A) Cytoplasm. C) Nucleus.
B) Chromosomes. D) Nucleolus.

Q.123 During cell division the plant cell is not seen to have:
A) Spindle fibers. C) Centromere.
B) Chromatids. D) Centrioles.

Q.124 Which human disease is due to meiotic errors:

A) Typhoid. C) Measles.
B) Cholera. D) Down’s syndrome.

Q.125 The basic element of all organic compounds is:

A) Oxygen. C) Hydrogen.
B) Nitrogen. D) Carbon.

Q.126 The most abundant carbohydrate in nature is:

A) Cellulose. C) Fructose.
B) Glycogen. D) Starch.

Q.127 Terpenoids are important group of compounds that are made up of simple repeating
A) Acylglycerols. C) Phospholipids.
B) Isoprenoids. D) Ketones.

Q.128 The number of types of amino acid that are found to occur in cells are:
A) 20. C) 100.
B) 25. D) 170.

Q.129 Biochemically enzymes are:

A) Carbohydrates. C) Hormones.
B) Fatty acids. D) Proteins.

Q.130 The presence of enzymes:

A) Slows down the rate of reaction. C) Does not show any change.
B) Increases the rate of reaction. D) Completely stops the reaction.

Q.131 Lock and key model of enzyme reacting with substrate was originally proposed by:
A) Emil Fisher. C) Robert Hook.
B) Koshland. D) Robert Brown.

Q.132 The major RNA in the cell is ribosomal RNA. It makes up:
A) 80% of total RNAs. C) 90% of total RNAs.
B) 58% of total RNAs. D) 40% of total RNAs.

Q.133 Optimum pH for pepsin to work efficiently is:
A) 4.50 C) 6.80
B) 2.00 D) 9.00

Q.134 Viruses are simplest organisms and:

A) Have their own enzymes. C) Undergo cell division.
B) Have cell membrane but not cell D) Are only DNA or RNA particles
wall. without cellular structure.

Q.135 The most ancient bacteria are:

A) Eubacteria. C) Escherichia coli.
B) Archaeobacteria. D) Streptococci.

Q.136 The bacteria that cause diseases in human beings, are called:
A) Photosynthetic bacteria. C) Facultative bacteria.
B) Chemosynthetic bacteria. D) Pathogenic bacteria.

Q.137 The mutualistic association between certain fungi and roots of vascular plants is
A) Lichens. C) Budding.
B) Parasitism. D) Mycorrhizae.

Q.138 Sponges which belong to phylum Porifera have:

A) Maximum capacity to regenerate. C) Moderate capacity to regenerate.
B) Very little capacity to regenerate. D) No regeneration capacity.

Q.139 The platyhelminthes liver fluke is:

A) Ectoparasite in humans. C) Parasite of respiratory tract.
B) Blood parasite. D) Parasite in the bile duct.

Q.140 Which of the following is of economic importance to man:

A) Daphnia. C) Silkworm.
B) Millipede. D) Scorpion.

Q.141 The name Nicotiana tabacum is given to:

A) Potato. C) Red pepper.
B) Tomato. D) Tobacco.

Q.142 Family Gramineae has:

A) Only wheat. C) Only rice.
B) Only corn. D) All of the above.

Q.143 During swallowing the food travels from oral cavity to the stomach by way of
A) Very quickly. C) Pushed down by pharynx.
B) By anti-peristalsis. D) Moving due to peristalsis.

Q.144 The pancreas is a:

A) Part of Stomach. C) Part of Large intestine.
B) Part of Small intestine. D) Separate gland.

Q.145 The term chyme is applied to:

A) Semi-digestive food in oral cavity. C) Semi-digested food in the small
B) Semi-solid food in stomach. intestine.
D) Completely digested food in the
last part of small intestine.

Q.146 Villi and micro villi are present:

A) In pharynx. C) In oesophagus.
B) In small intestine (jejunum). D) In large intestine.

Q.147 Exchange of gases during orginismic respiration is carried out by:

A) Diffusion. C) Osmosis.
B) Active transport. D) Facilitated diffusion.

Q.148 The opening in the oral cavity (throat) through which air enters the wind pipe is
A) Glottis. C) Larynx.
B) Bronchus. D) Pharynx.

Q.149 The double layer of thin membranes which line and cover lungs are called:

A) Diaphragm. C) Pleura.
B) Alveoli. D) Bronchioles.

Q.150 Transportation of oxygen from lungs to the tissue cells is by means of:
A) Complete blood. C) Red blood cells.
B) Lymph. D) White blood cells.

Q.151 Podocytes are present in:

A) Epithelium of renal capsule. C) Basement membrane of blood
B) Endothelium of blood capillary. capillary.
D) Epithelium of the PCT.

Q.152 Which of the following are the functions of proximal convoluted tubule:
A) Ultrafiltration and reabsorption. C) Selective reabsorption and active
B) Selective reabsorption and tubular secretion.
retention of water. D) Reabsorption of water by the help
of ADH.
Q.153 The walls of descending limb of loop of Henle are:
A) Permeable to water as well as to C) Impermeable to water and
sodium and chloride. permeable to sodium and chloride.
B) Permeable to water but D) Impermeable to both water and
impermeable to salts. salts.

Q.154 ADH affects which of the following for retention of water:

A) Walls of collecting duct. C) Glomerulus.
B) Walls of loop of Henle. D) Proximal convoluted tubule.

Q.155 The counter-current multiplier mechanism is shown by which of the following:

A) Loop of Henle. C) Distal convoluted tubule.
B) Proximal convoluted tubule. D) Bowman’s capsule.

Q.156 Mechanoreceptors detect stimulus of:

A) Smell. C) Pressure (touch).
B) Light. D) Cold and warmth.

Q.157 The effectors in the human body which respond to a stimulus are:
A) Glands only. C) Both muscles and glands.
B) Muscles only. D) Bones.

Q.158 Loss of memory (Dementia) is also known as:

A) Alzheimer’s disease. C) Parkinson’s disease.
B) Epilepsy. D) Graves disease.

Q.159 A mix nerve consists of:

A) Motor and sensory nerve fibers. C) Motor and associative nerve fibers.
B) Sensory and associative nerve D) Dendrons and dendrites.

Q.160 Which one of the following hormones is essential for the successful production of
A) LH (Luteinizing Hormone). C) Testosterone.
B) Gonadotropin hormone. D) Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

Q.161 Treponema pallidum cause a disease (sexually transmitted) called:

A) Genital Herpes. C) Gonorrhoa.
B) AIDS. D) Syphilis.

Q.162 The fertilization of ovum takes place in the proximal part of the:
A) Uterus. C) Placenta.
B) Oviduct. D) Urethra.

Q.163 Pregnancy is maintained by the:

A) LTH (Luteotropic hormone). C) Corticosteroids.
B) Progesterone. D) LH and FSH.

Q.164 At which month of pregnancy the human embryo is referred to as the fetus:
A) 3rd month. C) 6th month.
B) 4th month. D) 2nd month.

Q.165 Muscle fatigue is due to accumulation of:

A) Lactic acid. C) Glucose.
B) ATP. D) Fats.

Q.166 Diameter of skeletal muscle fiber is:

A) 2-50 µm. C) 10-100 µm.
B) 30-90 µm. D) 1-80 µm.

Q.167 Lining of digestive system contain the:

A) Skeletal muscles. C) Cardiac muscles.
B) Skeletal and cardiac muscles. D) Smooth muscles.

Q.168 The vertebral column consists of _______ vertebrae:

A) 33 C) 28
B) 30 D) 38

Q.169 The most abundant type of bone found on moveable joints is:
A) Bone. C) Fibro-cartilage.
B) Hyaline cartilage. D) Bone and fibro-cartilage.

Q.170 Which of the following is a hormone:

A) Gastric juice. C) Bile.
B) Pancreatic juice. D) Insulin.

Q.171 The hormones in the human body are produced by:

A) Brain only. C) Pancreas only.
B) Liver only. D) Different endocrine glands.

Q.172 Insulin is a hormone produced by:

A) Thyroid gland. C) Adrenaline gland.
B) Parathyroid. D) Pancreas.

Q.173 The hormone called Parathormone regulates calcium level in the blood. This hormone
is produced by:
A) Gonads. C) Thyroid gland.
B) Gut. D) Parathyroid.

Q.174 The chemical nature of antibody is:

A) Glycoproteins. C) Lipoproteins.
B) Glycolipids. D) Polysaccharides.

Q.175 Which chemicals are secreted by T-helper cells to stimulate B-plasma cells to divide:
A) Interferons. C) Histamines.
B) Cytokines. D) Fibrin.

Q.176 Which of the following is described as vaccination:

A) Artificial active immunity. C) Artificial passive immunity.
B) Natural active immunity. D) Natural passive immunity.

Q.177 B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes are formed:

A) Before birth in bone marrow. C) After maturity in blood.
B) Before birth in thymus gland. D) After birth in blood.

Q.178 The antibodies provided to infant through mother’s milk is an example of:
A) Natural passive immunity. C) Natural active immunity.
B) Artificial passive immunity. D) Artificial active immunity.

Q.179 Which of the following is not the end product of glycolysis:

A) Pyruvate. C) Oxaloacetate.
B) ATP. D) Reduced NAD.

Q.180 Which of the following process does occur for the formation of acetyl Co-A from
A) Decarboxylation. C) Carboxylation.
B) Hydrogenation. D) Deaminaiton.

Q.181 At the beginning of Krebs cycle, acetyl Co-A combines with which substance to form
citrate (6-C):
A) Oxaloacetate. C) Fumarate.
B) Oxoglutarate. D) Succinate.

Q.182 Which of the following are the end products of light dependent stage, used in the
Calvin cycle to change glycerate-3-phosphates into triose phosphates:

Q.183 Which of the following is not the end product of non-cyclic photophosphorylation:
A) Reduced NADP. C) O2.
B) ATP. D) CO2.
Q.184 Enzymes restriction endonucleases were isolated from:
A) Viruses. C) Fungi.
B) Bacteria. D) Protozoan.

Q.185 During polymerase chain reaction, how DNA double helix is separated:
A) By heat treatment. C) By use of enzyme DNA Helicase.
B) By use of enzyme DNA Polymerase. D) By use of enzyme DNA Ligase.

Q.186 Which enzyme is used to join the desired gene into the plasmid DNA during genetic
A) DNA Helicase. C) DNA Polymerase.
B) DNA Ligase. D) Taq Polymerase.

Q.187 Which of the following is an example of benefits of transgenic organisms produced

through genetic engineering:
A) Production of antibiotics. C) Production of anti-rabies vaccine.
B) Production of insulin. D) Production of anti-malarial drugs.

Q.188 In cystic fibrosis transportation of which ion is faulty, resulting into the production of
A) Chloride. C) Calcium.
B) Fluoride. D) Magnesium.

Q.189 A group of inter-breeding individuals occurring together in a space and time is called:
A) Community. C) Niche.
B) Population. D) Species.

Q.190 Which of these is biotic factor of the ecosystem:

A) Air. C) Soil.
B) Water. D) Photosynthetic plants.

Q.191 An association between organisms which brings benefit to both the organisms is
known as:
A) Predation. C) Grazing.
B) Commensalism. D) Symbiosis.

Q.192 When succession is completed, a great diversity of plants and a stable community is
seen, which is called:
A) Hydrosphere. C) Climax community.
B) Pioneers. D) Secondary succession.

Q.193 A thin layer of earth in which all living organisms exists is called:
A) Ecosystem. C) Habitat.
B) Biosphere. D) Xerosere.

Q.194 The branch of biology that provide evidence through fossil record is called:
A) Vestigial structures. C) Biogeography.
B) Comparative anatomy. D) Palaeontology.

Q.195 One of the factors given below does not effect gene frequency:
A) Mutation. C) Genetic drift.
B) Migration. D) Food.

Q.196 Charles Darwin gave the:

A) Theory of special creation. C) Inheritance of acquired characters.
B) Theory of Natural selection. D) Cell theory.

Q.197 A gene which has multiple phenotypic effect is called:

A) Pleiotropic. C) Multiple allele.
B) Epistasis. D) Locus.

Q.198 Change in the nature of gene is known as:

A) Incomplete dominance. C) Mutation.
B) Pleiotropy. D) Polygenic trait.

Q.199 A terminally ill patient is under the care of a doctor. He has been diagnosed as having
advanced cancer and doctor thinks he has not very long to live. Patient wants to
know what is wrong with him. One of the relatives approaches the doctor and
requests not to reveal the diagnosis to the patient so that patient is not distressed
and dies peacefully. What should the doctor do?
A) Respect the wish of the relative C) Refer the matter to hospital
B) Tell the patient what is wrong with administration
him D) Ask another doctor to deal with the

Q.200 Medical students have to work very hard. According to majority of medical students,
which of the following is considered to be the best reward for their hard work?
A) They become famous C) They have better marriage
B) They pass examinations proposals
D) They become rich

Q.201 Mr. Shafqat owns a departmental store. He is also a known diabetic and has recently
developed a depressive episode. He feels pleased with the treatment his physician
has suggested and before leaving the clinic offers him a 30% discount on all items
from his store. What would be the appropriate response for the doctor?
A) Promptly accept the offer and take C) Tell the patient that he will shop
spouse for shopping once he is well.
B) Politely decline the offer. D) Tell the patient that his other
relatives would like to avail the

Q.202 A distinguished physician in Lahore was approached by a representative of a

pharmaceutical company and offered a fully sponsored three day package at a tourist
resort for him and his family. The trip had an academic appeal to it since the company
had also decided to arrange a ‘panel discussion’ on a recently launched drug. Based
on your knowledge of ethics, what should be the doctor’s response?
A) Politely decline the offer. C) Seek permission from the hospital
B) Accept the offer if other colleagues administration.
participate. D) Accept the offer.

Q.203 Dr. Shaista possesses eloquent speaking skills and often appears on television shows
related to health in order to educate the public. A representative of a cosmetic
company approached the doctor and explained how her appearance for a few seconds
in a television commercial can benefit both her and the viewers. By accepting such an
offer the doctor’s action would be:
A) In line with the principles of ethics. C) Ethical if the product is well-tested
B) Ethical only if the doctor refused and safe.
the monetary benefit. D) Unethical.

Q.204 A young man admitted in a ward is found to have AIDS. Using the principles of ethics,
the most suitable action is to:
A) Persuade and counsel the patient C) Directly inform his wife.
to report the matter to his wife D) Ask the patient not to disclose the
himself. information to anybody.
B) Give news in newspaper to protect
the community.

Q.205 An elderly lady is admitted in surgical unit with diagnosis of cancer. A treating doctor
suddenly informed her that she will die in few months time; first psychological
reaction in this dying patient will be:
A) Anger. C) Acceptance.
B) Depression. D) Denial.

Q.206 Effective communication skills are considered essentially important for a doctor. The
most important reason for a doctor to develop effective communication with his
patients is:
A) It is a vital tool in clinical settings. C) Doctor can convey his message on
B) It forms the basis of interaction various health topics in better way.
between the doctor and patient.

D) Doctor will gain respect and popularity in the public.

Q.207 Biopsychosocial (BPS) model gained importance because:

A) It was a tribute to the great C) It criticized the traditional biological
professional George Engel approach
B) It was introduced in early nineteen D) It emphasized on integrating
seventy’s (1970’s) when there was behavioural sciences with biological
a need to introduce a change sciences

Q.208 Counseling is considered as:

A) Limited supportive activity, that C) A method to encourage patients to
improves person’s understanding of feel healthy.
his issues D) A process of making people less
B) Giving advice to patient to solve his emotional.

Q.209 Thinking takes place:

A) While dreaming. C) Round the clock.
B) In sleeping hours. D) During hypnosis.

Q.210 Traditionally doctors are not expected to charge from:

A) Patients C) Medical students
B) Government officials D) Politicians

Row 1

Q.211 If the pattern of dots shown above is continued so that each row after Row one
contains 1 dot more than the row immediately above it, which row will contain 12
A) Seven C) Nine
B) Eight D) Ten

Q.212 2-8 = ________?

A) -8 C) -1/8
B) -6 D) 1/8

Q.213 The amount of water used by one person in a domestic bath would fill a cuboid that
measures 50cm x 20 cm x 150 cm. The volume of water used in one person’s bath is:
A) 15 litres C) 1500 litres
B) 150 litres D) 15000 litres

Q.214 Javed works in a pharmacy. He gets a wage of 5000 rupees per week plus 2%
commission of the value of his sales for that week. His total wage for one week was
9400 rupees. Work out the value of his sales for that week in rupees.
A) 13400 C) 220000
B) 13800 D) 250000

Q.215 If n+3=nx3, then n=

A) 0.5 C) 2
B) 1.5 D) 2.5

Statement for Q.No. 216-220:
The staff of a ward presently consists of three doctors (L, M and N) and five nurses (O, P, Q,
R and S). Management is planning to open a new ward in hospital sending three nurses and
two doctors from the present staff. To do so they plan to separate certain individuals who do
not function well together. The following guidelines were established to set up the new ward:
i. Doctors L and N are constantly finding faults with one another therefore should not be
sent together to the new ward.
ii. N and P function well alone but not as a team. They should be separated.
iii. O and R have not been on speaking terms for many months. They should not go
iv. Since O and Q have been competing for a promotion, they should not be in one team.

Based on the information given above find the correct answers to the following questions:

Q.216 If M insists on staying back then how many combinations are possible?
A) 1 C) 3
B) 2 D) None

Q.217 If L is to be moved as one of the doctors, which of the following CANNOT be a

possible working unit?

Q.218 If N is sent to the new ward which member of the staff CANNOT be sent?
A) O C) Q
B) M D) R

Q.219 If O is sent to the new ward then which of the following is a possible team?

Q.220 If both N and Q are moved to the

new ward, how many
combinations are possible?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 1


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