The document describes how to write a Java program to find the single digit reduced subtracted form (RSF) of a given input number. It explains that the RSF is found by concatenating the differences between adjacent digits until the result is a single digit. It provides an example of finding the RSF of the number 6928, which is 41 after two iterations of taking differences. The program solution reverses the input number, iteratively calculates differences between adjacent digits and concatenates them to the RSF, until the RSF is a single digit.
The document describes how to write a Java program to find the single digit reduced subtracted form (RSF) of a given input number. It explains that the RSF is found by concatenating the differences between adjacent digits until the result is a single digit. It provides an example of finding the RSF of the number 6928, which is 41 after two iterations of taking differences. The program solution reverses the input number, iteratively calculates differences between adjacent digits and concatenates them to the RSF, until the RSF is a single digit.
The document describes how to write a Java program to find the single digit reduced subtracted form (RSF) of a given input number. It explains that the RSF is found by concatenating the differences between adjacent digits until the result is a single digit. It provides an example of finding the RSF of the number 6928, which is 41 after two iterations of taking differences. The program solution reverses the input number, iteratively calculates differences between adjacent digits and concatenates them to the RSF, until the RSF is a single digit.
The document describes how to write a Java program to find the single digit reduced subtracted form (RSF) of a given input number. It explains that the RSF is found by concatenating the differences between adjacent digits until the result is a single digit. It provides an example of finding the RSF of the number 6928, which is 41 after two iterations of taking differences. The program solution reverses the input number, iteratively calculates differences between adjacent digits and concatenates them to the RSF, until the RSF is a single digit.
Write a java program to print single digit �Reduced Subtracted
form(RSF)� of given input number.
Hint: The Reduced Subtracted form (RSF) of a given number can
be found by concatenating the differences between its adjacent digits. To find the single digit �Reduced Subtracted form(RSF) �, we need to continue this process till the resultant RSF is not a single digit.
Example: if the Input number is 6928, its RSF can be found by
concatenating the difference between (6 and 9) (9 and 2) and (2 and 8) as shown below:
Difference between 6 and 9 is 3;
Difference between 9 and 2 is 7; Difference between 2 and 8 is 6; So the Reduced Subtracted form(RSF) is 376. The resultant RSF is not a single digit so we must continue finding its RSF.
Difference between 3 and 7 is 4;
Difference between 7 and 6 is 1; The Reduced Subtracted form(RSF) is 41. Again the resultant RSF is not a single digit so we must continue finding its RSF.