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Basic Sciences Review for Medical Licensure

Developed at
The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine

Suitable Reviews for:

United States Medical Licensing Examination
(USMLE), Step 1
Embryology Neuroanatomy
Gross Anatomy Microanatomy

Edited by
Raymond E. Papka

With Contributions by
James J. Tomasek Daniel L. McNeill
Hubert W. Burden Raymond E. Papka

New York Berlin Heidelberg London Paris
Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest
Raymond E. Papka, Ph.D.
Department of Anatomical Sciences
University of Oklahoma
Health Science Center
P.O. Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73190
All contributors share the address above except:
Hubert W. Burden
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Anatomy: embryology, gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, microanatomy I
edited by Raymond E. Papka ; contributors, Raymond E. Papka ... let
p. cm. - (Oklahoma notes)
Includes bibliographical references.
lSBN-\3: 978-0-387-94395-4 e-lSBN-\3: 978-1-4612-4194-2
DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4612-4194-2
1. Human anatomy-Outlines, syllabi, etc. 2. Human anatomy-
Examinations, questions, etc. 3. Embryology, Human-Outlines,
syllabi, etc. 4. Embryology, Human-Examinations, questions, etc.
I. Papka, Raymond E. II. Series.
[DNLM: 1. Anatomy-outlines. 2. Anatomy-examination questions.
QS 18 A536 1995]
QM31.A53 1995
for Library of Congress 94-45449
Printed on acid-free paper.

© 1995 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

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Preface to the

In 1973, the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine instituted a requirement

for passage of the Part 1 National Boards for promotion to the third year. To assist
students in preparation for this examination, a two-week review of the basic
sciences was added to the curriculum in 1975. Ten review texts were written by
the faculty: four in anatomical sciences and one each in the other six basic sci-
ences. Self-instructional quizzes were also developed by each discipline and ad-
ministered during the review period.
The first year the course was instituted the Total Score performance on National
Boards Part I increased 60 points, with the relative standing of the school chang-
ing from 56th to 9th in the nation. The performance of the class since then has
remained near the national candidate mean. This improvement in our own stu-
dents' performance has been documented (Hyde et al: Performance on NBME
Part I examination in relation to policies regarding use of test. J. Med. Educ. 60:
439-443, 1985).
A questionnaire was administered to one of the classes after they had completed
the Boards; 82% rated the review books as the most beneficial part of the course.
These texts were subsequently rewritten and made available for use by all stu-
dents of medicine who were preparing for comprehensive examinations in the
Basic Medical Sciences. Since their introduction in 1987, over 300,000 copies
have been sold. Obviously these texts have proven to be of value. The main reason
is that they present a concise overview of each discipline, emphasizing the content
and concepts most appropriate to the task at hand, i.e., passage of a comprehen-
sive examination over the Basic Medical Sciences.
The recent changes in the licensure examination that have been made to create a
Step l/Step 2/Step 3 process have necessitiated a complete revision of the Okla-
homa Notes. This task was begun in the summer of 1991 and has been on-going
over the past 3 years. The book you are now holding is a product of that revision.
Besides bringing each book up to date, the authors have made every effort to make
the tests and review questions conform to the new format of the National Board
of Medical Examiners. Thus we have added numerous clinical vignettes and ex-
tended match questions. A major revision in the review of the Anatomical Sci-
ences has also been introduced. We have distilled the previous editions' content to
the details the authors believe to be of greatest importance and have combined the
four texts into a single volume. In addition a book over neurosciences has been
added to reflect the emphasis this interdisciplinary field is now receiving.
I hope you will find these review books valuable in your preparation for the
licensure exams. Good Luck!

Richard M. Hyde, Ph.D.

Executive Editor

This book represents a major revision of the Oklahoma Notes that were previously
produced as individual volumes for the review of Embryology, Gross Anatomy,
Neuroanatomy, and Microanatomy. Within this single book, information regard-
ing the four major topics of anatomical sciences has been reorganized and up-
dated. The authors have endeavored to produce a concise and relevant study-book
that will provide students a reasonably thorough review of the components of the
anatomical sciences. The book is written in outline form in order to reduce the
volume of descriptive prose and to facilitate the student's opportunity to get to the
"meat" of the subjects.
This review narrative is written expressly for students preparing to take Step 1
of the USMLE. It is a distillation of headlines of essential content for medical
Embryology, Gross Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, and Microanatomy. It is written
with the assumption that you previously have completed medical school courses
that included dissections and microscopy. For most of us, anatomy is quickly
forgotten if not used. This outline volume attempts to organize the contents of the
anatomy courses into formats useful for review/recall purposes. This is not a
traditional review text-there are few illustrations or diagrams. The student is
encouraged to thoughtfully engage the narrative, highlight words/phrases as ap-
propriate, and incorporate mental images of structures and their functions as you
read. If the mental images fail to focus clearly as you read the narrative, students
should consult atlases and more comprehensive texts used in your medical school
Questions for self-examination are placed separately at the end of the book. These
questions are intended to be integrative so students should not expect to review a
section of the anatomical sciences and then take a self-examination on that section
We wish you the best in your review!


Preface to the Oklahoma Notes ............. ........................................... .............. v

Preface ........................................................................................................... vii

Embryology James J. Tomasek

Gametogenesis, Reproductive Cycle and Fertilization ................. ................ 1
Early Development of the Conceptus: Weeks 1-2 ........................................ 6
Extraembryonic Membranes and Umbilical Cord ....................................... 8
Placenta ...... .................... ................................................................................ 10
Formation of the Trilaminar Embryo ........................................................... 12
Development of General Body Form, Body Cavities and Diaphragm .......... 15
Nervous System ............................................................................................. 18
Musculoskeletal System ................................................................................ 23
Integumentary System ................................................................................... 27
Development of the Head and Neck .............................................................. 29
Development of the Face, Palate, Tongue, and Thyroid Gland .................... 33
Respiratory System ........................................................................................ 36
Digestive System and Mesenteries System ...... .......................... .......... ......... 38
Urogenital System ......................................................................................... 43
Development of the Heart ............................................................................. 47
Development of the Vasculature ................................................................... 51

Gross Anatomy Hubert W. Burden

Basic Concepts of the Nervous System and Imaging ................................... 55
Back and Upper Limb .................................................................................... 57
Head and Neck ............................................................................................... 67
Thorax ............................................................................................................ 79
Abdomen ........................................................................................................ 84
Pelvis and Perineum 92
Lower Limb ....................................................... ............................................. 99

Neuroanatomy DanielL. McNeill

Histology of the Nervous System .................................................................. 106
Gross Features of the Brain and Brainstem .................................................. 109
Vasculature and Ventricular System of the CNS .......................................... 110
Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerves ............................................................... 114
Cranial Nerves ............................................................................................... 124
Medulla Oblongata ........................................................................................ 136
Pons ................................................................................................................ 137
Mesencephalon .............................................................................................. 138
Diencephalon ................................................................................................. 139
Basal Ganglia ................................................................................................. 142
Cerebellum ..................................................................................................... 144
x Contents

Cerebrum ....................................................................................................... 148

Limbic System ................................................................................................ 152
Autonomic Nervous System .......................................................................... 153

Microanatomy Raymond E. Popko

Cytology ......................................................................................................... 158
Epithelium ...................................................................................................... 162
Connective Tissue Proper ............................................................................. 163
Cartilage ......................................................................................................... 165
Bone ............................................................................................................... 166
Peripheral Blood ............................................................................................ 170
Hematopoiesis ............................................................................................... 172
Immune System (Lymphatic System) ............................................................ 174
Muscle Tissue ................................................................................................ 178
Nerve Tissue (see Section on Neuroanatomy) .............................................. 181
Cardiovascular System ... ... ............ ..... ..... ........ ............. ....... .... .......... ... ......... 182
Integumentary System ... ............... ..... ............... ....... ................. ........ ..... .... .... 185
Respiratory System ........................................................................................ 187
Gastrointestinal System . ...... ...... ......... ....... ........... .... ... ... ...................... ......... 189
Urinary System .............................................................................................. 198
Endocrine System .. ......... ... ................. ....... ..... ...... ............................ ............. 202
Female Reproductive System ............ ....... .................................. ....... ... ......... 207
Male Reproductive System ............................................................................ 213

Review Questions .................................................................... 218

Answers to Review Questions ................................................ 231


A. Diploid Cells
In humans, the cells comprising all renewing cell populations (including the precursors of
germ cells) are diploid (2N) and possess a total of 46 chromosomes.

diploid (2N) = 46 chromosomes

autosomal chromosomes = 44 (22 homologous pairs)
sex chromosomes =2
females = XX (homologous)
males = XY (nonhomologous)
B. Haploid Cells (Gametes)
The gametes (sperm and ova) are highly specialized reproductive cells containing only one-
half (N or 23) the number of chromosomes found in renewing cell populations. The
reduction in chromosome number is accomplished by two specialized cell cycles which are
referred to as Meiosis I and Meiosis II.

haploid (N) = 23 chromosomes

autosomal chromosomes = 22 (one member from each pair)
sex chromosomes = 1
females = X (always)
males = XorY
C. Chromosome Morphology
1. centro meres
2. arms
3. chromatids
D. Mitosis
The two most important events occurring during mitosis are DNA replication (interphase)
and centromeric division (late metaphase). When DNA replication and centromeric division
occur during the same cell cycle, the number of chromosomes in both daughter cells will
remain constant (diploid) and the daughter cells will be identical genetically.
E. Meiosis
During the two specialized cell cycles of gametogenesis (meiosis I and meiosis II), DNA
replication and centromeric division occur in separate cell cycles. DNA replication occurs
during meiosis I; centromeric division occurs during meiosis II. When cells divide without
centromeric division, the number of chromosomes transmitted to daughter cells must be
reduced by one-half. The resulting haploid daughter cells will NOT be genetically identical,
each cell receives only one member (maternal or paternal) from each of the 23 chromosome

A. Nondisjunction
The most common event producing abnormal chromosome numbers (aneuploidy) is
nondisjunction. When nondisjunction occurs, the chromosomes are unequally distributed
between the daughter cells so that one cell receives an extra chromosome (trisomy) and the
other cell is missing that chromosome (monosomy). NONDISJUNCTION CAN OCCUR
EITHER AUTOSOMAL OR SEX CHROMOSOMES. It is generally accepted that one of the
most frequent causes for nondisjunction is delayed or asynchronous division of centromeres
during late metaphase.
B. Meiotic Nondisjunction
During gametogenesis, nondisjunction results in the production of two abnormal gametes
(haploid plus one or haploid minus one chromosome). If one of the abnormal gametes
participates in fertilization an aneuploid zygote is produced which either possesses an extra
chromosome (sex or autosomal trisomy) or lacks a chromosome (sex or autosomal
monosomy). Individuals developing from these abnormal zygotes will be either trisomic or
monosomic for the chromosome involved.
1. Zygotes with autosomal aneuploidy. Although 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes are
present in human zygotes and any chromosome can be affected by nondisjunction (all
have been reported in aborted material), only a few (trisomic only) complete
development to present as postnatal medical problems.
a) Autosomal Monosomy. True monosomic conditions involving any of the 22
autosomal chromosomes have not been reported to complete intrauterine
development and are generally considered to be invariably lethal.
b) Autosomal Trisomy. Trisomic conditions for autosomal chromosomes are usually
but not invariably lethal. The only common autosomal trisomic condition with long
term survival is trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome). Trisomy 13 (Patau's syndrome)
and trisomy 18 (Edward's syndrome) are occasionally reported but these
individuals rarely survive beyond the first few months of postnatal life.
c) Maternal Age. The increased frequency of nondisjunction with advancing
maternal age is usually attributed to the fact that the first meiotic division of all ova
begins during fetal life. Ova produced during the later years of the reproductive
life span are very old and have been subjected to the cumulative environmental
(radiation, chemicals, therapeutic drugs, viral infections) and physiological
(endocrine changes) effects of aging.
2. Zygotes with Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy. In contrast to the small number of
aneuploid conditions resulting from unequal distribution of the 22 pairs of autosomes,
nondisjunction affecting the single pair of sex chromosomes may produce zygotes and
adult individuals of at least four basic genotypes. Monosomic and trisomic conditions
for sex chromosomes are well known clinically and are relatively common.






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C. Mitotic Nondisjunction
Mitotic nondisjunction during the earliest stages of embryonic development may result in
aneuploid individuals with mixed populations of somatic cells, i.e., mixed karyotypes;
individuals originating from mitotic nondisjunction are referred to as mosaics. When mitotic
nondisjunction occurs in what was initially a normal diploid embryo, the body of the surviving
mosaic individual is comprised of a mixed population of normal and abnormal (aneuploid)
cells. The presence of normal cell populations in mosaics increases the chances of survival
by reducing the severity of the coexisting aneuploidy, e.g., low fertility rather than complete

A. Primordial Germ Cells
Primordial germ cells are the progenitor cells of the male and female gametes. They arise
from allantoic endoderm and migrate to the developing gonad. In males they form
spermatogonia. In females they form oogonia.
B. Spermatogenesis
1. Spermatogenesis is the production of the male gamete, the sperm. Spermatogenesis
begins at puberty with the rise in testosterone and continues into advanced age.
2. Spermatogonia are transformed into spermatozoa.
a) Occurs after puberty.
b) Spermatogonia enlarge and transform into primary spermatocytes.
c) First meiotic division produces two secondary spermatocytes.
d) Second meiotic division produces four spermatids.
e) Spermatogenesis takes about 2 months to complete.
f) Sertoli cells. Spermatogenesis occurs in microenvironment provided by Sertoli
3. Spermatogonial stem cells. Persist throughout life to continuously produce
4. Spermiogenesis. Differentiation of spermatid into mature sperm.

C. Oogenesis
1. Oogenesis is production of the female gamete. Oogenesis begins during late fetal life
when all oogonia enter meiosis I and undergo their last replication of DNA. At birth the
ovary contains only primary oocytes arrested in early prophase of meiosis I; meiosis I is
completed many years later just prior to the time of ovulation.
2. Prenatal events.
a) Primordial follicles form. Oogonia become surrounded by a single layer of
follicular cells.
b) Oogonia enter meiosis I.
(1) Oogonia become primary oocytes
(2) Meiosis is arrested in prophase I.
(3) No further development until puberty.
3. Postnatal maturation after puberty
a) Several primordial follicles are stimulated to begin to mature every month at the
beginning of each reproductive cycle.
b) Follicular cells thicken and grow to form primary follicle
c) Primary oocyte becomes surrounded by zona pellucida.
d) Maturation of primary follicle.
(1) Growing follicle
(2) Antral follicle
e) Maturation of primary oocyte:
(1) completes first meiotic division just prior to ovulation.
(2) forms secondary oocyte and first polar body.
(3) secondary oocyte enters second meiotic division.
(4) arrested at metaphase II.
4. Ovulation
a) Release of secondary oocyte with zona pellucida and corona radiata.
b) Corpus luteum. Remaining "ovulated" follicle
5. Fertilization. Fertilization is necessary for the secondary oocyte to complete the
second meiotic division and become an oocyte.


A. Reproductive Cycle
Human females undergo sexual cycles which prepare the reproductive system for
pregnancy; these cycles are controlled by the combined action of the hypothalamus,
pituitary, ovary and uterus.
1. Ovarian cycle. Regulated as a direct response to pituitary gonadotropins.
a) follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
b) luteinizing hormone (LH)
2. Uterine cycle. Regulated as a direct response to hormones produced by the ovary.
a) estrogen
b) progesterone



1. Initial phase of follicular

development. This occurs in
response to relatively low and
tonic secretion of FSH and LH by


the pituitary gland. This phase
culminates in increasing blood FSH
I \ LH
levels of estrogen produced by

the maturing follicle.
2. A midcycle surge of
gonadotropins. This phase is
elicited by the rising blood levels
of estrogen. The surge of \ / 0 \ I CHOR~N~

gonadotropins, particularly LH, ESTROGEN PROGESTERONE GONADOTROP~

results in ovulation.
3. A post-ovulatory phase of high
circulating progesterone levels
and low circulating gonadotropin
levels. Progesterone is secreted
by the corpus luteum. LH
promotes steroidogenesis of the
corpus luteum. DAY 1 DAY 14 DAY 28

C. Uterine Cycle
1. Proliferative phase. This phase is under control of estrogen produced by follicle.
2. Secretory phase. This phase is under control of progesterone secreted by corpus
3. Menstruation. This phase occurs as a result of decreased levels of progesterone and
D. Pregnancy
The reproductive cycle is interrupted by pregnancy.
1. Human chorionic gonadotropin. This LH-like hormone is produced by the trophoblastic
cells of the conceptus.
2. Corpus luteum. Chorionic gonadotropin rescues the corpus luteum from impending
regression and maintains its continued production of progesterone during early
pregnancy. A functional corpus luteum is essential for early gestation, until the
placenta can assume the endocrine activities at about 6 weeks of development.

A. Three Events Necessary for Successful Fertilization
1. Sperm/oocyte recognition. The sperm must recognize the secondary oocyte and fuse
only with it.
2. Prevention of polyspermy. Only one sperm must enter the oocyte otherwise polyploidy
will result.

3. Egg activation. Fusion of the sperm with the oocyte must activate the secondary
oocyte to complete meiosis II and begin development.
B. Sequence of Events for Fertilization
1. Capacitation of spermatozoa. This occurs in the female reproductive tract and is
necessary for sperm/oocyte recognition.
2. Acrosome reaction. Proteolytic enzymes are released that are needed to penetrate the
corona radiata and zona pellucida.
3. Penetration of corona radiata.
4. Binding to and penetration of zona pellucida.
5. Fusion of sperm cell and secondary oocyte cell membranes.
6. Cortical granule reaction. Release of cortical granules alters the zona pellucida and
prevents polyspermy.
7. Egg activation.
8. Stimulation of secondary oocyte to complete meiosis II.
9. Fusion of female and male pronuclei. Formation of diploid zygote.


A. Cleavage
1. The zygote is subdivided by a series of rapid mitotic divisions referred to as
2. The 1S cleavage appears 24 hrs after fertilization, with others occurring about every 20
3. The new cells formed are blastomeres.
4. The mitosis is unusual in that division is not accompanied by growth. The cytoplasm is
partitioned into smaller blastomeres.
5. Cleavage occurs within the uterine tube.
6. By approximately the 3rd day the conceptus is referred to as a morula. At this time it
enters the uterine cavity.
B. Compaction
1. The peripheral blastomeres maximize adhesion and form tight junctions.
2. Compaction segregates blastomeres into two populations:
a) outer cell mass.
b) inner cell mass.
3. Compaction occurs around 4 days after fertilization at approximately the 16 cell stage.
C. Blastocyst Formation
1. Blastocyst forms approximately 5 days after fertilization.
2. Blastocyst cavity forms, a hollow, fluid filled cavity.
3. Two populations of cells are formed.
a) Outer cell mass forms outer epithelial layer, the trophoblast, the primary source
for the placenta.
b) Inner cell mass forms inner group of cells, the embryoblast, gives rise to the
embryo proper.

D. Implantation
1. Blastocyst hatches from zona pellucida approximately 6 days after fertilization.
2. Trophoblast contacts endometrial wall.
3. Blastocyst invades into endometrial wall.
4. Trophoblast forms two cell types.
a) Cytotrophoblast
(1) Actively dividing cells.
(2) Gives rise to syncytiotrophoblast.
b) Syncytiotrophoblast
(1) Large syncytium.
(2) Highly invasive. The syncytiotrophoblast is responsible for invasion of the
blastocyst into the endometrial wall.
(3) Syncytiotrophoblast is an endocrine organ. Produces protein and steroid
(a) Produces large amounts of human chorion gonadotropin (hCG).
(b) hCG is responsible for maintenance of the corpus luteum.


A. Intrauterine Implantation Sites
1. The blastocyst normally implants in the superior part of body of uterus and most
frequently in the posterior wall.
2. Other implantation sites in the uterus are referred to as abnormal. Placenta previa
occurs when the blastocyst implants in the inferior part of body of uterus and placenta
develops covering the internal os of the cervix.
B. Extrauterine Implantation Sites
1. EctopiC pregnancy. Implantation of the blastocyst outside the uterine cavity.
2. Tubal implantation.
a) Most common ectopic pregnancy is tubal implantation.
b) Tubal implantation is the result of delayed transport of zygote. This may be result
of chronic inflammation of the uterine tube with partial destruction of tubal mucosa
(endometriosis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis).
3. Ovarian and abdominal implantation are very rare.

A. Formation of the Bilaminar Embryo
1. Embryoblast rearranges to form a flattened disk consisting of two layers of simple
epithelium arranged basal-to-basal surface.
2. Epiblast. The upper layer of the bilaminar embryo.
a) Forms the floor of the amniotic cavity.
b) Epiblast is continuous at periphery of embryonic disk with amniotic epithelium.
3. Hypoblast. The lower layer of the bilaminar embryo.
a) Forms the roof of primary yolk sac.
b) Hypoblast is continuous at periphery of embryonic disk with exocoelomic
B. Formation of the Amniotic Cavity
1. Amniotic cavity forms as a fluid filled cavity between epiblast cells.

2. Amniocytes. Epiblast cells forming roof of amniotic cavity.
C. Formation of the Yolk Sac and Extraembryonic Coelom
1. Primary yolk sac
a) Hypoblast migrates and lines blastocyst cavity to form primary yolk sac.
b) Exocoelomic membrane forms lining of primary yolk sac.
2. Extraembryonic mesoderm
a) Appears earlier and originates from a source different than that of the embryonic
b) Fills space between cytotrophoblast and exocoelomic membrane.
3. Extraembryonic Coelom (Chorionic cavity)
a) extraembryonic mesoderm splits to form new cavity
b) extraembryonic coelom lined by extraembryonic mesoderm
c) connecting stalk suspends embryonic disk, amnion and yolk sac in
extraembryonic coelom
4. Secondary (definitive) yolk sac
a) A new wave of hypoblast migrates and lines primary yolk sac to form secondary
yolk sac.
b) Secondary extraembryonic endoderm. The lining of secondary yolk sac.
c) Primary yolk sac degenerates.
5. Chorion
a) Forms the outermost layer of conceptus.
b) Formed by syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast and extraembryonic mesoderm.
D. Primitive Uteroplacental Circulation
1. Trophoblastic lacunae. Spaces form and interconnect within syncytiotrophoblast.
Syncytiotrophoblast invades maternal vessels. Maternal vessels connect with lacunae
which fill with maternal blood.
2. Provide nutrient and waste exchange with maternal circulation.
3. Later in develop trophoblastic lacunae will coalesce to form the intervillous vascular
channels of the placenta.


The extraembryonic membranes are temporary structures necessary for embryonic development;
they are lost as part of the afterbirth at the time of parturition. They appear and become
functional (partially at least) during the second week of development.
A. Chorion
1. Forms the outermost extraembryonic membrane.
2. Comprised of three layers:
a) syncytiotrophoblast.
b) cytotrophoblast.
c) extraembryonic mesoderm.
3. Later a portion of the chorion will form the fetal portion of the placenta.
B. Amnion
1. Forms the layer surrounding the amniotic cavity.

2. Comprised of two layers:
a) amniocytes derived from epiblast.
b) extraembryonic mesoderm.
3. Amniotic cavity
a) Expands to surround developing embryo.
b) Obliterates extraembryonic coelom.
c) Amniotic membrane and chorion fuse to form amniochorionic membrane.
d) Amniotic membrane forms covering of umbilical cord.
4. Amniotic fluid
a) Fetus contributes to amniotic fluid by excreting approximately 500 ml of urine
b) Subsequent swallowing of amniotic fluid by the fetus followed by intestinal
absorption and elimination via the placenta prevents excessive accumulation.
5. Oligohydramnios.
a) Abnormally small amounts of amniotic fluid.
b) May be result of decreased fetal secretion of urine. May be the result of urethral
obstruction or renal agenesis.
6. Polyhydramnios.
a) Abnormally large amounts of amniotic fluid.
b) May be result of decreased fetal swallowing of amniotic fluid. May be the result
of high intestinal obstruction, i.e. esophageal, pyloric, or duodenal atresia or
stenosis, or anencephaly.
7. Significance of amniotic fluid.
a) Permits symmetrical external growth of the fetus.
b) Enables the fetus to move freely, important in muscular development.
c) Prevents adherence of amnion to embryo and fetus.
d) Plays a role in normal fetal lung development.
8. Diagnostic amniocentesis.
a) Performed approximately 14 weeks after last normal menstrual period.
b) Common technique for detecting genetic disorders.
c) Alpha-fetoprotein assay. High levels suggestive of neural tube defects or
ventral wall defects.
C. Yolk Sac
1. The yolk sac is essentially nonfunctional.
2. Important in early development.
a) Source of primordial germ cells.
b) Role in hematopoietic functions.
c) Involved in gut tube formation.
3. Becomes located in umbilical cord and degenerates.
4. Yolk stalk (vitelline duct).
a) Connects the gut tube to the yolk sac.
b) Normally degenerates.
c) Failure of the yolk stalk to degenerate results in congenital malformations.
(1) Complete failure may result in an ileo-umbilical fistula or a fibrous cord.
(2) Partial failure results in Meckel's diverticulum.
D. Allantois
1. Develops as a diverticulum off secondary yolk sac that projects into body stalk.

2. The allantois small and rudimentary in humans.
3. Becomes incorporated into ventral body and forms the median umbilical ligament.
4. Failure of the allantois to degenerate results in congenital malformations, i.e. urachal
fistula or urachal cysts.


A. The umbilical cord is a composite structure formed by contributions from the:
1. connecting stalk (body stalk) which contains the allantois and the umbilical arteries and
2. yolk stalk and sac.
3. portions of the amnion ensheathing all of the above structures.
B. Umbilical vessels
1. Two umbilical arteries.
2. The left umbilical vein persists.
3. The right umbilical vein degenerates.
C. Size
1. The normal length ranges from 50-55 cm. Exceptionally long umbilical cords are
predisposed to forming knots.
2. The normal diameter ranges from 1-2 cm.


A. Maternal Contributions - Decidua
1. Decidual reaction. Implantation stimulates changes in uterine endometrium resulting
in the accumulation of lipids and glycogen in endometrial stomal cells.
2. The uterine mucosa is referred to as the decidua and is divided into three areas
determined by their relationship to the implanted blastocyst.
3. Decidua basalis.
a) The decidua located below or deep to implanted blastocyst.
b) The decidua in this area forms the maternal portion of the placenta
4. Decidua capsularis.
a) Decidua covering or superficial to implanted blastocyst.
b) Subsequently fuses with decidua parietalis to obliterate uterine cavity.
5. Decidua parietalis. Decidua other than site of implantation.
6. Decidua is shed as part of afterbirth during parturition.
B. Fetal Contributions - Chorion
1. Trophoblastic lacunae.
a) Form with syncytiotrophoblast during the second week of development.
b) Trophoblastic lacunae within syncytiotrophoblast become filled with maternal
c) These coalesce to form the intervillous spaces of the placenta.
2. Chorionic villi.
a) Extend and grow into trophoblastic lacunae to bring embryonic and maternal
blood in close proximity.
b) Primary chorionic villi - composed of cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast.

c) Secondary chorionic villi - core of extraembryonic mesoderm.
d) Tertiary chorionic villi - vascularization of mesodermal core which appears at
end of third week.
3. Chorion laeve (smooth chorion) - Chorionic villi on chorion associated with decidua
capsularis are lost and the chorion becomes smooth.
4. Chorion frondosum.
a) Chorionic villi on chorion associated with decidua basalis persist to form anchoring
and branch villi of the placenta.
b) Forms the fetal portion of placenta.
C. Mature Placenta
1. The placenta is fully formed and mature by 4th month of development.
2. Chorionic plate.
a) Composed of layers of the chorion.
b) Placental villi project into intervillous spaces filled with maternal blood.
3. Size.
a) Diameter of 15-20 cm.
b) Total volume of approximately 500 ml.
c) Maternal blood volume of approximately 150 ml.
d) Maternal blood flow of approximately 600 ml/min.
e) Weight of 500-600 grams (approximately one-sixth of the fetal weight).


A. Fetal Blood
1. Deoxygenated fetal blood. leaves the fetus via the umbilical arteries and passes into
the capillaries in the chorionic villi where gaseous and nutrient exchange occurs.
2. Oxygenated fetal blood. Returns to the fetus via the umbilical vein.
B. Maternal Blood
1. Fills the intervillous spaces.
2. Volume is about 150 ml of maternal blood and is replaced about three to four times per


A. Function. Separates maternal and fetal blood. Exchange of respiratory gases, waste
products, and antibodies between fetal and maternal blood occurs through the placental
B. Consists of 4 layers.
1. Syncytiotrophoblast.
2. Cytotrophoblast (langhan's layer).
3. Connective tissue of the villus core (extraembryonic somatic mesoderm).
4. Endothelium of the fetal capillaries.
C. Thinning of Placental Membrane
1. Occurs after 4th month.
2. Increases efficiency of exchange between fetal and maternal blood.
3. Thinning is the result of disappearance of cytotrophoblast layer and thinning of
connective tissue.

A. Metabolic Transport
1. Respiratory gases. O2 and CO2 cross by simple diffusion.
2. Nutrients.
3. Waste products.
B. Antibodies
1. Newborns have passive humoral immunity acquired from the mother by selective
transfer of IgGs. IgA and IgM antibodies do not cross the placental barrier.
2. Hemolytic disease of the newborn (erythroblastosis fetalis)
a) Occurs when the mother is Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive.
b) If the mother becomes sensitized to the Rh positive fetal cells, she responds by
producing anti-Rh-antibodies of the IgG type which are then transferred across
the placental barrier with subsequent hemolysis of the fetal red blood cells.
C. Endocrine Functions
1. Protein hormones. Chorion gonadotropin produced by the syncytiotrophoblast appears
in maternal urine during the second week (during implantation) and is present in large
amounts until the fourth month of pregnancy.
2. Steroid hormones. Progesterone is produced throughout pregnancy from precursors of
maternal origin; estrogens are synthesized from precursors supplied by the fetal liver
and adrenal cortex.
D. Pathogens
1. Various pathogens can cross the placental membrane and infect the fetus in utero
2. Viruses - rubella, cytomegalovirus, HIV
3. Bacteria - treponema pallidum (syphilis)
4. Protozoa - toxoplasma
5. These may induce abortion or cause wide range of congenital abnormalities.
E. Teratogens
1. Teratogens cross the placenta membrane and cause malformations.
2. They act predominantly during a critical period of development. Usually during
embryonic period of development (organogenetic period).
3. Many therapeutic drugs are teratogens, i.e. warfarin, dilantin, retinoids, synthetic
steroids, tetracycline, many of the chemotherapeutic agents, thalidomide.
4. Many social drugs are teratogens.
a) Alcohol is believed to be the leading cause for congenital mental
b) Tobacco and cocaine.


A. Gastrulation is the process by which the bilaminar embryonic disc is transformed into a
three-layered or trilaminar embryonic disc. Three germ layers are formed by the process of
1. Ectoderm.
2. Mesoderm.

3. Endoderm.
4. All three germ layers arise from the epiblast.
B. Primitive Streak
1. Appears about day 14.
2. Thickened midline band of epiblast in caudal part of bilaminar disc.
3. Comprised of:
a) primitive groove - midline groove
b) primitive pit - depression at cranial end of primitive groove
c) primitive node (Hensen's node) - mound surrounding primitive pit
4. Defines primary body axes of embryo.
5. Ingression of epiblast through primitive groove and pit to form mesoderm and
6. Epithelial epiblast cells transform to migratory mesenchymal cells as they ingress
through the primitive streak.
7. Fate of primitive streak.
a) Regresses caudally.
b) Closes in sacrococcygeal region.
c) Failure to regress may result in sacrococcygeal teratomas.
C. Embryonic Ectoderm Formation
Epiblast cells that do not ingress through the primitive streak will form the ectodermal germ
D. Embryonic Endoderm Formation
Early epiblast cells that ingress through the primitive streak and invade and replace the
hypoblast of the embryonic disc with a new layer of cells will form the endodermal germ
E. Embryonic Mesoderm Formation
Epiblast cells that ingress through primitive streak and migrate between epiblast and
endoderm will form the mesodermal germ layer.
1. Mesodermal cells migrate throughout embryonic disc EXCEPT in those regions where
the ectoderm and endoderm are fused. These areas are:
a) Oropharyngeal membrane (prochordal plate).
b) Cloacal membrane.
2. Mesodermal cells migrate cranial to oropharyngeal membrane to form the cardiogenic
3. Mesodermal cells migrate caudal to cloacal membrane to form the future ventral body
wall caudal to the umbilicus.
4. Mesodermal cells migrate laterally to fuse with extraembryonic mesoderm


A. Notochord
1. Formation. Epiblast ingresses through the primitive pit and migrates cranially along
midline to oropharyngeal membrane to form notochordal process. The notochordal
process undergoes a transformation to form the notochord.
2. Developmental importance. The appearance of the notochord is the first indication of
the future axial skeleton and defines the primary body axis. The notochord eventually

extends from the oropharyngeal membrane to the cloacal membrane. It induces the
formation of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
3. Fate. The notochord regresses except for the formation of the nucleus pulposus of
intervertebral disks.
B. Mesodermal cells migrating laterally from the primitive streak form paraxial, intermediate and
lateral plate mesoderm.
C. Paraxial Mesoderm
1. Location.
a) Embryonic mesoderm oriented parallel and immediately adjacent to notochord.
b) Forms paired bands of mesoderm.
c) Extends from oropharyngeal membrane to primitive streak.
2. Gives rise to:
a) All of axial skeleton (except viscerocranium of skull).
b) All skeletal musculature.
c) Portion of dermis.
3. Segmentation of paraxial mesoderm.
a) Paraxial mesoderm. Initially forms somitomeres followed by segmentally
arranged somites.
(1) Somitomeres. Transitory, indistinct groupings of paraxial mesoderm.
(2) Somites. Discrete blocks of segmentally arranged paraxial mesoderm.
b) Cephalic paraxial mesoderm.
(1) Forms 7 somitomeres.
(2) Cephalic somitomeres do not develop into somites.
(3) Give rise to structures in head and neck.
c) First somites appear in future region of base of skull around day 20.
d) Other somites develop in cranial to caudal sequence.
e) 42-44 somites are formed.
f) Somites establish segmental organization of body. 4 occipital somites, 8
cervical somites, 12 thoracic somites, 5 lumbar somites, 5 sacral somites, 3
coccygeal somites, last 5-7 somites regress and disappear.
4. Somites disperse to form two groups of cells.
a) Sclerotome.
(1) Skeletal forming portion of somite.
(2) Each sclerotome will contribute to the formation of the vertebrae,
intervertebral disks, ribs and sternum of the axial skeleton.
b) Dermamyotome. Splits into myotome and dermatome.
(1) Myotome.
(2) Muscle forming portion of somites.
(a) Forms all of the skeletal muscle.
(b) Dermatome. Integumentary (dermis) forming portion of somites.
D. Intermediate Mesoderm
1. Location
a) Embryonic mesoderm oriented parallel and just lateral to paraxial mesoderm.
b) Forms paired bands of mesoderm.
c) Extends from oropharyngeal membrane to primitive streak.
2. Gives rise to portions of the urinary and reproductive system.

E. Lateral Plate Mesoderm
1. Location
a) Embryonic mesoderm extends laterally from intermediate mesoderm.
b) Extends cranial to oropharyngeal membrane and fuses across midline.
c) Extends caudal to cloacal membrane and fuses across midline.
2. Divides into 2 layers separated by embryonic coelom.
a) Somatic mesoderm.
(1) Associated with ectoderm - somatopleure.
(2) Contributes to adult body wall.
(3) Forms parietal serous membrane lining the body cavities.
b) Splanchnic mesoderm.
(1) Associated with endoderm - splanchnopleure.
(2) Contributes to form wall of gut tube.
(3) Forms visceral serous membrane lining the body cavities.
3. Embryonic coelom is located between two layers of lateral plate mesoderm. The
embryonic coelom will form the body cavities - pericardial, pleural and peritoneal



A. Folding of Trilaminar Embryo
1. Body folding is the result of greater differential growth in the midline of the trilaminar
embryo than that occurring in peripheral areas.
2. Body folding transforms flattened trilaminar embryonic disc into cylindrical embryo.
3. After body folding embryo exhibits basic tubular configuration of adult organism.
B. Median Folding - Head and Tail Folds
1. Median folding is the result of craniocaudal elongation of notochord and neural tube.
2. Head folding "swings" cranial structures ventrally and caudally. The major structures
moved ventrally and caudally by head folding are:
a) Septum transversum - future diaphragm.
b) Cardiogenic region and future pericardial cavity.
c) Oropharyngeal membrane.
3. Tail folding "swings" cloacal membrane ventrally and cranially.
4. Median folding results in the upper part of yolk sac being incorporated into embryo as
the primitive gut tube.
C. Horizontal Folding - Lateral Folds
1. Lateral edges of embryonic disk move ventrally and medially.
2. Lateral folding results in the formation of ventral body wall.
D. Formation of the Umbilicus
1. Lateral edges of embryonic disk are pulled around ventral umbilicus like a purse-string.
2. Emerging from umbilicus are yolk sac stalk and connecting stalk.


A. Body folding results in the formation of an endoderm lined gut tube.

B. Foregut
1. Endodermal blind-ending tube projecting cranially into region formed by head fold.
2. Digestive (dorsal) portion forms pharynx, esophagus and stomach.
3. Respiratory (ventral) portion forms trachea and lungs.
C. Midgut
1. Primitive midgut is not a complete tubular structure.
2. Opens via vitelline duct (yolk stalk) into yolk sac through umbilical ring.
3. Forms most of small intestine and part of colon.
D. Hindgut
1. Endodermal blind-ending tube projecting caudally into region formed by tail fold.
2. Caudal portion expands to form cloaca.
3. Allantois projects off cloaca into connecting stalk.
4. Forms remaining part of colon, rectum and urinary bladder.


A. Formation
1. Embryonic coelom formation begins in the trilaminar embryo during the third week of
development and coincides with late stages of embryonic mesoderm development.
2. Embryonic coelom is formed by splitting of lateral plate mesoderm splits into two
a) Somatic mesoderm - associated with ectoderm.
b) Splanchnic mesoderm - associated with endoderm.
B. Coelomic Shape
1. Forms inverted "U" configuration.
a) Paired right and left coelomic cavities.
b) Coelomic cavities continuous across midline cranial to oropharyngeal membrane-
cardiogenic region.
2. Primitive pericardial cavity - cranial to oropharyngeal membrane where right and left
coelomic cavities meet in midline.
3. Pericardioperitoneal canals - paired right and left canals connecting pericardial and
peritoneal cavities.
4. Peritoneal cavity - communication of right and left coelomic cavities with
extraembryonic coelom.
C. Coelomic Communications
1. Embryonic coelom extends laterally to become continuous with the extraembryonic
coelom in region of future peritoneal cavity.
2. These communications are important because they will ultimately be located at the
umbilicus and allow the herniating midgut loop access to the adjacent umbilical
(extraembryonic) coelom.
3. Communication of extraembryonic and embryonic coelom does not occur in cranial
portion of embryonic disk.
4. Embryonic and extraembryonic coelom separated by septum transversum.
D. Septum Transversum
1. Most cranial structure in trilaminar embryonic disk.
2. Defines either the cranial end (before folding) or caudal end (after folding) of pericardial

3. Participates in formation of the diaphragm.


A. Head Fold. Movement of septum transversum and pericardial cavity ventrally and caudally.
B. Lateral Folds. Formation of ventral mesentery suspending gut tube in peritoneal cavity.


A. Pericardial Cavity
1. Primitive pericardial cavity is separated into:
a) Ventral definitive pericardial cavity.
b) Paired dorsolateral pleural cavities.
2. Pleuropericardial membranes separate primitive pericardial cavity into pericardial
cavity and paired pleural cavities.
a) Pleuropericardial membranes originate from lateral body wall.
b) They grow medially to fuse with each other and primitive mediastinum.
c) Serous parietal pericardium and mediastinal pleura form from
pleuropericardial membranes.
3. Most of the 'definitive pleuropericardial membranes' separating the heart and lungs of
the adult are new structures split from the internal surface of the body wall by the
developing lungs. It is the lateral and ventral expansion of the lungs and pleural
cavities within the body wall that moves the heart and pericardial cavity to its definitive
location in the mediastinum and allows the pleural structures to eventually become the
most anterior visceral structures in the thorax.
B. Pleural and Peritoneal Cavities
1. The pleural and peritoneal cavities are separated by the formation of right and left
pleuroperitoneal membranes.
2. Pleuroperitoneal membranes originate from lateral body wall and dorsal edge of the
septum transversum and grow dorsomedially to fuse with the splanchnic mesoderm of
the dorsal wall of the esophagus (mesoesophagus).
3. Pleuroperitoneal membranes participate in the formation of the diaphragm.


A. The adult diaphragm is a composite structure and forms from:
1. Septum transversum.
2. Pleuroperitoneal membranes.
3. Splanchnic mesoderm surrounding esophagus (primitive mediastinum).
4. Body wall. Produced as a result of lung and pleural cavity growth within the
somatopleura; these areas receive their sensory innervation via somatopleuric
intercostal nerves.
B. Innervation
1. The skeletal muscle for all parts of the diaphragm is derived from cervical myotomes
(primarily C-4).
a) Myoblasts from the cervical region invade the septum transversum.
b) Head folding and differential growth move the septum transversum caudally to the
adult location.
2. Muscle innervation is via the phrenic nerve (C3-C5).

C. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
1. Results from a defect in the formation of pleuroperitoneal membrane.
2. The defect is always in the dorsal aspect of diaphragm.
3. The defect usually occurs on left side.
4. The herniation of abdominal viscera through the defect and into the thoracic cavity may
compromise fetal lung development and result in pulmonary hypoplasia.



A. Neurulation
1. Neural plate formation
a) Axial mesoderm (notochord and paraxial) induces the overlying ectoderm to
thicken and form the neural plate.
b) The neural plate appears during 3rd week of development.
c) Neuroectoderm - the ectodermal cells which comprise the neural plate.
2. Neurulation
a) Neurulation - process by which neural plate is converted into the neural tube.
b) The lateral edges of neural plate rise to form neural folds with central neural
groove. The neural folds fuse to form the neural tube. Fusion first occurs in the
cervical region.
c) The rostral and caudal neuropores close by end of 4th week of development.
3. Complete fusion of neural folds necessary for mesodermal components to migrate
dorsal to neural tube and form meninges, bone, muscle, and skin.
B. Neural Crest Cells
1. Neural crest cells are derived from neuroectoderm. They break free from lateral
boundaries of neural plate during neurulation to become mesenchymal cells and
migrate throughout the embryo.
2. Neural crest cells are referred to as ectomesenchyme because of ectodermal origin
and mesenchymal cell type.
3. They contribute to the peripheral nervous system
a) Almost all peripheral ganglia, both sensory and autonomic.
b) Schwann and satellite cells ensheathing peripheral nervous system.
c) Chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla.
4. Contribute to formation of:
a) Pigment cells of skin (melanocytes).
b) Mesenchyme of head and neck.
C. Developmental Defects
1. Failure of neural folds to fuse dorsally is one of the most common and severe
developmental defects of the central nervous system. Failure of the neural folds to
fuse produces an extreme range of developmental defects which of necessity also
includes major defects in the associated mesodermal components (meninges, neural
arches, epimeric musculature, skin) which normally cover the dorsal aspect of the
neural tube.
2. The spectrum of defects between complete craniosacral myeloschisis to spina
bifida occulta includes meningocele and meningomyelocele.

3. Anencephaly is caused by failure of the neural folds to fuse in cranial region and is
incompatible with extrauterine survival; it is also frequently associated with
polyhydramnios because of absence of swallowing reflex.
4. Monitoring. Neural tube defects can usually be diagnosed in utero with ultrasound
scan. Open neural tube defects can be detected by analyzing amniotic fluid for alpha-
fetoprotein; levels in amniotic fluid are very high in cystic and noncystic forms.


A. Somatic Motor Nerves
1. The development and distribution of efferent nervous elements in the somatic division
of the peripheral nervous system is intimately associated with skeletal muscle that
develops from somites or in association with branchial arches. Myogenic cells may
migrate far beyond their site of origin. The course of motor nerves indicates the
migratory pathway of myoblasts to reach their final destination.
2. The cell body develops from neuroectoderm of neural tube; specifically the mantle
layer of the basal plate.
3. Somatic motor axons emerge from along ventrolateral sides of neural tube to form
ventral root.
4. Segmental emergence of motor axons from neural tube. Result of induction of spinal
nerve by segmentally organized somites. One spinal nerve for each somite.
B. Somatic Sensory Neurons
1. The primary sensory neurons for all spinal and most cranial nerves are derived from
neural crest cells.
a) Neural crest cells form dorsal root ganglia associated with mixed spinal nerves.
b) Neural cress cells form most sensory ganglia associated with cranial nerves.
2. Centrally directed processes enter neural tube.
3. Peripherally directed processes.
a) Form dorsal root in mixed spinal nerve.
b) Immediately join motor fibers in mixed cranial nerves.
C. Segmental Innervation
1. Pattern of somatic innervation is segmental.
2. Muscles that develop from each myotome receive motor innervation via the
corresponding spinal nerve.
3. Dermis that develops from each dermatome receives sensory innervation via the
corresponding spinal nerve. Segmental innervation is responsible for dermatomes.
D. Mixed Spinal Nerves Split into 2 Branches
1. Dorsal primary ramus - innervates corresponding epimere.
2. Ventral primary ramus - innervates corresponding hypomere.


A. Sympathetic (Thoracolumbar) Division
1. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers.
a) Efferent fibers grow out from 14 segments of neural tube - T1-L2.
b) Fibers connect central nervous system with sympathetic chain. These nerve
fibers form the preganglionic white rami communicantes.

2. Ganglia.
a) Postganglionic neurons are derived from neural crest cells.
b) Neural crest cells migrate ventrally to reach positions adjacent to developing
vertebral bodies and differentiate into neurons of paravertebral (lateral)
sympathetic chain ganglia. Other neural crest cells continue ventral migration
to anterior surface of vertebrae, surround dorsal aorta and differentiate into
neurons of prevertebral (collateral) sympathetic ganglia.
3. Paravertebral chain ganglia.
a) Number of chain ganglia formed on each side corresponds to 31 developing
spinal nerves.
b) Later some of the cervical, lumbar and sacral chain ganglia fuse, resulting in less
lateral chain ganglia than spinal nerves.
4. Gray rami communicantes.
a) Gray rami communicantes provide sympathetic innervation for structures
that develop in the body wall (somatopleure) and are always postganglionic.
b) 31 pairs of identifiable gray rami communicantes in adult. One for each spinal
5. Sympathetic innervation to thoracic and abdominopelvic viscera
a) At cervical levels, postganglionic sympathetic nerves emerge from paravertebral
ganglia and descend into the thorax as cardiac nerves to innervate the heart and
lungs. In addition, in the thorax a few postganglionic sympathetic nerves emerge
from cranial-most paravertebral ganglia as cardiac nerves and directly innervate
the heart and lungs.
b) At thoracic, lumbar, and sacral levels, preganglionic sympathetic fibers pass
through paravertebral ganglia without synapsing and emerge from these ganglia
as splanchnic nerves.
6. Prevertebral ganglia
a) Develop from neural crest cells located around abdominal aorta.
b) Preganglionic fibers in splanchnic nerves synapse in prevertebral ganglia.
c) Postganglionic fibers from prevertebral ganglia innervate abdominal and pelvic
B. Parasympathetic (Craniosacral)
1. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers.
a) Efferent fibers grow out from cranial or sacral (S2-4) levels of the neural tube.
b) Fibers connect central nervous system with cranial or trunk terminal ganglia.
2. Parasympathetic terminal ganglia are derived from neural crest cells.
3. Cranial terminal ganglia. In the head, four terminal parasympathetic ganglia occur
regularly; ciliary, submandibular, pterygopalatine, and otic. All of the cranial ganglia are
constant in position, anatomically well defined, and located near organs innervated.
4. Trunk terminal ganglia.
a) Terminal ganglia are inconsistent in pOSition, diffuse and located on or in walls of
organs innervated.
b) Distribution of parasympathetic fibers in the trunk is limited to visceral
structures originating almost exclusively from the splanchnopleure; spinal
nerves which innervate somatopleuric structures do not contain parasympathetic

c) Proximal to the descending colon, the diffuse intrinsic ganglia of the digestive tract
receive their preganglionic fibers from branches of the vagus. Near the splenic
flexure, the intrinsic ganglia receive preganglionic fibers from pelvic splanchnic


A. Neural Tube
Immediately after its formation, the neuroectodermal cells forming the wall of the neural tube
are arranged in the form of a pseudostratified columnar epithelium surrounding a central
neural canal. Ce"ular proliferation within the lateral walls of the neural tube soon results in
stratification and histological and functional differentiation.
B. Development of Gray and White Matter - Histological Differentiation
1. Ependymal layer.
a) Ependymal layer cells surround the neural canal.
b) Ependymal layer cells are mitotically active throughout intrauterine development
and are the source of all neurons and macroglia of the central nervous
c) Ependymal layer cells that remain wi" form ependyma which surround neural
canal and a" of its derivatives (ventricles).
2. Mantle layer.
a) Cells in mantle layer are neuroblasts and glioblasts.
b) Neuroblasts do not divide after entering mantle layer.
c) Neuroblasts differentiate in mantle layer into neurons. They will extend
processes (axons) toward external limiting membrane.
d) Mantle layer will form gray matter for spinal cord and brain.
3. Marginal layer.
a) The marginal layer forms by extension ofaxons from mantle layer.
b) Mantle layer thickens by differentiation of oligodendrocytes and myelin.
c) Marginal layer will form white matter for spinal cord and brain.
4. Cortex
a) An external layer of gray matter forms the cortex of the cerebrum and cerebellum.
b) Neuroblasts from ependymal layer migrate superficial to marginal layer to form
gray cortex.
5. Vascularization of the neural tube.
a) Blood vessels from the developing pia mater penetrate and vascularize the
developing neural tube.
b) Microglia develop from mesoderm and appearance coincides with
C. Development of Sensory and Motor Regions - Functional Differentiation
1. Organization of neural tube
a) Functional differentiation is indicated by the appearance of an internal longitudinal
groove in the lateral walls of the neural tube; the sulcus limitans.
b) Sulcus limitans divides the neural tube into dorsal (alar plate) and ventral (basal
2. Alar plates (dorsal) are concerned with sensory function and a" secondary sensory
neurons are located in gray matter of alar plate.

3. Basal plates (ventral) are concerned with motor function and all efferent neurons are
located in gray matter of basal plate.
D. Differentiation of the Spinal Cord
1. The spinal cord possesses a centrally located neural canal surrounded by ependyma,
an intermediate layer of mantle cells (gray matter), and a superficial marginal layer of
nerve cell processes (white matter).
2. The gray matter (mantle) is arranged in the shape of the letter "H" to produce anterior
and posterior gray columns. Dorsal and ventral extensions are produced by addition
of mantle neuroblasts and by differentiation of nerve cell bodies.
3. Marginal layer is organized into dorsal, lateral, and ventral white columns.
E. Differentiation of the Brain
1. Three primitive brain vesicles appear in cranial neural tube.
a) Prosencephalon (forebrain) - Forms secondary brain vesicles; telencephalon
and diencephalon.
b) Mesencephalon (midbrain)
c) Rhombencephalon (hindbrain) - Forms secondary brain vesicles;
metencephalon and myelencephalon.
2. The most important gross structures developing from or associated with the definitive
brain vesicles are listed below.
a) Telencephalon
(1) Cerebral vesicles.
(2) Lateral ventricles.
b) Diencephalon
(1) Thalamus, hypothalamus, neurohypophysis, pineal gland, and retina.
(2) 3rd ventricle.
c) Mesencephalon
(1) Superior and inferior colliculi and cerebral peduncles.
(2) Cerebral aqueduct.
d) Metencephalon
(1) Cerebellum and pons.
(2) 4th ventricle.
e) Myelencephalon
(1) Medulla.
(2) 4th ventricle.
3. Myelencephalon.
a) The medulla remains structurally similar to the spinal cord. The major change is
the separation of alar plates to form the dorsal lamina.
b) Basal plate. Motor nuclei of IX, X-XI, XII.
c) Alar plate. Secondary sensory neurons for IX, X.
4. Metencephalon.
a) Cerebellum formed by enormous development and fusion of alar plates.
b) Pons formed primarily by marginal fibers crossing ependymal lamina of floor.
c) Basal plate. Motor nuclei of V, VI, VII.
d) Alar plate. Secondary sensory nuclei of V, VII, VIII.
5. Mesencephalon.
a) Retains most of basic structure of neural tube at spinal levels.

b) Basal plate. Motor nuclei of III, IV.
c) Alar plate. No secondary sensory neurons for cranial nerves. Neurons located in
collicular area perform integrative functions for coordinating eye movements.
6. Diencephalon.
a) Diencephalon is considered to contain only alar components.
b) Structures derived from diencephalon include thalamus, hypothalamus,
epiphysis, neurohypophysis, and retina.
c) Most of diencephalic vesicle becomes buried by caudal growth of telencephalon.
7. Telencephalon.
a) The telencephalon is the highest integrative center of brain and contains only the
alar component of the neural tube.
b) The complex integrative functions of the telencephalon can be correlated with the
presence of a multilayered neocortex (6 layers), exceedingly large bilateral
hemispheres and the appearance of sulci and gyri.
F. Developmental Defects
1. Early fusion defects of the neural tube will result in spina bifida or anencephaly.
2. A wide variety of central nervous system defects may result from inadequate
development of alar or basal plate derivatives at any level; e.g. cerebellar agenesis.
3. Any genetic or environmental condition which interferes with proliferative activity of
germinal ependyma may result in microcephaly or mental retardation.
4. Absence of bilaterality of the forebrain may result in holoprosencephaly,
arrhinencephaly, agenesis of the corpus callosum. .
5. Maternal consumption of alcohol is believed to be the major cause of congenital
mental retardation.
6. Hydrocephalus. The third and lateral ventricles become swollen with cerebral spinal
fluid usually the result of constriction of the cerebral aqueduct. The cerebral cortex is
abnormally thin, and the sutures of the skull are forced apart.

A. Paraxial mesoderm. The paraxial mesoderm forms all of the axial skeleton except the
viscerocranium. It is segmented into somitomeres and somites.
1. Somitomeres. 7 somitomeres form in cephalic region.
2. Somites. 4 OCCipital, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 3 coccygeal.
B. Vertebrae and Intervertebral Disks
1. Sclerotome. Under the inductive influence of notochord, the immediately adjacent
portions of the somites (sclerotomes) migrate medially and fuse around the notochord
to produce in the midline the segmentally arranged primary sclerotomes.
a) Primary sclerotomes split into cranial and caudal portions to form secondary
b) Secondary sclerotomes form by fusion of adjacent cranial and caudal halves of
primary sclerotomes. Secondary sclerotomes form definitive vertebrae and
associated intervertebral disks.
c) Fusion of adjacent halves of primary sclerotomes results in one-half segmental
shift. This shift results in:

(1) Intersegmental vessels which cross vertebral body rather than
intervertebral disk.
(2) Segmental muscles, formed by the myotome, which operate across an
intervertebral articulation.
(3) Segmental spinal nerves which exit between vertebral bodies.
2. Notochord. After inducing formation of sclerotome, the majority of the notochord
degenerates. Remaining portion forms nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disk.
3. Each secondary sclerotome will develop three pairs of processes:
a) Neural arch processes which grow dorsomedially and fuse across midline to
enclose developing spinal cord. Failure of neural arch processes to fuse results in
spina bifida.
b) Transverse processes which grow between dorsal (epimeric) and ventral
(hypomeric) musculature; variable in degree of development.
c) Costal (rib) processes which grow ventrolaterally into the somatopleura
(primitive body wall) with other somite derivatives.
C. Skull
1. The skull can be divided into two parts: neurocranium and viscerocranium.
2. Neurocranium.
a) Develops from 7 somitomeres and 4 occipital somites.
b) Forms protective case around the brain.
c) Can be subdivided into two parts: cartilaginous and membranous neurocranium.
d) Cartilaginous neurocranium.
(1) Cephalic somitomeres. Paraxial mesodermal cells from the somitomeres
migrate medially, ventral to the neural tube to participate in forming the
cartilaginous neurocranium. In this location they form the parachordal,
hypophyseal, trabeculae cranii, and ala orbitalis cartilages. More laterally
otic capsules form around the otic vesicles. These cartilages and the
OCCipital sclerotomes fuse and subsequently undergo endochondral
ossification to form the base of the skull.
(2) Occipital sclerotomes. The 4 occipital somites form sclerotomes that loose
their segmentation and form the OCCipital bone of the skull.
e) Membranous neurocranium. Paraxial mesodermal cells from the somitomeres
migrate laterally and dorsally to the neural tube and undergo intramembranous
ossification to form the membranous neurocranium.
3. Viscerocranium. The viscerocranium develops from neural crest cells associated with
the frontonasal prominence and branchial apparatus. Forms the skeleton of the face.


A. Lateral plate somatic mesoderm. The skeletal elements for the limbs and limb girdles
develop from lateral plate somatic mesoderm.
B. Endochondral ossification. All of these bones develop by endochondral ossification, with
the exception of the clavicle which develops by intramembranous ossification.

A. Myotome Origin of Trunk Musculature. Musculature of the trunk is derived exclusively
from the myotomic portions of somites. Skeletal muscle of myotomic origin is always
innervated by motor neurons (basal plate) with axons leaving the spinal cord as ventral
roots, i.e., general somatic efferent. Myotomes are responsible for the development of the
segmentally arranged motor spinal nerves; the association of a myotome and its segmental
spinal nerve is established very early in development and is retained through subsequent
stages of migration and differentiation.
B. Body Wall Musculature
1. Dorsal or Epaxial Muscles.
a) Each myotome divides into a dorsal portion (epimere) which migrates dorsally and
medially toward the developing neural arches and transverse processes of the
b) Epaxial musculature is accompanied by its nerve supply which persists in the
adult as the dorsal primary ramus (posterior primary division) of a spinal nerve.
2. Ventral or Hypaxial Muscles.
a) Each myotome divides into a ventral portion (hypomere) which migrates ventrally
and medially within the primitive body wall (somatopleura) until it reaches the
midline or linea alba area of the ventral body wall.
b) Hypaxial musculature is accompanied by its nerve supply which persists in the
adult as the ventral primary ramus (anterior primary division) of a spinal nerve.
3. Segmental Innervation. In the adult, the basic segmental pattern of trunk
musculature is obvious in the thoracic intercostal muscles, but segmentation is largely
obscured in other areas by fusion of adjacent myotomes to form broad sheets
(abdominal musculature) or long strap-like muscles (rectus abdominis). Despite these
changes (fusions, splitting, etc.), the segmental innervation pattern is retained
throughout life.
4. Definitive body wall is formed by the migration of somite derivatives into the primitive
C. Appendicular Musculature
1. Myotomic Origin of Appendicular Musculature. The appendicular musculature is
derived exclusively from the myotomic portions of somites. The connective tissue
(epimysium and perimysium) surrounding the myofibers and adjacent tendons develop
from lateral plate somatic mesoderm.
2. Appendicular musculature develops from ventral and dorsal condensations of somitic
a) Ventral (anterior) muscle mass: gives rise to flexors and pronators of the upper
limb and flexors and adductors of the lower limb.
b) Dorsal (posterior) muscle mass: gives rise to extensors and supinators of the
upper limb and extensors and abductors of the lower limb.
3. Innervation of Appendicular Musculature.
a) All appendicular musculature is innervated by branches of ventral primary rami
from spinal nerves.
b) The ventral primary rami innervating the limb and girdle musculature do not
remain segmental, rather they join together at the base of the limb to form plexi,
e.g., brachial, lumbosacral.

c) The initial segment of the combined rami form the plexus trunks which then
divide to form anterior and posterior divisions. Nerves originating from the
anterior and posterior divisions are subsequently distributed to their respective
anterior and posterior muscle masses in the limb bud.


A. Cranial musculature is derived from paraxial mesoderm.
B. Extrinsic Ocular Muscles. Classically, the extrinsic ocular muscles were considered to be
derived from three pairs of preotic somites. Recent evidence suggests that these skeletal
muscles are derived from partially segmented cephalic paraxial mesodermal structures
termed somitomeres.
C. Branchiomeric Musculature. Classically, the skeletal muscle that develops in association
with the branchial apparatus is considered to be derived from branchiomeric mesoderm. It
should be emphasized that recent studies have suggested that branchiomeric
musculature, similar to that observed for all other skeletal musculature, is derived
from paraxial mesoderm; more specifically from somitomeres and the cranial-most
occipital somites.
D. Occipital Somites. Myotomes from the occipital somites migrate anteriorly into the region
of the developing oral cavity (stomodeum and cranial foregut) and subsequently differentiate
to form the tongue musculature (intrinsic and extrinsic).

A. Failure of somite(s) to develop.
1. Failure of somites to appear during early development will produce a shortened body
axis accompanied by a reduction in the number of spinal nerves. Conversely, extra
somites produce an elongated body axis accompanied by an increase in spinal nerves.
2. Congenital scoliosis. Individuals are born with one or more hemivertebrae (half-
a) The developmental basis for forming half vertebrae can result from asymmetrical:
somite formation, i.e., somites do not form in pairs; formation of primary and
secondary sclerotomes; formation of the bilateral ossifications centers for the
cartilaginous model of the vertebral body.
b) Failure of a somite to appear on one side would be reflected by absence of the
corresponding spinal nerve, i.e, a myotome was never present to induce nerve
formation. Later regression or degeneration of a normally formed somite may
produce skeletal (sclerotomic) or muscle (myotomic) defects without reducing the
number of spinal nerves.
B. Failure or incomplete migration of the hypomere within the primitive body wall.
1. The body wall remains thin and transparent because the somatopleura lacks the
migratory somite derivatives; normal differentiation of the integumentary system
(epidermis as well as dermis) does not occur in the absence of underlying muscle.
2. Rupture of the persisting somatopleura is responsible for external exposure of the
viscera - thoracoschisis, gastroschisis, exstrophy of the bladder.


A. Skin receives major contributions from ectoderm and mesoderm germ layers.
B. Epidermis is derived from the ectoderm covering the outer surface of the embryo.
C. Dermis or corium is derived from mesoderm.
1. Dermis is derived from the dermatomic portion of the somite, somatic layer of the
primitive body wall (somatopleura), and in the head neural crest-derived
2. Normal differentiation of the epidermis and general integumentary structures (hair and
glands) appears to occur only in the presence of underlying skeletal muscle.


A. Epidermis
1. Initially, the ectodermal epithelium covering the embryo is composed of a simple
cuboidal epithelium. A second outer layer of cells termed periderm is formed and later
lost. The deeper layer of cuboidal cells will form the basal cell layer (stratum basal e)
of the epidermis.
2. An intermediate layer of cells accumulates below the periderm which forms three layers
of keratinocytes: stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and stratum corneum.
3. Vernix caseosa: is a white fatty secretion product produced by the fetal sebaceous
glands; it is particularly thick over the scalp, back and skin creases around joints.
B. Pigment cells
1. Neural crest cells appear in the deepest layer of the developing epidermis (basal cell
layer) during the first month of fetal life and subsequently complete their differentiation
into melanocytes.
2. Pigmentation (moles) and vascular (angiomas) malformations are minor development
anomalies and can be found in almost any body area; most are small and insignificant.
Occasionally, however, these malformations may be quite large and are disfiguring
when present on the face, scalp or neck, e.g., deeply pigmented and elevated nevi,
port wine stain.


A. General Development. All of the specialized integumentary structures (glands, hair, teeth,
nails) are formed by the same basic developmental process, i.e., proliferation of the basal
cell layer of the epidermis into the underlying mesenchyme.
B. Mammary Glands. Mammary glands are the most characteristic feature of mammals and
are the first specialized integumentary structures to appear.
1. Mammary ridge: an ectodermal band that appears on the anterior body wall during the
sixth week of embryonic life and extends caudally from the axillary to the inguinal
region. In humans, mammae are restricted to the pectoral region and as a
consequence, portions of the mammary line cranial and caudal to this area regress.

2. Lactiferous ducts: in the pectoral region, 16-24 solid cords of epithelial cells appear
within a small circumscribed (nipple) area and continue to grow and branch within the
adjacent mesenchyme. Canalization occurs during the latter half of pregnancy. The
mammary gland of the newborn consists primarily of proximal ducts with a few
rudimentary acini.
3. Witch's milk: a secretory product of the newborn mammae, is thought to be produced
as a result of high levels of fetal steroids (estrogen and progesterone) and placental
lactogen. The rudimentary acini regress and secretion ceases as hormone levels
decline following parturition.
4. Developmental defects.
a) Polythelia or extra nipples is very common and may occur as elevated or
pedunculated pigmented 'moles' anywhere along the mammary line, i.e., axilla to
medial surface of the thigh.
b) Polymastia or extra mammary glands is very rare but they have been reported
from the axilla to the medial surface of the thigh.
c) Amastia or complete absence of a mammary gland on one or both sides is so
rare that the defect is almost nonexistent.
C. Teeth
1. Dental laminae for the upper and lower jaws appear in the stomodeal (ectodermal)
portion of the oral cavity during the seventh week of development; the two laminae will
subsequently form enamel organs for all of the deciduous (20) and permanent (32)
2. Ameloblasts of the ectodermally derived enamel organ will secrete only the enamel
covering for the crown of the tooth.
3. Odontoblasts originating from the neural crest ectomesenchyme of the dental papilla
will form the dentin for all remaining parts of the tooth, i.e., dentin supporting the
enamel and forming the roots of the tooth.
4. The enamel organs for the 32 permanent teeth begin to appear during fetal life,
however their formation is not complete at birth. The enamel organs for the last
permanent molars (wisdom teeth) develop at about the age of five years. Tetracycline,
which localizes in mineralizing tissues, should be used with caution in pregnant women,
infants and young children.
5. Developmental defects. Some abnormalities in tooth morphology and number are
familial traits; most if not all, appear to be inherited as autosomal dominants.
D. Hair
1. Hair follicles first appear on the head and face during the third month.
2. Lanugo hair is very fine and dense hair which covers the developing fetus. It is
normally shed before or shortly after birth.
E. Sebaceous glands
1. Primordia for sebaceous glands usually develop from the epithelial cells of hair fOllicles
and are, therefore, somewhat later to appear (4-5 months) than the other
integumentary structures.
2. The central cells of the gland primordia undergo fatty degeneration of the holocrine
type to form the fatty component of the vernix caseosa.

F. Sweat glands: unbranched epithelial cords forming the sweat gland primordia appear during
the third month and canalize a short time later.
G. Nails
1. The plate-like epithelial folds forming the primordia for nails appear near the tips of the
digits during the third month. Nail folds migrate to a more proximal location on the
dorsal aspect of the digits; dorsal migration may explain why the nails and adjacent
skin are innervated by nerves derived from ventral cutaneous nerves.
2. Nails grow slowly during fetal life and reach the tip of the digits about the time of



A. Branchial apparatus is a series of structural complexes (branchial arches) which surround
the pharynx.
B. Evolutionary Importance. The branchial apparatus in primitive chordates gives rise to the
gills which are associated with feeding and respiration.
C. Human Development. Branchial apparatus is present during early development. The
branchial apparatus undergoes a dramatic process of morphogenesis. Almost all of the
structures found in the adult human head and neck are associated with the development
and differentiation of the branchial arches.


A. Head Folding
1. The oropharyngeal membrane and cardiogenic region, which are cranial to the
notochord, are "swung" ventrally and caudally.
2. The foregut is formed as a result of head folding.
B. Branchiomeric Mesenchyme
1. Cephalic neural crest ectomesenchyme. Most of the branchiomeric mesenchyme
originates from cephalic neural crest cells. These cells migrate laterally and ventrally to
the pharynx where they rapidly proliferate and replace the lateral plate mesoderm.
These cells form the skeleton and connective tissue that develops from the branchial
2. Cephalic paraxial mesoderm. Cephalic paraxial mesoderm is organized into
somitomeres. Mesodermal cells, equivalent to the myotome that forms from somites,
migrates along with neural crest cells to form the branchial apparatus. These cells will
give rise to branchiomeric musculature.
C. Stomodeum
1. Stomodeum is ectodermal lined depression that forms as result of proliferation of
mesenchyme around the circumference of the oropharyngeal membrane.
2. Oropharyngeal membrane initially separates stomodeum and foregut (pharynx).
Later will degenerate allowing communication between stomodeum and foregut.
3. Stomodeum will form the anterior 2/3 of the definitive oral cavity. The posterior 1/3
develops from foregut.

4. Rathke's pouch. An ectodermal outgrowth from the roof of the stomodeum that forms
the primordium of the adenohypophysis.


A. Branchial Arches
1. Branchial apparatus is composed of a series of swellings, branchial arches, that occur
around the pharynx.
2. Six branchial arches develop.
a) Branchial arches are numbered in craniocaudal sequence.
b) The fifth arch is rudimentary and transitory and not considered to give rise to any
adult structures.
c) The first arch is separated into two paired prominences, maxillary prominences
and mandibular prominences.
3. Branchiomeric mesenchyme. Each branchial arch consists of a central core of
branchiomeric mesenchyme containing 4 structural components.
a) Paired aortic arches. These participate in formation of the definitive arterial
vasculature in the root of the neck; aorta, common carotids, right subclavian, and
pulmonary arteries.
b) A cartilaginous bar. All branchial arch cartilages give rise to adult skeletal
structures. Branchial arch cartilages contribute to the viscerocranium,
neurocranium (a small portion), hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilages.
c) A cranial nerve. Each branchial arch receives a specific cranial nerve that will
provide afferent and efferent innervation for all derivatives of that specific
branchial arch.
d) A muscular component. Each branchial arch receives myoblasts from cephalic
paraxial mesoderm (somitomeres). Branchiomeric muscles receive their
innervation from cranial nerves that go to a specific branchial arch. The
musculature developing in association with the branchial apparatus receives
special visceral efferent innervation.
4. Boundaries of branchial arches. Each arch is delineated by branchial grooves and
pharyngeal pouches which, like the arches, are numbered; both grooves and
pouches are located caudal to the arch with the corresponding number. The caudal
limits of the sixth arch are not indicated by the presence of grooves and pouches and
as a consequent it is directly continuous with the post-branchial body wall.
B. Branchial Grooves. There are four external, ectoderm-lined, grooves separating each
branchial arch.
C. Pharyngeal Pouches. There are four internal, endoderm-lined, evaginations from the
pharynx separating each branchial arch.
D. Branchial Membrane. There are four regions between each branchial arch where the
ectoderm of the branchial groove and the endoderm of the pharyngeal pouch become
closely apposed.


A. Ectodermal Epithelium. The ectodermal epithelium of the stomodeum, branchial arches and
grooves is the presumptive integumentary epithelium for the future oral cavity and skin. All
of the ectodermal epithelial areas will receive their general somatic afferent innervation from
the nerves of the arches involved, i.e., the stomodeal portions of the nasal cavities and

anterior oral cavity receive these fibers from the maxillary (v2) and mandibular (V3) divisions
of the trigeminal nerve.
B. Branchial Groove 1
1. External auditory canal. The first branchial groove persists as the external auditory
2. Tympanic membrane. The first branchial membrane persists to form the tympanic
3. Innervation. The general somatic afferent innervation for this area is derived from the
nerves of the adjacent arches, i.e., trigeminal and facial, with minor contributions from
glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.
C. Branchial Grooves 2, 3, and 4
1. Regression of branchial grooves 2-4. All branchial grooves caudal to the first are
2. Cervical sinus. During regression of the branchial grooves a deep ectodermal-lined
depression, the cervical sinus, forms on the lateral side of the neck connecting with
deep lying branchial grooves. Normally the cervical sinus is lost and the neck obtains
its smooth adult contour.


A. Branchial Arch 1
1. Skeleton - Meckel's cartilage
a) Forms the malleus and incus by endochondral ossification, fibrous anterior
malleolar and sphenomandibular ligaments, and the fibrous core of mandible.
b) First arch mesenchyme will also form skeletal elements by intramembranous
(1) Maxillary prominence forms maxilla, zygomatic and temporal squama.
(2) Mandibular prominence forms mandible.
2. Cranial nerve.
a) Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (V2) innervates maxillary prominence.
b) Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (V3) innervates mandibular
3. Muscles.
a) Muscles only develop from mesenchyme in mandibular prominence.
b) Forms muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter, and medial and lateral
pterygoids), mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, and tensor veli
B. Branchial Arch 2
1. Skeleton - Reichert's cartilage. Forms stapes, styloid process, lesser cornu, and
upper half of hyoid bone by endochondral ossification and the stylohyoid ligament.
2. Cranial nerve. Facial nerve (VII) innervates second branchial arch.
3. Muscles.
a) Forms muscles of facial expression which migrate in superficial fascia throughout
head, neck and antero-superior thorax.
b) Forms stapedius, stylohyoid, and posterior belly of digastric.

C. Branchial Arch 3
1. Skeleton - Third arch cartilage. Forms greater cornu and lower half of hyoid bone by
endochondral ossification.
2. Cranial nerve. Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) innervates third branchial arch.
3. Muscles. Forms stylopharyngeus.
D. Branchial Arch 4
1. Skeleton - Fourth arch cartilage. Forms laryngeal cartilages.
2. Cranial nerve. Superior laryngeal branch of vagus nerve (X) innervates fourth
branchial arch.
3. Muscles. Forms constrictors of pharynx, cricothyroid, levator veli palatini
E. Branchial Arch 6
1. Skeleton - Sixth arch cartilage. Forms laryngeal cartilages.
2. Cranial nerve. Recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus nerve (X) innervates sixth
branchial arch.
3. Muscles. Forms intrinsic muscles of larynx.


A. Pharyngeal Pouch 1
1. The first pouch forms the pharyngotympanic tube (Eustachian), cavity of the middle
ear and inner mucosal layer of the tympanic membrane.
2. Dorsal expansion of the first pouch surrounds the bones developing from the dorsal
ends of Meckel's (malleus and incus) and Reichert's (stapes) cartilages and
establishes the definitive relationship of ear ossicles traversing the cavity of the middle
B. Pharyngeal Pouch 2. The second pouch forms the epithelium and crypts of the palatine
tonsil; the lymphocytes will migrate into this area later.
C. Pharyngeal Pouch 3
1. The third pouch forms the inferior parathyroids and the endodermal primordium for
the epithelial reticulum of the definitive thymus; lymphocytes begin to invade the
thymic epithelial cords at about nine weeks.
2. These structures lose their association with the pharynx and migrate caudally.
D. Pharyngeal Pouch 4
1. The fourth pouch forms the superior parathyroids and ultimobranchial body.
2. The superior parathyroids break free from the pharynx and migrate caudally.
3. The parafollicular cells develop in association with the ultimobranchial body and invade
the developing thyroid gland.


A. Branchial sinus, cyst or fistula
1. These malformations are associated with maldevelopment of branchial grooves 2-4
and the cervical sinus.
2. They are located in the side of the neck just under or anterior to the

B. First arch syndrome
1. This syndrome is the result of insufficient migration of neural crest cells into the first
branchial arch.
2. Malformations include those of the ear, mandible, zygoma, and palate.
C. DiGeorge Syndrome
1. The third pharyngeal pouches do not develop properly.
2. This syndrome is characterized by thymic agenesis with impaired cell mediated
immunity and with hypoparathyroidism and tetany.
3. Associated heart malformations include abnormalities in division of truncus arteriosus
and bulbus cordis.
D. Ectopic Glandular Tissue
1. Any of the glands (thymus, superior parathyroids and inferior parathyroids) may be
ectopic in location.
2. This is the result of abnormal migration away from the pharynx.



A. Five Facial Primordia. All of the facial primordia surround the stomodeum and form the
boundaries of the primitive oral opening; these primordia are the: frontonasal prominence,
maxillary prominences and the mandibular prominences.
1. Frontonasal Prominence. The superior boundary of the stomodeum is formed by the
unpaired frontonasal prominence; it will ultimately form facial areas above the external
nares and tip of the nose. Most of the structures developing from the frontonasal
prominence will be innervated by the ophthalmic division (V1) of the trigeminal nerve.
2. Maxillary Prominences. The lateral boundaries of the stomodeum are formed by the
paired maxillary prominences of the first branchial arch; they will ultimately form most
of the facial areas between the external nares and superior boundary of the definitive
oral opening, i.e., upper jaw. The maxillary division (V2) of the trigeminal nerve will
supply almost all of the structures developing from the maxillary portion of the first
branchial arch.
3. Mandibular Prominences. The inferior boundary of the stomodeum is formed by the
paired mandibular prominences of the first branchial arch; they will ultimately form
facial areas below the definitive oral opening. Structures originating from this
primordium will be innervated by the mandibular division (V3) of the trigeminal nerve.
B. Differentiation of the Frontonasal Prominences
1. Superior (frontal) portion. Forms the frontal (forehead) and interorbital areas of the
face and the dorsum of the nose; near the midline, significant contributions are also
made to the supra-and infraorbital areas.
2. Inferior (nasal) portion. Forms the nasal placodes with their associated medial and
lateral nasal prominences; subsequent differentiation of the lateral and medial nasal
prominences and formation of the upper jaw requires contact and fusion with the
subjacent maxillary prominences.
a) Nasal placodes.
(1) Nasal placodes originate as localized thickenings in the superficial ectoderm
immediately above the nasolacrimal groove separating the frontonasal and
maxillary prominences. A short time later, accumulations of mesenchyme

around the periphery of the placodes elevates the adjacent ectoderm above
the placode to produce the nasal pit.
(2) Primary sensory neurons differentiate in the placode epithelium to form
olfactory neurons. Centrally directed processes grow into the underlying
telencephalon and make synaptic connections with secondary sensory
neurons developing in the olfactory lobes.
b) Lateral nasal prominences.
(1) Proliferation of mesenchyme enclosing the superior and lateral aspects of
the nasal pit.
(2) Maxillary prominences grow toward the midline bringing the maxillary and
lateral nasal prominences into apposition. After contact and fusion, the
lateral nasal prominences form the sides of the nose, i.e., nasal alae.
c) Medial nasal prominences.
(1) Proliferation of mesenchyme enclosing the superior and medial aspects of
the nasal pit.
(2) Medial nasal prominences merge together to form the right and left halves of
the very prominent median nasal prominence. Continuing growth of the
maxillary prominences toward the midline brings them into contact with the
centrally located median nasal prominence. After fusion the median nasal
and maxillary prominences form the central and lateral areas of the upper
jaw primordium.
C. Differentiation of the Median Nasal and Maxillary Prominences
1. Superficial contributions. The labial or superficial portion of the median nasal
prominence forms the philtrum or central area of the upper lip while lateral areas are
formed by the superficial part of the maxillary prominences.
2. Deep contributions.
a) Median nasal prominence.
(1) Medial portion of the maxilla (premaxilla) which is associated with incisor
teeth, i.e., the intermaxillary portion of the adult human maxilla.
(2) primary palate (median palatine process) and the nasal septum.
b) Maxillary prominence.
(1) Lateral portion of the maxilla (maxilla proper) which is associated with the
canine and post-canine (premolars and molars) teeth.
(2) Secondary palate (lateral palatine processes).
D. Differentiation of the Mandibular Prominences. The mandibular prominences of the first
branchial arch fuse across the midline to form primordium of the lower jaw and inferior
boundary of the definitive oral opening.
E. Facial Musculature
1. Muscles of facial expression. The frontonasal prominence and first branchial arch
(maxillary and mandibular prominences) are secondarily invaded by myoblasts
originating from the second arch. These migratory myoblasts retain their innervation
by the nerve to the second branchial arch, the facial nerve (VII).
2. Muscles of mastication. The branchiomeric mesenchyme of the mandibular
prominence differentiates into the masticatory muscles and retains it innervation from
the mandibular division (V3) of the trigeminal nerve.
F. Facial Development During Fetal Life. Complete facial development occurs slowly and is
effected primarily by changes in the proportion and relative positions of the five primordia.

Enlargement of the developing brain (especially the telencephalon) produces a prominent
forehead and appears to be instrumental in moving the laterally placed eyes to their
definitive frontal position. Differentiation of the mandibular prominences forming the lower
jaw appears to elevate the ears.


A. Nasal pits and sacs. Ectoderm-lined depressions that result from proliferation of
mesenchyme in lateral and medial nasal prominences.
B. Oronasal membrane.
1. Initially separates paired nasal cavities from oral cavity.
2. Rupture of oronasal membrane. Rupture of membrane allows continuity between
paired nasal cavities and oral cavity.


A. The definitive palate separating the dorsal (respiratory) and ventral (digestive) passages at
stomodeal levels is formed by fusion of the primary and secondary palates.
1. Primary palate is a wedge-shaped structure originating from the deep portion of the
median nasal prominence, i.e., the palatine process.
2. Secondary palate is formed by fusion of the lateral palatine processes originating
from the deep portion of the maxillary prominences.
B. Fusion of palatine process and lateral palatine processes. The initial fusion occurs rostrally
between the right and left sides of the median palatine process and the cranial ends of the
lateral palatine processes; the fusion then progresses caudally to meet at the apex of the
wedge, i.e., future incisive area. Subsequent fusions caudal to the incisive area involves
only the lateral palatine prominences and the inferior edge of the nasal septum; the palatine
raphe permanently marks the fusion site of the lateral palatine process. In the adult, the
incisive papilla indicates the approximate boundary between the primary and secondary
palates; in macerated skulls, the landmark is the incisive foramen.
C. Developmental Defects.
1. Anterior cleft malformations - Cleft lip
a) Results from incomplete fusion of maxillary prominence with medial nasal
b) These malformations may be classified.
(1) Incomplete or complete cleft lip depending on whether only superficial or
superfiCial and deep structures are involved.
(2) Unilateral or bilateral cleft lip.
2. Posterior cleft malformations - Cleft palate
a) Results from incomplete fusion of lateral palatine processes with each other,
median nasal septum and median palatine process.
b) These malformations may be classified.
(1) Incomplete or complete cleft palate depending on extent lateral palatine
processes fail to fuse.
(2) Unilateral of bilateral cleft palate.
3. Anterior and posterior cleft malformations may occur separately or may occur together.

A. Tongue Development
1. Anterior two-thirds.
a) Median tongue bud. Median swelling in first branchial arch lining stomodeum.
b) Distal tongue buds. Develop lateral to median tongue bud on first branchial arch.
Overgrow median tongue and give rise to anterior two-thirds of tongue.
2. Posterior one-third.
a) Copula. Median swelling of second branchial arch.
b) Hypobranchial eminence. Large median swelling of third and fourth branchial
arches. Overgrows copula to form posterior one-third of tongue.
B. Innervation
1. The mucosa for the anterior two-thirds of the tongue develops from the stomodeal
ectoderm of the first branchial arch. It receives its general somatic afferent innervation
from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3 ).
2. Because of the overlapping pattern for general and special afferent innervation in the
oropharyngeal mucosa, the first arch area receives its special taste fibers from the
facial nerve (VII) via the chorda tympani.
3. The mucosa of the posterior one-third of the tongue develops from the pharyngeal
endoderm of the third arch (cranial part of hypobranchial eminence); it receives general
visceral afferent fibers and special visceral afferent fibers for taste from the
glossopharyngeal nerve (IX). The vagus nerve (X) innervates the most posterior
part of the tongue.
C. Musculature
1. OCCipital myotomes. Myoblasts migrate from occipital myotomes into the developing
tongue to form all the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles.
2. Innervation. The hypoglossal nerve (XII) follows the migrating OCCipital myoblasts
and supplies their general somatic efferent innervation.


A. Development
1. Thyroid primordium develops as a midline endodermal invagination in the floor of the
pharynx at the foramen cecum.
2. Descends at end of thyroglossal duct in midline of neck to reach adult location.
3. Thyroglossal duct degenerates.
B. Developmental Defects
1. Thyroglossal duct may persist as midline thyroglossal cyst or sinus.
2. EctopiC thyroid gland. Thyroid gland may not descend to normal adult location.



A. Separation of Respiratory Primordium From Pharyngeal Foregut
1. Laryngotracheal groove. The primordium for the lower portion of the respiratory
system appears during differentiation of the branchial apparatus and is first seen as a
midline laryngotracheal groove in the floor of the pharyngeal foregut.

2. Laryngotracheal diverticulum. The caudal portion of the laryngotracheal groove
expands ventrally to form the laryngotracheal diverticulum. Continued ventral
expansion forms the lung bud.
3. Tracheoesophageal folds. Separation of the respiratory primordium from the
pharyngeal foregut is the result of laryngotracheal folds which subsequently fuse
across the midline to form a tracheoesophageal septum.
4. Laryngotracheal tube. The tracheoesophageal septum divides the cranial part of the
foregut into a ventral portion, the laryngotracheal tube (primordium of the larynx,
trachea, bronchi, and lungs), and a dorsal portion (primordium of the oropharynx and
B. Development of the Larynx
1. Glottis. The communication between the laryngotracheal groove and pharyngeal
lumen persists as the laryngeal orifice or glottis.
2. Epiglottis is formed by the adjacent hypobranchial eminence (caudal part)
3. Laryngeal cartilages are formed by fourth and sixth arch cartilages, except for the
C. Developmental Defects.
1. Tracheoesophageal fistula involves abnormal communication between esophagus
and trachea. Most common type is associated with esophageal stenosis or atresia.
Results from defective formation of the tracheoesophageal septum.
2. Associated conditions may be present.
a) Problems associated with feeding.
b) Polyhydramnios. Excess amniotic fluid due to problems with swallowing
amniotic fluid.


A. Lung Bud.
1. Endodermallined diverticulum surrounded by splanchnic mesoderm grows ventrally
and caudally from laryngotracheal diverticulum.
2. Divides into two bronchial buds.
B. Bronchial Buds.
1. Form primary bronchi.
2. Lateral growth of the bronchial buds. They project into the pleural portion of the
embryonic coelom and carry with them a layer of splanchnic mesoderm which forms
the visceral pleura and other stromal elements for the lung.
C. Subdivision of Primary Bronchi.
1. Primary bronchi subdivide into secondary bronchi.
2. Secondary bronchi undergo repeated divisions to produce tertiary or segmental
3. Tertiary bronchi continue to divide to form respiratory bronchioles.


A. Stages of Lung Development. Lung development is usually divided into four stages which
may overlap by several weeks because differentiation in the apical portions of the lung
occurs earlier than comparable changes in the basal areas.

1. Glandular or Pseudoglandular Period (weeks 5-17). Only the conducting system
develops during this stage, i.e., through the terminal bronchioles.
2. Canalicular Period (weeks 13-25). Luminal diameter of the conducting system
increases and development of respiratory areas (respiratory bronchioles) begins. At
the end of this period, a few terminal sacs with flattened epithelium (primitive alveoli)
begin to appear.
3. Terminal Sac Period (weeks 24 to birth). As the name implies, this period is
characterized by the development of large numbers of terminal sacs and is
accompanied by a marked increase in vascularity. By the 28th week of development,
the respiratory area and vascularity are adequate for survival of premature infants.
Surface area for gaseous exchange and vascularity appear to be more important to
survival than epithelial flattening, i.e., differentiation of alveolar type I epithelial cells.
Surfactant producing alveolar type II cells begin to appear at about 28 weeks.
Terminal sacs or 'primitive alveoli' are considered to correspond to the alveolar ducts of
the adult lung.
4. Alveolar Period (late fetal to 8 years). During infancy and early childhood, the number
of primitive alveoli is increased by distal proliferation as the more proximal areas
differentiate into alveolar ducts and mature alveoli. The rate of proliferation declines
during late childhood when the rate of maturation begins to exceed the rate of
proliferation. Unlike primitive alveoli, the mature alveoli cannot proliferate to form new
generations of alveoli.
B. Developmental Defects. Although prematurity is not a developmental defect, the high
mortality rate in premature infants is frequently associated with respiratory problems. The
single most crucial period occurs during terminal sac formation (Stage 3). In infants
delivered before the 28th week, the vascularity and surface area available for gaseous
exchange are usually inadequate for survival. The chances for survival increase after the
28th week but may be complicated by hyaline membrane disease or respiratory distress
syndrome of the newborn. An important contributing factor in development of hyaline
membrane disease is a defiCiency or absence of pulmonary surfactant. In pregnancies
with complications, lung maturation can be monitored by surfactant levels in the amniotic


A. Basic Organization of Gut Tube
1. The digestive system acquires its basic tubular configuration as a result of body folding.
The primitive foregut, midgut and hindgut regions are identifiable by the fourth week
of development.
2. The endoderm of the primitive gut will persist to form the epithelial parenchyma for all
segments of the definitive gut, for all parts of the respiratory system caudal to the
stomodeum, and for the accessory digestive glands (liver and pancreas). Stromal
elements for all of these structures will differentiate from the associated layer of
splanchnic mesoderm.
3. The most cephalic levels of the oral cavity and caudal levels of the anal canal do not
originate from the primitive gut. The ectodermal epithelium in these areas is derived
from the stomodeum and proctodeum, respectively.

4. Dorsal Mesentery. After coelom formation and development of the body folds, the
tubular gut is suspended from the dorsal midline of the body wall by double layers of
splanchnic mesoderm which form the primitive dorsal mesentery.
5. Ventral Mesentery. A ventral connection between the tubular gut and anterior body
wall is found only at the caudal or venous end of the embryonic heart; this 'primitive
ventral mesentery' is the important developmental landmark known as the septum
B. Differentiation of the Foregut
1. Foregut derivatives. In craniocaudal sequence, the digestive portion of the foregut
forms the posterior one-third of the oral cavity, oropharynx, esophagus, stomach and
upper half of the duodenum including the common bile duct and liver as well as the
pancreatic ducts and pancreas (endocrine and exocrine).
2. Vasculature. Definitive foregut areas are supplied by branches from the external
carotids, small vessels arising directly from the thoracic aorta and the celiac artery.
3. Developmental defects. Due to the common origin from the foregut of the trachea and
esophagus, defective partitioning by the laryngotracheal folds and/or the
tracheoesophageal septum may give rise to stenotic and/or atretic segments in one or
both structures or to fistulous connections between the trachea and esophagus.
C. Differentiation of the Midgut
1. Gut rotation.
a) The midgut loop, when viewed from the ventral aspect, undergoes a single,
counterclockwise rotation of approximately 270 degrees. The axis for
rotation is formed by the superior mesenteric artery and stalk of the yolk sac.
Complete rotation occurs over a period of several weeks.
b) Herniation phase. The midgut loop herniates into the umbilical
(extraembryonic) coelom around the sixth week of development, presumably
due to rapid growth of gut tube. Within the umbilical coelom, the midgut loop
undergoes an initial rotation of 90 degrees, i.e., cranial limb to the right, caudal
limb to the left.
c) Return phase. During the tenth week the intestines return to the abdomen. The
cranial limb begins to retract first and undergoes a counterclockwise rotation of
180 degrees to pass down and under the rotational axis (superior mesenteric
artery) and under the more slowly developing caudal limb. The return phase is
completed when the lagging caudal limb has returned to the abdominal cavity but
gut rotation is not complete until all of the visceral structures have reached their
definitive positions. It should be noted that after completion of the return phase,
the cecum is still located near the liver in the upper right quadrant. Continuing
growth of adjacent areas during the post-return period allows the cecum to
descend and eventually reach its definitive location. Gut rotation is complete only
when the cecum is positioned in the lower right quadrant of the abdominal cavity.
d) After gut rotation, the original midline attachment of the primitive dorsal mesentery
will be altered by secondary fusions to produce the attachment sites seen in the
definitive dorsal mesentery of the adult; the latter process is referred to as gut
fixation. During fixation, the mesentery of the gut segment being "fixed" is lost by
fusion with the peritoneum covering adjacent areas of the body wall and in the
process, the corresponding gut segment usually becomes retroperitoneal.

2. Midgut derivatives. The definitive midgut forms the duodenum below the origin of the
common bile duct, the jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending colon and
transverse colon to a point near the splenic flexure; all derivatives begin their
differentiation during gut rotation.
3. Vasculature. Definitive midgut areas are supplied by the superior mesentery artery;
some overlap with foregut vasculature (celiac) and hindgut (inferior mesenteric) occurs
in junctional areas.
4. Developmental defects.
a) Omphalocele. The presence of abdominal viscera in a persistent umbilical
coelom covered by amnion produces an omphalocele and may be the result of
incomplete return of the midgut loop.
b) Malrotation. Results from incomplete or clockwise rotation. Complications
include duodenal obstruction, volvulus and intussusception.
c) Yolk stalk defects.
(1) Remnants of the yolk stalk (Meckel's diverticulum) are found in about 2
percent of the adult population and are usually asymptomatic; they are
always located on the antimesenteric border of the ileum about 18-25 inches
above the ileocecal junction.
(2) Persistence of the entire yolk stalk produces a connection between the
terminal ileum and anterior body wall at the umbilicus; the connection may
be fibrous, fibrocystic or fistulous if completely canalized.
d) Stenosis, atresia or lumenal duplications. Because the gut lumen is normally
occluded during early stages of development, stenosis, atresia and luminal
duplications can occur if recanalization fails-to occur or if the recanalization
process is abnormal. These occur most frequently in areas with small luminal
diameters during development, esophagus or duodenum. In newborn frequently
associated with projectile vomiting; a clue to the exact level of obstruction may be
provided by the presence or absence of bile stained vomitus. Such obstructions
may be associated with polyhydramnios.
e) Pyloric sphincter hypertrophy. Thought to have a genetic basis and is more
prevalent in males.
D. Differentiation of the Hindgut
1. Cloaca.
a) The terminal position of the primitive hindgut is expanded to form the cloaca. The
cloaca forms the terminal portion of the digestive, urinary and reproductive
b) Urorectal septum. Development of the urorectal septum and its subsequent
fusion with the cloacal membrane divides the common cloacal chamber into
dorsal (rectal) and ventral (urogenital) cavities; the same fusion also divides the
cloacal membrane into dorsal (anal) and ventral (urogenital) membranes.
c) Proctodeum. Mesodermal cells will accumulate around the periphery of the anal
membrane to produce the ectodermal-lined anal pit or proctodeum; subsequent
degeneration of the membrane produces the definitive anal opening and the lower
one-third of the anal canal.
2. Hindgut derivatives. The digestive portion of the hindgut contributes to the formation of
the descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and upper two-thirds of the anal canal;

the lower one-third develops from the proctodeum. The junction of endodermal and
ectodermal areas is indicated by the pectinate-line at the level of the anal valves.
3. Vasculature. Digestive derivatives of the hindgut are supplied by the inferior
mesenteric artery with additional contributions to the lower rectum from the middle
(internal iliac) and inferior (internal pudendal) rectal arteries; some overlap with
vasculature of the midgut (superior mesenteric) occurs near the splenic flexure.
4. Developmental defects.
a) Anorectal anomalies. Most anorectal anomalies result from abnormal
development of the urorectal septum. Abnormalities in formation and fusion of the
urorectal septum may result in fistulous connections between the rectum and
urogenital sinus with or without abnormal terminations of the urinary and genital
ducts. Failure of the anal membrane to rupture results in imperforate anus.
b) Congenital megacolon (Hirschsprung's disease) is caused by defective
development of the myenteric plexus and is attributed to failure of migratory
neural crest cells to invade the developing musculature. Absence of peristaltic
movement in the involved segments creates an obstruction resulting in the
accumulation of gut contents in normal gut above the lesion.
E. Accessory Digestive Structures
1. Pancreas.
a) The pancreas develops from dorsal and ventral evaginations from the foregut
endoderm. The larger and more cephalic dorsal bud grows cranially and extends
into the developing greater omentum. The smaller and more caudally located
ventral bud turns dorsally to reach the duodenal mesentery and fuses with the
dorsal outgrowth. After fusion, the duct of the ventral outgrowth becomes the
terminal portion of the main pancreatic duct while that of the dorsal outgrowth
persists as the accessory pancreatic duct.
b) Derivatives. The dorsal bud forms almost all of the adult pancreas (upper half of
the head, neck, body, tail). The ventral bud forms the lower part of the head and
uncinate process. The endocrine portion of the pancreas (islets of Langerhans)
proliferates as solid epithelial cords from the duct system of the exocrine
pancreas. Insulin secretion begins about the middle of gestation.
c) Vasculature. The pancreas receives its arterial blood supply via branches from
the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries. Despite its dual blood supply the
pancreas is considered a foregut derivative.
2. Liver, gall bladder and biliary ducts.
a) The liver arises as a ventral evagination (hepatic diverticulum) from the most
caudal level of the foregut ectoderm. The diverticulum, which persists throughout
life as the common bile duct, grows ventrally to invade the mesenchyme of the
septum transversum and forms the hepatic duct, cystic duct, gall bladder, and
b) Hematopoiesis begins in the liver during the second month of development and
although the developing bone marrow (primary ossification centers) begins to
produce blood cells during the third month, hematopoietic foci are still present in
the liver at birth. At the beginning of the fetal period (nine weeks), the liver
comprises 10 percent of the fetal mass.
c) Vasculature. The liver receives its arterial blood supply from the hepatic branch
of the celiac artery.

A. Foregut Mesenteries
1. Mesoesophagus. Cranial to the septum transversum (future diaphragm), the dorsal
mesentery of the foregut is broad and indistinct and at this time, the esophagus with its
robust layer of splanchnic mesoderm (including the mesoesophagus) is commonly
referred to as the primitive mediastinum. The term primitive mediastinum is used to
indicate the importance of this area during subsequent partitioning of the coelomic
space into separate pericardial, pleural and peritoneal cavities. The splanchnic
mesoderm of the mesoesophagus is eventually incorporated into the connective
tissues of definitive mediastinal structures.
2. Mesogastrium (Greater Omentum). The spleen (lien) develops as a localized
accumulation of mesenchymal cells around blood vessels located in the mesogastrium;
after the spleen appears, the following subdivisions (peritoneal ligaments} can be
recognized in the greater omentum.
a} gastrophrenic - between the stomach and diaphragm above the spleen.
b} gastrolienal- between the stomach and spleen.
c} lienorenal - between the spleen and kidney.
d} phrenicocolic - between the diaphragm and transverse colon.
e} gastrocolic - between stomach and transverse colon.
f} omental apron - covers but is unattached to the remaining abdominal viscera.
3. Mesoduodenum. The dorsal mesentery is lost during fixation when the duodenum and
its associated pancreatic primordia become retroperitoneal.
B. Midgut Mesenteries
1. Mesentery of the small intestine. The definitive mesentery for the jejunum and ileum is
derived almost entirely from the mesentery supporting the cranial limb of the midgut
loop during gut rotation; a small segment for the terminal ileum originates from the
mesentery of the caudal limb.
2. Mesoappendix. The mesentery of the appendix represents a small and insignificant
derivative of the mesentery for the caudal limb of the midgut loop.
3. Ascending mesocolon. The mesentery of the ascending colon is normally lost when
the ascending colon becomes retroperitoneal by fixation to the right posterior body.
4. Transverse mesocolon. The primitive transverse mesocolon fuses with the posterior
fold or leaf of the greater omentum to form the definitive transverse mesocolon of the
C. Hindgut Mesenteries
1. Descending mesocolon. The cephalic portion of the mesentery is normally lost when
the descending colon becomes retroperitoneal by fixation to the left posterior body.
2. Sigmoid mesocolon. Incomplete fusion allows the caudal most portion of the
descending mesocolon to persist as the mesentery of the sigmoid colon.


A. Lesser Omentum. The lesser omentum is a peritoneal reflection formed as the liver and
common bile duct grow beyond the confines of the septum transversum; it is comprised of
two peritoneal ligaments.
1. Hepatogastric ligament: between the liver and lesser curvature of the stomach.

2. Hepatoduodenal ligament: free edge of the lesser omentum containing the common
bile duct, hepatic artery, and portal vein.
B. Hepatic Ligaments. The hepatic ligaments are peritoneal reflections formed when the liver
grows beyond the septum transversum and in the process, separates the umbilical vein from
the anterior body wall.
1. Falciform ligament: between the anterior body wall and liver; in the adult, its free edge
contains the fibrous remnant of the umbilical vein, i.e., ligamentum teres hepatis.
2. Coronary ligament: surrounds the bare areas of the liver and diaphragm; the right and
left triangular ligaments are part of the coronary ligament.


A. Kidney Formation
1. Three different urinary structures (pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros) are
formed during the course of early development from intermediate mesoderm. Each
urinary structure is comprised of a series of urinary tubules joined to excretory
urinary ducts terminating in the cloacal portion of the hindgut.
2. Pronephric Kidney.
a) Pronephroi develop at cervical levels and are the first to appear. They are very
rudimentary in placental mammals.
b) Pronephric tubules degenerate without a trace and are so transitory in humans
that they do not appear to develop in all human embryos.
c) Pronephric ducts degenerate cranially but persist at lower levels to serve as
excretory ducts for the more caudally located mesonephric tubules, i.e., they
become the mesonephric ducts.
3. Mesonephric Kidney.
a) Mesonephroi develop in intermediate mesoderm in thoracic and upper lumbar
regions. They function in excretion between the sixth and tenth weeks. In males,
a portion of them participate in forming male genital ducts. They regress in
b) Mesonephric tubules form excretory units which later degenerate. In males, a
few participate in formation of efferent ductules of the male genital system.
c) Mesonephric ducts form from pronephric ducts and drain the mesonephroi into
the cloaca. The mesonephric duct persists to form the ductus epididymis,
ductus deferens, seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct of the genital system.
4. Metanephric Kidney.
a) Metanephroi, adult functional kidney, develop in intermediate mesoderm in the
sacral region in response to inductive signals from the ureteric buds. They begin
to function in the tenth week of development.
b) Ureteric buds (metanephric diverticuli) develop as outgrowths from the terminal
part of the mesonephric ducts. Ureteric buds grow dorsally and cranially to
contact sacral intermediate mesoderm. The distal end of the ureteric bud will be
induced by intermediate mesoderm to undergo repeated divisions to form the
pelvis, major calyces, minor calyces and collecting ducts, up to and including
the arched collecting tubules, for each nephron.

c) Metanephrogenic blastema. Sacral intermediate mesoderm will condense around
the distal end of the ureteric bud to form the metanephrogenic blastema. The
blastema cells induce the ureteric bud to branch. Ureteric bud will induce the
metanephrogenic blastema to form the definitive nephrons; Bowman's capsule,
proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, and distal convoluted tubule.
d) The distal convoluted tubules (metanephrogenic mesoderm) connect with the
collecting tubules (ureteric bud) to form a functioning metanephric kidney during
the tenth week of development.
5. Ascent of the Adult Kidney.
a) The metanephric kidneys ascend from their sacral location to upper lumbar
b) As they ascend they are vascularized by a series of transient vessels off the
B. Formation of the Urinary Bladder and Urethra
1. Division of Cloaca. The cloaca is divided by the urorectal septum into the ventral
urogenital sinus and dorsal rectum.
2. Urogenital Sinus. The urogenital sinus will form from cranial to caudal: a vesicle part
(bladder attached cranially to allantois), pelvic part (males: prostatic urethra; females:
membranous urethra), and phallic part (males: spongy urethra; females: vestibule of
the vagina).
3. Trigone of the Bladder. The terminal portion of the mesonephric duct with its attached
ureteric bud is incorporated into the posterior wall of the urogenital sinus (trigone
area). In males, the incorporation occurs in such a way that the ureteric bud
terminates in the upper or urinary portion of the sinus with the mesonephric duct (vas
deferens) opening into the lower or genital (prostatic) portion of the sinus. A
comparable incorporation occurs in the female, but it is the terminal portion of the fused
Mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts which become associated with the genital portion of
the sinus.
C. Developmental Defects
1. Ascent of the Kidney.
a) Ectopic kidney may be located anywhere along path of ascent.
b) Abnormal rotational occurs when the kidney fails to rotate properly during
c) Horseshoe kidney is the result of fusion of the pole of the kidneys and ascent to
the level of the inferior mesenteric artery.
d) Accessory renal arteries are the result of inadequate regression of caudal
vessels during kidney ascent.
2. Duplication of Urinary Tract
a) Duplications of abdominal part of ureter and renal pelvis. These duplications are
fairly common and are the result of duplication of distal portion of ureteric bud.
b) Duplications of complete renal system. These duplications are the result of two
ureteric buds. The ureter from the cranial kidney is usually ectopic and drains
caudal to the ureter from the caudal kidney.
3. Ectopic Ureteric Orifices. In males, an ectopic ureter usually opens into the neck of the
bladder or prostatic portion of the urethra or more rarely into ductus deferens, prostatic
utricle or seminal vesicle. In females, an ectopic ureter may open into bladder neck,
urethra, vagina, or vestibule of the vagina. An ectopic ureter results in incontinence

with constant dribbling from the urethra in males and the urethra and/or vagina in
4. Renal Agenesis (unilateral or bilateral).
a) Renal agenesis results when either the ureteric buds fail to form or the buds fail to
contact intermediate mesoderm.
b) Bilateral renal agenesis is associated with oligohydramnios because no urine is
secreted into amniotic cavity. Infants with bilateral renal agenesis die shortly after


A. Determination of Genetic Sex
1. Genetic sex (XX or XV) is determined at the time of fertilization.
2. Gonadal type (ovary or testis) are determined by the genetic sex.
3. Genital duct and external genitalia development is not dependent on genetic sex.
Development is dependent on presence or absence of a testis. Differentiation of
genital ducts and external genitalia in females does not require hormonal stimulation
and will occur in the absence of ovaries.
B. Development of Gonads
1. Indifferent stage. Initial stages of gonadal development are similar in males and
a) Gonadal ridges forms on the medial side of the mesonephroi, produced by
proliferation of underlying mesenchyme.
b) Primary sex cords form as mesothelium grows into underlying mesenchyme.
c) Primordial germ cells are the progenitor cells of the gametes. They arise from
endodermal cells of the yolk sac and migrate through the dorsal mesentery to the
gonadal ridges.
d) Gonadal development dependent on the chromosomes present. The Y
chromosome has a strong, testis-determining effect on the indifferent gonad. The
absence of a Y chromosome results in the formation of an ovary.
2. Testes.
a) Seminiferous cords and tubules form from primary sex cords.
b) Primordial germ cells that entered primary sex cords form spermatogonia.
c) Spermatogenesis does not begin until puberty and continues throughout life.
d) Sertoli cells of the embryonic seminiferous tubules produce Mullerian inhibiting
substance, a peptide of member of the transforming growth factor family.
e) Interstitial cells of Leydig produce testosterone, an androgenic steroid.
3. Ovaries.
a) Cortical cords form from a secondary invasion of mesothelium into
mesenchyme. The primary sex cords are lost.
b) Primordial germ cells invade the cortical cords and form oogonia.
c) Oogonia begin the process of oogenesis during development. They enter the
first meiotic division to become primary oocytes and become arrested in prophase
d) Primordial follicles form when the cortical cords disrupt, forming a single layer of
follicle cells around the primary oocyte.
e) All gametes have developed into primary oocytes by the time of birth and remain
at this stage until stimulated to develop further during the reproductive cycle.

C. Development of Genital Ducts
1. Indifferent stage. During the indifferent stage of development every embryo possesses
the primordia for both male and female genital ducts, i.e., mesonephric and
Mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts.
2. Differentiation of genital duct primordium. The endocrine portion of the embryonic
testis becomes functional during the seventh week of development and produces
testosterone and Mullerian inhibiting substance which cause the indifferent genital
ducts to differentiate into those of a male.
3. Fate of the genital duct primordium
a) Males
(1) Testosterone. The presence of testosterone stimulates the growth and
development of the male primordia (mesonephric tubules and ducts) and
assures development of the appropriate genital ducts for a testis (efferent
ductules, ductus epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory
(2) Mullerian Inhibiting Substance. The presence of Mullerian Inhibiting
Substance causes the female primordia (Mullerian or paramesonephric
ducts) to degenerate. This is why remnants of the female genital ducts are
rare in normal males.
b) Females
(1) Absence of Mullerian Inhibiting Substance. The absence of Mullerian
Inhibiting Substance allows the female primordia (paramesonephric ducts) to
persist and differentiate as the definitive genital ducts. The upper ends of
the ducts persist as the uterine tubes; the lower ends fuse to form the
uterus and to induce vaginal development.
(2) Absence of Testosterone. The absence of testosterone causes growth and
development of the male primordia to cease but not degenerate; this is why
remnants of the male genital ducts (Gartner's cysts and ducts) are
commonly seen in the broad ligament and vaginal wall of normal females.
4. Developmental Defects. These occur more frequently in males than in females
because differentiation of the male reproductive system requires a functional gonad
and hormonal stimUlation while that of the female will differentiate normally without an
ovary or hormonal stimulation. As a consequence of the hormonal dependency in
males, any defect in either the biosynthetic pathway of testosterone or in the
expression of its masculinizing effects will be reflected by partial or complete
feminization, i.e., incomplete virilization of the genital ducts and/or external genitalia.
D. Formation of the Vagina and Prostatic Utricle
1. Vagina
a) Sinovaginal plate represents the primordium of the vagina. It develops as a
thickening of endoderm of urogenital sinus and is induced by the
paramesonephric ducts.
b) The sinovaginal plate expands to form the vagina which later canalizes. The
hymen marks the junctional area between sinovaginal plate and urogenital sinus.
2. Prostatic Utricle
a) The prostatic utricle is considered to be the homologue of the female vagina. The
lower ends of the para mesonephric ducts must persist in male development long
enough to induce the formation of a sinovaginal plate for formation of prostatic

E. Development of the External Genitalia
1. Indifferent stage. The indifferent stage (pudendal primordium) is composed of a
genital tubercle (phallus), urogenital folds surrounding a urogenital groove which
opens into the differentiating urogenital sinus, and labioscrotal swelling surrounding
the urogenital folds.
2. Differentiation of the pudendal primordium. In the pudendal primordium, the
appropriate masculinizing response in androgen sensitive cells is assured by the
appearance of an enzyme (5-alpha reductase) which converts testosterone to
dihydrotestosterone; the latter androgenic steroid is approximately fifty times more
potent than testosterone. Increased potency of dihydrotestosterone compensates for
the dilutional effects resulting from a small embryonic testis and a relatively large
circulating blood volume (embryonic plus placental).
3. Fate of the pudendal primordium.
a} Males. Androgenic stimulation of the indifferent pudendal primordium produces
masculinization by causing greater development of the genital tubercle and by
promoting fusion of the labioscrotal swellings and urethral folds, i.e., penis,
scrotum and penile urethra formation.
b} Females. The absence of androgenic stimulation results in less development of
the genital tubercle and in failure of the labioscrotal swellings and urethral folds to
fuse, i.e., clitoris, labia majora and labia minor formation.
4. Developmental Defects.
a} Masculinization of the pudendal primordium requires both testosterone (as a
prohormone) and dihydrotestosterone. As a consequence, any defect in the
biosynthesis of either, e.g., deficiency of the reductase, or in the expression of
their masculinizing effects (lack of receptors) will result in partial or complete
feminization of the pudendal primordium, i.e., ambiguous genitalia.
b} Male pseudohermaphrodites are classic examples of individuals with
ambiguous genitalia due to incomplete masculinization (partial feminization). The
range of ambiguity varies from forms resembling perineal hypospadias to those
requiring cytogenetic analysis to determine genetic sex.
c} Testicular feminization syndrome. These individuals are genetic males, with
normal or above normal androgen levels and complete feminization of external
genitalia. Masculinization fails to occur because the peripheral tissues lack
androgen receptors, i.e., the defect occurs at the expression level.
d} Female pseudohermaphrodites are relatively rare but may be produced when
female embryos are exposed to androgenic or potentially androgenic substances.
The source of the androgens may be endogenous or exogenous. The best
example of female pseudohermaphrodites originating from endogenous
androgens is seen in individuals with adrenogenital syndrome (congenital
virilizing adrenal hyperplasia). In this syndrome, endogenous androgenic
substances originate from the adrenal cortex resulting masculinization. Female
pseudohermaphrodites may also occur when exogenous androgenic substances,
e.g., progesterone, are administered to the mother during pregnancy.



A. Lateral Endocardial Tubes.

1. The heart, like all other blood vessels, appears first as a simple endothelial tube. (In
this case, "endo" refers to the epithelium lining all parts of the cardiovascular system
not endoderm; all vascular elements are derived from mesoderm). In the definitive
heart, the endothelium forming the 'heart tubes' persists as the epithelial layer of the
endocardium; the cardiac muscle of the myocardium develops from splanchnic
2. Initially a pair of lateral endocardial tubes develop in the splanchnic mesoderm in the
cardiogenic region.
B. Positioning of the Heart
1. Heading folding moves the cardiogenic region with developing heart ventrally and
caudally. The heart is suspended in the pericardial cavity by a dorsal mesentery
(mesocardium). A short time later, degeneration of the central portion of the
mesocardium leaves the heart attached only at its cranial (arterial) and caudal (venous
or septal) ends. The intermediate area now devoid of mesentery persists as the
transverse sinus of the adult pericardial cavity.
2. Lateral folding brings the paired lateral endocardial tubes to form the single primary
heart tube.


A. Four Primitive Cardiac Chambers. The appearance of regional dilations or expansions in
the tubular heart subdivides the heart into four primitive cardiac chambers.
1. Sinus venosus or most caudal region of the heart which receives all of the blood being
returned to the heart from the three interdependent circuits.
a) Common cardinal veins returning blood from the somatopleure (body wall) of
the embryo.
b) Vitelline veins returning blood from the splanchnopleure (gut and yolk sac).
c) Umbilical (allantoic) veins returning blood from the placenta.
2. Primitive atrium
3. Primitive ventricle
4. Bulbus cordis and truncus arteriosus which form the most cranial portion of the
heart. The truncus arteriosus represents the fused portions of the primitive ventral
aortae; the unfused portions are continued cranially and dorsally as the first pair of
aortic arches.
B. Heart Tube Folding
1. The heart tube elongates more rapidly than the surrounding pericardial cavity resulting
in folding. The bulbus cordis is moved ventrocaudally and to the right while the
primitive ventricle is moved to the left and the primitive atrium craniodorsally.
2. Normal folding to the left is called sinistral folding. Abnormal folding to the right is
called dextrocardia.
C. Fate of the Four Primitive Cardiac Chambers
1. The primitive atrium becomes divided into right and left atria and the sinus venosus
becomes incorporated into the definitive right atrium.
2. The primitive ventricle forms all of the left ventricle of the adult heart except the
outflow area of the aorta.
3. The bulbus cordis forms all of the right ventricle including the pulmonary outflow area
and the aortic outflow area of the left ventricle.

4. The truncus arteriosus (ventral aorta) becomes partitioned to form the origin for the
aorta and for the pulmonary artery.
D. Fate of the Sinus Venosus. Initially, the opening between the sinus venosus and the
primitive atrium is located in the midline but as venous blood is shunted to the right side of
the heart, the right extremity of the sinus venosus (right horn) enlarges moving the sinoatrial
opening to the right. Later, the right horn of the sinus venosus becomes incorporated into
the primitive atrium to form the smooth portion of the definitive right atrium. The left horn
of the sinus venosus remains small because venous return is being shifted to the right side
of the heart; it persists in the adult as the coronary sinus and receives only venous blood
from the heart itself.
E. Fate of the Primitive Pulmonary Veins. The terminal portion of the primitive pulmonary veins
are incorporated into the left half of the primitive atrium to form the smooth portion of the
left atrium. Resorption of the primitive pulmonary vessels extends distally to the appropriate
bifurcation level to produce the four definitive pulmonary veins entering the adult heart.


As the tubular heart changes shape and position, a series of septa develop which convert it into
four chambers. All of the changes occurring in the developing cardiovascular system, heart and
vessels, are taking place simultaneously. In addition all of these changes occur without
interrupting the continuous pumping action of the heart.
A. Division of Common Atrioventricular Opening.
1. Formation of endocardial cushions. Localized proliferations of mesenchyme within the
anterior and posterior walls of the common atrioventricular opening result in the
appearance of two elevations, the endocardial cushions. Subsequent growth and
fusion of the dorsal and ventral endocardial cushions divides the common
atrioventricular opening into definitive right (tricuspid) and left (mitral) atrioventricular
canals. The fused endocardial cushions participate in separation of the definitive atria
and ventricles by contributing to the formation of the interatrial (septum primum) and
interventricular (membranous portion) septa.
2. Developmental defects. A common atrioventricular canal is caused by failure of the
endocardial cushions to fuse; this is one of the common cardiac defects associated
with Down's syndrome. The same fusion failure of the dorsal and ventral endocardial
cushions would also disrupt their subsequent fusion with the septum primum and
contribute to atrial septal defects. Displacement to the right or left would produce
tricuspid or mitral stenosis with dilatation of the corresponding canal on the opposite
side. Displacement to either side would also interfere with its contributions to the
membranous septum and contribute to high interventricular septal defects.
B. Formation of the Interatrial Septum. The formation of two septa (primum and secundum)
is required to effect complete separation of the single primitive atrium into the definitive right
and left atria of the adult heart. Although separated, right-to-Ieft shunting of blood
through the foramen ovale persists until birth.
1. Septum primum. The septum primum forms as a crescentic-shaped partition
projecting inferiorly forming the foramen primum, an ostium between the developing
right and left atria. The septum primum grows inferiorly to fuse with the endocardial
cushions and obliterate the foramen primum. The upper portion of the septum primum
degenerates to produce a new ostium, foramen secundum.

2. Septum secundum. The septum secundum is also crescentic in shape and develops
immediately to the right of septum primum. Septum secundum grows dorsally and
inferiorly but does not fuse with the endocardial cushions. The opening remaining is
the foramen ovale. The persistent, lower portion of septum primum functions as the
valve of the foramen ovale.
3. Developmental defects. Maldevelopment of the septum primum or septum secundum
will result in atrial septal defects. Most involve defective formation of the foramen
C. Formation of the Definitive Ventricles
1. Fate of primitive ventricle and bulbis cordis.
a} The primitive ventricle forms all of the definitive left ventricle except the aortic
b} The bulbus cordis forms all of the definitive right ventricle and the aortic outlet of
the left ventricle.
2. Interventricular septum.
a} The broad communication between the primitive ventricle and bulbis cordis is
partially closed by the inferior bulboventricular ridge which forms the muscular
portion of the interventricular septum.
b} The formation of the membranous part of the interventricular septum
completes separation of definitive right and left ventricles. The formation of the
membranous septum involves the proliferation and fusion of mesenchyme from
the aorticopulmonary septum and endocardial cushions.
3. Developmental defects. Most ventricular septal defects result from displacement of
either the aorticopulmonary septum or endocardial cushions which interfere with their
fusion and formation of a membranous interventricular septum.
D. Formation of the Aortic and Pulmonary Trunks
1. Fate of the truncus arteriosus. The truncus arteriosus is divided into aortic and
pulmonary trunks by formation of the aorticopulmonary or spiral septum. The
aorticopulmonary septum develops from two spiraling ridges of mesenchyme which
project into the lumen of the truncus arteriosus; subsequent growth and fusion of the
spiral ridges produce the separate lumina for the aortic and pulmonary trunks.
2. Developmental defects. Complete absence of the aorticopulmonary septum results in
persistent truncus arteriosus; incomplete fusion of the ridges results in aortico-
pulmonary communications; incomplete spiraling results in transposition of the great
vessels; displacement of the ridges with unequal division of the truncus results in
pulmonary or aortic stenosis with dilatation of the opposite vessel. Displacement of the
lower ends of the spiral ridges interferes with formation of the membranous septum and
results in high interventricular septal defect, i.e., persistent interventricular foramen.
The anatomical defects in the tetralogy of Fallot (pulmonary stenosis, ventricular
septal defect, overriding aorta) are thought to arise in this way (the right ventricular
hypertrophy is a phYSiological response to the pulmonary stenosis).


A. Blood Vessel Formation
1. Blood vessels develop from extraembryonic and embryonic mesoderm.
2. Extraembryonic mesoderm. Blood vessels form in extraembryonic mesoderm of yolk
sac, connecting stalk and chorion from blood islands. Endothelial cells and
hemoblasts (primitive blood cells) form from blood islands. Form interconnecting
vascular network.
3. Embryonic mesoderm. Blood vessels form in splanchnic mesoderm in embryo from
angioblasts. Angioblasts form endothelial cells and interconnecting vascular network
by process of vasculogenesis.
B. Hematopoiesis. Primitive blood cells form from hemoblasts in blood islands in yolk sac.
Later, blood cells form in the embryo; initially in the liver and later in bone marrow.


A. Aortic Arches
Each branchial arch in the branchial apparatus contains an aortic arch which connects the
ventral truncus arteriosus and dorsal aortae. In lower vertebrates, the aortic arches form the
functional gills. Although the respiratory function for most of the branchial arches has been
lost, six aortic arches still appear during human development. Three of these persist
(three, four, six) and make definitive contributions to the adult vasculature but only the sixth
has retained a respiratory function. Their appearance in the human embryo is often transi-
tory and all six are not present at the same time.
1. Aortic arch 1. It is the first to appear and is formed as a result of head fold formation; it
disappears soon after development. The mandibular and maxillary areas of the
adult are supplied by new vessels arising from the external carotid
2. Aortic arch 2. Persists only during the early stages of development.
3. Aortic arch 3. Persists in the adult to form the origin of the internal carotid artery.
The dorsal aorta between aortic arches 3 and 4 disappears and the extension of the
internal carotid into the cranial area is an active growth process of the dorsal aorta, to
supply the rapidly enlarging brain.
4. Aortic arch 4. Persists on the left side as the arch of the aorta. On the right side it
contributes to the brachiocephalic artery and the proximal portion of the right
subclavian artery.
5. Aortic arch 5. Extremely transitory and does not appear to develop in all human
embryos. The developmental variability appears to be related to the rudimentary
condition of the fifth branchial arch.
6. Aortic arch 6. Well developed and forms the origin or proximal portion of the
pulmonary arteries; the distal portions of the pulmonary arteries arise directly from the
sixth arch and accompany the developing lung buds into the pleural cavities. On the
right side the original connection of the sixth arch to the dorsal aorta is lost and the
right recurrent laryngeal nerve (the nerve for the branchiomeric musculature
developing from the sixth arch) slips cranially to loop around the right subclavian artery
(fourth arch). On the left side, the connection between sixth arch and dorsal aorta is

retained as the ductus arteriosus and as a consequence the left recurrent laryngeal
nerve descends into the thorax to 'recur' around the ligamentum arteriosum.
7. Developmental defects. Coarctation of the aorta.
a) Postductal coarctation is the most common form and is usually located
immediately below the origin of the left subclavian artery. Postductal coarctation
probably has its origin during fetal life but, because of better collateral circulation,
this form of coarctation may go undetected for years. It is for this reason that it is
sometimes referred to as the adult form of coarctation.
b) Preductal coarctations are located immediately above the ductus arteriosus; the
ductus itself is almost invariable patent. The length of the aortic segment involved
may be extensive and its location precludes development of collateral circulation.
Without surgical intervention, the prognosis is poor. Since the condition is
detected at or shortly after birth, the preductal narrowing is frequently referred to
as the infantile form of coarctation.
B. Branches of Dorsal Aorta
1. The dorsal aorta develops ventral, lateral and dorsolateral branches.
2. Ventral branches. Vitelline arteries supply blood to the yolk sac. Later they condense
to form arteries which supply the gut tube and its derivatives.
a) Thoracic foregut receives about four vitelline arteries.
b) Abdominal foregut supplied by celiac artery.
c) Midgut supplied by superior mesenteric artery.
d) Hindgut supplied by inferior mesenteric artery.


A. Venous Drainage of Early Embryo
1. The venous drainage pattern of the early human embryo consists of three venous
systems.Umbilical (allantoic) veins. Return blood from the placenta carrying
oxygenated blood.
2. Vitelline (omphalomesenteric) veins. Return blood from the splanchnopleure,
initially the yolk sac and later the gut tube and its derivatives.
3. Cardinal veins. Composed of anterior, posterior and common. Return blood from the
somatopleure of the embryo. The anterior cardinal veins drain the cranial levels of
the embryo, above the septum transversum. The posterior cardinal veins drain the
caudal levels of the embryo, below the septum transversum. The terminal portions of
anterior and posterior unite to form common cardinal veins (ducts of Cuvier). All of
these vessels pass through the septum transversum before terminating in the sinus
B. Fate of the Umbilical Veins
The right umbilical vein disappears during early development. The left umbilical vein
remains functional. In the septum transversum the developing liver surrounds the terminal
part of the left umbilical vein forming the ductus venosus.
C. Fate of the Vitelline Veins
1. The vitelline veins form the hepatic portal system.
2. The hepatic portal vein is derive from the extrahepatic portions of both vitelline veins.
3. The intrahepatic portions of the vitelline veins are invaded by hepatic cords but persist
as hepatic sinusoids, central, sublobular and hepatic veins of the adult liver.

D. Fate of the Anterior, Posterior and Common Cardinal Veins
1. Anterior cardinal veins persist as the internal jugular veins. The terminal portion of
the right anterior cardinal vein forms the superior vena cava. A new vessel (left
brachiocephalic) forms across the midline to shunt blood from left anterior cardinal to
the right. When the left brachiocephalic vein fails to form, the terminal portion of the
left anterior cardinal vein remains functional and forms a left superior vena cava
terminating via the oblique vein in the coronary sinus.
2. Posterior cardinal veins regress and are replaced by a new somatopleuric vessel, the
inferior vena cava, which originates from capillary plexi above and below the posterior
cardinals, the supracardinal and subcardinal plexi.
E. Formation of the Inferior Vena Cava
1. The upper portion of the inferior vena cava from the diaphragm to and including the
renal veins, is derived from the subcardinal midline anastomoses. This is why the
upper portion of the inferior vena cava is anterior or "sub" to the aorta.
2. The lower portion of the inferior vena cava, below the renal veins, is derived from the
supracardinal midline anastomoses. This is why the lower portion of the inferior
vena cava is posterior or "supra" to the aorta.


A. Pathway of Oxygenated Blood
1. Oxygenated blood leaves the placenta via the left umbilical vein and is shunted
through the liver via the ductus venosus to enter the inferior vena cava.
2. Within the inferior vena cava the umbilical blood is mixed with smaller amounts of
venous blood from the caudal levels of the body.
3. Oxygenated blood in the inferior vena cava enters the right atrium and is diverted
through the foramen ova Ie into the left atrium. Blood passes through the left
atrioventricular (mitral) canal and leaves the left ventricle via the ascending aorta.
4. From the arch of the aorta, the oxygenated blood is distributed via the
brachiocephalic trunk and the left common cardinal and subclavian arteries to the
upper portion of the body. The intracardiac shunt via the foramen ovale assures that
the head and especially the developing brain receives the most highly oxygenated
blood possible.
B. Pathway of Deoxygenated blood
1. Deoxygenate blood from the upper half of the body enters the right atrium from the
superior vena cava and passes directly through the right atrioventricular (tricuspid)
canal to enter the right ventricle and pulmonary trunk.
2. A small portion of the deoxygenated blood enters the pulmonary arteries to perfuse the
developing lungs but the major portion is shunted via the ductus arteriosus into the
thoracic aorta below the origin of the left subclavian artery. Oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood mix at this point.
3. Deoxygenated blood is carried via the umbilical arteries to the placenta.


A. Fate of the Foramen Ovale
1. At birth, the right to left shunt provided by the foramen ovale ceases to function when
changes in atrial pressure bring the overlapping portions of the septum primum (valve
of the foramen ovale) and the septum secundum into apposition.

2. Changes in atrial pressure are the results of an abrupt decrease in right atrial
pressure with sudden closure of umbilical vein and increase in left atrial pressure
associated with increased perfusion and venous return of pulmonary circulation.
3. Failure of the foramen ovale to close anatomically (fusion of the septum primum and
secundum) is relatively common, i.e. probe patent foramen ovale, but is insignificant
4. In the adult heart, the location and boundaries of the foramen ovale are indicated by
the limbus fossae ovalis. The floor of the fossa ova lis is formed by the septum
B. Fate of the Ductus Arteriosus
1. The ductus arteriosus begins to close almost immediately after birth and may be closed
functionally within a few hours. Complete obliteration of the lumen may require several
weeks. The ductus arteriosus persists throughout life as the ligamentum arteriosum.
2. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). If the ductus arteriosus remains patent, aortic blood
is shunted into the pulmonary artery. Premature infants usually have PDA for the first
24 hrs of postnatal life. PDA may result from other malformations such as preductal
coarctation of the aorta, pulmonary stenosis or atresia, or transposition of the great
vessels. PDA may result from maternal rubella infection during early pregnancy.
C. Fate of the Umbilical Vein and Ductus Venosus
After interruption of the placental circulation, the extra- and intrahepatic portions of the
umbilical vein become reduced to fibrotic cords which persist in the adult as the ligamentum
teres hepatis and ligamentum venosum respectively
D. Fate of the Umbilical Arteries
In the adult, the proximal portions of the umbilical arteries persist as the umbilical branches
of the internal iliacs; the distal portions which accompany the intraembryonic portion of the
allantois (urachus) are obliterated but persist as the medial umbilical ligaments; the
urachus itself persists as the median umbilical ligament.



I. Overview of nervous system: Functional cellular unit is a neuron. Extensions from the cell body of
the neuron, called dendrites, receive information as electrical impulses or action potentials; an
extension from the nerve cell body called an axon transmits information away from the nerve cell
body. Interneuronal communication occurs via the synapse, a small space between neurons
across which action potentials are transferred by neurochemicals to the adjacent neuron. Efferent
(motor) neurons carry information away from the central nervous system; afferent (sensory)
neurons carry information toward the central nervous system. Efferent or afferent neurons
supplying the body wall and limbs are called somatic, efferent or afferent neurons supplying
organs and blood vessels are called visceral.
A. Central nervous system: Consists of the brain and spinal cord. Membranes called meninges
cover the brain and spinal cord. Three meninges: outer tough layer called dura mater,
intermediate delicate layer called arachnoid mater, and innermost thin layer inseparable
from brain and spinal cord, called pia mater. Pia mater follows contours of sulci and gyri in
the central nervous system. In the spinal cord, the denticulate ligament and filum terminale
are derived from pia mater. Denticulate=lateral tooth like extensions of pia, between dorsal
and ventral roots of spinal nerves, that attach to dura and limit twisting of spinal cord within
the dural sac. Filum terminale=delicate, vascular, membranous caudal continuation of spinal
cord. No nerve cells in filum term ina Ie. Arachnoid and dura lie across sulci and gyri. Deep to
the arachnoid, the subarachnoid space contains cerebrospinal fluid. In the spinal cord, there
is a potential subdural space which normally contains only a film of fluid. In the cranium, the
dura consists of two tough layers: outer layer (periosteal dura) functions as periosteum for
the skull and the inner layer (meningeal dura) dips between and separates and supports
lobes and hemispheres of the brain. The meningeal or true dura also forms pathways for the
various dural venous sinuses.
B. Peripheral nervous system: consists of 31 spinal nerves (8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5
sacral, 1 coccygeal) and 12 cranial nerves (numbered 1 through 12 and also named).
1. Typical spinal nerve.
a) Morphology. Dorsal roots (sensory) and ventral roots (motor) attach to the dorsal
and ventral aspects of the spinal cord. Laterally, near the intervertebral foramen,
the dorsal (posterior) root has a swelling, the dorsal root ganglion, which is formed
by the nerve cell bodies of afferent components. At the entrance to the
intervertebral foramen, dorsal and ventral (anterior) roots converge to form the
mixed spinal nerve. Lateral to the intervertebral canal, the mixed (motor and
sensory) spinal nerve bifurcates into 2 main mixed branches, the dorsal and
ventral primary rami. Dorsal rami bifurcate a second time forming medial and
lateral branches. Dorsal rami innervate dorsal axial musculature and provide
sensation to the dorsum. The ventral ramus innervates anterolateral musculature
and supplies sensation to the anterolateral skin. Each ventral ramus gives off a
lateral cutaneous branch at the mid-axillary line which divides into anterior and
posterior branches. The ventral ramus continues anteriorly to terminate as an
anterior cutaneous branch. Dermatome=area of skin supplied by a spinal nerve
and is important in clinical diagnosis.

b) Functional components in fibers of typical spinal nerve:
GSE= General somatic efferent, motor to voluntary muscle
GSA= General somatic afferent, sensory from somatic receptors
GVE= General visceral efferent, autonomic to involuntary muscle, cardiac
muscle and glands
GVA= General visceral afferent, sensory from visceral receptors
c) Reflex arc: when a sensory receptor is stimulated, an impulse travels over an
afferent process to reach the spinal cord and synapse on an efferent neuron
which mediates an impulse response to an effector organ.
2. Autonomic nervous system (ANS). This may also be referred to as the GVE system.
This portion of the central and peripheral nervous system provides innervation to
smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands over which we have little to no volitional
control. The number 2 seems to be recurrent in the ANS: There are 2 major divisions,
each major division has two anatomical outflows from the CNS, and each division
utilizes 2 efferent neurons (preganglionic and postganglionic) to reach effector
structures. GVA components (sensory) usually accompany GVE components in the
peripheral nervous system.
a) Sympathetic=thoracolumbar portion. Preganglionic nerve cell body resides in
intermediolateral cell column in thoracic (T1-12 ) and lumbar (L1 to L2 or L3)
segments of spinal cord. Preganglionic process leaves CNS as component of
ventral root of spinal nerve. Preganglionic process leaves ventral root as
component of white ramus communicans. Postganglionic nerve cell bodies reside
in paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia. Preganglionic processes may ascend in
the sympathetic trunk, descend in the sympathetic trunk, or synapse in a
sympathetic trunk (paravertebral) ganglion. Postganglionic processes connecting
paravertebral ganglia to spinal nerves constitute grey rami communicans. To
recap: white ramus communicans transmit preganglionic nerve cell processes,
grey ramus communicans transmit post ganglionic nerve cell processes. The
preganglionic process at some levels traverses the paravertebral ganglion without
synapsing. In such cases the preganglionic process exits the paravertebral
ganglion as a component of a sympathetic splanchnic (thoracic, lumbar, sacral)
nerve. Preganglionic components in sympathetic splanchnic nerves synapse on
postganglionic nerve cell bodies in a prevertebral ganglion. Processes of post
ganglionic nerve cell bodies located in prevertebral ganglia usually follow arteries
to reach their effector organs (cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands). To recap:
Two efferent neurons, a preganglionic and a postganglionic neuron are required
to go from the spinal cord to the effector structure. Sensory components (GVA) ,
primarily concerned with pain from viscera, accompany GVE sympathetic
components. Sympathetic nerves distribute to involuntary muscle and sweat
glands located in the trunk and upper and lower extremities.
b) Parasympathetic=Craniosacral portion. Preganglionic nerve cell body resides in
nuclei in brain for cranial outflow and intermediolateral column of sacral spinal
cord for sacral outflow. In head, preganglionic components leave brain as
components of cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X and synapse on postganglionic
nerve cell bodies in named ganglia which are on or near peripheral effector
structures. Since the ganglia containing the postganglionic nerve cell bodies are
close to the effector structures, the postganglionic process is usually short. In the
sacral cord, preganglionics leave spinal cord as components of pelvic splanchnic
nerves and again synapse on postganglionic neurons which are components of

ganglia close to or on pelvic viscera. Once again, the post-ganglionic process is
relatively short. Parasympathetic nerves only distribute to the head and trunk.
They do not enter the extremities. Autonomic regulation in the extremities is
accomplished by increasing and decreasing sympathetic stimulation.

II. Diagnostic imaging.

A. Densities of radiographs: Radiographs of body tissues exhibit 4 basis densities. In order of
increasing radiodensity these are air, fat, water, and bone.
B. Radiographs: Whenever possible radiograph body parts from 2 projections, usually at right
C. Viewing radiographs: View radiographs of a patient as though the patient was facing you;
the patient's left side is on your right and the patient's right side is on your left.
1. Image sharpness and magnification. For sharp images, the object should be close to
the film. Close to the film=less magnification. Movement of object away from
film=increased magnification and usually less well defined image.
2. PA vs AP radiographs. Radiographs described in terms of direction beam passes
through patient. PA=X-ray tube posteriorly, film anteriorly; similarly, AP=X-ray tube
anteriorly, film posteriorly.
3. Contrast agents: used to examine body parts that do not have inherent density or
contrast differences. Example: barium sulfate.
4. Fluoroscopy. Provides for dynamic image of body part. Fluorescent screen substituted
for X-ray film and image is viewed on TV monitor. X-ray tube is usually below table and
fluorescent screen is usually above table.
S. Ultrasound. Non-invasive imaging technique using sonic energy high above human
hearing range. Not considered detrimental, therefore used routinely to evaluate fetal
development. A transducer is placed against area to be examined; ultrasound waves
are transmitted into the body, structures with different acoustical characteristics reflect
sound back and the reflected sound is processed electronically to produce an image.
6. Computed tomography: Measures X-ray absorption of various tissues by a paired X-ray
tube and detector system. A computer reconstructs the image based on density
7. Nuclear imaging: A radioactive substance is injected into the body and subsequently
taken up by certain organs in the body, and the uptake pattern is visualized
8. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Image
production resulting from absorption or emission of electromagnetic energy by nuclei,
after excitation, in a magnetic field.


I. Vertebral column. The segmentally arranged vertebrae are the result of segmentation of paraxial
mesoderm into somites in the embryo (see Muscle skeletal system in Embryology section). The
central longitudinal axis which serves to support the trunk and protect the spinal cord. Composed
of apprOXimately 33 discrete bones or vertebrae separated by fibrocartilaginous intervertebral
disks and united by joints and ligaments. This arrangement provides for flexibility and strength.
There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, Siumbar, S sacral (fused to form sacrum) and 3-S (usually 4)

coccygeal vertebrae. Vertebrae tend to increase in mass from the cervical region caudally to
accommodate for their increased weight bearing function.
A. Surface anatomy. Median furrow lies over tips of spinous processes and allows palpation of
these processes except in cervical region, where the thickened supraspinal ligament, the
ligamentum nuchae, prevents palpation. However, upon flexion, the spine of C7 is usually
distinct and is referred to as vertebrae prominens. Superior angle of scapula is at level of T1
or T2 spines and the inferior angle is at level of T7 or T8 spines. The highest point of the
iliac crest is at the space between L3 and L4.
B. Generalized plan. Each vertebrae has body anteriorly, which is weight bearing, which is
connected to bodies of adjacent vertebrae via intervertebral disks. Posteriorly, the vertebral
arch protects the spinal cord and is not weight bearing.The vertebral (neural) arch
circumscribes the vertebral foramen. Vertebral foramina collectively form the vertebral canal
which runs the full length of the vertebral column.
1. Vertebral arch: formed by 2 pedicles and 2 laminae from which arise 2 superior
articular processes and 2 inferior articular processes, 2 transverse processes and I
spinous process. Superior and inferior articular processes are located at junctions of
the pedicles and laminae. One spinous process is located at posterior midline at
junction of two laminae. Transverse processes project on either side at junction of
laminae and pedicles. Muscles and ligaments attach to transverse and spinous
2. Intervertebral foramina: bounded by superior and inferior notches of adjacent pedicles
and intervertebral disks. Transmits spinal nerve and accompanying vessels.
C. Regional characteristics:
1. Atlas (C1): highly specialized, ringlike, thin anterior and posterior arches and 2 lateral
masses. No body or spinous process. Large horizontally oriented superior articular
processes in the lateral masses have large facets which articulate with condyles of
occipital bone.
2. Axis (C2): has superiorly directed odontoid process (dens) which forms pivot upon
which atlas rotates. Dens probably represents "lost" body of C1.
3. C3 to C6 cervical vertebrae: have delicate bodies, bifid spinous processes, foramina in
transverse processes and enlarged triangular vertebral foramen to accommodate
cervical enlargement of spinal cord.
4. C7: has prominent spine (vertebrae prominens).
5. General feature of cervical vertebrae: Articular processes tend to be oriented
6. Thoracic: Round vertebral foramen, facets on side of body for articulation with heads of
ribs and on transverse processes for articulation with tubercle of ribs. Long, inferiorly
directed spinous processes overlap. Articular processes oriented in frontal plane in the
superior portion of the thoracic vertebral column, inferiorly, they tend to become sagittal
in orientation.
7. Lumbar: massive bodies, short stout pedicles, long transverse processes, short, wide
spinous processes. Vertebral foramina triangular to accommodate lumbar enlargement
of spinal cord. Articular processes oriented predominately in sagittal plane.
8. Sacrum: formed by fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae. Anterior surface concave and foramina
transmit ventral primary rami of the upper 4 sacral spinal nerves. Posterior surface has
4 foramina which transmit dorsal primary rami of upper sacral spinal nerves. Vertebral
canal continues into the sacrum. Laminae of the fifth segment and sometimes fourth,

fail to meet and thus produce the sacral hiatus, an inferior entrance to the vertebral
canal. The sacral hiatus may be used to administer epidural anesthesia.
9. Coccyx: consists of 3-5 (usually 4) rudimentary vertebrae at caudal end of vertebral
D. Curvatures. Primary curvatures form during fetal period, persist after birth, and include the
thoracic and sacral curvatures. These curvatures are concave anteriorly. Secondary
curvatures develop after birth, and include the cervical and lumbar curvatures. These
develop in response to lifting the head and walking, respectively. Kyphosis=exaggeration of
thoracic curvature, lordosis=exaggeration of lumbar curvature, scoliosis is a complex lateral
bending/torsion of the vertebral column.
E. Intervertebral disks. Comprise 20% of length of vertebral column. Each disk has outer
annulus fibrosus, which is concentrically arranged wrapping of dense fibrous tissue. Deep to
annulus fibrosus is softer nucleus pulposus, usually eccentrically placed so that the anterior
edge of annulus fibrosus is thicker than posterior aspect of annulus fibrosus. Disks act as
shock absorbers for vertebral column. They contain 70-80% water and thus allow disk to
compress when bending. Disks tend to dehydrate when standing and rehydrate when lying.
Rehydration becomes less efficient with aging and the nucleus pulposus tends to harden.
Extrusion of the nucleus pulposus through the annulus fibrosus produces a herniated disk,
which may press on nerve roots or spinal cord causing pain and loss of motor skills.
F. Ligaments of vertebral column.
1. Anterior longitudinal: attached to anterior aspect of vertebral bodies, extends from atlas
to sacrum. Provides natural splinting action when fractures occur on anterior aspect of
bodies of vertebrae.
2. Posterior longitudinal: attached to posterior aspect of vertebral bodies, thus within
vertebral canal. Extends from atlas to sacrum. Holds vertebral column together during
violent hyperflexion.
3. Ligamentum flava: joins contiguous borders of adjacent laminae.
4. Interspinous (deep) and supraspinous (superficial) connect adjacent spinous
processes. Thickened supraspinal ligament in cervical region=ligamentum nuchae
G. Movement: Is a function of thickness of intervertebral disks and orientation of articular
processes of vertebrae. In cervical region, much movement tolerated because of thick
intervertebral disks and horizontal orientation of articular processes. At atlantoaxial (C1-C2)
joint, chief movement is rotation ("no" movement of head); at atlanto-occipital joint, chief
movement is flexion and extension ("yes" movement of head). Limited movement in thoracic
region because of frontal orientation of articular processes, thin intervertebral disks,
overlapping spinous processes and attachment of ribs and sternum. In lumbar region, thick
intervertebral disks and sagittal orientation of articular processes allow wide range of flexion
and extension.
H. Applied anatomy
1. Transverse ligament of Atlas: Rupture of this ligament may drive dens into spinal cord.
2. Fracture of the dens: may cause dislocation of the second cervical vertebra on the first
cervical vertebra, which may produce transection of the spinal cord.
3. Obtaining CSF: The iliac crest peaks at the space between L3 and L4. The
subarachnoid space can easily be reached at this level or L4-L5 by a needle inserted in
the midline at these levels. There is no danger to the spinal cord in adults, since it
terminates at L2.

4. Sacral hiatus: anesthetic may be injected through this opening around the roots of
sacral and lower lumbar nerves without entering the subarachnoid space. This is
epidural anesthesia.

II. Muscles of Back. Arranged into superficial, intermediate, and deep groups. Superficial and
intermediate groups are innervated by ventral primary rami of spinal nerves even though they are
dorsally located. This is because these muscles are derived from ventrolateral musculature that
migrated secondarily to the back during development. The deep group of back muscles are native
to the back, developmentally speaking, and are innervated by dorsal primary rami of spinal
A. Superficial group. Muscles in this group insert on the upper limb. Latissimus dorsi and
trapezius form the first layer of muscles in this group; levator scapulae and rhomboid major
and minor form a second layer.
B. Intermediate group. These muscles probably function in the mechanics of respiration. Two
muscles in this group are the serratus posterior superior and serratus posterior inferior.
These muscles are segmentally innervated by ventral primary rami of spinal nerves.
C. Deep group. These muscles are innervated by dorsal primary rami. Acting bilaterally, these
muscles extend the vertebral column and regulate flexion of vertebral joints. Acting
unilaterally, these muscles participate in lateral bending and rotation. Principal examples of
this group are the splenius, erector spinae, semispinalis, multifidus, and rotatores.
D. Shoulder region muscles. These include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor,
subscapularis, teres major, and deltoid. These muscles all attach to the humerus and
partiCipate in various gleno-humeral movements.
E. Suboccipital muscles. These small muscles are associated with the suboccipital triangle and
are four in number: inferior oblique, rectus major, superior oblique, and rectus minor. These
muscles are innervated by the dorsal primary ramus of C1 (suboccipital nerve).

III. Pectoral region.

A. Muscles and fascia. Muscles in this region include the pectoralis major and minor and the
subclavius. The pectoralis major is a powerful adductor, medial rotator, and flexor of the
arm. Pectoralis minor protracts the pectoral girdle. The subclavius cushions the clavicle and
may help depress it. The subclavius and pectoralis minor are invested by the clavi pectoral
fascia. The double layered fascial continuation in the space between the two muscles is
called the costocoracoid membrane. The costocoracoid membrane is perforated by the
thoracoacromial artery, lateral pectoral nerve and cephalic vein.
B. Mammary gland. Located in superficial fascia and extending from the second to fourth
intercostal spaces in the nulliparous female. The gland is described as a modified sweat
gland. The glandular tissue (parenchyma) is composed of 15-20 lobules, each drained by a
lactiferous duct that opens independently on the nipple. Near its termination, the lactiferous
duct has a dilation, the lactiferous sinus. Well developed connective tissue trabeculae in the
superficial fascia, termed Cooper's ligaments, support the parenchyma and extend
superficially to attach to the skin of the breast. Arteries to the breast include medial
mammary arteries, derived from the internal thoracic; lateral mammary arteries, derived
from the lateral thoracic; pectoral branches from thoracoacromial artery and contributions
from anterior intercostal arteries. The breast is segmentally innervated by intercostal nerves,
since it is a gland that develops in the skin. Lymphatics from the breast drain primarily into

axillary nodes. Skin lymphatics may also drain into the thorax (via lymphatics accompanying
parasternal perforating vessels) or into the abdomen (via surface lymphatics caudally to the
umbilicus, subsequently following the ligamentum teres into the abdomen) or connect to the
opposite breast.

IV. Upper limb: Embryological considerations

A. Limb rotation: After formation of limb buds, the axis of the limb rotates 90° laterally so that
preaxial (flexor) musculature comes to lies anteriorly and postaxial (extensor) musculature
ends up posteriorly.
B. Innervation pattern: In the arm and forearm, preaxial muscles are innervated by preaxial
nerves (musculocutaneous, median, ulnar); postaxial muscles are innervated by postaxial
nerves (axillary, radial).

V. Axilla and contents: A pyramidal-shaped space bounded anteriorly by the muscular anterior
axillary fold (pectoralis major and minor), posteriorly by the muscular posterior axillary fold
(latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis), medially by the thoracic wall including the overlying
serratus anterior, and laterally by the intertubercular groove of the humerus. Contents of the axilla
include fat and connective tissue, numerous lymph nodes, axillary artery and vein, and brachial

VI. Brachial plexus: The brachial plexus is an intermingling of several spinal cord ventral primary rami
enabling the formation of peripheral nerves which contain several segments from the spinal cord.
The brachial plexus is formed from C5 to T 1 ventral primary rami. Often there are additional
contributions from C4 and T2.
A. Rami: the most proximal portion of the plexus, rami emerge between anterior and middle
scalene muscles. The dorsal scapular nerve is a branch of C5 and sometimes additional
input from C4 and innervates the two rhomboid muscles and the levator scapulae. The long
thoracic nerve (C5-7) innervates the serratus anterior.
B. Trunks: the second stage in the formation of the plexus. The upper trunk is formed by joining
of C5 and Ca rami. The suprascapular nerve and nerve to the subclavius arise from the
upper trunk. The middle trunk is formed by lateral continuation of the ventral primary ramus
of C7 • The inferior trunk is formed by joining of Ca and T1 rami.
C. Divisions: Each trunk divides into anterior and posterior divisions. Anterior divisions of the
upper and middle trunks unite to form the lateral cord (C5,a,7)' Anterior divisions of Ca and T1
unite to form the medial cord. Posterior divisions of all trunks unite to form the posterior
D. Cords: Cords are named according to their relationship to the axillary artery in the axilla. The
lateral cord=lateral to artery, medial cord=medial to artery, and posterior cord=posterior to
artery. Lateral cord gives off lateral pectoral nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, and a major
contribution (lateral root) to the median nerve. Medial cord gives off the medial pectoral
nerve, medial brachial cutaneous nerve, medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, ulnar nerve,
and the median root to the median nerve. The posterior cord gives off the upper subscapular
nerve, the thoracodorsal nerve, the lower subscapular nerve, and the axillary and radial

E. "Big five" terminal branches: (1) musculocutaneous, from lateral cord, usually perforates the
coracobrachialis muscle; (2) median, from medial and lateral cords; (3) ulnar, from medial
cord; (4) radial, from posterior cord; and (5) axillary, from posterior cord.

VII. Dermatomes: Dermatomes of the upper extremity are important, particularly for diagnostic
purposes. Review a diagram of dermatomes in one of the standard atlases.

VIII. Muscles of arm: Arm musculature is divided into flexor (preaxial) and extensor (postaxial) groups.
A. Flexors: There are 3 flexors, all innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve: biceps brachii,
brachial is, and coracobrachialis.
B. Extensors: There are two extensors in the arm, both innervated by the radial nerve; the
large triceps brachii and the small, often obscure, anconeus.

IX. Cubital fossa: An important triangular transition area on the anterior surface at the elbow. The
base of this triangular area is an imaginary line connecting the two epicondyles of the humerus.
The lateral boundary is the brachioradialis and the medial boundary is the pronator teres. The
brachial is covers the floor of the fossa. In the middle of the fossa is the biceps tendon, which
gives off the bicipital aponeurosis. Medial to the tendon is the brachial artery, and medial to the
artery is the median nerve. The radial nerve lies deep to the brachioradialis in the cubital fossa.
Superficial to the bicipital aponeurosis one can usually find the median cubital vein, important
clinically for intravenous injections and drawing blood.

X. Muscles of forearm: Forearm muscle nomenclature may appear complex, but the names of the
muscles usually reflect the insertion or function of the muscles.
A. Superficial flexors and pronators. These include the pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis,
palmaris longus (flexes at wrist) and flexor carpi ulnaris. All of these muscles are innervated
by the median nerve, except flexor carpi ulnaris is innervated by the ulnar nerve.
B. Deep flexors and pronators. These include flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor pollicis
longus, flexor digitorum profundus and pronator quadratus. These muscles all receive
innervation from the median nerve. The flexor digitorum profundus is a dually innervated
muscle: the part of the muscle attaching to the index and middle finger is innervated by the
median nerve. The part of the muscle attaching to the ring and little finger is innervated by
the ulnar nerve.
C. Extensors and supinators. These include brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus,
extensor carpi radialis brevis, supinator, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor
carpi ulnaris, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus and
extensor indicis. All muscles in the extensor-supinator group are innervated by the radial

XI. Hand. For purposes of description, the hand is divided into compartments, separated by fascia.
Compartments include the thenar or thumb compartment, the hypothenar, or little finger
compartment, the central compartment and the deep interosseous-adductor compartment.
A. Thenar compartment: contains three intrinsic muscles: abductor pollicis brevis, flexor
pollicis brevis and opponens pollicis. These muscles are all innervated by the recurrent
branch of the median nerve. In addition, the deep portion of flexor pollicis brevis (portion
deep to tendon of flexor pollicis longus tendon) may receive innervation from the ulnar

nerve. The major arterial supply is the princeps pollicis, a branch of the deep palmar arterial
arch. The superficial branch of the radial artery, which completes the superficial palmar
arterial arch, also contributes.
B. Hypothenar compartment: contains three intrinsic muscles: abductor digiti minimi (quinti),
flexor digiti minimi, and opponens digiti minimi. These muscles are all innervated by the
ulnar nerve. The arterial supply is from the ulnar artery or superficial palmar arterial arch.
C. Central compartment: Underlies palmar aponeurosis and contains tendons of flexor
digitorum superficialis and profundus and lumbrical muscles. Lumbricals are small worm-like
muscles (four) that arise from the radial side of the tendon of flexor digitorum profundus and
insert into the radial border of the extensor expansion. Because of their insertion into the
extensor expansion, they flex at the MP joints and extend the interphalangeal jOints. The two
radial-most lumbricals (#1 and #2) are innervated by the median nerve, lumbricals 3 and 4
are innervated by the ulnar nerve. Recall that flexor digitorum superficialis is innervated by
the median nerve, but flexor digitorum profundus is innervated by both the median and ulnar
nerve. The part of flexor digitorum profundus that supplies the tendons going to the ring and
little finger is innervated by ulnar nerve, the part of the muscle that supplies tendons going to
the index and middle finger is innervated by the median nerve. The central compartment is
vascularized by branches of the superficial palmar arterial arch.
D. Interosseous-adductor compartment: The deep part of the hand that contains adductor
pollicis, 3 palmar interosseous muscles and 4 dorsal interosseous muscles. The fourth
palmar interosseous muscle (for index finger) is incorporated into the adductor pollicis. The
reference finger for abduction and adduction is the middle finger. Palmar interossei are
adductors, and dorsal interossei are abductors with reference to this finger. All muscles in
this compartment are innervated by the ulnar nerve (deep branch).
E. Summary of innervation: All intrinsic muscles of the hand are innervated by the ulnar nerve,
except the three muscles of the thenar eminence and the first and second lumbricals, which
receive the median nerve. Sensory on palmar side is provided by median and ulnar nerves.
The median is sensory on the radial side of the thumb and thenar eminence, laterally across
the palm to the 4th metacarpal, and over the index, middle and radial half of ring fingers. The
ulnar is sensory on the ulnar half of ring finger and little finger, skin over hypothenar
eminence, and it continues dorsally to serve all of the dorsum of the little finger and the ulnar
half of the ring finger. The ulnar is also sensory to the dorsum of the hand overlying the
fourth and fifth metacarpals. The remainder of the dorsum of the hand and thumb, index,
middle, and radial half of ring finger are provided sensation by the radial nerve.

XII. Functional anatomy of upper limb.

A. Movements at shoulder: includes movement of the scapula and movements at the
glenohumeral joint. Movements of the scapula include elevation, depression, upward
rotation, downward rotation, and protraction and retraction. Movements at the glenohumeral
joint include flexion of the arm, extension ofthe arm, abduction of the arm, adduction of the
arm, and medial and lateral rotation.
B. Movements at elbow: flexion and extension (humeroulnar) and pronation and supination,
accomplished by the radius rotating around the ulna.
C. Movements at wrist: These include flexion, extension, abduction (radial deviation) and
adduction (ulnar deviation).

D. Movements of the hand: Obviously the hand pronates and supinates when the radius rotates
around the ulna. Abduction and adduction of the fingers has already been mentioned. After
the long flexors of the digits have flexed at the proximal or distal interphalangeal joint,
continued contraction will produce flexion at the MP joints and wrist. Flexion at the MP joint
is also a function of the lumbricals. Extension at the interphalangeal joints is accomplished
by the extensor digitorum and lumbricals. Lumbricals extend the interphalangeal joints by
virtue of the fact that they insert into the extensor expansion, which is on the dorsal side of
these jOints. Thumb movements are unique. Extension=movement of the thumb away from
the hand in the plane of the hand. Flexion is the opposite movement. Abduction=movement
of the thumb up and out of the plane of the hand and adduction brings the thumb back
toward the plane of the hand. Opposition=drawing the thumb near the center of the palm
and opposing the tips of other fingers.
E. Nerve lesions.
1. Ulnar: Lesion at wrist, distal to where nerve innervates the ulnar half of flexor digitorum
profundus, produces the classic ulnar claw hand. The claw results from paralysis of
lumbricals 3 and 4 while the innervation to the profundus is still intact. Since the
interossei are also affected, abduction and adduction of the fingers is eliminated. If the
ulnar nerve has a lesion proximal to where it innervates the flexor carpi ulnaris and
ulnar half of flexor digitorum profundus, there is muscle wasting on the medial forearm
and hypothenar eminence, but the claw hand is not well developed because the ulnar
half of the flexor digitorum profundus in addition to lumbricals 3 & 4 are flaccid and
unable to contract. Abduction and adduction of the fingers is eliminated.
2. Median: Lesion of the median recurrent nerve produces thenar wasting and an inability
to have smooth opposition. There is also sensory loss.
3. Radial: Lesion of this nerve around the surgical neck of the humerus produces wrist
4. Upper trunk brachial lesion: (Erb-Duchenne paralysis) produces "waiter's tip"
syndrome. Upper limb is medially rotated and extended because lateral rotators and
flexors are compromised.

XIII. Vasculature of upper limb.

A. Subclavian artery: becomes the axillary artery after crossing the first rib. Divided into three
parts by the anterior scalene muscle which crosses anterior to the artery. Three parts of the
artery are defined by their relationship to the anterior scalene: a part medial (first part), a
part deep to the muscle (second part), and a part lateral to the muscle (third part).
1. First part: gives off vertebral, thyrocervical, and internal thoracic arteries.
2. Second part: gives off costocervical trunk.
3. Third part: gives off dorsal scapular artery.
B. Axillary artery: The continuation of the subclavian artery. Begins at the lateral border of the
first rib and continues to the lower border of teres major. The tendon of pectoralis minor
crosses it anteriorly and divides the vessel into 3 parts: a part medial to the pectoralis minor
tendon (first part); a part behind the tendon of pectoralis minor (second part) and a part
lateral to the tendon of pectoralis minor (third part).
1. First part: gives off one branch, the superior thoracic artery.
2. Second part: gives off two branches, the thoracoacromial and lateral thoracic arteries.
3. Third part: gives off three branches, the anterior humeral circumflex, posterior humeral
circumflex and subscapular arteries.

C. Brachial artery: The continuation of the axillary artery. At the lower border of teres major, the
axillary artery becomes the brachial artery. The brachial artery continues into the cubital
fossa where it divides into the ulnar and radial arteries. Branches of the brachial artery
include the profunda brachii (deep brachial), superior ulnar collateral, and inferior ulnar
D. Arterial supply to forearm and hand.
1. Radial artery: gives off radial recurrent which ascends around the lateral aspect of the
elbow and helps form the elbow arterial anastomosis. Also, usually a superficial palmar
branch is given off distally before the radial artery goes into the anatomical snuff box.
This branch anastomoses with and completes the superficial palmar arterial arch. The
main trunk of the radial artery continues into the floor of the anatomical snuff box and
enters the hand by passing between the two heads of the first dorsal interosseous
muscle and continues medially between the transverse and oblique heads of adductor
pollicis, to join the deep branch of the ulnar artery and complete the formation of the
deep palmar arterial arch. Thus the radial artery is the primary contributor to the deep
palmar arterial arch. The princeps pollicis and radialis indicis are major branches from
the deep palmar arterial arch.
2. Ulnar artery: Usually the larger branch of the brachial artery which continues down the
ulnar side of the forearm. Branches include the anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent
arteries and the common interosseous artery which gives off an anterior and posterior
branch. The ulnar artery continues into the hand, and forms the superficial palmar
arterial arch. Digital arteries arise from this arch.
E. Collateral circulation around joints.
1. Shoulder: Branches of the thyrocervical trunk (from subclavian artery) and subscapular
(from third part of axillary) arteries, along with intercostal arteries, form anastomoses
around the shoulder which may serve as a collateral route for blood to flow to the upper
2. Elbow: Recurrent branches from the ulnar anastomose with superior and inferior ulnar
collateral branches from the brachial artery and branches from the deep brachial
anastomose with the radial recurrent artery. This anastomoses forms an effective
collateral route around the elbow.
F. Veins of the upper limb.
1. Superficial: The cephalic system originates on the radial side of the hand and the
basilic system originates on the ulnar side of the hand. There are numerous
connections between these two major vessels in the forearm and a speCific pattern is
not apparent. In the arm, the basilic vein is on the medial side and the cephalic vein is
on the lateral side. The cephalic continues superiorly to pierce the costocoracoid
membrane and drain into the axillary. In the proximal arm, the basilic converges with
the brachial veins to form the axillary vein.
2. Deep. Deep veins, usually 2, accompany deep muscular arteries in the forearm and
arm. They are often referred to as vena comitantes of the named artery.

XIV. Wrist.
A. Osteology: There are eight carpal bones arranged in a proximal and distal row. The bones of
the proximal row, beginning on the radial side are: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum and pisiform.
Bones of the distal row, beginning on the radial side are: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and
hamate. The scaphoid is the most frequently fractured carpal bone and the lunate is the

most frequently dislocated. The capitate is a major carpal bone which transmits most of the
force from the hand superiorly into the forearm. The carpal bones are held together by
numerous dorsal and palmar ligaments.
B. Tendons and nerves: The flexor retinaculum is attached to the palmar surface of the carpal
bones and forms a fibro-osseous (carpal) tunnel through which tendons of the flexor
digitorum muscles, and flexor pollicis longus pass. The median nerve also passes through
this tunnel. Pressure on the median nerve as it passes through this tight space causes
carpal tunnel syndrome.

XV. Joints.
A. "Scapulo-thoracic joint" This is not a joint in the conventional sense but instead refers to the
rotary movement of the scapula on the dorsal scapula wall. For instance, in complete
abduction of the upper extremity, the scapula rotates at least 60° upward, in coordination
with movement at the glenohumeral joint, to position the glenoid surface of the scapula.
B. Sternoclavicular. The point of bony union between the trunk and upper limb. The synovial
cavity has a fibrocartilaginous disk interposed in the jOint space. The joint is reinforced
anteriorly and posteriorly by sternoclavicular ligaments.
C. Acromioclavicular. This synovial jOint connects the lateral end of the clavicle with the
acromion of the scapula. Though not a part of the joint, the coracoclavicular ligaments
(conoid and trapezoid) lend stability to the joint by holding the lateral end of the clavicle
down, preventing the acromion from being forced deep to the opposing lateral end of the
D. Shoulder (glenohumeral). A ball and socket with a large ball and very small bony socket and
loose articular capsule. This allows for free mobility but very little stability. During abduction,
the head of the humerus is literally held in place against the glenoid surface of the scapula
by the short tendons of the rotator cuff muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor,
and subscapularis). The bony socket of the joint is deepened by a fibrocartilaginous rim, the
glenoid labrum.
E. Elbow. A hinge joint between the humerus and ulnar. The proximal radioulnar articulation
also occurs here. The joint is reinforced by strong collateral ligaments on each side (ulnar
and radial collateral). The radial head is held against the radial notch of the ulna by the
strong annular ligament of the radius.
F. Wrist (radiocarpal articulation). The dominant long bone at the distal radiocarpal articulation
is the enlarged radius. The scaphoid and lunate are dominant carpal bones at this
articulation. The wrist allows abduction, adduction, flexion, extension and circumduction.

XVI. Radiology of upper limb.

A. Tear of rotator cuff tendons: causes an abnormal communication between the joint space
and the subacromial bursa. Injection of contrast agent into the joint space and subsequent
examination will confirm these tears.
B. Shoulder dislocations: most are inferior and/or anterior.
C. Acromioclavicular (AC) jOint: With trauma, this joint may separate. When this occurs, usually
the strong conoid and trapezoid ligaments are torn.

D. Elbow joint: Usually the faint shadows of the fat pads in the coronoid and radial fossae can
be seen. Trauma to the joint such as radial head fracture, usually displaces these fats pads
E. Wrist: The scaphoid is the most frequently fractured bone in the wrist. Often the blood
supply is not adequate in both ends of the bone, and the end of the broken bone without
adequate blood supply may undergo aseptic necrosis.


I. Overview of embryology. The organizational plan of head and neck anatomy is greatly aided by
an understanding of basic aspects of head and neck embryology, particularly the branchial
apparatus. Six branchial arches, numbered cranially to caudally, first become recognizable during
the fourth week as neural crest cells migrate into the head and neck region. The fifth arch is
rudimentary or absent in the human. Associated with each branchial arch is an artery, a nerve, a
cartilaginous component, and a muscular component. These components contribute extensively
to the definitive anatomy of the face, neck, nasal cavities, mouth, larynx and pharynx.
A. Derivatives of branchial arch cartilaginous components. First arch: malleus and incus (of
middle ear), anterior ligament of malleus, and sphenomandibular ligament. Second arch:
stapes (of middle ear), styloid process of temporal bone, stylohyoid ligament, lesser cornu
and superior part of body of the hyoid bone. Third arch: greater cornu and inferior part of
body of hyoid bone. Fifth arch: rudimentary or absent. Fourth and Sixth arches: all laryngeal
cartilages except the epiglottic cartilage.
B. Muscles derived from branchial arches: First arch: muscles of mastication (masseter, lateral
and medial pterygoids, temporalis), anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, tensor tympani,
and tensor veli palatini. Second arch: muscles of facial expression, posterior belly of
digastric, stapedius, and stylohyoid. Third arch: one muscle, the stylopharyngeus. Fourth
arch: circular constrictors and longitudinal muscles of the pharynx, levator veli palatini,
muscularis uvulae, and cricothyroid. Sixth arch: all intrinsic muscles of the larynx (except
cricothyroid) and cricopharyngeus. The sixth arch may also contribute to the trapezius and
sternocleidomastoid, however, these muscles receive their motor innervation from the spinal
root of the accessory nerve.
C. Nerves associated with branchial arches: First arch: trigeminal nerve. Second arch: facial
nerve. Third arch: glossopharyngeal nerve. Fourth arch: superior laryngeal branch of vagus.
Sixth arch: recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus.

II. Cervical plexus. The cervical plexus is formed from ventral primary rami of spinal nerves CI-4' The
plexus is deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and provides motor supply to neck muscles
derived from somites and the diaphragm, and sensation to the neck.
A. Motor branches.
1. C1 ventral primary ramus has a descending branch, the superior ramus of ansa
cervicalis, which travels inferiorly and medially with the hypoglossal nerve. Medially, a
branch of the superior ramus (C 1) innervates the geniohyoid and thyrohyoid muscles.
2. The superior ramus of ansa cervicalis (C 1), joins the inferior ramus (C2 ,3) to form a
nerve loop (ansa cervicalis) around (usually) the internal jugular vein. The ansa
cervicalis complex provides motor innervation to the remaining 3 infrahyoid muscles
(sternohYOid, omohyoid, sternothyroid).

3. Phrenic nerve. This nerve innervates the diaphragm. It is primarily C4 , although it
usually receives additional contributions from C3 and Cs.
4. Direct muscular branches from C 1-4 supply prevertebral muscles (longus capitis, longus
coli, etc).
B. Sensory branches.
1. C 1 gives a sensory branch which ascends superiorly through the foramen magnum to
innervate the meninges.
2. C2 and C3 converge to form the following sensory nerves: lesser occipital, greater
auricular, and transverse cervical.
3. C3 and C4 converge to form the supraclavicular nerves.
4. C2-4 provide sensory branches which join the accessory nerve to provide sensory
supply to the sternocleidomastoid (C2 .3 ) and trapezius (C3 ,4)'

III. Cranial nerves. Twelve cranial nerves, part of the peripheral nervous system, exit from the
cranium. These nerves are not uniform in their composition and each must be considered as a
"special case." In addition to the four general functional components (GSE, GSA, GVE, GVA)
found in all spinal nerves, cranial nerves may have an additional three "special" functional
components. Specialized senses account for two special afferent components: special visceral
afferent (SVA, taste and smell); special somatic afferent (SSA, sight, equilibrium and hearing).
Some authors do not distinguish between SVA and SSA, instead referring to all these modalities
as special sensory (SS). Skeletal muscles which develop in association with branchial arches
(branchiomeric muscles) are classically considered to be of visceral origin; fibers which innervate
these muscles are called special visceral efferent (SVE). Recent evidence suggests that these
muscles develop from paroxial mesoderm like all other skeletal muscle (see musculoskeletal
system in Embryology section).
A. Olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I). The nerve of smell. Exits the cranium through the cribriform
plate of the ethmoid bone. One functional component: SVA, smell.
B. Optic nerve (cranial nerve II). The nerve of sight. Exits the cranium through the optic canal
(sphenoid bone). One functional component: SSA, sight.
C. Oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III). Innervates 4 extraocular muscles and the levator
palpebrae superiorus, and provides parasympathetic autonomic innervation to the orbit
(sphincter pupillae and ciliary body). Two functional components: GSE and GVE. The nerve
emerges from the ventral brain and passes between the superior cerebellar and posterior
cerebral arteries, continues lateral to the posterior communicating artery and descends into
the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, superior to the trochlear nerve. In the cavernous
sinus, GSA components from the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve and GVE
sympathetic components from the internal carotid plexus "ride" with III for peripheral
distribution. The III nerve enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure, and divides into
a superior and inferior division.
1. Superior division: GSE components innervate 2 muscles derived from myotomes: the
levator palpebrae superiorus and the superior rectus.
2. Inferior division: GSE components innervate 3 muscles derived from myotomes: medial
rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique. The mnemonic for muscles innervated by
the III nerve is 35X. The parasympathetic GVE component of III travels with the inferior
division of III to reach the ciliary ganglion, suspended from the nasociliary nerve near
the apex of the orbit, for synapse. The ciliary ganglion contains the perikarya of
postganglionic parasympathetic GVE components. Sympathetic GVE components, and

sensory components, pass through the ganglion. Postganglionic parasympathetic GVE
components as well as sympathetic GVE and sensory (GSA) components leave the
ciliary ganglion via the short ciliary nerves for peripheral distribution. Parasympathetic
postganglionic GVE components innervate smooth muscle of the ciliary body and the
pupillary sphincter. Sympathetic GVE components innervate smooth muscle which
dilates the pupil. Sensory (GSA) components of the short ciliary nerves provide
sensation to the cornea.
D. Trochlear nerve: (cranial nerve IV). One functional component: GSE. Innervates one
extraocular muscle, the superior oblique. The nerve leaves the dorsum of the brain stem,
decussates, and emerges on the ventral surface of the brain posterior to the posterior clinoid
process. It then passes forward in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus inferior to the III
nerve. The nerve reaches the orbit via the superior orbital fissure (sphenoid bone) and
innervates one muscle derived from myotomes: the superior oblique. The mnemonic for the
trochlear nerve is S04.
E. Trigeminal nerve: (cranial nerve V). Two functional components: GSA and SVE. The great
sensory nerve of the anterior face and the nerve that innervates branchiomeric muscles
from the first arch.
1. Trigeminal ganglion. The large sensory ganglion of the V nerve that lies deep to dura,
near the apex of the petro us portion of the temporal bone. Three major branches
(divisions) emerge from this ganglion: the ophthalmic division (V\ maxillary division
(V2) , and mandibular division (V\
2. Ophthalmic division. Purely sensory (GSA). Leaves the trigeminal ganglion, travels
anteriorly in the wall of the cavernous sinus, and reaches the orbit via the superior
orbital fissure. In the orbit, it divides into 3 nerves: the frontal, lacrimal and nasociliary.
3. Maxillary division. Purely sensory (GSA). Like the ophthalmic branch, it leaves the
trigeminal ganglion, travels anteriorly in the wall of the cavernous sinus, leaves the
cranium through the foramen rotundum (sphenoid), traverses the pterygopalatine
fossa, and passes through the inferior orbital fissure and becomes the infraorbital
nerve. It provides GSA components to the sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary paranasal
sinuses, maxillary teeth and gums, part of the nasopharynx and hard palate, and skin
of the anterior zygomatic and anterior temporal region.
4. Mandibular division. A mixed division (GSA and SVE). It leaves the cranium via the
foramen ovale (sphenoid), gives off a branch which reenters the cranium to supply the
dura. The mandibular nerve supplies sensation to the teeth and gums of the lower jaw,
anterior two-thirds of the tongue, buccal mucosa, and it has a large cutaneous
distribution around the mandible and via the auriculotemporal nerve to the external
auditory meatus, parotid gland, and temporomandibular articulation. SVE components
supply muscles of mastication and several other muscles derived from first arch
F. Abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI). One functional component, GSE, and the nerve
innervates one extraocular muscle, the lateral rectus. The nerve leaves the brain and
continues anteriorly through the cavernous sinus and reaches the orbit via the superior
orbital fissure (sphenoid).
G. Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). The great motor nerve to the face. Five functional
components: SVE to muscles of facial expression and other muscles derived from the
second arch; GVE=parasympathetics to lacrimal (via synapse in pterygopalatine ganglion)
and submandibular gland and sublingual gland (via synapse in submandibular ganglion);

SVA=taste from anterior two-thirds of tongue, GVA= sensory from a small lateral area of soft
palate, and GSA=sensory from skin on posterior surface of external ear. The geniculate
ganglion lies in the genu of the facial canal and contains nerve cell bodies of all three
sensory components. The facial nerve enters the internal auditory meatus as two nerves:
the large branchiomeric portion (the SVE motor root) and the smaller intermediate nerve,
which contains the sensory and autonomic components.
H. Vestibulocochlear (cranial nerve VIII). One functional component, SSA, which mediates
equilibrium and hearing. The nerve exits the cranium via the internal auditory meatus, along
with the VII nerve.
I. Glossopharyngeal (cranial nerve IX). Exits the skull via the jugular foramen. Five functional
components: GVA=general sensory from posterior one third of tongue mucosa, lateral
pharynx in region of palatine tonsils, carotid body and sinus, and mucous membrane of
tympanic cavity; SVA=taste from posterior one third of tongue; SVE=motor to
stylopharyngeus muscle, GSA=sensory from external auditory meatus and small portion of
external ear; GVE=parasympathetic autonomic to parotid gland via synapse in the otic
ganglion. There are two sensory ganglia of the IX nerve: an inferior (petrosal) ganglion
contains GVA and SVA nerve cell bodies, and the superior ganglion contains GSA nerve cell
J. Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X). Exits the skull via the jugular foramen. Five functional
components: GVE=parasympathetic to thoracic and abdominal viscera; SVE=
branchiomotor to muscles of pharynx derived from the fourth and sixth arches; GVA=
sensory from a small area of the pharynx, from the carotid body, from the laryngeal mucosa
and from viscera of body cavities superior to the pelvis; SVA=taste from a few taste buds on
the epiglottis; GSA=sensory from external auditory meatus, external aspect of tympanic
membrane, and part of the pinna of the ear. There are two sensory ganglia of the X nerve:
an inferior (nodose) ganglion contains nerve cell bodies of GVA and SVA components and
the superior Ougular) ganglion contains nerve cell bodies of GSA components.
K. Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI, spinal root). Exits the cranium through the jugular
foramen. One functional component: SVE, to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius. The spinal
root is derived from a convergence of contributions from the upper five cervical segments of
the spinal cord. Some descriptions include a bulbar root of XI which contains SVE
components. However, these bulbar contributions distribute peripherally with branches of
the X nerve and are considered to be a part of the X nerve in the current description.
L. Hypoglossal (cranial nerve XII). One functional component, GSE. The hypoglossal provides
voluntary motor innervation to the three extrinsic muscles (hyoglossus, genioglossus,
styloglossus) of the tongue. The nerve leaves the cranium via the hypoglossal canal
(occipital bone), proceeds anteriorly and inferiorly and ascends deep to the posterior belly of
the digastric muscle to reach the tongue.

IV. Superficial face. Important structures include the muscles of facial expression, derived from the
second arch, numerous branches of the facial nerve innervating these muscles, the facial artery
and vein, and the parotid gland and duct.
A. Facial artery. A branch of the external carotid. Ascends across the mandible anterior to the
masseter muscle onto the face. On the face, it is distinctively tortuous. Gives off superior
and inferior labial branches, continues superiorly as the lateral nasal and terminates as the
angular artery in the medial canthus of the eye.

B. Facial vein. Accompanies the facial artery and drains into the jugular system. This valveless
vein is connected indirectly to the important cavernous sinus via the ophthalmic vein. There
are also communications with the deep pterygoid plexus of veins. These are anatomical
routes by which infections may spread from the superficial to deep face or into the dural
venous sinuses.
C. Facial nerve. Branchiomeric components exit the stylomastoid foramen (temporal bone) and
enter the parotid gland. Within the gland, the nerve divides into two major divisions and each
division gives off several branches. These branches (temporal, zygomatic, buccal,
mandibular, cervical) emerge around the superior and anterior edge of the parotid gland and
innervate muscles of facial expression.
D. Parotid gland. The largest salivary gland. Sits in front of the ear, and covered by a dense
fascia. Receives its parasympathetic secretomotor innervation from the IX nerve via
postganglionics from the otic ganglion which accompany the auriculotemporal branch of the
mandibular nerve. The auriculotemporal nerve also conveys sympathetic fibers, derived
from the plexus around the middle meningeal artery, to the gland.

V. Temporal region. The superficial temporal artery, branch of the external carotid, ascends anterior
to the ear, accompanied by the temporal branch of the auriculotemporal nerve (from mandibular
nerve). The temporalis muscle descends deep to the zygomatic arch to insert on the coronoid
process of the mandible. The masseter muscle, originates from the zygomatic arch and descends
to insert on the ramus of the mandible. Both these powerful muscles of mastication are
innervated by the trigeminal nerve (mandibular branch).

VI. Infratemporal region. This part of the deep face contains two important muscles of mastication,
and major nerves and vessels. These structures are contained in the infratemporal fossa, a space
bounded laterally by the ramus of the mandible and medially by the lateral pterygoid plate
A. Temporomandibular joint. This jOint borders the infratemporal region, posteriorly. This is a
synovial joint containing an articular disk which divides the jOint cavity into two spaces: The
upper space allows a gliding motion between the disk and mandibular fossa, such as when
protruding the jaw. The lower space allows hinge movement between the mandibular
condyle and disk, such as when opening the mouth. This complex joint receives sensory
innervation from the auriculotemporal nerve.
B. Muscles. Two important muscles in this region participate in mastication and are, of course,
innervated the mandibular branch of the V cranial nerve. The lateral pterygoid takes origin
primarily from the lateral pterygoid plate and inserts into the mandibular neck and articular
disk of the temporomandibular jOint. This muscle is important for protrusion of the mandible.
The medial pterygoid muscle runs a course on the medial side of the mandible similar to the
masseter muscle on the lateral side. Thus it is important in grinding and chewing. Its anterior
fibers may also participate in protrusion of the jaw.
C. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. This division is a mixed nerve, while the ophthalmic
and maxillary divisions are purely sensory. The mandibular nerve enters the infratemporal
fossa via the foramen ovale and gives motor branches to the four muscles of mastication. It
also provides the following sensory branches: meningeal, sensory to dura mater; buccal,
sensory to buccal mucosa; auriculotemporal, sensory to external ear and scalp; lingual,
sensory to anterior two-thirds of tongue; and inferior alveolar, sensory to lower jaw.

D. Chorda tympani. This is a branch of the VII nerve which mediates taste from the anterior
two-thirds of the tongue and carries parasympathetic preganglionic fibers to the
submandibular ganglion. High in the infratemporal fossa, this nerve exits the petrotympanic
fissure and joins the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve for peripheral distribution.
E. Maxillary artery. This branch of the external carotid enters the infratemporal fossa by
passing posterior to the neck of the mandible. Important branches of the maxillary artery
include numerous branches which supply muscles of mastication; the middle meningeal
artery, which supplies the major portion of the periosteal dura in the cranium; inferior
alveolar, which supplies the lower jaw; the posterior superior alveolar, which supplies the
upper jar; the descending palatine, which supplies the hard palate; and the sphenopalatine,
which supplies the nasal cavity.

VII. Floor of mouth. The tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth and several important nerves,
muscles, and vessels are in this region.
A. Muscles. From superior to inferior, these include the genioglossus, which protrudes the
tongue; geniohyoid, which stabilizes the hyoid; mylohyoid, which stabilizes the hyoid and
depresses the mandible; and anterior belly of digastric, which also stabilizes the hyoid.
B. Tongue. This structure has three extrinsic muscles and a complex innervation. The
styloglossus, retracts the tongue; hyoglossus, flattens the tongue from side to side; and
genioglossus, protrudes the tongue. Five nerves innervate the tongue: trigeminal, general
sensation from the anterior two thirds; facial, taste from anterior two thirds;
glossopharyngeal, taste and general sensation from posterior one third; vagus, motor to
palatoglossus, which elevates back of tongue; and hypoglossal, motor to genioglossus,
hyoglossus and styloglossus.
C. lingual artery. Branch of external carotid which lies deep to the hyoglossus muscle and
ascends the posterior border of this muscle to enter the floor of mouth. Often arises in
common with the facial artery.
D. Nerves. The hypoglossal and lingual nerves lie deep to the tongue. Details of these nerves
have been previously mentioned.
E. Sublingual and submandibular salivary glands. The sublingual gland, the deep part of the
submandibular gland, and the submandibular duct are deep to the tongue in the floor of the

VIII. Paranasal sinuses. There are four groups of these sinuses; all are lined with a richly vascularized
mucosa. These sinuses also receive an abundant sensory innervation from the trigeminal nerve
0i and V2). All paranasal sinuses drain into the nasal cavity or nasopharynx. The four groups of
sinuses are: frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, and ethmoid air cells.

IX. Cranial dura mater and venous sinuses. In the cranium, the tough dura consists of two layers: an
outer layer which serves as periosteum for bone (periosteal layer) and an inner layer which is
applied to the brain (meningeal layer). The meningeal layer forms structures which help support
and separate various lobes and hemispheres of the brain. Between duplications of the meningeal
layer or between meningeal and periosteal dura are dural venous sinuses. These sinuses are
lined with endothelium and directly or indirectly drain into the internal jugular vein.
A. Dural derivatives which support/separate portions of brain:

1. Falx cerebri: Sickle-shaped double layer of meningeal dura that projects inferiorly and
separates the two cerebral hemispheres. Its lower free border contains the inferior
sagittal sinus and the superior sagittal sinus is at the superior border.
2. Tentorium cerebelli: A double layer of meningeal dura, shaped like a tent, which serves
to support the occipital lobes of cerebral hemispheres and separate these structures
from the cerebellar hemispheres. The medial portion of the tentorium is free around the
brain stem. The tentorium is attached posterolaterally to the occipital bone and
anteriorly to the petrous process of the temporal bone.
3. Falx cerebelli: A poorly developed double layer of meningeal dura which separates the
cerebellar hemispheres.
4. Diaphragma sellae: A double layer of meningeal dura that covers the hypophyseal
fossa superiorly, and thus the hypophysis, except for an opening that allows the
pituitary stalk to pass through.
B. Dural venous sinuses: These include the large superior sagittal sinus between the
meningeal and periosteal dura along the midline; this is the site of CSF resorption into
venous blood via the arachnoid granulations; the inferior sagittal sinus, at the free border of
the superior sagittal sinus; the straight sinus, the continuation of the inferior sagittal sinus
which receives the great cerebral vein; the confluens of sinuses, which receives the straight,
superior sagittal and occipital sinuses; the transverse sinus, the lateral continuation from the
confluens; and the sigmoid sinus, which is the continuation of the transverse sinus into the
internal jugular bulb. Smaller sinuses include the sphenoparietal sinus, on the lesser wing of
the sphenoid; the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses on the same aspects of the petrous
process and the very important cavernous sinus with several nerves and the internal carotid
artery passing through. Emissary veins pass through the skull and connect with external
veins, and thus provide an anatomical route by which infection may pass from the surface
deep into the brain.

X. Organization of neck: fascial planes.

A. Visceral. This surrounds the two visceral tubes in the neck. The anterior portion of this
fascia is called pretracheal, the posterior portion around the pharynx is bucopharyngeal.
B. Prevertebral. This surrounds the vertebrae and prevertebral muscles. The potential space
between the visceral and prevertebral fascia is the retropharyngeal space.
C. Carotid sheath. The fascial sheath that invests the carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and
vagus nerve.
D. Investing fascia. As the name suggests, this fascia surrounds all neck structures.

XI. Triangles of neck: The neck is a complex area and for descriptive purposes, the neck is divided
into several triangles. The sternocleidomastoid muscle divides the neck into posterior and
anterior triangles, which are posterior and anterior to the reference muscle, respectively.
A. Posterior triangle: area between the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. Important
structures found in this area include accessory nerve, external jugular vein, cutaneous
branches of cervical plexus, transverse cervical and suprascapular arteries (from
thyrocervical trunk), brachial plexus, and the anterior scalene muscle with overlying phrenic
B. Anterior triangle: area anterior to sternocleidomastoid over to midline of the neck. This
triangle is divided into several triangles by smaller muscles crossing and bordering the larger

anterior triangles. Smaller triangles include the muscular triangle of the neck, submental
triangle (under the chin), submandibular triangle and carotid triangle.

XII. Vasculature of head and neck.

A. Branches of arch of aorta: From right to left, these include: brachiocephalic, left common
carotid, and left subclavian. On the right side, the brachiocephalic subsequently divides into
the right subclavian and right common carotid arteries.
B. Subclavian artery: Crosses posterior to anterior scalene muscle. Medial to the anterior
scalene muscle it has 3 branches: vertebral, thyrocervical and internal thoracic. Posterior to
the anterior scalene, it gives off the costocervical trunk. Lateral to the anterior scalene, it
gives off the dorsal scapular artery.
C. Common carotid artery. Ascends in the neck, and in the carotid triangle divides into external
and internal branches. The internal carotid artery is posterior to the external carotid artery
and has no branches outside the cranium. In contrast, the external carotid artery has 8
1. External carotid: The first branch is the superior thyroid, and the remaining branches in
order are: lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal, occipital, posterior auricular, and the
terminal bifurcation forms the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries.
2. Internal carotid: enters the cranium via the carotid canal (temporal bone), traverses the
cavernous sinus, and immediately gives off the ophthalmic artery. Subsequently, it
bifurcates into its two terminal branches, the anterior and middle cerebral arteries.
D. Circulus arteriosus (Circle of Willis). This arterial circle around the base of the brain is
formed from contributions from the internal carotids anteriorly, and the vertebral arteries
posteriorly. The vertebrals, branches of the subclavian, ascend through the foramen
magnum and fuse on the anterior surface of the brainstem, forming the basilar. Branches
from the vertebrals and basilar serve the cerebellum and pons. The basilar terminates by
dividing into two posterior cerebral arteries. Posterior communicating arteries connect the
posterior cerebrals to the internal carotid. Anterior carotids are connected by an anterior
communicating artery. The arterial circle so formed helps to equalize blood flow to various
parts of the brain.
E. Internal jugular vein. The continuation of the sigmoid dural venous sinus extra-cranially via
the jugular foramen. A dilation, the superior jugular bulb, occurs at its origin. This major
venous trunk has several communications with the external jugular system and ends by
joining the subclavian vein to form brachiocephalic vein on each side.
F. External jugular vein. Lies deep to platysma but superficial to sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Formed by convergence of retromandibular and posterior auricular veins. The external
jugular drains into the subclavian vein lateral to the internal jugular. An anterior jugular vein
system, may drain into the external or internal jugular.
G. Brachiocephalic vein. Two large veins formed by convergence of internal jugular and
subclavian veins deep to the sternoclavicular joint.
H. Lymphatic drainage from head and neck. Lymphatics tend to follow arteries and veins.
There is a ring of superficial nodes and a ring of deep nodes around the head and neck.
These nodes usually have regional names and superficial nodes generally drain into deep
nodes. Efferent channels from nodes converge to form vessels which drain into the
subclavian veins on the left (thoracic duct) and right (right lymphatic duct) sides.

I. Thoracic duct. A major lymphatic channel that begins in the abdomen, ascends through the
thorax between the descending aorta and azygous vein, and empties into the left subclavian
vein, usually lateral to the point where the internal jugular joins the subclavian vein. The
thoracic duct collects lymph from all of the body except the right half of the body superior to
the diaphragm and returns the lymph to the venous system. (Lymph from the right half of
the body superior to the diaphragm returns to the venous system by the right lymphatic

XIII. Pharynx. The funnel-shaped area common to the cranial end of the respiratory and alimentary
passages. The pharynx begins posterior to the nose, at the base of the skull and descends to the
cricoid cartilage. At the cricoid cartilage, the pharynx divides into the anteriorly placed larynx and
the posteriorly placed esophagus. Three parts of pharynx: nasopharynx, posterior to the nose;
oropharynx, posterior to the oral cavity; and laryngopharynx, posterior to the larynx. The
pharyngeal isthmus joins the nasopharynx to the oropharynx. The isthmus is closed during
swallowing by the soft palate elevating posteriorly to meet the posterior wall of the pharynx. This
prevents food and liquids from passing through the nose. During respiration, the soft palate acts
as a flap valve to allow continuity between the naso- and oropharynx.
A. Nasopharynx. Superior to soft palate. The auditory (eustachian) tube, with its cartilaginous
extension, the torus tubarius, opens into this area. Deep to the mucous membrane, anterior
to the auditory tube, is the tensor veli palatini and posterior to the tube, is the levator veli
palatini. Extending inferiorly from the torus tubarius is the salpingopharyngeal fold, formed
by the underlying salpingopharyngeus (tubal part of palatopharyngeus) muscle. Lymphatic
tissue adjacent to the opening of the auditory tube constitutes the tubal tonsil. Lymphatic
tissue on the posterior superior aspect of the nasopharynx constitutes the pharyngeal tonsil
(= adenoids when enlarged).
B. Oropharynx. Inferior to soft palate and posterior to oral cavity. Palatoglossal arch (fold),
formed by underlying muscle of the same name, separates oral cavity from oropharynx.
Palatopharyngeal arch (fold) is also formed by underlying muscle of same name. Between
the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeus arches is a triangular depression, the fauces, which
contains the palatine tonsils. The inferior portion of the anterior wall of the oropharynx is
formed by the root of the tongue and the epiglottic cartilage. The collection of lymphoid
tissue at the root of the tongue constitutes the lingual tonsil. Three mucous membrane folds,
conSisting of one median glossoepiglottic fold between the tongue and epiglottic cartilage,
and two lateral glossoepiglottic folds, between the epiglottis and the junction of the tongue
and pharynx, bound depressions, the epiglottic valleculae.
C. Laryngopharynx. Posterior to larynx and extending from the inlet of the larynx inferiorly to
the cricoid cartilage, where it becomes the esophagus. An important feature of this portion of
the pharynx is the piriform recess, on each side of the laryngopharynx. Bones in a bolus of
food may penetrate the mucosa and become stuck in this recess.
D. Layers of pharyngeal wall, from external to internal.
1. Outermost layer=bucopharyngeal fascia, attached superiorly to pterygomandibular
raphe (from pterygoid hamulus to mandible).
2. Muscular layer. Outer circular and inner longitudinal layers. Three muscles, the
superior, middle, and inferior constrictors stack on one another, like flower pots, and
comprise the outer circular layer. Gaps between or above these muscles transmit
important structures entering or leaving the pharynx: The gap cranial to the superior
constrictor transmits the auditory tube and levator palati. The gap between the superior

and middle constrictors transmits nerves and vessels to the tongue and styloglossus
and stylopharyngeus muscles. The gap between the middle and inferior constrictors
transmits the superior laryngeal artery and internal laryngeal nerve. Inferiorly, between
the inferior constrictor and esophagus, the inferior laryngeal nerve and vessels ascend
to enter the larynx. The inner longitudinal layer is comprised of three muscles:
salpingopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus, and stylopharyngeus.
3. Strong submucosa called pharyngobasilar fascia.
4. Mucosa.
E. Arteries. Include ascending pharyngeal (from external carotid) and pharyngeal branches of
facial and maxillary arteries.
F. Lymphatics. Lymph drains into retropharyngeal and deep cervical nodes.
G. Nerves. Pharyngeal plexus, consists of IX, X, and sympathetic components. All muscles
except tensor palati and stylopharyngeus are innervated by X. Tensor palati is innervated by
V3 and the stylopharyngeus by IX. The IX nerve is an important sensory nerve of the
pharynx. In addition to the posterior one-third of the tongue, the nerve is sensory to the
lateral aspect of the pharynx, in the region between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal
arches. Stimulation of the mucous membrane in these areas produces a gag reflex and is a
speCific test for the sensory component of IX. The sensory innervation of the soft palate is
V 2 and the sensory innervation of the pharyngeal mucosa posterior or inferior to the
palatopharyngeal arch is X. Thus, stimulation of the soft palate or dorsal pharyngeal wall
might also produce a gag reflex, but the effect would not be specific for IX.

XIV. Larynx. The "watchdog of the airway," lies in the neck between fourth and sixth cervical
vertebrae. The larynx has a cartilaginous skeleton to maintain its patency for air flow, but the air
flow may be decreased or cut off completely by voluntary muscles controlling the vocal cords. In
addition to regulating the airway, the larynx functions as a voice production organ.
A. Cartilaginous skeleton: Five major cartilages of the larynx: cricoid, shaped like a signet ring,
is most inferiorly placed and lies at the level of C6, with its lamina faCing posteriorly; thyroid,
forms the prominence of the Adam's apple; epiglottiS, leaf-shaped and its superior end is
free while the lateral margins are enclosed in the aryepiglottiC folds; arytenoids (2 of these)
are three-sided pyramidal structures sitting on the upper border of the cricoid lamina. Minor
cartilages include the paired corniculates, at the apex of the arytenoid cartilages; the
cuneiform cartilages, in the aryepiglottic folds and the triticeal cartilages, embedded in the
free posterior edges of the thyrohyoid membrane.
B. Spaces and folds: The larynx is divided into three spaces or regions by the superior
vestibular (false vocal cords) and inferior ventricular (true vocal cords) folds. The superior
space, extending from the aditus to the vestibular folds, is the vestibule. The middle space is
the ventricle, bounded by the vestibular folds superiorly and the ventricular folds inferiorly.
Between the vestibular folds=rima vestibuli; between the ventricular folds= rima glottidis.
The most inferior space, inferior to the rima glottidis= infraglottic portion, which leads into the
C. Muscles.
1. Sphincter muscles= sphincteric function at the laryngeal aditus and vestibule and help
prevent food and water from entering the larynx.
a) Oblique arytenoid: Thin crossed muscles which overlie the transverse arytenoid

b) Aryepiglottis: Continuation of oblique arytenoid into aryepiglottic fold.
c) Thyroepiglottis: On medial side of quadrangular ligament, may help pull down the
epiglottis during swallowing.
2. Muscles which control opening and closing of airway at rima glottidis:
a) Posterior cricoarytenoid. The only abductor of the vocal folds. Opens airway
during respiration.
b) Lateral cricoarytenoid. Adducts or approximates the vocal folds.
c) Arytenoideus. Powerful adductor of vocal folds.
3. Muscles which regulate tension on the vocal folds:
a) Cricothyroid: anteriorly placed and upon contraction tilts the thyroid cartilage
anteriorly at cricothyroid joint, thus increasing tension on true vocal ligaments.
b) Thyroarytenoid: Parallels vocal folds and lies lateral to them. Pulls arytenoids
anteriorly, with consequent shortening and a decrease of tension on the vocal
c) Vocalis: Consists of innermost muscle fibers of thyroarytenoid, attaching to vocal
cords. Minutely adjusts vocal cords for speaking and singing.
D. Arteries. Laryngeal branches of superior and inferior thyroid arteries supply the larynx.
E. Lymphatics. Lymphatic drainage superior to true vocal folds is cranial to superior deep
cervical nodes near the carotid bifurcation. Lymphatic drainage inferior to true vocal folds is
caudally to inferior deep cervical nodes.
F. Nerves. Larynx innervated by superior and inferior laryngeal branches of X. The internal
branch of superior laryngeal supplies sensory fibers to laryngeal mucosa superior to true
vocal folds. The external branch of superior laryngeal innervates one muscle, the
cricothyroid. The inferior laryngeal nerve, the continuation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve,
supplies sensory fibers to the laryngeal mucosa inferior to the true vocal folds and motor
fibers to the remaining intrinsic laryngeal muscles.

xv. Potpourri of radiological considerations.

A. Orbital shadows: Enlarged on AP view.
B. Pineal gland: Should be in midline and may be calcified.
C. Paranasal sinuses: Always viewed from both PA and lateral projections.
D. Sella turcica (of sphenoid): Enlargement signals abnormality or disease process.
E. Dura and choroid plexus: May have some calcification.
F. Optic canal (sphenoid): Seen end on end with oblique projection.
G. Orbit floor: Formed by roof of maxillary sinus.
H. Condylar process (mandible): Frequently fractured part of mandible.
I. Internal auditory canal: Viewed with PA projection.
J. Parotid and submandibular ducts: Visualized after injection of contrast material into duct
K. Thyroid gland: Visualized after oral administration of radioactive iodine; viewed via nuclear
L. Left vertebral artery: Usually larger than right.

M. Middle meningeal artery: Enlarged in certain brain tumors.
N. Internal carotid artery: No branches in neck, larger and posterior to external.

XVI. Applied Anatomy/Anatomical Pearls.

A. Facial nerve: Inflammation in the confined space of facial canal exerts pressure on the
nerve; may cause ipsilateral paralysis in facial muscles=Bell's Palsy.
B. Facial nerve: Lesion of the lingual nerve (branch of trigeminal) would only alter general
sensation to the tongue. Lesion of lingual nerve distal to the point where chorda tympani
joins, would in addition, block taste to anterior 2/3s of tongue and secretion of
submandibular and sublingual glands.
C. Helpful generalizations regarding cranial nerves:
1. III, IV, VI and XII: Contain GSE components and innervate muscles that do not develop
in association with branchial apparatus.
2. V, VII, IX and X: Contain SVE components and innervate muscles that develop in
association with branchial arches.
3. III, VII, IX and X: Contain parasympathetic GVE components to viscera.
4. V, VII, IX and X: Contain sensory components and have sensory ganglia homologous
to dorsal root ganglia of spinal nerves.
5. Only II and VIII contain SSA components.
6. Taste (SVA): Carried over cranial nerves VII, IX, and X.
7. Trigeminal nerve: Each major branch of this nerve has a parasympathetic ganglion
attached to it: Ciliary ganglion, functionally related to III, is attached to V1;
pterygopalatine ganglion, functionally related to VII, is attached to V2; submandibular
ganglion, also functionally related to VII, is attached to V 3 ; and otic ganglion,
functionally related to IX, is attached to V 3 .
8. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve: An enlarged heart may exert pressure on this nerve
resulting in a hoarse voice.
9. Oculomotor nerve: Emerges from brain stem between posterior cerebral artery and
superior cerebellar artery; vulnerable to compression and dysfunction by aneurysms in
either of these vessels.
D. Referred pain: Pain may originate from the diaphragm (phrenic, C3-5) and be referred to skin
over the clavicle (supraclavicular nerves C3•4).
E. Middle meningeal artery: Epidural, may produce an epidural hemorrhage if injured.
F. Cavernous sinus: The following pass through or are embedded in the wall of this structure:
Cranial nerves III, IV, V 1, V 2, VI, internal carotid artery.
G. Pterygoid plexus of veins: Deep in face, connect surface veins, such as the facial, with the
cavernous dural venous sinus.
H. Superior laryngeal nerve: Injury to this nerve will impair or abolish the cough reflex.
I. Larynx: If surgically removed, coughing or lifting heavy objects is impossible, because the
airway cannot be closed.
J. Piriform recess: Foreign bodies, such as bones, frequently lodge in this space in the

K. Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux): Excruciating pain along one or more branches of the
trigeminal nerve. The exact cause is unknown but the condition is often associated with an
anomalous vessel lying adjacent to the trigeminal ganglion.


I. Surface Anatomy.
A. Nipple: An important landmark on the anterior thoracic wall, located at the fourth interspace,
in the midclavicular line.
B. Diaphragm: The right hemi-diaphragm rises to less than half an inch below the right nipple;
the left hem i-diaphragm is about an inch below the left nipple. The central tendon is at the
level of the xiphisternal junction. Posteriorly, the xiphisternal junction occurs at the level of
the intervertebral disk between T9 and T10.
C. Projection of heart: Right border parallels the right side of the sternum, extending lateral to
the sternum less than an inch and extending vertically from the third to sixth costal cartilage.
Lower border extends across xiphisternal junction toward the left to the midclavicular line at
the fifth interspace (apex beat); Left border extends from apex beat to left 2 nd intercostal
space, about an inch from the left sternal margin. Superiorly placed base of heart extends
from left second intercostal space to right superior heart border at third costal cartilage.
D. Auscultation of heart valves: Auscultation of individual valves is dependent on the thickness
of the chest wall and direction of blood flow. The pulmonic valve is auscultated at the left
second intercostal space, near the sternal margin; the aortic valve is auscultated at the right
second intercostal space, near the sternal margin; the mitral valve is auscultated at the apex
beat (midclavicular line at the left fifth intercostal space), and the tricuspid is auscultated at
the right margin of the sternum, at the fifth intercostal space.

II. Skeleton. Components of the skeleton of the thorax include the sternum, with its manubrium,
body and xiphoid process, the ribs and costal cartilages, and thoracic vertebrae. The sternal
angle (of Louis) is an important landmark on the anterior thoracic wall and marks the site where
the second rib articulates at the junction of the manubrium and body of the sternum. Ribs 1-10
articulate with the sternum via costal cartilages. Ribs 11 and 12 are short, and fail to reach the
sternum. Instead they terminate in muscle posteriorly. The thoracic inlet is relatively small and
kidney-shaped. The thoracic outlet is large and irregular and closed by the diaphragm.

III. Muscles of thoracic wall: The muscular component of the thoracic wall is segmental and
innervated by ventral primary rami of spinal nerves.
A. Superficial layer: Muscles include the external intercostal and levatores costarum. External
intercostal fibers, directed inferiorly and medially, extend from tubercles of ribs to
costochondral junctions. At this junction, the muscle extends medially as the external
intercostal membrane. Levatores costarum are deeply placed posteriorly. They arise from
transverse processes of vertebrae and pass inferiorly to insert on the next lower rib.
B. Intermediate layer: Internal intercostals comprise this layer. Muscle fibers, directed
posterolaterally, extend from the angles of the ribs to the sternum.
C. Innermost layer: Represented by 3 muscles: The innermost intercostals, which lie in one
intercostal space, and the transversus thoracis, anteriorly, and subcostalis, posteriorly. The
latter two muscles span more than one intercostal space in their respective locations.

IV. Intercostal vessels and nerves: These vessels and nerves run between the intermediate and
innermost muscular layers of the thoracic wall. Their arrangement in each intercostal space from
superior to inferior is: vein, artery, and nerve. The mnemonic is VAN.
A. Posterior intercostal arteries. There are 11 pairs of these. The cranial two pairs usually arise
from the costocervical trunk and the remainder arise from the thoracic aorta.
B. Anterior intercostal arteries. These arise from the internal thoracic artery, perforate through
the thoracic wall lateral to the sternum, and anastomose with the posterior intercostals.
C. Intercostal veins: Anterior veins drain into internal thoracic veins and posterior veins drain
into the azygos vein on the right side and the hemiazygos system on the left side.

V. Abdominal diaphragm: The large muscle is attached to the sternum, costal cartilages and ribs,
and posteriorly, to vertebrae. The posterior attachment constitutes the lumbar portion and two
crura are found here. These crura form the sides of the aortic hiatus through which the aorta and
thoracic duct pass at the T12 vertebral level. The crura are connected by connective tissue, the
median arcuate ligament. On either side of the median arcuate ligament, are medial arcuate
ligaments (medial lumbocostal arch), which are thickenings of fascia over the cranial aspect of
the psoas major. Lateral and inferior to the medial arcuate ligaments, are the lateral arcuate
ligaments (lateral lumbocostal arch). These are thickenings of fascia over the quadratus
lumborum muscle.
A. Innervation: motor and sensory from the phrenic nerve (C 3-S) off the cervical plexus.
B. Vascular supply: Inferior phrenics (aorta), musculophrenic (internal thoracic) and
pericardiacophrenic (internal thoracic).
C. Structures passing through: Inferior vena cava at T8 vertebral level via the caval foramen,
esophagus (and vagal trunks) at T10 vertebral level via the esophageal hiatus, and the aorta
(and thoracic duct) at T12 vertebral level via the aortic hiatus.

VI. Pleura: This is a thin serous membrane, invaginated by the ingrowing lung bud during
development, thus forming the definitive parietal and visceral pleura and the pleural cavity.
A. Parietal. The parietal pleura is adherent to the inner aspect of the thoracic wall like wall
paper to a wall. Four parts of parietal pleura include: mediastinal, lining the mediastinum;
diaphragmatic, lining the diaphragm; costal, lining the thoracic wall; and superiorly, the
cupola, which extends superior to the first rib. The line where costal pleura becomes
diaphragmatic pleura is called the costodiaphragmatic reflection. Similarly, the line where
costal pleura becomes mediastinal pleura is called the costomediastinal reflection. In cases
of thoracic injury, the lines of pleural reflection determine whether the injury involves the
pleura cavity, therefore the surface projection of theses lines of reflection is important. The
right pleural reflection passes across the sternoclavicular joint and proceeds (near the
middle of the sternum) inferiorly from the level of the second rib to the 6th costal cartilage,
swings laterally to cross the 8th rib in the midclavicular line, the 10th rib in the midaxillary line,
and the 12th rib posteriorly, near the midline. The mnemonic for the right side is 2,6,8, 10,
12. The left pleural reflection is similar, except at the 4th costal cartilage the line swings
laterally to the left border of the sternum. The mnemonic is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 for the left side ..
At the right and left costodiaphragmatic reflection, pleura extends caudally without
intervening lung tissue. This caudal extension forms a potential space (in the pleural cavity),
the costodiaphragmatic recess. Similarly, at the costomediastinal reflection on the left side,
because of the cardiac notch in the left lung, lung tissue does not extend up to the

costomediastinal reflection and another potential space, the costomediastinal recess, is
formed. Parietal pleura has a rich sensory innervation from the phrenic and intercostal
B. Visceral. This innermost layer is applied to and inseparable from the substance of the lung.
It is continuous with parietal pleura at the hilus of the lung.
C. Pleural cavity. The potential space on each side of the thoracic cavity between the visceral
and parietal pleura. Normally this space has only a thin film of serous lubrication.

VII. Lungs. The trachea, lying anterior to the esophagus, leads to the lungs and at the sternal angle it
divides into right and left primary bronchi. Within the trachea, this division is marked by the raised
carina. The right primary bronchus is shorter, more vertical and a larger diameter than the left
and objects aspirated into the airway are more likely to become lodged in the right primary
bronchus. Usually there are two left and one right bronchial arteries arising from the aorta or
posterior intercostal arteries.
A. Right lung: Divided into 3 lobes: upper, middle, and lower by horizontal (superiorly) and
oblique fissures. The horizontal fissure, separating the upper and middle lobes, runs from
the oblique fissure and follows the fourth costal cartilage toward the sternum. The larger
oblique fissure, tends to follow the 6th costal cartilage anteriorly. Ten bronchopulmonary
segments, named by their anatomical position, are found in the right lung.
B. Left lung: Divided into 2 lobes: upper and lower, by well developed oblique fissure. The
lingula of the upper lobe is believed to be homologous to the middle lobe of the right lung.

VIII. Mediastinum: The space in the thorax between the two pleural cavities which houses the heart
and numerous other structures. For purposes of description, it is divided into various portions by
the placement of an imaginary line and the position of the heart. An imaginary line (horizontal
plane) extending from the sternal angle posteriorly intercepts the intervertebral disk between T4
and T5 and divides the mediastinum into superior and inferior portions. The inferior mediastinum
is further subdivided into anterior, middle (occupied by heart), and posterior parts.
A. Superior: This space contains structures entering and leaving the inferior mediastinum
including brachiocephalic veins and superior vena cava, arch of aorta and beginning of its 3
great vessels, vagus and phrenic nerves, trachea, esophagus and thoracic duct. The thymus
is also here.
B. Anterior: This space is anterior to the pericardial sac and contains fat, connective tissue, and
the internal thoracic vessels.
C. Middle: Contains the heart and pericardial cavity. The phrenic nerves pass between the
parietal pericardium and mediastinal pleura.
D. Posterior: This space is posterior to the heart, between the left and right mediastinal pleura.
Contents include the descending aorta, esophagus, azygos venous system, thoracic duct
and vagus nerve derivatives (esophageal plexus, vagal trunks).

IX. Pericardium. The serous sac that surrounds the heart. Similar to pleura, developmentally, in that
the heart grew into the sac and part of the sac, the visceral pericardium, becomes adherent to
and inseparable from the heart, and is also called the epicardium. Visceral pericardium is
continuous with parietal pericardium at the base of the heart and at the roots of the great vessels
entering and leaving the heart. The parietal pericardium is reinforced with tough fibers externally.

The space between the visceral and parietal pericardium, occupied by the heart, is the pericardial

x. Heart.
A. Surface features.
1. Sulci: There are three of these which are usually covered with fat. The coronary sulcus,
separates atria from ventricles and the anterior and posterior interventricular sulcus
separates the ventricles anteriorly and posteriorly.
2. Coronary arteries: A right and left coronary artery arises from the ascending aorta at
the right and left aortic sinus.
a) Right: Branches of the right coronary artery include the anterior right atrial branch
(ARAB) which usually supplies an important branch to the SA node; a right
marginal branch, which supplies the right ventricle; and the posterior
interventricular branch, running in the posterior interventricular sulcus, supplying
both ventricles.
b) Left: Divides shortly after its origin into anterior interventricular, which descends in
sulcus of same name and is a major supply to the left ventricle; and circumflex,
which runs posteriorly in the coronary sulcus to anastomose with the right
coronary. The circumflex may give off (left) marginal branches to the left ventricle.
3. Cardiac veins: Drain the heart muscle.
a) Great: Parallels the anterior interventricular artery, and goes posteriorly in the
coronary sulcus, and after receiving the oblique vein of the left atrium, becomes
the coronary sinus, which empties into the right atrium.
b) Middle: Parallels the posterior interventricular artery and drains into the coronary
c) Small: A variable vein that drains the right atrium primarily and empties into the
coronary sinus nears its termination.
d) Anterior: Arise on the anterior surface of the right ventricle, cross the coronary
sulcus, and empty directly into the right atrium.
B. Right atrium, topographical features: The posterior smooth walled portion is the sinus
venarum; the anterior muscular portion contains the pectinate muscles. The crista terminalis
is a muscular ridge separating these two portions. The superior vena cava, inferior vena
cava, and coronary sinus open into this chamber. The posterior interatrial area contains a
depression, the fossa ovalis, and the ridge bordering the fossa is called the limbus fossa
ovalis. The right auricle is the superiorly placed evaginated pouch extending from the
muscular portion of the right atrium.
C. Right ventricle, topographical features: Contains muscular fasciculi, the trabeculae carnae,
except for a small, smooth walled portion, the conus arteriosus, inferior to the pulmonary
trunk orifice. The tricuspid valve surrounds the atrioventricular orifice. Usually there is a
large anterior papillary muscle and a smaller posterior papillary muscle. Running from
papillary muscles to the free edge of the three fibrous valve cusps are tough fibrous cords,
the chordae tendineae. These cords prevent valve cusps from everting during systole.
Chordae tendineae attaching to the septal cusp usually arise directly from the
interventricular septum while chordae tendineae attaching to the anterior and posterior
cusps usually arise from anterior and posterior papillary muscles. The septomarginal
trabeculae (moderator band) extends from the septum to the anterior papillary muscle and

carries with it the right branch of the atrioventricular bundle. The pulmonary trunk, placed
superiorly, is the exit from this chamber.
D. Left atrium, topographical features: The left atrium is posterior in the middle mediastinum
and receives the 4 pulmonary veins. Like the right atrium, it has a large smooth portion and
a smaller muscular portion (pectinate muscles), with an auricle. A depression on the
interatrial septum marks the fossa ovalis.
E. Left ventricle, topographical features: Forms the apex of the heart. Its wall is three times
thicker than the right ventricular wall. Like the right ventricle, it has trabeculae carneae, and
the structure of the left atrioventricular valve is similar to the right except there are only two
valve cusps=bicuspid or mitral valve, and two large papillary muscles, an anterior and
posterior. The aorta opens superiorly from the left ventricle.
F. Conducting system: The heart muscle has an intrinsic contractile auto-rhythmicity, which is
initiated at the sinuatrial (SA) node. This node is located in the anterior wall of the right
atrium, near the junction of the superior vena cava. The wave of depolarization spreads over
the atria and is picked up by the atrioventricular (AV) node, located in the interatrial septum,
superior to the opening of the coronary sinus. Extending from the AV node down the
interventricular septum, are right and left bundle branches (of His) which carry the electrical
impulse into the ventricles. All conductive tissue (nodes, bundle of His) is specialized cardiac
G. Aorta. Ascends from the left ventricle. Near its beginning, the 3 cusps of the aortic semilunar
valves can be located. The area superior and lateral to each cusp is an aortic sinus. Right
and left coronary arteries arise from the right and left aortic sinus. The ascending aorta
arches behind the manubrium and gives off the brachiocephalic, left common carotid, and
left subclavian arteries. On the concave side of the aortic arch, the fibrous ligamentum
arteriosum connects to the pulmonary trunk.
H. Pulmonary trunk. Ascends from the right ventricle and divides into right and left branches.
The right branch goes posterior to the arch of aorta to reach the right lung and the left
branch goes anterior to the proximal descending aorta to reach the left lung. The pulmonary
semilunar valve, similar to the aortic semilunar valve, is located near the beginning of this

XI. Autonomic nervous system in thorax.

A. Parasympathetics: 2-3 preganglionic cardiac branches from cervical and thoracic portion of
vagus descend to cardiac plexus.
B. Sympathetics: 2-3 sympathetic postganglionic cardiac branches from right and left cervical
sympathetic trunks descend to cardiac plexus. Sympathetic branches may travel with vagal
cardiac branches.
C. Cardiac plexus: Ganglionated plexus, located in concavity of arch of aorta, continuous over
tracheal bifurcation and bifurcation of pulmonary trunk. Contains postganglionic
parasympathetic nerve cell bodies, and parasympathetic, sympathetic, and visceral sensory
D. Pulmonary plexus: Continuation of cardiac plexus onto tracheal bifurcation and root of lung.
Vagal, sympathetic, and GVA components.

E. Esophageal plexus: Primarily right and left vagal components that emerge from or never
enter into pulmonary plexus. Also contains sympathetic components (from greater
splanchnic nerve) and sensory components. This plexus innervates the esophagus, but in a
quantitative sense, most fibers continue caudally, pass through the esophageal hiatus, and
enter the abdomen as anterior and posterior vagal trunks.
F. Thoracic splanchnic nerves: The greater splanchnic nerves are derived from T5-9 segmental
levels; the lesser from T 1o ,11; the least from T 12 . Splanchnic nerves are primarily
preganglionic components that pass through the posterior aspect of the diaphragm and
synapse in prevertebral ganglia. The greater splanchnic synapses primarily in the celiac
ganglion, the lesser splanchnic synapses primarily in the aorticorenal ganglion, and the least
splanchnic synapses primarily in the renal plexus. Visceral sensory fibers accompany
sympathetic components in splanchnic nerves.

XII. Potpourri of radiological considerations.

A. Heart, PA projection: right heart border-right atrium, left heart border-left ventricle, right
ventricle and left atrium not seen.
B. Heart, left lateral projection: anterior border-right ventricle, posterior border-left atrium and
left ventricle, inferior shadow from below=inferior vena cava.
C. Heart, AP projection: Left lower heart border- left ventricle, right lower heart border-right
D. Thymus: widens mediastinum in infants and young patients.

XIII. Applied anatomy/anatomical pearls.

A. Trachea: bifurcates at T4.
B. Lungs and pleural cavity: extend cranially into neck, superior to the clavicle.
C. Referred pain from heart: Felt in body wall innervated by upper 5 thoracic spinal nerves,
usually on left side.
D. Sternal angle: Reference point for accurately identifying rib number or intercostal space.
E. Ribs: Usually fractured at the angle, the weakest part.
F. Thoracocentesis: Needle placed over superior border of rib to avoid damage to intercostal
vessels and nerve.
G. Deceleration injuries: May shear great vessels from arch of aorta.
H. Right primary bronchus: Larger and more vertical than left. Objects are usually aspirated into
this bronchus.
I. Pericardial cavity: Excess fluid here may compress heart and lead to death (cardiac


I. Ventrolateral abdominal wall.

A. Surface anatomy.

1. Iliac crest: an important surface landmark, posteriorly. A line connecting the 2 crests
crosses the L4 vertebrae. This line is a useful landmark for lumbar punctures since
spinal cord in adult does not extend inferior to L2 vertebral level.
2. Anterior superior iliac spine: palpable, inguinal ligament attaches here.
3. Umbilicus: At level of intervertebral disk between L3 and L4.
4. Semilunar line: Curved lateral margin of rectus abdominis extending from pubic
tubercle to 5th costochondral junction.
B. Superficial fascia. In the abdomen, this fascia covering the anterolateral abdominal muscles
can usually be separated into an outer fatty layer (Camper's) and a deeper membranous
layer (Scarpa's). This lamination is more obvious about midway between the umbilicus and
pubic crest. The attachments of Scarpa's fascia are important because these attachments
determine, in cases of trauma to the lower abdomen/pelvis, where fluids (blood, urine)
accumulate subcutaneously. The attachments of Scarpa's fascia are: along the iliac crest,
inferiorly to fascia lata, paralleling the inguinal ligament, and medially to the pubic
symphysis. Scarpa's fascia extends into the perineum (as Co lies' fascia), attaching laterally
to the ischiopubic rami and posteriorly to the base of the urogenital diaphragm. Cutaneous
nerves are found in the superficial fascia: For reference, T10 is at level of umbilicus; L1 is at
level of pubic crest.
C. Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall. All are segmentally innervated and
1. External abdominal oblique. Outermost muscle whose fibers are directed inferiorly and
medially. Has a broad aponeurotic portion anteriorly and inferiorly that forms several
important structures:
a) Inguinal ligament: rolled under inferior border of external abdominal oblique
extending from anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle.
b) Lacunar ligament: curved medial fibers of inguinal ligament which pass posteriorly
and turn laterally on the pecten pubis. The lateral continuation of these
fibers=pectineal ligament.
c) Superficial inguinal ring: An opening in the aponeurosis over the pubic tubercle,
transmitting the spermatic cord. The upper side of this opening=medial (superior)
crus, lower side of this opening=lateral (inferior) crus. Intercrural fibers help
prevent enlargement of the superficial ring.
2. Internal abdominal oblique. Deep to external oblique. Fibers run at a right angle to
external abdominal oblique, an arrangement which lends strength to the abdominal
wall. Fibers of the internal oblique which originate from the lateral half of the inguinal
ligament become aponeurotic medially and arch medially for attachment to the pubic
tubercle. These arching fibers contribute to the formation of the conjoint tendon (falx
inguinal is) along with similar contributions from the transversus abdominis.
3. Transversus abdominis. The innermost of the abdominal flank muscles, with
transversely oriented muscle fibers. Aponeurotic components from this muscle join
similar components from the internal oblique to form the conjoint tel'ldon (falx
inguinalis). Layers of the abdominal wall deep to the transversus abdominis are:
transversalis fascia, extra-peritoneal fat and connective tissue and the peritoneum.
4. Rectus abdominis. Vertically oriented muscle running from the pubis to the rib cage.
a) Rectus sheath: The aponeurosis of the three flank muscles separate or fuse at
the lateral edge of the rectus abdominis forming a sheath for the muscle. The
formation and composition of this sheath changes at different levels. Vertically,
two to three inches on either side of the umbilicus, the aponeurosis of internal

oblique splits into anterior and posterior components at the lateral edge of the
muscle. Anterior components join aponeurotic components of external oblique to
form the rectus sheath anteriorly. A posterior component from the internal oblique
joins the aponeurosis of transversus abdominis to complete the rectus sheath
posteriorly. About midway between the umbilicus and pubis, the internal oblique
aponeurosis no longer splits at the lateral margin of rectus abdominis. Instead, the
aponeurotic components of external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus
abdominis pass anterior to rectus abdominis. Thus, posteriorly, the rectus
abdominis lies against transversalis fascia. The point where this transition in
sheath components occurs is seen superficially as the arcuate line.
b) Inferior epigastric artery. A branch of the external iliac artery. Originates medial to
deep inguinal ring and enters rectus sheath to lie on posterior aspect of rectus
abdominis. Anastomoses with superior epigastric artery, from internal thoracic.
This anastomosis constitutes a potentially important collateral route between the
subclavian and external iliac arteries.
D. Inguinal canal. This canal transmits the spermatic cord in males and the round ligament of
the uterus in females. Entrance into the canal is via the deep inguinal ring, a finger-like
diverticulum of transversalis fascia, just lateral to the inferior epigastric artery. Exit from the
canal is via the superficial inguinal ring. The boundaries of the canal are: floor, inguinal and
lacunar ligaments; roof, arching fibers of internal oblique and transversus abdominis;
anterior wall, aponeurosis of external oblique; and posterior wall, transversalis fascia and
conjoint tendon.
1. Direct inguinal hernia: Protrusion of an abdominal viscus through the inguinal triangle
(between lateral border of rectus abdominis and inferior epigastric artery) into the
superficial inguinal ring.
2. Indirect inguinal hernia: Protrusion of an abdominal viscus along the path of the
descent of the testis: viz through the deep inguinal ring, and through the inguinal canal
and superficial inguinal ring and often into the scrotum.
E. Testis and spermatic cord. As the testis and spermatic cord pass through the inguinal canal,
they obtain coverings derived from layers of the abdominal wall.
Layer of Abdominal Wall Corresponding Layer
skin skin of scrotum
superficial fascia perineal fascia and dartos muscle
external oblique external spermatic fascia
internal oblique cremaster muscle
transversus abdominis none
transversalis fascia internal spermatic fascia
extra peritoneal fat areolar tissue in spermatic cord
peritoneum tunica vaginalis testis

II. Peritoneum. The serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity.
A. Parietal: Innermost lining of the abdominal wall which effectively forms a closed sac except
in the female, where the closed sac communicates with the exterior via the uterine tubes,
uterus and vagina.
B. Visceral: The peritoneum that developed from splanchnic mesoderm and thus adhering to
viscera is called visceral peritoneum or serosa.

C. Retroperitoneal structures: Some organs develop deep to parietal peritoneum. Usually
these organs are covered by peritoneum on only one surface. Such organs are considered
primarily retroperitoneal and examples include the kidneys and urinary bladder. In other
cases, organs initially are covered by visceral peritoneum and suspended by a mesentery,
but later in development, these organs are pushed to the sides of the peritoneal cavity and
the peritoneum on the deep side of the organ is lost. The result is peritoneum occurs on
only one side of the organ. Such organs are considered secondarily retroperitoneal and
examples include the ascending and descending colon.
D. Mesentery: A double layer of peritoneum that suspends the intestine from the dorsal body
wall. Nerves and vessels reach the intestine by traveling between the two layers of
E. Lesser omentum: A double layer of peritoneum connecting the stomach (lesser curvature
side) to the liver.
F. Greater omentum: A double layer of peritoneum connecting the stomach (greater curvature
side) to the transverse colon and other structures. Part of the greater omentum is redundant
and folds back on itself (4 layers of peritoneum) and descends to cover abdominal contents,
like an apron.
G. Peritoneal ligaments: Another name for double layers of peritoneum connecting abdominal
viscera. Examples include the gastrophrenic and gastrolienal ligaments, which are portions
of the greater omentum connecting the stomach to the diaphragm and spleen, respectively.
H. Greater sac: The major peritoneal cavity.
I. Lesser sac: An evagination of the greater sac which extends posterior to the stomach. Also
called the omental bursa. The lesser sac communicates with the greater sac via the epiploiC
foramen (of Winslow).
J. Peritoneal gutters: Pathways along dorsal parietal peritoneum which allows movement of
fluids etc. from one part of the peritoneal cavity to another. Right and left paracolic gutters
are lateral to the ascending and descending colon respectively, and are open superiorly and
inferiorly. The gutter to the right of the dorsal mesentery is closed superiorly and inferiorly.
The gutter to the left of the dorsal mesentery is closed superiorly and open inferiorly.

"I. Gut and appendages.

A. Stomach: Parts include the cardia, around the esophageal opening; fundus, portion superior
to esophageal opening; body, inferior to fundus; and pyloric portion, to the right of the
angular notch (acute indentation approximately 2/3s way down lesser curvature).
B. Duodenum: The first part of the small intestine, approximately 12 inches long, roughly "C"
shaped and largely secondarily retroperitoneal. It is divided into 4 parts: first part,
approximately 2 inches long, is mesenteric; second part, retroperitoneal, descends 4-5
inches and receives the common bile duct on its medial side; third part, also retroperitoneal,
continues medially between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery; and the fourth part
ascends about 2 inches to join the jejunum. This juncture is marked by a strong
fibromuscular band, the suspensory ligament (of Treitz) , which represents the cranial end of
the dorsal mesentery.

C. Jejunum: The upper two-fifths of the small intestine; resides in upper left quadrant of
abdominal cavity. Larger diameter than the ileum and arterial vasa recta are longer than
those to ileum. Suspended by mesentery.
D. Ileum: Terminal three-fifths of small intestine. Smaller diameter, shorter vasa recta than
jejunum. Suspended by mesentery.
E. Large intestine: The ileum joins the large intestine at the ileocecal junction. The part of the
digestive tract inferior to this junction is the cecum with its attached appendix. Superior to
the junction the segments of large intestine are: ascending colon, transverse colon,
descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal. Ascending and descending colon
are secondarily retroperitoneal, transverse colon and sigmoid colon and the superior one-
third of the rectum are mesonteric intraperitoneal. Large intestine is identified by tenia coli,
appendices epiploicae, and sacculations called haustra.
F. Liver: Divided into right and left lobes by the falciform ligament. Anteriorly, to the right of the
falciform ligament, is the quadrate lobe, and posteriorly to the right of the falciform ligament
is the caudate lobe. Vessels and nerves enter and leave the liver between the caudate and
quadrate lobes. Superior features of the liver include the coronary ligaments and bare area.
Bile leaves the liver via the right and left hepatic ducts which fuse to form the common
hepatic duct. The cystic duct, from the gall bladder, then joins the common hepatic duct.
Inferior to this juncture, the duct is called the common bile duct. The common bile duct
empties into the medial side of the second part of the duodenum. The entrance of this duct
into the duodenum is marked by the major duodenal papillae and sphincter of Oddi.
G. Spleen: Located in left, superior, abdominal cavity, deep to ribs 9-11.
H. Pancreas: Secondarily retroperitoneal, dorsal to the stomach. Consists of head, neck, body,
and tail portions. The head sits in the concavity of the "C" of the duodenum. The uncinate
process is a portion of the head that hooks dorsally around the superior mesenteric vessels.
These vessels form a groove in the pancreas dorsally, delineating the neck. The body
continues toward the left side and the tail often makes contact with the spleen. The
pancreatic duct joins the common bile at its entrance into the duodenum or the pancreatic
duct may empty separately into the second part of the duodenum.

IV. Abdominal Vasculature.

A. Branches of Abdominal aorta.
1. Paired visceral branches: Includes renal (L 1 vertebral level) and gonadal (L2 vertebral
level) and middle suprarenal (if present) vessels. Superior suprarenal arteries are
usually branches of inferior phrenic arteries and inferior suprarenal arteries are usually
branches of renal arteries. If middle suprarenals are present, they are branches of the
2. Unpaired visceral branches: Includes the celiac (T12/L 1 vertebral level), with left
gastric, common hepatic and splenic branches; the superior mesenteric (L 1 vertebral
level), with inferior pancreaticoduodenal, intestinal, ileocolic, right colic, and middle
colic branches; and the inferior mesenteric (L3 vertebral level), with left colic, sigmoid,
and superior rectal branches.
3. Paired parietal branches: Includes inferior phrenics (T12 vertebral level) and 4 pairs of
lumbar arteries (L 1-L4 vertebral levels). The aorta bifurcates at L4 into common iliac

4. Unpaired parietal branch: The representative of this group is the median sacral artery,
which arises on the dorsal aspect of the aorta at its bifurcation into common iliacs.
B. Arterial anastomoses: The superior pancreaticoduodenal (from the celiac system) and the
inferior pancreaticoduodenal (from the superior mesenteric) anastomose in the head of the
pancreas. The middle colic (from superior mesenteric) and left colic (from inferior
mesenteric) anastomose along the mesenteric border of the transverse colon. The superior
rectal (from inferior mesenteric) and middle rectal (from internal iliac) anastomose on the
sides of the rectum.
C. Inferior vena cava: Formed by union of common iliac veins at L5 vertebral level. Ascends in
abdomen to right of aorta. Pierces diaphragm at T8 and enters the right atrium of the heart.
Tributaries include 4 pairs of lumbar veins, renal veins, right gonadal, right suprarenal, right
inferior phrenic veins and the short hepatic veins posterior to the liver. The left renal vein
crosses anterior to the aorta and receives the left gonadal and left suprarenal. The left
inferior phrenic usually drains into the left suprarenal.
D. Hepatic portal vein: In general, the term "portal" indicates a vein interposed between two
capillary beds. The hepatic portal primarily collects blood from capillaries of the intestines
and conveys it to the capillaries (sinusoids) of the liver. There are no functional valves in the
hepatic portal venous system. Usually the inferior mesenteric vein drains into the splenic
vein and the splenic vein merges with the superior mesenteric vein to form the portal.
Alternatively, all three veins may merge to form the portal. The portal vein enters the liver
posterior to the proper hepatic artery and common bile duct.
E. Portal hypertension. In several places, tributaries of the caval system and portal system
anastomose. If the liver is diseased, blood flow through the organ is impeded. In such cases,
sites of anastomoses often dilate and become varicose, and may break and hemorrhage.
Important portal-caval anastomoses which may dilate with portal hypertension include: the
esophagus, where tributaries of the left gastric vein (portal system) join tributaries of the
azygos system (caval system); the rectum, where tributaries of the superior rectal vein
(portal system) join the middle and inferior rectal veins (caval system); around the umbilicus,
where veins in the falciform ligament (portal system) join intercostal veins (caval system);
and retroperitoneally, where tributaries of the splenic and colic veins (portal system) join
branches of the left renal vein (caval system).
F. Abdominal lymphatics. Efferent flow from the lower limbs, para-aortic, and intestinal nodes
drains into a dilation at L2, the cisterna chyli, which marks the beginning of the thoracic duct.
The thoracic duct ascends through the abdomen via the aortic hiatus.

V. Posterior abdominal structures.

A. Kidney: Retroperitoneal, extending from T12 to L3. The right kidney is usually slightly lower
(half to one inch) than the left kidney because the large right lobe of the liver stopped the
cranial migration of the organ during development. The kidney is stabilized by perirenal fat
and connective tissue. Within the kidney, the ureter expands to form the renal pelvis;
draining into the pelvis are 2-3 major calyces. Minor calyces, draining renal pyramids,
converge to form the major calyces. The left renal vein is longer than the right, since it
crosses anterior to the aorta to empty into the vena cava. Also, the right renal artery is
longer and passes posterior to the vena cava to reach the kidney.
B. Suprarenal gland: Located superior and adjacent to the kidney, on either side of the celiac

C. Muscles: All segmentally innervated by ventral primary rami.
1. Psoas major: Originates on either side of lumbar vertebrae and extends caudally,
posterior to the inguinal ligament, to insert on the lesser trochanter. Segmentally
2. Iliacus: Occupies the iliac fossa, extends caudally, and joins the psoas, forming the
powerful iliopsoas muscle, which inserts on the lesser trochanter and functions as a
powerful flexor of the hip.
3. Quadratus lumborum: Lies on the posterior abdominal wall, lateral to psoas. Originates
caudally, from the iliolumbar ligament, and ascends to insert on the 1ih rib and upper
lumbar transverse processes. Important in lateral bending of the abdomen.
D. Somatic nerves: All derived from ventral primary rami.
1. Subcostal: T12 ventral primary ramus.
2. Iliohypogastric: Branch of anterior division of L1, sensory to suprapubic region.
3. Ilioinguinal: Branch of anterior division of L1, exits superficial inguinal ring lateral to
spermatic cord and provides cutaneous supply to superior medial thigh and anterior
scrotum (labium majus).
4. Genitofemoral: Branch of anterior division of L1 2, exits the anterior border of psoas
major, genital branch enters inguinal canal via deep inguinal ring to provide motor
innervation to cremaster muscle. Femoral branch, more medial, supplies cutaneous
innervation to superior medial thigh.
5. Lateral femoral cutaneous: Posterior division of L2 3, passes posterior to inguinal
ligament medial to anterior superior iliac spine, sensory to lateral superior, thigh.
6. Femoral: Posterior division of L2,3,4, wedged between psoas major and iliacus on
posterior body wall, exits abdomen deep to inguinal ligament, provides motor and
sensory supply to anterior compartment of thigh.
7. Obturator: Anterior division of L2,3,4, descends on medial side of psoas major, passes
inferiorly via obturator foramen, provides motor and cutaneous branches to adductor
compartment of thigh.
8. Lumbo-sacral trunk: Formed from ventral primary rami of L4 ,5. Lies deep on the ala of
the sacrum. Descends to join the sacral plexus.

VI. Autonomic nervous system.

A. Sympathetic trunks: Caudal continuation of thoracic sympathetic trunk lying in a
paravertebral position on the anteromedial aspect of psoas major. Gives off 4 lumbar
splanchnic nerves (preganglionic); upper two go to intermesenteric plexus, lower two go to
superior hypogastric plexus.
B. Thoracic splanchnic nerves: Recall that GVE preganglionic components of the greater,
lesser and least splanchnic nerves synapse in the celiac ganglion, aorticorenal ganglion, and
renal plexus, respectively.
C. Vagal trunks: Anterior vagal trunks provide preganglionic parasympathetic GVE input to the
stomach, duodenum, and pancreas. The posterior vagal trunk enters the celiac ganglion and
vagal components distribute via the prevertebral (preaortic) ganglionated plexus to
abdominal viscera. The vagus provides parasympathetic innervation to the gastrointestinal
tract to the level of the left colic flexure. Parasympathetics to the rest of the gut are provided
by pelvic splanchnic nerves.

D. Prevertebral (preaortic) ganglionated plexus. The ganglionated network of autonomic fibers
around the abdominal aorta and its major branches. This plexus continues caudally across
the pelvic brim as hypogastric nerves which connect with the inferior hypogastric plexus on
each side of the pelvis. The prevertebral plexus has sympathetic, parasympathetic, and
GVA components.

VII. Potpourri of radiological considerations.

A. Plain film of abdomen: In addition to bone, soft tissue including the liver, spleen, psoas
margins and renal shadows may be identified.
B. Stomach: Best identified when distended with radiodense contrast material such as barium
C. Hiatal hernia: Ind:cated by stomach protruding superiorly above diaphragm.
D. Ligament of Treitz: Site of termination of duodenal loop and beginning of jejunum.
E. Jejunum: Upper left quadrant of abdomen, feathery appearance (because of numerous
plicae circulares) with barium.
F. Ileum: Lower right quadrant of abdomen, barium appears thicker.
G. Colon: Opacified by retrograde introduction of barium sulfate.
H. Gall bladder: Opacified by oral administration of contrast agent secreted by liver and
concentrated in bile. Also identified with ultrasound.
I. Kidneys: Seen best after intravenous administration of water soluble contrast material which
is excreted by kidneys.
J. Renal developmental anomalies: Includes duplicated ureters, fusion of lower poles of kidney
(horseshoe), failure of ascent (pelvic kidney).
K. Uterine tube patency: Confirmed by introduction of contrast into cervical os and subsequent
bilateral spillage of contrast into peritoneal cavity.

VIII. Applied anatomy/anatomical pearls.

A. Scarpa's fascia continues into the perineum as Colle's fascia. Rupture of the male urethra
may lead to urine accumulation into the potential space (superficial perineal) deep to Colle's
B. Duodenal ulcers: Occur most often in the first part of the duodenum (duodenal bulb).
C. Volvulus: Twisting of a freely mobile portion of gut, often the sigmoid colon. Potentially
dangerous if blood supply is compromised.
D. Megacolon (Hirschsprung's Disease): Distension of large intestine caused by failure of
ganglia to develop in Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses. Lack of ganglia results in atonia
and loss of peristalsis.
E. Inferior vena cava: May transmit emboli from lower limb to right heart and subsequently to
F. Sympathetic nerves: Also carry pain fibers from abdominal viscera.
G. Right renal artery: Longer than left and lies posterior to the inferior vena cava.

H. Left renal vein: Longer than the right and lies anterior to the aorta, immediately inferior to the
superior mesenteric artery.
I. Perirenal fat and fascia: Deficient inferiorly and may allow kidney to displace caudally
J. Ureteric constrictions: Three of these: (1) at the pelvic-ureteric junction, (2) where ureter
crosses pelvic brim, and (3) where ureters enter bladder. These are sites where renal stones
often lodge during a caudal descent and cause painful reflex contractions of ureteric smooth
muscle. GVA fibers from T11_L2 innervate the ureter and may refer pain to surface
K. Parietal peritoneum: Innervated by GSA components of somatic nerves and pain emanating
from this serous membrane can usually be precisely localized. Visceral peritoneum,
however, is innervated by GVA components and painful irritation from this layer is poorly


I. Overview of pelvis. The pelvis is the inferior portion of the abdominopelvic cavity which houses
the true pelvic viscera. The term pelvis is also used to indicate the bony surrounding of the
inferior extent of the abdominopelvic cavity. The inferior extent of the pelvic cavity is closed by the
pelvic diaphragm.
A. Hip bone (os coxae). Each hip bone is formed by fusion of the pubis, ileum, and ischium.
The two hip bones on each side plus the intervening sacrum form the bony pelvis.
1. Articulations: The lumbosacral articulation, between L5 and S 1, is stabilized by the
iliolumbar ligament, running from the crest of the ileum to the transverse process of L5.
The sacroiliac joint is rendered quite sturdy by well developed anterior and posterior
sacroiliac ligaments. The pubic symphysis is stabilized by the superior pubic ligament
and the inferiorly placed arcuate ligament.
2. Accessory ligaments: The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments are important
reference structures in pelvic anatomy. The sacrotuberous ligament runs from the
sacrum to the tuberosity of the ischium and the sacrospinous ligament runs from the
sacrum to the ischial spine. These ligaments form boundaries for the greater and lesser
sacral foramina.
B. Pelvic brim: The bony circle which divides the pelvis into a great portion superiorly (pelvis
major) and a smaller portion posteroinferiorly (pelvis minor). Parts of this bony circle include
the promontory and ala of the sacrum posteriorly, the arcuate line of the ileum and pectin
pubis (iliopectineal line) laterally, and the pubic crest anteriorly.
C. Major pelvis: The "false" pelvis superior to the pelvic brim.
D. Minor pelvis: The "true" pelvis inferior to the pelvic brim. Contains pelvic viscera such as
urinary bladder, non-pregnant uterus, prostate gland, seminal vesicles etc.
E. Pelvic wall muscles: These include the obturator internus laterally, whose tendon exits the
pelvis via the lesser sacral foramen and the piriformis, posteriorly, whose tendon exits the
pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen.
F. Pelvic diaphragm: The hammock-shaped muscular closure of the pelvis inferiorly. This
structure allows passage of the urethra, vagina (female) and anal canal. Anteriorly, the
urethra and vagina (if present) exit the pelvis via a gap in the muscular diaphragm, the

genital hiatus. Posteriorly, the anal canal is intimately related to the pelvic diaphragm it
perforates. The diaphragm consists of three muscles: pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus
constitute the major portion of the diaphragm and are referred to as the levator ani. The third
muscle in the diaphragm is the relatively small (ischio)coccygeus. The fibers of
pubococcygeus that make intimate contact with the posterior aspect of the anorectal junction
are referred to as the puborectalis and fibers of the pubococcygeus that sweep around the
posterior wall of the vagina and end in the perineal body are called pubovaginalis. Like all
muscles, the pelvic diaphragm is covered by fascia. The superior fascia of the pelvic
diaphragm is an extension of transversalis fascia; the inferior fascia is an extension of the
fascia of obturator internus. The pelvic diaphragm is innervated by branches of 5 3 ,4.

II. Urinary bladder. Retroperitoneal, capacity approximately 500 mls. The wall of the bladder is
composed of smooth muscle fibers, the detrusor muscle. The sensation of the need to void is
mediated by GVA fibers accompanying parasympathetic efferent fibers which mediate contraction
of the detrusor muscle.
A. Trigone: The smooth triangular area on the posterior internal aspect of the bladder. Points of
triangle=two openings of ureters and urethra. Between the ureters is a fold of mucosa, the
interureteric fold.
B. Urethra: At the bladder neck, there is an internal urethral sphincter which is poorly defined
anatomically, but functionally important in males since it prevents retrograde ejaculation. In
the male, the urethra is relatively long and has 3 portions: prostatic, membranous, and
spongy. The prostatic portion passes through the prostate. The posterior wall in this portion
has a longitudinal ridge, the urethral crest. On either side of the urethral crest there are
grooves into which prostatic secretions empty. The urethral crest bears a rounded
eminence, the seminal colliculus. The prostatic utricle, a blind pouch which is believed to be
the homolog of the female uterus and vagina, sits in the middle of the seminal colliculus.
Ejaculatory ducts open into the seminal colliculus, on either side of the prostatic utricle. The
membranous urethra passes through the urogenital diaphragm. This portion receives the
duct of each bulbourethral gland. The central portion of the urogenital diaphragm functions
as a voluntary sphincter for the urethra, and is considered a separate muscle, the external
urethral sphincter, innervated by the pudendal nerve. The spongy portion passes through
the corpus spongiosum of the penis. In the female, the urethra is relatively short (no
equivalent of male spongy portion present).

II I. Male pelvic viscera.

A. Prostate: Fibromuscular gland inferior to the urinary bladder, surrounding the first portion of
the urethra, like a donut. Two lateral lobes, connected anteriorly by an isthmus. A posterior
median lobe, often hypertrophies and blocks urinary flow.
B. Ductus deferens: Leaves the inguinal canal via the deep inguinal ring, enters the lateral
pelvic cavity, and proceeds medially, anterior to the ureter. Near where it crosses the ureter,
the ductus deferens enlarges forming the elongated ampulla, and descends medial to the
seminal vesicle. Inferiorly, the ampulla abruptly decreases in size, receives the duct of the
seminal vesicle, and enters the prostate gland as the ejaculatory duct.
C. Seminal vesicle: Two finger-like glands, nearly vertical in position, on the posterior aspect of
the urinary bladder, lateral to the ampulla of the vas deferens. Their ducts merge with the
vas deferens to form the ejaculatory duct, which enters the prostate and opens on the
seminal colliculus, near the prostatic utricle.

IV. Female pelvic viscera.
A. Vagina: Extends from vestibule to cervix uteri. Space between cervix and vagina= fornix.
There are two lateral fornices and an anterior and posterior fornix. The posterior fornix is
deeper than the other fornices, and abuts the peritoneum in the pelvis which dips inferiorly
forming the rectouterine pouch. The angle between uterus and vagina is approximately 90°.
B. Uterus: Consists of fundus, superior to entrance of oviducts; body, the upper two-thirds of
the organ; cervix, lower one third. Supported by peritoneum, forming the broad ligament; the
round ligaments, derived from the gubernaculum on each side; and condensations of pelvic
fascia forming the important lateral cervical (cardinal) ligaments, the utero-sacral ligaments
posteriorly, and the pubocervicalligaments, anteriorly.
C. Uterine tubes (Fallopian tubes): Portions include the infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, and
uterine (intramural). Supported by portion of broad ligament termed mesosalpinx.
D. Ovary: Sits in a depression of parietal peritoneum on the lateral pelvic wall, termed the
ovarian fossa. Attached to uterus via ovarian ligament, derived from gubernaculum.
Additional support by a portion of the broad ligament, the mesovarium. Ovarian vessels
reach the organ via the suspensory (infundibulopelvic) ligament.

V. Peritoneal reflections in the pelvis.

A. In the female, the parietal peritoneum proceeds inferiorly on the deep surface of the anterior
abdominal wall, sweeps posteriorly over the dome of the urinary bladder, and then dips
inferiorly between the urinary bladder and the uterus, forming the vesicouterine pouch. The
peritoneum continues over the dome of the uterus and peritoneum over the inferior and
superior aspects of the uterus (two leaves of peritoneum) is pulled laterally on each side,
forming the broad ligament. The posterior leaf of broad ligament gives off the mesovarium,
which is continuous with the surface epithelium of the ovary. The mesosalpinx is the portion
of broad ligament which supports the uterine tubes and the mesometrium is the part of the
broad ligament adjacent to the uterus. As peritoneum leaves the uterus posteriorly and
inferiorly, it dips deeply inferiorly forming the rectouterine pouch. Peritoneum ascends the
posterior aspect of the rectouterine pouch, covering the anterior surface of the rectum in its
inferior two-thirds. In the superior third of the rectum, the peritoneum wraps around the
structure, forming a mesentery. Thus the superior third of the rectum is mesenteric.
B. In the male, the peritoneum follows a course similar to the female, except the uterus is not
present. Therefore, the peritoneum leaves the urinary bladder, and has a slight dip inferiorly,
forming the rectovesical pouch, before continuing superiorly, covering the rectum.

VI. Vasculature of pelvis.

A. The arterial supply to the pelvis is the internal iliac (hypogastric). In addition to pelvic
viscera, this artery supplies gluteal branches to the buttocks; the obturator, to the adductors
of the thigh; and branches to the perineum. This is one of the most variable arterial systems
in the body. A general description of the internal iliac follows: Usually, the artery divides
within the pelvis into a small posterior division and a relatively larger anterior division.
1. Posterior division: Branches of this division usually include the superior gluteal, which
exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen on the superior border of piriformis and
supplies the gluteus medius, minimus and tensor fascia lata; the iliolumbar, which
ascends and gives branches to the iliacus, psoas major, and quadratus lumborum; and
the lateral sacral, which sends branches through the anterior sacral foramina.

2. Anterior division: This major branch provides the inferior gluteal, which exits the pelvis
via the greater sciatic foramen on the inferior side of piriformis and supplies the gluteus
maximus; the obturator, to medial thigh muscles; the internal pudendal, to perineal
structures; and all visceral branches to pelvic viscera. Visceral branches include the
umbilical, which gives off the superior vesical proximally, the inferior vesical and middle
rectal, which may arise from a common stem, and uterine and vaginal arteries in the
female. The uterine artery runs anterior to the ureter (almost a right angle relationship)
in the lateral cervical ligament (mnemonic: water runs under the bridge). The vaginal
artery may arise directly from the internal iliac or from the uterine artery.
B. Prostatic venous plexus: The plexus of veins in the adventitia of the prostate, which
communicates with the vesical plexus of veins. The prostatiC plexus receives the deep
dorsal vein of the penis. The prostatic plexus drains into the internal iliac vein. There may be
connections with the vertebral venous plexus and this may be a route by which cancer can
spread from the prostate to the vertebral column.
C. Lymphatics: In general, lymph from pelvic viscera tends to drain towards internal iliac and
sacral nodes. Lymphatics from the perineum, external genital structures, lower two thirds of
vagina, and anal canal inferior to the pectinate line of the anal canal, drain into superficial
inguinal nodes. Lymphatics from upper one third of the vagina drain into internal iliac nodes.
Some lymphatics from the body of the uterus run with the round ligament of the uterus
through the inguinal canal to reach superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Lymphatics from the
ovaries and testis drain into para-aortic nodes.

VII. Autonomic nervous system in pelvis.

A. Parasympathetic: The parasympathetic supply to the GI tract inferior to the left colic flexure
and pelvic viscera is via the pelvic splanchnic nerves from S2-4' The gonads may receive
some parasympathetic contributions from the vagus.
B. Sympathetic trunks and ganglion impar: Abdominal sympathetic trunks continue caudally
into the pelvis by passing over the ala of the sacrum, medial to anterior sacral foramina and
converging into the ganglion impar near S5. Two or three sacral splanchnic nerves
(sympathetic) are given off which enter the inferior hypogastric plexus.
C. Superior hypogastric plexus, hypogastric nerves, and inferior hypogastric plexus: This is the
caudal continuation of the prevertebral (preaortic) plexus inferior to the bifurcation of the
aorta into common iliac arteries. This plexus receives an "injection" of sympathetic GVE
components via the two lower lumbar splanchnic nerves. At the sacral promontory, the
superior hypogastric plexus bifurcates into right and left hypogastric nerves which continue
into the pelvis and join the inferior hypogastric (pelvic) plexus on each side of the rectum.
The inferior hypogastric plexus also receives parasympathetic contributions from pelvic
splanchnic nerves and GVA components are also present. Mixed branches from the inferior
hypogastric plexus distribute with branches of the internal iliac artery to pelvic viscera.

VIII. Pudendal nerve: Somatic nerve formed from anterior divisions of S2-4 and is the principal nerve of
the perineum. The pudendal nerve has the four components of spinal nerves, viz., GSE, GVE,
GSA and GVA. Parasympathetic (and perhaps some sympathetic) GVE fibers pass to the
perineum from the prostatic (male) or uterovaginal plexus (female). The pudendal nerve leaves
the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen, goes dorsal to the ischial spine, re-enters the pelvis via
the lesser sciatic foramen and then enters the pudendal canal on the lateral wall of the ischioanal
fossa. The pudendal nerve divides into 3 terminal branches in the pudendal canal. The first of

these branches, the inferior rectal, supplies the external sphincter ani and adjacent skin and anal
canal inferior to the pectinate line. Another branch, the perineal, divides into posterior scrotal
(labial) and deep perineal nerves. The posterior scrotal (labial) is sensory and the deep perineal
innervates skeletal muscles in the UG triangle. The remaining branch of the pudendal, the dorsal
nerve of the penis (clitoris), is purely sensory from the glans, prepuce and skin of the penis

IX. Functional anatomy.

A. Erection is mediated by parasympathetic nerves innervating the penis which cause
engorgement by dilation of arteries and/or relaxation of their usual vascular tone. A male
whose spinal cord has been severed superior to sacral levels may still be capable of
erection but he may not "feel" stimulation of the penis. The female equivalent of erection is
vaginal lubricity, the vaginal "sweating" resulting from vascular engorgement of the vaginal
bulb subsequent to sexual arousal.
B. Ejaculation is mediated by the sympathetic system. Sympathetics cause closure of the
functional sphincter at the neck of the bladder, and mediate contractions of smooth muscle
in the male duct system to move semen into the membranous urethra. This process is
referred to as emission. External release of semen (ejaculation proper) is accompanied by
clonic spasms of the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles. The female
equivalent of ejaculation is orgasm which involves rhythmic contractions of the orgasmic
platform, and contractions from the uterine fundus inferiorly. These effects are also believed
to be mediated by the sympathetic nervous system.

X. Perineum. The diamond-shaped region around the outlets of the genital, urinary, and
gastrointestinal tract. For descriptive purposes, this diamond-shaped area is divided into a
posterior anal triangle and an anterior urogenital triangle.
A. Anal triangle: Important components include the anus, the opening of the anal canal; the
external anal sphincter, the large voluntary sphincter surrounding the inferior two-thirds of
the anal canal; and ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossa.
1. Anal canal: The terminal 2 inches of the GI tract, inferior to the puborectal sling. The
anal canal is oriented at a right angle to the rectum. The superior portion of the canal
has longitudinal bulges of mucosa called anal columns. Inferiorly, the anal columns are
united by mucosal folds called anal valves. Inferior to anal valves there is a zone of
hairless skin called the pectinate line which marks the site of the breakdown of fetal
hindgut (endoderm) and proctodeum (ectoderm) to form the anal opening. The
pectinate line is the line of demarcation between visceral and somatic supply to the
anal canal. Superior to the pectinate line, lymphatics drain cranially into internal iliac
nodes, sensory and motor nerve supply is visceral, and blood supply is from superior
rectal branch of inferior mesenteric venous return is via hepatic-portal system. Inferior
to the pectinate line, the nerve supply is somatic, lymphatics drain into inguinal nodes,
and the arterial supply is from inferior rectal (pudendal) or middle rectal (internal iliac)
arteries. Venous return is via caval system.
2. Ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossa: The area on either side of the anal canal containing fat,
connective tissue, and vessels. The fat in this fossa is primarily liquid at body
temperatures and allows the anal canal to dilate at defecation. The lateral wall of this
fossa is the obturator internus and ischial tuberosity; the superomedial wall is levator
ani and external sphincter ani. Internal pudendal vessels and nerve travel on the lateral

wall in a duplication of the fascia covering obturator internus, the pudendal (Alcock's)
canal. Inferior rectal branches of the pudendal vessels and nerve traverse the fat and
connective tissue in the ischioanal fossa to supply the external sphincter ani.
B. Urogenital triangle. The anterior triangle of the perineum, contains the outlets of the urinary
and genital systems.
1. Urogenital diaphragm: The muscular diaphragm, inferior to the genital hiatus of the
pelvic diaphragm, that covers the urogenital triangle. The muscle in the diaphragm is
the deep transverse perineus. The part of deep transverse perineus that surrounds the
urethra passing through is the voluntary external urethral sphincter, innervated by the
pudendal nerve.
2. Superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm: By some accounts, this fascia is formed as an
extension of transversalis fascia, sweeping inferiorly through the genital hiatus of the
pelvic diaphragm, and reflecting laterally as the superior fascia of the urogenital
diaphragm. Others consider this fascia as incomplete, and best developed only around
the external urethral sphincter.
3. Inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm: Also called the perineal membrane. By all
accounts, a well developed fascial sheet, attaching laterally to the ischiopubic rami, and
posteriorly along the base of the urogenital diaphragm.
4. Deep perineal pouch (space): The potential space superior to the perineal membrane.
In both sexes, the external urethral sphincter and membranous urethra are located
here. Additionally, in the male, the bulbourethral gland is in this space.
5. Superficial perineal pouch (space): Recall that Co lies' fascia, the continuation of
Scarpa's fascia into the perineum, attaches laterally to the ischiopubic rami and
posteriorly to the base of the urogenital diaphragm. The potential space between
Co lies' fascia and the perineal membrane is the superficial pouch. It houses the root
(immobile attached portion) of the penis (clitoris) and associated muscles, and in the
female, the bulb of the vagina and the greater vestibular gland. Recall that the homolog
of the greater vestibular gland in the male, the bulbourethral (Cowper's) gland, resides
in the deep perineal space. In both sexes, the fragile superficial transverse perineus,
resides in the superficial space.
a) Contents in male: erectile tissue attachments and associated muscles: The
proximal portion of the corpus cavernosum, termed a crus, is on either side
attached to the inferior pubic ramus and covered by the ischiocavernosus muscle.
Medially, the bulb of corpus spongiosum, attached to the perineal membrane, and
covered by the bulbospongiosus. Lastly, the superficial transverse perineus
muscle, originating from the ischial tuberosity and inserting medially into the
perineal body. All these muscles are innervated by branches of the pudendal
b) Contents in female: Vestibular bulbs are erectile bodies on either side of the
vestibule of the vagina covered by bulbospongiosus muscle. Greater vestibular
glands reside at the posterior aspect of the bulb of the vagina and their ducts
open into the vestibule. The perineal body also occurs in males, but it has a more
significant supporting role in females. Also called the central tendinous point of the
perineum, it is the connective tissue structure between the anus and posterior
vaginal wall formed by interdigitation of attaching fibers of the bulbospongiosus,
superficial transverse perineus, external anal sphincter, deep transverse perineus
and levator ani.

C. Male genitalia.
1. Penis: The penis has 3 columns of erectile tissue: There are two columns of corpus
cavernosum attached laterally in the superficial space to the inferior pubic ramus and
the medially placed single column of corpus spongiosum, which transmits the urethra.
Proximally the corpus spongiosum is enlarged forming the bulb, distally it is enlarged
forming the glans of the penis. Tunica albuginea binds the 3 columns of erectile tissue.
Superficial to tunica albuginea is the deep fascia of the penis. The suspensory
ligament, attaches to the penis at the juncture of the root and shaft (mobile portion).
This ligament is attached to the underside of the pubic arch and pubic symphysis.
2. Scrotum: The cutaneous sac which houses the testis.
3. Testis: Sits in the scrotal sac. Its anterior border is free, the posterior border has the
epididymis attached. The tail of the epididymis continues as the vas deferens. The
dense connective tissue capsule of the testis is the tunica albuginea. Adherent, to, the
anterior half of the testis is a remnant of the processes vaginalis, the tunica vaginal is.
The tunica vaginalis extends from superior to inferior poles of the organ.
D. Female genitalia.
1. Clitoris: Similar to the penis in structure, but much smaller and does not transmit the
female urethra.
2. Labia majora: Female homologue of the scrotum.
3. Labia minora: Female homologue of skin and connective tissue on ventral surface of
penis. Splits anteriorly into superior and inferior folds which form the prepuce and
frenulum of the clitoris, respectively.
4. Vestibule: The space between the labia minora. Opening into the vestibule are the
vagina, urethra, ducts of paraurethral and greater vestibular glands.

XI. Applied anatomy/anatomical pearls.

A. External hemorrhoids: Varicose enlargements of inferior rectal vein inferior to pectinate line.
Painful because of somatic innervation.
B. Internal hemorrhoids: Varicose enlargements of middle or superior rectal veins superior to
pectinate line. Less painful because visceral sensory innervation is less sensitive than
somatic sensory innervation.
C. Pudendal block: To block the pudendal nerve for obstetrical purposes, the needle is inserted
through the vaginal wall or just lateral to the labia majora at the level of the ischial tuberosity.
The nerve is blocked at the ischial spine, prior to its entrance into the pudendal canal.
D. Posterior fornix of vagina: A needle is easily passed through this region to obtain fluid
samples from the rectouterine pouch for analysis.
E. Lymphatic drainage: From the testis to para-aortic nodes in the abdominal cavity. From the
scrotum and penis to inguinal nodes.
F. Pectinate line in anal canal: Like a watershed area; superior to this line, lymphatics drain
cranially to internal iliac nodes, vessels are from superiorly, and innervation is visceral.
Inferior to this line, lymphatics drain to inguinal nodes, vessels are from inferior rectal
branches of pudendal, and innervation is somatic.
G. Ureter and uterine artery at base of broad ligament: Remember, water (ureter) runs under
the bridge (of the uterine artery).
H. Female urethra: Short length predisposes to infections of urinary tract.

I. Female vs male peritoneal cavity: Male is closed. Female opens to outside via ostia of
uterine tubes.


I. Embryological considerations.
A. Limb rotation: After formation of limb buds, the axis of the limb rotates 90° medially so the
preaxial (flexor) musculature comes to lie posteriorly and postaxial (extensor) musculature
moves anteriorly.
B. Innervation pattern: In the lower limb, preaxial muscles are innervated by nerves formed
from anterior divisions of ventral primary rami, postaxial muscles are innervated by nerves
formed from posterior divisions of nerves in the lumbo-sacral plexus. Relative to the thigh
and gluteal region, it is also helpful to remember that muscles originating from the pubis and
ischium are preaxial and innervated by anterior division (preaxial) nerves, and muscles
originating from the ileum and femur are postaxial and innervated by posterior division
(postaxial) nerves.

II. Lumbo-sacral plexus: The key to understanding functional anatomy of the lower limb is
understanding the major elements of the nerve supply. The somatic supply to the lower limb is
derived from the lumbo-sacral plexus. This plexus, like the brachial plexus, allows for nerves from
different segmental levels to merge and form peripheral nerves containing components from
several levels. The lumbo-sacral plexus is formed from ventral primary rami from lumbar and
sacral levels. These ventral primary rami divide into anterior and posterior divisions. Subsequently
anterior division components from different levels converge to form anterior division nerves which
innervate preaxial muscles and posterior division components converge to form posterior division
nerves which innervate postaxial muscles.
A. Anterior division nerves:
1. Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal from L1. Recall that the iliohypogastric is sensory to the
suprapubic region and the ilioinguinal exits the superficial inguinal ring to provide
sensation to the scrotum and medial thigh.
2. Genitofemoral (L1,2)' Motor to cremaster, sensory to medial thigh.
3. Obturator (L2,3,4)' Motor to medial compartment of thigh, sensory to medial thigh.
4. Accessory obturator (L2,3)' When present, innervates the pectineus.
5. Tibial (L4,5,S1,2,3)' The preaxial component of the sciatic in the thigh, innervates preaxial
muscles of thigh and leg.
6. Nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus (L4,5,S1)'
7. Nerve to obturator intern us and superior gemellus (L 5,S1,2)'
8. Posterior femoral cutaneous (anterior S2,3; posterior S1,2)' This large cutaneous nerve
of the posterior thigh has both anterior and posterior division components.
9. Pudendal (S2,3,4)' The great somatic nerve to the anal and urogenital triangles.
10. 1Nerve to levator ani and coccygeus (S3,4).
B. Posterior division nerves:
1. Lateral femoral cutaneous (L23)' Cutaneous to lateral thigh.
2. Femoral (L2,3,4)' The great motor nerve to the anterior compartment of the thigh, also
provides sensory branches to anterior thigh.
3. Superior gluteal (L4,5,S1). Motor to gluteus medius and minim us, tensor fascia lata.
4. Inferior gluteal (L5,S1,2). Motor to gluteus maximus, the powerful extensor of the thigh.

5. Common peroneal (L4 ,5,8 1 ,2). The postaxial component of the sciatic in the thigh. Motor
to anterior and lateral compartments of leg.
6. Nerve to piriformis (8 1,2)'
7. Perforating cutaneous nerve (8 2 ,3)' Pierces sacrotuberous ligament, sensory.
8. Perineal branch of 8 4 , 8ensory to skin over ischioanal fossa.

III. Dermatomes: Dermatomes of the lower extremity are important, particularly for diagnostic
purposes. Review a diagram of dermatomes in one of the standard atlases.

IV. Overview of blood supply: The gluteal region receives blood supply from the internal iliac artery
via the gluteal arteries. The internal iliac also gives off the obturator which contributes to the blood
supply to the medial thigh. The major arterial flow to the lower limb is via the external iliac, which
changes names to the femoral, inferior to the inguinal ligament. The femoral provides blood
supply to all compartments of the thigh, continues to the posterior aspect of the knee as the
popliteal, which provides anterior and posterior tibial arteries to supply the leg and foot. The
peroneal branch of the posterior tibial nourishes the lateral compartment of the leg.

V. Thigh: The great saphenous vein is located on the medial thigh and passes through the fascia
lata, the investing fascia of the thigh, on the cranial, medial aspect of the thigh and drains into the
femoral vein. The fascia lata has deep extensions which divide the thigh into 3 compartments: An
anterior, medial, and posterior compartment.
A. Medial compartment: This preaxial adductor compartment is, innervated by the obturator
nerve. Muscles in this compartment include the gracilis, most superficial on the medial
aspect of the thigh; pectineus and adductor longus, also superficial, but more anterolateral in
position; adductor brevis, deep to adductor longus; adductor magnus, deepest member of
this compartment. The cranial portion of adductor magnus, with horizontally oriented fibers,
takes origin from the ischial tuberosity, therefore, this portion of adductor magnus is
innervated by the "hamstring nerve", the tibial.
B. Anterior compartment: This postaxial compartment includes the sartorius and quadriceps
femoris (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, medialis, and intermedius), both innervated by the
femoral nerve. The quadriceps is the powerful extensor of the leg and its rectus femoris
portion also flexes at the hip. The long sartorius flexes the knee and thigh, and laterally
rotates the thigh. The powerful flexor of the thigh, the iliopsoas, enters this compartment
cranially on its way to insert on the lesser trochanter.
C. Posterior compartment: This preaxial compartment contains the hamstring muscles; the
biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus. In general these muscles extend
the thigh and flex the knee. They are innervated by the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve,
except the short head of the biceps femoris, (postaxial) which originates from the femur and
is innervated by the common peroneal portion of the sciatic nerve.
D. Femoral triangle: An important reference area on the anteromedial thigh.
1. Boundaries: The base of the triangle, superior in position, is the inguinal ligament,
medial side is adductor longus and lateral side is sartorius. The floor of the triangle,
from lateral to medial, is the iliopsoas, pectineus, and adductor longus muscles.
2. Contents: Entering the base of the triangle by passing deep to the inguinal ligament are
from lateral to medial: femoral nerve (lying on iliacus), femoral artery (lying on psoas
major), femoral vein (near junction of psoas and pectineus), and femoral canal for
lymphatic vessels and several lymph nodes. Mnemonic= NAVL. Important branches of

the femoral vessels in the triangle include: medial and lateral femoral circumflex and
profunda femoris.
3. Femoral hernia: protrusion of abdominal viscus through the femoral canal, displacing
lymphatics. Always deep to inguinal ligament. Relatively uncommon hernia, but
potentially dangerous because contents may become strangulated by taut inguinal
4. Adductor (subsartorial) canal (of Hunter): Begins at the apex of the femoral triangle and
ends at the adductor hiatus, the opening in the tendon of adductor magnus leading to
the popliteal fossa. This canal contains the femoral artery and vein, and two branches
of the femoral nerve: the nerve to vastus medialis and the saphenous nerve.

VI. Gluteal region.

A. Gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata: Gluteus maximus=the large, rhomboid shaped,
posterior, superficial, powerful extensor of the thigh, innervated by inferior gluteal nerve.
Tensor fascia lata=lateraily placed between two leaves of fascia lata, originates superiorly
from lateral iliac crest and caudally inserts into iliotibial tract. An important abductor of thigh.
B. Deep gluteal musculature: Under cover of the vast gluteus maximus, is the gluteus medius,
which covers the deeply placed gluteus minim us. At the inferior edge of the gluteus medius
is the piriformis, an important reference muscle for the anatomy of this region. (Superior
gluteal nerve and vessels exit the pelvis superior to the muscle, inferior gluteal, sciatic, and
posterior femoral cutaneous nerves and inferior gluteal vessels exit the pelvis inferior to this
muscle.) Inferior to the piriformis, is the obturator internus with its two gemelli and most
inferiorly is the quadratus femoris. The tendon of obturator extern us, one of the medial thigh
compartment muscles, can be seen deep, between inferior gemellus and quadratus femoris.
c. Gluteus medius and minimus and walking: These muscles hold the pelvis horizontal when
support is removed on the contralateral side, such as when walking or standing on one leg.
If the pelvis dips inferiorly on the side not supported, there is a problem with the gluteus
medius and minimus on the opposite side. In such situations, this deficit is referred to as a
positive Trendelenburg sign.
D. Sciatic nerve: The sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen on the
inferior border of piriformis and descends through the gluteal region midway between the
ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter. To avoid hitting the sciatic nerve during
intramuscular injections, the needle is introduced into the superior, lateral quadrant of
gluteus maxim us.
E. Hip jOint: The large femoral head articulates in the well developed socket, the acetabulum.
Well developed ligaments, reinforcing the capsule, limit movement at this joint and
consideration of the arterial supply to the joint is important because of the frequency of
fractures of the femoral neck, particularly in the elderly.
1. Ligaments: A well developed, anteriorly placed, Y-shaped iliofemoral ligament prevents
hyperextension; the posteriorly placed ischiofemoral ligament also helps prevent
hyperextension; and the pubofemoral ligament helps limit abduction and extension.
Within the joint, the ligament of the head may help limit adduction.
2. Arterial supply: From medial and lateral circumflex, and inferior extensions of superior
and inferior gluteal arteries. The obturator artery gives off a branch that accompanies
the ligament of the head to the femoral head. This branch is well developed in children

but in the elderly, following fractures of the proximal femoral neck, this branch may not
be sufficient to maintain the femoral head, and aseptic necrosis of the head may follow.

VII. Knee.
A. Bones: Three bones articulate at the knee: the condyles of the femur and tibia and the
patella. The patella articulates only with the femur. The patella develops as a sesamoid bone
in the tendon of quadriceps femoris.
B. Menisci: A medial and lateral fibrocartilaginous meniscus (semilunar cartilage) is firmly
attached to the medial and lateral flattened condyles (plateaus) of the tibia.
C. Major ligaments.
1. Collateral: A tibial and fibular collateral ligament which provide side to side stability to
the knee joint. The tibial collateral ligament is firmly attached to the medial meniscus.
Thus, when this ligament is stretched, it usually affects the attached meniscus. The
fibular collateral ligament is separated from the lateral meniscus by the tendon of the
popliteus muscle.
2. Cruciate: Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, crossed and named by their
attachment to the tibia, are deep to the capsule of the knee joint. They firmly bind the
femur and tibia and help limit anterior and posterior displacement of the two bones. The
integrity of the ligaments is tested as follows: The patient is seated and the knee is
flexed 90°. The anterior cruciate is tested by attempting to pull the tibia anteriorly on the
femoral condyles. Similarly, the posterior cruciate is tested by attempting to push the
tibia posteriorly on the femoral condyles. The movements in this examination are
referred to as "drawer movements. n
D. Bursae: The large bursa deep to the quadriceps tendon, the suprapatellar bursa, usually
connects with the synovial cavity of the joint. The prepatellar bursa is usually well defined
and inferiorly, deep to the quadriceps tendon, there is a smaller deep infrapatellar bursa.
E. Popliteal fossa: The posterior aspect of the knee. Contains popliteal vessels, small
saphenous vein, tibial and common peroneal nerves, and lymph nodes. The floor of the
fossa is the popliteus muscle.

VIII. Leg.
A. Superficial features. Cutaneous structures include the great saphenous vein medially,
accompanied by the saphenous nerve; and the lesser saphenous vein, emerging posterior
to the lateral malleolus, and ascending the posterolateral aspect of the leg to drain into the
popliteal vein. The lesser saphenous vein is accompanied by the sural nerve in the leg. The
inferior continuation of the fascia lata into the leg is the crural fascia. This fascia divides the
leg into anterior, lateral, and posterior compartments, each with its own blood and nerve
B. Anterior compartment: This postaxial compartment contains three muscles: the tibialis
anterior, extensor digitorum hallucis, and extensor digitorum. A divergent lateral slip of
extensor digitorum inserting on the base of the fifth metatarsal, the peroneus tertius, is
classified as a fourth muscle by some authors. The tibialis anterior dorsiflexes and inverts
the foot; the names of the other muscles indicate their function. The artery to the anterior
compartment is the anterior tibial branch of popliteal. The anterior tibial enters the
compartment superior to the interosseus membrane. The deep peroneal branch of the
common peroneal nerve provides innervation to this compartment.

C. Lateral compartment: This postaxial compartment contains two muscles which evert the
foot: The peroneus longus and brevis. Tendons of both muscles pass posterior to the lateral
malleolus. The peroneus longus lies superficial to and covers the brevis. The artery to this
compartment, the peroneal, is a branch of the posterior tibial. The nerve to the compartment
is the superficial peroneal. After innervating the two muscles in the compartment, the nerve
becomes cutaneous in the lower one-third of the leg and continues onto the dorsum of the
D. Posterior compartment: This preaxial compartment has superficial and deep layers. All
muscles in this compartment are innervated by the tibial nerve, and blood supply to this
compartment is from the posterior tibial branch of the popliteal.
1. Superficial posterior: All three of the muscles here (gastrocnemius, soleus, and
plantaris) insert into the calcaneal tendon and are powerful plantar flexors.
2. Deep posterior: Muscles include from lateral to medial, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis
posterior, and flexor digitorum longus. Tendons of these muscles enter the medial side
of the plantar surface of the foot. The function of the muscles is indicated by their
names, except for tibialis posterior. This muscle plantar flexes and inverts the foot.

IX. Ankle.
A. Retinacula: Connective tissue structures which maintain the mechanical advantage of
muscle tendons by holding the tendons against bone.
1. Extensor: A superior extensor retinaculum, extends from tibia to fibula just cranial to
the medial and lateral malleolus. An inferior extensor retinaculum covers the dorsum of
the foot. This inferior extensor retinaculum is Y shaped and the leg of the Y attaches
laterally to the calcaneus. Medially, one diverging arm attaches to the medial malleolus
and the other arm goes inferiorly and attaches to plantar fascia. The inferior edge of
the inferior extensor retinaculum is the site where the anterior tibial artery changes
names to dorsal pedis. Dorsalis pedis is an important artery for taking pulse in the foot.
2. Peroneal: There is a superior and inferior retinaculum holding the two lateral
compartment tendons down on the calcaneus as they pass posterior to the lateral
3. Flexor: Extends from the medial malleolus to the calcaneus and holds down the
tendons of the flexors of the deep posterior compartment and tibial nerve and posterior
tibial vessels.
B. Medial malleolus and associated structures. This includes the structures deep to the flexor
retinaculum. Tendons of tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus pass posterior to the
medial malleolus but flexor hallucis longus, from the lateral leg, arches more inferiorly and
uses the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus as a pulley.

X. Dorsum of foot.
A. Dorsalis pedis artery: the continuation of the anterior tibial artery, inferior to the extensor
retinaculum, across the dorsal arch of the foot.
B. Extensor digitorum brevis: Arises from calcaneus and assists the extensor digitorum. Its
most medial slip is termed the extensor hallucis brevis. These muscles are innervated by the
deep peroneal nerve. This nerve continues distally to provide sensation to the dorsum of the
great and second toes and the webbed area proximally between these two toes.

XI. Plantar foot.
A. Cutaneous nerves. Cutaneous branches around the ankle and plantar foot include the
medial calcaneal, and medial and lateral plantar nerves, all three which are branches of the
tibial nerve.
B. Lamination. The plantar surface of the foot is usually described in layers.
1. Superficial layer: This layer is deep to the plantar aponeurosis. From lateral to medial,
muscles in this layer are the abductor digiti minimi, innervated by lateral plantar nerve;
and flexor digitorum brevis and abductor hallucis, innervated by medial plantar nerve.
The flexor digitorum brevis is homologous to the flexor digitorum superficialis in the
upper limb.
2. Second layer: Muscles in this layer are flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus,
the four lumbricals and quadratus plantae. The first lumbrical is innervated by medial
plantar nerve, the lateral three lumbricals and quadratus plantae by lateral plantar
nerve. The flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum are innervated in the leg by the
tibial nerve.
3. Third layer: Muscles in this layer are flexor digiti minimi and adductor hallucis,
innervated by lateral plantar nerve and the flexor hallucis brevis, innervated by the
medial plantar nerve.
4. Fourth layer: Includes the three plantar and four dorsal interossei anteriorly, and the
tendons of peroneus longus and tibialis posterior, posteriorly. All interossei are
innervated by the lateral plantar nerve.
C. Summary of motor innervation of intrinsic muscles of plantar foot: The lateral plantar nerve
mirrors the ulnar in the hand and the medial plantar nerve is similar to the median.
Therefore, the medial plantar nerve innervates the flexor hallucis brevis, abductor hallucis,
first lumbrical and flexor digitorum brevis. All other intrinsic muscles of the foot are
innervated by lateral plantar nerve.
D. Ligaments: There are numerous ligaments in the foot, named primarily according to location.
Important ligaments include the deltoid, the medial ligament of the ankle, which attaches the
medial malleolus to the tarsus; the lateral ligament of the ankle, which includes the
calcaneofibular and anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments; and on the plantar surface,
the spring ligament or calcaneonavicular, and the long plantar ligament. The plantar
ligaments help maintain the arch of the foot.

XII. Applied anatomy.

A. Fractures of pelvis: Since the pelvis is a ring-like structure, fractures typically occur in more
than one location. Example: through both the pubic symphysis and sacroiliac.
B. Gluteal injections: To avoid injury to the sciatic nerve, injections should be made into the
superior, lateral quadrant of the buttock.
C. Common peroneal nerve: Vulnerable to injury (falls, tight leg cast) as it winds around neck of
fibula. Injury causes foot drop.
D. Knee injury: A blow to the posterolateral side of the knee may result in a torn tibial collateral
ligament, medial meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament (the unhappy triad).
E. Ankle sprains: Most are inversion injuries since the medial malleolus does not extend as far
inferiorly as the lateral malleolus.

F. Dorsalis pedis artery: Easily accessible for determining pulse in the foot.
G. Trendelenburg sign: To hold the pelvis level when standing on one leg, the abductors
(gluteus medius, minimus and tensor fascia lata) of the hip on the side supporting the weight
must contract to hold the pelvis horizontal. If these muscles are weakened, the pelvis tilts
inferiorly on the opposite side. This tilting is a positive Trendelenburg sign.


I. The basic functional unit of the nervous system is the neuron.

A. Principle parts of a neuron are:
1. the perikaryon, also termed the cell body or soma. The cell body contains all of the
synthetic machinery for maintaining the cell (nucleus, one or more nucleoli,
mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.) and for manufacturing and packaging neurotransmitters
(rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, neurotransmitter-containing synaptic
vesicles, etc). A unique feature of neurons is the high concentration of aggregates of
RNA within the cell body. When stained with a basic dye, such as Thionin or Toluidine
Blue, the aggregates of RNA appear "pepper-like" and are termed Nissl substance.
2. the .100m which is responsible for carrying the impulse, or action potential, away from
the cell body. Axons contain neurofilaments, axoplasm and neurotubules, which act as
highways for movement of synaptic vesicles and other organelles, such as
mitochondria. The axon is continuous with the cell body through the axon hillock. This
area is unique in that it is devoid of Nissl substance, thus appearing pale in stained
sections. Neurons possess only one axon, however axonal branching (collaterals) is
3. the axon terminal, which is the expanded end of the axon, contains axoplasm,
mitochondria, synaptic vesicles and specializations along portions of the axolemma
(term used to describe the plasma membrane of neurons) known as synapses.
Synapses are select areas where vesicles are able to fuse with the axolemma resulting
in the discharge of the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft, which is the region
between the pre- and post-synaptic membranes (approximately 20 nm in width).
Released neurotransmitter then binds to receptors on the post-synaptic membrane
resulting in the initiation of an action potential in the "down-stream" neuron. Synapses
may occur between axons and dendrites (axo-dendritic), neuronal cell bodies (axo-
somatic), other axons (axo-axonal) or skeletal muscle cells. Concerning the
innervation of smooth and cardiac muscle, axon terminals with synaptic specializations
are rare. Instead, vesicles are released at expansions which occur at frequent intervals
along the axon, thus resembling a "string of pearls". Morphologically, these expansions
are described as boutons-en-passage.
4. the dendrites which are responsible for carrying impulses toward the cell body.
Neurons may have one or more dendrites and each dendrite may branch extensively.
Dendrites typically do not contain synaptic vesicles.
B. Neuronal morphology
1. Neurons come in a myriad of sizes ranging from the granule cells of cerebellum which
are approximately 5 mm in diameter to the giant cells of Betz in area 4 of the cerebral
cortex which may be 120 mm in diameter.
2. Neurons also vary remarkably in shape. Morphologically, neurons can be classified
into one of the following categories.
a) Unipolar neurons are devoid of dendrites and possess only one process, an axon.
Unipolar neurons are typical in the immature nervous system.

b) Bipolar neurons possess one dendrite and one axon. Examples include the
sensory neurons supplying the vestibular apparatus and the cochlea [cranial
nerve (eN) VIII).
c) Pseudounipolar neurons have a single process that branches, thus forming a "T".
These neurons originate as bipolar neurons, but during development the two
processes migrate towards each other and eventually fuse. Examples of
pseudounipolar neurons are sensory neurons within dorsal root and cranial nerve
ganglia (except eN VIII). Many authors include pseudounipolar neurons in the
unipolar category.
d) Multipolar neurons comprise the largest population of neurons in the adult
nervous system and contain two or more dendrites and a single axon. Examples
of multipolar neurons include motor neurons in the spinal cord, Purkinje neurons
of the cerebellum and pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex.
3. Neurons are also classified according to whether or not they possess long axons (Golgi
type I) or short axons (Golgi type II).

II. Non-neuronal cells of the nervous system

A. A unique feature of nervous tissue proper is that it does not possess connective tissue
elements such as fibroblasts or collagen. Rather, support for neurons is provided by glial
(neuroglial) cells. Interestingly, glial cells out number neurons about 10 to 1, but comprise
only about 50% of the volume of the nervous system.
B. Glial cells are characterized according to the following location and/or function.
1. Central Nervous System
a) Astrocytes - Processes of astrocytes are commonly located adjacent to blood
vessels, neurons and beneath the ependyma lining the ventricular system and the
pia mater on the outer surfaces of the brain and spinal cord. Their functions
include providing mechanical support to the eNS, assisting in providing nutrition to
neurons and relaying cellular signals in a non-synaptic manner to neurons. Two
types of astrocytes exist. Fibrous astrocytes are characterized by a relatively
small cell body, but contain an extensive array of processes. Fibrous astrocytes
are located predominantly in the white matter. The cell body of protoplasmic
astrocytes is larger than that of fibrous astrocytes. Protoplasmic astrocytes also
contain numerous processes and are located predominantly in the grey matter.
Following an injury to the eNS, astrocytes become "reactive", invade the injury
site and contribute to the formation of a glial scar.
b) Oligodendrocytes - Form myelin in the eNS. Myelin of myelinated axons is
formed by oligodendrocytes that wrap axons with concentric lamella of their
plasma membrane. The cytoplasm is extruded from the lamella resulting in layer
upon layer of plasma membranes. One oligodendrocyte will wrap only a portion
of several axons with one axon being wrapped by many oligodendrocytes. One or
more unmyelinated axons will still be surrounded by an oligodendrocyte, however,
the glial plasma membrane does not form into concentric lamellae.
c) Microglia - These glial cells are unique in that they are the only ones not derived
from ectoderm, being derived instead from mesoderm. Their function is to act as
scavengers/macrophages following an injury. While it is difficult to locate these
small cells in normal eNS tissue, they are abundant following an injury.
d) Ependyma - These cells of ectodermal origin that line the ventricular system of the
brain, brainstem and the central canal of the spinal cord. In the embryo,

ependymal cells proliferate, thus giving rise to all neurons and glial cells (except
microglia). The choroid plexus, which produces cerebrospinal fluid, is also
considered ependymal tissue.
2. Peripheral Nervous System
a) Satellite cells - Neuronal cell bodies outside of the brain and spinal cord, i.e.,
primary afferent neurons in cranial nerves, sensory and autonomic ganglia, are
surrounded by satellite cells which are of ectoderm origin. Satellite cells are
similar to astocytes and oligodendrocytes of the eNS.
b) Schwann cells - Myelinated axons in peripheral nerves are surrounded by sheaths
of myelin from Schwann cells which are ectodermal in origin. One Schwann cell
may ensheathe, or myelinate only one axon. Small pockets of cytoplasm are
often seen within the concentric lamellae of the Schwann cells. These pockets,
termed clefts of Schmidt-Lanterman, are tunnels of cytoplasm extending from the
inner lamella to the outer lamella. The area of an axon whereby the myelin of one
Schwann cell ends and another begins is known as a node of Ranvier. As is the
case with oligodendrocytes in the eNS, unmyelinated axons of peripheral nerves
are still enclosed in a single lamella of Schwann cell plasma membrane.

III. Arrangement of Peripheral Nerves

Each axon within a peripheral nerve is surrounded by a Schwann cell. The Schwann cell in turn,
secretes and is surrounded by, a basal lamina and a thin layer of reticular fibers. The basal
lamina and the layer of reticular fibers are termed the endoneurium. Bundles ofaxons with their
endoneurial coverings are group together into fascicles. Fascicles within a peripheral nerve are
surrounded by concentric layers of connective tissue termed the perineurium. Finally, fascicles
are arranged into nerves which have a strong outer covering of connective tissue termed the
epineurium. These connective tissues are important in nerve regeneration and surgical

IV. Reaction of neurons to injury

A. Ischemic, traumatic or chemical insults to neurons result in a characteristic response known
as chromatolysis. Hallmarks of chromatolytic neurons include:
1. a nucleus that is eccentric in position within the cell body. Under normal conditions, the
nucleus is usually centrally located.
2. dispersion of the cytoplasmic aggregates of RNA. This results in a pale appearance
when using Nissl stains.
3. swelling of the neuronal cell body.
B. When a myelinated axon is severed, the proximal stump degenerates in a retrograde
direction a distance of one or two node of Ranvier segments. The distal axonal segment,
having been separated from the cell body, degenerates. This processes is known as
Wallerian degeneration. The myelin sheath surrounding the distal segment becomes
disarranged. Debris is removed by macrophages. In the eNS, astrocytes form a glial scar.
In the PNS, remaining Schwann cells proliferate to form compact cords. In the eNS and
PNS, the proximal severed axons develop sprouts. In the PNS, the delicate axonal sprouts
continue to grow until one reaches, and penetrates along, an appropriate Schwann cell cord.
The new axon will grow at a rate of 0.5-3.0 microns/day until it reaches and reinnervates its
target, i.e., skeletal muscle fiber, sensory receptor in skin, etc. Failure of the sprouting
axons to find their Schwann cell cords may result in incomplete regeneration or formation of

a painful neuroma. In the CNS, reinnervation is typically very limited due to the sprouting
axons being prohibited from reaching their target by the glial scar.


I. The adult cerebral cortex, brainstem and cerebellum are divided into the following five regions:
A. Telencephalon - The telencephalon consists of the cerebral cortex, the underlying white
matter and a nuclear mass buried deep within each hemisphere (basal ganglia).
Convolutions of the human cerebral cortex result in hills and valleys, or more appropriately,
gyri and sulci, respectively. The longitudinal cerebral fissure divides the cerebral cortex into
right and left hemispheres. Each hemisphere is divided into four lobes by the lateral
(Sylvian) fissure, the central sulcus (of Rolando) and the parieto-occipital sulcus. A fifth lobe
termed the insula is often overlooked since it can be viewed only if one separates the
parietal and temporal opercula adjacent to the lateral fissure.
B. Diencephalon - The cerebral cortex surrounds the lateral and superior aspects of the
diencephalon, thus only its inferior aspect can be viewed in an intact specimen. This
arrangement enables the diencephalon to be best illustrated in mid-sagittal or coronal
sections. Structures of the diencephalon include the epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus
and subthalamus (see section on DIENCEPHALON for details).
C. Mesencephalon - The mesencephalon, also referred to as the midbrain, contains several
clinically relevant nuclei, including the nuclei for cranial nerves III and IV, which exit the
ventral and dorsal surfaces of the mesencephalon, respectively. In fact, CN IV is unique in
that it is the only cranial nerve to exit the dorsal aspect of the brainstem. Additional
important external features of the dorsal aspect of the mesencephalon are the
protuberances of the superior and inferior colliculi, which are involved in the visual and
auditory pathways, respectively. On the ventral surface, the two large cerebral peduncles
are apparent and contain axons travelling from the cortex to inferior regions of the brainstem
and spinal cord.
D. Metencephalon - The dorsal aspect of the metencephalon is covered by the cerebellum.
Removal of the cerebellum exposes the cerebellar peduncles and the rhomboid fossa, which
is actually the fourth ventricle. The pons occupies the rostral half of the rhomboid fossa. On
the floor of the rhomboid fossa, the eminence of the facial colliculus is apparent. On the
ventral aspect of the pons, numerous neuronal perikarya and axons comprise the prominent
bulge termed the basis pontis (basal pons). Cranial nerve nuclei in the metencephalon that
project their axons out the ventral aspect of the brainstem include CN V which exits ventro-
laterally and cranial nerves VI, VII and VIII which exit in the ponto-medullary groove.
E. Myelencephalon - The myelencephalon consists of the medulla oblongata which begins
roughly at the middle of the fourth ventricle dorsally and the ponto-medullary junction
ventrally and ends at the level of the first segment of the spinal cord. On the floor of the
rhomboid fossa, apparent features are the stria medullaris and the eminences formed by the
vagal and hypoglossal nuclei. Caudal to the fourth ventricle, three sulci delineate the
cuneate and gracile tuberculi. On the ventral aspect of the medulla, the descending motor
fibers form the pyramids and the pyramidal decussation, which are adjacent to, and across,
the anterior median fissure, respectively. Immediately lateral to the pyramids are the olives
which are eminences formed by the underlying inferior olivary nuclei. Cranial nerve nuclei
found within, and project out of, the medulla include CN IX, X and XI which exit the medulla

in the postolivary sulcus and CN XII which exits in the sulcus between the pyramids and
olivary eminences in the preolivary sulcus.


I. Arteries of the CNS - The arterial blood supply of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and brainstem is
derived from branches of the two vertebral and two internal carotid arteries. These two arterial
systems provide a collateral circulation by communicating which each other through their
branches, thus forming the arterial circle of Willis. Significant branches of these arteries and the
regions they supply are illustrated and described below.




A. Ophthalmic - First branch off of each internal carotid; enters the orbit through the superior
orbital fissure; gives rise to the central artery of the retina which pierces the meningeal
sheath to travel within the optic nerve and through the optic disc to supply the retina; other
branches of the ophthalmic include muscular, lacrimal, ciliary, supratrochlear and
supraorbital arteries.
B. Anterior cerebral arteries - Branches of the internal carotid arteries; anterior cerebral arteries
course over the corpus callosum in the longitudinal fissure; supply the medial aspects of the
cerebral cortices; since motor and sensory function of the lower limbs are represented on
the medial aspects of the pre- and postcentral gyri, respectively, occlusion or hemorrhage of
the anterior cerebral artery results in deficits in contralateral lower limb function.
C. Anterior communicating artery - Unpaired artery connecting the two anterior cerebral
D. Middle cerebral arteries - Branches of the internal carotid arteries; the middle cerebral
arteries leave the ventral surface of the brainstem through the lateral fissures to supply the

dorsolateral surface of the cerebral cortices; realize that occlusion or hemorrhage of the
middle cerebral artery may result in deficits in motor and/or sensory function (other than in
the lower limbs - see anterior cerebral arteries).
E. Medial and lateral striate arteries - Branches of the middle cerebral arteries that provide the
major blood supply to the basal ganglia and internal capsule.
F. Posterior cerebral arteries - Embryologically related to the internal carotid arteries; however,
in adults receive their blood from the vertebrobasilar system; supply the occipital, as well as
portions of the parietal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortices; postero-medial and
lateral branches of the posterior cerebral arteries supply the thalamus; in terms of the
cerebral cortex, occlusion or hemorrhage of the posterior cerebral artery typically results in
visual dysfunction.
G. Posterior communicating arteries - Branches of the internal carotids that anastomose with
the posterior cerebral arteries.
H. Basilar - Formed by the union of the right and left vertebral arteries; located in a depression
on the ventral surface of the pons known as the basilar sulcus.
I. Superior cerebellar arteries - Branches of the basilar artery which course around the
brainstem at the pontomesencephalic junction and travel along the superior aspect of the
cerebellum; branches from the superior cerebellar arteries supply portions of the pons, lower
mesencephalon, superior portions of the cerebellar hemispheres and the cerebellar vermis.
J. Anterior inferior cerebellar arteries (AICA) - The AICA are branches of the basilar artery and
course along the pontomedullary junction to supply portions of the pontine tegmentum and
inferior cerebellum.
K. Pontine branches - Numerous small branches from the basilar artery that supply portions of
the pons and mesencephalon.
L. labyrinthine arteries - The labyrinthine arteries branch from the basilar artery and course
through the internal acoustic meatus to supply CN's VII and VIII; do not contribute to the
blood supply of the brainstem.
M. Posterior inferior cerebellar arteries (PICA) - The PICA branch from the vertebral arteries
and course around the medulla; important source of blood to the medulla, cerebellar tonsils,
inferior cerebellar vermis and inferolateral cerebellar hemispheres; occlusion or hemorrhage
of the PICA may result in Wallenberg's syndrome (also called the PICA or lateral medullary
syndrome) (see section on MEDULLA).

II. Arterial Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord

A. Posterior spinal arteries - Paired branches from the vertebral arteries that course around,
then descend on the posterior aspect of the spinal cord near the dorsal root entry zone;
receive contributions from posterior radicular arteries along their descending course;
supplies roughly the dorsal one-third of the spinal cord.
B. Anterior spinal artery - Paired branches from the vertebral arteries that fuse into a single
anterior spinal artery which descends along the spinal cord in the anterior median fissure;
receives contributions from the anterior radicular arteries (which are larger than their
posterior counterparts); a significant radicular artery that provides blood to the lumbar
enlargement is the great anterior medullary artery (of Adamkiewicz) which is usually present

on the left side in the lower thoracic/upper lumbar region; the anterior spinal artery provides
blood to the ventral two-thirds of the spinal cord.

III. Ventricular System

The ventricular system is an interconnecting network of cavities within the brain and brainstem.
The two lateral ventricles (also referred to as the first and second ventricles, irrespective of side)
are present deep to the white matter of the cerebral cortices. Regions of the lateral ventricles,
termed horns, correspond with the lobe of the cerebral cortex in which they reside, i.e., frontal,
parietal, temporal and occipital. Of particular significance is that the caudate nuclei of the basal
ganglia are adjacent to the walls of the lateral ventricles. Specialized tissue known as choroid
plexus is present on the floor of the lateral ventricles. The choroid plexus is involved in the
production of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The CSF produced in the lateral ventricles drains
through the foramina of Monro into the unpaired third ventricle. The thalami are adjacent to the
lateral walls of the third ventricle. Choroid plexus is also present in the third ventricle. CSF then
drains through an opening in the postero-inferior portion of the third ventricle into the cerebral
aqueduct. The cerebral aqueduct is small in diameter and descends through the mesencephalon
to open into the fourth ventricle. The fourth ventricle is located between the cerebellum and the
pons and medulla. The inferior margin of the fourth ventricle is known as the obex. Also, at its
inferior margin, the fourth ventricle narrows and continues caudally as the central canal of the
spinal cord. Like the other ventricles, choroid plexus is also located in the fourth ventricle.
However, the fourth ventricle is unique in that is has two apertures located on each lateral wall
(foramina of Luscka) and one located in the midline (foramen of Magendie). The purpose of
these foramina is to allow CSF to flow out of the ventricular system into the subarachnoid space.
Normally, the choroid plexus produces approximately 600-700 ml of CSF per day. If the flow of
CSF through the ventricular system is blocked, the continued production of CSF results in
ventricular dilatation (hydrocephalus). Common sites of blockage are the narrow cerebral
aqueduct (either by congenital atresia or by a space occupying lesion, e.g., tumor) and the
foramina of Monroe.

IV. Meninges
A. Dura mater - Tough outermost meninx. Dura is divided into a periosteal layer and a
meningeal layer. In specific areas, these two layers divide to form the venous sinuses (see
below). Also, septa derived from the meningeal layer form the falx cerebri, falx cerebelli,
tentorium cerebelli and the diaphragma sella. The dura continues caudally as the spinal
dura and is attached inferiorly at the second sacral vertebral level. Stating that something is
epidural, i.e., anesthetic block or hematoma, refers to a placement immediately outside of
the dura. The subdural region is a potential space.
B. Arachnoid mater - Non-vascular delicate membrane adjacent, and deep to the dura. In the
cranium, the arachnoid does not adhere to the meningeal layer of the dura nor does it
extend into the sulci or fissures of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. In the region of the
spinal cord, arachnoid mater does adhere tightly to the dura. Thin finger-like projections,
called arachnoid trabeculae extend from the inner surface of the arachnoid to the pia. The
arachnoid is suspended off of the pia and neural tissue by the CSF. Regions where the pia
and arachnoid are widely separated are known as subarachnoid cisterns. Important cisterns
include the:
1. cisterna magna (cerebellomedullary cistern). CSF drains through the foramina of
Luschka and Magendie in the wall of the fourth ventricle into the cisterna magna.

Acceptable site for obtaining CSF when not obtainable from the lumbar cistern (see
2. cisterna am biens (superior cistern). Located around the superior, lateral and posterior
margins of the midbrain. Significant because it contains the great vein of Galen (see
below) and the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries.
3. lumbar cistern. The caudal end of the adult spinal cord with its enveloping pia mater is
located at the first and second lumbar vertebral level. The arachnoid, and its overlying
dura continue inferiorly to the second sacral level, thus forming the lumbar cistern
which contains CSF and the cauda equina. In the adult, the lumbar cistern is the best
site for obtaining CSF. However, since the spinal cord extends to lower vertebral levels
in the infant, in order to avoid a needle puncture of the spinal cord, an alternate site for
obtaining CSF is the cisterna magna.
C. Pia mater - Vascular membrane that adheres tightly to all components of the CNS and to the
dorsal and ventral roots within the vertebral canal. The pia extends into the sulci and
fissures of the brain and spinal cord. Denticulate ligaments are specializations of pia found
on the lateral aspects of the spinal cord (between the dorsal and ventral roots) along its
entire length. These triangular-shaped epipial processes are attached at their base to the
pia and at their tip to the arachnoid mater. The function of the denticulate ligaments is to
stabilize the spinal cord.
D. Important features concerning the vasculature and innervation of the cranial meninges - The
middle meningeal branch of the maxillary artery provides the major blood supply to the
cranial meninges. In addition, the meninges receive anterior meningeal branches from the
ophthalmic arteries and posterior meningeal branches from the occipital and vertebral -
arteries. The larger meningeal arteries are epidural. Thus, an arterial source should be
considered when a diagnosis of epidural hematoma is made. Venous blood from the
meninges drains into either the diploic veins or the sinuses. The cranial dura is richly
innervated by branches from CN V and by branches of the upper two or three cervical spinal

V. Venous Drainage SUPERIOR SAGlTIAL
In the cranium and orbits, /
venous blood collects in
specialized folds of dura
known as sinuses. The
sinuses and the direction of
blood flow are indicated on
the illustration. An
important feature of the
sinus system is the
arachnoid granulations
located along the course of
the superior sagittal sinus.
Arachnoid granulations are
protrusions of the
arachnoid through the dura
into the sinus. They
function to facilitate the
return of CSF to the venous .. VENOUS DRAINAGE FROM THE BRAIN


I. The spinal cord

A. Gross features
1. Extends from the foramen magnum to the level of the L2 vertebra in the adult and to
approximately the 4 vertebra in the infant.
2. Enlargements in the diameter of the cervical and lumbar regions of the spinal cord are
due to the large number of motor neurons supplying musculature of the upper and
lower limbs, respectively.
3. The caudal extent of the cord is known as the conus medullaris.
4. The spinal cord is stabilized laterally by the denticulate ligaments and caudally by the
filum terminal.
5. The ventral surface of the cord is identified by the presence of the ventral median
6. Rootlets that join to form the dorsal and ventral roots are attached to the dorsal and
ventral surfaces of the cord, respectively.
7. Lumbar, sacral and coccygeal dorsal and ventral roots contribute to the formation of
the cauda equina.
B. Cross (or transverse) sectional features of the spinal cord
1. "H" -shaped grey matter surrounded by white matter (the reverse occurs in the cerebral
and cerebellar hemispheres).
2. The upper and lower portions of the "H" are designated dorsal and ventral horns,
3. A lateral horn (more commonly referred to as the intermediolateral cell column or IML)
is located between T1 and L2 spinal cord segments.

a) Realize that because the spinal cord is much shorter than the vertebral column,
the location of the IML corresponds to spinal cord segmental levels and not to
vertebral levels.
b) AlL sympathetic preganglionic perikarya are located in the IML.
4. A lateral horn is also present between the 8 2 to 8 4 spinal cord segments.
a) This region, more commonly referred to as the sacral parasympathetic nucleus,
contains ALL parasympathetic preganglionic perikarya in the sacral portion of the
parasympathetic (cranio-sacral) division of the autonomic nerv~us system.
b) Realize that the remainder of the parasympathetic preganglionic perikarya are
associated with cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X and are located in brainstem
nuclei. .
c) Note: due to the absence of autonomic preganglionic neurons, lateral horns do
not exist above T1, between L2 and 82 and below 84.
5. In the 1950's, Rexed divided the grey matter into 10 laminae based on their unique
morphological characteristics. Lamina I is located at the tip of the dorsal horn with
subsequent laminae named as one moves ventrally through the grey matter (with the
exception of lamina X, see below).
a) Lamina I - also termed the marginal nucleus, characterized by the presence of
Waldeyer neurons, integration and relay area for terminations of primary afferent
b) Lamina II - also termed the substantia gelatinosa, contains second order neurons
and interneurons involved in sensation; important area for relaying sensory
information cranially.
c) Laminae III and IV - also termed the laminae propria, receives input terminations
from primary afferent axons.
d) Laminae V and VI - located at the base of the dorsal horns, receive and relay
sensory information.
e) Lamina VII - also termed the intermediate zone, contains Clark's column which is
a relay for the dorsal spinocerebellar tract, contains the IML cell columns in its
lateral margin.
f) Lamina VIII -large area located in the ventral horns, neurons in this lamina are
interneurons involved in motor pathways.
g) Lamina IX - located in the ventral horn, encircles individual clusters of somatic
motor neurons, usually more than one cluster is present.
h) Lamina X - circumscribed area around the central canal, important area for
integration of visceral function.
6. White matter surrounding the grey matter is divided into ventral, lateral and dorsal
funiculi. Each funiculus contains a large number of myelinated, hence white matter,
and unmyelinated axons. Ascending or descending axons that conduct action
potentials from similar modalities, i.e., sharp pain, vibration, motor, etc., are grouped
into tracts within the funiculi (see below).

II. Tracts
Numerous tracts have been described that link various regions of the spinal cord with higher
centers and also transmit different types of information. However, the functions of only 2 sensory
and 1 motor tracts are routinely tested in the clinical setting. A concrete understanding of these 3
tracts is paramount to understanding lesions of the spinal cord. The 3 tracts are the
spinothalamic tract, the dorsal column/medial lemniscus tract and the corticospinal tract. Each of
these is detailed below.

A. Spinothalamic tract
1. Conducts pain, temperature and crude touch information from body walls and limbs
and pain due to distension or ischemia from visceral organs
2. First order neurons are the pseudounipolar primary afferents with their perikarya in
dorsal root ganglia and peripheral processes that project to the distal target.
3. The central processes enter the dorsal spinal cord and synapse to a large extent on
second order neurons in laminae I, II and V of the dorsal horn of the ipsilateral spinal
cord. Usually, primary afferent axons have collateral branches that ascend or descend
in the tract of Lissauer several segments, thus synapsing on second order neurons 1 to
5 segments from their point of entry into the cord. One reason for this is that this
produces an intersegmental dispersion of sensory information.
4. Primary afferent neurons do not utilize classical neurotransmitters like norepinephrine
or acetylcholine. Rather, peptides such as substance P, calcitonin gene-related
peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, etc., have been implicated in primary afferent
5. Axons of the second order neurons cross in the ventral white commissure and ascend
in the contralateral lateral spinothalamic (pain and temperature) or ventral
spinothalamic (crude and poorly localized touch) tract.
6. The lateral spinothalamic tract is somatotopically arranged such that inputs from sacral
levels are more dorsal in the tract than inputs from cervical levels. The ventral
spinothalamic tract is not as somatotopically distinct.
7. In the lower medulla the lateral and ventral spinothalamic tracts converge to form the
spinal lemniscus which ascends through the brainstem to synapse on third order
neurons in the ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the thalamus.
8. Axons from VPL neurons project as the thalamic radiations through the posterior limb
of the internal capsule and terminate somatotopically in the primary sensory cortex
(areas 3, 1 and 2). See section on CEREBRUM for details on the cortical
representation of sensation.


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9. During the physical exam, the function of the spinothalamic pathway is assessed by
asking the patient to close his/her eyes, then distinguish between a sharp (pin prick)
versus dull (small blunt object) placed on numerous dermatomes. In addition, the
patient is asked to distinguish between vials filled with hot versus cold water. Crude
touch is difficult to assess and its evaluation is not part of the routine physical exam.
10. The most clinically relevant points about the spinothalamic tract to remember are that:
1) it transmits information concerning pain and temperature and 2) it becomes
contralateral at, or near, its entry into the spinal cord.
B. Dorsal column/medial lemniscus tract
1. Conducts non-noxious information such as two-point discrimination, vibration,
discriminatory touch and proprioception (position sense).
2. First order neurons are the pseudounipolar primary afferents with their perikarya in
dorsal root ganglia and peripheral processes that project to the distal target.
3. Central process of the first order neurons enter the medial aspect of the dorsal horn.
They neither synapse nor cross where they enter the cord. Rather, the central
processes enter the posterior funiculus and ascend to the medulla. Note that these
processes are arranged somatotopically in the dorsal column such that fibers from
caudal levels are located near the midline in the fasciculus gracilis. A septum in the
posterior funiculus appears at about the T6 spinal cord level. Above T6, fibers entering
the posterior funiculus arrange lateral to the septum in the fasciculus cuneatus.










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4. In the lower medulla, first order axons terminate on second order neurons located in
the appropriate nucleus gracilis or cuneatus.
5. Axons from the second order neurons project to the contralateral side. This crossing is
termed the sensory decussation. The crossed second order axons arrange
somatotopically into the medial lemniscus with caudal inputs position more ventrally. In
the medulla, the medial lemnisci are positioned in a dorsal/ventral orientation near the
6. In the pons, the medial lemniscus repositions to a more horizontal orientation with the
lateral fibers being from the more caudal inputs.
7. Fibers of the medial lemniscus continue to ascend and finally synapse on third order
neurons in the ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the thalamus.
8. Axons from VPL neurons project as the thalamic radiations through the posterior limb
of the internal capsule and terminate in the primary sensory cortex (areas 3, 1 and 2).
See section on CEREBRUM for details on the cortical representation of sensation.
9. During the physical exam, the function of the dorsal column/medial lemniscus tract is
assessed by performing the following tasks over several different dermatomes.
a) Asking the patient (with eyes closed) to distinguish between a vibrating versus
non-vibrating tuning fork.
b) Asking the patient to describe the position of his/her fingers and toes without
looking directly at them.
c) Brushing the patient lightly with a cotton swab, then asking him/her to state when
and where the touch occurred.
d) Asking the patient to tell you if you touched him/her with one point (using one end
of a straightened paper clip) or two (touching with both ends simultaneously).
10. The most clinically relevant points about the dorsal column/medial lemniscus tract to
remember are that: 1) it transmits information concerning fine touch, vibration and
proprioception and 2) the tract remains ipsilateral throughout the spinal cord; becoming
contralateral in the medulla.
C. Corticospinal (pyramidal) tract
1. Descending primary voluntary motor tract, but not the sole motor tract. Produces finely
controlled movements with agility and speed; simple voluntary movements are
mediated by other tracts. This tract is facilitory to flexor muscles of the extremities and
muscles involved in speech.
2. The corticospinal tract is composed ofaxons from pyramidal neurons located in the
following areas:
a) One third from the primary motor cortex (area 4; precentral gyrus). In addition to
the pyramidal neurons, Betz cells, known for their unusually large size, also
contribute to this portion of the corticospinal tract.
b) One third from the secondary motor cortex (area 6; precentral gyrus).
c) One third from the primary sensory cortex (areas 3, 1 and 2; postcentral gyrus).
Fibers from the primary sensory cortex are non-motor; rather, they partiCipate in
influencing sensory input to the motor system.
3. Axons from these neurons descend (in order) through the:
a) corona radiata which is the white matter deep to the cerebral cortex.
b) genu and posterior portions of the internal capsule.
c) cerebral peduncles which are located on the ventral aspect of the
d) basal pons.

4. In the medulla, approximately 90% of the corticospinal fibers cross as the pryamidal
decussation to form the lateral corticospinal tract. The lateral corticospinal tract is
somatotopically organized such that axons destined for spinal cord segments
innervating the upper limbs are positioned more medially than axons destined for cord
segments innervating the lower limbs. The corticospinal tracts are evident on the
ventral surface of the medulla as the medullary pyramids.
5. The remaining 10% of corticospinal axons remain uncrossed to form the anterior
corticospinal tract. However, fibers in the anterior corticospinal tract usually cross
when they reach their destination in the spinal cord.
6. Corticospinal tract axons descend to synapse on interneurons which in turn synapse on
alpha motor neurons. A minority of the axons will synapse directly on alpha motor
7. Approximately 55% of lateral corticospinal tract axons terminate in the cervical region,
20% in the thoracic region and 25% in the lumbosacral regions.
B. Clinically, the patency of this tract is tested by having the patient do a variety of motor
tasks that require the use of motor neurons at different levels of the spinal cord.
D. Other significant tracts
1. Corticobulbar tract - Descending projections that supply motor input to various regions
of the brainstem, particularly to the motor nuclei of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, XI and XII.
Unlike the corticospinal tract that provides motor innervation to contralateral muscles,
most bulbar (brainstem) nuclei receive a bilateral innervation from corticobulbar fibers.
An important exception to this pattern of innervation is discussed in the clinical
correlation section of this chapter.
2. Rubrospinal tract - The rubrospinal tract originates from neurons located in the red
nucleus within the mesencephalon. The red nucleus receives inputs primarily from the
cerebral cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei. Projections from the red nucleus cross
immediately before descending to form the rubrospinal tract which is located in the
lateral funiculus. Neurons of the rubrospinal tract form a portion of the extra-pyramidal
motor system and function to facilitate contralateral flexor muscles. In addition, they
act to inhibit contralateral extensor muscles by hyperpolarizing alpha and gamma
motor neurons.
3. Clark's column and the spinocerebellar tracts - This ascending system begins when
primary afferent fibers (first order) synapse on a group of spinal cord neurons located
in lamina VII, known as Clark's column. Clark's column is present between the CB and
L2 spinal cord segments. The second order neurons in Clark's column ascend in either
the dorsal or ventral spinocerebellar tracts. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract ascends
uncrossed and enters the cerebellum through the inferior cerebellar peduncle. The
ventral spinocerebellar tract, containing the majority of fibers, crosses at its origin in the
spinal cord, ascends and then recrosses to the ipsilateral cerebellum through the
superior cerebellar peduncle. These tracts function to relay information concerning
proprioception, touch, pressure and posture. With this in mind, you should realize that
this pathway carries information received via primary afferent processes innervating
muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs.
4. Lateral vestibulospinal tract - Axons of this tract originate from neurons of the lateral
vestibular nucleus located in the floor of the fourth ventricle. The vestibular nucleus
receives inputs from the vestibular portion of cranial nerve VIII and the cerebellum.
The lateral vestibulospinal tract remains uncrossed, descends in the anterior funiculus
and functions to maintain balance by facilitating ipsilateral extensor muscles and

inhibiting the activity of ipsilateral flexor muscles. A medial vestibulospinal tract
descends primarily to the cervical spinal cord as part of the medial longitudinal
fasciculus (in the anterior funiculus) and participates in coordinating head and neck
movements relative to eye movements.
5. Tectospinal tract - Axons of the tectospinal tract originate from neurons of the superior
colliculus located in the mesencephalon. The superior colliculus receives strong inputs
from the visual system, as well as from other types of systems involved in perceiving
the environment, e.g., auditory. Axons of the tectospinal tract cross in the
mesencephalon and descend in the anterior funiculus as part of the medial longitudinal
fasciculus. Tectospinal tract axons terminate on interneurons in upper cervical spinal
cord segments and play a role in reflex movements of the head in response to visual
and auditory stimuli. Its reciprocal tract, the spinotectal tract, ascends in the lateral
funiculus to the superior colliculus, thus completing a reflex "loop".

III. Peripheral nerves

The central nervous system consists of the brain, brainstem, cerebellum and spinal cord. Other
components of the nervous system are classified as belonging to the peripheral nervous system
(PNS). This section deals with one component of the PNS, namely the spinal nerves. The
autonomic nervous system and the cranial nerves complete the PNS and will be dealt with
individually in subsequent sections.
A. Formation of spinal nerves
1. Somatic and visceral efferent perikarya have axons that leave the spinal cord via the
ventral roots. Note: visceral efferent axons, i.e., sympathetic and parasympathetic
preganglionic neurons are found only in the T1-L2 and S2-84 ventral roots,
2. Somatic and visceral primary afferent perikarya are located in the dorsal root ganglia.
Note: the Qll1¥ other place where primary afferent perikarya are located is in sensory
ganglia associated with the cranial nerves. The central processes of these sensory
neurons travel in the dorsal roots and subsequently enter the dorsal aspect of the
spinal cord. The peripheral processes of these neurons will travel away from the
ganglion toward a somatic or visceral structure.
3. Spinal nerves are formed when the dorsal and ventral roots converge, usually in the
intervertebral foramina.
4. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1
5. After coursing for just a few centimeters, the spinal nerves diverge and are renamed
the dorsal and ventral primary rami.
6. Neurons and individual axons within peripheral nerves are classified according to the
type and direction of information they carry. All neurons and axons within peripheral
nerves are designated as: General. This designation arises in part from the fact that
these axons do not transmit information from a special sense organ (as do axons
transmitting visual, olfactory and auditory information). The four classifications or
functional components are:
a) General somatic efferent (GSE) neurons - Somatic, in the case of efferent nerves,
refers to the innervation of skeletal (striated, voluntary) muscles. The term
efferent implies that the action potential is travelling away from the spinal cord,
thus these are motor neurons. When one is referring to spinal nerves, the

perikarya of GSE neurons are located in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. GSE
neurons also supply the striated intrafusal muscle fibers within muscle spindles.
b) General somatic afferent (GSA) neurons - Somatic, in the case of afferent nerves,
refers to the innervation of skin, joint and stretch receptors in the muscles and
tendons. Afferent implies that these neurons transmit sensory information. For
the skin, this information includes pain, temperature, crude touch, vibration, etc.
Sensory information from the joints and stretch receptors includes the sense of
position (proprioception) and pain Ooints only). The sensations of pain,
temperature and fine (discriminatory) touch are received primarily by free-nerve
endings in the skin and in deeper structures such as tendons and joint capsules.
These afferent fibers tend to be small diameter, unmyelinated C-type (slow
conducting, burning type pain) fibers or lightly myelinated A delta (fast pain) fibers.
These fibers belong to the first order neurons (primary afferents) of the
spinothalamic tract pathway. The sensations of being able to discriminate
between being touched by one versus two points, vibration, proprioception and
light touch are received by encapsulated sensory nerve endings. Examples of
encapsulated endings include Pacinian corpuscles, Merkel's corpuscles, Krause
end bulbs, Ruffini's corpuscles and Meissner's endings. Nerve fibers associated
with these endings typically are of the more heavily myelinated A-alpha and A-
beta types.
c) General visceral efferent (GVE) neurons - GVE refers to motor (efferent) neurons
of the autonomic nervous system (visceral). These include both the
parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. GVE neurons provide the innervation
to smooth muscles and glands and are not under conscious control (e.g., are
controlled by structures such as the hypothalamus and brainstem instead of the
cerebral cortex). Realize that 2 neurons, a preganglionic and a postganglionic,
are required for motor information to travel from the spinal cord to the target
organ. Axons from parasympathetic preganglionic neurons, located in the sacral
parasympathetic nucleus (S2 to S4 spinal cord segments), travel for a short
distance in the S2 to S4 spinal nerves. These nerves are destined for pelvic
viscera and the lower colon. Otherwise, parasympathetic axons are not located in
any other spinal nerve. However, all spinal nerves contain axons from
sympathetic preganglionic neurons. After synapsing in chain ganglia, sympathetic
postganglionic axons enter the ventral and dorsal primary rami to innervate blood
vessels, sweat glands and erector pili muscles in the skin and blood vessels in
deeper structures, i.e., muscles, subcutaneous fat, etc.
d) General visceral afferent (GVA) neurons - GVA neurons carry sensory information
from viscera and glands back to areas of the CNS that are involved with
regulating involuntary control over body functions. The basic rule is that whatever
is innervated by GVE nerve fibers will also be innervated by GVA fibers.
Historically, regardless of their intimate relationship, GVA neurons were not
included in descriptions of sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nerves.
Rather, GVA fibers are considered to be "associated" with their respective
autonomic counterparts. Indeed, GVA fibers associated with the sympathetic
division have their perikarya in the T1 to L2 dorsal root ganglia. Similarly, GVA
fibers associated with parasympathetic GVE fibers have their perikarya in the S2
to S4 dorsal root ganglia. One key point to understand is that sympathetic
postganglionic GVE axons are found in the ventral and dorsal primary rami, and
so to are GVA processes.

IV. Clinical Correlations
A. Upper versus lower motor neuron injury
Manifestations of injury to the motor system, particularly the corticospinal tract, are often
described as having upper and/or lower motor neuron characteristics. Unfortunately,
students frequently have problems distinguishing which neurons are upper or lower. To
simplify this, remember that: 1) lower motor neurons are ~ the alpha motor neurons and
2) all other neurons in the motor pathway are upper motor neurons. To emphasize this
point, alpha motor neurons have their perikarya in the ventral horn of the spinal cord with
their axons projecting all the way out to, and synapsing upon, the skeletal muscle fibers. In
other words, alpha motor neurons are the final common pathway for all motor innervation. If
the alpha motor neuron is damaged, then the muscle fiber will not contract (remember that
skeletal muscles must be innervated to contract - this is not the case with cardiac or smooth
muscles). On the other hand, if an injury damages interneurons or cortical neurons (upper
motor neurons), but leaves the alpha motor neuron intact, muscle contraction is still possible
since the muscle is still innervated (recall that the simple reflex arc between primary
afferents and alpha motor neurons does not require input from higher neuronal centers to be
1. Deficits resulting from lesions of lower motor neurons:
a) primary muscle atrophy
b) hyporeflexia
c) flaccid paralysis
d) fasciculations
Note: a),b) and c) occur due the direct loss of the skeletal muscle innervation; d) is a
non-neuronal twitching of muscle fibers.
2. Deficits resulting from lesions of upper motor neurons:
a) no primary muscle atrophy (secondary muscle atrophy occurs because of disuse)
b) hyperreflexia
c) spastic paralysis
Note: b) occurs because the strength of the reflex arc is no longer dampened (inhibited)
by higher neuronal centers.

B. Brown-Sequard syndrome
This syndrome results when the spinal cord is hemisected. For example, a patient received
a stab wound in the back that severed the T9 spinal cord segment on the dgbt side.
Fortunately, the left side of the spinal cord remained completely intact. The following list
details the types of deficits and intact functions you would expect to see.
1. Sensory
a) Complete anesthesia of the right T9 dermatome. This would occur since the
central processes of primary afferent fibers that mediate pain and temperature
(spinothalamic tract) and touch, vibration and proprioception (dorsal
column/medial lemniscus tract) were destroyed where they entered the cord.
b) Loss of touch, vibration and proprioception at and below the right T9 dermatome.
This would occur since the dorsal column/medial lemniscus tract does not cross
until it reaches the medulla. Thus, a right-sided hemisection would transect all
ascending dorsal column/medial lemniscus axons on the right side.
c) Loss of contralateral pain and temperature sense from T9 and below. This would
occur since the spinothalamic tract crosses essentially where it enters the cord.
Thus, a right-sided hemisection would not only interrupt T9 spinothalamic fibers

that were in the process of crossing, but it would transect all of the second order
spinothalamic tract axons that had already crossed (below T9).
d} Sensations that remain include: 1} pain and temperature below T9 on the right
side. This occurs because the second order spinothalamic tract axons below T9
crossed to the non-Iesioned side, thus going around the transection and 2} touch,
vibration and proprioception on the entire left side. This occurs because all dorsal
column/medial lemniscus fibers remained on the left side, never venturing into the
area of the lesion.
2. Motor
a} Lower motor neuron-type lesion of the right T9 dermatome musculature. This
occurs because the alpha motor neurons in the right T9 ventral horn were
b} Upper motor neuron-type lesion of muscles on the right. :side innervated below T9.
This occurs because the corticospinal tract crossed in the medulla. Thus, below
the T9 level, right sided corticospinal tract axons are destined for motor neurons
also on the right side.
c} Again, since the motor decussation occurs in the medulla, motor function on the
left side remains intact.
C. Tabes dorsalis
If left untreated over a period of years, syphilis progresses to a tertiary stage. One sequela
of this infection is a degeneration of dorsal column and dorsal root axons, thus interrupting a
person's proprioceptive ability. While vibration and touch sense are affected, the deficit in
proprioception is the readily apparent as the patient tries to walk. Specifically, the patient
has lost his ability to unconsciously know the position of his limbs; therefore in order to walk,
he must look at his feet. This behavior, coupled with a deficit in the ability of proprioceptors
in his jOints to accurately place his feet, results in a clopping, unsteady gait. The dorsal
columns are also affected by pernicious anemia with a similar alteration in gait.
D. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehrig's disease)
This is a degenerative disease which results in the loss of alpha motor neurons throughout
the spinal cord. Unfortunately, this disease is progressive, without treatment and fatal.
Since it affects alpha motor neurons, it is a lower motor neuron disease. Thus, patients with
ALS develop progressive signs and symptoms associated with wide spread lower motor
neuronal loss, i.e., muscle atrophy, hyporeflexia, fasciculations and flaccid paralysis. Due to
the specificity of this disease, there is no impairment in sensory function.
E. Syringomyelia
This disease is caused by a pathological and progressive cavitation of the central canal,
primarily in the cervical region of the spinal cord. Progressive widening of the central canal
applies pressure on several neural systems which result in a loss of neural function. The
first neural system to be affected is the spinothalamic tract. Specifically, the increasing
pressure interrupts the axons of second order neurons which cross in the ventral white
commissure. This produces a uni- or bilateral loss of pain and temperature. In addition,
there is an early and progressive impairment of alpha motor neurons in the ventral horns
with a resulting lower motor neuron-type deficit at the affected cord segments. As the
cavitation proceeds, axons in the dorsal column may also be affected.

In some neuroanatomy courses, a classification scheme is used to describe the various functional
components of cranial nerves. Four of these components have been previously discussed, i.e.,
general somatic afferent (GSA), general somatic efferent (GSE), general visceral afferent (GVA)
and general visceral efferent (GVE). In addition to these 4, cranial nerves may possess three
others. They are:
Special visceral afferent (SVA) - sensory neurons related to taste and smell.
Special visceral efferent (SVE) - motor neurons to skeletal muscles that develop with
the branchial arches.
Special somatic afferent (SSA) - sensory neurons related to vision, hearing and
Realize that a cranial nerve may contain one or more of the seven functional components.
However, no cranial nerve contains all seven. The neuroanatomy of the major components of
each cranial nerve are described below.

I. Olfactory nerve - CN I
A. The term olfactory nerve is used to identify the unmyelinated axons from bipolar ciliated
(hair) cells in the olfactory mucosa. Axons from the olfactory nerves travel through foramina
in the cribriform plate, with the majority terminating on mitral neurons within the olfactory
bulbs. Cranial nerve I is classified as possessing SVA neurons.
B. Axons from mitral neurons project toward the brain as the olfactory tract. Collaterals from
these axons synapse in the anterior olfactory nucleus which is a loosely arranged cluster of
neurons located within the olfactory tract. Impulses from neurons of the anterior olfactory
nucleus cross via the anterior commissure to influence neurons in the contralateral olfactory
pathway. At its proximal end, the olfactory tract divides into a large lateral stria, a medial
stria and a small intermediate stria.
C. Axons in the lateral stria project to areas around the amygdaloid nucleus and prepyriform
cortex (region anterior to the amygdaloid nucleus). These regions, located in the temporal
lobes, are considered the primary olfactory cortex.
D. Axons in the medial stria project to the septal area located on the medial aspect of each
frontal lobe.
E. Axons of the intermediate stria project to the anterior perforated substance.
F. Through multiple pathways, olfactory information is relayed to the hippocampal formation,
anterior nucleus of the thalamus, hypothalamus, reticular formation and other structures
associated with the limbic system. Through these complex interconnections, odors are
intimately associated with regions of the CNS that regulate visceral function, i.e., salivation,
nausea, etc.
G. Clinical testing of olfaction is accomplished by having the patient smell a common aromatic
compound (e.g., coffee) with one nostril closed, then with the contralateral nostril. Types of
lesions that affect olfaction include fractures through the cribriform plate and tumors along
the route of the olfactory tracts. A complete loss of olfaction is termed agnosia.
H. Olfactory "hallucinations", which patients usually characterize as a disagreeable odor, often
precede seizure activity involving limbic neurons in the temporal lobe (uncinate fits).

I. An important point concerning olfaction is that it is the ~ sensation (somatic, visceral or
special) that reaches the cerebral cortex without having been relayed through the thalamus.

II. Optic nerve - CN II

A. Retina
1. Cones - Higher threshold of excitability than rods. Responsible for color discrimination
and sharp vision. Highest concentration in the fovea centralis region of the retina.
2. Rods - Low threshold of excitability. Thus, rods are suited to twilight and night vision.
3. Impulses pass from rods and cones through intermediate neurons (bipolar, amacrine,
horizontal) that integrate and tune the visual signal. Integrated signals reach ganglion
cells whose axons converge at the optic disc to form the optic nerve. Cranial nerve II is
classified as possessing SSA neurons.
B. Optic nerves converge at the optic chiasm then diverge as the optic tracts. Ganglion cell
axons in the temporal retina project in the ipsilateral optic tract. Ganglion cells axons from
the nasal retina cross in the chiasm to project in the contralateral optic tract.
C. Some ganglion cell axons leave the optic tracts and project to the superior colliculus in the
mesencephalon. These axons provide visual inputs to neurons that form the tectospinal
tract (see preceding section).
D. The majority ofaxons in the optic tracts terminate in a retinotopic pattern in the lateral
geniculate nuclei (LGN) of the thalami. Specifically, each lateral geniculate nucleus is
divided into 6 laminae. Uncrossed ganglion cells axons from the ipsilateral eye and crossed
axons from the contralateral eye terminate in distinct and non-overlapping lamina within the
E. LGN neurons project posteriorly through the optic radiations to the primary visual cortex
(area 17) which is located above and below the calcarine fissure. The primary visual cortex
is also retinotopic in that information from lower retinal fields is received in cortex above the
calcarine fissure. Conversely, information from upper retinal fields is received in cortex
below the calcarine fissure. Information from the primary visual cortex is then relayed to the
associational visual cortex (areas 18 and 19).


F. In discussing the visual system, VISUAL FIELDS
realize that visual fields and retinal T N N T
fields signify different subjects. For TOTAL BLINDNESS

example, light from the left visual OF RIGtIT EYE

fields is projected onto the right

retinal fields. Note also that the
terms nasal and temporal are used RIGIIT NASAL
to describe the medial and lateral B HEMIANOPSIA

aspects of both the visual and
retinal fields. To emphasize this
point, consider that the right nasal
retina observes objects in the right GENICULATE BODY HOMONYMOUS
temporal visual field. You should OPTIC ___

understand RADIATION

this concept for each quadrant of

the retina. BITEMPORAL


III. Oculomotor nerve - CN III

CN III emerges from the ventral aspect of the brainstem at the ponto-mesencephalic junction in
the interpeduncular fossa. Axons of CN III originate from a compact nuclear complex located
near the midline of the mesencephalon and ventral to the periaqueductal grey matter. These
nuclei are observed in cross sections of the brainstem obtained at the level of the superior
A. GSE neurons are located in the oculomotor nucleus and innervate the following extra-ocular
eye muscles (EOM's):
• Superior rectus
• Inferior rectus
• Medial rectus
• Inferior oblique
The levator palpebrae elevates the upper eyelid (opens the eye) and is also innervated by
GSE neurons of CN III.
B. Also associated with CN III is the Edinger-Westphal nucleus which gives rise to
parasympathetic preganglionic (GVE) axons. These axons terminate on postganglionic
neurons located in the ciliary ganglion. Postganglionic axons travel via the short ciliary
nerves to the orbit where they innervate the constrictor pupillae muscle. Activation of the
Edinger-Westphal nucleus will result in constriction of the pupil.
C. The Edinger-Westphal nuclei receive afferents from the more cranially located pretectal
region. Communication between the pretectal region and the Edinger-Westphal nuclei is
important in the direct and consensual (indirect) pupillary light reflexes. Specifically, neurons
of the pretectal region receive inputs from the visual system. Axons from the pretectum
descend to the Edinger-Westphal nuclei as crossed or uncrossed fibers. When light is
directed into one eye, the uncrossed fibers activate the ipSilateral Edinger-Westphal nucleus
and the ipsilateral pupil will constrict (direct light reflex). Simultaneously, the crossing
pretectal fibers will activate the contralateral Edinger-Westphal nucleus resulting in
constriction of the contralateral pupil (consensual light reflex).

D. Accommodation-convergence is tested when the patient is asked to visualize the examiners
finger when moved from a distant position to a near position. To accomplish this, the
patients must:
1. first be able to see the examiners finger (CN II),
2. rotate the eyes medially (medial recti muscles; GSE component of CN III),
3. contract the ciliary muscles which results in a relaxation of the suspensory ligaments,
thus causing the lens to become more convex for focusing on near objects (GVE
component of CN III) and
4. constrict the pupils (GVE component of CN III).
The pathway for performing accommodation-convergence is believed to proceed from the
visual cortex through corticobulbar fibers to the superior cOlliculus/pretectal region and
finally to the oculomotor nuclei. Tertiary syphilis may result in a lesion in this pathway and
is characterized by small pupils (mioSiS) that do not react to light (Argyll-Robertson pupil),
but will react to accommodation.

E. Lesions of the oculomotor nuclei or the peripheral portion of CN III result in a lower motor
neuron-type lesion characterized by:
1. lateral deviation of the eye (result of the unopposed action of the lateral rectus muscle;
2. a fully dilated pupil (mydriasis),
3. ptosis (drooping) of the eyelid (loss of levator palpebrae function) and
4. loss of convergence-accommodation and the pupillary light reflex.

IV. Trochlear nerve - CN IV

A. The trochlear nucleus consists of GSE motor neurons located in sections of the brainstem
through the inferior colliculus. Axons leave the nucleus and decussate completely before
exiting the dorsal aspect of the brainstem. Recall that all cranial nerves, except CN IV, exit
the ventral aspect of the brainstem.
B. The trochlear nuclei innervate the contralateral superior oblique muscles of the eye. Lesions
of the nucleus or the nerve may result in vertical diplopia, especially when looking down and
to the side contralateral to the lesion (remember, it is a crossed pathway). A dysfunctional
superior oblique muscle manifests itself best when patients attempt to walk downstairs.

V. Trigeminal nerve - CN V
A. The trigeminal nerve is the largest cranial nerve. The two types of information transmitted
over CN V fibers are:
1. all sensation from the face (GSA) and
2. motor to the muscles of mastication, the tensor tympani, the anterior belly of the
digastric muscle and the mylohyoid muscle (first branchial arch derivatives; SVE).
Peripherally, the many branches of CN V organize into ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular
divisions. These 3 divisions converge at the trigeminal (Gasserian, semilunar) ganglion
which contains a large number of pseudounipolor GSA neurons. Central processes of these
GSA neurons are attached to the ventrolateral pons by a short stump.
B. Sensation from the face can be divided into two types: 1) proprioception and 2) all others,
i.e., pain, temperature, touch, vibration, etc.
1. GSA perikarya that mediate proprioception are located, not in the trigeminal ganglion,
but in the mesencephalic nucleus of CN V. These GSA neurons are unique in that they

are the only sensory neurons to somatic structures located within the CNS (all others
being located in dorsal root or peripheral cranial nerve ganglia). Processes from these
neurons travel through the trigeminal ganglion and into the mandibular division to reach
muscle spindles and tendon organs located in the muscles of mastication. Collaterals
from these axons reach the motor nucleus of CN V to form reflexes associated with the
mastication muscles, e.g., jaw jerk reflex.
2. Perikarya associated with all other types of sensation carried by CN V are located in
the trigeminal ganglion. Peripheral processes from these neurons project through the
three divisions of CN V to terminate as free or encapsulated endings in the skin, oral
and nasal surfaces, teeth, cornea and large portions of the cranial dura. The central
processes of these neurons enter the pons and descend as the spinal trigeminal tract
to synapse on second order neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Recall that spinal
trigeminal tract fibers and second order neurons of the spinal trigeminal nucleus are
somatotopically arranged such that the ophthalmic division is located ventrally, the
mandibular division is located dorsally and the maxillary division is intermediate in
position. Recall that the ophthalmic division of CN V is involved in the blink reflex.
Specifically, a cotton swab applied to the cornea activates GSA fibers (ophthalmic
division of CN V) which, in turn, activate neurons that innervate the orbicularis oculi
muscle (SVE; motor nucleus of CN VII) which closes the eye. Finally, the levator
palpebrae muscle (GSE; CN III) is used to reopen the eye. Thus, the blink reflex tests
cranial nerves III, V and VII.
3. In addition to projecting to the spinal trigeminal nucleus, collaterals from the central
afferent fibers carrying tactile information project to second order neurons located in
the principal (main) sensory nucleus which is in the pons, rostral to the spinal trigeminal
nucleus. Because of these collateral projections, lesions of the spinal trigeminal tract
and nucleus result in deficits in pain and thermal sense, but not tactile sense.
4. Axons from second order neurons of the principal sensory nucleus and the spinal
trigeminal nucleus ascend in either the uncrossed dorsal trigeminothalamic or crossed
ventral trigeminothalamic tract to synapse on third order neurons located in the ventral
posteromedial (VPM) nucleus of the thalamus.
5. Axons from third order neurons in the VPM nucleus project through the posterior limb
of the internal capsule and terminate in the primary sensory cortex (postcentral gyrus;
areas 3, 1 and 2).
6. An interesting, but devastating disorder of the trigeminal sensory system is trigeminal
neuralgia (tic douloureux) which is characterized by excruciating pain, without apparent
cause, originating in the dermatome supplied by one or more divisions of CN V.
7. The spinal trigeminal tract and nucleus also serve as the relay for axons from cranial
nerves VII, IX and X that innervate small patches of skin around the external ear.
C. The SVE component of CN V originates in the motor nucleus of CN V located in the pons.
Axons from this nucleus project through the trigeminal ganglion (without synapsing) into the
mandibular division only. Subsequently, these axons terminate on and facilitate the muscles
of mastication (i.e., temporalis, masseter and the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles), and
the tensor tympani, anterior belly of the digastric and mylohyoid muscles. SVE neurons of
the motor nucleus of CN V are controlled by descending corticobulbar projections from the
cerebral cortex.
D. Clinical testing of the general function of CN V is achieved by:
1. using a cotton swab to brush the dermatomes of the face supplied by the three
divisions of CN V (GSA component of all divisions),

2. corneal blink reflex (GSA component of the ophthalmic division along with cranial
nerves III and VII),
3. jaw jerk (GSA and SVE components of the mandibular division) and
4. clinching the teeth and reopening the mouth (SVE component of the mandibular

VI. Abducens nerve - CN VI

A. The abducens nucleus contains GSE neurons, is located in the floor of the fourth ventricle,
provides the motor innervation to the lateral recti muscles and is encircled on all sides
(except ventrally) by the facial nerve. Axons exit the brainstem at the ponto-medullary
junction and course forward to the orbit. Two significant points about CN VI are:
1. it has the longest course in the cranium of any cranial nerve and
2. it passes through the cavernous sinus (unlike cranial nerves III, IV and portions of CN
V that are embedded in the dural wall of the cavernous sinus). This anatomical
relationship with the cavernous sinus makes CN VI vulnerable in the event of thrombi
formation or sepsis within the sinus.
B. The abducens nucleus receives crossed and uncrossed inputs from the vestibular nuclei and
from the cerebral cortex.
C. A lesion of the abducens nucleus results in a unilateral loss of conjugate lateral gaze.
Interestingly, if a lesion occurs to the axons within the brainstem or along their peripheral
course, in addition to a loss of lateral gaze, the ipsilateral eye is usually adducted owing to
the pull of the intact medial rectus muscle. This is the only case where a lesion of the
nucleus versus the nerve produces different symptoms.

VII. Facial nerve - CN VII

A. Cranial nerve VII is composed of two nerves: the facial nerve proper and the nervous
intermedius. Although they possess different functional components, the two nerves are
usually considered together. In this discussion, we will focus on five of the most important
functions of CN VII.
B. SVE - This component arises from the motor nucleus of the facial nerve located in the
pontine tegmentum. Interestingly, axons leave the nucleus and course dorsomedially to
encircle the abducens nucleus. The fibers then turn ventrally to exit the brainstem in the
facial nerve. SVE axons innervate the muscles of facial expression (Le., orbicularis oculi
and oris, zygomaticus major and minor, buccinator, platysma, etc.) and the stapedius
muscle which are derived from the second branchial arch.
C. GVE - These visceral efferent neurons are parasympathetic preganglionic in nature.
Preganglionic axons arise from neurons located in the superior salivatory nucleus of the
pons. Preganglionic axons exit the brainstem in the facial nerve, pass through the sensory
geniculate ganglion, then divide into two bundles. One bundle of preganglionic axons
travels in the greater petrosal nerve to synapse on postganglionic neurons in the
pterygopalatine ganglion. The postganglionic neurons in turn provide the parasympathetic
innervation to the lacrimal gland and to glandular tissue located in the nasal cavity and the
palate of the oral cavity. The second bundle of fibers descends in the chorda tympani to
synapse on postganglionic neurons located in the submandibular ganglion. These
postganglionic neurons provide the parasympathetic innervation to the submandibular and
sublingual salivary glands.

D. GVA - Visceral afferent fibers originate in glandular tissues supplied by CN VII GVE
parasympathetic nerves. This innervation is important for providing sensory information
back to autonomic centers in the CNS that regulate glandular function. Afferent processes
travel from their targets, through the greater petrosal nerve or chorda tympani to the
geniculate ganglion which is located within the petrous portion of the temporal bone.
Remember that the geniculate ganglion contains ALL of the sensory pseudounipolar
perikarya associated with CN VII (GVA, SVA and GSA). Central processes from these
afferent perikarya enter the brainstem and synapse on second order neurons located in the
caudal portions of the nucleus tractus solitarius. These second order neurons do not relay
visceral afferent information to the thalamus, rather the information is relayed into the
medullary reticular formation. The reticular formation is important for regulating autonomic
E. SVA - Taste from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue is mediated via SVA fibers of CN VII.
The perikarya of these neurons are located in the geniculate ganglion. Their peripheral
processes travel in the chorda tympani which joins the lingual branch of the mandibular
division of CN V in order to reach the tongue. Central processes from these neurons enter
the brainstem and synapse on second order neurons in the rostral portion of the nucleus
tractus solitarius. Unlike the input from GVA fibers, information concerning taste is relayed
via second order solitary nucleus neurons to the thalamus. Subsequently, third order
thalamic neurons relay taste information to the cortex.
F. GSA - Portions of the external auditory meatus and the skin posterior to the ear are supplied
by sensory nerves of CN VII with their perikarya located in the geniculate ganglion. The
central processes from these neurons enter the brainstem and synapse upon second order
neurons located in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Sensory information is then relayed
rostrally via the trigeminothalamic tract (see CN V).
G. To understand deficits resulting from lesions of the peripheral branches of CN VII, you must
know the various functional components each branch contains. For example, a lesion of the
right chorda tympani will result in an ipsilateral loss of taste to the anterior two-thirds of the
tongue and a decrease in function of the ipsilateral submandibular and sublingual salivary
H. It is important clinically to understand the difference between paralysis of the muscles of
facial expression due to Bell's palsy (SVE component of CN VII) versus paralysis due to
stroke. Bell's palsy is a condition resulting from a disruption in the function of the motor
component of cranial nerve VII. The etiology of this loss of neurotransmission may be due
to edema, a virus or unknown, but since it involves the facial motor nucleus in the pons or
the facial nerve itself, it is a lower motor neuron lesion. A unilateral Bell's palsy is
characterized by paralysis of the ipsilateral muscles of facial expression, both above and
below the lateral angle of the eye. A unilateral cerebrovascular accident (CVA; stroke)
involving cortical neurons or their axons that innervate the facial motor nucleus is
characterized as an upper motor neuron lesion. Interestingly, following an upper motor
neuron lesion, one would not expect a paralysis of the facial expression muscles since
corticobulbar inputs to brainstem nuclei are bilateral. While this is true for most cranial
nerves, only neurons of the facial motor nucleus that supply facial muscles ~ the lateral
angle of the eye receive a bilateral corticobulbar innervation. Thus, following a unilateral
CVA, the patient is still able to raise his/her eyebrows and wrinkle his/her forehead, but
since facial motor nucleus neurons that innervate muscles below the lateral angle of the eye
are innervated only by ipsilateral cortical neurons, the patient experiences paralysis in

muscles that control the ipsilateral lower face. In summary, if you detect an ipsilateral
paralysis of the muscles of facial expression and the patient cannot raise his/her ipsilateral
eyebrows or wrinkle the same side of his/her forehead, think Bell's palsy. If the patient does
have function of the muscles above the lateral angle of the eye, think CVA or other lesions
that may involve neurons above the facial motor nucleus.
I. During a routine physical examination, only certain functional components of CN VII are
tested. Specifically, taste (SVA) from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue is tested by
placing a liquid, such as salty water, on the tip of the tongue and asking the patient to
describe the taste. Asking the patient to wrinkle his forehead, smile, etc., tests the SVE
component of CN VII. Finally, remember that closure of the eye during the blink reflex is
mediated also by the SVE component of CN VII.

VIII. Vestibulocochlear nerve - CN VIII

CN VIII consists of vestibular and cochlear components, both classified as special somatic
afferents (SSA). Each will be considered separately.
A. Vestibular nerve
1. The vestibular portion of CN VIII is responsible for initiating adjustments of the body
relative to gravity, position of the head and to motion. Information from the vestibular
nerve is integrated largely in a reflex manner.
2. True bipolar neurons in the vestibular ganglion, located in the petrous. portion of the
temporal bone, possess peripheral processes that terminate on hair cells in the crista
ampullaris of the semicircular canals and maculae of the utricle and saccule. Changes
in angular acceleration and kinetic equilibrium stimulate hair cells in the semicircular
canals which in turn initiate an action potential in appropriate fibers of the vestibular
nerve. Changes in linear acceleration, gravitational forces on the head and static
equilibrium (position of the head in space) stimulate hair cells in the utricle and saccule
which in turn initiate an action potential in appropriate vestibular fibers.
3. Central processes of vestibular ganglion neurons form the vestibular root of CN VIII
which is attached to the brainstem at the cerebellopontine angle. Upon entering the
brainstem, most primary vestibular fibers terminate on second order neurons in one or
more of the four ipsilateral vestibular nuclei. A smaller population of primary vestibular
fibers project through the juxtarestiform body (medial portion of the inferior cerebellar
peduncle) directly to the ipsilateral cerebellar cortex where they form mossy fiber-type
connections (see cerebellum).
4. Descending prOjections from the medial and lateral vestibular nuclei are described in
the sections on tracts of the spinal cord. Other significant projections from the
vestibular nuclei include:
a) axons that travel via the juxtarestiform body to the cerebellum as mossy fibers,
b) fibers that ascend in the medial longitudinal fasciculus to synapse on motor nuclei
of the extraocular eye muscles (CN III, IV and VI). These fibers are important in
most conjugate eye movements and
c) axons that terminate in the reticular formation. This connection is important in the
communication between vestibular input and autonomic function (e.g., sea
5. Lesions, irritation or stimulation of the vestibular apparatus may result in vertigo,
disturbances in standing or walking, deviations in eye movements, nystagmus and
nausea and vomiting.

6. In the unconscious patient, the caloric test takes advantage of the nystagmus reflex.
Nystagmus is characterized by a slow movement of the eyes in one direction followed
by a rapid, reflex compensation in the opposite direction. The direction of nystagmus is
named for the fast component. To perform the caloric test, cold water is placed into
either ear, let's say in this case, the right ear. If vestibular function is normal, the eyes
will slowly deviate to the right, then rapidly return away from the ear in which the cold
water is placed. If warm water is placed in the right ear, the rapid phase of nystagmus
will be toward right, or the same ear. Abnormalities in the direction of nystagmus may
signify lesions in the central vestibular pathway.
7. An important test in an unconscious patient to assess the extent of damage to the brain
and brainstem is to elicit the doll's eye reflex. With the patient lying supine and with the
eyes open, the head is rotated left, right, then up and down. If the brainstem neural
connections are intact, the eyes in each case will move in the opposite direction in
order to keep looking straight. This finding suggest that neural damage may be
confined to the cortex. However, if the neural connections between the vestibular
nuclei and the nuclei of the extraocular eye muscles are damaged, the eyes will not
rotate contra to the head movement. Instead, they will turn with the head or produce
disconjugate eye movements. This finding suggests that the damage is more
extensive and may involve brainstem nuclei.
B. Cochlear nerve
1. The cochlear portion of CN VIII transmits auditory information. True bipolar neurons
located in the spiral ganglion of the inner ear possess a peripheral process that
contacts hair cells in the organ of Corti of the cochlea. Central processes of spiral
ganglion neurons enter the brainstem, bifurcate and synapse on second order neurons
in the ventral and/or dorsal cochlear nuclei located in the pons.
2. Axons from the cochlear nuclei cross in the tegmentum as the dorsal, intermediate and
ventral striae. The ventral stria is the largest and is referred to as the trapezoid body.
3. Second order axons may either cross to enter the lateral lemniscus or they may
synapse in one of the following ipsi- or contralateral auditory-related nuclei:
a) nucleus of the trapezoid body,
b) superior olivary nucleus,
c) medial accessory nucleus.
Regardless of where they synapse, projections from these nuclei enter the lateral
lemniscus on their respective side.
4. As fibers of the lateral lemniscus ascend, some may synapse in the nucleus of the
lateral lemniscus. Neurons from this small nucleus, as well as the remaining lateral
lemniscal fibers terminate in the inferior colliculus located in the caudal
mesencephalon. It is important to note that information to the nucleus of the lateral
lemniscus and the inferior colliculus is relayed to the contralateral side.
5. Neurons of the inferior colliculus project to the medial geniculate body of the thalamus.
Subsequently, thalamic neurons project to the primary auditory cortex which is located
in the transverse gyrus of Heschl (areas 41 and 42) in the temporal lobe.
6. Note that due to the ipsi- and contralateral projections from the pontine nuclei and
relays between the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and the inferior colliculi, the auditory
cortex receives input from both ears. However, this input is predominantly
contralateral. Furthermore, a unilateral lesion in the central auditory pathway may
result in a bilateral hearing~. Not surprisingly, a peripheral lesion involving the
cochlear nerve results in a unilateral hearing ~.

7. Clinically, a decrease in auditory acuity must be evaluated to determine if it is due to a
conduction or neural deficit (consult an appropriate textbook for an explanation of these
8. Acute loud noises that may be harmful to the ears are dealt with by interesting reflexes.
First, the tensor tympani (SVE fibers from CN V) will contract, thus dampening the
vibrations of the tympanic membrane. Second, the stapedius muscle (SVE fibers from
CN VII) will contract, thus dampening the oscillations of the stapes on the oval window.
Finally, motor nerves arising from the superior olivary nucleus project to, and synapse
upon, the cochlear hair cells. This pathway, known as Rasmussin's efferent bundle,
acts to decrease the stimulatory input from the hair cells to the cochlear nerve.

IX. Glossopharyngeal nerve - CN IX

A. CN IX is a complex nerve that subserves multiple functions in structures of the head and
neck. Nuclei associated with CN IX are primarily located in the medulla. Rootlets that
converge to form CN IX are located in the post-olivary sulcus of the medulla immediately
rostral to the rootlets of CN X. The five most important functions of this nerve are discussed
B. SVE - This component originates from a small group of motor neurons in the nucleus
ambiguus. Axons project through CN IX to innervate muscles arising from the third
branchial arch, i.e., stylopharyngeus and portions of the superior pharyngeal constrictor.
C. GVE - These visceral efferent neurons are parasympathetic preganglionic in nature.
Preganglionic axons arise from neurons located in the inferior salivatory nucleus of the
medulla. Preganglionic axons travel with CN IX through the jugular foramen, then branch as
the lesser petrosal nerve which re-enters the cranial cavity via the tegmen tympani.
Preganglionic axons of the lesser petrosal nerve then exit the cranial cavity via the foramen
ovale and synapse on postganglionic neurons located in the otic ganglion. Postganglionic
axons travel with the auriculotemporal nerve (a branch of the mandibular division of CN V) to
innervate the parotid gland.
D. GVA - Visceral afferent perikarya are located in the inferior (petrosal) ganglion which is a
noticeable enlargement immediately before the nerve enters the skull. Visceral afferent
fibers of CN IX provide unconscious feedback information from the parotid gland. Perhaps
more importantly, CN IX provides the sensory innervation to the mucosa of the pharynx,
posterior one-third of the tongue, Eustachian tube, tonsils and to baroreceptors located in
the carotid sinus. The innervation of the pharyngeal mucosa provides the afferent limb of
the "gag" reflex while afferents in the carotid sinus nerve of CN IX relay information
concerning arterial pressure. Central process of glossopharyngeal GVA neurons project to
the rostral portion of the nucleus tractus solitarius which in turn, relays the information to
autonomic-related areas, e.g., medullary reticular formation, to facilitate reflex visceral
functions. In addition, collaterals from the sinus nerve project to the dorsal motor nucleus of
CN X. An increase in blood pressure stimulates CN IX afferents in the sinus nerve which in
turn activates parasympathetic preganglionics of CN X, thus slowing heart rate.
E. SVA - Taste from the posterior one-third of the tongue is mediated via SVA fibers of CN IX.
The perikarya of these neurons are located in the inferior ganglion. Central processes from
these neurons enter the brainstem and synapse on second order neurons in the rostral
portion of the nucleus tractus solitarius. Unlike the input from GVA fibers, information

concerning taste is relayed via second order solitary nucleus neurons to the thalamus.
Subsequently, third order thalamic neurons relay taste information to the cortex.
F. GSA - Portions of the external auditory meatus and the skin posterior to the ear are supplied
by somatic afferent nerves of CN IX. Unlike other CN IX afferent neurons, GSA perikarya
are located in the superior ganglion which is a noticeable swelling along the
glossopharyngeal nerve immediately before it emerges from the skull. Central processes
from these neurons enter the brainstem and synapse upon second order neurons located in
the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Sensory information is then relayed rostrally via the
trigeminothalamic tract (see CN V above).
G. The function of CN IX is tested by touching the back of the pharynx with a tongue depressor.
This activates CN IX afferents which in turn stimulate reflex contractions of the pharyngeal
constrictors (predominantly innervated by CN X). This disagreeable test is known as the
gag reflex. Taste from the posterior one-third of the tongue can also be evaluated (SVA
fibers and the nucleus tractus solitarius).

X. Vagus nerve - CN X
A. CN X is a complex nerve that subserves multiple functions in the head, neck and viscera
within the body cavities. Nuclei associated with CN X are located primarily in the medulla.
Rootlets that converge to form CN X are located in the post-olivary sulcus of the medulla
immediately caudal to the rootlets of CN IX. The five most important functions of this nerve
are discussed below.
B. SVE - This component originates from motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus. Axons
project through CN X to innervate muscles that develop within the fourth and sixth branchial
arches. Specifically, pharyngeal branches (fourth arch) supply the motor innervation to the
cranial pharyngeal constrictors and to the levator veli palitini while the superior laryngeal
nerve supplies the cricothyroid muscle. The recurrent laryngeal nerve (sixth arch) supplies
the motor innervation to the caudal pharyngeal constrictors and the laryngeal muscles.
C. GVE - These visceral efferent neurons are parasympathetic preganglionic in nature.
Preganglionic axons arise from neurons located in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (as
well as in the nucleus ambiguus). Preganglionic axons travel with CN X through the jugular
foramen, through the neck then synapse on postganglionic perikarya within ganglia located
near or within thoracic, abdominal and some pelvic viscera.
D. GVA - Visceral afferent perikarya are located in the inferior (nodose) ganglion which is a
substantial enlargement of the vagus just prior to where it enters the skull. Visceral afferent
fibers of CN X provide unconscious feedback information from visceral structures in the
body cavities. In addition, CN X provides the sensory innervation to the mucosa of the
larynx, root of the tongue and to the carotid body. The innervation of the carotid body is
important for relaying information concerning oxygen tension in the blood to the CNS.
Central processes of vagal GVA neurons project to the nucleus tractus solitarius. Neurons
of the nucleus tractus solitarius relay the information to autonomic-related areas, e.g.,
medullary reticular formation, to facilitate reflex visceral functions.
E. SVA - Taste from the epiglottis and root of the tongue is mediated via SVA fibers of CN X.
The perikarya of these neurons are located in the inferior ganglion. Central processes from
these neurons enter the brainstem and synapse on second order neurons in the nucleus
tractus solitarius. Information concerning taste is relayed via second order solitary nucleus

neurons to the thalamus. Subsequently, third order thalamic neurons relay taste information
to the cortex.
F. GSA - Portions of the tympanic membrane, external auditory meatus and the skin posterior
to the ear are supplied by somatic afferent nerves of CN X. Vagal GSA perikarya are
located in the small superior ganglion which is located in or beneath the jugular foramen.
Central processes from these neurons enter the brainstem and synapse upon second order
neurons located in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Sensory information is then relayed
rostrally via the trigeminothalamic tract (see CN V above).
G. The function of CN X is tested by demonstrating that the motor component of the gag reflex
is intact (see CN IX, section G) and by having the patient swallow (both tests evaluate the
SVE innervation to the pharynx). The SVE component is also tested by observing the uvula
while having the patient say "aaahhh". Normally, the uvula should elevate in the midline. If
vagal function is impaired unilaterally, the uvula will elevate (and point) away from lesioned
H. The vagus provides the parasympathetic innervation to the heart. When the heart rate is
abnormally accelerated (as in paroxysmal atrial tachycardia), the vagus can be stimulated to
slow the heart rate by rubbing the neck at the carotid bifurcation. This massaging action
stimulates the sinus branches innervating the carotid sinus (CN IX) and body (CN X), thus
initiating a reflex increase in parasympathetic tone to the heart (reducing heart rate).

XI. Spinal accessory nerve - CN XI

A. CN XI is composed of SVE fibers that originate from cranial and spinal nuclei. The cranial
nucleus is composed of neurons in the most caudal segment of the nucleus ambiguus.
These neurons give rise to motor axons that leave the brainstem in the post-olivary sulcus.
The spinal portion originates from neurons located in the upper cervical spinal cord
segments. Axons from these neurons exit the spinal cord as rootlets between the dorsal
and ventral roots. The rootlets converge and ascend through the foramen magnum, then
leave the cranium through the jugular foramen. Axons from CN XI provide the motor
innervation to the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
B. A lesion of the central or peripheral components of CN XI results in an ipsilateral lower
motor-type deficit. During a physical exam, the spinal portion of CN XI is tested by placing
your hand on the patient's mandible, then asking the patient to turn his/her head against
resistance. If a lesion is present, weakness will be observed. Realize that weakness
observed when turning the head to the right signifies that the 1efi sternocleidomastoid is not
functioning properly. The innervation to the trapezius muscles are tested by placing your
hands on the patient's shoulders, then asking the patient to shrug his/her shoulders against
resistance. In this case, weakness on the right side indicates a decrease in the innervation
and thus function of the right trapezius.

XII. Hypoglossal nerve - CN XII

A. The hypoglossal nerve originates from GSE neurons located in a column which is observed
in sections through the medulla at the level of the inferior olivary nucleus. Uncrossed axons
from this nucleus leave the medulla as rootlets in the pre-olivary sulcus (between the
protuberances on the ventral medulla formed by the pyramids and the inferior olivary
nucleus). Axons of CN XII innervate all of the intrinsic and most of the extrinsic muscles of
the tongue.

B. To test CN XII, the patient is asked to protrude his/her tongue. In the normal individual, the
tongue will protrude in the midline. A lesion of the hypoglossal nucleus or nerve results in an
ipsilateral lower motor neuron-type lesion. If the lesion occurs on the right side, when the
tongue is protruded, it will deviate to the right (toward the lesion) since the right
genioglossus muscle is not able to offset the action of the left genioglossus muscle.

XIII. Quick reference to cranial nerve nuclei

A. Nucleus ambiguus - SVE: cranial nerves IX, X and XI
B. Nucleus tractus solitarius - GVA and SVA: cranial nerves VII, IX and X
C. Superior salivatory nucleus - GVE: cranial nerve VII
D. Inferior salivatory nucleus - GVE: cranial nerve IX
E. Spinal trigeminal nucleus - GSA: cranial nerves V, VII, IX and X

When asked to identify nuclei within a brainstem slice, it is helpful to be able to recognize the
level of the brainstem where the slice was taken. Clues for identifying the medulla, pons and
mesencephalon are presented at the beginning of this and the succeeding two sections.

I. How do you know you are in the medulla?

A. Sections through the medulla are almost always taken through either the pyramidal or
sensory deccusations or the inferior olivary nucleus. Keys to identifying these slices and
important structures within each are listed below.
1. Pyramidal decussation - Located at the caudal extent of the medulla, thus it appears
very much like the spinal cord with its "H"-shaped grey matter and small central canal.
However, the ventral median fissure is noticeably absent owing to the crossing
corticospinal axons. Also, the inferior extent of the nuclei cuneatus and gracilis are
evident in the "posterior funicular" region. Note: most tracts occupy the ventral half of
the section and that the only cranial nerve nucleus present is the spinal nucleus and
tract of CN V.
2. Sensory decussation - Located mstra.! to the pyramidal decussation. Important
characteristics include the large cuneatus and gracilis nuclei with their crossing internal
arcuate fibers and the ventrally located corticospinal axons that form the pyramids.
The medullary reticular formation occupies most of the central grey region. Cranial
nerve nuclei present in this section include the spinal nucleus and tract of CN V and the
hypoglossal nucleus.
3. Inferior olive - The most striking feature in these sections is the large, convoluted
inferior olivary nucleus. Note also that the medial lemniscus occupies a central
position. Important cranial nerve nuclei include the tract and nucleus of CN V, the
motor nuclei of nerves IX, X and XII and the nucleus tractus solitarius and nucleus
B. Clinical correlation - The most frequent causes of lesions in the medulla are due to
demyelinating diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis), neoplasms and vascular compromise. The
demyelinating diseases affect the ascending and descending tracts, thus symptoms are
related to the specific tracts involved. Neoplasias can produce a variety of symptoms
depending on their location. Similarly, small hemorrhagic or embolic infarctions in medullary

vessels can produce site specific deficits. However, the following two syndromes are
associated with infarction of larger vessels supplying the medulla.
1. Medial medullary syndrome - This syndrome results following an occlusion or
hemorrhage involving the anterior spinal artery or other anterior branches of the
vertebral artery. Signs and symptoms of this syndrome include:
a) contralateral loss of touch, proprioception, etc. (medial lemniscus),
b) contralateral upper motor neuron deficit (corticospinal fibers in the pyramids) and
c) ipsilateral lower motor neuron deficit of CN XII (hypoglossal nucleus).
2. Lateral medullary syndrome (PICA syndrome, Wallenberg's syndrome) - This is the
most common vascular syndrome involving the medulla and results from an occlusive
or hemorrhagic lesion of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery or the vertebral artery.
Symptoms of this syndrome include:
a) ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature to the face (spinal tract and nucleus),
b) contralateral loss of pain and temperature to the body (spinothalamic tract),
c) vertigo, nausea, vomiting, nystagmus and deficits in balance (vestibular nuclei),
d) dysphonia and loss of gag reflex (nucleus ambiguus; SVE of CN IX and X),
e) ataxia (inferior cerebellar peduncle) and
f) ipsilateral Horner's syndrome (ipsilateral loss of descending fibers that project to
sympathetic preganglionic perikarya).


I. How do you know you are in the pons?

A. The pons is divided into a ventral half termed the basis pontis and a dorsal half termed the
pontine tegmentum.
1. The basis pontis gives the pons its characteristic bulbous appearance ventrally.
Structures responsible for this enlargement include the descending corticospinal tracts
and the pontine nuclei. The pontine nuclei serve as a massive relay between motor
signals from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum. Specifically, descending
corticopontine fibers synapse on neurons in the pontine nuclei. Axons from neurons in
the pontine nuclei project transversely to enter the contralateral cerebellum through the
massive middle cerebellar peduncles (pontocerebellar fibers).
2. The pontine tegmentum contains the nuclei for CN V though VIII. However, recall that
only CN V actually exits the brainstem in the pons; the other cranial nerves exit the
brainstem at either the pontomesencephalic or pontomedullary junction. Note that the
medial lemniscus moves from its vertically oriented midline position in the medulla to a
more horizontal position adjacent to the crossing fibers that form the trapezoid body of
CN VIII. The reticular formation in the pontine tegmentum is extensive and is vital for
modulating numerous aspects of visceral function (e.g., heart and respiration rates,
urinary function, visceral pain, etc.) and levels of consciousness.
3. Located dorsal to the pontine tegmentum are the superior, middle and inferior
cerebellar peduncles. These structures transmit the numerous afferent and efferent
fibers tracts that allow for communication of the cerebellum with the rest of the CNS
(see section on CEREBELLUM).
4. Realize that a large portion of the fourth ventricle is located dorsal to the pons. This is
a distinguishing feature between the pons and the small cerebral aqueduct located at
the level of the mesencephalon.

B. As in the medulla, lesions involving the pons are primarily demyelinating, vascular or
neoplastic in nature. Lesions of the pontine tegmentum are usually manifested by various
deficits in CN V through VIII function (see specific cranial nerves described previously).
Lesions involving the basis pontis result in deficits in contralateral motor function. Recall
that the corticospinal tract crosses at the pyramidal decussation in the medulla.

I. How do you know you are in the mesencephalon?
A. Slices through the mesencephalon are easily identified by the dorsal protuberances formed
by the colliculi and the prominent crus cerebri (cerebral peduncles) located ventrally. Notice
also the cerebral aqueduct with its characteristic periaqueductal grey matter. The
mesencephalon is usually represented by transverse sections through either the inferior or
superior colliculi.
B. The mesencephalon is divided into three regions.
1. The dorsal region is termed the tectum and contains the inferior colliculus, which is a
relay in the auditory pathway (see CN VII) and the superior colliculus, which is involved
in the visual pathway and is the origin of the tectospinal tract (see CN II).
2. The ventral region of the mesencephalon consists of the crus cerebri (basis pedunculi).
The crura are large prominences that contain descending corticospinal and
corticobulbar axons. Axons within the crura are arranged such that the corticospinal
fibers occupy the medial three-fifths. Within this subdivision, axons related to the lower
limb innervation are located laterally. axons related to the innervation of the upper
limbs are located in an intermediate position and axons related to the innervation of
face and neck muscles are located medially. Of the remainder of the crus, the lateral
most one-fifth and the medial most one-fifth contain corticopontine axons.
3. The intermediate region of the mesencephalon is termed the tegmentum. Nuclei of CN
III and IV are located in the mesencephalic tegmentum. Two other prominent nuclei
are located in the mesencephalon.
a) Red nucleus - This rather large nuclear structure is apparent by its almost circular
appearance. Neurons of the red nucleus give rise to the crossed axons of the
rubrospinal tract (see sections on SPINAL CORD AND PERIPHERAL NERVES).
b) Substantia nigra - This nucleus forms part of the extrapyramidal motor system
(i.e., neurons involved in motor function other than those that give rise to the
corticospinal tract), is located adjacent to the crus cerebri and is composed of a
pars compacta located dorsally and a pars reticularis which is ventrally located.
The substantia nigra is so named because of the large number of dopaminergic
neurons in the pars compacta that contain the dark pigment melanin. Afferent
projections to the substantia nigra originate primarily from the caudate nucleus
and putamen of the basal ganglia. These afferents terminate in the pars
reticularis which is considered the receptive zone of the nigra. Dendrites from the
dopaminergic neurons in the pars compacta (effector zone) arborize in the pars
reticularis. A subpopulation of the dopaminergic neurons project to areas of the
thalamus. However, perhaps of more clinical interest is the projection of nigral
dopaminergic neurons through the internal capsule to the striatum (caudate and
putamen nuclei of the basal ganglia; nigrostriatal tract). Degeneration of nigral
neurons in this pathway leads to a decrease in dopamine input to the striatum
which contributes to symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Although the causative

factor(s) for why nigral neurons degenerate is unclear, some possibilities include
genetic, viral and/or environmental toxins. Major symptoms of this progressive
motor disorder include:
(1) tremor (at rest) in hands (described as "pill-rolling" because the tremor looks
as if the patient is rolling a pill between his thumb and fingers),
(2) cogwheel rigidity Oerky instead of smooth muscle movements demonstrable
when the arm is contracted against resistance),
(3) shuffling gait,
(4) an inability to initiate movements and suddenly stopping while walking, then
not being able to resume,
(5) flattened affect which is manifested by a decrease in facial expressions.
An important point to remember is that in Parkinson's disease, as well as in other
extrapyramidal diseases, the tremor is present at rest, but largely disappears if the
limb is in motion (the converse is true in diseases involving the cerebellum). Early
symptoms of Parkinson's disease can be attenuated by administering L-dopa (a
dopamine precursor; available in pill form). However, as the disease progresses,
higher doses of L-dopa are necessary with ensuing drug failure being largely due to
the administration of toxic doses of L-dopa. Interestingly, addicts who inject heroin
contaminated with a chemical whose acronym is MPTP develop a loss of nigral
dopaminergic neurons with subsequent Parkinson-like symptoms. While there is no
cure for Parkinson's disease, efforts have been made to transplant nigral neurons or
cells from the adrenal medulla capable of synthesizing dopamine into the caudate
nucleus. These experimental procedures have resulted in minimal to moderate
improvements in function in humans.


I. General - The diencephalon is the rostral end of the brainstem and is completely surrounded by
the cerebral cortex except ventrally. Important boundaries of the diencephalon are that: 1) it is
divided into right and left sides by the third ventricle, thus the diencephalon forms the lateral walls
of the third ventricle, 2) its anterior limit is the lamina terminalis and foramina of Monro, 3) its
posterior limit is the posterior commissure and 4) dorsally it forms the floor of the lateral ventricle.
The diencephalon is divided into the following regions.

II. Epithalamus - The main parts of the epithalamus are the pineal gland, stria medullaris thalami
and the habenular nuclei.
A. The pineal gland is a Single, conical-shaped structure attached to the posterior aspect of the
roof of the third ventricle in the midline. In lower vertebrates the pineal is crucial in
coordinating reproductive cycles with the length of daylight hours. This coordination is
important for reproduction to occur in appropriate times of the year. The function of the
pineal in humans is much less clear. However, tumors of the pineal gland in children have
resulted in precocious puberty while destruction of the gland has resulted in a delay the
onset of puberty. Lesions of the pineal in post-pubertal individuals do not result in apparent
deficits. Calcification of the pineal is common in adults and thus makes it visible on X-rays.
Lateral displacement of the calcified pineal on X-rays is suggestive of a unilateral space
occupying lesion.

B. The stria medullaris thalami is composed of fibers that originate from the septal nuclei,
anterior nucleus of the thalamus and other regions. Fibers of the stria medullaris thalami
terminate in the habenular nuclei.
C. Neurons of the habenular nuclei project to the interpeduncular nucleus within the
mesencephalon. The stria medullaris and the habenular nuclei compose a pathway by
which visceral and behavioral information (septal and anterior thalamic nuclei) are relayed to
midbrain levels.

III. Thalamus - The right and left thalami are adjacent to the upper one-half of the third ventricle and
serve as an important relay for sensory, motor and behavioral functions. Each thalamus contains
numerous nuclei whose positions and functions are much too complicated for this review.
Therefore, the following discussion is a simplified version of the thalamic organization and is
intended only to highlight some important features of this nuclear mass.
A. Each thalamus is shaped somewhat like an American football with the pOinted ends oriented
in an anterior/posterior direction. The "V" -shaped internal medullary lamina, composed of
myelinated axons, divides the thalamus into medial and lateral halves with the anterior
nucleus (ANT) positioned within the short arms of the "V". The medial half contains the
dorsomedial nucleus (DM). The lateral half of the thalamus is further subdivided into dorsal
and ventral tiers. Nuclei in the dorsal tier include the lateral dorsal (LD) and lateral posterior
(LP) nuclei and the pulvinar (P). The ventral tier is composed of the ventral anterior 0/A),
ventral lateral 0/L) and ventral posterior nuclei. The ventral posterior nucleus is subdivided
still further into the ventral posterolateral 0/PL) and ventral posteromedial 0/PM) nuclei.
Finally, the medial (MGB) and lateral geniculate (LGB) bodies are positioned along the
ventro-caudal edge of the thalamus and are referred to as the metathalamus.
B. If you have the time, a good neuroanatomy book will provide you with many of the
connections of the thalamic nuclei. However, since your boards are probably around the
corner, I would at least look over the nuclei described below.
1. Anterior nucleus:
a) receives afferents from the mammillary bodies (mammillothalamic tract) and the
b) projects to the cingulate gyrus,
c) component of the limbic system.
2. Ventrolateral nucleus:
a) receives afferents from the cerebellum, the basal ganglia and the substantia nigra,
b) projects to the primary motor cortex (area 4),
c) participates in the initiation of movement and control of muscle tone.
3. Ventral posteromedial (VPM) nucleus:
a) receives afferents from the spinal nucleus of CN V,
b) projects to the primary sensory cortex (areas 3, 1 and 2),
c) relay for sensation from the face.
4. Ventral posterolateral 0/PL) nucleus:
a) receives all types of sensory information (except from the face) via the dorsal
column/medial lemniscus pathway and the spinothalamic tract,
b) projects to the primary sensory cortex (areas 3, 1 and 2).
5. Medial geniculate body:
a) receives afferents from the inferior colliculus and the lateral lemniscus,

b) projects to the primary auditory cortex (areas 41 and 42; transverse gyrus of
c) last relay before auditory information reaches the cerebral cortex.
6. Lateral geniculate body:
a) receives afferents from the ipsilateral temporal retina and from the contralateral
nasal retina via the optic tract,
b) fibers from the lateral geniculate project as the optic radiations to the primary
visual cortex (area 17).
7. Dorsomedial nucleus:
a) interconnections with widespread areas of the cortex,
b) lesions in this nucleus or its connections may alter personality and memory.

IV. Hypothalamus - Nuclei of the hypothalamus are involved in regulating autonomic and endocrine
functions. On medial views of the diencephalon, the border between the hypothalamus and the
thalamus is demarcated by the hypothalamic sulcus. The right and left hypothalami are
composed of several nuclei which are positioned either in the: 1) supraoptic region (above the
optic chiasm), 2) tuberal region (above the infundibulum of the pituitary gland) or 3) mammillary
region (at and above the mammillary bodies).
A. Supraoptic region - Two important structures in this region are the supraoptic and
paraventricular nuclei. The majority of neurons in the supraoptic nucleus synthesize anti-
diuretic hormone (ADH; arginine vasopressin) while the majority of neurons in the
paraventricular nucleus synthesize oxytocin. Both hormones are transported along axons
from these nuclei, through the infundibulum and stored in terminals in the neurohypophysis
(posterior pituitary). Increases in blood osmolarity or the presence of gonadal steroids
cause the release of ADH or oxytocin, respectively, into the surrounding capillaries.
Destruction of ADH producing neurons results in diabetes insipidus which is characterized
by polyuria (excessive amounts of urine) and polydipsia (excessive consumption of fluids).
B. Tuberal region - Neurons within tuberal and preoptic regions project axons that terminate in
the median eminence. These neurons synthesize a variety of releasing hormones (e.g.,
adrenocorticotropin releasing hormone, gonadotropin releasing hormone, etc.) which,
following an appropriate stimulus, are released into capillaries of the hypophyseal portal
system. (Recall that a portal system consists of two capillary beds connected by veins.)
The releasing hormones travel through veins to the second capillary bed located in the
adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) where they act on glandular cells to stimulate the
release of hormones (e.g., adrenocorticotropin, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing
hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, prolactin, melanocyte stimulating hormone and
growth hormone) that have a profound affect on numerous visceral functions.
C. Mammillary region - The principal nuclei in this region are the right and left mammillary
bodies. These nuclei are observed as protrusions on the ventral surface of the brainstem
immediately caudal to the infundibulum. Through their connections, the mammillary bodies
are intimately involved in the limbic system. Specifically, there is a reciprocal connection
between the mammillary bodies and the tegmental nuclei of the mesencephalic reticular
system. The fornix provides a large input to the mammillary bodies from the hippocampus.
A major output from the mammillary bodies is to the anterior nucleus of the thalamus, which
in turn projects to the cingulate gyrus.
D. Connections of the hypothalamus - The hypothalamus receives its major afferent innervation
from areas of the neuraxis involved in visceral functions. For example, the olfactory system,

whose stimulation produces numerous visceral responses (e.g., gustatory, nausea, etc.), is
linked to the hypothalamus via the medial forebrain bundle which carries fibers from the
septal nuclei, the basal olfactory cortex and the periamygdaloid region. The thalamus,
frontal cortex, hippocampus and the amygdala (through the stria terminalis) also project to
the hypothalamus. Efferent fibers from the hypothalamus project to the thalamus, the
reticular formation and to autonomic regions of the spinal cord via the dorsal longitudinal
E. Functional considerations - The hypothalamus, through its influence over the pituitary gland,
regulates numerous endocrine functions which control water intake, growth, smooth muscle
contraction in the breast and uterus, metabolic rate and fertility. Similarly, visceral functions
are regulated by hypothalamic input to autonomic centers. For example, the antero-medial
aspect of the hypothalamus influences parasympathetic components while the postero-
lateral hypothalamus influences sympathetic tone. Visceral functions regulated by the
hypothalamus include heart rate, peripheral vascular tone, blood pressure, gut motility and
secretions and urinary bladder control. Other functions, probably mediated by connections
of the hypothalamus with cortical and/or limbic structures, include regulation of feeding,
satiety, internal temperature, sleep and wake cycles and rage.

V. Subthalamus - The subthalamic nuclei lie ventral to the thalamus and lateral and caudal to the
hypothalamus. The major connection of the subthalamic nuclei consists of a reciprocal pathway
with the globus pallidus. Lesions of the subthalamus result in ballismus, which is the most violent
type of dyskinesia known. A unilateral lesion of the subthalamus results in hemiballism which is
characterized by violent, involuntary, flailing motions of the contralateral proximal extremities and
limb girdles. Needless to say, since the subthalamus is involved in regulating motor activity, the
subthalamus is considered part of the extra-pyramidal motor system.


I. General- The basal ganglia consist of a subcortical nuclear mass of telencephalic (not brainstem)
origin. The principal parts of the basal ganglia are the caudate, putamen, globus pallid us and
claustrum. Some authors include the amygdala as part of the basal ganglia. However, since the
amygdala is primarily involved in emotions and behavior, it will be considered with the limbic
A. The basal ganglia constitute a major component of the extra-pyramidal motor system. Other
components of this system (described earlier) include the red nucleus, substantia nigra,
subthalamic nucleus, and the reticular formation. Components of the extra-pyramidal
system participate in complex, multi-synaptic pathways that regulate motor function. This
concept is best exemplified when one observes the involuntary muscle contractions that
follow a lesion to one of the extra-pyramidal nuclei. These involuntary contractions may take
the form of tremors or may be much more exaggerated flailing movements. Clinical
examples described earlier include Parkinson's disease (substantia nigra and caudate
nucleus) and hemiballism (subthalamic nucleus). These examples along with those
described below constitute movement disorders termed dyskinesias. Dyskinesias seen with
extra-pyramidal lesions occur at rest and interestingly, disappear during sleep.
B. Another type of movement disorder stems from lesions involving the cerebellum. Cerebellar
lesions differ from extra-pyramidal lesions in that the involuntary muscle contractions occur,

not at rest, but during a purposeful movement, like lifting a coffee cup. Involuntary
contractions during a purposeful movement are termed intention tremors.
C. The following terms are used to describe different parts of the basal ganglia:
1. =
Striatum, Neostriatum caudate and putamen
2. =
Corpus striatum caudate, putamen and globus pallid us
3. =
Lentiform nucleus putamen and globus pallid us
4. =
Paleostriatum globus pallidus
5. =
Archistriatum amygdala
While knowing these terms may seem trivial, striatum is a frequently used term, thus you
would probably benefit by knowing exactly what it is. Each of the basal ganglia nuclei are
described below.

II. Caudate nucleus

A. This bilateral, elongated nucleus is located adjacent to the floors of the lateral ventricles.
The head of the caudate is located rostral to the thalamus while the body and tail arch to
assume a dorsolateral position adjacent to the thalamus. The tail ends at the amygdala.
B. Afferent projections to the caudate originate in the cerebral cortex, thalamus and substantia
C. The principal efferent projections from the caudate are to the globus pallidus and to the pars
reticularis of the substantia nigra.
D. The general function of the caudate appears to involve the inhibition of cortically induced
motor activity.

III. Putamen
A. The putamen is the largest nucleus of the basal ganglia and is located between the external
capsule and the globus pallidus.
B. Afferent input to the putamen originates from the cerebral cortex and the substantia nigra.
C. Efferent projections from the putamen terminate in the globus pallid us and the substantia
D. The general function of the putamen appears to involve inhibition of cortically induced motor
E. Special note: Lesions of the striatum (putamen and caudate) may result in dyskinesias
termed athetosis or choreas.
1. Athetosis is characterized by slow, writhing movements particularly of the extremities,
but may also involve the face and neck.
2. Choreas are characterized by sudden, involuntary, jerky movements of the distal
extremities, face, tongue and deglutitional muscles. The two types of choreas most
encountered are:
a) Sydenham's chorea - This chorea results from rheumatic fever in children. It
typically resolves after a short time.
b) Huntington's chorea - This chorea is an inherited disorder with an onset during
midlife. It is characterized by progressive choreiform movements and dementia.
Neurochemically, concentrations of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA are
reduced in the striatum from patients with Huntington's disease. Conversely,

concentrations of dopamine and tyrosine hydroxylase (the enzyme necessary for
catecholamine synthesis) are unaltered. From these and other findings, it
appears that the choreiform movements may result from the loss of the inhibitory
(GABA) control normally exerted by the striatum.

IV. Globus pallidus

A. The globus pallidus is a bilateral, small nuclear mass that lies medial to the putamen and
forms the main efferent fiber system of the basal ganglia. Consider that although the globus
pallidus is small, it still contains approximately 650,000 neurons!
B. Afferent projections to the globus pallidus originate primarily from the caudate and putamen
(striopallidal fibers) and the subthalamic nucleus.
C. Efferent projections from the globus pallidus are divided into four fiber tracts. The ansa
lenticularis and the lenticular fasciculus utilize different portions of Forel's fields to form
the thalamic fasciculus which terminates in several nuclei of the thalamus. The
pallidotegmental fibers (subthalamic fasciculus) descend to terminate on pontine nuclei.
The pallidosubthalamic fibers project through the internal capsule to the subthalamus.
Likewise, subthalamic fibers project back to the globus pallidus.
D. In experimental animals, bilateral ablation of the globus pallidus results in a noticeable
absence of movement giving the appearance of a "sleepy" animal.

V. Claustrum
A. This thin nucleus is positioned between the axons of the external and extreme capsules.
B. The claustrum has reciprocal connections with wide areas of the cerebral cortex, including
the visual cortex.
C. The claustrum may participate in convergence of sensory information from various regions
of the sensory cortex.


I. The cerebellum is located in the posterior cranial fossa, is covered superiorly by the tentorium
cerebelli and is attached to the brainstem by three bilateral peduncles. The cerebellum is divided
by the primary and posterolateral fissures into anterior, posterior and f1occulonodular lobes. An
important feature of the posterior lobe is an area termed the cerebellar tonsils. An increases in
intracranial pressure (e.g., hematoma following head trauma) may result in the tonsils being
displaced downward (herniated) into the foramen magnum. Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils is
a life threatening emergency since blood flow through the vertebral artery system is compromised
and damage to the medullary/spinal cord junction is inevitable.

II. The cerebellum is often described along phylogenetic lines.

A. Archicerebellum - This region includes the f1occulonodular lobe and is the oldest
phylogenetically. The archicerebellum receives numerous inputs from the vestibular system.
B. Paleocerebellum - The anterior lobe and portions of the posterior lobe comprise the
paleocerebellum which is more recent phylogenetically than the archicerebellum. These
regions receive strong inputs from the spinal cord and help modulate muscle tone, gait and

C. Neocerebellum - The remainder of the posterior lobe comprises the neocerebellum which is
phylogenetically the most recent region. The posterior lobe receives its major input from the
pons through the cortico-ponto-cerebellar tract.

III. The outer surface of the cerebellum is covered by a series of elevations termed folia. Cross
sections through the cerebellum reveal four pairs of deep nuclei embedded within white matter.
The white matter is in turn covered by grey matter. The grey mater is organized into the following
A. Molecular layer - This outermost layer contains basket and stellate neurons, dendrites from
Purkinje neurons and numerous axons.
B. Purkinje layer - The Purkinje layer is deep, and adjacent to the molecular layer. This layer
contains only the perikarya of the Purkinje neurons.
C. Granule layer - This innermost layer contains a large number of granule and Golgi neurons.

IV. Cytology
A. Purkinje neurons - Purkinje neurons posses an elaborate dendritic tree that is oriented
perpendicular to the long axis of the folia. Each Purkinje neuron has a single axon that
projects through the granule layer to synapse on neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei.
However, some Purkinje axons bypass the deep cerebellar nuclei, leave the cerebellum and
form direct connections with the lateral vestibular nuclei. Purkinje neurons are inhibitory,
utilize GABA as their neurotransmitter and form the main output from the cerebellar cortex.
B. Basket neurons - Basket neurons receive excitatory input from climbing fibers (see below).
Dendrites and axons from basket neurons are confined to the molecular layer. Basket
neuron axons are oriented transverse to the long axis of the folia and make synaptic contact
with dendrites, perikarya and axons of approximately 10 Purkinje neurons. Basket neurons
are inhibitory and utilize GABA as their inhibitory neurotransmitter.
C. Stellate neurons - These inhibitory neurons are similar to Basket neurons except that their
contacts are only to the dendrites of Purkinje neurons. They utilize GABA as their inhibitory
D. Granule neurons - These small neurons are the only excitatory neurons intrinsic to the
cerebellum and utilize the excitatory amino acid, glutamate as their neurotransmitter. Their
dendrites contribute to the formation of the glomerulus and receive afferent impulses from
mossy fibers (see mossy fiber system below). Their axons ascend to the molecular layer
where they form a 'T' with the lateral axonal branches traveling parallel to the plane of the
folia. Granule neuron axons contact Purkinje neurons only once, however a single granule
neuron may contact many hundreds of Purkinje neurons along the course of its axonal
E. Golgi neurons - These large cells are inhibitory and use the inhibitory neurotransmitter
GABA. Dendrites from these neurons extend throughout the cerebellar cortex. Axons from
these neurons contribute to the formation of the glomeruli in the granule layer.

V. Afferents to the cerebellum

A. Many nuclei and regions of the central neuraxis project axons into the cerebellum. Upon
entering the cerebellum, these afferent fibers terminate in the cortex as either climbing fibers
or mossy fibers.

B. Climbing fibers originate primarily from the inferior olivary nuclei in the medulla. These
fibers travel through the granule and Purkinje layers to synapse on the dendrites of Purkinje
neurons. One climbing fiber will synapse on only one Purkinje neuron, however, it may form
from 1 to 2000 synapses upon the Purkinje neuron it contacts. Collateral axonal branches
also synapse on the other four neuron types in the cerebellar cortex. The climbing fiber
input is excitatory. Since each climbing fiber contacts only one Purkinje neuron, the climbing
fiber system is considered to be specific and localized.
C. Mossy fibers originate from all of the other afferent sources to the cerebellum. Once in the
cerebellum, these fibers bifurcate such that branches may project to different folia. Mossy
fibers terminate in the granule layer as glomeruli. A glomerulus consists of a mossy fiber
terminal making synaptic contact with Golgi and granule neuron dendrites. In addition, Golgi
neuron axons may synapse on the mossy fiber terminal. Mossy fibers provide an excitatory
input to the cerebellum and their branching pattern makes them ideal for disseminating
diffuse and complex afferent stimuli.

VI. Deep cerebellar nuclei

A. The four pairs of deep cerebellar nuclei are the dentate, emboliform, globose and fastigial.
B. Axons from Purkinje neurons located throughout the cerebellum provide inhibitory input to all
of the deep cerebellar nuclei. However, as was mentioned earlier, some Purkinje axons
bypass these nuclei to synapse in the lateral vestibular nucleus. The deep cerebellar nuclei
also receive direct input from the inferior olivary nuclei, vestibular nuclei and the red nucleus.
C. Axons from the deep cerebellar nuclei project through the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the
inferior olivary nuclei, the reticular formation, the red nucleus or the thalamus. Interestingly,
while the majority of the intrinsic circuitry of the cerebellum is inhibitory, the output from the
deep cerebellar nuclei, hence the cerebellum, is excitatory (see E below).
D. The function of the cerebellum is to coordinate the contractions of skeletal muscles, to
maintain proper muscle tone and to participate in maintenance of equilibrium. More
specifically, the cerebellum functions to fine tune movement. Output from the deep
cerebellar nuclei can be summarized as follows:
1. projections to the vestibular nuclei influence extensor muscle tone bilaterally,
2. projections to the red nucleus influence ipsilateral flexor muscle tone,
3. projections to the reticular formation subserve reticular inhibitory influences and
4. projections to the thalamus exert their influence indirectly on the contralateral motor
cerebral cortex.
E. The neural circuitry within the cerebellum is somewhat paradoxical. For example, when a
movement is initiated, the cerebellum acts to coordinate the motion smoothly and precisely.
Stated another way, movement increases afferent input to the cerebellum which excites the
Purkinje neurons. Purkinje neurons in turn inhibit the deep cerebellar nuclei, yet the output
from the cerebellum is increased in order to refine the movement. While the reason for this
paradox is unclear, other direct inputs to the deep cerebellar nuclei (i.e., from the inferior
olivary nucleus) must provide an excitatory source for these nuclei.

VII. All afferent and efferent fibers to the cerebellum must pass through the cerebellar peduncles.
The following table lists the peduncle utilized by the major tracts and pathways.
Superior cerebellar peduncle
• Ventral spinocerebellar tract
• Tectospinal tract
Middle cerebellar peduncle
• Cortico-ponto-cerebellar fibers (Projections from the cortex to the pontine nuclei are
ipsilateral, whereas projections from the pontine nuclei to the cerebellum largely
contralateral. )
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
• Olivocerebellar tract
• Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
• Vestibulocerebellar tract
• Trigeminocerebellar tract

Superior cerebellar peduncle
• Projections from the cerebellum to the contralateral red nucleus and thalamus (the
thalamus, in turn, projects to the motor cortex).
Middle cerebellar peduncle
• Not a significant pathway for cerebellar efferent projections.
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
• Projections from the cerebellum primarily to the ipsilateral vestibular nuclei.

VIII. Clinical correlations

A. Input from stretch receptors (Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles) is conveyed
primarily to the cerebellum. This may appear as a simple responsibility. However, when
one considers the simple task of lifting the right foot off of the ground, not only must
appropriate flexors in the right leg contract, the extensors in the right leg must be inhibited
and the contractions of numerous muscles that act on joints in both legs must be
coordinated to control balance.
B. The Romberg test is often used to determine proprioception and cerebellar function in the
conscious individual. This test is conducted by having the patient stand with his/her feet
together and with his/her arms abducted. The patient is then asked to close his/her eyes.
Normally, the patient should be able to maintain their position. A positive Romberg test
results when balance is not able to be maintained.
C. Cerebellar lesions typically result in ipsilateral defects in movement. To examine cerebellar
function during a physical exam, several tests are employed to demonstrate precise motor
skills. These test include:
1. having the patient touch his nose, then move his finger to contact the examiners finger.
This motion is repeated several times. If a cerebellar lesion exist, the patient is likely to
miscalculate the distance between his nose and your finger (dysmetria; past-pointing).
2. having the patient rapidly pronate and supinate his hands. An inability to perform this
task is known as dysdiadochokinesia.

D. Other clinical characteristics of cerebellar lesions include intention tremors, disorders of
phonation due to deficits in laryngeal muscle function, gait disturbances and nystagmus.


I. The cerebrum consists of an outer cortex that is composed of grey matter, an expansive white
matter that underlies the cortical grey matter and several nuclear masses (e.g., basal ganglia)
that occupy the deep portions of the cerebrum. The cerebrum is divided into right and left
hemispheres by the longitudinal cerebral fissure. Each hemisphere is further divided into five
A. Frontal - The frontal lobe extends from the anterior tip of the cortex to the central sulcus (of
Rolando). In general, the anterior half (prefrontal area) is concerned with "higher" functions
such as personality, interpersonal skills and concepts of person, place and time. The
posterior half of the frontal cortex subserves various motor functions.
B. Parietal - The parietal lobe extends from the central sulcus posteriorly to the parieto-occipital
sulcus. It is primarily concerned with receiving, integrating and interpreting sensations.
C. Occipital- The occipital lobe is bounded anteriorly by the parieto-occipital sulcus and is
concerned with receiving and interpreting visual stimuli.
D. Temporal - The temporal lobe comprises the infero-Iateral portion of the cerebrum and is
separated from the frontal and parietal lobes by the lateral (Sylvian) fissure. The temporal
lobe is intimately linked with, and even contains, limbic structures. Thus, aspects of
behavior, memory and "visceral" feelings are synthesized in the temporal lobe. In addition,
the temporal lobe contains cortical regions subserving hearing and taste.
E. Insula - The insula can be observed by retracting the cortex on either side of the lateral
fissure. Stimulation of the insular cortex results in visceral sensations and responses.

II. White matter within the cerebrum

A. There are an estimated 14 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex whose axons form tracts
that project either within or out of the cerebrum. Axons within these white matter tracts can
be characterized as follows.
1. Associational - These axons project from one area of the cerebral cortex to another
area within the same hemisphere. Short associational fibers project from one gyrus to
the adjacent gyrus. Long associational fibers form connections between lobes.
2. Commissural - These axons project from regions in one cerebral hemisphere to the
contralateral hemisphere. Examples include fibers of the anterior and posterior
commissures and the massive commissural bundle termed the corpus callosum.
3. Projection - These axons leave the cerebrum and project to numerous brainstem nuclei
and the spinal cord. Examples include corticobulbar, corticospinal and corticopontine

III. Histology of the cerebral grey matter

A. Cross sections through the cortex reveal that it is a laminated structure composed of
alternating bands of neurons and fibers. However, the cortex is not uniform in terms of its
laminated appearance. For example, some regions have six laminae while others have only
three. The following terms are applied to cortical regions displaying certain laminar

1. Neocortex - These cortical areas contain six laminae and comprise approximately 90%
of the cortex. Neocortex is phylogenetically the youngest and is found in primary
sensory and motor areas.
2. Allocortex - This cortical arrangement is composed of three layers. Allocortex is
phylogenetically the oldest and is found in areas subserving limbic-type functions, i.e.,
hippocampus and olfactory cortex.
3. Mesocortex - The laminar arrangement of mesocortex falls in between the neo- and
allocortex. An example of mesocortex is found in the cingulate gyrus.
B. Cytology
1. The predominant neuron in the cerebral cortex is the pyramidal neuron. These
neurons have several dendrites that course laterally or toward the cortical surface and
an axon that travels in a direction opposite the cortical surface. Pyramidal neurons are
located in most laminae and form the major projections from the cortex. The giant cells
of Betz, which are located in lamina V of the primary motor cortex, are atypical
pyramidal neurons because of their relatively large size.
2. Stellate neurons are found in most laminae of the cerebral cortex. These neurons
possess dendrites that course in all directions and an axon that may terminate close to
the perikaryon or travel to adjacent cortical regions. Stellate neurons appear to act as
interneurons in the cerebral circuitry.
3. Fusiform neurons are located in deeper areas of the cortex and are oriented
perpendicular to the cortical surface.
4. The horizontal cells of Cajal are located superficially in the cortex and are oriented
parallel to the cortical surface.
5. The cells of Martinotti are located in all cortical laminae and send their axons toward
the surface of the cortex.

IV. Functional considerations

A. The primary inputs to cortical neurons are from thalamic nuclei and from associational and
commissural fibers. Many thousands of synaptic contacts may be present on a single
cortical neuron.
B. In Nissl stained preparations, the cerebral cortex has a well delineated laminated
appearance that is horizontal to the cortical surface. However, experimental studies have
demonstrated that the functional unit of the cortex is not an horizontally arranged group of
neurons. Rather, functional units are arranged in vertical columns of neurons extending
across all laminae. For example, neurons in a vertical column are all activated by the same
type of stimulus applied to the same receptive field. Neurons outside of the column do not
respond to the stimulus.

V. Cortical mapping
A. Although the functional unit of the cortex is the cortical column, it is clear that columns that
subserve similar functions (e.g., vision, somatic sensation) are located in relatively specific
regions on the cerebral cortex. In 1909 Brodmann divided the cortex into 47 areas based on
distinctions in their cytoarchitecture. Interestingly, recent physiological studies have
determined that Brodmann's areas also correlate quite well with respect to specific
B. Several regions of the cortex that are function specific can be subdivided into a primary
area and secondary or associational areas. These two areas subserve different functions.

Generally, primary areas concerned with sensation (somatic, visual, auditory, etc.) are
considered to be the first cortical site where the sensation is received. Primary areas are
concerned with integration and discrimination of sensory information. A lesion in a primary
cortical area usually results in a complete deficit of the particular sense, i.e., lesioning the
primary visual cortex results in blindness.· A lesion in the primary motor cortex results in
paralysis. Associational areas receive input from the primary areas, as well as from other
areas of the cortex. Associational areas act to further integrate and to refine the sensory
stimulus. Lesioning associational areas usually does not result in a complete deficit. Rather
associationallesions result in an impairment of function, i.e., lesions of the associational
visual cortex may result in visual hallucinations and/or visual agnosia.
C. The following list details some of the major primary and associational areas of the cerebral
cortex, their Brodmann's number, location and function.
1. Primary sensory (somesthetic) cortex is located in the postcentral gyrus (areas 3, 1
and 2) of the parietal lobe. It receives afferents from the VPL and VPM nuclei of the
thalamus in a somatotopic manner. This somatotopy is depicted by the sensory
homunculus. Lesions result in a site specific loss of sensation. For example,
occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery which supplies midline structures results in a
sensory loss in the lower limb.
2. Primary visual cortex (area 17) includes the cuneus and lingual gyri located above and
below the calcarine fissure in the OCCipital lobe. It receives afferents from the ipsilateral
geniculate body of the thalamus. Lesions result in blindness.
3. Associational visual cortex (areas 18 and 19) is located in the occipital lobe adjacent to
the primary visual cortex. Lesions result in visual hallucinations and agnosia.
4. Primary auditory cortex (areas 41 and 42) is located in the temporal lobe within the
lateral fissure (transverse gyri of Heschl). It receives afferents from the medial
geniculate body of the thalamus. Each primary auditory cortex receives information
from both ears. Thus, a unilateral lesion results in a decrease (mostly contralateral) in
auditory acuity, but not deafness.
5. Associational auditory cortex (areas 22 and 23) borders the primary cortex. Lesioning
this area in the dominant hemisphere results in Wernicke's aphasia. This aphasia is
characterized by unimpaired hearing, yet the patient is unable to comprehend sounds,
espeCially speech.
6. Primary gustatory cortex (area 43) is located in the parietal operculum. It receives
afferents from the VPM nucleus of the thalamus. Lesioning results in a decrease in
discriminative taste. However, crude taste may still be mediated at the thalamic level.
7. Primary olfactory cortex is located near the tip of the temporal lobe in the
periamygdaloid nucleus and prepyriform cortex (region anterior to the amygdaloid
nucleus). These regions are considered the primary olfactory cortex.
8. Primary motor cortex (area 4) is located in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe and
contributes approximately one-third of the axons to the corticospinal tract. Neurons in
this region are involved in highly skilled volitional movements. The somatotopic pattern
of innervation by the primary motor cortex is illustrated in the motor homunculus.
Seizure activity that originates in one area of the motor cortex (thus producing
convulsions of a specific muscle group) and spreads to involve other areas is termed a
Jacksonian march seizure. Lesions of the primary motor cortex in humans generally
produce a site-specific contralateral paralysis, i.e., fingers, arm, leg, face, etc.
However, since the premotor cortex constitutes only a portion of the corticospinal tract,
some restitution of function, particularly in the proximal limbs, may occur over time.

9. Premotor cortex (area 6) is located in front of the primary motor cortex. Approximately
one-third of corticospinal tract axons arise from this region and electrical stimulation will
produce contralateral muscle contractions. Lesions of area 6 alone do not produce the
severe muscle paralysis observed following lesions to the primary motor cortex.
10. Frontal eye field (area 8) is located anterior to the premotor cortex. Stimulation of this
area produces strong conjugate eye movements to the contralateral side. This area is
believed to function in volitional eye movements.
11. Broca's area (areas 44 and 45) is located in the opercular area of the frontal lobe. This
area corresponds to the motor speech area in the dominant hemisphere. Lesions of
Broca's area on the dominant side result in expressive aphasia. Lesions in the non-
dominant hemisphere do not interfere with speech. Note: Cerebral dominance is
described clinically according to which hemisphere contains the motor speech center.
In right-handed individuals, the speech center is almost always located in the left
hemisphere. Interestingly, the motor speech area is still in the left hemisphere in
approximately Jm% of left-handed individuals, with the remainder having their speech
center in the right hemisphere.
12. Prefrontal cortex (areas 9-11) is located in the anterior aspect of the frontal lobe. This
area is phylogenetically quite recent and participates in affective judgement and
behavior. Beginning in the 1940's a psychosurgical procedure, known as a prefrontal
lobotomy (or leucotomy), was utilized to modify the behavior of severely psychotic
patients. This procedure involved the bilateral transection of fibers to and from the
prefrontal cortex. Such surgeries have been largely replaced by the advent of more
effective pharmacologic therapies. Patients with tumors arising in the anterior cranial
fossa that impinge on the prefrontal cortex may present with changes in personality
(noticed by family members, friends, etc.).
13. Major associational cortex (areas 39 and 40) is located in the supramarginal and
angular gyri at the posterior margin of the lateral fissure. This area is connected to all
cortical sensory areas and functions in higher order, multisensory perceptions. Lesions
of this area may result in:
a) receptive and/or expressive aphasia (see above),
b) astereognosis (inability to recognize objects by feel alone),
c) acalculia (an inability to perform mathematic computations),
d) constructional apraxia (difficulty in drawing circles or squares) and
e) disturbances in the recognition of self (shaving the left side of the face only
because of an unawareness of the contralateral side).


I. To many students the limbic system represents all that is confusing about neuroanatomy. One
reason for this confusion is that the limbic system participates in intangible concepts instead of in
something more concrete, like perceiving a pin prick or wiggling your toe. For now, let's just say
that your limbic system is simply a relay between life as your neocortex experiences it and the
physiological manner in which your hypothalamus deals with it by doling out the necessary
hormones and autonomic reactions. These hormones and autonomic reactions are what
determines emotions, behavior and the integration of responses such as fight or flight, obtaining
food, sexuality and motivation.

II. Limbic lobe - The limbic lobe and the limbic system describe two different things. The limbic lobe
consists of the grey matter that is adjacent to, and surrounds the diencephalon. The four parts of
the limbic lobe are the:
A. cingulate gyrus, which is located immediately above the corpus callosum;
B. subcallosal gyrus, which is the anterior and inferior continuation of the cingulate gyrus;
C. parahippocampal gyrus, which occupies the medial gyri of the temporal lobe and the
D. hippocampus and dentate gyri, which underlie the parahippocampal gyrus.

III. Limbic system - The limbic system is a global term which includes the components of the limbic
lobe described above as well as the following associated areas:
A. septal nuclei,
B. amygdala,
C. mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus,
D. anterior nucleus of the thalamus,
E. epithalamus and the
F. olfactory system.

IV. Three areas of the limbic system not covered in previous sections include the hippocampal
formation, amygdala and septal area.
A. Hippocampal formation - The hippocampal formation is an infolding of the parahippocampal
gyrus in the temporal lobe. The two main components of the formation are the hippocampus
and the dentate gyrus (the subiculum is also included in the formation). Neurons in the
pre pyriform cortex project to pyramidal neurons in the entorhinal cortex. Axons from
entorhinal neurons project to pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus via a medial alvear
pathway and a lateral perforant pathway. Granule neurons in the dentate gyrus also project
to pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus. Axons from the hippocampus project through the
fimbria into the fornix where they project to their primary termination in the mammillary
bodies (some axons also project to the septal nuclei). From the mammillary bodies,
information is relayed through the anterior nucleus of the thalamus to the cingulate gyrus.
While a unilateral ablation of the hippocampus does not result in deficits, a bilateral ablation
results in a loss of short term memory and an inability to store new information.

B. Amygdala - The bilateral amygdaloid nuclei are located in the temporal lobe immediately
anterior to the hippocampus. Each amygdala receives strong afferent input from the
olfactory stria, hypothalamus and has reciprocal connections with the frontal lobe. Other
efferents from the amygdala project to the thalamus. Under normal conditions the amygdala
participates in autonomic and stress responses such as modulation of blood pressure, heart
rate, respiration rate and gastric motility. Bilateral lesions of the temporal lobes and
amygdala may result in the Kluver-Bucy syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by
patients who develop an aberrant tendency to examine almost anything orally, visually and
tactually. In addition, patients (males in particular) develop hypersexual tendencies toward
any gender. While this syndrome is commonly described for lower species, it has been
reported in humans.
C. Septal nuclei - The septal nuclei are located in the infero-medial portion of the frontal lobes.
They receive afferents from the hypothalamus and midbrain through the medial forebrain
bundle, from the amygdala via the diagonal band of Broca and from the hippocampus via
the fornix. Efferents from the septal nuclei project to the hippocampus, hypothalamus,
midbrain and habenular nuclei. The function of the septal nuclei is to provide a site of
interaction between limbic and diencephalic structures. Physiological studies implicate the
septal nuclei in modulating arousal, learning, emotions and sexual behavior.

V. Additional clinical considerations

A. Temporal lobe epilepsy - Limbic structures, particularly the amygdala and hippocampus,
have an exceptionally low threshold for seizure activity and tolerance to ischemic insults.
Because of these characteristics, seizure activity originating in the temporal lobe is common.
Temporal lobe epilepsy, also referred to as psychomotor seizures or uncinate fits, is
characterized by olfactory, visual and/or auditory hallucinations, rhythmic facial movements
resembling feeding, amnesia of hours to days and performing violent, criminal acts during
the seizure without being aware of, or remembering, the act itself.
B. Korsakoff's syndrome - This syndrome is a later development of Wernicke's
encephalopathy. The etiology of this syndrome is believed to be a thiamine deficiency
secondary to chronic alcoholism. The syndrome is characterized pathologically by a
destruction of the mammillary bodies with possible involvement of the thalamus. Korsakoff's
syndrome is characterized by a profound deficit in memory, confusion and confabulation.


I. The nervous system is divided into two distinct, but interconnected systems. The first is the
central nervous system (CNS) which consists of the brain and spinal cord. The other is the
peripheral nervous system (PNS) which can be subdivided into 3 parts. The first part of the PNS
encompasses the cranial nerves (CN) which are numbered I through XII. The second part of the
PNS includes the 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Spinal nerves branch to form the dorsal primary rami
that innervate the skin and muscles of the back and ventral primary rami that innervate similar
structures on the lateral and anterior body walls and in the limbs. The last part of the PNS
consists of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is further subdivided into a
sympathetic division and a parasympathetic division.

II. GVE and GVA fibers are associated with the ANS. GVE fibers provide motor function to the
smooth muscles of hollow organs (stomach, intestines, blood vessels, etc.), sweat glands and
erector pili muscles (the little muscles that cause goose bumps). Since you have sympathetic

and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS, you will have both parasympathetic and sympathetic
GVE's. Unfortunately, in the early days, GVE's were considered as the only component of the
ANS. Sensory nerves traveling with the motor fibers were not included in the original
classification of the ANS. In reality, where there is a GVE, there will also be a GVA fiber. In other
words, sympathetic GVE nerves also have GVA fibers carrying unconscious sensation from
viscera back to the eNS (the same goes for the parasympathetic division). Thus, the afferent
limb of the autonomic innervation will be referred to as either: GVA's associated with the
sympathetics or GVA's associated with the parasympathetics. One final important point to
remember is that only the sympathetic division of the ANS is present in the limbs and body walls.
The parasympathetic portion of the ANS is confined to viscera in the head, thorax, abdomen and
pelvis. Parasympathetic nerves do not, and will not ever innervate visceral structures (like blood
vessels and sweat glands) in the body walls or limbs.

III. In the autonomic nerves to be discussed, remember that we are referring only to visceral efferent
(GVE) and visceral afferent (GVA) fibers. Also remember that GVA neurons project all the way
from their target to the eNS. In other words, they only synapse at their axon terminals, no where
else. A GVE neuron on the other hand, must synapse on a second neuron before reaching its
ONLY TWO NEURON SYSTEM!!!! The first neuron, which originates within the brainstem or
spinal cord is termed the preganglionic neuron. The second neuron, which is located in a
peripheral ganglion (a collection of perikarya outside the eNS) is termed the postganglionic

IV. Organization of sympathetic GVE neurons

A. The sympathetic division is also described as the thoracolumbar division. This term is
derived from the location of the sympathetic preganglionic GVE cell bodies. Sympathetic
preganglionic cell bodies are located between T1 and L2 in the IML of the spinal cord.
Remember that ALL preganglionic sympathetic GVE cell bodies are located in the IML
between T1 and L2!! The axons from these neurons project through the ventral roots and
through the white ramus communicans into the sympathetic chain ganglia. Once in the
ganglion, the preganglionic axons can do one of four things:
1. Sweat glands, blood vessels and erector pili muscles in the body wall and limbs are
innervated by sympathetic GVE's and their associated GVA's. Since there are no
ganglia in these places, GVE neurons must synapse before entering the ventral or
dorsal primary rami. Therefore, sympathetic preganglionic GVE fibers entering the
sympathetic chain ganglia will synapse on a postganglionic neuron, which will then
project its axon through the grey ramus communicans into the ventral or dorsal primary
ramus. Examples of this type of pathway include the pathway by which sympathetic
postganglionic fibers get into intercostal nerves, the ilioinguinal nerve, the ulnar nerve,
2. Another route for sympathetic GVE's is that the preganglionic fiber entering the chain
ganglion may travel to another segmental level. In this case, the preganglionic axon
will enter the sympathetic chain and ascend or descend to re-enter, and synapse upon,
a sympathetic postganglionic GVE neuron within a chain ganglion at another level. The
postganglionic axon will then exit through the grey ramus to enter the spinal nerve.
This is rather straight forward if changing levels occurs between T1 and L2. However,
realize that since the contribution of preganglionic fibers into the chain ganglia is
confined to the T1 to L2 spinal cord segmental levels, white rami communicantes will

only be found between T 1 and L2 . However, since the sympathetic chain and ganglia
extend from the upper cervical to coccygeal vertebral levels and since postganglionic
sympathetic GVE fibers must be able to get into all of the spinal nerves, grey rami must
be present to connect the chain ganglia with the spinal nerves at all levels. Examples
of this pathway include how sympathetic postganglionic GVE fibers enter the cervical
plexus which innervates the neck and the brachial and lumbosacral plexi which
innervate the arms and legs, respectively.
3. The third route for sympathetic GVE's is that the preganglionic axons enter the chain
ganglia and synapse on postganglionic neurons. The postganglionic axon will then
leave the ganglion (not through the chain or ventral or dorsal primary rami) and head
for an organ. An example of this pathway occurs in the thorax where the cardiac
nerves (postganglionic fibers) leave the chain ganglia, travel through the cardiac
ganglionated plexus (without synapsing, since they are already postganglionic) to
innervate the heart and lungs.
4. The fourth possible route for sympathetic GVE's is that the preganglionic fiber enters,
then leaves the chain ganglion without synapsing. Examples of this pathway include
the thoracic, lumbar and sacral splanchnic nerves. Remember that even though the
preganglionic fibers have exited the sympathetic chain ganglion, they still must find a
postganglionic neuron prior to entering an organ. Postganglionic neurons are of
course, located in preaortic (prevertebral) ganglia. Once the preganglionic fiber has
synapsed on the postganglionic neuron, the postganglionic axon will "catch a ride" on a
blood vessel headed for an abdominal or pelvic organ. An example of this would be the
innervation of the duodenum. The duodenal innervation starts with preganglionic
neurons located between T1 and L2 (probably around T5)' The preganglionic axons
pass through the chain ganglion (without synapsing), then enter the greater thoracic
splanchnic nerve. The greater splanchnic nerve then descends through the diaphragm
whereby its axons synapse on postganglionic neurons located in the celiac ganglion.
The postganglionic axons then leave the celiac ganglion and travel with the common
hepatic artery to the gastroduodenal artery. The postganglionic fibers then follow the
branches of the gastroduodenal artery into the duodenum where they terminate.

V. GVA neurons and fibers associated with the sympathetics

The general first rule is that wherever there is a sympathetic GVE fiber, there will also be a GVA
fiber. (One exception is the grey ramus communicans which contains the sympathetic
postganglionic axons that re-enter the dorsal and ventral primary rami.) All viscera, including
sweat glands and blood vessels are innervated by sensory nerves. The reason for this is that
your nervous system needs to know if food is present in the gastrointestinal tract, how dilated
blood vessels are, how well viscera are being oxygenated, etc. GVA fibers inform the nervous
system of these conditions. GVA fibers make their way back through spinal nerves, splanchnic
nerves and cardiac nerves to the sympathetic chain ganglia. Remember that while GVA fibers
travel through ganglia to reach the spinal cord, they do not synapse in chain or dorsal root
ganglia. The GVA fibers then travel through sympathetic chain ganglia, through the white rami
and into the dorsal roots. As a rule, all GVA cell bodies from fibers that have passed through the
sympathetic chain are located in the dorsal root ganglia. From the cell body, the central process
travels through the dorsal root to enter the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Remember that for
sensory information to get from an organ to the spinal cord, only one GVA neuron is required.

VI. Organization of the parasympathetic division of the ANS
A. The parasympathetics are also referred to as the craniosacral division of the ANS. The
name indicates the position of the parasympathetic preganglionic cell bodies. Some
preganglionic neurons are located in the brainstem associated with cranial nerves III, VII, IX
and X, while others are in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in the S2 to S4 spinal cord
segments. (See section on CRANIAL NERVES for a discussion of the parasympathetic
components of cranial nerves III, VII and IX.) Remember, that there are no parasympathetic
fibers in the body walls or limbs.
B. The vagus - GVE
The vagus nerve innervates the heart, lungs, abdominal organs down to the left colic
(splenic) flexure and portions of the genitourinary system. Vagal parasympathetic
preganglionic GVE cell bodies are located bilaterally in the medulla of the brainstem. Axons
from these neurons exit the base of the skull as the right and left vagus nerves (vagi).
These preganglionic fibers travel through the neck into the thorax where approximately 3
twigs from each vagal trunk head for the deep and superficial cardiac ganglia where they will
synapse on postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies innervating the heart and lungs. The
vagal trunks will continue onto the surface of the esophagus where they split into a plexus.
At the caudal end of the esophagus, the vagal trunks reform into an anterior trunk (which is
derived from the left vagus) and a posterior vagal trunk (derived from the right vagus). The
anterior vagal trunk divides into several gastric and hepatic branches which enter their
respective organs. Once in the organ, the preganglionic axon terminates on a
parasympathetic postganglionic neuron located within the muscular wall of the organ. The
posterior vagal trunk pierces the diaphragm and largely enters the celiac ganglion.
Remember that the celiac ganglion contains postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies. For
ease of understanding, the preaortic ganglia can be considered as containing no
parasympathetic postganglionic perikarya. The preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
continue on through the celiac ganglia, without synapsing, and catch a ride on the artery of
the organ to which they are supplying, i.e., preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the
spleen will form a plexus around the splenic artery. Once the preganglionic fiber reaches its
organ, it will synapse on a postganglionic parasympathetic cell body which will lie on or
within the organ itself. The postganglionic parasympathetic axon will then trail off and
innervate the musculature of the organ.
C. GVA neurons and fibers associated with the vagus
As in the case with the sympathetics, GVA fibers also travel with the vagus nerves. GVA
fibers associated with parasympathetic GVE nerves to the heart and lungs are involved with
reflexogenic regulation of heart rate and bronchodilation. In the abdomen, parasympathetic
GVA fibers inform the CNS of the presence of food in the bowel, intestinal distension, etc.
This contributes to reflex mechanisms that propel the food bolus into the next bowel
segment. Remember that only one GVA neuron is required to get an impulse from the
organ back to the CNS. The processes of vagal afferents travel back up through the
preaortic ganglia, through the thoracic vagal trunks into the vagus nerves in the neck. Just
before the vagus enters the cranium, there is a large swelling on the nerve. Within this
swelling, termed the nodose ganglion, are ALL of the perikarya of GVA vagal afferents.
D. S2 to S4 spinal cord segments - GVE
Parasympathetic preganglionic cell bodies to the lower gastrointestinal tract and to pelvic
organs are located in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus between the S2 and S4 spinal cord
segments. Preganglionic axons from these neurons project through the ventral root into the

spinal nerve. Remember that in the sacrum the spinal nerve branches before exiting the
vertebral canal such that the dorsal primary rami exit the dorsal foramina of the sacrum
while the ventral primary rami exit the ventral sacral foramina. As the spinal nerve branches
into dorsal and ventral primary rami, the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers stay within the
ventral primary ramus. Once out of the ventral sacral foramina, the preganglionic
parasympathetic fibers branch off of the 8 2 through 8 4 ventral primary rami as the pelvic
splanchnic nerves. Understand that these pelvic splanchnic nerves have absolutely nothing
to do with the sympathetic chain.
80me axons in the pelvic splanchnic nerves synapse on postganglionic parasympathetic
neurons located in the ganglionated inferior hypogastric plexus. The inferior hypogastric
plexus is formed as the preaortic plexus extends caudally into the pelvis, it divides into right
and left superior hypogastric plexi (also referred to as the hypogastric nerves). The caudal-
most extend of each superior hypogastric nerve is termed the inferior hypogastric plexus.
Other axons enter the inferior hypogastric plexus and ascend to the inferior mesenteric
artery. The fibers will then follow the branches of the inferior mesenteric artery out to
parasympathetic postganglionic perikarya located the descending and sigmoid colons and
the rectum.
E. GVA neurons and fibers associated with the sacral parasympathetics
There are GVA fibers associated with the parasympathetics at 8 2 to 8 4 , These fibers travel
back from lower abdominal or pelvic viscera, through the hypogastric plexi, through the
pelvic splanchnics, through the ventral primary rami, through the spinal nerve and into the
dorsal root. The cell bodies of sacral GVA neurons are located in the 8 2 through 8 4 dorsal
root ganglia. From the dorsal root ganglia, the central processes travel through the dorsal
root into the dorsal hom of the spinal cord.



I. Features common to most cells.

A. Plasma membrane (unit membrane). About 8 nanometers (nm) thick, lipid bilayer
(phospholipids and cholesterol) with integral and transmembrane proteins, and
carbohydrates. Carbohydrate units attached to proteins form the glycocalyx. Contains
receptors, enzymes for transport, and forms a semipermeable barrier delimiting the
intracellular environment (or nuclear or organellar environment) from an outside
environment. Is specialized at many intercellular junctions (synapse, gap junction, tight
junction, etc.).
B. Nucleus. Contains chromatin (DNA) and synthesizes messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer
1. Chromatin.
a) Euchromatin. Uncoiled chromatin active in DNA transcription, stains poorly with
histologic stains.
b) Heterochromatin. Condensed chromatin inactive in DNA transcription, well-
stained with basophilic dyes, electron-dense in electron micrographs, often
adjacent to the nuclear envelope.
2. Nucleolus. Synthesizes ribosomal RNA (rRNA), stains well with basophilic dyes.
a) Nucleonema. Pars granulosa (granular RNA that may represent maturing
ribosomes) and pars fibrosa (filamentous RNA which may represent primary
transcripts of rRNA genes).
b) Pars amorpha: nucleolar organizer DNA (codes for rRNA).
3. Nuclear evelope. Double unit membrane, pores for transit of m-, t-, and rRNA and
other materials between nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments; outer membrane
studded with ribosomes.

II. Features that are variable depending on cell type and function.
A. A. Cytoplasmic organelles that are membrane constructed.
1. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Appears as stacks of membranes or networks of
tubules containing an inner space or lumen cisterna.
a) Rough (rER or granularER, gER). Ribosomes (15nm) are attached to membrane.
(1) Ribosomes. Particles composed of rRNA and protein forming two subunits.
Ribosomes are attached to strands of mRNA forming polysomes. Polysomes
can be free in the cytoplasm or attached to rER. The mRNA codes for
protein synthesis and calls for appropriate amino acids which are coded and
transported by tRNA. Free polysomes produce proteins for intracellular use,
whereas polysomes attached to rER produce proteins for export and for
lysosomal enzymes.
(2) Peptides assembled at rER are temporarily stored in cisternae of rER, then
moved by transfer vesicles to the Golgi complex for modification and
packaging. rER is prominent in protein secreting organs and cells (e.g.,
salivary glands, pancreas, certain endocrine glands, plasma cells and

b) Smooth (sER or agranularER). Lacks ribosomes so membranes are smooth.
Prominence and function varies with cell type. Involved in Ca++ regulation in
muscle (sarcoplasmic reticulum), detoxification of drugs in liver hepatocytes, lipid
metabolism and synthesis of steroid hormones in certain endocrine glands.
2. Golgi complex. Stacks of smooth membranous cisternae and vesicles. Receives
transfer vesicles containing immature protein from rER. Packages protein for export
into secretory (zymogen) granules. Also involved in membrane sorting and recycling
and addition of carbohydrate units to proteins.
3. Lysosomes. Contain lytic enzymes for intracellular digestion (however, some
lysosomal enzymes are secreted for extracellular use). Includes ribonucleases,
deoxyribonucleases, acid phosphatase, proteases, glycosidases, esterases and these
are active mainly at acidic pH. Lysosomes are produced by the Golgi complex.
a) Two types of Iysosomes.
(1) Primary - have not engaged in hydrolytic activity
(2) Secondary - are or have been active in enzymatic activity (digestion).
b) Interactions of Iysosomes with materials.
(1) Phagocytosis - ingestion of particulate material and sequestration into a
membrane-bound vesicle.
(a) Heterophagocytosis - ingestion of material from outside the cell (an
antigen) forming a heterophagosome.
(b) Autophagocytosis - ingestion of material from inside the cell (e.g., a
damaged mitochondrion) forming an autophagosome.
(c) Crinophagocytosis - ingestion of excess secretory product within a
gland cell.
(2) Pinocytosis - (endocytosis) ingestion of fluid materials and sequestration into
membrane-bound vesicles.
(3) Primary Iysosomes fuse with phagosomes, dump enzymes into the
phagosome and the enzymatic digestive process begins - membrane-bound
structure is now called a secondary lysosome. If the process of digestion is
not complete, then the remaining membrane-bound material and structure =
residual body (dense body). These may accumulate as lipofuscin granules
in long-lived cells (e.g., neurons and cardiac muscle cells).
4. Peroxisome (microbody). Membrane-bound intracellular structures that resemble
a) Have a granular matrix and contain enzymes that reduce oxygen to hydrogen
peroxide (hydrogen peroxide is toxic).
b) Active in oxidative functions; contain the enzyme catalase that breaks down
hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water.
c) Are prominent in cells that produce steroid hormones.
5. Mitochondria. Involved in production of energy as ATP. Numerous in metabOlically
active cells (e.g., striated muscle cells, neurons, and hepatocytes).
a) Structure. Double-membrane bound. Outer membrane is unremarkable, but the
inner one is thrown into folds or shelves called cristae. Inner membrane bounds
the mitochondrial matrix. Granules in the matrix bind ions (especially calcium).
Matrix contains DNA and ribosomes; DNA is important for replication of the
mitochondria and production of mitochondrial proteins. Proteins produced here
are for mitochondrial use.

b) Inner membrane possessess elementary particles which contain the enzymes for
oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis, cytochrome enzymes for electron
transport and succinate dehydrogenase (part of TCA, Krebs, cycle).
c) Matrix contains other enzymes for TCA cycle.
d) Relation of structure to function. Mitochondria are self-replicating (involves DNA
synthesis and then division of the mitochondrion with repair of membranes),
contain their own DNA and machinery for protein synthesis. Mitochondrial DNA
codes for mitochondrial enzymatic proteins (not structural proteins), ribosomes
and RNA. Main function is production of ATP for protein systhesis, for intracellular
movements and for muscle contraction.
B. Other cytoplasmic organelles that are not membrane constructed.
1. Centrioles. Paired, located near the nucleus, constructed of nine sets of triplet
microtubules surrounded by an amorphous material (pericentriolar satellite material -
gives rise to new procentrioles and basal bodies of cilia). Centrioles organize the
microtubules of the mitotic spindle, determine the polarity of cells, and produce basal
bodies of cilia during ciliogenesis.
2. Cytoskeletal components.
a) Microtubules. 25nm thick, indefinite length and consist of the protein tubulin.
Function in intracellular transport and support; prominent in mitotic spindles, cilia
and flagella.
b) Filaments.
(1) Microfilaments. 5-7nm thick, consist of the protein actin, participate in
contraction in muscle and many non-muscle cells.
(2) Intermediate filaments. 8-11 nm thick, composed of various proteins,
depending on cell type.
(a) Glial fibrillary acidic protein - astrocytes in the CNS.
(b) Vimentin - fibroblasts, chrondroblasts, macrophages and vascular
smooth muscle cells.
(c) Desmin (skeletin) - muscle cells (except vascular smooth muscle cells).
(d) Cytokeratins (prekeratin, tonofilaments) - epithelial cells.
(e) Neurofilaments - neurons.
(3) Thick filaments. 15nm thick, consist of the protein myosin, participate in
contraction in muscle cells and some non-muscle cells.
(4) Filaments generally have a supportive function within the cell and stabilize
cellular specializations (e.g., microvilli and specialized junctions).
3. Inclusions. Temporary or stored elements in the cytoplasm that mayor may not be
a) Lipid - present as droplets either membrane-bound or without a membrane.
b) Glycogen - polymers of glucose; present as beta-granules or alpha clusters.
c) Lipofuscin - membrane-bound; part of lysosomal system.
d) Pigment granules - membrane-bound, e.g., melanin.
e) Secretory granules - stored synthetic products, usually membrane-bound, that are
released on stimulation, e.g., hormones, neurotransmitters and digestive
C. Specializations of the cell surface.
1. Microvilli. Finger-like projections at the cell surface. Covered by the plasma
membrane and glycocalyx (carbohydrate units attached to the protein of the membrane
- important in cell-cell recognition and protection of the membrane). Have a core of

actin filaments that promote small movements of the microvilli. Function: increase
surface area for exchange purposes and for absorption, also aids phagocytosis.
Prominent and regular at the apical surface of intestinal epithelial cells and cells
forming the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney. Irregular at the surface of many
2. Stereocilia. Are very long microvilli. Prominent on the epithelial cells of the
3. Cilia. Are longer than microvilli and have microtubules rather than filaments. Shaft
projects from the apical surface of ciliated epithelial cells and contains a core of
microtubules arranged as 9 peripheral doublets surrounding a central pair (9+2
arrangement = axoneme). Basal body exists in apical cytoplasm of cells and resembles
a centriole. Rootlet anchors the cilium into the cytoplasm.
4. Junctions. Specializations associated with the membrane of adjacent cells.
a) Junctional complex. Occurs between epithelial cells; usually at the apical
surface adjacent to a lumen. Consists of 3 components:
(1) Tight junction (zonula occludens). 20nm intercellular space is obliterated and
outer leaflets of membranes of adjacent cells fuse. Forms a zone or band
around the cells. Low electrial resistence here so it is a means of
(2) Intermediate junction (zonula adherens). 20nm intercellular space is
resumed. Tonofilaments insert into dense material along the junction
membrane for stabilization. Mechanical coupling between cells.
(3) Desmosome (macula adherens). Tonofilaments insert into the submembrane
dense material. Small projections of the tonofilaments (transmembrane
linkers) enter the intercellular space to aid in mechanical coupling. May occur
independently from 1) and 2) - especially prominent in the epidermis.
b) Hemidesmosome. One-half of a desmosome occuring between epithelial cells
and the underlying connective tissue. Mechanically couples the epithelium to the
connective tissue; especially prominent coupling the epidermis to the dermis.
c) Gap junction (nexus). Close association between membranes of adjacent cells.
Intercellular space narrowed from 20 nm to a 2nm "gap". Transmembrane
particles (connexons) project from the membrane of one cell to that of the other.
Connexons have pores that allow transfer of small particles (e.g., ions and cAMP)
between cells to aid in communication. Common in excitable tissues (smooth
muscle; part of intercalated discs of cardiac muscle; also found in nervous tissue).
5. Vesicular system. Invaginations of the cell membrane that aid in transport in/out of the
a) Pinocytotic (endocytotic) vesicles. Invaginations of the surface membrane that
pinch off as 50nm vesicles and carry fluid materials into the cytoplasm. Prominent
in endothelial cells of capillaries. Some are contain a coating of clathrin that
confers some specificity in their transport=coated vesicles.
b) Exocytotic vesicles. Appear like pinocytotic vesicles, but extrude material from the
cell. They fuse with the surface membrane, become confluent with it and their
lumen opens to the exterior to release contents. Also prominent in capillaries as
well as kidney tubules.
c) Phagocytotic vesicles. Infoldings of the surface membrane like pinocytotic
vesicles, but are often larger and take-up particulate matter, e.g., cellular debris,
bacteria, dust and smoke particles. Prominent in macrophages.

6. Basal membrane infoldings. Deep parallel invaginations of the basal membrane of
certain epithelial cells (distal and proximal tubule cells of the kidney and duct cells of
salivary glands). They are lined by mitochondria and serve to increase the surface area
available for the active transport of fluids. Mitochondria provide energy for this process.
D. Cell cycle. Renewable cells undergo alternating periods of division (mitosis - visible cell
division to produce daughter cells) and synthetic phases (synthesis of material, duplication
of DNA, in prepartation for mitosis). DNA replicates during a phase called interphase (phase
between divisions). The alternation between interphase and mitosis cell cycle.
1. Interphase has 3 phases. G1 (gap phase 1) - pre-DNA synthesis, but time for RNA and
protein synthesis in preparation for mitosis; S-phase - (DNA synthesis phase); G2 (gap
phase 2) - post-DNA duplication and period of accumulation of energy for mitosis and
synthesis of tubulin for microtubules of the mitotic spindle.
2. Mitosis = M-phase. Actual division occurs.
3. Some cells do not undergo mitosis (neurons and cardiac muscle cells) and are
suspended in a phase called GO rather than go through the cycle.
E. Mitosis: M-phase. Nuclear membrane disintegrates, chromosomes condense (=
prophase) and align on the equatorial plane (= metaphase), chromosomes move to the
opposite poles (= anaphase), and cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm) occurs with
reassembly of the nuclear membrane (= telophase).


I. There are two broad classifications of epithelium, surfacing (membranous) and glandular.
A. Surfacing epithelium covers the exterior of the body and lines all of the spaces inside the
body. NOTE: Any material that enters or exits the tissues of the body must cross an
epithelium. Two important characteristics of epithelium are that it is avascular and it has a
high regenerative capacity. All epithelia are constantly being renewed, repaired and
replaced; some at a faster rate than others. The entire epithelial lining of the GI tract is
replaced approximately every 4 days. (Consideration of various types of surfacing epithelia
will be addressed with specific organs and systems).
B. Glandular epithelium. Includes exocrine and endocrine glands.
1. Exocrine gland cells are organized into groups = acini (alveoli) or tubules. These
groups of cells secrete into a duct system. Duct cells may add to/modify the final
a) Types of gland cells - serous and mucous.
(1) Serous cells. Have a round prominent nucleus, abundant rER and Golgi
complex, and secretion granules (zymogen granules) at their apical surfaces.
Secretion is usually thin and contains enzymes. Example, parotid gland and
(2) Mucous gland cells. Have a flat, basally located nucleus, basal rER,
prominent Golgi complex, and a light staining cytoplasm containing mucous
secretory droplets (largely consisting of glycoprotein). Secretion is usually
thick. Example, sublingual salivary gland.
(3) Myoepithelial cells are located between the secretory cell and its basement
membrane. Actin-containing processes embrace the secretory cell; upon
contraction the myoepithelial cell helps express the secretory product.

b} Modes of secretion.
(1) Holocrine. Whole cell is secreted; e.g., sebaceous gland.
(2) Merocrine (eccrine). Secretory granules released; e.g., pancreas.
(3) Apocrine. Some apical cytoplasm lost with the secretory product; e.g.,
mammary gland.
2. Endocrine gland cells - no ducts, secretion is released into capillaries and is distributed
by the vascular system. NOTE: high vascularity, fenestrated capillaries or sinusoids
present. Some cells store secretory product, some synthesize and release product on

II. Epithelial membranes. Wet (lubricated) membranes; mucous and serous.

A. Mucous membrane. Single layer of epithelial cells plus the underlying thin layer of loose
connective tissue (lamina propria of the GI tract). Lubricated by mucus-secreting epithelial
cells (goblet cells). Lining of GI tract is a mucous membrane.
B. Serous membrane (serosa). Single layer of squamous epithelial cells plus a thin underlying
layer of loose connective tissue. Lubricated by a transudate of fluid from capillaries in the
connective tissue. Examples, lining (visceral and parietal layers) of pleural, pericardia I and
peritoneal cavities. This simple squamous wet epithelium is also call~d mesothelium.
Allows frictionless movement of one organ on another. NOTE: can become inflamed and
very painful.

III. Epithelial-connective tissue interface: basement membrane. Two components to the basement
membrane; basal lamina and reticular lamina.
A. Basal lamina: produced by the epithelial cells; comprised of type IV collagen, laminin and
heparan sulfate. Two parts: lamina lucida (nearest to epithelial cells) and lamina densa.
Function: selective filter for substances passing to epithelial cells and provides a scaffolding
for organization of regenerating epithelial cells.
B. Reticular lamina: produced by fibroblasts of underlying connective tissue. Contains type III
collagen reticular fibers. Helps adhere underlying connective tissue to basal lamina and
thus epithelium.


I. Types and functions are widespread and diverse.

A. Subepithelial loose connective tissue (lamina propria) - common site for immune reactions.
B. Submucosa of hollow organs is moderately dense and permits movement of the mucosa.
C. Reticular connective tissue provides a loose stromal framework for lymphoid organs, liver
and bone marrow.
D. Dense regular connective tissuse forms tendons, ligaments and fascia; provides
considerable support or leverage.
E. Adipose tissue is found in the hypodermis and is associated with numerous organs where it
provides functional padding and serves as a nutritional store.

II. Constituents: cells and extracellular matrix.
A. Cells; those resident in connective tissue.
1. Fibroblasts (fibrocytes). Resident cells that produce and maintain collagen, elastic and
reticular fibers. Play an important role in wound healing and scar formation.
2. Mast cells. Common in loose connective tissues near mucous membranes and often
located adjacent to blood vessels. Have many cytoplasmic granules. Produce heparin
(an anticoagulant), histamine (stimulates leakage from vessels and smooth muscle
contraction) and eosinophil chemotactic ~ (attracts eosinophils). These factors
have roles in inflammatory reactions.
3. Macrophages (histiocytes). Fixed macrophages in loose connective tissues. Capable
of phagocytOSis and pinocytosis. Have many Iysosomes. Playa key role in immune
reactions and presentation of antigen-related materials to lymphocytes.
4. Adipocytes. Yellow fat, unilocular. Store triglycerides. Function in support, energy
stores, and insulation. Quantities vary in different locations.
B. Cells; those that are immigrant (are transitory and migrate from the vascular system -
usually in response to injury or inflammation in tissues).
1. Macrophages. Derived from bone-marrow-stem cells or monocytes.
2. Granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), agranulocytes (monocytes
and lymphocytes). Derived from circulating blood by diapedisis (movement of cells
through the wall of postcapillary venules). Function in immune reactions to combat
microorganisms or antigens that generate inflammation.
a) Neutrophils. Contain specific neutrophilic granules; phagocytose bacteria;
increased numbers are seen during acute infections.
b) Eosinophils. Contain specific eosinophilic granules; phagocytose foreign particles
like bacteria; increase in numbers during parasitic infections and allergiC
c) Basophils. Similar structure and function to mast cells. Increase in numbers during
inflammatory reactions.
d) Monocytes. Become macrophages.
e) Lymphocytes. React to antigens and initiate immune responses.
3. Plasma cells. Derived from small B-Iymphocytes. Produce antibodies in response to
antigenic stimulation. Often found close to epithelial mucous membranes (especially
the GI tract).
C. Extracellular matrix: fibers and ground substance.
1. Fibers
a) Collagen fibers (collagen type I). Has great tensil strength and resists stretching.
Procollagen is secreted by fibroblasts and is converted to tropocollagen.
Microfibrils (consisting of tropocollagen molecules) assemble into collagen fibrils
and these are assembled into collagen fibers. 13 different types of collagen have
been described and are peculiar to various tissues and locations.
(1) Type I. Found in the dermis, tendon, bone and fibrocartilage.
(2) Type II. Found in hyaline and elastic cartilage.
(3) Type III. Found in reticular fibers of liver, lymphoid organs and kidney.
(4) Type IV. Found in the basal lamina.
Collagen is degraded by the enzyme collagenase which can be secreted by
several cell types including fibroblasts, neutrophils and macrophages.
Macrophages may secrete collagenase to help them move through connective

tissues. Collagen turnover is usually slow, but increases during inflammation and
tissue repair (wound healing).
b) Reticular fibers (collagen type III). Thin and delicate fibers produced by
fibroblasts and reticular cells. Form loose supporting framework (stroma) for
loosely organized organs that have a great deal of cellular traffic, such as
lymphoid organs.
c) Elastic fibers. Produced by fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells and chondrocytes.
Fibers distend when stretched and can recover their original dimension. Consist of
microfibrils and an amorphous component (elastin). Seen in the walls of blood
vessels where they allow the vessel wall to expand with changes in blood
pressure. In large vessels they form thick elastic laminae.
2. Ground substance. Amorphous intercellular substance.
a) Proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and glycoproteins. Proteoglycan
consists of a core protein to which GAGs are attached. GAGS include hyaluronic
acid, chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate and keratan sulfate.
b) Proteoglycan function. These molecules are often bound to extracellular fibers to
provide support. They attract and hold tissue fluid to provide a watery mesh that
allows the movement of cells and molecules (e.g., water, metabolites and drugs)
through the fibrous framework. They obstruct the movement of large molecules
but permit movement of small molecules. Mineralization can occur in the ground
substance, e.g., in bone.
c) Fibronectin. Is a structural glycoprotein of connective tissue produced by
fibroblasts. Helps bind the fibroblast to collagen to anchor the cell and provide
attachments for movements.
d) Tissue fluid of connective tissue is derived from the blood. This material is forced
out of the capillary while cells and large molecules are retained in the capillary.
This provides an avenue for metabolites to exit the vascular system to the
connective tissues.


I. Several types and functions: hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage generally provide mechanical

II. Constituents: cells and extracellular matrix.

A. Cells. Chondrocytes, chondroblasts and fibroblasts (the latter two cell types are mainly in
the perichondrium).
1. Chondrocytes are encased in extracellular matrix (fibers and ground substance) and
occupy a space called lacunae.
B. Extracellular matrix. Fibers and ground substance.
1. Fibers. Mainly collagen (type II) and elastic, some reticular. Provide support and
mechanical stability.
2. Ground substance. Water and cartilage proteoglycans (GAGs = hyaluronic acid,
chondroitin sulfate and keratan sulfate, attached to a core protein) and glycoprotein
(chondronectin). Binds water and provides support by resisting deformation and

a) GAGs form matrix. Highest concentration of GAGs is immediately around
chondrocyte capsule or territorial matrix. GAGs in between lacunae =
interterritorial matrix.
b) Chondronectin. Attach type II collagen to chrondrocyte.

III. Perichondrium. Special layer at the surface of cartilage. Two layers: outer fibrous layer = dense
connective tissue and is protective; inner more cellular layer = chondrogenic (can give rise to new
chondroblasts). NOTE: articular cartilage lacks a perichondrium.

IV. Types of cartilage. Vary in content of fibers and constitution of ground substance.
A. Hyaline. Glassy matrix. Location: tracheal, costal (rib), and bronchial cartilages, and
articular surfaces. Model for endochondral bone development. Articular cartilage hyaline
cartilage but lacks a perichondrium.
1. Constituents. Cells, fibers and ground substance. Cells = chondrocytes in lacunae.
Fibers = mainly collagen type II. Ground substance = cartilage proteoglycan
consisting of a core protein with attached GAGs (mainly hyaluronic acid, chondroitin
sulfate and keratan sulfate). Content of sulfate groups with GAGs results in light bluish
staining with H&E and metachromasia with toluidine blue.
B. Elastic. Appears similar to hyaline but matrix is more fibrillar. Location: pinna and external
ear canal, epiglottis, and some laryngeal cartilage.
1. = =
Constituents. Cells chondrocytes in lacunae. Fibers many elastic fibers but also
type II collagen. Ground substance = like that of hyaline cartilage. Provides elasticity
for movement.
C. Fibrocartilage. Resembles dense connective tissue, but has chondrocytes. Location:
intervertebral discs, ligamentous attachments and pubic symphysis.
1. =
Constituents. Cells chondrocytes in lacunae, but is less cellular than elastic or
hyaline cartilage. Fibers mainly collagen type I, but also type II collagen. Ground
substance = fewer GAGs than elastic or hyaline cartilage, thus appears less

V. Growth of cartilage
A. Interstitial. Mitotic division of chondrocytes within lacunae. Daughter cells form nests or
isogenous groups that secrete, and are surrounded by, the territorial matrix. Occurs
developmentally and at the growth plate of bone for elongation.
B. Appositional. Mitotic division of chondrocytes of the inner layer of perichondrium
(chrondrogenic layer). Daughter cells secrete territorial matrix to increase the girth of the

Bone is organized and viewed as a tissue (connective tissue) and as an organ (for support and as a
Ca++ store).

I. Bone as a tissue.
A. Constituents: cells and extracellular matrix.
1. Cells: osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts.
2. Extracellular matrix: organic and inorganic components.

a) Organic constituents are fibers and ground substance. Fibers= collagen type I.
Ground substance = proteoglycans, GAGs and glycoproteins.
b) Inorganic constituents are calcium phosphate organized as hydroxyapatite
crystals, but also calcium carbonate and magnesium, citrate, sodium, potasium
ions. Hydroxyapatite crystals organize along collagen fibers and are surrounded
by ground substance to give bone its rigidity and strength.
B. Osteoid. Type I collagen and ground substance secreted by osteoblasts. This becomes
mineralized around the osteoblast and the cell is now called an osteocyte. The osteocyte
exists within a space of the mineralized bone = a lacuna. New osteoid may be secreted by
osteoblasts to repeat the process and form layers of mineralized osseous tissue called
C. Microscopic organization. Osseous tissue is organized in layers or lamellae. Lamellae are
highly organized in compact (cortical) bone, but less organized in spongy (cancellous) bone.
1. Compact bone.
a) Periosteum. Connective tissue that covers the external surface of compact bone.
Two layers:
(1) Inner layer is cellular and contains osteogenic cells.
(2) Outer layer is fibrous. Collagen fibers here enter the bone matrix as
Sharpey's fibers and hold periosteum to bone.
b) Endosteum. Fine connective tissue, osteoblasts and osteoclasts that line all
internal surfaces of both compact and spongy bone.
c) Cells.
(1) Osteoblasts at endosteal and periosteal surfaces secrete osteoid. Osteoid
is laid down in lamellae, the matrix of osteoid becomes calcified. Cells
trapped in calcified matrix = osteocytes.
(2) Osteocytes are trapped in spaces of calcified matrix = lacunae. Osteocytes
of adjacent lamellae are connected and communicate via their processes
which are housed in mini-canals = canaliculi. Osteocyte processes connect
and communicate via gap junctions (nexuses).
(3) Osteoclasts are multinucleated cells found in marrow cavity, Haversian
canal, endosteum and periosteum. Are crucial for remodelling, bone
resorption and Ca++ mobilization. They are involved in bone matrix
phagocytosis - secrete acid hydrolases to facilitate bone remodelling and
Ca++ mobilization. Their activity is hormone sensitive: parathyroid
hormone (parathormone) increases activity, whereas calcitonin decreases
their activity.
d) Lamellae. Concentric layers of calcified bone matrix organized around a
neurovascular bundle (artery, vein and nerve) and endosteum. Neurovascular
bundle and endosteum are in a canal = Haversian canal.
(1) Haversian system (osteon). Haversian canal + several lamellae. Runs
longitudinal in long bone.
(2) Volkmann's canal. Canal perpendicular to and connecting Haversian
canals. House nutrient vessels coming from the periosteum.
(3) Inner circumferential lamellae. Lamellae that arise from the endosteum and
lay next to the marrow cavity.
(4) Outer circumferential lamellae. Lamellae that arise from the periosteum and
are at the periphery of the bone.

(5) Interstitial lamellae. Lamellae that are between osteons and result from
incomplete remodelling of older osteons.
2. Spongy bone. Present as spicules in the core of long bones and is surrounded by
compact bone. It lacks a periosteum but is surrounded by endosteum. Osteoid is laid
down as lamellae, but osteons are not present.

II. Bone as an organ.

A. Macroscopic structure.
1. Types: long bones (e.g., femur, humerus), short bones (e.g., small bones of the hand
and foot), and flat bones (e.g., calvarium, part of the mandible).
2. Long bone. Consists of three named components.
a) Diaphysis. Shaft or middle part, consists of compact bone and houses bone
marrow cavity.
b) Metaphysis. Expanded area at end of diaphysis, adjacent to growth plate or
epiphyseal plate. Contains spongy bone.
c) Epiphysis. End of long bone that articulates with another bone in a joint. Contains
spongy bone. Covered by special hyaline cartilage articular cartilage.
3. Short bone. Consists of compact bone surrounding spongy bone.
4. Flat bones. Two plates of compact bone containing a layer of spongy bone (diploe).
B. Bone formation, growth and remodelling.
1. Osteogenesis. Bone forms by intramembranous ossification (flat bones and spicules
arise from condensations of mesenchyme) and endochondral ossification (long and
short bones arise from replacement of a hyaline cartilage model).
2. Intramembranous bone formation (ossification).
a) A condensation of mesenchymal connective tissue gives rise to fibroblast-like
cells which form osteoblasts. Osteoblasts lay down osteoid within the
mesenchymal connective tissue. Mineralization of osteoid occurs by deposition of
calcium and phosphate salts on collagen.
b) Osteoblasts that become trapped in their matrix are called osteocytes and
possess processes within canaliculi which are connected to adjacent osteocytes
by gap junctions. New layers of osteoid are laid down in a lamellar pattern.
c) Few lamellae form and may give rise to spicules (of spongy bone). Matrix is
maintained by osteocytes in the lamellae and osteoblasts at the spicule surface.
Spicules are remodelled by osteoclasts at the surface.
d) Some blood vessels may become trapped in forming bone with lamellae
surrounding them. This gives rise to Haversian canals and eventually Haversian
systems. Eventually this intramembranously formed spongy bone can be
converted to compact bone (e.g., calvarium).
3. Endochrondral bone formation (ossification).
a) Characterized by mesenchyme giving rise to a hyaline cartilage model in areas
where a bone is to exist. Cartilage model can grow by appositional (in width) and
interstitial (in length) mechanisms.
b) Ossification begins in diaphysis. As cartilage matures, many chondrocytes
hypertrophy and die. Cartilage matrix calcifies and chondrocytes surrounded by
calcified matrix also die leaving spaces (old lacunar spaces). The perichondrium
around the altered cartilage differentiates into periosteum. Osteogenic cells in
periosteum lay down a periosteal collar of bone around the diaphysis.

c) Periosteum (periosteal bud) grows into cavities of the cartilage created by dying
chondrocytes and by confluence of lacunae. Periosteal bud contains osteogenic
cells and blood vessels. Osteoblasts of the bud become positioned on the
calcified cartilage spicules and start laying down osteoid. Thus, bone formation
(spongy bone) begins at the primary center of ossification (in diaphysis).
d) Continued death of cartilage cells results in enlargement of the ossification center.
Osteoclastic activity on the bone spicules leads to erosion and formation of the
marrow cavity. Elongation of the cartilage model continues by interstitial growth of
chondroblasts distal to zone of calcified cartilage/bone deposition.
e) Secondary centers of ossification occur in each epiphysis of long bones shortly
after birth. A similar process proceeds as described above for the diaphysis:
chondrocytes hypertrophy and die, cartilage matrix calcifies and is resorbed
forming cavities containing calcified cartilage spicules, capillaries and osteogenic
cells invade the cavity, and osteoblasts lay down osteoid on the cartilage spicules.
This ossification process spreads in all directions, but leaves intact the articular
cartilage at one end and the epiphyseal growth plate at the other.
f) The bone model continues to increase in length by interstitial growth of cartilage
at the epiphyseal plate. The cartilage produced here continually calcifies and is
replaced by bone. That bone is continually remodelled by osteoclastic activity.
g) The phases of endochrondral bone formation can be visualized at the epiphyseal
growth plate:
(1) Resting or reserve zone.
(2) Proliferative zone (interstitial growth).
(3) Zone of maturation and hypertrophy.
(4) Zone of calcification of the cartilage matrix and chondrocyte death.
(5) Zone of ossification with deposition of bone on cartilaginous spicules.
(6) Zone of resorption. Osteoclastic activity remodels newly formed bone
h) After puberty interstitial growth of the epiphyseal plate ceases and its location is
indicated by the epiphyseal line.
i) Bone grows in diameter by appositional growth. Periosteum lays down bone at the
diaphyseal surface, whereas bone is resorbed (by osteoclasts) from the inside of
the bone. Thus, the marrow cavity is enlarged in the diaphysis.
C. Factors affecting bone growth.
1. Gonadal hormones. Influence normal rates of skeletal maturation. NOTE:
postmenopausal drop in estrogen leads to increased bone resorption = osteoporosis.
2. Growth hormone. Promotes proliferation of chondrocytes at epiphyseal plate.
3. Vitamins. Vitamin C is important for collagen synthesis; vitamin D, promotes Ca++
absorption in the intestine and promotes calcification and collagen synthesis.


I. Blood is a liquid connective tissue that has numerous functions including: transport of 02, C02,
hormones and metabolites, is involved in acid-base balance, immunologic defense and
temperature control. NOTE: blood is a window into the body because it is easily accessible and
study of its chemistry and cellular content and morphology is a view of a patient's state of health.

II. Constituents: cells (formed elements) =45% and extracellular matrix (plasma) =55%.
A. Cells: erythrocytes (red blood cell, RBC), leukocytes (white blood cells, WBC) and platelets.
Origin: bone marrow.
1. Erythrocytes (RBCs).
a) Biconcave disk in shape, increases surface to volume ratio to promote gas
exchange. Abnormal shape = poikilocyte (poikilocytosis = sickle cell). Number =
5-10x106 per mm 3 of blood (reduced number = anemia; increased number =
polycythemia). Size 7.5~m diameter normally; macrocytes > 9~m; microcytes
< 6~m. Lifespan = 120 days. Does not contain any organelles, but does contain a
cytoskeletal protein, spectrin, which helps maintain shape.
b) Major constituent is hemoglobin = a protein with high 02 binding capacity.
Hemoglobin + 02 oxyhemoglobin (red in color); oxyhemoglobin minus 02 =
reduced hemoglobin (blue in color). 02 binds to the heme part of the hemoglobin
c) Reticulocyte. Immature RBC released from bone marrow, usually when there is
great demand for new RBCs. May constitute 1% of circulating RBCs.
2. Leukocytes (WBCs): granulocytes and agranulocytes.
a) Granulocytes. Comrprise neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. Contain speCific
granules (contents specific to each leukocyte) and non-speCific granules
(azurophilic granules Iysosomes).
b) Agranulocytes. Comprise lymphocytes and monocytes. Lack specific granules,
but contain Iysosomes.
c) Neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMNs). Up to 60-70% of circulating
= =
(1) Round shape. Number 4,500 per mm 3 of blood. Size 12-15~m diameter.
Lifespan = 12-14 hrs in blood and 1-4 days in connective tissue. Nucleus is
multilobed (3-5 lobes in adult cells). Barr body or 'drumstick' is sex
chromation evident associated with the nucleus of up to 3% of PMNs
examined in females. PMNs function in the loose connective tissues and not
in blood; exit vascular system by diapedesis from postcapillary venules.
(2) Major cytoplasmic constituent = membrane-bound granules.
(a) Non-specific granules (azurophilic granules Iysosomes). Form 20% of
the granules and contain hydrolytic enzymes.
(b) Specific granules. Comprise 80% of the granules and contain
bacteriocidal agents and alkaline phosphatase.
(3) Function. Phagocytosis and destruction of bacteria. Specific granules fuse
with formed phagosome and contents of specific granules (especially
lysozyme) disrupt bacterial cell wall. Then azurophilic granules help digest
contents of the phagosome. Bacterial infections will lead to increased

numbers of PMNs and increased numbers of immature ('band') cells in the
d) Eosinophils. 2-4% of circulating WBCs.
= =
(1) Round shape. Number 200 per mm 3. Size 12-15~m diameter. Nucleus
has 2-3 lobes. Lifespan of a few hours in blood before they exit to connective
tissue. These are mobile, phagocytic cells.
(2) Major cytoplasmic constituent membrane-bound granules.
Specific granules stain red-orange with eosin. Granules have a prominent
cytstalline core containing myelin basic protein (has an antiparasitic
function). Granules are Iysosomes rich in peroxidase.
(3) Function. Eosinophils kill parasitic larvae and increase in number during
parasitic infections. Lysosomal enzymes help destroy dead parasites. They
also phagocytose antigen-antibody complexes. Thus, they are increased in
number during such allergic reactions as hay fever.
e) 8asophils. 1% of circulating WBCs.
= =
(1) Round cells. Number 5 per mm 3 of blood. Size 12-15~m diameter.
Nucleus has 2-3 lobes. Basophils function in connective tissue.
(2) Major cytoplasmic constituent membrane-bound granules.
(a) SpeCific granules stain deep purple-magenta. They contain a crystalline
substructure which suggests they are Iysosomes. Granules contain
heparin (anticoagulant), histamjne (fast vasodilator) and slow reacting
substance (slow vasodilator).
(3) Function. Basophils function similar to mast cells in inflammatory reactions;
participate in jnducing inflammatory reactions. They can bind immunoglobulin
E (lgE) that is produced by plasma cells in response to an antigen, but have
no response until they see that antigen again - then they react quickly and
the released histamine can cause severe reactions (i.e., as in bronchial
asthma attack or anaphylactic response after a bee sting). These are
examples of immediate hypersensitivity.
f) Lymphocytes. 20-30% of circulating WBCs.
= =
(1) Round cells. Number 2500 per mm 3 of blood. Size 6-8~m in diameter for
small lymphocytes in circulation. Small spherical basophilic nucleus. Thin
rim of cytoplasm containing few organelles. Some azurophilic granules
(Iysosomes). Function in connective tissue. Two types of lymphocytes
(a) B-Iymphocyte. Develop in the bone marrow. They give rise to plasma
cells and partiCipate in the humoral immune response, i.e., production
of circulating antibodies.
(b) T-Iymphocyte. Become immunocompetent in the thymus gland and
partiCipate in the cell-mediated immune response, e.g., graft rejection.
g) Monocytes. 3-8% of circulating WBCs.
(1) Round-oval cells. Number 300 per mm 3 of blood. Largest of the WBCs,
size 12-18~m. Large, light-staining, Slightly indented nucleus with a
delicate network of chromatin evident. Cytoplasm is abundant and contains
azurophilic granules (Iysosomes). Monocytes exit the vasculature to function
in connective tissue.
(2) Function. Monocytes are the precursors to tissue macrophages (histiocytes)
and other macrophages that leave tissues, e.g., alveolar macrophages lining
air spaces of the lung. As macrophages they can present antigens to

lymphocytes and participate in immune reactions. Lifespan of 1-2 days in
circulation and up to 60 days as macrophages.
3. Platelets (thrombocytes). Are anucleate parts of cells circulating in peripheral blood.
a) Oval to rounded particles. 200,000-400,000 per mm 3 of blood. Size = 2-4lJm in
diameter. Derived from megakaryocytes in bone marrow. Cytoplasm has a system
of microfilaments (actin) and microtubules to help maintain shape. Also many
granules in the cytoplasm.
b) Granules alpha granules containing clotting factors and dense-core granules
containing serotonin.
c) Function. Playa role in blood clotting. Platelets aggregate at a defect in the
endothelium of injured blood vessels. Platelets release serotonin to cause
constriction to reduce blood flow and clotting factors (thromboplastin).
Thromboplastin is involved in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin and the
latter converts fibrinogen to fibrin. Fibrin forms threads to trap other platelets and
blood cells to form a clot thrombus. Life span of platelets is 7-10 days.
4. Hematocrit: clinical estimate of the two major components of blood, the cells vs.
plasma expressed as an estimation of the volume of packed RBCs per unit of blood
volume. Centrifuge blood and RBCs pack to the bottom. Normally about 45% of the
sample is RBCs and 55% is plasma. A buffy coat of WBCs is evident between the
RBCs and plasma. NOTE: hemocrits vary with gender and age.
5. Differential leukocyte count. Count 100 consecutive leukocytes and classify them as
to cell type. Percentage is derived directly from the number and should be about 70%
neutrophils, 3% eosinophils, 1% basophils, 20% lymphocytes and 6% monocytes.
B. Extracellular matrix. Comprised of fibers (potential) and ground substance.
1. Fibers (potential). Fibrinogen can become fibers upon induction of clotting.
2. Ground substance. Comprised of plasma (fluids and proteins). Proteins include
albumin, gamma globulins and fibrinogen. Also, organic compounds such as amino
acids, vitamins, hormones and lipoproteins are found in plasma as well as inorganic
salts. However, about 90% of plasma is H20 ..
3. Serum is the fluid that remains after a clot is formed. Serum is essentially plasma
minus fibrinogen and cells.


I. Origin and development of blood cells.

A. Sites: extraembryonic and intraembryonic.
1. Extraembryonic. Occurs in blood islands in the yolk sac during second week of
2. Intraembryonic. Occurs in liver and spleen from second to sixth months anQ in bone
marrow from mid-gestation into adulthood.
B. Bone marrow. Red bone marrow is hematopoietic (color due to erythroid elements and
hemoglobin) and is present in flat bones (e.g., calvaria and sternum) and long bones.
Yellow bone marrow is not hematopoietic in adult (color due to fat content).

II. Red bone marrow tissue is of mesenchymal origin.
A. Structure: stroma is a 3-D meshwork of reticular cells and fibers (collagen type III). Some
reticular cells are phagocytic. Fat cells are present as well. Hematopoietic cells occupy
meshes of stroma. Vascular channels (sinusoids lined by endothelial cells) are present
throughout the stroma and among the hematopoietic cells. As the blood cells develop, they
migrate across the sinusoidal endothelium to enter the circulation.
B. Megakaryocytes are present near the sinusoidal endothelium. Platelets fragment from
megakaryocytes and enter the sinusoids.

III. Hematopoiesis in red marrow.

A. Origin of cells. The theory that all blood cells develop from a single pluripotent stem cell =
monophyletic theory. The stem cell a colony forming unit (CFU).
B. The CFU gives rise to cells that respond to a stimulating agent or pOietin (erythropoietin,
granulopoietin or thrombopoietin).
1. CFU cells responding to erythropoietin (produced in renal juxtaglomerular cells) give
rise to erythroid cells.
a) CFU cells give rise to pronormoblasts. Pronormoblasts have a prominent
nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes and a Golgi complex. Ribosome content
increases, cytoplasm becomes more basophilic and cells are large (15IJm
diameter) basophilic normoblast. Hemoglobin synthesis, begins in these cells.
b) Hemoglobin accumulates in the cytoplasm and reduces the basophilia (cytoplasm
becomes orange/grey), the cell nucleus condenses and this cell =
polychromatophilic normoblast.
c) As hemoglobin dominates the cytoplasm the basophilia is lost and the orange
color of a mature RBC is evident, the nucleus is highly condensed (pyknotic) and
cell becomes smaller (8-10IJm diameter) orthochromatophilic normoblast.
d) The nucleus is shed along with any remaining mitiochondria; a few polyribsomes
remain, but the cell can now enter the circulation reticulocyte.
e) Loss of all cellular organelles with maxiumum amount of hemoglobin and reduced
size (7 -8IJm) mature RBC.
f) =
Time span from CFU to mature RBC about 7 days.
2. CFU cells responding to granulopoietin give rise to granulocytes.
a) CFU gives rise to a myeloblast. Large cell (12-15IJm diameter), no granules, 1-3
prominent nucleoli and lightly basophilic cytoplasm.
b) Promyelocyte. Appearance of azure (non-specific) granules in cytoplasm,
nucleoli prominent.
c) Myelocyte. Specific granules appear and azure granules decrease. Nucleoli are
not evident. Cells are identifiable as neutrophilic, eosinophilic or basophilic
d) Metamyelocyte. Indentation of nucleus evident, but it is not condensed nor
multilobed. Cells decreased in size (10-12IJm). Specific granules are prominent.
e) Band cell (stab or segmented cell). Is nearly mature and has a deeply indented or
slightly lobulated nucleus. These can be released into the circulation (especially
by bacterial infection). As nucleus becomes lobulated, then cells are mature
neutrophils, eosinophils or basophils.
f) =
Development time from CFU to mature granulocyte about 12 days.

3. CFU cells (probably same as those producing granulocytes) give rise to monocytes.
a) Developmental history in monocytopoiesis is different from granulocytopoiesis.
b) Cells have monoblast, promonocyte and monocyte stages. No specific granules
develope and nucleus does not condense and become lobulated.
c) Monocytes leave the marrow via sinusoids, briefly enter the circulation, and exit to
become tissue macrophages.
4. CFU cells (probably same as those producing granulocytes) give rise to lymphocytes.
a) Lymphocytopoiesis occurs in bone marrow and in lymphoid organs and tissues.
Large cells called Iymphoblasts give rise to lymphocytes.
b) Lymphocytopoiesis produces T-Iymphocytes (which complete differentiation in
the thymus and colonize lymphoid tissues and organs), B-Iymphocytes (which
are bone marrow derived, colonize lymphoid tissues and differentiate into plasma
cells that produce antibodies), and null lymphocytes (which are cytotoxic cells
that are not typical T- or B-Iymphocytes).
5. CFU cells give rise to megakaryocytes.
a) Have megakaryoblast and megakaryocyte stages.
b) Megakaryocytes develop from megakaryoblasts. Megakaryoblasts undergo
karyokinesis without cytokinesis. The megakaryocytes are large cells (100-150j..lm
diameter) that have a large, multi lobed, polyploid nucleus.
c) Megakaryocyte cytoplasm developes a system of canaliculi so that as the cell
cytoplasm extends across the wall of a sinusoid it fragments giving rise to
platelets (thrombocytes).

IV. Summary. Of all the blood cells, RBCs, granulocytes, monocytes, platelets and B-Iymphocytes
are produced in the bone marrow and only T-Iymphocytes are produced elsewhere, i.e., in the


I. This is a system with multiple functions and diverse structure and organization.
A. Function. Protect the individual from foreign material, e.g., antigens, bacteria, viruses and
parts of "self that have become abnormal.
B. Cells: principally lymphocytes and macrophages.
1. Lymphocytes. They must recognize "self vs. "non-self
a) B-cells. Differentiate into plasma cells and secrete antibodies (immunoglobulins).
They constitute about 20-25% of circulating lymphocytes.
b) T -cells. Differentiate in thymus gland and are involved in cell-mediated responses
(e.g., graft rejection). Form about 75-80% of circulating lymphocytes. Respond to
antigens by differentiating into:
(1) T-helper cells - stimulate B-Iymphocyte differentiation.
(2) T-supressor cells - supress B-Iymphocyte differentiation.
(3) T-killer cells - contact and kill foreign cells (grafts).
(4) Natural killer (NK) cells - are larger than usual T-Iymphocytes and directly
attack foreign cells.
(5) Null cells - difficult to identify these as T- or B-cells, but they can differentiate
into killer cells.
2. Macrophages. Participate in recognition and phagocytosis of antigens and cooperate
with lymphocytes in immune responses.

II. Neutralization of antigens occurs by 2 main mechanisms.
A. Cell-mediated response. T-cell directly attacks foreign material.
B. Humoral response. B-cells differentiate into plasma cells and produce antibodies which
combine with antigen. Some B-cells need to be "instructed" by T-cells or macrophages to
differentiate into antibody producing plasma cells.

III. Components of lymphatic system: 4 broad elements.

A. Aggregates of lymphoid tissue. Includes loose lymphatic tissue in loose connective tissue,
tonsils containing lymph nodules, and aggregates of nodules as in Peyer's patches of the
B. Lymphoid organs. Thymus, spleen and lymph nodes
C. Lymph vessels. Capillaries and larger return vessels.
D. Lymphocytes.

IV. Aggregates of lymphatic tissue.

A. Loose lymphatic tissue. Is especially seen under the epithelia of the GI, respiratory and
genitourinary systems (within the lamina propria).
1. Its contents include all of the cellular elements, connective tissue fibers and ground
substance seen in connective tissue proper. It also contains numerous efferent lymph
capillaries to carry materials away from the area and toward regional lymph nodes.
2. =
Of note is the abundance of reticular cells and fibers stroma for all lymphatic
organs. Important as well is the presence of small lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma
cells, and mast cells.
3. This is a primary site where immune reactions occur because antigens can easily cross
the epithelia of organ systems exposed to the exterior. From here, responses are
carried to regional lymph nodes via lymph capillaries and vessels.
B. Lymph nodule. Non-encapsulated aggregate of primarily small lymphocytes; mainly B-cells.
Often seen in loose lymphatic tissue or lymph organs
1. Structure. May see a dark corona or marginal zone of tightly packed lymphocytes
surrounding a lighter area (germinal center). Germinal centers appear after antigenic
stimulation. Larger lighter staining "blast" forms of lymphocytes and plasma cells
predominate in germinal centers.
2. May be solitary or in aggregates. Aggregates are present in tonsils, appendix and
Peyer's patches of the ileum, and cortex of lymph nodes.
C. Tonsils. Aggregates of lymph nodules at the juncture of the oral and nasal passages.
1. Three sets of tonsils form Waldeyer's ring of lymphoid tissue at entrance to GI and
respiratory systems: palatine tonsils (located on the lateral side of the posterior oral
cavity), lingual tonsils (located on the root of the tongue), and pharyngeal tonsils
(adenoids) (located at the roof of the posterior nasopharynx).
2. Structure: consist of invaginations of epithelium (crypts) lined by lymph nodules.
Lymphocytes migrate across the epithelium and nearly obscure its identity.

v. Lymphoid organs.
A. Lymph nodes. Designed to filter lymph derived from various connective tissues and spaces
in the body.
1. Structure.
a) Supported by a collagenous framework consisting of a connective tissue capsule
from which radiate collagenous trabeculae.
b) Parenchyma is supported by a stroma of reticular cells and fibers (this stroma is
the same for all lymphoid tissues and organs as well as the liver).
c) Parenchyma consists of lymphocytes, macrophages, lymph nodules and lymph
d) Afferent lymph vessels enter capsule. Efferent lymph vessels exit at hilus.
Arteries, veins and nerves enter and exit the hilus.
2. Divisions: cortex and medulla.
a) Cortex. Packed with lymphocytes and lymph nodules (mainly B-Iymphocytes). A
system of lymph sinuses also are present in the cortex.
b) Medulla. Contains cords of cells (mainly B-Iymphocytes). Also contains a vast
system of lymph sinuses.
3. Circulation through the lymph node also provides a means of filtration of lymph derived
from connective tissues of the body and other lymph nodes
a) Afferent lymph vessels enter capsule. They enter a system of sinuses for
passage of lymph. Sinuses are lined by endothelial and reticular cells and
macrophages that survey the passing lymph for foreign cells or antigens; such
antigens will be phagocytosed.
b) Afferent vessel is continuous with a subcapsular (marginal) sinus which flows to
a trabecular (cortical) sinus which becomes continuous with medullary
sinuses (all sinuses are constructed the same and lined by the same cells as
described above). Medullary sinuses drain into efferent lymph vessels that exit
the node at the hilus.
4. Functional localization of lymphocytes.
a) Paracortex (deep cortex, thymus-dependent area) is populated by T-cells.
b) Outer cortex (containing lymph nodules) and medulla are populated by B-cells.
c) Most lymphocytes are not generated in the node, but enter the node by
diapedesis through postcapillary venules.
5. Function. Lymph nodes filter lymph, trap and phagocytose antigens. Some
lymphopoiesis occurs but this is minor. There is production of plasma cells from
differentiation of B-cells, and thus, secretion of antibodies via plasma cells.
B. Spleen. Largest of lymphoid organs.
1. General function. Spleen is insinuated in the blood stream and is designed for filtering
blood; it-clears particulate matter, dead cells, effete RBCs and is involved in immune
reactions against blood-borne antigens.
2. Structure
a) Supported by a collagenous framework consisting of a thick collagenous
connective tissue capsule and trabeculae. Trabeculae carry vessels and nerves
into the depths of an organ. The parenchyma is supported by a delicate stroma of
reticular cells and fibers.
b) Parenchyma. ~ a cortex or medulla but, consists of a red and white pulp.
(1) Red pulp. Cords of cells = splenic or pulp cords or cords of Billroth; are
organized around the venous system (venous sinusoids). Pulp cords are

very cellular and contain cells normally seen in loose lymphatic tissue and in
circulating blood (Le., reticular cells and fibers, plasma cells, macrophages,
lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils and RBCs). Red pulp is designed to
filter blood via its content of macrophages.
(2) White pulp. Splenic lymph nodules (with germinal centers) organized
around the arterial system, specifically a central artery (arteriole). Mainly B-
Iymphoocytes in the nodules; can be involved in immune reactions. Arteries
are surrounded by a sheath of lymphocytes, periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
(PALS), mostly T-cells.
(a) At the edge of splenic nodules is a marginal zone. This is an interlace
between the red and white pulps. This is a site where T -cells derived
from the blood encounter B-cells of the nodules. Area of interactions
between T- and B-cells.
3. Splenic circulation. Important for understanding splenic function.
a) Splenic artery enters the hilus and branches in trabeculae as trabecular
arteries. These give rise to central arteries (actually arteriole) which exit
trabeculae and are surrounded by periarteriolar lymphatic sheath of T-
lymphocytes (PALS) and come to be eccentrically located in a splenic nodule.
b) Central arteries give rise to smaller branches which ultimately open into or
terminate in pulp cords open circulation. Blood can be "cleansed" by
macrophages of pulp cords and make its way back into the circulation through the
walls of venous sinusoids.
c) Venous sinuses have loosely organized, longitudinally oriented endothelial cells
(non-phagocytic) which are surrounded by a very leaky basal lamina; thus cells
can readily move into and out of the sinus to pulp cords. Venous sinuses drain to
venules which drain to pulp veins which drain to trabecular veins which empty into
the splenic vein.
4. Thus, one function of the spleen is carried out in pulp cords, Le., filtration of antigens in
blood and removal of worn-out RBCs and platelets. Hemoglobin of phagocytosed
RBCs is broken down and various components reused as appropriate.
a) Other functions. Some lymphopOiesis occurs in the spleen and antibodies are
secreted by plasma cells and B-cells.
C. Thymus.
1. General function. Site of lymphocyte proliferation and transformation of lymphocytes
into immunologically compentent T-Iymphocytes.
2. Structure. 2 lobes, no lymph nodules, no lymph sinuses, no afferent lymph vessels
(does not filter lymph). Has a cortex and medulla.
a) Stroma. Consists of thymic reticular cells joined by desmosomes to form a
meshwork of spaces.
b) Parenchyma. Consists of lymphocytes and macrophages occupying the meshes
of the thymic reticular cells. Thymic reticylar cells differ from reticular cells of other
lymphatic tissue in that they are endodermal in origin, epithelial in character and
produce a hormone-like Iymphokine = thymosin.
c) Cortex. Rich in lymphocytes; are immature and not yet immunologically
competent. Blood-thymic barrier is in the cortex and consists of capillaries
surrounded by thymic reticular cells. Barrier prevents antigens from prematurely
contacting developing lymphocytes. Components of the barrier include the

capillary endothelium, its basal lamina, perivascular connective tissue space,
basal lamina of thymic reticular cells and thymic reticular cell cytoplasm.
d) Medulla. Fewer lymphocytes and more thymic reticular cells than in cortex;
lymphocytes are immunologically competent and ready to exit the thymus and
interact with a specific antigen.
e) Thymic corpuscles or Hassall's corpuscles. Present in the medulla. Composed
of concentric layered whorls of degenerate thymic reticular cells.
3. Function of thymus. Lymphopoiesis and transformation of lymphocytes into
immunologically competent T-Iymphocytes that can respond to specific antigens.
Transformation requires interaction with thymic reticular cells, and involves the
production of a hormone-like substance, thymosin, by reticular cells.
a) Transformed T -lymphocytes exit thymus from the medulla by diapedesis into post-
capillary venules, then seed or colonize thymus-dependent areas of lymphatic
tissues and organs.
b) Activity. Most active during the neonatal period through puberty with a
postpubertal decline in activity.
c) Hormonal influences. Sex steroids and adrenal steroids (and stress) depress
thymic activity. This could relate to postpubertal decline in thymic activity.
Thyroxine favors growth and development of the thymus.


I. An organization of contractile cells which produces movements, e.g., to close an opening

(sphincter), propel material (blood, GI or genitourinary systems), move a joint and provide
A. =
Features. Elongated cells fibers; present as sheets, bundles or fascicles. Cells (fibers) are
excitable and influenced by nerves and hormones.
B. Types: striated (skeletal and cardiac) and smooth.

II. Skeletal muscle (striated and under voluntary control).

A. Light microscopic level of organization.
1. Fiber (myofiber, cell).
a) Contains multiple nuclei which are peripherally located. Satellite cells are closely
adjacent to myofibers; these are important in repair and regeneration of skeletal
muscle. Fibers are organized into fascicles (groups of fibers) and into whole
named muscles by connective tissue.
(1) Epimysium. Dense connective tissue that invests muscle as fascia. This
connective tissue investment inserts into bone via tendon to anchor the
(2) Perimysium. Invests fascicles as functional units.
(3) Endomysium. Basically is a basement membrane plus fine collagenous
connective tissue to promote connections between adjacent myofibers.
Satellite cells lay within the endomysium.
(4) Nerves and blood vessels use the connective tissue investments as avenues
to ramify and supply the muscle.

b) Cell membrane = sarcolemma. Is excitable. Has invaginations = transverse
tubules (T-tubules) for transmission of depolarization wave into the interior of the
fiber. Sarcolemma is surrounded by an external lamina basal lamina.
c) Myofibrils. Evident as the 'meat' of each fiber. Composed of myofilaments, actin
and myosin, which are organized to form repeating units called sarcomeres.
Registration of sarcomeres produces the striations of skeletal muscle.
B. Electron microscopic level of organization
1. Sarcomere. Composed of the myofilaments: actin (thin) and myosin (thick) within a
myofibril. Within a sarcomere there is a banding pattern due to the organization of the
myofilaments: A-band, I-band, H-zone and Z-line (Z disc).
a) Two Z-lines delineate a sarcomere.
b) Thick filaments are limited to the A-band.
c) Thin filaments extend from Z-line forming the I-band and interdigitate with thick
filaments in the A-band.
d) H-zone: clear area of A-band where thin filaments are lacking.
2. Organelles. Skeletal muscle is rich in mitochondria (energy production as ATP for
contraction) and sarcoplasmic reticulum (sER, involved in Ca++ release/sequestration
important for muscle contraction and relaxation). Glycogen is moderately abundant
(glucose stores). Few rER or ribosomes are present as protein synthesis is limited; cell
is specialized for contraction.
3. Triads. Membrane specializations in the interior of the striated fiber. Important for
depolarization and Ca++ release for contraction.
a) Components. Transverse tubule (T -tubule = invagination of the sarcolemma) and
two expanded terminal cisternae of sER (sER network of membrane over and
around myofibrils).
b) Location. Junction of A-I bands of myoribrils in skeletal muscle.
c) Function. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine binds to sarcolemmal receptors
which leads to depolarization. Depolarization wave travels to interior of myofiber
via T-tubule and causes release of Ca++ from terminal cisternae of sER which
leads to initiation of sliding of myofilaments of myofibrils = contraction, with
resultant changes in bands of sarcomere.
4. Other components of cytoplasm (sarcoplasm).
a) Myoglobin. An oxygen binding protein. Varies in amount between the different
types of myofibers, red vs. white vs. intermediate.
(1) Red. High content of myoglobin (gives dark color to muscle), muscle capable
of sustained activity over time (slow twitch). Also many mitochondria.
(2) White. Little myoglobin (light colored fibers). Muscle produces short bursts of
activity (fast twitch). Few mitochondria but rich in glycogen.
(3) Intermediate. Characteristics between red and white. Most human muscles
are a mixture of red, white and intermediate.
C. Specialized structures of skeletal muscle.
1. Myotendinous junctions. Connection of muscle to tendon. Collagen and reticular
fibers of the tendon insert into the external (basal) lamina of the myofiber to strongly
bind muscle and tendon together.
2. Golgi tendon organs. Stretch receptors of tendon. Activated by tension on tendon,
afferent fiber carries information to spinal cord to inhibit neurons that innervate the
muscle. Prevents tearing and damage to the muscle.

3. Myoneural (neuromuscular) junction (motor end plate). Axon of alpha motor
neuron forms a synaptic junction to innervate a myofiber. Releases acetylcholine for
activation of receptors and contraction (Le., neuromuscular transmission).
a) Motor unit. One axon plus all of the muscle fibers it innervates. Once the axon
fires, all innervated myofibers contract as a unit. Ratio ofaxon:myofibers
determines the level of control of a muscle; intrinsic muscles of the hand have
lower ratio than deep back muscles.
4. Neuromuscular spindle. Involved in muscle tone; number increases in muscles that
are finely controlled (hands). Contain encapsulated intrafusal muscle fibers
(extrafusal fibers are the regular fibers of the muscle). Innervated by gamma motor
neurons. Also receive afferent (sensory) nerves. Gamma motor neurons keep the
intrafusal fibers partially contracted (= tone) so any movement of extrafusal fibers
changes this tone and causes the afferent fibers to fire and send information to the
spinal cord (CNS) so adjustments can be made.
D. Regeneration and repair. Myofibers do not divide; but satellite cells are stimulated by
damage to divide and differentiate into skeletal muscle fibers. Hypertrophy of a "muscle" due
to strenuous excercise results from an increase in myofibrils in myofibers and increased
numbers of myofibers differentiating from satellite cells.

III. Cardiac muscle (striated and not under voluntary control).

A. A.Light microscopic level of organization.
1. Fiber (myofiber, cell). Contains a single nucleus that is centrally located. Fibers are
branched and their branching arms are joined by specialized junctions = intercalated
disks. These junctions have mechanical and electrical components.
2. Muscle is profusely vascularized.
3. Fibers differ between atria and ventricles. Atrial fibers: smaller and possess secretory
granules containing a hormone = atrial natriuretic peptide (atriopeptin).
8. Electron microscopic level of organization.
1. Similar to that of skeletal muscle; however, there are exceptions.
a) Sarcoplasmic reticulum (sER) is not as well developed and terminal cisternae are
not as expanded.
b) Interactions of one terminal cisternae of sER and a T-tubule produces a diad
(rather than a triad as in skeletal muscle).
c) Diad is placed at Z-line (triad of skeletal muscle is at A-I junction).
2. Inclusions: Iysomsomal material accumulates with age as lipofuschin pigment (cardiac
muscle cells do not undergo mitosis to redistribute accumulating pigment). This
eventually may interfere with normal functions.
3. Intercalated disk. 2 parts and 3 components.
a) Parts. Transverse part oriented transversely to long axis of the fiber and
longitudinal part oriented parallel to long axis of the fiber.
b) Components. Gap junction (nexus) at the longitudinal component; electrical
junction for communication and coordination of contractions. Fascia adherens at
the transverse component; sites of insertion of actin filaments at the terminal
sacromere of the fiber and transmits contractile forces to connected fibers.
Macula adherens (desmosome) at the transverse component; mechanically
holds fibers together to prevent separation during contraction.

C. Innervation. Supplied by sympathetic, parasympathetic and sensory nerve fibers. No direct
innervation or specialized junction between nerve and muscle cell; axons travel close to
myofibers, transmitter is released and diffuses over a relatively long distance to reach
sarcolemma. Excitation is transmitted to adjacent myofibers via gap junctions of the
intercalated disks.
D. Regeneration and repair. Cardiac muscle does not regenerate. Damaged muscle is replaced
by scar tissue (fibroblasts and extracellular fibers).

IV. Smooth muscle (not striated and not under voluntary control).
A. Light microscopic level of organization.
1. Fiber (cell). Contains a single centrally located nucleus. Fibers are long and tapered.
They form bundles or sheets. Organelles are perinuclear. There is no visible evidence
of striations.
B. Electron microscopic level of organization.
1. Myofilaments of actin and myosin are present, but not organized as myofibrils. Myosin
filaments are considered labile and not normally seen except immediately prior to
2. Dense bodies {alpha-actin in) are seen throughout the cytoplasm and along the
sarcaolemma (modified Z-lines). Dense bodies serve as sites for insertion of actin
filaments. During contraction, the interaction of myosin, actin and dense bodies
produce a ruffling (shortening) of the fiber
3. T-tubule and sarcoplasmic reticulum (sER) system does not exist. Cavolae
(invaginations of the sarcolemma) may be rudimentary T-tubules. Subsarcolemmal
smooth membranous vesicles may be rudimentary sER.
4. Smooth muscle contraction works through a Ca++/calmodulin system, unlike skeletal
and cardiac muscle, thus sER may not need to be well developed.
C. Innervation. Supplied by sympathetic, parasympathetic and sensory nerve fibers. No direct
innervation or specialized junction between nerve and muscle cell. Axons travel close to
myofibers, transmitter is released and diffuses over a relatively long distance to reach the
sarcolemma. Excitation is transmitted to adjacent myofibers via gap junctions.
1. Two types of smooth muscle with regard to innervation. Multiunit smooth muscles are
richly innervated which gives fine control (e.g., ciliary muscles of the eye). Visceral or
unitary smooth muscles are poorly innervated, rely on connections via gap junctions to
spread excitation, muscle is poorly controlled and works in sheets (e.g., myometrium of
uterus, muscularis of ureter).
D. Hormonal interactions. Many smooth muscles respond to hormones, e.g., uterine smooth
muscle responds to oxytocin; GI smooth muscle responds to cholecystokinin, motilin and
serotonin; and vascular smooth muscle responds to epinephrine.
E. Regeneration and repair. Smooth muscle cells can undergo modest cell division and repair
when damaged.

NERVE TISSUE see section on Neuroanatomy.


I. Circulatory system. Comprises heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) and
lymphatic vessels. General function: carry 02, nutrients and wastes from one location in the
tissues and body to another; also to distribute cells of the defense system and hormones and
drain fluids from tissues.

II. Cardiovascular system (CV). Comprises heart and blood vessels.

A. Two circulations are the systemic and pulmonary. Both use heart, arteries, arterioles,
capillaries, venules and veins. Vessels tend to travel as companions, e.g., arteries with
veins, arterioles with venules and precapillary arterioles with postcapillary venules.
B. General principle. The arterial system is a higher pressure system than the venous sytem,
therefore the arterial vessel wall is thicker and the lumen is narrower relative to the
companion vessel of the venous system. Venous system is a lower pressure system with
vessels of thinner wall, but larger diameter lumen.
C. Element common to entire CV system is: the lining of all components is simple squamous
epithelial cells which constitute an endothelium. A basement membrane underlies this
endothelium. All elements entering or exiting the CV system must cross the endothelium and
basement membrane.
D. General histology of the CV system. Three tissue layers (tunics) that are modified in size
and constituents depending on the particular vessel's function.
1. Tunica intima (TI) (= endocardium of heart). Components are endothelium (simple
squamous endothelial cells that are linked by a mixture of gap and occluding junctions;
junctions are in arteries only, not in capillaries and rare in veins), basement membrane,
subendothelial loose connective tissue, and internal elastic membrane.
2. Tunica media (TM) (= myocardium of heart). Components include smooth muscle
(circular arrangement) mixed with elastic fibers or elastic laminae, and external elastic
membrane. Control of luminal diameter rests here.
3. Tunica adventitia (TA) (= epicardium of heart). Components are loose connective
tissue containing some smooth muscle cells and adipocytes. Some nerves and blood
vessels (nervi and vasa vasorum, respectively) in the adventitia penetrate to the media
of larger vessels. TA serves to anchor vessels to surrounding tissues.

III. Specific vessels.

A. Elastic arteries. Examples include the aorta, carotid, pulmonary arteries. Many elastic
laminae mixed with smooth muscle in the TM. Elastic tissue stretches during systole, stores
potential energy for recoil during diastole (promotes continuous flow of blood in the capillary,
rather than intermittent with each heartbeat).
B. Muscular (distributing) arteries. Include named arteries, e.g., radial, femoral, basilar and
uterine. Thick wall relative to luminal diameter. Prominent internal and external elastic
laminae; but there is a progressive shift in proportion of smooth muscle relative to elastic
fibers in TM (toward increase in smooth muscle; 6-40 layers of myofibers). Muscle responds
to autonomic nerves and hormones and therefore participates in regulating blood flow to an
area. Prominent TA.

C. Arterioles (smallest arteries). Are sphincters and blood pressure regulators. Thick wall
relative to diameter of lumen. Internal elastic lamina present in larger arterioles, but absent
in smaller arterioles. TM has 1-5 layers of smooth muscle. Smallest arterioles
(metarterioles) may have non-muscle cells (pericytes) surrounding lumen; metarterioles are
continuous with capillaries. Metarterioles can reduce blood flow to a vascular bed. A single
smooth muscle cell may surround a capillary at its origin from the metarteriole, this is the
precapillary sphincter which can shut-down blood flow to the capillary bed.
D. Capillaries. Consist of a single layer of endothelial cells plus the basement membrane.
Two main types of capillaries.
1. Continuous. Most common and are located in skeletal muscle, brain, dermis of skin,
lungs and salivary glands. Endothelial cells are joined by 'spots' of occluding junctions.
Fluid (water) can cross the space between these junctions, but protein macromolecules
cannot. Endo- and pinocytotic vesicles are used for transport of large molecules.
Oxygen and glucose can diffuse freely across the capillary wall.
2. Fenestrated. Located in endocrine glands, renal glomerulus and mucosa of the
intestine (sites where rapid exchange of materials is desirable). Endothelial cytoplasm
is attenuated and marked by numerous 'holes' or fenestrae. Fenestrae are closed by a
diaphragm (thinner than a cell membrane). They allow rapid fluid exchange. NOTE:
renal glomerular fenestrated capillaries lack diaphragms, but a thick basement
membrane acts as a selective filter/barrier.
3. Third type of capillary is often referred to as a discontinuous capillary or sinusoid.
Present in liver, red pulp of spleen and in loose connective tissue as lymph capillary.
Characteristics include gaps between endothelial cells, discontinuous or thin basement
membrane and large, irregular shaped lumen. Even cells can pass across this
E. Postcapillary venules. Loosely organized endothelium, large gaps between cells, thin to
incomplete basal lamina, receptors for many vasoactive pharmacologic agents on
endothelial cells (e.g., histamine that makes these vessels leaky during inflammatory
reactions). True TM lacking; lumen is surrounded by a loose arrangement of filament-
containing pericytes. TA is very thin. All of these features contribute to these vessels being
"leaky" and involved in blood-interstitial fluid exchange and extravasation of water and
solutes (edema) and diapedesis of blood cells. NOTE: the postcapillary venule is the site
where cells can exit the vascular system and enter the connective tissue.
F. Venules. Have a continuous endothelium, fluid does not exit these vessels. TM may have a
layer or two of smooth muscle. Lumen is large relative to the thickness of the wall. TA
merges with surrounding connective tissue. Parallel arterioles.
G. Veins. Usual TI. TM may have several layers of muscle mixed with some elastic fibers. TA
prominent. Lumen large relative to wall thickness. Valves in these veins = fold of TI; prevent
reflux of blood. Valves are especially present in veins of the lower extremities. NOTE: blood
may pool in sinus of valve = varicose veins.
H. Large veins. TI is usual. TM may have longitudinal muscle (veins of limbs). TA may have
longitudinal muscle (e.g., abdominal veins such as the inferior vena cava). TA usually
prominent. Lumen quite large, but wall is thin.

IV. Heart. Basically a muscular pump, but the atrium is also an endocrine organ. Atrial muscle
secretes atrial natriuretic peptide (atriopeptin; involved in sodium balance and blood pressure
regulation). Three layers like vessels, but are modified for the pump.
A. Endocardium (= TI). Endothelial layer, subendothelium containing connective tissue with
collagen and elastic fibers and scattered smooth muscle. Purkinje fibers (part of the impulse
conduction system) are present in the subendocardium of the ventricles.
B. Myocardium (= TM). Consists of striated cardiac muscle. Myofiber size and content varies
with regions. Atrial fibers smaller than ventricular fibers; atrial wall is thinner than ventricular
wall; left ventricular muscle is the thickest.
C. Epicardium (= TA; also forms the visceral pericardium). Lined by mesothelium (a wet,
serous membrane). Connective tissue underlying the epithelium is unremarkable except it
contains adipose tissue. Large (coronary) blood vessels and nerves travel in this area.
D. Cardiac skeleton. Dense fibrous connective tissue. Forms the annuli fibrosi (surrounds the
atrioventricular openings) and the fibrous trigone and septum membranaceum (of the
interventricular septum). Serves as sites of attachment of cardiac muscle.
E. Valves. Consist of a core of dense connective tissue continuous with the annuli fibrosi. Core
is covered on both sides by endocardium. Chorda tendinae attach to the valves and are also
covered by endocardium. The valves are the mitral (bicuspid) (left atrioventricular valves),
tricuspid (right atrioventricular valves), pulmonary and aortic valves. NOTE: no blood vessels
in valves; do not want inflammatory reactions here which could alter morphology and thus
function of the valves.
F. Impulse conducting system. Coordinates heartbeat, rate and rhythm. Cardiac muscle here
is modified from the 'working' myocardium. Sino-atrial (SA) node (initiates
heartbeaUpacemaker) is located at junction of superior vena cava and right atrium; muscle
fibers are smaller and with fewer myofibrils, and muscle is mixed with dense connective
tissue. Fibers of SA node connect with the atrio-ventricular (AV) node located in the
interatrial septum (lower part). Structure of AV node is similar to the SA node. Fibers from
the AV node are continuous with the atrio-ventricular (AV) bundle (right and left bundle
branches) that course in the interventricular septum. Fibers of the bundle branches are
continuous with Purkinje fibers which continue into the papillary muscles. Purkinje fibers
are larger than other myocardial cells, have peripherally located myofibrils, and a central
store of glycogen and a central nucleus. Fibers of the conduction system communicate via
intercalated discs. Conduction system is innervated with sympathetic and parasympathetic
nerves; these nerves modify heart rate, rather than initiate heartbeat. SA node is the
G. Chemoreceptors. Carotid body. Located at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. Is
richly vascularized and contains special catecholamine-containing cells innervated by
afferent fibers. Senses 02 and C02 tension, and pH. Afferent information carried to the
CNS alters cardiovascular parameters.
H. Baroreceptors. Carotid sinus. In the bifurcation of the carotid arteries. Consists of afferent
nerves that respond to stretch (pressure). Afferent information carried to the CNS alters
cardiovascular parameters.

V. Age changes in the CV system. Decrease of elasticity and elastic tissue in large arteries. Loss of
structure of the arterial wall leads to ballooning of the wall aneurysm. Infiltration of TI with

connective tissue elements and lipid = atherosclerosis. Increase in lipofuscin in cardiac muscle
which impacts muscle function. Calcification of cardiac skeleton.


I. Components: skin and its appendages/derivatives (nails, hair, sweat and sebaceous glands). Skin
functions as a barrier to infections and dehydration, is important for sensory reception and
temperature regulation, filters UV light (melanocyte system), and participates in excretion (sweat
glands). Skin is invaluable in wound healing; epidermis and epidermal derivatives are capable of
remarkable re-epithilization after simple or marked damage.

II. Skin.
A. Types of skin: thick and thin.
1. Thick skin. Examples are on the palms of hand and sole of foot. Thickness of 0.8 to
1.5mm. Is subjected to more mechanical shearing forces and abrasions than thin skin.
2. Thin skin. An example is the skin over the general body including the abdomen and
back. Is 0.1 to 0.5mm thick.
B. Components: epidermis and dermis.
1. =
Epidermis is of ectodermal origin. Epithelial type stratified squamous keratinized. It
is avascular and contains free nerve endings for pain perception. It rests on a
basement membrane.
2. Dermis is of mesodermal origin. Is dense irregular connective tissue that is vascular
and contains encapsulated nerve endings (Pacinian and Meissner's corpuscles).
a) Dermis is comprised of 2 layers: papillary (nearest epidermis and most vascular)
and reticular (deeper and more dense connective tissue).
b) Dermal projections from papillary layer (dermal papillae) interdigitate with
epidermal projections (rete ridges or epidermal pegs). These interdigitations help
adhere epidermis to dermis.

III. Epidermis. Comprised chiefly of cells called keratinocytes. Cells form layers which are (from
deepest near dermis to most superficial):
A. Stratum basale (stratum germinativum). Single layer of cuboidal cells abutting the
basement membrane. Is attached through the basement membrane to the dermis by
hemidesmosomes. This is the proliferative layer, cells become keratinocytes and replenish
(regenerate) upper layers.
B. Stratum spinosum. Variable number of cell layers (from one to six depending on the
thickness of the skin and body part). Cells accumulate tonofilaments that insert into
desmosomes - junctions that mechanically couple the cells.
C. Stratum granulosum. Three to five layers of cells. Accumulate keratohyaline granules
(produces basophilic staining). Keratinocytes also contain packed tonofilaments and
lamellar granules (membrane-coating granules) that discharge their contents of GAGs,
phospholipids and glycolipids into the extracellular spaces. This material produces a 'sealing'
material or barrier to penetration of materials through the epidermis.
D. Stratum lucidum. Is a translucent layer most prominent in thick skin. Cells are anucleate
and lack organelles. Filaments packed in cytoplasm. Desmosomes are prominent.

E. Stratum corneum. Five to ten layers of packed, cornified cells (plates). They are filled with
filaments embedded in an amorphous material contributed by the keratohyaline granules.
Cells are attached by desmosomes except at the uppermost layers where the cells tend to
shed. These cells produce a barrier to limit loss of water from the dermis and to prevent
entry of noxious material from the exterior.
F. Stratum disjunctum. Term often applied to the layers of keratinocytes that are constantly
being shed. Look for them in your bed.
G. Process of differentiation of keratinocytes from stratum basale to stratum corneum is 15-30
days. Parallels the time course for wound healing.

IV. Cells of the epidermis.

A. Keratinocytes. Epithelial cells that undergo differentiation or keratinization.
B. Melanocytes. Neural crest derived cells found mainly in the stratum basale and in hair
follicles. Produce the pigment melanin. Melanin granules are dispersed in long processes of
the melanocyte and then transferred to keratinocytes of the strata bas ale and spinosum.
Produces coloration of the skin and hair (also found in the iris of the eye). NOTE: melanin is
deposited supranuclearly in keratinocytes and serves to protects the DNA of the proliferative
keratinocytes from UV radiation.
C. Langerhans cells. Cells of the immune sytem (dendritic cells, antigen presenting cells)
located primarily in the stratum spinosum. Present antigens to T-Iymphocytes of epidermis.
Contain unusual granules called Birbeck granules (function unknown).
D. Merkel cells. Located in stratum basale. Many dense-core granules in the cytoplasm.
Innervated by nerve fibers - involved in sensory reception; tactile receptors.

V. Derivatives of the epidermis.

A. Nails = nail plate. Nail plate is essentially the stratum corneum and covers the nail bed
(strata basale and spinosum). Nail developes from the stratum basale of the nail matrix
(most proximal part of the bed). NOTE: if the nail matrix is damaged, the nail does not
regenerate. Nails are transparent and can be a window on the degree of oxygenation of
underlying vascularized tissue.
B. Hair. Invagination of the surface epidermis gives rise to the hair follicle. Expanded end of the
follicle is the hair bulb containing the matrix (equivalent to the stratum basale). A
vascularized connective tissue tuft invaginates the bulb as the dermal papilla. The dermal
papilla induces division of the epithelial cells of the matrix and thus growth of the hair shaft.
Damage the dermal papilla and the hair does not grow. Hair color is due to melanocytes in
the matrix. The process of keratinization in the hair is similar to that of the covering
C. Sebaceous glands. Located in the dermis, but attached to hair follicles. Produce a lipid
secretion (sebum) that is released by holocrine secretion (whole cell is released and is
broken down). Release occurs along hair shafts. Sebum may participate in the hydrophobic
barrier of the skin.
D. Sweat glands. Located deep in the dermis. Simple coiled tubular glands. Ducts traverse the
dermis and epidermis to open at the suface.

1. Eccrine. Produce sweat which is hypotonic containing water, sodium and chloride. On
evaporation, the body cools. These secretory cells are innervated by cholinergic
autonomic nerves. Myoepithelial cells surround the secretory cells. Located on general
body surface.
2. Apocrine. Located near anus, axilla and areola of nipple. Secretory units are highly
expanded and surrounded by myoepithelial cells. Secretion is viscous and becomes
odoriferous on bacterial action. Secretion influenced by sex steroids and sympathetic
adrenergic nerves.
E. Mammary glands (see female reproductive system).

VI. Nerve endings associated with skin.

A. Sensory (afferent) nerves. Dendritic endings of dorsal root ganglion cells.
1. Free nerve endings. Occur in the epidermis. Exist as naked dendritic endings of dorsal
root ganglion cells. Nociceptors (respond to pain).
2. Meissner's corpuscles. Located in dermal papillae. Are encapsulated endings that
sense light touch.
3. Pacinian corpuscles. Are deep in the dermis. Encapsulated endings that sense deep
pressure and vibration.
4. Merkel discs. Present in the epidermis. Nerve endings on Merkel cells are receptive to
5. Peritrichial nerves. Occur around hair follicles in the dermis. Sense light touch and
movement of the hair.
B. Motor (efferent) nerves. Sympathetic postganglionic axons. Innervate arrector pili smooth
muscle associated with hair follicles (noradrenergic axons). Innervate arteries
(noradrenergic axons) and innervate sweat glands (cholinergic axons).


I. System deSigned to take in air and modify it to accomplish respiratory gas exchange, olfaction
and sound production. Air is modified by cleansing, moistening, warming or cooling.

II. Two components of the system: air conduction portion (no gas exchange) and respiratory portion
(respiratory gas exchange).
A. Conducting portion. Includes the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and oropharynx, larynx,
trachea, bronchi and bronchioles.
B. Respiratory portion. Includes the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and
1. The blood-air barrier (respiratory membrane) is in the respiratory portion. (See IV.F.
below for description).

III. Conducting passages. Lining epithelium is "respiratory epithelium" = pseudostratified ciliated

columnar with goblet cells (except bronchioles which are lined by ciliated columnar epithelium).
Mucus from goblet cells and cilia help trap particulate matter and move it to the exterior.
A. Nasal cavity. Contains 3 conchae which increase surface area and create turbulence to aid
warming, moistening and cleansing air (particles are trapped in moist nasal mucosa).
Respiratory epithelium lines the cavity (cilia beat to move trapped particles into the oral

cavity). Lamina propria (loose connective tissue underlying the epithelium) contains mucous
glands, serous glands and a venous plexus (warms air). NOTE: the venous plexus can
become engorged (swollen) and "leaky" in allergic reactions; blocks nasal passages.
B. Olfactory epithelium. Located in the superior aspect of the nasal cavity and consists of
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium without goblet cells. Three cell types: olfactory
receptor cells, supporting cells and basal cells (stem cells).
1. Receptor cell. Bipolar neuron whose dendrite extends to the surface and ends in a
ciliated (non-motile) olfactory vesicle which is responsible for Signal transduction of
odors. An axon extends from the bipolar cell body into the olfactory bulb of the CNS.
2. Lamina propria contains Bowman's glands. Serous glands whose ducts enter the
epithelium and carry a product to the surface which acts as a solvent for odorous
C. Nasopharynx. Connects nasal passages to larynx. Epithelial lining is mainly respiratory
epithelium, but some stratified squamous nonkeratinized near oropharynx and where there
is some "wear and tear". Pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) are in posterior part of nasopharynx.
D. Trachea. Conducts air to bronchi. Hyaline cartilage, c-shaped 'rings' keep it patent. Wall
comprised of 4 layers:
1. Mucosa. Lined by 'respiratory epithelium' resting on a thick, prominent basement
membrane and a lamina propria (loose connective tissue layer subjacent to most
epithelia lining a lumen). Epithelial cell types: goblet cell (unicellular, mucous gland),
ciliated cell, basal cells (stem cells), brush cell (have apical microvilli; some are
stem cells, other are innvervated and may be sensory receptors), and small granule
cells (contain catecholamines and may coordinate functions of other epithelial cells).
Free nerve endings in epithelium respond to irritants.
2. Submucosa. Connective tissue more dense than lamina propria. Extends from lamina
propria to perichondrium of cartilage. Contains seromucous glands.
3. Muscularis. Contains cartilage ring anteriorly and smooth muscle (trachealis)
4. Adventitia. Connective tissue extending from perichondrium to adjoining structures.
Contains blood and lymph vessels and nerves.
E. Bronchi. Similar wall structure to that of trachea. Cartilage 'rings' are replaced by cartilage
plates. Moving distally in the bronchial tree, cartilage decreases (seen as irregular plates)
and smooth muscle increases, glands decrease in number and epithelium becomes lower.
F. Bronchioles. Lack cartilage and seromucous glands. Epithelium is simple columnar to
cuboidal with scattered goblet cells, but ciliated cells present. Clara cells are present in
epithelium-may produce a surfactant-like material and may playa role in moisturizing the
bronchiolar lumen. NOTE: throughout the respiratory system, elastic fibers are numerous
and important; they allow expansion and aid in expiration of air and they tether the
bronchiolar wall to lung parenchyma to keep it patent. In emphysema, elastic tissue is
reduced (by elastase from macrophage Iysosomes), thus, bronchioles tend to collapse on
expiration leading to inefficient respiration.

IV. Respiratory passages. Sites of blood gas exchange.

A. Respiratory bronchiole. Alveoli pouch off the bronchiolar wall. Smooth muscle is present in
the wall between pouching alveoli. Ciliated cells in epithelium except in alveolar wall.

B. Alveolar duct. Wall composed of alveoli. Minimal smooth muscle in wall. Open into blind
sacs alveolar sacs.
C. Alveolar sac. Cul-de-sac composed of alveoli. Lacks smooth muscle. Lined by simple
squamous epithelium. Only connective tissue is elastic fibers and a few reticular fibers.
D. Alveolus. Pouch-like structure with a wall composed of 2 cell types.
1. Aleolar type I (type I pneumocyte). Simple squamous epithelial cell which covers
about 97% of the surface area of the alveoli.
2. Alveolar type II (type II pneumocyte; great alveolar cell). Bulges into air space and are
secretory cells. They contain multivesicular bodies or cytosomes rich in phospholipids
and GAGs and produce surfactant which lines alveolar spaces. Connected to type I
cells via junctional complexes.
3. Alveolar macrophages (dust cells). Not part of the epithelium, but wander over
epithelium to cleanse alveolar spaces by phagocytosing inhaled particles. They are
moved to exterior by adherance to mucus and transport via cilia.
E. Interalveolar wall (septum). Separates the alveolar air space of 2 adjacent alveoli.
Components of the wall are Type I cells (bordering each air space) and connective tissue
intervening between the type I cells. Connective tissue contains capillaries, fibroblasts,
elastic fibers and monocytes. NOTE: monocytes give rise to the alveolar macrophages.
Interalveolar pores are 10-151Jm diameter and connect air spaces of adjacent alveoli. Allows
equilibration of air pressure and movement of macrophages to adjacent alveoli.
F. Blood-air barrier (respiratory membrane - of all alveoli and interalveolar septa). Consists of
type I alveolar cell + its basal lamina) and capillary wall + its basal lamina.
G. Primary pulmonary lobule. A single respiratory bronchiole + many alveolar ducts + many
alveolar sacs + numerous alveoli.

V. Blood supply. Oxygen-poor blood from the right heart ventricle is distributed by pulmonary
arteries to pulmonary capillaries (oxygen-poor blood from the systemic bronchial arteries is mixed
in the capillary system). Oxygen-rich blood is carried from pulmonary capillaries to pulmonary
veins to left heart atrium to enter systemic circulation.

VI. Innervation. Parasympathetic via the vagus nerve; vagal stimulation causes bronchial
constriction. Sympathetic stimulation causes bronchial dilation. NOTE: sympathomimetic drugs
are used to dilate the bronchial system during asthma attacks. Sensory nerves of respiratory
system may be nociceptors and signal reflexes.


I. Components:
A. Upper GI system. Includes the oral cavity (lips, tongue, teeth, oral mucosa and salivary
glands), and pharynx. Functions to begin mechanical breakdown of ingested food, initiate
chemical digestion (carbohydrates) and transport materials to the stomach.
B. Lower GI system. Includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestines (duodenum, jejunum
and ileum), large intestine (colon & appendix), rectum and anal canal. Function: to transport
ingested material to provide a site for enzyme digestion (stomach and small intestine) which
is aided by liver, pancreas and gall bladder. This results in the formation of chyme-semi-
fluid material in which lipids, proteins and carbohydrates are broken down into constituent

parts for absorption in small intestine. Absorption of water and electrolytes occurs in the
colon which results in compaction of fecal material.
C. Glandular derivatives of the intestine are the pancreas, liver and gall bladder.

II. Upper GI system.

A. =
Oral cavity. Boundaries lips, cheeks, hard and soft palates and floor of the mouth.
Contains special structures of teeth and tongue.
1. Oral mucosa. Wet mucous membrane conSisting of epithelium (stratified squamous
epithelium) and lamina propria (loose connective tissue with elastic fibers). (NOTE:
inner lip, soft palate, and buccal mucosa are covered by stratified squamous non-
kertinized epithelium, but hard palate, gingiva and superior surface of tongue are
covered by stratified squamous keratinized epithelium). Mucosa is wetted by secretions
of salivary glands.
2. Lips. Essentially a core of skeletal muscle (orbicularis oris) surrounded by fibroelastic
connective tissue and covered by skin on the outer surface and oral mucosa on the
inner surface. Abrupt change of epithelium (kertinized to non-keratinized) at the
vermillion border. Minor salivary (mucous) glands in the oral mucosa.
3. Cheeks. Essentially the same structure as the lips. Muscle and fibroelastic connective
tissue of lips and cheek function in facial expression and phonation, as well as in
4. Palate.
a) Hard. Forms roof of mouth and has a core of bone. Food is thrust against this
surface during mastication, therefore, oral mucosa is firmly attached to the
periosteum of bone and covered by keratinized epithelium. Mucous glands reside
in the posterior 2/3 of the hard palate.
b) Soft. Continues from posterior part of hard palate and joins with uvula. Core of
skeletal muscle, fibroelastic connective tissue and seromucous glands. Epithelium
- oral side is stratified squamous non-keratinized; nasal side is respiratory
5. Salivary glands. Minor glands are scattered throughout the oral cavity; mainly
mucous type, though lingual are seromucous. Major glands are the parotid,
submandibular and sublingual.
a) Parotid (serous acini). Serous secretion is watery and proteinaceous and contains
digestive enzymes (e.g., amylase, maltase and ptyalin). IgA immunoglobulin
produced by parotid gland protects against orally ingested pathogens.
Cells. Serous secretory acinar cells (prototype of a protein synthetic cell) abutted
by myoepithelial cells. Striated duct cells alter the glandular secretion.
b) Submandibular (submaxillary)(mixed seromucous acini). Serous elements present
as demilunes. Serous cells produce an enzyme, lysozyme, that hydrolyzes the
walls of bacteria.
c) Sublingual (mainly mucous, but some serous acini). Serous elements present as
demilunes. Serous cells produce lysozyme.
d) Saliva. Major constituents are water, glycoproteins, enzymes, immunoglobulins,
proteoglycans and salts. Water and glycoproteins serve a lubrication function.
e) Innervation of salivary glands. Parasympathetic nerve stimulation results in
abundant watery fluid containing little organic products. Sympathetic nerve

stimulation results in a small amount of viscous material rich in organic products
('dry mouth' of fight or flight response).
6. Tongue. Core of skeletal muscle organized in 3 planes (for fine control and
movement). Muscle is intermixed and surrounded by fibroelastic connective tissue.
Covered by oral mucosa (see II. A. 1. above) that is tightly adherent to the muscular
core. Dorsal surface epithelium is moderately keratinized with projections papillae.
a) Filiform papillae. Most abundant. Stratified squamous moderately keratinized
epithelium projects like a 'dunce hat' with a core of lamina propria. Papillae help
produce a rought surface to hold food.
b) Fungiform papillae. Abundant and scattered among the filiform. Mushroom shape
(smooth upper surface) with primary and secondary cores of lamina propria.
Contain taste buds.
c) Circumvallate papillae. Least numerous. Exist in a V-shaped organization at
sulcus limitans. Deep invagination or moat surrounds each papilla. Taste buds
occur along the furrow. Serous glands of von Ebner open into the depth of the
moat; their secretions keep moat clean and dissolve material to be tasted. Only
10-12 circumvallate papillae.
d) Taste buds. Composed of neuroepithelial and basal cells (stem cells).
Neuroepithelial cells have microvilli projecting into a taste pore at the oral
surface. Afferent nerve fibers closely appose the neuroepithelial cells. Material
enters taste pore, causes a transduction of stimulation to afferent nerves, and
information is transferred to CNS for interpretation. There are 4 basic tastes-
sweet, salt, sour and bitter.
7. Tooth. Hard and soft portions.
a) Hard portion consists of enamal and dentin. Dentin forms the main root portion of
the tooth and is produced by odontoblasts throughout life. Enamel is the hardest
SUbstance in the body, produced by ameloblasts during development and forms
the crown overlying the dentin. Dentin rests in the tooth socket of the alveolar
bone and this root portion is covered by cementum. Cementum is similar to bone
and is synthesized by cementocytes (similar to osteocytes). Collagen fibers of the
periodontal ligament insert in the cementum and the alveolar bone to anchor the
b) Soft portion is the pulp. Pulp is contained within a cavity surrounded by dentin =
pulp cavity. Pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves and mesenchymal connective
tissue. Pulp cavity opens at the root of the tooth as the root canal. Odontoblasts
are at the border of the pulp adjacent to the dentin.
c) Attachments of the tooth include the periodontal ligament. Collagen fibers
embedded in alveolar bone and cementum forms a ligament suspending the
tooth. High rate of turnover of collagen here; thus, any process that impairs
protein synthesis or vitamin C deficiency, causes atrophy of the ligament. Then
the tooth becomes loose in the socket (eventually the tooth could fall out).
d) Gingiva. Is the mucous membrane connected to the periosteum of the bone by
lamina propria and to the tooth by the epithelial attachment. Consists of oral
mucosa and is continuous with the 'gum'.

III. General plan of tubular GI organs. There are several layers to the wall that are modified to
accomodate the function of a particular part of the GI tract. The four main layers to the wall are:
A. Mucosa. Lines the lumen. Consists of the epithelium, lamina propria and muscularis
1. Epithelium is wet (moistened by mucus from glands and goblet cells). Epithelial type
varies with the function of each segment of the GI tract, but serves for protection,
secretion and absorption.
2. Lamina propria. Ordinary loose connective tissue. Highly cellular with an infiltration of
lymphocytes, plasma cells and other blood-derived cells. Is rich in blood and lymph
capillaries for absorption of nutrients and dispersal of defense reactions.
3. Muscularis mucosa. Thin layers of smooth muscle at boundary of mucosa and
submucosa. Contraction moves mucosa to facilitate blood flow, mixing of contents of
lumen, transport of food materials, and secretion of glands.
B. Submucosa. Moderately dense connective tissue layer rich in elastic fibers. Contains larger
blood vessels that distribute to the mucosa. Allows folding of the mucosa during empty
states, but expansion during filling and/or passage of food. Contains mucous glands in the
esophagus and duodenum.
C. Muscularis externa. Consists of 2 layers of smooth muscle, inner circular layer and outer
longitudinal layer (third layer added in stomach). Maintains integrity of the wall and promotes
mixing and movement of food contents via peristalsis. NOTE: skeletal muscle, under
voluntary control, is present only in the pharynx and upper esophagus.
D. Adventitia/serosa. Outermost layer. Adventitia = fibrous connective tissue containing fat
and larger blood vessels and nerves. Serosa = present where GI tract is covered by a
mesentery; this moist membrane provides frictionless movement of organs against each
E. General plan of innervation. Sympathetic, parasympathetic and sensory nerves supply the
GI tract. Two nerve (ganglionated) plexuses in wall: Meissner's or submucosal plexus (in
submucosa) and Auerbach's or myenteric plexus (in muscularis externa).
1. =
Submucosal plexus. Contents postganglionic parasympathetic neurons, sympathetic
postganglionic axons and sensory fibers. Supply innervation to both blood vessels and
smooth muscle of the muscularis mucosa and lamina propria.
2. =
Myenteric plexus. Contents same as submucosal plexus. Located between inner and
outer layers of muscle and innervates the muscularis externa.
3. Function. In general, sympathetic impulses tend to inhibit muscle contraction, tone
and glandular secretion (except in sphincters where they stimulate contraction). In
general, parasympathetic impulses augment muscle contraction, tone and glandular
secretion (except in sphincters where they are inhibitory). Sensory or visceral afferents
transmit pain, feeling of distension and certain reflexes.

IV. Lower GI system.

A. Esophagus. Moistens and conveys masticated food to the stomach. Strong muscular tube
with longitudinal folds (due to contraction of muscularis mucosa and externa) to provide
distensibility during passage of food bolus.
1. Mucosa. Lined by stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium (suited for protection
from mechanical stresses). Moistened by mucosal mucous glands in the upper and
lower parts of esophagus and submucosal mucous glands in the middle 1/3.

2. Unremarkable lamina propria and submucosa.
3. Muscularis externa. Mixture of smooth and skeletal muscle.
a) Upper 1/3 contains abundant skeletal muscle, middle 1/3 contains a mixture of
smooth and skeletal muscle, lower 1/3 contains smooth muscle.
b) Physiological sphincters-no muscle thickening, but increased tone-at junctions
of esophagus with pharnyx and with stomach.
4. Adventitia. Present, except at the lowest part of esophagus, where it pierces the
diaphragm, has a serosa.
B. Stomach. Reservoir for ingested food and secretes digestive enzymes and HCI to initiate
digestion. Some absorption occurs here (e.g., water, alcohol and salts). Temporary folds of
the mucosa and submucosa = rugae; gives the appearance of a rough inner surface and
allows for marked expansion of the organ.
1. Mucosa. Surface epithelium, abrupt change from esophagus. Consists of simple
columnar epithelium (mucous secreting sheet). Mucus produced by these cells is a
glycoprotein that protects the acidfied content of the lumen from eroding the gastric
mucosa. Invaginations of the surface epithelium form simple tubular glands; numerous
indentations of the surface are evident = openings of the gastric glands as gastric
pits or foveolae. Three glands are described based on location: cardiac glands, fundic
(gastric) glands, and pyloric glands.
a) Cardiac glands. Near esophageal opening; short duct (neck) and highly
branched secretory portion. Purely mucous-secreting cells.
b) Fundic glands. Located in body of stomach. Long straight gastric glands;
epithelium contains 4 cells types.
(1) Neck mucous cells. In the upper part (neck) of the gland. Produce mucus
and regenerate surface epithelium.
(2) Parietal cells. Mainly in the middle part of the gland. Eosinophilic. Produce
HCI through an elaborate intracellular canalicular system, abundant
mitochondria and sER. Also produce gastric intrinsic factor (important for
absorption of vitamin B12 in ileum). NOTE: B12 is important for
erythropoiesis; lack of B12 results in pernicious anemia.
(3) Chief cells. Mainly in the lower part of the gland. Basophilic. Produce
enzymes, primarily pepsinogen. In acid pH, pepsinogen is converted to
pepsin which is the active proteolytic enzyme (starts protein digestion).
(4) Enterochromaffin cells (enteroendocrine cells). Located at base of glands
and at the basement membrane; secrete into the vasculature, Il21 into the
lumen of gland. Secrete hormones and other bioactive substances: e.g.,
serotonin (vasomotor and increases gut motility) and gastrin (stimulates
secretion of HCI by parietal cells).
c) Pyloric glands. Near transition to duodenum; long duct (neck) with wide opening;
consist of mainly mucous-secreting cells, but some enteroendocrine cells.
Hormonesproduced here are gastrin and somatostatin (acts as local inhibitor of
other endocrine cells). Alkaline mucus begins to neutralize the acid chyme as it
enters the duodenum.
d) Regeneration of epithelium. There is a constant turnover of surface cells; replaced
by renewal from stem cells of neck mucous cells. Complete turnover of lining cells
occurs about every 4 days. NOTE: drugs that interfere with mitosis
(chemotherapy) have severe consequences for the gut lining.

e) Lamina propria. Very cellular with all of the cells found in loose connective tissue
or loose lymphatic tissue. Many cells of the immune system (e.g., plasma cells
and lymphocytes).
f) Muscularis mucosa. May have 3 layers.
2. Submucosa. Uusual structure and compositiion.
3. Muscularis extema. 3 layers of smooth muscle; inner oblique, middle circular and outer
longitudinal. Middle layer thickens as pyloric sphincter.
4. Serosa. Usual structure and compostion.
5. Control of gastric motility and secretion. Neural (see III. E. above) and hormonal.
Gastrin secreted by pylorus stimulates pepsinogen and HCI secretion and increased
motility. Secretin produced by duodenal mucosa decreases motility and secretion of
the stomach.
C. Small intestine. Continues digestion of food, begins absorption of constituents into blood
and lymph vessels and forwards chyme along the tube.
1. General features. Wall has specializations to increase the surface area available for
absorption and increase the area available for glands. Specializations include
increased length (6-8 meters), permanent folds of the mucosa + submucosa (plicae
circularis) project into the lumen (increase surface area 2-3 times), projections of the
mucosa into the lumen (villi)(increase surface area 8 times), and projections from the
apical surface of absorptive cells (microvilli) (increase surface area 20-40 times).
2. Mucosa
a) Epithelium. Simple columnar epithelium with primarily absorptive cells, but also
abundant mucous-secreting goblet cells. Mucosal projections into the lumen =
villi. Invaginations of mucosa between villi intestinal mucosal glands (crypts of
b) Lamina propria. Prototype of loose connective tissue = loose lymphatic tissue.
Many lymphocytes and plasma cells and other cells of connective tissue. Rich in
blood capillaries and contains lymph capillaries (Iacteals). Many nerve fibers
c) Muscularis mucosa. Normal constituent of smooth muscle.
3. Submucosa. Moderately dense irregular connective tissue which forms the core of the
plicae circularis. NOTE: in the duodenum there are characteristic submucosal mucous-
secreting glands Brunner's glands. The submucosa also has many large blood
vessels, and Meissner's submucous plexus and ganglia.
4. Muscularis extema. 2 layers of smooth muscle, inner circular and outer longitudinal.
Innervated by Auerbach's plexus and ganglia between muscle layers.
5. Serosa. Consists of mesothelium (simple squamous epithelium) resting on a thin layer
of loose connective tissue visceral peritoneum.
6. Detail of the mucosa of the small intestine.
a) Mucosal projections = villi and mucosal invaginations between villi = intestinal
glands (crypts of Lieberkuhn).
b) Epithelial lining of the mucosa (of villi and glands) is simple columnar.
c) Epithelial cell types covering villi.
(1) Absorptive or principal cells. Possess many microvilli at their apical
surface. Lateral borders are attached by junctional complexes. Absorb
materials by 3 means: active transport, pinocytosis and diffusion.
(2) Goblet cells. Unicellular mucous glands. Secretion lubricates and
neutralizes acid chyme from stomach.

(3) Enteroendocrine (enterochromaffin, argentaffin) cells. Secrete hormones,
e.g., secretin (stimulates non-enzyme alkaline secretions from pancreas to
help neutralize chyme; inhibits stomach), cholecystokinin (stimulates
digestive enzyme secretions from pancreas and contraction of gall bladder),
motilin (increases gut motility), somatostatin (inhibit local endocrine cells),
5-hydroxytryptamine (vasomotor and increases gut motility), gastric
inhibitory peptide (inhibition of gastric acid secretion).
d} Epithelial cell types lining crypts.
(1) Undifferentiated (stem) cells. Source for renewal of surface epithelium.
Normal structure and function of epithelium of villi depends on balance
between cell loss at surface and cell proliferation in crypts. Interference with
mitotic activity of undifferentiated cells disrupts function of small intestine.
Turnover time of epithelium is about every 4 days.
(2) Paneth cells. Produce lysozyme which is a proteolytic and bacteriolytic
enzyme to protect flora of small intestine.
(3) Goblet cells. Have usual structure and function.
(4) Enteroendocrine (enterochromaffin, argentaffin) cells. Secrete hormones
(see IV.C.S. above).
7. Other cell types. M cells - special epithelial cells overlying lymph nodules, especially
Peyer's patches of ileum. Endocytose antigens and present them to underlying
lymphoid cells to initiate an immune response.
8. Distinguishing characteristics of the 3 parts of the small intestine:
a} Duodenum. Brunner's glands (submucosal), medium-sized villi, high plicae
b} Jejunum. Tallest & most slender villi, very high & slender plicae circularis.
c} Ileum. Low & broad villi, low plicae circularis, aggregates of lymph nodules in
lamina propria = Peyer's patches.
D. Large intestine (colon). General functions include absorption of water and vitamins derived
from the intestinal flora and secretion of mucus to lubricate the contents of the lumen.
1. Mucosa. Is smooth because it lacks villi and plicae circularis. Epithelial lining is simple
columnar with mainly goblet cells, but with some absorptive cells, undifferentiated stem
cells and enteroendocrine cells. There are no Paneth cells. Crypts of LieberkOhn are
longer than in small intestine.
a} Lamina propria. Very cellular with many cells of the immune system and solitary
lymph nodules. Plasma cells secrete IgGs which helps control the luminal flora.
b} Muscularis mucosa. Usual smooth muscle.
2. Submucosa. Usual type but with some adipose tissue and solitary lymph nodules.
3. Muscularis externa. Inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle layers.
Longitudinal muscle organized as 3 bands (rather than a single sheet). Bands are
called taenia coli.
4. Serosa. Usual type. Part of the colon is retroperitoneal, thus part of it would have an
5. Innervation. Like that of small intestine.
E. Vermiform appendix. Similar structure as the colon, but without taenia coli. Usually there is
abundant lymphoid tissue in the lamina propria and submucosa, including lymph nodules.
F. Rectum and anal canal.

1. General features. Rectum extends from the upper part of the 3rd sacral vertebra to the
pelvic diaphragm. The anal canal extends below the pelvic diaphragm.
2. Mucosa of rectum. Like that of the colon.
3. Mucosa of the anal canal. The epithelium changes from simple columnar to stratified
cuboidal or stratified squamous nonkeratinized.
a) Muscularis mucosa disappears and lamina propria and submucosa merge. Plexus
of small veins here = hemorrhoidal plexus. Circumanal sweat glands here =
apocrine sweat glands.
4. Muscularis externa. In the rectum it has the usual appearance. In the anal canal the
inner circular layer thickens to form internal anal sphincter (involuntary sphincter).
Beyond the internal sphincter, skeletal muscle accumulates to surround the anal orifice
as the external anal sphincter (voluntary).
5. Adventitia. Forms the outer layer.

V. Glandular derivatives of the intestine.

A. Pancreas. Has 2 components, exocrine and endocrine (islets of Langerhans).
1. Exocrine. Serous secreting gland that produces digestive enzymes. Duct system
drains into duodenum.
a) Acinar (gland) cells. Cytological prototype of cells producing a protein for export.
Produce proteases, lipases, amylases, nucleases, trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen
and others. Cells are organized as acini around a duct system.
b) Duct cells. Characteristic centroacinar cells which are the initial cells of the
intercalated ducts and located at the center of the acini. Duct cells add
bicarbonate, water and various salts to the secretion.
c) Control of secretion is both hormonal and neural.
(1) Hormones. Cholecystokinin, from duodenum, stimulates secretory cells.
Secretin, from duodenum, stimulates the duct system.
(2) Neural. Parasympathetic vagal system stimulates the secretory units.
2. Endocrine. Produces mainly the hormones insulin and glucagon. Both are important
for normal carbohydrate metabolism (see ENDOCIRNE SYSTEM for more details).
B. Liver.
1. General functions. Considered both an endocrine gland (produces glycose and
proteins that are released into capillaries) and an exocrine gland (produces bile,
carried by a duct system). Synthesis of glycogen, bile, serum proteins (e.g., albumin,
fibrinogen, globulins and prothrombin) and serum lipoproteins; detoxification of drugs
(alcohol) and reduction of some steroid hormones; filtration of blood (phagocytosis of
particulate matter by macrophages). NOTE: in general, the liver is concerned with
modification of the composition of blood.
2. General anatomy. Covered by a mesothelium (visceral peritoneum). Underlying the
mesothelium is a connective tissue capsule (Glisson's capsule). From the capsule,
connective tissue trabeculae enter the liver parenchyma to provide structural support.
Fine supportive stroma of the liver is reticular connective tissue. On the inferior
surface is the hilus where blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves and hepatic ducts
enter/exit the liver.
3. Blood supply. Liver receives 25% of cardiac output. Liver structure is organized
around its blood supply.
a) Receives blood from 2 sources. Venous blood (70% of flow) from the GI tract that
is nutrient-rich, via the portal vein; systemic arterial blood (30% of flow) that is

oxygen-rich, via hepatic artery. Branches of these vessels enter the hilus and
distribute with the trabeculae to areas at the peripheral edge of plates of
hepatocytes called portal canals (portal triad, portal area, portal radicle).
b) Smallest terminal branches of the artery and vein at the portal canal
simultaneously drain into sinusoids among hepatocytes; the venous and arterial
blood are mixed in the sinusoids around hepatocytes. Mixed blood flows toward a
central vein in the center of an hepatic lobule.
c) Hepatic veins drain the central veins and carry venous return from the liver to the
inferior vena cava and then to the heart.
4. =
Principle cells hepatocytes. They are parenchymal cells that are organized as a 3-D
system of plates within a vascular framework made of sinusoids. NOTE: bile formed by
hepatocytes is transported through membrane-lined spaces (bile canaliculi) between
hepatocytes to bile ducts; the flow of bile is opposite to the flow of blood.
5. Structural plan of the liver microanatomy. 3 ways to define the liver microanatomy are
to consider a classic liver lobule, a liver acinus and a portal lobule.
a) Classic liver lobule or hepatic lobule. Consists of a 3-D system of plates of
hepatocytes radiating from a central vein. Peripheral boundary of the lobule is 3
portal triads (portal canals). Each portal triad contains a branch of an hepatic
artery, portal vein and bile duct, as well as a lymph vessel and nerve fibers
surrounded as a unit in connective tissue. Thousands of lobules constitute the
(1) Between the plates of hepatocytes are blood-containing sinusoids that drain
to the central vein. Sinusoids are discontinuous capillaries lined by
endothelial cells and von Kupffer cells (macrophages, phagocytose debris
in the sinusoidal blood). Material can exit the lumen of the sinusoid to enter a
space between the endothelial cell and hepatocyte = space of Disse. The
space of Disse contains microvilli of hepatocytes that come into contact with
soluable elements of the blood. Endocrine secretory products of the
hepatocyte are released into the space of Disse and eventually into the
(2) Bile formation and secretion. Bile is the exocrine secretion of the liver
hepatocyte and intimately involves the sER. Consists of water, electrolytes,
bile acids, bilirubin and cholesterol. Is secreted into a bile canaliculus that
begins as a blind-ending membrane pouch near the central vein. Canaliculus
is a space between the plasma membranes of 2 adjacent hepatocytes that is
sealed by tight junctions. Bile drains toward the portal triad and into small
ductules lined by squamous cells (canal of Herring) which then empty into
cuboidal-cell lined hepatic ducts in the portal triad. Eventually these
intrahepatic ducts drain to extrahepatic ducts and then to the gall bladder.
(3) Liver zonation and activity. Activity of a hepatocyte depends on its location
within the lobule. There exists a zonation of activity. Cells nearest the
periphery of the lobule (closest to the portal triad) (Zone 1) receive the most
nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood. Cells around the central vein (Zone 3)
receive the most nutrient- and oxygen-poor blood. Cells midway (Zone 2)
receive intermediate quality blood. Zone 1 cells 'see' and take up glucose &
store glycogen first; they also 'see' and react to toxins and drugs first.
Pathological effects are reflected in the zonation.

b) Liver acinus (functional unit of the liver). A second way to view liver
microanatomy. Liver acinus is built around the terminal branches of the arteries,
veins and secretory (bile) duct system. Diamond-shaped structure with a central
vein at each end and with terminal branches of the hepatic artery, portal vein and
bile ducts at its middle. This unit reflects metabolic and pathologic changes
described above for the zonation pattern.
c) Portal lobule. Is a third unit to describe the liver microanatomy. It defines the liver
lobule organized around the exocrine unit, i.e., the branching pattern of the biliary
tree (duct system). A portal triad would be at its center. This is the way the
organization of exocrine glands is viewed.
6. Regeneration. The regenerative capacity of hepatocytes is remarkably high. Injury or
loss of hepatocytes triggers mitosis in the remaining cells. Normal structural
relationships are maintained except in repeated regenerative cycles in which normal
architecture becomes distorted, e.g., cirrhosis. In cirrhosis, hepatocytes are
progressively replaced with connective tissue and then liver function is reduced (e.g., in
C. Gall bladder.
1. General. Functions to store bile produced by liver, concentrates it and reduces its
2. Biliary tree. Bile canaliculus ~ bile ducts ~ intrahepatic ducts ~ common hepatic duct
~ cystic duct enters the gall bladder.
3. Bladder wall.
a) Mucosa. Epithelium is tall simple columnar epithelium. Cells have many apical
microvilli and wide intercellular spaces between cells. Lamina propria merges with
submucosa since a muscularis mucosa is lacking. Mucosa thrown into folds
(Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses) that flatten out as the organ fills and distends.
b) Muscularis externa. Thin layers of smooth muscle irregularly arranged and mixed
with elastic fibers. They form sphincters in some areas (sphincter of Oddi).
c) Adventitia. Is present where gall bladder is embedded in the liver; is covered by a
serosa elsewhere.
4. Concentration of bile. Epithelial cells reabsorb NaCI from luminal contents by active
transport to the intercellular spaces. Then water follows passively due to the
concentration gradient and passes into the capillaries of the lamina propria.
5. Control of gall bladder. Discharges bile into duodenum. Cholecystokinin stimulates
contraction of gall bladder smooth muscle. Innervation is similar to that of the tubular
6. Stones. Concretions of calcium carbonate and cholesterol. Form when foreign
substances appear in the bile or when the relative composition of the bile changes
causing precipitation of material. Common in people over 50 years old, especially in
overweight females.

Components: kidney, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra.

I. Kidney.
A. General functions. Include filtration of blood, regulation of composition of blood (ions, pH,
water, osmotic pressure), absorption of nutrients, secretion/elimination of wastes =
production of urine. Kidney also produces hormones (renin and erythropoietin).

B. General morphology. Covered by a connective tissue capsule. On the medial side is the
hilus where arteries, veins and nerves enter/exit. Also at the hilus is an expansion of the
ureter into the kidney = renal pelvis. The pelvis branches as major and minor calyces.
These structures are the first part of the excretory passages and collect urine. Major
divisions of the kidney are the cortex, medulla, lobes and lobules.
1. Cortex. Filtration of blood occurs here via renal corpuscles.
2. Medulla. Concentration of filtrate into provisional urine occurs here the tubules and
vasa recta.
a) Medullary (renal) pyramid. Pyramidal-shaped collection of tubules forming the
medulla and whose apex opens into a minor calyx.
b) Medullary rays. Groups of medullary tubules (straight parts of nephron and
collecting ducts) that radiate into the overlying cortex.
3. Lobe. Consists of a medullary pyramid plus its overlying cortex.
4. Lobule. Consists of a medullary ray plus surrounding cortical material. A medullary ray
is the center of a lobule and an interlobular artery on each side forms the lateral
C. Functional unit of kidney = uriniferous tubule. Consists of a nephron plus its collecting
1. Nephron. Comprises a renal corpuscle plus the proximal and distal tubules and thin
segment associated with that corpuscle.
2. Renal corpuscle. Comprises a glomerulus (capillary tuft) plus Bowman's capsule.
D. Blood supply. NOTE: it is important to understand the blood supply in order to understand
the function of the uriniferous tubule. Profuse blood supply to the kidney.
1. Renal artery ~ interlobar artery (between medullary pyramids) ~ arcuate artery (end
artery arching over pyramids at corticomedullary junction) ~ interlobular artery (in
cortex, one boundary of a lobule) ~ afferent arteriole ~ glomerulus (capillary tuft of
renal corpuscle) ~ efferent arteriole.
2. Efferent arteriole feeds different capillary beds depending on the location of its nephro
a) Efferent arterioles of nephrons in the outer cortex ~ peritubular capillaries
(around proximal & distal tubules; nourish tubules and carry away reabsorbed
ions and low molecular weight molecules) ~ stellate veins ~ interlobular veins ~
arcuate veins ~ interlobar veins ~ renal vein.
b) Efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary nephrons ~ vasa recta (capillaries around
tubules descending into medulla; part of the counter current exchanger/multiplier
system for concentration of urine) ~ arcuate veins ~ interlobar veins ~ renal
E. Placement of nephrons. Nephrons have different blood supplies and functional roles in urine
production depending on their placement in cortex.
1. Nephrons in outer cortex. Blood supply is derived from peritubular capillaries and they
mainly function in filtration of blood. Peritubular capillaries carry away reabsorbed ions
and low molecular weight molecules to help maintain balance in the interstitium.
2. Nephrons in deep cortex Ouxtamedullary nephrons). Blood supply is derived from vasa
recta and they function in producing low volumes of concentrated urine.
F. Renal corpuscle. Part of nephron and consists of glomerulus plus Bowman's capsule.
1. Glomerulus. Tuft of capillaries. Receives blood at high pressure from afferent arteriole.
Hydrostatic pressure important for filtration. Capillaries are fenestrated, held together

by tight junctions and surrounded by a conspicuous basal lamina. Glomerulus is
located within a blind pouch Bowman's capsule.
2. Bowman's capsule consists of two layers.
a) Visceral layer (podocytes) = simple squamous epithelium. Podocytes have
pedicels (foot processes) that abutt and surround capillaries of the glomerulus.
b) Parietal layer =simple squamous epithelium. Continuous with the visceral layer
and with cuboidal cells of the proximal convoluted tubule.
c) The space between visceral and parietal layers is the urinary space and it is
continuous with the lumen of the proximal convoluted tubule.
3. Vascular pole of renal corpuscle. Area where afferent/efferent arterioles enter/exit. A
specialization occurs here: juxtaglomerular apparatus = macula densa +
juxtaglomerular (JG) cells. Distal convoluted tubule comes close to afferent arteriole
of vascular pole and special cells seen in distal tubule wall = macula densa.
Specialized, modified smooth muscle cells of the afferent arteriole present near macula
densa JG cells.
4. Urinary pole. On opposite side of corpuscle from vascular pole. Here parietal layer of
Bowman's capsule is continuous with the proximal convoluted tubule.
5. Glomerular filtration membrane (barrier). Site of filtration of blood. Consists of
glomerular capillary endothelium, podocytes and their basal laminae.
a) Capillary endothelial cell. Is fenestrated (50-90nm pores) and without diaphragms.
b) Podocyte. Shaped like an octopus and sits on glomerular capillary. Foot
processes (pedicels) of podocytes cover the endothelium, but there are spaces
(25 nm) between pedicels = filtration slit. Slits are closed by diaphragms (that
are thinner than a plasma membrane).
c) Fused basal laminae of the endothelium and podocytes form the glomerular
basal laminae. Basal laminae contains type IV collagen which helps form a
physical barrier for substances. Negatively charged heparan sulfate here acts as
a charge barrier.
d) Filtration. Capillary hydrostatic pressure is important.
(1) Formed elements of blood (cells and platelets) are excluded (filtered) at the
capillary fenestrae.
(2) Molecules> 10 nm diameter and high molecular weight proteins, > 70,000,
do not readily cross basal laminae. The basal laminae are the main filtration
(3) The role of the diaphragms of filtration slits in filtration is not fully agreed
upon. It likely acts as a barrier to very large molecules.
(4) Molecules of molecular weight < 60,000 cross all barriers and into the urinary
space as part of the glomerular filtrate.
e) Mesangial cells. Among the capillaries. May be phagocytic and clean filtered
material from the basal laminae.
G. Nephron. Includes renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, thin segment and distal tubule.
1. Glomerular filtrate (provisional urine) enters the urinary space (Bowman's space) which
becomes continuous with the lumen of the proximal convoluted tubule (see above, I. F.
2. and I. F. 4.).
2. Proximal convoluted tubule. Tall simple cuboidal cells with prominent microvillus
border at the apical surface (luminal) and infoldings basally with many mitochondria.
Active endocytosis (of proteins) at the apical part of cell. Reabsorbs 80-85% of

glomerular filtrate. Na+, glucose and amino acids are actively reabsorbed, CI- and
water follow passively.
3. Straight part of proximal tubule (thick, descending part of the loop of Henle).
4. Straight part of distal tubule (thick, ascending part of the loop of Henle).
5. Distal convoluted tubule. Simple cuboidal epithelium-not as tall as cells of proximal
convoluted tubule, fewer microvilli and mitochondria. Reabsorbs Na+ (influenced by
aldosterone), 'secretes' K+ , H+ and NH3+ and thus, is involved in acid-base balance.
6. Thin segment. Simple squamous epithelium that connects proximal and distal tubules.
Permeable to water and is involved in creating the hypertonic urine.
H. Collecting duct. Epithelium of distal convoluted tubule become continuous with the simple
columnar epithelium of the collecting ducts. These cells have few microvilli, but distinct
lateral borders. Cells stain poorly. Responsive to ADH (antidiuretic hormone or
vasopressin-released from posterior pituitary). In presence of ADH, ducts become
permeable and water is reabosorbed to aid in producing hypertonic urine.
I. Papillary duct (of Bellini). Largest collecting ducts that open into the minor calyx creating
the area cribrosa (area of holes where ducts have opened into minor calyx).
J. Juxtaglomerular apparatus. Two components: macula densa and JG cells.
1. Macula densa. As the distal convoluted tubule approaches the vascular pole of the
renal corpuscle a dense accumulation of specialized cells appear as a spot in its wall =
macula densa. Monitors the fluid (chloride content) in the lumen of the tubule.
2. JG cells. Modified smooth muscle cells in the afferent arteriole wall (some in efferent
arteriole also). Are secretory and produce a proteolytic hormone = renin.
3. Functions in blood pressure regulation. Decrease in blood pressure results in release of
renin which converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I; I is converted to angiotensin II
which has two actions:
a) stimulate contraction of arteriolar smooth muscle which increases blood pressure.
b) stimulate adrenal cortex release of aldosterone, which leads to sodium
reabsorption; water follows sodium to increase blood volume and thus blood

II. Excretory passages: minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder and urethra. Lined by
transitional epithelium which is specialized to accommodate distension and withstand the
hypertonicity of the urine.
A. Calyces and pelvis are lined by transitional epithelium and receive the urine from papillary
ducts of Bellini. Lamina propria is usual variety. Muscularis composed of 2 ill-defined layers
of smooth muscle helically arranged (inner layer more longitudinal, outer layer more
circular). Muscle contraction helps propel urine.
B. Ureter.
1. Mucosa. Lined by transitional epithelium resting on a thin fibroelastic lamina propria.
2. Submucosa is lacking.
3. Muscularis. 2 layers in upper part (inner longitudinal and outer circular; opposite of GI
system) and 3 layers in lower part (an outer longitudinal layer is added). Peristaltic
contraction propels the urine.
4. Adventitia. Fibroelastic connective tissue containing arteries, veins and nerves.
5. Innervation. Sympathetic, parasympathetic and sensory. NOTE: passage of kidney
stones is very painful. Sensory fibers are also involved in reflexes.

C. Bladder.
1. Mucosa. Like that of the ureter.
2. Muscularis. 3 ill-defined layers similar to the lower part of the ureter. Circular muscle is
arranged around the urethral outlet internal bladder sphincter.
3. Serosa. Covers the upper surface, adventitia covers the rest of the bladder.
D. Urethra.
1. Female. 4-5 cm long. Lined by transitional epithelium at the bladder but progressively
changes to stratified squamous near external opening. Mucous glands pouch off the
the epithelial lining. A thin lamina propria contains a plexus of veins. III-defined layers of
smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle at the external orifice = external urethral sphincter
(voluntary control).
2. Male. 15-20 cm long. 3 parts: prostatic, membranous and penile. Lined by
transitional epithelium (prostatic), stratified columnar (membranous) and
pseudostratified to stratified squamous (penile). Membranous part traverses the
urogenital diaphragm (skeletal muscle) which forms the external bladder sphincter.
Mucous-secreting glands of Littre open into penile urethra, as well as the bulbourethral
(Cowper's) glands. The latter release a viscous fluid on sexual excitement.


I. Overall function. Maintenance of a phYSiologic steady state in the face of continous changes;
maintain homeostasis. This is done by chemical messengers (hormones) secreted in response to
various stimuli and carried by the blood.

II. Endocrine glands.

A. Classical glands. Include pituitary (hypophysis), thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal and pineal
glands, islets of Langerhans (in pancreas), and gonads (testis and ovary).
B. Non-classical glands. Include liver, kidney, thymus, placenta, GI tract and undoubtedly
others (NOTE: these will not be considered in this section).
C. General characteristics of classical glands.
1. Origin. Epithelial, except posterior pituitary and adrenal medulla which are neural in
2. Glands lack a duct system. Secretion of products is into capillaries.
3. Profuse vascularization. Fenestrated capillaries with diaphragms.
4. Hormones. Are either proteins, glycoproteins, peptides or steroids.
a) Cellular structure reflects product. Steroid-hormone producing cells have
abundant sER and mitochondria. Cells producing peptides or proteins have
abundant rER and secretory granules. Cells producing glycoproteins have
abundant sER, rER and secretory granules.
b) Type of hormone reflects mode of storage and release.
(1) Steroids are not stored, but synthezed and released on demand.
(2) Many proteins and glycoproteins are produced and stored intracellularly in
secretion granules (e.g., cells of pars distalis).
(3) Some hormones are stored extracellularly (thyroxine in thyroid follicles).
5. Hypothalamus of the brain plays a major role of integration of neural inputs with
resultant transferral of secretory signals to pituitary. Hypothalamo-pituitary interaction is

vital for some endocrine glands, but not all (e.g., adrenal medulla and islets of
Langerhans are not pituitary dependent).

III. Pituitary gland (hypophysis). Attached to base of the brain, at the median eminence of the tuber
cinereum, by a stalk (infundibulum).
A. Components and nomenclature. Two lobes: anterior and posterior.
1. = =
Anterior lobe adenohypophysis pars distalis, pars tuberalis and pars intermedia
(the latter is vestigial in humans). Derived from oral ectoderm (Rathke's pouch).
2. = =
Posterior lobe neurohypophysis pars nervosa and infundibular stem. Derived
from neural ectoderm of the diencephalon.
B. Blood supply and innervation.
1. Anterior lobe. Blood supply. Superior hypophyseal artery (from the internal carotid
artery) forms a primary capillary bed in the median eminence. Venules arise from here
and distribute as capillary sinusoids (secondary capillary bed) around cells of anterior
lobe, thus constituting the hypophyseal portal vessels (system).The portal vessels
carry releasing/inhibitory factors from the median eminence to the cells of the anterior
lobe. From the secondary capillary bed arises the venous drainage that carries pituitary
hormones to the systemic circulation. Innervation: neurons in the area of the median
eminence produce releasing and inhibitory factors for anterior lobe pituitary hormones
and project their axons to the primary capillary bed where these factors are released.
2. Posterior lobe. Blood supply. Inferior hypophyseal artery (from internal carotid artery)
enters the pars nervosa, forms a capillary bed which collects as venules to join the
systemic circulation (this is the usual vascular arrangement in organs). However, some
venules arising from these capillaries end as capillaries around cells in the anterior
lobe, thus shunting blood to the anterior lobe as a portal system {hypophysioportal
system).This may be an avenue for some factors to get from pars nervosa to influence
the cells of pars distalis. Innervation: neurosecretory neurons in the hypothalamus
(see below) project axons which terminate around, and release hormones into, the
fenestrated capillaries of the pars nervosa.
C. Posterior lobe - neurohypophysis, pars nervosa.
1. Neuron somata in the hypothalamus (supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei) project
their axons to the capillary beds in the pars nervosa. Neurons have typical neuronal
morphology with the addi.tion of many large, dense-core neurosecretory granules in the
cytoplasm (these cells have both glandular and neuronal properties). Axons form the
hypothalamohypophyseal tract. Supporting elements within the pars nervosa =
pituicytes (similar to neuroglial cells of the CNS).
2. Secretion. Hormones are produced in the neuron somata, and transported to the
terminals, and released into capillaries in the pars nervosa. Accumulations of hormone
along the axons Herring bodies. Hormones are complexed to a carried protein =
3. Hormones. Arginine vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone. ADH). Functions to
increase permeability of distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of kidney to
promote retention of fluid. It also stimulates vasoconstriction to increase bl.ood
pressure. NOTE: diabetes insipidus results from lack of ADH; patient continuously
takes in fluids and continuously produces large amounts of urine. OxytOCin. Functions
to stimulate contraction of myometrium and myoepithelial cells in lactating mammary
gland (promotes milk release).

4. Control of secretion. Vasopressin is released on demand by increases in osmolarity of
the blood or by a decrease in blood pressure. Oxytocin is secreted in response to
afferent neural stimulation; e.g., suckling stimulus to the nipple and stretch of the
vagina or cervix.
D. Anterior lobe - adenohypophysis, pars distalis.
1. Structure. Cords or clusters of cells situated among sinusoidal capillaries. There is
profuse vascularization, but little connective tissue. All hormonal secretions are
proteins or glycoproteins and are released directly to the capillary system.
2. Cells. 2 types.
a) Chromophils. 50% of cells and stain well. 2 types of chromophils:
(1) Acidophils (40%) and include somatotropes (produce growth hormone-
GH) and lactotropes (prolactin - PRL).
(2) 8asophils (10%) and include thyrotropes (produce thyroid stimulating
hormone - TSH), corticotropes (produce adrenocorticotrophic hormone -
ACTH) and gonadotropes (produce follicle stimulating hormone - FSH - and
luteinizing hormone - LH).
b) Chromophobes. 50% of cells and do not stain well. Are degranulated acidophils
and basophils.
3. Hormones and effects.
a) GH. Stimulates production of insulin-like growth factor (somatomedin) by liver and
enhances growth at epiphyseal plates, general body growth, protein synthesis and
carbohydrate utilization.
b) PRL. Promotes mammary gland development during pregnancy and milk
c) TSH. Promotes structural and functional (synthesis and release of thyroid
hormones) aspects of thyroid gland.
d) ACTH. Stimulates growth and secretion (corticosteroids) of adrenal cortex.
e) FSH. Stimulates growth and maturation of ovarian follicles. Stimulates androgen
binding and thus, spermatogenesis.
f) LH. Stimulates ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum. Stimulates androgen
secretion and thus, spermatogenesis.
4. Control of secretion of cells in anterior lobe. Most hormones have a releasing and/or
inhibitory factor produced in hypothalamic neurons that govern their secretion. Also,
most are influenced by feedback from the products produced by target organs of the
anterior pituitary hormone (e.g., thyroxine from thyroid gland has a negative feedback
to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to reduce production of TSH-releasing factor and
TSH, respectively). There is D.Q1 a negative feedback on acidophils.
E. Pars tuberalis. Wrapped around the infundibular stalk. Site of primary capillary plexus.
Similar structure and function to pars distalis.
F. Pars intermedia. Cells (similar to basophils) form vesicles filled with colloid. These are
remnants of Rathke's pouch. Function in human is questionable.

IV. Thyroid gland.

A. Structure. Two lateral lobes connected by an isthmus at the level of the 2nd and 3rd tracheal
cartilages. Enveloped by a capsule and has a fine connective tissue stroma. Well

B. Parenchyma. 2 cell types, follicular cells and parafollicular cells.
1. Follicular cells. Are simple cuboidal (normal) to simple columnar (hyperactive) to
simple squamous (inactive) epithelial cells. They form spherical, hollow balls of cells =
follicles. Follicles are filled with colloid material that consists of thyroglobulin (a
binding glycoprotein for thyroid hormone) + thyroid hormone (thyroxine). Thus,
thyroxine is stored extracellularly. Follicular cells contain appropriate organelles for
synthesizing protein and glycoprotein. Cells also take up iodine from the vasculature
and transport it to colloid where it is added to tyrosines (which are attached to
thyroglobulin). For release, thyroglobulin with attached thyroxine is taken up by
pinocytosis, is broken down by Iysosomes, and thyroxine released into capillaries.
2. Parafollicular cells. Occur within wall of follicle (inside the basement membrane) or as
small clusters outside the follicle. Produce the hormone, calcitonin.
C. Function of thyroxine. Increase basal metabolic rate, increase oxidative metabolism,
stimulate maturational processes and increase CNS activity. Control of secretion is by TSH
from the pars distalis.
D. Function of calcitonin. Lowers blood calcium levels and decreases bone resorption. Control
of secretion is by negative feedback with plasma calcium levels.

V. Parathyroid gland.
A. Structure. Very small glands embedded in the thyroid gland, but separated by a capsule.
Adipocytes are common in the glands, especially with increasing age.
B. Parenchyma. 2 cell types-chief and oxyphil.
1. Chief cells are most numerous and produce parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH
increases plasma calcium (acts the opposite of calcitonin). Increases bone resorption
(by osteoclasts) to increase calcium, stimulates absorption of calcium in the small
intestine and reduces renal excretion of calcium. Control of secretion is via negative
feedback with plasma calcium levels.
2. Oxyphil cells. Less numerous, but larger than chief cells. Acidophilic cells that
resemble parietal cells of the stomach. Function in humans is unknown.

VI. Adrenal gland.

A. Structure. 2 parts-cortex and medulla with divergent origins. Cortex develops from
mesoderm, whereas medulla develops from neural crest (is a modified sympathetic
ganglion). Surrounded by a distinct capsule, but there is little connective tissue stroma.
Profuse vascularization and capillaries are sinusoidal.
B. Blood supply. Subcapsular arterioles give rise to sinusoids that:
1. Supply the cortex first and then drain to medullary veins (these carry corticosteroids to
the medulla) or
2. Supply directly the medulla (so the medulla does not get nutrient-deficient blood) and
then collect as medullary veins.
C. Innervation. Medulla is a modified ganglion. Its cells receive sympathetic preganglionic
axons and synapses. In this way sympathetic stimuli can release catecholamines.
D. Cortex. Cells are arranged in zones.
1. Zona glomerulosa. Outermost. Cells arranged as arches surrounded by sinusoids.
Cells contain lipid droplets, abundant mitochondria and sER (characteristics of steroid

hormone producing cells). Produce the mineralocorticoid aldosterone. Stimulated by
angiotensin II.
2. Zona fasciculata. Middle layer, forms bulk of cortex. Cells arranged as straight cords,
2 cells thick and separated by sinusoids. Ultrastructure like that of cells in zona
glomerulosa, but more 'spongy, foamy' appearing because of lipid content. Produce the
glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone. Stimulated by ACTH.
3. Zona reticularis. Innermost layer. Cells arranged as a network among sinusoids. Cells
are smaller, contain less lipid, but more lipofuscin than those in other layers. Produce
the sex steroid dehydroepiandrosterone (a weak androgen).
4. Hormonal actions. Aldosterone promotes sodium retention in the kidney.
Glucocorticoids promote carbohydrate production form proteins and increase blood
glucose levels; also alleviates inflammation and are immunosuppressive.
Dehydroepiandrosterone usually has little effect, but overproduction can cause
masculinization in females.
E. Medulla. Cells are arranged in clusters among sinusoids.
1. Cell types include chromaffin cells and sympathetiC postganglionic neurons.
a) Chromaffin cells. Resemble autonomic neurons, but without axons. They contain
abundant rER, Golgi, mitochondria, and neurosecretory, dense-core vesicles. The
secretory granules contain the catecholamines epinephrine or norepinephrine.
About 80% of the secretion is epinephrine.
b) SympathetiC postganglionic neurons. Are few and are displaced from sympathetic
ganglia. Their axons innervate the vasculature in the medulla.
2. Hormonal effects. Epinephrine prepares us for the 'fight or flight' reaction. Increased
glycogenolysis, increased cardiac output, increased oxygen consumption, and
increased perfusion of skeletal muscle. Norepinephrine increases vasoconstriction and
thus blood pressure.
3. Control of secretion. Via stimulation by sympathetiC preganglionic neurons and synaptic
contacts. Hypoglycemia can stimulate epinephrine secretion.
4. Glucocorticoids from the cortex are important in maintenance of the medullary cells as
endocrine cells (rather than neurons) and for the production of epinephrine from

VII. Islets of Langerhans (endocrine pancreas).

A. Structure. Clusters of cells situated in the bulk of the exocrine pancreas, but separated by a
delicate connective tissue capsule. Profusely vascularized by fenestrated capillaries.
B. Cell types.
1. A or alpha cells. Are peripherlly located and form about 15% of the islet cell
population. Produce the hormone glucagon.
2. B or beta cells. Are more centrally located and form about 70% of the islet cell
population. Produce the hormone insulin.
3. 0 or delta cells. Peripherally located and form about 10% of the islet cell population.
Produce the hormone somatostatin.
4. Other cell types (C, F and PP cells) form about 5% of the cell population. Even though
they secrete various hormones, their functional roles in the islet presently are not clear.
C. Hormonal effects. Glucagon increases blood sugar by promoting glycogenolYSis in the liver
(stimulated by low plasma glucose). Insulin decreases blood sugar by promoting glucose
transport into muscle and adipocytes and glycogen synthesis in the liver (stimulated by

rising blood glucose levels). Somatostatin inhibits the release of insulin and glucagon.
NOTE: diabetes mellitus results from a defiCiency of insulin or beta cells (expressed as
hyperglycemia and as glycosuria-increased glucose in the urine).
D. Innervation. Some cells are innervated by sympathetic and parasympthetic nerves
(sympathetic stimulation decreases insulin secretion in animals).

VIII. Pineal gland.

A. Structure. Attached by the pineal stalk to the dorsal (posterior) aspect of the diencephalon
and 3rd ventricle. S-8mm long by 3-Smm wide. The stalk contains nerve fibers that enter the
gland. The pineal is surrounded by a capsule that is continuous with the pia/arachnoid
B. Cell types. Pinealocytes (chief cells) and glial cells.
1. Pinealocyte. Large, basophilic cells that have processes ending near capillaries.
Processes resemble axons and contain synaptic vesicles. Pinealocytes are connected
by gap junctions.
2. Glial cells. Resemble astrocytes of the CNS and appear to playa supportive role for
C. Hormones. Pinealocytes contain serotonin and melatonin (serotonin is a precursor to
melatonin). Melatonin has antigonadotrophic effects. Melatonin production varies with light
cycles and is responsive to visual inputs (mainly produced when no light enters the visual
system-night). Target of melatonin is hypothalamic cells that produce gonadotropin-
releasing hormone (GnRH) and gonadotrophs. Prevents precocious gonadal development
and function.
D. Innervation. By sympathetic nerves. Information from the retina travels to preganglionic
neurons in thoracic spinal cord then to postganglionic neurons in the superior cervical
ganglion. Postganglionic sympathetic fibers synapse on pinealocytes. Thus, visual inputs
related to light and dark cycles get to pineal gland.
E. Calcified inclusions = corpora aranacea (brain sand). Are frequently present in the pineal.
NOTE: they increase with age and are used as a radiological landmark.


I. General function. Perpetuation of the species. Production of germ cells (ova)(stimulated by FSH),
transport and fertilization of ova, secretion of hormones to prepare for implantation (FSH and
estrogen, followed by LH) and maintenance of implantation (LH, HCG, estrogen and
progesterone), forcible expUlsion of the fetus (stimulated by oxytocin) and provides nutrition for
the newborn by lactation (stimulated by prolactin and oxytocin). The system undergoes 3 phases:
infantile (birth to puberty, 12-14th year), functional/reproductive (12-14th year to 4S-SSth year)
and involutional (from 4S-SSth year to death; menopause designates ovarian involution).
Menarche time of first menses (menstruation; shedding of the uterine mucosa if implantation
does not occur). From menarche to menopause the system undergoes cyclic changes governed
by hormonal relationships involving the brain, endocrine system and reproductive organs.

II. Components.
A. Primary sex organs. Ovaries have dual functions; exocrine (produce oocytes) and
endocrine (secrete the hormones estrogen and progesterone).

B. Secondary sex organs. Uterine tubes (oviducts, fallopian tubes), uterus, vagina and external

III. Ovary.
A. Immature ovary. Covered by a simple cuboidal epithelium (germinal epithelium; this is a
misnomer in that this epithelium does not give rise to oocytes).
1. Cortex. At birth, contains about 200,000 primordial follicles/ovary. Primordial follicle =
primary oocyte surrounded by a single layer of squamous follicular cells. Primary
oocytes are arrested in prophase of first meiotic division. Growing follicles and corpora
lutea are absent. Stroma is loose connective tissue.
2. Medulla. Contains blood vessels, nerves and loose connective tissue.
B. Mature (functional) ovary. Dense connective tissue layer (tunica albuginea) is evident
underlying the germinal epithelium.
1. Medulla. Contains blood vessels, nerves and loose connective tissue.
2. Cortex. Contains many follicles in different maturational phases.
a) Primordial follicle. Primary oocyte surrounded by a single layer of squamous
follicular (granulosa) cells. With each cycle, under stimulation by FSH, primordial
follicles commence to grow to form primary follicles.
b) Primary (growing) follicle. Follicular cells become cuboidal, multilayered, and a
basement membrane is produced adjacent to stroma. Oocyte enlarges and a
zona pellicuda is produced by both the oocyte and granulosa (follicular) cells.
Oocyte and granulosa cells communicate, via gap junctions, across the zona
pellucida. Under continued stimulation by FSH the primary follicle advances to a
secondary follicle.
c) Secondary (antral) follicle. Spaces begin to form among the granulosa cells =
beginning of antrum. Spaces contain liquor folliculi containing estrogen,
progesterone and androgen. Eventually the spaces coalesce as a single antrum.
The oocyte is pushed to one side of the follicle in a mound of granulosa cells =
cumulus oophorus. The stroma immediately around the follicle organizes into
concentric layers = theca interna and theca externa. Theca extern a remains as
stroma, but theca interna cells becomes steroidogenic (they produce
androstenedione and testosterone which are converted to estrogen by the
granulosa cells). With continued maturation and stimulation by FSH, the
secondary follicle becomes a Graafian follicle.
d) Graafian (mature) follicle. Fully mature follicle that exists 1-2 days before
ovulation. It moves from deep in the cortex to the suface at the site where
ovulation will occur (stigma). Oocyte is eccentrically located in the follicle and
surrounded by the cumulus oophorus. Granulosa cells immediately around and
attached to the zona pellicida form the corona radiata and will be expelled with
the oocyte along with liquor folliculi. Just prior to ovulation, the first meiotic division
is completed and the primary oocyte becomes a secondary ooctye (it is arrested
at metaphase of the second meiotic division until fertilization occurs).
3. Ovulation. About midcycle there is an abrupt surge in LH secretion which promotes
ovulation. The stigma ruptures, the secondary oocyte with its corona radiata is released
into the peritoneal cavity and is swept into the infundibulum of the oviduct. If not
fertilized within 24 hours the secondary oocyte degenerates. If fertilization occurs, the
secondary oocyte completes the second meiotic division.

a) Corpus luteum (CL) formation. The remaining wall of the ruptured follicle
collapses, granulosa cells become vascularized and luteinization occurs
(transformation of cells into steroidogenic cells). Under influence of LH, theca
interna cells become theca I..,tein cells (continue to produce estrogen) and
granulosa cells become granulosa lutein cells (80% of corpus luteum; produce
progesterone). Progesterone prepares uterus for implantation and prevents
development of new follicles and subsequent ovulation.
(1) Life span of CL. If pregnancy does not occur, 10-14 days; if pregnancy
occurs, 6 months (continues to produce estrogen and progesterone
throughout pregnancy, but at a reduced level after 6 months).
(2) CL is maintained by human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) produced by the
placenta. In late pregnancy the CL produces relaxin (relaxes the pubic
symphysis, inhibits the myometrium and promotes dilation of the cervix). If
(when) the CL degenerates, it becomes a corpus albicans.
b) Corpus albicans. Degenerated corpus luteum. Becomes clear staining, fibrotic,
and contains active macrophages.
4. Atretic follicles. A large number of follicles begin to develop with each cycle, but only
one completes development and is ovulated. Others degenerate (undgo atresia) at
various stages of development atretic follicles. NOTE: of the 400,000 follicles that a
young female has at birth, only 400-500 are ovulated, the rest undergo atresia. Atretic
follicles are recognized by disorganized and degenerating granulosa cells,
hypertrophied and folded basement membrane of granulosa cells, and a degenerating
C. Hormonal influences.
1. Estrogen. Produced by growing follicle and corpus luteum.
Stimulates development and maintenance of female reproductive tract and mammary
glands. Stimulates female secondary sex characteristics. Influences CNS (hormonal
feedback and behavior).
2. Progesterone. Produced by corpus luteum.
Hormone of pregnancy-in general, acts after estrogen to prepare reproductive tract
for pregnancy. Stimulates uterine gland secretion and mammary gland development.
Inhibits uterine contractions. Influences CNS (hormonal feedback and behavior).
3. FSH. Produced by anterior pituitary. Stimulates follicular growth and thus, promotes
estrogen secretion.
4. LH. Produced by anterior pituitary Promotes ovulation, corpus luteum formation, and
progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum.

IV. Uterine tube (oviduct, fallopian tube).

A. Parts. From uterus distally: intramural, isthmus, ampulla, and infundibulum with fimbria.
Infundibulum opens to the peritoneal cavity near the ovary and the finger-like fimbria (along
with ciliary action) sweep the expelled ovum into the lumen of the tube.
B. Histology.
1. Mucosa. Simple cuboidal to simple columnar cells; some are ciliated and some are
secretory cells. Height of epithelial cells, presence of cilia and secretory activity are all
stimulated by estrogen. Some cilia beat toward the tube to move ovum into tube,
others beat toward ovary to help move sperm to ovum. Secretory cells produce viscous
material to nourish ovum and promote capacitation of sperm. Lamina propria is thin,

vascular and without glands. Mucosa is folded with most complex folds in the ampulla;
fimbria are inverted folds.
2. Muscularis. Inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle (like GI tract).
Increases in thickness toward the uterus and peristaltic contraction waves to propel the
oocyte toward the uterus. Stimulated by estrogen (during the follicular or proliferative
phase) and inhibited by progesterone (during the lute~ or secretory phase).
3. =
Serosa. Tube is covered by mesothelium visceral peritoneum.
C. Function. Moves ovum and sperm together to promote fertilization, site of fertilization,
movement of fertilized ovum to uterus for implantation. NOTE: mucosa is well vascularized
and can serve as a site for implantation ectopic pregnancy.

v. Uterus.
A. General function. Receives the fertilized ovum (zygote), provides for its attachment
(implantation) and establishes a blood supply for maintenance of the embryo (via the
B. Parts. Body (with upper dome-shaped fundus) and cervix (most caudal). Body consists of 3
distinct layers and undergoes cyclic changes during the menstrual cycle. In cervix, layers
are less distinct and cyclic changes are not pronounced.
C. Uterine body. Wall consists of 3 layers.
1. Endometrium (mucosa). Epithelium is simple columnar to cuboidal; it invaginates from
the surface to form simple tubular uterine glands. Epithelium contains some secretory
cells (mainly in glands) and ciliated cells (mainly at surface). Lamina propria is very
loose and cellular. Is divided into 2 layers:
a) Stratum functionalis. Luminal layer. Undergoes cyclic changes under the
influence of estrogen and is sloughed during menstruation.
b) Stratum basalis. Deep layer abutting myometrium. Does not undergo significant
cyclic changes. Regenerates the stratum functionalis after menstruation (during
the follicular or proliferative phase).
2. Myometrium (muscularis). Three ill-defined layers of smooth muscle. Undergoes
hyperplasia and hypertrophy during pregnancy; postpregnancy, the muscle does not
return to its original state, but there remains some uterine enlargement. Is well
3. Perimetrium (serosa). Typical peritoneal lining of mesothelium with a small amount of
underlying connective tissue. Continuous with lining of uterine tubes and broad
ligament. Blood vessels and nerves run in the perimetrium.
D. Blood supply to endometrium. Is important for menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
1. Uterine and ovarian arteries anastomose and give rise to arcuate branches that
encircle the uterus. Branches of the arcuate arteries penetrate the myometrium as
radial arteries and terminate at the endo/myometrial junction as straight and spiral
(coiled) arteries which supply the endometrium.
2. Straight arteries. Mainly supply the stratum basalis.
3. Spiral arteries. Mainly supply the stratum functionalis. Drain to venous lacunae near the
luminal surface which in turn connect into the venous system.
E. Cyclic changes in endometrium (coincides with the functioning of the ovary-begins at
puberty). The endometrium is prepared for implantation; if implantation does not occur there

is a partiai sloughing of the endometrium (stratum functionalis). Three stages to the cycle:
proliferative, secretory and menstrual.
1. Proliferative stage (follicular phase-coincides with FSH secretion, growth of ovarian
fomcles and production of estrogen).
a) Stratum functionalis is regenerated from the stratum basalis after menstruation.
The endometrial glands increase in length and number and the gland lumen is
narrow and straight. Spiral arteries lengthen and extend to midlevels of the
endometrium. In the later part of this phase, the cells become secretory and the
glandular lumen becomes wavy.
b) Continues from about day 6 to about the 14th day of the cycle midcycle (day 1 of
cycle is first day of menstruation). At midcycle there is an LH surge and ovulation.
This leads to:
2. Secretory stage (luteal phase-coincides with LH secretion, life of the corpus luteum,
and the secretion of progesterone).
a) Stratum functionalis thickens due to edema of lamina propria and hypertrophy of
epithelial cells. Glands become tortuous, lumen is wide and sinuous, and epithelial
cells are secretory (secrete glycogen for nutrition of fertilized ovum). Spiral
arteries extend close to the luminal surface and venous lakes have many
distentions. Stratum functionalis is prepared for implantation.
b) Continues to about the 28th day of the cycle end of cycle (day 1 of cycle is first
day of menstruation).
3. Menstrual stage (ischemic phase-coincides with lack of implantation, decline of
corpus luteum function and decline of progesterone and estrogen secretion).
a) Spiral arteries constrict intermittently, stratum functionalis becomes ischemic,
capillaries and venous lakes rupture, epithelium breaks down with a general
disruption of the tissue. Fragments of mucosa detach, stroma and vessels are
exposed, bleeding occurs and stratum functionalis is sloughed. Average blood
loss is about 35 ml.
b) Continues from day 1 to day 5 of the cycle. Then the proliferative stage begins
c) If implantation occurs then the placenta is formed and produces HCG which
rescues the corpus luteum, keeps it viable and secreting progesterone and
estrogen. This maintains the endometrium and menstruation does not occur.
F. Changes in the endometrium if fertilization occurs.
1. Fertilization produces a zygote. Zygote undergoes many mitoses to form ball of cells =
morula. Morula enters uterine cavity about 3 days after fertilization (about day 170f
the cycle when the endometrium is in the secretory stage). Cavity forms in morula and
the blastocyst is born.
2. =
The outer cell layer of the blastocyst trophoblast. Trophoblast invades the uterine
epithelium and gives rise to cytotrophoblast cells and the syncytiotrophoblast.
Syncytiotrophoblast secretes HCG. HCG rescues the corpus luteum so menstruation
does not occur. Trophoblast is the fetal contribution to the placenta and the stratum
basalis (decidua basalis) is the maternal contribution to the placenta.

VI. Uterine cervix.

A. General. Lowest part of the uterus and connects the uterine body with the vagina.
1. Mucosa. Epithelium is simple columnar, mucous-secreting cells. Epithelium invaginates
forming mucous-secreting glands. Secretion is thinnest (more watery) at midcycle

under estrogen stimulation (most conducive to sperm penetration). Secretion is more
viscous after ovulation and during pregnancy (acts as a barrier to sperm and bacteria).
NOTE: duct of glands often get plugged, which backs up the secretion leading to cyst
formation Nabothian cyst. Mucosa does not slough during the menstrual stage; only
cyclic change is the secretory activity of the mucous cells. Mucosa is highly folded
forming plica palmatae. Lamina propria is dense connective tissue.
2. Myometrium. Mixture of smooth muscle, elastic and collagen fibers.
B. Portio vaginal is. Lower part of cervix protrudes into the vagina as the portio vaginalis. The
epithelium abruptly changes here from simple columnar to stratified squamous non-
keratinized. NOTE: cells taken from this area are the basis for the Pap smear.

VII. Vagina.
A. General. Is a muscular tube extending from the cervix to the vestibule. Wall consists of three
layers: mucosa, muscularis and adventitia.
1. Mucosa. Epithelium is stratified squamous non-keratinized. Cells contain abundant
glycogen at midcycle. Lamina propria is dense connective tissue, but becomes loose
more peripherally in the wall. Many veins in the loose connective tissue; become
engorged during sexual arousal. There are no glands in the vagina; lubrication comes
from mucus of the cervix. Many lymphoid cells in the loose connective tissue; aid in
patrolling for antigens (especially when the epithelium thins during the luteal phase of
the cycle).
2. Muscularis. Inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle. There are skeletal
muscle fibers at the vaginal opening that form a sphincter.
3. Adventitia. Connective tissue rich in elastic fibers.
B. Epithelial changes with hormones and the menstrual cycle.
1. Estrogen stimulates an increase in epithelial thickness and glycogen accumulation
(fermentation of glycogen to lactic acid by bacteria is responsible for the acid pH of the
vaginal fluid near midcycle-this helps resist infections).
2. Drop in estrogen titer leads to a decrease in epithelial thickness in the second half of
the cycle due to sloughing of the surface cells. This thinning of the epithelium permits
lymphocytes to pass into the vaginal lumen. Glycogen is less abundant, thus pH of the
vaginal fluid increases at this time-increased chances for infections at this time.

VIII. External genitalia. Includes the clitoris (homologue of the penis), labia minora and majora (folds
of skin with a core of connective tissue with elastic fibers), mucous-secreting vestibular glands as
well as Bartholin's glands that secrete a milky lubricant during sexual arousal.

IX. Placenta.
A. Blood-placenta barrier or fetal-maternal barrier.
1. Six layers. Syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast, basal lamina, connective tissue space,
basal lamina and endothelium of capillaries. (During late pregnancy, the
cytotrophoblast drops out leaving five layers).
2. Prevents mixing of maternal and fetal blood and prevents certain materials from
crossing and mixing with fetal blood.
B. Placenta as an endocrine organ. Secretes HCG, human placental lactogen (has GH and
lactogenic activities), estrogen and progesterone. These substances are secreted by the

x. Mammary gland.
A. Compound tubuloalveolar gland containing 15-20 lobes. Each lobe is drained by a
lactiferous duct that exits to the surface of the nipple. Many secretory alveoli (acini) drain
into each duct. Lobes are separated by dense connective tissue and adipose tissue (in the
adult). The gland is subject to developmental and reproductive changes.
1. Prepubertal gland. See only ductal elements surrounded by connective tissue;
secretory alveoli are not developed.
2. Postpubertal, non-lactating gland. Estrogen stimulates deposition of adipose tissue.
Some branching of ducts occurs and secretory alveoli sprout from the ducts. Alveoli
consist of simple cuboidal cells.
3. Adult, non-pregnant, non-lactating gland. Adipose tissue is prominent. Glands
(alveoli) branch from ducts (forming lobules) and are surrounded by loose connective
tissue with dense connective tissue between the lobules. Progesterone influences
branching of duct system.
4. Adult, pregnant, lactating gland. Alveoli are highly branched from ducts and have
expanded at the expense of the adipose tissue and loose connective tissue of the
lobules. This is stimUlated by estrogen and progesterone. Alveolar cells are columnar
and very active in synthesis and secretion. Myoepithelial cells surround the alveoli
and partiCipate in expulsion of the secretory product. This is stimulated by prolactin,
human placental lactogen and oxytocin.
= =
a) Secretory product milk proteins + lipids. Lipid material is released by apocrine
secretion (part of the apical cytoplasm of the gland cell is lost) and protein
material by eccrine secretion (only the secretory granule is released). Proteins are
casein, lactoalbumin and immunoglobulins (help protect the feeding infant from GI


I. General function. Perpetuation of the species, i.e.,. production of germ cells (sperm)(stimulated
by FSH and testosterone) and transport of the sperm to the female for fertilization of the ovum.

II. Components.
A. Primary sex organs. Testis. Have dual functions; exocrine (produce sperm) and endocrine
(secrete the hormones testostererone, inhibin and androgen binding protein).
B. Secondary sex organs. Epididymis, vas deferens, urethra and penis, seminal vesicles,
prostate and bulbourethal glands.

III. Scrotal contents.

A. Testis. Develops retroperitoneally in abdominal cavity, descends to scrotum carrying some
peritoneum with it (tunica vaginalis). Is suspended by the spermatic cord (which contains
the vas deferens, cremaster muscle, blood and lymph vessels and nerves).
1. Tunica vaginalis. Covers the anterior two thirds of testis. Composed of 2 layers,
visceral and parietal, both of which consist of mesothelium.
B. Tunica albuginea. Dense connective tissue layer (capsule) surrounding the testis.

C. Dartos muscle. Smooth muscle in the dermis of the scrotal skin. Contraction of the dartos
muscle wrinkles the scrotum and contraction of the cremaster muscle elevates the testis
nearer the body wall; both help maintain temperature for germ cells.

IV. Testis.
A. Structure. Tunica albuginea thickens on the posterior aspect of the testis forming the
mediastinum. From here connective tissue septa radiate into the testis dividing it into
lobules; each lobule contains several highly coiled seminiferous tubules.
B. Tubules for sperm transport. At the apex of each lobule the seminiferous tubule straightens
out as the tubuli recti (straight tubules) which continue in the mediastinum as the rete testis
(network of tubules). From the rete testis arise 10-15 efferent ductules which exit the testis
and converge to form the ductus epididymis. The ductus epididymis is continuous with the
vas deferens (exits the scrotum) which joins with the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the
ejaculatory duct. The latter enters the prostatic urethra which continues as the membranous
and then penile urethra.
C. Seminiferous tubules. Exocrine testis. Consist of a stratified epithelium containing two cell
types: germ cells and supporting cells (Sertoli cells). The tubule is surrounded by loose
connective tissue containing myoid cells (these contract to help move sperm out of tubules)
and small groups of endocrine cells (interstitial cells of Leydig-produce testosterone).
1. Germ cells. 4-8 layers of cells in various stages of development.
a) Spermatogonia. Closest to basement membrane. Small (12~m) with spherical,
dark staining nucleus. Divide by mitosis.
b) Primary spermatocytes. Derived from spermatogonia. Are luminal to the
basement membrane, large (18~m) and chromosomes are evident in the nucleus.
Undergo the first meiotic division forming 2 secondary spermatocytes.
c) Secondary spermatocytes. Occupy the middle of the epithelium, smaller
(12~m), and chromatin is evident. Once formed they divide immediately (second
meiotic division) forming 2 spermatids. One spermatogonium forms 4 spermatids.
d) Spermatids. Border the lumen of the tubule. Are small cells (9~m) that do not
undergo any further divisions, but undergo maturation (spermiogenesis) to
become spermatozoa.
2. Supporting cells = Sertoli cells. Tall columnar cells that extend from the basement
membrane to the lumen. Have a euchromatic nucleus with prominent nucleoli.
Function: have a supportive (trophic) role for germ cells and are secretory.
a) Secrete androgen binding protein (binds high concentrations of testosterone in
tubules to promote spermatogenesis) and inhibin (feedback inhibition on
production of FSH).
b) Secrete fluid to promote sperm movement out of tubules.
c) Phagocytose excess cytoplasm shed during spermiogenesis.
d) Have a nutritive and protective role for developing sperm.
e) Form the blood-testis barrier. Barrier consists of tight junctions between Sertoli
cells. Creates a basal compartment (containing spermatogonia) and an adluminal
compartment (containing spermatocytes spermatids and spermatozoa). Restricts
undesirable macromolecules from reaching spermatocytes and keeps new
(antigenic) molecules of spermatocytes and spermatozoa from entering the host
immune system and mounting an immune reaction.
D. Spermatogenesis. Process of development of spermatogonia to mature sperm. Stimulated
by testosterone and FSH. Vitamin A promotes this as does an ideal temperature (35 C., 0

about 2° C. below body temperature). Takes about 64 days to produce spermatozoa from
spermatogonia. This occurs in waves in the seminiferous tubules so that all tubules, and all
parts of the same tubule, are not in the same stages of spermatogenesis.
E. Spenniogenesis. Maturational process undergone by spermatids to become spermatozoa.
Four phases are involved in spermiogenesis and include development of the acrosome
(containing lysosomal enzymes necessary for penetration of the ovum), condensation of the
nuclear chromatin, development of an elongated cell shape, the flagellum and energy
machinery (mitochondria) for motility.
F. Mature spermatozoan. 3 parts: head, neck and tail (flagellum).
1. Head. Condensed nucleus with haploid amount of genetic material. Nucleus is capped
by the acrosome containing hydrolytic lysosomal enzymes essential for dispersing the
cells of the corona radiata and digesting the zona pellucida of the ovum to aid
2. Neck. Contains a centriole and longitudinal fibers continuous into the tail.
3. Tail (flagellum). Comprise 3 parts: mid piece, principal piece and end piece. Tail is an
axoneme (contains the 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules characteristic of motile cilia).
In addition, midpiece contains mitochondria arranged around a system of fibers. Fibers
continue into the principal piece.
4. Spermatozoa undergo a maturation in the epididymis and capacitation (acquire
capacity to fertilize) in the oviduct. Spermatozoa are not mobile until they are exposed
to secretions of genital glands (movement through ducts is by fluid currents and
peristalsis) .
G. Semen. Seminal plasma (glandular secretions) + spermatozoa.
1. This is about 3-6 ml of semen per ejaculate.
2. There is about 100-300 million sperm per ml of ejaculate.
3. NOTE: less than 20 million sperm per ml of ejaculate is considered sterile.

V. Tubules.
A. Straight tubules (tubuli recti). Lined by simple cuboidal epithelium.
B. Rete testis. Network of tubules in the mediastinum. Lined by simple cuboidal epithelium.
C. Efferent ductules. 10-15 tubules exiting the testis. Lined by pseudostratified epithelium
characterized by alternating tall columnar (ciliated) and short cells (gives tubule an irregular
outline). Smooth muscle among tubules. Sperm movement by ciliary action, fluid movement,
and smooth muscle contraction.
D. Ductus epididymis. Formed by convergence of efferent ductules. Lined by pseudostratified
epithelium characterized by tall columnar cells (with stereocilia) and basal cells. Columnar
cells are secretory. Luminal lining is smooth and regular. Smooth muscle surrounds the
duct. Stores sperm, participates in their maturation and propels them into the vas deferens.
E. Vas deferens (ductus deferens). Lined by pseudostratified epithelium like epididymis.
Muscularis - 3 well-developed layers of smooth muscle that are highly innervated by
sympathetic nerves (undergo powerful contractions for ejaculation). Surrounded by an
adventitia (fibrous connective tissue).

VI. Glands.
A. Prostate.

1. Consists of 3 sets of glands organized around the urethra.
a) Mucosal. Contained in mucosa and secrete directly into urethra. With age, these
can enlarge (benign), impinge on urethra and impede urination.
b) Submucosal. Extend out from the urethra, but open by ducts into the urethra.
c) Main. Conglomerate of 30-50 tubuloalveolar glands that open by excretory ducts
into the prostatic urethra. These produce most of the secretory material of the
gland. NOTE: main glands are most often involved in malignant carcinoma of the
2. Epithelium. Low pseudostratified columnar (mucosal and submucosal glands) to simple
cuboidal/columnar (main glands). Secretion is part of semen (20-30%), is thin and
watery and contains acid phosphatase (elevated in the blood of men with prostatic
carcinoma; useful for clinical diagnosis and for monitoring carcinoma), citric acid,
amylase, and fibrinolysin (keeps semen liquified).
3. Stroma. Fibroelastic tissue containing smooth muscle. Muscle contractions help expel
secretory material.
4. Prostatic concretions (corpora amylacea). Condensations of secretory material
often present in the gland lumen. Increase with age.
5. Prostate is dependent on and responds to testosterone.
B. Seminal vesicle.
1. Consists of paired and coiled glandular sacs.
a) Epithelium is pseudostratified columnar to simple columnar. Mucosa is highly
folded and invaginated. Is a secretory epithelium and produces part of semen
(70%). Secretion is thick and contains fructose (energy source for sperm), citrate,
prostaglandins and flavins (pigments that fluoresce under UV light; can be used in
forensic medicine to detect semen stains in suspected rape).
b) Stroma. Contains many elastic fibers. Smooth muscle is prominent. Contraction
helps expel secretory material.
2. Vas deferens joins the ducts of the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory ducts which
open into the prostatic urethra.
3. Seminal vesicle is dependent on and responds to testosterone.
C. Bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands. Small glands open in the proximal part of the penile
urethra. They secrete a clear, viscous material during sexual arousal.

VII. Penis.
A. A. Consists of 3 cylindrical bodies of cavernous or erectile tissue. Cavernous tissue is
comprised of a system of endothelial-lined vascular channels. These are engorged with
blood during sexual arousal producing penile erection.
1. Corpora cavernosa. Paired and surrounded by a dense connective tissue coat =
tunica albuginea. Supplied by deep artery that give rise to coiled helicine arteries.
During sexual stimulation sympathetic nerve activity is decreased and helicine arteries
dilate, blood pressure overcomes elastic tissue, thus allowing engorgement of
cavernous tissue with blood. Inflow exceeds outflow and erection is achieved. After
ejaculation, arterial smooth muscle regains its normal tone and blood is dispersed and
the penis becomes flaccid.
2. Corpus spongiosum. Single cavernous body that contains the penile urethra. Is
surrounded by the tunica albuginea and ends in an expansion, the glans penis. Penile
urethra (see urinary system for description).

VIII. Endocrine relationships.
A. Interstitial cells of Leydig. Have the structure of steroid-hormone producing cells-
abundant sER, mitochondria with tubular cristae, lipid droplets and lipofuscin pigment in the
1. Secretion. Testosterone. Responds to LH secretion by anterior pituitary gland.
2. Testosterone function. Stimulates and maintains the structure and function of the
secondary sex organs, secondary sex characteristics (deep voice, male hair pattern,
and male type chest, pelvis and fat distribution), and spermatogenesis.
B. LH (anterior pituitary). Stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Testosterone has a
negative feedback for LH and FSH production.
C. FSH (anterior pituitary). Stimulates seminiferous tubules and spermatogenesis directly.
Stimulates Sertoli cells to produce androgen binding protein (ASP) and inhibin. Inhibin has a
negative feedback to production of FSH. ASP binds and concentrates testosterone in the
seminiferous tubules to promote spermatogenesis.

Review Questions
1. Which of the following spinal nerves contain both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers?
A. T1-12 .
B. C1-8.
C. T1_L2 .
D. S1-5.
E. S2-4.

2. Blood flows through the primitive beating heart in the following pattern:
A. atrium, ventricle, sinus venosus, bulbus cordis, truncus arteriosus.
B. truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, ventricle, atrium, sinus venosus.
C. sinus venosus, ventricle, atrium, bulbus cordis, truncus arteriosus.
D. atrium, ventricle, sinus venosus, bulbus cordis, truncus arteriosus.
E. sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbus cordis, truncus arteriosus.

3. Lack of development of the thymus or its malfunction during fetal and/or neonatal life will result in:
A. A decreased number of circulating lymphocytes.
B. A loss of the graft-rejection phenomenon.
C. Poor antibody formation in response to antigen.
D. A and B only.
E. A, Band C are all correct.

4. Aganglionic megacolon (Hirschsprung's disease) is a congenital disease resulting from the

improper development of a portion of the autonomic nervous system. This disease is
characterized by a dysfunctional lower colon which results in an inability to evacuate the bowels
(defecate). Which neural population would be involved in this disease?
A. Postganglionic neurons associated with the sacral portion of the parasympathetic division of
the autonomic nervous system.
B. Parasympathetic postganglionic neurons associated with cranial nerve (CN) X.
C. Sympathetic postganglionic neurons located in the inferior mesenteric ganglion.
D. Sympathetic preganglionic neurons located in the intermediolateral cell column (lateral hom).
E. Sensory neurons associated with the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

5. Vagotomy (resection of the vagus nerve) will result in which one of the following conditions?
A. The muscularis externa of the stomach will contract more actively than normal.
B. Pepsin secretion will increase.
C. HCL secretion will decrease.
D. The pyloric sphincter will contract.
E. The salivary glands will produce an excessive and watery secretion.

6. Inability to extend the forearm might indicate a lesion of the:

A. Ulnar nerve.
B. Median nerve.
C. Axillary nerve.
D. Lateral cord of brachial plexus.
E. Posterior cord of brachial plexus.
7. Which disease or lesion would NOT likely result in primary muscle atrophy?
A. Syringomyelia.
B. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
C. Transection of the L5 ventral root.
D. Transection of the L5 spinal nerve.
E. Tabes dorsalis.

8. Which of the following is more likely to produce lower limb paralysis and loss of pelvic visceral
autonomic control?
A. spinal bifida with meningocele
B. spinal bifida occulta
C. tethered spinal cord
D. spinal bifida with meningomyelocele
E. dermal sinus

9. All of the following are transmitted within the carpal tunnel EXCEPT:
A. Flexor pollicis longus tendon.
B. Median nerve.
C. Flexor digitorum profundus tendons.
D. Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons.
E. Deep branch of ulnar nerve.

10. If the internal carotid artery was occluded, which branch of the external carotid artery would be
least effective in providing collateral circulation to the brain?
A. Facial.
B. Superficial temporal.
C. Maxillary.
D. Ascending pharyngeal.

11. A patient reports to you that he is experiencing generalized muscle weakness which seems to be
progressively worsening. With your present knowledge of skeletal muscle morphology and
function, indicate which of the following area(s) may be causing the reported problem:
A. Insufficient norepinephrine is released into the synaptic cleft of the neuromuscular junction.
B. T-tubules lack an external lamina and do not transmit the neural impulse.
C. Acetylcholine receptors in the region of the motor end-plate do not function normally.
D. Muscle spindles are degenerating.
E. The depolarization signal is not transmitted at the level of the muscle fiber triad.

12. The apex of the heart is located on the anterior chest wall at which intercostal space:
A. 4th intercostal space.
B. 5th intercostal space.
C. 6th intercostal space.
D. 7th intercostal space.
E. 8th intercostal space.

13. An infant who is hypocalcemic because of a failure in the embryogenesis of the parathyroid glands
also commonly shows faulty development of the:
A. thyroid gland
B. submandibular glands
C. anterior pituitary gland
D. thymus
E. posterior pituitary gland

14. Which of the following statements about the external urethral sphincter is TRUE?
A. It is subject to involuntary control.
B. It is supplied by parasympathetic fibers arising from pelvic splanchnic nerves.
C. It is innervated by the pudendal nerve.
D. It is a modified portion of the pelvic diaphragm.
E. It surrounds the prostatic portion of the urethra in the male.

15. You have been asked to consult on a patient suspected of having a cerebrovascular accident
(CVA, stroke). When dictating the results of your neurological examination, you state that the
patient had a loss of pain and temperature sensation on the right side of his face and body, loss of
the gag reflex, a positive Romberg's sign and signs of Horner's syndrome on the right side. Your
impression from these symptoms is that the patient has experienced a CVA involving the

A. Anterior spinal artery.

B. Labyrinthine artery.
C. Posterior cerebral artery.
D. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery.
E. Superior cerebellar artery.

16. Surgical treatment for carcinoma of the rectum often requires rectal excision and creation of an
abdominal colostomy, utilizing the descending colon. The associated pelvic dissection, which
usually ablates the pelvic plexus, commonly results in all of the following deficits EXCEPT:
A. Decreased sensation in external genitalia.
B. Inability to ejaculate.
C. Inability to achieve erection.
D. Urinary retention and reduction in frequency of voiding.
E. Decreased peristalsis in the descending colon.

17. In a congenital diaphragmatic hernia all of the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT:
A. The lungs may be hypoplastic secondary to herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax.
B. The pleuroperitoneal membranes fail to close the dorsolateral portion of the diaphragm.
C. The defect is 5 times more likely to occur on the left side.
D. The developing lung herniates into the abdominal cavity.
E. A prenatal diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia can usually be made by sonography.

18. In the process of inflammation in response to an antigen, the role of the neutrophil is:
A. Release of histamine into the connective tissue in the area of the antigen.
B. Phagocytosis and neutralization of the antigen.
C. "Processing" the antigen so that "r lymphocytes will recognize it as foreign ("non-self').
D. Initiate the healing process by forming collagen.
E. Carrying information regarding the antigen to the lymph nodes via lymphatic vessels.

19. Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning the heart.

A. Structurally, the myocardium is comparable to the tunica media of other vessels.
B. The atrial and ventricular musculature is almost completely separated by the cardiac skeleton.
C. Purkinje fibers are characterized by the absence of intercalated disks and myofibrils.
D. Purkinje fibers are located in the subendocardium.
E. The cardiac skeleton serves as origin and insertion sites for cardiac muscle fibers.

20. All oogonia undergo their last MITOTIC division during:

A. fetal life.
B. infancy.
C. the early stages of sexual maturation.
D. ovulation.
E. fertilization.

21. A patient presents to the emergency room complaining of a sudden onset of dizziness and
headache. During the neurological exam you observe that the patient cannot abduct his left eye
and he does not blink when the left cornea is touched with a cotton swab. A lesion in which
brainstem location best describes the patients symptoms?
A. Basis pontis on the left side.
B. Pontine tegmentum on the left side.
C. Tegmentum of the mesencephalon on the left side.
D. Inferior to the pyramidal decussation on the left side.
E. Inferior to the sensory decussation on the left side.

22. A lesion of the would NOT result in a loss of proprioception involving the right arm?
A. Left ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus.
B. Right medial lemniscus.
C. Right fasciculus cuneatus.
D. Left postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex.
E. Right C8 to T1 dorsal root ganglia.

23. In the developing neural tube, neuronal differentiation occurs primarily in the:
A. mantle layer.
B. marginal layer.
C. ependymal layer.
D. ependymal, mantle and marginal layers.
E. ependymal and marginal layers.

24. Which of the following statements describes events which occur SIMULTANEOUSLY during the
menstrual cycle?
A. Follicles develop, endometrium proliferates and the vaginal epithelium thickens.
B. Follicles develop, endometrium becomes secretory and the vaginal epithelium thickens.
C. Follicles develop the theca interna, progesterone secretion begins and the cervical mucosa is
D. Follicles develop, the endometrium involutes, and the vaginal luminal pH increases.
E. Follicles develop, corpora albicans are activated, estrogen and progesterone are secreted.

25. Which statement does NOT characterize a neuron undergoing a reaction to injury?
A. A centrally located nucleus.
B. Wallerian degeneration.
C. A swollen perikaryon.
D. A reduction in Nissl staining.
E. Chromatolysis.

26. Case History: A couple in their mid-twenties consult you because the woman has not been able to
become pregnant. Tests show that the man is potent and fertile. Precise information regarding
menstrual regularity is not available. A biopsy of the ovary shows many atretic follicles, some
developing follicles but no corpora lutea or corpora albicans.
Which condition below would provide an explanation for the biopsy findings?
A. No theca interna to secrete estrogen.
B. No LH surge at midcycle.
C. No FSH secreted by the pituitary during the proliferative stage.
D. No prolactin secreted by the pituitary during the secretory stage.
E. The relative lack of progesterone during the secretory phase prevents the completion of

27. Which of the following organs is NOT a part of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous
A. Aorticorenal ganglion.
B. Celiac ganglion.
C. Suprarenal medulla.
D. Inferior mesenteric ganglion.
E. Myenteric plexus ganglia of the stomach.

28. A patient has pernicious anemia resulting from an inadequate absorption of vitamin B12. Which of
the following cells would most likely be malfunctioning?
A. Paneth cells of the small intestine.
B. Enteroendocrine cells of the stomach.
C. Cells lining the intestinal glands.
D. Parietal cells of the gastric mucosa.
E. Chief cells of the gastric mucosa.

29. The formation of platelets involves which of the following?
A. Loss of the megakaryocyte nucleus.
B. Proliferation of platelets in the marrow stroma.
C. Erythropoietin.
D. Fragmentation of megakaryocyte cytoplasm.
E. Secretion of thromboplastin.

30. General somatic afferent fibers are found in all of the following EXCEPT:
A. All dorsal roots.
B. All cutaneous nerves.
C. All muscular nerves.
D. All dorsal root ganglia.
E. All sympathetic splanchnic nerves.

31. The normal abdominal body wall of the adult is formed by contributions from:
A. ectoderm and lateral plate somatic mesoderm.
B. ectoderm and lateral plate splanchnic mesoderm.
C. ectoderm, lateral plate somatic mesoderm and paraxial mesoderm.
D. ectoderm, lateral plate splanchnic mesoderm and paraxial mesoderm.
E. ectoderm and neural crest cells.

32. Which statement is NOT correct?

A. Occluding the left anterior cerebral artery may result in anesthesia the ipsilateral foot.
B. The primary visual cortex is supplied, in part, by the posterior cerebral artery.
C. Occluding the right middle cerebral artery may result in a loss of motor function in the
contralateral forearm.
D. The ophthalmic artery is a direct branch of the internal carotid artery.
E. The inferior sagittal sinus does not drain directly into the confluence of sinuses.

33. Which of the following correctly characterize B-Iymphocytes?

A. Can differentiate into plasma cells.
B. Migrate readily and freely in the blood vascular and lymph vascular systems.
C. Form about ninety percent of the lymphocyte population.
D. Form the predominant population of lymphocytes in the thymus gland.
E. All of the above are correct.

34. Structures found in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Oculomotor nerve.
B. Trochlear nerve.
C. Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve.
D. Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve.
E. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve.

35. Radiation is means of inhibiting the proliferation of cells. Which of the following cell populations
most likely would be reduced in a 10-year-old patient receiving radiation therapy of a tumor in the
bone marrow cavity?
A. Osteocyte population.
B. Adipocyte population.
C. Marrow blood vessel endothelial cell population.
D. Osteoblast population.
E. Skeletal muscle cell population in the path of the radiation.

36. Which of the following statements CORRECTLY pertain to alveolar pores:

A. Function in collateral air circulation.
B. Are part of the gas exchange mechanism.
C. Help to increase the blood perfusion of the lung.
D. Serve to equalize the interalveolar air pressure.
E. A and D are correct; Band C are incorrect.

37. The pectinate line of the anal canal is the line of junction or separation between all of the following
A. Venous drainage to portal and caval systems.
B. Somatic afferent and visceral afferent fibers.
C. Middle rectal arterial supply and inferior rectal arterial supply.
D. Derivatives of ectoderm and endoderm.
E. Lymphatic drainage to inguinal nodes and inferior mesenteric nodes.

38. Tetralogy of Fallot includes all of the following except:

A. pulmonary stenosis.
B. large foramen ovale.
C. right ventricular hypertrophy.
D. dextropositional (overriding) aorta.
E. large ventricular septal defect.

39. If the dermis of the integument is traumatized (cut in the skin) which of the changes listed below
would you NOT expect to happen during the ensuing days?
A. Fibroblasts would increase in number.
B. Macrophages would be engaged in phagocytosis.
C. Fibroblasts would become more basophilic.
D. Mast cells would appear in large numbers and would be releasing their granules.
E. New collagen fibers will be synthesized.

40. The anastomosis between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries is near the:
A. Sigmoid colon.
B. Descending colon.
C. Hepatic flexure.
D. Rectum.
E. Splenic flexure.

41. Which of the following structures do not form part of the filtration membrane in the renal
A. Capillary endothelial cell.
B. Parietal layer of Bowman's capsule.
C. A basement membrane (a basal lamina).
D. Podocytes.
E. Filtration slits.

42. Following partial resection of the thyroid gland, a patient had paralysis of the cricothyroid muscle.
This was most likely due to:
A. Severing the inferior laryngeal nerve.
S. Severing the vagus nerve.
C. Severing the superior laryngeal nerve.
D. Trauma to the muscle during surgery.
E. Secondary infection subsequent to surgery.

43. Which cell does NOT have a developmental origin from ectoderm?
A. Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla.
B. Microglia.
C. Oligodendroglial cells.
D. Purkinje neurons of the cerebellum.
E. Ependymal cells lining the central canal of the spinal cord.

44. Failure of the embryonic mesoderm to invade and fuse across the midline cranial to the
oropharyngeal membrane (prochordal plate) would be expected to interfere with normal
development of all of the following EXCEPT:
A. heart.
B. pericardial cavity.
C. septum transversum.
D. neural tube.
E. thoracic body wall.

45. Certain drugs, such as colchicine or vinblastine, will depolymerize or impair the function of
microtubules. Based upon this information and your knowledge of the function of microtubules,
ALL of the following statements would correctly pertain to the effects of having administered one
of these drugs to an individual in cancer chemotherapy EXCEPT:
A. Lack of ciliary motility.
B. Impaired mitosis.
C. Impaired axonal transport in neurons.
D. Lack of movement of mRNA into the cytoplasm.
E. Impaired secretion of proteins packaged for export.

46. Gastrulation in the human embryo:
A. is the process by which the bilaminar embryo becomes trilaminar.
B. involves the movement of epiblast through the primitive streak.
C. gives rise to all embryonic endoderm.
D. gives rise to all embryonic mesoderm.
E. all of the above are correct.

47. In precocious sexual development, skeletal maturation and growth is stunted primarily due to:
A. Delay of epiphyseal union.
B. Decrease in sex hormone secretion.
C. Increase in growth hormone secretion.
D. Premature epiphyseal union.
E. Deficiency of vitamin C.

48. Concerning the latissimus dorsi muscle, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
A. Acts in extension of the humerus.
B. Inserts in the intertubercular groove of the humerus.
C. Helps to form the posterior axillary fold.
D. Is innervated by a nerve from the posterior cord ofthe brachial plexus.
E. Acts in lateral rotation of the humerus.

49. All of the items in the column on the right pertain best to which ONE item in the column on the
A. Zona fasciculata 1. Cells are of neural crest origin
B. Parathyroid gland 2. Produce epinephrine
C. Oxyphil cells 3. Contains a central vein
D. Adrenal medulla 4. Shows a positive chromaffin reaction
E. Paraventricular nucleus

50. You observe urine leaking out of the umbilicus of a neonate. Which of following malformations
could account for this observation?
A. a patent urachus
B. a patent vitelline duct
C. lack of closure of the medial umbilical ligaments
D. exstrophy of the bladder
E. an omphalocele

51. All of the items in the column on the right pertain best to which ONE item in the column on the
A. Epididymis 1. Simple columnar epithelium.
B. Prostate gland 2. Morphology may be stimulated by testosterone.
C. Corpus cavernosum 3. Produces part of the semen.
D. Seminal vesicle 4. Stroma contains smooth muscle.
E. Rete testis 5. Produces significant amounts of acid phosphatase.

52. A patient arrives at your clinic with signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Which statement
is NOT appropriate for this disease?
A. The patient's arm moves in a jerky motion when flexed against resistance.
B. At rest, you notice that the patient has a pronounced tremor involving his fingers.
C. The patient is taking dopamine in order to lessen his symptoms.
D. There is a reduction in the number of dopamine-containing neurons in the pars compacta of
the substantia nigra.
E. The patient has a shuffling gait with an apparent decrease in facial expression.

53. Vitamin C is important for normal growth of cartilage because it:

A. Stimulates normal proliferation of chondroblasts.
B. Is required for absorption of calcium by the intestine.
C. Is necessary for sulfate endocytosis.
D. Is necessary for maintenance and synthesis of collagenous fibers.
E. Is needed for polymerization of chondroitin.

54. First arch syndrome is believed to result from insufficient migration of neural crest cells into the
first branchial arch. All of the following malformations could result from this syndrome EXCEPT:
A. hearing loss due to a malformed malleus.
B. a cleft palate.
C. low set ears.
D. lack of a thymus.
E. a small mandible.

55. Which statement best characterizes the neurological symptom typical of a patient with an
enlargement of the pituitary gland (due to an adenoma)?
A. An inability to rotate the eyes laterally.
B. An interruption of neural signals from the temporal retina.
C. A loss of the accommodation/convergence reflex.
D. Night blindness and a generalized decrease in the perception of colors.
E. A decrease in peripheral vision.

56. Violent involuntary, flailing movements involving the proximal extremities and limb girdles
characterize which syndrome, disease or specific lesion?
A. Huntington's chorea.
B Multiple sclerosis.
C. Sydenham's chorea.
D. Tic douloureux.
E. Hemiballism.

57. Which of the following statements about nondisjunction is INCORRECT?

A. Nondisjunction that occurs during mitotic cell division results in a mosaic.
B. Nondisjunction may involve either autosomes or sex chromosomes.
C. Both monosomic and trisomic conditions may result from nondisjunction.
D. Nondisjunction resulting in trisomy of autosomes is invariably lethal.
E. Nondisjunction in germ cells produces at least two chromosomally abnormal gametes.

58. When viewing your patient's magnetic resonance image (MRI), you notice a lesion in her medulla
oblongata on the left side. Given that the lesion impairs cranial nerve function, which statement
describes ani nappropriate action to the test performed?
A When asked to say, "Ahh", her uvula deviates to the right.
B. When protruding the tongue, it deviates to the left.
C. When asked to shrug her shoulders against resistance, there is a significant reduction in
muscle strength on the left side.
D. There is a significant decrease in her ability to turn her head to the left against resistance.
E. She experiences pain, but does not blink when her left cornea is touched with a cotton swab.

59. Which statement is NOT correct?

A The dendritic trees of cerebellar Purkinje neurons are oriented perpendicular to the long axis
of the folia.
B. Only a minority of corticospinal tract axons originate from neurons located in the precentral
C. Lesions of Broca's area on the dominant side result in receptive, but not expressive aphasia.
D. Herniation of the cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum is indicative of an increase in
intracranial pressure.
E. Climbing fibers in the cerebellum originate from neurons located in the inferior olivary nucleus.

60. A high school baseball player sustained an injury sliding into second base. As a sequelae to this
injury he was unable to dorsiflex or evert his left foot. Cutaneous sensation over the dorsum of
the left foot and anterolateral aspect of the lower half of the left leg was impaired. The injury most
likely involved the:
A Common peroneal nerve.
B. Tibial nerve.
C. Femoral nerve.
D. Obturator nerve.
E. Inferior gluteal nerve.

61. The sclerotomic portions of somites make contributions to all of the following EXCEPT the:
A vertebrae.
B. sacrum.
C. occipital bone.
D. long bones of the upper extremity.
E. secondary sclerotome.

62. Following an injury to the spinal cord, a patient experienced a complete loss of touch and vibration
sense and motor function in his right leg. However, he was able to feel pain when areas of his
right leg were pricked by a pin. Motor function and touch sensation were intact in the left leg;, but
a significant decrease in the patient's sensitivity to painful stimuli was observed. Select the best
answer that would explain the patient's symptoms?
A A complete transection at the T6 spinal cord segmental level.
B. A complete transection at the L5 spinal cord level.
C. A hemisection of the left spinal cord at the S2 spinal cord segmental level.
D. A hemisection of the right spinal cord at the L 1 spinal cord segmental level.
E. A hemisection of the right spinal cord at the S 1 spinal cord segmental level.

63. A patient has a right heart failure with retrograde impaired drainage of the inferior vena cava and
hepatic veins. Which partes) of the structural liver lobule would you expect to undergo primary
atrophy first?
A. Peripheral part.
B. Area around the bile ducts.
C. Area around the portal triangle.
D. Central part.
E. Area around the terminal branches of the hepatic artery and portal vein.

64. A lesion of the middle cerebral peduncle would interrupt which tract or projection?
A. Ventral spinocerebellar tract.
B. Projections from the cerebellum to the inferior olivary nucleus.
C. Cortico-ponto-cerebellar fibers.
D. Trigeminocerebellar tract.
E. Projections from the cerebellum to the red nucleus.

Questions 65-70: Use the following list to answer these questions.

(A) Congenital aganglionic megacolon
(Hirschsprung disease)
(B) Duodenal atresia
(C) Congenital pyloriC stenosis
(D) Thyroglossal duct cyst
(E) Tracheoesophageal fistula
(F) Bilateral renal agenesis
(G) Spinal bifida cystica
(H) Urachal cyst
(I) Meckel's diverticulum
(J) Congenital umbilical hernia
(K) Umbilico-ileal fistula
(L) Spinal bifida occulta
(M) Branchial cyst
(N) Congenital omphalocele

For each patient described, select the appropriate congenital malformation.

65. An infant begins vomiting a few hours after birth. The vomitus contains bile. There is
accompanying distention of the epigastrium.

66. An amniocentesis is preformed fifteen weeks after the last normal menstrual period. There is a
high level of alpha-fetoprotein found in the amniotic fluid.

67. A one week old infant begins to develop a mass that protrudes through the umbilicus during
crying, straining or coughing.

68. A low volume of amniotic fluid, oligohydramnios, is observed during the third trimester.

69. A three year old boy begins to develop a painless, progressively enlarging, and movable mass in
the median plane of the neck just inferior to the thyroid gland.

70. A one day old infant has abdominal distension after crying, respiratory distress, and total inability
to feed without coughing and regurgitation.

Answers to Review Questions

1. E 25. A 49. D

2. E 26. B 50. A

3. E 27. E 51. B

4. A 28. D 52. e
5. e 29. D 53. D

6. E 30. E 54. D

7. E 31. e 55. E

8. D 32. A 56. E

9. E 33. A 57. D

10. B 34. E 58. D

11. e 35. D 59. e

12. B 36. E 60. A

13. D 37. e 61. D

14. e 38. B 62. D

15. D 39. D 63. D

16. A 40. E 64. e

17. D 41. B 65. B
18. B 42. e 66. G

19. e 43. B 67. J

20. A 44. D 68. F

21. B 45. D 69. D

22. B 46. E 70. E

23. A 47. D

24. A 48. E


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