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a social learning analysis

Albert Bandura
© 1973 Albert Bandura

e-Book 2015 International Psychotherapy


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Created in the United States of America

to Ginny, Mary, and Carol 4
Table of Contents

Theories of Aggression




Origins of Aggression




Instigators of Aggression





Maintaining Conditions 5






Modification and Control of Agression







This book is concerned with why man

aggresses. There are several reasons for

addressing this issue, despite the great deal of

attention that has already been devoted to it.

Although aggression pervades our lives, few

concerted efforts have been made to substantiate

its causes or to devise constructive ways of

reducing the level of societal violence. Man’s

technological capacity for massive destruction has

now developed to the point where he can no

longer continue to settle conflicts by destructive

means. In addition to the threats posed to survival,

violence increasingly encroaches on daily human 7
affairs to impair the quality of life. These

developments make it all the more necessary to

understand the determinants of injurious conduct.

Theories of human behavior have been

undergoing drastic change in the last decade.

Interest in traditional approaches that depict

behavior as either instinctively determined or

impelled by drive forces declined as their

deficiencies became apparent. New perspectives

based on social learning principles have emerged
that substantially advance understanding of

human behavior. In this book I have attempted to

formulate a social learning theory of aggression

sufficiently broad in scope to integrate evidence

on all facets of aggression, whether individual or

collective, personal or institutionally sanctioned.
The aim of this undertaking is not only to offer a

better basis for explaining, predicting, and

modifying aggression, but also to provide impetus 8
for new lines of research likely to augment the

explanatory power of social learning theory.

The worth of a psychological theory should be

partly measured in terms of the effectiveness of

the modification procedures that it produces. A

sizable portion of this book is therefore devoted to

demonstrating how social learning principles can

be applied individually and at the social systems

level to reduce deleterious forms of aggression.
There will always be social conflicts, but they need

not require violent solutions. Some forceful

measures have functional value in promoting

constructive social changes which lessen the
likelihood that people will resort to violent action.

The exercise of social power as an instrument of

change receives detailed consideration.

No account of aggression can be complete

without discussing the social labeling and ethics of 9
aggressive action. Findings bearing on these
issues, along with evidence that aggressive

conduct can be rapidly and drastically altered by

moral sanctions, strongly indicate that the

determinants of human aggression are best sought

in man’s social practices.

Many people have contributed to this book in

various stages of its growth, and I am pleased to

take this opportunity to acknowledge my

indebtedness to them. Fellowship grants from the

National Institute of Mental Health and the John

Simon Guggenheim Foundation greatly aided my

work. This project was begun during my residence

as a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the

Behavioral Sciences. The opportunity to pursue

one’s studies in the company of distinguished

scholars free from intrusive routines is an

experience that will be long treasured and for

which I am deeply grateful to the staff of the 10
Center. Violence was more than a topic for

intellectual discussion at the Center that year. It

personally touched the lives of the Fellows and the

staff. In the predawn hours on April 24, 1970 ten

studies were gutted by firebombs in a calculated

attempt to burn the Center to the ground. It was

tragic to see a facility devoted to the

enlightenment and betterment of man selected as

a target for destruction.

I am thankful to Ted Rosenthal and Leonard

Berkowitz who took time from their crowded

schedules to comment on preliminary versions of

the manuscript. To Jane Crane, whose diligent
efforts in preparing the manuscript eased my task

considerably, I owe a large debt of gratitude. My

daughter, Mary, helped me along the way with

typing and proofreading. I was most fortunate to

have the able services of Julia Baskett in preparing

the final version of the manuscript for publication. 11
Writing a book at times takes possession of the

household as well as the author. I am thankful to

my family for their forbearance. It is to them that I

dedicate this work.

Albert Bandura 12
chapter one

Theories of Aggression

Among the various human activities that are

the subject of attention, none has aroused deeper

concern than man’s aggressiveness. Though

aggression has always been an important social

problem, developments during the past few

decades have fully justified increased concern.

With the progressive growth of instruments of

destruction, simple aggressive acts can produce

widespread disastrous consequences. The hazards

of ill-judged actions have thus become enormously

magnified. Man’s aggressive potential has also 13
been increased, independently of expanding

destructive accouterments, by changes in the

social conditions of life. When populations were

widely dispersed, the consequences of any given

aggressive act were principally confined to

persons toward whom the behavior was directed.

Under conditions of urbanized life, in which the
welfare of hordes of residents depends upon

smooth functioning of intricate interdependent

systems, destructive behavior that can be easily

performed without requiring elaborate apparatus

instantaneously harms vast numbers of people.

Concern over the adverse consequences of

aggression obscures the fact that such behavior

often has functional value for the user. Indeed,

there is a property unique to aggression that
generally creates conditions fostering its

occurrence. Unlike other social behaviors that

cannot be effective without some reciprocity 14
acceptable to the participants, aggression does not

require willing responsiveness from others for its

success. One can injure and destroy to self-

advantage regardless of whether the victim likes it

or not. By aggressive behavior, or dominance

through physical and verbal force, individuals can

obtain valued resources, change rules to fit their

own wishes, gain control over and extract

subservience from others, eliminate conditions
that adversely affect their well-being, and remove

barriers that block or delay attainment of desired

goals. Thus, behavior that is punishing for the

victim can, at least on a short-term basis, be

rewarding for the aggressor. Although, as we shall

see later, aggression has many different causes, its

utilitarian value undoubtedly contributes heavily

to the prevalence of such behavior in the

interactions of everyday life.

Over the years a number of theories have been 15
proposed to explain why people behave

aggressively. This chapter is focused on a

comparison of the tenets of instinct and drive

theories, which historically attributed aggression

to internal aggressive forces, with the explanatory

system based upon social learning theory. The

basic principles of social learning are then applied

in succeeding chapters to the explanation of both

individual and collective aggression. This
formulation differs in several important respects

from the alternative lines of theorizing not only in

the factors considered to be the causes of

aggression, but also in its implications for the

management and control of human aggression.


Attempts to define a concept essentially

represent an invitation for a stroll through a

semantic jungle. The journey, however, is 16
instructive because it reveals important issues

about the phenomena selected for analysis.

Aggression, like most other concepts, has been

characterized in many different ways. Variations

in defining features arise mainly because some

authors describe aggression solely in terms of

attributes of the behavior, while others include

assumptions about the instigators, the emotional

concomitants, or the intent of potentially injurious

In the theory originally advanced by Dollard,

Doob, Miller, Mowrer, and Sears (1939), which

occupies a prominent historical position,
aggression is defined as “any sequence of

behavior, the goal response to which is the injury

of the person toward whom it is directed.” Most

subsequent theorizing and research have adopted

injurious intent as an essential aspect of

aggression (Berkowitz, 1962; Feshbach, 1970; 17
Sears, Maccoby and Levin, 1957). A major

limitation of such a definition is that it assumes

that aggression serves only a single purpose,

namely, to inflict injury.

If aggression is restricted to behavior that is

performed solely for the purpose of injuring

others, then a wide range of activities that are

commonly judged as aggressive, including some of

the most violent forms of interpersonal assault,
would be excluded from consideration. Some

writers (Berkowitz, 1965a; Feshbach, 1970) have

attempted to deal with this problem by proposing

different types of aggression. Instrumental
aggression, which is aimed at securing extraneous

rewards other than the victims' suffering, is

distinguished from hostile aggression, the sole aim

of which is presumably to inflict injury on others.

Since hurtful and destructive actions were largely

attributed to aggressive drive forces, so-called 18
instrumental aggression received only passing

notice. The differentiation generally conveys the

impression that aggressive behavior performed

for rewarding outcomes represents a form of

pseudoaggression relegated to the subsidiary

status of a means to other ends. According to this

valuation, the holocaust in Hiroshima, which was

ordered to force a quick end to war, would

represent a mere instrumental act. So would any
act of war, for that matter.

In point of fact, so-called hostile aggression is

equally instrumental except that the actions are

used to produce injurious outcomes rather than to
gain status, power, resources, or some other types

of results. Whatever its merits, the distinction

reflects differences in desired outcomes, not in

instrumentality. It would therefore be more

accurate to differentiate aggressive actions in

terms of their functional value rather than in 19
terms of whether or not they are instrumental.

Most aggressive acts serve ends other than solely

to produce injury. Hence, when researchers report

that instrumental aggression is excluded from

their theoretical analysis, it is unclear whether

they are mislabeling what is being studied or

whether, in fact, they are concerned with only a

small aspect of aggression.

As a rule, aggressive acts not only hurt the

victim, but create a variety of results for the

aggressor. It is therefore difficult to determine, in

any given instance, whether the aggressive

behavior is primarily reinforced by signs of injury,
by associated noninjurious outcomes, or by both

sets of consequences. A given action is most apt to

be misjudged as rewarded by the suffering of

others when the purposes served by aggression

are not fully understood and when it produces no

evident material gains. In many social groups, for 20
example, aggression has powerful status-

conferring value. Under these types of

contingencies homicidal assaults are sometimes

performed mainly to gain the approval and

admiration of peers and to maintain one’s status in

the social hierarchy of a deviant reference group

(Yablonsky, 1962). The way in which threat of loss

of “rep" may compel a person to engage in a

homicidal assault is graphically illustrated in the
following excerpt from an interview with one of

the boys studied by Yablonsky:

Momentarily I started to thinking about it

inside; I have my mind made up I’m not
going to be in no gang. Then I go on inside.
Something comes up, then here comes all my
friends coming to me. Like I said before, I’m
intelligent and so forth. They be coming to
me—then they talk to me about what they
gonna do. Like, “Man, we’ll go out there and
kill this cat.” I say, “Yeah.” They kept on
talkin’. I said, “Man, I just gotta go with you.”
Myself, I don’t want to go, but when they 21
start talkin’ about what they gonna do, I say,
“So, he isn’t gonna take over my rep. I ain’t
gonna let him be known more than me.” And
I go ahead, (p. vii)

The pull of status rewards rather than the push

of an aggressive drive also appears to account for

the behavior of another youth involved in a gang


If I would of got the knife, I would have

stabbed him. That would have gave me more
of a build-up. People would have respected
me for what I’ve done and things like that.
They would say, “There goes a cold killer.”
(p. 8)

The operation of similar reinforcement

contingencies is illustrated by a gang that used

attacks upon strangers without provocation as its

main admissions requirement (San Francisco

Chronicle, 1964). Each physical assault, which had

to be observed by a club member to be valid, was

valued at 10 points, a total of 100 points was 22
required for full-fledged membership.

A large body of research will be cited later to

demonstrate that aggressive behavior declines

when social reactions to it are withheld. Such

evidence further supports the view that much

interpersonal aggression that appears to have no

utilitarian value may be extensively regulated by

the social consequences it produces. Physical

aggression is also often employed to gain control

over other people, to secure material resources,
and to force changes in social practices that

adversely affect one’s everyday life. In other

words, people frequently resort to aggressive acts

because they produce desired results that cannot

as readily be achieved through nonaggressive

means, rather than simply to generate expressions

of suffering. A comprehensive theory of aggression

must therefore account not only for aggressive

actions that are primarily reinforced by 23
satisfactions derived from hurting others, but also

for much broader classes of aggressive behavior in

which the infliction of suffering is essentially

irrelevant or serves, at best, a secondary purpose.

For purposes of the present discussion,

aggression is defined as behavior that results in

personal injury and in destruction of property. The

injury may be psychological (in the form of

devaluation or degradation) as well as physical.
Although this formulation delimits the

phenomenon in a meaningful way, it should be

made clear that aversive effects cannot serve as

the sole defining characteristic of aggression.
Individuals who hurt others while performing a

socially sanctioned function (for example, dentists

repairing teeth or surgeons making painful

incisions) would not be considered as acting in an

aggressive manner. Nor would bulldozer

operators destroying condemned buildings to 24
make way for new construction be charged with

committing aggressive acts. Conversely, some

forms of conduct would be judged aggressive even

though no personal injury or property damage

occurred. A person who attempted to hurt another

individual by firing a gun at him or by striking him

with a lethal object, but who happened to miss the

unsuspecting victim, would be judged as behaving

violently. As the preceding examples show,
additional criteria for distinguishing between

accidental and intended injury must be used both

to exclude numerous pain-producing responses

from the category of aggression and to include

others that do not injure anyone because they are

poorly executed.

In social learning theory, aggression is treated

as a complex event including behavior that

produces injurious and destructive effects as well

as social labeling processes. According to this 25
view, a full explanation of aggression must

consider both injurious behavior and social

judgments that determine which injurious acts are

labeled as aggressive. The behavioral component

has been studied in considerable detail.

Subsequent chapters describe fully the

mechanisms by which potentially injurious and

destructive behaviors are acquired and the

conditions regulating their expression. The
judgmental component, on the other hand, has

received relatively little attention, so that the

factors that lead people to attach aggressive labels

to social behavior are less well understood.

Social Labeling Processes

People come to judge certain actions as

aggressive on the basis of a variety of criteria,
some of which are grounded in the behavior, while

others are extraneous to it and quite subjective. 26
The characteristics of the behavior itself

undoubtedly exert a strong influence on how it

will be judged by others. As is evident in virtually

all formal definitions of aggression, behavior that

is likely to produce aversive consequences, such as

physical assaults, humiliation, social rebuffs, and

property destruction, is generally designated as

aggressive, quite apart from the actual effects it

may have on recipients.

The intensity of responses also often influences

the labeling of behavior as aggressive. Behaviors

of high magnitude, even relatively acceptable ones,

such as addressing a person loudly, performing
activities that exceed the tolerance levels of

others, and almost any actions that are executed

impetuously, tend to be interpreted as aggressive.

Since the intensity of the response is an important

factor in determining whether or not it will be

painful or damaging, intensity is often a major 27
distinguishing feature of aggressive responses that

otherwise differ widely in character.

It follows from the conceptualization of

aggression in terms of high-magnitude responses

(Bandura and Walters, 1963) that teaching people

to behave forcefully on a variety of nonaggressive

tasks would, other factors being constant, increase

the likelihood of behavior judged to be aggressive.

In a test of this hypothesis, Walters and Brown
(1963) found that children who were rewarded

for responding vigorously either in hitting an

automated Bobo doll or in depressing a lever later

displayed more physically aggressive behavior in
an interpersonal situation than children trained to

respond in a less intense manner.

Expressions of pain and injury by recipients is

another important determinant of how the

associated behavior will be evaluated. Scuffles 28
between children are likely to be labeled
aggressive if a member cries or otherwise conveys

the impression that he has been injured, whereas

the same behavior is apt to be viewed as youthful

exuberance if the participants display no pain

reactions. This feature of an aggressive event

reflects the ruggedness and endurance of the

target person rather than properties of the actions.

At the broader social level, coercive behavior of

enforcement agents that is denounced by the

victims is more apt to be viewed as unwarranted

brutality than treatment to which they acquiesce.

The discussion thus far has been concerned

with observable aspects of behavior and its

evident consequences. Whether or not a given

action is construed as aggressive is also strongly

affected by factors extraneous to the behavior

being evaluated. The intentions attributed to the

performer will alter the way his actions are 29
categorized. If they are judged to be unintended,

then his behavior is not thought to be aggressive.

The same actions would be interpreted as

aggressive, even though no injury was in fact

inflicted, by observers who assumed that the

person wanted to hurt others.

The task of assessing a person's intentions is

no simple matter. Intent is typically inferred from,

among other factors, the social context of the act,
the role status of the perpetrator of the act, and

recent or more remote antecedent conditions.

Injuries produced through physical assaults on a

football field, for example, are less likely to be
ascribed to pernicious intent than identical

wounds caused by similar actions on city streets.

The painful behavior performed by agents in

socially sanctioned roles, as in the case of

physicians, veterinarians, trial lawyers, and

policemen, and the destructive activities of 30
lumberjacks and house-wreckers, are rarely

attributed to evil purposes. In these instances,

general standards of acceptable conduct are

delineated and grievance procedures are created

to discourage legitimate agents from exhibiting

unwarranted punitiveness. Disputes, however,

often arise over whether hurtful practices reflect

vigorous enactment of agents’ roles or thinly

veiled aggression.

Injurious intentions are also inferred from

knowledge of earlier provocations. A baseball

pitcher who strikes, with a supposedly wild throw,

an opposing pitcher who had “beaned” a star
performer in a preceding inning will be judged by

most fans as exhibiting retaliatory aggression

rather than momentary loss of control. Although

high consensus may be achieved in inferring

hostile intent from an obvious immediate

provocation, agreement in labeling behavior as 31
aggressive is relatively low if the instigation for

vengeful actions is more subtle, far removed in

time, or generalized from other sources of

provocation. Under these types of conditions,

which predominate in interpersonal interactions,

the alleged causes of injurious actions are difficult

to verify. The validity of causal attribution is

especially debatable when hurtful consequences

are presumed to be intended unconsciously, since
confirmable criteria are even more elusive. In

many instances the attribution of injurious

intentions is, in fact, determined more by liking for

the performer than by information about the

instigators of his actions. People tend to ascribe

evil designs to those whom they dislike and well-

meaning intentions to those they like.

As alluded to in the preceding comments,

characteristics of the labelers may significantly

affect the way in which particular patterns of 32
behavior are interpreted. It has been repeatedly

shown that individuals tend to ascribe to others

attributes that they themselves are known to

possess (Holmes, 1968). Whether the assumed

similarity represents a form of imputation or

predictions about others made on the basis of

one’s own response tendencies remains unclear.

The empirical findings nevertheless suggest that

the individuals who are strongly disposed to
behave aggressively would be most inclined to

attribute hostile intent to others and to perceive

their actions as aggressive. One might also expect

persons who have a low threshold for aversive

stimulation to classify a wider variety of activities

as aggressive than those whose pain tolerance is

appreciably higher. The manner in which social

training for attending to violent activities may

enhance responsiveness to aggressive cues is

illustrated in a study by Toch and Schulte (1961), 33
who presented subjects with violent pictures to

one eye and matched neutral pictures to the other

in a binocular rivalry procedure. Advanced police

administration students, who had completed a

three-year course in law enforcement, reported

seeing more violent activities than novices in the
same police training program.

It is evident from informal observation that

people who differ in socioeconomic level, sex,
ethnic background, and in educational and

occupational status often vary in the way they

view the same behavior with respect to its

aggressive qualities. When social learning

experiences associated with these diverse
backgrounds give rise to different normative

standards for judging behavior, it is not

uncommon for activities promoted as suitable

forms of conduct by members of some groups to

be considered antisocially aggressive by people 34
who adhere to different codes.

An additional source of influence on labeling

behavior is the characteristics of the aggressor. On

the basis of direct experiences and knowledge of

cultural norms, people develop stereotypes of

behaviors that are considered appropriate for

given ages and sexes, and for members of different

religious, ethnic, occupational, and socioeconomic

groups. Evaluation of particular forms of behavior
will vary depending on the normative standard

against which they are compared. Thus, physical

assertiveness is more likely to be defined as

aggression if performed by a female than by a
male because such behavior departs more widely

from common expectations of appropriate female

conduct. Conversely, similar assertiveness by boys

in a delinquent gang would in all probability be

underrated with respect to aggressiveness. 35
Definitions of aggression generally convey the

impression that they are concerned solely with

factors that reside in the performer, namely, his

behavior and his intentions. It is apparent from

the preceding discussion that social labeling

processes are also a fundamental feature of the
phenomenon. For this reason, aggression is

characterized as injurious and destructive behavior

that is socially defined as aggressive on the basis of

a variety of factors, some of which reside in the

evaluator rather than in the performer. The

characteristics of the performer’s behavior, carry a

great deal of weight in the interpretation, and the

basis for excluding certain injurious behaviors is

commonly accepted so that, in practice, people

generally agree on what forms of behavior should

be designated as aggressive.

Judgmental controversies are most likely to

arise when injurious actions take subtle or 36
indirect forms. People ordinarily refrain from

direct personal assaults because such obvious

actions carry high risk of retaliation. Rather, they

favor disguised modes of aggression that, being

difficult to interpret or to consider blameworthy,

afford protection against counterattack. For

similar reasons, people often hurt others

indirectly by setting in motion a series of

detrimental events or by fostering certain
environmental conditions that eventually produce

injurious consequences for others. Here the causal

link between a person’s behavior and the harm

experienced by others is remote, circuitous, and

impersonal. When aversive conditions are

collectively promoted, as is typically the case, no

one individual bears responsibility for causing the

injurious effects. Indeed, decision-making systems

are specifically designed so as to diffuse or

obscure responsibility for detrimental actions. To 37
the victims, however, people who endorse

prejudicial social practices, who oppose reforms

that would alleviate suffering in disadvantaged

members, and who press for military attacks on

foreign populations are acting in a destructive

manner. Thus, an individual who votes for social
practices that have injurious physical and

psychological effects on others is, in his view,

engaging in democratic action, but to the victims

who must endure the harmful consequences, he is

behaving aggressively. Social scientists have

examined direct assaultive behavior in minute

detail, whereas remote circuitous acts, which

produce widespread devastating consequences,

are rarely given consideration.

Disputes over the labeling of aggressive acts

assume special significance in the case of

collective behavior. What one calls it entails more

than semantic issues. Because the way in which 38
civil disturbances are labeled partly determines

the countermeasures employed, such labeling can

have far-reaching consequences. As Grimshaw

(1970) has noted, civil strife characterized as

lawlessness or insurrection arouses widespread

fears and demands for suppressive controls. On

the other hand, if the same activities are

designated as legitimate protest against

deleterious conditions, people are more disposed
to seek remedies rather than coercive

countercontrols. The established leadership and

their constituencies who come under attack are

understandably quick to apply criminal labels to

collective protest.

Social labeling of forcible tactics is not entirely

an arbitrary matter. Turner (1969) identifies

several factors that are likely to influence public

interpretations of collective disruptions. When

justifiable grievances are combined with 39
restrained, selective pressure and principled

rejection of violent tactics, protest activities gain

legitimacy that makes them less amenable to

labeling as antisocial outbursts. The balance

between appeal and coercive threats in the

protests affects whether or not the actions of

participants are viewed as transgressive.

Challengers appear more villainous when their

professed aims are radical change in the social
system or its leadership than when they seek to

ameliorate inequitable conditions. Dissident

leaders are prone to exaggerate the magnitude

and gravity of their impending actions, either

through miscalculation or in efforts to gain

compliance by threatening rhetoric with

revolutionary overtones. To the extent that such

alarming self-labeling leads others to view

subsequent coercive behavior as violence rather

than protest, it is more apt to usher in the police 40
than social reforms.

Social scientists, like other people, are not

immune to the influence of their own ideological

biases in their interpretations of collective

aggression. When social scientists theorized about

the aggression of the disadvantaged, they

characterized group aggression as an impulsive,

emotional, pathological manifestation. More

recently, as social scientists and their close
associates themselves began to participate in

coercive protest and to take aggressive action

against deleterious social practices, a different

perspective of aggression and its determinants

emerged. What appears irrational and
pathological to onlookers or to those attacked

often serves the aggressor as a method of getting

what he wants when other options fail or remain

unavailable. Group aggression, which had long

been regarded in sociological theory as an 41
irrational “mob” phenomenon, came to be viewed

by some theorists as a highly principled form of

collective bargaining intended to sway an

irrational social system (Currie and Skolnick,

1970). Less partisan approaches treat collective

aggression as multiply determined like other

forms of social conduct, without attributing to

participants either psychic aberrations or selfless

morality (Marx, 1970a). As in designations of
disturbances in terms of crime or protest, people

respond differently depending upon whether

pathological or problem-solving labels are

attached to collective acts of aggression.

A closely related issue concerns the use of a

double standard in judging dissident and

institutionally sanctioned aggression. Agencies of

government are entrusted with considerable

coercive power designed to protect the citizenry.

When countries wage wars in the name of national 42
security, their supporters view military combat as

an admired act of patriotism, whereas opponents

consider it an unauthorized use of government

authority to kill human beings. They insist that

violence per se should be deplored, regardless of

whether it is under governmental or private


Similar controversies arise about how people

evaluate domestic use of governmental force.
Those whose social and economic interests are

well served by the system applaud coercive law

enforcement practices as acceptable means of

keeping lawlessness under control. By contrast,
dissident factions tend to regard military and

police forces as control agents of political

authority more intent on preserving the status quo

than impartially protecting the welfare of all

segments of society. Few would deny that

governmental agencies are dispensers of 43
aggression. Authoritarian states rule by force. Nor

is institutionally sanctioned violence foreign to

democratic systems in checking oppositional

behavior that challenges the existing order

(Iglitzin, 1970; Marx, 1970b). When the dispenser

of aggression is a sanctioned authority, his

injurious behavior is minimized as vigorous

pursuit of duty, but if a free-lancing individual

does it, he is judged to be acting violently. The
rhetoric of recent years demonstrates how one

man’s violence is another man’s self-defined


Adoption of a definition of aggression

primarily serves to delimit the range of

phenomena that a given theory is designed to

explain. But it does not necessarily aid in

identifying causal relationships, because one

selects for study only specific classes of behavior

and not an abstract “aggression.” That is, research 44
workers investigate the factors that cause people

to commit murder, to destroy certain property, to

engage in prejudicial practices that have harmful

effects, or other specific forms of injurious

behavior. A high degree of specificity is required at

the investigatory level because there is little

reason to believe that the diverse activities

subsumed under the omnibus label “aggression,”

though sharing some ingredients in common, have
the same determinants. In fact, apparent

inconsistencies in findings relating to aggression

arise in part from the fact that writers frequently

use the generic term rather than specifying the

particular injurious behaviors they have in mind.

The preceding comments apply equally to other

areas of functioning. Creativity, for example, is a

heterogeneous phenomenon that subsumes a vast

array of diverse activities. To advance

understanding of the determinants of 45
inventiveness, one would select specific endeavors

such as painting, sculpting, composing, or writing,

rather than omnibus artistry. It matters little what

the activity is called as long as it is clearly



Early psychological theories sought to explain

human behavior principally in terms of instinctual

forces. During the period when such

interpretations were in vogue, many writers

advanced the view that man is by nature

aggressive. Although eventually the instinct
doctrine fell into disrepute, the belief that man is

innately endowed with an aggressive drive still

enjoys a sizable following. Proponents of this view

usually draw heavily on the doctrine of biological

determinism in accounting for aggressive actions.

The reasoning typically proceeds along the 46
following lines: Under primitive conditions of life

aggression had high survival value. Consequently,

survivors of the process of natural selection were

those who possessed strong aggressive

tendencies. Over the years, environmental

conditions have been radically altered, but

unfortunately man's instinctual aggressive drive

and his innate responses, though no longer

serviceable in contemporary society, remain
unchanged. As man’s destructive powers are

markedly augmented by technological advances,

his evolutionary heritage continuously threatens

his very survival. Other versions of this thesis

convey the impression that the neuroendocrine

system with which man is endowed by heredity

generates energy under stress in quantities more

fitting for fight or flight under primitive than

under contemporary conditions. These

characterizations rarely acknowledge that without 47
the energy-mobilizing system, man would lack the

capacity for emotional experience or for coping

with the common challenges of everyday life.

Instinctual explanations of aggression assumed

many different forms, depending on whether they

posited inborn motivational mechanisms, innately

organized responses, or innate stimulus functions

wherein external cues evoke aggressive actions

supposedly without any prior learning. These
theories ranged from McDougall’s (1931) view

that virtually all social behavior is under

instinctual control, to Freud, for whom aggression

represented overt expressions of the death

instinct, to some present-day ethologists who
regard aggression as innately organized response

patterns that are released in each species by

specific external stimuli.

Psychoanalytic Instinctual Theory 48
Freud (1920) initially believed that aggression

was a “primary response” to the thwarting of

pleasure-seeking or pain-avoiding behavior. His

explanation of aggression changed markedly,

however, as he modified his instinct theory of

motivation. Freud originally assumed that human
behavior was regulated by two opposing sets of

instincts—the sexual instincts and the self-

preservative ego instincts that altered, deferred,

or inhibited pleasure-striving in the service of the

reality principle. There were certain behavioral

phenomena, however, such as compulsive

repetitions of unpleasant experiences, sadism, and

especially self-destructive actions, that could not

be adequately understood in terms of the dual

instinctual impulses. Freud (1922, 1933) therefore

adopted a new instinctual system of motivation,

with the opposition being between life instincts

(Eros) aimed at enhancing and prolonging life and 49
death instincts (Thanatos) that continuously
strove for destruction of life within the organism.

Specific actions are presumably generated by

various admixtures of the two instinctual

impulses. In this conceptual revision, aggression

became an inborn drive rather than a by-product

of thwarting libidinal strivings. Sadism and other

forms of interpersonal aggression represented the
death instinct discharged outward; self-injurious

actions were considered manifestations of the self-

destructive instinct directed inward.

The social implications of this theory for the

modification of human aggression provide little

basis for optimism. In an exchange of letters with
Einstein on how mankind might be spared future

wars, Freud (1950) reiterated his belief that

destruction satisfies an instinctual inclination and

that it is therefore fruitless to attempt to eliminate

aggressiveness. Neither satisfaction of material 50
needs, establishment of equality, nor other

improvements in the conditions of life can alter

the level of aggression. Though in Freud’s view

aggression is unavoidable, the intensity and the

form of its expression are modifiable. Aggression

could presumably be attenuated by the

antagonistic influence of the life instincts.

Development of emotional ties between people

was suggested by Freud as one indirect means of
curtailing extreme destructiveness. The provision

of opportunities for outward discharge of the

innate aggressive impulse was also proposed as a

regulatory device. For Freud (1933) maintained

that when expression of aggression is impeded,

people are forced to behave destructively in order

to protect themselves from self-destruction.

Freud won few adherents to his position even

among enthusiastic advocates of psychoanalytic

theory. Apparently the notion that people 51
harbored an inborn impulse constantly striving to

kill them exceeded the bounds of credibility. In

recent years much more parsimonious—and

empirically verifiable—explanations of why

people repeatedly behave in self-injurious ways

have been advanced by learning theorists. It is

amply documented in psychological research that

immediate reinforcement outweighs the effects of

delayed punishment in controlling behavior.
Through appropriate temporal arrangement of

positive and negative outcomes, one can cause any

organism, be it man, chimpanzee, or flatworm, to

engage in self-hurtful behavior. Most detrimental

actions such as self-defeating defensive behavior,

excessive drinking, overeating, and other addictive

behaviors are powerfully maintained by their

immediate and automatic reinforcing effects,

whereas the aversive consequences are often

slowly cumulative and not experienced for some 52
time. Evidence that self-injurious behavior in

humans can be turned off and on by

environmental cues and reduced in frequency by

varying its immediate consequences provides

further support for the view that such behavior is

primarily under social rather than instinctual

As Gillespie (1971) has noted at a recent

Vienna Congress devoted to aggression, most
psychoanalysts have compromised with Freud’s

theory, treating aggression as an instinctual drive

but rejecting the self-directed death instinct.

Aggression presumably originates internally like

other endogenous drives. The lack of evidence for
a physiological drive mechanism in aggression is

either dismissed as unimportant because the

instinctual drive is only a “construct,” or it is

believed that an internal drive will be discovered

by future research. 53
It is doubtful that the instinctual drive theories

of aggression are capable of empirical verification.

Most of them are formulated in such broad terms

that they do not generate specific predictions that

could be put to experimental tests. When a

nonmeasurable instinctual force is combined with
many qualifying factors that are also somewhat

elusive, the theory can explain any variety of

events that have already happened, though it

cannot predict them. The postdictions, of course,

are compatible with alternative theories that do

not invoke the operation of an innate aggressive

drive. The conceptual status of an instinctual drive

is especially dubious if it is presented as an

autonomous energy-generating system, as in the

case of the aggressive instincts posited by Freud

and by Lorenz. Innate drives usually have an

identifiable biological source such as food

deprivation in hunger, water deprivation in thirst, 54
and gonadal hormones and evocative external

stimuli in sexual urges. Their strength is therefore

externally modifiable and at least indirectly


Ethological Theories

The writings of some ethologists and their

popularizers renewed interest in explanations of

aggressive behavior in terms of instinctual

mechanisms. The view that man possesses a

fighting instinct was engagingly presented in an

anecdotal blend of ethology, anthropology, and

moral philosophy by the distinguished ethologist

Lorenz (1966) in his publicly acclaimed book On

Aggression. Certain aspects of this position were

further popularized by a former playwright,

Ardrey (1966), who contended that humans are

driven to fight each other by a property instinct
designated as a territorial imperative. Other 55
books, published under catchy titles, similarly

proclaim that man is instinctively aggressive.

For Lorenz, aggression involves an instinctual

system that generates its own source of aggressive

energy independently of external stimulation; this

fighting urge gradually builds up until relieved by

an appropriate releasing stimulus. The property of

being self-generating rather than reactive to

external conditions accounts for its danger and its
unmodifiability. Intraspecies aggression in

subhumans, however, serves a number of positive

functions. Fighting disperses populations over a

habitable area and thus ensures optimal
utilization of food resources. It produces selective

breeding of strong members of the species. And

the aggressive urge can provide the driving force

for activities that outwardly do not appear

aggressive. The potential benefits of aggression

are realized by animals because, through the 56
evolutionary process, they have developed

aggression inhibitions that prevent them from

destroying members of their own species. For

example, animals typically ward off dangerous

combat by threatening displays that presumably

convey information innately to the protagonists.

When animals aggress toward each other, they do

so in harmless ritualized ways that establish the

victor more through endurance than serious
physical injury. And as an additional protection,

overpowered combatants can promptly terminate

further attacks on themselves by submission

signals that instinctively inhibit the victors’

aggressive behavior.

Lorenz contends that man is endowed with the

same fighting instinct as lower animals, but that it

is poorly controlled because he lacks inborn

inhibitions against severely injuring and killing his

fellow human beings. The following evolutionary 57
explanation is offered for this tragic state of

affairs: Natural selection ensured that animals

with powerful destructive potential evolved

strong aggression-inhibiting mechanisms to

prevent self-extermination of the species. Since

man is “a basically harmless, omnivorous creature,

lacking in natural weapons with which to kill big

prey,” he never developed built-in inhibitors

against aggression as did the dangerously armed
carnivores. Although man’s natural fighting

equipment may be puny, his intelligence gave him

lethal weaponry for which he has no innate

inhibitors. Paradoxically, man’s highest qualities

—his capacity for thought and verbal

communication—drive him out of the “paradise in

which he could follow his instincts with impunity.”

The proverbial Martian, viewing the skeletons of

dinosaurs in natural history museums and the

masses of lively people inhabiting the earth, would 58
undoubtedly leave unconvinced that intelligence

and the capacity to learn through experience are

necessarily life-shortening attributes.

Interestingly, Montagu (1968) argues the opposite

position, that man has been favored in the process

of natural selection because most of his behavior
is not under instinctual control and thus can be

adjusted to changing environmental


In point of fact, animals do not possess innate

signals for stopping attacks, and the stereotyped

signals they do use have variable effects on the

responses of their foes (Barnett, 1967). Lorenz’s

widely cited account of defeated wolves turning
off their assailants by exposing the jugular vein

turned out to represent faulty observation. What

Lorenz interpreted as vulnerable exposure by the

defeated that automatically blocks aggression was

actually a challenging posture by the victor 59
preparatory to dangerous attack (Schenkel, 1967).

Defeated rivals can best forestall further assaults

by surrender, by relinquishing claims, or by

escape. Those that are unskilled in defense or

escape may meet with serious injury or even

death. Under conditions of confinement animals

are known to kill members of their own species, a

phenomenon that is not readily explainable in

terms of innate signal control of lethal responses.
It is true that man does not rely heavily on

auditory, postural, and olfactory signals for

conveying aggressive intent or appeasement. He

has a much more intricate system of

communication—namely, language—for

controlling aggression. National leaders can

therefore better safeguard against catastrophic

violence by verbal communiqués than by snapping

their teeth or erecting their hair, especially in view

of the prevalence of baldness among the higher 60

In the closing chapter of his book, Lorenz

offers some suggestions for how a society might

cope with a poorly controlled aggressive drive. He

cautions against either social prohibitions or

genetic engineering on the grounds that negative

sanctions dam up aggressive impulses to

dangerous levels and that breeding out the

fighting instinct could remove a generalized
source of motivation. Believing firmly in cathartic

drainage, Lorenz recommends that aggression

should be encouraged toward substitute targets

and in sublimated forms. International

competitive sports are considered especially well
suited for this purpose, though in fact such

contests often breed discord. Occupying privileged

positions in society, theorists of different

persuasions readily prescribe gladiatorial combat

for mass viewing and other recreational activities 61
supposedly conducive to the release of pent-up

aggressive impulses. But to the less advantaged

who rely on aggression to improve their life

circumstances, the recreational prescriptions

would be ineffectual remedies for misdiagnosed


As additional preventive measures, Lorenz

advises people to laugh more and to embrace all

humanity with love and friendship. Finally,
militant enthusiasm widely used by demagogues

to breed discord can be enlisted to promote

international friendships by channeling the

devotion to transnational values of art, science,
and medicine. The latter humanitarian practices,

which stand in sharp contrast to the fatalistic view

of human aggression, seem grafted on rather than

derivable from Lorenz’s theory of behavior.

According to the hydraulic motivational system,

no amount of laughter or friendship can stop the 62
self-generating aggressive drive from welling up

and discharging periodically. Prescriptions of

benevolent remedies increase the appeal of

instinctual doctrines.

In professional circles, the works of Lorenz and

Ardrey were admired for their literary quality, but

severely criticized for their weak scholarship. A

volume edited by Montagu (1968) contains

critiques by a number of scientists who evaluated
the validity of the views advanced in these books.

Ardrey’s case for an innate territorial drive, which

is disputed by a sizable body of evidence, was

dismissed as grossly misleading. Lorenz was
similarly taken to task, though with less enmity, on

a variety of grounds; many of his generalizations

about animal behavior and cultural patterns

contain errors of fact; questionable causal

interpretations are assuredly proffered without

substantiating data; and evidence that fails to 63
support the instinctual theory is either slighted or

disregarded. Nowhere does Lorenz provide

adequate criteria for differentiating inborn

patterns of behavior from those developed and

maintained by experiential influences. Since he

attributes most social behaviors to instinctual

sources, usually by analogy to subhuman patterns,

the disregard of learning influences comes as no

particular surprise. Thus, for instance, defense of
one’s own beliefs and customs is depicted as a

“phylogenetically programmed behavior

mechanism” and likened to the instinctual

“triumph ceremony” of geese. Instinctual

attribution constitutes explanation in this scheme.

In a scholarly critique of the principles later

used to explain aggression, Lehrman (1953)

marshaled considerable evidence to dispute many

of Lorenz’s nativistic interpretations. Complex

behavior does not emerge as a unitary pattern, but 64
is formed through integration of many component

activities of differing origins. Thorough causal

analyses of behavior reveal that instinctual

explanations are often not only misleading, but

discourage examination of developmental

processes. Animals are sometimes raised in

isolation from members of their species to show

that responses can appear without learning.

However, practice of component activities, which
is never completely controlled in isolation

experiments, may make a considerable

contribution to the development of supposedly

innate patterns.

Although some researchers have sought the

nature of animals by observing how they behave

under impoverished or limited natural

circumstances, others have explored how their

nature may vary depending upon their social

experiences. The classic experiments by Kuo 65
(1930) illustrate the latter approach. Kittens were

raised by themselves, with rat-killing mothers, or

with rat companions. Within each of these

conditions half were brought up as vegetarians

and the other half as carnivores. The different

rearing conditions produced cats with pacifistic

and vicious natures. Those raised with rat-killing

mothers became avid rat killers (85 percent); less

than half of those reared in isolation (45 percent)
ever killed any rats; whereas those that grew up

with rats developed a strong attachment to them

and rarely killed any members of their species (17

percent). Vegetarianism reduced rat-eating but

not rat-killing. Kittens that failed to attack any rats

after several months of testing under hungry or

satiated conditions were then exposed to

modeling influences in which they observed adult

cats kill rats. Aggressive modeling converted 82

percent of the pacifistic kittens with the isolation 66
background into vigorous rat killers, but even the

power of example and severe hunger could not

induce rat-raised kittens to attack rats (only 7

percent did so).

Neutral contact with customary prey also

drastically reduces attack behavior and

susceptibility to aggressive modeling, although

early positive contact serves as a greater

aggression-neutralizing influence (Kuo, 1938).
Given appropriate reinforcement conditions,

animals can adapt to a noncompetitive social

system within which they function amicably, or

they can organize themselves into dominance

hierarchies based on fighting that maintain
orderly relations by threat and submission (Kuo,

1960). Examining the habits of humans raised

alone or in a particular environment would

likewise yield a different view of man’s nature

than if one studies how man behaves under 67
diverse cultural practices. The higher the

evolutionary development of a species, the greater

is its plasticity.

Lorenz’s motivational model, which assumes

special importance in the explanation of

aggression, is open to even more serious criticism

than his speculations about the origins of

behavior. As a number of researchers (Hinde,

1960; Lehrman, 1953; Scott, 1972) have pointed
out, there exists no neurophysiological evidence

that functional activities generate their own

motivating energy which accumulates with time in

the absence of appropriate releasing stimuli. Nor
is there any means by which energy can become

“dammed up” in the nervous system, forcefully

discharging without external elicitation or spilling

over to brain centers controlling other activities.

In other words, the neurophysiological

mechanisms that mediate aggression do not 68
themselves create stimulation for fighting.

Researchers working in this field not only

questioned the partial and casual treatment of

empirical evidence, but they also objected to

uncritical extrapolations from a dubious

hereditarian model and to analogical reasoning

based on superficial similarities in cross-species

behavior. Considering that the factors regulating

behavior often tend to be specific to a given
species, most theorists understandably rejected

the notion that mechanisms governing aggressive

behavior in greylag geese and sticklebacks apply

equally to human suburbanites. Even if this
assumption were valid, how could alleged

instinctual mechanisms of aggression that do not

apply even to all lower animals explain the

behavior of man? Territorial fighting, which

figures prominently in the writings of both Ardrey

and Lorenz, is a good case in point. Many herd 69
animals, including some of man’s closest

forebears, do not stake out territories, nor do they

jealously defend areas they inhabit at any given

time. Even in animals that exhibit territorial

aggression, such behavior tends to be quite

variable depending upon environmental

characteristics, population densities, sex hormonal

states, scarcity of food, and other external factors

(Crook, 1968; Hinde, 1956). The specificity and
variable nature of territorial fighting in lower

animals casts grave doubt on the notion that man

is impelled by a territorial instinct to wage

warfare against trespassers. Indeed, as Carrighar

(1968) has noted, nations’ need for resort to

military conscription suggests that their citizens

are far from moved by an overpowering urge to

fight for territory.

Unlike coral fish that are quick to repulse

approaches by members of their own species, 70
trespassers on a person’s property do not as a rule

evoke territorial fighting. Under most conditions

interlopers are more likely to elicit curiosity than

combat. On the occasions when people do fight

over territorial intrusions, the phenomena can be

much better explained in terms of learning

processes than instinctual mechanisms. Some

types of intruders have no particular effect on the

proprietor’s well-being; the appearance of others
may produce positive outcomes; and still others

appropriate or destroy valued resources, creating

adverse effects. People may thus incline to be

initially wary of a stranger, but they base their

reactions toward him on judgments of probable

consequences. They will welcome a visitor of good

will and threaten a menacing one. Differential

experiences, either direct or vicarious, with

different types of intruders produce

discriminative responses that cannot be readily 71
explained by an indiscriminate property instinct

that automatically compels an organism to chase

whatever approaches its territorial boundaries.

Carefully conducted ethological studies

(Carthy and Ebling, 1964; van Lawick-Goodall,

1971) have produced a large body of descriptive

data on the way animals of different species

behave in their natural habitats. Some of this

information is specifically concerned with
environmental situations that stimulate fighting.

In certain species aggressive responses are

regularly elicited by specific environmental

stimuli. Stickleback fish, for example, vigorously

attack male members of their species during
periods when their bellies have a red coloration.

Their assault on red-bellied facsimiles that

otherwise differ markedly in shape from actual

sticklebacks shows that their aggressiveness is

controlled by color cues (Tinbergen, 1951). 72
Territorial encroachment, as previously noted,

is another event that evokes fighting in some

animal species and in many fish and birds. After

proprietors establish rights over a given locality,

they generally attack rivals who intrude on their

domain. A number of other factors have been
identified as determinants of aggressive behavior,

though as in territorial fighting, the degree of

behavioral control exerted by the evocative

stimuli is significantly affected by a variety of

conditions. Males of some species fight over

possession of females, especially during mating

periods. Animals also fight over food, over rank in

a dominance hierarchy, in defense of their young

offspring, in warding off attacks from predators on

members of their own species, and they often

behave aggressively when subjected to painful

stimulation (Hamburg, 1970).

Field studies have been principally concerned 73
with environmental elicitors of aggression,

perhaps because the cues that evoke combat can

be easily observed and documented. On the other

hand, identification of social learning

determinants of aggression under natural

conditions of life requires painstaking analyses of

interaction processes and therefore tends to be

neglected. Few researchers are willing to follow

selected animals continuously as they wander
through their natural habitats in order to record

incidents in which aggressive responses are

modeled and are affected by the consequences of

fighting various adversaries. Detailed observations

would also be needed to trace the manner in

which social stimuli become endowed with fight-

eliciting properties through associations with

combat experiences. When elicitors are favored

over causal processes in field observations, the

selective data tend to convey the impression that 74
aggressiveness is a preestablished phenomenon

triggered by more or less fixed stimulus events.

Lower species usually come equipped with

rudimentary preformed habits and high initial

susceptibility to modeling influences that enable

them to respond adaptively from the outset to

their environmental circumstances. By contrast,

man is furnished with few inborn habits, but with

vast potentialities for learning. Not only are people
more malleable than biologically simpler

organisms, but advanced information-processing

capacities render human behavior more subject to

social and cognitive control. Rather than

responding instinctively to releasing sign stimuli,
humans regulate their behavior in accordance

with judgments of anticipated consequences for

prospective actions. In other words, innate

releasing and inhibiting mechanisms have been

largely replaced by cortical control. For these 75
reasons, causal relationships established in lower

species may be misleading when applied to man

without empirical confirmation of the equivalence.

Interspecies studies of the mechanisms governing

sexual behavior provide an excellent illustration of

this point.

Hormonal control of sexual behavior decreases

with advancing evolutionary status (Beach, 1969;

Ford and Beach, 1951). In lower mammalian
species, for instance, sexual activities are closely

regulated by gonadal hormones; among primates,

sexual responsiveness is partially independent of

hormone secretions; human sexual arousal is
exceedingly variable and relatively independent of

hormonal conditions. Thus, to produce a rodent

Don Juan would require repeated administration

of testosterone, whereas showing him lascivious

pictures of well-endowed female mice would have

no stimulating effects. One would, on the other 76
hand, rely on sexually valenced displays rather

than on hormonal injections to produce erotic

arousal in human males.

Cross-cultural studies of sexual behavior (Ford

and Beach, 1951) disclose further that the regions

of the body, the physical characteristics, the social

acts, and the extrinsic sensory events that function

as sexual arousers all vary considerably from

society to society. What is erotically stimulating in
one culture—corpulence or skinniness; upright

hemispherical breasts or long pendulous ones;

shiny white teeth or black pointed ones; deformed

ears, nose, and lips or naturally shaped ones;
broad or slim hips; light or dark skin color—may

be neutral or repulsive to members of another

social group. A similar diversity exists in the age at

which sexual interest first emerges, in the forms

that sexual behavior takes, and in the choice of

sexual objects. Considering that human sexual 77
responsiveness is, in large part, socially rather

than hormonally determined, findings based on

studies of subhuman species concerning

regulatory mechanisms have limited

generalizability to humans. There is every reason

to believe that the evolutionary decrease in innate

determinants of behavior holds true for

aggression as well.

Studies of hormonal influences have shown

that androgen fosters aggressiveness in animals

(Conner and Levine, 1969; Rothballer, 1967). In

addition to their effects on brain organization, sex

hormones can influence combative behavior
indirectly by stimulating physical growth and

muscular development. Moreover, during mating

periods when sex hormone levels are high, male

species are especially combative. Animals must

rely upon their biological equipment for whatever

success they can achieve in combat. Hence, those 78
with large canine teeth, powerful jaw muscles, and

imposing size become belligerent fighters through

victories; the physically less well-endowed

become submissive through defeats. By contrast,

man’s capacity to use destructive weapons greatly

reduces His dependence upon structural

equipment to aggress successfully. A puny man

with a gun can easily triumph over powerfully

built opponents who are unarmed. In violent
human encounters other than fisticuffs, weapons

will almost always beat physical build. Man’s

capacity for social organization likewise reduces

the importance of structural characteristics in

aggressive attainments. At the social level,

aggressive power derives from organized

collective action rather than from biological

advantage. Victory is thus assured by the force of

numbers acting in concert, and the physical

stature of individual challengers does not matter 79
much, if at all. Organized fighting between groups,

as in international warfare, domestic rebellion,

and intergang combat, is a human creation that

does not exist except in the most rudimentary

form among animals.

Animal studies have shown that testosterone

treatment of fetal or newborn females

masculinizes them and increases their

aggressiveness. In humans, excess fetal androgens,
produced by either enzyme defect or

administration of progestin to pregnant mothers,

causes masculinization of external genitalia in

female offspring and fosters male orientations.

These females are, however, no more physically
aggressive than nonandrogenized girls (Ehrhardt,

Epstein, and Money, 1968). Interpretation of the

differences in interest patterns is complicated by

the fact that approximately half of the

androgenized girls were raised as males during 80
the early months of life before their condition was

correctly diagnosed. If excessive prenatal

testosterone is highly associated with later

tomboyishness, further research would be needed

to determine whether hormones exert their effect

through neurosexual organization, physical

structure, or by some other means (Hamburg,

1969). Androgenized girls who selectively

associate with boys because of their physical
characteristics might be expected to develop male

orientations through peer modeling and

participation in masculine play activities.

Structural characteristics related to

aggressiveness also have somewhat different

evolutionary and survival consequences for

animals and man. In some animal species, physical

strength determines which males do the mating.

Combat victors gain possession of females so that

the most dominant males have the highest 81
reproduction rates. With humans, most of whom

practice monogamy, mate selection is based more

on such qualities as good looks, winsome style,

intelligence, and financial standing than on

fighting prowess. Within such social

arrangements, differential reproduction rates are

primarily determined by religious and ecological

beliefs, as well as by access to birth control

devices. For these reasons, variations in fertility
do not necessarily favor aggressiveness.

Questions of generality likewise arise in

evaluating the influence of genetic factors on

aggressiveness. The propensity of laboratory
animals to behave aggressively can be significantly

altered by selective breeding. Descendants of

aggressive strains tend to be increasingly more

combative across succeeding generations than

offspring of docile stocks. The matter is more

complicated, however, than it might appear from 82
limited assessments. Contrasting strains can vary

widely in their relative combativeness depending

upon the circumstances under which they are

tested and the nature of their targets. Thus,

members of docile strains may behave

submissively in one setting but aggressively in a

different situation; similarly, fighting breeds may

be vicious toward certain targets and pacific in

relation to others (Fredericson and Birnbaum,
1954; Ginsburg and Allee, 1942).

Corning and Corning (1972) put it well when

they noted that genes do not produce behavior;

rather, they generate enzymes that affect
biochemical processes and structural

development which, in turn, can influence

response potentialities. Therefore, to understand

the means by which genetic variations affect

aggressive responsiveness requires knowledge

about the links between genes, neurophysiological 83
mechanisms, and behavioral capabilities to act

aggressively. When animals are bred with respect

to an outstanding characteristic, they may display

other features that largely account for observed

differences between strains. This is especially true

of activities that require a variety of functions (for

example, perceptual, cognitive, locomotor,

emotional, and motivational), as is usually the

case. By selective breeding, for example,
researchers produced populations of animals

bright and dull in maze learning. Further analysis

revealed that not only did the relative superiority

of the groups change on different learning tasks,

but that differences in motivation and

emotionality were largely responsible for the

variation in learning performances (Searle, 1949).

With regard to fighting, combative strains have

been found to be more active motorically and less

emotionally upset by stress (Lagerspetz, 1969). 84
Such factors might be expected to determine

success in physical combat.

To complicate the picture further, some of the

variability attributed to genetic factors may stem

from other sources. When animals are reared by

their own mothers, postnatal maternal influences

can contribute to interstrain differences in

behavior (Denenberg, 1970). Offspring from

aggressive strains nursed by their own mothers
are likely to turn out to be more combative than

those reared by docile foster mothers. Behavioral

differences can result from maternal handling

during the nursing period and from maternal

modeling of aggression in later developmental
phases, as convincingly demonstrated by Kuo


Some characteristics are highly heritable and

difficult to modify, whereas others, which are only 85
indirectly affected by genetic factors, may be
highly susceptible to environmental influences.

The importance attached to genetically mediated

effects on aggressiveness therefore depends upon

their modifiability through experience. Several

investigators have shown that aggression in

combative strains can be markedly reduced by

repeated defeats, whereas submissive animals can

be made somewhat more aggressive through

combat victories (Ginsburg and Allee, 1942;

Lagerspetz, 1964, 1969). Since even victors are

likely to receive painful bruises while fighting, the

experienced punishment may detract from the

value of eventual success. To take a human

example, a person who triumphed over an

opponent but in the process lost his teeth would

be somewhat hesitant about violent encounters

even if assured victory. The relative influence of

reinforcement and genetic determinants is best 86
tested under conditions in which conquests gain

victors access to food, mates, territories, and social

rank. These are the types of purposes that

aggression serves for animals in their natural

habitat. In the case of man, although some may

derive self-esteem rewards from disposing of
opponents, few go around picking hurtful fights

merely to win them. They too risk the costs of

aggression to obtain a variety of outcomes

extrinsic to the act itself.

On the assumption that the male-determining

chromosome is related to aggressiveness,

researchers explored whether a genetic

abnormality involving an extra male chromosome
increases propensity to violent conduct. (Normal

males possess an XY pair of sex chromosomes,

whereas females have an XX pair; the Y is

considered to be the chromosome determining

maleness.) Surveys of newborn children reveal 87
that approximately 1 in 500 males possesses an

extra Y chromosome (XYY).

Little interest was shown in the XYY anomaly

until Jacobs and her colleagues (Jacobs, Brunton,

and Melville, 1965) reported that mentally

defective men institutionalized for various forms

of criminal behavior show a higher prevalence of

the extra Y chromosome (2.9 percent of all those

tested) than might be expected in the general
public (0.2 percent). Since the XYY condition is

comparatively rare but goes with tallness, many of

the subsequent studies used biased sampling

procedures by selecting only tall imprisoned men
for chromosomal analysis. On the basis of further

reports of higher prevalence rates, some

investigators concluded that XYY males are

genetically predisposed to violent and antisocial

conduct. The stereotype of the XYY males as

dangerously assaultive was quickly established by 88
publicized murder trials in which legal

responsibility for homicidal acts was disclaimed

on the grounds of chromosomal defect. Richard

Speck, a ruthless mass murderer, was reported in

the press and in professional journals as an XYY

aberration, although in fact he had no genetic

defect. Some medical practitioners even advocated

genetic counseling for parents about the antisocial

propensities of XYY children. Such a stigmatizing
practice could very well lead apprehensive adults

to overreact to misconduct in ways likely to

confirm the prophecy. Lost in the publicity was the

notable feature that XYY inmates in the original

survey rarely aggressed against people and, of

their total convictions, 88 percent were for

offenses against property. The XYY prisoners in

fact have a lower incidence of physical and sexual

assaults than suitably matched XYs (Price and

Whatmore, 1967). Perhaps the most striking 89
aspect of the chromosome story is the ready

proclivity to blame crime on “bad genes.”

The alleged relationship between the double Y

chromosome and aggressiveness was strongly

disputed by some researchers on a number of

grounds (Kessler and Moos, 1970; Owen, 1972;

Shah, 1970). To begin with, the prevalence studies

confounded, among other things, chromosomal

anomaly with height and social influences. Given
evidence that the XYY karyotype is found more

often among tall men, its prevalence among tall

inmates should be compared not against the

general population, but against a subsample of tall

noninstitutionalized individuals matched with the
prisoners on social factors conducive to antisocial

aggression. The misleading results of biased

sampling are shown by Clark et al. (1972), who

report that when only tall prisoners are selected

for chromosomal screening, the prevalence of XYY 90
is higher (2.7 percent) than when prisoners under

6 feet are also included (1.8 percent). Although

XYYs who run afoul of the law are not especially

assaultive, they are nevertheless arrested at an

earlier age and more often. This differential arrest

pattern, which can have a decisive impact on the

course of future behavior, may conceivably be

related to physical stature. Apart from the

psychological strains and older companionship
fostered by conspicuous tallness, large offenders

are likely to be treated by arresting officers as

older and more dangerous than are smaller ones.

Early commitment to a reformatory populated

with delinquents is apt to launch one on an

antisocial career, regardless of genetic makeup.

An extra male chromosome was believed to

enhance aggressiveness by producing

hypermasculinity. Results of a comparative study

by Clark et al. (1972) cast serious doubt on this 91
line of reasoning. They conducted a chromosomal

survey of men in several penal institutions for the

rate of XYY anomaly and the Klinefelter syndrome

(XXY), which is presumed by many to be

associated with nonaggressive tendencies. The

XYYs are no more prevalent (1.8 percent) than

XXYs (2.6 percent), nor is there any discernible

difference in their criminal records. It might be

noted in passing that results of a large number of
chromosomal surveys yield a lower prevalence of

XYY prisoners (2.3 percent) than originally

reported, and even this figure overestimates the

rate for prison populations because, with few

exceptions, only tall males are selected for analysis

(Owen, 1972).

What effects, if any, an extra Y chromosome

has on behavioral development can be

satisfactorily answered only by a double-blind

prospective study in which psychological 92
functioning is periodically assessed in children

with the XYY karyotype and in suitably matched

controls who have no chromosomal anomaly. A

longitudinal investigation of this type would most

likely demonstrate that the vast majority of XYY

males, like others, are engaged in prosocial

pursuits. The data already reviewed suggest that

the small numbers who may get into legal

difficulty are, if anything, apt to be less
interpersonally assaultive than transgressors of

normal genetic makeup.

It is interesting that people vigorously disclaim

that instincts or genes cause them to behave the
way they do, but are quick to believe that man is

instinctively aggressive. The wide popular appeal

of such interpretations cannot be attributed to the

attraction of simple explanations, nor to the

prevalence of aggressive behavior, because other

social practices found to be widespread or 93
universal, such as bartering behaviors, are rarely

ascribed to an economic instinct. One possible

explanation is that most people find it exceedingly

difficult to understand how socialized human

beings can repeatedly commit atrocities, often at

the risk of self-extermination, unless driven by an

inherent viciousness. Also, by attributing

aggression to inherited tendencies, people are

absolved from the responsibility of changing social
conditions that benefit their self-interests at the

risk of provoking aggression in disadvantaged

members of society.

The dichotomous view that behavior is either

learned or innate has dwindling support as

knowledge about human functioning increases.

Though radical hereditarians and

environmentalists still exist, most theorists

acknowledge that social and physiological

influences are not that easily separable, since both 94
sets of factors interact in subtle ways in

determining behavior. Where certain biological

equipment is needed to perform manual

aggressive acts, structural factors, which have a

genetic basis, may partly determine whether

initial aggressiveness proves successful and is

further developed, or whether it fails and is

discarded. Possession of a brawny physique, for

example, increases the probability that physically
aggressive modes of behavior will prove effective.

Physical characteristics can also indirectly

affect the development of aggressive behavior

through their influence on associational
preferences. The social acquaintances and

activities of robust boys, for instance, are likely to

differ substantially from those of frail boys or of

petite girls. Association preferences, in turn,

determine to a large degree the types of models

repeatedly observed and, consequently, the 95
patterns of behavior that will be most thoroughly

learned. The groups with which children choose to

affiliate also define the forms of behavior that are

normatively sanctioned, rewarded, and selectively


Even in instances in which new patterned

responses are formed entirely on the basis of

learning experiences, physiological factors still

serve as contributing influences. Learning capacity
is affected by genetic characteristics. And while

the organization of behavioral components into

novel intricate patterns is a product of experience,

the rudimentary elements are present as part of
the natural endowment. Thus, for example,

children begin with a set of elementary sounds

that they subsequently learn to combine into an

infinite variety of larger verbal units to form

grammatical speech. The basic phonetic elements

may appear trivial compared to the learned 96
intricate compounds, but they are nevertheless

essential. But it would be misleading to designate

social behavior as instinctual simply because it

employed a few innate elements. The fact that a

child is born with the capacity to strike objects

with his hand does not mean that the elaborate

fighting skills of a boxer reflect an inherited

tendency. One of the basic issues in dispute with

regard to instinctual interpretations of aggression
is whether complex patterned responses

themselves come preformed or are fashioned

through experiential influences.

Many so-called instinctual behaviors may

contain a large learning component even in the

common patterns displayed by members of a

species. Observational learning is a principal

means of acquiring new response patterns in

animals and humans alike (Bandura, 1971d).

Developmental studies of modeling processes 97
disclose that animals readily learn adaptive

responses soon after their eyes become functional

by observing the behavior of skilled models (Adler

and Adler, 1968). In the natural environment

young offspring are provided with countless

opportunities to observe and to learn the behavior

exhibited by members of the same species.

Observational learning may play an especially

important role in species that are highly
susceptible to imprinting. This is a process

wherein young offspring develop a strong

attachment to, and rapidly learn general

characteristics of the model to which they were
first exposed during a developmentally sensitive

period (Hess, 1959). Although some response

patterns are transmitted during the

impressionable period itself, the formation of a

close social attachment to a model greatly

enhances observational exposure and thereby 98
assures further learning of the modeled behavior.

Not all species are susceptible to imprinting.

Apparently those whose locomotor abilities

mature rapidly are most prone to display the

phenomenon, whereas higher mammalian species

that are born biologically incompetent and hence

require extended dependence on caretakers do

not (Klopfer, 1962). These notable evolutionary

differences further underscore the need for
caution in generalizing across species. Moreover,

modeling and reinforcement influences, which are

universally present, have powerful effects on the

behavior of species that are influenceable
throughout life rather than mainly at an early

optimal period of development. For this reason,

informal ethological observations cannot provide

full understanding of the origins of behavior.

When the effects of social experiences are not

systematically measured, behaviors that result 99
from observational and reinforcement learning

are readily ascribed to biological inheritance.

Denenberg (1970) has shown that neonatal

rearing practices not only have a profound effect

on aggressiveness, but produce lasting changes in

the animals’ physiology as reflected in

adrenocortical activity. Evidence that behavioral

potentialities can be significantly affected by fetal

environment further complicates identification of
instinctually determined behavior. Finally, given

some indications of fetal conditioning (Spelt,

1948), the possibility of prenatal learning must be

considered in evaluating simple response patterns

present at birth.

The coordination of aggressive behavior, like

other forms of visceral and motor responsiveness,

depends on neurophysiological mechanisms.

Substantial research has been conducted on

animals to determine whether the mechanisms 100
mediating aggression are localized in specific

brain regions. The results show that subcortical

structures, principally the hypothalamus and the

limbic system, are involved in facilitating and

inhibiting aggressive behavior. Lesioning these

areas or stimulating them chemically or

electrically can modify the expression of threat

displays and stereotyped attack responses. The

effects induced by such methods are not entirely
specific, however. Not only are behaviors other

than aggression similarly affected, but activation

of any one of several regions can produce similar

behavioral effects (Clemente and Lindsley, 1967;

Garattini and Sigg, 1969). While the hypothalamus

is a prominent mediator of attack responses,

animals can be prompted to aggress by external

events even after the hypothalamus has been

surgically isolated from the rest of the brain

(Ellison and Flynn, 1968). The same neural 101
structure can thus serve a variety of behavioral

functions, and different structures can mediate the

same social behavior.

Although aggressive actions are partly

coordinated at subcortical levels, these neural

systems are selectively activated and controlled by

higher cortical functions. Consequently,

responding is regulated to a large extent by

sensory inputs that are centrally processed. An
ingenious study by Delgado (1967) shows how

experiential influences can govern response

selection during electrical activation of the same

neural center. It has been shown that electrical

stimulation of the hypothalamus in the vicinity of
the ventromedial nucleus generally evokes attack-

like behavior in animals. Delgado added a social

dimension to the research that threw new light on

thalamic control of aggression. He recorded the

social behavior of a small colony of monkeys at 102
normal times and at periodic intervals when

selected members with brain-implanted

electrodes were electrically stimulated through

radio transmission.

Hypothalamic stimulation of a monkey who

assumed a dominant role in the colony instigated

him to attack subordinate male members, but the

stimulated boss monkey did not assault the

females. Nor did he attack his immediate
subordinate, with whom he was on friendly terms.

By contrast, hypothalamic stimulation elicited

cowering and submissive behavior in a monkey of

low social rank. Even more impressive is evidence
that electrical stimulation of the same cerebral

mechanism can evoke markedly different behavior

in the same animal as his social rank is modified

by changing the membership of the colony. Thus,

hypothalamic stimulation elicited submissiveness

in the animal when he occupied a low hierarchical 103
position, but marked aggressiveness when he was

the dominant member in the group.

Other investigators (Panksepp, 1971;

Panksepp and Trowill, 1969; Roberts, Steinberg,

and Means, 1967) also report that electrical

stimulation of the same brain region produces no

attacks in some animals, that attacks are more

readily elicited in normally aggressive animals

than in more docile members of the same species,
that hypothalamically stimulated aggressive

responses are inhibited under threat of

counterattack, and that assaultive responses

decline and even disappear with repeated
electrical stimulation. Aggressive responses are

not, in fact, directly and automatically elicited, but

vary depending upon the types of targets

available. Such evidence indicates considerable

environmental control of centrally stimulated

effects. 104
For the most part, researchers studying neural

regulation of attack responses directly stimulate

subcortical areas with an artificial electrical input

in a relatively barren social environment without

varying prior learning experiences. Experimental

arrangements of this sort are advantageous for
localizing lower brain functions. However,

Delgado’s finding that social influences can

determine the nature of the cerebrally evoked

behavior indicates that such procedures may

exaggerate the degree of neural control under

natural conditions, in which environmental

activators transmitted by informative sensory

messages are modulated through higher memory

and learning mechanisms. The functional

organization of these higher control systems is

largely determined by learning experiences. It is

therefore only by varying neural and experiential

influences that a full understanding can be 105
obtained of how the various brain structures

interact in regulating aggressive behavior.

It is valuable to know how biological

equipment works internally, but from the

standpoint of explaining aggression it is even

more important to understand how it is socially

activated for different courses of action. In

everyday life, biological systems are roused in

humans by provocative sensory inputs from the
environment and by anticipated response

outcomes and other types of ideational activation.

Hence, a remark interpreted as an insult will

doubtless generate activity in the hypothalamus,

whereas the same comment viewed innocuously
will leave the hypothalamus undisturbed. Given a

negative interpretation, social factors are likely to

determine how the recipient will respond.

The social learning theory of human 106
aggression adopts the position that man is
endowed with neurophysiological mechanisms

that enable him to behave aggressively, but the

activation of these mechanisms depends upon

appropriate stimulation and is subject to cortical

control. Therefore, the specific forms that

aggressive behavior takes, the frequency with

which it is expressed, the situations in which it is

displayed, and the specific targets selected for

attack are largely determined by social experience.

A problem of clinical interest that has

implications for neural regulatory functions is

concerned with whether brain injuries affect

expression of aggressive behavior. Literature on

the neural correlates of human aggression is

sparse. In exploratory studies of assaultive

patients with brain pathologies, Delgado and his

associates (1968) have occasionally been able to

elicit aggressive responses by telemetered 107
stimulation of the amygdala, but as a rule, the

stimulation mainly evokes strange sensations and


Mark and Ervin (1970) report a high incidence

of neurological dysfunctions in both self-referred

violent patients and repetitively assaultive

prisoners. According to these authors, the

aggressiveness may reflect impairment of cortical

control that leaves the person vulnerable to
excitation by stimuli that would ordinarily be

ineffective. Alternatively, external stimulation of a

malfunctioning area of the brain may trigger

neural discharges that prompt actions, sometimes
at reduced levels of consciousness.

In judging how much importance to attach to

neural dysfunctions, one also needs to know in

how many cases brain damage is present but

physical aggression does not occur. Incidence 108
rates are less subject to misinterpretation when
individuals are selected because they possess the

condition supposedly conducive to aggression

rather than because they display a history of

aggressive conduct. Let us assume, for the sake of

illustration, a 30 percent incidence of brain

damage in the criminally assaultive, whereas in

the total population of brain-damaged people 3

percent are physically aggressive. Knowing only

the proportion of incarcerated offenders who

suffer neurological impairment, it would be easy

to overrate the influence of neural factors.

Cerebral disorder can accompany aggression

either as cause, as effect, or as a joint product of

other conditions. Abnormal

electroencephalograms (EEGs) have been

reported by some investigators to be more

common among assaultive persons than in the

general population (Mark and Ervin, 1970). The 109
meaning of differential incidence rates can change,

however, depending upon what groups are

compared. In a study reported by Ostrow and

Ostrow (1946), for example, abnormal EEGs were

just as prevalent among conscientious objectors

who eschew violence and other inmates jailed for

nonaggressive offenses as among assaultive

prisoners. It is conceivable that deviant EEG

patterns may, in many cases, be merely
accompaniments of aggression and not its cause.

Considering the impoverished backgrounds from

which most prisoners come, they probably show a

higher incidence of physiological deficiencies of

almost any kind. Moreover, assaultive people are

repeatedly involved in fights, in auto accidents,

and in forcible arrests that might easily result in

head injuries (Bach-y-Rita et al., 1971; Bandura

and Walters, 1959). Thus, some cerebral damage

would not be a surprising product of an aggressive 110
style of life. A longitudinal study of boxers would

attest to progressive cerebral damage with

continued fighting. Finally, a person who suffers

brain injury that impairs his level of functioning

may be treated by others in a rejecting,

disparaging manner productive of aggression. If a
neurologically intact person were dealt with in a

similar fashion, he too might be prompted on

occasion to respond assaultively. If the effects

operate principally through social consequences,

brain damage with maltreatment may increase the

likelihood of aggression, but brain damage with

considerate treatment may not.

Theories appear comprehensive when they

contain an all-embracing analysis to the effect that

aggressive behavior is determined by biological,

psychological, and sociological factors. Such

general propositions, which apply equally to

almost anything people may do, hardly advance 111
our understanding of aggression. It is also easy to

misjudge learning approaches on the grounds that,

as their name seems to imply, they must ignore

biological determinants. The critical issue is not

whether aggressive behavior is multiply

determined, but to what extent do biological,

psychological, and social influences contribute to

variations in aggression between different people

and in the same individual at different times and
under different circumstances. It is evident from

the preceding discussion and material presented

later that the proportion of variance accounted for

by these determinants differs across species, types

of aggressive behavior, and social conditions.

Aggressive Drive Theories

Until recent years most theorists subscribed to

an energy model of aggression, but they rejected

instincts as the driving forces. In an effort to 112
resolve the motivational problem, drives

eventually replaced instincts as internal impellers

of action. According to these theories, man is

motivated to behave aggressively by a frustration-

produced drive rather than by an innate

aggressive force. This view, which gained

widespread popular acceptance, was originally

expounded in a set of testable propositions by

Dollard and his co-authors (1939) and elaborated
further in later publications (Feshbach, 1964,

1970; Sears, Whiting, Nowlis, and Sears, 1953;

Whiting and Child, 1953).

The frustration-aggression hypothesis

contended that interference with goal-directed

activity induces an aggressive drive which, in turn,

motivates behavior designed to injure the person

toward whom it is directed. Infliction of injury was

assumed to reduce the aggressive drive. In the

form in which it was originally presented, the 113
hypothesis presupposed that frustration always

produces aggression. In later modifications of the

hypothesis, aggression was still considered the

naturally dominant response to frustration, but

nonaggressive reactions could occur if aggressive

behavior had previously been eliminated through

punishment or nonreward. Although some

members of the Yale group (Miller, 1941; Sears,

1941) discarded the notion that aggression is the
only unlearned response to frustration, frustration

nevertheless continued to be regarded as an

inevitable cause of aggression; in other words,

whenever an aggressive act occurred, frustration

was assumed to be always present as the

instigating condition. For years the standard

explanation of aggression was in terms of


A number of factors were identified by Dollard

and his associates as major determinants of 114
aggressive behavior and the specific forms it takes.

Since this formulation drew heavily on

psychoanalytic theory, the variables singled out

for attention are similar to those with which

psychoanalysts concerned themselves at the time,

rather than to those that have subsequently been

found to be powerful controllers of aggressive

behavior. One set of conditions that was proposed

concerned antecedent factors governing degree of
frustration, from which strength of the aggressive

drive is inferred. The strength of instigation to

aggression was assumed to vary directly with how

strongly the thwarted response was motivated,

the extent to which the thwarted response was

interfered with, and the number of actions that

were frustrated.

Criticism of the frustration-aggression

hypothesis focused at first on the nature of

responses to frustration. Anthropologists 115
(Bateson, 1941) pointed out that in some cultures

aggression was by no means a typical response to

frustration. Barker, Dembo, and Lewin (1941) and

Wright (1942, 1943) demonstrated that young

children were inclined to regress rather than to

aggress when frustrated. Other critics argued that

only some kinds of frustration evoke aggressive

behavior and that other forms do not. Maslow

(1941), Rosenzweig (1944), and more recently
Buss (1961) noted that personal insult and threat

are more likely to evoke aggression than blocking

of ongoing behavior, an issue that will be

examined more fully later. And finally, Pastore

(1952) emphasized the role of justifiability of the

frustration in determining whether or not an

aggressive response will occur. For example, a

person who is passed by a municipal bus returning

to a garage for repairs will display much less

aggression than if the bus he has been waiting for 116
drives by without justification, even though the

goal-directed behavior of the ignored passenger

has been equally thwarted in both instances. The

effects of justifiability of frustration have not been

tested behaviorally, but people typically report

more aggression to hypothetical thwartings that
appear unwarranted than to those for which

excusable reasons exist (Cohen, 1955; Pastore,


Frustration subsumes such a diverse set of

conditions that it no longer has a specific meaning.

As new instigators of aggression were identified,

the definition of frustration was stretched to

accommodate them. In experimental studies, for
example, people are frustrated by being personally

insulted, subjected to physically painful treatment,

deprived of valued rewards, blocked from

reaching desired goals, and by experiencing

failure. A large body of evidence exists showing 117
that punishment, extinction, delay of reward, and

response obstruction do not have uniform

behavioral effects (Bandura, 1969a). Even the

same treatment can elicit markedly different

responses at different intensities and with

different learning histories.

Not only is there great heterogeneity on the

antecedent side of the relationship, but the

consequent part of the formula—the aggressive
behavior—also subsumes a vast array of activities

colored by value judgments. As we already have

seen, whether or not a given action is considered

aggressive depends on a variety of factors, many
of which reside in the definer rather than in the

performer. The same injurious behavior can be

labeled aggressive or not depending on subjective

judgments of whether it was intentional or

accidental; whether or not it is socially sanctioned;

and among other factors, on the age, sex, role, and 118
socioeconomic level of the performer. Considering

the mixed items that are included under both

frustration and aggression, it is questionable

whether any general statements about the

relationship between the two events have much

meaning or validity.

The widespread acceptance of the frustration-

aggression notion is perhaps attributable more to

its simplicity than to its demonstrated predictive
power. In point of fact, the formula that frustration

breeds aggression does not hold up well under

empirical scrutiny in laboratory studies in which

conditions regarded as frustrative are
systematically varied. They may sometimes

increase aggression (Berkowitz, 1965a; Hartmann,

1969; Ulrich, Hutchinson, and Azrin, 1965); they

may have no effect on aggressive behavior (Buss,

1966a; Jegard and Walters, 1960; Walters and

Brown, 1963); or they may reduce aggressive 119
responding (Kuhn, Madsen, and Becker, 1967). In

experiments reporting positive results, frustration

usually exerts an influence only in conjunction

with prior training in aggression or exposure to

aggressive modeling influences. The fact that

negative findings occurred in studies in which

social learning variables were highly influential

lends support to the view that frustration, as

commonly defined, is only one—and not
necessarily the most important—factor affecting

the expression of aggression.

There are two possible approaches to the

problem of frustration. One may define it in terms
broad enough to encompass heterogeneous

conditions that could conceivably be judged to be

frustrating. This strategy provides the

convenience of a single shorthand label, but for

reasons given earlier, the diverse operations

subsumed under the omnibus term will yield 120
inconsistent and contradictory empirical

relationships to aggressive behavior. Alternatively,

one may distinguish between dissimilar

antecedent conditions and study how each type

affects different classes of aggressive behavior.

The latter approach is selected in social learning

analyses of aggression.

Since frustration does not always produce

aggression, inhibitory factors were introduced by
drive proponents as additional controlling

influences. A frustrated person will tend to

suppress overt aggressive actions that are likely to

be punished. The strength of inhibition was
postulated, in this theory, to vary positively with

the severity of punishment anticipated for

behaving in an aggressive manner. There is

substantial evidence, to be reviewed later, that

punishment does indeed exert a regulatory

function over aggressive behavior. However, the 121
relationship between punishment and aggressive

behavior proved to be more complex than was

originally believed. The degree of behavioral

control exerted by punishment is, in addition to its

intensity, determined by the type and distribution

of aversive consequences; their temporal relation

to the behavior to be modified; the strength with

which punished responses are concurrently

reinforced; the availability of alternative modes of
behavior for securing rewards; and the

characteristics of punishing agents (Bandura,

1969a). Depending on its nature and interaction

with other determinants, punishment can thus

increase, reduce, or have no appreciable effect on

aggressive behavior.

The relative strengths of the competing

instigative and inhibitory tendencies served as the

basis for explaining two other features of

aggressive behavior, namely, displacement of 122
aggression to substitute targets and change in the

form of the aggressive behavior. According to

Miller’s (1959) conflict model, the objects and

strength of displaced responses can be predicted

from knowledge of three variables—the strength

of aggressive instigation, the severity of

punishment of aggressive behavior, and the

similarity of alternative targets to the original

frustrator. In empirical tests of this paradigm it
was additionally assumed that both aggressive

and inhibitory tendencies developed toward the

original instigator were generalized to other

people as well, the extent of the generalization

being a function of the degree of similarity; and

that inhibitory responses were generalized less

than aggressive ones. It follows from this model

that the stronger the inhibitions, the further out on

the dissimilarity continuum the aggressive

response is likely to be displaced. Thus, aggression 123
will be diverted to other persons who are similar

to the original instigator when fear of punishment

is relatively weak, but to dissimilar people when it

is strong.

The process of response displacement is

depicted in the same way as victim displacement,

except that the generalization dimension

represents a continuum of directness of response

(for example, physical aggression, verbal
aggression, covert fantasy aggression) rather than

differing characteristics of people. The effect of

increasing the inhibitory tendency is to shift the

mode of aggression to more indirect forms.

Deductions from this model were evaluated on

the basis of findings derived from field studies of

aggression and from controlled laboratory

situations. It is difficult to assess the theoretical

implications of the field studies (Bandura and 124
Walters, 1959; Sears, Whiting, Nowlis, and Sears,
1953; Whiting and Child, 1953; Wright, 1954)

because the ordering and locating of targets of

aggression on the similarity dimension are

somewhat arbitrary (and usually post hoc), and

additional assumptions are often introduced to

explain discrepancies between findings and

predictions based on Miller's conflict model.

Moreover, selective aggressiveness cannot be fully

understood without knowledge of the patterns of

reinforcement associated with expression of

aggression toward different target persons.

Antisocially aggressive boys, for example, have

been found to have parents who strongly

disapprove of and punish aggression in the home

(Bandura, 1960; Bandura and Walters, 1959;

Glueck and Glueck, 1950), a finding that has

frequently been interpreted as an instance of

displacement. However, since parents of such boys 125
encourage and reward aggression outside the

home, the apparently displaced aggression may be

primarily an outcome of discrimination training

(Bandura, 1960; Bandura and Walters, 1959).

The conflict model was tested most

systematically in experimental studies of the

scapegoat theory of prejudice. Applied in this

context, the theory predicted that when a

frustrating agent is feared, aggression will be
displaced to people who differ from the social

group to which the frustrator belongs. Evidence

for this formulation is, at best, equivocal (Bandura

and Walters, 1963; Berkowitz, 1958, 1962). Nor

do informal observations of prejudicial behavior
appear to provide much support for derivations

from the conflict paradigm—namely, people will

be most prejudiced toward highly dissimilar

minorities when inhibitions are strong, but they

will divert their hostility to minorities that are 126
similar to the original frustrator if their inhibitions

are weak. Holding inhibitory tendencies constant,

the theory would also predict that the more

strongly a person is angered, the more likely he is

to displace his aggression to someone who is

similar to the instigator.

The displacement model has limited predictive

power when applied to the problem of human

aggression because it adopts a basically nonsocial
approach to a phenomenon that involves intricate

social learning. Prejudices, like other aggressive

acts, are developed through modeling and social

reinforcement, and they make their appearance
relatively early in a child’s life (Stevenson, 1967;

Radke-Yarrow, Trager, and Miller, 1952). Parents

and other influential people, through precept,

example, and their approving reactions, teach

children whom they should hate and for what

reasons, and how they should express their 127
aggression toward the stigmatized targets.

Reports of Ku Klux Klan rallies (San Francisco

Chronicle, 1963) provide illustrations of how fear

and hatred can be transmitted through modeling

and social sanction to the Klansmen’s observant

offspring. People similarly come to abuse

Irishmen, Italians, Poles, Jews, and other minority

groups as a result of the prevailing sanctions in

different communities, rather than on the basis of
their resemblance to frustrators. Indeed,

frustrators come in too many diverse forms to aid

much in victim selection.

Displaced aggression is further modified by the

reactions it elicits from the people who are

aggressed against. Acquiescent targets will be

victimized more often than retaliative ones.

Moreover, the theory makes no provision for self-

imposed restraints arising from self-devaluative

reactions for hurting others, which may be more 128
influential in controlling aggressive behavior than

inhibitions motivated by fear of external

punishment. One might expect the conflict

paradigm to prove most successful under

circumstances in which individuals have had no

prior experiences, either direct or vicarious, with

potential scapegoats who receive attacks but

otherwise do not counterreact, since this factor

would significantly alter the generalization
gradients. Such conditions rarely, if ever, obtain in

everyday life.

The preceding comments in no way question

the existence of aggression displacement. One can
readily cite examples in which an individual who

inhibits aggressing toward a feared antagonist

later mistreats another person without adequate

justification. A social learning interpretation of the

phenomenon, however, takes into account a

number of factors that are ignored in Miller’s 129
paradigm. The degree of provocation and

punitiveness of the frustrator is, of course,

relevant. In addition, however, accurate prediction

requires knowledge about the individual’s learned

responses to thwarting; about the types of

reactions modeled by influential figures to

potential victims; about the social sanctions for

aggressing toward different classes of people;

about the likelihood of counteraggression by
different victims; and about the self-evaluative

reactions the aggressor experiences whenever he

hurts people possessing certain characteristics.

Catharsis of aggression is another

hypothesized process that is assigned a prominent

role in drive theories. After the aggressive drive

has been aroused, it presumably remains active as

a motivating force until discharged by some form

of aggressive behavior. In accord with the original

formulation, theorists working within this 130
tradition assume that expression of aggression

reduces the urge or drive to behave aggressively.

This energy discharge is designated catharsis. The

theory further postulates that all forms of

aggression are functionally equivalent; that is, one

type of aggressive response can serve as a

substitute for another in reducing the aggressive

drive. Thus, for example, a person who was

blocked from striking someone who annoyed him
could drain the aroused drive by fantasizing

physical assaults or by observing others acting


Of the various propositions advanced by drive

theorists, those pertaining to catharsis have been

studied most extensively, perhaps because of their

important social implications for the management

and control of human aggression. The catharsis

issue was debated by the illustrious Greek savants

long before the advent of the frustration- 131
aggression hypothesis. Aristotle contended that

emotional displays purged emotions, whereas

Plato maintained that they aroused them. As in

most of their disputes over the nature of man,

Plato turned out to be the better psychologist. The

catharsis hypothesis has fared even less well than

other aspects of the drive theory. A large body of

research evidence shows that direct or vicarious

participation in aggressive activities tends to
maintain the behavior at its original level or to

increase the likelihood of subsequent aggression.

The relevant findings and their theoretical and

practical implications are fully discussed in a later


The problem of catharsis has been further

reformulated (Feshbach, 1970) so that neither

increases, decreases, nor absence of changes in

aggressive behavior necessarily refute the

occurrence of cathartic discharges of an aggressive 132
drive. According to this revised position, direct or

vicarious participation in aggression can have

three separable effects that work in different

directions: It can reduce the aggressive drive; it

can reinforce aggressive responses; and it can

alter the strength of inhibitions. Under conditions

in which the aggression-augmenting effects of

reinforcement and disinhibition outweigh the

reductive effects of drive discharge, it could be
argued that catharsis occurred even though

aggression increased. Similarly, if these

hypothesized counteracting influences are of

equal strength, catharsis could be claimed on the

basis of no evident changes in the level of

aggressive behavior. Since there exist no adequate

measures of these subprocesses that are

independent of changes in aggressive behavior,

the catharsis hypothesis cannot be subjected to a

decisive empirical test. 133
In the most recent version of the drive theory,

Feshbach (1970) retains the notion that

frustrating events elicit an aggressive drive that

causes people to aggress. However, the properties

ascribed to the underlying aggressive drive differ

in several respects from traditional conceptions of
how an energetic drive system operates. After

defining hostile aggression as behavior for which

the goal is hurting a disliked person, Feshbach

states that infliction of injury is not really the

principal goal of most hostile aggression; rather,

producing pain in others serves to restore the

aggressor's self-esteem and sense of power. It

follows from this redefined purpose that esteem-

enhancing experiences could discharge the

aggressive drive without any aggressive behavior

ever being performed. Indeed, bolstering self-

esteem through positive accomplishments may

serve as a more direct and effective means of 134
reducing aggression than having people try to

derive esteem rewards from the suffering of

others. What remains to be explained by drive

theorists is how a nonaggressive activity

discharges an aggressive source of energy. In

theories employing drive concepts, drives are

characteristically altered by drive-related

activities. Conceptual ambiguities arise when
aggressive acts are attributed to a drive that is

claimed to be satisfied only by infliction of injury

—and then the actual purpose of aggression is

redefined as restoration of self-esteem.

A similar interpretive problem arises in

Feshbach’s observation that aggression is
frequently eliminated when people reinterpret

situations they had erroneously perceived as

insulting. Redefinition of a social situation can

eliminate further aggressive instigation, but what

happens to the aggressive drive that has already 135
been induced? Dollard and his collaborators

assumed that after the original instigation is

removed, the residual drive still remains and must

be reduced through some form of aggressive

behavior. The questions posed here do not dispute

the notion that esteem-enhancing experiences and

favorable redefinition of social events can

diminish aggressive behavior, the issue is whether

it is necessary to invoke an aggressive drive to
explain human aggression. Doing so creates more

conceptual problems than it explains.

A given theory prescribes the factors that will

be regarded as determinants of behavior and
those that will be excluded from consideration.

Since drive theories viewed aggression as

impelled by the action of an aggressive drive, a

number of important processes, including the

conditions governing acquisition of injurious

modes of behavior, the powerful influence of 136
response consequences in regulating behavior,

and symbolic activities that enable people to hurt

others without experiencing self-contempt, were

essentially ignored. Obviously, people are not

innately equipped with military combat

repertoires or with proficient means of insulting

others. A complete theory of aggression must

therefore explain how intricate behaviors that are

potentially injurious and destructive are learned
in the first place. Inasmuch as the frustration-

produced drive accounted for the occurrence of

aggressive behavior, the main function of response

consequences was a negative, inhibitory one.

Punishment was singled out as a factor that

inhibits, attenuates, and displaces aggression, but

the positive value of aggressive behavior in

attaining desired outcomes was overlooked.

Feshbach gives somewhat greater recognition to

learning variables than did his theoretical 137
forerunners. In his view, the frustration-

aggressive-drive relationship is innately furnished,

but the frustration-aggressive-behavior linkage

can be increased through reinforcement and

modeling. Evidence will be presented later to

show that aggression is generally better explained
in terms of its rewarding consequences than on

the basis of frustrative conditions and the

punishments it incurs. In effect, despite their

avowed relationship to learning principles, drive

theories failed to provide an adequate starting

point for a social learning approach to aggression.

Although the motivation forces for aggression

differ in instinctual and drive theories in terms of
whether they are innately supplied or externally

stimulated, they are much alike in their

implications for the regulation of aggressive

behavior. Since frustration is ever present in one

form or another, in both approaches man is 138
burdened with a continuous source of aggressive

energy that requires periodic release. And both

assume that aggression is reduced by behaving


Social Learning Theory

Until recently, most personality theories

depicted behavior as impelled by inner forces in

the form of needs, drives, and impulses, often

operating below the level of consciousness. Since
the principal causes of behavior resided in forces

within the individual, that is where one looked for

explanations of man’s actions. Although this view

enjoyed widespread professional and popular

acceptance, it did not go unchallenged.

Theories of this sort were criticized on both

conceptual and empirical grounds. Because the

inner determinants were typically inferred from

the behavior they supposedly caused, the result 139
was pseudoexplanations. Thus, for example, a
hostile impulse was deduced from a person’s

irascible behavior, which was then attributed to

the action of the inferred impulse. In a similar

manner, various traits and dynamics, which

represent the descriptive constructs of the

assessor, frequently become entities within the

individual that supposedly cause his behavior.

Different personality theories proposed diverse

lists of motivators, some containing a few all-

purpose drives, others embracing a varied

assortment of specific drives.

The conceptual structure of psychodynamic

theories was further criticized for disregarding the

tremendous complexity of human responsiveness.

An internal motivator cannot possibly account for

the marked variation in the incidence of a given

behavior in different situations, toward different

persons, at different times, and in different social 140
roles. One can predict with much greater accuracy

the expression of aggressive behavior from

knowledge of the social contexts (for example,

church, school, ghetto sidewalk, athletic

gymnasium), the targets (for example, parent,

priest, teacher, or peer), the role occupied by the

performer (for example, policeman, soldier,

teacher, sales clerk), and other cues that reliably

signify potential consequences for aggressive
actions, than from assessment of the performer

(Bandura, 1960; Bandura and Walters, 1959).

When diverse social influences produce

correspondingly diverse behaviors, the inner

cause implicated in the relationship cannot be less

complex than its effects.

It should be emphasized here that it is not the

existence of motivated behavior that is being

questioned, but rather whether such behavior is at

all explained by ascribing it to the action of drives 141
or other inner forces. The deficiencies of this type

of simplistic analysis can be illustrated by

considering a common activity, such as reading

printed matter, which has the qualities of a highly

motivated behavior. People spend large sums of

money purchasing reading material; they expend

effort obtaining it from libraries; they engage in

reading for prolonged periods; and they become

emotionally upset over being deprived of reading
material (as when their daily newspaper is not

delivered through an oversight or when a library

is unable to locate a desired book in its collection).

Following the common practice of inferring drives

from prepotent behaviors, one could ascribe the

activated reading to the force of a reading drive.

However, in predicting what a person reads, when

he chooses to read it, and the order in which

different contents are read, one would appeal not

to drives, but rather to the stimulus inducements 142
and consequences of reading, and to a variety of

specific factors that influence reading behavior. On

the stimulus side, one would want to know the

person’s reading assignments, their deadlines, the

type of information he requires to deal effectively

with projects he has undertaken, and the presence
of other reading instigators; on the consequences

side, knowledge about the contents the person

finds rewarding and those he dislikes and the

effects of reading or ignoring certain materials

would constitute important controlling influences.

There is a marked difference between ascribing

motivating properties to social inducements and

acquired incentives, a quality that is easily

demonstrable, and invoking acquired drives, a

concept that has been found lacking in explanatory

power (Bolles, 1967).

Although the conceptual adequacy of

psychodynamic formulations was debatable, their 143
empirical limitations could not be ignored

indefinitely. They provided intriguing

interpretations of events that had already

happened, but they lacked power to predict how

people would behave in given situations (Mischel,

1968). Moreover, it was difficult to demonstrate

that persons who had undergone

psychodynamically oriented treatment benefited

more than untreated cases (Bandura, 1969a;
Rachman, 1971). Acquisition of insight into the

underlying impulses, through which behavioral

changes were supposedly achieved, turned out to

represent more of a social conversion than a self-

discovery process. As Marmor (1962), among

others, pointed out, each psychodynamic approach

had its own favored set of inner causes and its

own preferred brand of insight. The presence of

these determinants could easily be confirmed

through suggestive proving and selective 144
reinforcement of clients’ verbal reports in self-

validating interviews. For these reasons,

advocates of differing theoretical orientations

repeatedly discovered their favorite motivating

agents, but rarely found evidence for the

hypothesized causes emphasized by proponents of
competing views. The content of a particular

client’s insights and emergent “unconscious” could

therefore be better predicted from knowledge of

the therapist’s belief system than from the client's

actual social learning history.

It eventually became apparent that if progress

in the understanding of human behavior was to be

accelerated, more stringent requirements would
have to be applied in evaluating the adequacy of

explanatory systems. Theories must demonstrate

predictive power, and they must accurately

identify causal factors, as shown by the fact that

varying the postulated determinants produces 145
corresponding changes in behavior.

The attribution of behavior to inner forces can

perhaps be likened to early explanatory schemes

in other branches of science. At one time diverse

chemical reactions were supposedly caused by

movements of a material substance called

phlogiston, physical objects were internally

propelled by intangible essences, and

physiological functioning was ascribed to the
action of humors.

Developments in learning theory shifted the

focus of causal analysis from hypothesized inner

determinants to detailed examination of external
influences on responsiveness. Human behavior

was extensively analyzed in terms of the stimulus

events that evoke it and the reinforcing

consequences that alter it. Researchers repeatedly

demonstrated that response patterns generally 146
attributed to underlying forces could be induced,
eliminated, and reinstated simply by varying

external sources of influence. These impressive

findings led many psychologists to the view that

the causes of behavior are found not in the

organism, but in environmental forces.

The idea that man’s actions are under external

control, though amply documented, was not

enthusiastically received for a variety of reasons.

To most people it unfortunately implied a one-way

influence process that reduced man to a helpless

reactor to the vagaries of external rewards and

punishments. Popular descriptions of the potential

for social influence conjured up macabre

associations of 1984 and Brave New World, in

which people are manipulated at will by occult

technocrats. By associating the term behaviorism

with odious images of salivating dogs and animals

driven by carrots and sticks, critics of behavioral 147
approaches skillfully employ Pavlovian

conditioning procedures on their receptive

audiences to endow this point of view with

degrading properties. The fact that valuation of

places, persons, or things is affected by one's

emotional experiences, whether they be fearful,

humiliating, disgusting, mournful, or pleasurable,

does not mean that such learning outcomes reflect

a base animal process. To expect people to remain
unaffected by paired experiences is to require that

they be less than human. Moreover, to be sensitive

to the consequences of one’s actions indicates

intelligence rather than subhuman functioning.

Nevertheless, promoters of various causes often

lobby against social practices they do not like by

designating them as Pavlovian or as harrowing

precursors of 1984.

The view that behavior is environmentally

determined also appeared to contradict firm but 148
ill-founded beliefs that people possess generalized

personality traits leading them to behave in a

consistent manner, however variable the social

influences might be. Fortunately for survival

purposes, cultural practices are much too diverse

to produce undiscerning generalized traits

(Mischel, 1968). A person who behaved in a

church the same way he acted in a nightclub

would be a forced recipient of an extended rest in
a psychiatric facility. A high degree of behavioral

flexibility is required if a person is to deal

effectively with the complexities of ever-changing

environmental demands.

A more valid criticism of extreme situational

determinism is that, in a vigorous effort to avoid

spurious inner causes, it neglected determinants

of man’s behavior arising from his cognitive

functioning. Man is a thinking organism

possessing capabilities that provide him with 149
some power of self-direction. People can represent

external influences symbolically and later use such

representations to guide their actions; they can

solve problems mentally without having to enact

the various alternatives; and they can foresee the

probable consequences of different actions and

alter their behavior accordingly. These higher

mental processes permit both insightful and

foresighted behavior. By managing the stimulus
determinants of given activities and producing

consequences for their own actions, people are

able to control their own behavior to some degree.

As will be illustrated later, cognitive and self-

regulative influences often serve important

functions in causal sequences. To the extent that

traditional behavioral theories could be faulted, it

was for providing an incomplete rather than an

inaccurate account of human behavior.

In the social learning view, man is neither 150
driven by inner forces nor buffeted helplessly by

environmental influences. Rather, psychological

functioning is best understood in terms of

continuous reciprocal interaction between

behavior and its controlling conditions. Early

attempts to incorporate both individual and

environmental determinants in personality theory

simply depicted behavior as caused by these two

sets of influences. The problem with this type of
formulation is that it treated response dispositions

and the environment as independent entities.

Contrary to this assumption, the environment is

only a potentiality, not a fixed property that

inevitably impinges upon individuals and to which

their behavior eventually adapts. Behavior partly

creates the environment and the resultant

environment, in turn, influences the behavior. In

this two-way causal process the environment is

influenceable, just as the behavior it controls is. 151
In examining social interactions, Rausch

(1965) found that the immediately preceding act

of one person was the major determinant of the

other person’s response. In approximately 75

percent of the instances, hostile behavior elicited

unfriendly responses, whereas cordial acts seldom
did. Aggressive children thus created through

their actions a hostile environment, whereas

children who displayed friendly interpersonal

modes of response generated an amicable social

milieu. With little effort one could readily identify

individuals who predictably create negative social

climates wherever they go. People thus play an

active role in constructing their own

reinforcement contingencies through their

characteristic modes of response.

A complete theory of aggression, whatever its

orientation, must explain how aggressive patterns

of behavior are developed, what provokes people 152
to behave aggressively, and what maintains their

aggressive actions. These major issues are treated

at length in subsequent chapters. The remainder

of this chapter is devoted to a general discussion

of social learning principles of how patterns of

behavior are acquired and how their expression is

continuously regulated by the interplay of self-

generated and external sources of influence.

Development of new modes of behavior.

Patterns of behavior can be acquired through

direct experience or by observing the behavior of

others. The more rudimentary form of learning,
rooted in direct experience, is largely governed by

the rewarding and punishing consequences that

follow any given action. People are repeatedly

confronted with situations with which they must

deal in one way or another. Some of the responses

they try prove unsuccessful, while others produce 153
more favorable effects. Through this process of
differential reinforcement, successful modes of

behavior are eventually selected from exploratory

activities, while ineffectual ones are discarded.

Although behavior can be shaped into new

patterns to some extent by rewarding and

punishing consequences, learning would be
exceedingly laborious and hazardous if it

proceeded solely on this basis. Most of the

intricate responses people display are learned,

either deliberately or inadvertently, through the

influence of example. Indeed, virtually all learning

phenomena resulting from direct experiences can

occur on a vicarious basis through observation of

other people’s behavior and its consequences for

them. Man’s capacity to learn by observation

enables him to acquire complex patterns of

behavior by watching the performances of

exemplary models. Emotional responses toward 154
certain places, persons, or things can also be

developed by witnessing the affective reactions of

others punished for their actions. And, finally, the

expression of previously learned responses can be

socially regulated through the actions of

influential models.

The preceding remarks are not meant to imply

that new modes of behavior are fashioned solely

through experience, either of a direct or
observational sort. Biological structure obviously

sets limits on the types of aggressive responses

that can be successfully perfected, and genetic

endowment influences the rate at which learning

Regulatory functions.

A comprehensive theory of behavior must

explain not only how response patterns are

acquired, but how their expression is regulated 155
and maintained. In social learning theory, human
functioning relies on three regulatory systems.

They include antecedent inducements, response

feedback influences, and cognitive processes that

guide and regulate action. Human aggression is a

learned conduct that, like other forms of social

behavior, is under stimulus, reinforcement, and
cognitive control. These control functions will be

discussed separately for explanatory purposes,

although in reality they are closely interrelated.

Stimulus control.

To function effectively a person must be able to

anticipate the probable consequences of different

events and courses of action and regulate his

behavior accordingly. Without a capacity for

anticipatory or foresighted behavior, man could

not profit much from experience. Information

about probable consequences is conveyed by 156
environmental stimuli, such as verbal
communications; pictorial cues; distinctive places,

persons, or things; or the actions of others.

In the earliest years of development,

environmental events, except those that are

inherently painful, exert little or no influence on

infants and young children. As a result of paired
experiences, direct, symbolic, or vicarious,

formerly neutral stimuli begin to acquire

motivating and response-directive properties.

Environmental stimuli gain the capacity to activate

physiological reactions and emotional behavior

through association with evocative events. Such

learning often occurs on the basis of direct

experience. People come to fear and to avoid

individuals who are commonly associated in their

experience with pain or distress. Through a

similar learning process they become easily

angered by the sight or thought of individuals with 157
whom they have had hostile encounters.

Social characteristics generally acquire

evocative power through processes that are more

subtle and complex than is commonly believed.

Emotional responses are frequently acquired on

the basis of vicarious rather than direct

experiences. The emotional responses exhibited

by others toward certain people tend to arouse in

observers strong emotional reactions that can
become conditioned to the same targets. It is not

uncommon for unpopular minority groups or

nationalities to become endowed with anger-

evoking potency in the absence of personal
contact through exposure to modeled animosity.

Emotion-arousing words and pictures that conjure

up hostile reactions likewise often function as the

vehicle for symbolic conditioning of hatreds.

The emotional responses that become 158
established to paired events can be evoked by not
only direct experience, observation of another’s

affective expression, and symbolic stimuli, but also

by provocative thoughts. People can easily make

themselves nauseous by imagining revolting

experiences. They can become sexually aroused by

generating erotic fantasies. They can frighten

themselves by fear-provoking thoughts. And they

can work themselves up into a state of anger by

ruminating about mistreatment from offensive

provocateurs. The cognitive capacities of humans

thus enable them to invest things with positive or

negative valence by pairing them repeatedly with

thought-produced emotions. This self-arousal

process is illustrated in a husband’s slaying of a

friend who kissed his wife at a New Year’s Eve

party (Portland Press Herald, 1963). The husband

had brooded almost incessantly about the kiss

over a period of two years. As Thanksgiving 159
approached he further intensified his anger by

imagining his foe enjoying a family Thanksgiving

dinner while his own family life was irreparably

ruined. Shortly after observing how easy it was to

kill a man from seeing Oswald shot on television,

the brooding husband sought and shot his former

The preceding discussion has shown how

things can become invested with response-
activating properties on the basis of paired

experiences. Environmental cues also acquire

response-directing functions when they are

associated with differential response

consequences. The same actions can produce
markedly different results depending upon the

time, the place, and the persons toward whom

they are expressed. Insulting an irascible

aggressor, for example, will have painfully

different effects from treating a submissive 160
individual in the same manner. People therefore

pay close attention to cues that signify probable

consequences, and they partly regulate their

behavior on the basis of such information. Stimuli

indicating that given actions will be punished or

unrewarded tend to inhibit their performance,

whereas those signifying that the actions are

permissible or rewardable facilitate their

occurrence. The following quotation provides a
telling example of an autistic boy who freely

expressed destructive behavior with his lenient

mother but rarely did so in the presence of his

father, who tolerated no aggression.

Whenever her husband was home, Billy was

a model youngster. He knew that his father
would punish him quickly and
dispassionately for misbehaving. But when
his father left the house, Billy would go to the
window and watch until the car pulled out.
As soon as it did. he was suddenly
transformed. . . . “He’d go into my closet and 161
tear up my evening dresses and urinate on
my clothes. He’d smash furniture and run
around biting the walls until the house was
destruction from one end to the other. He
knew that I liked to dress him in nice clothes,
so he used to rip the buttons off his shirts,
and used to go in his pants.” (Moser, 1965, p.

Social behavior is extensively regulated by

verbal cues. We influence people’s actions in

innumerable situations by suggestions, requests,

commands, and written directives. Often these

operate in subtle ways. To take a common
example, parents are quick to issue commands to

their children, but they do not always see to it that

their requests are heeded. Children are therefore

inclined to ignore demands voiced in mild or

moderate tones. The parents’ mounting anger

usually serves as the cue that they will enforce

compliance, so that only shouts produce results.

Because of the differential signal value of parental 162
directives, many households are run at a fairly

high decibel level.

Of the numerous cues that influence how

people will behave at any given moment, none is

more ubiquitous or effective than the actions of

others. People applaud when others clap, they exit

from social functions when they see others

leaving, they wear their hair like others, they dress

alike, and on countless other occasions their
behavior is prompted and channeled by the power

of example. Modeling influences play an especially

important role in the rapid contagion of

aggression. The actions of others acquire
response-directing properties through selective

reinforcement in much the same way as do

physical and symbolic cues in nonsocial forms.

When behaving like others produces rewarding

outcomes, modeling cues become powerful

determinants of analogous behavior; conversely, 163
when imitative actions are treated negatively but

dissimilar behavior proves rewarding, models’

responses prompt divergent performances in


In everyday life the likely consequences of a

given course of action depend upon the presence

of several factors, including combinations of

temporal, social, and situational features. It may

be permissible to aggress toward a peer during a
physical contact sport, for example, but punishable

to do so at other times or in other settings. When

subtle variations in stimulus events carry diverse

outcomes for similar conduct, it is easy to
misjudge what effects aggressive actions will have.

Moreover, the force of activating circumstances

may at times prompt a person to behave

aggressively without paying much heed to

subsequent consequences. 164
Reinforcement control.

A second control system involves behavior

feedback influences, mainly in the form of

reinforcing consequences. An organism that

responded foresightedly on the basis of

informative environmental cues but remained

unaffected by the results of its actions would be

too obtuse to survive for long. In fact, behavior is

extensively controlled by its consequences.
Responses that cause unrewarding or punishing

effects tend to be discarded, whereas those that

produce rewarding outcomes are retained and

strengthened. Human behavior therefore cannot

be fully understood without examining the

regulatory influence of reinforcement.

Reinforcement control of behavior is most

convincingly demonstrated by intrasubject

replication. In these types of studies interpersonal

modes of response, many of long standing, are 165
successively eliminated and reinstated by altering
the effects they produce. The susceptibility of

behavior to reinforcement control is further

shown by the fact that even subtle variations in

the frequency and patterning of outcomes result in

different types of performances. Those who have

been rewarded each time they respond are likely

to become easily discouraged and to give up

quickly when their efforts fail. On the other hand,

individuals whose behavior has been reinforced

intermittently tend to persist for a considerable

time despite setbacks and only occasional success.

In the minds of most people, reinforcement is

usually equated with tangible rewards and

punishments. Actually, human behavior is largely

sustained and modified by symbolic reinforcers.

As a result of repeated association with primary

experiences, social reactions in the form of verbal

approval, reprimands, attention, affection, and 166
rejection acquire powerful reinforcing functions.

Such interpersonal reinforcers assume a

prominent role in regulating the interactions of

everyday life, including aggressive responsiveness.

Similarly, after accomplishments become a source

of personal satisfaction, knowledge that one has

done well can function as a reward that sustains

activities independently of social or material

incentives. Many forms of behavior (such as
communicative and motor skills) that enable an

individual to deal effectively with his environment

likewise persist with little external support

because they produce desired results. Finally, the

sensory experiences that are naturally produced

by the behavior itself can be effective in modifying

and maintaining it over a long period. One rarely

has to resort to extrinsic rewards to get people to

read interesting books, to watch entertaining

television programs, or to play pleasing musical 167

Vicarious reinforcement.

Human functioning would be exceedingly

inefficient, not to say dangerous, if behavior were

influenced only by directly experienced

consequences. Fortunately, one can profit greatly

from the experiences of others. People repeatedly

observe the actions of others and the occasions on
which they are rewarded, ignored, or punished.

Observed reinforcement influences behavior in

much the same way as outcomes that are directly

experienced (Bandura, 1971b; Kanfer, 1965).

Observed rewards generally enhance, and

observed punishments reduce, similar behavior in


Observed consequences also provide reference

standards that determine whether particular

outcomes will assume positive or negative value. 168
The same compliment, for instance, is likely to be
punishing for persons who have seen similar

performances by others more highly acclaimed,

but rewarding when others have been less

generously praised. Thus, through social

comparison processes, observation of other

people’s response outcomes can drastically alter
the effectiveness of direct reinforcements. Since

both direct and vicarious reinforcement inevitably

occur together in everyday life, the interactive

effects of these two sources of influence on human

behavior are of much greater significance than

their independent controlling power.


At the highest level of psychological

functioning, individuals regulate their own

behavior by self-evaluative and other self-

produced consequences (Bandura, 1971b). In this 169
process people set themselves certain standards of
conduct and respond to their own behavior in self-

satisfied or self-critical ways in accordance with

their self-imposed demands. Comparative studies

show that people can manage their own behavior

by self-reinforcement as well as or better than

through consequences arising from external


After a self-monitored reinforcement system

has been established, a given action produces two

sets of consequences—a self-evaluative reaction

as well as some external outcome. These two

sources of reinforcement can occur in several

different patterns. Sometimes people are

rewarded socially or materially for behavior that

they devalue. Anticipation of self-reproach for

personally repudiated actions provides an

important motivating influence to keep behavior

in line with adopted standards in the face of 170
opposing influences. There is no more devastating

punishment than self-contempt. Under conditions

in which self-devaluative consequences outweigh

the force of rewards for accommodating behavior,

external influences prove relatively ineffective. On

the other hand, when external inducements,

whether rewarding or coercive, prevail over self-

reinforcing influences, individuals exhibit

cheerless compliance. Humans, of course, possess
facile cognitive capacities for reconciling

distressing conflicts. Devalued actions can be, and

often are, justified so that losses in self-respect are

minimized as long as the self-deception remains


An opposite type of conflict between external

and self-produced consequences arises when

people are punished for engaging in activities they

value highly. The rebels, the dissenters, and the

nonconformists often experience this type of 171
counterinfluence. Here, the relative strengths of

self-approval and external censure determine

whether the behavior will be discarded or

maintained. If the negative sanctions are relatively

weak, socially disapproved but personally valued

actions will be readily expressed. If the threatened

consequences are severe, however, transgressive

behavior is apt to be inhibited under high risk of

penalty and freely performed in the absence of
prohibitive agents. There are individuals whose

sense of self-worth is so strongly linked to certain

convictions that they will submit to prolonged

maltreatment rather than accede to social

practices they regard as unjust.

External reinforcement exerts its greatest

influence when it is consonant with self-produced

consequences—as when rewarded actions are a

source of self-pride, and punished ones are self-

censured. Indeed, people strive actively to achieve 172
and to maintain such conditions. They do this by

selectively associating with persons who share

similar standards of conduct, thus ensuring social

support for their own system of self-evaluation.

Some of the most drastic changes in behavior are

achieved in large part by modifying a person’s

basis for self-evaluation. By legitimizing

aggression and dehumanizing potential victims,

individuals who have been strictly socialized
against brutalizing and slaying people' can be led

to do so in military situations without

experiencing tormenting self-devaluative

consequences. A later chapter presents the various

antidotes for self-contempt. Among those who

fully adopt the new standards of conduct, skillfully

executed carnage may even serve as a basis for


Cognitive control. 173
If human behavior could be fully explained in

terms of external inducements and response

consequences, there would be no need to

postulate any additional regulatory mechanisms.

However, actions are not always predictable from

these external sources of influence. Man’s
cognitive capacities tremendously increase the

information he can derive from his experiences,

and thus partly determine how he will be affected

by them. There are several ways in which

cognitive functioning enters into the regulation of

human behavior. These are discussed next.

Cognitive representation of reinforcement


Popular portrayals of behavioral approaches

would lead one to believe that people can be easily

conditioned and manipulated without their
awareness. This melodramatic sketch receives

little support in numerous studies of how 174
awareness of reinforcement contingencies affects
the process of behavior change. In fact, repeated

paired stimulation generally fails to produce

conditioned emotional responses as long as the

connection between stimulus events goes

unnoticed. The responses that get conditioned are

to a large extent cognitively induced rather than

directly elicited by external stimuli. Response

consequences similarly have weak effects on

behavior when the relationship between one’s

actions and outcomes is not recognized. On the

other hand, awareness of conditions of

reinforcement typically results in rapid changes in

behavior, which is indicative of insightful

functioning. People who are aware of what is

wanted and who value the contingent rewards

change their behavior in the reinforced direction;

those who are equally aware of the reinforcement

contingencies but who devalue the required 175
behavior or the reinforcers show little change;

those who remain unaware achieve, at best, small

increments in performance even though the

appropriate responses are reinforced whenever

they occur.

Human behavior is regulated to a large extent

by anticipated consequences of prospective

actions. Individuals may accurately assess the

customary effects of given activities but fail to act
in accordance with existing conditions or

reinforcement because of hope that their actions

may eventually bring favorable results. Many a

social reformer has sustained his efforts in the face

of repeated failures by the belief that the rightness
of his cause will ultimately produce desired

changes. Sometimes people lead themselves astray

by inaccurate expectations when they wrongly

assume that certain changes in their behavior will

alter future consequences. The deterrent value of 176
threatened punishment, for example, is weakened

when lawbreakers misjudge their chances of

escaping apprehension for antisocial acts.

Judgment of consequences can also be seriously

impaired by intoxicants. Felonies are typically

committed (72 percent) under the influence of

alcohol (Shupe, 1954). Under laboratory

conditions drunk subjects are more willing to risk

punitive attack than sober ones (Shuntich and
Taylor, 1972).

The notion that behavior is controlled by its

immediate consequences holds up better under

close scrutiny for anticipated consequences than
for those that actually impinge upon the organism.

In most instances customary outcomes are

reasonably good predictors of behavior because

the consequences that people anticipate for their

actions are accurately derived from, and therefore

correspond closely to, prevailing conditions of 177
reinforcement. However, belief and actuality do

not always coincide because anticipated

consequences are also partly inferred from

observed response consequences of others, from

what one reads or is told, and from a variety of

other cues that, on the basis of past experiences,

are considered reliable forecasters of likely

outcomes. When actions are guided by anticipated

consequences derived from predictors that do not
accurately reflect existing contingencies of

reinforcement, behavior is weakly controlled by

its actual consequences until cumulative

experiences produce more realistic expectations.

In some of the more severe behavior disorders,

psychotic actions are so powerfully controlled by

bizarre subjective contingencies that the behavior

remains essentially unaffected by its external

consequences. This process is vividly illustrated in

a patient’s account of his psychotic experiences in 178
an insane asylum during the early nineteenth

century (Bateson, 1961). The narrator had

received a scrupulously moralistic upbringing,

according to which actions ordinarily viewed as

fully acceptable were judged by him to be sinful

and likely to provoke the wrath of God.

Consequently, many innocuous acts elicited

dreadful apprehensions of hellish torment; these

in turn motivated and maintained self-torturing
rituals for hours on end, designed to forestall the

imagined disastrous consequences. Reduction in

acute distress accompanying the nonoccurrence of

subjectively feared, but objectively nonexistent,

threats powerfully reinforced the self-punitive

defensive behavior. Given fictional contingencies

with a powerful internal reinforcing system, the

patient persisted in his atonement rituals even in

the face of severe external punishment and blatant

disconfirming experiences. The attendants’ 179
punitive measures were pale compared to the

feared Hadean torture imaginally represented in

visions of clanking iron and massive flames fanned

by huge forge bellows. When the prophecies of

divine inner voices failed to materialize, the

disconfirming experiences were discounted as
tests by the Almighty of the strength of his

religious convictions.

Instances of bizarre thought control of

grotesque murders occur from time to time. In one

such case reported by Reich and Hepps (1972), a

student became convinced that his commune

companions were, in fact, conspirators from

another planet plotting to destroy his mind with
LSD. Seeking refuge in Europe, he fled in terror

from city to city in the belief that he was escaping

a Nazi scheme to exterminate him. Upon arriving

in Tel Aviv, he concluded that the Nazis had

already taken over and were gassing the 180
population. While sitting in a sidewalk cafe

resignedly drinking what he thought was poisoned

wine, he interpreted an overheard conversation

between Israeli soldiers as Nazis boasting about

their kill rates. Enraged by imagined massacres,

the student drew a knife, killing the soldier and

wounding two other persons.

Cognitive guidance of behavior.

Cognitive processes play a prominent role in

the acquisition and retention of response patterns

as well as in their expression. The memory trace of

momentary influences is short-lived, but such
experiences often have lasting behavioral effects.

This is made possible by the fact that transitory

external events are coded and stored in symbolic

form for memory representation. Patterns of

behavior that have been observed and other

experiences long past can thus be reinstated by 181
visualizing them or by representing them verbally.
These internal models of the outside world can

serve as guides to overt action on later occasions.

It will be recalled from the earlier discussion of

learning processes that internal representations of

patterned behavior are constructed from observed

examples and from informative feedback to one’s

trial-and-error performances.

Cognitive functioning is especially important in

observational learning in which a person reads

about or observes a pattern of behavior, but does

not perform it overtly until appropriate

circumstances arise. Evidence will be cited later to

illustrate how modeled activities are acquired in

symbolic form without behavioral enactment, how

they can be strengthened by mental rehearsal, and

how they provide the basis for action on later

occasions given suitable inducements. 182
Thought control of action through mental problem-

Man’s efforts to understand and to manage his

environment would be exceedingly wearisome if

optimal solutions to problems could be arrived at

only by performing alternative actions and

suffering the consequences. Actually, most

problem-solving occurs in thought rather than in

action. Man’s higher mental capacities, for
example, enable him to design sturdy dwellings

and bridges without having to build them until he

hits upon a structure that does not collapse.

Alternative courses of action are generally tested

in symbolic exploration and either discarded or

retained on the basis of calculated consequences.

The best symbolic solution is then executed in


The three major systems by which behavior is

regulated do not operate independently; most 183
actions are simultaneously controlled by two or
more of the component influences. Moreover, the

various systems are closely interdependent in

acquiring and retaining their power to determine

behavior. In order to establish and to maintain

effective stimulus control, for example, the same

actions must produce different consequences

depending on the cues that are present. Stimulus

and cognitive influences, in turn, can alter the

impact of prevailing conditions of reinforcement.

Certain stimuli can acquire such powerful control

over defensive behavior that people avoid

renewed encounters with feared or hated persons,

places, or things. In instances in which the original

threats no longer exist, their self-protective

behavior is insulated from realistic reinforcement


Even when the things one dislikes or fears are

not completely avoided, cues having strong 184
emotion-arousing potential provoke defensive

behaviors that predictably create adverse

reinforcement contingencies where they may not

ordinarily exist. To the extent that an individual’s

distrust of certain people leads him to behave in

ways that provoke hostile counterreactions from

them, their negative valence is further

strengthened and it, in turn, prompts actions that

produce reciprocal negative reinforcement. Both
processes thus support each other.

The way in which beliefs and conscious

recognition of environmental contingencies can

enhance, distort, or even negate the influence of
reinforcing consequences has already been amply

documented and needs no further illustration.

Cognitive events, however, do not function as

autonomous causes of behavior. Their nature,

their emotion-arousing properties, and their

occurrence are under stimulus and reinforcement 185
control. Analysis of cognitive control of behavior is

therefore incomplete without specifying what

influences a person’s thoughts. Detailed exposition

of social learning theory falls beyond the scope of

this book, but the principles are presented in other

sources (Bandura, 1969a, 1971c).



A number of predictions that follow from the

social learning formulation differ from the

traditional frustration-aggression hypothesis. It

will be recalled that drive theories of aggression

assume that frustration arouses an aggressive

drive that can be reduced only through some form
of aggressive behavior. Frustration, in this view, is

a necessary and sufficient condition for

aggression. The diverse events subsumed under

the omnibus term frustration have one feature in

common—they are all aversive in varying degrees. 186
In social learning theory, rather than frustration

generating an aggressive drive, aversive treatment

produces a general state of emotional arousal that

can facilitate a variety of behaviors, depending on

the types of responses the person has learned for

coping with stress and their relative effectiveness.

When distressed, some people seek help and

support; others increase achievement strivings;

others show withdrawal and resignation; some
aggress; others experience heightened somatic

activity; still others anesthetize themselves against

a miserable existence with drugs or alcohol; and

most intensify constructive efforts to overcome

their adversities. The major differences among the

instinctual, reactive drive, and social learning

theories in the ways they conceptualize the

motivational component of aggression are

depicted schematically in Figure 1.1.

There are several lines of evidence that lend 187
FIGURE 1.1 Diagrammatic representation of motivational
determinants of aggression in instinct, reactive drive, and
social learning theories. 188
support to the social learning formulation.

Psychophysiological studies have been conducted

in which people undergo fear- and anger-

provoking experiences while changes in their

physiological reactions are simultaneously

recorded. Interpretation of findings is complicated

because no efforts have been made to ensure that

the two emotional experiences are equally intense.

Should differences be obtained, they may arise
from dissimilarities in the nature of the affective

experiences or in their relative intensities.

Moreover, as Duffy (1962) has noted, unless it has

been shown that dissimilar stimuli within the

same emotional class produce identical patterns of

physiological arousal, the generality of findings

yielded by a single fear stimulus and a single anger

stimulus is open to question.

In a study in which adults were either

frightened or treated in a rude manner, Ax (1953) 189
found a few subtle differences in somatic

reactions, but the physiological manifestations of

these two emotions were much alike. Schachter

(1957), using analogous methods, obtained

essentially similar cardiovascular responsiveness

to fear and anger stimulation, although on the

basis of subjective categorization of the data, he

extracts greater physiological specificity than the

actual findings warrant. If the emotions of fear and
anger had different physiological determinants,

injections of drugs that selectively induce the

distinguishing visceral reactions should produce

qualitatively different emotions and social

behavior. Although such an experiment has not

been performed, it would most likely reveal that

people do not rely on visceral cues for judging

what emotion they are experiencing.

It would appear from the available evidence

that fear and anger have similar physiological 190
correlates. Looking at the physiological records

alone, one could not distinguish whether the

individuals had been frightened or angered. The

varied array of emotions experienced

phenomenologically apparently stem from a

common diffuse state of emotional arousal rather

than from distinct drive states. It seems unlikely

that small differences in an otherwise identical

pattern of physiological arousal are sufficiently
distinguishable, if at all, to serve as the cues for

differentiating among diverse emotional states.

Whether people experience their emotional

arousal as fear, anger, euphoria, or some other

state depends not on particular somatic cues, but

on a number of external defining influences.

People judge their emotions partly from the

nature of the instigating conditions. Visceral

arousal generated by threat is experienced as fear,

arousal produced by thwarting is experienced as 191
anger, and that resulting from irretrievable loss of

valued objects as sorrow (Hunt, Cole, and Reis,

1958). Even the same source of physiological

arousal may be experienced as different emotions

depending on the emotional reactions of others.

Affective modeling cues can give definition to

emotional states of uncertain origin, or in

ambiguous situations where people know the

source of their arousal but are unsure how they
are supposed to react to it. Schachter and Singer

(1962) provide suggestive evidence that people

under drug-induced arousal, who do not know

what to attribute it to, experience the arousal as

aggression when others respond hostilely, but

they experience the same state as euphoria when

they see others behaving in a jocular manner.

Emotional states produced by environmental

stress are likewise susceptible to relabeling to

some extent (Ross, Rodin, and Zimbardo, 1969; 192
Nisbett and Schachter, 1966).

Evidence that the same physiological arousal

can be experienced subjectively as different kinds

of emotion has several implications for a theory of

aggression. First, it calls into question the validity

of invoking an inborn aggressive drive from

observations that infants display diffuse emotional

upset to physical restraints and painful

stimulation (Munroe, 1955; Feshbach, 1970).
Second, the general arousal model predicts that

under conditions in which individuals are prone to

behave aggressively, any source of emotional

arousal may enhance aggressive behavior. Results

of several experiments have a bearing on this
prediction. Zillmann (1971) exposed adults to

physiologically arousing aggressive scenes, to

erotic displays, or to nonarousing contents, and

then provided them with an opportunity to behave

punitively by shocking their antagonist. Both 193
aggressive and sex arousal enhanced punitiveness,

compared to nonaroused subjects. Indeed,

aggressiveness was determined more by level of

arousal than by its source. A series of ingenious

experiments by Tannenbaum (1972) designed to

test the general instigational effects of arousal

further demonstrate that nonaggressive sources of

arousal enhance aggressive behavior under

conditions in which this is the only mode of
response available. Geen and O’Neal (1969)

similarly found that arousing though nonirritating

noise increased subjects’ punitiveness, especially

if they had prior exposure to aggressive models.

It might be argued that high sex arousal and

noise have some frustrating properties. An

experiment performed by Christy, Gelfand, and

Hartmann (1971) therefore provides a more

definitive test of predictions from the frustration-

aggression and the arousal-prepotent response 194
formulations. After observing aggressive or

nonaggressive models, groups of children engaged

in competitive activities in which one member

consistently won and the other was a consistent

loser. Other pairs played noncompetitively.

Following these experiences, the children’s

imitative aggressiveness was measured.

Competitors showed more imitative aggression

than noncompetitors; however, victors increased
their aggression just as much as those who

experienced failure-induced frustration. These

findings are especially interesting, since Lorenz

(1966), among others, prescribes rivalrous

activities as a means of reducing aggressive


There are, of course, certain limiting conditions

to the emotional facilitation of aggressive

behavior. Some sources of arousal, such as joyful

or rewarding experiences, tend to be incompatible 195
with hostile actions and may thus serve as

inhibitors rather than as instigators of aggressive

responses. Even more important, in everyday life

informative cues and response consequences

serve as influential regulators of aggressive

actions. By arranging social learning determinants

such that arousal-linked aggression is negatively

sanctioned but aggression without arousal is well

received, one could undoubtedly reverse the
relationship between physiological state and

action. In other words, arousal not only has the

capacity to facilitate whatever responses are

dominant in a given setting; through selective

reinforcement, it also acquires informative value

in determining the type of behavior that will be

activated. Hence, if arousal-linked aggression

repeatedly produces negative results, experienced

arousal is likely to reduce rather than to increase

the likelihood of aggression. Evidence will be 196
presented later to show that activation of

aggressive behavior is, in fact, better explained in

terms of anticipated consequences than in terms

of drive.

The role of emotional arousal in aggression is

magnified when aggression is studied as a function

of arousal-producing conditions within a

permissive context only. It was previously noted

that theories generally give disproportionate
attention to aversively motivated aggression. In

the social learning analysis of motivation,

incentives also constitute important impellers of

action. A great deal of aggression is prompted by

its anticipated benefits. Here, the instigator is the
pull of expected success, rather than the push of

aversive treatment. As depicted in Figure 1-1,

anticipatory functions provide a mechanism of

response selection from among a variety of

alternatives. 197
Under circumstances in which arousal

facilitates aggression, the social learning

formulation predicts that arousal decreased

through non-injurious means will reduce

aggression as well as, or even better than, acting

aggressively. In drive theories the actuated
aggressive drive presumably endures until

discharged by some form of aggressive activity.

From the social learning perspective, anger

arousal dissipates, but it can be repeatedly

regenerated on later occasions by ruminating on

anger-provoking incidents. By thinking about past

insulting treatment, a person can work himself

into a rage long after the initial emotional

reactions have subsided. Given this cognitive

capacity, it is not necessary to invoke a drive to

explain arousal that outlasts its original

instigators. Persistence of elevated anger arousal,

in this view, reflects self-generated arousal rather 198
than the existence of an undischarged reservoir of

aggressive energy. To illustrate the different

views, let us consider the example of a person who

becomes angered by an apparent social slight only

to discover that the invitation to the social

function has arrived in the next mail. He is likely to
show an immediate drop in anger arousal and

aggressiveness without having to assault or

denounce someone so as to reduce a lingering

aggressive drive.

A number of investigators have compared the

relative effectiveness of different ways of reducing

aggressive behavior. Mallick and McCandless

(1966) found that explaining why a provocateur
behaved obnoxiously reduced children’s

aggression toward him, whereas free expression

of physical aggression did not lessen their punitive

behavior. This finding is in agreement with

Kaufmann and Feshbach (1963), who reduced 199
students’ inclination to behave aggressively by

cognitively restructuring the provocative


Research to be cited later reveals that

ventilative therapies aimed at draining aggressive

drives by having people behave aggressively may

be inadvertently reinforcing their aggressive

tendencies. By contrast, social learning

treatments, which have proved successful
(Bandura, 1969a), help people from the outset to

acquire better ways of dealing with social

problems so that they have less to get angry about.

Aggressive behavior of long standing is reliably
reduced by a variety of approaches, including

modeling of alternative coping responses;

selective reinforcement in which aggressive

actions are nonrewarded while better solutions

are actively supported; eliminating fantasied

instigators of violent outbursts; developing 200
competencies that provide new sources of reward;

and reducing aversive social conditions.

There is a third implication of social learning

theory that differs from traditional views.

Frustration or anger arousal is a facilitative but

not a necessary condition for aggression.

Frustration is most likely to provoke aggression in

people who have learned to respond to aversive

treatment with aggressive attitudes and actions. In
an early study bearing on this issue, Davitz (1952)

demonstrated that following arbitrarily insulting

treatment, aggressively trained children behaved

more aggressively, whereas cooperatively trained
children behaved more cooperatively. Responses

to aversive treatment are also frequently

patterned on the characteristic actions of salient

models (Bandura and Walters, 1963).

In writings on the causes of aggression, factors 201
such as broken homes, parental rejection, adverse
socioeconomic conditions, thwarted strivings, and

intrapsychic conflicts are usually identified as

important determinants. If one examines the

antecedents that have been invoked for other

types of behavior disorders, such as drug

addiction, alcoholism, and schizophrenia,

essentially the same adverse conditions appear in

roughly comparable rates. Nor are adversity and

familial discord necessarily rare in the

backgrounds of people who develop patterns of

behavior that are valued in the larger society.

Findings of these etiological studies suggest that

aversive conditions increase the probability that

deviant patterns will arise, but they do not

determine what form the behavior will take.

Ghetto conditions, for example, probably produce

more alcoholism, drug addiction, and resignation

and withdrawal than aggression. One cannot 202
account for the presence of elaborate modes of

behavior on the basis of deficits or frustrative

conditions alone. Response patterns that are

socially labeled as deviant, like emulative conduct,

require the presence of appropriate social learning

influences for their acquisition and maintenance.

One can distinguish among aggressive acts,

emotional arousal experienced as anger, and

aggressive attitudes exemplified in negative
evaluations. No evidence is available that

behavioral, affective, and cognitive responses are

inherently linked in one way or another. They can

be coupled through common consequences and

dissociated by differential consequences. When
people are free to voice aggressive attitudes but

injurious acts are strictly prohibited,

correspondence between word and deed will be

low. It was previously shown how emotional

arousal can either facilitate or inhibit aggressive 203
acts depending upon its contingent outcomes.

Thus, people often experience anger without

taking any aggressive action; conversely, they can

be induced to perform injurious acts without

accompanying anger. Even the physiological

manifestations that are subjectively experienced

as anger arousal can be dissociated through

selective reinforcement. If individuals are

rewarded only when they increase both their
heart rate and blood pressure, these two

autonomic functions become linked, but if rewards

are given only when one response goes up and the

other goes down, these physiological reactions

become differentiated (Schwartz, 1972). Miller

(1969) provides further impressive

demonstrations of how specific autonomic

responses can be selectively increased or reduced

by differential reinforcement. Consonance

between affect and attitudes will likewise be 204
reduced should emotionally charged attitudes

produce negative results while calmly expressed

ones are well received.

In short, people do not have to be angered or

emotionally aroused to behave aggressively. A

culture can produce highly aggressive people,

while keeping frustration at a low level, by valuing

aggressive accomplishments, furnishing successful

aggressive models, and ensuring that aggressive
actions secure rewarding effects. Since aggression

does not originate internally and its social

determinants are alterable, social learning theory

holds a more optimistic view of man’s capacity to

reduce the level of human destructiveness. 205
chapter two

Origins of Aggression

People are not born with preformed

repertoires of aggressive behavior; they must

learn them in one way or another. Some of the

elementary forms of physical aggression can be

perfected with minimal guidance, but most

aggressive activities—dueling with switchblade

knives, sparring with opponents, engaging in

military combat, or indulging in vengeful ridicule

—entail intricate skills that require extensive

social learning. Various types of aggression can, of

course, be attempted without skill learning at a 206
high risk of serious or fatal injury, just as people

sometimes hazard treacherous mountain slopes

without knowing how to ski or venture into

perilous traffic before they have developed

proficient driving skills.

Examination of the origins of aggression must

consider not only the behavior of free-lancing

aggressors, but also that of professionals who are

authorized to use aggression as a means of social

control or who are officially trained for mass
destruction in the service of national policies.

Societies rely on military training establishments

rather than on innate response repertoires to

produce good fighters. It requires a great deal of

complex learning to develop efficient weapons of

destruction as well as the technical skills to use
them. Nor were the infamous extermination

procedures in Nazi concentration camps

instinctively bestowed; they were perfected in 207
laboratories using human victims as test subjects

(Wechsberg, 1967). In this chapter we will

examine the processes whereby aggressive

patterns of behavior are learned. Before turning to

substantive issues, however, the methods used to

discover laws of human behavior require some

discussion to clarify certain misunderstandings

about experimental inquiry.

Strategies of Research

A major purpose of psychological research,

whatever the approach may be, is to identify the

determinants of human behavior. The search for

the causes of behavior is complicated by a number

of factors. In everyday life a wide variety of

conditions impinges on individuals, and it is

therefore exceedingly difficult to unravel which of
them exert some influence and which are

inconsequential. There is always the danger that a 208
person who relies solely on observation of

naturally occurring events will wrongly conclude

that one or another of the supposedly causative

factors is the critical determinant when, in fact,

unidentified influences are responsible for the

observed effects. In addition, it is often difficult to

ascertain the direction of causal relationships

derived from covariations of events in the natural

environment. It has been found, for example, that
hyperaggressive boys regularly view more

televised violence than those who are disinclined

to behave aggressively. What is cause and what is

effect? One cannot determine on the basis of

correlational evidence alone whether aggressive

boys are attracted to displays of violence, or

whether repeated observation of televised

violence fosters aggressive behavior in viewers. To

verify that a causal relationship does exist and, if

so, whether it involves a unidirectional or a 209
reciprocal influence process requires controlled

studies in which potential determinants are

systematically varied and their effects are

measured. Interpretation of evident covariations

is further complicated because correlated events

may not be causally related at all; rather, both can
be co-effects of a third factor. Crime and physical

health, for instance, may be positively related

because both are affected by socioeconomic status.

For the reasons given above, causal

relationships can be established most reliably

through experimental inquiry. Under laboratory

conditions it is possible to hold constant a variety

of influences while others are varied and their
effects assessed. If this method is skillfully applied,

it is possible to verify with a high degree of

confidence whether or not an alleged determinant

causes people to behave in a certain manner.

Causal relationships are most impressively 210
demonstrated through replicative control, in

which a selected behavior is successively

produced and eliminated by introducing and

removing its controlling conditions. The potential

benefits of experimental inquiry do not derive

from whether the phenomenon under

investigation occurs inside or outside a laboratory,

but from the degree of control exercised over

concurrent determinants. Poorly designed
experiments involving uncontrolled or

confounded variables can therefore yield

erroneous generalizations, whereas carefully

regulated variation of conditions in natural

settings can provide valuable information.

Unfortunately, the advantages of controlled field

studies often go unrealized because faulty

procedures are more readily excused than in

laboratory investigations.

Findings from experimental studies are often 211
discounted on the grounds that the artificiality of

laboratory conditions precludes extrapolation to

everyday situations. This attitude reflects a

misunderstanding of the manner in which

knowledge is advanced. Experiments are not

intended to duplicate events as they occur in real

life, and they would lose their value if they did.

Laws are formulated on the basis of simulated

conditions and then evaluated in terms of how
well they enable one to predict and to control

phenomena as they occur under natural

circumstances. In other words, it is predictive

power, not likeness, that should be the guiding

criterion of research. For this reason, investigators

study basic processes rather than exact

reproductions of natural events. This view of

experimentation is taken for granted in all other

branches of science. Airliners are built on

aerodynamic principles developed largely in 212
artificial wind tunnels; bridges and skyscrapers

are erected on structural principles derived from

experiments that bear little resemblance to the

actual constructions; and knowledge about

physiological functioning is principally gained

from artificially induced changes, often in animals.
Indeed, preoccupation with matching actual

conditions can retard advancement of knowledge

—witness the demise of venturesome fliers who

tried to remain airborne by flapping wings

strapped to their arms in the likeness of soaring


Experiments that precisely duplicated events

as they occur naturally would have limited
informative value. This point might be illustrated

by considering how a scientist could best

determine the effects of brain damage on

behavior. In everyday life, brain lesions can occur

as a result of a large variety of adverse 213
circumstances, such as automobile accidents,

falling objects, or as a by-product of disease. The

brain lesions that nature provides vary

considerably in extent and location, thereby

precluding unequivocal generalizations

concerning their effects on behavior. Knowledge

would be more effectively advanced if, instead of

waiting for injuries to occur, an experimenter

were to “artificially” produce lesions through
surgical operations in which the locus and amount

of damage were systematically varied. One would

not expect him to recreate the misfortunes that

occur in nature—for example, by striking or

dropping his subjects on their heads, or infecting

them with syphilis and waiting for paresis to

develop. Of course, ethical considerations preclude

experimental induction of brain injury in humans;

researchers study subhuman organisms, on which

they perform controlled operations. 214
Experiments should be judged not on the basis

of artificiality criteria, but in terms of the

explanatory and predictive value of the principles

they yield. Air travelers rarely discount research

utilizing artificial models in wind tunnels provided

it produces reliable airliners; rather, they would
question the wisdom of researchers who insisted

on using actual airliners for discovering basic

aeronautical principles. Nor do they require that

airplanes flap their wings because that is the

manner in which flying occurs in nature. If the

processes governing behavior under natural

conditions are not created in the laboratory

situations, then, of course, the experimental

analyses will furnish little useful data.

The benefits of experimental inquiry often

cannot be fully realized in social science because,

for ethical and humane reasons, some types of

causal conditions may not be applied or, even if 215
the determinants were unobjectionable, certain

outcomes may be prohibited. A psychologist who

wishes to study the effects of anxiety on

intellectual functioning is debarred from using the

whole gamut of threats people experience in their

everyday lives. Experimental conditions therefore

can cover only a limited range of those found in

society, and usually the weaker forms. Nor are

researchers at liberty to test, through controlled
experimentation, the necessary and sufficient

conditions for producing homosexuality,

schizophrenia, alcoholism, and other conditions

that may be socially or personally detrimental. The

relatively slow progress in understanding human

behavior may perhaps be as much attributed to

justified limitations on the use of powerful

experimental methods as to the complexity of

human functioning.

As in medical science, behavioral phenomena 216
that cannot be created in humans are investigated

to some extent through animal experimentation.

Such studies can provide helpful information in

instances in which the behaviors are analogous

and their determinants are similar in animals and

in man. On the other hand, when conditions

governing a behavioral phenomenon differ across

species, as previously noted in the case of sexual

behavior, then prediction from animal
experimentation to humans may be misleading.

As long as conditions that obtain in everyday

situations cannot be produced in laboratory

settings, controlled investigations alone cannot
provide a full understanding of aggression.

Theoretically based naturalistic and longitudinal

studies are thus indispensable adjuncts to

laboratory methods. Consequently, it is important

to seek conditions in nature in which certain social

practices are present and others in which they are 217
absent and to note corresponding variations in

aggressive behavior. Ideally, a concerted attack on

the problem of aggression should include both

field and laboratory studies, and the latter should

be designed in such a way as to reproduce the

essential processes operative in real-life

phenomena. Results obtained from laboratory and

field studies will not always be directly

comparable, for controlled experiments often
reveal relationships that are obscured by

unnoticed contravening influences in everyday

circumstances. Positive results yielded by

laboratory studies not only increase confidence in

conclusions drawn from field studies, but

frequently elucidate causal processes and bring to

light important interaction effects, the precise

nature of which cannot be assessed from field

data. However, it should be noted that negative

results obtained in laboratory studies may 218
sometimes simply reflect the weakness and the

limited character of the experimental influences or

deficiencies in the way in which the effects are


Learning-Performance Distinction

The social learning theory of aggression

distinguishes between acquisition of behaviors

that have destructive and injurious potential and

factors that determine whether a person will

perform what he has learned. This distinction,

which is generally overlooked in discussions of

aggression, is emphasized because not all that

people learn is exhibited in their actions.

Discrepancies between learning and performance

are most likely to arise under conditions in which

the acquired behaviors have limited functional

value or carry high risk of punishment. The
importance of this distinction is illustrated in a 219
study of how imitative aggression is affected by

seeing response consequences experienced by the

aggressor (Bandura, 1965a).

Children observed a filmed model who

behaved in a novel physically and verbally

aggressive manner. In one condition, the model

was punished for displaying the aggressive

behavior; in the second, the model was praised

and rewarded for his actions; in the third
condition, the model experienced no evident

consequences. Compared to children who

observed the modeled aggression punished, those

who saw aggression either rewarded or without
consequences spontaneously performed a greater

variety of imitative aggressive responses.

Moreover, boys reproduced substantially more of

the model’s behavior than girls, the differences

being particularly marked when the model’s

aggressiveness was punished (Figure 2.1). 220
FIGURE 2.1 Mean number of different aggressive responses
adapted by children as a function of response consequences to
the model and positive incentives for the children to display all
the aggressive acts they had learned. (Bandura, 1965a) 221
Following the performance test, children in all

three groups were offered rewards for each

modeled response they could accurately

reproduce, in order to activate into performance

all the behavior they had acquired through

observation. As shown graphically in Figure 2.1,
the rewards completely eliminated the previous

performance differences, revealing an equivalent

amount of learning among children regardless of

how the model’s aggression had been treated. The

initially large sex differential in performed

aggression was likewise virtually eliminated when

the girls were provided with positive incentives to

behave aggressively.

The results, considered together, thus show

that boys, who are generally encouraged to

emulate feats of physical prowess, spontaneously

performed all they had learned when they saw

aggression well received. When models were 222
punished for their aggressive actions, boys

performed less than they had learned, but they

later readily exhibited additional imitative

responses when they produced rewarding results.

By contrast, girls, for whom physical aggression is

traditionally regarded as sex-inappropriate and

hence negatively sanctioned, kept much of what

they had learned to themselves, regardless of how

the male model’s behavior was treated. Their
learning was not manifested in action until they

received direct assurance that it was acceptable. In

predicting the occurrence of aggression, one

should be more concerned with predisposing

conditions than with predisposed individuals.

Given that aggressive modes of conduct have been

learned, social circumstances largely determine

whether and when they will be performed.

It might be mentioned in passing that sex

differences in modeling of aggression are 223
commonly attributed to deficits in masculine role

identification in girls. Results of the above study

indicate, however, that in many instances the

apparent lack of response capabilities primarily

reflects performance rather than learning deficits.

This conclusion is supported by findings of other

studies showing that low aggressive modeling by

females reflects differential inhibition rather than

differential learning of aggression (Dubanoski and
Parton, 1971; Madsen, 1968). With few

exceptions, boys spontaneously perform

substantially more imitative aggression than girls,

but learning tests yield small or no sex differences.

With simultaneous exposure to multiple models,

sex differences in observational learning of

aggression may arise because observers

selectively attend to same-sex models who display

different styles of behavior. When female models

behave aggressively, sex differences disappear 224
(Maccoby and Wilson, 1957).

The discussion thus far has centered on how

discrepancies between learning and doing result

from the inhibiting effects of adverse

consequences accompanying the actions. Many of

the things that people have learned are not

revealed behaviorally either because the

appropriate situations do not occur or because the

equipment needed to execute the acquired pattern
is lacking. Television viewers, for example, may

learn from Western and crime series gun-fighting

skills that are never exhibited because the viewers

do not possess firearms—or, if they do, the

occasion to use them does not arise.

Because of concern over the social

consequences of aggression, most researchers

have explored influences that lead people to

aggress toward each other, but the mechanisms 225
through which aggressive behavior is acquired in
the first place have received comparatively little

attention. Since the conditions determining the

acquisition of aggressive patterns differ

substantially from those governing their

subsequent performance, failure to distinguish

between these two processes has created some

confusion (to be discussed later) about the

implications of research findings and the optimal

methodologies for the study of human aggression.

Aggressive behavior is learned through

essentially the same processes as those regulating

the acquisition of any other form of behavior.

People learn by observation and by direct

experience. These two modes of learning are

analyzed next in some detail as they apply

specifically to the development of aggressive

patterns of behavior. 226

One of the fundamental means by which new

behaviors are acquired and existing patterns are

modified entails modeling and vicarious

processes. It is evident from informal observation

that human behavior is to a large extent socially

transmitted, either deliberately or inadvertently,
through the behavioral examples provided by

influential models. Indeed, as Reichard (1938)

noted some years ago, in many languages, “the

word for ‘teach’ is the same as the word for ‘show.’

There are several reasons why modeling

influences play a paramount role in learning in

everyday life. When mistakes are costly or

dangerous, skillful performances can be
established without needless errors by providing

competent models who demonstrate how the

required activities should be performed. If 227
learning proceeded solely through direct
experience, most people would never survive their

formative years because mistakes often result in

fatal consequences. Some complex behaviors, of

course, can be produced only through the

influence of models. If children had no opportunity

to hear speech, for example, it would be virtually

impossible to teach them the linguistic skills that

constitute a language. Where certain forms of

behavior can be conveyed only by social cues,

modeling is an indispensable aspect of learning.

Even in instances in which it is possible to

establish new skills through other means, the

process of acquisition can be considerably

shortened by providing appropriate models

(Bandura and McDonald, 1963; Luchins and

Luchins, 1961).

Three Major Effects of Modeling Influences 228
Modeling influences can produce three kinds of

effects in observers, each of which explains

different aspects of aggression. First, as noted

above, observers can acquire new patterns of

behavior through observation. A second major

function of modeling influences is to strengthen or
to weaken inhibitions of behavior that observers

have previously learned. Inhibitory and

disinhibitory effects are largely determined by

observation of rewarding and punishing

consequences accompanying models’ responses.

The actions of others also serve as social prompts

that facilitate similar behavior in observers.

Response facilitation effects can be distinguished

from observational learning and disinhibition by

the fact that no new responses are acquired, and

the appearance of analogous actions is not

attributable to weakening of inhibitions because

the behavior is socially acceptable and hence 229
unencumbered by restraints. Observational

learning of aggression is analyzed in the present

chapter; disinhibition and social facilitation are

discussed in a later chapter concerned with

instigators of aggressive actions.

Conceptualization of Observational Learning

Learning by example depends upon four

interrelated subprocesses. Before discussing the

specific role played by modeling influences in the

development of aggression, the four subsystems

governing observational learning will be reviewed

briefly because they specify the conditions that

must obtain if the examples set by others are to

have enduring behavioral effects.

Attentional processes.

A person cannot learn much by observation if

he does not attend to, or recognize, the important

features of the model’s behavior. One of the main 230
component functions in observational learning
therefore involves attentional processes. Exposure

to models does not in itself ensure that people will

attend closely to them, that they will necessarily

select from models’ numerous characteristics the

most relevant ones, or that they will even perceive

accurately the aspects they happen to notice.

Among the numerous factors that determine

observational experiences, a person’s

associational preferences are undoubtedly of

major importance. The people with whom a

person regularly associates delimit the types of

behavior that he will repeatedly observe and

hence learn most thoroughly. Opportunities for

learning aggressive modes of behavior obviously

differ markedly for affiliates of delinquent gangs
and of Quaker groups.

Within any social group, certain members are 231
more likely to be selected as sources of behavior
than others. The functional value of the behaviors

displayed by different models is highly influential

in determining which models will be closely

observed and which will be ignored. A model’s

efficacy is inferred partly from tangible evidence

of the results his actions typically produce and

partly from status-conferring symbols that signify

competence and past successes. The behavior of

models who possess high status in prestige,

power, and competence hierarchies is more likely

to be successful and therefore to command greater

attention from others than the behavior of models

who are socially, occupationally, and intellectually


Attention to models is channeled not only by

the utilitarian value of their behavior, but also by

their interpersonal attraction. Models who possess

interesting and winsome qualities are actively 232
sought, whereas those who lack rewarding

characteristics tend to be ignored or actively

rejected, even though they may excel in other

ways. Control of attention through rewarding

qualities is perhaps nowhere better illustrated

than in televised modeling. Most televised

stimulation commands the attention of people of

all ages for extended periods. Indeed, models

presented in televised form are so effective in
holding attention that viewers learn the depicted

behavior regardless of whether or not they are

given extra incentives to do so (Bandura, Grusec,

and Menlove, 1966). Psychological characteristics

of viewers also exert selective influence on what

they are most likely to attend to.

Observational learning is not a passive

receptive process in which people simply absorb

the vast array of models they encounter in their

daily interactions. When people are exposed to a 233
variety of models, as is invariably the case, they

rarely confine their learning to a single source, nor

do they reproduce all the characteristics even of

preferred models. In experiments in which

multiple models display different behaviors, the

imitative patterns of observers generally

represent amalgams of elements from the

different models (Bandura, Ross, and Ross,

1963b). Moreover, the particular admixture of
behavioral attributes varies from person to

person. Conflicting modeling influences arising

from adult and peer sources are likewise more apt

to produce composite patterns than exclusively

adult or peer identifiers (Bandura, Grusec, and

Menlove, 1966).

Traditional theories of personality generally

depict identification as a pervasive outcome that is

firmly established early in the child’s life in

relation to parental figures and that then 234
predetermines the direction of later development.

Research findings reveal that modeling influences

are considerably more complicated. Modeling is a

continuous process in which new behaviors are

acquired and existing patterns to some extent

modified by exposure to influences from diverse

actual and symbolic models at all periods of life

(Bandura, 1969b).

Retention processes.

A person cannot be much influenced by the

behavior of a model if he has no memory of it.

Another requisite function involved in
observational learning, therefore, concerns long-

term retention of activities that have been

modeled at one time or another. In order to

reproduce social behavior when the model is no

longer present to serve as a guide, the response

patterns must be represented in memory in 235
symbolic form. Past events can achieve some
permanence by being represented in images or in

descriptive verbal symbols for future use. After

modeled behaviors have been so transformed,

these memory codes function as internal guides

for imitative actions. Observers who preserve

modeled activities in words and vivid imagery

learn and retain the behavior better than those

who passively observe or are mentally

preoccupied with other matters while watching

the performances of others (Bandura, Grusec, and

Menlove, 1966; Bandura and Jeffery, 1972; Gerst,


In addition to symbolic coding, rehearsal also

serves as an important memory aid. People who

mentally rehearse or enact modeled patterns of

behavior are much less likely to forget them than

those who neither think about nor practice what

they have seen. Most violent forms of behavior 236
cannot be overtly practiced because of social

prohibitions. It is therefore of considerable import

that mental rehearsal, which can be readily

engaged in when behavioral enactment is either

impeded or impracticable, may increase retention

of modeled behavior.

Motor reproduction processes.

The third component of modeling is concerned

with behavioral enactment of what one has

learned. To achieve behavioral reproduction, a

learner must put together a given set of responses

according to the modeled patterns. The amount of
observational learning that a person can exhibit

behaviorally depends on whether or not he has

the required component skills. If he has the

subskills, modeled behavior can be more faithfully

enacted than if they are lacking. In the latter

instance, the symbolic learning remains in 237
abeyance until prerequisite skills are developed
through further observation or practice.

Even though symbolic representations of

modeled activities are developed and retained,

behavioral enactment may be impeded because

individuals do not have the physical capabilities

with which to carry out the necessary activities. A
young child can learn observationally the behavior

for driving an automobile and be adept at

executing the component responses, but if he is

too short to operate the controls, he will be unable

to coordinate the action sequences needed to

maneuver a vehicle successfully.

Reinforcement and motivational processes.

A person can acquire, retain, and possess the

capabilities for skillful execution of modeled

behavior, but the learning may rarely be activated

into overt performance if it is negatively 238
sanctioned or otherwise unfavorably received.
When positive incentives are introduced,

observational learning that previously remained

unexpressed is likely to emerge in action.

Reinforcement influences not only regulate the

overt expression of matching behavior, but also

affect observational learning by determining the
amount of attention people will pay to various

models they encounter in their everyday life.

Moreover, incentives aid selective retention of

what has been learned by motivating observers to

code and to rehearse modeled responses that have

high functional value for them.

For reasons given above, exposure to models,

even prestigious ones, does not automatically

produce matching performances. In any given
instance absence of imitative behavior may result

from faulty observation, retention losses due to

inadequate symbolic representation and 239
rehearsal, motor deficiencies, or simply

unwillingness to perform the exemplified behavior

because of its unfavorable consequences.

Experimental Analysis of Aggressive Modeling

Social transmission of aggression through the

power of example has been most clearly

demonstrated in controlled experimental

situations. Typically these studies make use of a

modeling paradigm originally employed by
Bandura, Ross, and Ross (1961) in which children

observe models behaving in a physically and

verbally aggressive manner toward a large inflated

plastic figure. Since the studies are mainly

concerned with issues of learning, the aggressive

acts modeled are those that are rarely, if ever,

displayed by children who have had no exposure
to the modeled performances. In the general

procedure, after addressing the figure 240
belligerently, the model pummels it on the head

with a mallet, hurls it down, sits on it and punches

it in the nose repeatedly, kicks it across the room,

flings it into the air, and bombards it with balls.

These physically assaultive behaviors are

accompanied by distinctive hostile remarks.

Following exposure to the modeling influence,

children are provided with opportunities to

display what they have learned in a situation
containing a variety of materials that can be used

either for aggressive or nonaggressive purposes.

Learning effects are measured either by recording

the children’s spontaneous behavior or by asking

them to reproduce all the modeled aggressive

actions and remarks they can recall (Bandura,

1965a). The latter measure provides the better

index of observational learning because people

generally learn more than they spontaneously

perform. 241
In technologically developed societies,

behavior is usually modeled in a variety of forms.

Much social learning is fostered through the

examples set by individuals one encounters in

everyday life. People also pattern their behavior

after symbolic models they read about or see in
audiovisual displays. As linguistic competencies

are acquired, written accounts describing the

actions and successes of others can serve as guides

for new modes of conduct. Another influential

source of social learning, at all age levels, is the

abundant and diverse modeling provided in

television. Both children and adults can acquire

attitudes, emotional responses, and complex

patterns of behavior through exposure to

pictorially presented models. Indeed, comparative

studies (Bandura and Mischel, 1965; Bandura,

Ross, and Ross, 1963a; Prentice, 1972) have

shown that people can learn equal amounts from 242
behavioral demonstration, pictorial

representation, and verbal description, provided

that they convey the same amount of response

information, that they are equally effective in

commanding attention, and that the learners are

sufficiently adept at processing information

transmitted by these alternative modes of

representation. When some of these conditions do
not obtain, aggression is learned more thoroughly

from observed actions than from verbal

descriptions (Grusec, 1972). Since large audiences

in widely dispersed areas can be reached

simultaneously through symbolic modeling, the

aggression contagion potential of media

presentations is greater than that of direct

behavioral modeling.

One of the early analyses of observational

learning of aggression (Bandura, 1962; Bandura,

Ross, and Ross, 1963a) examined the relative 243
potency of aggressive models presented in

different forms. Nursery school children were

matched individually in terms of their

interpersonal aggressiveness and assigned to one

of five conditions. One group observed adult

models behaving aggressively toward the plastic

figure. A second group saw a film of the same

models performing the same aggressive acts. Half

the children in each condition saw aggressive
models of the same sex, the remainder were

exposed to opposite sex models. A third group

observed the model costumed as a cartoon cat

enacting the same aggressive responses on the

screen of a television console. This condition was

included to test the notion that the more remote

the models are from reality, the weaker is the

tendency for children to imitate their behavior. In

addition to the three modeling treatments, two

control groups were included. The behavior of one 244
group of children was measured without any prior

exposure to the models to provide a baseline for

the amount and form of aggression that children

display in the same test situation when they have

not experienced the modeling influence. It is

conceivable that merely seeing the aggressive
materials in the modeling situation could later

increase children's use of them, quite apart from

the model’s actions. Therefore, in the fifth

condition, the filmed models behaved in a calm,

nonaggressive manner and did not handle the

aggressive materials that were visibly displayed.

After the exposure, children in all groups were

mildly frustrated and were then individually
brought to a different situation containing a

variety of play materials, where their behavior

was recorded. The major findings are summarized

graphically in Figure 2.2. 245
FIGURE 2.2 Mean imitative and total aggression performed by
children who were either exposed to aggressive models,
nonaggressive models, or who observed no models. (Plotted
from data by Bandura, Ross, and Ross, 1963a) 246
Results of this study show that exposure to

aggressive models had two important effects on

viewers. First, it taught them new ways of

aggressing. Most of the children who had observed

the aggressive models later emulated their novel

assaultive behavior and hostile remarks, whereas
these unusual aggressive acts were rarely

exhibited by children in the control groups.

Illustrations of how children patterned their

aggressive actions after the model’s example are

presented in Figure 2.3. The top frames show the

female model performing four uncommon

aggressive responses; the lower frames depict a

boy and a girl reproducing the behavior of the

female model whom they had observed in the film

presentation. Further analyses showed that a

person displaying aggression on film was as

influential in teaching distinctive forms of

aggression as one exhibiting it in real life. The 247
FIGURE 2.3 Photographs of children imitating the aggressive
behavior of the female model they had observed on film.
(Bandura, Ross, and Ross, 1963a) 248
children were less inclined, however, to imitate

the cartoon character than the real-life model.

Aggressive models not only furnished

examples for learning, they also reduced the

children’s inhibitions against performing

aggressive acts that they had previously learned

but that were never modeled in the experiment

itself. These nonimitative aggressive actions

included such things as spanking and shooting
dolls, killing animals, smashing automobiles, and

other assaultive behaviors, sometimes

accompanied by the children’s own vituperative

remarks. As shown in Figure 2.2, children who

were exposed to the aggressive models
subsequently exhibited substantially more total

aggression than children in the nonaggressive

model condition or the control group.

Interestingly, the cartoon model served as a

somewhat weaker teacher but an equally effective 249
disinhibitor of aggression compared with the live

and filmed counterparts. In addition, children who

observed the nonaggressive adult displayed the

restrained behavior characteristic of their model

and expressed significantly less aggression than

the no-model controls.

It was previously noted that cognitive

representation of modeled responses aids in their

acquisition and retention. A study by Bandura,
Grusec, and Menlove (1966) specifically

demonstrates that translating modeled actions

into words facilitates observational learning of

aggression. Children saw a filmed model perform a
series of novel actions, some of which were

physically aggressive. During the presentation,

different groups of children simply observed the

model’s behavior attentively, verbalized every

aggressive action as the model performed it, or

were mentally preoccupied with other matters 250
while watching the film to prevent them from

coding the modeled responses into symbolic

equivalents. After the exposure, children, were

asked to perform all the modeled aggressive

responses they could recall. Those who converted

the physical actions into words for memory

representation retained more aggressive

responses than the nonverbalizing viewers, who,

in turn, showed a higher level of aggression
learning than children who were mentally

preoccupied while observing the modeled

performances. Verbalizers reproduced a high

proportion (62 percent) of the modeled aggressive

responses that they had preserved in words,

whereas noncoded responses were much less

likely to be retrieved (26 percent). It was also

interesting to find that, although boys and girls

coded the same number of aggressive actions, girls

retrieved somewhat fewer responses. Further 251
research is needed to determine whether girls

have poorer memory than boys for aggressive

contents, whether they are more inclined to

inhibit symbolic codes of aggressive actions

because they are sex-role incongruent, or whether

they are simply less disposed to display such

Whether aggressive responses acquired

through modeling are retained or lost with the
passage of time also depends on the extent to

which rehearsal memory aids are employed. If a

person casually observed a particular form of

aggression but never practiced it or thought about

it again, it is doubtful that lie would retain it in
memory for long. On the other hand, the contents

of observational learning can become firmly

established through either mental rehearsal or

overt enactment of modeled responses. It might be

noted here that assassins in some of the 252
sensational mass slayings originally got the idea

from reports of a mass killing. The incident

remained salient in their thinking long after it had

been forgotten by others, and it was repeatedly

revivified and elaborated until, under appropriate

instigating conditions, it served as the basis for an

analogous murderous action. Robert Smith, an

adolescent who shot four women and a young

child in a beauty salon, reported being affected in
this way by accounts of Speck’s murder of eight

nurses and Whitman’s mass killing of students

from atop a university tower {The New York Times,


Relatively little research has been conducted

on retention of observationally learned aggression

over long periods, and even less on the factors that

aid memory for past experiences. Hicks (1965)

provides some evidence of enduring retention of

modeled aggression in a study comparing models 253
varying in age and sex as transmitters of

aggressive modes of behavior. Children observed

adult or peer aggressors presented on film and

their imitative behavior was measured

immediately after exposure and again six months

later. In the postexposure test, groups that

received the modeling influence performed more

imitative aggression than the controls, who did not

display a single imitative response. The different
models had a comparable effect except for the

male peer model, who produced the highest level

of imitative aggression. When the children were

retested six months later without any reference to

the previous modeling experience, they

spontaneously performed fewer imitative

responses and it was the male adult model who

had the most enduring effect. However, when the

children were explicitly asked to demonstrate all

they remembered, they revealed more of the 254
modeled aggression than they displayed in action.

In a second study, Hicks (1968a) reports that

children were able to reproduce more than 70

percent of modeled aggressive responses shortly

after exposure, and still retained about 40 percent

of them eight months later.

The surprising finding of these experiments is

not that some decrease occurred in

observationally learned responses over time, but
that children had any memory at all of a brief

modeling experience that one would not expect to

be especially salient or meaningful to them. There

is some evidence, however, that filmed violence,

particularly in realistic forms, is emotionally
arousing to young children and that they retain

substantially more aggressive than nonaggressive

content (Osborn and Endsley, 1971). Since one is

more apt to think about arousing than uninvolving

events, emotionality probably enhances retention 255
through its effects on symbolic rehearsal. In

everyday life, of course, because people repeatedly

observe the same models demonstrating their

preferred modes of coping with diverse

environmental demands, they have ample

opportunities to relearn whatever they may have

forgotten. If the model’s behavior appears to have

functional value, as it often does, observers have

strong incentives to practice the modeled patterns
and to overlearn them. Conditions of observational

learning combining repeated exposure with

opportunities for overt practice and symbolic

rehearsal ensure more or less permanent

retention of modeled activities.

Modeling of aggressive behavior has been

studied as a function of a number of other

variables. In some of the earlier experiments,

when it was commonly believed that frustration

was necessary for the occurrence of aggression, 256
children were mildly frustrated after exposure to

aggressive models. Kuhn, Madsen, and Becker

(1967) found that modeling alone produced

significant increases in aggression, whereas

frustration, which took the form of arbitrary

criticism and delay of reward, had no effect. If

anything, frustration appeared to disrupt rather

than to augment the effects of the prior modeling

influence. This pattern of results is consistent with
the view that frustration can have diverse effects

and that it may inhibit responsiveness in young

children, especially if it contains aversive features.

Experiments reported by Nelson, Gelfand, and

Hartmann (1969) illustrate how prior emotional

arousal may affect responsiveness to aggressive

modeling. Children either succeeded or failed in

competitive activities, or they engaged in

noncompetitive play. After these experiences they

observed a male model behaving either 257
aggressively or nonaggressively. Children who

were losers in competitive play were most prone

to adopt aggressive behavior modeled by others;

winners exhibited an intermediate level of

imitative aggressiveness; children who observed

the nonaggressive model showed virtually none of

the novel assaultive responses regardless of

whether they were winners, losers, or

noncompetitors (Figure 2.4).

Modeling and competitiveness had similar

effects on nonimitative aggression, though the

differences are less striking and more dependent

on sex characteristics than in the case of imitative
responsiveness. The nonimitative aggression of

boys seemed to be most affected by

competitiveness and that of girls by aggressive


In a subsequent experiment designed to test 258
FIGURE 2.4 Mean imitative aggressive responses performed by
children exposed to aggressive and nonaggressive models
after they either succeeded or failed in competitive activities,
or engaged in noncompetitive play. (Plotted from data by
Nelson, Gelfand, and Hartmann, 1969) 259
predictions from the frustration-aggression theory
and the arousal-prepotent response theory,

Christy, Gelfand, and Hartmann (1971) had

children participate in competitive or

noncompetitive games, after which they were

exposed to models who were aggressive, active

but nonaggressive, or restrained in their behavior.

Competitive experiences enhanced imitation of the

types of behavior the children saw modeled.

Compared to noncompetitors, the competitors

behaved more aggressively when exposed to

aggressive models and more energetically when

exposed to active models, but they showed low

aggressive and animated responsiveness when

they were provided with restrained models. The

effects of failure-induced frustration were thus

largely determined by the behavioral examples set

by models. Moreover, repeated success in

rivalrous situations, in conjunction with modeling 260
influences, enhanced both aggressive and

nonaggressive behavior analogously to repeated

failure. These findings are in closer agreement

with derivations from social learning than from

frustration-aggression formulations.

Another set of studies employing the standard

modeling paradigm has explored the effects of

social sanctions and response consequences to the

model on children’s imitative aggression.
Observed punishment of assaultive actions

generally reduces imitative aggression, whereas

observed reward or the absence of adverse

consequences tends to facilitate imitative

responding (Bandura, 1965a; Bandura, Ross and
Ross, 1963b; Rosekrans and Hartup, 1967). The

influences of vicarious reinforcement on modeling

are discussed at length in Chapter 4, which is

primarily concerned with factors regulating the

expression of aggression. 261
The role of sanctions in the performance of

modeled aggression is elucidated by Hicks

(1968b). While children observed a televised male

model soundly pummeling his adversary, an adult,

who also watched the program, responded

approvingly, disapprovingly, or made no
evaluative comments regarding the model’s

conduct. The behavioral evaluations had a

substantial effect on children’s subsequent

imitative aggression provided the sanctioner was

present in the test situation; Those who previously

heard him praise the aggressor displayed a high

level of imitative aggression (mean = 35); those

who heard him condemn the aggressor seldom

behaved in a similar manner (mean = 7); and

when the adult had shown no reaction, children

performed a moderately high amount of imitative

aggression (mean = 25). By contrast, when the

sanctioning adult was absent from the test 262
situation, children paid no heed to his evaluative

judgments and exhibited a similar amount of

imitative aggression regardless of whether he had

approved, condemned, or been indifferent toward

the model’s actions.

Most of the studies reviewed in this section

probably underestimate the amount of aggression

that was actually learned from the examples

provided by models. With few exceptions,
observational learning was measured in terms of

the number of matching aggressive responses

children were willing to perform spontaneously.

As previously noted, people learn more than they

usually perform, unless given positive incentives
to do so. Therefore, the most precise measure of

observational learning is obtained by explicitly

instructing individuals, under optimal incentive

conditions, to demonstrate all the responses they

acquired from observing the modeled 263

Some of the variables that have been shown to

influence the incidence of imitative aggression are

most likely operating on performance of

observationally acquired behavior rather than on

the learning process itself. This is shown in the

experiment referred to earlier (Bandura, 1965a),

in which learning and performance of modeled

aggression were examined as a function of sex
characteristics of observers and response

consequences to the models. Results of a study by

Madsen (1968) also have a bearing on this issue.

Children were much more inclined to imitate a
familiar aggressive model than an unfamiliar one.

This was especially true of boys, who performed

approximately three times as many matching

responses as the girls. On the other hand, a prior

nurturant relationship with the model, extending

over a period of six weeks, had no appreciable 264
effect on degree of aggressive modeling. A test for

learning in which children were encouraged and

rewarded for enacting the modeled patterns they

had previously observed disclosed an equivalent

amount of observational learning irrespective of

model familiarity and nurturance; nor did boys

and girls differ in this regard.

Kniveton and Stephenson (1970) tested the

hypothesis that children would be more inclined
to display imitative aggression in an unfamiliar

environment than in a familiar one on the grounds

that previous experiences create competing

interests that “inoculate the observers against the
model’s example.” Children who watched

aggressive modeling, regardless of whether or not

they had previously played in the situation

portrayed in the film, performed more imitative

aggression than control children who had received

the familiarizing preexperience without exposure 265
to filmed aggression. However, aggressive

modeling without preexperience produced the

highest imitative aggression. The authors report

that the effect of the filmed influence was short-

lived, but their findings actually support the

opposite conclusion.

Control children in the foregoing experiment

displayed a surprisingly high initial level of

imitative aggression. This was probably because
punching responses, which are considered

common and therefore excluded from the

imitative category in other studies, were here

scored as imitative acts. Children assigned to the
control group, in fact, performed approximately

twice as much “imitative” aggression as the

preexperience modeling group to begin with, but

this sizable initial difference in aggressiveness was

ignored in the analysis. A different picture

emerges when children’s subsequent aggressive 266
responsiveness is compared against their initial

baseline aggression. Whereas controls showed a

marked drop in imitative aggression when

retested (—24) and virtually no change a week

later (2), children who received the familiarizing

experience with aggressive modeling exhibited an

increase in imitative aggression both immediately

after exposure to the filmed aggression (23) and in

the follow-up test (31). Similarly, when all forms
of imitative behavior are considered, controls

manifested a progressive loss in succeeding tests

(—18, —28), while children who were exposed to

the filmed modeling progressively increased in

imitative responding (33, 46).

The generality of the hypothesis that

familiarity attenuates modeling may also be

questioned. Whether familiarity enhances or

impedes imitation will largely depend on the

functional value of the modeled behavior. It seems 267
highly improbable that people who have

previously patronized boxing gymnasiums would

be less inclined to imitate a boxing instructor than

those who had never been in such places, or that

flight trainees who have had prior exposure to the

numerous instruments in cockpits would be

handicapped by that experience in learning how to

fly through modeling. On the contrary,

preexperience may enhance and focus
attentiveness to critical features of the models’

performances and thereby augment modeling

effects. On the other hand, people who have

developed successful ways of behaving in given

situations might be less willing to adopt new

modeled patterns of unknown value than would

observers who are uncertain about what actions

would be most appropriate or effective.

Reluctance to give up familiar responses for

modeled ones does not mean that exemplified 268
patterns have not been learned or that they will

not be adopted on future occasions if the originally

preferred modes should prove ineffective.

Modeling influences add to a person's repertoire a

new response that may vary in preferability in

different circumstances and at different times,
depending on its value relative to alternative

courses of action.

The generalizability of findings based on the

modeling paradigm is sometimes mistakenly

questioned on the assumption that tests of

modeling effects must include human targets

whom subjects actually hurt with injurious intent

(Hartley, 1964). These requirements fail to
recognize that aggression is rarely learned under

such conditions even in everyday life. Behavior

that has dangerous or costly consequences is

typically acquired and perfected in simulated

learning situations. Airline pilots, for example, 269
develop basic flying skills in simulators that

reproduce rolls, yaws, pitches, and vertical and

lateral motions of actual airplanes. Similarly,

aggressive behavior is largely learned under

nonfrustrating conditions in the absence of

injurious intent and often with inanimate objects.

Army recruits develop and perfect combat skills

through many hours of target practice and

simulated battle skirmishes. Military instructors
who angered enlistees and then gave them live

grenades to toss at humans would be judged

grossly deranged. Aggression simulators are by no

means confined to military training. Boxers

develop pugilistic skills by using punching bags

and sparring partners whom they do not

necessarily intend to injure; hunters acquire the

basic rudiments of hunting by shooting at

inanimate targets before they venture into the

woods in search of game; and parents rarely 270
follow their children around to teach them how to

fight in the context of actual battles. Indeed, if

aggressive skills were taught only while

individuals were angered and entertained

injurious designs, many of the tutors and learners

would probably be maimed during the acquisition

In studying aggression, researchers must

decide whether they are investigating learning or
performance effects and choose their

experimental procedures accordingly. Learning

effects of aggressive modeling are best assessed

under test conditions in which subjects are able

and willing to reveal all they have learned. To use
human targets for this purpose would be as

nonsensical as to require bombardiers to bomb

San Francisco, New York, or some other inhabited

area in testing whether they have acquired

bombing skills. 271
On the other hand, studies designed to identify

conditions that lead people to use behavior they

have learned for injurious purposes do require

human targets. In such investigations, which

receive detailed consideration in Chapters 3 and 4,

people are provided with opportunities to hurt
others. These experiments help explain what

causes people to behave punitively, but they throw

no light on learning determinants because the

aggressive actions are already part of the subjects’

repertoires. A complete understanding of

aggression therefore requires both types of


Although research using nonhuman targets is

principally designed to advance understanding of

learning processes, the question is sometimes

raised whether such influences do affect

interpersonal aggression. Considering that in

everyday life the actions used to hurt others are 272
usually developed under simulated conditions,

one might expect some transfer to occur. There is

evidence to indicate that this is indeed so. Walters

and Brown (1963) found that boys who had been

intermittently rewarded for punching an

automated Bobo doll—a training situation devoid

of pernicious intent and social injury—later

exhibited more physically aggressive behavior

toward other children in a competitive situation
than boys who received no prior training in

punching responses. Conversely, elimination of

aggressive styles of behavior toward nonhuman

targets can produce corresponding decreases in

interpersonal assaultiveness. Hyperaggressive

children who were taught through reinforced

modeling to favor cooperative over aggressive

solutions to problems in doll-play situations were

much less prone to respond aggressively to

interpersonal thwarting, both in structured 273
situations and in their regular social interactions

(Chittenden, 1942).

For those who attach special significance to

observational learning exhibited toward human

targets, the modeling paradigm has been applied

in this manner too. After children have seen filmed

models assault a person in novel ways, the

imitative and nonimitative aggression they direct

at a similar human target is recorded. Viewing
interpersonal assaults fosters imitative aggressive

acts toward people, whereas the unusual conduct

rarely occurs when the example is not provided

(Hanratty, O’Neal, and Sulzer, 1972; Savitsky,

Rogers, Izard, and Liebert, 1972). For reasons
given earlier, children reveal more observational

learning of aggression in relation to inanimate

than to human targets (Hanratty, Liebert, Morris,

and Fernandez, 1969). Learning is a necessary

though not a sufficient condition for performance. 274
In later chapters we shall specify the conditions

under which learned behavior is expressed in


Another issue that requires some comment

concerns the criteria used for determining

whether observers have learned anything new

from modeled examples. Some writers (Aronfreed,

1969; Patterson, Littman, and Bricker, 1967) have

questioned whether behavior formed through
unique combinations of available actions

represents response learning, inasmuch as the

components already exist in subjects’ repertoires.

According to this line of reasoning, a pianist who
has mastered a piano concerto has learned

nothing new because all the finger movements

already existed in his repertoire. Most intricate

responses are composed of common behavioral

elements. 275
An observer can learn a variety of things, even

from relatively simple modeled performances.

First, he can learn through example how to

combine different actions, which themselves are

not novel, into new forms of patterned behavior.

Response novelty must be defined in terms of
empirical criteria rather than a priori estimations.

Any behavior that has an extremely low or zero

probability of occurrence given appropriate

stimulus conditions qualifies as a novel response.

Second, a person can learn to make common

responses to situations to which he previously did

not respond at all, or to which he reacted in a

substantially different manner. In the latter case,

learning involves bringing existing behavior under

new stimulus control rather than forming new

response configurations. And third, he can learn

the consequences that are likely to follow certain

actions. 276
Findings of modeling studies are sometimes

incorrectly interpreted on the grounds that

inflated objects invite physical aggression

(Aronfreed, 1969). This type of analysis not only

disregards the experimental controls instituted for

the target influence, but reflects a view of
aggression that is refuted empirically. Aggressive

acts are not internally impelled in the absence of

any external instigators. On the contrary,

aggressive responsiveness is generally under

appropriate stimulus control. For this reason,

people rarely go around assaulting innocuous

targets. In real life the targets, whether they be

boxing opponents, enemy troops, oppressors, or

more common provocateurs, all have aggression-

activating potential. Aggression does not occur in a

vacuum. Research in this field is principally

designed to explain variations in the form,

direction, intensity, and frequency of aggression 277
under certain eliciting conditions. Demonstrating

that observationally learned aggression is seldom

displayed when there are no suitable targets for it

would have no more practical or theoretical

significance than showing that hunters are

disinclined to fire their guns as long as they see no


The effects of aggressive modeling are

evaluated by measuring how people behave in the
same situation as compared to their previous

conduct or to that of others who have never been

exposed to assaultive examples. Obviously, one

cannot attribute differences in aggression under

modeling and control conditions to the nature of
the target, because it is identical in both situations.

Moreover, the models purposely display

uncommon ways of aggressing toward the figure,

rather than the usual punching responses. Some of

the responses involve unusual patterns of actions 278
accompanied by distinctive hostile remarks. These

particular configurations are almost never

spontaneously performed by children who have

not seen them modeled. Other modeled activities

include common responses, but ones that children

rarely if ever direct toward inflated dolls without

the influence of example. Indeed, the behavior

displayed by control children in a variety of

modeling experiments consistently shows that
inflated dolls, by themselves, do not invoke

pummeling with mallets, bombardment with balls,

or irate punting.

Modeling General Tactics

The research reported thus far has been

concerned with the transmission through example

of specific aggressive actions. However, models
can teach more general lessons as well. From

observing the behavior of others one can learn 279
general strategies that provide guides for actions

which go well beyond the specific modeled


In studies of this higher form of modeling

(Bandura, 1971d), people observe models respond

successfully in a consistent manner to diverse

incidents. When observers are later confronted

with dissimilar situations, they are inclined to

respond in a style resembling the models’
dispositions, although their specific reactions

cannot be mimicked because of the altered

circumstances. In this modeling process, observers

abstract the common features exemplified in
specific modeled responses and formulate a

general principle for fashioning similar models of

behavior. Responses performed by subjects that

embody the observationally derived principle

resemble the behavior that models would be apt

to exhibit under similar circumstances, even 280
though subjects have never observed the models

responding to these particular events. Naturalistic

data will he cited later to illustrate how people

adopt from models both specific aggressive

actions and general tactics for dealing with diverse

interpersonal situations.

Modeling of Attitudes and Values

Exposure to modeled aggression can affect not

only observers’ actions, but also their attitudes
and values. If certain people are portrayed as

behaving in aggressive and violent ways, one

would expect such observational experiences to

produce, through modeled associations, certain

attitudes toward them. Siegel (1958), for example,

had children listen to radio presentations in which

taxi drivers resolved conflicts either by physical
violence or through nonaggressive means.

Children who had been exposed to the aggressive 281
modeling were more inclined to ascribe aggressive

characteristics to different taxi drivers

encountered in new situations than those

observing amiable examples. Many of the attitudes

that people hold toward members of different

occupations, races, and ethnic groups are

undoubtedly cultivated through the modeling of


Results of a study by Bandura, Ross, and Ross

(1963c) indicate that the evaluative reactions

observers develop toward aggressors is partly

dependent upon the success of their behavior.

Children who had observed the aggressor’s
actions produce punishing consequences did not

imitate his behavior, and they rejected him as a

model for emulation when asked to select the

person they would prefer to be like. On the other

hand, when the aggressor’s behavior was effective

in amassing rewarding resources, he was readily 282
chosen by most of the children as a desirable

model for imitation. The surprising finding,

however, is that without exception these children

were critical of the tactics he used, which they

characterized as harsh, rough, mean, and wicked.

Evidently, the utility of aggression rather than its

moral value served as the primary basis for

emulation. These findings lend support to Toch’s

(1969) view that behavior is often discarded not
because it is bad or wrong, but because it is

ineffective. Moral justifications can always be

found for practices that are beneficial to the user.

Children resolved the conflict arising from

emulation of a person employing reprehensible

tactics by derogating the unfortunate victim,

thereby justifying the aggressor’s exploitive

assaultive actions. They criticized the victim for

his inability to control the aggressor, for his

unwillingness to cede some of his resources, and 283
they ascribed to him demeaning characteristics

that would excuse the aggressor’s behavior. This

study illustrates how rewarding consequences to

the model may outweigh the value systems

instilled in observers—children adopted the

behavior of a successful aggressor and held him in

high regard even though they considered his

specific actions objectionable and morally


Anxiety-reduction Theory of Aggressive


Modeling of aggression has been widely

interpreted in psychoanalytically oriented
theories in terms of a process of defensive

identification originating in the Oedipus complex

(Freud, 1923; A Freud, 1946). According to this

formulation, boys experience high anxiety over

anticipated punishment by castration for their

incestuous wishes toward their mothers and 284
rivalrous feelings toward their fathers. Oedipal

boys both reduce their anxiety and derive

vicarious gratification of their sexual feelings by

emulating the characteristics of the threatening

father. Behaving like a feared aggressor

presumably alleviates anxiety by assimilating the

external threat. Alternatively, one might

hypothesize that, except for adoption of parental

prohibitions, acting like a threatening antagonist
would accent the rivalry and thus exacerbate

rather than diminish anticipatory fear of


Evidence for an anxiety-reduction mechanism

in aggressive modeling is based almost entirely on

anecdotal reports furnished by Anna Freud (1946)

and Bettelheim (1943). Most of the examples of

aggressive behavior that these authors attribute to

defensive identification can be adequately

accounted for without invoking an identificatory 285
process at all. And in instances in which actions

have been patterned on an aggressor, more

parsimonious explanations can be offered for the

occurrence of modeled behavior.

In a number of Freud’s cases, for example, the

person who supposedly serves as the model in fact

displays no aggression, and it is simply assumed

that the aggressive child expects him to be

assaultive. Anticipatory aggression can be
interpreted as a defensive maneuver, but it could

hardly represent identification with the aggressor,

any more than swatting a menacing mosquito

represents insect identification by a threatened
adult. In others of Freud’s illustrations a child who

was accidentally hurt by a teacher in an outdoor

game wears military apparel the following day,

and a boy who had undergone dental treatment

later displays aggressively demanding and

destructive behavior during a therapeutic session. 286
It is, of course, entirely possible that the boys’

behavior and the previous hurtful experiences are

totally unrelated. Even if the events were causally

linked, the theory of defensive identification does

not explain why the forms of the boys’ aggression

were unlike that of the menacing models.

Numerous studies, to be reviewed later, disclose

that painful stimulation can elicit aggressive

behavior, especially in animals. Explanations of
this relationship never assume, however, that the

animals’ aggressive behavior represents defensive

identification with the punisher.

The clearest example Freud gives of actual

imitative behavior involves the case of a boy who

mimicked his teacher’s angry grimaces while the

latter was reprimanding him. Freud’s

interpretation that the boy “through his grimaces

was assimilating himself to or identifying himself

with the dreaded external object” (p. 118) is 287
complicated because the boy’s imitative grimaces

provoked bursts of laughter from his classmates,

thus providing him with social rewards. It is

therefore doubtful, even in the latter case, that the

imitative behavior was maintained by anxiety


It is likewise apparent in Bettelheim’s (1943)

account of prisoners’ behavior in a Nazi

concentration camp, which is also frequently cited
as evidence of defensive identification, that most

of the behavioral outcomes may not, in fact, have

involved identificatory processes. Bettelheim

reports that many of the older prisoners were
verbally and physically aggressive toward

newcomers and potential troublemakers,

sometimes behaving more aggressively than their

guards when placed in charge of others. They

enforced nonsensical rules that the Gestapo had at

one time or another imposed on the group; some 288
of the older captives even modified their uniforms

to resemble those of the guards and resented

sympathetic foreign correspondents who

criticized the Germans.

It is true that the older prisoners often

imposed on their fellow captives aversive controls

similar to those they themselves had endured, but

it is by no means clear that their behavior

represented identification with the aggressor in
the sense that the concept is employed in

psychoanalytic theory. The Gestapo consistently

imposed group-oriented punishments in which the

transgressions of any individual resulted in brutal
torture of the entire group. When two prisoners

attempted to escape, for example, all the prisoners

were punished by being forced to stand at

attention for hours in a snowstorm without

overcoats, during which time some died from

exposure, and several hundred later had to 289
undergo amputations of their badly frozen

extremities. Since the group consequences were

often severely painful and the demands of the

guards highly capricious, it is not surprising that,

in order to avoid brutal and degrading treatment,

experienced prisoners often enforced their

captors’ demands. The prisoners’ punitive rule

enforcement may thus represent straightforward

avoidance behavior designed to minimize
transgressions that would endanger the whole

group, rather than emulative behavior. Indeed, the

explicit purpose of the hostage and group-

punishment system was to make every prisoner

feel responsible for the acts committed by others.

Similarly, antagonism toward foreign

correspondents and former fellow prisoners who

had publicly reported cruelties perpetrated in the

concentration camps, also interpreted by

Bettelheim as an example of identification with the 290
aggressor’s ideology, may reflect a protective

measure in that unfavorable newspaper accounts

written by these persons brought severe

punishment on the prisoners.

Bettelheim does provide evidence that, in some

cases, prisoners went to great lengths to emulate

the guards. Some of the older captives, for

example, collected pieces of Gestapo uniforms and

sewed their own uniforms so as to resemble those
of the guards. However, such imitative behavior

was punished by the guards and hence could

hardly have served anxiety-reducing functions.

Indeed, since this particular modeled behavior

persisted in the face of aversive consequences, it
requires an alternative explanation. The Gestapo

elite possessed potent rewarding and coercive

power. It has been shown in controlled

experiments (Bandura, Ross, and Ross, 1963b;

Mischel and Liebert, 1967) that people tend to 291
model their behavior after sources of power. Given

the additional evidence that authoritarian

personalities are prone to imitative behavior of

aggressive models (Epstein, 1966), one might

expect that prisoners who had developed

authoritarian attitudes prior to their

imprisonment (some were formerly prominent

politicians) would be disposed to admire and to

imitate these attributes in domineering guards.
Striving to emulate the elite who control desired

privileges and resources is also noted in upwardly

mobile persons who, like the prisoners in

question, persist in imitative behavior despite the

rebuffs they incur from their peers and high-status


The case material discussed above and

empirical investigation of defensive identification

(Sarnoff, 1951) illustrate the loose criteria often

used in designating aggressive patterns as 292
outcomes of a defensive identificatory process.

There is considerable evidence, of course, that

both children and adults imitate aggressive

models presented on film, who obviously

constitute no personal threat. Moreover, studies in

which modeled aggressive acts incur either

rewarding or punishing consequences

demonstrate that the success of the model’s

behavior is an influential factor in determining the
degree to which an aggressive pattern of behavior

will be spontaneously reproduced by others. On

the basis of the response-consequences

interpretation of modeling effects, it would be

predicted that if aggressors are highly successful

in securing desired outcomes, observers will

identify with them even if they ordinarily regard

such attributes with disfavor (Bandura, Ross, and

Ross, 1963c; Baron and Kepner, 1970). If, on the

other hand, the aggressor’s behavior fails to gain 293
power and control over persons and their

resources, or in fact produces punishing outcomes,

identification with the aggressor will not occur.

There is a sense in which aggressive identification

may reduce anxiety. A person who adopts effective

aggressive patterns is less apt to be victimized by
others and is therefore less vulnerable to external

threats. In this interpretation aggressive

identification reduces anxiety not by assimilating

the external threat, but by appropriating forceful

tactics that ensure better control over the social


In naturalistic studies the possible influence of

the threat value of an aggressive model and the
success of his behavioral style are confounded.

That is, an aggressor may represent a threat to the

observer, but he also repeatedly demonstrates

that he can get what he wants by coercive means.

It has been shown that fear of an aggressive model 294
is not a necessary condition for aggressive

identification. Whether fear is a facilitative,

impeding, or irrelevant factor in the identification

process can be best answered through controlled

studies in which models’ threat and the functional

value of their aggressive behavior are

independently varied.


People rarely teach social behaviors that are

never exemplified by anyone in their environment.

Although modeling influences are universally

present, it is possible to establish new response

patterns solely on the basis of trial-and-error
experiences. Moreover, observational learning

usually produces rough approximations of desired

activities that are then further refined through

reinforced practice. In learning by experience,

behavior is shaped into new patterns by its 295
consequences. During the course of trial-and-error

experimentation, unsuccessful responses tend to

be discarded, whereas rewarded alternatives are

progressively strengthened. New response

patterns are similarly created by making

reinforcement contingent upon novel

combinations of actions. Since in this mode of

learning the appropriate behavior must be

discerned from differential consequences that
accompany various actions, it is much less efficient

than having a good example to follow.

The literature contains ample evidence that

aggressive behavior is powerfully controlled by its
consequences, but no experimental attempts have

been made to fashion novel forms of aggression

through differential reinforcement alone. The

principal reason for this lack is that demonstration

rather than unguided experience is the best

teacher. It would be foolhardy to try to instruct 296
novices in how to handle firearms or hand

grenades by selectively reinforcing their trial-and-

error efforts. In the case of less hazardous

aggressive activities, however, they may be

formed to some extent by response feedback.

Learning through combat experience has been

explored to a limited extent in experiments with

subhuman species designed to train nonaggressive

animals to become ferocious fighters. This
outcome is achieved by arranging a series of bouts

with progressively more experienced fighters

under conditions in which the trainee can win

fights without being hurt. Initially, the animals
used to provoke defensive fighting are either

physically restrained or such weak combatants

that the trainees can easily emerge as victors. As

fighting skills are developed and reinforced

through repeated victories, tougher opponents

that can be beaten only by vigorous, hard fighting 297
are introduced. Results show that as training

progresses, formerly noncombative animals

become more and more vicious in their aggressive

behavior (Ginsburg and Allee, 1942; Kahn, 1951;

Scott and Marston, 1953).

Some indications of the importance of social

learning in animal aggressiveness are provided in

studies of the long-term effects of infantile fighting

experiences and in comparisons of physiological
and training determinants of combativeness.

Fredericson (1951) found that a brief experience

in competitive aggression over food during infancy

produced mice that fought over food in adulthood
even when not motivated by hunger. By contrast,

animals that did not receive the infantile fighting

experience never battled over food when they

were not hungry. Results of an experiment that

varied castration and androgen injections before

and after aggression training showed victorious 298
fighting experiences to be the most influential

determinant of subsequent aggressiveness,

regardless of the point at which the physiological

modifications occurred (Bevan, Daves, and Levy,


Although successful fighting produces brutal

aggressors, severe defeats create enduring

submissiveness. The power of injury to inhibit

aggression is determined by a number of factors.
Kahn (1951) found that the younger the animals

are when they first suffer defeat, the more

passively they behave later in the face of attack.

Animals that have been subjected to many painful
defeats likewise do not fight even when

confronted with harmless opponents, whereas less

frequent defeats result in only partial inhibition of

aggressive behavior (Scott and Marston, 1953).

Indeed, fighting success largely determines

animals’ social organization. In the course of a 299
series of tournament bouts a stable social order

eventually emerges that corresponds closely to the

rate of triumphs and defeats of individual

members (Ginsburg and Allee, 1942; Scott, 1944).

Consistent victors assume a dominant social

position; repeated losers become subordinates

that submit passively; animals with a history of

both wins and losses occupy intermediate ranks.

Naturally evoked dominance relationships can be
modified by systematically altering the reinforcing

consequences of fighting. It is somewhat easier,

however, to lower the aggressiveness and social

status of superior fighters by a series of defeats

than to transform meek appeasers into

swaggering aggressors. Their extreme reluctance

to perform any aggressive responses limits

opportunities to influence them through positive


People are often confronted with provocative 300
situations calling for some type of aggressive

action. To the extent that forcible responsiveness

produces good results, the rewarding

consequences can shape aggressive styles of

behavior. Patterson, Littman, and Bricker (1967)

report a field study of the development of

aggression in passive children through a process

of victimization and successful counteraggression.

Nursery school children were observed over a
nine-month period for the frequency with which

they aggressed toward each other and the

immediate consequences that such behavior

produced for them. Passive children who seldom

resorted to defensive aggression because they

were rarely picked on and those who were often

victimized but whose counterattacks generally

failed to terminate assaults by aggressors

remained submissive in their behavior. By

contrast, equally passive children who were 301
frequently victimized by their peers but who

counteraggressed successfully showed a marked

increase in aggressive tendencies. Considering

that the children had innumerable opportunities

to learn observationally how to aggress from

examples provided by their peers and assailants, it
is debatable whether the particular forms of

aggression they displayed were created solely by

reinforcement influences. The findings

nevertheless clearly show that if aggression,

however learned, is positively reinforced, it will

become a preferred mode of response. The

development of aggressors through a process of

tyrannization and reinforcement for

counteraggression bears some similarity to how

the more active members of oppressed segments

of society are shaped into aggressors by people

who themselves model, but decry, such behavior.


There are many naturalistic studies

demonstrating that people behave in aggressive

ways that resemble patterns exemplified by

salient models. Naturally occurring resemblances

are difficult to interpret, however, for a number of

reasons. Unlike laboratory studies in which the
nature •of the modeling influences is carefully

delineated, in everyday life people are

concurrently exposed to a number of models,

including adults, peers, and all sorts of television

personalities. There is no reliable way either of

identifying which of these examples are selected

as sources of behavior or of gauging their relative


It was previously shown that when the

examples set by others differ in significant ways,

observers often pattern their behavior after a

composite model embodying features taken from 303
the different sources. The net result may be a
novel pattern of aggression that does not bear

exact likeness to any of the individual models,

even though the composite pattern is created

entirely from the examples provided.

Resemblances arising from modeling influences

are also less discernible when observers adopt the

general tactics but not the specific actions

modeled by others. It is not uncommon for people

whose efforts to produce desired changes have

been repeatedly thwarted to emulate coercive

strategies, but in their own way, after seeing other

groups successfully attain what they want through

aggressive means.

Behavioral similarity does not invariably

indicate a modeling outcome. Some performances,

especially relatively simple ones, can be acquired

on the basis of common direct experiences. To

complicate matters further, the effects of modeling 304
are often counteracted, attenuated, or augmented

by the effects that imitative aggression produces

when it is tried. The changes created by modeling,

in turn, obscure the effects of reinforcement. In

instances in which aggressive behavior is learned

observationally but inhibited due to unfavorable

consequences, positive reinforcement later may

increase aggressive actions simply by conveying

permissiveness for the previously learned
behaviors rather than acting through its

reinforcing and shaping functions, as is commonly


Within a modern society, three major sources

of aggressive behavior are drawn upon to varying

degrees. One is the aggression modeled and

reinforced by family members. Though familial

influences play a major role in setting the

direction of social development, the family is

embedded in a network of other social systems. 305
The subculture in which a person resides and with

which he has repeated contact provides a second

source of aggression. The types of behaviors that

are exemplified and valued in community

subsystems may support or counteract familial

influences. The third source of aggressive behavior

is the symbolic modeling provided by the mass

media, especially television. In heterogeneous and

rapidly changing societies the specific patterns of
behavior exemplified by parental models may

have limited value for their offspring. Television

can teach viewers how to behave in a variety of

situations that extend well beyond the learning

experiences available within the family or the

immediate community.

Familial Transmission of Aggression

There are several published studies specifically

comparing the quality of parental models of 306
children who develop hyperaggressive

personalities with those of nonaggressive models.

In an analysis of information on familial conditions

collected over an extended period, McCord,

McCord, and Zola (1959) found that sons of

criminals tended to become criminals themselves,

especially if their fathers were cruel and

neglecting (85 percent), whereas similar adverse

treatment was associated with a lower rate of
criminality (40 percent) in families where the

father did not provide a grossly deviant model of

behavior. Other investigators (Glueck and Glueck,

1950) have reported a much higher incidence of

aggressive paternal modeling for delinquent than

for nondelinquent boys. That violence breeds

violence is further suggested by Silver, Dublin, and

Lourie (1969). Their longitudinal study of child

abuse cases over three generations shows that

children who suffer brutal treatment at the hands 307
of assaultive parents are themselves inclined to

use abusive behavior in the future.

Most assaultive youngsters do not have

criminally violent parents. In slum districts, where

children generally spend more time in the streets

than in their homes, peers and various

extrafamilial adults serve as the primary

transmitters of aggressive life styles. And in

middle-class families that produce violence-prone
offspring, parental aggressive modeling usually

takes less blatant forms. This is shown in two

studies (Bandura, 1960; Bandura and Walters,

1959) that examined the social learning

determinants of aggressive disorders in boys who
lived in privileged neighborhoods that are not

conducive to antisocial behavior. Rather than

examine why people who grow up under adverse

familial and community conditions develop

delinquent tendencies, we asked instead why 308
intelligent boys who came from intact middle-

class homes where the neighborhood standards of

conduct support law-abiding behavior become

antisocially aggressive (Bandura and Walters,

1959). Families of adolescents who exhibited

repetitive antisocial aggression were compared

with those of boys who were neither markedly

aggressive nor passive.

The families differed most strikingly in the

extent to which they trained their sons, through

precept and example, to be aggressors. Parents of

nonaggressive boys encouraged their sons to be

firm in defending their principles, but they did not
condone physical aggression as a means of settling

disputes. In familial interactions the parents

modeled considerate behavior and relied mainly

on reasoning in handling social problems. By

contrast, parents of the aggressive boys displayed

little antisocial aggression, but they repeatedly 309
modeled and reinforced combative attitudes and

behavior. While intolerant of aggression toward

themselves, one or the other of the parents almost

invariably encouraged their sons to aggress

toward peers, teachers, and other adults outside

the family. During the early childhood years, the

instigation often took the form of demands that

the boy use his fists in dealing with antagonists, as

illustrated in the following interview excerpts.

Interviewer (I): Have you ever encouraged Glen to

use his fists to defend himself?

Father (F): . . . Well, Glen has always been a kid where

kids have pushed him over at school. We’ve
had to encourage him, “Now, son, you just
stand right up there.” That comes right back
to the point that he’s never played with
children until five years ago. In fact, he was
the type of kid that, when he was small, he’d
rather sit down and play paper dolls than get
in the yard and play with the boys, kicking a
football around…. But lots of times he’d come
home and kids would throw a left or right at
him and he didn’t know what to do about it. I 310
used to want to teach him to protect himself
but my wife didn’t go for it. She said, “You’re
putting things in his head,” that I was training
him to fight. So we dropped it. (Bandura and
Walters, 1959, pp. 106-7)

This father’s method of training was depicted in

greater detail by his wife, and it is easy to see why

she felt that she had to intervene.

Mother (M): When he was about six or seven years

old, all the kids were fussing and fighting and
he would never fight. His sister would always
have to take up his battle for him. Always
fighting. So one day my husband took off his
belt and said, “Listen, you’re coming home
and crying all the time, saying ‘Somebody hit
me.’ ” So my husband was watching through
the bedroom window one day and he saw two
little boys. They were really fighting him. So
he went up, took off his belt, and he said,
“Glen, I’m going to tell you something. You’re
going to whip these boys or else I’m going to
whip you.” So he made him stand up and fight
both of them, (p. 107)

Although because of his wife’s objections the 311
father apparently toned down the fighting

instructions, he continued to demand that his son

accept and enjoy aggressive activities.

F: One day we went to see Bobo Olson fight. We tried

to get him to go. “No, I don't want to go.” Well,
he hated it. I said, “No, you’re going.” Of
course, if he didn’t want to go, that’s fine. But
he’d rather be home calling his friends over
the telephone. That’s what just burns me up:
it makes me so mad. I never turned down
anything like that when I was a kid. You get a
chance maybe one out of five years to see
Olson fight, the champion of the world, and he
turns it down flat. (pp. 106-8)

Some of the most aggressive boys came from

families in which both parents demanded,

instigated, and condoned assaultive behavior.

I: Have you ever encouraged Earl to stand up for


M: Yes. I’ve taught young Earl, and his Dad has. I feel
he should stand up for his rights, so you can
get along in this world. 312
I: How have you encouraged him?

M: I 've told him to look after himself and don’t let

anybody shove him around or anything like
that, but not to look for trouble. I don’t want
him to be a sissy.

I: Have you ever encouraged Earl to use his fists to

defend himself?

M: Oh yes. Oh yes. He knows how to fight.

I: What have you done to encourage him?

M: When he was a little boy, he had a little pair of

boxing gloves. His dad has been an athlete all
his life, so his dad taught him.

I: Has he ever come to you and complained that

another fellow was giving him a rough time?

M: Oh yes, when he was younger. I told him, “Go on

out and fight it out yourself.”

I: If Earl got into a fight with one of the neighbor’s

boys, how would you handle it?

M: Oh, he should fight it out himself. When he was a

little fellow he used to fight his own battle . . .

I: What would you do if you found Earl teasing

another fellow or calling him bad names? 313
M: That would be up to Earl. If the other boy wants to
lick him, that would be up to Earl. He
deserves it. (pp. 115-16)

In disputes with adults, the parents would insist

that their sons not allow themselves to be “pushed

around”; they would side with the boys against

their teachers; and they would criticize

protagonists in ways that excused their sons’

assaultive actions.

The generality of these findings is confirmed

by a second study (Bandura, 1960) that compared

the social learning antecedents of hyperaggression

and withdrawal in preadolescent boys. Parents of

the aggressive boys consistently punished

aggression directed toward themselves, but they

encouraged and intermittently reinforced

aggression outside the home. The withdrawn boys,

on the other hand, had undergone pervasive

inhibitory training in relation to aggression, 314
dependency, and sex behavior. In addition, parents
of the aggressive boys, with their relatively

frequent use of physical and verbal punishment,

provided more aggressive models for their sons

than parents of the withdrawn group, who were

emotionally restrained in their behavior.

During early childhood years, perhaps the

most salient parental modeling of interpersonal

behavior occurs in the context of disciplinary

activities. Here children are furnished with vivid

examples of how one might attempt to influence

and control the behavior of others. And, indeed,

children often do draw on parental practices in

coping with the interpersonal problems they

encounter in their daily interactions. Hoffman

(1960) found that mothers who forced compliance
with their demands through domineering

methods, which included verbal and physical

aggression, had children who employed similar 315
aggressive tactics in controlling the behavior of

their peers.

In many instances the modeling provided in

disciplinary actions is inconsistent with, and

therefore contravenes, the effects of direct

training. If, for example, a parent beats his child

for having struck a playmate, the intended

objective of the punishment is that the child

should refrain from hitting others. Concomitantly
with the intended training, however, the parent is

unwittingly exemplifying the very behavior he is

trying to eliminate. From fear of retaliation,

children are unlikely to counteraggress toward
their parents, but the influence of parental

example may outweigh parental dictates in

guiding behavior in extrafamilial situations.

Findings of laboratory studies in which modeling

and direct tuition are systematically varied

(McMains and Liebert, 1968; Mischel and Liebert, 316
1966; Rosenhan, Frederick, and Burrowes, 1968)

reveal that people are most influential when they

are consistent in what they practice and what they

preach, whereas the impact of their behavioral

prescriptions is considerably weakened by

discrepant modeling.

Johnson and Szurek (1952) have identified

another set of subtle familial influences that may

create and maintain antisocial aggression in
children even though extrafamilial conditions

provide weak support for such behavior. It is not

uncommon for parents to foster in their children

patterns of behavior that they approve but cannot
themselves engage in for various reasons, and to

derive vicarious gratification from their children’s

successes. Such processes are clearly operative in

the case of achievement behavior. However,

socialized parents cannot openly instigate and

delight in the aggressive exploits of their children 317
without incurring censure. For this reason, the

process, according to the observations of Johnson

and Szurek, operates in a covert manner.

Antisocial behavior is often initiated by

repeated warning of possible transgressions

presented more in the form of suggestive

prescriptions than prohibitions. Provocative

negative modeling thus informs the child of

courses of action that otherwise might never have
occurred to him. Transgressive behavior is less

likely to recur when desired behavior is clearly

defined and actions that exceed acceptable limits

are dealt with firmly without apology, guilt, or
vacillation. The unwitting condoner, however,

tends to respond to antisocial behavior in ways

that serve to maintain it. Transgressions are

overlooked, dismissed as unimportant, or excused;

detailed accounts of the exploits are relished with

feigned distress; and antisocial actions are met 318
with covert permissiveness and approval. These

detrimental parental practices are presumably

reinforced by gratifications derived from the

child’s actions.

Unwitting condoning of socially disallowed

forms of aggression is, of course, not confined to

familial situations. Disputes often arise over

whether societal agents entrusted with coercive

power, such as the police, employ unwarranted
forms of aggression in apprehending suspected

lawbreakers and in controlling protesters.

Proposed solutions to this problem generally

center around offering police recruits better
training, especially along psychiatric lines,

elevating the status of police work, and

establishing grievance review boards to monitor

police departments. Although such programs can

improve law enforcement practices, it should be

recognized that excessive use of aggression is 319
primarily determined by sanctions rather than by

education. Police administrators who condone

brutal tactics will find a great deal of such

behavior exhibited by their officers, whereas those

who censure such behavior will encounter little of

it. The cruel third degree, for example, was

eliminated by firmly imposed prohibitions, not by

psychiatric training of interrogators.

Subcultural Transmission of Aggression

The highest rates of aggressive behavior are

found in environments where aggressive models

abound and where aggressiveness is regarded as a

highly valued attribute. In these delinquent

subcultures (Short, 1968; Wolfgang and Ferracuti,

1967) one gains status primarily through fighting

prowess. Consequently, good aggressors are the
prestigious models upon whom members pattern

their behavior. The combination of prestigious 320
aggressive modeling with positive reinforcement

of fighting and other manifestations of toughness

creates the most effective condition for cultivating


The challenging question requiring

explanation is not why people who inhabit an

aggression-breeding milieu should develop

aggressive modes of response, but why anyone

residing in such an environment should adopt a
markedly different style of life. How does a child

develop in a divergent direction when models of

alternative modes of behavior are lacking in his

immediate environment and prosocial patterns
are not only weakly rewarded but may even be

devalued, whereas adherence to norms of the

corner gang provides comradeship and the valued

recognition of peers? Sociological studies of lower-

class neighborhoods (Whyte, 1955) show that

although most of the young residents conform to 321
streetcorner codes of behavior, some do come to

value scholastic performance and strive hard for

self-advancement through educational pursuits.

The processes whereby differential

development is achieved within the same milieu

are clarified in studies investigating the sources of

high educational aspirations among lower-class

children (Ellis and Lane, 1963, Krauss, 1964). In

these families the parents themselves cannot
serve as models for class-typed habits of speech,

interests, and social skills that are required for

successful upward mobility. Parents usually

initiate development in prosocial directions by
valuing and encouraging educational aspirations.

By direct guidance and example, admired teachers

and other prestigious adults further reinforce

college ambitions in lower-class youths. Finally,

selective association with college-oriented peers

provides the role models and incentives for 322
selectively acquiring the values and complex skills

necessary to attain the desired status. When one's

background is assigned an inferior status, the

more successful the upward social transformation

is, the greater the familial alienation will be. With

increased legitimization of subcultural patterns

and willingness of successful models to return to

their own communities, members of minority

groups may more easily attain educational
aspirations without having to renounce their

cultural heritage.

The preceding discussion was concerned with

subcultural training in aggressive styles of conduct
that are disavowed or condemned by the larger

society. Most societies maintain elaborate social

agencies to which they officially assign aggression-

training functions. These include military

enterprises with their many supporting

subsystems. Military training practices, however, 323
have received little psychological analysis. This is

all the more remarkable considering that military

establishments can, within a relatively short

period, transform people who have been taught to

deplore killing as morally reprehensible into

skilled combatants who feel little compunction or

even a sense of pride in taking human life. Such

radical changes have more profound implications

for accounts of aggression than the actions of
assaultive individuals or youthful groups residing

in dismal neighborhoods.

The task of converting socialized men into

proficient combatants is achieved not by altering
personality structures, aggressive drives, or traits.

Rather, willingness and ability to kill in combat are

attained by direct training combining several

important features. In the first place, the moral

value of killing is changed so that people can do it

free from the restraints of self-condemning 324
consequences. This is accomplished through

indoctrination that assigns a high moral purpose

to warfare. One must fight for his country to

defend its survival, to preserve world peace, to

save humanity from enslavement by cruel

oppressors, and for national honor. The force of

the moral appeals is strengthened by portraying

the enemy as servile fanatics or subhumans driven

by ruthless leaders. The moral redefinition of
killing is nowhere more dramatically illustrated

than in the case of Sergeant York, one of the most

phenomenal fighters in the history of modern

warfare (Skeyhill, 1928). Because of his deep

religious convictions he registered as a

conscientious objector, but his numerous appeals

were rejected. At camp his battalion commander

quoted chapter and verse from the Bible to

persuade him that under certain conditions it was

Christian to fight and kill. A marathon 325
mountainside prayer finally convinced him that he

could serve both God and country by becoming a

dedicated fighter.

Self-censuring reactions to brutal acts are

repeatedly neutralized by a variety of self-

absolving devices that will be examined later, as

well as by ideological justifications. Powerful

social sanctions are also effectively used to

promote acceptance of warfare. Combat heroism is
glorified, while opposition to military mission is

treated as an unpatriotic social disgrace. A nation

that fails to convince its members of the justice of

its cause encounters considerable difficulty in

mobilizing them to fight.

The social influence process is greatly

facilitated by immersing recruits in a totally new

reality. Arrivals are promptly dispossessed of

most civilian accouterments and outfitted with 326
military gear. During the period of intensive
training, rookies are isolated from family, friends,

and normal community life, thus removing the

customary social supports for their behavior and

beliefs. Instead, almost every aspect of their daily

life is closely regulated in accordance with the new

reinforcement structure. Throughout this process

they are subjected to obedience tests and firmly

disciplined for noncompliance.

In addition to legitimization of military killing,

recruits receive intensive training in the intricate

techniques of warfare. A host of coordinated skills

must be mastered, such as hand-to-hand fighting,

tactical maneuvers, reconnaissance patrols, field

fortifications, and artillery and aerial

bombardment. Training proceeds by

demonstrating how combat activities are executed

and by having recruits practice attacks against

simulated targets until proficiency is attained. 327
The third feature of military training is

concerned with reducing fear of battle. Various

methods are used for this purpose. Action

extinguishes fear. Inductees are therefore drilled

repeatedly in combat performances until they

reach the level of automatic action. In some
training programs (Rees, 1945) combat

desensitization was aided by exposure to recorded

sounds of actual warfare during mock battles.

Frightening aspects of heavy bombardment were

similarly neutralized by beginning with small fire

and then gradually increasing its intensity until

terrifying explosives could be discharged with


The anxiety-neutralizing power of

desensitization procedures is further revealed in

successful extinction of anxiety disorders arising

from terrifying battle experiences (Saul, Rome,

and Leuser, 1946). In a secure setting, soldiers 328
were shown a graded series of movies of battle

scenes beginning with exposures they could

tolerate. At first the films depicted preparatory

combat activities, followed by scenes of surface

and aerial bombardment from which displays of

injuries and destruction were deleted. In later

sessions the soldiers were gradually presented

with more frightening combat scenes. Reexposure

to the sounds of battle was regulated in a similar
manner. At first the warfare was shown silently,

and only gradually was sound introduced. Day by

day the noise of gunfire and aerial bombardment

was increased until full intensity was reached. As a

further safeguard against excessive emotional

arousal, each soldier was provided his own

volume control with which he could regulate the

amount of aversive stimulation. After about a

dozen showings the soldiers, who earlier exhibited

acute anxiety, hypersensitivity, and recurrent 329
nightmares, were unperturbed by battle scenes

that had previously terrified them. Moreover, the

emotional extinction effect generalized to

everyday situations. The soldiers were able to

attend commercial movies, which most of them

had avoided because of newsreels, and they no
longer responded agitatedly to loud sounds or

music. Schwartz (1945) also extinguished battle

anxieties by repeated exposure to combat films

graded in intensity as part of a larger treatment


Soldiers are returned to civilian life without

putting them through a resocialization process

designed to reinstate aggression restraints or to
restore commitment to the dignity of human life.

Nevertheless, the vast majority promptly revert to

their civilian self-reinforcement systems so that

they are deterred from behaving cruelly by self-

condemning consequences. Achievement of such 330
marked shifts in destructive behavior through

moral sanctions without greatly changing the

person provides striking testimony for the social

control of aggression.

Symbolic Transmission of Aggression

The field studies cited earlier identified some

of the familial conditions that breed antisocial

aggression when the prevailing subculture is not

conducive to such behavior. People can learn
varied forms of aggression even when examples

and direct tuition of assaultive actions are lacking

in both the home and the immediate subculture.

The advent of television has greatly expanded the

range of models available to the growing child.

Whereas his predecessors, especially those in

middle-class homes, had limited opportunity to
observe brutal aggression, the modern child has

witnessed innumerable stabbings, shootings, 331
stompings, stranglings, muggings, and less blatant

but equally destructive forms of cruelty before he

has reached kindergarten age. If parents could

select from diverse alternatives the kinds of

symbolic models they would wish to influence the

development of their children, it is exceedingly

improbable that they would choose Western

gunslingers, remorseless psychopaths, deranged

sadists, and unprincipled racketeers, unless they
harbored odd ambitions for their growing

progeny. The types of symbolic models regularly

furnished to households are evidently determined

more by economic than by moral values.

Therefore, both children and adults, regardless of

their social backgrounds, have unlimited

opportunities to learn from televised modeling

aggressive coping styles and the whole gamut of

felonious behavior within the comfort of their

homes. 332
Evidence that people can learn as much from

symbolic as from actual models indicates that

television is an important source of social

behavior. Indeed, underdeveloped countries, in

which educational resources are limited, rely

heavily upon televised tutors for expanding
children’s cognitive functioning. Consistent with

findings of studies on aggression, television-

mediated learning is usually as effective as that

achieved by actual tutors (Chu and Schramm,


Several field studies (Stein, Friedrich and

Vondracek, 1972; Steuer, Applefield, and Smith,

1971) have shown that exposure to televised
violence increases interpersonal aggressiveness,

but the authors do not report the extent to which

the aggressive acts are explicitly imitative. From

time to time, however, numerous incidents in

which people have patterned their aggressive 333
behavior directly on that of televised models are

reported. Children have been apprehended for

writing bad checks to obtain money for candy, for

sniping at strangers with BB guns, for sending

threatening letters to teachers, and for injurious

switchblade fights after witnessing similar

performances on television (San Francisco

Chronicle, 1961; Schramm, Lyle, and Parker,

1961). Cousins (1949) cites examples in which
children were prepared to carry out televised

homicidal solutions to their own problems. After

receiving an uncomplimentary report card, a

youngster suggested to his father that they send

the teacher a box of poisoned chocolates for

Christmas as he had recently seen on television a

man successfully kill his wife with poisoned candy,

and “she didn’t know who did it.”

That repeated portrayal of slayings may

devalue human life is suggested in the case of a 334
policeman’s son who asked his father for actual

bullets because his sister “doesn’t die for real

when I shoot her like they do when Hopalong

Cassidy kills ’em.” In still another case, “a

housemaid caught a seven-year-old boy in the act

of sprinkling ground glass into the family’s lamb

stew” to determine whether it would work as

effectively as it did on television. Children have

been maimed and sometimes killed while
attempting to reenact the heroics of televised

superstars, and many pets owe their shortened

lives to the influence of televised Western


The modeling effects of televised aggression

apparently are not restricted to the games of

youngsters. It is not uncommon for criminal

activities to be patterned after ingenious styles

portrayed on television. Members of an assaultive

gang styled themselves after the gangsters on the 335
television series, “The Untouchables,” under the

same name (Cleveland Press, 1961). Another ring

of youths successfully employed burglary tactics

learned from the program “It Takes a Thief”

(Washington Post, 1971). The specific entry

procedure, adopted from a televised model,

involved taping a window to avoid the noise of

shattering glass and then breaking it with a

blowtorch. Susan Atkins, a member of the
infamous Manson family, later confessed that the

Sharon Tate killings were committed partly out of

love, in the belief that new murders might cause

police to free another member of their family who

had been jailed for an earlier slaying. She reported

that the idea for the “copycat” murders was

suggested to them by a television movie in which

police concluded they were holding the wrong

suspect after additional murders were committed

in the same manner (San Francisco Chronicle, 336

Television often introduces highly novel forms

of aggression, the effects of which could be easily

measured given advance knowledge of the content

and time of showing. When the depicted activities

pose serious social dangers, the occurrence of

analogous actions must be recorded by

requirement of law. One such experiment was

inadvertently conducted with the showing of the
program “Doomsday Flight,” over vigorous

protests by the airline pilots’ association. The

televised drama depicted an extortionist

threatening airline officials that a pressure-

sensitive bomb would explode on a
transcontinental airliner as the plane descended to

a certain altitude while landing. In the end the

pilot outwits the bomber by selecting an airport

located at an elevation above the critical altitude

setting. A substantial increase in telephoned bomb 337
threats occurred in the week following nationwide

presentation of the program (The New York Times,

1966e). Shortly after reruns of “Doomsday Flight”

were shown in Anchorage and in Sydney,

Australia, two airlines in these cities received

extortion threats that a barometric bomb was

concealed on planes in flight and set to explode at

a certain altitude. The extortion bomb hoax cost

Western Airlines $25,000 and Qantas $560,000 for
information on where the bombs were planted in

the aircraft and how they could be defused. In the

Australian incident the anonymous caller added

force to his demand by also placing a bomb with a

barometrically controlled trigger system in an

airport locker and directing aviation officials to it.

National Airlines also received telephoned

threats in San Francisco and Miami patterned after

the television plot when it was rerun in these

cities (San Francisco Chronicle, 1971c). Following a 338
showing of the “Doomsday Flight” on Montreal

television, an extortionist used the bomb plot in an

effort to extract a quarter of a million dollars from

the British Overseas Airways by warning that a

barometric bomb was set to explode on a jet

bound from Montreal to London when it

descended below 5,000 feet. The hoaxer was

unsuccessful, however, because airline officials,

having gained thorough familiarity with the oft-
repeated scenario, diverted the plane to a high-

altitude landing at the 5,339-foot elevation airport

in Denver (San Francisco Chronicle, 1971d). A

California extortionist came closer to succeeding

by not disclosing the altitude at which the

pressure-triggered bomb would detonate (Palo

Alto Times, 1971). During this period there was a

dramatic rise in airline extortion attempts from a

normal baseline of approximately 2 per month to

an average of 16 per month for the next two 339
months (Murphy, 1971). Frequency data could

similarly be collected for baseline and post-

showing rates of other dramatic forms of violence,

such as stabbings in subways and the like.

Instigation of felonious acts in foreign

countries by exported American programs

illustrates the potential influence of cross-cultural

modeling through television. The medium of

television enlarges the range of models available
to members of other societies for better or for

worse, depending upon the modes of behavior that

are portrayed. The impact of foreign television on

the habits of a society can be verified by

measuring the appearance of styles of behavior
alien to the native culture until the advent of

transcultural televised models. As is true of

intrasocietal modeling, one would expect the

power of foreign televised models to vary with the

international prestige of the exporting nation and 340
the utilitarian value of the modeled practices in

the new cultural setting. Susceptibility to foreign

modeling is also likely to be increased when the

indigenous culture is assigned an inferior status,

thus prompting aspiring members to accept

external media portrayals as exemplifications of


People who ordinarily dismiss the

psychological impact of televised influences
nevertheless protest vigorously when its contents

pose personal threats. Airline pilots and travelers

object to portrayals of bomb plantings on

airplanes; subway riders denounce programs
depicting subway stabbings; and members of

different ethnic and occupational groups condemn

televised characterizations that repeatedly

portray representatives of their groups in an

unfavorable light. 341
Modeling Effects in Collective Aggression

Social responsiveness is extensively guided by

modeling influences, a process that is particularly

noticeable in collective aggression. The present

chapter is concerned only with the forms that

collective aggression takes. Its various causes and

instigators will be analyzed later. Social contagion

of new styles of aggression conforms to a pattern

that characterizes the transitory changes of most

other types of activities: New behavior is initiated

by a salient example; it spreads rapidly in a

contagious fashion; and after it has been widely

adopted it is promptly discarded, often to be

replaced by a new form that follows a similar


Modeled solutions to problems that achieve

some measure of success are not only widely

adopted by people facing similar difficulties, but

tend to spread as well to other troublesome areas. 342
The civil rights movement, which itself was

modeled after Gandhi’s crusades of nonviolent

resistance, in turn provided the example for other

protest campaigns aimed at eliminating injustices

and undesired social practices. Through collective

protest, blacks eventually gained lawful rights

they had been dispossessed of in voting, in the use

of public facilities, and in education. In addition,

opportunities were opened up for which they
were qualified but from which they had been

barred by discrimination. Admittedly, the changes

were slow in coming and fewer than desired, but

much greater than if no coercive action had been

taken. The model of collective protest as a means

of forcing social reforms spread to the antiwar

movement and to disadvantaged groups including

Chicanos, Indians, homosexuals, and women.

The turbulent sixties provide numerous

additional illustrations of the contagion of 343
collective aggression. The urban disorder in Watts,

for instance, grew rapidly into a national

phenomenon following a common pattern of

property burning, looting, and scattered sniper

fire. Urban rioting ceased rather abruptly even

though the desired social and political reforms

were not secured and societal counterresponses, if

anything, provided greater instigation and

justification for violence than had existed
originally. The campus protest movement at

Berkeley served as the model for the sit-in method

of protest in universities throughout the country.

The peaceful sit-in was supplanted by

progressively more aggressive forms of protest,

graduating to combative disruptions of university

functions, and eventually to a rapidly spreading

“trashing.” In this form of aggression, which was

equally transitory, buildings were bombarded

with rocks and firebombed by protesters 344
employing mobile guerrilla tactics. Following a

New York rally in which construction workers

beat up antiwar demonstrators, assaults on

dissident students by hard-hatters spread


Airline hijacking provides another striking

example of the rapid rise and decline of collective

modeling of aggression. Air piracy was unheard of

in the United States until a commercial airliner
was hijacked to Havana in 1961. Prior to this

incident there had been a rash of hijackings of

Cuban airliners to Miami. These incidents were

followed by a wave of hijackings both in the

United States and abroad, a wave that reached its
height in 1969, when a total of 87 airplanes was

pirated (Figure 2.5). Thereafter, hijackings

declined in the United States but continued to

spread to other countries, so that international air

piracy became relatively common. Foreign 345
FIGURE 2.5 Incidence of hijacking over a span of 25 years. The
rise in the foreign hijackings during the 1949-50 period
occurred in Slavic countries at the time of the Hungarian
uprising and the second flare-up between 1958-61 comprised
almost entirely Cuban hijackings to Miami. A sudden
widespread diffusion of hijackings occurred between 1969-71
eventually involving airliners from a total of 55 different
countries. (Plotted from data furnished by the Federal Aviation
Administration) 346
skyjackings then dropped precipitously. News of

an inventive hijacker who successfully parachuted

from an airliner with a large bundle of extorted

money temporarily revived a declining

phenomenon in the United States, as others

became inspired by his successful example (San

Francisco Chronicle, 1971e).

In Brazil a new form of political bargaining

tactic was devised when a United States
ambassador was abducted and later freed in

exchange for political prisoners. This practice

quickly spread across Latin America as other

consular and ambassadorial envoys were
kidnapped in Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala,

Uruguay, and the Dominican Republic, and held

hostage for the release of political prisoners.

Canada and Spain, both containing separatist

political factions, soon joined the ranks of South

American countries in consular abductions. 347
There are several alternative explanations for

the occurrence of analogous forms of aggression in

close temporal proximity but in widely dispersed

places. It might be argued that the likeness in

events is sheer coincidence and that, in fact, they

are in no way causally connected. While this is not
inconceivable, the high stylistic similarity in tactics

and simultaneity of episodes make the validity of

such an interpretation highly improbable. A

second explanation, most often advanced in

political circles, is that the rash of aggressive

incidents are related through a conspiratorial plan

under the direction of revolutionary advocates.

The spread of some types of collective aggression,

as in campus protests and urban disorders, is

sometimes aided by visits from militant

spokesmen without any highly organized strategic

collusion. Moreover, it is not uncommon for

modeled violence to be adopted in settings where 348
there has been no interchange of advocates.

Although conclusive evidence for the

determinants of mass social phenomena is difficult

to obtain, congruence in the style of collective

aggression can be best accounted for in terms of

modeling influences.

New aggressive tactics are usually

disseminated to members of a given community

on the basis of direct contact with actual models.
However, symbolic modeling serves to spread the

modeled patterns to widely dispersed groups.

Newspaper accounts, radio reports, and vivid

televised portrayals furnish detailed examples of

how the new modes of aggressive behavior are
performed, as well as the consequences they are

likely to produce. Hijackers, for instance, learn

piracy behavior from the mass media rather than

from direct observation of a hijacker in action on

an airliner. 349
News of a sensational crime is often followed

by a sharp rise in criminal violence that continues

to grow at an accelerating rate for some time and

then tapers off (Berkowitz and Macaulay, 1972). It

is noteworthy, however, that the jump in violent

offenses generally occurs a short time later rather
than immediately after the horrifying incident.

Assuming that the two sets of events are not

coincidental, the delayed contagion may be

interpreted in several ways. One possibility is that

a heinous crime, by its shocking nature,

temporarily increases restraints. A second

interpretation is that it may require the

cumulative impact of several modeling influences

to initiate a significant rise in violent actions;

thereafter, spreading violence breeds violence.

Delayed effects may also occur because a variety

of situational influences determines when violent

acts will be performed. In the following example, a 350
jealous husband lost his fear of killing by watching

Oswald murdered on television, but he did not slay

his wife’s admirer until they met a short time later.

The husband spontaneously commented on the

disinhibitory effects of observing an actual

homicide: “I saw how easy it was to kill a man
when Oswald was shot on TV” (Portland Press-

Herald, 1963). Reports of a masterly extortion

parachute skyjack did not send viewers running

instantly to their local airports with demands for

cash and parachutes. Within the next few months,

however, a number of hijackers, emboldened by

the successful example, copied the specific tactics,

including threats of bombing unless passengers

were exchanged for ransom money and

parachutes (Palo Alto Times, 1972). Any of the

preceding explanations, either singly or in

combination, may account for the temporal

covariation between the inciting examples and 351
subsequent imitations.

Cross-cultural Studies of Aggression

Variations in aggression training practices

within a given society may cover a limited range of

those found in different cultures. Causal

relationships can be further verified by comparing
the incidence and form of aggression in cultures

providing social learning conditions conducive to

aggression with those in which they are much less


The effects that aggressive modeling and

reinforcement patterns have on cultural

expressions of aggression are strikingly revealed

in ethnographic reports of societies that pursue a

warlike way of life and those that display a pacific
style of behavior. The Dugum Dani, who live in the

New Guinea highlands, exemplify a warrior society

(Gardner and Heider, 1969). In the Dani culture 352
men from villages separated by agricultural
gardens regularly engage in intertribal warfare

that is one of the most valued activities in Dani life.

The Dani do not fight for land, food resources, or

conquest of opponents; rather, fighting serves

social and spiritual purposes.

Dani warfare, which is highly stylized, is

performed in designated battlefields adjacent to

the villages. Sentries maintain continuous

surveillance from high watchtowers to safeguard

against enemy ambushes. Men are armed

wherever they go so they can be readily

summoned to combat surprise raids. Indeed, much

of Dani life is organized around warfare, including

such activities as extended guard duty, fashioning

weapons, cutting grass to prevent ambushes, and

performing magical practices to secure defense

systems. Formal battles are initiated by shouting a

challenge across the no man’s land. After ritualistic 353
confrontations between advance bands of

warriors, the combatants, armed with spears and

bows and arrows, engage in repeated brief clashes

of deadly fighting throughout the day.

Though the origin of the institutionalized

warfare remains unknown, fighting is instigated

and perpetuated largely by feared consequences

of unavenged spirits. It is believed that when a

dead warrior is cremated, a ghost is released that
has the power to cause accidents, sickness, crop

damage, and other misfortunes for living relatives

until avenged by the taking of an enemy life. As a

further method of placating malicious ghosts, a
finger of a little girl is amputated and burned, so

that females lose several fingers before they reach

adulthood. In addition to threats of unavenged

ghosts, fighting is prompted by the goading of

women who seek retaliation for family deaths, and

by the status rewards bestowed on able fighters. 354
Children of the Dani undergo a graduated

training program in learning how to be warriors

that bears on several issues discussed earlier. This

step-wise training is illustrated photographically

in Figure 2.6. Fighting skills are learned and

perfected under simulated conditions long before
the boys engage in actual combat. Young boys are

initiated into fighting techniques by participating

with older peers in a variety of war games that

duplicate conditions of adult combat. In one of the

battle games (spear the seed), berry seeds serve as

opposing warriors who are “killed” by skewering

them with sharpened sticks. The game even

includes a miniature watchtower manned by a

seed warrior. A second game (kill the hoop) is

used to develop skill with spears. The object of this

game is to impale with a lance a bounding vine

hoop tossed by an opposing group. In another

game that duplicates even more closely adult 355 356
FIGURE 2.6 A-E Graduated training program used by the Dani
in teaching their children warrior fighting skills. The tutelage
proceeds through war games with seed militia (A); practice of
spear assaults on inanimate moving targets (B); simulated
battles with actual combatants using grass-stem spears to
safeguard against physical injury (C); and observational
learning of fighting tactics by watching from a distance
warriors fighting on the battlefield 357
warfare patterns, groups of boys battle each other

with grass-stem spears which are not firm enough

to inflict injury. These simulated battles teach the

boys, through example and practice, throwing and

dodging skills, as well as defensive and raiding

strategies of war. The final stage of aggression
training involves observational learning on the

battlefield itself. While warriors of a fighting unit

are engaged in combat, young men watch the

battle from a distance to learn tactics for later use

when they join the ranks of professional warriors.

The Polynesians of the Society Islands present

a marked contrast to the Dani in the socialization

of aggression (Levy, 1969). In the Tahitian society,
physical aggression is rarely modeled, aggressive

behavior is devalued, and unlike the belief system

of the Dani, ancestral spirits serve as punishers

rather than inciters of aggression. Tahitians are

characterized as affable people who are slow to 358
anger, who quickly get over any ill feelings, and

who lack vengefulness and hostile aggressiveness.

They are disinclined to create anger-provoking

situations, and when they show aggression, it is

generally expressed in words rather than physical

fights. On the infrequent occasions when they

aggress physically, they do so in relatively

harmless and designedly inept ways.

From an early age, Tahitians are made to fear

the consequences of anger arousal and aggressive

actions. Anger is presumed to have toxic effects on

the body and is therefore best avoided. Moreover,

if others are provoked, their spoken threats arouse
ancestral spirits who can hurt the provocateur.

Such anticipated consequences foster conciliatory

behavior, even in highly irritating situations.

Although parents are initially permissive of

mock aggressiveness in young children, they 359
strongly discourage hurtful actions and prolonged
anger. Control of aggression is largely achieved

with threats of punishment, especially through the

action of spirits who punish aggressors by causing

illnesses and various injuries. Ordinarily, most

verbal threats are ignored without any

consequences, and hence they either lose their

controlling power or retain their effectiveness

only in the presence of the threatening agents.

Tahitian parents, however, periodically reinforce

their threats by capitalizing on false contingencies.

When people get sick or suffer an accident, the

misfortunes are depicted as caused by their earlier

reprehensible behavior. Since the punishing

spiritual agents are omnipresent, they serve as a

more generalized source of control over

aggression than parents or peers. Thus, by

providing few opportunities for learning

aggressive behavior and by removing its 360
functional value, aggression assumes a minor role

in the Tahitian way of life.

Numerous other examples can be cited in

which different societies foster different

temperaments. In cultural settings where

interpersonal aggression is discouraged and

devalued, people live peaceably (Alland, 1972;

Mead, 1935; Lantis, 1959; Turnbull, 1961). In

other societies that provide extensive training in
aggression and make it an index of manliness or

personal worth, people spend a great deal of time

threatening, fighting, maiming, and killing each

other (Bateson, 1936; Chagnon, 1968; Whiting,

1941). That divergent cultural practices produce
different human natures is even more

convincingly demonstrated by the coexistence for

generations of dissimilar aggressive patterns in

people residing within the same segment or

neighboring segments of a society. Contrasting 361
socialization practices produced markedly

different characteristics in the American Indian.

The Comanche and Apache raised their children to

be warriors (Goodwin, 1942; Linton, 1945),

whereas the Hopi and Zuni, who embraced

peaceful orientations, reared children with gentle

dispositions (Goldfrank, 1945). To take a more

contemporary example, among the American

Hutterites, who stress pacifism as a style of life,
aggressive conduct goes consistently unrewarded

(Eaton and Weil, 1955). Even though children in

this subculture are subjected to severe and

presumably frustrating socialization pressures,

they show virtually no interpersonal aggression.

On the other hand, within the larger American

society, where aggressive masculinity is widely

promoted as a valued quality, combativeness is

not uncommon. Social class differences in

aggressiveness similarly reflect variations in the 362
extent to which such conduct is modeled and


One can only speculate on the origins of

diverse cultural practices. Various explanations

have been advanced in terms of geographic,

biological, technological, and social determinism.

To the extent that geographic conditions impose

different survival demands, they may favor certain

social and economic systems over others.
Proponents of biological determinism ascribe

cultural variations in behavior to inherent racial

qualities of constituent members. As previously

shown, man’s biological endowment creates

response potentialities, not preformed patterns of
social behavior. Technological innovations can

have profound consequences that extinguish old

ways of life and force new social arrangements

and practices. Finally, social events and the efforts

of influential men can set in motion influences that 363
alter the aims, the social organization, and the

reinforcement practices of a society.

Whatever their origins, once social practices

become institutionalized with authorized

sanctions, they tend to be self-perpetuating long

after the historical determinants cease to exist.

The power of social determinism is clearly

demonstrated by groups migrating to new

societies where they transplant their traditional
ways of life and, given sufficient collective

isolation, preserve the patterns over generations.

Thus, the Hutterites adhere to nonaggressive

codes of conduct within a larger society in which
rivalrous and aggressive behaviors have relatively

high functional value. When a subgroup is unable

to maintain its social isolation, as is commonly the

case, the impact of powerful foreign influences

produces fundamental changes in what is valued

and in prevailing modes of behavior. Warlike 364
tribes eventually adopted peaceful ways of life

under government edict that removed all social

supports for violent activities (Goldfrank, 1943).

Cultures in which aggression is less firmly

entrenched in prestige systems discard fighting

even more rapidly under outside influence. The

Fore, an equalitarian society in the New Guinea

highlands, is a perfect case in point. They promptly

gave up warfare on the arrival of Australian
officials (Sorenson, 1971).

Individuals raised in aggressive societies are

prone to attribute fighting to man's biological

makeup and have difficulty conceiving of people
living peaceably. Researchers coming from these

settings who subscribe to the belief that man

possesses an aggressive drive requiring periodic

discharge selectively search for evidence of

psychological disorders when they study the

people of pacific societies. Considering the 365
omnipresence of problems of living, the dubious

validity of personality tests, and the elasticity of

referents for psychiatric conditions, one who sets

out to demonstrate that noncombativeness is

hazardous to mental health should have no

difficulty in finding confirmatory evidence,

regardless of the merits of the belief. The

reinforcement customs and habits of aggressive

societies are rarely, if ever, studied by observers
from gentle cultures. Were they to conduct

anthropological field research revealing that in

societies in which aggressiveness is idealized and

cultivated people recurrently humiliate, injure,

and kill each other, they would undoubtedly be

struck with how aggression is generated by man’s

social customs. From the social learning

perspective, human nature is characterized as a

vast potentiality that can be fashioned by social

influences into a variety of forms. 366
chapter three

Instigators of Aggression

People rarely aggress in blind, indiscriminate

ways. Rather, aggressive actions tend to occur at

certain times, in certain settings, toward certain

objects or individuals, and in response to certain

forms of provocation. As Toch (1969) has noted, if

one wished to observe a stabbing, he could best do

so by visiting a bar or a street corner frequented

by a teenage gang in a slum neighborhood on a

weekend night. Contrary to popular accounts of

aggression as explosive emotional reactions, like

other forms of social conduct, performance of 367
injurious actions is extensively regulated by

environmental cues (Bandura and Walters, 1959).

A theory of aggression must therefore explain not

only how aggressive patterns are developed, but

also how it is that some stimuli become elicitors of

aggression while others do not. This chapter

examines the processes whereby originally
neutral events acquire aggression-evoking

potential. In addition, it reviews in some detail

research on the types of incidents that function as

predictable elicitors of aggressive actions as well

as on the predisposing conditions.



Most of the events that evoke aggressive

behavior in humans gain this capacity through

learning experiences rather than from genetic
endowment. Potent aggression elicitors, such as

personal insults, verbal challenges, status threats, 368
unjust treatment, and provocative aggressive

displays, obviously do not instigate two-year-olds

to fight. As development progresses, however,

people no longer remain indifferent to either

direct or symbolic assaults. A wealth of research

findings shows how aggression can be provoked in

others, but relatively few studies have been

addressed to the issue of how elicitors that are not

innately valenced acquire aggression-arousing
properties in the first place. As is true of other

types of behavior, aggression can be brought

under stimulus control through either paired

experiences or response consequences.

Stimulus-contingent Experiences

The discussion of learning principles in the

introductory chapter explained how formerly
ineffective stimuli acquire the capacity to control

behavior through paired experiences. The 369
operation of this learning process in aggression is

illustrated by studies of conditioned fighting. Since

researchers cannot record all the learning

experiences of everyday life that serve to endow

stimuli with controlling functions, the basic

mechanism is best examined under laboratory

conditions. In these experiments a previously

ineffective stimulus, such as a tone, is repeatedly

associated with pain-elicited aggression in pairs of
animals (Creer, Hitzing, and Schaeffer, 1966;

Farris, Gideon, and Ulrich, 1970; Lyon and Ozolins,

1970; Vernon and Ulrich, 1966). After a number of

such paired experiences, in which the tone

foreshadows provoked assault, the appearance of

the tone alone tends to produce fighting. Delgado

(1963) similarly found that aggressiveness in

monkeys could be classically conditioned to a

formerly neutral stimulus by associating it with

aggressive behavior originally elicited by brain 370

In natural situations physical assaults are

ordinarily preceded by a sequence of provocative

threats. Studies reported by Thompson (1969)

show how anticipatory aggressive displays can be

brought under discriminative stimulus control.

Animals learned to exhibit aggressive threats in

the presence of a red light that previously signaled

aggressive activities, but they rarely behaved in a
provocative manner to a green light that had never

been associated with aggression-provoking

experiences. The same learning mechanism is

involved in neutralizing conditioned signals.

Aggression elicitors lose their provocative value as
a result of new experiences in which they are no

longer associated with aggression (Farris, Fullmer,

and Ulrich, 1970).

The learning histories of different individuals 371
often vary substantially, and hence the incidents
that set off aggressive actions in one person may

have relatively little effect on another. Toch’s

(1969) studies of chronic assaulters give some

indication of how aggression elicitors are

conditioned in the course of natural social

interactions. One of the cases reported suffered a

humiliating beating as a youngster at the hands of

an imposing opponent, a painful incident that

determined his selection of future victims.

Thereafter, he would become violent at any slight

provocation by a large-sized person. These

characteristics acquired such powerful control

over his aggressive behavior that they often

overrode the hazardous consequences of attacking

powerfully built opponents.

Although people learn to dislike and to attack

certain types of individuals on the basis of direct

aggressive encounters with them, aggression 372
instigators are perhaps more often established

through symbolic and vicarious experiences. In the

former case, the names and attributes of given

individuals are paired with words or pictures

likely to evoke in observers strong negative

reactions on the basis of prior learning. Thus, for

example, formerly neutral events take on negative

valence through repetitive pairings with adjectives

having repugnant connotations (for example, ugly,
dirty), whereas the same things are evaluated

favorably after they have been associated with

words that conjure up pleasant reactions (Insko

and Oakes, 1966; Staats and Staats, 1957). Likes

and dislikes toward familiar names of persons and

nations have also been created using emotionally

charged words (Berkowitz and Knurek, 1969;

Staats and Staats, 1958).

A study by Das and Nanda (1963) further

reveals that evaluative responses established 373
through symbolic means tend to generalize along

previously established associative networks, thus

producing effects that extend beyond the specific

experience. After associating neutral syllables with

the names of two aboriginal tribes, positive and

negative reactions were developed toward the

syllables by pairing them with affective words.

The tribes took on positive or negative values in

accordance with the evaluative responses attached
to the syllables with which they had been

associated. Similarly, by observing the hatreds

expressed by others, people acquire strong

emotional reactions toward certain things or

classes of people on the basis of little or no

personal contact with them.

Response-contingent Experiences

A second way in which aggressive actions are

brought under the control of environmental cues 374
is through association with differential response

consequences. When the same behavior is treated

differently depending on the times, places, or

persons toward whom it is directed, these

informative cues come to signify the probable

consequences accompanying certain actions, and

people regulate their behavior accordingly. They

tend to aggress toward persons and in contexts

where it is relatively safe and rewarding to do so,
but they are disinclined to display such behavior

when it carries high risk of punishing


The precision of stimulus control of fighting is

again most clearly revealed in animal

experimentation, where the requisite learning

conditions can easily be created. Reynolds,

Catania, and Skinner (1963) reinforced hungry

animals with food whenever they attacked

another animal in blue light, whereas fighting in 375
green light was never rewarded. Under these

conditions of selective reinforcement, animals

fought predominantly in blue illumination, but

rarely did so in green light. Later, opponents

learned to fight in the presence of the green light

as well when it signified that attack would bring

rewarding results. Thereafter, the animals’

aggressive behavior could be effectively regulated

simply by changing color cues that signaled
probable outcomes—one group attacked in blue

light, the other attacked in green light. Dominance

hierarchies created by the reinforcement

contingencies could be repeatedly reversed simply

by altering the discriminative fighting cues. In blue

situations the blue-rewarded animals behaved in

an aggressively domineering fashion, while the

green-rewarded animals were submissive; under

green circumstances, the social ranking was

reversed. The latter findings would suggest that 376
the relative stability of dominance relations noted

among animals in their natural habitat partly

results because the social circumstances under

which domineering behavior is originally

established do not change much over time. In a

further extension of the aforementioned
experiment, paired animals were reinforced for

retiring to opposite corners of their cage when

white light was present. By alternating the color

fighting cues and white illumination, the animals

could be induced to fight and then return to their

corners during white light periods between


It has been shown that animals will aggress

toward a companion when they must work hard in

order to secure food reinforcement. After a time,

stimuli that have been correlated with aversive

work demands for meager rewards provoke attack

reactions, whereas stimuli that signal a more 377
beneficent rate of reinforcement virtually never

produce combative behavior (Cole and Litchfield,

1969; Flory, 1969a).

The discussion thus far has focused on the

development of aggression elicitors. Stimulus

control also serves to regulate and reduce

aggression. In social systems based on force,

aggression largely determines social organization.

This relationship is most strikingly illustrated in
field studies of primate behavior. Past successes

and defeats in combat establish a well-defined

dominance hierarchy that inhibits intragroup

fighting. As long as the social order is maintained,
ranking members effectively control aggression of

those subordinate to them by threat displays

alone. Any overt aggression, when it does occur, is

directed downward, usually to the immediately

lower member who represents the most serious

status threat. If the social order is disrupted by 378
introducing strangers, intragroup fighting erupts

and persists until a new dominance hierarchy is

established (Southwick, 1967). Interestingly,

status threats produced by social changes in

membership have a much greater impact on levels

of intragroup fighting than do environmental

changes such as food deprivation and crowding.

It is easy to find parallels between aggression

in the primate social order and in human
functioning. Like primates, man often fights

competitively for leadership when dominant

figures depart or are overthrown; coercive threats

are used extensively to constrain aggressive
encounters between contending factions; and

forceful challenges of those in positions of

authority bring prompt counterattacks. It would

be a mistake, however, to conclude that aggression

is an inevitable determinant of social organization.

Societies do exist in which the prevailing 379
reinforcement systems actively promote

nonaggressive qualities as the basis for social

status (Alland, 1972). Perhaps even fighting

among animals could be drastically reduced, if not

eliminated, by removing the rewarding payoffs for

aggression. If aggression is not inevitable, then

social ranking by threat is adaptive for superiors

in maintaining a privilege system to their liking,

but detrimental to the hapless subordinates who
must content themselves with meager offerings.

Writers who extol the adaptive benefits of ranking

created and perpetuated by force are interpreting

the situation from the perspective of victors rather

than victims. Evidence for reinforcement control

of animal aggression suggests that by making

access to food, mates, and the like contingent upon

sharing behavior, a primate society could

conceivably be organized as well around

cooperative as around fighting skills. Kuo’s (1960) 380
reported success in establishing stable

equalitarian relationships among animals merits

further investigation. Research on aggression

must not only record what exists, but determine

what is possible under different social conditions.

In everyday life the potential consequences of

aggressive actions are most often conveyed by

distinctive features of potential targets—the

positions they occupy in dominance hierarchies,
their social roles, their sex status, their familiarity,

their combative reputation, their size, and so on.

Aggressive behavior is therefore extensively

regulated by anticipated consequences derived

from informative social cues. Without this type of
stimulus control, people would repeatedly aggress

foolhardily without concern for the probable

effects of their actions.

The preceding chapter contained an analysis of

how new patterns of aggression are learned

through the examples provided by aggressive

models. The expression of preexisting aggressive

responses, however learned, is also extensively

regulated by the actions of others. Numerous
experiments have investigated the effects of

exposure to live and symbolic models on

subsequent interpersonal aggressiveness.

A major difficulty in studying the conditions

that lead people to behave punitively arises

because, for obvious humane reasons, one cannot

incite individuals to inflict injury on each other.

Buss (1961) has devised a procedure that
provides individuals with opportunities to engage

in physically injurious behavior without the victim

experiencing any pain. The aggression apparatus

used for this purpose consists of a panel

containing ten shock buttons arranged in 382
increasing intensity, together with lights that

signal right and wrong responses ostensibly made

by the victim in an adjacent room. The task is

typically presented as a study of the effects of

punishment on learning, in which participants

shock the “learner” every time the apparatus

signals that he has made a mistake. They are free

to vary the length and the intensity of the shocks

administered. In some studies, participants simply
judge the quality of another person’s performance

by administering more shocks of their own

choosing the more they devalue his work.

Aggressors usually sample a few shocks at the

outset to familiarize themselves with the severity

of pain corresponding to the different shock

buttons. Unknown to the aggressor, however,

there either is no target person in the adjacent

room or the shock electrodes are inoperative and

the intended victim suffers no pain. 383
During the task a given number of wrong

responses is signaled on the aggressor’s panel, and

the duration and intensity of the shocks he inflicts

on the victim are recorded. Since aggressors are

clearly aware of what shock intensities they are

administering, whereas they may be relatively
inaccurate in judging the duration of each shock,

the intensity measure generally yields stronger

relationships to variables that are known to

determine aggressive responsiveness. Participants

who do not wish to behave cruelly can easily meet

the task requirements by choosing low-intensity

buttons that would cause no discomfort and by

curtailing their duration. On the other hand, those

who select painful shocks and keep their thumbs

on the shock button for relatively long periods are

acting in an unnecessarily punitive manner.

In a somewhat different procedure (Taylor,

1967; Shuntich and Taylor, 1972), participants 384
compete in a task ostensibly with another person

in an adjoining room, though in fact there is no

opponent. Participants select at the beginning of

each trial any of five intensities of shock they wish

their opponent to receive when he is defeated. On

trials in which the opponent presumably wins, the

participants receive the shock their opponent set

for them. With this type of procedure one can

study initiation and retaliation of aggression in
sequential interchanges under varying degrees of

opponent provocation.

A number of studies using some of these

approaches have been conducted to elucidate how
modeling influences, either singly or in

conjunction with other determinants, affect

people’s interpersonal aggressiveness. Epstein

(1966) investigated the interaction effects of

observers’ authoritarian attitudes and the models’

ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics on 385
aggression directed toward a black victim. White

college students varying in authoritarianism

observed either a white or a black model

aggressing toward a black person. For half the

students the models represented, in dress and

interview replies, a lower-class rank; for the

remaining students the models conveyed a

middle-class status. On the assumption that high

authoritarians tend to be conforming and sensitive
to power relations, they were expected to be more

imitative of punitive models, especially middle-

class ones, than low authoritarians. It was further

reasoned that seeing a minority model attack a

member of his own group would legitimize such

behavior; a black aggressor would elicit from

white observers more punitive treatment of a

black victim than would a white aggressor.

Compared to students who had no exposure to

aggressive modeling, those who observed punitive 386
models subsequently administered two to three

times as many shocks that were labeled “very

strong’’ and that evoked vocal expressions of pain

from the victim. Although the models’ social status

did not exert a differential effect, the observers’

authoritarianism and the models’ ethnic

characteristics were important determinants of

imitative aggression. High authoritarians were

more imitatively aggressive than lows, and the
black model evoked greater punitive behavior

than the white aggressor. Some data also

suggested evidence that the imitative aggression

of people who have strong authoritarian attitudes

is relatively indiscriminative. Whereas low

authoritarians refrained from imitating the white

model but were responsive to the influence of the

black one, high authoritarians readily adopted the

punitive actions of the models regardless of their

ethnic characteristics. 387
The present study cannot establish whether

the black model induced more imitative

aggression because the victim of his attack was

ethnically similar, was of minority status, or

because of other factors. To clarify this

relationship would require an experimental design
in which the ethnic characteristics of observers

are varied and the target persons include whites

as well as members of minority groups that differ

from the model’s ethnic affiliation.

Modeled punitiveness can disinhibit

aggression in children as well as in adults. Hoelle

(1969) measured the willingness of young boys to

shock a peer for incorrect answers after they
observed a model using either high or low shock

intensities exclusively, or when no model was

observed. Punitive modeling produced more

intense aggressive responsiveness than displays of

subdued aggressiveness or no modeling, which did 388
not differ from each other.

Most studies of the behavioral effects of

modeling present the aggressive models on film

either to ensure standard portrayal of the action

or because of intrinsic interest in the influence

potential of symbolic modeling. In an early

'experiment of this type, Walters and Llewellyn-

Thomas (1963) found that both adults and

adolescents who watched the knife-fight scene
from the motion picture Rebel Without a Cause

behaved more punitively toward another person,

whereas a control film on art work had no

influence on their aggressiveness. The aggression-
enhancing effects of both real-life and symbolic

aggressive modeling have since been abundantly

documented by other investigators studying

diverse populations.

It has been assumed by advocates of the 389
catharsis hypothesis (Buss, 1961; Feshbach, 1964,
1970) that the cathartic or drive-reducing effects

of aggressive modeling occur only under certain

specified conditions. Observation of aggression

supposedly reduces subsequent injurious

behavior only if observers are angered at the time

of exposure. If, on the other hand, the aggressive

drive has not been aroused, vicarious participation

in aggressive activities will heighten ensuing

aggressiveness. The catharsis theory thus

presupposes that the functional properties of

aggressive modeling can be radically altered by

transitory emotional states of the observer.

An aggressive response sequence generally

contains two important elements—the aggressive

actions of the attacker, and the pain expressions of

the victim. Although a number of researchers have

reported changes in punitiveness following

exposure to fight sequences, no attempt had been 390
made to determine whether the pain expressions

or the instrumental aggression depicted were

primarily responsible for the obtained effects. It is

apparent from results of experiments employing

inanimate targets that observation of aggressive

acts in the absence of pain cues can produce

substantial increases in aggressive behavior.

There are conflicting views, however, on whether

expressive pain reactions augment or counteract
the effects of aggressive displays. According to the

theory of aggression proposed by Sears, Maccoby,

and Levin (1957), signs of pain and injury

resulting from a child’s aggressive behavior occur

sufficiently often in conjunction with the removal

of his frustrations that seeing others in pain can

acquire rewarding value and thus enhance

aggressiveness. In contrast, it would be predicted

from principles of generalization and vicarious

arousal that expressions of pain would elicit 391
empathetic and anxiety reactions that serve as

aggression inhibitors. Functional relationships

could be even more complicated if the rewarding

and inhibiting properties of witnessed pain were

significantly altered by the observers’ level of

anger arousal.

Hartmann (1969) examined the independent

and interactive effects of anger instigation,

aggressive actions, and pain expressions on
subsequent interpersonal punitiveness.

Adolescent delinquent boys who had or had not

been angered were shown one of three films, each

of which portrayed two adolescent boys tossing

balls on a basketball court. In the control film the
boys engage in active but noncompetitive play,

whereas in the other two films the boys get into an

argument that develops into a fistfight. The pain-

cues film focuses almost exclusively on the

victim’s pain reactions as he is vigorously 392
pummeled and kicked by his opponent. The

instrumental-aggression film, on the other hand,

centers on the assailant’s actions, including angry

facial expressions, foot thrusts, flying fists, and

hostile remarks. After exposure to their respective

films, the boys were provided with an opportunity

to shock the peer who earlier had either angered

them or treated them in a considerate manner.

Results of this experiment, based on several

indexes of aggressiveness, are contrary to the

catharsis hypothesis, but consistent with social

learning theory. Boys who had observed either the

aggressive acts or the pain expressions
administered more severe shocks, both under

aroused and nonaroused conditions, than boys

who watched the nonaggressive film (Figure 3.1).

Moreover, angered viewers behaved more

aggressively than nonangered ones after

observing aggressive activities, a result that is 393
FIGURE 3.1 Mean shock intensities administered by angered
and nonangered adolescents after observing either
instrumental aggression, pain expressions of the victim as he is
being assaulted, or a nonaggressive control film. (Hartmann,
1969) 394
directly counter to the catharsis hypothesis. Prior

anger arousal also heightened aggression in

control subjects but not significantly. The finding

that anger instigation combined with aggressive

modeling increased punitiveness, but anger alone

did not, provides additional evidence for the role

of modeling influences in determining aggressive

responsiveness to emotional arousal.

Although boys who watched either aggressive

actions or their painful consequences showed

similar increases in the intensity of shocks

administered, these two groups differed when

punitiveness was measured in terms of both
intensity and duration of shock stimulation

(Figure 3.2). Nonangered boys were more punitive

when they had witnessed another person severely

beaten. The relationship between punitiveness

and suffering feedback will depend upon, among

other factors, who the assailant is, the strength of 395
FIGURE 3.2 Mean punitiveness (shock level x duration)
displayed by angered and nonangered adolescents after
observing either instrumental aggression, pain expressions of
the victim as he is being assaulted, or a nonaggressive control
film. (Hartmann, 1969) 396
his aggression restraints, and the severity of the

injuries he causes. Evidence will be cited later

indicating that a victim’s suffering is more likely to

lessen attacks when the injurious consequences

are produced by the aggressor’s own actions than

by observed assaults. Moreover, seeing horrid

results of aggression by others may reduce

punitiveness in observers by exposing the

potential dangers of such conduct, whereas
expressions of suffering alone may have few or no

inhibitory effects (Goranson, 1970).

It will be recalled that in the motivational

analysis of aggression from a social learning
perspective, the expression of aggressive behavior

is partly controlled by emotional arousal and by

reinforcement influences. A number of modeling

studies have been reported that are pertinent to

these assumptions. One would expect people to

aggress more freely toward victims who cannot 397
retaliate than toward those who are apt to

counteraggress. Baron (1971b) examined the

extent to which responsiveness to modeling

influences is affected by threat of retaliation.

Seeing another person inflict punishment on a

provocateur raised the level of punitiveness in

angered observers when they were also given an

opportunity to get back at him, but threat of

retaliation significantly reduced aggression only in
subjects who had no exposure to aggressive


It is surprising that the almost certain

likelihood of reprisal did not significantly
attenuate the instigative effects of modeling.

Possibly this finding reflects the operation of

arousal processes. Under high anger arousal,

aggressive behavior may be under relatively poor

outcome control. That is, an enraged person is

likely to attack and then to worry about possible 398
consequences of his actions if he sees others

aggress unconcernedly toward a common

antagonist. Under low instigation, however,

observers are likely to be more heedful of how

their actions may affect both themselves and their


The research discussed thus far demonstrates

that aggressive modeling raises the level of

aggression shown by others. Conversely,
aggression can be reduced in observers by

exposure to models who behave in a restrained,

nonaggressive fashion in the face of provocation.

This is revealed in a study by Baron and Kepner
(1970), who measured the punitiveness of

angered college students after they had seen a

model punish the insulter severely, respond to

him in a nonaggressive way, or had observed no

models. As shown in Figure 3.3, students who

watched the punitive model exhibited the highest 399
FIGURE 3.3 Mean intensity of shocks administered by adults
depending on whether they had previously observed
aggressive models, nonaggressive models, or no models, and
whether they had high or low attraction toward the model.
Within each of the three modeling conditions, the solid lines
represent the high attraction subgroups and the dashed lines
represent the low attraction subgroups. (Baron and Kepner,
1970) 400
amount of aggression, whereas those exposed to a

nonaggressive model performed relatively little

aggression and were significantly lower in this

respect than students who did not see the

reactions of others. Whether observers liked or

disliked the model had no appreciable effect on

the degree to which they were affected by his

behavior. The latter finding is consistent with

previous results showing that aggression can be
readily disinhibited by models regardless of their

attractive qualities (Bandura and Huston, 1961;

Madsen, 1968), and even by successful but

disliked models (Bandura, Ross, and Ross, 1963b).

Baron (1971a) presents additional suggestive

evidence that under multiple modeling influences,

the presence of a restrained model can counteract

the instigative effects of an aggressive one. Thus,

angered students exposed successively to a model

who aggressed against their annoyer and one who 401
behaved temperately were not only less punitive

than those observing only an aggressive example,

but did not differ in this respect from subjects

provided with no social guides for their actions.

Although modeled restraint can often serve to

avert violence, it is apt to be less effective when

observers are highly angered (Waldman and

Baron, 1971) or when aggression produces good


Explanation of Modeling Effects

Social learning theory postulates several

processes whereby modeling influences enhance

expression of previously learned aggressive

responses. As noted earlier, the actions of others

function as social cues in facilitating similar

behavior in observers. People often do what they
see others doing. In this response facilitation

process, a model’s behavior simply provides an 402
external inducement for similar actions that can

be performed with ease.

Modeling influences acquire response-

activating power through prior differential

reinforcement. The behavior patterns widely

adopted within a given culture are usually those of

proven functional value, so that new members are

spared the hazards and travail of unguided trial-

and-error groping. In most instances, therefore,
behaving like others is rewarding, whereas

dissimilar actions are often less effective or may

even bring disapproval. As a result of such

differential consequences, modeled actions come
to serve as informative cues that similar

performances are likely to be positively

reinforced. Conversely, when contingencies are

reversed, so that analogous responses are never

reinforced but dissimilar behavior is consistently

rewarded, imitativeness is rarely exhibited (Miller 403
and Dollard, 1941).

Observers obviously differ in the extent to

which their behavior is guided by the actions of

others, and not all models are equally influential in

evoking the types of behavior that they themselves

exemplify. Responsiveness to modeling influences

is largely governed by three sets of variables.

These include, in decreasing order of importance,

the reinforcement contingencies associated with
matching behavior, the attributes of models, and

observer characteristics.

The principles that explain how modeling

stimuli acquire the capacity to evoke similar
responses account as well for the differential

influence of various model and observer

characteristics. Models differ in the extent to

which their behavior is likely to be successful in

producing valued outcomes. People are most 404
frequently rewarded for following the behavior of
models who are intelligent, who possess certain

social and technical competencies, who command

social power, and who, by virtue of their

adroitness, occupy high positions in various status

hierarchies. In contrast, the behaviors of models

who are ineffectual, uninformed, and who have

attained low vocational, intellectual, and social

status are apt to have considerably less functional

value. Identifying attributes and status-conferring

symbols thus assume informative value in

signifying the probable consequences resulting

from behavior modeled by different people.

Through a process of generalization, the effect of a

model’s prestige carries over from one area of

behavior to another and to unfamiliar persons, to

the extent that they share similar characteristics

with models whose behavior has been effective in

the past. Similarly, individuals who achieve better 405
outcomes with minimal effort costs from following

the examples of others than from their own

independent endeavors are apt to be most

responsive to modeling influences.

Aggressive behavior, especially when cruel,

invidious, and lacking adequate justification, is

often socially censured if not self-condemned.

Consequently, anticipated punishment exerts a

restraining influence on aggressive actions. A
second major function of modeling influences is to

strengthen or to weaken inhibitions of responses

that already exist in observers’ repertoires

(Bandura, 1971c). The effects that modeling exerts

on behavioral restraints are largely determined by
observing the consequences engendered by the

models’ responses. Seeing the behavior of models

punished generally suppresses similar

responsiveness in observers. On the other hand,

observing models engage in threatening or 406
disapproved activities without experiencing any

adverse consequences reduces observers’

restraints toward behaving in a like manner. In

social groups where aggressive conduct is

regarded as emulative behavior, aggressive

modeling influences are primarily instigational,

whereas in those groups that censure such actions,

modeling may also serve a disinhibitory function.

Usually both instigational and disinhibitory
processes are involved.

Modeling may produce disinhibitory effects in

several different ways. When people respond

approvingly or even indifferently to the actions of
assailants, they convey the impression that

aggression is not only acceptable but expected in

similar situations. By thus legitimizing aggressive

conduct, observers anticipate less risk of

reprimand or loss of self-respect for such actions.

In addition, observing models perform anxiety- 407
provoking responses without experiencing any

untoward consequences results in vicarious

extinction of fears and behavioral inhibitions.

These sorts of changes are most strikingly

illustrated in the treatment of severe phobic

conditions through modeling procedures

(Bandura, 1971a). People who are terrified of

snakes, for instance, and cannot approach them

are generally able to handle them without
experiencing fear arousal after seeing bold

performers engage in threatening interactions

with snakes. Cline, Croft, and Courrier (1972)

report a similar extinction process in response to

aggressive modeling. Children initially showed

high emotional arousal to filmed aggression, but

they exhibited progressively less emotional

responsiveness during successive viewings of the

same violence.

Reduction of inhibitions does not mean that 408
observers will attack people indiscriminately, as

some authors mistakenly contend (Berkowitz,

1965b; Berkowitz and Geen, 1966). Nor does the

appearance of aggressive behavior as a result of

restraint reduction imply that a formerly bridled

urge to attack is set free or that individuals are

internally impelled to aggress by liberated “habits”

(Berkowitz, 1970). These misunderstandings can

best be clarified by considering cases in which
rigid restraints over other forms of behavior are

eliminated. Obviously, snake phobics who have

had their inhibitions removed do not go around

randomly stroking reptiles, whether venomous or

not. On the occasions when they do handle snakes,

they are externally prompted to do so rather than

internally propelled by aroused serpent-caressing

habits seeking expression. Indeed, how can

“habits,” whatever they may be, activate

themselves? 409
When inhibitions are reduced, behavior is

more subject to cognitively mediated control.

Actions are now self-regulated by anticipated

social and other external consequences, by self-

evaluative responses to one’s own behavior, and

by other considerations. Behavior is not only
discriminatively performed in accordance with the

effects it is likely to produce, but must still be

activated and guided by various stimulus

conditions. What a disinhibitory interpretation

does imply is that, given appropriate instigation,

responses will be performed more rapidly, more

strongly, or more often when behavioral

inhibitions are weak than when they are strong.

Aggressive modeling can have additional

psychological effects, though these may be of

lesser importance. The behavior of models directs

observers’ attention to the particular objects used

by performers. As a result, observers may 410
subsequently use the same objects to a greater

extent, though not necessarily in an imitative way.

In one experiment (Bandura, 1962), for example,

children who had observed a model pummel a

plastic figure with a mallet spent more time

pounding other things with a mallet than those

who did not see a person handle this particular

weapon. Stimulus enhancing effects are

distinguished from response facilitation in that the
observers’ behavior in the former case, although

the same implements are used, may bear little or

no resemblance to the modeled activities.

It has been further shown that observation of

others fighting produces emotional arousal, as

measured physiologically, in children (Cline, Croft,

and Courrier, 1972; Osborn and Endsley, 1971), in

adults (Ziilmann, 1971), and in animals (Welch

and Welch, 1968). The resultant emotional arousal

may augment the strength of aggressive 411
responding. Much of the effects of exposure to

violent displays is, in fact, attributed by

Tannenbaum (1972) to their arousal rather than

their content properties. This interpretation,

though partially valid, requires certain

qualifications. Social conduct is learned from

modeled contents, not from physiological

activation per se. Combat strategies, for example,

are better acquired by observing the actions of
skillful fighters than from seeing equally arousing

amorous behavior enacted in a boudoir.

Differential sanctions for aggressive behavior,

conveyed through content, can substantially affect

the degree of punitiveness elicited by assaultive

models under the same level of excitation. And

finally, depicted catastrophic consequences tend

to reduce aggressiveness even though they

generate higher emotional arousal than less

frightening outcomes resulting from the same 412
assaultive actions. The empirical evidence, taken

together, reveals that models can serve as

teachers, as elicitors, as disinhibitors, as stimulus

enhancers, and as emotion arousers. A complete

account of how models affect observers must

encompass the diverse functions of modeling

Researchers who have advanced views on

aggression differ in the relative emphasis they
place on the eliciting and disinhibitory functions of

modeling influences. In explaining contagion of

aggression, Wheeler (1966), for example, assigns a

prominent role to the reduction of internal

restraints against aggressive actions. People who
have been provoked presumably experience a

conflict between an urge to aggress and their fear

of displaying such behavior. Observation of others

responding aggressively reduces observers’ fears,

thereby enabling them to perform similar actions. 413
Wheeler and his associates have explored

several implications of an explanation of

aggressive modeling in terms of disinhibitory

processes. In the procedure employed, which is

concerned solely with modeling of verbal

aggression, adults (typically naval recruits)
express opinions on a number of topics via an

intercom system and then supposedly evaluate

each other’s judgments. Unknown to the listener,

however, the verbal interchanges he hears are

prerecorded to create different social influences.

One of the recorded participants, who assumes the

instigator role, arrogantly voices offensive views,

while the second recorded participant, the

aggressive model, derides him with varying

outcomes. Following exposure to aggressive

modeling, listeners' verbal aggression toward the

obnoxious annoyer is measured.

As previously noted, behavioral restraints are 414
largely determined by the effects that modeled

aggression produces. Results of these studies

provide only partial support for a restraint

reduction process. Listeners were equally verbally

abusive toward the obnoxious character

regardless of whether they heard him

counterattack, temper his original remarks, or

show no response after the aggressive model

berated him (Wheeler and Caggiula, 1966).
Although listeners were more restrained after

hearing an authority figure reprimand the model

for attacking the provocateur, neither model self-

censure nor peer disapproval of the model

affected hostile responsiveness in the listener

(Wheeler and Smith, 1967). Wheeler and Levine

(1967) hypothesized that in circumstances where

restraints arise from fear of punishment by an

external agent, similar and dissimilar models will

disinhibit aggression with equal ease. As it turned 415
out, subjects who observed a dissimilar aggressor

later expressed more hostility than those who

heard an aggressor resembling them in many

characteristics. The authors reasoned that seeing a

person who is quite different get angry at an

irritator provides greater justification for one’s
own annoyance than observing someone with a

similar outlook.

Some of the discrepancies between Wheeler’s

findings and those of others regarding the

inhibitory effects of model punishment are

probably attributable to the nature of the

treatment conditions. The annoyer behaved so

obnoxiously that the modeled reprimands would
appear justified regardless of the sentiments of

others. Model punishment, of course, does not

automatically produce response inhibition. The

degree to which observed outcomes affect

aggression restraints will be largely determined 416
by the comparability, assumed or real, of response

consequences customarily applied to models and

observers. Social learning theory therefore assigns

greater weight to similarity of probable

consequences than to similarity of personal

attributes in predicting modeling effects. Those

who censured the model for his hostile attack

differed in potential control over subjects’ future

well-being. The authority figure, presented as a
commanding officer, could produce repercussions

for naval enlistees beyond the experimental

situation should they misbehave, whereas

unfamiliar peers could in no way get back at them.

It would be of interest to study the effects of

observing response consequences to aggressors

under different levels of provocation, and where

the characteristics of censuring agents and their

controlling power are varied. It might be noted

parenthetically that aggression can be most 417
effectively disinhibited by praising and otherwise

rewarding the aggressor for his daring actions.

Berkowitz (1965a; 1970) conceives of

modeling stimuli principally as activators of

implicit aggressive responses, although sometimes

he ascribes changes in aggression to disinhibitory

processes as well. According to his motivational

analysis, aggressive responsiveness requires both

a state of anger arousal and the presence of
environmental stimuli that possess aggression-

activating properties. Anger arousal “primes” the

organism for aggressive actions; the stimuli

trigger them off. Under low anger arousal a

powerful releaser is considered necessary to elicit
aggressive responses, but a relatively weak

external stimulus will suffice under high

instigation. Berkowitz’s formulation thus provides

a revised frustration-aggression theory that differs

from the traditional hypothesis mainly in the role 418
assigned to external cues. Whereas the traditional

version depicts aggression as largely impelled by

internal excitation, Berkowitz views frustration

produced arousal as merely a predisposing state

requiring an appropriate external releaser for

aggression to occur.

The assumptions of Berkowitz’s formulation

have been tested in a series of experiments in

which punitiveness toward an antagonist is
measured as a function of anger arousal and

exposure to stimuli varying in aggressive cue

value. In the standard design (Berkowitz, 1970),

college students are treated insultingly or
neutrally and then shown a prize fight scene from

the movie Champion or a nonaggressive film. In

addition, the provocateur’s cue value for

aggression is increased either by assigning him the

same name as the victim of the filmed violence or

an aggressive role such as a college boxer. The 419
combined influence of anger arousal, aggressive

modeling, and aggressive labeling of the

antagonist generally produces the highest level of

aggression. However, evidence that punitiveness

can be enhanced by anger arousal and aggressive

modeling in the absence of aggression-activating

cues and by aggressive cues in the absence of

anger arousal (Berkowitz, 1965b; Berkowitz and

Geen, 1967) indicates that these factors should be
regarded as facilitative rather than necessary

conditions for the occurrence of aggression.

The justifiability of modeled aggression was

varied in some of the above studies in order to
determine whether modeling influences may

produce their effects partly through reduction of

inhibitions. For half the observers the victim in the

filmed fight was portrayed as an unprincipled

scoundrel who presumably deserved the

thrashing; for others, the victim’s behavior was 420
depicted as an outgrowth of adverse

circumstances that made the aggressor look

somewhat malevolent. Observation of socially

justified aggression evoked more punitive

reactions in observers than unwarranted assaults.

In a related study, Hoyt (1970) found that

exposure to filmed aggression in which the

victorious aggressor was portrayed as avenging a

past unfair beating generated more aggression in
viewers than exposure to a film in which the

aggressor was portrayed as defending himself

against a dangerous attack, or to the same film

shown without references to any justifying
circumstances. Evaluation of these results with

respect to the disinhibitory effects of justifiability

must await independent evidence that aggression

for vengeance is more excusable than for self-

defense. The finding that self-defense justification

did not produce more aggression than portrayal of 421
brutal assault without extenuation presents

difficulties for an interpretation of the data solely

in terms of justification processes. A study by Geen

and Stonner (1972) reveals further complexities of

the problem. Modeled assaultiveness depicted as

vengeful was more effective in disinhibiting

retaliatory aggression in angered individuals than

if it was presented as a professional activity

devoid of animosity. Unangered people, on the
other hand, rated themselves as less restrained

and behaved more aggressively after seeing

professional rather than vengeful violence. The

direction of the causal relationship is uncertain,

however, because self-reported restraints were

measured after the people had aggressed, and it is

conceivable that they judged their restraints from

their punitive actions.

Taken as a whole, the data indicate that

modeling of defensible violence adds legitimacy 422
and thereby weakens restraints over the use of

aggressive solutions for social problems. Findings

of this line of research suggest that broadcasting

codes requiring eventual punishment of criminal

acts can inadvertently reduce aggression

restraints in viewers when respected enforcement

agents inflict violence on culprits with justified

impunity. There is always the uncertainty as to

whether righteous violence in the moral lesson
will legitimize aggressive conduct or depicted

punishment will inhibit transgressive behavior.

At this point, it might be instructive to compare

the different views advanced on the conditions
under which aggressive modeling will enhance

punitive responsiveness. Both Wheeler and

Berkowitz postulate anger provocation as

necessary for aggressive modeling to have an

effect. Social learning theory, on the other hand,

regards anger provocation as one form of 423
emotional arousal that serves as a facilitator

rather than as a prerequisite for aggressive

modeling. There is substantial empirical evidence

that differs from the former line of theorizing, but

lends validity to the social learning interpretation.

Although both Wheeler and Berkowitz generally

find that modeling without provocation is

relatively ineffective, other investigators (Epstein,

1966; Hartmann, 1969; Hoelle, 1969; Walters and
Llewellyn-Thomas, 1963) working with diverse

populations have clearly demonstrated that

unangered observers behave more aggressively

after seeing aggressive models than those who

have had no such exposure.

The divergent results may arise in part from

different procedures in measuring aggressive

responses. In Berkowitz’s studies subjects are

asked to evaluate the victim’s solution of a

problem by delivering shocks ranging from one 424
shock for an excellent solution to ten for a poor

solution. The task therefore requires subjects to

administer multiple shocks when they judge the

solutions insufficient regardless of whether or not

they may want to hurt the target person. The

measure thus incorporates both performance

evaluations and punitiveness. Some people may

administer many shocks because they judge the

performer’s solution in fact inadequate, while
others may do so because they want to hurt him.

This ambiguity about what the shock response

represents does not exist in studies where

subjects are free to respond to the victim’s

performances by administering very weak shocks

that produce no discomfort or highly painful ones

that clearly represent needlessly punitive

treatment. The possible confounding effects of

performance evaluation could be easily reduced in

the Berkowitz procedure by allowing subjects free 425
choice in the intensity of shocks they may deliver.

Of subjects who considered a given solution

sufficiently inadequate to warrant seven shocks,

for example, those who selected the weakest

intensities would be behaving nonaggressively,

whereas those who inflicted painful shocks would
be acting punitively. Studies employing

unequivocal measures of aggression probably

yield the more conclusive findings.

Interpretive problems also arise when anger

arousal is induced in subjects by shocking them,

because it introduces modeling influences.

Receiving many or few shocks for one’s own

solutions in an ambiguous situation can
significantly alter the standards for judging the

work of others, independently of whether one is

angered or not. Provocateurs administering many

shocks are conveying a much higher achievement

requirement than those delivering few shocks. 426
Observers tend to match the shock intensities

administered by others (Baron and Kepner, 1970;

Epstein, 1966; Hoelle, 1969). There is every

reason to expect that they would match the

frequency of shocks as well. A person who

receives many shocks may therefore deliver many

because he has been angered, because the

behavior of the other person sets a high standard

for him, or because of both factors. Confounding of
stringent modeling by the antagonist with the

anger aroused by his treatment makes it difficult

to evaluate findings of studies in which aggressors

are presumably angered by differential shocks

from the person who later serves as their target.

Differences obtained in such experiments are

attributed to anger arousal, whereas they may

reflect, in varying degrees, the influence of

differential aggressive modeling. This

methodological problem does not exist when 427
arousal is induced by insult, by arbitrary

thwarting, or by other means that differ from the

form in which aggression is later measured. When

the provocateur angers verbally and the assailant

attacks him physically, specific modeling is

essentially precluded. In any event, substantial
evidence exists that contagion of aggression does

not require anger arousal.

Another issue that deserves comment concerns

the conceptualization and functional role of

external stimuli in the regulation of aggressive

behavior, especially as they relate to symbolic

modeling. Wheeler conceives of modeling

influences principally as disinhibitors of
aggression. Berkowitz considers aggressive

modeling stimuli to be elicitors, but incapable of

producing aggressive actions. In this approach,

even the combined effect of anger arousal and

aggressive modeling is considered insufficient to 428
increase aggressive responding. As Berkowitz

summarizes his own view: “Observed violence

serves mainly to arouse the observer’s previously

acquired aggressive habits—to set them in

operation, but only in ‘low gear,’ so to speak.

Before these habits can erupt into a manifestly

aggressive act, certain elicitory cues must also be

present in the environment” (Geen and Berkowitz,

1966, p. 456). The implied mechanisms that limit
the function of modeling stimuli are not explained,

however. If aggressive habits are activated but not

in action, where are they manifested and in what

forms? In more recent elaborations of his position

(Berkowitz, 1972), the implicitly evoked events

include aggressive thoughts. The question

remains, however, if aggressive modeling stimuli

can activate implicit aggressive responses, why is

it that they cannot evoke aggressive actions as

well? 429
Unlike Berkowitz’s theory, which assigns

response-priming functions to anger provocation

and modeling stimuli, and response-eliciting

functions to other environmental stimuli, social

learning theory regards all three sources of

influence as having response-activating
properties. Aversive stimulation, in the form of

personal insult or physical assault, is in fact a

much more potent elicitor of aggression than

some environmental cue that has merely been

previously associated with anger-arousing

experiences. Thus, people often counteraggress

when insulted or struck without requiring

additional stimulus prompts; they aggress on

slight provocation when they see that such actions

are effective in gaining desired outcomes. And

individuals who possess certain characteristics

that are disliked by others as a result of past

experiences are quick to elicit aggressive 430
responses. In the social learning view, the more of

these instigators that are present, and the greater

their potency, the higher the likelihood that

aggression will occur. The tendency to view anger

provocation as a predisposing drive state rather

than as a response activator probably stems from

the fact that its effects on behavior may persist

after the inciting incident has ceased. The point
will be developed later that the effects of

instigation endure not because of an undischarged

drive, but because the provocation is re-created

symbolically and, analogously to their

environmental counterparts, infuriating thoughts

also serve as symbolic stimuli for aggressive


The equation of aggression with aggressive

drives and injurious aims has restricted the range

of determinants typically investigated in

laboratory studies. Since, in social learning theory, 431
aggression has multiple determinants and

multiple functions, comparative tests of the

predictive power of alternative theories require a

greater array of experimental treatments than is

ordinarily employed. Aggression ascribed

specifically to anger may be more generally

determined by emotional arousal. Data on this

issue are sparse, but the evidence that does exist is

consistent with the latter position. Aggression has
been enhanced by sexual arousal (Zillmann, 1971),

by nonirritating noise (Geen and O’Neal, 1969), by

epinephrine (Schachter and Singer, 1962), and by

success experiences (Christy, Gelfand, and

Hartmann, 1971) in much the same way as by

anger provocation. Empirical tests of catharsis and

frustration-aggression hypotheses should

therefore include conditions containing

nonfrustrative sources of arousal as well.

In social learning theory, response 432
consequences constitute a powerful determinant

of aggressive responsiveness. It would be of

theoretical interest to compare the relative power

of anger arousal and positive reinforcement

without anger provocation in producing

aggressive behavior that is socially injurious.

Considerable evidence showing that hurtful

aggression can be enhanced, sustained, and

eliminated simply by altering its consequences
calls into question theories that postulate anger

arousal as an essential and primary determinant

of aggression.

In Berkowitz’s formulation disliked persons

serve as releasers of aggressive responses as a

result of verbal and other associations with

previous instigators. It will be recalled from an

earlier section that there are two basic operations

by which formerly neutral stimuli can acquire

aggression-controlling functions. They can become 433
informative or discriminative stimuli through

association with differential response

consequences. People experience different

outcomes for aggressing toward individuals who

differ in status, power, age, sex, and many other

attributes. A variety of personal characteristics

come to signify probable consequences for

aggressive behavior. Through a similar process of

selective reinforcement, situational, temporal, and
other cues acquire informative value that aid in

regulating one’s actions. People therefore attack

not only those whom they have learned to dislike,

but also those whom it is relatively safe to attack

and those whom it is advantageous to attack. The

effects of anticipated consequences, depending on

their nature, may enhance, attenuate, or even

override the eliciting power of social

characteristics. A less disliked person who cannot

easily counteraggress is more likely to be selected 434
as a target than a highly provoking person who

has the power to retaliate.

Cues can become eliciting stimuli for

aggression through contiguous association with

aggression-provoking experiences. Classically

conditioned stimuli presumably elicit aggressive

behavior regardless of its consequences.

Berkowitz (1970, 1972) favors a classical

conditioning explanation, though his speculations
about how the control process works carry

additional implications. He advances the view that

aggressive responses are automatically and

involuntarily elicited by aggressively valenced

stimuli. On the other hand, he notes further that
such stimuli are not in fact directly connected to

overt behavior; rather, they evoke thoughts and

feelings according to the meaning attributed to

them, and it is these intervening events that serve

as the prompts for aggressive responding. In a 435
two-stage causal process, external stimuli may

very well function as reliable elicitors of hostile

thoughts, but there is abundant evidence that

thoughts do not automatically produce

corresponding actions. A major reason for the

weak relationship is that irritating treatment

arouses not only retaliatory ideas, but also

thoughts of likely response consequences which,

depending on their nature, can either facilitate or
inhibit hurtful actions. The two stimulus functions

are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, as the

preceding analysis shows, both eliciting and

response-regulating influences usually operate

jointly. Hence, a complete theory of aggression

must consider both stimulus functions in the

activation of aggressive responses.

In the social learning formulation, stimulus

control is extensively cognitively mediated by

judgments of how particular behavior is likely to 436
be received under different circumstances.

Therefore, aggressive actions are not

automatically and rigidly controlled by external

cues. This view of the regulatory process has a

bearing on the controversy of whether the mere

presence of aggressively valenced cues, such as a

gun, enhances expression of other forms of

aggression (Berkowitz, 1971; Buss, Booker, and

Buss, 1972; Page and Scheidt, 1971). Stimulus
prompts of this sort will facilitate aggression if

presented in ways that convey permissive or

expectant reactions toward such behavior, but not

if they are introduced in a manner that makes the

behavior either personally or socially


Before turning to other substantive issues,

some of the reservations that have been raised

concerning the generality of results from the

shock paradigm deserve comment. Critics of this 437
approach (Feshbach and Singer, 1971) question

the import of injurious behavior when it is

performed in a permissive setting as part of a

sanctioned social task. What this argument

overlooks is that these are precisely the conditions

under which aggression is usually elicited and

encouraged in everyday life. Aggressors are not

recruited by being told to perform acts designated

as ruthless, despicable, criminal, or bloodthirsty.
Punitive treatment is typically carried out in the

name of discipline rather than personal

vengefulness; military slaughter is structured as a

patriotic endeavor rather than as unconscionable

murder; political activists win supporters by

presenting their coercive tactics as principled

protest against social injustice rather than as

willful destructiveness; and people are prompted

to assaultiveness by designating it as a sign of

manliness rather than psychopathy. It therefore 438
comes as no surprise that aggressive modeling

increases aggressiveness in everyday situations in

much the same way as it does in laboratory

settings (Harris, 1972). While it is of interest to

study aggression when such conduct is explicitly

defined as human cruelty, it would be a mistake to
regard dissuading conditions as prerequisites for

identifying determinants of aggression as they

operate in natural circumstances.

Another questionable practice is to invoke

“demand characteristics” as a cause of behavior in

experimental settings. This type of explanation

recognizes that people infer from cues the kind of

behavior that may be expected in particular
situations and act compliantly or oppositionally to

the perceived “demand.” It is true that cues guide

conduct in the laboratory as they do in everyday

life. People often behave on conjectures of what

others want them to do, but when this happens 439
outside a laboratory it is rarely dismissed as a

“demand effect.”

The term “demand characteristics” has been

used in two ways. Sometimes it is applied to

possible determinants of behavior and other times

to the processes by which designated determinants

produce their effects. In poorly designed studies it

is difficult to evaluate whether behavioral changes

result from the conditions deliberately altered or
from some other uncontrolled factors. It makes

little difference whether unsuspected

determinants are called demand characteristics or

by some other name. Confusion arises when the
effects of social influences that are explicitly

varied are ascribed to demand characteristics. To

designate changes as demand effects does not

explain them. Moreover, all forms of social

influence (for example, comments, instructions,

persuasive appeals, conditioning, reinforcement, 440
modeling) represent demands in the sense that

they function as prompts for particular actions.

Social influences might be better analyzed in

terms of their explicitness and coerciveness and in

terms of whether they change behavior directly or

through cognitive processing.

The significance of controlled investigations of

violence portrayed in symbolic form is more

vigorously debated because of its social
implications for television programming. Media

spokesmen are especially quick to minimize such

findings, on the grounds that the inputs do not

involve standard television programs and
injurious behavior is not assessed in spontaneous

social interactions. It is doubtful that medical

researchers, or those in other branches of science,

would have made much headway in discovering

general laws if their experiments adhered to the

naturalness criteria. The determinants of a 441
phenomenon isolated by controlled inquiry must,

of course, also be examined under naturally

occurring conditions. Unfortunately, much time is

expended in unproductive controversies over the

virtues of laboratory and field studies when, in

fact, knowledge is best advanced by using both

approaches in a complementary fashion.

Aggressive Modeling and Vicarious Catharsis

Numerous field studies have been conducted

to determine whether the causal relationships

established under controlled conditions are

replicated under more natural circumstances.

According to Feshbach, a leading proponent of the

catharsis hypothesis, televised violence operates

through fantasy functions to decrease the

likelihood of aggressive behavior (Feshbach and
Singer, 1971). Fantasied injury, it is argued,

partially substitutes for actual infliction of damage 442
as a means of discharging the aggressive drive.

The resultant drive reduction reinforces violent

thoughts, which are considered to be incompatible

with overt aggression. By delivering violent

material, television thus furnishes rewarding

substitutes for aggressive action. This service is

presumably most beneficial to the less intelligent

and unimaginative, who, lacking symbolic

capacities, need external aids for generating
violent fantasies.

In a large though loosely controlled field study,

for six weeks Feshbach and Singer (1971) showed

either aggressive or predominantly nonaggressive
television programs to boys enrolled in residential

private schools and in homes for the

underprivileged. During this period supervisory

personnel in these settings rated the boys’ verbal

and physical aggression; they were also

administered a variety of personality tests. The 443
authors report that their findings provide

evidence that exposure to televised violence

reduces aggressive behavior. Actually, when boys

in the two viewing conditions are statistically

equated for initial differences in aggressiveness,

those in the private schools did not differ on any of

the measures of overt aggression. Institutionalized

boys shown the violent offerings expressed less

verbal aggression toward peers than those in the
control condition, but they did not differ in

physical aggression toward peers, nor did high

aggressors, who should be experiencing the

greatest cathartic discharge from violence

viewing, express less physical or verbal aggression

toward authorities. Even the few significant

findings are difficult to interpret, however,

because the boys assigned to the control condition

were more aggressive toward each other to begin

with. As Ball-Rokeach (1971) points out, a higher 444
proportion of hyperaggressive boys in an ongoing

group is likely to generate an elevated level of

hostile interaction among the members that

cannot be corrected statistically.

Relatively few differences were obtained on

the personality variables and, in the instances in

which some television effects are reported, the

relationships vary depending upon subjects’ age,

institutional affiliation, and personality
subgrouping. Given a diverse pattern of results in

which many of the comparisons fail to support

hypothesized relationships and the few obtained

effects hold only for small subsamples, such data

permit any variety of interpretations. However,
the fact that the televised influence had a

consistent impact on fantasy behavior deserves

brief comment because of its direct relevance to

the catharsis hypothesis. Feshbach, among other

personality theorists, has generally regarded 445
fantasy aggression as an index of aggressive drive

that is presumably reduced by viewing televised

violence. Contrary to expectation, Feshbach and

Singer found that exposure to televised violence

produced a higher level of fantasy aggression than

the control offerings. They reconcile the

contradictory evidence by reinterpreting fantasy

activities as serving to delay and to control

impulse expression. The absence of any television
effects on overt aggression of boys in private

schools is likewise attributed to their greater

cognitive capacities that enable them to self-

generate violent fantasies without the aid of

television. Since the authors do not report any

significant differences between the two samples of

boys in their production of aggressive fantasies on

thematic tests administered at the beginning of

the study, the assumption that underprivileged

boys are deficient in this cognitive capacity does 446
not seem borne out by the data.

Research evidence indicates that fantasying

goal responses serves neither drive-reduction nor

cognitive-control functions. The notion that

fantasy provides substitute gratifications that

reduce corresponding behavior has been

extensively tested and found wanting. Fantasying

desired goal activities tends to increase rather

than to reduce actions designed to produce them
(Mischel and Baker, 1972; Mischel, Ebbesen, and

Zeiss, 1972). For this reason, athletes in combative

sports deliberately conjure up angry fantasies

toward their opponents just prior to a contest in

order to heighten aggressive responsiveness.
Based on evidence that angry thoughts can

instigate aggressive behavior, therapists have

successfully reduced intractable violent actions by

eliminating their fantasy determinants (Agras,

1967). Drive-reducing functions are further 447
disconfirmed by evidence cited later that not only

does fantasy fail to reduce anger arousal, but

injurious actions, which presumably should be

even more powerful drive reducers, rarely lower


A number of methodological deficiencies,

which are discussed in detail elsewhere (Ball-

Rokeach, 1971; Liebert, Sobol, and Davidson,

1972) and will be only briefly noted here, most
likely account for the variable results of this

project. One of the more serious problems arises

from the failure to control, or at least to measure,

the aggressive contents the two groups of children
were in fact viewing. Programs were classified as

aggressive or nonaggressive on the basis of

general format rather than in terms of their actual

content. Thus, cartoons, which contain the highest

violence rates, were assigned to the nonaggressive

viewing condition. And in some of the serialized 448
programs control boys were watching, the

characters do resort from time to time to threats,

verbal abuse, and aggressive actions (Gerbner,

1972a). Although the action-adventure type

programs viewed by the aggressive group

undoubtedly contain more expressions of lethal

violence, they may present fewer examples of

moderate aggression that would be immediately

serviceable to boys in coping with their own
interpersonal conflicts. Seeing people handle

familiar problems through coercive means may

have greater effects on aggressive behavior in

institutional situations than viewing killers shoot

victims in exotic settings.

Televised influences were additionally

confounded by inadequate control of what shows

were watched, with the result that control boys

admitted viewing some of the aggressive

programs. Without detailed recording of program 449
selections, the amount of unacknowledged

violence viewing by the controls cannot be

determined. Results of an experiment are

uninterpretable when the amount and type of

aggressive portrayals remain unknown. This is

analogous to studying the effects of protein intake

on physical health by serving two sets of

smorgasbord, both containing varying amounts of

protein food, under loosely supervised conditions
permitting some cross-over eating, without

measuring how much protein the two groups

actually consumed. To confuse further the

televised input, in three of the institutions the

experimenters yielded to demands from the

controls to reinstate a then popular serial

saturated with violent episodes. Not only was their

so-called “nonaggressive diet” further enriched

with violent offerings, but the rewarded protest

demonstrated that aggression does pay. These 450
factors, along with the initial higher

aggressiveness of the controls, might partly

account for some of the aggression they displayed.

This study is plagued by numerous other

methodological problems, including nonrandom

assignment of institutionalized boys to treatment

conditions; many subjects withdrew from the

experiment at different periods; aggressive

behavior was recorded retrospectively by
relatively untrained personnel whose ratings are

of unknown reliability; there were inadequate

controls for possible rating biases arising from

knowledge of treatment conditions; and wide

variations occurred in the number and types of
measures administered to subjects both within

and across institutions. Considering the

deficiencies in the regulation of the television

input, in the implementation of procedures, and in

the assessment of effects, it is hoped that the 451
publisher’s claim that the findings “will

undoubtedly have a serious bearing on future

programming” are not seriously accepted as

guides either for therapeutic practice or for social

policy. Indeed, the findings of Feshbach and Singer

are disconfirmed by Wells (1971), who replicated

their study with better controls for some of the

major methodological defects. In two field studies

conducted by Parke and his associates (Parke et
al., 1972) delinquent adolescents who had been

repeatedly exposed to filmed violence became

more physically assaultive than those who

received a nonviolent fare.

Feshbach (1972) reports a laboratory study

designed to test the hypothesis that exposure to

realistic violence facilitates aggression through

modeling and disinhibition, but fictional violence

reduces aggressiveness by delaying and

substituting for action. Children watched a filmed 452
sequence of a campus riot presented as either a

fictional or a realistic event. Compared to a no-film

control, the realistic set stimulated aggression

while the fantasy set reduced aggressive behavior,

as measured by children’s administration of

louder sounds to an adult for incorrect guesses on

a game. If these differences are reproducible,

further research would be needed to determine

how unrecognized factors in what the children
were told created the differences, because the

view that fictional violence reduces aggression is

disputed by a large body of evidence. In previously

cited experiments innumerable college students

have been stimulated to punitive action by

viewing familiar actors behaving violently in

presentations they know are fictional. None, for

example would mistake Kirk Douglas for a real

boxer fighting an actual championship bout in the

often used segment from the movie Champion. 453
Furthermore, children have been shown to

become more interpersonally aggressive as a

result of exposure to violent cartoons that bear

little resemblance to reality. Although realistic

violence may function as a more effective

aggression activator, exposure to fictional violence
does not reduce such conduct (Ellis and Sekyra,

1972; Hapkiewicz and Stone, 1972). Aggression is

enhanced through observation of filmed violence

mainly by its justification, not by whether it is real

or fictional (Meyer, 1972).

There have been several well-designed

experiments in which children are exposed daily

over an extended time either to commercially
televised aggression or to nonviolent offerings.

The amount of aggression that children display in

their everyday interactions during this period is

systematically observed and recorded. Results of

these field studies essentially corroborate those of 454
laboratory investigations. Steuer, Appleheld, and

Smith (1971) found that repeated exposure to

aggressive cartoons increased children’s physical

assaultiveness, whereas nonviolent contents

produced no change in interpersonal aggression.

In an experiment by Stein, Friedrich, and

Vondracek (1972) employing a similar design,

nonaggressive children showed no behavioral

effects of viewing violent cartoons over a four-
week period, but those above average in

aggressiveness were more physically and verbally

aggressive when exposed to televised violence

than to neutral or socially positive programs. A

follow-up assessment disclosed that television-

heightened aggressiveness persisted after the

violent programs were discontinued. The authors

speculate that the passive children may have

undergone severe inhibitory training which, if

true, would require extended exposure to 455
successful violent conduct to weaken restraints

over behaving aggressively. Other studies (Ellis

and Sekyra, 1972; Liebert and Baron, 1972)

showing that even short exposure to violent

scenes can increase children’s interpersonal

aggression lend further weight to the instigative
potential of televised aggression.

Correlational studies relating television

viewing to social behavior as it occurs under
natural conditions provide supplementary

evidence concerning television effects. Because of

the gross indexes of violence viewing and

aggressive behavior used in these studies, it is

difficult to estimate how closely the obtained
correlations approximate the true relationship.

Their consistency, however, is noteworthy. Several

projects based on large samples representing

different communities, age levels, and sexes have

found modest positive correlations between 456
amount of violence viewing and interpersonal

aggressiveness (Chaffee and McLeod, 1971;

McIntyre and Teevan, 1972; Robinson and

Bachman, 1972). The higher the exposure to

televised violence, the more children are willing to

use aggressive behavior, to suggest it as a solution

to interpersonal conflict, and to view it as effective

(Dominick and Greenberg, 1972).

Correlational data do not, of course, identify

causal links between covarying events. Whether

aggressive children are attracted to violent

contents, whether repeated observation of people

resorting to violence cultivates an aggressive
disposition, or whether both activities are

products of a common influence cannot be

conclusively answered by a correlational study.

Experimental evidence is sparse for the former

relationship, though it is well founded

experimentally that exposure to aggressive 457
modeling increases aggressiveness. As part of a

large field study exploring the social determinants

of aggression, Eron (1963) correlated children’s

television viewing habits with their tendency to

behave aggressively, as rated by their peers. Boys

who preferred television programs containing a

high level of violence displayed significantly more

interpersonal aggression than those who regularly

viewed programs low in violence. Not surprisingly,
the overall findings reveal that the critical factor is

the content of what children are observing, not the

sheer amount of exposure to televised stimulation.

No consistent relationships were noted between

the viewing habits of girls and their aggressive

conduct. Since aggressiveness in adolescent girls

has been shown to correlate positively with

amount of violence viewing but not with high

preference for violent programs (Chaffee and

McLeod, 1971), differential results may be partly 458
attributable to the measure of violence viewing

used as well as to other factors, such as more

severe socialization of aggression in girls and

preponderance of televised male aggressors.

In a follow-up study conducted ten years later,

Eron and his associates (Eron, Huesmann,

Lefkowitz, and Walder, 1972) report longitudinal

correlations that help clarify the direction of

causal relationships. High exposure to televised
violence at age eight was positively related with

interpersonal aggressiveness in boys at age

nineteen (Figure 3.4). The positive correlation

remains significant when level of childhood

aggression is partialled out, thus removing the
possibility that initial aggressiveness determines

both child viewing preferences and adult conduct.

Other partial correlations, controlling for a variety

of familial causal contributors, further indicate

that habitual exposure to televised violence 459
FIGURE 3.4 Relationship between boys’ violence viewing at
age eight and their interpersonal aggressiveness as measured
ten years later. (Plotted from data by Eron, Huesmann,
Lefkowitz, and Walder, 1972) 460
promotes aggressive habits and eliminates

alternative hypotheses that aggressiveness causes

attraction to violent portrayals or that the

obtained association is due to some other common

determinant. Chaffee and McLeod (1971) arrive at

a similar conclusion after demonstrating that

significant correlations between amount of

violence viewing and aggressiveness persist after

ruling out the potential influence of socioeconomic
variables, level of intellectual functioning, and a

host of familial relationship factors. Model

preferences and behavioral dispositions are more

likely reciprocally interrelated for real life than for

televised models. That is, aggressors may

selectively gravitate toward aggressive models

who, in turn, further shape and disinhibit

aggressive modes of conduct.

In the controlled field studies interpersonal

aggression is measured solely as a function of 461
televised influences without regard to the social

consequences that aggressive actions produce.

The course that aggression takes over a period of

time will be determined by the combined effects of

televised inducements and the reinforcing

consequences of a reactive environment. The same

televised input can therefore result in different

outcomes under diverse reinforcement conditions.

Accurate prediction of television effects on either
group or individual performance depends on how

the concurrent influences interact. If television-

prompted aggression proves effective for users in

their daily interactions, aggressive modes of

behavior are likely to increase and persist long

after the televised influence has ceased. That

television can give impetus to a long-term process

is suggested by Eron’s finding that exposure to

televised violence in early formative years

predicts aggressiveness in boys ten years later. 462
These correlational data are corroborated by a

short-term experimental demonstration by Stein,

Friedrich, and Vondracek (1972) that televised

influences can contribute to the formation of

enduring aggressive styles of behavior.

Under conditions where television-stimulated

aggression is firmly disapproved or creates new

sanctions against injurious conduct, the instigative

effects of television are counteracted by
environmental punishment. The net effect of

aggressive modeling in such circumstances may be

little noticeable change or even a decline in the

incidence of aggressive actions. Since

reinforcement influences are mediated by
stimulus control, prediction of outcomes must be

situation specific. Televised aggression that is

suppressed in prohibitive settings may be

displayed when there is little risk of punishment

(Hicks, 1968a). 463
Considering the multiple control of aggression,

further progress in understanding television

effects is unlikely to be achieved by additional

studies in which media inputs are systematically

varied but concurrent reinforcement determinants

go unrecorded. Finer analysis of interacting
influences is required to bring orderliness to

variable results. For example, individual data

reported by Steuer, Applefield, and Smith (1971)

show that four of the five children exposed to

televised violence became more assaultive toward

peers than did their matched partners who

watched nonviolent programs (Figure 3.5).

However, they varied considerably in rate and

level of aggression increments. Some showed

immediate increases, whereas others required

multiple exposures before the effects upon

behavior were evident. It might be noted

parenthetically that experiments in which 464
FIGURE 3.5 Cumulative frequency of physical interpersonal
aggression by children who were exposed either to violent
cartoons or to nonviolent offerings. (Steuer, Applefield, and
Smith, 1971) 465
observation of a single violent cartoon increased

interpersonal aggression, but short of

conventional significance levels (Siegel, 1956),

would probably have produced stronger effects

with longer exposure. The two weak responders in

Steuer’s study exhibited no aggression during
baseline assessments, which suggests that limited

impact of televised violence on their overt

behavior may be attributable to low aggression

proneness arising from deficient skills, strong

aggression restraints, or both factors. Some

displayed continuing marked increases in

assaultive behavior with repeated exposure, and

others manifested comparable heightening of

aggressiveness, but eventually stabilized at an

intermediate level.

When rate of aggression rises with longer

exposure to violent conduct, the elevation may

reflect the increasing cumulative impact of 466
television, or viewers may be adopting aggressive

solutions they saw modeled and using them more

often because they produce good results. To

elucidate the causal processes would require

behavior observations of the frequency with

which aggressive actions bring rewarding or

punishing consequences. In sum, the impact of

televised violence would be best predicted by

taking into account viewers’ preexisting
aggression skills, their aggression restraints, and

the proportion of positive and negative

reinforcements provided for aggressive conduct in

daily interactions. Multiple causation can be even

better unraveled by experimentally varying

exposure to televised violence in conjunction with

environmental reward, extinction, or punishment

of aggression for subjects differing in aggression

skill and inhibition.

Exposure to modeled violence presented in 467
ways that legitimize its use not only raises the

probability of aggressive conduct, but also tends to

increase preference for aggressive toys (Larder,

1962; Lovaas, 1961), stressful mood states

(Tannenbaum and Gaer, 1965), and selection of

aggressive solutions to depicted conflicts (Leifer

and Roberts, 1972).

The combined findings of laboratory

experiments, controlled field studies, and
correlational investigations provide substantial

testimony that violence viewing tends to foster

aggressiveness. Research that clarifies causal

relationships increases rather than reduces the
level of controversy when profitable practices of a

major industry are shown to have some adverse

effects. Vested interest groups become

understandably apprehensive about the

implications of research findings for social policy.

Although the issues continue to be vigorously 468
debated in terms of empirical verification, at this

stage the dispute is more a political matter than a

scientific one.

Performance Catharsis

The catharsis hypothesis assumes that the

drive to behave aggressively is reduced not only

by vicarious experience, but also by direct

expression of aggression. Although performance

catharsis does not necessarily involve modeling
processes, it is discussed in the present context

because results of this line of research have an

important bearing on the mechanism presumed to

operate in vicarious catharsis through modeling.

The hydraulic model of personality and belief

in the benefits of cathartic drainage of aggressive

impulses were widely accepted in both

professional and lay circles. Guided by this view,

many parents, educators, and mental health 469
workers urge hyperaggressive children to engage
in aggressive activities and to aggress in

psychotherapeutic playrooms, in the hope of

reducing aggressive impulses that are presumably

maintaining the troublesome behavior. Failure to

release pent-up drives, it is contended, risks

explosive aggressive discharges.

Evidence from research studies of children

indicates that, far from producing a cathartic

reduction of aggression, participation in

aggressive activities within a permissive setting

maintains the behavior at its original level or

actually increases it (Feshbach, 1956; Freeman,

1962; Kenny, 1952, Mallick and McCandless, 1966;

Nelsen, 1969). Early studies with adults in which

evidence for cathartic processes was claimed

relied on indirect indexes of aggression, such as

replies to word association tests that are subject to

response set biases (Feshbach, 1955; 1961) or 470
quality of intellectual performance, on the

assumption that anger arousal diminishes

functioning (Worchel, 1957). Since emotional

arousal can facilitate as well as disrupt

performance, depending on its level, the

complexity of the task, and the stress coping

habits of subjects, the indirect indicators of

aggression reduction have dubious value. In some

studies presented as demonstrating a catharsis
effect the data do not, in fact, support the

conclusions. Angered subjects exhibit the same

level of dislike of their tormentor after seeing him

undergo either painful, neutral, or euphoric

experiences (Bramel, Taub, and Blum, 1968).

Reported substantiation of catharsis effects in

other instances depends more on selective

analysis of data than on what they actually show.

Results of experiments with adults using direct

measures of aggression are essentially similar to 471
those obtained with children. When adults are

given repeated opportunities to shock a person

under nonretaliative conditions, the more they

aggress, the more punitive they become (Buss,

1966a). Angered aggressors, who should be

achieving drive reduction if catharsis were

operative, exhibit greater increases in

punitiveness on successive attacks than

nonangered subjects (Loew, 1967). Further
evidence that encouraged or permissively viewed

aggressive displays reduce restraints over such

conduct is provided by Zimbardo (1969) in an

experiment of a direct interpersonal nature.

Intense verbal and physical assaults directed at

passive resisters by disguised assailants tended to

increase their subsequent hurtful actions.

Nor has the catharsis hypothesis fared well

when the effects of aggressive displays are

measured in terms of changes in hostile attitudes 472
rather than injurious actions. De Charms and

Wilkins (1963) report evidence that angered

people who vent their hostility become

increasingly hostile. The higher the volume of

unpleasant remarks they direct at their tormentor,

the more they dislike him. Hearing others berate

the offender for his inconsiderate behavior

increased hostility in maltreated observers even

more powerfully. Kahn’s (1966) results are
especially relevant to the catharsis issue because

subjects voiced their resentment to a sympathetic

person, an interaction similar to those that occur

in everyday experience. Those who expressed

hostility with support and encouragement disliked

their annoyer significantly more and were slower

to calm down physiologically than equally angered

subjects who were left to themselves for an

equivalent period.

Under certain conditions expression of 473
aggression can, of course, decrease its incidence,

although the reductive effects do not occur

through drainage of aggressive drive forces. Angry

displays, especially if accompanied by threats, may

intimidate antagonists so they cease behaving in

provocative ways. Aggressive action may not only

turn off abuse but promote beneficial

improvements in social treatment, thereby

removing chronic instigators of the behavior.
Interpersonal interactions are somewhat

ambiguous as to exactly who did what to whom

and why, with the result that events can be easily

misjudged or distorted. When malign intent is

misattributed to the actions of others, anger

arousal can be ruminatively generated to the point

where the aggrieved person acts with

inappropriate hostility—as if he had been

deliberately maltreated. To the extent that

verbalized resentment clarifies misconceptions or 474
creates new understanding of why others behaved

as they did, it can diminish autistically produced

aggression. Moreover, behaving aggressively can

arouse fear and self-censure over the injurious

consequences of one’s actions, and thus have

reductive effects through inhibitory processes.
After a provocateur has been duly punished for his

insulting actions, a counteraggressor may temper

further assaults on him without reducing his anger

or dislike because the culprit has already paid

sufficiently for his wrongdoings. Finally, repeated

unrewarded expressions of a behavior produce a

decrease in responsiveness due to aversive fatigue

and declining attraction of the activity. Extinction

is an operative factor in all nonreinforced


The belief that human behavior is impelled by

inner aggressive forces is nonetheless so strongly

ingrained in psychological thinking that 475
aggression decrements, when they do occur, are

automatically attributed to cathartic discharges

without measuring more plausible processes

(Doob and Wood, 1972; Konecni and Doob, 1972).

Progress in the understanding of how observed or

performed aggression affects subsequent

punitiveness would be better advanced if a

moratorium were declared on catharsis

explanations until proponents of the catharsis
hypothesis devise a measure of aggressive drive

independent of the behavior it supposedly causes.

Attributing response decrements to drive

reductions provides a ready explanation; one need

therefore search no further for the determinants

of aggressive behavior.

The discussion thus far has examined the

behavioral and attitudinal effects of aggressive

displays. Another aspect of the catharsis

hypothesis is concerned with the physiological 476
changes accompanying expressions of aggression.

A series of experiments reported by Hokanson

(1970) and others (Baker and Schaie, 1969;

Gambaro and Rabin, 1969) demonstrate that

angered adults often achieved faster decrease in

blood pressure to baseline levels if they

counteraggressed toward their antagonist than if

they were given no opportunities to respond.

However, venting aggression did not facilitate
decline in vascular arousal if the aggression was

expressed in fantasy, if the attack was displaced to

substitute targets varying in similarity to the

tormentor, if the aggressor was female, or if the

attacked frustrator was a person of high status.

The latter finding illustrates the difficulties of

measuring aggressive drive strength in terms of

physiological arousal because it does not

distinguish between anger arousal and aggression-

produced fear arousal—or other sources of 477
activation, for that matter. Further studies,

reported by Kahn (1966) and Holmes (1966),

disclosed that direct aggression, even toward

nonthreatening targets, does not always bring

physiological relief. On the contrary,

counteraggression sustained elevated arousal,
whereas nonaggressive activities reduced it.

The catharsis hypothesis is more seriously

challenged by the arousal reactions of angered
nonaggressors than by the diverse physiological

effects of counteraggression. After an aggressive

drive is aroused, presumably it should remain at

an elevated state until discharged through some

form of aggressive activity. In reality, all angered
subjects, regardless of whether or not they vent

their hostility, display rapid decline in

physiological arousal. Given that arousal reduction

is the general rule, theories should perhaps be

more concerned with explaining what prolongs 478
arousal rather than what reduces it. Social

learning theory explains both phenomena in terms

of self-arousal mechanisms. It also specifies the

additional experimental controls required to

demonstrate a catharsis effect.

As previously noted, the anger arousal created

by maltreatment dissipates, but it can be sustained

and reactivated symbolically on later occasions by

dwelling on past angering experiences.
Persistence of elevated anger arousal, in the social

learning view, arises from self-generated

stimulation rather than from an undischarged

reservoir of aggressive energy. If a person should
become immersed in activities that take his mind

off past provocations, the arousing ruminations

are thereby eliminated and he experiences a

noticeable reduction in tension. Similarly, on the

assumption that diminution of emotional arousal

accompanying observed performances results 479
from changes in symbolic engagement, not

vicarious energy releases, one would expect

aroused individuals to experience equally salutary

effects from getting involved in absorbing books,

movies, or television programs lacking aggressive


Subjects who have been treated insultingly and

then left with nothing to occupy their attention are

more likely to dwell on affronts they have just
experienced than those assigned a task that

provides opportunities to express aggression. To

confirm that arousal decrements attributed to

energy discharges are not due to differences in
opportunities for resentful self-stimulation

requires an experimental design in which changes

in physiological arousal are compared in angered

subjects who counteraggress and in those who

engage in equally absorbing but nonaggressive

activities. An idle group left either to foment their 480
resentment or to distract themselves with

irrelevant trains of thought does not furnish a

neutral baseline against which to evaluate the

effects of counteraggression.

Results of numerous experiments lend support

to the self-arousal interpretation. When people are

given an opportunity to respond to provocation

they reduce their hostility, but the decrease cannot

be attributed to catharsis because most voice little
or no hostility (Rosenbaum and de Charms, 1960;

Thibaut and Coules, 1952). Elevated blood

pressure levels are maintained more effectively by

exposure to an antagonist, whose presence is
likely to reactivate anger-provoking thoughts, than

by a lack of opportunity to express aggression in

response to indignant treatment (Vantress and

Williams, 1972). A study by Zillmann and Johnson

(1973) explicitly designed to test the self-arousal

hypothesis provides the most pertinent 481
substantiating evidence. Aggressive portrayals

sustained elevated physiological arousal and

punitive behavior in angered adults, whereas

exposure to nonaggressive contents resulted in

substantial reduction in both arousal and

retaliatory aggression.

In experiments permitting different

counterresponses, angered males experience

faster arousal reduction by aggressive than by
friendly reactions to a punitive opponent, whereas

females achieve greater tension relief by friendly

reciprocal actions (Hokanson and Edelman, 1966).

The differential physiological concomitants of
defensive reactions most likely reflect the residual

of past reinforcement experiences. Having

developed stronger aggressive restraints, females

might be expected to generate fear-arousing

thoughts after behaving in a physically aggressive

manner. Sosa’s (1968) finding that passive male 482
prisoners are more apt to experience tension

reduction by friendly than by aggressive reactions

to provocation confirms the impact of socialization


Thus, from a social learning perspective,

physiological tension level is determined not only

by what one does, but also by what one thinks.

Diverting or tranquilizing thoughts will reduce

arousal, whereas those that revivify past
provocations or dwell on threatening future

consequences of contemplated or accomplished

actions will generate high states of arousal. The

consequences people anticipate for their actions
are derived largely from observed or directly

experienced reinforcements. Studies in which the

outcomes of reciprocal interchanges are

systematically varied demonstrate that the same

counterresponse, regardless of its content, can

acquire either arousing or tranquilizing properties 483
depending upon its consequences (Hokanson,

Willers, and Koropsak, 1968). Both kindly and

aggressive responses to provocation produce

cathartic-like physiological relief after they have

consistently elicited positive reactions in others;

conversely, they both become physiologically

arousing when they consistently draw punitive

responses. By reversing reinforcing outcomes, the

tension relief value of the same mode of response
is radically altered.

Self-directed aggression can also acquire relief

value through its functional utility. When adults

could avoid painful shocks from others by
administering to themselves shocks of lesser

intensity, self-punitive responses not only

increased but were physiologically relaxing (Stone

and Hokanson, 1969). The way in which self-

punishment can be maintained by averting

anticipated threats is graphically demonstrated 484
with subhuman subjects by Sandler and Quagliano

(1964). After monkeys learned to press a lever to

avoid being shocked, a second contingency

involving self-administered punishment was

introduced. A lever press prevented the

occurrence of the original shock, but it also

produced an electric shock of lesser magnitude. As

the experiment progressed, the self-administered

shock was gradually increased in intensity until it
equaled the one being avoided. The animals,

however, showed no reduction in self-punishment

even though this behavior no longer served as a

“lesser of two evils.” Even more interesting, after

the avoided shock was permanently discontinued

but lever-pressing responses (which had now

become objectively functionless) still produced

painful consequences, the animals continued to

punish themselves needlessly with shock

intensities that they had previously worked hard 485
to avoid. This experiment reveals how self-

punishment can become divorced from actual

conditions of reinforcement and be maintained

through its capacity to forestall imagined threats

that no longer exist. A puzzled observer, who had

no knowledge of the prior learning conditions for
this apparently senseless behavior, would be

tempted to attribute it to a misdirected aggressive


In psychotic disorders, self-punishment is

often powerfully maintained by delusional

contingencies that have little relationship to

reality. The case cited earlier (Bateson, 1961)

illustrated how a man who judged trivial acts as
heinous sins could relieve his fright of hellish

torment and feelings of self-contempt only by

performing exceedingly self-punitive behaviors for

long hours. Responses that are reinforced by

reduction of thought-generated distress tend to be 486

These findings indicate that the physiological

accompaniments of aggression are explainable in

terms of the same principles governing aggressive

actions. When aggression succeeds in curbing

attack, it becomes a preferred tension-reducing

style of behavior. On the other hand, when

aggressive actions beget punitive treatment, they

become physiologically perturbing and are
generally not favored. The physiological correlates

of counteraggression further illustrate the

differences between drive and social learning

theories. The former view assumes that affective
discharges diminish aggressiveness. In the social

learning analysis, tension reduction can serve as a

reinforcer to increase the likelihood that

aggression will be used on subsequent occasions.

Relief of aversive arousal may thus supplement, or

even override, the effects of other consequences in 487
maintaining aggressive responsiveness.

Discomforting arousal, however, would tend to

exert inhibitory effects on hostile actions.

Controversies over modeling influences are

not confined to aggressive behavior. Although

experimental-data are scarce, there is every

reason to expect, for example, that sexual

modeling, which has begun to be studied, would

affect sexual behavior in similar ways. By
observing the sexual activities and accompanying

reactions of others, people can learn specific

amorous techniques; their sexual anxieties can be

diminished (Walters, Bowen, and Parke, 1964);
and the portrayals can shape the types of sexual

expression that will be practiced in a culture by

teaching which forms are permissible and which

exceed socially acceptable bounds. Viewing erotic

films produces transitory increases in sexual

arousal and sexual activities such as masturbation, 488
petting, and marital intercourse (Mann, Sidman,

and Starr, 1971; Schmidt and Sigusch, 1970), but

habitual exposure can reduce the sex-arousing

potential of nudity or erotic displays (Reifler,

Howard, Lipton, Liptzin, and Widmann, 1971). In

addition, sexual viewing fosters more permissive

attitudes toward erotic depictions (Lockhart,


Although the processes and outcomes of sexual

and aggressive modeling are undoubtedly similar,

the social implications may differ markedly

depending upon the moral codes applied to these

two areas of functioning. Because of the hazardous
consequences of physical aggression, a society

must continuously control injurious actions in

children and adults alike. Harmonious functioning

therefore requires reduction of social influences

that promote cruelty and destructiveness. By

contrast, most cultures, including our own, 489
present discontinuities in the socialization of

sexual behavior. Overt sexual expressions are

firmly prohibited during childhood and

adolescence, but are not only expected but

considered essential to a satisfying heterosexual

relationship in adulthood. Therefore, the more

successfully inhibitory training is achieved in early

formative years, the more likely is heterosexual

behavior to serve as a source of guilt and anxiety
in adulthood. Given prolonged negative

conditioning of sexual attitudes and behavior,

many people feel that exposure to sexual material

under proper conditions may help to counteract

ignorance and dysfunctional inhibitions. On the

other hand, proponents of stringent moral codes,

fearing that erotic viewing will propagate

premarital intercourse and antisocial sexual

transgressions, vigorously oppose any lessening of

prohibitions against sexual modeling. 490
Taken together, available research findings

indicate that when erotic stimuli are effective, they

tend to activate established modes of sexuality

(Lockhart, 1970). Thus, exposure to erotic

material temporarily increases masturbation

principally in unmarried persons who habitually
engage in such activities and in the sexually

conversant lacking amorous mates. Among

married couples and sexually experienced persons

with available partners, viewing erotic displays

produces transitory increases in sexual

intercourse. There is no evidence, however, that

erotic viewing stimulates deviant sexual practices

or sex offenses.


The concept of frustration, which is frequently

invoked as a principal cause of aggression, is so

broad as to have little value. As previously noted, 491
the diverse events subsumed under this all-

inclusive term do have one feature in common—

they are all aversive in varying degrees. Since,

however, they differ in other important ways that

can produce dissimilar behavioral effects, the

determinants of injurious behavior can be better

ascertained by relating aggression to specific

aversive antecedents rather than to the omnibus

term. This section examines the extent to which
aggressive behavior is aversively controlled by

unpleasant, thwarting, offensive, and physically

painful treatment.

Physical Assaults

If one wished to provoke aggression, the most

dependable way to do so would be simply to

physically assault another person, who would then
be likely to oblige with a vigorous counterattack.

To the extent that counteraggression discourages 492
further assaults, it is powerfully reinforced by pain

reduction and thereby assumes high functional

value in social interactions. Although the pain-

aggression relationship is well established, there is

some dispute over whether it is innate or


Azrin and Ulrich, exponents of the nativistic

view, have extensively investigated the

relationship between shock-produced pain and
aggression (Azrin, 1967; Ulrich, 1966; Ulrich,

Hutchinson, and Azrin, 1965). In studies

employing a social paradigm, pairs of animals are

placed in a chamber containing a grid floor
through which foot shocks can be delivered. At

periodic intervals brief shocks are presented and

any fighting responses displayed by the animals

are recorded and compared with their behavior at

times when shocks are not administered. During

the attacks, which are typically brief and cease 493
shortly after shock termination, animals stand

erect on their hind legs, lunge at each other with

bared teeth, and strike with their forepaws.

Elicitors of aggression are often difficult to

assess in social situations because target animals

can influence the course of fighting in uncontrolled

ways by their own actions, especially if they

manifest threatening gestures or strike back, as

they understandably are inclined to do. Social
paradigms also cannot be used with highly

destructive animals that can fatally injure their

victims. In some studies, therefore, aggression is

measured in terms of biting attacks directed
against inanimate objects. Results based on the

latter measure, however, may have limited

generality because it appears to be relatively

insensitive to known determinants of fighting

behavior. 494
A considerable amount of information has

been accumulated over the years on the nature

and generality of the shock-attack relationship.

The more intense the shocks and the longer their

duration, the greater is the likelihood that they

will provoke stereotyped fighting. Attack
responses tend to be performed somewhat

indiscriminately toward targets of varying

physical characteristics. Animals will assault their

own species, members of other species, and even

inanimate objects. Additionally, shock-attack

reactions have been found to be present in a

variety of species. Other studies disclose that

attack can be provoked by different types of

aversive stimulation including, in addition to

painful shock, intense heat and physical blows.

Unlike fighting under natural conditions, which is

partly determined by sex of combatants, their

inbred aggressiveness, and previous familiarity 495
with each other, the incidence of shock-induced

fighting is essentially unaffected by such factors.

Azrin and Ulrich reasoned that since combative

behavior is elicited by aversive stimuli with some

regularity, emerges without any prior training,

and persists without any evident reinforcement,

pain-induced aggression must be an unlearned

reflexive behavior.

Although the pain-aggression relationship

appears to have some degree of generality,

negative findings—often minimized or dismissed

as unexplainable—are also very much in evidence.

The latter data, which are reviewed next, dispute

the view that animals are genetically programmed
to respond aggressively to painful stimulation

(Ulrich, 1967). Close examination of research

findings reveals that aversive stimuli do not exert

the “push-button” control over aggression

sometimes claimed. In some species noted for 496
their aggressiveness, such as fighting cocks and

Siamese fighting fish, pain not only fails to

provoke aggression, but suppresses such

responses (Azrin, 1967). Shock also fails to

produce fighting in certain docile species (Ulrich

and Azrin, 1962).

Shock-attack reactions are much too variable

to be attributable to genetic determination. In fact,

numerous environmental influences determine
whether or not aversive experiences will provoke

combativeness. Young animals rarely, if ever, fight

when shocked unless they have had some fighting

experience (Hutchinson, Ulrich, and Azrin, 1965;
Powell and Creer, 1969), and in some studies

repeated shocks produced little or no fighting in

20 to 30 percent of mature animals (Azrin,

Hutchinson, and Hake, 1963; Azrin, Hake, and

Hutchinson, 1965). The likelihood that physically

painful events will provoke attack, especially at 497
lower intensities, is partly determined by a

number of accidental factors, such as whether

animals happen to be facing each other at the

moment of shock delivery, whether they are

moving, standing upright, or are close to each

other. Thus, rats that are physically restrained and

forced to face an inanimate target placed

immediately in front of their mouths consistently

bite it when shocked (Azrin, Rubin, and
Hutchinson, 1968), whereas they never do so

when repeatedly shocked in a confined but free-

responding situation (Ulrich and Azrin, 1962). The

former procedure, which is increasingly used for

the convenience of automatic recording,

apparently produces behaviors quite

unrepresentative of those occurring under

circumstances the experiments were originally

designed to explain.

If aggression is an unlearned dominant 498
response to painful stimulation, then shock would

be expected to elicit attack during initial trials.

Unfortunately, the numerous studies that have

been published contain no information on how

animals initially respond to painful treatment,

despite the relevance of such data to instinctual

interpretations of aggression. But some findings in

addition to those cited above cast doubt on the

view that aversive stimuli are innate elicitors of
aggression. In one report in which responding

during initial trials is briefly described (Azrin,

Hutchinson, and Hake, 1963), one pair of monkeys

jumped and squealed but did not fight when shock

was first presented; another pair never fought

during the first ten trials; a third pair never

attacked each other even though they were

repeatedly shocked. They displayed shock-attack

reactions only later, after they had been paired

with trained sparring partners. 499
The most decisive evidence that pain-

aggression reactions may be more situationally

determined than innately programmed is

provided by investigations of shock-induced

fighting as a function of size of the chamber

(Ulrich and Azrin, 1962). In a small enclosure (6
in. x 6 in.) approximately 90 percent of the shocks

provoked fighting, whereas in a larger chamber

(24 in. x 24 in.) animals ignored each other and

only 2 percent of the shocks elicited fighting.

Powell and Creer (1969) likewise found pain-

attack reactions to be a rarity in young animals

shocked in large cages. If animals, in fact,

possessed an unconditioned fighting reflex, they

should be equally combative in varying, though

still relatively small, enclosures when subjected to

painful stimulation.

Premature attribution of pain-induced fighting

to reflexive mechanisms has retarded 500
investigation of other possible determinants and

the functional utility of fighting in the

experimental settings. Pain-elicited attack appears

to differ qualitatively from naturally instigated

fighting. In the former case, fighting episodes are

usually very brief; fighting ceases almost

immediately after the shock is stopped; and it is

conspicuously absent during periods between

shocks. If pain consistently provokes aggression,
one would expect the biting and mauling initiated

by shock to be sufficiently painful to perpetuate

reciprocal fighting for some time after shock

stimulation has ceased. Given evidence that

animals can acquire aggression-eliciting

properties through association with combat

experiences (Ulrich, Hutchinson, and Azrin, 1965),

it is also surprising that fighting does not come

under social stimulus control so that animals

eventually attack each other when shock is absent. 501
In many respects, pain-induced postures appear to

be more closely related to escape and defensive

responses in which the combative features are

secondary (Reynierse, 1971).

Ulrich and Azrin (1962) have considered—and

discounted—possible undetected sources of

reinforcement of pain-induced fighting. By

assuming upright postures and jumping on each

other, animals may periodically reduce contact
with the electrified grid and thus have their

sparring intermittently reinforced by partial

escape from painful stimulation. As the authors

point out, this explanation would not account for

fighting induced by shock delivered through
electrodes attached to the animals’ bodies.

Findings of the latter studies are less persuasive,

however, because they are based on response-

constraining procedures that force biting attacks

on inanimate targets, attacks which are not often 502
duplicated under unrestrained conditions.

A second interpretation is that fighting is

partly maintained by accidental reinforcement

through occasional coincidences of attack

reactions with shock termination. Protective

behavior is most readily perpetuated by

superstitious contingencies when threats cannot

be controlled by one’s actions; coincidences

between actions and outcomes tend to be
interpreted as genuine contingencies that regulate

behavior as though a given action will, in fact,

forestall a feared outcome. The authors doubt

whether such a process is operative on the
grounds that the shocks are too brief to provide

much superstitious reinforcement. Evidence of

sequential changes in fighting responses as a

function of shock duration suggests, however, that

the temporal relation between attack behavior

and shock termination may be a critical factor in 503
sustaining pain-provoked fighting (Azrin, Ulrich,

Hutchinson, and Norman, 1964). Initially, brief

shocks rarely elicited fighting responses, but long

shocks almost always provoked attack. As the

experiment progressed, long-lasting shocks

rapidly lost their effectiveness, whereas short ones

increased and maintained their power to instigate

fighting responses. On the occasions when shock

elicits attacks, they tend to appear immediately
and cease quickly. If the assumption is valid that

fighting sometimes coincides with pain reduction

given short shocks, but with continued painful

stimulation when shocks last a long time, the

obtained changes in the evocative power of shocks

are consistent with an adventitious reinforcement

interpretation. This speculation is tentatively

supported by research showing that the

contingency, not pain per se, is the critical

determinant of aggression. Noncontingent painful 504
stimulation provokes aggression, but—contrary to

the reflexive elicitation hypothesis—shocks

presented after each attack reduce and eliminate

rather than increase aggressive responding (Azrin,

1970; Baenninger and Grossman, 1969; Ulrich,

Wolfe, and Dulaney, 1969).

Aversive stimulation ordinarily activates

behavior designed to eliminate or at least to

reduce the source of discomfort. Thus, if a room is
unbearably hot, people will typically turn on air

conditioning devices in preference to assaulting

someone nearby. The experiments reported thus

far permitted attack but not escape. In order to

determine whether aggression predominates in
aversive situations, researchers examined the

relationship between combative and flight

reactions to painful treatment. The results show

that, given a choice, animals would rather escape

than fight. Under conditions in which the escape 505
response requires social confrontations, shock can

provoke some fighting, but successful escape

quickly displaces attack reactions and fighting

reappears only when escape is not possible (Azrin,

Hutchinson, and Hake, 1967; Wolfe, Ulrich, and

Dulaney, 1971). If paired animals can flee without

the necessity of confrontation, they do so when

shocked without ever aggressing toward each

other (Logan and Boice, 1969). Knutson (1971)
has further shown that, even under close social

contact, when environmental inducements to fight

are minimized, avoidance and escape responses to

shock stimulation take priority over attack.

In everyday situations the target person is

usually the source of the distress rather than

simply an innocent bystander. Under these

circumstances successful counterattacks provide

escape from injurious assaults. As might be

expected, aggressive responses that serve a 506
protective function are highly resistant to change

(Azrin, Hutchinson, and Hake, 1967).

There are some further indications that as the

determinants of pain-attack reactions are more

critically examined, they will most likely be

dispossessed of their reflexive status.

Developmental studies (Hutchinson, Ulrich, and

Azrin, 1965) reveal that painful events rarely

produce fighting in young animals, and they are
relatively weak elicitors of aggression in animals

of all ages if reared alone after weaning (Figure

3.6). The authors attribute the increasing capacity

of shock to elicit fighting with advancing age to
higher levels of testosterone, the male sexual

hormone. Evidence bearing on this issue would

seem to favor experiential rather than hormonal

factors. Daily injections of testosterone create

sexual precocity but do not enhance the attack-

eliciting potential of shock in young animals 507
FIGURE 3.6 The percent of shocks that evoked fighting in
groups of animals that were reared socially or isolated at 22
days of age and lived alone until tested for aggression to 100
shocks, presented at 30, 60, and 90 days of age, respectively.
(Plotted from data of Hutchinson, Ulrich, and Azrin, 1965) 508
(Powell and Creer, 1969).

The role of fighting experiences in determining

whether pain will provoke attack or nonaggressive

reactions was examined by Powell and Creer

(1969), who assessed the interaction of

developmental and environmental variables in

shock-elicited aggression. As illustrated in Figure

3.7, young animals in standard enclosures almost

never fought when shocked, but those in small
cages, who also at first responded

nonaggressively, eventually became fighters as the

sessions progressed. This differential

combativeness indicates that young animals are
physically capable of aggressing but that painful

treatment alone is insufficient to elicit such

behavior. Somewhat older animals yielded a

similar pattern of results, whereas the oldest

members, those most likely to have had previous

fighting experience, increased their combativeness 509
FIGURE 3.7 Frequency with which shock induced fighting in
paired animals of varying ages in small and standard
enclosures. One hundred shocks were administered during
each daily session in a series of 10 sessions. (Powell and Creer,
1969) 510
over the sessions regardless of enclosure size. A

related experiment demonstrated that aversive

stimuli essentially lose their capacity to arouse

aggression if they have been previously

experienced under social circumstances in which

aggressive responses could not be performed.

These findings are consistent with those of Maier,

Seligman, and Solomon (1969); they show that

after animals have been repeatedly shocked no
matter what they do, they later respond passively

to hurtful treatment even though successful

coping responses are made available.

The overall results support the view that

physically painful experiences are, at best,

facilitative but not sufficient to provoke aggression

in animals. To produce regular fighting through

painful treatment, animals must be directly

confronted with the target in a constricted area,

the aversive stimuli must be very brief and not 511
follow attack reactions, the animals must have

some fighting experience, and all flight reactions

must be blocked. Fighting thus appears to be a

forced rather than a primal unlearned response to

pain. The restricted circumstances under which

aversive stimuli apparently exercise control over

aggressive responses cast some doubt on whether

experimentation confined to such conditions will

substantially advance understanding of what
causes animals to aggress in their natural habitat,

much less explain human aggressiveness. Under

natural conditions aggression may be aversively

controlled after animals have begun to attack each

other and thus cause pain, but the factors that

begin fights in the absence of any immediate

aversive experiences still require explanation.

Aggression is typically provoked by threats

intruders pose to food supplies, to nesting sites, to

offspring, to mates, and to dominance status, 512
rather than by actual physical pain. In these

instances, events that forebode painful

consequences provoke combat. The latter

phenomena can perhaps best be understood in

terms of the response-controlling functions of

informative stimuli and reinforcing consequences.

From field studies of social interactions

resulting in violent conduct it is well documented

that physical assault serves as a powerful
instigator of aggression. For obvious humane

reasons, virtually no experiments have

investigated the conditions determining whether

physical attack will elicit fight, flight, submission,

or some other type of reaction in humans. The
strength of anticipatory retaliative aggression is

undoubtedly a critical controlling factor. The only

studies that have included some physical

provocation are ones in which adults could

counteraggress toward either a punitive 513
competitor or a person who had previously

devalued their intellectual performance by

administering painful shocks to them. People

aggress more strongly toward their assailants

when they are physically punished than when they

are treated considerately (Berkowitz and Le Page,

1967; Pisano and Taylor, 1971). When escape

from the situation is blocked, the more frequently

they are attacked, the more physical aggression
they inflict on their adversaries (Helm, Bonoma,

and Tedeschi, 1972). It remains unclear, however,

how much of the retaliation is provoked by the

physical maltreatment, how much by the implied

belittling of their intelligence, and how much by

the aggressive modeling of the provocateur.

Verbal Threats and Insults

Social interchanges are typically escalated into

physical aggression by verbal threats and insults. 514
Toch (1969) retrospectively analyzed sequences

of actions and reactions of chronic assaulters to

determine what sets them off on a course

productive of violence. Among those studied were

assault-prone police officers, as well as parolees

and prison inmates who recurrently get embroiled

in acts of violence. Humiliating affronts and

threats to reputation and manly status emerged as

major precipitants of violence.

In the case of assaultive policemen, the

interaction generally begins with the officer

issuing orders coercively in some petty incident.

Most people acquiesce to forceful show of
authority, but individuals who are prone to

violence respond to arbitrary commands as an

unwarranted infringement of their rights. They

regard their actions as perhaps mildly provocative

but essentially within legal boundaries, and the

policeman's coercive behavior as arbitrary and 515
unjustified. Negative definition of police actions is

especially prevalent among underprivileged youth

who, due to experienced, observed, or affirmed

harassment, are inclined to view police as

guardians of an oppressive system. Consequently,

they question the legitimacy of police authority.

Policemen with a penchant for provoking fights

also tend to assert their authority in inept ways

that cause needless humiliation and defiance. As
Toch puts it, assault-prone officers generally use

last resorts as initial moves. Through his opening

frontal approach the policeman thus places

himself in a hazardous position where, given

noncompliance, he has no alternative but to

invoke additional force that eventually culminates

in violence. Verbal orders are escalated to threats

and physical struggles, in the course of which

instigated antagonism is transformed into law

violations. The policeman finally extricates himself 516
from a dangerous situation largely of his own

creation by overpowering his challenger and

placing him under arrest.

Toch reports that in other types of social

interactions people who are prone to act

aggressively are similarly incited to violence when

their reputation, status, and manliness are

challenged or they are otherwise affronted and

slighted. High sensitivity to embarrassing
treatment is usually combined with deficient

verbal and social skills for dealing with

altercations that can easily erupt into violence.

Where verbally skilled persons often resolve

disputes and restore their self-esteem by verbal
means without having to dispose of their

antagonists physically, those who have

impoverished coping techniques quickly resort to

violent solutions. 517
Insult provokes counterattack as well in

individuals who ordinarily eschew aggression

(Berkowitz, 1965b; Geen, 1968). In the latter

cases, however, insult alone is sometimes

ineffective in increasing punitiveness, but it does

heighten aggressive responding when supported
by hostile modeling and other disinhibitory

influences (Hartmann, 1969; Wheeler and

Caggiula, 1966).

No one has traced, either developmentally or

experimentally, the process whereby insults

acquire aggression-provoking potential. The most

plausible explanation is in terms of differential

reinforcement. Affronts that are not successfully
counteracted can have far-reaching consequences

for victims. Among other things, ineffectual

recipients become easy targets for further

victimization; they are apt to forfeit their standing

in social hierarchies along with the recognition 518
and power to control resources that go with it; and

they suffer a loss in self-respect because of their

inability to curb humiliating treatment. To the

extent that punishment of insults by

counteraggression reduces the likelihood of

further mistreatment, the insult-aggression

reaction becomes well established. Conversely,

when retaliative responses are consistently and

severely punished, insult produces acquiescence
with its attendant social and self-devaluative


Unfavorable Changes in Positive Reinforcement

After individuals have come to expect their

actions to be rewarded at a certain level,

withdrawal or reduction of positive reinforcement

serves as an aversive event. Like other types of
unpleasant treatments, reinforcement withdrawal

functions as both a punisher for responses and a 519
conditioner of negative properties to formerly

neutral events with which it is regularly

associated (Azrin and Holz, 1966; Leitenberg,


Since aggression is to some extent aversively

controlled, it is not surprising to find that

unfavorable changes in reinforcement can

provoke assaultive behavior. Hutchinson, Azrin,

and Hunt (1968) report that hungry animals were
disinclined to attack a member of their species

located in the same chamber as long as their

instrumental responses never produced food

rewards. On the other hand, when food
reinforcement was given and later withdrawn,

they frequently attacked their companion upon

transition to extinction. In successive phases of the

experiment, attacks rapidly declined during times

when food reinforcement was consistently

withheld but quickly reappeared when food 520
rewards were alternately given and revoked. The

more prior reinforcement they received, the

stronger was the assaultive behavior when

rewards were terminated. Extinction-induced

aggression was evident even in animals that were

raised in social isolation and thus had no prior

history of competitive battles over food. Close

examination of temporal relations between

different modes of response discloses that when
customary rewards are first withdrawn, animals

intensify instrumental responding that previously

secured reinforcement; but as their energetic

efforts fail, they resort to combative actions

(Thompson and Bloom, 1966).

In the preceding studies attack reactions were

precipitated by removing all positive

reinforcement for performances that had been

consistently rewarded. Less drastic reductions in

conditions of reinforcement may likewise provoke 521
aggression. Schedules of positive reinforcement

requiring high expenditure of effort for minimal

rewards are generally experienced as aversive.

Hutchinson, Azrin, and Hunt (1968) found that, as

work requirements for reinforcement were

progressively increased, primates engaged in

biting attacks even though their instrumental

behavior was occasionally rewarded. Return to a

more favorable payoff schedule reduced attack
reactions. Other studies of schedule-induced

aggression (Flory, 1969a; Gentry, 1968; Gentry

and Schaeffer, 1969) verify that sparing

reinforcements for effortful performances can act

as elicitors of aggressive behavior. Physical attack

is provoked by increasing the time between

rewards as well as by raising work demands

(Flory, 1969b). Although meager payoffs provoke

aggression, terminating them altogether is also

aggression arousing (Knutson, 1970). With 522
continued nonreward, however, both work

performances and assaultive behavior diminish

and after a time virtually disappear. Thompson

and Bloom (1966) have further shown that when

efforts to secure reinforcement are repeatedly

extinguished, behavioral responsiveness,
instrumental as well as combative, is substantially

depressed and not easily reinstated by occasional

reward. These phenomena are not unlike

naturalistic observations that people who are

chronically subjected to adverse conditions of

reinforcement develop a feeling of helplessness

and become passively resigned to their dismal

living conditions.

Extinction-induced aggression in humans has

received little systematic study. A number of

behavior therapists (Bucher and Lovaas, 1968;

Williams, 1959; Wolf, Risky, and Mees, 1964) have

noted that withdrawal of social reinforcement for 523
deviant behavior sometimes produces a

temporary intensification of aggressive reactions.

An especially hazardous disorder, prevalent

among autistic and grossly retarded children,

involves self-injurious behavior. The conditions

eliciting and maintaining self-mutilation are not

fully understood, but case studies by Lovaas and

his co-workers (Lovaas and Simmons, 1969) have

established reinforcement withdrawal as one
possible instigator of self-mutilation. Withholding

positive attention for other behaviors was

accompanied by substantial increases in self-

hurtful actions. Lovaas speculates that through

past experiences autistic children learned to

behave self-destructively as a desperate way of

reinstating attentiveness from unresponsive


Overcrowding is an environmental condition

often invoked as an aversive instigator of 524
aggression. There are certain features of density

groupings that could facilitate combativeness. At

the familial level, children who live in cramped

quarters are likely to spend more time on

neighborhood streets than those residing in

spacious households. To the extent that

neighborhood influences foster antisocial styles of

life, the probability of developing aggressive

conduct is thereby increased. Moreover, parents
who have to cope with many children in congested

quarters are often forced to punitive measures to

halt squabbles between family members who

repeatedly get in one another’s way. At the

broader social level, the immense logistic

problems of servicing hordes of people inevitably

create annoyances. Crowding heightens

competitiveness for services and desired

resources, which can also be exasperating. Densely

crowded conditions not only increase the 525
likelihood of interpersonal friction, but pollute and

otherwise intensify the aversive qualities of the

physical environment. In addition to the irritants

of crowded living, it fosters a sense of anonymity

and impersonality conducive to inconsiderate


Despite widespread concern over the

ecological dangers posed by overpopulation, the

possible effects of population density on human
aggressiveness have received little experimental

attention. The psychological consequences of

overcrowding are difficult to isolate because it is

usually associated with, among other factors,

poverty, ethnicity, unemployment, and inadequate
law enforcement, which confound the causes. The

problem of untangling the multiple causation is

further complicated by the fact that populousness

may help to create some of the correlated

conditions. Comparison of homicide rates for 526
different nations and for different regions within

the same country indicate that crowding in itself

does not necessarily increase combativeness.

Highly populated locales that traditionally eschew

aggressive conduct have relatively low incidences

of violence, whereas inhabitants of less crowded

places who view aggressive conduct permissively

and make lethal weapons easily available

experience higher rates of interpersonal assaults.
Such data indicate that the level of combativeness

within a society can be better predicted from

prevailing social sanctions than from population

density. For reasons given earlier, crowding would

be expected to enhance aggressiveness in

conjunction with other aggression-promoting


The problem is more complicated than it might

at first appear, however. Crowded living is not

invariably stressful. Man is immensely adaptable. 527
People who become accustomed to a city life style

may at first dislike isolated country living and vice

versa. Those who discover sufficient rewarding

features in the new environment eventually

change their preferences. Interpersonal clashes

are curtailed even under tremendous crowding

through social organization and systems of

control. Various segments of the population are

spatially separated in different areas of a
community on the basis of ethnic, religious, or

socioeconomic characteristics, thus reducing the

opportunity for conflict. The threat of personal

retaliation and legal restraints additionally

discourage people from taking what they want by

forceful means. It is therefore not uncommon for

extreme poverty to exist amid affluence without

serious challenges to inequities. Similar patterns

have been noted in the behavior of animals living

in crowded colonies (Calhoun, 1950, 1962). 528
Dominant animals gain control over resources,

and after a few painful skirmishes, subordinate

members resign themselves to a meager existence

on the fringes of the colony. The probability of

widespread aggression increases under conditions

in which massive population growth overwhelms
organizational constraints.

Thwarting of Goal-directed Behavior

Proponents of the frustration-aggression

theory (Berkowitz, 1965a; Dollard et al., 1939;

Feshbach, 1970) define frustration in terms of

interference or blocking of goal-seeking activities.

In this view, people are provoked to aggression

when obstructed, delayed, or otherwise thwarted

from getting what they want. Research bearing on

this issue shows that thwarting can have a variety

of behavioral effects, though under certain
conditions it provokes forceful actions. 529
Frustrative conditions essentially prevent or

delay desired reinforcement. The obstacles may

take a variety of forms. Sometimes they are

created by environmental barriers, physical or

social, such as impoverished living conditions,

obstructions and privations resulting from
overcrowding, and restrictive laws and

discriminatory social practices. Personal

limitations, both physical and psychological, serve

as other potential barriers. Positions in various

status and power hierarchies are to a large extent

determined by social and vocational

competencies. The degree of control that a person

can exercise over his own activities, the power to

modify his environment, and the accessibility to,

and control over, valued resources increases with

higher status positions. People who lack

sociovocational proficiencies are relegated to a

subordinate status, in which not only is their 530
welfare subject to arbitrary external controls, but
they are irreversibly channeled into an economic

and social mode of living that further restricts

their opportunities to improve their lot in life. Self-

restraints, arising from conditioned inhibitions

and self-censuring reactions, may also curtail the

types of gratifications that people can secure from

among those that are socially permissible.

A number of experiments, conducted with both

children and adults, in which blocking of goal-

directed behavior and social learning factors are

independently varied disclose that thwarting is a

relatively weak and unpredictable determinant of

aggression. Although it sometimes heightens
aggression (Buss, 1963; Geen and Berkowitz,

1967; Mallick and McCandless, 1966; Ulrich and

Flavell, 1970), thwarting often exerts no

significant influence, whereas variables within the

same studies such as modeling, prior aggressive 531
training, and the functional value of aggressive

actions emerge as major determinants of

aggression (Buss, 1966a; Gentry, 1970; Jegard and

Walters, 1960; Kuhn, Madsen, and Becker, 1967;

Walters and Brown, 1963).

People are more easily provoked by insult than

by blocking their goal-directed behavior. As was

previously noted, they are also more inclined to

respond aggressively to unwarranted than to
justifiable hindrances, even though their goal-

seeking behavior is equally thwarted. The latter

findings suggest that in instances where thwarting

arouses aggression, the implied insult rather than
response interference is perhaps the more critical

instigating factor.

The role of thwarting can be best understood

by considering its effects on both aggressive and

nonaggressive responses. A number of 532
investigators have studied the intensity of
responding after expected rewards have been

withheld or delayed at different points from the

goal. Children blocked near to the goal respond

more vigorously than if they are thwarted at some

distance from it (Haner and Brown, 1955;

Longstreth, 1966). In a related study, Penney

(1960) showed that blocking may reside in the

intensification of a response which is not part of,

but immediately succeeds, the thwarted

instrumental activity, provided a strong

expectation of reward was created. Holton (1961)

similarly demonstrated that the more often

children had been reinforced in the past, which

presumably created reward expectation, the more

forcefully they responded to nonreward,

especially if blocked close to goal attainment.

The vigor of instrumental responses may be

increased by delay as well as by omission of 533
anticipated reward. The forcefulness with which

children perform a behavior that brings them

rewards is heightened with increasing delay of

reward and reduced with decreasing delay. The

effects of frustrative deprivation are not confined

to performers. Observers also respond more

intensely after seeing another person barred from

achieving a goal that is within easy reach

(Kobasigawa, 1965).

It is evident from these findings that thwarting

can temporarily intensify performance. Since

responses of high magnitude tend to be labeled as

aggressive, when people react more vigorously
after their efforts fail or are obstructed or their

successful performances are simply nonrewarded,

the strengthened responding is typically

construed as aggression. The major questions of

interest are twofold: Is intensified responsiveness,

when it does occur, attributable to motivational or 534
directive properties of frustrative events, and is

the thwarting-vigorous-reaction relationship

inherent or established through prior learning?

There is some evidence (Amsel, 1958; Blixt and

Ley, 1969) that thwarting can function as an

aversive arouser that energizes behavior, but

learning experiences appear to be the principal

determinants of the kinds of responses that are

activated (Bolles, 1967; Davitz, 1952). Forceful
modes of behavior generally prove more

successful in surmounting obstacles than

dispirited efforts; consequently, people are

differentially reinforced for responding vigorously

to frustrative conditions. Various obstacles and

thwarting agents may eventually become cues for

forceful behavior independently of changes in

motivational level. Natural contingencies

ordinarily favor vigorous reactions to thwarting,

and it is perhaps for this reason that the 535
relationship is frequently observed. It can be

reversed, however, by altering the contingencies

so that weak rather than forceful responding to

frustration pays off (Marx, 1956). Frustrative

nonreward can thus come to elicit diverse

reactions depending upon what has been found
through repeated experience to work best.

In the preceding laboratory studies, thwarting

failed to provoke forceful actions in people who
had not experienced sufficient positive

reinforcement to develop reward expectations and

in those who were blocked far enough from the

goal that it appeared unattainable. Indeed,

prolonged thwarting and nonreward of efforts to
secure valued outcomes eventually leads to

apathy. These findings are in accord with field

studies examining the influence of relative

deprivation and behavioral efficacy on militant

actions. 536
Explanations of civil disorders frequently

invoke as principal causal factors the pervasive

impoverishment, exploitation, and feelings of

powerlessness to control conditions that affect

one’s life. Ransford (1968), for example, reports

that, among black residents interviewed in Watts,
those who felt most isolated, powerless, and

dissatisfied were most willing to endorse violent

methods. The view that discontent breeds

disorder requires qualifications, however. It

follows from this type of causal explanation that

collective violence would be more likely to occur

in cities where such conditions are prevalent than

in those in which they are present to a lesser

degree. Lieberson and Silverman (1965) provide

some evidence, though admittedly based on gross

measures, that adverse conditions of life are poor

predictors of the location and timing of riots. Cities

experiencing violent civil disturbances did not 537
differ significantly in social and economic

conditions commonly assumed to be sources of

collective aggression from cities similar in size and

region that had no riots. If anything, civil

disruptions were more likely to occur where

black-white differences in income and
occupational pursuits were smaller, but

discrimination practices remained in the system.

Comparisons of rioters and nonrioters within the

same communities yield essentially similar results.

The groups did not differ on factors such as

employment and income, but those who

participated in urban violence were generally

better educated, had greater racial pride, and

favored coercive action to secure civil rights

(Caplan, 1970). In considering why some strained

situations erupt into riots and others do not, it

should be noted that almost every urban

disturbance was started by a police encounter 538
with a ghetto resident that provoked onlookers to

retaliatory violence. The fact that fortuitous events

serve as precipitants of social disturbances makes

prediction difficult from preconditions alone.

The major limitation of the privation theory of

social unrest is clearly apparent when one

considers that, despite condemnation of their

degrading and exploited conditions of life,

comparatively few of the sufferers take active
measures to force warranted changes. A vast

majority of the disadvantaged do not engage in

disruptive public protest, and even in cities

experiencing civil disturbances, only about 15 to

20 percent of ghetto residents actively participate
in the aggressive activities (Bowen, Bowen,

Gawser, and Masotti, 1968; Sears and McConahay,

1969; McCord and Howard, 1968). The critical

question for social scientists to answer is not why

some people who are subjected to gross 539
maltreatment aggress, but rather why a sizable

majority of them acquiesce to dismal living

conditions in the midst of affluent styles of life. To

facilely invoke the frustration-aggression

hypothesis, as is commonly done, is to disregard

the more striking evidence that severe frustration

is generally accompanied by feelings of

hopelessness and massive servility. Pervasive

discontent may be a necessary but obviously not a
sufficient cause of collective aggression.

Informal observation would indicate that

discontent produces aggression not in those who

have lost hope, but in those whose assertive
efforts at social and economic betterment have

been periodically reinforced; consequently, they

have some reason to expect that coercive action

will force additional social change. Psychological

research on reinforcement processes has

established that the value of given outcomes is 540
determined relationally rather than by their

absolute properties (Bandura, 1971b; Premack,

1965). The same level of compensation may thus

be experienced as rewarding or punishing

depending on the nature, frequency, and

magnitude of past reinforcement. People not only

compare their present gains with those they

secured in the past, but also continually observe

the rewards and punishments accruing to others.
Unfavorable discrepancies between observed and

experienced outcomes tend to create discontent,

whereas individuals may be satisfied with limited

rewards as long as they are equivalent to, or

exceed, what others are receiving.

Selective processes operate in the standards

used to evaluate one’s outcomes. According to

social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954;

Pettigrew, 1967) people tend to select for

comparison those who are somewhat similar to 541
themselves. Disadvantaged people are therefore

more likely to be dissatisfied with their life

situations when members of their own group

achieve differential advancements than when all

remain subordinated. Upward mobility may also

breed discontent, especially when self-betterment

made possible by the development of requisite

competencies raises aspirations, the attainment of

which is then thwarted by prejudicial barriers.
While the disadvantaged slowly improve their lot

in life, the more affluent members of society

usually make more rapid progress, so that the

disparity between the groups widens. Hard-won

gains become relative losses (Pettigrew, 1963).

Betterment of social conditions can thus give rise

to discontent. When coercive pressures are

applied to secure further reforms, protesters are

criticized as ungrateful for the benefits they have

been granted, and warned that their militant 542
actions will not only jeopardize additional

advances but may even cost them what they have

already gained.

Current explanations of violent protest

emphasize relative deprivation rather than the

actual level of aversive conditions as the instigator

of collective aggression. In a survey study,

Crawford and Naditch (1970) report that blacks

who judged their present status as relatively close
to their aspirations were inclined to disapprove of

militant action and to believe that social changes

could be better achieved through persuasion than

through force. On the other hand, blacks who felt

that their present life situation fell short of their
aspirations displayed more militant attitudes. A

majority of them regarded riotous actions as a

legitimate and effective means of achieving

reforms. 543
In an analysis of conditions preceding major

revolutions, Davies (1962, 1969) shows that

enduring severe privations is more likely to create

resignation and despair than revolution. He

attributes people’s submissiveness to their

preoccupation with physical survival. An
alternative explanation is that their efforts to

effect social change are extinguished to the point

of apathy. Davies builds a convincing case that

revolutions are most likely to occur when a period

of social and economic improvement that instills

rising expectations is followed by a sharp reversal.

This pattern of changes would both create

aversive social conditions that breed the

widespread discontent required for collective

action and reinforce a sense of behavioral efficacy

that intensifies efforts to regain previously

experienced benefits. Collective discontent,

however, appears to play a more influential role in 544
revolutionary violence than in protest activities,

which are determined more by the coercive

potential of challenging groups and the social

sanction of forceful tactics (Gurr, 1970a, b).

Although aggression is more likely to be

provoked by relative than by absolute deprivation,

the predictive value of this determinant is limited

by its conceptual and operational ambiguity. There

is little consensus among theorists on the
comparative standards used to measure level of

dissatisfaction. Consequently, variable results may

be obtained depending upon whether people

evaluate their life circumstances in relation to

their aspirations, to their past gratifications, or to
the life situations of others whom they select for

social comparison. Discontent created by raised

aspirations, by reduction of rewards and

privileges from accustomed levels, and by

deceleration in the rate of anticipated 545
improvement undoubtedly has variant effects.

Moreover, different sources of inequity (for

example, social, economic, political) may have

differential aggression-activating power. A

comprehensive theory would also have to specify

the form of the relationship between size of

negative disparity and likelihood of aggressive

response. Informal evidence suggests a threshold

rather than a linear function. That is, people
lacking coercive power may acquiesce to

considerable inequity only to respond violently

when it exceeds a certain intolerable level.

The behavioral effects of aversive

circumstances are determined not only

relationally, but by their justifiability as well.

Privations judged to be warranted are generally

accepted without indignation, whereas less severe

hardships regarded as unjustified are resented. It

is inequitable deprivation of things people believe 546
they rightfully deserve that is most conducive to

aggressive action. Even unjustified inequities,

however, may be accepted without undue protest

given expectation either that the maltreatment

will be corrected within the foreseeable future, or

that opportunities will be created which promise

eventual improvement in life circumstances. Hope

thus reduces the aggression-arousing potential of

aversive privation. To complicate matters further,
response to inequitable deprivation is highly

influenced by other controlling variables. A

relatively low level of discontent combined with

coercive power is more apt to produce vigorous

protest than high, though powerless,

dissatisfaction. Finally, variations in the scope and

severity of aversive conditions partly determine

whether people will attempt to force changes in

specific practices within a system or more radical

shifts in institutional principles. 547
Obviously, most people who feel relatively

deprived do not resort to violent action.

Unfortunately, researchers rarely examine the

reinforcements that are provided for alternative

means of securing desired goals. It would be

predicted from social learning theory that people
who are consistently nonrewarded or punished

regardless of what they do would eventually lower

their aspirations and acquiesce in their

impoverished conditions of life; those who achieve

some measure of success through the

development of their potentialities would eschew

violent tactics; and those who had found

aggression to be the only effective means available

for getting what they want or for expressing their

grievances would favor violent actions.

Several lines of evidence indicate that some

reinforcement of personal efficacy is an important

factor in aggressive response to aversive social 548
conditions. In many nations it is university

students rather than the grossly underprivileged

segments of the society who initiate protest

movements that force social reforms and topple

disliked governments (Lipset, 1966). Student

activists in the United States came

disproportionately from advantaged backgrounds

and prestigious universities that attract the ablest

students (Keniston, 1967). Admittedly, factors
other than personal efficacy foster student

activism. The lack of constraining responsibilities

and availability of free time make it easier to act

on idealistic convictions when risks are involved.

By tradition, students are generally granted some

degree of immunity from community control of

their protest behavior. The broader awareness

gained through critical study can create in highly

principled students estrangement, if not outrage,

over social inequities, even though they may 549
occupy relatively privileged positions within the

system. Since the vast majority of students,

however, do not engage in protest activities, an

adequate explanation of student activism must

include personal as well as common

organizational determinants. These issues are
discussed at some length in the next chapter.

Studies of urban violence provide further

evidence bearing on reinforced efficacy and
aggressive responsiveness to maltreatment.

Contrary to the popular belief that riotous

behavior is performed by disreputable elements of

ghetto society, those who participate in civil

disturbances have achieved some economic and
educational gains to reinforce a sense of racial

pride, but they feel unjustly excluded from

opportunities within their capabilities by a

widespread system of discrimination (Caplan and

Paige, 1968; Tomlinson, 1968). After collective 550
aggression is begun, the disinhibiting effects of

widespread modeling and the immediate rewards

resulting from aggressive activities may instigate

aggressive actions in ordinarily passive

individuals. The personal determinants of social

violence are therefore obscured when studies of

the characteristics of participants in collective

aggression fail to distinguish between initiators

and followers.

People are usually discontented with many

aspects of their life situation, but only a few of

these, and not necessarily the most pressing ones,

ever reach the level of public protest. Explanations
of collective aggression must therefore address

themselves to the timing and selection of specific

problem areas for social action. Blumer (1971)

distinguishes several stages in the selective

process. The initial phase concerns problem

recognition. A variety of factors may determine 551
why a particular adversity attains visibility at a

certain time, while other concerns receive little

public attention. Adventitious events, coupled

with the crusading efforts of reformers, often help

to dramatize objectionable social conditions. Thus,

prison revolts, mine disasters, shocking crimes,

gross injustices, and incidents involving blatant

misuse of power expose reprehensible practices.

They gain further recognition through agitation of
concerned groups. People generally learn about

the plight of others through the press and

television. Consequently, the mass media, with its

immense dissemination capacity, serves as a

powerful force in creating, mollifying, and

reinforcing public concerns.

After a problem has gained public recognition,

it must then survive the process of social

validation. Unless the discontented can convince

others of the justifiability of their cause, they will 552
fail to gain the widespread sympathy and support

needed to mobilize dissatisfaction into corrective

action. Groups whose vested interests are

threatened, of course, work actively to minimize

the grievances and to discredit the protesters as

self-serving agitators. Battles over the legitimation

of social problems are fought in public assemblies,

in the press, and on television by various

advocates, including community organizers,
students, lawyers, clergy, politicians, and other

influential backers of contending factions. Since

tactics that are good attention-getters tend to be

self-discrediting by their immoderate nature, it is

not uncommon for protesters to undermine the

justification of their grievances in their effort to

publicize them.

Problems can be well publicized and

characterized in ways that win the support of

socially concerned individuals as well as the 553
aggrieved, but little is done about them. In fact,

more often than not, drawing attention to

warranted grievances generates a temporary

outpouring of moral indignation but little social

action. Discomfort over appalling disclosures is

thereby relieved without incurring the costs of

challenging individuals or institutions

contributing to the problems. Personal influences

must be brought to bear to get sympathizers to
participate in forceful action. Since quick victories

are difficult to achieve in confrontations with

those who command authorized power,

considerable positive reinforcement is also

required to sustain reformative efforts in the face

of repeated failure. When adequate supportive

rewards are lacking, discouragement and

weariness take a heavy toll of the ranks of


Considering the complex interplay of opposing 554
influences at each stage of the change process, it is

hardly surprising that deprivation, whether

defined in absolute or relative terms, is a weak

predictor of collective aggression (McPhail, 1971).

The substantial evidence reviewed in this section

and elsewhere in this book supports the

conclusion that aversive events commonly

subsumed under the term frustration—be they

physical assaults, insults, reinforcement
withdrawal, or thwarting of goal-directed

activities—are, at best, facilitative rather than

necessary or sufficient conditions for aggression.

“Frustration” is most likely to provoke aggression

in individuals who have learned to behave

aggressively and for whom aggression has

functional value.


During the process of socialization people are 555
extensively trained to obey orders. In the early

formative years, when children cannot foresee the

consequences of their actions, parents impose

strict obedience demands, particularly in

hazardous situations. Behavior is brought under

verbal control through differential consequences

for obedient and noncompliant reactions. By

rewarding obedience to directives and punishing

noncompliance, orders eventually acquire
powerful response-controlling properties (Ayllon

and Azrin, 1964). After this form of social

influence is well established, people use it

extensively to get others to do what they want

them to do in a wide range of situations. Since

verbal orders quickly lose their effectiveness if

they go unheeded without penalty, defiance is

seldom treated lightly. In order to preserve

authoritative control, social agents are careful to

avoid situations that risk open defiance, and they 556
apply strong enforcement measures to ensure that

the demands they do impose are obeyed. This is

especially true in coercive societies where strict

obedience is of considerable importance in

maintaining the existing social system.

Given that people will obey orders, legitimate

authorities can successfully command aggression

from others, especially if the actions are presented

as justified and necessary and the enforcing agents
possess strong coercive power. Indeed, as Snow

(1961) has perceptively observed, “When you

think of the long and gloomy history of man, you

will find more hideous crimes have been

committed in the name of obedience than have
been committed in the name of rebellion” (p. 24).

He cites as an example the atrocities obediently

perpetrated by agents of the Third Reich. The

documentation of this thesis might also include

the atomic holocausts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 557
as well as the more recent wholesale slaughter at

My Lai.

A series of controversial experiments

conducted by Milgram provide graphic

demonstrations of how demands of legitimate

authorities can serve as powerful instigators of

inhumane aggressive actions. In the obedience

paradigm designed to study this phenomenon,

well-meaning adults are told to administer
increasingly severe shocks to a learner in an

adjoining room, ostensibly to examine how

memory is affected by punishment of mistakes.

The apparatus contains thirty graded switches
labeled with voltage ratings and verbal

designations varying from slight shocks to

dangerously severe ones. Each time the learner

errs, the aggressor is ordered to increase the

shock level one step. When the more painful levels

are reached, the learner—actually a confederate of 558
the experimenter, who never receives any shocks

—vehemently protests the punitive treatment and

emits increasingly agonized screams as the

sessions progress. The experimenter, unperturbed

by these reactions, instructs the aggressor to

disregard the protestations and to step up the

shock level after each error or refusal to respond.

Whenever aggressors voice reluctance to continue

the cruel actions, as they often do, they are simply
told to go on, until they absolutely refuse to

comply with the commands.

In the first experiment (Milgram, 1963),

conducted with paid volunteers of different
occupations, ages, and education, the

experimenter provided the authoritative sanction.

Much to everyone’s surprise, 65 percent of the

adults, though highly distressed over the suffering

they caused by their brutal actions, nevertheless

obeyed the orders to the end, and delivered 559
shocks designated as extremely dangerous. Those

who refused to go all the way did so only after the

victim began pounding on the wall in desperation.

Ordinarily sensible men will behave in a cruel and

callous manner when told to do so by a seemingly

legitimate authority in an organization of

unknown character as well as in a university

situation of high integrity (Milgram, 1965b). The

following transcript from an obedient subject
illustrates destructive compliance with verbal

disclaimers for one’s injurious actions:

150 volts delivered. You want me to keep


165 volts delivered. That guy is hollering in

there. There’s a lot of them here. He’s liable
to have a heart condition. You want me to

180 volts delivered. He can’t stand it: I’m not

going to kill that man in there: You hear him
hollering? He’s hollering. He can’t stand it.
What if something happens to him? …I’m not 560
going to get that man sick in there. He’s
hollering in there. You know what I mean? I
mean I refuse to take responsibility. He’s
getting hurt in there. He’s in there hollering.
Too many left here. Geez, if he gets them
wrong. There’s too many of them left. I mean
who is going to take responsibility if
anything happens to that gentleman? (The
experimenter accepts responsibility.) All

195 volts delivered. You see he’s hollering.

Hear that. Gee, I don’t know. (The
experimenter says: “The experiment
requires that you go on.”) I know it does, sir,
but I mean—uh—he don’t know what he’s in
for. He’s up to 195 volts.

210 volts delivered.

225 volts delivered.

240 volts delivered. Aw, no. You mean I’ve got

to keep going up with the scale? No sir. I’m
not going to kill that man: I’m not going to
give him 450 volts. (The experimenter says:
“The experiment requires that you go on.”) I
know it does, but that man is hollering in
there, sir . . . (p. 67) 561
This unusually high level of destructive

obedience is especially astonishing considering

that the experimenter had no coercive power to

enforce his demands as is characteristic of

authoritative control in everyday life. A number of

factors undoubtedly contributed to the ruthless
obedience. Included among them is anonymity,

protection against retaliative aggression, the force

of a contractual obligation, verbal dissociation of

oneself from one’s actions by assigning

responsibility for them to the compelling

authority, and the assurance that a qualified

researcher would not demand perilous actions

without necessary safeguards.

People are often induced to perform cruel acts

by the collective pressures exerted by peers. A

second experiment demonstrated that people find

it difficult to behave counter to what the group

wants just as they are averse to defying 562
legitimatized authority (Milgram, 1964). In the

absence of group influences, adults delivered only

weak shocks; whereas under peer pressure calling

for increasingly hurtful actions, men punished the

victim with increasing severity despite his

desperate cries. Seeing others carrying out

punitive orders calmly likewise increases obedient

aggression (Powers and Geen, 1972). Peer

influences, depending on their nature, can also
undermine authoritative control. Thus, under

conditions in which others defy the

experimenter’s brutal demands, only 10 percent of

the aggressors followed the issued commands

unfailingly in the face of peer rebellion and

victims’ pleas (Milgram, 1965a). Modeled defiance,

however, is less effective in reducing obedient

aggression if resisters become emotionally upset

than if they are unperturbed by their disobedience

(Powers and Geen, 1972). Nervous defiance 563
apparently conveys the impression that either

opposition is risky or the challenger is faint-

hearted and lacks conviction in the stand he has

taken. The degree of compliance with demands for

aggression shown by men under various social

conditions is depicted graphically in Figure 3.8.

It is relatively easy to hurt a person when his

suffering is not visible and when causal actions

seem physically or temporally remote from their
deleterious effects. Mechanized forms of warfare,

in which masses of people can be put to death by

destructive forces released remotely, illustrate

such depersonalized aggression. When the

injurious consequences of one’s actions are fully
evident, vicariously aroused distress and loss of

self-respect serve as restraining influences over

aggressive conduct that is otherwise

authoritatively sanctioned. Milgram (1965b)

obtained diminishing obedience as the harmful 564
FIGURE 3.8 Percent of subjects who aggressed compliantly at
different shock levels. The arrows on the graph for the defiant
peers indicate the points at which each of the peers refused
the authority’s command to shock the victim more severely.
(Plotted from data by Milgram, 1963, 1964, 1965a) 565
consequences of punitive actions became

increasingly more salient and personalized. The

percent of aggressors who eventually disobeyed

brutal orders was 34 percent when the victim

pounded the wall in an adjacent room; 38 percent

when they heard agonized cries through a door

left ajar; 60 percent when the victim expressed the

same pleas and protests but in the aggressor’s

presence; and 70 percent when, in addition to
seeing the victim’s suffering, aggressors also had

to place the victim’s hand forcibly on the shock-

plate in order to punish him as ordered. And when

the commands to increase the severity of

punishment were issued by telephone without

social surveillance, subjects disregarded the

authoritative orders by selecting the weakest

shock levels.

When violence toward people designated as

foes is not only legitimized but is a source of 566
personal pride, as in warfare or sanctioned

oppression of minorities, aggressors share the

same values as their peers and superiors. Under

such circumstances, there are no strong self-

imposed restraints to counteract or circumvent

cruel dictates. Malevolent authorities as well as

those of good will who extenuate morally

reprehensible practices, can, given proper

conditions, get otherwise considerate people to
behave inhumanely. In other words, it requires

appropriate social influences rather than

monstrous people to produce heinous deeds.


Interpersonal violence is commonly viewed as

an impulsive, irrational, and pathological type of

behavior. Social learning theory, on the other

hand, conceives of aggression as a learned conduct

that, like other forms of social behavior, is under 567
situational, reinforcement, and cognitive control.

The view of aggression as a reckless explosive

reaction is undoubtedly reinforced by periodic

dramatic episodes in which otherwise law-abiding

persons perform heinous crimes. Bizarre

mutilation of victims, frenzied overkill of

strangers, and sensational “crimes of passion” are

striking examples that figure prominently in the

mass media.

It has been repeatedly shown that, barring

significant changes in social conditions, the best

predictor of future behavior is past behavior

(Mischel, 1968). This finding is consistent with the
social learning view that a person’s behavior is

highly influential in creating social conditions that,

in turn, tend to maintain the behavior. Previous

performance has high predictive value for

recurrent aggressors, but it is of no aid in

identifying individuals who are likely to commit a 568
monstrous act of violence without any prior

history of assaultive behavior. Here the predictive

and analytic problems are complicated by the fact

that unusual forms of violence generally have

unusual idiosyncratic determinants.

An earlier analysis of grossly deviant behavior

illustrated how behavior can come under bizarre

symbolic control to the point where it remains

refractory to external reality influences. Every so
often tragic episodes occur in which individuals

are led by delusional beliefs to commit acts of

violence. Some follow divine inner voices

commanding them to murder. Others are
instigated to self-protective attacks by paranoid

suspicions that the victim is conspiring to harm

them. And still others are prompted by grandiose

convictions that it is their heroic responsibility to

eliminate evil individuals in positions of power. 569
A study of Presidential assassins (Weisz and

Taylor, 1970) shows that, with one exception, the

murderous assaults were partly under delusional

control. The assassins acted either under divine

mandate, through alarm that the President was in

a conspiracy with treacherous foreign agents to
overthrow the government, or on the conviction

that their own adversities resulted from

Presidential persecution. Ordinarily, erroneous

beliefs are modified through disconfirming

evidence presented by others. The assassins,

however, tend to be loners. Being unusually

seclusive in their behavior, they effectively

shielded their erroneous beliefs from corrective

influences. Serious personal failures, also a

prominent feature of this group, further

strengthened the tendency to assign their

misfortune to pernicious external causes. In the

case of autistically determined aggression, both 570
the instigators of the violent acts and the dreaded

consequences they are intended to forestall are to

a large extent internally generated.

A number of studies have been conducted on

whether chronic aggressors can be distinguished

from occasional extreme assaulters by their

personality characteristics (Blackburn, 1968;

Fisher, 1970; Megargee, 1966; Megargee and

Mendelsohn, 1962). The individuals included in
the latter group tend to overinhibit aggressive

responses, but when they are finally provoked by

cumulative or extreme instigation to commit an

aggressive act, they do so in a violent way. These

two types of aggressors can be easily
distinguished behaviorally, but they do not differ

much in their responses to conventional

psychological tests. The behavioral discontinuity

of the obsequious murderer may be somewhat

overemphasized because his past aggressive 571
actions, unless they take blatant or antisocial

forms, are seldom recorded. Incongruity is more

characteristic of journalistic accounts than of the

behavioral history of retiring assassins. It is not

uncommon for mild-mannered assailants to be

unusually well stocked with guns and to be highly

proficient in their use. This requires some prior

engrossment in activities productive of violence.

Charles Whitman, the student sniper who went on
a mass murder spree, is a good case in point.

Newspaper reports described Whitman as a

former altar boy and Eagle Scout who exemplified

the virtues of an All-American youth (The New
York Times, 1966a). In fact, he was much less

righteous than the summary characterization

would imply (The New York Times, 1966b, 1966c).

Whitman was raised in an atmosphere of familial

violence. Like his father, who repeatedly beat his

wife and displayed a “fanatic” interest in guns, 572
Whitman was known to assault his wife and

others with a minimum of provocation. From early

childhood he also shared his father’s fondness for

firearms. As a marine recruit he was court-

martialed for insubordination and fighting. Upon

discharge he had occasional brushes with the law

in connection with aggressive activities. Whitman

was once apprehended with two other students

for poaching deer when they were caught dressing
the carcass in a dormitory bathroom. On another

occasion he threw an exchange student out of a

classroom for sitting on his chair. At about the

time of the murder spree, Whitman was drifting

deeper into illegal activities, including, among

other things, passing bad checks for heavy

gambling debts and unsuccessful efforts to

become a pornography supplier to local

merchants. Contrary to journalistic accounts,

Whitman’s behavioral record was not that of a 573
meek altar boy suddenly gone berserk.

Newsman similarly depicted Howard Unruh,

who fatally shot thirteen people during a

murderous rampage on a Camden street, as a

“mild, soft-spoken veteran” with a reputation of

being a “model boy” (The New York Times, 1949).

Whatever other attributes he may have displayed,

his intense engrossment with instruments of

violence and neighborhood disputes belied the
pacific journalistic characterization. He managed

through various ruses to bring home from Europe

an arsenal of weapons that he collected while in

the Army. The walls of his room were adorned

with crossed pistols and bayonets and pictures of
armored artillery in action. Scattered about his

room were pistols, machetes, and ashtrays made

of cartridges. In the months preceding the

murderous episode, Unruh spent his time

seclusively reading Scriptures, practicing pistol 574
shooting in his back yard, and building up

resentment against neighborhood shopkeepers

who he believed were persecuting him by making

derogatory remarks about his character. His

persecutory beliefs were periodically reinforced

by arguments with his neighbors over his

disturbing behavior. After sitting through several

showings of a double feature, I Cheated the Law

and The Lady Gambles, into the small hours of the
morning, Unruh returned home, whereupon he

made up his mind to slay his tormentors. The next

morning he walked down the street of the

neighborhood shopping center methodically

shooting merchants and their customers with the

deadly accuracy that won him marksmanship

medals in the Army.

Unruh displayed most of the distinguishing

features of psychotic assassins. There is the

deterioration in socioeconomic functioning; 575
idleness and marked seclusiveness foster the

development of persecutory and autistic

resentments that become magnified in the absence

of disconfirming judgments of trusted friends;

eventually delusional constructions assume

greater reality than the actual social events and,

given appropriate instigating conditions, they take

violent action. This conceptualization of

homicidally extreme aggression by otherwise
withdrawn individuals differs in many important

respects from explanations in terms of

undischarged aggressive drives exceeding rigid

controls. Although they may have little prior

history of criminally assaultive behavior, the

allegedly quiet assassins such as Oswald,

Whitman, and Unruh were all skilled riflemen who

regularly engaged in far more aggressive activities

that could “discharge pent-up aggression” than

nonassaultive people who are also subjected to 576
aggression instigation.

One can undoubtedly identify some

distinguishing attributes among persons differing

in aggressive patterns, but they may have limited

value in predicting homicidal behavior in

individual cases. For every psychotic or

overinhibited person who behaves violently, there

are countless others with similar characteristics

who rarely display such conduct. People
diagnosed as mentally ill, for example, are neither

more nor less prone to acts of violence before,

during, or after hospitalization than the general

public (Gulevich and Bourne, 1970). Study of

personality characteristics can yield valid
predictors of homicidal behavior only if the causes

reside primarily in the individual. If social

conditions are major instigators of aggression, as

is generally the case, then prediction of when,

where, and by whom acts of violence will be 577
committed cannot be achieved without

assessment of instigating social influences. Bizarre

homicides are usually produced by the coexistence

of several unusual factors, such that if any one of

them were absent the event would not have

occurred. Unless there exist some common

determinants of peculiar aggression across

individual cases, the study of rare acts provoked

by an idiosyncratic combination of influences will
not yield much generalizable information. 578
chapter four

Maintaining Conditions

The analysis of aggression has centered thus

far on the development of injurious patterns of

behavior and their various antecedent

determinants. The third major feature of the social

learning formulation is concerned with the

conditions that sustain aggressive responding.

Maintenance of behavior depends in large part on

prevailing conditions of reinforcement. The

principle that behavior is strongly controlled by its

consequences applies equally to aggression.

Aggressive actions that are rewarded tend to be 579
repeated, whereas those that are unrewarded or

punished are generally discarded. Thus,

aggressive modes of response, like other forms of

social behavior, can be produced, eliminated, and

reinstated by altering the effects they produce.

This chapter discusses the wide range of

rewards and punishments that determine whether

or not people will behave aggressively under given

circumstances. In traditional theories of learning,

reinforcement influences are largely confined to
the effects of external outcomes impinging directly

upon the performer. Social learning theory

distinguishes three forms of reinforcement control

of aggression: the influence of direct external

reinforcement, vicarious or observed

reinforcement, and self-reinforcement.


People aggress for a variety of reasons. Some 580
resort to force to appropriate tangible resources
they desire. Some behave aggressively because it

wins them approval and status rewards. Still

others may rely on aggressive conquests to bolster

their self-esteem and sense of manliness. And

some may derive satisfaction from seeing the

expressions of suffering they inflict on their

victims. Essentially the same aggressive actions

thus may have markedly different functional value

for different individuals and for the same

individual on different occasions.

There are no conceptual or empirical grounds

for regarding aggression maintained by certain

reinforcers as more genuine or important than

others. A complete theory must account for all

aggressive actions whatever purposes they serve.

The research findings reviewed in succeeding

sections reveal that, like other forms of social

behavior, aggression is maintained by diverse 581
conditions of reinforcement. It appears, however,

that aggressive actions are primarily reinforced by

their functional value, whereas accompanying

expressions of suffering by the victim tend, if

anything, to have inhibiting effects. Extrinsic

rewards assume special significance in

interpersonal aggression because such behavior,

by its very nature, generally creates a punishment

contingency. A person who gets into fights will
suffer some injury even though he eventually

triumphs over his opponents. Under noncoercive

conditions, positive incentives are therefore

needed to overcome the inhibitions aroused by the

inherent aversive effects of aggression. Rewards

become increasingly important as the costs of

aggression become greater.

Tangible Rewards for Aggression

Aggressive behaviors are often repeated 582
because, if skillfully performed, they serve as

effective means of securing desired tangible

rewards. By threats of physical violence or

aggressive actions children can forcibly

appropriate possessions of vulnerable peers;

delinquents and adult transgressors can support

themselves or costly drug habits on income

derived from aggressive pursuits; through forceful

means protesters can secure social reforms that
materially affect their lives; and nations are

sometimes able to gain control over prized

territories through warfare.

The degree to which individual or collective

aggression is affected by its material

consequences is difficult to evaluate under

naturally occurring conditions. Unless one can

observe the outcomes associated with all acts of

aggression—an immense task—sample

observations in a selected setting may provide an 583
incomplete picture of the actual schedule on which

aggression is reinforced. In the case of antisocial

pursuits, delinquents are understandably averse

to having the profits of their muggings recorded.

Establishing reliable functional relationships is

further complicated because aggressive actions

ordinarily produce diverse effects that are not

easily separable. Some of the concomitant

consequences might augment the aggressive
behavior, others might attenuate it, and still others

might exert little influence on it. For these reasons,

the reinforcement causes of aggression can be best

understood by controlled experimental


Control of aggression by its material

consequences has rarely been studied with

humans, although several experiments with

animals have been addressed to this issue. Ulrich,

Johnston, Richardson, and Wolff (1963) report 584
that initially docile rats who had been deprived of

water attacked their partners with increased

intensity when fighting responses won them

drinks, but ceased aggressing when water rewards

for such behavior were withdrawn.

The schedule and frequency of reinforcement

apparently control aggressive behavior in

essentially the same predictable way as they do

nonaggressive responses (Azrin and Hutchinson,
1967). As shown in Figure 4.1, food-deprived

pigeons displayed no aggression when food was

made available on a noncontingent basis, whereas

they readily fought when aggressive attacks
produced food. The more often their fighting

responses were rewarded, the more aggressive

they became. When food was again given

regardless of how they behaved, their attacks

declined to a near zero level. Once fighting

responses are established, they can be effectively 585
FIGURE 4.1 Percent of time spent by two hungry pigeons
attacking a target pigeon during periods when attacks
produced food and when food was given independently of
how they behaved. (Azrin and Hutchinson, 1967) 586
maintained by occasional reinforcement (Stachnik,

Ulrich, and Mabry, 1966). In the study cited

earlier, Reynolds, Catania, and Skinner (1963) not

only trained pigeons to fight for food rewards, but

by reinforcing their aggressive responses only

under designated circumstances, brought the

fighting under precise situational control.

The power over fighting behavior wielded by

positive reinforcement may be somewhat
magnified in these studies because the opponents

selected were either relatively docile or physically

restrained. Pain resulting from more vigorous

defensive combat by the victim would most likely
attenuate the influence of rewards. However,

repeated victories with progressively tougher

opponents can produce vicious fighters not easily

dissuaded by counterattacks.

In everyday life, people are rarely, if ever, 587
rewarded every time they perform a given action.
Forceful tactics do not always succeed. Aggressors,

however skilled they may be, do not always

emerge unscathed from their frays. Because of the

variable nature of the social environment,

behavior is characteristically reinforced on an

intermittent basis. People respond quite

differently depending on the pattern and

frequency with which their actions are reinforced.

Those who have been consistently rewarded

become easily discouraged and give up quickly

when their efforts fail. Individuals whose behavior

has been reinforced only periodically tend to

persist for a considerable time despite setbacks

and only occasional success. In the absence of

better alternatives, behavior that has been

reinforced on a thin unpredictable schedule is

exceedingly hard to extinguish because one’s

efforts are sustained by the belief that the actions 588
will eventually prove successful.

The influential role of the reinforcement

schedule in the maintenance of aggressive

responses is revealed in laboratory studies with

children. Cowan and Walters (1963) rewarded

boys with marbles for punching an automated

clown. They were reinforced after every punch,

every third punch, or every sixth punch. Material

rewards were then discontinued to see how long
children would persist in their aggressive

behavior. During this extinction phase, boys who

were rewarded continuously were the least

aggressive, whereas those who had to perform six

aggressive responses to gain a reward displayed
the highest number of punching attacks. Boys

institutionalized for behavior disorders did not

differ from noninstitutionalized youngsters in

their initial aggressiveness; however, after

rewards for aggression were withdrawn, 589
institutionalized children continued to behave

more aggressively and took longer to cease their

punching assaults.

Intermittently reinforced aggressive responses

not only are more persistent, but also tend to

generalize to new situations. Walters and Brown

(1963) reinforced boys with marbles for hitting

the automated clown on a continuous schedule or

after every sixth punching response, or they did
not reward hitting behavior. Following aggression

training, children in each condition underwent

frustrating or enjoyable experiences and then

their physical aggressiveness toward another child
was measured in both competitive games and free

responding situations. Boys who were only

occasionally rewarded for aggression during

training were about twice as interpersonally

assaultive as boys who were continuously

reinforced, never reinforced, or received no 590
aggression training. Surprisingly, the latter three

groups did not differ from each other. Nor did

frustration, in which the experimenter interrupted

an absorbing movie, confiscated the children’s

candy, and threw it away, influence the incidence

of interpersonal aggression. Evidence that

occasional reinforcement of physical aggression in

nonfrustrating impersonal situations facilitates

interpersonal aggression has important
theoretical and social implications.

Social and Status Rewards

In every society some patterns of behavior are

admired, others arouse no special interest, and

still others are held up to ridicule. By behaving in

ways that are highly valued, people can gain status

in the circles in which they travel. There are
certain advantages in holding a high position in a

status hierarchy. Those who possess a superior 591
rank enjoy greater power to control the activities

of the group than do subordinate members; they

are granted many privileges; they get better

treatment; they have greater access to rewarding

resources; and if their stature is secured through

deserving accomplishments, they receive a great

deal of rewarding attention and adoration. People

therefore tend to aspire to higher standing by

pursuing activities that are status conferring and
by shunning those that lower their personal

stature or bring disfavor. Once they gain

advantageous positions, they will continue to do

whatever is needed to maintain their status in the

privilege system. For similar reasons, people will

engage in costly retaliation to restore their social

prestige following public humiliation.

Social rewards can be distinguished from

status rewards, although they have some features

in common. In the latter case, performance of 592
valued behavior gains one a social rank that

carries with it diverse benefits as long as that

position is occupied. In the case of social

reinforcement, a person wins approval for specific

actions without necessarily changing his rank in a

status hierarchy. In other words, one can be

praised without being promoted in a status


Data are lacking on how strongly behavior is

affected by these two types of reinforcement

systems. Martin and her associates (1968),

however, report a study that has some bearing on

this issue. They compared the effectiveness of
treatment programs for delinquents in which their

academic and social performances were either

rewarded individually or won them promotions to

increasingly more privileged ranks. In the latter

system, five levels that required progressively

higher achievements were devised. As the 593
adolescents advanced through these ranks by

mastering the requisite patterns of behavior, they

were granted greater freedom and more generous

rewards. The rank-contingent reinforcement

produced greater changes in behavior than

previous practices in which specific responses

were individually reinforced.

The relative superiority of status rewards may

be attributed to several factors. If failure to
perform a given action results in loss of a specific

reward, the negative consequence is limited and of

no great import. Maintenance of a status position

typically depends on successful performance of a
broad range of role behaviors. When a few

foolhardy or faulty actions can produce a

demotion in rank, thus creating pervasive negative

consequences, the continuous threat of loss of

status and its attendant rewards effectively

maintains a wide repertoire of behaviors. Pressure 594
for exemplary performance is especially great

when status positions are limited and there are

many eager competitors for them. Martin et al.

(1968) ascribe some of the power of status reward

systems to their inherent modeling influences. By

designating the hierarchical role behaviors

required for different status positions, members

who aspire to higher status are provided with

explicit symbolic and actual models of what they
must do to gain more privileged ranks.

Some aggressive behaviors are controlled by

the positive social reactions they elicit from

others. Support for this interpretation comes from
several sources. Children who are praised for

hitting increase their assaultive attacks more than

those who receive no approval for such behavior

(Patterson, Ludwig, and Sonoda, 1961). The effects

of social reinforcement on aggression are by no

means confined to children. Adult males praised 595
for administering high-intensity shocks to another

person became progressively more punitive,

whereas nonreinforced subjects displayed a

relatively low level of aggression (Geen and

Stonner, 1971). These differences are depicted

graphically in Figure 4.2. Individuals rewarded for

aggressive behavior continued to respond more

punitively and generated more hostile thoughts to

verbal aggressive cues after praise for injurious
conduct was discontinued (Geen and Pigg, 1970).

Social reinforcement not only makes further

aggression more likely, but can enhance other

forms of aggression that were not explicitly
rewarded. Both children (Lovaas, 1961) and

adults (Loew, 1967; Parke, Ewall, and Slaby, 1972)

who are socially rewarded for hostile remarks

later exhibit more physical aggression than those

reinforced for positive or neutral verbalizations.

Even seeing the aggressive remarks of others 596
FIGURE 4.2 Mean intensities of shocks administered by adults
when they were praised for behaving punitively or were never
reinforced for escalating punitive responses. (Geen and
Stonner, 1971) 597
reinforced can increase physical aggression in

observers (Parke, Wiederholt, and Slaby, 1972).

The generalization effects of reinforcement

may be interpreted in several ways. It may be that

different types of aggression represent a general

response class so that rewarding any one form

automatically strengthens other forms as well. An

alternative, and more tenable, explanation can be

cast in terms of the informative and incentive
functions of reinforcement. Praising hostile

expressions conveys permissiveness or even

invitation to aggressive modes of response. The

likelihood of aggression is increased on future
occasions by expectations that such behavior,

though ordinarily discouraged, is not only

acceptable but brings commendation from others.

Geen and his associates advance the view that

approval of reinforcement automatically 598
strengthens aggressive habits rather than
reducing inhibitions, on the assumption that

disinhibition should increase aggressiveness to

hostile and neutral situations alike. In point of fact,

responses to markedly different stimuli are never

uniformly rewarded in everyday life; disinhibition

therefore tends to be selective rather than

indiscriminate. Thus, rewarding attacks on peers

will weaken aggression inhibitions toward them,

but will not necessarily eliminate restraints

against assaulting policemen. Since responding

aggressively to hostile cues would be considered

more appropriate and approvable than the same

response to neutral or positive stimuli, the

findings of Geen and Stonner (1971) are

explainable in terms of differential restraint

reduction. Staples and Walters (1964), indeed,

demonstrated that inhibitory processes partly

determine the effects of social reinforcement. 599
Although females intensified shocks administered

to a victim for praise, those exhibiting strong

aggression inhibition were less responsive to the

social reinforcement. Modeling studies cited

earlier (Bandura, 1965b; Madsen, 1968)

furthermore show that variations in aggression
under different reinforcement conditions

primarily reflect the effect of restraints and

anticipated consequences rather than response

availability. Whether generalization of aggression

accompanying social reinforcement is attributable

to its sanctioning or its habit-strengthening

function can easily be tested by structuring

aggression as commendable behavior without

praising specific actions. The disinhibition

hypothesis would predict comparable initial

increase in aggressive responding under praise

and sanctioning conditions. Since praise is not

only a form of sanction but also conveys a sense of 600
personal worth, it serves as a source of self-esteem

rewards that can promote aggression over time

more effectively than can a condoning attitude


It has been amply documented in studies of

verbal conditioning that the frequency with which

adults engage in verbal hostility is partly

determined by the positive interest shown in it

(Binder, McConnell, and Sjoholm, 1957; Buss and
Durkee, 1958; Simkins, 1961). Moreover,

sequential analysis of interactions in

psychotherapeutic interviews reveals that hostile

remarks increase when they are positively

received by therapists, and are either discarded or
directed toward different targets when aggressive

displays evoke disinterest or disapproval

(Bandura, Lipsher, and Miller, 1960; Goldman,

1961). It is interesting to speculate whether, in

interview treatments based on the catharsis 601
model, clients are venting anger arousal or trying

to please their therapists by telling them what

they want to hear. Given evidence that positive

reinforcement of verbal aggression increases the

likelihood of aggressive action, ventilative

therapies aimed at draining aggressive drives may

inadvertently reinforce aggressive tendencies.

Analyses of social reinforcement of aggressive

behavior in natural settings are in general
agreement with results of laboratory studies.

Bandura and Walters (1959) compared the

reinforcement practices of parents of violence-

prone adolescents and of nonaggressive boys.
Parents of nonaggressive adolescents rarely

reinforced their sons for resorting to physical

aggression in response to provocation. Parents of

assaultive delinquents, on the other hand,

tolerated no aggressive displays whatsoever in the

home, but condoned, actively encouraged, and 602
reinforced provocative and aggressive actions

toward others in the community. Similar findings

emerged from a study of the reinforcement

conditions prevailing in the families of young

aggressive and inhibited boys (Bandura, 1960).

Parents of inhibited boys consistently disapproved

any type of aggressiveness, thus affording little

opportunity for the development of such forms of

conduct. By contrast, parents of the aggressive
boys, while nonpermissive and punitive for

aggression toward themselves, condoned a great

deal of sibling aggression and encouraged and

rewarded their sons’ aggressive behavior when

this was directed toward other children.

The effects of differential parental

reinforcement were reflected in the boys’

aggressive behavior. They expressed considerably

more physical and verbal aggression toward their

peers, displayed more oppositional behavior 603
toward their teachers, and showed weaker

restraints over aggression in the face of

provocation than inhibited boys. However, they

displayed no more aggression toward their

parents, which is understandable, in view of the

parents’ punitiveness for aggression toward


Ordinarily, activities such as scholastic, artistic,

and athletic accomplishments are highly valued,
and it is noteworthy performances in such

enterprises that win praise. For reasons given

earlier, people willingly forego many personal

gratifications in order to excel in status-conferring
tasks. The countless hours of practice by aspiring

musicians and stage performers, for example, are

partly sustained by visions of future applause.

Football players who have no professional

aspirations nevertheless risk crippling injuries

and endure grimy, arduous drills for social 604
recognition and some brief moments of glory on

the gridiron.

Cultures differ to some degree in what they

value. Even the same society may, under unusual

circumstances, radically alter its system of social

rewards. During wartime, otherwise

compassionate societies offer medals, promotions,

laudatory press reports, and other social

commendations for skill in killing. Those who
refuse to participate in the sanctioned

manslaughter, whether through fear or because

they value the dignity of human life, are subjected

to humiliating societal punishments. In the Nazi
structure of reinforcement, where enslavement

and execution of designated racial groups were

viewed as meritorious acts of patriotism,

promotions in concentration camps were made

partly on skill in performing mass murders. Camp

commandants proudly compared execution rates 605
like industrial production figures (Andrus, 1969).

Most societies contain subgroups in which the

members achieve status and recognition through

their skill in fighting. That interpersonal

aggression is often an approved form of conduct,

rather than an impulsive frustration reaction, is

nowhere better illustrated than in observational

studies of delinquent subcultures (Miller, 1958;

Short, 1968; Wolfgang and Ferracuti, 1967;
Yablonsky, 1962). Among the personal qualities

most highly prized in such groups are fighting

prowess, toughness, ability to outsmart others,

and a quest for excitement. Members are
rewarded for fighting exploits and lose stature for

faint-heartedness in the face of insults and combat

challenges. Because aggression assumes such a

central place in the system of values, active

participants show continued concern about their

fighting reputations. Status threats, from either 606
challengers within the group itself or rival gangs,

are quick to provoke aggressive actions. One need

not be a member of a fighting gang to derive

satisfaction from assaultive conquests. In circles in

which physical prowess commands respect,

beating up a person who has behaved irritatingly

reinforces a sense of manliness and personal

worth (Toch, 1969). Assaultiveness is most often

equated with manhood among males in lower
socioeconomic classes.

Many people have come to believe, on the basis

of popular accounts of sensational episodes, that

gang delinquents spend much of their time in
perilous battles defending their “turf” against rival

territorial intruders. Researchers who have

observed daily gang activities over an extended

period paint quite a different picture. Like the

aggressive responsiveness of most other people,

the aggression displayed by gang boys tends to be 607
highly discriminative, is restricted to a narrow

range of targets, and is largely limited to

attenuated forms. Miller, Geertz, and Cutter

(1961), who studied a representative example of a

juvenile gang, found that most of the gang’s

aggressive actions (70 percent) are directed at one

another, and only a small percentage of their

attacks are aimed at either adults (16 percent) or

other adolescents (12 percent). Not only does
most of the aggression occur within the gang, but

it is predominantly verbal. Of the total aggressive

episodes recorded, 93 percent involved verbal

attacks; physical assaults against persons or

property were relatively rare (7 percent).

Intragang aggression is primarily used to

maintain effective group functioning. Active

members are typically chastised for such things as

deviating from the group’s standards of conduct,

for unruly behavior that disrupts group activities, 608
for ineptitude, for shirking obligations, for boastful

self-aggrandizement, and for dealing dishonestly

with compatriots. Miller notes parenthetically that

these performance codes are not unlike the Boy

Scout guide, though the types of behavior by

which delinquents gain status and recognition

obviously differ. Based on his painstaking

observations, Miller concludes that aggressive

gang behavior is inadequately explained in terms
of either venting aggressive impulses or a lack of

norms and identity. Rather, it serves a positive

function to enforce adherence to the group’s

behavioral standards.

Any generalizations about gang aggression

must, of course, be accepted with reservation,

because gangs vary in a number of ways. Some of

the more important distinguishing features

include the size and stability of membership, the

degree of consensus on standards of conduct, and 609
the types of behaviors rewarded. Delinquent gangs

that glory in fighting exploits will bear little

resemblance to those valuing drug experiences.

Nevertheless, the findings of Miller and others

(Short, 1968) show the popular portrayal of

members of fighting gangs as combative predators

to be grossly exaggerated.

Getting smashed in the face or stabbed is

doubtless as frightening and painful to delinquent
boys as to persons leading more pacific styles of

life. Therefore, to induce others to perform actions

that can have self-injurious consequences requires

some coercive or rewarding power over them. In
the absence of strong reinforcement control,

individuals would be reluctant to affiliate closely

with a gang that confers status on the basis of

fighting prowess if they were, in fact, often

required to embark on perilous violence toward

rival groups. As might be expected, close 610
examination of intergang encounters reveals much

verbal bravado but little actual combat, even by

gangs whose status is built mainly around skill in

fighting (Miller, 1958; Short and Strodtbeck,


Core members have to engage in some fighting

from time to time when their status is publicly

challenged in order to preserve their fighting

reputation. However, it is the functional leaders
who do most of the fighting. The main reason for

this is that, as a rule, gang affiliation is relatively

weak and unstable (Klein and Crawford, 1967).

Many of the boys remain fringe members who
hang around more for protection from rival gangs

than for the rewards provided within the group.

With weak rewarding control, the leadership does

not have a sufficient hold on marginal members to

enlist them easily in battle. Nor are they willing,

for one reason or another, to risk beatings to 611
enhance their standing in the gang hierarchy.

On occasions when gangs are provoked into

physical violence by status threats, the combatants

are usually relieved when police interventions or

brandishing of guns provide them with legitimate

alibis for cutting short the fray. Both forces can

thus gracefully retreat with claims of victory that

uphold or even boost their respective reputations.

If intergang conflicts are skillfully orchestrated,
gang boys can maintain their prestige as warriors

on the basis of minimum actual combat. When one

plays the violence game, however, miscalculations

and unexpected circumstances sometimes result
in serious injury to the participants. On such

occasions, gang loyalties and preservation of

reputation as a group not to be trifled with

demand retaliatory violence despite high risk of

further injury. 612
Expressions of Injury

Aggressive behavior usually produces, among

other effects, expressions of pain and injury in

victims. Several views have been advanced on how

seeing the suffering caused by one’s aggressive

actions affects subsequent aggressiveness. Drive

theories (Feshbach, 1970) consider infliction of

injury the goal response that reduces the

aggressive drive. Just as eating relieves hunger,

hurting others presumably discharges the

aggressive impulse and hence becomes satisfying

in its own right. Sears, Maccoby, and Levin (1957)

suggest two ways in which signs of pain and injury

acquire rewarding value. In the first place,

aggressive actions can reduce uncomfortable

tensions resulting from conflict over desire to

strike out and fear of punishing consequences.

Second, aggressive behavior that removes

frustrations is often accompanied by signs of pain 613
and discomfort in those toward whom the attack

is directed. Pain cues thus become rewarding

through their repeated association with tension

relief and removal of frustrations. As a result,

people often behave aggressively for no other

apparent reason than to produce signs of pain and
distress in others.

At this point, it is important to distinguish

between acquired reinforcers and acquired drives.
If an aggressor achieves positive effects whenever

he hurts others, there is every reason to expect

that signs of suffering will develop reinforcing

properties. What remains unexplained in drive

theories is how people acquire a drive to inflict
injury. If drives are invoked for everything people

find satisfying, the result is an immense

proliferation of drives that have no greater

explanatory value than the conditioned

reinforcers from which they are inferred. 614
Moreover, as was shown earlier, frustration

(which is presumably the prime inducer of the

aggressive drive) is, at best, only a weak

determinant of aggression. Nor is there any

convincing evidence that people who refrain from

aggressive activities necessarily experience a

mounting urge to hurt others, as would be

expected from the characteristics usually assigned

to drives.

Feshbach (1970) interprets the rewarding

value of pain expressions in terms of self-esteem

processes. Through example and precept children

learn a retaliation norm: Infliction of injury
requires that the initial aggressor must be hurt. It

is further assumed that perception of pain in one’s

tormentors is experienced as satisfying because

retaliation restores self-esteem. Humiliating

defeat of a foe can, under certain conditions,

bolster aggressors’ self-evaluations. Undoubtedly, 615
there are also many instances in which reprisal is

designed more to reestablish one’s public image

than to enhance one’s self-regard. It is an open

question, however, whether assailants derive

much pride specifically from the agonizing cries

and gory wounds caused by their actions.

Retaliatory aggression can gain considerable value

from its success in reducing or terminating further

victimization. In clarifying the functional
properties of retaliation it would be important to

assess its reinforcing value depending upon its

successfulness and its injuriousness. These

separable effects should be distinguished because

they do not always occur together. That is,

vengeful injury can be administered in defeat, and

conversely, retributive triumphs can be achieved

with minimal infliction of injury. A comparative

analysis would reveal which combination of

outcomes makes further aggression more likely. 616
A contrasting view is that signs of suffering

ordinarily function as inhibitors rather than as

positive reinforcers of aggressive behavior.

Because of the potential dangers of violent and

destructive actions, most societies prohibit

physical forms of aggression except under
specified conditions. As the process of social

training takes effect, people learn to substitute the

more readily tolerated verbal means of aggression

for physical ones (Bandura and Walters, 1959;

Sears, Maccoby, and Levin, 1957). Even direct

verbal assaults meet with disapproval, so that

people eventually learn to express aggression in

subtler ways. Although defensive fighting may be

permissible under certain circumstances, cruel

and destructive acts of aggression are likely to

bring swift punishment. Most people also adopt

for self-evaluation societal standards in which

ruthless aggression is morally reprehensible. 617
Consequently, aggression that produces suffering

in others elicits fear of retaliation and self-

condemnation, both of which tend to inhibit

injurious attacks. Examples can be cited of societal

practices in which cruel, monstrous acts are

considered praiseworthy by those in positions of

power. Such bizarre reinforcement contingencies

can breed people who take pleasure in inflicting
pain and humiliation. Some of the most horrid

illustrations of this phenomenon are documented

in the proceedings of the Nuremberg trials.

Rudolph Hoess, a former commandant of

Auschwitz, for example, had a window installed in

a gas chamber so he could watch the gruesome

massacres (Andrus, 1969).

Lest the Nazi atrocities be dismissed as an

anomalous product of a deranged social system, it

should be noted here that otherwise socialized

people can be led to behave brutally and to take 618
pride in such actions under circumstances where

reinforcement practices are instituted that favor

sadistic forms of behavior. A United States infantry

battalion in South Viet Nam adopted its own

reward system for eliminating Viet Cong (San

Francisco Chronicle, 1970). Infantrymen who could

prove they had killed an enemy were not only

rewarded with rest and recreation, but were also

decorated with specially designed “Kill Cong”
emblems formally presented at company

formations. The barbarity of the reinforcement

system adopted by this particular battalion is

revealed by what had to be submitted as evidence

of a kill. To lay claim to a badge one had to bring

back an enemy ear. A string of ears was proudly

displayed at the headquarters like huntsmen’s

trophies. Within any society certain individuals, or

even subgroups, may function in a social

environment subscribing to pernicious 619
contingencies of reinforcement that make

infliction of suffering a source of satisfaction.

Some experimental attempts have been made

to assess whether signs of suffering by victims

function as reinforcers. Feshbach, Stiles, and Bitter

(1967) tested the notion that painful expressions

assume rewarding value under conditions of anger

arousal. Female students participated in a verbal

conditioning task after being treated in either a
hostile or a friendly manner by a confederate of

the experimenter. For half the subjects in each

condition the correct verbal response was

reinforced by showing the confederate being

shocked, while for the remaining students the
correct words merely produced a light flash.

Angered subjects increased verbal responses that

brought displays of the provocateur undergoing

pain, but the noninsulted subjects did not. 620
The above findings would seem to indicate that

pain cues serve as positive reinforcers for angered

people, but additional information is needed

before the conditioning differences can be

unequivocally attributed to the influence of anger

arousal. Seeing others suffer pain evokes
emotional reactions in observers (Berger, 1962).

Angered subjects in the light flash condition were

subjected to only one source of arousal, whereas

those who also observed the suffering provocateur

experienced two sources of emotion arousal. It has

been shown that people become conditioned more

easily under moderately high, as compared to low,

emotional arousal (Bandura and Rosenthal, 1966;

Spence, 1964). The obtained differences in

conditioning could conceivably reflect differences

in arousal level. Experiments examining the

influence of anger should include other forms of

arousal (for example, fear-aroused or sex-aroused 621
conditions) to establish whether the results are

due specifically to anger or to the general effects of

emotional arousal.

Researchers who have studied how signs of

injury influence further attacks on suffering

victims do not find much evidence that pain

expressions reinforce aggressive actions. Buss

(1966b) analyzed whether knowledge that one’s

actions were physically injurious to an initial
victim affects aggressors’ tendency to behave

punitively toward another victim. Aggressors

were equally punitive toward both victims when

they had no feedback on the results of their hurtful

behavior. Neither male nor female aggressors
reduced their punitiveness toward a male

knowing that their aggressiveness had previously

harmed a person. However, they behaved less

aggressively toward a female after learning about

the injurious consequences of their actions. 622
Apparently, the cultural stereotype that men

should be able to withstand painful treatment

mitigates compassion toward them.

In the preceding study aggression was

performed mainly in the service of social request.

Pain feedback may have different effects on

persons who are prompted to retaliatory

aggression by insults or physical attacks. As

previously noted, drive theories assume that
expressions of suffering are likely to function as

inhibitors of aggression in nonangered persons

but to reinforce punitiveness in those harboring

hostile feelings toward their adversaries. Several
studies provide evidence on this point. Geen

(1970) found that males who were treated

considerately, as well as those who had been

angered, behaved less aggressively toward their

antagonist when he expressed anguished cries

than when he suffered in silence. The aggression- 623
inhibiting effects of hurtful reactions are shown

even more convincingly by Baron (1971c), who

varied anger arousal and the intensity of pain

suffered by the victim. Both angered and

nonangered adults lessened the strength of their

attacks as the pain manifested by the victim


In a closely related experiment, Baron (197Id)

tested the notion that similarity between the
aggressor and the victim would arouse empathy

for the victim's suffering and thus reduce

aggression directed toward him. Students were

led to believe that the target person was either a
fellow student with similar attitudes and opinions,

or an apprentice electrician who advocated

opposing views on such matters as environmental

pollution and student power. The intensity of

anger toward the victim and the intensity of his

expression of pain were also varied. Signs of 624
suffering on the part of the victim diminished

interpersonal punitiveness regardless of whether

the victim resembled or differed from the


Although the scope of the experimental

treatments and the populations studied are too

limited to warrant sweeping generalizations, the

evidence indicates that expressions of suffering

serve as aggression inhibitors. These findings
assume added significance considering that the

pain reactions are conveyed only vocally or by

readings on a pain meter without any visual

contact with the victim. In actual life aggressors
not only hear the tormented cries of their victims,

but see the gruesome consequences of their

actions. People are even less inclined to behave

cruelly when they see their suffering victims than

when they merely hear the distress they have

caused them (Milgram, 1965b). 625
The conditions under which pain cues assume

rewarding value still remain to be demonstrated.

A gratuitous insult from a stranger in a laboratory

may not create sufficient animosity for the victim

to derive satisfaction from injurious retaliation. It

is a quite different matter when an antagonist
repeatedly tyrannizes others or wields his power

in ways that make life miserable for them. In such

instances, news of the misfortune, serious illness,

or death of an oppressor is joyfully received by

people who ordinarily respond more

compassionately to the adversities befalling


Suffering of one’s enemy is most apt to be

rewarding when hurting him relieves discomfort

or benefits aggressors in other ways. On the other

hand, when aggressors suffer reprisals or self-

contempt for harming others, signs of suffering

function as negative reinforcers that deter 626
injurious attacks. In other words, the alleviation of

aversive treatment from an injured oppressor

rather than his suffering may be the primary

source of satisfaction. In studies showing that

injury to the victim reduces aggression, pain

expressions occur without the other extraneous

rewards accompanying victory over antagonists.

The best evidence that pain cues themselves

can become positively reinforcing comes from
societies in which sexual partners bite, scratch,

and lacerate each other during coital activities

(Ford and Beach, 1951). Expressions of pain thus

acquire rewarding value through repeated
association with sexual gratification. As a result,

erotic pleasure is derived from inflicting pain.

Within our own society it is not unusual to find

clinical cases who experience high sexual

excitement from inflicting bodily pain on

themselves or on others. From the standpoint of 627
social learning theory, the victim’s oppressiveness,

the social sanctions for punitive behavior, and the

consequences correlated with pain cues are more

pertinent than transitory anger arousal in

understanding the pleasurable value of injurious


Experiments have been conducted with

animals to determine whether opportunity to

aggress can act as a reinforcer for instrumental
behavior. Highly aggressive strains of animals will

perform responses that produce an attackable

target without much extraneous provocation

(Hogan, 1967; Myer and White, 1965). In less
aggressive species, however, opportunity to attack

does not serve as a reinforcing event unless

animals are subjected to aversive stimulation and

have been trained for aggressive behavior (Azrin,

Hutchinson, and McLaughlin, 1965; Cole and

Parker, 1971; Dreyer and Church, 1970). It is 628
under the combined influence of aversive arousal

and high aggressiveness that fighting is most apt

to be reinforcing (Legrand, 1970).

Although the preceding studies suggest that

under certain circumstances fighting can be

rewarding, this conclusion must be accepted with

reservation for several reasons. Some of the

experiments do not control for whether it is the

escape provided by the activity in general or
combat per se that serves as the reinforcer for

disconcerted animals. Cole and Parker (1971)

found that animals on whom unfavorable

schedules of reward were imposed pecked a key
to gain access to an attackable target but they also

did so to get to an empty goalbox. If it were shown

that aversively aroused animals do in fact work

harder to secure an attackable target, it would be

essential to include a condition in which they can

see but not assault the target to assess whether 629
combat or social contact is the source of reward.

Should the phenomenon survive the necessary

experimental controls, its significance can be best

assessed with paradigms that not only remove

marked situational constraints, but allow

alternative goal activities. Under natural

conditions animals rarely go out of their way to

secure victims; on the occasions when they do

encounter opponents, they generally try to avoid
fighting by resort to threat gestures. Given

freedom of movement and a choice of flight,

drinking, eating, courting, or fighting in response

to aversive stimulation, fighting may very well
turn out to be a weak reinforcer. When animals

are treated aversively in a confined enclosure

allowing only access to a restrained target, some

blows will likely be exchanged. Aggression

exhibited under these circumscribed conditions

may, however, lack generalizability. Moreover, 630
there are fundamental differences in the

complexity of reinforcement control of human and

animal behavior that make cross-species

generalizations hazardous. Animal aggression is

almost exclusively governed by direct physical

consequences. If a human inflicts suffering on

others, his actions not only produce immediate

physical effects, but can arouse self-devaluative

consequences and social reprobation, which serve
as formidable negative reinforcers. Animals are

not known to worry about what their cagemates

might think of them, or to berate themselves for

their cruelty. To the extent that inflicting suffering

boosts self-pride and public acclaim, the self-

rewarding effects of aggression will not be

revealed by animal experimentation.

Alleviation of Aversive Treatment

People are frequently subjected to distressing 631
treatment from which they seek relief. Forceful

action that is not unduly hazardous is the most

direct and quickest means of alleviating adverse

conditions, if only temporarily. Pain reduction has

been shown to be a powerful reinforcer of

behavior. Indeed, many of the activities in which

people engage are sustained by their functional

value in eliminating various irritants and

discomforts. Some aggressive behavior is
undoubtedly reinforced by its effectiveness in

removing the source of painful experiences.

Because of its aversive properties, aggression,

if skillfully executed, can both secure rewards and
remove painful stimuli. Evidence for this dual

reinforcement process is provided by Patterson

and his associates (Patterson, Cobb, and Ray,

1972; Patterson, Littman, and Bricker, 1967). In

these field studies children’s interactions are

observed for extended periods in natural settings. 632
The incidence of aggressive acts is recorded and

their immediate consequences are classified as

punishing, rewarding, or having no appreciable


Patterson reports that aggressors are most

likely to assault compliant peers. When attacked,

these children cry, give up desired objects, or

withdraw. If the victim does not immediately

acquiesce, the aggressor intensifies his attack until
the victim submits. Approximately 80 percent of

the aggressors’ assaultive actions produce

rewarding consequences for them. The victims’

submissiveness thus both invites and reinforces
the aggressors’ actions. This surprisingly high

level of positive reinforcement of physical

aggression by nursery school children remained

stable over the nine-month period sampled by the

observations. 633
Older children and adults are not always

accommodating to the desires of aggressors.

Assaults often elicit counterattacks. Observational

studies of parent-child relationships (Patterson,

Cobb, and Ray, 1972; Patterson and Reid, 1970), in

fact, disclose a pattern of mutual coercion rather
than quick acquiescence. These findings have led

Patterson to conceptualize aggression as a form of

coercive behavior that is primarily reinforced by

reduction of aversive stimulation. In reciprocal

fighting, for example, the victim attempts to

terminate painful blows by defensive attacks of his

own; the recipient, in turn, strikes back even more

forcefully to escape the pain caused by his

opponent's blows. Efforts at coercive control

escalate in intensity until one of the combatants

yields or is injured.

After people have begun to exchange blows,

aggressive actions may be reinforced to some 634
extent by their capacity to cushion or to reduce

attacks. Immediate pain reduction, however, does

not explain what initiates an aggressive course of

behavior, or why combatants continue to suffer

increasingly more painful beatings when any

number of nonaggressive responses provide more

effective means of escape. Explanation of

aggression in terms of instant pain reduction is

somewhat reminiscent of the view that people
inflict injury on themselves because it feels so

good when they stop.

In their reinforcement analysis of aggression

Patterson, Cobb, and Ray (1972) discount the
value of laboratory studies demonstrating that

aggressive responses are increased by social and

material rewards on the grounds that, in their field

studies, aggression was seldom socially reinforced

by peers or by adults. If this is the case, then the

generality of the observational studies rather than 635
the value of controlled experiments should be

questioned. It is probably true that three- and

four-year-olds rarely confer status rewards or

commend their playmates for grabbing a prized

toy and shoving other youngsters. Nor are

onlooking wives likely to shower their husbands

with praise for beating their children into

submission. Other field studies, sampling a

broader range of situations, show that parents
often do praise their children for aggressing

toward others outside the home; adolescents and

adults win admiration and respect by

demonstrated toughness; and in certain

subcultures members achieve status through

aggressive exploits.

In the social learning analysis, defensive

aggression is sustained to a greater extent by

anticipated consequences than by its

instantaneous effects. People will endure painful 636
treatment on expectation that their aggressive

efforts will eventually succeed. In many instances,

of course, performances are based on faulty

assessment of probable consequences. Aggressive

actions may also be partly sustained in the face of

hurtful counterattack by anticipated costs of

timidity. In aggression-oriented circles, failure to

fight back can arouse fear of future victimization

and humiliation. Moreover, cowardice, unless
convincingly self-justified, can arouse anticipatory

loss of self-esteem, especially when attacks are

unjust and degrading. A physical pummeling may

therefore be far less distressing than social

derision or self-contempt. In other words, humans

do not behave like unthinking servomechanisms

directed solely by immediate response feedback.

Rather, their cognitive capacity to represent future

consequences enables them to regulate their

actions by outcomes extended forward in time. 637
Under aversive conditions of life, people will

persist, at least for a time, in aggressive behavior

that produces immediate pain but prospective

relief from misery.

The manner in which aggressive behavior is

reinforced by its success in terminating aversive

treatment from aggressors is shown by Patterson,

Littman, and Bricker (1967). Passive children who

were repeatedly victimized and whose
counteraggression often proved effective in

halting attacks not only increased defensive

fighting, but eventually began to initiate attacks of

their own. On the other hand, passive children

who were seldom maltreated because they
avoided others and those whose

counteraggressive responses to victimization were

unsuccessful remained submissive in their

behavior. 638

People repeatedly observe the actions of

others and the occasions on which they are

rewarded, ignored, or punished. Observed

outcomes influence behavior in much the same

way as directly experienced consequences

(Bandura, 1971b; Kanfer, 1965). In general,
observed rewards increase, and observed

punishment decreases, the tendency to behave in

similar or related ways. Vicarious reinforcement

not only influences similar performances in

observers, but can markedly alter how they

respond to the actual consequences accompanying

their actions. Seeing other people’s outcomes

determines the nature and effectiveness of direct

reinforcement by providing a standard for judging
whether the treatment one customarily receives is

equitable, beneficent, or unfair. The same

consequence may therefore be experienced as a 639
reward or as a punishment depending upon

whether comparable actions by others are treated

more or less favorably.

In experiments studying the influence of

vicarious reinforcement on aggression, individuals

observe aggressive models whose actions are

rewarded, punished, or unaccompanied by any

evident consequences (Bandura, 1965a; Bandura,

Ross, and Ross, 1963c). The amount of imitative
and nonimitative aggression that observers later

spontaneously perform in a test situation is

recorded. Witnessing aggression punished usually

produces less imitative aggression than seeing it
obtain social and material success or go unnoticed.

However, performance of aggressive responses

that differ from those displayed by the model is

not greatly affected by observed negative

consequences. Like the effect of directly

experienced punishment, the inhibitory impact of 640
vicarious punishment is thus largely confined to

the modeled activities prompting negative

sanctions. As we shall see later, the legal system of

deterrence rests heavily on the restraining

function of exemplary punishment (Packer, 1968).

Observed rewards generally produce a greater

increase in similar responding than if the

exemplified actions have no evident effects. It is

noteworthy that in the case of reprehensible
behavior—such as unprovoked physical assaults

or violation of prohibitions—seeing

transgressions go without consequences heightens

analogous actions in observers to the same degree
as witnessing the modeled behavior rewarded

(Bandura, 1965a; Thelen and Soltz, 1969; Walters,

Parke, and Cane, 1965). To the extent that absence

of anticipated punishment conveys

permissiveness and allays fears, behavioral

restraints are thereby reduced and aggressive 641
actions are performed more readily.

Because of the variety and complexity of social

influences, people are not always consistent in

how they respond to aggressive behavior.

Rosekrans and Hartup (1967) examined the

effects of discrepant observed consequences on

imitative aggression. Children who saw assaultive

behavior consistently rewarded were most

aggressive; those who saw it consistently
punished displayed virtually no imitative

behavior; while those who saw aggression

sometimes rewarded and sometimes punished

exhibited a moderate level of aggressiveness. It is
the latter mixed pattern of reinforcement that

predominates in everyday life.

In the preceding studies the aggressive model

was punished either verbally or physically by

someone else. There are times when people 642
respond with self-approving or self-devaluative
reactions to their own behavior. Numerous

experiments, discussed at length elsewhere

(Bandura, 1971b), demonstrate that witnessing

punishment self-administered by models has

inhibitory effects on observers, whereas seeing

others respond self-approvingly to their

unmerited achievements and transgressions

facilitates similar behavior in observers. Porro

(1968), for example, reports that, of children who

saw a model respond with self-praise to her

transgressions, 80 percent subsequently violated a

similar prohibition. By contrast, only 20 percent of

the children deviated when they had observed the

same model react self-critically to her

transgressive behavior. Although relevant data are

lacking, there is every reason to expect that

aggressors’ self-evaluative reactions toward their

own conduct may have similar effects on 643
aggressive dispositions of observers, especially if

they hold the models in high esteem.

Most people, especially those residing in

middle-class neighborhoods, rarely observe

physical violence in their daily experiences. The

vast majority have never directly witnessed any

murders or muggings, and few encounter physical

fights or violent confrontations between

antagonistic groups. Rather, they learn about
violence principally from televised portrayals and,

to a lesser extent, from newspaper accounts.

These symbolic sources provide abundant

opportunities to observe aggressive conduct and

its likely consequences.

A number of content analyses have been

conducted to determine how fictional violence is

portrayed on television. Larsen, Gray, and Fortis

(1968) found that socially approved goals were 644
achieved by illegal or violent methods 47 percent
of the time in programs designed for adult

audiences and 56 percent of the time in children’s

programs. Halloran and Croll (1972) similarly

report that violent means are presented as both

acceptable and successful in the short term,

though villainous instigators fare less well in final

outcomes. Witnesses to violence are more likely to

approve of such behavior or to join in the fray

rather than to seek alternative solutions. Violence

is not only shown to pay off, but is repeatedly used

by good characters who often dispose of

adversaries in a quick perfunctory way, as though

killing a human being were a routine act devoid of

any moral implications or tragic consequences.

Aggression is most readily legitimized as

acceptable conduct by having good triumph over

evil through aggressive means. When violent

virtue kills, which is often, the killers seldom 645
suffer negative consequences for their acts. On the

contrary, good aggressors emerge victorious 66

percent of the time when they initiate assaults and

84 percent of the time when they reciprocate

them. The physical effects of beating others are

underplayed as less bloody or messy than in real
life. Aggressive life styles are thus portrayed as

exceedingly prevalent, highly functional, and

relatively clean.

There has been surprisingly little analysis of

how the functions and consequences of actual

aggression are reported in news and documentary

programs. The handling of criminal violence poses

few dilemmas because it rarely arouses conflicts in
how such behavior should be judged. On the other

hand, it is difficult to remain impartial in the

coverage of social disturbances arising from

power conflicts within the community or society

at large. Depending on what is selected for 646
presentation and the manner in which the chosen

events are evaluated, the media can convey

support for coercive force either in the service of

social control or social change. These issues, and

other aspects of the legitimation of forcible means,

are discussed at length in the concluding chapter

of this book.

Explanation of Vicarious Reinforcement

Social learning theory posits several different

mechanisms by which witnessed rewards and

punishments alter the actions, feelings, and

thoughts of others (Bandura, 1971c). A vicarious

reinforcement event may vary in a number of

aspects, including the characteristics of the

aggressors and those who respond to them, the

type and intensity of consequences, their
justification, the situations in which the outcomes

occur, and the counteractions of aggressors. The 647
mechanisms that are operative in any given

instance will therefore depend upon the nature

and combination of these various factors.

One explanation of vicarious reinforcement is

in terms of the informative function of observed

outcomes. Response consequences accruing to

others convey information to observers about the

types of actions that are likely to be approved or

disapproved. Given knowledge about probable
response consequences, people will generally do

the things they have seen well received and avoid

those that they have seen punished.

Assessment of probable consequences from

observed experiences is affected by comparability

of sanctions customarily applied to models and to

observers. In any social group aggressive behavior

may be permitted for some members but

prohibited for others depending upon, among 648
other things, the status and legitimized roles they
occupy. When models and observers differ in

characteristics that foster different reactions to

their behavior, observed reinforcement may not

produce the usual effects. Knowledge gained from

witnessing the outcomes experienced by models

would be particularly influential in instances

where the observer believes that the model’s

contingencies apply to himself as well. It is highly

unlikely, for example, that seeing physical

aggression approved in a person occupying a

socially sanctioned role, such as a policeman,

would prompt much imitative aggressiveness in

citizens, because actions that are commended in

law enforcers may be prohibited for others. For

similar reasons, people are reluctant to adopt the

behavior of models who occupy divergent

occupational or social positions.

The same behavior can produce markedly 649
different consequences depending on where,

when, and toward whom it is performed. What is

permissible on a street corner may be censurable

in a church. Hence, adaptive functioning requires

not only response information, but also knowledge

about what actions are appropriate in what

setting. When individuals are rewarded for

aggressing in a given situation but ignored or

punished for exhibiting the same behavior in a
different setting, observers learn to differentiate

environments in which it is relatively safe to

behave aggressively from those in which such

actions are hazardous. In this way, seeing the

outcomes experienced by others facilitates

aggression in settings correlated with observed

rewards, and decreases aggression in situations in

which the likelihood of punishment is high.

Aggressive actions are accordingly regulated and

modified on the basis of the successes and 650
mistakes of others in designated settings.

Observed reinforcement is not only

informative, but can also have incentive

motivational effects. Seeing others positively

reinforced can serve as a motivator by arousing in

observers expectations that they will be similarly

rewarded for analogous performances. Given

appropriate reinforcement systems, people can be

as much inspired by observed social acclaim and
tangible benefits to aggress as to excel in athletic,

artistic, or academic pursuits. The more highly

observers value the rewards accruing to

successful aggressors, the more likely they are to

be prompted to aggressive actions when
opportunities arise. The frequency with which

others achieve desired outcomes can affect how

long observers will persist in the face of

discouraging results. Observational incentives

play an especially important role in social 651
activism, for here the chances of quick success are

poor, but protest behavior is partly sustained by

the long-range attainments of groups that have

persevered in their efforts. Historical as well as

contemporary successes in social change can

provide motivational support for reform activities.

Models generally exhibit emotional reactions

while undergoing rewarding or punishing

experiences. Observers are easily aroused by the
emotional expressions of others. Vicariously

elicited emotions can eventually become

conditioned either to the modeled behavior itself

or to situations that are regularly associated with
the performers’ distress. As a result of vicarious

emotional learning, situations in which aggressors

were punished, or similar aggressive

performances, are likely to frighten and to inhibit

observers. Fears and inhibitions can also be

extinguished by having fearful observers watch 652
others engaging in threatening activities without

experiencing any adverse consequences (Bandura,

1971a). Vicarious conditioning and extinction of

fear may therefore partially account for increases

and decreases in aggressiveness that result from

observing affective consequences accruing to

aggressive models.

People see not only the consequences of

another's behavior, but also how he responds to
his treatment. There is some evidence, presented

by Ditrichs, Simon, and Greene (1967), that

modeled responsiveness to social influence affects

how observers later react when they themselves
are rewarded for displaying similar behavior.

Children who observed models express

progressively more hostility for social approval

later increased their own output of hostile

responses under positive reinforcement. However,

when models appeared oppositional by reducing 653
hostile responses that brought them praise, or

reacted in random fashion as though they were

uninfluenced, observers did not increase their

expression of hostility even though they were

praised whenever they did so. Thus, susceptibility

to direct reinforcement influences can be increased

by observed responsiveness and reduced by

observed resistance.

In addition to the foregoing effects of vicarious

reinforcement, social status can be conferred on

aggressors by the manner in which their behavior

is reinforced. Punishment tends to devalue the

model and his behavior, whereas the same model
assumes emulative qualities when his actions are

praised and otherwise rewarded (Bandura, Ross,

and Ross, 1963c; Hastorf, 1965). Modification of

model status, in turn, influences the degree to

which observers pattern their own actions after

behavior exemplified by different models. There 654
are conditions, of course, in which observed

punitive treatment enhances rather than lowers

the recipient’s social status. Members of protest

groups who risk punishment for upholding their

basic rights and beliefs gain the admiration not

only of their peers but of others as well, especially

when attacks are directed at social practices that

violate the professed values of the society. It is for

this reason that authoritative agencies are usually
careful not to discipline challengers in ways that

might martyr them.

Observed reinforcements can alter the

valuation of reinforcing agents as well as
recipients. When societal agents misuse their

power to reward and punish, they undermine the

legitimacy of their authority and generate strong

resentment. Under these conditions, seeing

inequitable punishment, rather than prompting

compliance, may free incensed observers from 655
self-censure of their own actions and thus increase

aggressive behavior. This is most likely to occur

when retaliative aggression is self-justified as

rectifying past grievances or preventing further

maltreatment. Otherwise considerate people can

thus be readily provoked by observed injustice to

behave cruelly without remorse.


The discussion thus far has illustrated how

people regulate their aggressive behavior on the

basis of response consequences that they either

observe or experience at first hand. A theory that

attributed performance of aggression solely to the
influence of external rewards and punishments

would be incomplete because humans can, and do,

regulate their own actions to some extent by self-

produced consequences. People do things that

give them self-satisfaction and a feeling of self- 656
worth; conversely, they refrain from behaving in

ways that result in self-criticism and other self-

devaluative consequences.

Self-reinforcement functions are acquired in

several different ways (Bandura, 1971c). People

learn to respond evaluatively to their own

behavior partly on the basis of how others have

reacted to it. Parents and other socialization

agents subscribe to certain norms of what
constitute worthy or reprehensible performances.

They are inclined to respond approvingly when a

child meets moral standards, whereas they are

quick to reprimand him whenever he deviates
from the way he is expected to behave. As a result

of such differential treatment, children eventually

come to respond to their own actions with self-

approval and self-criticism in accordance with the

standards originally set by others. 657
Individuals not only prescribe self-evaluative

standards for others, they also exemplify them in

response to their own behavior. Modeling has

been shown to be another influential means of

transmitting systems of self-reinforcement

(Bandura, 1971b). People tend to adopt standards
of self-reinforcement displayed by exemplary

models, they evaluate their behavior relative to

those standards, and they serve as their own

reinforcing agents. Because of self-reactive

tendencies, aggressors must contend with

themselves as well as with others when they

behave in injurious ways.

Self-reward for Aggression

One can distinguish several ways in which self-

imposed sanctions enter into the self-regulation of

aggressive behavior. First, there are individuals
who have adopted a self-reinforcement system in 658
which aggressive actions are a source of personal

pride. Such people readily engage in aggressive

activities because they derive self-satisfaction

from aggressing successfully. Lacking self-

reprimands for hurtful conduct, they are deterred

from cruel actions mainly by fear of

counteraggression and its other punishing costs.

In the comparative study discussed earlier

(Bandura and Walters, 1959), assaultive
delinquents often showed little or no self-censure

for their injurious behavior, even when it took

severe forms.

I: Have there ever been times when you felt you’ve

got to do something just for the hell of it?

B: Yeah.

I: What kind of things?

B: Well, I feel like going out and getting drunk, and

going and beating the shit out of some guy.

I: How often have you done this? 659
B: About five or six times.

I: How do you feel about it afterwards?

B: I feel good. I always pick a person bigger than me,

so I can’t think I was picking up some guy
smaller. I don’t care if he’s that much bigger.
He’s always bigger than me. (Pp. 288-89)

In the above case, it is the size of the unwary

victim, not the suffering inflicted on him, that

serves as the major deterrent and determinant of

self-respecting reactions to physical conquest. The

absence of self-reproof for cruel treatment of

others in these boys stemmed not so much from

failure to internalize parental standards of

conduct, but rather from the adoption of their

parents’ positive valuations of aggressiveness. The

following interview excerpt illustrates this


I: Are there things about yourself that you’re proud

of, and wouldn’t want to change?

B: Motorcycle riding. 660
I: Is there anything else?

B: Say, something like you’re proud of? You probably

won’t understand, but stomping. I’m proud of
it because, I don’t know, all the guys I hang
around with do that. Do you know what
stomping is?

I: No, I don’t.

B: Fighting with two feet without using your hands,

see. I’m not trying to be conceited or
anything, but I know I can use my feet better
than all the guys I hang around with, so I
wouldn’t want to change that. Like my Dad,
he said, “If you know how to fight with your
feet, then it’s in your hands, you’ve got it
made,” or something like that. “You never
need be afraid of anybody.” (Pp. 121-22)

Studies of subgroups in which aggression is

regarded as emulative behavior similarly report a

high incidence of self-reward for inhumane

actions. In the Nazi regime, under which horrific

massacres were politically sanctioned,

commandants of extermination camps felt 661
tremendous pride when they surpassed the kill

rates of other crematoria (Andrus, 1969). Indeed,

Eichmann confessed that death lists were his

favorite reading before he went to sleep

(Wechsberg, 1967). Gang delinquents have been

known to compile scrapbooks of newspaper

articles about their aggressive exploits, which they

regard with pride (Short, 1968). Toch (1969)

vividly documents how violent men often derive

self-satisfaction and enhanced feelings of worth
from physical conquest. The chronic assaulter,

quoted below, describes the tremendous boost in

self-esteem he experienced from administering a

brutal beating to a fellow prisoner over a trivial

incident during a card game.

And he turned around again, and he said, you

know, “I told you not to stand behind me.”
And he said, you know, “Fuck you man.” And
the dude got up and we were both on him,
man. And we beat him to a pulp. Fixed him
up bad, man. ... So we just, once we got going 662
we just wasted the dude. And that was that.
Sent him down to the hospital. And after that
I felt like a king, man. I felt like you know,
“I’m the man. You’re not going to mess with
me.” ... I felt like everybody looking up to me.
(Pp. 91-92)

The above illustrations depict idiosyncratic

self-systems of morality in individuals and deviant

subgroups. Inhumane self-reinforcement codes

are sometimes fostered on a society-wide basis. In

aggressive cultures where prestige is closely tied

to fighting prowess, members take pride in cruel

treatment of fellow human beings.

Self punishment for Aggression

In the course of socialization most individuals

adopt, through example and precept, negative

sanctions against cruel actions. As a result, they

are restrained from injurious aggression by

anticipated self-criticism. There is no more

devastating punishment than self-contempt. 663
Results of the study by Bandura and Walters

(1959) reveal how anticipatory self-reproach for

repudiated aggression serves as a motivating

influence to keep behavior in line with adopted

standards. Adolescents who were compassionate

in their dealings with others responded with self-
disapproval, remorse, and attempts at reparation

even when their aggressive actions were minor in

nature. Assaultive boys, on the other hand,

experienced relatively few negative self-reactions

over rather serious aggressive activities. Hicks

(1971) provides a laboratory demonstration of a

similar self-regulatory process in young children.

The more reprehensible girls judged aggressive

actions to be, the less likely they were to adopt

them when they were later exemplified by a peer


Neutralization of Self-condemnation for Aggression 664
Rarely is aggression uniformly self-rewarded

or self-punished without regard to the victim or

the circumstances under which it is performed.

Humane, moral people sometimes behave cruelly

without undue upset; and callous, brutal assassins

may experience guilt over hurting pets and
persons of whom they are fond. Like other

reactions, self-reinforcing responses come under

discriminative control. This is especially evident

when social pressures impel people to act counter

to standards of conduct that would ordinarily

make them feel ashamed and self-contemptuous.

By engaging in self-deceptive machinations, they

can behave inhumanely without self-

condemnation. The different forms that self-

absolving practices take are discussed in the

sections that follow.

Slighting aggression by advantageous comparison. 665
A practice that is widely employed is to slight

one’s aggressive actions by comparison with more

hideous deeds. American executors of Asian

warfare and their ardent supporters, for example,

minimized the slaying of countless Indochinese as

checking massive Communist enslavement. Given
such a benevolent definition of destructive

practices, aggressors remained unperturbed by

the fact that the intended beneficiaries were

exterminated at an alarming rate. Militant

protesters, on the other hand, characterized their

domestic violence as trifling, or even laudable by

comparing it with the widespread carnage

perpetrated by military forces in foreign lands.

Justification of aggression by comparison to

outrageous acts is one of the more effective

methods for making violence acceptable because it

redefines the behavior in positive terms rather

than relying on disguises of purpose or personal 666

Since warfare requires collective contribution,

however remote it may appear from military

operations, almost anyone can be singled out as a

party to the national crime. Unfortunately, the

targets, whether they be national, institutional, or

individual, are often selected for attack more on

the basis of vulnerability and minimum risk than

on degree of culpability. In such conflicts,
reciprocal aggression usually escalates, with each

side lauding its own violence but condemning the

violence performed by its adversaries.

Justification of aggression in terms of higher


A closely related form of self-vindication is to

construe one’s aggression in terms of higher

values. Given sufficiently noble aims, almost any

form of aggression can be justified as righteous. To 667
take a historical example, many massacres were
devotedly perpetrated by crusading Christians in

the service of religious principles. Groups that

resisted the control of the clergy and the

ambitious nobles who surrounded them were

stigmatized as witches and heretics by the Pope,

who encouraged all true believers to assist in their
extermination (Mackay, 1932). Similarly, in

contemporary times violence is frequently

espoused in the name of freedom, social justice,

equality, and civil order.

That high moral principles do not alone curb

injurious behavior is shown more specifically in

studies relating level of moral reasoning to

aggressive conduct. Individuals exhibiting the

highest moral viewpoints are inclined to resist
arbitrary demands to behave punitively, but they

will aggress against people who violate their

personal principles (Keniston, 1970). Throughout 668
history many have suffered at the hands of self-

righteous crusaders bent on stamping out what

they considered evil. By the same token, social

reformers are able to use coercive, and even

violent, tactics to change inhumane practices by

reducing self-deterrent reactions through moral

conviction in their cause.

The self-devaluative consequences of cruel

deeds are sometimes eased by posing social
conflict as involving issues of property values

against human values. Little self-appeasement is

required to destroy property belonging to

adversaries if the destructive actions are justified
as aimed at stopping maltreatment of humans. If

this form of redefinition is to remain effective, the

aggressor must disregard the threat to human

rights created by the destruction of a man’s

belongings. 669
Displacement of responsibility.

People can be led to behave in injurious ways

provided that a legitimate authority is willing to

assume responsibility for their actions.

Participants in Milgram’s (1963) experiments,

who were deterred from punitive assaults by

distress over the suffering they had inflicted,

continued to escalate the shocks to hazardous

levels despite their victims’ agonizing cries after
the experimenter had assured them he would be

fully accountable for the consequences of their

behavior. Responsibility for cruel deeds is not

always assumed so explicitly because no one

wants to be answerable for such acts. To minimize

risks to themselves, superiors more often invite

and condone reprehensible conduct by their

subordinates in insidious ways that allow them to

claim ignorance for what was happening in the

event that disclosures arouse public 670
condemnation. The intended purpose of

sanctioned destructiveness is also disguised so

that neither issuers nor perpetrators regard their

actions as censurable. When outrageous practices

are publicized, they are officially dismissed as only

isolated events.

Exemption from self-devaluation for heinous

deeds is most gruesomely revealed in socially

sanctioned mass executions. Nazi prison
commandants and their staffs felt little personal

responsibility for their unprecedented

inhumanities. They were only carrying out lawful

orders. Guiltless obedience to horrific orders is
most evident in military atrocities. When

questioned about the massacre of the entire

population of the South Vietnamese hamlet of My

Lai, the American lieutenant in charge replied,

without any remorse, “That was my order, sir—

that was the order of the day, sir. They were all 671
enemy, they were all to be destroyed” (San

Francisco Chronicle, 1971b). In an effort to deter

institutionally sanctioned atrocities, the

Nuremberg Accords were established declaring

that obedience to inhumane orders even from the

highest authorities does not relieve subordinates

of the responsibility for their actions. However,

since victors are disinclined to try themselves as

criminals, such decrees have limited deterrent
value without an international judiciary system

empowered to impose penalties on victors and

losers alike.

Diffusion of responsibility.

Exemption from self-criticism can be achieved

to some extent by obscuring and diffusing

responsibility for aggressive practices. Collective

aggression requires numerous task functions that

must be supported by an organizational 672
apparatus. Departmentalization of destructive
activities works in several ways to reduce

participants’ sense of personal responsibility for

their complicitous behavior. Development,

production, and use of instruments of destruction

require the services of a considerable number of

people, each performing a fragmentary job that in

itself may appear harmless. The fractional

contribution can be easily isolated from the end

product, especially when one exercises little

personal judgment in carrying out a sub function

that is related to the terminal aggression through

remote, complex links. When the violence inflicted

on victims is horrifying, guiltless functionaries in

the destructive enterprise are quick to condemn

and to take vengeance on the individuals assigned

the gruesome task of performing the aggressive


Another bureaucratic practice for relieving 673
self-condemnation for aggression is to rely on

group decision-making, so that no single

individual feels responsible for what is eventually

done. Indeed, social organizations go to great

lengths to devise sophisticated mechanisms for

obscuring responsibility for decisions that affect

others adversely. Nor are people likely to

experience much self-punishment for injurious

outcomes resulting from direct participation in
collective violence. The destruction of life and

property can always be attributed to the other

members of the group. Through division of labor,

division of decision-making, and collective action,

people can be contributors to cruel practices and

bloodshed without feeling personally responsible

or self-contemptuous for their part in it.

Dehumanization of victims.

A further means of protection against self- 674
devaluation is to dehumanize the victim. People
selected as targets are often divested of human

qualities by being viewed not as individuals with

sensitivities, feelings, and hopes, but as

stereotyped objects bearing demeaning labels

such as “gooks” or “niggers.” If dispossessing

victims of humanness does not fully eliminate self-

reproof, it can be further reduced by attributing

subhuman or degrading characteristics to them.

Foes become "degenerates,” “pigs,” and other

bestial creatures. After victims have been so

devalued, they can be cruelly attacked without

much risk of self-punishment.

Bernard, Ottenberg, and Redl (1965)

enumerate many conditions of contemporary life

that are conducive to dehumanizing behavior.

Bureaucratization, technology, automation,

urbanization, and high social mobility all lead

people to relate to each other in anonymous, 675
impersonal ways. Under conditions of

overcrowding, people inevitably become aversive,

obstructive objects. It is difficult to remain

sensitive to human qualities in individuals who

are shoving you, blocking your progress, grabbing

things you want, and in other ways reducing your

comfort and freedom of movement. In addition,

social practices that divide people into in-group

and out-group members produce human
estrangement conducive to dehumanization.

Strangers can be more easily cast as subhuman

villains than can personal acquaintances.

Attribution of blame to victims.

Attribution of blame to victims is still another

expedient that can be used for self-assuaging

purposes. In this process, aggressors see

themselves as essentially persons of goodwill who

are forced into punitive actions by villainous 676
opponents. Victims are condemned for bringing
the suffering on themselves either by their

character defects or by their witless and

provocative behavior. Violent encounters involve a

series of reciprocally escalative assaults in which

victims are rarely faultless. Self-vindication can

therefore be achieved by selecting from the chain

of causes an instance of defensive aggression by

opponents and interpreting it as the original


Observers of victimization can be affected in

much the same way as the aggressors. Seeing

victims suffer punitive treatment for which they

are held partially responsible leads observers to

devalue them (Lerner, 1971; Piliavin, Hardyck,

and Vadum, 1967). The indignation aroused by

ascribed culpability, in turn, provides moral

support for even more brutal acts by aggressors.

When bad practices are well entrenched, efforts 677
on the part of concerned individuals to halt them

by publicizing their destructive effects are more

likely to arouse derogation than sympathy for the

victims. To acknowledge the inhumanities arouses

self- critical reactions if one does nothing about

the situation. It is easier to reduce the discomfort

by designating the victim as a bad person than to

challenge bad practices that are an accepted part

of the social order.

Justified maltreatment can have more

devastating human consequences than

acknowledged cruelty. When blame is

convincingly ascribed, victims may eventually
come to believe the degrading characterizations

they hear about themselves (Hallie, 1971).

Negative attribution by itself may not be too

persuasive, but it is usually accompanied by

maltreatment that produces self-confirming

evidence of the victim’s defects or badness. 678
Vindicated inhumanity is thus more likely to instill

self-contempt in victims than if it does not justify


Graduated desensitization.

The practices cited above will not

instantaneously transform a compassionate

individual into a brutal aggressor. Rather, the

change is usually achieved through a gradual

desensitization process in which the participants

may not fully recognize the marked changes they

have undergone. Initially, individuals are

prompted to perform aggressive acts they can
tolerate without excessive self-censure. After their

discomfort and self-reproof are extinguished

through repeated performance, the level of

aggression is progressively increased until

eventually gruesome deeds, originally regarded as

abhorrent, can be performed without much 679
distress. Andrus (1969) describes this extinction
process succinctly in his study of mass

executioners: “Tentatively at first, then callously,

and finally quite easily, they performed these

terrible massacres” (p. 204).

The repetitive drills of military training, as in

bayonet practice and shooting simulated targets,
are intended not only to routinize fighting skills,

but to extinguish deterring self-reactions to such

behavior. Previously reported studies showed

how traumatized soldiers could be desensitized

within a brief period by reexposing them to

progressively more terrifying battle scenes. It is

perhaps increasing desensitization to injury more

than frustration that accounts for the rise over

time in military atrocities and the growing public

indifference to them.

There exist a number of factors—many of them 680
social and symbolic —that serve as disinhibitory
devices over and above those already cited.

Targets are usually presented as distilled military

abstractions. In the hygienic verbal labels used to

describe military slaughter, people are “wasted”

rather than put to death. The inhumanity of the

enemy, which makes it easier to kill him, is

bolstered by accounts of atrocities and orientation

training on how to deal with torture techniques as

a prisoner. Even considerate soldiers can

eventually be driven to brutal acts to avenge the

deaths of fighting companions. And the prayers of

clergy convey the symbolic impression that the

vested agents of institutional morality are backing

the combat enterprise. Finally, medicolegal

procedures are available for controlling

information sources and removing “undesirables”

who might act as contravening influences.

The research of Davitz (1952) and Wright 681
(1942) has shown that the presence of

cooperative and friendly bonds between people

serves to inhibit aggression toward each other in

the face of provocation from external sources. An

individual cannot easily mistreat a friend without

holding himself in low regard, given a sense of

implicit trust and heightened awareness of the

personal suffering caused by such actions.

However, just as high moral principles can be used
to support ruthless behavior, positive social bonds

can heighten aggressiveness under certain

conditions. Wright (1942) found that whereas

thwarting increased cooperativeness and reduced

discord in close friends, it had little effect on the

social behavior of those with weaker bonds of

friendship. But the mutual support of close

fellowship also counteracted restraints against

aggressing toward the person who thwarted them.

Close friends were more abusive toward their 682
antagonist than the less close friends, the

difference being particularly marked in the

expression of physical aggression. The latter group

often resorted to physical assaults, whereas the

aggression displayed by those with a weaker

friendship never went beyond hostile remarks.
Thus, while close acquaintance with potential

targets may serve as an inhibitor of aggression, the

mutual social reinforcement inherent in

comradeship can be effectively used, as in times of

national warfare or intergroup strife, to

strengthen aggression against a common foe.

Minimization and selective forgetting of


The foregoing discussion reviewed the various

self-absolving devices that permit otherwise

socialized people to behave violently toward
others without suffering self-condemning

consequences. Once they have aggressed, 683
additional self-placating measures are available
that operate principally through distortion of the

effects produced by one’s actions. When people

are prompted to self-disapproved conduct under

conditions in which they have some choice on

whether or not to behave that way, they tend to

minimize the painfulness of its consequences; on

the other hand, when they are forced to act

punitively contrary to their values, they magnify

the severity of the effects (Brock and Buss, 1962).

Moreover, after being compelled to perform

aggression of which they disapprove, individuals

recall prior information given them concerning

potential benefits of the punishment, but they are

less able to recall its harmful effects (Brock and

Buss, 1964). Both minimization and selective

forgetting of consequences would be expected to

reduce distress over conduct that is incompatible

with one’s self-evaluative system. 684
Examples taken either from military atrocities

or political violence convey the impression that

sanctioning of human cruelty occurs only under

extraordinary circumstances. Quite the contrary. It

is a common practice supported by financial profit

as well as by governmental coercion or political
disaffection. Exploitation of human brutality by

the television industry illustrates the

authorization of aggression for commercial

purposes. Testimony of media practitioners at

congressional hearings and in private interviews

document how familiar self-absolving devices are

used in conjunction with organizational sanctions

to produce a heavy volume of violent material.

In the earlier days of television, producers and

writers were issued explicit instructions by

network officials to inject violence into their

programs in ways that contributed neither to

characterization nor to plot. In one such exchange 685
a producer with humanitarian concerns was

reminded that his program was scheduled against

“Wanted Dead or Alive,” a series in which the

“hotrod cowboy kills a man a minute” (U.S. Senate,

1963, p. 1964). Scenes of violence, he was told,

were therefore required for competitive purposes.

Scenes were rearranged to begin with violent

teasers repeating the fatal actions contained in the

body of the programs. Other producers reported
how plot development is often sacrificed for

redundant brutality. Concerned writers expressed

their indignation at being instructed to devise

more interesting ways to kill people and at finding

violence added to their scripts without their


Eventually the production of violence became

an occupational norm that no longer required

special orders. Like other salable commodities, its

manufacture required efficient routinization. 686
Writers and producers who find the artistic

constraints and exploitation of violence

objectionable are selectively eliminated; those

who remain as regular contributors become

socialized into the practices of the system to use

violence in amounts and forms that will not

provoke troublesome criticism.

When one must produce material containing

dehumanizing ingredients for money, losses in
self-respect are reduced in many ways, as revealed

in the remarks of media practitioners (Baldwin

and Lewis, 1972). Diffusion of the production

process reduces a sense of personal responsibility
for the final product. Rewrite men alter writers’

scripts; directors fill in the details of the scenarios;

and editors take a part in how filmed events are

depicted by what they select from the lengthy

footage. If the original writers are offended by

alterations of their scripts, they can use their 687
registered pseudonyms and thereby avoid any

personal embarrassment.

Producers often excuse commercialization of

violence by contrasting it with outrageous

inhumanities, as though one form of human

cruelty absolves another. Why pick on television,

the scapegoat disclaimer goes, when the

government is slaughtering foreigners and the

tobacco industry is disabling the natives (“To
examine violence where the end result is a dead

body on television glosses over the point. This

evades the culpability of a whole society which

permits wars” p. 343). Another variant in the
justification process is to sanctify brutalizing

excesses on television by pointing to revered

masterpieces containing some violent episodes.

The fact that people occasionally aggress in folk

tales and in the Bible presumably exonerates the

saturated overkill delivered daily to every 688
household in the country year after year.

Sometimes a high moral purpose is assigned to the

taking of human life in the likeness of a national

character-building service: “The government

wants kids to think that there are values worth

fighting for, and that's basically what the leads on

our show are doing. ... If people who break the

society’s code resist the law, we have to use

violence to suppress them. In doing so we are in
the mainstream of American morality” (p. 300).

Modeling violent solutions to problems not only

builds character and establishes the measure of

man; it is also purported to serve a public

therapeutic function by draining accumulated

aggressive drives in viewers.

The term violence rarely appears in the

vocabularies of media personnel. Rather, sanitized

labels such as “action” and “adventure” are used in

its place. Virtually all producers disclaim using 689
gratuitous violence by attributing evident excesses

to the characters they create. Ruthless individuals

or even peaceful folks confronted with mortal

jeopardy demand acts of violence. One of the more

candid scriptwriters discounted the asserted

dramatic requirement for violence as analogous to

saying, “I never put cotton in a wagon that’s not

prepared for cotton—but I never use anything but

a cotton wagon” (p. 311). In addition to sanitizing
the product, media personnel tend to divest

viewers of human sensitivities or invest them with

base qualities that justify serving them gory

offerings: “Man’s mind is connected to his

stomach, his groin, and his fists. It doesn’t float five

feet above his body. Violence, therefore, cannot be

eradicated” (p. 300)….“Not as much action as

some, but sufficient to keep the average

bloodthirsty viewer fairly happy” (U.S. Senate,

1963, p. 2329). 690
Producers of products that may have some

adverse consequences can avoid discomforting

self-reactions by ignoring evidence about effects. It

is therefore not surprising that most are unaware

of the results of existing research, that they do not

seem especially eager to find them, and that they
can think of many reasons why the social effects of

television can never be clearly demonstrated. As is

true of any profit-oriented enterprise, some of the

program manufacturers are not exactly plagued by

bothersome standards of social morality:

“Filmmaking for television is a business of

merchandising and profit making. We are

manufacturing a product and we want to attract

the largest possible audience, short of

prostitution” (p. 313).

The distributors and financial patrons of

televised violence attribute the prevalence of such

contents to the aggressive nature of man. 691
Television is simply responding to the desires of

its viewers, according to network officials. The fact

that action programs attract mass audiences

proves that people find violence inherently

rewarding. This questionable diagnosis is usually

accompanied by the democracy argument. Since

there is such a substantial consumer demand for

violence, the television industry has almost a

mandate to serve the public what it wants. Social
critics, accepting this causal analysis as valid,

nevertheless contend that a public resource

should be used for human betterment, not to

reinforce destructive tendencies in the pursuit of


These debates overlook that fact that the

prevalence of action formats demonstrates neither

that violence is the source of fascination, nor that

violent offerings are necessarily the most popular.

Suspense, excitement, conflict, and fast pace of 692
action, all prominent features of such programs,

attract and hold attention. The success of

Westerns and crime series that rarely show people

assaulting each other suggest that the nonviolent

components of the characterizations are the more

important sources of attraction. For example, in

the dramatization of Wyatt Earp, which attracted a

mass audience, this agent of the law shot only one

man during the entire six years the program was
on the air, and this single episode represented an

actual event from history (U.S. Senate, 1963).

It is probably more accurate to say that people

are fascinated with conflict and suspense rather
than with brutality per se. For this reason,

detective stories would hold little interest for

readers or viewers if the outcomes of the plots

were revealed to them in advance, even though

the violent episodes remained unchanged. Nor are

many sport fans willing to sit through complete 693
reruns of football games knowing the outcomes of

the contests. For years professional football, which

is claimed to attract spectators by appealing to

their inherent aggressiveness, in fact aroused little

public interest until it was commercially

promoted. If artificial sources of excitement

created by league rankings, national ratings, and

intersectional bowl games were discontinued

attendance would drop, however much
contestants shove each other around. On the other

hand, spectators frequent competitive games such

as baseball that involve little physical injury but

sufficient uncertainty of outcome to hold their

interest. Whatever the athletic activities might be,

teams that rank low in the publicized standings

typically draw small crowds regardless of their

level of aggressivity.

The myth that program content is determined

by the preferences of the viewing majority is 694
widely accepted. Television preferences reflect

what viewers are given to choose from. The

offerings that are broadcast are determined by

commercial considerations as well as popularity

ratings, which do not always match. Programs that

capture large audiences are discontinued if the

people they attract do not fit the age (18-49) or

income categories that advertisers wish to

influence. Thus, popular programs that deliver the
wrong kinds of viewers from a commercial

standpoint are retired for unfavorable

“demographics” despite their wide acceptance

because they fetch low advertising rates (Brown,

1971). Since people who lack purchasing power

hold little interest for advertisers, disadvantaged

minorities tend to be underrepresented in survey

samples of television preferences.

Within each broadcast hour approximately ten

minutes are sold for commercial breaks. Popular 695
shows that are expensive to produce will not make

much of a profit even at high advertising rates.

Program production cost per thousand viewers

therefore strongly influences what gets televised.

Action formats are prevalent because they are

relatively cheap to produce. With a couple of

horses, a makeshift saloon, a superhero, a

transient evil-doer, and the open range a producer

can grind out endless episodes at a price that
yields higher profits than more popular programs

incurring greater production costs. Many shows

high in violent content are retained because they

are financially attractive to the industry even

though they draw smaller audiences than

programs that do not feature violent action. We

might note here in passing that television

offerings, though generally accepted, fail to evoke

much involvement or enthusiasm (LoSciuto,

1972). A good predictor of what viewers will 696
watch is whatever appears on the same channel

next, hardly the picture of a motivated search for


Those who create the programs acknowledge

quite candidly that conflict is essential for

engrossing drama and physical violence is the

easiest and intellectually nondemanding way of

depicting it. As one producer put it: In dramatizing

conflict on television, man against nature is too
expensive, man against God is too intellectual, man

against himself is too psychological and leaves too

little opportunity for action, so man against man is

what one usually ends up with (Baldwin and

Lewis, 1972). Given severe time constraints,
physical violence is a handy device for creating a

conflict and a quick and decisive way of resolving

it. Gifted writers and producers who could portray

conflict more imaginatively are understandably

reluctant to devote their talents to grinding our 697
formula shows at costs that will yield high

financial returns to stockholders.

When violence is routinely used as a substitute

for creative plot development, it tends to increase

if left unchecked. Producers resort to incremental

violence to capture the attention of viewers who

have grown accustomed to deadly combat: “Last

week you killed three men; what are you going to

do this week? So producers began to lean more
heavily on the violence” (Baldwin and Lewis,

1972, pp. 321-22). It also forces them to create

new ways of killing people to inject variety into

overused formulas: “I wish we could come up with
a different device than running the man down

with the car as we have done this now in three

different shows. I like the idea of the sadism, but I

hope we can come up with another approach for

it” (U.S. Senate, 1963, pp. 2302-32). 698
The answer to the abundance of televised

violence perhaps lies more in production costs and

in constraints imposed by time schedules,

voluminous output, and limited talent pool than in

viewers’ cravings. The justifications of media

violence in terms of social demand also
misrepresents a two-way influence process as a

one-way cause and effect relationship. Television

creates as well as caters to preferences. In a major

program of research Zajonc (1968), among others,

presents several lines of evidence that mere

repeated exposure to material increases liking for

it. The abundant evidence that familiarity

produces liking is confirmed by Himmelweit,

Oppenheim, and Vince (1958) with regard to

television offerings. Programs that initially held

little interest for children and that they would not

choose to watch if an alternative were available

became more attractive with repeated viewing. 699
There exist many societal practices that have

widespread injurious consequences, but because

they are financially profitable or politically

expedient, are institutionally sanctioned and

routinely performed by decent people under self-

exonerating disguises. Institutionalized
discrimination takes a heavy toll of victims. A

variety of industries, each with its public-spirited

justifications, contribute to environmental

destruction that causes harmful effects on a large


Given the existence of so many self-absolving

devices, a society cannot rely entirely on

individuals, however noble their convictions, to
safeguard against destructiveness, just as

aggression is not rooted in the individual, neither

does its control reside solely there. Humaneness

requires, in addition to benevolent codes of self-

reinforcement, social reinforcement systems that 700
continuously uphold compassionate behavior and

discourage cruelty. Societies must create more

effective organizational safeguards that function

as restraining influences in the use of institutional

power for exploitive or destructive ends.


The earlier discussion has shown that

aggressive actions persist because they are

functional in producing rewarding effects,

however lean or peculiar these outcomes might be

in any given instance. Injurious forms of

aggression can therefore Ire most effectively

eliminated by removing the social conditions that
instigate them and the positive reinforcements

that maintain them. Unfortunately, most of the

people who suffer the results of violence rarely

exercise much direct control over the

circumstances that continue to generate it. Ghetto 701
victims, for example, lack the means with which to

remove influences that breed violence. Similarly,

university faculty, even if they could achieve high

consensus on foreign policy, cannot by themselves

promptly turn off military activities that arouse

violent protests on campuses. People most often

resort to punishment solutions when aggressive

behavior is disturbing to them and the conditions

fostering it are beyond their power to modify.

When aggression is either highly functional or

personally valued, threatened consequences serve

as its main deterrents. Behavior that produces

aversive effects is generally performed less
frequently, if not discarded altogether. There are

two principal ways in which negative sanctions

inhibit forbidden actions. Repeated punishment

for aggressing toward certain persons, places, or

things endows them with fear-arousing value. As a

result, inclinations to aggress toward these threats 702
evokes fear, which motivates inhibitory controls.

Man’s cognitive capacities enable him to

regulate his behavior to some extent without

requiring fear arousal. Punishments that are either

observed or experienced directly convey

information about when certain forms of

aggression are safe and when they are hazardous.

Aggressive actions are thus partly regulated on the

basis of anticipated consequences. Being under
cognitive and situational control, aggression

inhibition arising from external threats varies in

its durability and in how widely it generalizes

beyond the prohibitive situation.

The effectiveness of punishment in controlling

behavior is determined by a number of factors

(Bandura, 1969a; Campbell and Church, 1969). Of

special importance is the level of reward achieved

through aggressive conduct and the availability of 703
alternative means of securing desired goals. The
likelihood that aggression will be punished, the

nature, severity, and duration of the aversive

consequences, and the time elapsing between

aggressive actions and negative outcomes also

determine the suppressive power of punishment.

Additionally, the level of instigation to aggression

and the characteristics of the prohibitive agents

influence how aggressors will respond to being

punished. By considering these different

influences one can predict, with some accuracy,

what the effects of punishing aggression are likely

to be in given circumstances.

Elimination of Aggression Through Punishment

Under conditions in which alternative means

are made available for people to get what they

want, aggressive modes of behavior that carry a

high risk of punishment are rapidly discarded. 704
Findings reviewed in the concluding chapter

demonstrate that selective reward of prosocial

solutions combined with penalties for aggressive

activities achieves enduring reductions in

aggression without any adverse effects.

Societies rely heavily upon deterrent threats in

their efforts to curtail behavior designated as

criminal. Punishments are widely administered by

enforcement agencies on the grounds that they
discourage transgressors from committing future

crimes and deter others should they be tempted

by the sway of circumstances to engage in criminal

conduct. Obviously if punishments for
transgressive behavior were severe and certain,

they would have strong deterrent effects. In

reality, only about half of the criminal offenses

that have been committed are ever reported by

the victims (Ennis, 1967), and the chance of

apprehension may be relatively low for the crimes 705
that come to the attention of police. The deterrent

potential of legal sanctions will vary depending on

the risk of the threatened consequences.

The restraining effects of legal sanctions are

difficult to evaluate because fluctuations in

baseline crime rates arising from many

contributory factors obscure the influence of

threatened penalties. When severe punishments

are instituted during periods of widespread
infractions, as is often the case, predictable

declines in contagious transgressions may be

erroneously credited to the stricter control

measures. Sometimes drops in offenses following
the institution of more severe penalties turn out to

be no greater than past fluctuations when

compared over an extended time series (Campbell,

1969). Nor do high crime and recidivism rates

necessarily refute the deterrent value of

punishment, because the forbidden behavior 706
might be much higher without the legal

prohibitions. In neither case does one know what

the crime rates would be if the threatened

consequences were absent. Only by instituting and

removing the penalties several times, or by

comparisons with nonregulated situations, can the

effects of legal sanctions be estimated. Zimring

(1971) argues convincingly that legal and

enforcement agencies bear some responsibility for
measuring what effects their punishment

prescriptions are having on people. When officials

are granted punishment powers without being

required to evaluate the results of their practices,

aversive measures are more likely to be used

vindictively than in ways that contribute to

rehabilitative or preventive purposes.

Legal threats probably have greatest deterrent

force for the more advantaged segments of the

population. Individuals who have developed 707
legitimate options that are reasonably rewarding

are less attracted to criminal alternatives. They

not only face weaker inducement to illegal

conduct, but the punishment costs are more

severe for them. After people have achieved a

financial and reputational stake in their

community, they fear the ruinous consequences of

stigmatization and loss of standing as well as the

hardships of imprisonment. Members of
delinquent subcultures, or those relegated to an

impoverished existence, do not risk status losses

for engaging in criminal activities. In addition,

high-status law-abiders are more likely to have

adopted the moral standards of the larger society

so that they are deterred from criminal conduct by

self-reprobation, quite apart from the fear of

external punishment. Finally, the deterrent

efficacy of legal threats is weakened in high

delinquency areas where residents see offenses 708
committed repeatedly without detection. The

chances of escaping punishment look pretty good.

The fact that threatened penalties work best

for those who least need them does not mean that

they do not serve a restraining function. Unlawful

behavior and breaches of social prohibitions do

occur among supposedly law-abiding citizens.

Transgression rates would undoubtedly rise if

negative sanctions were not in effect. However,
control measures that punish forbidden conduct

but offer no positive alternatives have serious


Selective inhibition and refinement of aggression

through punishment.

Aggression control through punishment

becomes more problematic when aggressive

actions are socially or tangibly rewarded, while

alternate means of securing desired outcomes are 709
either unavailable, less effective in producing
results, or not within the capabilities of the

aggressor. Here punishment must be applied in

considerable force to outweigh the benefits of

aggression. But even then it achieves, at best, only

temporary partial control, with the risk of

aggravating the problem.

When aggressive behavior that brings some

rewards is consistently and severely punished, it is

inhibited in the threatening situation. Functional

aggression, however, tends to reappear after the

punishment has been discontinued, and is readily

performed in settings in which the chance of

punishment is low (Bandura, 1960; Bandura and

Walters, 1959). The inhibitory power of

punishment is affected not only by prevailing
conditions of reinforcement but also by those

associated with aggressive behavior in the past.

Deur and Parke (1970) report that children who 710
had been consistently rewarded for hitting

responses later reduced such behavior more when

it was either ignored or consistently punished

than did children whose aggression had

previously been treated inconsistently by being

rewarded and punished or rewarded and ignored.

Comparison of the long-term effects of the two

mixed patterns of reinforcements revealed that

persistence of aggressive responding under
unfavorable conditions of reinforcement was due

mainly to the prior history of reward. Children

who had come to expect that their aggressive

behavior would always be rewarded were quick to

abandon such actions when they no longer paid

off. By contrast, children who learned that the

benefits of aggression are obtained at the risk of

some negative outcomes were not easily

discouraged by nonreward or censure.

Evidence that punishment does not always 711
reduce aggressive behavior has led some writers

to characterize repetitive offenders as

“psychopaths” who lack the capacity to learn from

experience. This apparent learning deficiency

might be readily refuted if information were

available concerning the outcomes experienced

for every transgression. The occasions on which

antisocial aggression is punished are well

publicized, but its successes remain unknown.
Antisocial aggression is most likely to persist

when the rewards it produces outweigh the

inhibitory effects of occasional punishment.

Given some level of reward for aggression, the

behavior of a person who is primarily deterred by

fear is largely governed by his estimation of the

probability of being caught and of the severity of

the punishment that may follow. Most repetitive

delinquents therefore do not commit offenses that

bring extreme penalties, nor do they ordinarily 712
carry out their antisocial acts under circumstances

in which the chance of being apprehended is high.

The accuracy with which probable consequences

are assessed depends to a large extent on the

aggressor’s ability to profit from experience and to

evaluate the reality circumstances at any given

moment. Habitual offenders may more readily

perform hazardous actions because they have

altered their techniques on the basis of prior
failures, thus gaining new confidence that they can

get what they want with reduced risk of

punishment. They often err by overestimating

their chances of success (Claster, 1967). Failures

normally occur because of unforeseen events that

the aggressor could not have easily predicted even

after careful assessment of the situation. Given

limited options, the human mind is sufficiently

facile to benefit from the successful examples of

history but to discount its negative lessons. 713
Persons who have few alternatives that bring

some payoffs will be slow to abandon them even

though the behavior results in occasional adverse

consequences. Under these conditions,

punishment is likely to lead offenders either to

adopt safer forms of antisocial aggression or to
change their methods to avoid punishment on

future occasions. An excellent example of how

punishment results in refining rather than

eliminating antisocial behavior that has functional

value is provided in the autobiography of a

talented habitual offender.

My prison surroundings have been

completely a life apart, something so far
away that at times it was my real
circumstances that seemed so fantastic. In
between I went over jobs which I had pulled
off and mentally surveyed them to see how
they could be improved upon. Then I went
over my mistakes again, and learned how
they had occurred and let me down. So you
see there was always plenty for me to do 714
when I lay on the board with no occupation
but thinking. And plan future jobs. Oh yes, if
a survey could be taken it would be proved
that most of the big criminal jobs, and
thousands of small ones, are planned in gaol.
Planned to the last detail because there is not
sufficient alternative interest to occupy
prisoners’ minds. (Hill, 1955, p. 39)

Had this individual as ingeniously pursued a more

socially acceptable vocation, he would

undoubtedly have been admired for his flexibility

and his ability to profit from failure experiences.

Modeling of aggressive tactics through


Punishment is not only precarious as an

external inhibitor of intermittently rewarded

aggression, but its frequent use can inadvertently

promote aggressive modes of behavior. In

exercising punitive control, prohibitive agents

model aggressive styles of behavior not unlike

those they wish to discourage in others. Recipients 715
may, on later occasions, adopt similar aggressive

solutions in coping with the problems confronting

them. Consistent with modeling theory, Hoffman

(1960) reports that mothers who forced

compliance through coercive means had children

who likewise resorted to aggressive tactics in

controlling the behavior of their peers. Numerous

field studies have shown that parents of

aggressive boys rely heavily on punitive methods

of control, whereas parents of nonaggressive
children favor nonpunitive verbal forms of

influence (Bandura, 1960; Bandura and Walters,

1959; Glueck and Glueck, 1950). Although the

direction of causal relationships cannot be

unequivocally established from correlational data,

it is clear from controlled studies that aggressive

modeling breeds aggression.

Punitive treatment, in addition to furnishing

aggressive examples of behavior, may reduce 716
restraints over aggression in observers.

Disinhibitory effects are especially apt to occur

when aggressors in positions of influence

convincingly justify their punitive actions. If

empowered authorities can get what they want by

aggressive means, the reasoning goes, why should

such behavior not be acceptable for others in the

pursuit of their own goals. Through modeling

influences, institutionally sanctioned aggression,
when misused in the service of behavior control,

can thus promote the learning and legitimation of

aggressive tactics. Moreover, authorities who

exploit their coercive power to suppress

warranted grievances create, by their actions, a

cynical contempt for official condemnations of


Capital punishment represents societal

modeling of violence in the most brutal form,

ostensibly for the purpose of homicide control. 717
The moral and legal justifications offered for

putting to death a prisoner against whom society

is already protected by his imprisonment are

essentially disguises for vengeance. Studies

comparing murder rates in different areas that

vary in their use of capital punishment and in the

same area before and after the death penalty was

abolished provide no evidence that presence of

the death penalty reduces homicide rates (Bedau,
1967). It would appear that legal executions

achieve mainly a lessened regard for human life.

In States that impose the death penalty only a

fraction of those who have committed capital
crimes are in fact executed. Discretionary power is

exercised throughout the criminal process by

prosecutors, judges and juries. As a result, the

poor and disfavored minorities are more likely to

be sentenced to death than the more advantaged

for similar crimes. Execution rates of those 718
committed to death row show the operation of

selective influences in the commutation of death

sentences (Johnson, 1957; Wolfgang, Kelly and

Nolde, 1962). Thus, legal executions not only

indicate how society regards human life but

exposes the inequities in the administration of its

system of justice.

Escalation of aggression through punishment.

There are certain conditions under which

neither threatened nor actual punishment deters

people from behaving aggressively, at least in the

short run. As might be expected, low aggressors
inhibit hurtful actions when recipients can

retaliate. In contrast, high aggressors do not

temper their punitiveness under threat of

counterattack (Edwards, 1967). In fact, the more

self-assertive the opponent, the more aggressively

they are inclined to treat him (Peterson, 1971). 719
The different consequences anticipated by high
and low aggressors is most likely the operative

factor producing the diverse effects of threatened

reprisal. Individuals who recurrently engage in

aggressive behavior have experienced some

success in controlling people through force. Strong

attacks are designed to show potential challengers

that the aggressor is a formidable person whose

wishes should be heeded. Counterattacks merely

evoke more forceful demonstration of power to

gain eventual acquiescence. Given other options,

people who have had little success in wielding

coercive power are easily dissuaded from

escalating the aggressive interchange by

expectations of defeat.

The use of punishment as a control technique

carries greater risks when applied to group

aggression. Seeing others engage in aggressive

conduct weakens the inhibitory effects of 720
threatened retaliation (Baron, 1971b). Protest

tactics, furthermore, have some legitimacy as an

instrument of social change. After nonviolent

means have proved ineffective, severe punishment

of militant actions used to achieve laudable goals

is likely to escalate collective aggression. These

particular conditions are especially salient in

campus protests and violence. Searle (1968) and

Spiegel (1970) describe a common sequence of
reciprocal escalation of aggression that was

repeated with notable regularity on many college

campuses, both in the United States and abroad. In

the initial stage, a small group of students whose

grievances have been slighted confronts a

university administration with a set of demands

relating to a fundamental issue (for example, war,

free speech, racism, institutional policies) with

which most nonprotesters sympathize, even

though they are not moved to action. The demands 721
are presented in a coercive style, often

accompanied by provocative actions or by

violations of campus rules that invite punishment.

Authorities refuse to give in under such

pressure for a variety of reasons. Acquiescence to

blatant or unlawful force will lose them the

respect and support of other factions without

whose backing they can no longer function

effectively. They also fear that, however laudable
the goals, granting demands under duress rewards

violent tactics so that physical force will become a

favored strategy rather than a method of last

resort. Some of the ultimatums cannot be met

within the specified time limits because decision-
making procedures are unwieldy and universities

may lack either the resources or the power to

modify the causes of certain grievances. Partial

rejection rather than full compliance is the

predictable outcome. Protesters, in turn, become 722
more resistant to negotiation because not only

issues but their reputations in the face of

perfunctory or unyielding response are now at

stake. The net result is that some of the protesters,

usually the most vocal leaders, are suspended or

otherwise disciplined for campus rule violations.

Punitive measures escalate the level of

aggression to the second stage. The original issue

is now transformed so that the malevolence of the
institution itself becomes the primary issue.

Punishing individuals for protesting against evil

practices, regardless of whether the protest is in

good faith or to generate student revolt, mobilizes
sympathizers to massive action against the

university. The confrontation creates a strong

sense of community in which provocative rhetoric

is selectively rewarded, while concerns voiced

over the morality of violence are silenced through

justification or disregard. Restraints over 723
aggressive actions are weakened by indicting the

university for, among other things, scientific

corruption, contributing knowledge and

technology to pernicious societal practices, and

self-serving ethical bias that favors existing

systems causing social ills. Faculty members with

similar sentiments give ideological and social

sanction to forceful action. Additional directives

are issued to the university to restructure its
activities and decision-making; amnesty is

demanded for individuals charged with disruptive

actions. When these nonnegotiable demands are

refused, as is invariably the case, protesters seize

buildings, destroy facilities, or embark on other

large-scale disruptions of university functions.

Strong political and public pressure is then

brought to bear on beleaguered administrators to

put a halt to the unlawful behavior.

Lacking adequate internal mechanisms for 724
dealing with major confrontations, university

authorities calf police onto campus, which elevates

the conflict to the third, and final, stage. The sight

of mass arrests, often carried out in a brutal

manner, “radicalizes” many of those who had not

publicly committed themselves one way or

another, whereupon they too join the fray. The

university is essentially shut down amid open

hostilities between opposing factions, vigorous
petitioning, emergency faculty meetings, and

outpouring of grievances against the university.

Few college presidents survive a major campus

uprising without being seriously discredited.

After the predictable pattern became apparent,

activists began to select tactics calculated to

provoke authorities to punitive actions.

Universities, in turn, adopted new

countermeasures, principally in the form of quasi-

judicial procedures and court injunctions. 725
Administrators controlled disruptive activities

without provoking more serious forms of

aggression by reliance on legal deterrents rather

than on personally administered punishments.

Aggression directed at social injustices in the

society at large is frequently escalated and spread

by the punitive actions of those in positions of

authority. Violent response to extralegal protest

provides manifest demonstrations of how coercive
power can be misused by the social system itself.

Protection of dissenters from encroachment of

their civil rights by agents of control and the

integrity of authoritative agencies become matters
of concern in such struggles.

Disinhibition of Aggression by Reducing the Risk of


When individuals are deterred from behaving

aggressively mainly by fear of negative 726
consequences, conditions that reduce anticipated
risk of punishment weaken restraints over

aggressive responding. This process, designated as

disinhibition in social learning theory, has also

been studied to some extent by social

psychologists as “deindividuation” (Festinger,

Pepitone, and Newcomb, 1952; Zimbardo, 1969).

Although both concepts refer to a similar process,

they differ in that disinhibition encompasses a

wide range of determinants, whereas

deindividuation is largely confined to restraint

reduction arising from loss of individuality by

immersion in a group.

Disinhibitory conditions may take many forms,

some of which are graphically described by

Zimbardo (1969). By decreasing fear of detection

and punishment, anonymity is highly conducive to

transgressive behavior. It is not uncommon for

otherwise law-abiding people to perform socially 727
prohibited activities without too much resistance

when there is little chance they can be identified.

Restraints over aggression are further weakened

by the actions of a group. Some of the contagious

effects are doubtless attributable to the modeling

influence of seeing others engage in antisocial

behavior without experiencing any adverse

consequences. Moreover, in a joint performance

no one feels personally responsible for the effects
of the collective action. There is an additional

safety in numbers. Since huge crowds cannot be

easily punished, even a feeling of shared

responsibility for cruel deeds does not have much

inhibitory power. This is especially evident in

censurable societal practices, when individuals

facilely admit guilt for their contributions by their

support or inaction, knowing full well that such

confessions serve mainly to placate critics.

Confessions of collective guilt would decrease 728
markedly if there were any chance of being

punished for acknowledged complicity. Indeed,

structuring the problem as a societal act

implicating everyone safeguards against accepting

personal responsibility for one’s own conduct.

Zimbardo (1969) examined the combined

effects of anonymity and distributed responsibility

on aggressive behavior. Female college students

administered painful shocks to a victim in groups
of four, in situations in which all members need

not have acted punitively to fulfill the demands of

the experiment. Participants who were never

recognized by name and wore hoods over their

heads shocked other girls much longer than those
who were clearly identified by name tags and had

no disguises. Anonymity heightened punitiveness

toward charitable and obnoxious victims alike.

Results of subsequent experiments suggest 729
that probable consequences rather than
concealment per se is the critical disinhibitory

factor. Belgian soldiers aggressing in groups and

female students performing alone were

significantly less punitive when they wore hooded

disguises than when they were publicly identified.

The conflicting findings were explained by

Zimbardo on the basis that concealment made

aggressors feel conspicuous and self-conscious. An

alternative, though not incompatible,

interpretation is in terms of anticipated

reprobation. Sly aggressors are usually judged

more severely than those willing to accept the

consequences of their actions without being

secretive. A single aggressor can escape neither

self-reproof nor social censure for underhanded

cruel actions by concealing her face during the

performance. Similarly, a group of soldiers

behaving cruelly in disguise during an official 730
assignment nevertheless remain known and

subject to disciplinary measures. In their studies

of interracial aggression, Donnerstein et al. (1972)

further corroborate how anonymity and freedom

from reprisal heighten interpersonal punitiveness.

Most of the conditions described earlier that

obscure or redefine the relationship between

one’s actions and its effects to lessen self-

condemnation reduce the chance of external
punishment as well. People who are deterred by

external threats can be persuaded to aggress when

a recognized authority is willing to accept the

consequences for their actions, when extenuating

circumstances can be invented, or when
reprehensible behavior is redefined in ways that

make it appear socially acceptable.

Dehumanization of potential victims likewise

disinhibits externally restrained aggression, since

punishment is not only less likely but is much 731
weaker for aggressing toward devalued people

than toward revered ones. In everyday situations,

disinhibitory influences ordinarily increase

aggressiveness by reducing both self-reprimands

and external threats.


Psychological explanations of collective

aggression generally invoke historical causes or

personality traits rooted in the individual. In

contrast, specific instigational and reinforcement

influences, which function as powerful

contemporary determinants of behavior, are

either assigned an incidental role or neglected
altogether. Differences between theories in the

relative emphasis they place on the conditions that

produce protest or on the types of individuals who

become protesters are reflected in studies of

student activism. This phenomenon has special 732
significance for theories of aggression because,

unlike most mass movements, it represents revolt

by advantaged rather than by underprivileged

segments of society.

Individual Determinants of Collective Action

Research in this area, guided by the

characterological tradition, has been largely

preoccupied with delineating the attributes and

backgrounds of students who are disposed to
protest activities. Given appropriate conditions,

protest behavior can be elicited in almost anyone.

However, as numerous survey studies have

demonstrated, some students are provoked to

forceful actions more easily than others (Astin and

Bayer, 1971; Flacks, 1967; Keniston, 1968). For

the most part, militant students come
predominantly from upper-status professional

homes. They are bright, and generally do well 733
scholastically. However, they do not view the

traditional options available as providing them the

satisfactions in life they seek. Their interests are

predominantly in the social sciences and

humanities rather than in technically oriented

pursuits. On the social side, they tend to be

sensitive to arbitrary authority, to social injustice,

and to hypocrisy.

Contrary to popular belief, student activists are

largely modeling their behavior after parental

values rather than rebelling against them (Flacks,

1967; Keniston, 1968). In comparative studies of

political orientation, for example, nonactivists and
their fathers typically endorse conservative

political positions, whereas activists and their

fathers tend to espouse liberal views. Attitudes of

activists in other areas are likewise correlated

with those of their parents. Flacks (1967)

concisely summarizes the major differences in 734
familial orientations as follows: “Whereas

nonactivists and their parents tend to express

conventional orientations toward achievement,

material success, sexual morality, and religion, the

activists and their parents tend to place greater

stress on involvement in intellectual and esthetic

pursuits, humanitarian concerns, opportunity for

self expression, and tend to de-emphasize or

positively disvalue personal achievement,
conventional morality and conventional

religiosity.” (P. 68)

In other words, there exists about as wide a

divergence in beliefs among parents as among
their offspring, though the latter tend to assume

somewhat stronger positions on issues. A similar

diversity also exists in the ideologies of college

faculty. Thus, the view that student activism

represents intergenerational conflict is disputed

by substantial evidence showing that, within a 735
society, beliefs are not distributed like a layer cake

in homogeneous layers; rather, each age layer

contains analogous degrees of heterogeneity. For

this reason, when youth eventually becomes the

Establishment and must deal with the issues of

their time, the customary factional conflicts are


Generational similarities in value orientation

tend to be obscured to some extent by behavioral
disparities arising, paradoxically, from successful

modeling. The behavior of parents who espouse

“liberal” or “radical” views is not always congruent

with their ideals. They adhere, though often
grudgingly, to conventional authority. Most of

them pursue traditional occupations in

competitive ways that amass wealth. Though

permissive toward self-expression, their own life

style does not stray far from conventional social

norms. In the face of conflicting influences arising 736
from the multiple responsibilities of adulthood,

they are often forced to compromise their values.

And it is not uncommon for highly principled

people to express verbal outrage but to take no

action to rectify injustices. Students who have

adopted magnanimous principles are easily

disillusioned and angered when the social

practices of elders fail to live up to their professed

beliefs. Such discrepancies, which inevitably occur,
typically elicit accusations of hypocrisy and of

complicity with the established order for self-

interest. Adults, of course, do not hold a monopoly

on hypocrisy. Public critics of student activism are

equally skilled in exposing self-righteous tyrants

in student movements who often preach a

different morality from what they practice.

Coupled with the liberalist origin, there is

some evidence (Flacks, 1967) that students who

are disposed to militant action have received 737
greater parental reinforcement for self-expression

conducive to the development of strong self-

assertive behavior. As a rule, those who come from

advantaged backgrounds are more likely to

experience early success in realizing their wishes

than the less privileged who lack the resources for

controlling their environment. People with a

strong sense of personal efficacy are especially

prone to take action against conditions they do not
like. There is another aspect of privilege that

encourages oppositional response. To the extent

that high status affords some protection against

the negative consequences of one’s behavior,

students of elite backgrounds will more readily

risk hazardous action (Powers, 1971).

Obviously not all students who participate in

forceful protest necessarily fit the pattern

described above. Nor do most students sharing the

same general background and ideological 738
perspective become militants. In point of fact,

proportionately few students actively participate

in demonstrations. The vast majority, between 90

and 95 percent, either remain uncommitted

onlookers or oppose the protesters (Keniston,

1967; Peterson, 1966). Campus confrontations,

depending on the issues in dispute and the

manner in which grievances are handled, can

recruit new supporters of diverse social learning
backgrounds and attributes. Some of the attitudes

and behavior of activists are shaped by repeated

exposure to militant leaders or through direct

participation in demonstrations. In his intensive

study of student activists, Keniston (1968)

documents the role of modeling in the process of

radicalization. Novices drawn into the movement

learn the specific tactics, rhetoric, and ideology to

a large extent by emulating more experienced and

committed figures. 739
The time, the place, and the form of collective

aggression can be best understood by considering

both the characteristics of potential protesters and

the presence of aggression-promoting influences.

The latter conditions are especially important

because, if sufficiently strong, they can override
the residual effects of prior learning in

determining how one behaves.

The immediate instigators of protest behavior

were specific events of a provocative nature

related either to military activities or to

discriminatory racial practices. Although campus

demonstrations were initiated by such factors,

inept or precipitous counterresponses by
university authorities often generated a sequence

of events culminating in violent confrontations.

The poor quality and impersonality of higher

education were widely cited as principal causes of

student unrest. However, evidence from 740
comparative studies did not lend much support for

this popular interpretation. Student protesters

were no more dissatisfied with their educational

experiences than nonactivists (Somers, 1965).

Moreover, student activism was more prevalent in

universities noted for their academic excellence

and progressiveness than in those of lesser caliber

(Kahn and Bowers, 1970; Foster and Long, 1970).

Public critics were quick to attribute

oppositional activities on such campuses to

greater leniency toward student protest.

Traditional disciplinary procedures were

adequate for adjudicating petty infractions, but ill-
equipped for handling large-scale disruptions,

especially when strengthened by nonstudent

recruits. Countermeasures were rapidly devised

and students were in fact penalized for prohibited

activities (Keniston and Lerner, 1971). In addition

to initial indecisiveness, exercise of restraint in 741
disciplinary actions so as not to escalate peaceful

dissent to violent confrontation was viewed by

some as laxness. It should also be recognized that

universities of high academic stature selectively

recruit large numbers of talented students who

have low thresholds for inequities and moral

compromise in others, if not always in themselves.

Kahn and Bowers (1970) provide some evidence,

however, that high rates of activism in prestigious
institutions are not due simply to the kinds of

students they attract. High-quality universities

tend to foster social and political protest in

students of varied backgrounds. Kahn and Bowers

identify several conditions that may be conducive

to developing activist subcultures. Leading

universities, charged with educating gifted

students, many of whom will become the decision-

makers and social reformers of the future, are

more inclined to encourage critical scrutiny of 742
traditional systems than to defend them.

Principled protest is therefore not only accepted,

but supported in varying degrees by questioning

faculty members. Through scientific discoveries

and consultation, the faculty of prestigious

universities contribute to the course of social life
and national policies. When this knowledge is put

to bad use, influential universities are more

vulnerable to student attack than those having few

ties with industrial and governmental agencies.

After a visible activist subculture has evolved, new

students sharing similar orientations are drawn to

the university, thus perpetuating the subculture.

Modeling influences, another contemporary

determinant, not only define the critical

instigators at any given time, but shape the

specific style and tactics of collective aggression.

Demonstrations at a few salient universities

established whether military and industrial 743
recruiting, classified research, campus officer

training, ethnic studies, or some other issue

became the principal object of protest on other

campuses throughout the country. Equally striking

was the rapid contagion of the style of aggression.

The forms became progressively more violent

over time, beginning with peaceful sit-ins, and

graduating to combative disruptions of university

functions, to mobile trashing of buildings, and
eventually to firebombing. There is another aspect

of modeling influences that has received little

notice, though it may constitute a strong

motivating force. Reformers have a militant

reputation to uphold. Failure to take forceful

actions when others in similar settings are

protesting threatens loss of status. Widespread

modeling may thus compel activists to espouse

aggressive measures as a means of retaining their

integrity and stature in the eyes of their 744

Modeling influences can substantially alter the

personality correlates of activism over time. Those

who set a style of behavior usually differ in

characteristics from later adopters. Initially,

certain types of students in prominent schools

may establish the mode of protest. Like most

forms of prestigious modeling, the pattern is

eventually adopted by all kinds of students in
diverse institutions, especially if the actions

produce some benefits. When modeling influences

override the effects of personal and immediate

situational determinants, different correlates will

emerge for participants in early and late stages in
the diffusion of aggression (Kahn and Bowers,

1970; Mankoff and Flacks, 1971).

Analysis of reinforcement supports for

collective aggression requires separate 745
consideration of the consequences of individual
and of collective response. At the individual level,

the reinforcements for participating in aggressive

activities are varied and complex, and they can

change even for the same person in the course of

continuing activism. Some of the protesters, who

adhere to high social and ethical principles,

become distressed by institutional practices that

exploit and oppress disadvantaged people. In such

cases, coercive actions are sustained, even in the

face of punishing consequences, by self-approval

for upholding one’s convictions and by

expectations that continued pressure may

eventually produce humane social reforms.

It would be naive to assume that all militant

actions, even by idealists, are in the service of

altruistic goals. Public-spirited reformers are often

changed by the social recognition and power their

activities bring them. Discontent is easily exploited 746
for self-serving interests without genuine concern

for the plight of others. Moreover, after a protest

movement has been launched, it creates a

powerful subculture that supplies a new source of

reinforcement supports for aggressive actions.

Participants are united into a cohesive community

that impinges on every aspect of their lives. Here

they experience close personal relationships that

are rarely matched in the usual course of events.
They share their money and resources in the best

equalitarian tradition; they educate and entertain

themselves; and they develop a strong sense of

camaraderie in battle through mutual protection

and legal support should they get “busted” by the


Valor in mock combat or open fighting can

bring group recognition and status rewards, as in

other subcultures valuing aggressive

accomplishments. Faithful participants therefore 747
strive, in word and deed, to display the qualities

prized by the group. On the occasions when

victors forcibly discomfit their adversaries, they

are strongly reinforced by a feeling of potency,

particularly if their past efforts were slighted or

brought them a sense of helplessness (Powers,

1971). Although of much less import, it should

nevertheless be recognized that campus protest

activities bring welcome relief from the boredom
of academic routines. Hence, springtime, when

outdoor attractions hold greater interest than

textbooks, is an especially opportune time for

mobilizing collective action. In sum, militant

protest may be instigated by adverse social

conditions, but it is sustained from day to day

largely by the interpersonal reinforcements

derived from the activist subculture. Indeed, for

some of the participants, the broader social issues

in dispute are poorly understood or, at best, of 748
secondary concern. Even for those more

ideologically inclined, the political determinants

usually fade into the background as the

subcultural influences assume major reinforcing

functions. Groups seeking vast revolutionary

changes in an affluent society are unlikely to
achieve any quick successes for their efforts, nor

are the prospects of long-range benefits

particularly encouraging. Nevertheless, violent

actions can be maintained after hope of tangible

results is abandoned by social rewards from an

estranged cohesive group, especially if the acts are

carried out in ways that minimize risk of


The diverse personal influences that may lead

one to adopt violent courses of action are vividly

documented in the tragic case of Diana Oughton

(Powers, 1971). This sensitive girl, who came from

a privileged conservative background, was 749
progressively shaped, by events and by selective

association with militant peers, from dedicated

social service to revolutionary violence. Her

disillusionment with existing social systems began

in Philadelphia ghettos and intensified among the

destitute Indians of Guatemala, where she served

as a volunteer in a Quaker service program. Seeing

at first hand the devastating human costs of severe

privation, Diana—who as a child was repeatedly
taunted for her family’s affluence—developed a

growing dislike for American extravagance and

foreign influence. Her tireless efforts to improve

living conditions in the remote village were

negated by friends grown cynical about the

prospects for peaceful social change. They argued

that the magnitude of the problems and the

indifference of self-seeking politicians demanded

revolutionary measures to achieve sweeping

reforms. These experiences provided the 750
ideological justification for militant action.

Upon her return to the United States, Diana

became deeply involved in the Students for a

Democratic Society, which at the time was

splintering into opposing ideological camps. She

was readily drawn into the militant Weatherman

faction through attachment to her boyfriend, who

served as one of the national officers of the

organization. His open admiration of Bernadine
Dohrn’s toughness presented additional

requirements for callousness. After issuing their

manifesto, the Weathermen set out to precipitate

the revolution by terrorism in the streets. Analysis

of the antecedent influences illustrates how
development into radicalism, like most other life

styles, is determined by a series of fortuitous

events, not by studied design. Long-term

prediction of social functioning is difficult because

adventitious branching influences are often more 751
decisive than personal attributes in shaping the

course of life.

Transformation of a normally compassionate

girl into a tough street fighter was not achieved

through humanitarian concerns and revolutionary

rhetoric alone. To extinguish any residual self-

censure and revulsion over ruthless behavior, the

Weathermen created small collectives where they

eradicated their “bourgeois morality” with a
vengeance. The brutalizing process, carried out in

barricaded houses, is described in gruesome detail

by Franks and Powers (1970).

Inside they lived a 24-hour existence of

intense political discussion, marked by a
complete abandonment of all the bourgeois
amenities of their largely middle class
childhoods. Clothes were strewn
everywhere, food rotted on unwashed plates,
milk turned sour in half-empty containers,
toilets jammed, flies and cockroaches
swarmed in kitchens filled with encrusted 752
spoons and spilled food…. When the
collectives needed money for bail or for
buying guns and, later, explosives, and
sometimes simply as a matter of discipline,
the members would go without food for
days. On other occasions they would stay
awake for two days or even longer to harden
themselves for life in the “Red Army.” … On
at least one occasion, partly from genuine
hunger and partly to instill in themselves a
kind of savagery, a collective killed, skinned,
and ate a tomcat. … The military aspects of
the training—karate, target shooting,
practice in street fighting and, later, the
making of bombs —suffered in the chaotic
atmosphere of the collectives where
everyone was always overtired and
underfed. (P. 27)

Though estranged from her parents, Diana

could rely on them to protect her against the legal

consequences of her violent actions. They were

always quick to bail her out of legal and financial

difficulties and, as the activities grew more violent,

she sought assurance that they would come to her 753
aid should she be apprehended for serious

offenses. When destructive rampages and street

battles with police failed to produce the heralded

revolution, the Weathermen resorted to

underground bombing attacks. Diana’s brief

career as a revolutionary ended with tragic

suddenness in a townhouse bomb factory, where

an antipersonnel explosive intended to help

destroy the society site had come to hate took her
life instead.

Consequences of Collective Action

The actions of individuals, however varied

their reinforcement determinants, produce a

collective response that creates another set of

consequences which can have widespread and

enduring effects for protesters and
nonparticipants alike. Changes in social practices

that resist individual effort are attainable through 754
the force of numbers. One can distinguish

circumstances in which group action is likely to

gain tangible results from those in which it not

only proves ineffective, but may even retard

beneficial reforms.

When legitimate demands and constructive

efforts to produce needed changes are repeatedly

thwarted by persons who benefit from the

prevailing system, this usually evokes more
intense disruptive actions that cannot be ignored.

Conditions favorable to change occur when

forceful action is taken against social practices

that lack sufficient justification to withstand
concerted protest. Once they are revealed, their

defenders receive little public support for

continuing them. Warranted changes may be

temporarily blocked by suppressive

countermeasures, at high costs to the society and

at the risk of enlarging the oppositional activities. 755
However, given high justification for protest and

the strong coercive power of mass supporters,

continued aggressive behavior eventually

succeeds in securing desired goals.

Coercive group behavior can be powerfully

reinforced by the enduring changes it produces in

institutional contingencies that affect the lives of

many people. Collective aggression can, for

example, remove disliked aversive controls. It can
restore lawful rights and privileges. It can force

authorities to relinquish some of their power and

to introduce organizational changes that make life

more rewarding for those in less advantaged
positions. The more compliant members, who tend

to look with disfavor upon militant tactics,

eventually profit from the nonconformists’’


Because the consequences of collective actions 756
are varied and removed in time, their effectiveness
is difficult to verify. It is not uncommon to find

advocates of conflicting tactics defining the same

incidents as successes and as failures. In situations

where protest activities partly serve to boost

personal stature and self-esteem, demands are

often issued in a form that assures apparent

success even though the victors may gain little in

the way of tangible results for their efforts. Usually

some of the conditions demanded already exist as

part of the informal practices of the system, while

others would be granted upon firm challenge

without requiring incensed confrontation. But

authorities do not ordinarily give in to major

demands that appear unreasonable at the time,

and they can therefore rally support to their side.

Protesters can nonetheless claim victory by

pointing to concessions on issues that could

probably have been obtained without massive 757
expenditure of time and resources in combative


Fundamental changes that are resisted by the

established leadership are attainable by coercive

measures when applied concertedly,

unremittingly, and in less violent forms that enlist

rather than alienate supporters. Unfortunately,

far-reaching consequences are invariably delayed.

It takes time to institute organizational changes
embodying the desired reforms. Their

implementation may be further postponed by

defeated factions through appeals to higher

agencies in an effort to restore some of the power

and privileges they have lost. After appeal
processes have been exhausted, new practices are

still forestalled while effective mechanisms are

devised for their enforcement. The long delay

between action and noticeable results can give rise

to disillusionment and a sense of failure, even 758
though changes of long-term significance are

eventually achieved. The power gained through

these initial reforms increases the success of more

forceful tactics that gain little unless backed up

with coercive potential. To complicate assessment

of effects, protesters may clearly lose critical

battles and yet, through their actions, create a

repercussion of influences that change the system

in the desired directions long after their coercive
pressures have ceased. Moreover, authorities in

comparable situations, fearing similar

confrontation, may initiate self-protective reforms

on the basis of observed costly battles in which no

clear victors emerged.

Forceful aggression, being more aversive,

tends to produce faster, though often more

superficial, victories. Since behavior is more

powerfully controlled by its immediate than by its

delayed consequences, prevailing conditions of 759
reinforcement generally favor militant action over

restrained forceful tactics. It is therefore easier to

get people to aggress than to adhere stoically to

nonviolent resistance when their efforts are

slighted or derided without any foreseeable

changes. Under conditions in which immediate

effects of group action are distressing but benefits

are considerably delayed, powerful intragroup

reinforcement and self-reward are required to
sustain members until sufficient changes accrue to

assume the reinforcing function. Reliance on

collective aggression as a preferred method of

achieving social change will decrease not by

decrying violence, but by ensuring that nonviolent

methods produce faster results. Though most

people condemn coercive means, they are not

averse to using them when their own interests are


Group force is less successful when social 760
practices violate the professed values of the

society but secure popular support because they

are sufficiently beneficial to a majority of its

members. Many enterprises that create jobs,

profits, or privileges for a sizable segment of the

population flourish under majority preferences at

the expense of minorities and even long-term

costs to all. Given sizable public support for

inequitable practices, repressive measures
succeed in curbing challenges to the existing

order. Such systems are usually resistant to

coercive influences for change from within unless

augmented by pressures from without. It is

doubtful, for example, that the civil rights

movement in the South would have achieved the

results it did without the influx of large numbers

of protesters from the North who, being outsiders

possessing some power, were not as vulnerable to

punitive countercontrol. 761
Collective aggression is least effective when

existing practices are not entirely satisfactory but

have sufficient justification to gain the backing of

different interest groups. Lacking both coercive

power and adequate grounds for disruptive

protest, forcible actions tend to discredit the
protesters rather than enlist supporters for their

cause in the numbers required to challenge the

system. Such miscalculation of probable

consequences sometimes arises through

indiscriminate modeling. Seeing people get what

they want through forceful action prompts others

to adopt similar tactics without realizing that

conditions favorable for change may be lacking in

their case.

The conditions identified as conducive to social

change through coercive action have been shown

by Gurr (1970b) to be significant predictors of the

magnitude of civil disorder in Western nations. 762
Gurr examined three sets of determinants. The

first factor is the level of social discontent, defined

in terms of economic declines, new oppressive

restrictions, and persisting discriminatory

practices that prevent people from improving

their life circumstances. Not all discontented

people aggress. Modeling and reinforcement

conditions largely determine whether the

discontent will take aggressive or some other
behavioral expression.

The second factor—reflecting the combined

influence of historical example and sanctions—is

the degree of social justification for using force
tactically to achieve desired reforms. In some

political systems mass protests and coups are

regarded as an acceptable modus operandi of

change, whereas in other nations such tactics lack

functional value because they are widely

condemned. Acceptability of forcible means was 763
coded by Gurr in terms of legitimacy of the

political system and the frequency with which

previous civil disorder produced favorable

changes in policies or in regimes. The assumption

here is that the past successes of aggressive tactics

legitimate their use.

The third, and final, determinant is the balance

of coercive power between the regime and the

dissident groups. Coercive capacity was assessed
by the ability of contenders to enlist and to

organize support on their side. Loyalty of the

military and police forces, economic influence, and

political and labor support defined the regime’s
coercive power. The size and organization of

dissenting groups, as well as their military, labor,

and foreign support, served as the criteria of

dissident coercive power.

In the correlational analysis, social discontent 764
was found to be unrelated to disruptive protest,
but positively associated with more violent forms

of civil disorders, such as organized rebellion,

justification of forcible tactics correlated highly (r

= .71) with civil disorder. Countries that have

unpopular governments and traditionally embrace

militant counterresponses experience frequent

public protest, even under low levels of

dissatisfaction. In other words, when aggression is

a common style of life, people are quick to engage

in disruptive actions though not burdened with

hardships. The data further disclose that

widespread violent strife, involving terrorism and

rebellion, can be provoked by intense grievances

regardless of the activist traditions of the country.

The balance of coercive power favorable to

dissenters also appeared as an important correlate

(r = .74) of all forms of protest. Dissident power,

which increases the likelihood of success, 765
enhances the prospects for aggressive challenges

of the established system. Although regime

support from political and labor sources mitigates

against all forms of violence, military coercive

force is more effective in suppressing rebellion

than in reducing lesser protest activities.

Taken together, the three sets of determinants

account for approximately 70 percent of the

variation in civil disorders. However, the relative
contribution of the component influences differs

depending on the severity of the protest activity.

Widespread marked discontent and dissident

coercive power emerged as the important

determinants of revolutionary violence. In less
extreme forms of collective aggression,

endorsement of forcible tactics and coercive

power are equally strong determinants, whereas

variations in discontent have less effect. 766
Decline of Contagious Aggression

Earlier it was shown that new modes of

aggression spread in a contagious fashion but,

after being widely adopted, tend to be discarded. A

number of reinforcement influences can

contribute to abrupt decline of contagious

aggression. Foremost among these factors is the

development of effective countermeasures. For

example, as hijacking escalated, airlines instituted

behavioral screening procedures along with

magnetometric devices for detecting ferrous

metal. As additional deterrents to air piracy, it was

widely publicized that concealed armed guards

rode unspecified flights. News of hijackers killed

aloft by security guards and the growing

reluctance of nations to grant asylum further

reinforced restraints against contemplated

hijacking. The incidence of both domestic and

international air piracy dropped markedly. 767
College administrators similarly improved

their methods of countercontrol through repeated

experience in dealing with provocative actions.

Eventually they adopted the position that

disruptive tactics were no longer an acceptable

means of settling disputes. Unlawful actions were
promptly curtailed by invoking legal restraining

orders that barred protesters from the campus or

from participating in activities forbidden by court

injunctions. Violation of institutional rules by

students and faculty were also firmly discouraged

by college judicial bodies empowered to impose

severe penalties, if necessary. Disruptive behavior

now carried a high risk of punishment. Just as

coercive tactics were widely modeled, so were the

methods of countercontrol. It is difficult to

estimate how much of the decrement in

contagious aggression is attributable to

disciplinary countermeasures and how much to 768
reduction in aggression-promoting conditions.

Deescalation of the war, reduction of student

grievances by institutional reforms, and increasing

weariness over perennial confrontations were

undoubtedly contributing factors.

The discrepancy between anticipated and

experienced consequences plays an important role

in determining the future course of aggression.

Direct observation and media portrayals of mass
aggression are largely confined to dramatic

confrontation episodes, not to the long intervening

hours of boredom and fatigue. What is seen of the

group’s functioning generally conveys the sense of

solidarity and principled dedication rather than
the stress of pressures for conformity, the feeling

of isolation that accompanies estrangement from

the larger community, and the discouragement

arising from failure to achieve fundamental

changes. Participants who are drawn into protest 769
activities mainly by their apparent excitement may

drop out after experiencing at first hand the full

consequences of the endeavor. Functional leaders,

who share a sense of purpose and camaraderie,

derive adequate reinforcement supports to sustain

their behavior; the lower ranks, however,

experience high turnover, making it difficult to

sustain the same group action with constantly

changing recruits, some of whom vie for
leadership of a different style. Certain forms of

collective violence produce consequences in such

devastating proportions that they prevent

repetition of similar actions. Burning a ghetto area

to the ground precludes a repeat performance.

Group aggression, like other collective

phenomena shaped by modeling influences, often

follows the transitory cyclic pattern of fads. When

a new style of behavior first appears, it wins social

recognition and thus becomes the “in” thing to do. 770
As its popularity spreads, however, it rapidly loses

its positive value. What was once highly

fashionable becomes trite. After a practice grows

stale through overuse, it is discarded in favor of

another pattern that undergoes a similar rise and

decline in popularity. There are additional effects

of stereotyped imitation that shorten the life span

of a particular mode of aggression. When the same

rhetoric and tactics are used repeatedly, protest
activities take on the quality of staged productions

rather than genuine expressions of principle. As

leaders reduce their credibility by stereotyped

appeals, their exhortations tend to be viewed as

manipulative and increasingly resisted.

Unresponsiveness to trite rhetoric is often

misread as indifference to the issues. Even among

members of activist groups, some of the more

idealistically inclined may eventually become

disillusioned by the contriving of power plays that 771
appear to be based more on strategic than on

moral considerations.

The course of collective aggression is often

misjudged on the basis of the linear projection

error. Expecting a continuous heightening of

aggression, control agencies resort to needlessly

extreme counterattacks at the point at which the

activities may begin to decline, thus prolonging the

strife for a time. The eventual cessation of
aggressive activities may be erroneously credited

to the punitive countermeasures when, in fact,

they temporarily bolstered a waning phenomenon. 772
chapter five

Modification and Control

of Agression

The social learning principles that account for

the development of aggressive behavior apply

equally to its modification. In recent years learning

principles have been used widely to promote

diverse changes in psychological functioning,

including aggression (Bandura, 1969a; Kanfer and

Phillips, 1970). Social learning approaches differ

from traditional intrapsychically oriented

techniques in several important ways. Since

aggression is largely under situational, cognitive, 773
and reinforcement control, these are the events to

which treatment addresses itself, rather than to

traits, to presumptive drive forces, or to historical


Discourses on treatment of aggressive

disorders often fail to distinguish between

historical and contemporary determinants of

behavior. As a consequence, potentially powerful

influences are often misapplied with disappointing

results. This issue is well illustrated in views
regarding the essential conditions for modifying

delinquent patterns. It is commonly assumed that

because delinquents come predominantly from

rejecting familial backgrounds, they require a

great deal of unconditional love to remedy their

problems. As Ackerman (1944) astutely observed
years ago, delinquents repeatedly experience

interpersonal difficulties not because they were

unloved as children, but because these adverse 774
conditions created hostile, distrustful conduct that

currently prevents them from achieving

rewarding relationships, even though there are

plenty of friendly people in their immediate

environment. To take but one example, a person

who has learned to expect rejection is inclined to

test expressions of friendliness and interest from

others by making difficult demands and otherwise

subjecting potential friends to provocative
challenges. Alienating love tests eventually evoke

rejection from most people, producing recurrent

reinforcement for guardedness and hostility. Thus,

antagonistic behavior, due to its negative

character, creates the very conditions likely to

perpetuate it long after the original determinants

have disappeared. The causes of behavior,

including aggression, reside in the here and now,

not in the past. Favorable changes are therefore

best achieved not by replenishing lost love, but by 775
helping people develop new ways of relating that

make them more lovable. Although interest and

affection are important ingredients in fostering

behaviors conducive to mutual friendship, it will

be shown later that beneficial results are rarely

achieved by indiscriminate and unguided interest,
however well intentioned.

Change programs based upon social learning

principles differ from those relying heavily on
conversational methods in the content, the locus,

and the agents of treatment. With regard to

content, treatment procedures are mainly applied

to the actual problem behaviors requiring

modification, instead of to verbal reports of
troubles. Change agents therefore devote their

efforts to altering the social conditions producing

aggressive behavior rather than conversing about

them, as so often happens in approaches using the

interview as the basic vehicle for modifying 776

To enhance successful results, treatment is

typically carried out in the natural settings in

which aggressive problems arise. It may be

conducted in the home, in schools, in work

situations, or in the larger community, depending

on the source of the critical determinants. The

same general principle applies even more

importantly in modifying subcultural patterns of
aggression. Group problems demand group

solutions. The most fundamental and enduring

changes in aggression are accomplished by

altering the social instigators and reinforcement
practices prevailing in the deviant subculture.

However, owing to the individualistic bias of

psychological treatments and to the difficulties in

changing the contingency structure of groups, the

common practice is to remove individual

transgressors from their usual environment and 777
subject them to competing social influences.

Should the offenders adopt the institutional

standards of conduct, they not only lose their

original basis for self-evaluation but, since the new

styles of behavior conflict with what is valued in

their community, they also lose the means of

gaining the approval and respect of their peers.

For these reasons, delinquents ordinarily resist

institutional influences and revert to their
customary patterns of behavior upon their return

to the community. From a social learning

perspective, subcultural delinquents must

develop, through provision of suitable role models

and valued incentives, new modes of behavior that

produce better payoffs than do delinquent

pursuits if more constructive patterns are to be

established and normatively sanctioned.

The third factor that partly determines the

success of a change program is concerned with 778
who implements the corrective practices. The

most effective treatments are generally carried out

under close professional supervision by persons

who have intensive contact with the aggressor and

can therefore serve as powerful change agents.

Numerous applications will be cited later showing

that, given adequate training, supervision, and

reinforcing feedback, parents can effectively

eliminate the injurious conduct of their children;
teachers can change aggressively disruptive

students into productive learners; nurses can help

violently assaultive patients to gain control over

dangerous behavior; and peers can regulate the

level of aggressiveness in their social interactions.

The potential influence of such persons derives

from their dose association with the aggressing

individuals so that they can exercise substantial

control over the very conditions that govern both

aggressive and prosocial conduct. Unless 779
influences promoting aggression are altered,

changes produced by interventionists, whether

professional or otherwise, may not endure for


By treating the actual problems in the contexts

within which they arise with influential members

in those settings, social learning procedures are

ideally suited for achieving enduring changes in

psychological functioning. The further one departs
from these optimal conditions, the weaker the

results are likely to be.

Another distinguishing feature of a social

learning approach is the specification of explicit

goals coupled with objective evaluation of the

results remedial practices are producing. Perhaps

because psychological interventions rarely have

immediate spectacular consequences, a casual

attitude toward subjecting people to untested 780
programs has developed. New approaches are
promoted enthusiastically, and it is not until the

methods have been applied for some time by a

coterie of advocates that objective tests of efficacy

are conducted, if at all. By couching objectives in

high-sounding terms and defining results as

alterations in inner states, high success rates are

claimed for methods that accomplish no

demonstrable changes in interpersonal

functioning (Bandura, 1969a). Now that the

behavioral consequences of social practices are

being measured systematically, some methods

widely assumed to have beneficial value have been

found to actually produce deleterious effects. As

the system of accountability is extended to

psychological services and financial support is

made contingent upon tangible results, ineffectual

methods and the weak theories from which they

are derived should be retired more rapidly. 781
The initial task in a social learning program

(Bandura, 1969a) is to delineate the desired

changes in performance terms. Unless goals for

action are clearly stated in demonstrable form,

there is no adequate guide either for selecting

optimal conditions or for determining whether the
objectives have in fact been attained. Behavioral

specification of objectives in no way restricts the

range of goals. Change agents may legitimately

pursue abstract objectives, provided they indicate

how the effects their programs supposedly

produce will be manifested. How will people

behave when they are claimed to be self-

actualized, internally integrated, self-accepted,

personally reconstructed, homeostatically

equilibrated, or emotionally matured? When goals

are stated as abstract virtues devoid of

recognizable manifestations, recipients have no

basis for knowing how they will be changed or 782
whether the agents have delivered what they


The second step involves a causal analysis of

the troublesome behavior to identify the

antecedent conditions that produce it and the

consequences that maintain it. After ascertaining

the determinants, the changes required to achieve

desired outcomes are instituted. Complex

behavior is best modified by arranging the
requisite learning experiences into a stepwise

sequence that ensures continuous progress.

Poorly organized change programs, as evidenced

by haphazard and inadequate gradation of

experiences, will produce discouraging results,
however valid the principles guiding the social


Objective assessment of results constitutes

another important part of responsible 783
interventions. By continually monitoring the
effects produced by a given program, it becomes

readily apparent when the methods are

succeeding, when they are failing, and when they

must be altered to increase their power. This self-

corrective feature not only provides a safeguard

against perpetuating ineffective procedures, but

influences the rate of change itself. Behavior is

generally modified in small incremental steps, so

that individuals may not fully recognize the

progress they are making. Objective feedback of

progress reinforces participants’ efforts and

thereby accelerates successive improvement,

whereas the same interventions prove weaker

when their effects go unmeasured. As outcomes

are monitored during the course of intervention,

necessary adjustments can be made to optimize


Value Judgments in the Modification and Control of 784

In designing change programs it is important

to distinguish between judgments in the empirical

domain relating to strategies for altering

aggressiveness and those in the value domain that

are principally concerned with whether aggressive

actions ought to be supported or eliminated in
given situations. It is appropriate for change

agents to select the means by which particular

outcomes can be best achieved, but recipients of

interventions should play a major role in

determining the directions in which their behavior

is to be modified (Bandura, 1969a). When

beneficiaries select the goals they wish to achieve,

ethical questions frequently raised about the

manipulation and control of human behavior

become pseudo issues.

The general principle stated above is readily

applicable to instances of individual aggression in 785
which people seek help with their social behavior.

Some highly submissive individuals choose to

increase their assertiveness and ability to cope

with situations requiring force. Normally passive

individuals may overinhibit warranted aggressive

reactions to disparagement or exploitation only to

respond violently under cumulative provocation.

Learning to deal forcefully with lesser affronts

reduces the likelihood of more explosive episodes.
Still others aggress only too readily and seek ways

of controlling their injurious behavior when it gets

them into trouble.

Change agents are by no means value free.

Occasionally individuals may select goals that

change agents have no desire to promote because

the intended outcomes conflict with their values.

For this reason, they do not sell their services to

felons who seek to improve their mugging skills,

nor are they likely to desensitize assaulters to 786
expressions of suffering to enable them to aggress

without undue distress. On the other hand,

counselors may serve those in power in devising

better ways of aggressing against certain people

when such practices are institutionally sanctioned.

Value conflicts arise when the rewards of

aggression far exceed its costs for the user. Under

these circumstances successful aggressors, or

groups valuing aggressive accomplishment, resist
pressures to modify their behavior from those

who either suffer the negative consequences of

their actions or object to them on moral grounds.

A society has the right to protect itself from
injurious transgressors by imposing legal

sanctions, though it is not granted the

psychological or legal power to compel prosocial

behavior from them. By the same token,

individuals are entitled to adequate protection

against transgressions of coercive power by the 787
social system. Agencies of social control generally

try to discourage the use of aggression by

increasing penalties and the surveillance of such

conduct. Individuals thus have the choice of

behaving aggressively and taking the

consequences or adopting more socially

acceptable means of getting what they want. From

a social learning perspective, the most effective

way of diminishing aggression without raising
moral dilemmas is to increase the functional value

of prosocial alternatives. By developing rewarding

options, aggressiveness is reduced through

enhancement of individuals’ freedom of choice.

Disputes over the morality of aggression and

its control arise most often in relation to collective

action directed against established social systems.

In such instances, not only is the legitimacy of the

actions contested, but even the victims and

aggressors are difficult to identify. Social 788
institutions can, through use of coercive power,

control the behavior of dissident members

without having to resort to openly aggressive

measures. Those in privileged positions are not

easily persuaded to make needed social changes

that conflict with their self-interest. As long as

groups that believe the system is biased against

them accept their subordinated position without

unauthorized protest, peaceable order is
maintained. However, when dissidents take

oppositional collective action in extralegal ways

against inadequate or harmful practices of the

system, enforcement agencies respond with

aggressive force likely to provoke physical

violence. Indeed, the counterattacks of authorities

who wield power are often more violent than the

actions of the protesters (Grimshaw, 1969; Marx,


Aggressors tend to extol their own violence as 789
principled behavior but condemn that of their

opponents as morally reprehensible. The

moralizing rhetoric of protagonists usually goes as

follows: Challengers define their coercive actions

as justifiable forms of protest designed to bring

about social change in a corrupt or oppressive

system. Established authorities, in turn, condemn

disruptive activism as impatient resort to

aggressive solutions when alternative avenues of
influence are open to rectify legitimate grievances.

They argue further that many protesters use

aggression for self-aggrandizement rather than as

a selfless means to laudable goals.

Dissidents rebut the democracy argument with

the countercharge that the institutionalized

procedures of influence, while adequate in theory,

do not work in practice because they are

controlled by partisan functionaries of the

inequitable system. Authorities, in turn, respond 790
that if the enforcement system, or its laws, are

indeed unjust and traditional means to modify

them have failed, the moral solution is nonviolent

resistance including, if necessary, acts of civil

disobedience designed to get the policies judicially

rescinded. However, disobeying laws under these

specified conditions can be justified only if

transgressors do so publicly and willingly accept

the consequences of their unlawful conduct. In this
way specific unjust laws can be challenged while

maintaining respect for the judicial process itself.

It is presumably the suffering endured by

aggrieved protesters that shakes the moral

complacency of compassionate citizens, if not the

oppressors themselves. In theory, this will

mobilize the massive support required to force

political agencies to institute warranted reforms.

However, to demand amnesty for one’s unlawful

conduct not only defeats the purpose of civil 791
disobedience, but is morally wrong. If individuals

do not have to accept responsibility for their

actions, violent tactics and threats of force will be

readily used whenever a grievance arises. It is

further argued that illegal defiance of the rules of a

representative society fosters contempt for the
principle of democratic authority. Anarchy would

flourish in a climate in which individuals acted on

the basis of private moral principles and

considered coercive tactics acceptable when they

disliked majority decisions. Almost any form of

conduct can be justified in terms of private

conscience. An additional moral objection levied

against the use of force is that it corrupts the user

and dehumanizes the victims.

Challengers refute such moral arguments by

appeal to a higher level of morality derived from

communal concerns that transcend the immediate

political system. Their constituencies are 792
expanded to include all people, both at home and

aboard, victimized either directly or indirectly by

injurious institutional practices. From the

protesters’ perspective they are acting under a

moral imperative to stop inhumane treatment of

victims who are outside the system and therefore

have no way of modifying its destructive policies.

Even the disadvantaged members within the

system are powerless to influence it in any
significant way. Some are disenfranchised, most

have no voice in decision-making, and even the

judicial procedures are partially administered so

that efforts to remedy legitimate grievances are

repeatedly thwarted. Not only is one not obliged to

obey authorities lacking legitimacy and laws

enacted either undemocratically or selfishly, so

the reasoning goes, but one is morally right to

disobey them. Although nonviolent resistance

does not jeopardize democratic institutions, it is 793
relatively ineffective when leaders who are not

highly principled secure widespread support from

a populace that benefits sufficiently from existing

policies to remain morally unmoved by seeing a

small faction acting in a civilly disobedient

manner. When self-interest conflicts with common
welfare, self-interest usually prevails. The majority

principle, selfishly applied, thus is claimed to work

against disadvantaged minorities. Submitting to

the punitive consequences of disruptive protest,

the challengers argue, places institutional

procedures above the welfare of humans and

simply allows the system to perpetuate its

exploitation of the disadvantaged. They further

contend that they cannot afford the protracted

time and expenses required to exhaust legal


When moral and democratic arguments fail to

dissuade people from using illegal tactics, force is 794
questioned on practical grounds. People in

privileged positions and those who consider

aggression to be morally wrong, whatever its

source, contend that aggression is tactically

ineffective. Challenging groups, on the other hand,

contest this empirical assertion by downgrading

the value of nonaggressive solutions and pointing

to instances in which others successfully obtain

what they want through aggressive means.

As the preceding discussion shows, one can

easily marshal moral reasons either for or against

the use of collective aggression to force desired

changes. When institutional authorities and
dissidents alike act as aggressors, it is a debatable

question which of the contenders must change its

ways. In some instances, collective aggression can

be effectively reduced only by correcting injustices

in the social system and pressuring advantaged

members to subordinate their interests to the 795
common good. Other instances require

discouraging dissidents from resorting to

aggressive tactics before alternative means of

influence have been adequately tested. When a

malfunctioning authoritarian system collides with

aggressive malcontents who ascribe moral

superiority to their own personal principles, then

both adversary groups are in need of change.

Traditional prescriptions for the modification

of aggression are typically stated in broad general

terms offering little guidance on the specific

courses of action that ought to be taken. According

to intrapsychically oriented practitioners, one
must find the personal causes of aggression and

interpret them to the client. Environmentalists, on

the other hand, advise that the society must be

changed. What is lacking is a detailed specification

of the procedures best suited for altering

aggression arising from different causes. The 796
following sections of this chapter discuss how

social learning principles can be used to alter

conditions fostering injurious modes of behavior.


The power of modeling influences can be

utilized to modify, as well as to transmit,

aggressive patterns of behavior. People will

persist in ineffective conduct when they have not

learned other ways of handling situational

demands. Even partially successful behavior is

often maintained and valued, not because it is

highly preferred, but because better alternatives

are lacking. Aggression can therefore be best
reduced at the individual level by developing more

effective means of coping with interpersonal

problems. There are many different ways of

implementing modeling principles, some of which

are more effective than others. 797
The method that has yielded the most

impressive results with diverse problems contains

three major components (Bandura, 1972). First,

alternative modes of response are repeatedly

modeled, preferably by several people who

demonstrate how the new style of behavior can be
used in dealing with a variety of aggression-

provoking situations. Second, learners are

provided with necessary guidance and ample

opportunities to practice the modeled behavior

under favorable conditions until they perform it

skillfully and spontaneously. The latter procedures

are ideally suited for developing new social skills,

but they are unlikely to be adopted unless they

produce rewarding consequences. Arrangement of

success experiences, particularly for initial efforts

at behaving differently, constitutes the third

component in this powerful composite method.

After new skills have become functional through 798
repeated reinforcement, they are habitually used
even though they may not always succeed. Given

adequate demonstration, guided practice, and

success experiences, this method is almost certain

to produce favorable results. The potency of

reinforced modeling derives largely from the fact

that individuals learn and practice effective modes

of behavior under conditions similar to those they
typically face in everyday interactions. An

additional advantage of this form of treatment is

that a broad range of nonprofessional resource

people can be enlisted to serve as role models.

Modeling procedures are used in some

traditional treatment approaches, but their
potential value is negated by enactment of the

wrong behaviors. In efforts to promote cathartic

discharge and insight into neurotic patterns,

clients are prompted to reenact their faulty

patterns of behavior and to revivify the emotional 799
reactions engendered by their inadequate

functioning. Observing one’s negative behavior

and its likely consequences may temporarily

reduce its use, but it is insufficient to produce

constructive changes. What most people need is

not the insight that they are behaving

inadequately, but the means to learn more

successful ways of behaving. It is understandable

that many clients who find themselves in
treatments oriented toward exposing deficiencies

leave after a few sessions, and those who remain

spend much of their time defending themselves

against negative interpretations of their habitual

conduct. The tendency to accentuate the negatives

is even more prevalent in the modification of

aggressive behavior disorders in young children.

They are typically urged to perform in doll play

and other expressive media negative assaultive

reactions toward parents, teachers, siblings, and 800
peers that, if transferred to actual relationships,

would further exacerbate their problems.

Chittenden (1942) shows how substantial

benefits can be derived from modeling and

practicing positive solutions to recurrent

interpersonal conflicts. Children who were

excessively domineering and hyperaggressive

observed and discussed a series of portrayed

interactions in each of which dolls, representing
preschool children, exhibited alternately an

aggressive and a cooperative solution to

interpersonal conflicts that children frequently

encounter. In addition to modeling these

alternative modes of response, the consequences
of aggression were depicted as unpleasant and

those of cooperativeness as rewarding. In one of

the modeled situations, for example, two boys

engage in a fight over the possession of a wagon;

during the struggle the wagon is broken, and both 801
boys end up unhappy. By contrast, the cooperative

alternative showed the boys enjoying themselves

as they take turns playing with the wagon.

Children for whom the different reactions and

consequences were modeled reduced their

dominative aggressiveness in competitive

situations, whereas similarly hyperaggressive

children who received no treatment continued in

their aggressive ways. The differential modeling of
coping styles also decreased domination and

increased cooperativeness as assessed from

behavior observations in the nursery school made

prior to treatment, immediately after treatment,
and one month later (Figure 5.1).

This program relied primarily upon modeling

influences. After desired patterns of behavior are

transmitted through some form of modeling,

whether they will be retained or discarded 802
FIGURE 5.1 Amount of cooperative and aggressive
domineering behavior displayed by hyperaggressive children
before and after receiving a modeling treatment in which
cooperative coping styles were favored over aggressive ones.
(Plotted from data by Chittenden, 1942) 803
depends on the results they produce. Hence, it
may be necessary to arrange favorable

consequences to support newly acquired response

patterns until they become well established. An

approach combining modeling with reinforcement

is well suited for achieving enduring changes in

social behavior.

Reduction of Aggression Through Participant


Symbolic modeling, in which desired response

patterns are demonstrated concretely through

play activities, may be adequate for modifying the

behavior of young children. In most cases, social

skills are best acquired through repeated trials of

behavioral demonstration, enactment, and

performance feedback until a high level of

proficiency is attained.

As Toch (1969) has shown, people who have a 804
propensity for getting into fights are usually
deficient in verbal and other social skills for

coping with provocative situations. Socially adept

individuals are able to defuse potentially explosive

situations through pacifying moves, such as face-

saving actions, friendly persuasion, and humor.

Verbal skills not only reduce actions productive of

violence, they can also help preserve one's

integrity and self-esteem in embarrassing

situations without having to dispose of

antagonists physically. Social class differences in

physical aggressiveness partly result because

members of higher strata are taught to talk rather

than to fight their way out of difficult situations.

Socially and verbally unskilled persons, having

limited means for handling discord, are likely to

become physically aggressive on slight

provocation, especially in contexts where violent

conduct is viewed favorably. Assaultive people can 805
therefore profit greatly from a treatment program

that teaches them nonviolent techniques for

handling interpersonal conflicts. By enlarging

their repertory of skills, aggressors achieve

greater freedom in meeting present and future

problems. The propensity to violence can be

further reduced by changing the valuation of

combativeness to make it signify ineptitude rather

than manliness.

In the development of social skills, new modes

of behavior are first modeled. Nonviolent ways of

handling antagonists can be effectively

demonstrated through role-playing simulating
everyday experiences. Actual demonstrations may

be supplemented with videotaped and filmed

modeling of successful responses to common

problems. To produce skills that can be applied to

many situations, the treatment should emphasize

general strategies rather than specific responses. 806
Abstraction of a general style from individual

examples is achieved by showing models handling

diverse problems in similar ways.

After nonaggressive modes of response have

been sufficiently portrayed, learners practice them

while being variously insulted, goaded, thwarted,

and threatened in role-playing exchanges. Social

learning is retarded when performers fail to

observe thoroughly the responses they are
making, as is usually the case. Performance

feedback, which provides information for

corrective action, is thus required to realize the

full benefits of behavior rehearsal. Reports of
onlookers may be of some help, but the explicit

feedback provided by audio and videotape

recordings is ideally suited for this purpose.

Through immediate videotape playback learners

can observe their own performances, including

their attitudes, tones of voice, and accompanying 807
mannerisms. Successful accomplishments are

noted, while aspects of their performance

requiring further improvement are pointed out.

Troublesome situations are then reenacted, with

additional modeling if necessary, until they are

handled satisfactorily. Through role reversal,

participants can experience how their typical

conduct affects others, and the greater

understanding may perhaps reduce the
aggression-arousing potential of antagonistic

reactions in social interchanges.

Gittelman (1965) illustrates how modeling

combined with behavioral enactment can be
adopted for modifying aggressive behavior in

older children. They first describe everyday

situations that typically provoke them to

aggression and belligerence. A hierarchy of

irritating situations is then constructed, ranging

from mild annoyances to enraging provocations. 808
The participants enact these progressively

aggravating situations and practice effective

nonviolent means of coping with them. When

certain events serve as unusually powerful

elicitors of anger arousal, a stimulus neutralization

procedure may also prove helpful. Herrell (1971)

successfully treated a chronically assaultive adult

who responded with uncontrollable anger to

commands by pairing imagined scenes in which he
was being told what to do with relaxation.

Following the treatment the client, whose

explosive reactions to directions from parents,

teachers, police, and military personnel repeatedly

got him into difficulty, was able to accept

reasonable orders without becoming enraged or

combative. Desensitization methods, which have

proved effective in eliminating anxiety reactions,

warrant further exploration as a means of

neutralizing aggression elicitors. 809
Individuals may be reluctant to discard

aggressive modes of response as long as such

behavior remains personally valued. Cultivation of

social competence may have to be accompanied by

devaluation of assaultiveness. In altering a

person’s basis for self-evaluation one must, of
course, consider the ethical issues involved.

Anyone who sets out to modify standards of self-

reinforcement should be prepared to teach new

styles of behavior that serve as more self-

satisfying alternatives. The self-evaluative

consequences of aggressive behavior can be

altered to some extent through the judgments

expressed and modeled by change agents. It might

be pointed out, for example, that the risk of

permanent physical injury is an exorbitant price to

pay for fleeting glory or a temporary boost in self-

esteem; that it is much smarter to dispose of an

antagonist by one’s wits than by one’s fists; and 810
that hasty fighters become easily manipulable

after others discover how to provoke them to

foolhardy acts. An assaultive person is apt to

exercise better control over his behavior if he also

knows which things easily goad him into violent

action. This knowledge is achieved through

behavioral analyses of the social determinants of

aggression in any given case.

Neither preaching nor example will be fully

convincing unless backed up by corroborating

rewarding experiences. Success endows activities

with positive value (Breer and Locke, 1965). A

number of methods can be used to make the

control rather than the expression of aggression a
source of self-pride. In one approach, described by

Mahoney (1971), hyperaggressive boys each take

turns being harassed and are rewarded in terms of

how well they maintain their equanimity. One

could similarly devise confrontation situations in 811
which aggression-prone individuals are rewarded

for tactful pacifying moves and adroitness of


When people are deliberately taught new ways

of behaving, there may be a tendency to view the

resultant changes as somehow artificial. Any new

skill, regardless of how it was acquired, is initially

performed awkwardly and self-consciously. With

repeated use, however, the actions are executed
spontaneously as part of one’s natural style of

behavior. But participant modeling does more

than teach skills. If people behave in new ways,

eventually their attitudes change in the direction
of their actions. Indeed, numerous studies have

shown that one of the most effective methods for

altering attitudes and values is by producing a

change in behavior (Bandura, 1969a; Elms, 1969).

Negative self-attitudes partly result from 812
behavioral deficits and are repeatedly reinforced
by failure experiences in handling common

situations. No amount of self-exploration in

therapeutic conversations will create esteem-

producing vocational skills or social competencies

required to support realistic positive self-

evaluations. Here the primary concern must be

with self-development rather than self-

examination. With achievement of competencies

that bring success, people revise their estimates of

themselves in more favorable directions.

Participant modeling, though primarily addressed

to the acquisition of skills, improves self-

evaluations as well. Without the requisite

competencies people can be talked into thinking

well of themselves, but positive self-evaluations

are unlikely to survive for long in the face of

disconfirming failure experiences.

Development of Assertiveness by Participant 813

Some forms of physical aggression result

paradoxically from a lack of self-assertiveness.

One can easily call to mind obsequious individuals

who invite maltreatment through their passivity,

only to respond explosively after being subjected

to repeated humiliating affronts. These are the
timid, indecisive people who cannot express their

legitimate rights; who are disregarded, exploited,

and victimized; and who harbor resentment rather

than seek redress for justified grievances. People

who are unable to behave assertively will suffer

considerable aversive control by others, some of

which may be of a sufficiently provocative

character to force violent response. Under high

states of emotional arousal, the risk of hazardous

behavior is increased because anticipated

response consequences, which ordinarily deter

reckless actions, are given little consideration. 814
Venting anger and annoyance alone has little

lasting benefit. Rather, a submissive person needs

to develop assertive responses that enable him to

control his social environment in ways that stop

humiliating treatment. The modeling principles

used to foster nonviolent responsiveness apply
equally to teaching people how to behave

assertively. Assertive modes of response must be

modeled for the submissive. They must practice

assertive styles with feedback that rewards their

successes and corrects their errors. They must

learn when and where assertiveness is

appropriate. And they need positive reinforcement

for asserting themselves in their daily interactions.

Some efforts have been made to assess the

relative contributions to treatment outcomes of

the various components in participant modeling.

Friedman (1972), for example, compared the

effectiveness of different forms of modeling with 815
and without guided practice for increasing

assertive behavior in passive college students.

Different groups had assertive response to

provocation modeled in the form of either verbal

descriptions or actual behavioral demonstrations,

or they relied on reconstructed examples of

assertiveness as guides for their behavior. Half the

students in each of these treatments also received

guided practice in behaving assertively toward an
irritating associate. Untreated controls remained

passive in the face of provocation. Behavioral

modeling supplemented with guided practice

proved to be the most powerful treatment; it

produced approximately a triple increase in

assertive behavior. The remaining procedures,

which doubled the students’ level of assertive

responding, were found to be equally effective.

The above study set out to produce changes in

a circumscribed range of assertive behavior. In 816
formal treatment applications, of course, a number

of assertive skills would be modeled and

practiced. Depending on individual needs, these

might include such things as complaining about

inadequate service, returning purchases, refusing

arbitrary or unreasonable demands, responding to

unfair criticism, making rightful claims to goods

and facilities, defending one’s position in the face

of opposition, and in other ways standing up for
one’s rights.

Fear of revealing one’s inadequacies creates

initial reluctance to engage in behavior rehearsals

even under simulated conditions. There are
several ways in which such resistances can be

reduced. First, participant modeling is structured

in a nonthreatening manner aimed at fostering

new competencies and confidence rather than

exposing weaknesses. Concern over poor

performance is further decreased by noting that in 817
all successful skill learning initial efforts are

awkward; it is progressive improvement with

practice rather than instant proficiency that is

expected. In an optimistic, forward-looking

program, people more readily accept and profit

from their mistakes. Second, prior modeling

provides a helpful guide for new styles of

behavior. Needless failure is avoided because

participants do not have to grope around for
appropriate responses. Third, assertion tasks are

graduated, beginning with relatively easy

performances. As anxiety is extinguished through

repeated practice, progressively more threatening

encounters demanding more assertive actions are


Transfer of assertiveness from the training

situation to the natural environment should be an

integral part of the program rather than being left

to fortuitous circumstances. A transfer program 818
might proceed as follows: After the person has

overcome his timidity, he accompanies the model

on field excursions in which he witnesses further

demonstrations of how to handle situations calling

for assertive action. The change agent then

reduces his level of participation to background

support and guidance as the client tries his newly

acquired skills under conditions likely to produce

favorable results. By careful selection of
encounters of increasing difficulty, the assertion

requirements can be adjusted to the client’s

capabilities at any given time and so bolster his

sense of confidence. As a final step, the client

would be assigned a series of performance tasks

requiring assertiveness to carry out on his own.

Reduction of Aggression by Law Enforcement


Toch’s (1969) studies of individual aggression

provide ample evidence that violent incidents 819
often are partly created by police through their

inept handling of people who have brushes with

the law. The contribution of police violence to

collective aggression is equally well documented

in analyses of past and more recent civil

disturbances (Kerner et al., 1968; Marx, 1970b).

Urban riots are almost invariably set off by an

incident involving harsh or humiliating police

action against a ghetto resident. Spectators,
sensitized to maltreatment by police harassment

and unredressed grievances, retaliate against

police and ghetto merchants singled out for their

exploitive practices. Police forces under weak

command control who are brought into a rampant

situation are readily susceptible to aggression

contagion. The anonymity afforded by concealed

identity and the cover of darkness further reduces

restraints against their behaving cruelly. When

police violence gets out of hand, indiscriminate 820
counterfire and brutal attacks on rioters and

bystanders alike aggravate the riotous activities

the police were sent in to quell.

Because police must deal with individuals

prone to aggressive action and because misuse of

coercive power can easily turn innocuous

incidents into violent episodes, prescriptions for

the curtailment of violence must address

themselves as well to provocative aggression by
law enforcement agencies. The most effective way

of controlling unwarranted police aggression

depends on whether it arises from individual

ineptitude or social sanction.

At the individual level, police who recurrently

provoke violent altercations respond to suspected

transgressors with precipitous force that invites

defiance from those who consider such blatant

display of authority as humiliating and unjust 821
harassment. The frontal approach eventually
provokes fighting in belligerent transgressors

(Toch, 1969). Policemen who are prone to

provocative aggressive actions must be taught

how to cope more constructively with potentially

dangerous situations. This requires tactful

routines for determining whether there is any

cause for police action. Given that a transgression

has occurred, the law can be better enforced,

without risk of inciting assaultive reactions, by

pacifying moves than by excessive application of

force. Not only is the probability of police-

generated violence reduced when aggressive

measures are used as last resorts, but judicious

police conduct reinforces responsiveness to their

authority that generalizes beyond the immediate


The modeling procedures outlined earlier for

training in nonviolence are equally well suited for 822
police training. Skill in handling transgressors

cannot be ensured by lectures and trial and error

experiences on the street. Indeed, since most

people acquiesce to police authority, forceful

means are likely to be reinforced and selectively

developed if police are left to their own devices.

Desired styles of conduct can be reliably

established through demonstration and reinforced

practice conducted initially under simulated
conditions and later in field situations. After adept

response patterns have been adequately modeled

by exemplary police officers, recruits are given

ample opportunity to perfect them through
enactment of difficult situations they will

encounter on duty. Videotape techniques provide

a convenient means of both illustrating alternative

courses of action and recording for analysis the

conduct of trainees in simulated situations as they

are called upon to secure identification and 823
information from suspects, to mediate disputes,

and to pacify, disarm, and arrest offenders. Since

police are most prone to misuse force when their

authority is challenged, special attention should be

given to constructive ways of handling recalcitrant

individuals to reduce the likelihood of escalating

aggressive exchanges. During the performance

analysis, adept responses are socially rewarded,

while offensive and overaggressive ones are firmly
discouraged. The process of demonstration,

enactment, and corrective feedback is continued

until the desired practices are performed skillfully

and spontaneously. In order to add meaning to the

formal instruction, recruits might accompany

experienced officers into the field as observers

during the period.

Police training must equip recruits with more

than technical and interpersonal skills. They also

require supervised practice in how to exercise 824
discretionary power. A policeman on the beat

must judge whether a given conduct performed

under involved circumstances violates any one of

many statutes. Judgmental errors are fraught with

danger because it is disputable accusations that

provoke the challenges to police authority most

likely to end in violence. Police require detailed

regulatory guidelines defining the types of

behaviors that are forbidden by law. In training for
judgmental accuracy, recruits might respond to

descriptions of problematic situations and be

informed, in each instance, whether they

succeeded or erred in identifying transgressions.

Offense recognition training should be continued

until each recruit understands the range of

conduct encompassed by the legal codes he is

expected to enforce.

In addition to establishing social and

judgmental skills, a police training program must 825
instill sensitivity to the civil liberties of citizens.

Judicial systems are designed to safeguard rights

as well as to control crime. The balanced view of

law enforcement is conveyed not by lofty rhetoric,

but by the operating practices of the police

department. Values of justice must be embodied in

concrete guidelines for responsible conduct and

procedural rules that make explicit what laws do

not permit policeman to do. Unless behavioral
guidelines are backed up by sanctions, they will

have no lasting impact on police practices in the

field. The behavioral enactments and judgmental

tests used in training sessions should include

incidents that raise constitutional issues. In this

way, recruits can be sensitized to the conflicts they

will repeatedly experience between the efficiency

of disallowed methods and citizen rights.

The judicial aspect of training deserves serious

consideration in view of evidence that policemen 826
are disposed to make arrests partly on the basis of

their own moral codes (Reiss, 1971). In effect,

officers make a judgment of guilt influenced by

such factors as mitigating circumstances, the

public visibility of the offense, the officers’ own

personal standards of reprehensibility, and the

attitudes of the offender. Many offenders are not

arrested for unlawful conduct, whereas

disrespectful individuals, or those whose
transgressions violate the policeman’s sense of

justice, run a high risk of ending up in jail. Training

and supervisory effort should be aimed at

reducing the partiality of initial determinations of


After neophytes have demonstrated sufficient

competence in the preparatory instruction, they

need supervised field practice. Through modeling

and differential reinforcement by supervisory

officers, recruits are aided in handling actual 827
incidents proficiently while performing their

assigned duties. Since police quickly learn that

they can extract obedience more easily through

force than through tact, periodic monitoring of

their performances is necessary to safeguard

against abuse of their coercive power. Changes in

laws and in societal standards of conduct may

necessitate retraining from time to time.

Considering the personal hazards and serious
social consequences of police actions, it is

remarkable that few police departments combine

comprehensive recruit training with supervised

field experience and periodic performance checks.

A police agency that adequately trains and

oversees its officers and that views harsh practices

disapprovingly should not be plagued by

provocative police practices.

Police aggression is much more difficult to

control when such behavior is organizationally 828
condoned. Because regional enforcement agencies

are linked to local politics through appointment of

the police chief, police forces tend to serve as

partisan instruments of power interest groups. As

Lohman succinctly puts it, “The police function to

support and enforce the interests of the dominant

political, social, and economic interests of the

town" (Neiderhoffer, 1967). It is not uncommon

for police to enforce the law differentially against
rich and poor, against minorities and those in the

majority, against superiors and subordinates, and

against those who follow conventional and

unorthodox life styles (Tieger, 1971). That police

do not function impartially is most clearly

revealed in their handling of collective protests

against dominant interest groups. When

dissidents challenge the traditional power system,

as in the case of civil rights workers and antiwar

demonstrators, police often become assaultive in 829
the guise of curbing lawlessness (Marx, 1970b).

Police attacks on unpopular targets may not only

be viewed permissively within the police system,

but may receive widespread public support

(Blumenthal et al., 1972; Gamson and McEvoy,

1970). Societal antipathy toward dissenters
obviously does not foster police restraint in the

use of coercive power.

From time to time investigators report

evidence of other forms of police misconduct

which shows that enforcement agencies do not

police themselves very well. Observers who have

accompanied patrolmen on their daily rounds

report that, although most perform their official
duties properly, a substantial number engage in

criminal conduct or behave abusively without

provocation (Reiss, 1971). That some police

transgress is hardly surprising considering they

work under conditions that tax both restraint and 830
virtue. Discretionary power is easily misused,

especially when there are no witnesses to the

social confrontations. Should the propriety of

injurious actions be questioned in any given

instance, it can always be justified as needed to

apprehend defiant wrongdoers or to restore

order. As an additional self-protection, the

seriousness of arresting charges can be scaled to

excuse unwarranted assaults. In situations of
physical jeopardy, it is of course difficult to act

with restraint. Apart from inducements to

violence, there are many entrepreneurs of

unlawful activities who are eager to provide

policemen with attractive income supplements for

protective services. Those who shun illegal

subsidies have ready access to merchandise that

can be pilfered with little chance of detection. It is

to the credit of most policemen that they maintain

their integrity under the circumstances. 831
Nevertheless, transgression rates are sufficiently

serious to require better regulatory mechanisms.

A citizen feedback system can function as a

significant deterrent to police misconduct. Unless

one knows how the clients on the street are being

treated, corrective measures are unlikely to be

instituted. Although to err is understandable, the

lack of effective means by which citizens can

control police misconduct is inexcusable in an
open society. It is amply documented that police

review procedures, where they do exist, serve

more to discourage than to adjudicate grievances

(Chevigny, 1969; Task Force Report, 1967). To

begin with, people are dissuaded by fear of
retaliation because they must lodge complaints

through the offending agency. Should they choose

to pursue the matter, the grievance procedures are

inadequately publicized. Of the complainants who

eventually find out where to go, many are 832
discouraged, either by intimidation or

bureaucratic harassment, from filing their

complaints. The record of adjudication of

registered charges is perhaps the most serious

indictment of the internal control system. Despite

numerous charges and objective evidence that

police infractions are common, in virtually all

cases the policemen are exonerated of any

misbehavior. Granted that many allegations are
unwarranted and that corroborating evidence is

sometimes difficult to obtain, nevertheless it

strains credibility that patrolmen are that

exemplary and complainants are that malicious.

It is not difficult to find reasons why policemen

are averse to indicting themselves for

delinquencies. Police transgressions are

frequently witnessed by other patrolmen. Informal

codes of the police subculture, however, prohibit

informing on, or testifying against, fellow officers. 833
The threat of peer sanctions is strengthened by

promotion policies that tend to affect the quality of

enforcement service as well. Advanced positions

are filled by elevation within the ranks of the

department, not by open competition for the best

candidates. Barring lateral entry of personnel

breeds conformity throughout the administrative

hierarchy. Members of a closed system can ill

afford to jeopardize their welfare by revealing
infractions that many of their associates—and line

officers, for that matter —may themselves have

committed. Although police officials try to ferret

out corruption in their ranks, few are apt to get

exercised because of overzealous use of coercive

force. On the contrary, policemen generally resent

the legal restrictions imposed on the methods they

can employ. In the private police ethic, the use of

violent means to apprehend offenders is not

viewed as a transgression. They are thus not about 834
to indict fellow officers for roughing up

argumentative suspects or infringing on the rights

of dissidents. With law enforcement a major

political issue, police administrators are quick to

defend their officers in order to protect the public

image of the department.

Overaggressive police behavior that is

organizationally sanctioned is unlikely to be

changed much by education, attractive salaries, or
community relations programs. When police

conduct is inadequately regulated from within,

external influences are required to modify the

policies of enforcement agencies. Responsible

police conduct is best assured by holding
patrolmen and their supervisory staff accountable

for their actions, not only to vested interest

groups, but to representatives of diverse segments

of the community as well. However, insiders

vigorously oppose having their actions reviewed 835
by outsiders. And those most subject to police

abuse unfortunately lack the political strength to

institute monitoring procedures. Attempts to

moderate police behavior therefore usually take

the form of retaliatory threats and an occasional

public expose of police brutality that goes


Efforts to improve police practices, like other

endeavors at social reform, require a multifaceted
approach. At the organizational level, changes in

promotion policies allowing appointment of

officials from the outside as well as from internal

ranks can partially check perpetuation of police
subcultures that subvert the purposes of the law.

Corrective actions require an apparatus for

assessing the performance of police departments

by citizens outside the organization. If a

monitoring system is to have much impact on

police practices it must perform a broader 836
function than merely processing complaints of

police abuses. As Chevigny (1969) demonstrates

convincingly, the individual case approach has

limited value. Abusive police behavior is shielded

by standard charges of disorderly conduct,

resisting arrest, and felonious assault. Because

allegations are difficult to prove, the unwieldy

hearings rarely produce any disciplinary action.

But although individual charges of misconduct can
easily be dismissed, the accumulated complaints, if

carefully evaluated, can reveal the types of

transgressive behavior condoned by police mores

and by the leading offenders in the system.

Observers who have studied the problem in depth

(Chevigny, 1969; Reiss, 1971) are of the opinion

that complaint data should be used to change the

regulations of police departments in ways that

curtail future abuses. Since the credibility of

complainants can always be challenged, such 837
information might supplement broader periodic

assessments that include interviews to secure

citizens’ reactions to the police services they are

receiving. Community surveys should measure

commendable performances as well as grievances

arising from partiality or inaction in police work,
from abuses of coercive power, and from

controversial enforcement procedures. Public

disclosure of current practices, along with annual

trend data for different precincts, can exert

pressure on police administrators to improve their

field operations.

Judicial reviews provide an additional (though

admittedly limited) measure of police
performance that might be used in a formal way to

correct unauthorized practices (Task Force

Report, 1967). Courts can furnish a record of

instances in which evidence was excluded because

police behaved illegally. A high incidence of 838
exclusionary rulings suggests that the

departmental guidelines, the discipline, or both

require administrative attention. Police, of course,

exercise informal control over conduct that does

not violate legal codes and is therefore not subject

to judicial review. When the values shared by

residents in a given neighborhood conflict with the

standards of morality espoused by the policing

agency, disputes over personally disliked behavior
tend to get transformed into crimes against

patrolmen. Some of the value clashes could be

diminished by having community representatives

participate in the formation of policies for police

conduct toward the public they are serving.

It would be a mistake to assume that police

abuses arise solely from malfunctions in

enforcement agencies. A society gets the type of

policing it wants. If a majority of citizens feel

sufficiently threatened by social protest or deviant 839
styles of behavior, they will condone unauthorized

means of controlling the troublesome individuals.

However, police can be less easily used as

instruments of coercion if their performance is

subject to public scrutiny than if it remains


Contribution of the Mass Media

Various survey studies have shown American

television to be a rich cultural source of violence.
Gerbner (1972a, b), who has conducted the most

sophisticated yearly analyses of televised violence,

reports a stable violence rate of more than seven

assaults per hour, with approximately 80 percent

of dramatic programs containing some form of

violent activity. Seasonal comparisons disclose

some fluctuation in violence rates for the different
networks and program categories, but no evidence

of overall decline in this respect. 840
Evaluation of the impact of the mass media on

individual and collective aggression has been

impeded by fear that, should a relationship be

demonstrated, such findings might prompt

governmental regulation or even censorship of

program content. As a result, many social
scientists were quick to proclaim the

innocuousness of televised influences long before

there were any pertinent empirical data, and some

continued to defend its impotence in the face of

cumulative evidence to the contrary.

One prevalent disclaimer is couched in terms

of multiple determination of behavior. Aggression,

it is said, does not arise from any single source. To
indict television as the cause of aggression is to

find a convenient scapegoat for a complex

problem. The force of this argument is usually

bolstered by noting parenthetically that at one

time some people (without supporting evidence, it 841
should be added) imputed the roots of brutal

aggressive acts to comic books. Since no behavior

is ever completely controlled by a single

psychological determinant, this type of argument

applies equally to any other influence that might

be invoked. It could be similarly contended, with

justification, that broken homes, rejecting parents,

impoverishment, oppression, and provocative

police are not individually the sole and invariable
causes of aggression. One does not advance

understanding of media effects by posing

nonsensical causal assertions that call for negative

answers. Platitudes to the effect that televised

influences operate through a variety of mediating

factors are widely quoted in the literature in this

field as incisive causal analysis. Obviously,

portrayal of violent methods is neither a sufficient

nor a necessary condition of aggression. The same

can be said for every other determinant of 842

Closely related to the multiple cause disclaimer

is the argument of secondary influence. Here, the

possibility that modeled aggression might have

some effect on viewers is acknowledged, but it is

regarded as a relatively minor factor. The criteria

by which such judgments are made unfortunately

remain unstated. Subjective weightings of

determinants actually have little meaning because
the same stimulus can have weak or powerful

effects for different individuals, and even for the

same individual on different occasions, depending

on the presence of other aggression inducements.

The value of averaged influences calls to mind the
apocryphal nonswimmer who drowned while

crossing a river that averaged 4 feet in depth. To

assign a general value to televised influences

simply obscures their role in causal processes. A

combination of influences is typically required to 843
produce a violent act that otherwise would not

have occurred if any of the contributing elements

were missing. When behavior is evoked only by a

particular set of coexisting conditions,

determinants that prove ineffective alone or even

in partial conjunction each play a decisive role in

the multiform cause. As we have already observed,

media influences have differential impact on

different forms of individual and collective

Another common misconception is that

aggressive modeling affects only disturbed people.

This belief rests on the unsupported foundation
that aggression is a manifestation of an emotional

disorder. Since the presence of an “emotional

disorder’’ is partly inferred from a person’s violent

actions, traditional explanations have a built-in

circularity that reinforces such beliefs. Even a

casual review of value judgments and social causes 844
of aggression quickly dispels the notion that

aggression is sick behavior generated by an

internal pathology. A social system gets its

members to aggress, whatever their personal

makeup, by legitimizing, modeling, and

sanctioning such behavior, not by inducing

emotional disorders in them. For this reason, one

would not contend that broadcasters make heavy

use of violence because they are emotionally
disturbed, have a weak sense of reality, or are

homicidally predisposed. Aggression is typically

used because it is successful in getting people

what they want. Although the industry is quick to

attribute aggressive modeling to defects in

children and parents, it doubtless ascribes

increases in consumer behavior to the power of

the medium rather than to pathologies in the


A popular variant on the dispositional theme is 845
that only individuals already predisposed to

aggression are susceptible to televised influences.

In this view, predisposition is misconstrued as a

property inherent in the individual when, in fact, it

is a multifaceted determinant. First, dispositions

take the form of response capabilities. People who

have learned aggressive styles of conduct are

more disposed to behave aggressively than those

who lack such responses. Second, predisposition
reflects self-control functions. Individuals who

expect to derive rewards or self-satisfaction from

combativeness are more inclined to aggress than

those who anticipate punishing or self-

condemning consequences. The third and most

important feature of dispositions is concerned

with how the behavior is socially sanctioned in the

environment. People are more disposed to act

aggressively in settings where such conduct is well

received than in situations in which it is 846
prohibited. Considering the fact that dispositional

determinants operate through multiple interacting

influences, it is misleading to depict aggression as

primarily under internal dispositional control.

In evaluating the assumption of restrictive

influence, one must distinguish learning from the

performance effects of televised violence.

Obviously, one does not have to be emotionally

disturbed or hyperaggressive to learn aggressive
tactics observationally. Mild-mannered children

learn as much from aggressive example as do

aggressive children. Girls, who ordinarily are less

disposed to physical aggression than boys,

nevertheless model patterns of aggression equally
well, though they are less inclined to put them into

practice unless given incentives to do so. To the

extent that aggressive people spend more time

watching televised violence, they have more

opportunities to be affected by it. Under these 847
circumstances, however, the effects of personal

aggressiveness are mediated more through

variations in self-exposure to violence than

through differential susceptibility to such


Aggression proneness is better reflected by

spontaneous performance of modeled acts of

aggression, but even here the differences are

smaller than might be expected. Although modeled
brutality more readily prompts authoritarians

(Epstein, 1966) and those who have a history of

assaultiveness or criminal offenses (Wolfe and

Baron, 1971; Hartmann, 1969) to behave
punitively, it can also increase cruelty in those

who are less prone to harshness in their daily

interactions. Contrary to what is frequently

asserted, nondisturbed children are just as likely

to imitate modeled forms of aggression as are

emotionally disturbed children who have been 848
hospitalized for severe “personality” disorders

(Walters and Willows, 1968). Through the

teaching and disinhibitory functions of symbolic

modeling, television can create as well as activate

“dispositions” to aggression.

It is often claimed that displays of violence may

affect children because they are less able to

foresee the full consequences of their actions, but

that adults, who possess a greater reality sense,
are relatively immune to such influences. This

opinion is also refuted by numerous studies

demonstrating that intelligent and otherwise

considerate college students behave more
punitively after seeing others act aggressively than

if they have had no exposure to such modeling

influences. Adult response to modeled violence is

further shown in the rapid spread of new styles of

collective aggression to people in widely dispersed

areas who learn about them mainly through 849
detailed media coverage. Nor are adults entirely

unresponsive to fictional violence. It is adult

rather than child extortionists who threaten to

blow up airliners with altitude-triggered bombs in

a manner copied from a televised plot. There is

every indication that the actions of adults are

shaped by example just as much as those of

children. Fashion and taste industries flourish on

the basis of adolescent and adult modeling.

Like many other issues in aggression, the

impact of televised violence on viewers is better

understood in terms of social influence than

characterological factors. Although it is true that
the psychological attributes of viewers can affect

the likelihood that modeled aggression may be

performed on future occasions, social conditions

that increase the permissibility and functional

value of aggression easily override the effects of

personal dispositions. For this reason, it is 850
primarily types of social inducements rather than

types of people that should be examined in

predicting who will put into practice what has

been learned from television.

The familial antidote argument also appears

with some regularity in commentaries on mass

media effects. By providing a warm, secure home

and wholesome peers, parents, it is claimed, can

neutralize any potential negative impact of
repeated exposure to human brutality.

Fortunately, the medical profession never adopted

an analogous stance in promoting the physical

health of citizens. Had parents been told by
specialists in preventive medicine that the best

way to counteract any ill effects of contaminated

water and milk supplies delivered to their

households was to raise healthy children, the

competence of such authorities would have been

seriously questioned. If parents cannot create a 851
counterenvironment, which is no easy task, they

are told they should control what their children

watch on television. To be most effective, parental

monitoring requires advance information on the

quantity of carnage contained in given programs.

Parents would be greatly aided in this function if

networks and TV guides reported the violence

rates in the various offerings.

The antidote recommendations, even if they

could be easily implemented, would not

necessarily provide adequate safeguards against

imitative assaultiveness. Aggressive acts, like

other forms of behavior, are not exclusively under
parental control. Children may refrain from

imitative aggression in the presence of adults who

disapprove of such actions, but perform them

when the adults are no longer around (Hicks,

1968a). Interpersonal aggression is a social not a

private matter. Nonviewers can be secondarily 852
affected by television either by emulating the

conduct of influenced viewers or as victims of

their heightened aggression. In the controlled field

studies, it is nonviewers who are physically

assaulted by those exposed to aggressive models

of behavior. In the case of adults, it would be far-

fetched, for example, to claim that modeled

extortion behavior toward airlines is mediated

through maternal influences. Moreover, under
certain conditions, parental warmth and

compassion may facilitate rather than counteract

aggressive modeling in their offspring. Students

raised in principled, humanitarian homes were the

most disposed to follow models of coercive action

in attempts to rectify social injustices.

Disavowals of the aggression-promoting

effects of televised modeling are usually

accompanied by enumeration of the positive

effects of displaying brutality. The cathartic 853
function is listed as if this were a documented fact

rather than a questionable belief. Even if there

were evidence to show that a distinct aggressive

drive existed and that watching someone commit

physical violence upon others drained it, the

wisdom of saturating the airwaves with displays

of violence would still be questionable, if only

because of their instructional function. Such

sluicing operations would achieve, at most,
temporary drainage at the price of teaching new

techniques of cruelty, devaluing life by treating

human beings like disposable commodities, and

sanctioning violent solutions to interpersonal

problems. A social influence must be judged on the

basis of the multiple effects it can have on people.

Concern with empirically demonstrable effects

should not completely overshadow the morality of

using cruelty to entertain people.

Material reviewed extensively in preceding 854
chapters reveals that many vigorously debated

issues are reasonably well clarified by controlled

studies and corroborated by recurring modeling

incidents in everyday life. The cumulative

evidence provides answers to certain questions

about the effects of television and increases the

validity of probabilistic judgments of other effects.

Given the abundant evidence for observational

learning, there is no longer any justification for
equivocating about whether children or adults

learn techniques of aggression from televised

models. People who watch commercial television

for any period of time will learn a number of

aggressive tactics and countless methods of

murder. Television is a superb tutor. People do

not, of course, perform everything they learn.

Substantial progress has been made in identifying

some of the factors that interact with modeling

influences to foster or restrain aggressive actions. 855
Individuals who have been exposed to displays of

violence are more likely to act aggressively and

with greater intensity than those who have not

when they are subjected to provocation or

emotional arousal; when they have received prior

training in aggression; when adequate justification
for aggressive conduct is provided; when threat of

retaliation is reduced; when the injurious

consequences of aggression are not fully evident;

and when aggressive behavior has functional

value in securing material rewards, social

recognition, a boost in self-esteem, or successful

retaliation against disliked antagonists.

Television does not control the aggression

instigators experienced by its viewers or the

reinforcement supports their environment

provides for such conduct. Rather, it influences

their aggressive tendencies primarily by teaching

them how to aggress and by the way in which it 856
portrays the functional value of coercive behavior.

If violence were presented as a morally

reprehensible and costly way of achieving desired

goals, viewers might be discouraged from

resorting to similar tactics should the temptation

arise. Analyses of program contents show,

however, that television is more inclined to

condone than to devalue violent solutions.

Depicting punishing consequences for violence

can reinforce aggression restraints in viewers,

although it is an undependable inhibitor. Observed

punishment may suppress, but does not erase,

what viewers have learned. They may put this
knowledge into practice on future occasions if

sufficiently provoked or if the behavior is

necessary to get what they want. Dramatic

requirements further reduce the inhibitory

potential of portrayed punishment. In the

development of a plot villainous characters 857
appropriate important resources and amass

attractive rewards through variegated series of

aggressive exploits. If they never succeeded, it

would be difficult to sustain a plot. Thus, for

example, through physical coercion protagonists

gain control over grazing lands, gold mines, steers,

nightclubs, attractive belles, the constabulary,

corporations, and prominent figures. Aggressors

are not usually punished—and then only once—
until the end of the program, whereas their

antisocial life styles prove highly profitable over

an extended period. The message is not that

“crime does not pay,” but rather that the wages of

violent sin are pretty good except for an occasional


It has been demonstrated that immediate

rewards exert greater influence on behavior than

delayed punishment. Moreover, observed

successes weaken the inhibitory power of 858
witnessed punishments wherever they may occur

temporally (Rosekrans and Hartup, 1967). When

commercials are inserted before the ethical

ending, as is generally the case, young children fail

to grasp the relationship between actions and

outcomes and are therefore not dissuaded from

adopting aggressive solutions (Collins, 1973).

Finally, in some instances depicted punishment

can sustain adherence to aggressive methods
through its informative value. To the extent that

observers profit from the mistakes of others, they

may act on the belief that, with slight modification

of tactics, they can gain the benefits of aggression

without suffering the costs. For these various

reasons, it is better not to teach violent methods

than to teach them and try to inhibit their use.

Affixing an ethical ending to a succession of

aggressive triumphs in no way removes the

enduring learning effects. 859
There has been much speculation but

comparatively little research on the emotional and

attitudinal effects of extended exposure to

violence. Concerns have been voiced that viewing

brutality day after day and week after week

eventually produces callousness and insensitivity
to cruelty. Repeated exposure to displays of

violence can gradually extinguish emotional

responsiveness. The power of filmed influences to

diminish fears and behavioral inhibitions is most

convincingly demonstrated in therapeutic

applications of modeling. Phobic children lose

some of their fears (Bandura and Menlove, 1968)

and seclusive children overcome their social

inhibitions by observing venturesome examples

(O’Connor, 1969, 1972). As in other areas of

functioning, adult inhibitions are susceptible to

modification by modeling influences as are those

of children. Adults who have suffered from severe 860
phobias of long standing lose their fears and

develop more favorable attitudes toward things

they formerly abhorred after watching scenes of

others interacting freely with threatening objects

(Bandura, Blanchard, and Ritter, 1969). Results of

these and other studies (Bandura, 1971a) attest to

the positive potential of televised influences, were

the medium to be used more constructively.

Of special interest are the behavioral effects of

removing fears and aversions. Aggression anxiety

inhibits a person from engaging in abhorrent

activities. After aversions have been extinguished,

he can more easily commit such acts, but whether

or not he ever will do so depends on the social
influences that impinge on him. This issue has

some bearing on controversies over the

cumulative effects of daily portrayals of combat

activities in television news. Some people

maintain that such scenes elicit shock reactions 861
that condition aversion to war. Wertham (1966), a

vigorous crusader against displays of violence in

any form, contends that as a result of daily viewing

of fragmented military scenes, people eventually

become accustomed to warfare and indifferent to

the suffering it causes. It therefore produces

receptivity to war rather than revulsion against it.

He argues further that most movie versions of

warfare, with their glorification of patriotic
violence, heroism, and adventure, are essentially

war commercials. Through repeated exposure

people can become emotionally habituated to

depictions of horrific carnage (Hess, 1968). It

remains to be demonstrated, however, whether

the emotional desensitization leads them to accept

or to abhor war. Emotional reactions and

behavioral preferences are not perfectly

correlated. That is, one can fear things he likes and

deplore things he does not fear. 862
Ordinarily one might expect a widespread

public outcry against corporations that provide

continuous instruction in methods of murder for

all ages and sanction aggression as a means of

attaining goals or settling disputes. In reality, most

of the viewing public have not only grown
accustomed to a heavy dose of brutality on

television, but having no comparative alternatives,

accept what they are shown. Apart from its

entertainment value, television serves as a most

welcome baby sitter when parents want their

children out of the way. If exposing children to

human cruelty is the price for this function, then

most preoccupied parents are willing to pay it,

especially if they are reassured that it has no

influence. Audience preferences partly shaped by

television then serve as justification for similar

offerings that produce further habituation to

violence. 863
In contrast to the ready acceptance of televised

violence by American viewers, representatives of

other nations respond with incredulity to

disclaimers that televised modeling has no

influence and voice concern over the export of

American violence abroad (Lejins, 1968). The
amazement and uneasiness shown by other

nations is well grounded, considering the massive

evidence that the behavior of models can shape

diverse classes of behavior including linguistic

styles, moral judgments, self-gratification patterns,

altruism, cognitive skills, inhibitions, emotional

responsiveness, transgressive behavior, attitudes,

tastes, and preferences, as well as aggressive

modes of response (Bandura, 1969a, 1971 d;

Campbell, 1961; Flanders, 1968). The networks’

unwavering uncertainty about the effects their

programs have on people is captured in the story

once told of a patient who consulted a psychiatrist 864
concerning doubts over his wife’s fidelity. During

the next visit the patient reported seeing his wife

accompany an amorous man into a hotel room,

whereupon they promptly disrobed and jumped

into bed. At that moment the lights were turned

off, leaving the husband at the keyhole still feeling

uncertain about his wife’s fidelity.

In selling commercial time to sponsors

television executives undoubtedly argue for the
power of television to influence the behavior of

viewers with the same strong conviction with

which they disclaim its capability to affect

aggressive responsiveness. Their public

evaluations of research concerning social behavior
often convey the impression that only

demonstration of instant direct effects on viewers

would constitute convincing proof that televised

modeling can be a contributing influence to

aggression. Evidence that exposure to aggressive 865
models of behavior increases aggressive

tendencies does not mean that after watching

protagonists use aggressive methods, viewers

leave the television set and assault the first person

they meet, any more than smoking a package of

cigarettes will produce instant cancer in everyone.

Since most behavior is under the multiple

control of interacting influences, the coexistence of

several factors is generally required to produce a
given response. Multiple determination applies

equally to television influence on consumer

behavior. A well-endowed blonde entreats the

viewing audience to “join the Dodge rebellion”
while seductively enumerating the virtues of this

brand of automobile. The commercial vendors

obviously do not expect every viewer to dash off

immediately to his nearest Dodge dealer. Most

people will not instantly act on what they have

learned because they do not need a car, are 866
satisfied with the one they have, lack the money,

or have other priorities at the moment. The idea

has been planted, however, and given appropriate

conditions some of the viewers will act in

accordance with the televised directive on some

future occasion. A rise in sales above a reliable

baseline establishes television as a determinant,

although the particular combinations of factors

that prompt action in different individuals are not
predictable in advance. The television industry

justifiably sells commercial time even though it

cannot specify beforehand exactly who will be

influenced, at what time, and in what setting.

Indeed, most policy decisions are made on the

basis of group incidence rates rather than precise

individual prediction.

The abundant evidence reviewed in this book

and elsewhere (Goranson, 1970; Liebert, 1972;

Maccoby, 1964; Siegel, 1970) supports the 867
conclusion that televised aggressive modeling,

through its instruction and sanction of aggressive

methods, lowers the threshold of aggressive

response and shapes its form. Exposure to

televised violence increases the likelihood that

some viewers will behave aggressively in the face

of other inducements. As televised modeling is

studied further in conjunction with other

aggression-promoting conditions, greater
accuracy will be achieved in predicting for which

individuals and under what circumstances

televised influences play a determining role in the

occurrence of aggression.

Given the capability of television to influence

behavior and the marketability of conflict, the use

of brutal content is a proper matter of social

concern. A sizable fraction of viewers from time to

time register complaints against how the medium

is used. Some of the criticisms represent 868
moralizing and elitist preferences for what people

should be taught to enjoy. Other critics are less

concerned about negative effects than by the fact

that pressures to maximize profits have deprived

viewers of stimulating and creative experiences

that develop the positive potentialities of man. In

many instances the critical indictments reflect

general concern over the commercial exploitation

of violence. Members of minority groups, who find
themselves victimized by being repeatedly

portrayed in derogatory stereotypes, experience

the effects of television more personally and

pervasively. They have compelling reasons to seek


Television practices are under powerful

advertiser control. As a commercial business,

television networks must compete successfully to

protect the financial interests of their

stockholders. Most advertisers favor the 869
competitor who can deliver the largest audiences

at the cheapest rates. This in itself would not

seriously prejudice programming against viewers’

interests were it not for the contiguity problem.

Advertisers are reluctant to purchase time

adjacent to programs that attract small audiences

because viewers tend to watch whatever comes on

the channel next without much switching.

Therefore sponsors willing to support quality
programs that appeal to more limited audiences

do not have equal access to prime viewing time

even if they have the money to buy it.

When constitutional principles are used to

defend television programming, the matter of

restricted access to television is never raised.

Freedom of expression combined with the right of

public access to the medium would ensure a much

broader expression of ideas on television than

now exists. Exorbitant production costs further 870
increase the force of economic control and curtail

experimentation with varied dramatic contents.

What catches on is widely copied, with the result

that different networks counterprogram similar

contents, leaving the viewer with few choices.

Imitative proliferation of Westerns and crime

series provide additional testimony to the

influence of profitable aggressive modeling.

Without effective means of counterinfluence

both the medium and the general public are

subject to the abuses of excessive

commercialization. There are four different ways

in which the public can attempt to influence the
operating practices of the television industry. The

most popular—but minimally effective—method

is to appeal to governmental agencies to control

the commercial marketing of violence. Call for

federal action produces few results for a variety of

reasons. Constitutional guarantees of free 871
communication restrict the government from

regulating the content of television programming.

Even if the government had such restrictive

power, it would rarely be used because most

people are, by tradition, opposed to having official

agencies prescribing what they can watch.

Although government cannot regulate program

content, it can take action against grossly

irresponsible performance through the licensing
power of the Federal Communications

Commission. There is little danger, however, that a

television station would ever lose its license from

commercial overuse of violence, whatever its

effects. Not only would such rulings provoke

endless semantic disputes over what is violence,

but they would be challenged on constitutional

grounds. Being subject to political pressures,

regulatory agencies of government are usually

heavily influenced by the very industries they are 872
supposed to oversee. As militant consumer

advocates have repeatedly shown, federal

regulatory bodies are more likely to serve

corporate than public interests.

In sum, broadcasting is a powerful industry

subject to limited governmental checks in matters

of program content. Official criticisms of the

manner in which the medium is used elicit charges

of impending governmental censorship in the
image of notorious political dictatorships. Most

countries have adopted some reasonable

guidelines regarding the portrayal of brutality and

some have set aside a portion of their broadcast

time for different interest groups to present their
views without producing any collapse of their

democratic institutions. Indeed, increased public

activism has raised the issue of corporate

censorship. By restricting access to television time

(Barron, 1967) and excluding things that conflict 873
with sponsor interests, network officials exercise

selective control over what people will be shown.

Without some regulatory guidelines the

commercial pressures for screening what will be

telecast might well increase with conglomerate

ownership of communications media by powerful

interest groups. Johnson (1967), an outspoken

FCC commissioner, was probably accurate in

characterizing many of the disputes in this area as
more concerned with profitable speech than with

free speech. It is through concerted legal action

that the public will probably eventually gain some

control over access to television time.

Although the government has neither the

sanction nor the desire to police television

programming, it cannot ignore public protests.

Governmental efforts to reduce the incidence of

violence on commercial television usually take the

form of congressional hearings. Like television 874
reruns, at periodic intervals representatives of the

broadcast industry are brought before a

congressional committee, where they argue over

various charges and documented evidence of

exploitation of violence. Like standardized serials,

congressional investigations have essentially the

same protagonists, playing the same stylized roles,

with the same outcomes.

After the networks are commended for serving

the public well in many ways, their record of

violence is presented along with testimony by

researchers on the psychological effects of such

influences. Broadcasters challenge the criteria for
judging violence; industry researchers dispute the

empirical evidence. The influence of the broadcast

industry is brought to bear, if necessary, even on

officially commissioned evaluations of research

findings (Paisley, 1972). Some examples of

television practices are usually presented at the 875
hearings; this prompts network executives to

register strong complaints against excerpting

scenes for display on the grounds that the

aggressive actions are distorted when shown out

of context. At one of the hearings (U.S. Senate,

1963) this proved to be an impolitic complaint,

because the industry itself makes heavy use of

excerpts in the form of “teasers” (opening scenes

of things to come in the program), “trailers”
(previews of the action to be shown next week),

and “promotionals” (clips shown throughout the

broadcast day). The committee proceeded to show

a collection of trailers that represented a gory

catalog of human atrocities. People were

bludgeoned to death, machine-gunned, attacked

brutally with knives, meat cleavers, pitchforks,

and stilettos, stomped, drowned, burned, whipped,

beaten viciously, and ruthlessly tortured. When

asked to comment on this carnage, the president 876
of one of the networks staunchly maintained that

the segments constituted scenes of “physical

action,” not violence, to the utter disbelief of his

questioners. The hearing continued in this vein

with much time spent quibbling about definitions

of violence and categorization of programs. The
testimony of producers, supplemented with

industry memos documenting instances in which

violence was callously exploited, could not be as

easily dismissed semantically.

At the conclusion of such hearings, the

presiding chairman predictably issues threats to

the effect that if the industry fails to improve its

procedures of self-regulation, federal controls will
have to be imposed. Broadcasters, in turn, reaffirm

that they have not been misbehaving; besides, the

objectionable practices are a thing of the past, and

they shall continue to abide by the industry code

of good conduct. The reformed self-assessment is 877
typically accompanied by righteous denunciations

of the evils of governmental censorship, as though

freedom carried no responsibility. In reality, the

industry fears the adverse publicity more than the

threat of censorship. Since no one bothers to

maintain a check on violence rates in programs

after hearings have concluded, there is little

reason to discontinue the customary profitable

practices. After a time public pressure on Congress
again mounts, prompting another congressional

rerun. The commotion generated by pseudo

threats serves to evade a discussion of

constructive changes that do not involve

infringement of free expression. As a public

service, some amount of broadcasting time could

be set aside for children’s programming without

having advertisers using youngsters to pressure

parents to buy products that they either don’t

want or don’t need. Suitable funding arrangements 878
would then be developed. Freed from the

pressures of commercialism, producers could

devote their talents to creating entertaining

quality programs for children.

A second method for promoting social

responsibility in television programming relies on

the industry’s system of self-regulation. In this

approach discontented viewers are urged to write

letters to networks and their sponsors threatening
withdrawal of patronage if they continue to

exploit themes of violence. A commercial business

is highly responsive to economic threats, but the

correspondence approach has little effect because

the letters do not get written and the sponsors’
products are rarely boycotted.

However well-intentioned media practitioners

might be, when left to internal regulation, profits

will dictate content. This is forcefully revealed in 879
the operating principle stated by the president of a
television network to the director of his news

division: “They say to me [he meant the system,

not any specific individual], ‘Take your soiled little

hands, get the ratings, and make as much money

as you can’; they say to you, ‘Take your lily white

hands, do your best, go the high road and bring us

prestige’ ” (Friendly, 1968, pp. xi-xii). Networks

supervise the production process, but in the face

of strong financial pressures and weak public

sanctions, the operating guidelines are quite

pliable. Monitors screen mainly the upper limits of

violence, and even these are negotiable. Appeals to

superiors in the system can overrule objections of

the overseers. Some excesses in brutality get by

because of the prohibitive costs of reshooting

scenes. Righteous codes are fine for public

relations, but neither the performance record nor

frank statements by industry personnel (Baldwin 880
and Lewis, 1972) inspire confidence that the

broadcasters’ self-regulatory practices are

especially conducive to wholesome programming.

The third approach to corporate influence

rests on the well-established principle that socially

responsible behavior is produced through

performance consequences. From time to time

people knowledgeable in mass communications

have proposed establishment of a private institute
designed to report annually on the performance of

the broadcasting industry and, whenever

appropriate, to propose constructive reforms. A

respected private body might gain some token

concessions, but it is unrealistic to expect a global
annual report to alter television practices in any

significant way. The consequences, should any

result, are too weak and remote.

Private individuals can promote socially 881
responsible behavior in corporate enterprises
through the power of publicity and constructive

alternatives. If a change effort is to have much

effect, it must combine continuing performance

assessment with appropriate consequences. A

company will behave differently when its

performance is publicly evaluated than if no one

examines what it is doing.

A public violence-monitoring service is the first

step in fostering social responsibility in

commercial television programming. A service of

this type might be funded by foundation or private

sources to preserve its independence from

government and industry control. It would

attempt to reduce some of the excesses of

commercial control of program content by

publicized assessments, since it would have no

regulatory or enforcement power. Gerbner

(1972a, b) has developed a sensitive method for 882
measuring the amount of violence shown on

television through content analysis of its output.

The standard coding system records the number

and kinds of violent actions, and provides an index

of the rate of violent episodes per hour of

broadcasting. The manner in which aggression is

portrayed may be even more important than the

amount presented. These qualitative features are

measured in terms of the frequency with which
righteous and villainous characters use violent

tactics, and the percentage of leading characters

involved in killing either as killers or as victims.

Other ratable aspects of violence include its

instigators, its rewarding and punishing

consequences, and the types of people who are

repeatedly victimized. The prevalence, rate, and

role component scores are combined into an

overall violence index. A multidimensional index,

derived from depicted patterns of violent 883
relationships, is much more difficult to circumvent

than a simple prevalence or rate measure.

At periodic intervals a trained staff would

conduct systematic analyses of the commercial

fare. Otherwise responsible individuals feel less

concerned over the production and marketing of

violence for profit if their contribution to the total

enterprise is not singled out. Analysis of media

content should therefore restore accountability for
violence wherever possible. This is achieved by

computing separate violence rates for the different

networks, sponsors, and programs.

The violence ratings, as well as seasonal

trends, could be disseminated widely through TV

guides, PTA publications, and—ideally—periodic

televised reports to the public. Analyses of

television practices should be concerned with

more than just violence. The goal of improving the 884
quality of television programming is better served
by providing examples of creative uses of the

medium that viewers find enjoyable. It is through

comparison with positive alternatives that the

commercialization of violence is most forcefully

revealed. Reports to the public also provide a

suitable context in which to examine the broader

issue of television as a cultural transmitter and

innovator of attitudes and patterns of behavior.

Performance evaluation is a straightforward

matter, but the promotion of consequences

becomes a more sensitive issue. A violence rating

service is likely to have greatest impact if

conducted responsibly without assuming a strong

advocacy position. The evidence of what viewers

are being shown would be presented to them to

use as they might wish without infringing on

anybody’s rights. As consumer advocates have

demonstrated, disclosure of objectionable 885
practices is, in itself, likely to mobilize some

collective actions by citizen groups. Publicized

violence ratings are most likely to achieve results

through their effects on the principal force in the

system, namely, the financial subsidizers. Since

corporate sponsors are sensitive about their

public image, publication of their violence ratings

would prompt them to demand from producers

engrossing drama without gratuitous use of
violence. A business that employs violence to sell

breakfast food to children, for example, could not

afford to maintain that practice for long if it were

widely and repeatedly publicized.

Any public efforts to diminish commercial

control of television practices are easily

discredited on misleading grounds. The most

commonly used argument is that public influence

will banish all violence from television, leaving a

bland fare in its place. Fear-arousing appeals of 886
this sort distort the nature of the public concern. It

is not portrayal of conflict that people object to;

rather, it is the unrelenting use of physical

assaultiveness to convey human discord and

fixation on violent solutions as the preferred

remedies. Themes of conflict can, in fact, serve to

counteract assaultive modes of conduct. Modeling

prosocial solutions to conflict provides viewers

with constructive options that tend to reduce their
dependence on combative tactics (Chittenden,


The entertainment value of televised programs

need in no way suffer by reducing violence as a
salable commodity. Quite the contrary. Producers

generally prefer creating nonviolent programs to

those oriented around violent superheroes. Some

acknowledge that limitations on routine use of

violence are more likely to prod than to curtail

creativity: “Sometimes these restrictions are 887
challenging. How can I show tension in a fresh way

without a punch in the gut?” (Baldwin and Lewis,

1972, p. 331). The more inventive producers,

whose efforts deserve full support, welcome the

creative challenge when network directives allow

them to ease up on manufacturing violent

contents: “You get sick doing that crap. We had to

do it for two years because that is what the

network wanted. … Now we are using our brains
coming up with ways of doing things that do not

rely on smashing, hitting, and hanging. Now we

are enjoying our work” (Cantor, 1972, p. 266).

Analyzing bad programs is not necessarily going to

produce good ones. A violence monitoring system

may be required to create the opportunities for

better offerings, but other vehicles are needed to

bring this about.

Greater progress is achieved by rewarding

desirable practices than by curtailing 888
objectionable ones. Public efforts to improve the

quality of television programming should not be

limited to negative sanctions. The fourth, and most

affirmative, approach relies on the power of

positive example. Programs that use violence as

the principal means for capturing audiences would

be put out of business by providing people with

more interesting alternatives. The influence of

successful example is nowhere better illustrated
than in children's programming, which has

aroused the greatest public criticism. For years

parents complained about the serial dramas and

weekend commercial fare served their children,

but did little to discourage them from watching it.

The appearance of Sesame Street on

noncommercial stations demonstrated that a

program that is instructive as well as entertaining

can attract large child audiences with parental

endorsement. 889
A viable public broadcasting system, free of

commercial pressures, is perhaps the best means

of improving and diversifying television offerings.

Within this context, a program development unit

might be created for the purpose of testing new

ideas as well as assessing the impact of programs,
especially on young viewers. Close collaboration

between producers and social scientists could

serve the dual purpose of expanding the quality of

television programming and advancing

understanding of communication influences. The

adoption of new formats by the commercial

networks could be accelerated by displaying

successful prototypes in the reports to the public

mentioned earlier. Commercial networks can

derive other benefits from a good public

broadcasting service. It can function not only as a

place for testing ideas, but for creating new

interests which commercial television is 890
understandably reluctant to undertake because of

the initial financial losses. Under severe economic

competition, programs are created for instant

commercial success.

From time to time economic proposals have

been offered on how to provide public

broadcasting with adequate funding for facilities

and professional talent. The most imaginative plan

was developed by the Ford Foundation (Friendly,
1968). Satellites will replace land lines as the

mode of transmission with considerable savings.

Ford proposed that a nonprofit corporation

operate the communications satellite service and

reserve some of the revenues from commercial
users to support public broadcasting. This plan

was challenged by private carrier corporations

that claim the right to operate a multipurpose

satellite service. Whether any of the revenue from

a communications satellite will be earmarked for 891
noncommercial television remains to be seen.

There are other major developments in the

offing that can alter the manner in which the

medium is used. Technological innovations in the

form of cable television and laser and satellite

telecasting will permit simultaneous broadcasting

of varied programs to audiences with diverse

interests. The technical capacity for diversified

programming can free viewers from the tyranny of
the common denominator. Computer retrieval

systems, wherein viewers can select programs

from videotape libraries, will add another new

dimension to broadcasting services. These
systems, of course, will not be free of commercial

pressures to maximize profits at the expense of

public interests. If cost per thousand viewers

continues to dictate program production, and

there is every reason to believe it will, cable

television is likely to duplicate the practices of the 892
current system. The net result will be many

channels ritualistically repeating similar formula

shows, old movies, and reruns that, being cheaper,

make more money than more entertaining

programs requiring higher production

expenditures. Whether the technical changes bring

significant reforms in programming partly

depends on whether the public is granted some

right of access to the facilities and how actively it
is exercised. A watchful public can increase the

likelihood that new opportunities will change

television from a mediocre entertainer and

teacher of aggressive life styles to an instrument of

human enlightenment.

Television Journalism

A high proportion of newscasting time is

devoted to coverage of violent events in one form

or another. Both local stations and national 893
networks undoubtedly vary in the emphasis they

give to violent incidents. Over an extended period

Singer (1970) compared the proportion of news

items of an aggressive nature reported by an

American network and a Canadian network that

has full access to the same content and frequently

rebroadcasts a substantial amount of American

material. American newscasts carried

approximately twice as many aggressive items.
Even when war reports were deleted from the

data, American newscasts continued to offer

substantially more aggressive items (36 percent)

and devoted more time to them (40 percent) than

its Canadian counterpart, for which the

corresponding figures were 18 percent and 19

percent, respectively. Whether the heavy

American emphasis on violence mirrors the

cultural reality or the predilection of the medium

itself cannot be determined from this study. A 894
comparative analysis of the proportion of news

items devoted to violence by the national

networks and by local stations within the same

city would provide some indication of

broadcasting company preferences.

Heated debates have raged over the partiality

of broadcast journalism and its social and political

impact. Considering the central role played by

television in public affairs, surprisingly little study
has been made of these issues. Some researchers

have analyzed the social influences operating

within the media systems in determining the

selection and presentation of news contents

(Breed, 1955; Warner, 1971). The effects of the
media output, however, remain largely

unexamined. Reports of ordinary crimes rarely

arouse controversy, except perhaps for their

disproportionate emphasis as newsworthy items

in the brief time allotted to television news. 895
Rather, it is in conflicts for power between

contending groups, where the medium can

function as an instrument of influence, that

charges of partisan treatment arise.

There are several ways in which accounts of

violence might produce social effects. Detailed

reports of activities have instructional potential.

Previous analyses of aggression contagion, though

complicated by many determinants, lend some
substance to the view that mass media coverage of

civil disturbances can shape the form of collective

aggression and inadvertently contribute to its

spread. Observers can learn from newscasts,
among other things, how to firebomb with

Molotov cocktails, how to conduct a sniper siege,

and the steps required to hijack airliners

successfully. Although the printed media

disseminate information about acts of violence,

television has the greater potential to influence 896
behavior because it portrays events more vividly

and concretely. Furthermore, most people learn

about newsworthy incidents from watching

television rather than from reading magazines or

newspapers (Schramm, Lyle, and Parker, 1961).

The power of pictures is confirmed by Barrow and

Westley (1960), who found that young viewers

learned more from television than from an

equivalent radio version of the news events.

Media reports of violent episodes not only

reveal the use of destructive weapons and

aggressive tactics, but can also influence

aggression restraints by their portrayal of the
consequences of violence. In order to hold

viewers’ attention, the visual displays

accompanying the news reports are selected to

entertain as well as to inform. The outcomes of

given courses of actions are easily misrepresented

when graphic effects are favored over common, 897
but less interesting, consequences. Thus, showing

people running off with appliances and cases of

liquor from looted stores in a jovial atmosphere is

more likely to promote aggression in viewers

living under similar circumstances than showing

the terror and suffering caused by massive

destruction of one’s neighborhood.

Another way of affecting aggressive restraints

in viewers is by the degree of justification given to
violent activities in the narration of news stories.

Meyer (1971) showed angered adults a filmed

news item in which a wounded North Vietnamese

prisoner was stabbed to death by a South
Vietnamese soldier. Subjects who watched the

newsfilm with a voiceover narration that justified

the execution subsequently behaved more

punitively than those who observed the same

news event with either no commentary or verbal

portrayal of the stabbing as unjustified. These 898
results suggest that reporters’ descriptions of

newsworthy violence can influence viewers’

readiness to behave aggressively.

Televised reports of violence, depending on

what they accent, may in some instances affect the

course of collective aggression for better or for

worse through their sanctioning potential.

Because of the scarcity of newscast time, only a

few items from a vast array of events can tie
presented. Selective processes are similarly

involved even in reporting the violent episodes

chosen, since only a few aspects of the sequence of

events can be introduced. One can highlight the
social conditions provoking strife, the specific

tactics of aggression used, the immediate or

delayed consequences accruing to aggressors, the

injurious effects to the victims, the

pronouncements of leading protagonists, or the

types of countermeasures employed by control 899
agents. From knowledge of social influence

processes one would expect the potential

consequences of media presentations to vary

depending on what aspects are selected for public

display and how they are characterized in

accompanying commentaries. Ball-Rokeach

(1972) attaches special significance to media

transmission of evaluative reactions concerning

violent events. The reason for this is that relatively
few viewers experience sufficient inducements to

emulate portrayed violent conduct, but the

modeled justifications and evaluative responses

can help to mobilize public support for policy

actions that have widespread social and political


If disruptive actions are depicted as

lawlessness and the coverage selectively

emphasizes the revolutionary rhetoric of

extremists and the injuries suffered by the targets, 900
most viewers will deplore the protest activities

and demand punitive controls. In contrast, reports

that attend to the causes of aggression and

characterize the group action as a means of

securing needed reforms will produce a more

sympathetic response in viewers toward

improving social conditions. Visual documentation

of police practices can partly determine the sides

viewers will take in a social conflict. Early in the
civil rights movement, for example, the sight of

policemen brutally attacking nonviolent

protesters probably did more to arouse a hitherto

complacent populace than all the moral appeals or

democracy arguments combined.

The foregoing presumptions follow plausibly

from existing knowledge, but they require

experimental verification with studies offering

differential reports of the same aggressive

incidents. The behavioral and attitudinal 901
consequences of media practices could be

assessed by varying the amount of attention given

to causes, tactics, consequences, and

countercontrols in the coverage of newsworthy

events. Should the predicted relationships be

confirmed, such findings would sensitize

television journalists to the specific effect that

differential emphasis of news content is likely to

have on the viewing public.

The discussion thus far has dealt with how the

mass media may influence the course of

aggression through selective or incomplete

portrayal of newsworthy violence. Informal
observations suggest that the presence of

reporters and television cameras at the scene of

aggressive altercations can exert some effect on

the incidents themselves. Cameras tend to invite

and to give greater attention to the provocative

rhetoric of extremists than to less colorful 902
moderates. It has been shown that selective

attention to certain members of a group, who

ordinarily received little recognition, confers

leadership status on them (Hastorf, 1965). To the

extent that such an influence process is operative

in picking engrossing news shots, television may

contribute to the emergence of a leader from

among the various contenders. In a continuing

conflict, selective editing of performances having
dramatic appeal may distort the nature or purpose

of the contending groups in ways that promote

divisive stereotyping and angry polarization.

Acrimonious retorts performed for television

audiences would further prolong the aggressive

struggle. Although claims of misrepresentation

abound, no one has systematically compared the

actual events and what is chosen for television

news coverage.

With camera crews around, challengers are apt 903
to become more exhibitionistic and police more

restrained in their behavior. Indeed, the

inhospitable reception that reporters typically

receive from police at the scene of a conflict

suggests that the presence of cameras reduces the

incidence of unauthorized police aggression. It

would be of considerable interest to measure

changes in the behavior of contending groups

when television camera crews are present and
when they are absent.

The preceding discussion concentrated on how

media output can affect public opinion and action.

Because of its influence potential, the
communication system itself is subject to constant

pressure from various interest groups within the

society. A complete analysis of communication

processes must encompass the reciprocal

influence between transmitters and recipients.

Conflicts over coverage of newsworthy events 904
inevitably arise from a multitude of sources. Since

television is a competitive industry, concern over

advertising revenue partly dictates how the

medium will be used (Friendly, 1968). Political

officials apply leverage in efforts to sway the

reporting of domestic and foreign events in their

favor. Additionally, there are the pressures from

the viewing public that criticize the industry for

slanted treatment of the news. Conservatives view
newscasters as advocates of liberal causes,

whereas dissidents contend that television, being

controlled by privileged groups, avoids

controversial issues that conflict with their

corporate or political interests. Finally, the

newsmen, who become the unenviable targets of

the opposing pressures, have to contend with their

own ideological commitments in choosing what to

show the public.

Television journalism undoubtedly serves as 905
an instrument in aiding social reforms or

reinforcing prevailing customs by how it presents

controversial issues. Few serious students of

journalism espouse the illusion of neutrality. In

commenting on the matter of balanced reporting,

the distinguished broadcast journalist Edward R.

Murrow, rightly pointed out that one cannot do

equal justice to contending points of view because

rarely are they equally justifiable. The different
segments of society are better served by striving

for communication pluralism rather than

neutrality. As long as there are alternative

channels of information to which the public has

access, divergent views can be adequately aired.

A number of conditions, some organizational

and others social, limit the pluralistic possibilities

of television journalism. Media ownership is

concentrated in the higher ranks of society.

Although newsmen strive for fairness, diverse 906
interests would obviously receive greater

exposure if the media were under more varied

proprietorship. Relatively little time is devoted to

news coverage because it produces a low financial

yield. Even with the best of intentions, time

pressures preclude the type of analytic reporting

required to explain the interplay of forces creating

and maintaining violent conflicts. As a result,

complex issues are essentially reduced to
headlines with fragmented pictorial

accompaniment interspersed with numerous

commercials. Public affairs programs treat

selected topics in greater depth, but this format is

only sparingly used. Although television coverage

is not intended to substitute for the depth and

range of newspaper reports, most people do rely

on television as their main source of information

about matters that affect their lives.

In addition to organizational constraints, those 907
who espouse unpopular views encounter social

barriers to gaining a satisfactory hearing on

television. This is because societal reinforcements

are heavily weighted in favor of neglecting

dissident groups. The television industry can enjoy

public support by airing matters that fall within

the bounds of popular sentiment, whereas

providing a forum for dissenters brings

condemnation and economic threats. Such
differential reinforcements tend to shape

broadcast policies in conservative directions. This

is not to say that dissident factions are rarely

heard. By resorting to coercive and outlandish

behavior they command attention that they would

not otherwise receive. Thwarted access to the

media thus selectively reinforces disturbing forms

of conduct that capture attention at the expense of

a sympathetic hearing.

Changes in the communication industry should 908
be directed at reducing inequities in access to the

means by which the public can be informed and

influenced. Diversified control of television

facilities is one way of creating greater access

opportunities for diverse aggregations in the

society. This goal can also be served, though less

completely, by officially designating a block of

time on television as a forum for minority or

controversial views. Here spokesmen for different
interest groups could freely express the

aspirations, the felt grievances, and the remedies

sought by their constituencies. Since the public

forum would be conducted by the participants

themselves rather than by industry personnel, the

networks are afforded protection against criticism

for expression of dissenting views.

Good television journalism would require

increasing the depth of news coverage and

sacrificing some of the exciting features of 909
violence. Knowing the causes of actions can reduce

vindictiveness; seeing their long-term

consequences can discourage ill-judged adoptions

of the behavior. Unfortunately, such moderating

influences are not only more difficult to portray,

but have less audience appeal than the actions

themselves. Brief newscasts do not provide time to

dwell on causes, nor can the aftermath of violence,

which remains in the distant future, be reported at
the time when it would have the greatest impact

on potential adopters and controllers alike. Given

the demonstrated power of example, the news

media must exercise caution in displaying detailed

aggressive techniques and their immediate

rewards if they are to safeguard against promoting

the very things they are reporting.


Since aggression is partly under external 910
reinforcement control, injurious behavior can Ire

successfully modified by altering its customary

consequences. The standard procedure begins

with a baseline measurement of aggressive acts as

they occur under the usual social practices. A

change program is then instituted in which

constructive behavior is positively reinforced

while rewards for aggressive conduct are withheld

or withdrawn. The findings generally show that
aggressive behavior continues at a high rate

during baseline conditions but declines when it is

no longer positively reinforced. In order to

confirm that the aggressive conduct is in fact

supported by its consequences, the original

reinforcement practices are reinstated,

whereupon aggressive responding typically

reappears. In the final phase of the program the

beneficial contingencies are reintroduced so that

aggression is again rendered ineffective through 911
nonreward, whereas constructive modes of

response are strengthened. Demonstration of

replicative control by varying response

consequences is essential in research for

establishing the influence of outcomes, but in

social applications it is unnecessary, if not unwise,
to reinstate aggression temporarily after it has

been reduced.

In implementing reinforcement practices one

must select suitable reinforcers for alternative

styles of behavior. The types of incentives likely to

be most appropriate and effective are largely

determined by the developmental level at which

people are functioning. As people change, the type,
amount, and source of reinforcement supporting

their behavior are gradually modified. Hence, the

incentives used initially in change programs may

differ considerably from those that ultimately

assume rewarding functions. 912
Some of the criticisms that have been levied

against reinforcement practices fail to recognize

the complexity and developmental changes in the

consequences that influence human behavior. At

the lowest developmental levels behavior is

primarily responsive to tangible consequences. As
physically rewarding experiences are repeatedly

associated with expressions of interest and

approval and punishments with disapproval,

social reactions themselves acquire reinforcing


A number of symbolic reinforcers other than

social reactions take on reinforcing functions.

Credits attainable through designated
performances, which may be exchanged for

countless things that people want, serve as

dependable generalized rewards. This type of

incentive system essentially involves negotiating a

social contract with an individual to help him 913
bring his aggressive behavior under control or to

develop other skills that displace aggression

because they are more functional (Cohen and

Filipczak, 1971; Colman, 1971; Steffy et al., 1969).

Ordinarily, concrete rewards are employed in

initial stages with individuals who are not

reinforceable in other ways and would gain little

from treatment efforts. Many of the contentious

reactions of hyperaggressive individuals to task
requirements, which are often attributed in

clinical theory (Redl and Wineman, 1951) to high

impulsivity, weak ego control, and low frustration

tolerance, may in fact result from inadequate
incentives. Aversive actions become an effective

means of avoiding or turning off environmental

demands that bring little or no reward. Thus, for

example, belligerent boys who remained

unmotivated by praise worked productively when

their efforts were concretely rewarded and 914
continued to do so even after the tangible

reinforcers were progressively reduced and

eventually discontinued altogether (Levin and

Simmons, 1962). Another illustration of the

change of reinforcement supports for behavior

during the course of treatment is provided by

Wahler (1968), who assisted parents in modifying

extreme antagonism in their children. An initial

program in which parents ignored defiance and
commended cooperativeness proved ineffective. A

subsequent reinforcement system combining

parental approval with credits exchangeable for

valued items produced dramatic and enduring

increases in cooperativeness. Thereafter, the

credits were gradually eliminated and cooperative

behavior was maintained by expressions of

appreciation alone.

At the highest level of functioning people

regulate their own behavior by self-evaluative and 915
other self-administered consequences. Several

researchers (Goodlet and Goodlet, 1969; Bolstad

and Johnson, 1972) have shown that

aggressiveness can be eliminated by having boys

reward themselves for reductions in aggressive

conduct as well as or better than by having adults

evaluate and reward their behavioral

improvements. Tangible self-reinforcement and

symbolic rewards can be used to maintain new
patterns of behavior until they become a source of

personal satisfaction.

Reinforcement influences have been

extensively employed with notable success in
modifying hyperaggressive behavior in children.

The case reports involve physically assaultive

children who repeatedly disrupt ongoing activities

and, when others do not accede to their wishes,

become abusive or display violent temper

tantrums until they get what they want. When 916
disciplined, they respond with aggressive defiance

that discourages adults from attempting corrective


Treatment programs are generally

implemented (under professional supervision) by

those who regularly deal with the problem

behavior, because it is their reactions that largely

determine the direction and future course of

change, however induced. In a well-designed
program a behavioral analysis is first conducted to

identify the social conditions that maintain

aggressive conduct. Change agents are then given

detailed instructions on how they must alter their
characteristic ways of reacting to the child’s

behavior to achieve desired outcomes. This

usually involves a reversal of reinforcement

practices. Whereas previously coercive actions

commanded attention and compliance and

prosocial behavior received little notice, they are 917
now advised to ignore or, if necessary, to disallow

aggression and to reward constructive behavior.

Prescriptive instructions alone are likely to

produce limited results unless combined with

other aids that facilitate adoption of remedial

measures. Change agents may come to understand

principles for modifying behavior but remain at a

loss as to how to implement what they have

learned. What they need is guided practice with
corrective feedback that rewards their successes

and corrects their mistakes. Remedial measures

must not only be sketched out in concrete actions,

but preferably modeled through videotape, role
playing, or, if feasible, in actual demonstrations of

how to deal with problematic behaviors. After the

procedures have been sufficiently demonstrated,

change agents are supervised until they attain

proficiency in handling problems without external

directions (Johnson and Brown, 1969; Russo, 918
1964; Wolf, Risly, and Mees, 1964).

Detailed instruction combined with

demonstration and guided practice are well suited

for altering reinforcement practices, but unless

adequately rewarded, the efforts of change agents

are unlikely to endure very long. This problem is

especially critical in initial stages of treatment

when withdrawal of rewards for aggression may

temporarily increase abusive responses in efforts
to restore the former benefits of coercive

behavior. During this period social support is

required. Later, reductions in disturbing behavior

begin to provide natural rewards for change
agents, until eventually the interpersonal patterns

become self-sustaining through reciprocal


Given adequate training along the lines

discussed above, the behavior of parents, teachers, 919
and other influential people is much more
changeworthy than traditional theories would

lead one to believe. Any remedial program,

whether directed at change agents or at the clients

themselves, will encounter problems from time to

time. When disappointing results are obtained,

there is a tendency to attribute difficulties to

pathologies in the change agents and to lapse into

protracted conversations concerning their

dysfunctional behavior. The remedies usually lie

elsewhere. Sometimes change agents do not

consistently apply what they have learned because

it is bothersome to do so. They adopt the remedial

practices, however, when social or tangible

rewards are made contingent upon improvements

in their performance (Ayllon and Azrin, 1964;

Bernal, Williams, Miller, and Reagor, 1972). At

other times change agents cannot alter their

behavior sufficiently because of disruptive 920
influences impinging upon them. Here, successful

results require an action program directed at the

interfering conditions as well.

Hawkins, Peterson, Schweid, and Bijou (1966)

provide one of many illustrations of home-based

modifications of aggressive behavior. The case

involved an assaultive, belligerent boy who,

though young in years, effectively controlled the

household by aversive means. After completing a
baseline measurement of aggressive behavior, the

mother was instructed to go about her household

activities. Whenever her son acted reprehensibly,

the observer signaled the mother either to tell him

to stop or to place him in his room for a brief time.
In contrast, when he behaved commendably the

mother was encouraged to express her interest

and approval. As summarized in Figure 5.2, the

new reinforcement practices produced a marked

decline in aggressiveness. In the next phase the 921
FIGURE 5.2 Number of 10-second periods in which the boy
behaved aggressively during each one-hour session. (Hawkins
et al., 1966) 922
mother was asked to resume her customary habit

of chastising antagonistic actions while ignoring

desirable ones. Having experienced success, she

found it difficult to revert to her former style. The

mother not only maintained the favorable changes

without any further guidance, but the boy became

more considerate and affectionate, a marked

contrast with his former domineering control. As

Hawkins points out, a major benefit of enlisting
parents as therapists for their own children is that

the skills they acquire can serve them well in

meeting future developmental problems.

There is ample evidence that selective

reinforcement reduces aggressiveness, but it

remains unclear whether it is the consequences

associated with aggression, with prosocial

behavior, or both sources of influence that

contribute to the effectiveness of this approach. In

some studies reporting high success aggressive 923
behavior is consistently ignored while considerate

conduct is rewarded with social approval and

attention (Bernal et al., 1972; Johnson and Brown,

1969; Russo, 1964; Scott, Burton, and Yarrow,

1967). In other cases prosocial behavior is

positively reinforced, but aggression is punished

by removing the child from the situation for short

periods immediately following the act or by some

other negative consequences (Bernal et al., 1968;
Hawkins et al., 1966; Sloane, Johnston, and Bijou,

1967; Wolf, Risley, and Mees, 1964; Zeilberger,

Sampen, and Sloane, 1968). Still others (Staats and

Butterfield, 1965) report that assaultive

delinquents ceased behaving destructively when

they acquired new competencies, even though no

effort was made to alter the consequences for

aggressive acts. To isolate the therapeutic

ingredients would require a comparative study in

which aggressive responses are ignored, punished, 924
or not singled out for special treatment and,

within each of these conditions, prosocial

alternatives are either fostered or not.

Approaches to the modification of child

behavior disorders have undergone many changes

over the years. Intrapsychically oriented

therapists, who assumed that personality patterns

are permanently established in the first few years

of life, practiced an exclusively child-centered
treatment. Therapists analyzed children’s social

behavior and play patterns in their offices while

the parents assisted passively by not interfering in

the endeavor. With mounting evidence that social

behavior is changeable at all ages and that parents
exert a continuing influence on their children, a

collaborative form of treatment came into vogue.

Growing out of the psychodynamic tradition, this

approach regarded the child’s troublesome

behavior as a symptom of the parents’ internal 925
pathology. Family members were segregated in

treatment, with the child’s therapist serving

essentially as a baby sitter who played with the

detached symptom amid sand boxes, doll families,

finger paints, and an arsenal of aggression-

eliciting toys, while the adult’s therapist delved

into the mother’s intrapsychic life. Parents’

requests for advice on how to alter their children’s

problems were ignored, evaded, or disapproved as
resistance to self-exploration. Remedial action was

thus deferred for self-analysis of dubious value.

Disappointing results with these time-

consuming endeavors eventually gave rise to
family therapy in which all family members were

seen together. The focus on family

interrelationships was a move in the right

direction, but a joint interview technique does not

necessarily guarantee better outcomes. If the time

is spent mainly in ventilating complaints, 926
assigning blame, and analyzing how each member

contributes to familial malfunctioning, there is

little reason to expect that improvements will

occur with any consistency. If, on the other hand,

family members receive guidance in rewarding

ways of relating to each other, the prospects of

favorable outcomes are good.

A number of studies have already been cited in

which parents were taught child management
skills for specific aggressive problems. Patterson

and his colleagues (Patterson and Cobb, 1971;

Patterson and Reid, 1970) have been evolving

procedures for teaching parents how to deal with
a wide range of problems exhibited by different

family members. Initially, parents familiarize

themselves with principles of learning that help

them understand how social behavior is

established and modified. Following this brief

didactic instruction, parents select problem 927
behaviors they wish to modify. They are then

assigned a special time during each day to record

the incidence of these behaviors, the various

effects they produce, and the family members who

provide the consequences. This observational

phase is designed both to sensitize parents to

social influence processes and to reinforce the set

that they will serve as active agents rather than as

passive recipients of treatment. Once they have
learned to observe interpersonal contingencies

accurately, they are taught, by demonstration and

guided practice, constructive ways of handling

their children's behavior. Family problems are

modified in this manner usually one at a time.

When necessary, new reinforcement practices

are also introduced in classroom settings and peer

groups. Influence over deviant behavior in

extrafamilial situations is typically achieved by a

peer contingency procedure in which the child and 928
his peers initially earn valued rewards for positive

conduct on his part. Concrete rewards are then

gradually reduced until eventually the child’s

behavior is maintained by natural social reactions

of teachers and peers.

In one project reported by Patterson, Ray, and

Shaw (1968), parents reduced the frequency with

which they rewarded coercive behavior from an

average rate of 35 percent during the baseline
period to 10 percent during the intervention

program. Modification of familial reinforcement

practices not only lowered the families’ output of

aggressive behavior, but increased the level and
reciprocity of positive interactions within the

family system. Results of additional studies with

families presenting severe problems of social

aggression reaffirm the efficacy of this type of

approach (Patterson, Cobb, and Ray, 1972).

Through a combination of instruction, 929
demonstration, and guided practice parents can

acquire proficient skills for changing problem

behavior. Difficulties sometimes arise, however, in

their implementation of requisite practices. Efforts

to enhance the effectiveness of this method might

do well to concentrate on the development of

parental incentive systems to ensure that parents

apply the methods they have learned more widely.

Teachers must often deal with children whose

assaultive and disruptive behavior seriously

intrudes on the activities of others. In some

instances these are domineering children who

have been repeatedly reinforced for controlling
their social environment through coercive means.

More often, however, the children resort to

aggressive ways of securing attention when they

lack alternative means of gaining acceptance.

Negative attention-forcing behavior is highly

resistant to change because, to a child of limited 930
skills who desires the recognition of others, even

reprimands serve as rewards. Moreover, in group

situations aversive behaviors that alienate

teachers are frequently reinforced by the

amusement of peers from whom attention is

sought. Once cast in the role of class buffoon, one

loses opportunities to develop his potentialities

unless the detrimental contingencies are reversed.

Madsen and his associates (1968) illustrate

how reprimands may reinforce the very

troublesome behaviors they are intended to

diminish. When teachers admonished students for

disruptive activities, the number of transgressors
promptly increased. In subsequent phases of the

study the number of disrupters declined when

teachers reduced their reprimands and rose again

when they resumed their admonishments. The

chronic problem was solved by ignoring annoying

actions and praising engrossment in learning 931

Many interventions intended as punishments

actually serve as positive reinforcers that maintain

troublesome behavior. Self-defeating practices

usually go unnoticed by those who use them since

they see the immediate results but rarely assess

the full or long-term effects their behavior may

have on others. Detrimental social systems are

unknowingly created and mutually sustained
because aversive behavior is rewarded by the

attention it commands, while the ineffective

control techniques are reinforced by their success

in temporarily checking disturbing performances.
In the preceding example, the teachers

inadvertently rewarded annoying conduct in

students who, in turn, rewarded the teacher’s

shouting by their momentary compliance, with the

net result that both sets of performances were

mutually escalated. 932
In modifying disturbing aggression in school

settings professional personnel serve as

consultants to teachers who are given the

knowledge and skills with which to solve the

problems confronting them. School-based

treatments generally achieve reductions in
aggressive and defiant classroom behavior by

having teachers ignore disruptive activities and

attend positively to educational pursuits (Becker,

Thomas, and Carnine, 1969; Goodlet, Goodlet, and

Dredge, 1970).

Whenever one or more children are singled out

for special treatment in a social context, one must

be sensitive to how other members may be
affected by seeing another’s actions differentially

reinforced. Some teachers fear that increased

attention to the behavior of a problem child will

prompt others to behave in a troublesome way to

secure similar solicitous interest. Such adverse 933
effects would occur if the increased attention were

given noncontingently or if it were gained through

abusive behavior. When annoying conduct is

ignored and constructive actions are commended,

the treatment, in fact, provides others with

positive models for emulation. Nothing is gained

by behaving aggressively. Consistent with these

expectations, research has shown that differential

reinforcement of one child either has no effect on
others (Ward and Baker, 1968) or leads them to

adopt productive activities that they see well

received (Reppucci and Reiss, 1970).

Extinction of Aggression

When reinforcement for a learned response is

withheld, the behavior continues to be performed

for a time, sometimes even briefly increasing in
rate, depending on its prior reinforcement history.

Under consistent nonreward, however, the 934
behavior declines and is eventually discarded. The

use of extinction in multiple procedures has

already been touched upon in the previous

section. Ordinarily, a method combining

nonreward of negative behavior with positive

reinforcement of competing patterns is more

effective than extinction alone. Some of the

problems that may arise in the use of extinction

procedures, either singly or in conjunction with
rewarded alternatives, merit discussion.

When the rewards gained through coercive

behavior are first withheld, it is often intensified in

an effort to restore former benefits. If the more
aversive tactics should force compliant reactions,

the results are worse than if no intervention had

been attempted. In the latter instance the

aggressor is not only rewarded for using more

extreme measures but learns that persistence

eventually pays off, thus increasing the resistance 935
of aggression to extinction. A psychological

principle, no matter how powerful, will yield weak

or variable results if it is not applied consistently.

The importance of uniform social practice in

implementing a change program based on

extinction is revealed in Williams’ (1959)

treatment of aggressively demanding behavior in a

young boy. The child had required special care

during a severe illness and, upon his recovery,
continued to demand the parents’ undivided

attention with intense tantrums and crying spells,

especially at bedtime. The parents were instructed

to put their son to bed in a leisurely, amicable way,
but after completing the bedtime routine, to

ignore his screaming and raging. The duration of

the unrewarded tantrum behavior dropped

markedly and ceased altogether within a few days.

The child no longer created a scene at bedtime, but

instead played happily until he dropped off to 936
sleep. A week later an aunt reinstated the tantrum

behavior by complying with the child's demands

to remain in the room after being put to bed. A

second extinction series produced complete and

enduring remission of the tantrums.

A child’s aversive control of his parents, if

intermittently reinforced, is likely to generalize to

other areas of behavior and to other people. As the

above study shows, after alienating coercive
behaviors are removed, the familial atmosphere

changes from one of recurrent drawn-out battles

to reciprocally rewarding interactions. This case

illustrates several other interesting issues.
Psychotherapy cannot be separated from the

experiences of everyday life. No amount of

insightful conversation will have much effect

unless the reinforcement practices of influential

people in the social system change. There are no

psychological methods that can render a person 937
permanently insensitive to the consequences of

his actions. Nor would such an outcome be

desirable, even if it were possible, because

behavior that remained immune to its effects

would be grossly maladaptive. A remedial

intervention can correct a reciprocally reinforcing

system gone awry, but whether induced changes

generalize and endure depends upon the

prevailing reinforcement practices in different
social contexts. To continue with the preceding

example, if parents ignore tantrums but others

reward them, tantrums will occur to some extent

unless others also alter their way of reacting to

them. If, for whatever reason, the behavior of

certain members of the social environment cannot

be changed, significant though less generalized

reduction in aggression can still be achieved.

Given conflicting contingencies, individuals

eventually distinguish between situations in which 938
their aggressive actions succeed or fail and behave


Some forms of aggression are more amenable

to extinction treatment than others. One can

render verbal attacks, annoying actions, and

oppositional response ineffective simply by

choosing not to respond to them. But a tough

aggressor can get what he wants by physical force

regardless of the interest or cooperation shown by
his victims. Brown and Elliott (1965) report

findings that have a bearing on this issue. They

instructed teachers to ignore aggression and to

reward cooperative behavior in an effort to reduce

the combativeness of 27 boys in a nursery school
class. Under these reinforcement practices both

physical and verbal aggression declined. After the

program was discontinued, physical aggression

showed some recovery during a follow-up period.

The authors attributed the recurrence to teachers’ 939
difficulty in refraining from intervening and

interacting with the boys when they assaulted

others. Although these results are explainable in

terms of differential reactions of teachers, it is also

probably true that physical aggression was

intermittently reinforced by its success in

extracting compliance from peers, apart from the

teachers’ interest. A second application of the

reinforcement program produced additional
reductions in physical and verbal assaults.

In cases in which aggressive behavior is

injurious or seriously infringes on the

prerogatives of others, a simple extinction
procedure may not be feasible. Pinkston, Reese, Le

Blanc, and Baer (1972) tested an extinction

treatment that protects the victim from harm. It

consists essentially of ignoring the aggressor while

attending to the victim by shielding him from

further attack and arranging interesting activities 940
for him. An explosively violent boy who proved

unresponsive to reasoning, imposed limits, and

reprimands promptly reduced his physical attacks

when this type of treatment was instituted.

Hurtful conduct generally alienates one from

others. In keeping with expectation, elimination of

injurious behavior alone enhanced the boy’s

positive relationship with his peers.

Protective extinction may be feasible with

young children but it would be difficult to apply

either to older aggressors or to problems in which

an entire group is victimized. In such instances

aggressive actions are typically controlled by
negative sanctions while other coping styles are

being developed.

The behavior exhibited during the course of

extinction is primarily determined by the response

options available to the individual. As dominant 941
aggressive responses prove ineffective, a person
will try alternative courses of action that have

been successful in the past. No special problems

are created by the use of extinction alone when

the available alternatives are constructive. If,

however, the responses in an individual’s

repertoire are largely negative, a change agent

may be faced with the arduous task of eliminating

a succession of detrimental tendencies. This

problem can be avoided by combining extinction

with modeling and reinforcement procedures that

foster alternative means of securing desired

outcomes. Individuals undergoing extinction alone

learn what no longer works but remain uncertain

about, or unskilled in, better options, whereas the

combined use of extinction and reinforced

modeling provides positive guidance. These

considerations apply equally to punishment

control of aggression, which is discussed next. 942

Punishing consequences are widely applied to

people in all walks of life in efforts to reduce or to

eliminate troublesome behavior. In many

instances aversive control is favored because it is

reinforcing to the punisher rather than beneficial

to the recipient. A method that is quick and
effective in stopping disturbing behavior will be

sufficiently rewarding to the user to be retained

even though it may have minimal or adverse long-

term effects for all concerned.

In professional circles two major criticisms

were levied against the use of punishment to

modify behavior. It was argued, more from belief

than from fact, that negative sanctions are

relatively ineffective and that furthermore, they
produce undesirable side effects. However, as

empirical evidence accumulated on how negative

consequences influence behavior, blanket 943
rejection gave way to qualified acceptance. Many
of the unfavorable properties ascribed to

punishment are not necessarily inherent in the

methods themselves, but result from the faulty

manner in which they are usually applied. In

everyday use punishments are typically excessive,

ill-timed, erratic, and administered vengefully

without providing any positive direction. Results

of numerous studies show that under certain

conditions detrimental behavior can be effectively

modified by negative consequences and that

adverse side effects need not occur.

Negative consequences may involve either

withdrawal of rewards or administration of

aversive effects. Aversive control through physical

punishment and other painful outcomes is seldom

employed in judicious change programs and then

only to control seriously injurious behavior

requiring active interventions. Withdrawal of 944
rewards is more commonly used on occasions

when negative sanctions are needed. In the latter

case, the response costs of aggression may take

the form of monetary penalties, temporary

forfeiture of privileges and possessions, or brief

removal from rewarding situations for assaultive

or destructive actions.

The adjunctive use of punishment by reward

withdrawal has certain advantages over physical
aversive procedures. As previously shown, painful

treatment may arouse counteraggression or

avoidance of the punishers, thus weakening their

potential influence. In contrast, interventions that
chiefly involve removal of valued things not only

generate weaker emotional disturbances, but

foster contact with the disciplinarian who can

reinstate the forfeited rewards. If restoration of

positive reinforcers is made contingent upon

constructive actions, rapid behavioral changes 945
may in fact result. In addition, reward withdrawal

techniques provide more acceptable and feasible

alternatives to physical punishment, which most

change agents are understandably loath to use.

Punishment is rarely employed as a sole

method of modifying aggressive behavior. Rather,

it is applied in conjunction with positive influences

conducive to the development of more rewarding

styles of conduct. In other words, in effective
intervention one does not punish without offering

better alternatives. For aggressors who have

already developed other social skills that are

potentially reinforceable, negative consequences
can produce rapid, lasting changes. As long as the

aversive outcomes of aggression override its

benefits, it will not be utilized. If more effective

options are practiced during this period, the

behavioral changes initiated by punishment are

likely to endure after the negative sanctions have 946
been discontinued. For persons who have

perfected mainly aggressive ways of achieving

desired results, punishment alone produces, at

best, selective inhibition. Disapproved actions will

be suppressed in the punisher’s presence but

readily performed toward others and at times and

places where the probability of adverse

consequences is low. In treating aggressors with

skill deficiencies, punishment serves as a
temporary inhibitor of injurious behavior while

rewardable competencies are being established

and strengthened.

Reduction of Aggression by Reward Withdrawal

Reinforcement withdrawal has proved to be an

effective means of managing deleterious behavior

that impedes the aggressor’s own development or
seriously infringes on the well-being of others. In

work with children short periods of social 947
exclusion are typically used as negative

consequences for transgressive behavior. The

child is told in advance that whenever he

misbehaves he will be sent to another room for a

specified time. This is done immediately, naturally,

and in a firm but nonhostile manner. To avoid

arousing needless anger, only brief exclusion

periods of 10 to 15 minutes are employed, and the

timeout room is designed as a neutral rather than
an aversive place. The source of influence should

be the temporary loss of rewards rather than

devaluation or vindictiveness, which are likely to

create more serious problems than those the

intervention was intended to remedy. If, during

the exclusion interval, the person continues to act

aggressively, the separation period is extended

until after the behavior subsides. Under this type

of contingency self-control is readily established.

Social attention accompanying a disciplinary 948
intervention may unintentionally reinforce the

preceding transgressive actions. Change agents

therefore minimize social and verbal interaction

as much as possible while the negative sanction is

applied. They do not argue, moralize, or offer

apologetic explanations. When prearranged

contingencies are applied in a consistent,

nonpunitive fashion, a person is more likely to

regard the interventions as natural consequences
of his behavior than as arbitrary or malevolent

treatment by others. The effectiveness of a timeout

procedure is, of course, determined by the

rewarding value of the situation from which one is


Judicious use of reinforcement withdrawal as

part of a broad program is illustrated in the

treatment of an autistic boy by Wolf, Risley, and

Mees (1964). In addition to grossly retarded social

and verbal development, the boy exhibited violent 949
temper tantrums during which he would inflict

serious injury on himself. After a tantrum he was

badly bruised and bleeding, and refused to sleep at

night, forcing one or both parents to remain by his

bed. Sedatives, tranquilizers, and physical

restraints were applied without success. When it

became clear that refusal to wear eyeglasses

(necessitated by removal of cataractal lenses)

might result in ultimate blindness, behavior
therapists were invited by the hospital staff to

devise a treatment program for him. Ward

attendants, and later the parents, carried out the

prescribed procedures under the guidance of the


Most of the serious recurrent behaviors, which

obstructed any remedial efforts, were eliminated

by combined use of extinction and brief

separation. In modifying the tantrum behavior, for

example, whenever the boy slapped himself and 950
whined, he was placed in his room for ten minutes

or until the disturbing action ceased. Under this

contingency tantrums gradually declined and

eventually disappeared. Eating problems, in which

the boy grabbed food from others, threw it about

the room, or ate with his fingers, were rapidly

eliminated in a similar manner. The attendants

simply removed him from the dining room for the

remainder of his meal for snatching or tossing
food after a warning, and withdrew his plate for a

few minutes whenever he ate with his fingers.

Normal sleeping patterns were established within

a week by not acceding to his demanding

behavior. Finally, destructive discarding of glasses

ceased within five days when the boy was placed

briefly in his room for throwing his eyeglasses, or

if tantrums developed, until they abated.

The foregoing account describes the punishing

consequences for destructive actions. In the total 951
program, positive incentives were also extensively

used to get the boy to wear glasses, and he was

assisted and rewarded for positive

responsiveness. Prior to treatment, he lacked any

communicative skills. These were gradually

established by reinforced modeling. The

development of rewarding competencies

undoubtedly contributed to the effectiveness of

mild punishment.

As the boy’s social functioning improved,

contacts with the family and home were

progressively increased. At first the parents

visited the hospital and observed how tantrums
and bedtime struggles were handled by the

attendants. Subsequently the parents made

several weekly visits, during which an attendant

observed and instructed them in their handling of

their son. Then the boy began short home visits

accompanied by an attendant, followed by 952
progressively longer visits. Initially, the child

almost succeeded in reinstating control over the

parents by aversive tantrums, but with the

attendant’s corrective guidance coercion no longer

worked. After discharge, his extreme behavior

problems ceased, he had become increasingly

verbal, and the family interactions were

considerably more enjoyable. The reinforcement

practices were applied for several years in a
nursery school setting where the boy made

sufficient progress to enroll in public school

(Risley and Wolf, 1966; Wolf et al., 1967). Social

withdrawal procedures were used occasionally in

early phases to eliminate tantrum behavior,

exhibited when he was asked to perform

instructional tasks, and to control hurtful acts

toward other children.

Following the general rule that problems are

best treated in the environment in which they 953
occur, hyperaggressive behavior has been

successively eliminated in children by their

parents (Allison and Allison, 1971; Zeilberger,

Sampen, and Sloane, 1968), nursery school

teachers (Clark, Rowbury, Baer, and Baer, 1970;

Sloane, Johnston, and Bijou, 1967), and hospital

attendants (Bostow and Bailey, 1969), by

rewarding friendliness and punishing harmful

actions with brief social withdrawal. Figure 5.3
presents illustrative documentation of results

from treatments employing contingency reversals.

Similar interventions have yielded favorable

outcomes with older children when ignoring

troublesome behavior failed to produce results

(Sibley, Abbott, and Cooper, 1969; Sulzer, Mayer,

and Cody, 1968). As injurious behavior is

eliminated, positive interactions with peers

become reciprocally rewarding so that aggression

is rarely resorted to even after the negative 954
FIGURE 5.3 Rate of aggressive responding during treatment
periods when positive responses were rewarded and
injurious actions were punished by brief social exclusion.
The upper figure shows the reductions in physical
aggression achieved by a mother in her 5-year-old son
(Zeilberger, Sampen, and Sloane, Jr., 1968); the lower
figure presents the results for the treatment of an
assaultive adult by hospital personnel (Bostow and Bailey,
1969). 955
sanctions have been discontinued (LeBlanc, Busby,

and Thomson, 1971).

A variant of reward withdrawal is reported by

Keirsey (1969) for handling seriously disruptive

or injurious behavior that has resisted concerted

remedial efforts. The method essentially involves a

behavior contract that specifies clearly the

distressing actions requiring control, the

responsibilities that each participant must
assume, and the consequences that transgressions

will produce. In a joint meeting including the child,

his parents, his teacher, and the principal, the

supervising counselor enlists the child’s help to

control, as best he can, behavior that disturbs all
concerned. Whenever his aggressive actions

exceed acceptable limits, the teacher must ask him

to leave the school for the remainder of the day.

She is further instructed not to threaten, coax,

urge, or scold the child, nor to engage in 956
persuasive attempts to alter his behavior, all of

which could function as attentional rewards for

transgressing. Rather, the prearranged sanctions

are applied immediately and consistently so that

the child looks upon them as natural, predictable

consequences of his misdeeds. When the child

arrives home, the parents are told to keep him at

home until the time he normally returns from

school, but otherwise to refrain from scolding or
applying other disciplinary measures.

High rates of success are reported for this

method in reducing chronically disruptive

behavior (Blackham and Silberman, 1971; Keirsey,
1969). However, no quantitative results are

presented, nor have the conditions under which

this method is most efficacious been

systematically examined. An exclusion procedure

will prove ineffective, or may even augment

deviant responsiveness, if the situation from 957
which the individual has been removed is

unrewarding or unpleasant. Apparently this

problem has rarely arisen, which suggests that

even children who experience serious difficulties

in the classroom find attendance at school more

attractive than sitting alone at home. Results of

studies previously cited suggest that short periods

of exclusion might work as well as, or even better

than, prolonged suspension from classroom
activities. When misdeeds produce brief reward

withdrawal, children have repeated opportunities

to cope successfully with situational demands and

thus to improve their level of self-control. The

corrective power of even the extended exclusion

method could probably be increased by rewarding

achievements as well as punishing transgressions.

In most of the cases discussed thus far the

favorable changes induced by parents or teachers

are likely to be supported in peer relations. When 958
peer influences conflict with the behaviors

promoted by the staff, as in correctional

institutions, negative sanctions achieve, at best,

only temporary control over aggressive behavior.

Tyler and his associates (Burchard and Tyler,

1965; Tyler and Brown, 1967) greatly reduced

aggressive behavior in delinquent boys by means

of brief social exclusion without any threats,

invectives, sermonizing or negotiations for a
second chance. However, when the negative

sanctions were removed, the rate of offenses

increased rapidly. After the punishment

contingency was again reinstated, disruptive

behavior subsided with equal rapidity and

remained at a low level. In a subsequent study,

Brown and Tyler (1968) succeeded in dethroning

a tough delinquent who exercised powerful

intimidating control over his peers by excluding

him whenever he or his cohorts forced 959
subservience from weaker members. The costs of

autocratic delinquent control proved too high to

continue it. Since he was held accountable for any

trouble that might develop in the cottage, he not

only ceased promoting disruptive behavior but

tried to dissuade others from it. Given a powerful
delinquent system, however, punishment may

downgrade one domineering leader only to

elevate another one without restructuring the

peer reinforcement system to any significant


Aversive control can be an effective method for

managing aggressive behavior in residential

settings, but it is unlikely to have much
rehabilitative value in correctional institutions as

they are constituted at present. If negative

sanctions applied by staff members are strong

enough to outweigh contravening peer influences,

socially conforming behavior may be achieved and 960
sustained as long as the institutional sanctions

remain in effect. When aversive controls are

removed, however, peer reinforcement practices

usually reinstate deviant patterns of behavior. It

will be shown later that modification of antisocial

aggression requires fundamental changes in the

treatment systems themselves.

Reduction of Aggression by Aversive Consequences

Physically painful consequences are

sometimes applied to behavior so destructive to

oneself or to others that it calls for drastic

measures. Such behavior is most frequently found

among institutionalized retardates and those

suffering from gross behavior disorders. Ludwig,

Marx, Hill, and Browning (1969), for example,

curbed potentially homicidal behavior in a
schizophrenic woman who terrorized fellow

patients and staff alike by surprise vicious attacks 961
upon them. After she had received every variety of

psychiatric therapy to no avail, an effort was made

to control her violent actions through aversive

consequences. The aggressive episodes generally

followed a common sequence: When asked to do

something, the patient would become surly and

resistive. If pressed further, she would

successively cry, complain angrily that she was

being persecuted and abused, and then threaten to
harm or to kill the staff. After voicing threats she

would calm down, causing the staff to lower their

guard, whereupon she would strike out without

warning. In the treatment program physical

assaults, aggressive threats, and accusatory

verbalizations were successively eliminated by

administering a brief shock via a faradic

stimulator upon their occurrence. As her violence

was brought under control, the quality of her

interactions changed from paranoid 962
combativeness to a more warm and friendly

responsiveness. Her general level of functioning

also improved substantially. In many respects, the

treatment achieved what the patient perceived its

purpose to be: “You’re trying to make a human

being out of me.” Unfortunately, sometimes this
requires painful interventions.

Results of a study by Agras (1967) suggest that

violent behavior may, in some instances, be
controllable by eliminating its ideational

precursors. A chronic schizophrenic had to be

physically restrained because of uncontrollable

tendencies to smash any glass in sight. He

participated in a series of sessions during which
he visualized himself breaking glass, whereupon

he was administered a painful shock. As the

treatment progressed, the latency of the

destructive imagery increased and eventually he

lost all urge to smash glass. A follow-up study 963
revealed that, except for one minor incident, the

destructive behavior never appeared again.

One of the most perplexing and dangerous

disorders involves self-injurious behavior. In its

more extreme forms, children pummel their faces

repeatedly, bang their heads forcibly against hard

or sharp objects, tear and bite off pieces of flesh

from their bodies, or exhibit some other type of

self-mutilating behavior. Because of the serious
risk of permanent physical injury, such children

are usually kept in continuous physical restraints.

The maintaining conditions of self-injurious

behavior are not fully understood, but it is
amenable to control through variation of

reinforcing consequences. In a series of studies

Lovaas and his colleagues (Bucher and Lovaas,

1968; Lovaas, Freitag, Gold, and Kassorla, 1965;

Lovaas and Simmons, 1969) have shown that 964
neither social deprivation nor social satiation have
any appreciable effect upon self-mutilating

responses. Contingent rewards, however,

increased such actions, especially if given only

periodically, as typically happens in understaffed

institutions. Thus, self-injurious responses

increase when they elicit solicitous attention and

reassuring comments from adults, whereas such

behavior is promptly reduced to its original

baseline level after the positive reactions are

discontinued. Self-injurious responses are also

readily cued off by events signifying withdrawal of

social reinforcement for other behaviors.

Experiments with primates reported by Schaefer

(1970) shed further light on reinforcement control

of self-inflicted injuries. He was able to establish

and to maintain a high rate of head-hitting by

rewarding such performances with food initially

for each self-hit and later for every fifth response. 965
Moreover, by rewarding self-hits only when the

experimenter emitted sympathetic remarks, but

not in the absence of these words, self-hitting was

brought under verbal stimulus control. Self-hitting

could now be promptly evoked by the verbal cues


Although self-injurious behavior may be partly

maintained by its social consequences, the

evidence is conflicting on this point. Subtle
changes in social reinforcement, as when an adult

remains with a child without attending to him

when lie hits himself, does not seem to affect the

rate of self-injurious acts (Lovaas et al., 1965;

Risley, 1968). Withdrawal of social contact for a
brief period reduces self-injurious behavior, but

occasionally children are unaffected even by these

more powerful consequences (Risley, 1968).

Whatever the controlling variables might be in any

given case, preliminary findings indicate that 966
chronic and intractable self-injurious behavior can

be successfully eliminated with beneficial results

by either ignoring or punishing it.

Lovaas and Simmons (1969) showed, with

children who had been in continuous restraints,

that if self-injurious behavior produces no social

effects, it decreases gradually and eventually

disappears. In some cases, however, when self-

mutilating behavior is first placed on extinction it
may temporarily increase in intensity, which could

be potentially dangerous. Extinctions therefore

cannot be safely employed unless adequate

safeguards are available (Harmatz and
Rasmussen, 1969). Self-destructive responses can

be promptly and completely eliminated by

contingent application of a few painful shocks. In

one of several cases reported by Bucher and

Lovaas (1968), a seven-year-old schizophrenic

boy who had been self-injurious since the age of 967
two performed approximately 3,000 self-

pummeling responses during a period of 90

minutes when his physical restraints were

removed. This behavior was almost totally

eliminated in four sessions by the use of 12

contingent shocks. Self-destructive behavior that

had persisted over a period of six years was also

rapidly and durably removed in a schizophrenic

after she received a total of 15 shocks for beating
her head. In each case reported, contingent

aversive consequences not only removed self-

mutilating behavior, but the children decreased

their whining and became more responsive to the

therapists. Uniformly favorable results have been

obtained with other retardates and autistic

children who for years suffered severe self-

inflicted injuries. Cessation of self-injurious

behavior is often specific to the situation in which

punishment is administered. Generalized 968
reductions can be achieved, however, by a few

punishments or verbal reprimands in other

settings in which the responses occur.

Brief social withdrawal made contingent on

self-destructive behavior is sometimes sufficient

to remove it permanently. Hamilton, Stephens, and

Allen (1967) were consistently successful in

eliminating injurious aggressive and self-

destructive behavior in severely retarded
adolescents by social exclusion. In each instance,

the individual was physically confined to a chair in

a timeout area for a fixed period following an

injurious act. In one case, a girl beat her head and

back against the wall a total of 35,906 times
during four 6-hour observations. While the

timeout contingency was in effect, head-banging

precipitously dropped to a negligible level of 7, 2,

0, 1, 0 for five successive weeks and never

reappeared during nine months of follow-up 969
study. Of considerable import, both from a clinical

and an ethical standpoint, is that after the

continual self-mutilating behavior was eliminated,

the children participated with evident enjoyment

in daily social and recreational activities.

It is noteworthy that brief programs of

contingent punishment can remove self-

destructive behavior of long standing and improve

social functioning as well. After self-injurious
behavior is eliminated, children generally become

more socially responsive and display increased

imitativeness, thus enabling them to acquire new

patterns of behavior. If further studies support
this conclusion, there will remain no justification

for having children mutilating themselves or

spending their early years uselessly in physical


Several factors may account for spontaneous 970
improvements in social behavior following
reduction of aggression. One explanation is in

terms of the self-enhancing effects of increased

freedom of action. When aggressors discard

provocative activities that consume much time,

they begin to make contact with potentially

rewarding aspects of the environment that were

always available and that automatically reinforce

emergent patterns. A person’s environment

expands markedly after he has been freed from

the restraints imposed by his aggressiveness

toward himself or others. Not only is contact with

positive features of the existing environment

increased, but reduction in violent conduct

changes the nature of the social environment.

Others become more friendly when they are no

longer being frightened or angered. Positive

responsiveness, in turn, promotes cordial

counterreactions. Once a reciprocally reinforcing 971
interaction is initiated between nonviolent

behavior and environmental rewards, widespread

changes may result even though amicable conduct

was never deliberately cultivated.

Another issue requiring comment is why

relatively mild punishment used therapeutically

can achieve lasting results, whereas even drastic

punishment often fails to suppress aggressive

conduct or even aggravates it. The discrepancy
may be explained in several ways. In treatment,

unpleasant consequences are used constructively

to improve social functioning rather than

vindictively or devaluatively. When aversive

procedures are essential for alleviating
detrimental conditions, they are generally viewed

as an unpleasant though necessary part of

treatment, comparable to the painful routines of

physical medicine. If the therapeutic intent is

clearly conveyed in the context of positive 972
alternatives, negative sanctions will have fewer

adverse side effects than when punishment is

applied hostilely merely to suppress troublesome

behavior with high functional value for the

performer. The same punishing consequences may

therefore be strongly resented or willingly

accepted depending upon the perceived intent of

the agent, and whether the sanctions are applied

mainly for his own convenience or for the benefit
of the recipient. If the initially painful

ministrations of dentists and surgeons were seen

as punishment for developing maladies, these

practitioners would be feared and hated rather

than sought out.

Undesirable emotional effects can be

substantially reduced by arranging in advance

explicit contractual contingencies that clearly

define the broad limits of permissible and

punishable behavior. Prearranged contingencies 973
implemented in a responsible fashion will more

likely be regarded as natural consequences of

transgression than as arbitrary interpersonal


The power of punishment to create

dysfunctional fears or defenses depends on the

total context of experiences in which it appears.

Occasional painful experiences occurring among

many neutral or rewarding ones are generally
ineffective in creating inappropriate fears

(Rescorla, 1969). If change agents did little more

than punish aggressive behavior, they would

undoubtedly take on frightening or angering
qualities. In well-designed treatment programs

they, in fact, are highly supportive and rewarding

so that a few circumscribed sanctions are unlikely

to jeopardize the usually positive relationship.

Punishment by an otherwise warm, rewarding

person is more effective in reducing prohibited 974
behavior than that by a nonnurturant one (Parke,

1969; Parke and Walters, 1967).

A third possible explanation concerns the

manner in which negative consequences are

applied. Ordinarily the contingency, certainty, and

immediacy of punishment are more important

than its severity. In therapeutic practice

consequences are administered immediately and

consistently for clearly designated transgressions.
If generalized reduction in prohibited behavior is

desired, the negative sanctions are applied in

varied contexts by different individuals. In a

comparison of certainty and severity of
punishment, Pendergrass (1971) found that brief

seclusion for each interpersonal attack was more

effective in eliminating assaultive behavior than

long seclusion applied periodically. Even weak

punishment used in conjunction with rewarded

alternatives can produce enduring positive 975
changes where severe punishment alone fails. An

additional factor contributing to the relative

success of remedial sanctions is that rewards for

aggressive behavior are removed as much as

possible, whereas in usual efforts at social control

punishment is simply superimposed upon

rewards that remain operative. Any of these

features may account for variations in the

corrective power of punishing consequences.


Most youngsters who repeatedly engage in

delinquent conduct eventually appear in

correctional institutions. Such centers generally
provide adequate custodial care, but they are

severely limited by their structure and

institutional practices in creating the kinds of

experiences conducive to constructive personality

change. Most are admittedly oriented toward 976
custody and make no pretense at remediation.

However, Polsky (1962) among others, documents

how even well-intentioned treatment centers can

become agencies for antisocial learning.

A sizable group of delinquents is typically

assigned to a living unit with one or two adult

supervisors. Within this social context a powerful

peer subculture is formed containing status

hierarchies based upon delinquent values and
skills. Social ranking and control are achieved

largely through intimidation and physical

domination. Tough boys and their cohorts, having

gained power through forceful means, bully and
exploit weaker members who become subservient.

Their victimization is usually facilitated by

devaluing them as “queers” or subhumans.

Newcomers are subjected to similar humiliating

treatment from which they can escape by

successful aggressive challenges of higher ranking 977
members. Under a reign of force victors perfect

aggressive styles of behavior, while the

downgraded are demoralized.

The peer system receives support from various

sources. The prevailing code of conduct effectively

shapes and controls its members in directions that

often subvert the treatment efforts of the staff. A

contingency analysis by Buehler, Patterson, and

Furniss (1966), for example, revealed that
delinquents generously rewarded antisocial

conduct but disapproved of actions that either

deviated from their own norms or conformed to

institutional standards. Nor does the residential
staff escape the boys’ coercive control. Being

greatly outnumbered, supervisors need the

cooperation of peer leaders to maintain order in

residential units for which they bear

responsibility. Supervisors are therefore inclined

to patronize the delinquent leadership by 978
accommodating to their reinforcement practices

(Polsky, 1962). At periodic intervals the

professional staff engage the boys in therapeutic

conversations, while in their daily cottage life they

are mutually reinforcing the very attitudes and

behaviors that led to their incarceration.

Upon their return to society many continue a

life of aggression that, sooner or later, sends them

to more callous institutions in the correctional
hierarchy. Eventually they end up serving long

terms in walled prisons under subhuman living

conditions. During this confinement prisoners are

repeatedly subjected to degrading and brutal
treatment at the hands of their keepers or fellow


Almost everyone acknowledges that the

present correctional practices are antiquated. High

recidivism rates attest to the fact that they do not 979
accomplish the purposes by which they are
justified. If anything, the dehumanizing prison

experiences create obstacles to constructive

change. It is incongruous that a society remains

willing to underwrite, at enormous human and

financial costs, penal systems that are admitted

failures. Although the need for drastic reforms is

repeatedly voiced by insiders and outsiders alike,

the corrosive practices remain. Responsible

indictments produce inaction perhaps because,

despite the avowed aims, the public is more

interested in punishing than in rehabilitating

transgressors. One can point to evidence that

public figures are applauded by large segments of

the population more enthusiastically for

advocating punitive controls than for humane

remedial measures, which get criticized as

“coddling.” The public costs of punitiveness are

too remote and obscure to be seen as doing more 980
social harm than good.

Another explanation is that dysfunctional

systems persist because they are not held

accountable for the quality of their services.

Agency practices tend to be adopted for the

convenience of those who run the place at the

expense of client benefits. As long as operating

funds are not linked to accomplishments, there is

little challenge for change. Popular sentiment
regarding criminal offenders reinforces inaction

even by dedicated personnel with the best of

intentions. The remedial gains that accrue from

lifting punitive restraints receive little notice,

whereas occasional failures are widely publicized,
often with political repercussions. This is hardly

the climate conducive to innovative practice.

Rather, it requires special effort to introduce

reforms that carry some risk when efficient,

though nonrehabilitative, custody suffices. Major 981
accomplishments in the correctional field require

a system of accountability that rewards program

improvement. External audits of correctional

practices and their degree of success would

provide motivating incentives to devise more

promising approaches.

It is difficult to alter huge malfunctioning

agencies by internal modification alone because

many of the functionaries in the system either
have a vested interest in the existing procedures

or are fearful of trying unproven alternatives.

Agencies can be changed much faster by devising

successful programs on a limited scale outside the
system, and then using the power of superior

alternatives as the instrument of influence. If

officials are held answerable for the results of

their treatments, ineffective practices cannot be

long defended after new ones have been tried and

proved superior. 982
Amelioration of antisocial aggression requires

changing not only correctional systems, but also

weak psychological theories that prescribe the

remedial measures. Interventions must be

reoriented from probing for internal

malfunctioning to social treatment. By altering
social practices in the family and school and

changing community influences that foster

aggressive behavior, the development of

assaultive personalities can be largely prevented.

Tharp and Wetzel (1969) provide many examples

of the techniques of consultation and intervention

in the natural environment. Serious forms of

aggression that may initially require residential

treatment will, of course, occasionally arise.

Home-style remedial programs based on

learning principles are being developed as an

alternative system to existing correctional

facilities. Functioning units within the community 983
contract with the court to treat juvenile offenders

who would otherwise be sent to reformatories. In

the prototype program (Phillips, 1968; Phillips,

Wolf, and Fixsen, 1972), a pair of house parents,

skilled in methods of behavior modification,

resides with a small group of delinquent boys in a

home located in the community. Beneficial

changes are fostered initially through a system of

immediate tangible rewards and later by more
intrinsic and natural consequences. A positive

learning environment is created in which boys

earn points for designated social behavior, self-

care, and academic activities that enhance their

competencies, and lose points for transgressive

actions. Various treats and privileges are secured

with the points, first on a daily basis and later on a

weekly arrangement.

Contingency reversals demonstrate the

necessity of concrete rewards in early phases of 984
the remedial program. Boys adopt and maintain

constructive patterns of behavior when they result

in point consequences linked to deferred rewards,

whereas they quickly revert to their old patterns

when all privileges are made available

noncontingently (Phillips, 1968). Home-based

reinforcement is likewise highly effective in

improving class-room performance (Bailey, Wolf,

and Phillips, 1970). In the absence of special
incentives boys spent about 65 percent of their

time disrupting classroom activities and only 35

percent of their time studying. In contrast, when

they earned privileges in the home for working

productively in school and lost privileges for

disrupting the place, they studied better than 90

percent of the time, a notable achievement for

students formerly regarded as unmotivated and


Contingency systems can vary on several 985
dimensions, depending on whether performance

tasks are assigned to individuals or if the group

decides on the distribution of labor; whether

reinforcements are given for individual

performance or for the group’s combined

achievements; whether rewards and privileges are

tied to specific performances or to levels of

functioning encompassing multiple competencies;

whether the system rewards desired
performances, punishes transgressions, or

arranges both types of consequences; and whether

the contingencies are implemented by the staff or

by peer members themselves.

Researchers have begun to examine how

different organizational practices affect group

functioning and satisfaction. The merits of a given

system are measured against four standards. It

should be effective in achieving changes in

psychological functioning. It should be preferred 986
by the participants. It should be practical in that

participants assume responsibility for regulating

their activities with minimal adult supervision.

And it should be educational by developing

competencies that will be useful for the

participants in the future. Phillips, Wolf, and

Fixsen (1972) found that a system combining

group assignment of tasks with group

consequences was of limited effectiveness. When
performance by any member benefits the entire

group, individual members come to expect

somebody else to do the work, with the result that

both individual and group performances

progressively deteriorate. Individual assignment

with group consequences produced somewhat

better results, as did completely individualized

systems in which adults assigned tasks to each boy

and rewarded his individual accomplishments.

One limitation of an exclusively adult- 987
implemented program is that it places the burden

for managing conduct on the staff, which tends to

create antagonistic positions. Greater progress can

be achieved if peers are enlisted to further the

values and goals of the treatment program. In this

regard, Phillips, Wolf, and Fixsen (1972) report

that the contingency system which proved most

effective and which was clearly preferred was one

in which the boys periodically elected a peer
leader who assigned required tasks to them

individually and rewarded or penalized them

according to their performance. To ensure that the

leader used his delegated power constructively, he

earned or lost points depending on how well those

he supervised carried out their obligations. Apart

from its favorable short-term results, a self-

governing reinforcement system has greater

educational potential because it provides

experience in responsible and cooperative social 988
living. As a general rule, contingency systems

combining rewards and negative sanctions were

not only more effective but, surprisingly, were

liked better by the boys than ones relying solely

on rewards. An environment in which individuals

can engage in transgressive behavior with
immunity apparently holds lesser satisfactions for

its members.

There is no single optimal system because

different goals and variations in the functioning

levels of groups require different reinforcement

practices. A completely individualized system is

well suited for creating autonomous, self-

determined people. If, on the other hand, one
wishes to promote shared responsibility and

contribution to common goals, then this objective

can be best accomplished by instituting

reinforcement contingencies on a group basis.

Here, individual benefits depend upon the level of 989
group performance; conversely, with shared

accountability censurable conduct by any given

member produces negative consequences for the

entire group. By having people share in the

consequences of their decisions and actions, their

level of social responsibility and involvement is

increased. The negative by-products of excessive

individualism or collectiveness can be minimized

by including both individual and group-oriented
reinforcement. In a double contingency system, a

given member’s outcomes are determined by both

the extent of his own contribution and the group's

overall attainments.

At higher levels of functioning, rewards and

privileges are usually tied to ranks rather than to

individual performances. In areas requiring

specialized skills social ranking is conducted

formally, but in many situations members are

differentiated in status informally. In applying 990
hierarchical contingency systems, successive

phases that require progressively higher levels of

functioning in a variety of activities are devised. As

individuals progress through these sequential

steps by developing the requisite skills, they

receive increased rewards and freedom of action.

In the study cited earlier, Martin and her

associates (1968) found that a hierarchical reward

structure was superior to one in which specific
performances were individually reinforced.

Indeed, the latter arrangement produced much

wrangling over unfairness because, in an effort to

support progress by youngsters at different

competence levels, they received comparable

rewards for differing achievements.

Programs aimed at increasing social and

intellectual competencies in persons lacking self-

regulatory skills may initially require immediate

reinforcement of specific performances. However, 991
as progress is achieved, individuals are promoted

to phase systems analogous to those existing in

community life. In the treatment approach

developed by Phillips, Wolf, and Fixsen (1972),

after youngsters increase their competence

sufficiently, they are advanced to a higher system

in which all privileges are given free as long as

they exhibit responsible behavior. Should they

revert to reprehensible conduct, they are returned
to the more concrete system until they are better

able to manage increased independence. When

members reach the stage at which they can

maintain self-directive behavior under natural

consequences, they return home or, if that

possibility does not exist, are placed in a foster

home. Parents receive some training in

constructive ways of relating to their children

before they are discharged.

If the promise of home-style treatment is 992
confirmed by follow-up studies, it will gain

acceptance as a more effective and humane

alternative to incarceration. This approach holds

additional advantages. In reorienting life styles

one is dealing with morals and values. Although

heterogeneous communities have many shared

values, different segments of the population favor

different conduct norms and ideals. Because of

their small size and flexibility, home-style,
community-based programs allow for the

modification of antisocial aggression within

multivalued frameworks.

Institutional Remedial Systems

Most correctional institutions are conducted

on a contingent-punishment, noncontingent-
reward basis. That is, the residents obtain
whatever rewards and privileges the place has to

offer as long as they comply with the house rules, 993
but the privileges are promptly withdrawn for

uncooperative or disruptive behavior. Thus, the

threat of punishment is ever present, whereas the

positive incentives for behavior change, though

available, are poorly managed. Under such

circumstances, most participants comply

halfheartedly with the minimum demands of the

institution in order to avoid penalties for any

breach of the rules.

In an effective program of change,

reinforcement contingencies should be arranged

to create competencies for future use, rather than

to extract minimal compliance with situational
demands. All residents receive humane treatment

on a noncontingent basis, but they can earn valued

rewards and privileges for progress in acquiring

educational, vocational, and social skills that

create effective alternatives to antisocial conduct.

A remedial program so structured can be managed 994
without resort to those punitive measures that are

commonly employed in penal institutions. By

placing the residents’ living conditions on a self-

determining basis, the system not only provides

positive incentives for constructive change but

renders nonfunctional peer control practices that

subvert remedial efforts. When contingencies are

arranged so that constructive behavior secures

good results and antisocial conduct has limited
payoff, little is to be gained from outwitting staff

members or provoking them by crisis-producing


Competence Training

People are unlikely to adopt or to adhere to

socially acceptable life styles if they lack legitimate

means of gaining the things that are highly valued
by the culture. Because of adverse learning

histories and wasted years of incarceration, most 995
inmates in correctional institutions are

handicapped by gross deficits in educational and

vocational skills. As a consequence, those who lack

the necessities of life or who value costly

possessions and the benefits of high status are

forced to resort to deviant means of getting them.

Regardless of whether other objectives may be

selected in rehabilitative programs, little progress

can be made unless habitual offenders develop
broadly useful skills that enable them to

participate successfully in the larger society. The

program devised by Cohen and Filipczak (1971)

demonstrates how a custodial environment can be

transformed into one that develops human

potentialities by restructuring institutional

reinforcement practices. This program focused

primarily upon development of basic intellectual

skills required for expanding one’s capabilities.

Although the learning environment was created 996
within the context of a penal institution, the

procedures developed have general applicability.

From the reformatory Cohen and Filipczak

selected a group of delinquent boys who had few

means for maintaining their subsistence other

than through antisocial activities, and they failed

even at these. A positive incentive system based

on a point economy was employed to foster

acquisition of language facility, reading,
mathematics, and other functional skills. Money

points earned for learning achievements in self-

instructional courses could be used to purchase

preferred accommodations and a wide range of

services and commodities.

Most coercive sanctions imposed on inmates in

prisons were eliminated. Rather, heavy reliance

was placed on positive incentives, individual

initiative, and self-determination. Consistent with 997
contingency systems in daily life in the society,
boys paid for their private rooms and selected

meal plans that varied in choice of foods. They also

used point currency to rent recreational items and

private offices, and to purchase phone privileges,

admission to entertainment activities, and

merchandise available in either the project store

or through mail order catalogs. To help the boys

learn to manage their finances, a banking system

was included so that they could establish savings

accounts with interest rates and negotiate loans to

tide them over critical periods. Those who

presented an inadequate work record were told

that they constituted poor loan risks and were not

granted loans until they established a better credit

rating. Within this environment the boys were

provided with considerable freedom: They

determined their own study and bedtime routines;

they selected their own leisure-time activities and 998
planned their outside programs; they aided in

planning menus; and they had open mailing and

visiting privileges.

A boy was free to choose not to pursue any of

the self-instructional activities. If, however, his

points fell below a minimum level, he lost his

private room, was served the regular institutional

food, and enjoyed none of the extra luxuries

earned by his peers. This problem rarely arose. In
an environment designed to reward learning,

delinquent boys, who had received few prior

accolades for scholarship worked productively at

self-managed educational activities. They studied

conscientiously in their spare time, gained more
than two grade levels on standard achievement

tests within an eight-month period, and

substantially raised their intellectual level as

measured by intelligence tests. By making benefits

attainable through their own actions, rather than 999
by management fiat, the boys had few reasons to

create disciplinary problems. If they lacked things

they wanted, they had mainly themselves to


The foregoing contingency system fostered

intellectual development and, although favorable

changes in attitudes and social behavior were

noted, no concerted effort was made to increase

interpersonal competencies. Contingencies can, of
course, be easily extended to include social skills

and self-discipline which supplemented with

proficiency in a selected occupation, would

remove the major personal barriers to a prosocial
mode of life. Sarason and Ganzer (1969) report

preliminary studies that make use of modeling

procedures with delinquents to develop social and

other skills requisite for effective vocational and

interpersonal functioning. Models demonstrate

and then the boys practice proficient ways of 1000
handling common problem situations such as

coping with authorities, negative peer influences,

vocational demands, situations requiring self-

control, and a variety of social predicaments.

Delinquents who have the benefit of constructive

modeling achieve greater changes in attitudes and

behavior than boys who do not receive such


Deviant behavior can be modified in

custodially oriented facilities through differential

reinforcement. When good conduct is imposed

from without, the resultant conforming behavior is

likely to persist as long as the institutional
sanctions remain in effect. The residents may, in

fact, come to behave irreproachably or even to

perform obligingly whatever behavior is expected

of them in order to improve their institutional

subsistence and to expedite their release. A

beneficent incentive system may thus extract 1001
considerable prosocial behavior from delinquents,

but they may revert to their usually antisocial

conduct in situations in which it is permissively

viewed. Therapeutically oriented facilities that

arrange outcomes on a self-determining basis

promote responsible rather than compliant


The competency training approach assumes

that by increasing a person’s options, a prosocial
way of life will prove more functional and

supplant antisocial styles of behavior. Certainly a

person who has a number of effective alternatives

will be less likely to revert to illegitimate activities
than if he is unemployable except for menial jobs

and is unskilled at handling interpersonal

problems. Competency training, though essential,

is generally insufficient of itself. In the

demonstration project conducted by Cohen and

Filipczak (1971), for example, delinquents who 1002
participated in the incentive program displayed

substantially lower recidivist rates than boys who

received the regular penal treatment in the same

institution, but over a period of years, the

differences between the groups decreased. A

person who has pursued a delinquent career for

many years will find it difficult to alter his social

orientation, especially if he can gain recognition

easily by antisocial conduct while alternative
avenues entail unpleasant responsibilities with

uncertain or deferred rewards. A treatment

program is likely to achieve greater success if, in

addition to cultivating competencies, it changes

association preferences and reduces susceptibility

to the influence of delinquent peers.

Development of Self-regulatory Functions

The sway of external reinforcement can be

diminished by establishing countervailing self- 1003
reinforcement functions. When new standards for

self-evaluation are adopted as self-regulative

influences, people adhere to prosocial styles of

behavior because they derive self-satisfaction

from them; conversely, they refrain from

antisocial conduct because it produces self-

devaluative consequences.

Social learning theory suggests several

procedures for developing self-regulatory
functions. First, valued patterns of behavior and

standards for self-evaluation should be

exemplified by change agents. Second, an explicit

set of conduct guides linked with a graded system
of incentives should be instituted, such that

progressive adoption of more advanced behavior

brings increased freedom, privileges, and access to

rewarding activities. Participants will adopt new

forms of behavior on the basis of their utilitarian

value. However, provision of exemplary models 1004
and positive inducements alone may not be

sufficient to create new self-directing capabilities

in persons whose behavior has been governed by

dissocial standards.

Conditions that provide explicit training in self-

reinforcement should be arranged. This is

achieved by gradually transferring evaluative and

reinforcing functions from change agents to the

individual himself. At the first transition stage the
person judges whether his behavior warrants

reward, but others still serve as the reinforcing

agents. After accurate self-evaluation is

established, the reinforcing function is likewise
transferred so that the individual both evaluates

his own behavior and reinforces himself

accordingly. Concrete rewards are gradually

reduced as the person’s behavior is increasingly

regulated by social, self-evaluative, and symbolic

consequences. The ultimate aim of training in self- 1005
determination is to produce a level of functioning

at which participants regulate their own actions

with minimum external constraints and artificial


Another means of instilling self-regulatory

functions is to provide ample opportunities for

participants to perform role behaviors with peers

that are ordinarily carried out by the supervisory

staff. Specifically, this entails delegating
progressively more of the standard-setting,

evaluative, and reinforcement functions to

members of the group as they progress in the

program. Thus, with staff guidance, peers play an
active role in implementing the treatment goals. In

a system containing shared responsibility, games

designed to outwit the staff become pointless. In

order to enhance participants' willingness to

adopt role behaviors that carry bothersome

responsibilities, increased benefits must be 1006
associated with these higher positions.

Values and preferences are changed more

effectively when members participate actively in

decision-making, reward their own

accomplishments, and discipline their

transgressions than when standards of conduct

are imposed by administrative authority on

covertly resistant individuals. Research evidence

further suggests that a person who takes on the
task of reinforcing the behavior of others is likely

to alter his own standards of self-reinforcement in

the practiced direction. When peers assume

responsible roles in their subcommunity it not
only fosters changes in themselves, but advances

the development of newcomers and subordinates

by providing success models for valued conduct.

Since peers are closer socially and more available

to serve as guides in daily life, they are likely to be

emulated to a greater extent than staff members. 1007
Additionally, there is less risk of being ostracized

for adopting behavioral standards that are

modeled by peers and staff alike.

Change in Association Preferences

Just as self-regulatory functions are socially

transferable through modeling and reinforcement,

they are also extinguishable unless given sufficient

social support. In any given community an

assortment of subgroups, which differ widely in
their standards of conduct, are potentially

available to individuals. The groups with which

one chooses to affiliate largely determine the role

models and sanctions to which one will be

exposed and, consequently, the direction in which

one’s behavior will be further modified. Several

researchers have documented how selective
association shapes the course of one’s life

(Bandura and Walters, 1959; Ellis and Lane, 1963, 1008
Krauss, 1964). Attention to factors governing the

selection of reference groups is of critical

importance, especially when newly adopted

patterns conflict with the behavior reinforced by

former associates.

New competencies and self-evaluative

standards can exert decisive influence on whether

participants gravitate toward groups that

reinforce prosocial or antisocial pursuits.
Moreover, given increased options, which reduce

dependence on any single group, and incompatible

self-evaluative reactions, a person is better able to

resist pressures for conformity to antisocial
values. When the advocated conduct violates self-

prescribed codes, the individual may attempt to

alter the value placed on the activities, may remain

a marginal member, or, if the rewards for

membership are insufficient, may discontinue his

association with the group. 1009
If delinquents are to affiliate with prosocial

groups, they must possess the means for securing

the acceptance and recognition necessary to

sustain their active involvement. Otherwise, they

will be unable to fulfill the new roles and will

either eventually withdraw from or be rejected by
their new associates. Many rehabilitative

programs concentrate on changing offenders'

behavior in ways that lose them the satisfactions

associated with a deviant career without

providing alternative means of obtaining

gratifications. An effective remedial program

should establish the entry skills and provide

whatever initial support and guidance is needed to

succeed in the new milieu. After the person has

developed a rewarding stake in the system, he is

unlikely to revert to antisocial behavior, especially

if it carries punishment costs, as it does for those

who do poorly at it. 1010

It would be short-sighted to concentrate solely

on the casualties of detrimental social systems

without changing the conditions that foster

widespread aggression. In the preceding

discussion guidelines were presented for changing

the practices of subsystems that can affect the
level of aggression within a society. The present

section is mainly concerned with the use of

collective action as an instrument of social change.

Interventions at the social systems level require

group action against the individuals and

institutions contributing to social problems.

Collective action usually fails, however, because it

is poorly organized, because efforts are dissipated

on too many different problems or on factional
disputes over leadership, and the group pressure

is not sustained. Consequently, the sufferers of

malfunctioning systems come to display much 1011
discontent and cynicism but little social action.

Social change must be approached in a number

of different ways. At the neighborhood level,

residents can reduce the amount of destructive

behavior that plagues their community from

within by instituting sanctions against such

conduct. As we have already seen, aggression

stems from its functional value as well as from

aversive instigating conditions. People who lack
power cannot easily change adverse social

conditions, but the reinforcements that their

community provides for aggressive conduct lie

within their sphere of influence. Accordant
community functioning is something that is

maintained to a large extent by the general

expectations and reinforcing reactions of residents

toward each other rather than imposed from

without by enforcement agencies. Most aggressive

offenses in fact lend themselves more to informal 1012
control than to legal sanctions, which are applied

too infrequently to serve as reliable deterrents.

Community control of aggression through shared

enforcement of sanctions is illustrated by

Christopherson and Risley (1972). They assisted

residents of a low income housing project in

curbing vandalism by having them articulate a set

of conduct codes and impose consequences on

destructive offenders. Other problems of common
concern can be similarly alleviated by building

into social relationships a sense of community

through neighborhood reinforcement practices.

Institutions designed to serve the community

must be held more accountable for their practices.

Given our present knowledge, educational

systems, for example, should not be turning out

sizable numbers of students so lacking in basic

skills that their choices of livelihood are

essentially restricted to menial pursuits, some 1013
form of relief, or a life of crime. Results reported

earlier and elsewhere (Bandura, 1969a)

demonstrate that methods exist for creating

learning environments that can transform

academic failure into success. If students are to

acquire requisite skills for participating

successfully in the society, communities must

institute a system of accountability in which

financial support is tied to demonstrated
educational effectiveness. When educational

agencies are held answerable for their results,

instructional systems rather than students are


The system of accountability should be

extended to other community services as well. In

public agencies that enjoy monopolies over given

functions, the practices that evolve are more likely

to serve the interests and convenience of the staff

than to maximize benefits for their clientele. 1014
Internal rewards for conformity to operating

procedures mitigate against external efforts to

produce change. Improvements in social services

are achieved more rapidly by rewarding superior

accomplishments of alternative systems than by

imposing negative sanctions for poor performance

by a single system. Many community services

could be placed under a voucher system in which

citizens are given certificates to purchase the
service from any one of several authorized

sources. Providing options creates strong

incentives for organizations to increase the

effectiveness of their operations, for otherwise

they lose their patronage. When functions are best

conducted through a single agency, bureaucratic

barriers to change can be lessened by creating a

semi-autonomous unit under public jurisdiction

empowered to devise better ways of doing the job.

Procedures for measuring how well an agency is 1015
meeting stipulated performance standards should

be an integral part of the system. Performance

assessments that have budgetary or staff

consequences provide additional inducements to

improve the quality of services.

Maltreatment is most prevalent where marked

imbalances of power exist. In seeking

improvements in their life situation, neglected and

disadvantaged people are faced with the difficult
task of altering the practices of those who wield

power and do not wish to relinquish it. In such

situations change can be pursued through the

organized strength of numbers.

The first task in the agenda for social change is

to gain broad participation of people in the

collective endeavor. Organizational methods vary

depending on whose support is sought and

whether influence will be exerted indirectly 1016
through moral persuasion or by use of social
power. Exponents of direct influence by power

tactics depend mainly on the efforts of the

aggrieved. The work of Saul Alinsky (1971), an

astute community organizer, exemplifies

successful mobilization of subordinated groups for

action against inequitable treatment. The

organizational efforts in this approach are aimed

at building community self-determination.

Organizers enter the situation as consultants by

invitation only. The residents play a major role in

selecting common goals for which broad support

is enlisted by appeal to their self-interest. To

ensure that local power bases survive over time,

indigenous leadership is developed along with

serviceable problem-solving mechanisms.

Reformers seeking basic changes in the society

at large rely on the force of intermediary

influences, which they attempt to mobilize largely 1017
through persuasive appeals (Zaltman, Kotler, and

Kaufman, 1972). By arousing sympathetic reaction

in people with greater power to create rewarding

and punishing outcomes for officials, public

pressure is brought to bear on offending

institutions to change their policies. Whatever

direct actions are taken are designed more to

dramatize nationally the grievances and need for

reform than to solve a local problem expeditiously.
Tactical power is thus sacrificed for public

credibility. In this process of mobilization

communications media play a prominent role.

Over time the change efforts of subordinated

people are extinguished, with the result that most

become apathetic though discontented with their

way of life. A change program must therefore help

them learn how to exercise control over their

social environment. They need to practice skills in

decision-making, learn influence tactics and how 1018
to tailor them to changing circumstances, develop

disciplined ways of reacting to counterpressure,

and allay their fear of adversaries. Skill acquisition

is best promoted through group role-playing in

simulated conflicts with experienced leaders

acting as models. Having established

competencies, the next task is to build a sense of

efficacy through success in alleviating everyday

problems. By selecting goals that can be realized
with concerted effort, participants gain confidence

for tackling tougher issues.

If apathy reflected only past failures in

effecting change, training for constructive action
would pose no special difficulties. Subordinated

groups, however, are deterred from challenging

injustices by fear of punishment and economic

reprisals. Why risk dangers for uncertain benefits?

Inhibitions of this sort are overcome by the

example of success. Seeing others like themselves 1019
improve their living conditions by organized effort

provides compelling demonstrations that they too

have something to gain from contesting

unwarranted practices. After a group develops its

capacity for social action, its bargaining efficacy is

enhanced so that it has less need to carry out

protest tactics. This is because group pressure,

successfully applied, makes threats credible.

Consequently, in future disputes threats of
collective action alone are usually sufficient to

produce accommodating changes.

The political system is a major agency of social

change. People improve their society through
reform legislation. They rely on the sanctions of

judicial and administrative agencies to enforce

laws that affect their everyday life. The

governmental apparatus, however, is often

subverted from its public function by the pressure

of vested interests. Legislative procedures built 1020
into the system enable influential entrepreneurs

to use the powers of government to resist social

changes that conflict with their self-interests.

Efforts to improve the functioning of society must

also be directed at governmental practices to

make them serve the public more equitably.

Gardner (1972) created Common Cause as a

public mechanism for exerting pressure on

Congress and state legislatures. A major thrust of
this citizens’ lobby is focused on congressional

reforms. Numerous changes are sought in

congressional committee operations that currently

make it easy to slight the public interest. These
include abolishing the seniority system, reducing

excessive power of committee chairmen, and

ending secrecy in the conduct of legislative

business by making committee votes public.

Common Cause worked successfully for a law

requiring disclosure of political expenditures so 1021
that the public can be informed of the financial

interests backing various candidates. As a further

step in reducing congressional control by special

moneyed interests, Common Cause is advocating

lobbying laws to monitor who is spending how

much for what purposes. In addition to curtailing

entrenched private sources of congressional

control, this citizens’ organization exerts its

influence on legislative actions in promoting new
solutions to a broad range of social problems. In

some of these areas inequitable or potentially

detrimental practices are sufficiently beneficial to

large segments of the population to gain popular

support. Efforts to legislate social change are

therefore subjected to conflicting sources of public

and private control.

The law can be used to preserve existing

practices or as an instrument of social change.

Legal means are heavily relied upon by people to 1022
secure their rights and to advance their welfare. It

is by converting social demands into formal codes

backed by sanctions that enduring reforms, which

reduce the likelihood of civil strife, are achieved.

In some discriminatory practices, individuals may

be willing to change if everyone else does so but

not individually because they would be singled out

for attack. Personal threats supporting adherence

to customs that have adverse effects on others are
greatly reduced when modifications in behavior

can be attributed to legal mandates (Zimring and

Hawkins, 1971). Under these conditions, laws

serve to accelerate widespread social change.

Passing laws does not necessarily ensure

adequate enforcement of them. Efforts to

eliminate inequitable practices are resisted by

entrenched interest groups and elements of the

general public. When legal prohibitions are

instituted against activities that have influential 1023
backing, it is not uncommon for the laws to be

reinterpreted, circumvented, or poorly

administered (Friedman, 1967). Further litigation

is therefore required to refine statutes into

effective operating rules and to guarantee their

active enforcement. In addition to inducing and

monitoring the process of change, legal

mechanisms can uphold a society’s capacity for

constructive change by protecting dissenters from
unauthorized coercion.

Like so many other problems confronting man,

there is no single grand design for lowering the

level of destructiveness within a society. It
requires both individual corrective effort and

group action aimed at changing the practices of

social systems. Since aggression is not an

inevitable or unchangeable aspect of man but a

product of aggression promoting conditions

operating within a society, man has the power to 1024
reduce his level of aggressiveness. Whether this

capability is used wisely or destructively is

another matter. 1025

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