Asme Sec V A-10
Asme Sec V A-10
Asme Sec V A-10
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T-1031 2004 SECTION V T-1063.1
preferably have the dial(s) graduated over a range of T-1044 Pressure /Vacuum (Pressure Limits)
approximately double the intended maximum pressure,
Unless specified in the applicable Mandatory Appendix
but in no case shall the range be less than 11⁄2 nor more
of this Article or by the referencing Code Section, compo-
than four times that pressure. These range limits do not
nents that are to be pressure-leak tested shall not be tested
apply to dial indicating and recording vacuum gages.
at a pressure exceeding 25% of the Design Pressure.
Range requirements for other types of gages given in an
applicable Mandatory Appendix shall be as required by
that Appendix.
(b) Gage Location. When components are to be
pressure /vacuum leak tested, the dial indicating gage(s) T-1051 Preliminary Leak Test
shall be connected to the component or to the component Prior to employing a sensitive leak testing method, it
from a remote location, with the gage(s) readily visible may be expedient to perform a preliminary test to detect
to the operator controlling the pressure /vacuum through- and eliminate gross leaks. This shall be done in a manner
out the duration of pressurizing, evacuating, testing, and that will not seal or mask leaks during the specified test.
depressurizing or venting of the component. For large
vessels or systems where one or more gages are specified
or required, a recording type gage is recommended, and T-1052 Test Sequence
it may be substituted for one of the two or more indicating It is recommended that leak testing be performed before
type gages. hydrostatic or hydropneumatic testing.
(c) When other types of gage(s) are required by an
applicable Mandatory Appendix, they may be used in
conjunction with or in place of dial indicating or recording T-1060 CALIBRATION
type gages.
T-1061 Pressure /Vacuum Gages
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T-1063.2 Capillary Type Leak Standard. This stan- (a) date of test;
dard shall be a calibrated capillary type leak through a (b) certification level and name of operator;
tube. The standard shall have a leakage rate equal to or (c) test procedure (number) and revision number;
smaller than the required test sensitivity times the actual (d) test method or technique;
percent test concentration of the selected tracer gas.
(e) test results;
(f) component identification;
T-1070 TEST
(g) test instrument, standard leak, and material identi-
See applicable Mandatory Appendix of this Article. fication;
(h) test conditions, test pressure, tracer gas, and gas
T-1080 EVALUATION concentration;
T-1081 Acceptance Standards (i) gage(s) — manufacturer, model, range, and identi-
Unless otherwise specified in the referencing Code fication number;
Section, the acceptance criteria given for each method or (j) temperature measuring device(s) and identification
technique of that method shall apply. The supplemental number(s);
leak testing formulas for calculating leakage rates for the (k) sketch showing method or technique setup.
method or technique used are stated in the Mandatory
Appendices of this Article.
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The objective of the direct pressure technique of bubble NOTE: When inert gas is used, safety aspects of oxygen deficient
atmosphere should be considered.
leak testing is to locate leaks in a pressurized component
by the application of a solution or by immersion in liquid
that will form bubbles as leakage gas passes through it. I-1032 Bubble Solution
(a) The bubble forming solution shall produce a film
I-1020 GENERAL that does not break away from the area to be tested, and
the bubbles formed shall not break rapidly due to air
I-1021 Written Procedure Requirements
drying or low surface tension. Household soap or deter-
I-1021.1 Requirements. The requirements of gents are not permitted as substitutes for bubble testing
T-1021.1, Table I-1021, and the following as specified solutions.
in this Article or referencing Code shall apply.
(b) The bubble forming solution shall be compatible
(a) soak time with the temperature of the test conditions.
(b) pressure gage
(c) test pressure
(d) acceptance criteria I-1033 Immersion Bath
I-1021.2 Procedure Qualification. The requirements (a) Water or another compatible solution shall be used
of T-1021.3 and Table I-1021 shall apply. for the bath.
TABLE I-1021
Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
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I-1077 Post-Test Cleaning (a) The bubble forming solution shall produce a film
that does not break away from the area to be tested, and
After testing, surface cleaning may be required for the bubbles formed shall not break rapidly due to air
product serviceability. drying or low surface tension. The number of bubbles
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II-1031 2004 SECTION V II-1076
Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
contained in the solution should be minimized to reduce nor above 125°F (50°C) throughout the examination.
the problem of discriminating between existing bubbles Local heating or cooling is permitted provided tempera-
and those caused by leakage. tures remain in the range of 40°F (5°C) to 125°F (50°C)
(b) Soaps or detergents designed specifically for clean- during the examination. Where it is impractical to comply
ing shall not be used for the bubble forming solution. with the foregoing temperature limitations, other temper-
(c) The bubble forming solution shall be compatible atures may be used provided that the procedure is demon-
with the temperature conditions of the test. strated.
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II-1077 Indication of Leakage cathode. A current proportional to the rate of ion forma-
tion is indicated on a meter.
The presence of continuous bubble growth on the sur-
face of the material or weld seam indicates leakage
through an orifice passage(s) in the region under exami- III-1012 Electron Capture Halogen Leak
nation. Detectors
The electron capture halogen detector probe instrument
II-1078 Post-Test Cleaning uses the principle of the affinity of certain molecular
compounds for low energy free electrons usually pro-
After testing, cleaning may be required for product
duced by ionization of gas flow through an element with
a weak radioactive tritium source. When the gas flow
contains halides, electron capture occurs causing a reduc-
II-1080 EVALUATION tion in the concentration of halogen ions present as indi-
cated on a meter. Non-electron capturing nitrogen or
II-1081 Leakage argon is used as background gas.
Unless otherwise specified by the referencing Code
Section, the area under test is acceptable when no continu-
ous bubble formation is observed. III-1020 GENERAL
III-1021 Written Procedure Requirements
II-1082 Repair/Retest III-1021.1 Requirements. The requirements of
T-1021.1, Table III-1021, and the following as specified
When leakage is observed, the location of the leak(s) in this Article or referencing Code shall apply.
shall be marked. The vacuum box shall then be vented (a) leak standard
and the leak(s) repaired as required by the referencing
(b) tracer gas
Code Section. After repairs have been made, the repaired
(c) tracer gas concentration
area or areas shall be retested in accordance with the
(d) test pressure
requirements of this Appendix.
(e) soak time
(f) scanning distance
(g) pressure gage
APPENDIX III — HALOGEN DIODE (h) sensitivity verification checks
DETECTOR PROBE TEST (i) acceptance criteria
III-1000 INTRODUCTION III-1021.2 Procedure Qualification. The require-
The more sophisticated electronic halogen leak detec- ments of T-1021.3 and Table III-1021 shall apply.
tors have very high sensitivity. These instruments make
possible the detection of halogen gas flow from the lower
pressure side of a very small opening in an envelope or III-1030 EQUIPMENT
barrier separating two regions at different pressures. III-1031 Tracer Gas
Gases that may be used are shown in Table III-1031.
III-1010 SCOPE III-1031.1 For Alkali-Ion Diode. Halogen leak detec-
tors, select a tracer gas from Table III-1031 that will
The halogen detector probe test method is a semiquanti-
produce the necessary test sensitivity.
tative method used to detect and locate leaks, and shall
not be considered quantitative. III-1031.2 For Electron Capture. Halogen leak
detectors, sulfur hexafluoride, SF6, is the recommended
tracer gas.
III-1011 Alkali-Ion Diode (Heated Anode)
Halogen Leak Detectors
III-1032 Instrument
The alkali-ion diode halogen detector probe instrument
uses the principle of a heated platinum element (anode) An electronic leak detector as described in III-1011 or
and an ion collector plate (cathode), where halogen vapor III-1012 shall be used. Leakage shall be indicated by one
is ionized by the anode, and the ions are collected by the or more of the following signaling devices.
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III-1032 2004 SECTION V III-1065
Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
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4 hr during testing. During any calibration check, if the III-1077 Leakage Detection
meter deflection, audible alarm, or indicator light indi- Leakage shall be indicated and detected according to
cates that the detector cannot detect leakage from the III-1032.
leak standard of III-1061, the instrument shall be recali-
brated and areas tested after the last satisfactory calibra-
tion check shall be retested. III-1078 Application
The following are two examples of applications that
may be used (note that other types of applications may
III-1070 TEST be used).
III-1071 Location of Test III-1078.1 Tube Examination. To detect leakage
(a) The test area shall be free of contaminants that through the tube walls when testing a tubular heat
could interfere with the test or give erroneous results. exchanger, the detector probe tip should be inserted into
(b) The component to be tested shall, if possible, be each tube end and held for the time period established
protected from drafts or located in an area where drafts by demonstration. The examination scan should com-
will not reduce the required sensitivity of the test. mence in the uppermost portion of the tubesheet tube
rows while progressively scanning downward.
III-1078.2 Tube-to-Tubesheet Joint Examination.
III-1072 Concentration of Tracer Gas
Tube-to-tubesheet joints may be tested by the encapsula-
The concentration of the tracer gas shall be at least tor method. The encapsulator may be a funnel type with
10% by volume at the test pressure, unless otherwise the small end attached to the probe tip end and the large
specified by the referencing Code Section. end placed over the tube-to-tubesheet joint. If the encap-
sulator is used, the detection time is determined by placing
the encapsulator over the orifice on the leak standard
III-1073 Soak Time
and noting the time required for an indicated instrument
Prior to examination, the test pressure shall be held a response.
minimum of 30 min. When demonstrated, the minimum
allowable soak time may be less than that specified above
due to the immediate dispersion of the halogen gas when: III-1080 EVALUATION
(a) a special temporary device (such as a leech box) III-1081 Leakage
is used on open components to test short segments; Unless otherwise specified by the referencing Code
(b) components are partially evacuated prior to initial Section, the area tested is acceptable when no leakage is
pressurization with halogen gas. detected that exceeds the allowable rate of 1 ⴛ 10−4 std
cm3 /s (1 ⴛ 10−5 Pa m3 /s).
III-1074 Scanning Distance
III-1082 Repair/Retest
After the required soak time per III-1073, the detector
probe tip shall be passed over the test surface. The probe When unacceptable leakage is detected, the location
tip shall be kept within 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) of the test surface of the leak(s) shall be marked. The component shall then
during scanning. If a shorter distance is used during cali- be depressurized, and the leak(s) repaired as required by
bration, then that distance shall not be exceeded during the referencing Code Section. After repairs have been
the examination scanning. made, the repaired area or areas shall be retested in accor-
dance with the requirements of this Appendix.
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IV-1010 2004 SECTION V IV-1033
Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
pressurized components. The high sensitivity of this leak used. Leakage shall be indicated by one or more of the
detector makes possible the detection of helium gas flow following signaling devices.
from the lower pressure side of a very small opening in (a) Meter — a meter on, or attached to, the test
an envelope or barrier separating two regions at different instrument.
pressures, or the determination of the presence of helium (b) Audio Devices — a speaker or set of headphones
in any gaseous mixture. The detector probe is a semiquan- that emits audible indications.
titative technique used to detect and locate leaks, and (c) Indicator Light — a visible indicator light.
shall not be considered quantitative.
IV-1021 Written Procedure Requirements IV-1032 Auxiliary Equipment
IV-1021.1 Requirements. The requirements of
(a) Transformer. A constant voltage transformer shall
T-1021.1, Table IV-1021, and the following as specified
be used in conjunction with the instrument when line
in this Article or referencing Code shall apply.
voltage is subject to variations.
(a) instrument leak standard
(b) system leak standard (b) Detector Probe. All areas to be examined shall be
(c) tracer gas scanned for leaks using a detector probe (sniffer) con-
(d) tracer gas concentration nected to the instrument through flexible tubing or a hose.
To reduce instrument response and clean up time, the
(e) test pressure
tubing or hose length shall be less than 15 ft (4.5 m),
(f) soak time
unless the test setup is specifically designed to attain the
(g) scanning distance
reduced response and clean up time for longer tubing or
(h) pressure gage
hose lengths.
(i) sensitivity verification checks
(j) acceptance criteria
IV-1021.2 Procedure Qualification. The require-
ments of T-1021.3 and Table IV-1021 shall apply. IV-1033 Calibration Leak Standards
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IV-1078.1 2004 SECTION V V-1032
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TABLE V-1021
Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
V-1033 Calibration Leak Standard shall be calibrated for the test by passing the tracer probe
tip across the orifice of the leak standard. The probe tip
A capillary type leak standard per T-1063.2 with a
shall be kept within 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) of the orifice of the
maximum helium leakage rate of 1 ⴛ 10−5 std cm3 /s (1
leak standard. For a known flow rate from the tracer
ⴛ 10−6 Pa m3 /s) shall be used unless otherwise specified
probe of 100% helium, the scanning rate shall not exceed
by the referencing Code Section.
that which can detect leakage through the calibration leak
standard into the test system.
V-1060 CALIBRATION V-1062.3 Detection Time. The time required to detect
V-1061 Instrument Calibration leakage from the leak standard is the detection time, and
V-1061.1 Warm Up. The instrument shall be turned it should be observed during system calibration. It is
on and allowed to warm up for the minimum time speci- desirable to keep this time as short as possible to reduce
fied by the instrument manufacturer prior to calibrating the time required to pinpoint detected leakage.
with the calibration leak standard.
V-1062.4 Frequency and Sensitivity. Unless other-
V-1061.2 Calibration. Calibrate the helium mass wise specified by the referencing Code Section, the sys-
spectrometer per the instruments manufacturer’s opera- tem sensitivity shall be determined before and after testing
tion and maintenance manual, using a permeation type and at intervals of not more than 4 hr during testing.
leak standard as stated in T-1063.1 to establish that the During any calibration check, if the meter deflection,
instrument is at optimum or adequate sensitivity. The audible alarm, or visible light indicates that the system
instrument shall have a sensitivity of at least 1 ⴛ 10−9 cannot detect leakage per V-1062.2, the system, and if
std cm3 /s (1 ⴛ 10−10 Pa m3 /s) for helium. necessary, the instrument, shall be recalibrated and all
areas tested after the last satisfactory calibration check
V-1062 System Calibration shall be retested.
V-1062.1 Standard Leak Size. The calibrated leak
standard, as stated in V-1033, shall be attached to the
component as far as possible from the instrument connec-
tion to the component. The leak standard shall remain V-1070 TEST
open during system calibration.
V-1071 Scanning Rate
V-1062.2 Scanning Rate. With the component evacu-
ated to an absolute pressure sufficient for connection of The maximum scanning rate shall be as determined in
the helium mass spectrometer to the system, the system V-1062.2.
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V-1072 Scanning Direction allowable change in either pressure per unit of time, per-
centage volume, or mass change per unit of time.
The examination scan should commence in the upper-
most portion of the system being tested while progres-
sively scanning downward. VI-1020 GENERAL
VI-1021 Written Procedure Requirements
V-1073 Scanning Distance VI-1021.1 Requirements. The requirements of
T-1021.1, Table VI-1021, and the following as specified
The tracer probe tip shall be kept within 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) in this Article or referencing Code shall apply.
of the test surface during scanning. If a shorter distance
(a) test/vacuum test pressure
is used during system calibration, then that distance shall
(b) soak time
not be exceeded during the examination scanning.
(c) test duration
(d) recording interval
V-1074 Leakage Detection (e) acceptance criteria
Leakage shall be indicated and detected according to VI-1021.2 Procedure Qualification. The require-
V-1031. ments of T-1021.3 and Table VI-1021 shall apply.
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Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
have known relationships to national standards, where VI-1075 Large Pressurized Systems
such standards exist.
For temperature stabilization of large pressurized sys-
tems where the internal gas temperature is measured after
VI-1070 TEST completion of pressurization, it shall be determined that
the temperature of the internal gas has stabilized before
VI-1071 Pressure Application starting the test.
Components that are to be tested above atmospheric
pressure shall be pressurized per T-1044. VI-1076 Start of Test
At the start of the test, initial temperature and pressure
VI-1072 Vacuum Application (or vacuum) readings shall be taken and thereafter at
Components that are to be tested under vacuum shall regular intervals, not to exceed 60 min, until the end of
be evacuated to at least 2 psi (4 in. Hg) (15 kPa) below the specified test duration.
atmospheric pressure or as required by the referencing
Code Section. VI-1077 Essential Variables
(a) When it is required to compensate for barometric
VI-1073 Test Duration pressure variations, measurement of the test pressure shall
The test pressure (or vacuum) shall be held for the be made with either an absolute pressure gage or a regular
duration specified by the referencing Code Section or, if pressure gage and a barometer.
not specified, it shall be sufficient to establish the leakage (b) When it is required by the referencing Code Sec-
rate of the component system within the accuracy or tion, or when the water vapor pressure variation can
confidence limits required by the referencing Code Sec- significantly affect the test results, the internal dew point
tion. For very small components or systems, a test dura- temperature or relative humidity shall be measured.
tion in terms of minutes may be sufficient. For large
components or systems, where temperature and water
vapor corrections are necessary, a test duration in terms
of many hours may be required. VI-1081 Acceptable Test
When the pressure change or leakage rate is equal to
VI-1074 Small Pressurized Systems or less than that specified by the referencing Code Section,
the test is acceptable.
For temperature stabilization of very small pressurized
systems, such as gasket interspaces, where only system
VI-1082 Rejectable Test
(metal) temperature can be measured, at least 15 min
shall elapse after completion of pressurization and before When the pressure change or leakage rate exceeds that
starting the test. specified by the referencing Code Section, the results of
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VI-1082 2004 SECTION V VII-1020
the test are unsatisfactory. Leak(s) may be located by halogen diode detector — see halogen leak detector
other methods described in the Mandatory Appendices. in (d)
After the cause of the excessive pressure change or leak- helium mass spectrometer — see mass spectrometer
age rate has been determined and repaired in accordance and mass spectrometer leak detector in (d)
with the referencing Code Section, the original test shall hood technique — see hood test in (d)
be repeated. immersion bath — a low surface tension liquid into
which a gas containing enclosure is submerged to detect
NOTE: For more information regarding this method of testing refer
to the following:
leakage which forms at the site or sites of a leak or leaks
(a) 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Primary Containment Leakage Testing immersion solution — see immersion bath
for Water Cooled Power Reactors. inert gas — a gas that resists combining with other
(b) ANSI /ANS 56.8-1981, American National Standard Containment substances. Examples are helium, neon, and argon.
System Leakage Testing Requirements, published by the American
Nuclear Society.
instrument calibration — introduction of a known size
standard leak into an isolated leak detector for the purpose
of determining the smallest size leakage rate of a particu-
lar gas at a specific pressure and temperature that the
APPENDIX VII — GLOSSARY OF leak detector is capable of indicating for a particular
TERMS FOR LEAK TESTING division on the leak indicator scale
leakage — the fluid, either liquid or gas, flowing
VII-1010 SCOPE through a leak and expressed in units of mass flow; i.e.,
pressure and volume per time
This Mandatory Appendix is used for the purpose of
leak standard — see standard leak in (d)
establishing standard terms and definitions of terms which
appear in Article 10, Leak Testing. quartz Bourdon tube gage — this high accuracy gage is
a servonulling differential pressure measuring electronic
instrument. The pressure transducing element is a one
piece fused quartz Bourdon element.
regular pressure — see gage pressure in (d)
(a) ASTM E 1316, Standard Terminology for Nonde- sensitivity — the size of the smallest leakage rate that
structive Examinations, has been adopted by the Commit- can be unambiguously detected by the leak testing instru-
tee as SE-1316. ment, method, or technique being used
(b) SE-1316 Section 8 provides the definitions of terms soak time — the elapsed time between when the desired
listed in (e). differential pressure is attained on a system and the time
(c) For general terms such as Discontinuity, Evalua- when the test technique is performed to detect leakage
tion, Flaw, Indication, Inspection, etc., refer to Article or measure leakage rate
1, Mandatory Appendix I. standard dead weight tester — a device for hydrau-
(d) The following SE-1316 terms are used in conjunc- lically balancing the pressure on a known high accuracy
tion with this Article: absolute pressure; background sig- weight against the reading on a pressure gage for the
nal; gage pressure; gas; halogen; halogen leak detector; purpose of calibrating the gage
hood test; leak; leakage rate; leak testing; mass spectrom- system calibration — introduction of a known size
eter; mass spectrometer leak detector; sampling probe; standard leak into a test system with a leak detector for
standard leak; tracer gas; vacuum. the purpose of determining the smallest size leakage
(e) The following Code terms, which are in addition rate of a particular gas at a specific pressure and tempera-
to SE-1316, and are Code specific, are used in conjunction ture that the leak detector as part of the test system is
with this Article. capable of indicating for a particular division on the leak
background reading — see background signal in (d) indicator scale
calibration leak standard — see standard leak in (d) thermal conductivity detector — a leak detector that
detector probe — see sampling probe in (d) responds to differences in the thermal conductivity of a
dew point temperature — that temperature at which sampled gas and the gas used to zero it (i.e., background
the gas in a system would be capable of holding no atmosphere)
more water vapor and condensation in the form of dew vacuum box — a device used to obtain a pressure
would occur differential across a weld that cannot be directly pressur-
dry bulb temperature — the ambient temperature of ized. It contains a large viewing window, special easy
the gas in a system seating and sealing gasket, gage, and a valved connection
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Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
for an air ejector, vacuum pump, or intake manifold in this Article or referencing Code shall apply.
water vapor — gaseous form of water in a system (a) leak standard
(b) tracer gas concentration
(c) test pressure
CONDUCTIVITY DETECTOR (e) scanning distance
PROBE TEST (f) pressure gage
(g) sensitivity verification checks
VIII-1000 INTRODUCTION (h) acceptance criteria
These instruments make possible the detection of a VIII-1021.2 Procedure Qualification. The require-
tracer gas flow from the lower pressure side of a very ments of T-1021.3 and Table VIII-1021 shall apply.
small opening in an envelope or barrier separating two
regions at different pressures.
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VIII-1032 2004 SECTION V VIII-1074
where Qs [in std cm3/s (Pa m3 /s)] is the required test VIII-1073 Soak Times
sensitivity and %TG is the concentration of the tracer gas
(in %) that is to be used for the test. See VIII-1072. Prior to examination, the test pressure shall be held a
minimum of 30 min. When demonstrated, the minimum
allowable soak time may be less than that specified above
VIII-1062 Warm-up due to the immediate dispersion of the tracer gas when:
The detector shall be turned on and allowed to warm (a) a special temporary device (such as a leech box)
up for the minimum time specified by the instrument is used on open components to test short segments;
manufacturer prior to calibrating with the leak standard. (b) components are partially evacuated prior to initial
pressurization with tracer gas.
VIII-1063 Scanning Rate
VIII-1074 Scanning Distance
The detector shall be calibrated by passing the probe
tip across the orifice of the leak standard in VIII-1061. After the required soak time per VIII-1073, the detector
The probe tip shall be kept within 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) of the probe tip shall be passed over the test surface. The probe
orifice of the leak standard. The scanning rate shall not tip shall be kept within 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) of the test surface
exceed that which can detect leakage rate Q from the during scanning. If a shorter distance is used during cali-
leak standard. The meter deflection shall be noted or the bration, then that distance shall not be exceeded during
audible alarm or indicator light set for this scanning rate. the examination scanning.
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through the tube walls when testing a tubular heat IX-1021.1 Requirements. The requirements of
exchanger, the detector probe tip should be inserted into T-1021.1, Table IX-1021, and the following as specified
each tube and held for the time period established by in this Article or referencing Code shall apply.
demonstration. (a) instrument leak standard
(b) system leak standard
VIII-1078.2 Tube-to-Tubesheet Joint Examina-
tion. Tube-to-tubesheet joints may be tested by the encap- (c) vacuum gaging
sulator method. The encapsulator may be a funnel type (d) acceptance criteria
with the small end attached to the probe tip end and the IX-1021.2 Procedure Qualification. The require-
large end placed over the tube-to-tubesheet joint. If the ments of T-1021.3 and Table IX-1021 shall apply.
encapsulator is used, the detection time is determined
by placing the encapsulator over the orifice on the leak
standard and noting the time required for an indicated IX-1030 EQUIPMENT
instrument response. IX-1031 Instrument
A helium mass spectrometer leak detector capable of
VIII-1080 EVALUATION sensing and measuring minute traces of helium shall be
used. Leakage shall be indicated by a meter on or attached
VIII-1081 Leakage
to the test instrument.
Unless otherwise specified by the referencing Code
Section, the area tested is acceptable when no leakage
IX-1032 Auxiliary Equipment
is detected that exceeds the maximum leakage rate Q,
determined per VIII-1061. (a) Transformer. A constant voltage transformer shall
be used in conjunction with the instrument when line
voltage is subject to variations.
VIII-1082 Repair/Retest
(b) Auxiliary Pump System. When the size of the test
When unacceptable leakage is detected, the location system necessitates the use of an auxiliary vacuum pump
of the leak(s) shall be marked. The component shall then system, the ultimate absolute pressure and pump speed
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IX-1032 2004 SECTION V IX-1062.2
Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
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IX-1062.3 Background Reading. 1 Background M2 output signal has not become stable, until the output
in divisions is established after determining response signal stabilizes.
time. The leak standard shall be closed to the system and
IX-1071.5 System Measured Leakage Rate. After
the instrument reading shall be recorded when it becomes
completing final calibration per IX-1062.5, the system
leakage rate shall be determined as follows:
IX-1062.4 Preliminary Calibration. The preliminary (a) For tests where no change in output signal occurs
system sensitivity shall be calculated as follows: (i.e., M2 p M3), the system leakage rate shall be reported
CL as being “below the detectable range of the system” and
S1 p p std cm3 / s / div (Pa m3 / s / div) the item under test passes.
M1 − M 2
(b) For tests where the output signal (M3) remains on
The calibration shall be repeated when there is any change scale, the leakage rate shall be determined as follows:
in the leak detector setup (e.g., a change in the portion
of helium bypassed to the auxiliary pump, if used) or S2 (M3 − M2) ⴛ 100
Qp std cm3 / s (Pa m3 / s)
any change in the leak standard. The leak standard shall be %TG
isolated from the system upon completing the preliminary where %TG is the concentration of the tracer gas (in %)
system sensitivity calibration. in the hood. See IX-1071.3.
IX-1062.5 Final Calibration. Upon completing the (c) For tests where the output signal (M3) exceeds the
test of the system per IX-1071.4, and with the component detectable range of the system (i.e., output signal is off
still under the hood, the leak standard shall be again scale), the system leakage rate shall be reported as being
opened into the system being tested. The increase in “greater than the detectable range of the system” and the
instrument output shall be noted and recorded as M4 in item under test fails.
divisions and used in calculating the final system sensitiv-
ity as follows:
IX-1072 Alternative Technique
CL IX-1072.1 System Correction Factor. For helium
S2 p p std cm3 / s / div (Pa m3 / s / div)
M4 − M 3 mass spectrometer leak indicator meters in leakage rate
If the final system sensitivity S2 has decreased below the units, a System Correction Factor (SCF) may be utilized
preliminary system sensitivity S1 by more than 35%, the if it is desired to utilize the actual indicator meter leakage
instrument shall be cleaned and/or repaired, recalibrated, rate units in lieu of converting the readings to divisions
and the component retested. [e.g., the values of M1, M2, M3, and M4 are directly
read from the helium mass spectrometer in std cm3/s (Pa
IX-1070 TEST
IX-1072.2 Alternative Formulas. The following for-
IX-1071 Standard Technique mulas shall be used in lieu of those described in IX-1062:
IX-1071.1 Hood. For a single wall component or part, (a) Preliminary Calibration (per IX-1062.4). The pre-
the hood (envelope) container may be made of a material liminary system correction factor (PSCF) shall be calcu-
such as plastic. lated as follows:
IX-1071.2 Filling of Hood with Tracer Gas. After PSCF p CL / (M1 − M2)
completing preliminary calibration per IX-1062.4, the
space between the component outer surface and the hood (b) Final Calibration (per IX-1062.5). The final sys-
shall be filled with helium. tem correction factor (FSCF) shall be calculated as
IX-1071.3 Estimating or Determining Hood Tracer
Gas Concentration. The tracer gas concentration in the FSCF p CL / (M4 − M3)
hood enclosure shall be determined or estimated.
If the FSCF has decreased below the PSCF by more than
IX-1071.4 Test Duration. After filling the hood with 35%, the instrument shall be cleaned and/or repaired,
helium, the instrument output M3 in divisions shall be recalibrated, and the component retested.
noted and recorded after waiting for a test time equal to (c) System Measured Leakage Rate (per IX-1071.5).
the response time determined in IX-1062.2 or, if the The system leakage rate shall be determined as follows:
System background noise. For definition of symbols, see Nonmanda- [FSCF (M3 − M2)] ⴛ 100
Qp std cm3 / s (Pa m3 / s)
tory Appendix A. %TG
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IX-1080 2004 SECTION V X-1064
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TABLE X-1021
Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
(1) The minimum metal temperature during test shall not be below that specified in the referencing Code Section for the hydro, hydropneumatic,
or pneumatic test. The minimum or maximum temperature during test shall also be compatible with the testing method.
X-1070 TEST detected that exceeds the allowable rate of 1 ⴛ 10−1 std
X-1071 Location of Test cm3/s (1 ⴛ 10−2 Pa m3/s).
The component to be tested shall, if possible, be
removed or isolated from other equipment or structures X-1082 Repair/Retest
that could generate ambient or system noise that can When unacceptable leakage is detected, the location
drown out leaks. of the leak(s) shall be marked. The component shall then
be depressurized, and the leak(s) repaired as required by
X-1072 Soak Time the referencing Code Section. After repairs have been
made, the repaired area or areas shall be retested in accor-
Prior to testing, the test pressure shall be held a mini-
dance with the requirements of this Appendix.
mum of 15 min.
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