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Improving the delivery of veterinary services in Africa: insights from the

empirical application of transaction costs theory in Uganda and Kenya

Article  in  Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) · April 2017

DOI: 10.20506/rst.36.1.2628


1 364

1 author:

John Ilukor
World Bank


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Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 2017, 36 (1), 279-289

Improving the delivery of veterinary services

in Africa: insights from the empirical application
of transaction costs theory in Uganda and Kenya
J. Ilukor

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Independent Science and Partnership Council’s
Standing Panel on Impact Assessment, Room C6–31, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda
Living Standards Measurement Study, Development Data Group of the World Bank, Rwenzori House,
Plot 11 Lumumba Avenue, P.O. Box 4463, Kampala, Uganda
E-mail: John.Ilukor@gmail.com

This paper presents a summary of findings from a research project that examined
institutional arrangements for providing animal health services in Uganda and Kenya.
Given the need to find solutions to the pervasive governance challenges encountered
in the delivery of veterinary services in Africa, the study applied transaction economics
theory to generate recommendations on how to improve the delivery of these services
and minimise livestock production risks, including those that pose a risk to human
health, e.g. zoonoses.
The most notable recommendations are as follows: i) lower- and middle-income
countries should invest in creating an enabling environment that supports the
relationship between professional veterinarians and para-professionals, to ensure
the timely reporting, treatment and control of animal diseases; ii) the provision of
veterinary extension services should not focus solely on household ‘heads’, but also
on other household members, such as wives and children, and on herdsmen; iii) strong
government engagement is required in the provision of veterinary services for pastoral
or extensive livestock production systems, because normal market forces have failed
to attract professional veterinarians and trained para-professionals from the private
sector to work in these sectors; iv) farmers must be empowered to hold service
providers accountable, by the development and trialling of tools that would enable them
to measure the quality of services that they receive and to verify the qualifications of
different service providers; v) investment in veterinary education is vital, to ensure that
enough qualified veterinary staff are available to offer veterinary services to farmers.

Africa – Kenya – Service delivery – Transaction cost economics – Uganda – Veterinary services.

Introduction in the community (2, 3). Livestock production also offers

employment opportunities, especially to those involved in
adding value to livestock products (4).
Livestock production is a very important activity in the
livelihoods of many rural households in developing
countries. It often contributes to multiple livelihood However, animal diseases continue to be a threat to livestock
objectives and is an important source of nutritious food, production and to the realisation of such benefits in most
income and draught power (1, 2). Livestock are also a developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa
major store of wealth and investment and play a role as a (5, 6, 7). An outbreak of disease can mean the difference
social asset. For example, livestock are used for paying a between sufficient food and food insecurity; having a secure
dowry on marriage; as compensation for injured parties income and losing key household assets; and even between
in tribal or clan feuds; and as an indicator of social status eating healthy food and food that is contaminated (5, 6).

doi: 10.20506/rst.36.1.2628
280 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 36 (1)

In developing countries, epidemic diseases such as peste des including veterinary services, was being questioned in
petits ruminants (PPR), contagious bovine pleuropneumonia favour of the market forces of supply and demand, as a
(CBPP) and caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) have led to consequence of prolonged fiscal challenges (17). As a result,
the deaths of many animals, while other diseases, including the World Bank pressured African governments to adopt
foot and mouth disease (FMD) and brucellosis, affect structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) as a condition
animal growth and milk production (8, 9, 10, 11). Zoonotic for receiving loans (financial or budgetary support). The
and foodborne diseases, such as gastro-intestinal diseases, expectation was that the SAPs would lessen the fiscal and
also lead to deaths and increased treatment costs, which are governance challenges confronting African governments by
passed on to the consumers of livestock products (12, 13). promoting the private sector (the ‘market approach’) as the
preferred means of providing services, including veterinary
A report by the International Federation of Animal Health services (18).
estimates that about one million cattle die of rabies in
Central and South America each year, while 55,000 humans However, the ‘miracle of the market’ did not happen (17)
die of rabies annually in the world, with 99% of these deaths and, as a result, the World Bank supported analytical works
occurring in developing countries (14). Knight-Jones and on what governments should and should not provide,
Rushton (10) estimate losses due to FMD in the endemic such as those of Umali et al. (19) and Ahuja (20). Those
regions of Africa and Asia to be in the range of US $5 to veterinary services for which no market failure was assumed
$21 billion annually, in terms of production losses and to exist were categorised as private services and those where
vaccine costs alone. In South Sudan, Barasa et al. (15) the market approach was not succeeding in ensuring that
estimate a loss of $25 per cow per year from FMD, and, demand for those services was met were categorised as
in Nigeria, Fadiga et al. estimate the economic burden of public goods (17, 21). As a result, a number of institutional
PPR, CBPP, trypanosomiasis, Newcastle disease and African arrangements emerged, including: decentralisation, cost
swine fever at $179 million (29.2 billion naira) (16). recovery, sub-contracting, the provision of subsidies to
animal health service providers and the Community Animal
A recent study by the International Livestock Research Health Worker (CAHW) system, particularly in pastoral
Institute reveals that many of the major geographical areas. Nonetheless, in most cases, expectations have not
hotspots for zoonotic diseases are in East Africa, with been met (22) and this is largely attributed to institutional
all four main countries in the region, namely Ethiopia, and governance challenges (23, 24, 25).
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, appearing among the top
20 countries most burdened by zoonotic disease (13). To address these institutional and governance challenges,
The report estimates that about 13 zoonotic diseases are Riviere-Cinnamond (21) recommends that economic
responsible for 2.4 billion human cases of illness and analyses of animal health service delivery should move
2.2 million deaths every year in developing countries. The towards a process-based approach, which provides a
risk of zoonotic disease emergence is expected to increase broader perspective and understanding of transaction
with increased intensification of livestock production costs. Process-based analysis provides insights into
to meet the ever-increasing demand for animal protein, transaction costs that arise from political interference,
especially in developing countries (10, 13). Therefore, there behavioural attributes and other economic attributes,
is a dire need for cost-effective approaches or mechanisms including market failure (21). Indeed, a number of studies
for managing veterinary services so that they can minimise that examine behavioural attributes and incentives in these
risks to livestock production and risks to animal and human areas, as well as strategic interactions between public- and
health. private-sector actors, have since emerged (26, 27, 28).
Nevertheless, these studies pay less attention to governance
problems, such as community capacity and state capacity.
Nor do they deal adequately with veterinary service
Managing veterinary services: delivery attributes, such as care intensity (a measure of the
resources required to adequately care for an animal) and
from private and public analysis the intensity of transactions that tend to affect the day-to-
day provision of veterinary services (29, 30). This paper
of veterinary service delivery to presents a summary of PhD work, originally entitled: ‘An
analysis of institutional arrangements for providing animal
process-based analysis health services: a theoretical framework and empirical
evidence from Kenya and Uganda’ (31). The study applied
Before the 1980s, the delivery of veterinary services in transaction cost economics (TCE) to the management of
Africa, including in Uganda and Kenya, was entirely the veterinary services in developing countries, given pervasive
responsibility of the government. However, in the late governance and market failures. This approach is based
1980s, the role of government in providing public services, on the so-called ‘discriminating alignment hypothesis’,
Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 36 (1) 281

developed by Williamson (32). The thesis developed and that most para-professionals, in the case of Uganda, are
applied innovative tools, such as role-play experiments and trained in general agriculture, rather than in animal health.
Net Map process tools. Nevertheless, their services are still in greater demand than
those of private veterinarians, because para-professionals
In applying the TCE approach, three steps are required. charge lower fees, are closer to farmers and farmers cannot
measure the quality of services they receive (34, 35). In
i) The process of providing different types of veterinary Uganda, there were no private veterinarians in either the
services (such as clinical and preventative veterinary pastoral or intensive livestock production system districts
services) should be examined, to identify the actors, their examined in the study. Moreover, out of 11 government
roles, possible challenges and potential remedies to address veterinarians, only one was actively involved in providing
the challenges faced in the provision of effective veterinary veterinary services on a private basis. Most veterinary
services. services delivery was left to the para-professionals. These
para-professionals have various qualifications. Some have
ii) The effectiveness of institutional arrangements should be no education and are trained on the job, while others have
examined. formal education in the social sciences, general agriculture
or accounting, but not in veterinary medicine, and have
iii) Veterinary services that differ in their characteristics received only minimal formal veterinary training. The
should be aligned with a system or an institutional quality of services that they provide (measured by their
arrangement or governance structure that best fits those ability to clinically diagnose a given cattle disease and
characteristics (in terms of costs and competencies) so as to prescribe the correct drug and dosage) is generally low (35).
determine a cost-effective management approach (32).
In the case of qualified veterinarians, in both pastoral
Although the literature on veterinary services delivery and intensive livestock production systems, the quality
identifies many institutional arrangements, such as of their services is very high. However, absenteeism by
decentralisation, government structures, CAHWs, para- government veterinarians, limited opportunities for career
veterinarians (para-professionals), and cost-sharing, this progress, weak veterinary structures, and inadequate and
study considered three main service delivery systems, for unpredictable budgetary allocations were found to affect
analytical purposes: their ability to deliver veterinary services.
– para-professionals
In the context of clinical services, the results show that
– professionals (qualified veterinarians)
the ability of qualified veterinarians to identify the signs of
– a referral system of veterinarians and para-professionals. different diseases does not significantly differ from that of
para-professionals trained in veterinary science, and there
According to the World Organisation for Animal Health is little difference in the accuracy of their prescriptions.
(OIE), a veterinary para-professional is a person authorised However, the ability of service providers who are not
by the Veterinary Statutory Body to carry out certain formally trained in veterinary science to perform these tasks
designated tasks in a given territory, delegated to them is significantly lower than that of service providers who are
under the responsibility and direction of a veterinarian trained. Yet, the non-trained para-professionals are more
(33). In reality, most para-professionals in African countries dominant in the animal health market (34, 36, 37).
are not mandated by the Veterinary Statutory Body and
are not under the direction or supervision of veterinarians Nonetheless, as shown by the results of a role-play
(34). Therefore, for the purposes of this paper, the author experiment, presented in Figure 1, the ability of para-
considered all service providers who lacked a degree in professionals to prescribe drugs correctly improves with
veterinary science as para-professionals, including those experience and as they interact with qualified veterinarians.
who had not been formally trained but who operated a The experiment took place over four ‘rounds’. In each
drug store. round, farmers were given an ‘animal medical card’,
similar to those used for people, with the name of a disease
The results from the process analysis revealed that para- written in both English and the local language. Service
professionals in Kenya and Uganda are more influential providers were asked to write down the clinical signs for
than veterinarians in the provision of clinical services in this disease and to prescribe drug treatment. After each
intensive livestock production. However, poor relations round, veterinarians and para-professionals had the chance
between veterinarians and para-professionals in the to discuss their answers, so with each round, the para-
provision of clinical veterinary services have greatly affected professionals gained experience and the quality of their
the provision of preventative services, such as vaccination response improved (for further details, see [35]). Thus,
and disease surveillance. This is worsened by the fact building working relationships between para-professionals
282 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 36 (1)

a) Learning curves, by field of training b) Learning curves, by livestock production system

120 120

100 100
Scores in drug prescription (%)

Scores in drug prescription (%)

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Round (experience) Round (experience)
Diploma in veterinary science Diploma in agriculture, including a short Intensive
veterinary course
Diploma in social science, including a short Informal veterinary training Pastoral
veterinary course

Fig. 1
An assessment of the ability of para-professionals to prescribe appropriate drugs: improvements in the scores of service providers:
a) with different educational backgrounds and b) working in different types of livestock production
In a role-play exercise, service providers were asked what drugs they would prescribe for a given disease. The exercise was repeated for four different
diseases. Between each round, para-professionals discussed their answers with professional veterinarians to learn more about clinical signs and
appropriate drug treatment

and veterinarians may be the key to improving the quality The management of veterinary services:
of services offered by para-professionals. insights from transaction cost economics
Unfortunately, legislation to support the strengthening of Insights from the TCE analysis show that it is not enough
relationships between veterinarians and para-professionals to categorise veterinary services into public and private
is not easily enforceable in the pastoral areas of either Kenya goods. Doing so ignores governance attributes that ensure
or Uganda, because there are no or very few qualified continuity and sustained service delivery, as well as
veterinarians and veterinary-trained para-professionals (34). variations in the technical competence of service providers
In Uganda, such legislation is also outdated and ineffective and in the quality of veterinary services offered to livestock
(36). The most recent revision of legislation in Uganda farmers (38). Such division of services into public and
occurred in 2003, mainly in order to address the problems private assumes that the private sector can attract skilled
of poor or ineffectual relationships among the relevant service providers and that users are able to measure the
government authorities and a general lack of capacity of quality of the services provided. As experience has shown,
both the Directorate of Animal Resources and Veterinary in some areas – especially in extensive livestock production
Board professionals to navigate the policy process. systems in sub-Saharan Africa – the government sector does
provide qualified veterinarians. However, even in the public
Indeed, the Ugandan Ministry of Agriculture and Veterinary sector, only a limited number of trained veterinarians are
willing to work in pastoral livestock production systems
Board have singularly failed to obtain support for legislative
with high livestock populations, given their remoteness
change from the Ministry of Finance Planning and
(39). Worse still, corruption and the misuse of public
Economic Development. Nor have they managed to build a
funds have completely undermined government capacity to
coalition with local government and farmers’ organisations
provide veterinary services (40, 41). Therefore, any policy
to support veterinary-related legislation in general. Given
option intended to enhance the performance of a national
these governance challenges, which are inherent in the
veterinary system in sub-Saharan Africa should address the
provision of veterinary services in many countries, and
following issues:
the inefficiencies highlighted in the specific cases of Kenya
and Uganda, the question that must be asked is: how can – improving the relationship between para-professionals
governments better manage and deliver veterinary services? and professional veterinarians
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– ensuring that women and herdsmen have access to Ensuring that women and herdsmen have
livestock extension services access to livestock extension services
– supporting public veterinary systems in pastoral areas
Although women, children and young people the world
– investing in para-professional education over are known to play a key role in livestock production,
– empowering farmers to measure the quality of services. including animal healthcare, they have limited access to
extension services (46, 47, 48). Most extension programmes,
especially in pastoral livestock production systems,
Improving the relationship between para- mainly reach out to men or ‘household heads’, leaving
professionals and professional veterinarians out herdsmen, women and children, despite the fact that
they play an influential role in the provision of veterinary
The results from the TCE analysis of veterinary services
services (36). Ilukor et al. (29) demonstrated that women
delivery in Kenya and Uganda show that para-professional
and herdsmen, in particular, play a crucially important
services are needed because they offer the care and attention
role in the detection and treatment of livestock diseases.
clients require and because they are located closer to
Therefore, veterinary extension services should focus not
clients compared to veterinarians, which minimises travel
only on household heads, but must also take into account
costs and transaction costs. Veterinarians, on the other
all those involved in livestock management, nutrition and
hand, are valued for their technical expertise (29). These
animal healthcare (in the Kenyan and Ugandan situation,
results suggest that, if a service is characterised by a high
this includes female household members and herdsmen).
level of repeat transactions (transaction intensity) and a
This will help to ensure the timely detection, reporting,
high degree of care intensity, the para-professional system
treatment and control of disease.
has a comparative advantage over the veterinary system.
However, if a service requires technical skills, professional In other situations, the focus could be different. The
veterinarians have the advantage. In the case of clinical message emerging from process-based analysis is that it is
services with mixed attributes, para-professionals alone important to understand who is involved in livestock care,
cannot be relied upon to provide these services (29). what role they play and their level of decision-making in the
But neither can farmers rely only upon veterinarians, health and welfare of the animals in question.
because there are not enough veterinarians to provide the
veterinary services needed (42). A referral system or an Supporting public veterinary systems
integrated veterinary system, in which para-professionals in pastoral areas
and professional veterinarians work together, is the most
effective, since most of these services have mixed attributes. Private-sector veterinarians and para-professionals trained
Indeed, results from the TCE analysis show that the use of in veterinary science have come to play an important role in
para-professional services by livestock farmers is positively intensive livestock production systems since the withdrawal
related to the availability of veterinarians, and the use of of the government (34, 35). However, this is not the case in
professional veterinary services is positively related to the pastoral livestock production systems (18). Experience in
availability of para-professionals (29). In addition, as shown Kenya and Uganda has shown that the market failures there
in Figure 1, positive interactions between para-professionals could not be overcome. The author’s findings also indicate
and qualified veterinarians lead to improvements in the that the effort to close this gap by promoting CAHWs, most
quality of veterinary services provided by para-professionals of whom have no formal training and limited informal
(35). Therefore, any intervention aimed at improving the training, has proven to be a rather problematic response
management of veterinary services needs to consider the to this issue. This is especially the case when these service
relationship between professional veterinarians and para- providers are expected to fulfil a major role in providing
professionals. curative services, as this may lead to inefficient use or
potentially dangerous misuse of veterinary drugs (35).
One example of making use of this relationship would As shown in Figure 1, para-professionals without formal
be to strengthen referral arrangements. Referrals between training performed below required standards when it came
veterinarians and para-professionals can be improved to prescribing drugs. Although those who had undertaken
by placing para-professionals under the supervision of some formal veterinary training as part of their social
veterinarians, expanding mobile phone ownership among sciences or agricultural training performed better than
para-professionals, supporting the formation of para- informally trained para-professionals, their performance
professional associations, and investing in short-term was below that of those trained in veterinary medicine.
training (34). The establishment of veterinary and para- In addition, the quality of veterinary services provided
professional associations is useful in forging a sense of to pastoralists was of low quality, in comparison to those
unity, professionalism, and pride in one’s local reputation, provided to intensive livestock production systems (Fig. 1).
as well as in creating links between para-professionals and This is attributed to the fact that most para-professionals in
veterinarians (43, 44, 45). pastoral systems (CAHWs) have no formal education.
284 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 36 (1)

These results suggest that stronger government involvement structural adjustment programme that led to a cut in the
is required in the provision of veterinary services to pastoral number of para-professionals and the ceasing of automatic
or extensive livestock systems. The study indicates that recruitment of veterinarians (18). As a result, enrolment in
there are more government veterinarians in the intensive veterinary training programmes declined and some para-
livestock system than in pastoral systems because of the professional veterinary training institutions were forced
difficulty in attracting and retaining veterinary staff in remote to close. The veterinary training institute at Entebbe in
pastoral areas. Leonard et al. (42) show that veterinarians Uganda, for instance, closed down and, even today, there
are difficult to keep and to motivate, and they require is no institution training para-professionals in veterinary
higher wages than para-professionals who hold diplomas medicine in Uganda. Even in countries such as Kenya,
in veterinary medicine. The results of the present study, which do still train para-professionals in veterinary
shown in Table I, indicate that such para-professionals are medicine, a majority if not all of the students intend to
a viable alternative to veterinarians with university degrees, work in intensive livestock production systems. Part of the
because they provide a quality of service very similar to that problem is that most training institutions are situated in
of veterinarians who hold a degree in veterinary medicine. geographical regions where intensive livestock production
Thus, considering the fact that veterinarians with degrees is practised.
are not easily attracted to work in remote pastoral areas (36),
governments should consider recruiting para-professionals The number of veterinary para-professionals and veterinary
who hold diplomas in veterinary science (veterinary nurses nurses/technicians in areas of extensive livestock production
and technicians), to work in pastoral areas. could be increased by encouraging veterinary colleges to
establish training centres in these areas. This approach could
have considerable potential to increase enrolment rates
Investing in para-professional education
because the costs of access would be significantly reduced
Para-professionals play a significant role in providing (49). In addition, development partners and governments
veterinary services to livestock communities, both in could establish scholarship programmes targeting students
intensive and extensive livestock systems. However, in the from marginal livestock-producing areas who wish to train
extensive systems of many developing countries, the quality as para-professionals. A similar scholarship programme is
of the service provided by many para-professionals is low, being implemented in Uganda by the Ministry of Health to
because they have not received sufficient training and support human resource development in the provision of
do not have the requisite skills (34, 35). The shortage of human healthcare services in hard-to-reach and marginal
skilled providers has adversely affected the market demand areas (50). Such an intervention for animal health would
for veterinary services because farmers tend to treat the ensure that marginal areas had sufficient qualified veterinary
animals by themselves instead of seeking the services of the staff to offer quality veterinary services. If this does not
service providers. Indeed, 52% of the farmers interviewed happen, the livestock sectors in those areas will continue
in both Kenya and Uganda said they would treat a sick to be disadvantaged by unqualified service providers who
animal on their farm by themselves because they believe tend to misuse animal drugs; moreover, disease outbreaks,
they can perform the task just as well as the untrained para- delays in disease reporting and surveillance challenges will
professionals and are unwilling to pay a premium to service persist. This will inflict significant losses on farmers, on
providers (29, 36). This results in the market for trained human healthcare systems and on the economy.
para-professionals and veterinarians becoming too small
and fragile to sustain their incomes (29, 30). Empowering farmers to measure the quality of
The shortage of skilled veterinary service providers in
countries such as Uganda and Kenya can be linked to a Much of the attention given to improving the delivery and
governance of veterinary services has focused on good
veterinary legislation, and on getting the ‘right’ veterinary
Table I system, to ensure a strong chain of command in veterinary
Clinical diagnosis and drug prescription services in Uganda: services delivery (6, 51). The role of farmers and livestock
a comparative assessment of the quality of the services producers has either been ignored or received little
provided by i) veterinarians and ii) para-professionals trained in attention. Yet their role is of particular importance, as a
veterinary medicine result of the paradigm shift in veterinary services delivery
Average percentage scores from the public to the private sector, or to private–public
Type of service p-value partnerships (52). Van Veen and de Haan (53) argue that
Veterinarians farmers and farmer associations should play a much greater
role in initiating and maintaining veterinary legislation, as
Clinical diagnosis 53% 58% 0.962
well as in demanding quality veterinary services. Having
Drug prescription 99% 98% 0.998
strong veterinary legislation with good enforcement and
Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 36 (1) 285

effective veterinary systems is necessary to improve the prescription in these books. This tool could help farmers to
delivery of veterinary services, but it is not enough. It is also distinguish between the qualifications of different service
necessary that farmers be able to participate in the animal providers and the quality of services they offer. The tool
health market to ensure the sustainability of the veterinary could also help to exclude non-educated para-professionals
system. from the marketplace, or at least reduce their numbers, and
thereby reduce competition.
One of the main challenges for farmers is that they are not
easily able to measure the quality of services that they receive
from veterinary service providers (54). It is important,
therefore, to develop and test tools, such as the animal
medical cards referred to previously, that will enable them
Transaction cost analysis of veterinary services delivery in
to improve their own knowledge and skills and thereby
Kenya and Uganda demonstrates that any given intervention
equip them to assess the work of these service providers.
aimed at improving veterinary services delivery should
A study by Ilukor and Birner (35) showed that using an
animal medical card enables farmers to assess the quality of i) a synergistic relationship between para-professionals
service they receive from veterinary service providers and to and professional veterinarians, through mutually beneficial
make those who provide poor-quality services accountable. referral arrangements
This tool can also help in keeping records of the treatment
history of the animal and monitoring antimicrobial ii) the establishment of public veterinary systems for
agents. In France, the French Veterinary Association has pastoral areas
developed the VETELEVAGE software package to monitor
the prescription and use of medicines at the farm level. iii) investment in the education of para-professionals
The computerised register is shared by the farmer and the
veterinarian. Veterinary interventions and prescriptions, iv) the empowerment of farmers to be able to measure the
as well as the farmer’s interventions and treatments quality of services offered to them
administered, are captured. The application makes it easy
to monitor herd performance, treatment protocols and
v) access for women and herdsmen to livestock extension
antibiotic prescriptions (55).

In developing countries, if farmers do not have computers,

the use of exercise books could be promoted. Farmers
would ask the service providers to write their diagnosis and

Améliorer la prestation de services vétérinaires en Afrique :

éclairage à partir d’une étude empirique basée sur les coûts de
transaction en Ouganda et au Kenya
J. Ilukor

L’auteur propose une synthèse des principales conclusions d’un projet de
recherche consacré aux dispositifs institutionnels élaborés en Ouganda et au
Kenya pour encadrer la prestation des services de santé animale. Face à la
nécessité de trouver des solutions aux graves difficultés de gouvernance qui
entravent la prestation de services vétérinaires en Afrique, cette étude s’est
fondée sur la théorie des transactions économiques pour formuler quelques
recommandations sur les moyens d’améliorer la prestation de ces services et de
286 Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 36 (1)

minimiser les risques affectant la production animale, y compris ceux qui peuvent
menacer la santé publique, à savoir les zoonoses.
Les principales recommandations de l’étude sont les suivantes : i) les pays à
faible revenu et à revenu intermédiaire devraient s’investir dans la création d’un
environnement propice à la coopération entre les vétérinaires professionnels
et les para-professionnels vétérinaires, afin d’assurer la notification rapide,
le traitement et la prophylaxie des maladies animales ; ii) les prestations de
services vétérinaires de proximité ne doivent pas se limiter aux seuls « chefs
de famille » mais s’adresser également aux autres membres des foyers (les
épouses et les enfants) ainsi qu’aux gardiens des troupeaux; iii) une mobilisation
forte des pouvoirs publics est nécessaire pour assurer la prestation de services
vétérinaires au sein des systèmes d’élevage pastoral ou extensif, dans la mesure
où les forces spontanées du marché ont échoué à attirer les vétérinaires libéraux
et les para-professionnels qualifiés du secteur privé dans ces territoires ; iv) les
éleveurs doivent disposer des moyens de demander des comptes aux prestataires
de services, ce qui suppose de concevoir et de tester des outils leur permettant
d’évaluer la qualité des services rendus et de vérifier les qualifications des
différents prestataires de services ; v) l’investissement dans l’enseignement de la
médecine vétérinaire est d’une importance capitale pour garantir que les effectifs
des personnels vétérinaires qualifiés sont suffisants pour assurer une prestation
de services adéquate aux éleveurs.

Afrique – Économie des coûts de transition – Kenya – Ouganda – Prestation de services
– Services vétérinaires

Mejora de la prestación de servicios veterinarios en África: ideas

resultantes de la aplicación empírica de los costos de transacción
en Uganda y Kenia
J. Ilukor

El autor resume las conclusiones de un proyecto de investigación en el que
se estudiaron los dispositivos institucionales destinados a prestar servicios
zoosanitarios en Uganda y Kenia. Dada la necesidad de encontrar soluciones
para los omnipresentes problemas de buen gobierno que lastran la prestación de
servicios veterinarios en África, en el estudio se aplicó la teoría de la economía
de transacción para formular una serie de recomendaciones sobre la manera
de mejorar la prestación de dichos servicios y reducir al mínimo los riesgos para
la producción ganadera, en particular aquellos que entrañen una amenaza
para la salud humana, como las zoonosis.
Las recomendaciones más destacadas son las siguientes: i) los países de nivel
bajo o medio de renta deben invertir en la creación de condiciones que favorezcan
la relación entre los veterinarios profesionales y los paraprofesionales, con objeto
de lograr una mayor puntualidad en la notificación, el tratamiento y el control
de las enfermedades animales; ii) la prestación de servicios de divulgación
veterinaria no debe ir dirigida únicamente a los «cabezas de familia», sino
también a los demás miembros de la unidad familiar (esposa e hijos, por ejemplo)
y a los encargados de cuidar de los rebaños; iii) en sistemas de producción
ganadera pastoral o extensiva la prestación de servicios veterinarios exige una
Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 36 (1) 287

fuerte participación del sector público, puesto que los mecanismos de mercado
no han servido para atraer a veterinarios profesionales y a paraprofesionales
cualificados del sector privado para que trabajen en esos sectores; iv) es preciso
habilitar a los pequeños productores para que sean exigentes con los proveedores
de servicios, elaborando y aplicando experimentalmente herramientas que los
capaciten para enjuiciar la calidad de los servicios que reciben y comprobar las
cualificaciones de los distintos proveedores de servicios; v) es esencial invertir
en la enseñanza de la veterinaria a fin de lograr que haya una dotación suficiente
de veterinarios cualificados para ofrecer servicios veterinarios a los productores.

Palabras clave
África – Economía de los costos de transacción – Kenia – Prestación de servicios –
Servicios veterinarios – Uganda.

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