Spelling Templates
Spelling Templates
Spelling Templates
Write your words out first. Then put them in ABC order.
Zebra apple
Banana balloon
Apple banana
Orange basketball
Elephant elephant
Turtle orange
Balloon turtle
Basketball zebra
Red and Blue Letters
Write your word list normally. In the next list, write your words with
the vowels blue and the consonants as red.
Scramble and Unscramble
Write your word list. In the next list, scramble up the letters. If
the third list, unscramble the letters.
Word List Scramble List Unscramble List
Sentence Writing
Write a sentence for each of your words. Color the words that
you used from your word list.
1. I have a very nice bed.
Silly Hand Writing
Bed bed
Bug bug
Cabin cabin
Tent tent
Tube tube
Roof roof
Feet feet
Write your word list, then write the number of syllables in that word.
Bed 1
Bug 1
Cabin 2
Tent 1
Tube 1
Roof 1
Feet 1
Scrabble Words
Write out your word list to look like scrabble tiles. Use scrabble
tiles to spell out your words. Write the numbers on the bottom
of the tile on your page and add them up to see which word has
the highest score.
Word List in Scrabble Form Score
Use the letter stamps to stamp out your word list. First, write
the list normally, then use the stamps.
Word List Stamps
Missing Vowels
Write out your word list normally. Then write the words without
any vowels, leaving blanks for them.
Word List Missing Vowels
Bed b_d
Bug b_g
Cabin c_b_n
Tent t_nt
Tube t_b_
Roof r__f
Feet f__t
Dictionary Words
Write out your word list. Use the dictionary to
write down the meaning of your word. We may
only do a couple of the words from your list.
Word List Dictionary Meaning
Bend It
Bend the pipe cleaner to make your words. Make sure when
you are done that you straighten them out again!
Necklace Spell
Use a piece of pipe cleaner and letter beads to write your
words on a necklace. When you are done, make sure to take
all of the beads off the pipe cleaner.
Push the Goo
Use the bag of sand or goo to write your words. Use your
finger to spell out the different words and then squish it to
make it go away. Write your words in your book after.
Play Dough Spell
Use the playdough to write out your words as quickly as
possible. Don’t play around too much!
Magnetic Letters
Use the magnetic letters to spell out your words on the
Whiteboard Write
Use your whiteboard markers to white out your words. Write
them into your book.
Hidden Words
Use a white crayon to write your words down. Then go over it
with a marker and your words will appear. Make sure to spell
them correctly.
Write It! Write It! Write It!
First, you will write your word with a pencil, then write it with
a pencil and go over it with a highlighter, then write it with a
pen or marker.
Staircase Words
Write your words so that they look like a staircase. Keep
building them.
Friend Thank
Fr Th
Fri Tha
Frie Than
Firen Thank
Friend Thank
Type Your Words
Use the keyboard in the classroom, to type out your spelling
words. Use your correct fingers.
Connect the Dots
Write your word using dots, and then connect them.
Pom Pom Write
Use pom-poms to spell out your words, then write them in
your book.
Etcha- Sketch
Use the etcha-sketch to write out your words. Write your
words in your book afterwards.
Stamp It in Play Dough
Use the stamps, and stamp out your words using the play
Use the stencils to spell out your words.
Rhyming Words
Write your words, then try and come up with rhyming words.
If you can’t think of any real rhyming words, then make up so
fake words that will rhyme.
Cake Bake, fake, lake, rake, snake
Sound Ground, hound, sound
Dog bog, log, hog
All Capitals
Write your words in all smaller case letters, then write your
words with all capital letters.
Bingo Dabber
Use a classroom bingo dabber to spell out your words. Make
sure that you do not drag the dabber but dot with it.
Bubble Letters
Write all of your words in bubble letters.
Number Letters
Use the chart, write your words using the correct number and
then write it out correctly.
A = 1 H = 8 O = 15 V = 22
B =2 I = 9 P = 16 W = 23
C = 3 J = 10 Q = 17 X = 24
D = 4 K = 11 R = 18 Y = 25
E = 5 L = 12 S = 19 Z = 26
F = 6 M = 13 T = 20
G = 7 N = 14 U = 21
Button Write
Use buttons to spell out your words, make sure to clean up
the buttons afterwards!
Popsicle Stick
Use popsicle sticks to spell out your words.
Playdough Write
Use playdough to shape the letters for your words. Don’t take
too long!