TI34P02A14-01E - 001 - FCN-RTU Technical Guide PDF
TI34P02A14-01E - 001 - FCN-RTU Technical Guide PDF
TI34P02A14-01E - 001 - FCN-RTU Technical Guide PDF
TI 34P02A14-01E
TI 34P02A14-01E
© Copyright May. 2017 (YK)
1st Edition May. 31, 2017 (YK)
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About this manual
STARDOM control system provides
• High reliability
• Simple, high-quality engineering
• An open system that can be connected easily to other systems
• Reassuring support for long-term operation
This manual describes in detail the FCN-RTU functions in the STARDOM control
Notation in this document:
• The term “FCN” refers to the module consisting type autonomous controllers.
• The term “FCN-500” refers to the autonomous controllers with NFCP501/NFCP502
CPU module.
• The term “FCN-100” refers to the autonomous controllers with NFCP100 CPU
• The term “FCN-RTU” refers to the low power autonomous controllers with NFCP050
CPU module.
• The term “FCJ” refers to the all-in-one type autonomous controllers.
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2017, Yokogawa Electric Corporation TI 34P02A14-01E May. 31, 2017-00
Documentation Conventions
■ Symbol Marks
Throughout this Technical Information, you will find several different types of symbols
are used to identify different sections of text. This section describes these icons.
Indicates precautions to avoid a danger that may lead to death or severe injury.
Indicates precautions to avoid a danger that may lead to minor or moderate injury or
property damage.
Identifies important information required to understand operations or functions.
Identifies additional information.
Identifies a source to be referred to.
Clicking a reference displayed in green can call up its source, while clicking a
reference displayed in black cannot.
■ Drawing Conventions
Some drawings in this manual may be partially emphasized, simplified or omitted for the
convenience of description.
Some screen images depicted in this manual may have different display positions or
character types (e.g., uppercase/lowercase letters) compared to the actual screen
displays, but only within a range that will not lead to misunderstanding of the function
and operation monitoring.
Software Licenses
Model Title
NT751FJ Logic Designer License
NT752AJ FCN/FCJ Simulator License
NT781AJ FCN/FCJ OPC Server for Windows
SSS6700 Device Management Tool for Foundation fieldbus
Introduction ......................................................................... i
Documentation Conventions ............................................ ii
Copyrights and Trademarks ............................................ iii
STARDOM (FCN-RTU)....................................................... iv
CONTENTS ......................................................................... v
1. Autonomous Controller FCN-RTU Features .............1
2. FCN-RTU Function Overview...................................... 3
2.1 FCN-RTU Control Functions ...........................................................3
2.2 Devices that can be connected to FCN-RTU ..................................5
2.2.1 Connection to FAST/TOOLS ...................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Connection to VDS ..................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Connection to SCADA with OPC Server .................................................. 8
2.2.4 Connection to CENTUM (Data Integration) ............................................ 10
2.2.5 Connection to CENTUM (Operation Integration) ................................... 13
2.2.6 Connection to Various Controllers ......................................................... 15
2.2.7 Connection to Display Unit ..................................................................... 16
2.2.8 Connection to Field Devices ................................................................... 17
2.3 FCN-RTU Information Transmission Functions...........................18
2.3.1 InfoWell ...................................................................................................... 19
2.3.2 Duolet Application .................................................................................... 30
2.3.3 Time Synchronization Function .............................................................. 35
● High Reliability
• FCN-RTU thrives in wide temperature range and in high altitude.
• RAS features (CPU self diagnostics, temperature monitoring, I/O diagnostics, and
• Low heat dissipation, eliminating the need for a cooling fan
● Control Capability
• Applicable to a variety of processes, from sequence control processes to analog
control processes.
• Controller can be connected to SCADA system using serial connections using
TCP/IP over PPP or SLIP.
• By installing FCN/FCJ OPC server for Windows on PC, controller data can be
accessed from an OPC (OLE for Process Control) client.
● Autonomous Capability
• Autonomous functions required for geographically distributed applications are
embedded in controllers.
• Duolet-enabled — enables users to implement various applications, including
displaying images on a Web browser, saving data files, transferring files using the
FTP protocol and public network connection using the PPP protocol. Duolet
application is a Java language application to run on Duolet function.
• InfoWell packages make easy use of autonomous functions such as web browsers
and logging without programming.
● Easy Maintenance
• Online download function allows a control application to be modified during system
• All I/O modules (except CPU embedded I/Os) are hot-swappable.
Control NW I/O I/O Control Processing I/O I/O I/O
Function Function
NW : Network Interface
Generic PLC Architecture FCN-RTU Architecture
Figure Generic PLC Architecture and FCN-RTU Architecture
For details on Functions and Function Blocks, refer to 4.1.3, “FUs and FBs of Logic Designer."
■ PAS Portfolio
The following high-performance parts are available as a PAS portfolio to achieve
process control.
• Input/Output Data Processing POU
• Regulatory Control POU
• Arithmetic Calculation POU
• Sequence POU
• FF-H1 (fieldbus) POU
• Utility POU
For more information about the PAS Portfolio, refer to “NPAS POU - Overview” (IM 34P02P25-01E).
Other Portfolio
High-performance portfolios are also available for communication with each type of
device and for specific applications.
● Communication Portfolios
Libraries of parts for communicating with PLCs such as Yokogawa FA-M3, Mitsubishi
MELSEC controllers, Modbus support device and DNP3 support device
• For more information about the FA-M3 Communication Portfolio, MELSEC-A Communication
Portfolio, and Modbus Communication Portfolio, refer to “Application Portfolios
(FCN-500/FCN-RTU)” (GS 34P02P20-02E).
• For more information about the DNP3 Communication Portfolio, refer to “DNP3 Communication
Portfolio (FCN-500/FCN-RTU)” (GS 34P02P22-02E).
For more information about the FAST/TOOLS, refer to “FAST/TOOLS Technical Product Description”
(TI 50A01A20-01EN).
● Limitations in Number
FAST/TOOLS is connected to FCN-RTUs via the control network (Ethernet). Each
limitation in number is shown below.
• Up to a total of 10,000 controllers and devices including FCN-RTUs can be
connected per FAST/TOOLS.
Operation FAST/TOOLS Viewer
Operation and
Data Acquisition
and Saving
Control Network (Ethernet) capable of being duplexed
For more information about the VDS, refer to “VDS Technical Guide” (TI 34P02A12-01E).
● Limitations in Number
VDS is connected to FCN-RTUs via the control network (Ethernet). Each limitation in
number is shown below.
• Up to a total of 32 controllers and devices including FCN-RTUs can be connected
per VDS.
• FCN-RTUs on each control network can link with up to four VDS systems (,
FCN/FCJ OPC servers and FAST/TOOLS in total).
For more information about the PAS Portfolios, refer to 4.1.4, “Application Portfolios (APPF).”
Up to 4 VDSs
Operation VDS Viewer
per control network
Operation and Tags (control objects) dedicated for
access to various data are prepared:
• FCN-RTU RAS objects
• Message objects
• PAS POU objects
Data Acquisition
and Saving
Control Network (Ethernet)
- For details of FCN/FCJ OPC Server for Windows, refer to “FCN/FCJ OPC Server for Windows”
(GS 34P02Q61-01E).
- For details of the optional Duplexed Network Program for FCN/FCJ, refer to “Duplexed Network
Program for FCN/FCJ OPC Server” (GS 34P02Q62-01E).
Applications Software Applications
Automation Interface
An optional package
OPC DA2.0 Custom Interface
for easy connection
Subsystem Connection
In subsystem connection, an FCN-RTU is connected as a subsystem to an FCS of
CENTUM. Two communications protocols are available:
• RTU mode (Communications duplex enable)
• Modbus/TCP
In either case, a communication module of the FCS is used to communicate with the
FCN-RTU. Data of an FCN-RTU connected as a subsystem to an FCS are
connected to I/O terminals of function blocks and accessed in the same way as
analog/digital I/O signals of the FCS.
For more information about connection to CENTUM, refer to “Engineering Guide of
CENTUM/STARDOM Integration" (TI 34P02K41-01E).
On CENTUM VP system, CAMS for HIS is included in Standard Operation and
Monitoring Function (VP6H1100).
- UGS/UGS2 is recommended to use for operation integration of CENTUM VP R5.01 or later.
- For details of each functions CENTUM VP, refer to the IM come with the product if necessary.
For more information about connection to CENTUM, refer to “Engineering Guide of
CENTUM/STARDOM Integration" (TI 34P02K41-01E).
Equipment B
Equipment A
Control Network
Ethernet •Modbus communication function
*1: This function can be achieved using the information transmission package “InfoWell.”
*2: This function can be achieved by creating a Duolet application.
*3: Standard function of FCN-RTU.
• For more information about the InfoWell, refer to 2.3.1, “InfoWell.”
• For more information to create the Duolet Application, refer to 2.3.2, “Duolet Application.”
• For more information about the time synchronization function, refer to 2.3.3, “Time
Synchronization Function.”
2.3.1 InfoWell
InfoWell operates on an FCN-RTU controller to provide information
transmission functions on the Web or via e-mail using a stand-alone
FCN-RTU with no SCADA software. InfoWell allows monitoring and
operation in a stand-alone FCN-RTU of equipment for which constant
monitoring by SCADA software is not necessary. InfoWell is comprised of
the following portfolios:
• Graphic Portfolio
An application portfolio which enables Web server on FCN-RTU to
display a graphic screen and data to a Web browser on a PC in the
• Web Application Portfolio
An application portfolio which enables Web server on FCN-RTU to
transmit data to a Web browser on a PC in the network.
• E-mail Application Portfolio (*1)
An application portfolio which enables FCN-RTU controller to send an
e-mail automatically when any message or alarm occurs in the
FCN-RTU controller.
• Logging Portfolio
An application portfolio which enables FCN-RTU controller to save data
of the control application in log files, and enables Web server on
FCN-RTU to display the contents of the log file to a Web browser on a
PC in the network.
Web browser
PC Mobile
Company-internal LAN
Ethernet sending
E-mail Server
Web Application E-mail Application
Graphic Portfolio Portfolio Logging Portfolio Portfolio
Control function
*1: For sending e-mail, an e-mail server is needed. Not only e-mail servers in the intranet but also external e-mail
servers, such as internet providers can be used. When external e-mail servers are used, the firewall needs to be
configured that e-mails can be sent to external e-mail servers.
Figure InfoWell function overview diagram (example of using an e-mail server on the
For more information about the InfoWell, refer to “InfoWell (FCN-RTU)” (GS 34P02P51-02E).
● Graphic Parts
The following graphic parts are available for display on a graphic.
Table List of Graphic Parts
Graphic Part Main Function
DATA part Displays a data as a numerical value.
TEXT part Displays a text string, which changes with a data value
IMAGE part Displays an image, which changes with a data value
BAR part Displays a bar whose length changes with a data value
LABEL/LINK part Displays a label and optionally displays a link as a pushbutton.
• DATA part
A DATA part displays data as a numerical value. The background color or font
color can also be made to change with a data value.
-99999999.99999 -999.99
Figure Example of a DATA Part
• TEXT part
A TEXT part displays text, which changes with a data value (0 to 7 or
TRUE/FALSE). The font color or background color can also be made to change
with a data value.
Automatic Tripped
Figure Example of a TEXT Part
• IMAGE part
An IMAGE part switches between the display of different images according to a
data value (0 to 7, or TRUE/FALSE). The image can also be rotated or flipped.
Image changes Image disappears
with an ON/OFF value when the data value is OFF
A LABEL/LINK part can be used to either display a label or a pushbutton that links
to another graphic or URL.
• Graphic parts which access FCN-RTU data include DATA parts, TEXT parts, IMAGE parts and
BAR parts. LABEL/LINK parts do not access FCN-RTU data.
• Data from up to ten FCN-RTUs can be displayed on one graphic.
• Each FCN-RTU can display its data on a maximum of 10 graphics concurrently.
● Alarm sending
Alarm sending sends an e-mail when the data of the control applications exceed the
high or low limit. Aside from the alarm detection done by the control applications,
data acquisition and alarm detection are done independently on E-mail Application
Portfolio side.
The body of the e-mail can be set individually for each control application data. This
makes it possible to use alarm detection as the trigger to send e-mail with free text.
2003/02/08 0:00:00
The temperature in the tank is HIGH_ALARM status. The present
value is 120°C.
Switch 1 is in BOOL_ALARM status. The present value is true.
● Message sending
Message sending sends an e-mail when system messages of FCN-RTU or
application messages of the control applications occur.
2003/02/08 0:00:00
Type = application alarm Occur, Application alarm recover
Instance Name = Task1.Loop1
Key Word = HH,LL
2003/02/27 20:19:10 alarm
message.application.Task1.Loop1.2206.HH alarm(PV=88%)
● Logging Function
• Data Logging
Table Data Logging
Logging type Periodic data collection Closing timing Simple report (*6)
High speed (*1) Low speed
Hourly logging 1 to 60 seconds (*2) (*3) 1 to 60 minutes (*4) Every hour Daily, monthly, yearly
Daily logging - 1 to 60 minutes (*4) Every day Monthly, yearly report
Batch logging 1 to 60 seconds (*2) (*3) 1 to 60 minutes (*4) Batch start/stop
Snapshot Continuous Trigger (*5) Every hour or Daily, monthly, yearly
logging - every day report
Triggered Closing trigger -
Figure Logging File Transmission (E-mail) Function (example of using an e-mail server on
the intranet)
For more information about the Duolet Application Development, refer to 4.1.5, “FCN-RTU Duolet
Application Development.”
• Access control can be set and performed for each folder containing HTML files inside each
• All users must enter a user name and password to access HTML files.
Logging Function
It collects data from the control application in an FCN-RTU, and saves it in a logging
This logging file can be viewed by Web server function, can be sent by e-mail
function and can be transmitted by FTP function.
• The SMTP and POP3 protocols are used for mail transmission and reception, respectively.
• An application incorporating the necessary logic including equipment diagnostics and equipment
status acquisition logic, however, must be developed.
For more information about the E-mail Application Portfolio (InfoWell), refer to 2.3.1, “InfoWell.”
Administrator’s PC
Mail server
Alarm mail
Alarm mail
(public circuit)
• E-mail transmission
• Alarm monitoring Occurrence of abnormality
• Data acquisition
Data acquisition
• E-mail transmission/ (public circuit)
receiving function
• Equipment diagnostics
• Data acquisition •Data acquisition
•Equipment diagnostics Diagnostics result mail
Figure E-mail Transmission/Reception Function for FCN-RTU
Data file
(CSV format, etc.)
• FTP server/client function
• Data file saving
Data acquisition
• Data acquisition
For more information about the PPP Connection Function, refer to “STARDOM FCN/FCJ PPP
Connection Function User Guide (TI 34P02Q51-01E).”
IP connection
PPP server
(e.g. PC)
Public line,
Modem GPRS, etc. Modem
Dial-up connection
IP connection
PPP client
(e.g. PC)
Public line,
Modem GPRS, etc. Modem
Dial-up connection
IP connection
Public line,
Modem GPRS, etc. Modem
Dial-up connection
Function Specifications
Table Time Synchronization Function
Client Function
Communication Protocol SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol), UDP port: 123
License Not required
Unicast Mode (*1)
Broadcast Mode (*2)
Number of Connections 4 servers
Accuracy of Time ±500 ms (*3)
Time Compensation Acquisition of time from a server at intervals of 100
Method seconds (Unicast Mode) (*4)
• Redundant networks can also be supported.
• Redundant CPUs can also be supported.
*1: An SNTP client periodically interrogates an SNTP server for the time.
*2: An SNTP server periodically notifies an SNTP client of the time.
*3: The accuracy of time varies depending on how the time compensation method is configured.
*4: The following adjustments are to be performed depending on time differences. (The time differences below are
default values. Time differences are configurable.)
500 ms or less: No adjustment
Less than 5 seconds: Smooth adjustments (The time is adjusted smoothly so that it does not skip.)
5 seconds or more: Immediate setting (The specified time is set immediately.)
For details of Time Synchronization Server Portfolio, refer to “Application Portfolios for FCN/FCJ
(FCN-500/FCN-RTU)” (GS 34P02P20-02E).
The broadcast mode has the following limitations:
• Time cannot be synchronized with units in different subnets.
• Since the round trip time (time required for server/client communications) cannot be taken into
account, accuracy of time may deteriorate if a low-speed communication link is used or if
communication load is high.
• It is not possible to install more than one server in the same subnet.
SNTP clients
Figure Time Synchronization Function (Broadcast Mode)
The unicast mode does not have the limitations that the broadcast mode has. In the unicast mode,
therefore, the time synchronization function can provide better accuracy.
It is recommended that the unicast mode be used for time synchronization of FCN-RTUs.
SNTP server
Current time
SNTP clients
● Immediate adjustment
If the difference between the time of the SNTP server and the time of an SNTP client
is 5 seconds or more, the time of the SNTP client is designated as the time of the
SNTP server.
Thus, the time of the SNTP client will not be continuous.
3. FCN-RTU Hardware
An FCN-RTU consists of the following modules:
• Base module (backboard on which all other modules are to be installed)
• Power supply module
• CPU module
• A variety of modules
Power supply module CPU module I/O module
Control unit
CPU module
I/O module
An FCN-RTU modules are restricted to the compliant standards and the installation.
For details, refer to "FCN-RTU Low Power Autonomous Controller Hardware"
(GS 34P02Q13-01E).
When you install the following I/O modules, ensure that the required power volume does not exceed
the rated power output of the power supply module.
For the amount of power supply that each I/O module requires (5 V DC and 24 V DC), refer to the
applicable general specifications.
• The following modules need to be checked for current consumption from a 5 V DC system power
NFDV551 and NFDR541
• The following modules need to be checked for current consumption from a 24 V DC analog field
power supply
NFAI841, NFAI143 and NFAI543
Examples of Configuration
Base module
Always install dummy covers on all unused slots.
• For more information about the base module, refer to “FCN-RTU Low Power Autonomous
Controller Hardware” (GS 34P02Q13-01E).
• For more information about the base module setting, refer to “ NFBU200 Base module setting”
in 4.2.1, “Hardware Setup.”
Always install dummy covers on all unused slots.
For more information about the base module, refer to “FCN-RTU Low Power Autonomous Controller
Hardware” (GS 34P02Q13-01E).
• For details of each I/O module terminal, refer to the specification of the I/O module.
• For more information about the power supply module, refer to “FCN-RTU Low Power
Autonomous Controller Hardware” (GS 34P02Q13-01E).
For more information about the insensitive momentary power-failure time of power supply module,
refer to 7.2.1, “Insensitive Momentary Power-failure Time.”
External View
Software licenses are bundled with CPU modules (NFCP050) for FCN-RTU, license
can not be added on FCN-RTU later on.
For details of licenses on CPU module (NFCP050), refer to “FCN-RTU Low Power
Autonomous Controller Functions” (GS 34P02Q02-01E).
For details of the CPU module, refer to “FCN-RTU Low Power Autonomous Controller Hardware”
(GS 34P02Q13-01E).
*1: To use AO, connect a power supply (12 or 24 V) to Vin and Com terminals.
*2: The fallback detection time is 4 seconds.
*3: Fallback functions can be enabled in common. When enabling them, HOLD or SETV can be set for each channel.
Table Built-in Digital Inputs
Item Specification
Input points 16, non-isolated
Rated input voltage 3.3 V DC, voltage-free contact
Input "on" voltage 1.2 V DC or less
Input "off" voltage 2.5 V DC or more
Source current 1 mA
Input resopnse time 25 ms
Function: Status inputs On/off status detection Rise/fall
*1: The maximum input frequency is lower than specified when the filter for eliminating chattering is used.
Table Built-in Analog Input (0 to 32 V DC) (*1)
Item Specification
Input points 1
0 to 32 V differential, non-isolated
Input signals
Allowable common mode voltage range ±1 V DC
Maximum absolute input voltage range ±36 V
Input impedance During power-on 1 MΩ or more
During power-off 56 kΩ or more
Allowable signal source resistance 500 Ω or less
Accuracy ±100 mV, ±0.3% of full scale
Maximum temperature drift ±64 mV/10°C, ±0.02%/°C of full scale
A/D resolution 15 bits/0-32 V
Input step resopnse time 100 ms
Normal mode noise rejection ratio 25 dB or more (with power supply frequency at 50/60 Hz)
For details of CPU module, refer to “FCN-RTU Low Power Autonomous Controller Hardware”
(GS 34P02Q13-01E).
Memory CPU
On-board Flash
Various I/O
● LEDs
Table Status Indicators
LED Indicator Color Description
HRDY Green Lights when the hardware is normal.
RDY Green Lights when the system is normal.
CTRL Green Lights when the control actions are carried out
● RESET Switch
This switch is used to restart the CPU module.
For details, refer to the following GSs.
• Analog I/O Modules (GS 34P02Q31-01E)
• Digital I/O Modules (GS 34P02Q35-01E)
• Foundation fieldbus Communication Module (GS 34P02Q55-01E)
• Terminal Block (GS 34P02Q41-01E)
• MIL Connector Terminal Blocks, MIL Connector Cables (GS 34P02Q43-01E)
● Common Specifications:
• LED Indicator:
- STATUS: Lights when the hardware is normal
- ACT: Lights when input/output actions are carried out
• Hot-Swap: Possible
NFAI143 Analog Input Isolated 40 - Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC (Between input and (*3)
Module system)
(4 to 20 mA, - Input accuracy: ± 0.1% of full scale
16-channel) - Data refresh cycle: 10 ms
- Input step response time: 100 ms
- Temperature drift: ± 0.01%/°C (Max)
NFAV144 Analog Input Isolated 40 - Switching input signals 1 to 5 V/-10 to +10 V (*4)
Module (Set for channels all together)
(-10 to +10 V, - Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC (Between input and
16-channel) system)
- Input accuracy: ± 0.1% of full scale
- Data refresh cycle: 10 ms
- Input step response time: 100 ms
- Temperature drift: ± 0.01%/°C (Max)
NFAI543 Analog Output Isolated 40 - Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC (Between output and ―
Module system)
(4 to 20 mA, - Output fallback: Set for each channel
16-channel) - Output accuracy: ± 0.3% of full scale
- Data refresh cycle: 10 ms
- Output step response time: 100 ms
- Temperature drift: ± 0.01%/°C (Max)
NFAT141 TC/mV Input Isolated 40 - Switching input signals: TC/mV can be set individually for ―
Module (*5) CH1 to CH16.
(16-channel) - Burn-out: All channels can be set together. (detection time:
60 seconds)
- Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC (Between input and
- Thermocouple inputs: ±0.03% of full scale (for -20 to 80
- mV inputs: ±0.032% of full scale (for -100 to 150 mV)
- Data refresh cycle: 1 sec
- Thermocouple inputs: Max.±30 ppm/°C
- mV inputs: Max.±32 ppm/°C
NFAR181 RTD Input Module Isolated ― - Switching input signals: Set for each channel ―
(12-channel) - Burn-out: All channels can be set together. (detection time:
60 seconds)
- Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC (Between input and
- Input accuracy: ±0.03% of full scale (for 0 to 400 Ω)
- Data refresh cycle: 1 sec
- Thermocouple inputs: Max.±30 ppm/°C
● Common Specifications:
• LED Indicator:
- STATUS: Lights when the hardware is normal
- ACT: Lights when input/output actions are carried out
• Hot-Swap: Possible
● Common Specifications:
• LED Indicator:
- STATUS: Lights when the hardware is normal
- ACT: Lights when input/output actions are carried out
• Hot-Swap: Possible
NFDV151 Digital Input Module 50 - Function for detecting ON/OFF status, and counting the (*3)
(32-channel, 24 V DC, push button edge
Isolated) - Input response time: 8 ms or less (for status input)
- Minimum ON detection time: 20 ms (for push button input)
- Maximum ON/OFF cycle: 25 Hz (for push button input)
NFDV157 Digital Input Module ― - Function for detecting ON/OFF status (*3)
(32-channel, 24 V DC, - Input response time: 8 ms or less (for status input)
Pressure Clamp Terminal - Minimum ON detection time: 20 ms (for push button input)
support only, Isolated) - Maximum ON/OFF cycle: 25 Hz (for push button input)
NFDV551 Digital Output Module 50 - Output fallback: Set for channels all together (*4)
(32-channel, 24 V DC, - Output response time: 3 ms or less (for status output)
NFDV557 Digital Output Module ― - Output fallback: Set for channels all together (*4)
(32-channel, 24 V DC, - Output response time: 3 ms or less (for status output)
Pressure Clamp Terminal
support only, Isolated)
NFDR541 Relay Output Module ― - Rated applied voltage: 24 to 110 V DC, 100 to 240 V AC (*5)
(16-channel, 24 to 110 V DC/ - Output fallback: Set for channels all together
100 to 240 V AC, Isolated) - Output response time: 12 ms or less (for status output)
● Common Specifications:
• LED Indicator:
- STATUS: Lights when the hardware is normal
- ACT: Lights when input/output actions are carried out
• Hot-Swap: Possible
● Common Specifications:
• LED Indicator:
- STATUS: Lights when the hardware is normal
- ACT: Lights when the module is running normally
• Hot-Swap: Possible
Table Behavior for CPU Module Built-in I/Os and I/O Modules Fail
CPU Module Built-in I/Os I/O Modules (*1)
When Fails When Recovered When Fails When Recovered
Output fallback Recover operation from Output fallback Recover operation from
CPU Module
operation higher level errors operation higher level errors
Control Unit
– Restart operation – Restart operation
Power Supply
Output fallback Recover operation from Output fallback Recover operation from
SB Bus
operation higher level errors operation higher level errors
CPU Module
– Restart operation Undetected Continued Operation
Built-in I/Os
I/O Modules Undetected Continued Operation – Restart operation
*1: The I/O module behavior is the same as the mentioned in the “I/O module in main nest” described in Table “I/O
Module Operation when an I/O Module Malfunctions” of Section C4.1 “Overview.”
The behavior of FCN-RTU CPU module built-in I/O when failed and recovered are the
same as the FCN extended I/O module, except for the reset switch and rebooting
from the Maintenance homepage shown in the table below. For the output fallback
behavior and other behaviors, refer to C3 “I/O Module Operation.”
*1: When FCN-RTU CPU module built-in I/O module fails, the operation status display LED RDY changes to the red
flashing status.
For the installation procedures, implementation restrictions, and implementation precautions, refer to
the “STARDOM FCN/FCJ Installation Guide” (TI 34P02Q91-01E).
*1: It depends on additional I/O modules. Refer to 3.5.3, “List of FCN-RTU’s Modules and Descriptions” for details.
*1: For the rack-mountable devices, DIN rail-mountable devices, and wall-mountable devices to meet the Safety
Standards and EMC Standards, the devices must be installed in a lockable metal cabinet. The cabinet must conform
to IEC/EN/CSA 61010-2-201 or provide degrees of protection IP3X or above and IK09 or above.
*2: For lightning surge immunity, a device such as a lightning arrester needs to be installed externally. Some module
can select a pressure clamp terminal block with surge absorber. For details, refer to “Terminal Block” (GS
*3: When using the NFCP050 or NFLP121, mount ferrite cores as shown below in order to meet the EMC standards.
• NFCP050 (CPU module): Mount two ferrite cores “A1193MN” to Ethernet cable of the NFCP050 side.
• NFLP121 (PROFIBUS-DP Communication module) : Mount one ferrite core “A1193MN” to PROFIBUS-DP cable
of the NFLP121 side.
*4: Refer to TI 34P02Q91-01E for the products meeting NI.
*5: For modules conforming to each standards, refer to 3.5.3, “List of FCN-RTU’s Modules and Descriptions”.
*6: When FCN-RTU is used under the ATEX Type “n” environment, the Instruction Manual, “Explosion Protection of
FCN/FCJ Products” (IM 34P02Q11-02E) is required for safer installation and wiring.
*7: To be compliant with these standards, the FCN-RTU hardware needs to be installed in a lockable metal cabinet of
IP54 or higher protection rating.
*8: For ensuring the FCN-RTU hardware to satisfy the safety standards, the dedicated breakers in the power supply
side must be installed and conform to the following specifications.
• [CSA] CSA C22.2 No.5 or UL 489
• [CE Marking] EN 60947-1 and EN 60947-3
*9: NFDR541 is compliant with the standards only when the voltage of 24 V DC or less is applied to its output terminal.
*10: A Class A hardware device is designed for use in the industrial environment. Please use this device in the industrial
environment only.
*11: Symbol ‘X’ denotes the specific condition of use. See “Explosion Protection of FCN/FCJ Products” (IM 34P02Q11-
02E) for detail.
*12: Applied for NFDR541 and FCN-RTU.
"Type of protection” of FCN-RTU is including the whole mounted module.
*13: Applied for products except NFDV541.
*14: To be compliant with these standards, the FCN’s cable which is drawn out from the metal, needs to be used the VW-
1 class or more of flame-retardant cable.
Note: All the modules in this list are available in the temperature range 0 to +55°C.
: Available ( or conforming )
N.A.: Not available ( or Not applicable)
*1: Unconcerned
*2: To use I/O modules as hazardous location equipment (non-incendive), use the specified pressure-clamp terminal
blocks or TAS40/TAS50 (MIL connecter terminal blocks) and KMS40/KMS50 (MIL connector cables).
*3: I/O modules with suffix code –H* “with HART communication” conform to only ATEX Type “n” standards (does not
conform to FM-NI, CSA-NI, IECEx Type “n” )
*4: Use I/O module with suffix codes –S4 or –S5 (with Extended Temperature Range (-40 to +70°C) option )
Refer to “Limitations of Installation for using in the wide temperature range (-40 to +70°C) and high altitude (2000 to
3000m) environments.”
*5: When ambient temperature is higher than 55°C, a blank slot on one side is required to NFAV144 and NFDR541
modules. See “Figure Installation Examples of using NFAV144” in the following page.
*6: When ambient temperature is higher than 55°C, available channels of NFDR541 are up to eight.
*7: When ambient temperature is higher than 55°C, NFAR181, NFAP135 and NFLF111 modules cannot be installed in
next slot of the NFAI841.
*8: When ambient temperature is higher than 55°C, NFPW444 module is restricted to 75% of rated output current.
*9: In the case of the use of combination with NFPW426, only one module can be used.
*10: NFAI841, NFAI543 and NFAI835 modules are restricted to the external load and module installation. Refer to “Table
Module Arrangement and Restrictions on Installation” in the following page.
*11: The combination of NFAI543 and NFPW426 is not allowed. Use NFPW444 module.
*12: Maximum 8 A is allowed per common.
*13: NFDR541 is compliant with the standards only when the voltage of 24 V DC or less is applied to its output terminal.
For details on installation restrictions and precautions of an FCN-RTU modules, refer
to "FCN-RTU Low Power Autonomous Controller Hardware" (GS 34P02Q13-01E).
Software Architecture
Real-time OS
Process inputs/outputs
● Control Applications
A PC connected via Ethernet is used for application development and maintenance of
FCN-RTUs. Resource Configurator is a suite of tools to set up configurations
including the IP address of individual FCN-RTUs, I/O module settings, and other
settings. Accessing FCN-RTUs via a Web browser enables various operations such
as setting up information transmission functions changing the date and time in them,
and viewing log files. Logic Designer is a suite of tools to develop and debug control
applications that are to run in an FCN-RTU, and download them to an FCN-RTU.
For more information about the information transmission functions, refer to 2.3, “FCN-RTU
Information Transmission Functions.”
● Duolet Applications
Yokogawa FCN/FCJ Duolet Application Development Kit and Oracle Java
Development Kit (JDK, JDK 1.4.2) are both required for Duolet application
Yokogawa FCN/FCJ Duolet Application Development Kit provides Java class libraries
required to develop Duolet applications which are to run in an FCN-RTU, such as for
accessing data in control functions and for system management, as well as utilities to
help debugging. FCN/FCJ Duolet Application Development Kit is also required for a
Web browser to make the Duolet operation settings in each of the FCN-RTU.
In addition, optional Webmetry Basic Library Portfolio or InfoWell simplifies the
development of Web-based monitoring applications.
For more information about the Duolet application development, refer to 4.1.5, “FCN-RTU Duolet
Application Development.”
● Application Portfolios
An Application Portfolio is a bundle of useful software parts for FCN-RTU.
The combination of application portfolio can be specified as NFCP050 CPU module
suffix code shown in the following table.
• Control applications can be developed independent from the physical I/O. This makes it
possible to develop reusable control applications and increase productivity through reuse.
• Control applications can also be created by using the logical I/O (device label variable) defined
as the default in the physical I/O (device label).
For more information about linking logical I/O (device label variable) and physical I/O (device label),
refer to “ Device Labels and Device Label Variables” in “4.3.4 Input/Output Processing.”
● Network Setting
This function allows performing settings related to the network of the controller (IP
address, submask, default gateway).
When FCN-RTU are shipped from the factory, this information has not been set. This
information must be set using this function before the FCN-RTU is used.
Resource Configurator
Logic Designer
Pastes various
control logic parts.
● What is POU?
POU is an acronym for “Program Organization Unit,” and is an independent software
unit which has program code for configuring control applications.
Network Templates
In the term “network template”, network refers to control logic connections, and
network template refers to a control logic (circuit diagram) model. Model codes are
made into templates to enable code reuse. Use of network templates simplifies
control logic construction.
Basic control loop templates, published on the Network-based Control System
“STARDOM” Members Only Page of the “Partner Portal” website
(https://partner.yokogawa.com/global/), can be downloaded and copied into a
prescribed folder for reuse. For more details, read the documentation accompanying
the templates.
Wiring execution
Data acquisition
PC Logic designer PC Logic designer
FCN/FCJ Simulator
FCN/FCJ Simulator
● Simulator
FCN/FCJ Simulator can be used for the following:
• FCN-RTU control applications created with a Logic Designer can be debugged
with an FCN/FCJ Simulator.
• VDS can be debugged by accessing FCN/FCJ Simulator data
• Duolet applications running on the FCN-RTU in conjunction with control
applications can be debugged on a PC.
FCN/FCJ Simulator can be operated on the same PC as a Logic Designer or VDS.
FCN/FCJ Simulator can also be operated on a different PC. One FCN/FCJ can be
simulated per PC.
● Others
• A Duolet execution environment is needed on the PC in order to execute Duolet
applications. FCN/FCJ Duolet Application Development Kit R4.10.01 or higher is
• The FCN/FCJ Simulator processing speed depends on the specification of the PC.
FCN/FCJ Simulator may provide a processing speed higher than the FCN-RTU. In
this case, be sure to confirm the execution speed of control applications on the
• For more information about the functions and function blocks provided with the Logic Designer,
refer to the Help of Logic Designer.
• For more information about the functional components composing a control application, refer to
“ Logic POU” in 4.3.1, “Control Application Structure.”
Notice: These function blocks are provided with the “SD_FIELD_PF” library.
Notice: These function blocks are provided with the "SD_FCXCOM_LIB" library.
Notice: These function blocks are provided with the “SD_CFAM3R_PF" library.
Notice: These function blocks are provided with the “SD_CUTIL_PF" library.
Notice: These function blocks are provided with the “SD_FCXPLCE_PF" library.
Notice: These function blocks are provided with the “SD_FCXPLCS_PF" library.
• For more information about the PAS portfolio, refer to “NPAS POU - Overview”
(IM 34P02P25-01E).
• For more information about the communication portfolio, refer to “Application Portfolios for
FCN/FCJ (FCN-500/FCN-RTU)” (GS 34P02P20-02E).
• For more information about the lists of devices compatible with communication portfolios, refer to
“Lists of Devices Compatible with Communication Portfolios” (TI 34P02P21-01E).
• For more information about the DNP3 Communication Portfolio, refer to “DNP3 Communication
Portfolio (FCN-500/FCN-RTU)” (GS 34P02P22-02E).
For more information about the InfoWell, refer to 2.3.1, “InfoWell.”
• Each of the above class libraries are to be installed and used on the PC used for development.
They are included as standard in FCN-RTU.
• The Java Standard Class library accompanies Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK).
• Duolet monitor
Enables users to remotely monitor and debug Duolet applications running in an
FCN-RTU, from a Windows computer.
• JEROS emulator
Emulates a JEROS system service under the Windows operating system for
testing Duolet applications. (The JEROS emulator does not support control data
access. To test Duolet applications which access control data, run them on the
Duolet application
JADE Class
Java JEROS System Class
Libraries Java Standard Control Data
Class Access Class
For more information about the Maintenance page, refer to the Help of each setting screen.
Step 8 Construction
Step 9 Tuning
3 7
4 8 The position of
number the pin number
9 13
10 14
11 15
12 16
The pin setting is
PIN SETTING displayed.
2 wire
2 wire (2-wire type)
11 15
(4-wire type)
4 The position of
number the pin number
4 PIN SETTING The pin setting
2 wire
is displayed.
: Enabling the power supply
4 wire
2 wire (2-wire type)
(4-wire type)
Setting power supply is only valid to the input channels.
The time zone is set to GMT by default. Make sure to change the time zone
according to the area where the FCN-RTU is used.
• For how to connect to the FCN-RTU via a Web browser, refer to B2.2, “Connecting to FCN/FCJ
Autonomous Controllers” in “STARDOM FCN/FCJ Guide” (IM 34P02Q01-01E).
• For how to reboot the FCN-RTU in the maintenance status, refer to B2.4.5, “Reboot” in
“STARDOM FCN/FCJ Guide” (IM 34P02Q01-01E).
For more information about the settings that can be made via a Web browser, refer to B2.4,
“Maintenance Menu” in “STARDOM FCN/FCJ Guide” (IM 34P02Q01-01E).
For the detailed information on how to create a control application, refer to the “Programming Guide”
in the Help of Logic Designer.
• A device label variable cannot be defined if a task is not created.
• When using tasks defined as the default, be sure to confirm that the execution cycle and other
task definitions have been set correctly.
For the explanations about device labels and device label variables, refer to “ Device Labels and
Device Label Variables” in 4.3.4, “Input/Output Processing.”
● Step 8 Debug
Debug the control application so that it runs correctly.
The main methods for debugging include:
• Online display of layout and online display of values
• Setting break points
• Watch window
• Logic Analyzer
• Software wiring
● Step 9 Documentation
Print out the created control application as a document.
Control Application
For the overview and features of IEC 61131-3-compliant programming languages, refer to
Programming Industrial Control Systems Using IEC 1131-3, Revised Edition (written by R. W. Lewis,
published by The Institution of Electrical Engineers).
Resource (= FCN)
Resource (= FCN)
Task Task
Global variable
Device label variable
A project consists of one or more configurations. A configuration means an abstract
unit of logically categorizing resources within a project. Normally, it is recommended
to define only one configuration for a project though two or more can be defined.
A configuration consists of one or more resources. A resource means a program that
is to be run on a single FCN and comprises multiple tasks and variables. Control
applications in executable format are downloaded in units of resources.
Resource (= FCN)
Resource (= FCN)
• If a task has not finished within the watchdog timer setting, an error results.
• Tasks at the same priority level run in a time-sharing manner alternately at intervals of 30
• A higher priority task is scheduled as an interrupt to lower priority tasks.
• Up to 16 tasks can be created.
For the detailed actions of tasks, refer to 4.3.3, “Task Schedule.”
Logic POU
Logic POUs are functional components composing a control application. There are
three types of logic POUs:
• Programs
• Function blocks
• Functions
A logic POU typically consists of an assortment of functions and/or function blocks.
Since a function block can be used within another function block, a control application
can be structured hierarchically.
Logic POUs can be coded in any of the following five IEC 61131-3-stipulated
programming languages. The user can choose the most suitable programming
language for each application or his/her preference from those five languages when
developing a logic POU as appropriate.
• SFC (Sequential Function Chart)
• FBD (Function Block Diagram)
• IL (Instruction List)
• ST (Structured Text)
• LD (Ladder Diagram)
● Functions POU
A functions POU is a POU with multiple inputs and only one output. It can be used by
defining it inside of another POU. This POU does not have internal memory.
Accordingly, the same output value will always be obtained if the input value is the
Other functions POUs can be used when creating functions POUs.
Global variables cannot be used in functions POUs.
C Function Blocks POU
● Local Variables
The scope of use is limited to the local logic POU. Namely, local variables can be
accessed from within only the logic POU that defines the local variables in question.
● Global Variables
The scope of use is limited to a resource. Global variables can be accessed from all
POU instances running within the local resource.
• Device label variables
Device label variables are special global variables expressing inputs and outputs
but handled in the same way as other global variables.
In addition to the scope, variable used in a control application has a number of properties including:
• Retain property
The value of a variable whose Retain property is set to on is retain when the power of the
corresponding FCN-RTU is turned off and warmed start.
• OPC property
The value of a variable whose OPC property is set to on can be read or written from outside the
corresponding FCN-RTU and, Duolet application in FCN-RTU.
Select Boot project when downloading a control application from Logic Designer to the on-board
flash memory in an FCN-RTU.
Development Tool
Logic Designer
Control Network(Ethernet) PC
Logic Designer
Control application
dof re
Development Tool
Logic Designer
Control Network(Ethernet) PC
Logic Designer
de ec
co roj
ce of p
so load
Volatile memory On-board flash memory
Logic Designer has an online download function which makes it possible to change control
applications while continuing FCN-RTU control operation. For information about online
downloading, refer to 6.3, "Online Download.”
: Running
: Waiting
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 milliseconds
As shown in the figure, whenever Task-A at the high priority level starts, other tasks
are interrupted and put into the waiting state.
: Running
: Waiting
As shown in the figure, if two tasks at the same priority level are scheduled
overlapping each other, they repeatedly run for 30 milliseconds and wait for 30
Control application
Execution of
Read data from I/O
Inputs and outputs are defined as device label variables using Logic Designer. When defining an
input or output, the task(s) that uses it should be specified. When this task runs, the input and
output processing is performed for the corresponding inputs and outputs.
0 : Running
Execution count Task execution
Start of task is skipped
1 2 3 4 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 sec
Figure What Happens If a Task Cannot Finish Execution within One Execution Cycle
As shown in the figure, if a task cannot finish execution within the specified execution
cycle, it will not be run at the next execution cycle.
This occurs also if a task at a high priority is running and prevents a task at a lower priority from
being executed.
*1: When the task execution cycle and the watchdog time are the same
1. When “The task aborts when the execution time of a task exceeds a
watch dog time” checkbox is checked in the Target Setting dialog box
If the execution time of the task reaches or exceeds the watch dog time, and “The
task aborts when the execution time of a task exceeds a watch dog time” has
been checked in the Target Setting dialog box, an error is generated and the
execution task aborts.
0 : Running
Execution count
- An error is generated.
Start of task - Task execution is terminated.
1 2 3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 sec
Watchdog time of 3rd execution count
Figure Example of operation when the execution time of the task reaches or exceeds the
watchdog time and the task is terminated
2. When “The task aborts when the execution time of a task exceeds a
watch dog time” has not been checked in the Target Setting dialog box
If the execution time of the task reaches or exceeds the watchdog time, and “The
task aborts when the execution time of a task exceeds a watch dog time” has not
been checked in the Target Setting dialog box, an error is generated and the task
is not executed in the next execution cycle, but the execution task does not abort.
0 : Running
Execution count
- An error is generated.
Start of task
- Task execution is skipped.
1 2 3 4 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 sec
Watchdog time of 3rd execution count
Figure Example of operation when the execution time of the task reaches or exceeds the
watchdog time but the task is not terminated
● When the task execution time does not exceed the watchdog time
When the execution time of a task has reached or exceeded the execution cycle but
task has been executed within the watchdog time, the task is not executed in the next
execution cycle. However, no error is generated, because the watchdog time has not
been exceeded.
Table Example of Task Execution
Task Name Task Execution Cycle Task Execution Time Task Watchdog Time
Task-A 0.5sec Change from 0.2-0.6sec 1.0sec (*1)
*1: When double the task execution cycle is the watchdog time
0 : Running
Execution count
Task execution is skipped.
Start of task (An error is not generated.)
1 2 3 4 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 sec
Watchdog time of 3rd execution count
CPU Overload
When CPU enters overload status in such case as the task execution time and the
execution cycle match, Duolet applications and communication processes executed in
free time will be unable to run.
If this CPU overload status continues for longer than 10 seconds, a CPU overload
error is generated.
Please reconsider the control application execution time or other conditions if a CPU
overload error occurs.
When a CPU overload error occurs, the following log is stored in the FCN-RTU log file.
Example) CPU overload log
2007/06/15 09:20:25,……,Msg=Exception(CPU Overload) in
0 : Running
Execution count A CPU overload error
Start of task is generated.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 sec
When task execution time and the execution cycle match
Figure Pattern 1: Example of operation when the task execution time and execution cycle
1 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 sec
When the task execution time is too long
*1: WDT error: A watchdog error is generated.
Figure Pattern 2: Example of operation when the task execution time is too long
The following are causes of CPU overload errors.
• Repetitive processing of a control application does not end.
(Example: mistakes in for statement, jump and label of ST language read an application to go
into an infinite loop, etc.)
• Processing of a task at a higher priority than the control application was continuously conducted.
(Example: A device on the Ethernet continued broadcast communication, etc.)
Unit:1 Unit:1
Slot:3 Slot:4
Channel:5 Channel:7 Physical
I/O Module
Figure Relationship between Device Labels and Device Label Variables
● Device Labels
Device labels are names assigned to individual physical input/output channels.
Resource Configurator is used to set and modify device labels.
• Device labels are character strings which begin with a letter of the English alphabet or an
underscore ("_") and contain a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters and underscores ("_").
• By default, the following device label is set for each channel and can be used as is:
FCN: x_uu_ss_cc (where x = signal type [I for input, or Q for output]; uu = unit number; ss = slot
number; cc = channel number)
For information about control application input/output response time, refer to 4.5.4, “Input/Output
Processing Performance.”
This processing is
performed synchronously
with the control
I/O module
The I/O module
performs I/O processing
asynchronously with
Field devices the CPU module.
The variable’s “retain” property is set to ON by default in the PAS POU access parameters and
engineering parameters.
● In Nonvolatile Memory
If the Enable Hard-backup for returned data check box is selected in the CPU module
settings, the values of the retentive variables of the currently running control
application are stored in nonvolatile memory.
• Nonvolatile memory requires a longer access time than volatile memory, so POUs using
retentive variables, if any, slow down the execution speed of the control application.
• Even if “Enable hard-backup for retain data” is selected, when the next control is started (power
source restarted or warm start), if the retain structure requested by the application does not
match the retain data in the non-volatile memory, the retain data is restored to the On-board
flash memory in FCN-RTU.
● In Volatile Memory
If the Enable Hard-backup for returned data check box is not selected in the CPU
module settings, the values of the retentive variables of the currently running control
application are stored in volatile memory. As it is volatile memory, the retentive
variables will be set a system default when the power is turned off.
However, the initial value of the retentive variable is set for retentive variables for
which the initial value is set with the control application.
• If a backup of retentive variables resides in the On-board flash memory in FCN-RTU, its contents
will be restored when the control restarts (next time when the power is turned on or warmed
start). If the Enable Hard-backup for returned data check box is not selected in the CPU module
settings, make a backup of the values of the retentive variables to the On-board flash memory
periodically to assure continuity of their values.
*1: Initialized if there is a change to the configurations of the retentive parameters residing in nonvolatile memory.
If the retentive parameter values have been saved, the saved values will be restored after initialization.
*2: If the Enable Hard-backup for returned data check box is not selected in the CPU module settings, the values of the
retentive variables of the currently running control application are stored in volatile memory.
For information about actions when retentive variables are stored in volatile memory, refer to "● In Volatile Memory"
in " Locations Where Values of Retentive Variables Reside" within this chapter.
• Turning on the power (i.e., starting a controller with the boot project) always causes a warm start.
• Even if the online download function is used to change the control application, the values are
retain for non-retentive variables and retentive variables.
However, the values are not retain for variables for which the variable name or data type have
been changed.
*1: When using the I / O module, task execution cycle is recommended more than 20 msec.
For more information about control application capacity, refer to 4.5.2, “Calculation of Control
Application Capacity.”
4.5 Performance
This chapter describes the execution speed, etc., of FCN-RTU control
Figure CPU Control Function Operation, Scan Cycle, and Control Cycle
Note: Program instance names are calculated with 4 characters, and POU instance names with 6.
● Calculation Example:
When NPAS_PVI x 100, NPAS_PID x 50, variables checked for OPC x 20
● Calculation Example:
When NPAS_PVI x 100, NPAS_PID x 50, CData_REAL variables checked for
retentive variables x 20
Retain data capacity = 250 x 100 + 800 x 50 + 32 x 20 = 75,640Byte < 360 Kbytes
● Conditions
• Retentive variable specification: Enabled (with hard backup)
(NPAS_PID equivalent POU quantity x 1.1 ms) + (NPAS_PVI equivalent POU quantity x 0.4 ms)
Control Cycle (ms)>
Maximum CPU load factor
● Conditions
• Loop configuration: Analog input (1), analog output (1), NPAS_PID (1)
• Retentive variable specification: Enabled, Control cycle: Same as scan cycle, CPU
For more information about FCN-RTU control function execution cycles, refer to 4.5.1, “FCN-RTU
Scan Cycle and Control Cycle.”
Control processing such as PID is executed for each control cycle. The control cycle is set as a
cycle that is an integral multiple of the scan cycle. For more information about the relationship
between the control cycle and the scan cycle, refer to 4.5.1, “FCN-RTU Scan Cycle and Control
● Calculation example
[Conditions] Scan cycle: 100 ms, Control cycle: 100 ms
Input/output response time (min) = 25 + 100 x 0.6 = 85 ms
Input/output response time (max) = 25 + 100 x 0.6 + 100 = 185 ms
The input/output response time will not change according to the number of I/O modules installed.
5. Products
When using FCN-RTU, consider the system card as the on-board flash memory in this chapter.
● Software Media
Various software programs and documentation are supplied on a DVD-ROM, from
which they should be installed in the computer to be used for developing control
• FCN/FCJ software media
Supplies Logic Designer, Resource Configurator, PAS Portfolio, FCN/FCJ OPC
Server for Windows and electronic documents for FCN/FCJ (user’s manuals).
• Application Portfolio software media
Supplies the programs and electronic documents (user’s manuals) for all
Application Portfolios excluding PAS Portfolio.
Table Software media
Name Model Suffix Remarks
FCN/FCJ software media NT203AJ -PC11E DVD-ROM
Application Portfolio software media NT205AJ -PC11E DVD-ROM
● Software Licenses
Software licenses to enable the software to run are supplied as paper forms called an
order ID sheets with the order ID and password entries for each. Access the specified
Web site of Yokogawa and enter the order ID and password shown. Then, the
respective license IDs for the supplied software titles will be given.
Software licenses are bundled with NFCP050 CPU modules for FCN-RTU. For more information,
refer to " Software Licenses for FCN-RTU" in "4.1 Development Environment and Tools".
*1: There are included in the media (DVD-ROM) of FCN/FCJ Software (Model NT203AJ).
*2: This license is required for each PC.
Table FCN/FCJ OPC Server License
Name Model Suffix Remarks
FCN/FCJ OPC Server for Windows NT781AJ -LW11A (*1), (*2)
*1: There are included in the media (DVD-ROM) of FCN/FCJ Software (Model NT203AJ).
*2: This license is required for each PC.
● Resource Configurator
Resource Configurator does not require a license and can be installed from an
FCN/FCJ software medium and run in the PC used for development.
● Application Portfolios
As is the case with Resource Configurator, application portfolios can also be installed
and run in the PC used for development. Nevertheless, to download to an FCN-RTU
a control application that includes functions provided by portfolios and run it, the
license for the corresponding portfolios need to be registered in that FCN-RTU.
*1: Resource Configurator can be installed and run without the key code.
*2: Each application portfolio can be installed and run in a PC without the key code, but use an FCN-RTU that an
application portfolios license is bundled.
Figure Software Required to Develop Applications
• For more information about the hardware of FCN-RTU, refer to 3., “FCN-RTU Hardware.”
• For more information about the function of modules, refer to GS (General Specifications.)
6. Maintenance
Logging data is not save using this backup procedure. For more information on
backup, refer to the user manual of each logging tool.
For example, if the specified folder for storing extracted files is “C:\temp”, the following files will be
created in that folder:
When specifying a folder name for storing extracted files, do not include any space
character (for example, “C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\My Documents” is
If you execute the above command with a folder name containing one or more space
characters, the backup or restore command will be aborted with error during
The [SAVE] button is not displayed in the maintenance mode.
For the Web browser operation procedure, refer to 6.2 “Maintenance Menu.”
• If you want to back up the system configuration file in the FCN/FCJ maintenance mode, switch
the “FCX Maintenance Menu” to the “STARDOM Maintenance Page.”
Backup would fail if you are still on the FCX Maintenance Menu or have exited the web browser
with the FCX Maintenance Menu left open.
If you have exited the web browser with the FCX Maintenance Menu left open, run the web
browser again, open the FCX Maintenance Menu from the FCX Maintenance Page, and return
to the STARDOM Maintenance Page before exiting the web browser.
• It will take approximately 15 minutes to back up the data on the CPU module on-board flash
• Addition the "-all" in [FcxBackup] command, backed up file is different. Please add the "-all"
always. If you do not want to add the "-all".
Backed up file With "-all" Without "-all"
Control application
(I/O, IP address, etc.)
Retain save data
FCN/FCJ Basic software -
Duolet application -
Logging data - -
Trend data - -
Report data - -
• Addition the “-u <user name> -p <password>” in [FcxBackup] command after R4.10, specifies
the user name and password for the FCN administrator account. If you have changed the user
name and password from the initial value, be sure to specify them always.
If backup fails, check the following:
• Check the FCN-RTU host name or IP address.
Use the Ping command to verify.
• Check whether you have executed a command below a directory name containing
a space character.
If a directory name contains a space character, move the command below a
directory name that includes no space character.
• Check the contents of the following backup operation log file if the above
measures do not solve the problem.
- If you are not replacing the CPU module, you can skip this step (for replacing the CPU module).
- If you are not replacing the CPU module, you can skip this step (for setting the FCN-RTU IP
- For details on how to set the IP address of the FCN-RTU, see the online help of Resource
- If you want to perform restoration from a PC (“restoration PC”) that is not the one (“backup PC”)
with which you have performed backup, you must first copy all files under the “Backup” folder of
the backup PC into the folder of the restoration PC containing the extracted FCN/FCJ Backup
Tools, before proceeding with the first step listed above (for running the command prompt).
It is saved in a backup file with FCN/FCJ Basic software when you execute
FcxBackup command with '-all" option. When restre the backup file to CPU module,
The CPU module used to restore the system will be the release and revision of the
backup file.
If you want to new release/revision , upgrading the CPU module release/revision.
About 10 Megabytes of free flash memory space is required to perform version
upgrade or downgrade of the CPU module on-board flash memory.
For available memory space, check the “Flash Memory (FREE)” value displayed on
the “STARDOM Maintenance Page.” If free memory space is insufficient, delete
unnecessary files.
For details on how to upgrade or downgrade the CPU module on-board flash memory version, see
the release note of the FCN/FCJ Basic Software Package.
For example, if the specified folder for storing extracted files is “C:\temp”, the following files will be
created in that folder:
C:\temp\FCNRTU\FcxRevup.exe (for FCN-RTU)
Version upgrade takes about 10 to 20 minutes for FCN-RTU to complete.
: Operation allowed
Blank: Operation prohibited
*1: It is necessary to enter a user name and password that have access to the /JEROS directory when the operation is
carried out if “Maintenance Security” of the JEROS basic setting file is set to “YES.”
*2: It is necessary to enter a user name and password that have access to the /JEROS/SYS/MNT/HTML, where the
HTML files are located, when the operation is carried out.
*3: It is necessary to enter a user name and password that have access to the file you want to display.
*4: It is necessary to enter a user name and password that have access to the /JEROS directory when the operation is
carried out.
To perform maintenance of the FCN-RTU, it is necessary to specify a user name and
password that have the appropriate access rights for each operation.
Access rights may be changed for individual operations.
For how to set the various system setting files, refer to the Help of each setting screen.
For more information about the Online Download Function, refer to B3., “Online Download” in
“STARDOM FCN/FCJ Guide” (IM 34P02Q01-01E).
A function may be limited by the combination of a style number of operating hardware, a release
number of the software and making conditions of the control application.
Please check it on the following homepage.
-> Members Page: Partner Portal
• After hardware failure, data stored on the on-board Flash Memory can not be
retrieved. It is recommended to backup retain data and system files.
• For the backup and restore procedure, refer to "6.1 Backup/Restore of all data".
*1: The ambient temperature is the average temperature in which the unit is used.
• Even when the average ambient temperature is below 25°C, the battery should be
replaced after 10 years.
• When the unit is used over the recommended exchange period, the battery may
• If the battery leaks, a strong odor may be produced and the metal parts may be
• Replace batteries that have leaked as soon as possible.
• Replacing the battery clears the data storage memory and clock setting. Before
requesting a battery replacement, back up the data (retain data, etc.) using a
software tool. Set the clock in the first turning on the FCN-RTU power.
For more information about the saving retain data procedure, refer to B2.4.7, “Saving Retain Data”
in “STARDOM FCN/FCJ Guide” (IM 34P02Q01-01E).
Figure Example of mounting battery (FCN) Figure Top of Battery being removed (FCN)
For more information about replacing the FCN CPU module’s battery, refer to C4.3.1, "FCN CPU
Module/FCJ Batteries” in “STARDOM FCN/FCJ Guide” (IM 34P02Q01-01E).
The relay cannot be replaced by itself. The entire module must be replaced.
Figure DC Load Lifespan Curve and AC Load Lifespan Curve of the Electric Lifespan
● Key Code
This is the license that is required when installing the following software.
• Logic Designer
• FCN/FCJ OPC server for Windows
• Duplexed Network Function License for FCN/FCJ OPC Server
• FCN/FCJ Simulator (NT752AJ-LW11A: R4.10 or later)
● License ID
This is the license that is required to run the following software.
• FCN/FCJ Simulator (NT752AJ-LU11A)
7.1.3 License ID
A license ID is a code comprised of ASCII strings that is required to register
the license when the software is executed.
The license file is provided by a file that contains one or more license IDs.
The execution license of STARDOM is validated by registering the license ID using a
dedicated tool to a set registration location. The following chart describes the
software that requires an execution license, the license ID registration location, and
license registration tool.
Order ID Sheet
When a STARDOM software license is purchased, an Order ID sheet paper will be
provided. On this order sheet, a list of purchased licenses and the order ID and
password that is the key to connecting to the License Management System will be
User registration must first be performed in order to use the License Management
System. Set the User ID and password that were issued during user registration into
the initial window to validate the user (login). If user registration is not completed, use
the following guest account to temporarily login.
User ID: guest
Password: stardom_license
User Registration
When the guest account is used, the user registration menu window will be displayed.
Select [New Registration]. In the User Registration, there are input fields for relevant
information. Input the required items and click on the [Register] button. When
registration is accepted, the customer ID will be issued automatically. (A password
must be set by the user.)
The operating procedure will differ depending on the type of license. For details, refer to the Help.
When license issuance is completed, a “Key Code” or a “License File” can be
obtained. Use this license and each license registration tool to perform setup.
For setting procedures of the FCN/FCJ licensing, refer to the Help of Resource Configurator.
The specifications for the power supply module’s insensitive momentary power-failure
time are shown in the table below.
Table Power supply module insensitive momentary power-failure time
Model Rated Input Voltage Minimum Input Insensitive Momentary Power-failure
Voltage Time
NFPW444 24 V DC 21.6 V 2 msec
NFPW426 10 〜30 V DC 10 V 2 msec
Note: The time described above is a guide for an estimate. The value may be
changed by application or project size and so on.
● CPU module
• ECC memory diagnostics
• Internal bus diagnostics
• Diagnosis through WDT (*2)
● I/O module
• Detection of whether analog input circuits are open or shorted
• Analog output readback
• Internal CPU timer and other resources
*1: Acronym for “Reliability,” “Availability,” and “Serviceability.”
*2: Acronym for “Watch Dog Timer.”
Power OFF (3) Reset Switch
H R C H R C Boot Mode
Online Mode (2) Test Mode Status
Completed Status
IP Address (4)
Setting Mode Boot Mode
H R C IP Address Setting
Selected Selection Status (5) Status
(3 sec wait for input)
Mode Selected
Loading Status
Load Operation (9)
Reset Maintenance Mode Selected
Reboot Completed Status
H R C Online Status Maintenance Status
CPU Module
Built-in I/O Fail
Power OFF H R C
Flashing (ON for 1 sec and then OFF for 1 sec)
Flashing (ON for 100 ms and then OFF for 100 ms)
1: When the power is applied, and the self-diagnosis process is executed from the Boot ROM in the system card.
2: If one of the following condition is met, the FCN-RTU CPU module is entered into the 'Test Mode Status'.
a. If the power is applied while the shutdown switch is kept pressed.
b. If no system software is installed.
c. If the system cannot be started because of a fatal error (file system error, etc.)
3: When the reset switch is pressed, and the restart process is executed again.
4: When the self-diagnosis process is completed.
5: First enters the 'Online Mode' in the 'Boot Mode Selection Status'.
If the shutdown switch is pressed again at this point in time, shifts to the 'IP Address Setting Mode'.
If the shutdown switch is pressed once again, the mode shifts to the 'Maintenance Mode'.
And if the shutdown switch is pressed once again, the mode returns to the 'Online Mode'.
Subsequently, these transitions will be repeated every time the shutdown switch is pressed.
If the shutdown switch is not pressed for 3 seconds, it will be transitioned into the 'IP Address Setting Status' or the
'loading Status', depending on the selected mode.
Specifically, it will be transitioned into the 'IP Address Setting Status' if the 'IP Address Setting Mode' is continued for
3 seconds.
6: When the IP address is set with the Resource Configurator.
● Loading Status
This is a status where the information stored in the CPU module on-board flash
memory is loaded into the memory.
● Online Status
This is the normal operation status (the control application and other functions can be
• Task execution: This is in the state where the task is executing.
• Task stop: This is in the state stopped from loading on purpose, or the state where
there is no boot project and it has stopped.
• Task irregular stop: This is in the state where the task stopped for the exception.
Revision Information
Document name : FCN-RTU Technical Guide
Document No. : TI 34P02A14-01E