15EE45 Electro Magnetic Field Theory PDF
15EE45 Electro Magnetic Field Theory PDF
15EE45 Electro Magnetic Field Theory PDF
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Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2017
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module.
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1 a. Define scalar and vector. For a given vectors A= 6 a,+ 2ay + 6 a, and B = -2 ax+ 9ay - a,.
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i) Show that vectors A and B are perpendicular to each other.
-- -- --
ii) Find AxB and show AxB=-BxA. (06Marks)
b. Derive the relationship between rectangular and cylindrical coordinates. (05 Marks)
c. Using surface integral obtain an expression for surface area of a sphere of radius 'r 1' meter.
(05 Marks)
2 a. State and prove Gauss law. (05 Marks)
b. Two identical uniform line charges of line charge density 5 nc/mt are parallel to x-axis are
kept at z = 0, y = -2 m and z = 0, y = +4 mt. Find the electric field at P(4, 1, 3) mt. Assume
free space conditions and infinite line charge. (06 Marks)
- - - - 2
c. If D = 2xyax + 3yzay + 4zxa, elm , how much electric flux passes through that portion of
the plane at x = 3 mt for which -1 ~ y ~ 2 mt and O~ z ~ 4 mt. (05 Marks)
3 a. Show that the electric field intensity (E) can be expressed as negative gradient of scalar
potential (V). (06 Marks)
b. Find the work done in moving a point charge of Q = -20 µC from origin to P( 4, 2, 0) along
2 - - -
the path x =Sy.Given E = 2(x +4y)a, +8xay V/m and E = to. (06 Marks)
c. A point charge of 1 µC is at y = -3mt and another point charge of 2 µC is at y = +3mt. Find
the electric potential at a point P( 4, 0, O)mt. (04 Marks)
4 a. With usual notations prove that V. j = - op v • (06 Marks)
b. Derive an expression for capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with a dielectric interface
(sr 1 and sr2) parallel to the conducting plates. (06 Marks)
c. A parallel plate capacitor of 8.0 nF has an area of 1.51 m 2 and separation of 10 mm. What
__; N separation would be required to obtain the 10 nF capacitance between the plates? (04 Marks)
§ 5 a. Starting from Gauss's law in integral form, derive Poisson's and Laplace equation. Write
g_ Laplace equation in all the coordinate systems. (08 Marks)
.§ b. Obtain electric potential at a point between two parallel plates at z = 10 mt and z = 5 mt kept
at potential of 60 Volts and 10 Volts respectively. Also find the electric field intensity at
point. (08 Marks)
1 of2
6 a. Derive an 'expression for magnetic field intensity at a point due to an infinite long straight
conductor carrying a current ofl Amps along z-axis. (06 Marks)
b. Evaluate both sides of stokes theorem for the field H = 1Osin ea$ Ampers/meter and the
surface r = 3m, 0 ~ e ~ 90°, 0 ~ ~ ~ 90°. Let the surface has the a, direction. What each side
of stokes theorem represents? (10 Marks)
7 a. Derive an expression for the force between differential current elements. (08 Marks)
b. A point charge of Q = -40µC is moving with a velocity of~= (-3ax -4ay + 4.5az) x 10 6
rn/sec. find the magnitude of the vector force exerted on the moving particle by the field:
- - -
i) B=2a,-3ay+5a, mT,
- - - -
ii) E = 2ax + 3ay -4a, KV/m,
iii) Both Band E acting together. (08 Marks)
8 a. The z = 0 plane marks the boundary between two magnetic medium. Medium-1 is the region
z > 0 and the medium-2 is the region z < 0. The magnetic flux density in the medium-I 1s,
- - - -
B, = 1.5ax + 0.8a y + 0.6a, mT. Find:
i) The magnetic flux density in medium-2;
ii) Angle between the magnetic flux density and the boundary between two magnetic
medium. Assume µr = 3 and µ, 2 = 4. (07 Marks)
b. Derive an expression for inductance of a solenoid. (04 Marks)
c. A solenoid with air core has 2000 turns and a length of 500 mm. Core radius is 40 mm. Find
its self inductance. (05 Marks)
9 a. Write Maxwell's equations in point form and in integral form for time varying fields.
(06 Marks)
b. The circular loop conductor at z = 0 plane has a radius of 0.1 mt and resistance of 5Q. Given
B= 0.2sin 10 3 ta, Telsa. Find the current in the coil. (06 Marks)
c. Derive continuity equation from Maxwell equation. (04 Marks)
10 a. Starting from Maxwell's equations obtain the general wave equations m electric and
magnetic fields. (08 Marks)
b. A 50 GHz plane wave is travelling in a perfect dielectric medium has E 0 = 20 V/m. Find:
i) Intrinsic impedance
ii) Propogation constant
iii) Velocity of wave
iv) Magnetic field intensity.
Given Er= 2 andµ . = 5. (08 Marks)
2 of2
6 a. Derive an expression for magnetic field intensity at a point due to an infinite long straight
conductor carrying a current ofl Amps along z-axis. (06 Marks)
b. Evaluate both sides of stokes theorem for the field H = 10sin8a$ Ampers/meter and the
surface r = 3m, 0 ::; 8 ::; 90°, 0 ::; ~ ::; 90°. Let the surface has the a, direction. What each side
of stokes theorem represents? (10 Marks)
7 a. Derive an expression for the force between differential current elements. (08 Marks)
b. A point charge of Q = -40µC is moving with a velocity of~= (-3a, -4ay +4.5a,)x 10 6
m/sec. find the magnitude of the vector force exerted on the moving particle by the field:
- - -
i) B=2a,-3ay+5a, mT,
- - - -
ii) E = 2a, + 3ay -4a, KV/m,
iii) Both B and E acting together. (08 Marks)
8 a. The z = 0 plane marks the boundary between two magnetic medium. Medium-I is the region
z > 0 and the medium-2 is the region z < 0. The magnetic flux density in the medium-I 1s,
- - - -
B, =I.Sax+ 0.8ay + 0.6a, mT. Find:
i) The magnetic flux density in medium-2;
ii) Angle between the magnetic flux density and the boundary between two magnetic
medium. Assume µr = 3 and µr 2 = 4. (07 Marks)
b. Derive an expression for inductance of a solenoid. (04 Marks)
c. A solenoid with air core has 2000 turns and a length of 500 mm. Core radius is 40 mm. Find
its self inductance. (05 Marks)
9 a. Write Maxwell's equations in point form and in integral form for time varying fields.
(06 Marks)
b. The circular loop conductor at z = 0 plane has a radius of0.1 mt and resistance of 50. Given
B= 0.2sin 10 3 ta, Telsa. Find the current in the coil. (06 Marks)
c. Derive continuity equation from Maxwell equation. (04 Marks)
10 a. Stmiing from Maxwell's equations obtain the general wave equations m electric and
magnetic fields. (08 Marks)
b. A 50 GHz plane wave is travelling in a perfect dielectric medium has E 0 = 20 V/m. Find:
i) Intrinsic impedance
ii) Propagation constant
iii) Velocity of wave
iv) Magnetic field intensity.
Given Er= 2 and µr = 5. (08 Marks)
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