Integrating MS-Excel in Research Methodology Course: January 2010
Integrating MS-Excel in Research Methodology Course: January 2010
Integrating MS-Excel in Research Methodology Course: January 2010
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All content following this page was uploaded by Rohit Vishal Kumar on 31 May 2014.
1. Introduction
I joined academics in the year 2001 after serving with marketing research companies in various
cities in India. As is wont to happen with a junior academician, I was asked to teach Business
Statistics & Research Methodology to the students. The teaching of the course was, though not
the problem; the problem started when the students went for their summer training and
subsequently started calling me up asking “how to analyse the data?” My typical response was to
use SPSS. However, I soon realized that neither all students had access to the software nor had
the Institute a site license for the software. In effect, by asking students to use SPSS I was
indirectly contributing to software piracy. Secondly, without adequate and proper knowledge of
the software, the students were coming up with “wild analysis” – like calculating Pearsonian
correlation for nominal data, finding chi-square for percentage or ratio data etc.
Reflecting on the problem, I started consulting colleagues in other institutes on an informal basis.
I soon realized that the problem was widespread. These consultations revealed three major
problems (i) Second and Third level institutes did not invest in analytical software for student
consumption primarily because of the high cost of the software (ii) Even if the B-School had the
software it did not have competent resource person for imparting software knowledge and (iii) no
where was the aspect of “Data Entry & Data Coding” taught to the students. In a bid to overcome
these problems, I started looking for a solution and finally decided to integrate Microsoft Excel in
the syllabus of Research Methodology.
The choice of using MS-Excel was due to the fact that most b-schools had purchased computers
to set up their computer lab and these machines already had the OEM version of MS-Office
installed on them. Microsoft Excel, first released in 1985 has grown into a comprehensive
spreadsheet which can also double up as an analysis software, charting software, flat-form
database and a full fledged programming environment (Wikipedia, 2009).
The MS Excel 2003 version contains about 80 statistical functions. Besides allowing for
calculation of descriptive statistics like measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and
kurtosis, it also has functions to compute correlation, linear regression slope and intercept. It
even allows testing of hypothesis by providing functions like chi-test, f-test, t-test and z-test. It
has functions to calculate the probability distributions of the major distributions – beta, binomial,
chi-square, exponential, f, gamma, hyper-geometric, log normal, negative binomial, normal,
poisson, t and weibull.
Another powerful feature is the provision of “array formulas”. An array formula can perform
multiple calculations and then return either a single result or multiple results. The usage of array
formula’s acts as a boon during analysis – especially when trying to tabulate raw data into
frequency classes. MS Excel also provides “Data Analysis Tool Pack” which is available as an add-
on in all the versions of the software. This tool pack acts as a graphical user interface between the
user and the data and provides some additional analysis facilities to the user. The additional
analysis that can be done using the tool pack include – ANOVA, Exponential Smoothing, Fourier
Analysis, Histogram, Moving Average, Rank and Percentile, Multiple Regression and Sampling.
Besides it allows quick calculation of Descriptive Analysis and of Z and T tests for hypothesis
testing. The charting facility given by MS-Excel allows creation of basic charts and graphs along
with insertion of trend lines and error bars in almost all of the charts. It allows the following trend
lines – linear, logarithmic, polynomial, power exponential and moving average – along with the
adjusted R2 values. Pivot Table’s and Pivot Charts are another powerful features of MS Excel
which allow us to generate 2x2 tables and charts to study relationships in an interactive way.
The Management Faculty T9026
However, the biggest problem which I faced was in trying to integrate the theory of MS-Excel
software along with Research Methodology paper. Students considered MS-Excel to be a part of
“Computer Applications” paper and were disgusted to study it once again as an adjunct to the
“Research Methodology” paper. I overcame this problem, by introducing MS-Excel from the initial
“Business Statistics” paper. I would show them how to calculate mean, median, etc. on the
computer while the subject was being taught. This generated interest amongst students regarding
the use of the software and the next batch was more willing to integrate MS-Excel with research
4. Conclusion
It has been more than five years since I am following this approach and I would say that it has
helped the students to gain a better insight in research methodology. Opponents of MS-Excel do
point out that there are various lacunae in the software (Burns, 2009; Cox, 2000; Goldwater,
2007; McCullough & Heiser, 2008). Even though I personally agree with these criticisms, but
until and unless statistical software companies start selling statistical packages at a cost
affordable to average Indian student, MS-Excel seems to be the best option available for data
analysis. I strongly recommend that business-schools in India should start laying extra emphasis
on the use of MS-Excel or its freeware alternatives like Gnumeric or OpenOffice for data analysis.
Burns, P. (2009). Spreadsheet Addiction. Retrieved September 15, 2009, from
Goldwater, E. (2007). Using Excel for Statistical Data Analysis - Caveats. Retrieved September
15, 2009, from
McCullough, B. D., & Heiser, a. A. (2008). On the accuracy of statistical procedures in Microsoft
Excel 2007. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 52(10), 4570-4578.
Wikipedia. (2009, September 15). Microsoft Excel. Retrieved September 15, 2009, from