03 Jaer V2N2 PDF
03 Jaer V2N2 PDF
03 Jaer V2N2 PDF
ISSN: 2393-8447
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2015, pp.51-56
The work taken up for this paper is the implementation of process automation using DCS for Ultra Supercritical thermal
power plant. Coal has been the king in the global electric power production and will continue to serve in this role in the
future. Worldwide energy and electricity consumption is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 2‐2.5% between
now and 2025 caused by increase of population (up to 7.5 billion) and increase of consumption (mainly of China and
India).Hence, by increasing the efficiency of existing power plants, using clean technologies and adoption of ultra-
supercritical boiler, wherever cost effective and otherwise suitable is preferred. The Gross plant efficiency is around
41‐42% for ultra‐supercritical units with steam parameters of 28MPa/975k, which is about 3‐4% higher than that of the
supercritical units. The control of large scale ultra-super critical power plant is very complicated and highly nonlinear
because it involves the measurement and control of number of parameters in order to increase the overall plant efficiency
by Optimizing the combustion process, increasing the steam parameters, reducing the condenser pressure and improving
the internal efficiency of the steam turbines. Thus, Monitoring and control system such as DCS/SCADA are responsible
for managing critical infrastructures operating in these environment. The control of various components such as once
through boiler parts super heater (temperature, pressure, flow), reheater (temperature, pressure, flow), economizer
(temperature, pressure and flow), air Preheater (temperature), burners (air/fuel ratio) and turbine operating conditions is
implemented using the CENTUM CS 3000 of Yokogawa India ltd.
Keywords - Automation, coal fired power plant, control system design, Distributed control system (DCS), once through
boiler, ultra super critical power plant.
supplies high-pressure (HP) steam to the primary with large heat transfer surface and can be
superheater and reduces the impurities in the steam. accommodated in small volume. As motor starts, metal
plates move from hot combustion passage and exchange
The superheater consists of four parts: primary, the heat to the cool incoming air.
division, platen, and finish. The reheater reheats the
steam after the HP turbine using the primary reheater 3.2 Primary and Secondary Air Fans
and the reheater finish. Finally, the turbine converts the
enthalpy of the steam into rotary motion of the tandem A fan can be considered as a mechanical device that
compound triple turbines, which consist of three parts: a moves a volume of fluid such as air, gas or vapour
HP turbine, an intermediate-pressure (IP) turbine, and through a pressure driven flow. The term draft indicates
low-pressure (LP) turbine which is then connected to the movement of the combustion air and flue gases.
the alternator to produce electricity. Forced draft fan is used to regulate the combustion air.
Induced draft fan is used to regulate the furnace
pressure. Control can be done by fan speed or damper
action. Furnace pressure is affected by both forced draft
fan and induced draft fan.
3.3 Burner
The raw coal is fed into the pulverizer along with air
heated to about 650 degrees F from the boiler. Air–fuel
ratio is the ratio between the mass of air and the mass of
fuel in the fuel–air mix at any given moment. The mass
is the mass of all constituents that compose the fuel and
air, whether combustible or not.
Fig.7. Control drawing builder of superheater pressure Fig.11. Control drawing builder of reheater
control temperature control
Fig.18. Control drawing builder of LP&HP Turbine Fig.21. Trend window for Super heater temperature
4.5. Condenser
Condensers are heat exchangers which convert steam
from its gaseous to its liquid state at a pressure below
atmospheric pressure. A water-cooled shell and tube
heat exchanger installed on the exhaust steam from a
steam turbine in thermal power stations is called as
surface condenser.
Fig.20. Trend window for Air/fuel ratio Fig.24. Trend window for Reheater