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Success Plan

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Success Plan Junior Unified Council Unified Council Success Plan Junior

Be Cheerful ☺☺☺ Here are a few tips :

We feel happy when we see people cheerful and joyful. ☺ Stand in front of a mirror and smile with your eyes. It
Amazingly, the role models to emulate to be cheerful are reduces your seriousness greatly.
children. Unfortunately, as we grow, we tend to be more and ☺ To be ever smiling, value the other person.
more serious. If only one realises the value of being cheerful, ☺ Do, what you love to do. If already late, love what you do !
one would like to be so. Let us cheer up with some salient ☺ Accept the past, don’t brood over it.
aspects of being cheerful. ☺ Be optimistic, with positive thinking.
☺ When you get up from the bed, say : “I shall be cheerful
The age-old saying ‘Aanandho Brahma’ (to be happy is to
throughout the day today.” Then frequently suggest to
be divine) is very true. Not only that, the Biblical saying, ‘A
yourself : ‘only fools frown. To be cheerful is to be wonderful.’
merry heart doeth good like medicine’ is very scientific,
because laughing stimulates production of adrenaline, which Remember, our dress is never complete without an
releases endorphins in the brain. These foster relaxation and enchanting smile. So, let us be cheerful, joyful and blissful
even reduce pain. Research shows that cheerfulness to be wonderful.
increases longevity. The healing ability of laughter is well-
known and is now recognised medically too.
Many hospitals in the USA have employed laughing nurses
whose duty is to visit the patients and induce laughter to Few Amazing Facts
them for some time. This laughter therapy is found to help
A tightrope walker uses a long pole or an umbrella to adjust
the patients recover fast.
his centre of gravity so that it is always directly above the
A cheerful person is generally liked by all, and therefore, rope. When he is in danger of falling off, he would crouch
he naturally becomes popular in any gathering. Not many low on the tightrope. This lowers his centre of gravity and
know that a smile takes us miles ahead in our interpersonal helps him to restore his balance.
relationship. Perhaps the only thing that ensures 100%
return with interest, almost instantaneously, is ‘smile’. We stand with our legs apart in a moving bus to increase
our base area and thus preventing us from toppling over
A smile requires only 4 muscles to be moved whereas
frowning needs 16. But still, many do not know how to be
cheerful. Undoubtedly, one can alter one’s life by altering A running tap uses between 15 to 20 litres of water per
the attitude of one’s mind. minute. A dripping tap wastes 70 to 90 litres of water per day.

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Mnemonics is another sentence that you can use to remember these

9 planets in order of increasing size. ‘Men plan many
‘Mnemonics’ is a powerful technique which is used for VENUS jumps’. The first letter of each word represents a
remembering things. Mnemonics helps you associate with what planet except the word ‘VENUS’ for which each letter
you want to remember with ease. represents a planet. M-Mercury, P-Pluto, M-Mars, V-Venus,
Grasp the importance of Mnemonics from Dr. Vernon Gregg’s E-Earth, N-Neptune, U-Uranus, S-Saturn, J-Jupiter.
Human Memory. “Most people, with practice, can achieve III. Digits represented by words containing the same
surprising levels of performance using mnemonics . . . number of letters.
Employment of imaginal coding in mnemonic devices can lead
The value of the square root of 2 is given by the following
to remarkable levels of remembering, suggesting that the
sentence. I wish I knew the root of two.
capacity of visual imaginal memory to record episodic
1 4 1 4 or
phenomena is very great.”
I have a root of a two whose square is two
How do you acquire the habit of establishing these associations ? 1 4 1 4 2 1 3 5 6 2 3
As your memory is like a computer, it needs operating Notice that a number is given below each word in the above
instructions just as a computer does. That is, you must program sentence, which is the number of letters in that word. Put
it. For example, you can take the first letter of each item or name all these numbers together and you get the value of the
and make an interesting word or sentence. There are some square root of two : 2 = 1.414 (3 digits after decimal) or
examples : 1.4142135623 (10 digits after decimal).
I. The seven colours of the spectrum Here are few mnemonics based on concepts of science.
Take the first letter of each of the seven colours in the 1. The Earth’s atmosphere.
rainbow and arrange them as : VIBGYOR. Now you need to
Here is a phrase to help you remember the order of the
remember only ‘VIBGYOR’ and you can easily recall the
earth’s atmosphere : The Strong Man’s Triceps Explode.
seven colours as : V-violet, I-indigo, B-blue, G-green, Y-
This stands for : Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
yellow, O-orange, R-red or you may use the sentence :
Thermosphere, Exosphere.
Richard of York goes battling in vain. First letters of each
word represents the first letter of a colour. 2. LICHEN are made up of ALGAE and FUNGI.
II. Our planets in order of increasing size She was all gal (ALGAL) and he was a fun guy (FUNGI). They
took a likin (LICHEN) to each other.
We have nine planets in our Solar System. Can you tell the
names of those planets ? You can name them easily. But 3. Properties of magnets.
it is a little difficult to name them according to their sizes ‘Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.’ Two ‘N’s repel.
(The smallest one first and the biggest one at the end). Here Two ‘S’s repel. But ‘N’ and ‘S’ attract.

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13. For remembering the bones of the upper limbs :
4. PANIC :
‘Some Crooks Have Underestimated Royal Canadian
Positive Anode, Negative Is Cathode. Mounted Police.’
5. Remember the following and you know the speed of light (Scapula, Clavicle, Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Carpals,
just by counting the letters in each word of the sentence. Metacarpals, Phalanges).
We guarantee certainty, clearly referring to this light mnemonic. 14. For remembering the bones of the lower limbs :
2 9 9 7 9 2 4 5 8 ‘Help Five Police To Find Ten Missing Prisoners.’
The speed of light : 29, 97, 92, 458 m/s (miles per second). (Hip, Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Metatarsals,
6. Lose Electrons = Oxidation. Gain Electrons = Reduction. Phalanges).
LEO the lion goes GER. 15. For remembering steps in a scientific investigation
7. Fat-soluble vitamins ‘ADEK’ : A, D, E and K are fat-soluble. Problem  Research  Hypothesis  Experiment  Data
8. Chordate Features : Dorsal hollow nerve cord.  Analyse  Conclusion  Communicate.
‘Do Not Pinch People’ Notochord. People Really Hate Eating Donuts And Cold Cider.
Pharyngeal slits. 16. Characteristics of living things : MRS. GREN
Postanal tail
The 7 features of all living things do/have : Movement,
9. For Diverging mirrors and lenses, the image is always Reproduction, Sensitivity, Growth, Respiration, Excretion,
Diminshed, Upright and Virtual, regardless of the distance Nutrition.
of the object from the mirror or lens. ‘D DUV’.
17. Mnemonics for remembering spellings.
10. For remembering the order of energy and how it is used A friend is always there when the end comes.
by living things.
‘Some People Can Have Crazy Outrageous Dreams’ I before E except after C and when saying ‘a’ as in
Sun → Producers → Consumers (Herbivores, Carnivores, neighbour or weigh and weird is weird.
Omnivores) → Decomposers. The word ‘believe’ has ‘lie’ in it.
11. Effects of heat on matter : Gaining heat expands matter. When you eat ‘dessert’, you always want to come back for
(Gary Hates Eva). the second ‘s’.
Matter contracts when cooled. Loose Heat Contract. Your principal is your PAL
(Let Her Cry). For words like ‘oat’ or ‘eat’ when two vowels go walking,
12. The changing effects of acid and base on litmus paper. the first is stressed.
Acid : Blue to Red. A changes B to R The silent ‘e’ makes the vowel say its name for words like
Base : Red to Blue. B changes R to B. cap/cape and hat/hate.

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Brain Teasers
Memory Trace
An important cause for forgetting is that the ‘memory traces’ of
other experiences interfere with the ‘memory trace’ of the 1) NOTE: The first number in each row tells the number of figures
experience we wish to remember. This interference is less active from that row, that will appear in the solution. The second
during sleep than when we are awake. It is also less active number tells how many of the figures of the figures in the
between different types of materials than between similar types. row are in the same position in the solution as they are in the
It concerns what we do before an experience as well as what row. Solution will have one triangle, one square and one circle.
we do afterwards.
The practical application of these principles to the problem of
overcoming retroactive and proactive inhibition is as follows.
Go to bed after studying in the evening, rather than taking
up any further activities.
Revise the material in the morning before the activity of the
day makes you forget too much of it.
Avoid other mental work, especially of a similar kind in the
event that you cannot go to bed after studying.
Take a brief rest before studying lesson rather than engage
in other mental activity, especially similar mental activity.
Finally, the most important cause for forgetting is ‘repression’
(unconscious forgetting). There are various ways in which a
repression can be undone, thus helping us to remember better.
We can rely upon the ‘repressed’ memory occurring to us
We can repeat or imagine ourselves repeating the situation
in which we first experienced what we want to recall.
We can make use of free association, writing down whatever
that occurs to us until we recall the ‘repressed’ memory.
We should also make use of any available association in
committing something to memory. Two ideas may be
associated if they resemble or contrast with each other, or __________ __________ ___________
if they simply occur together.
Answers on page 21

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2) Complete the following phrases by changing or adding only The write measure to your intelligence
the letters that go in the circles. The rest of the word stays
the same. Y. Mallikarjuna Rao
Renowned Handwriting Expert
‘Study steady and write right’ is a buzz phrase for the student
community. Make sure that the examiner/evaluator gets pleased
HAND to read your answers on the exam sheet. It becomes easier to
communicate your intelligence/knowledge and to score the
AS TOAST deserved or more than that, many a time.

NO DONE Here are nine wonderful tips to present your answers in the
examination, with good handwriting.
ANGEL'S i) Positions :
Pen or pencil, hold it next to
KNIFE the ‘cone-shaped area at its tip.
Always keep your middle finger
YOUR BOOK below the writing instrument.
Position the sheet you are writing on the left slant, if you
OUT OF are a right-hander. To the right slant, if you are a left-
ROCK ii) Cursive Writing :
Write cursive only when you write English, as it facilitates
H A M AND EGGS faster writing and it looks beautiful too. Telugu, Hindi,
Tamil, Kannada . . . no other regional language possesses
that facility of connecting one letter to the other. So,
Who am I ? whenever you write English, write cursive only.
• A boy and an engineer were fishing. The boy was son
of the engineer but engineer was not the father of the iii) The lettering :
boy. Then who was the engineer ? All the 26 letters of the alphabet in English language, can
• Four children and their pet dog were walking under a be categorised into two groups, based on the strokes.
small umbrella. But none of them became wet. How ? (i) Single-stroke letters and
(ii) The double-stroke letters (i, j and t)
Answers on page 21

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That means, apart from i, j and t, no other letter is to be Vowels connected to letters (A-Z)
written with a double-stroke. Please note that the letters
like k, x and f are to be written without lifting the hand. The
five-letter group of ‘b, f, o, v and w’, ends in a similar bowl
shaped stroke ‘ ’. The other group of five letters ‘a, c, d,
g, and q’ has a similar beginning stroke.
Remember : (the only 2-stroke letters)
(1-stroke letters to be concentrated)
(letters with similar ending stroke)
(letters with similar beginning strokes)

iv) The Connections :

To learn the proper cursive handwriting, one needs to know
(i) how to Letters (A-Z) connected to vowels
connect any
letter to any
vowel and
(ii) to connect
any vowel to
any letter.
Because most
English words
are constructed
based on the
vowels except (v) Cursive Capital Letters :
few words like Observe the word given alongside.
sky, spy, dry, by, The only difference is in the first
my, why, fly, Capital letter. Did you notice the
rhythm, etc. difference in the beauty of the
second word ? It’s all because of using the ‘Cursive Capital’
that raised the beauty. So learn to write all Cursive Capitals
and use them in the beginning of all the sentences.

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Notice the components of each letter, the directional (vi) The Three Zones :
arrows, and you can practice all the cursive letters given The strongest reason of many illegible handwritings is lack
below. of implementing proper zones. All the 26 letters can be
Cursive Capital Letters (A-Z) categorised into 3 zones. When you write the word as ‘top’,
the letter ‘t’ is from upper zone, the letter ‘o’ is from the
middle zone and letter ‘p’ is from the lower zone.
You will come across with words having many upper zone
letters or many lower zone or many middle zone letters.
Very important :
Maintain similar heights for all the upper zone letters :
(b, d, h, k, l, t) i.e., double the middle zone letters.
Maintain similar heights for all the middle zone letters:
(a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, z) i.e., half of the two
printed lines on a single-ruled paper.
Maintain similar depths for all the lower zone letters :
(g, j, p, q, y, z ) i.e., half depth into the next rule on
your single-ruled paper.
‘f’ is the only letter in cursive handwriting which is
Note : Please DO NOT use these cursive capitals written from upper zone till the lower zone.
(i) when you are writing short forms/abbreviations Learn to use similar heights (i.e. half height) for all
middle zone letters, full height for all upper zone
letters and half depth for all lower zone letters.
(ii) when you are filling applications with BLOCK Take a single-ruled sheet, collect few words with all
the middle zone letters, draw a pencil line in the middle
Use ordinary Capital Letters in the above two cases. E.g. : of two rules and write the words, with all the letters
touching the printed line and your pencil line.

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(vii) The Spacing : (viii) The Right (forward) Slant :

To write legibly, make all the letters of a word, visible. Do Make a habit of writing all the letters in a right slant only.
not let the letters either touch each other or go away from Use the following lines as ‘guide lines’ for the proper slant
each other. Observe the following words. and write few words, using the guide line’s slant.
(ix) The Base-line or Writing-line :
The line we write on (on a single-ruled paper) is called the
writing-line or base-line. Never let the middle or upper zone
The reason for this kind of mistake lies in not taking into letter cross the line down. Make those 19 letters exactly
touching the line you are writing on.
account the fact that all small letters are not of similar
width; like, ‘w’ and ‘m’ are the widest letters of all and ‘i’,
‘l’ are the thinnest, while the remaining are of medium size.
a) Always maintain medium and regular spacing between
two letters of a word, whatever the width of the
individual letter.

While writing the lower zone letters, write half of the letter
b) Imagine one-lettered-space in between the words of a above the base-line and half below. This rule applies to the
sentence. 6 lower zone letters i.e. g, j, p, q, y, z.
c) Leave two-lettered-space in between two sentences.
Imp. : Leave no-lettered space before any punctuation mark
and one-lettered-space after the punctuation marks like The remaining letter, the very unique letter ‘f’ shall be
, : ; and two-lettered space after . ! ? written as shown below :

Conclusion :
Practise the above nine tips by using them in your
handwriting. Even if you miss one technique, you would
produce the handwriting which is not upto the mark.

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Puzzles Fun with Numbers

1) Fill in the grey boxes with ‘+’, ‘–’, ‘×’, or ‘÷’ to complete the
1) Adjust the positions of three coins to change Figure A to
number sentences.
Figure B.
a) 4 4 4 4 = 9

b) 5 5 5 5 5 = 19
2) This is a square number puzzle. To start the number journey,
Figure A Figure B draw a line across the numbers starting from ‘1’ at the top
2) Slice the picture into 2 sections from which you could make left corner and ending at ‘9’ at the bottom right corner. You
an 8 × 8 square. can only move right or down. The sum of all numbers that
you passed must be 100.

3) In the figure below, there are 4 ,4 ,4 ,4 .

Divide the figure into 4 parts of the same so that each part
has 1 of each of the above shapes.

3) Guess the 4-digit number from the following clues.

a) The product of the last two digits is 14.
b) Both the second and the third digits are odd.
c) The second digit is bigger than the third digit.
Answers on page 21 d) It is divisible by 7. Answers on page 21

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Fun with Doublets 9. SICK  WELL 10. LOSE  FIND 11. BLACK  WHITE 12. HARD  SOFT
‘Doublets’ is a puzzle invented by Lewis Carrol, the author of SILK LONE BLANK HART
Alice in Wonderland. These are also called as Laddergrams. SILL LINE BLINK TART
The game goes like this : First, two words of the same length SELL FINE CLINK TORT
are proposed. The puzzle consists in linking these together by WELL FIND CHINK SORT
interposing other words, each of which shall differ from the next CHINE SOFT
word in one letter only. So, a letter may be changed from one WHINE
of the given words, then one letter from the word so obtained, WHITE
and so on, working from right to left or vice-versa, till we arrive 13. ONE  TEN 14. FAST  SLOW 15. DOOR  LOCK 16. HAND  FOOT
at the other given word. The number of words changed in ONE FAST DOOR HAND
between, can be any. Proper nouns are not allowed, plurals are. ORE FIST BOOR BAND
As an example, ‘head’ may be changed into ‘tail’ by interposing ERE FIAT BOOK BOND
the words ‘head, heal, teal, tell, tall, tail’. I call the given words ERR FLAT LOOK FOND
‘a doublet’, the interposed words, ‘links’, and the entire series EAR FLAW LOCK FOOT
‘a chain’. TAR FLOW
Some of these can be quite funny like ‘head’ gets changed into TAN SLOW
‘tail’, ‘door’ to ‘lock’ and so on. Here are a few for you to try TEN
(there may be more than one correct way to do each of these). 17. MICE  RATS 18. TEARS  SMILE 19. WHEAT  BREAD
LESS WELL HEAD INK You may try doing the following :
21. hate  love
22. boy  man
23. cap  hat
Class 6 19 Success Plan Junior Success Plan Junior 20 Class 6
Success Plan Junior Unified Council

B rain Teasers





Figure A Figure B

2) 3)

Fun with Numbers

1) (a ) 4 + 4 + 4 ÷ 4 = 9

(b) 5 × 5 – 5 – 5 ÷ 5 = 19

2) Try yourself

3) 6 9 7 2

Who am I ?
• Engineer is the boy’s mother. • It was not raining.

Class 6 21 Success Plan Junior

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