Terminology: Humidity

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Although humidification itself is a simple process, it does work within the confines
of certain very specific terminology. To understand the humidification process
completely, it is most important that we first have a good understanding of that basic

Air, for the purpose of this discussion, is defined as a gaseous mixture of nitrogen,
oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor (humidity), several inert gases, and traces of
ozone and submicroscopic solid matter, sometimes called permanent atmospheric

All other airborne substances are considered contaminants. The water vapor
(humidity), being a gas, occupies space along with the other gases of the air.

In HVAC engineering, air is considered as being made up of only two components,

dry air and water vapor. The properties of the dry air, which is composed of
nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and rare gases, remain relatively unchanged as the
temperature of the air rises and falls.

The water vapor, on the other hand, may undergo considerable alteration as
the temperature changes, including changes of state (condensing and freezing).
Substantial amounts of energy are involved in these transformations.

In measuring these changes and when working with the processing of air for
various air conditioning problems, the engineer is concerned with two basic laws,
Thermodynamics and Psychrometry.

Thermodynamics is the study of heat energy transformations and substances that are
affected by them.

Psychrometry deals with the measurement of atmospheric conditions, particularly

the moisture mixed with air.

A psychrometric chart is a graphic representation of the thermodynamic tables that

the HVAC engineer finds convenient to use when plotting solutions for the various
air-conditioning processes involving water vapor and temperature changes.

Relative Humidity
When we wish to describe the wetness or dryness of air at a given temperature and
pressure, we use the term relative humidity. RH tells us the amount of moisture
present in the air at a given temperature compared to what the air could hold at that
temperature if it were saturated. It is expressed as a percentage.

Absolute Humidity, Humidity Ratio and Specific Humidity
Each of the above terms is expressed as a number that describes a unit weight of
water vapor associated with a unit weight of dry air. It is commonly expressed as
fractional pounds (or kilograms) of water vapor per pound (or kilogram) of dry air,
or if the use of whole numbers is preferred, it is expressed in grains of moisture per
pound of dry air. There are 7000 grains in one pound.

Duct Equivalent Relative Humidity

This is the relative humidity of a duct air stream at a given temperature as compared
to the relative humidity of the space served, which is usually at a different
temperature. For example, a 55°F duct air stream has a duct equivalent relative
humidity of 80% when compared to a room condition of 72°F and 45% relative
humidity. This data is needed when absorption distance evaluations of duct steam
dispersers are being made.

Dry Bulb Temperature

This is simply the temperature of the air indicated by any type of thermometer or
thermocouple that has not been affected by evaporation or radiation.

Wet Bulb Temperature

This is an expression of the temperature of the air when a wick or sock, wetted with
water, encases the sensing element of a dry bulb thermometer and air is passed over
it at a velocity of 700 feet per minute or more. The drier the air, the greater is the
cooling caused by evaporation and, therefore, the lower the wet bulb temperature.

Mean Radiant Temperature

This is the temperature of a uniform black enclosure in which a solid body or
occupant would lose the same amount of heat by radiation only as in a non-uniform
environment, such as a room that has cool walls.

This factor is one of the components that make up the Standard Effective
Temperature Index.

Dew-Point Temperature
This is the saturation temperature corresponding to the humidity ratio and pressure
of a given moist-air state. In other words, it is the surface temperature at which
moisture begins to condense on that surface. The more humid the air, the higher
the dew-point temperature. Conversely, the dryer the air, the lower the dew-point

Vapor Migration
Water vapor, being a gas, behaves under the laws of low pressure gases. One of these
laws, simply stated, says that “in a mixture of gases, the total pressure is the sum of
the individual pressures exerted by each of the gases.” This means that, in a mixture
of water vapor and dry air, the water vapor exerts its own vapor pressure and will
migrate from areas of higher vapor pressure to areas of lower vapor pressure. This
migration occurs regardless of air movement. If the air movement is in the same

physical direction as the force of the pressure differential, it will be accelerated. This
characteristic can sometimes be taken advantage of when designing a humidification
system for a large space served by more than one air distribution system.

Further, the rate of movement at which this migration takes place is dependent upon
the vapor pressure difference between the two areas. The greater the difference, the
faster the migration.

It is important to keep this phenomenon in mind when designing humidification

for buildings or spaces within buildings. It may be necessary to consider the use of
building materials having vapor barrier qualities in order to prevent loss of moisture,
condensation and/or frost formation within the walls of the structure, resulting in

Latent Heat
Latent means hidden. In HVAC usage, latent commonly refers to change of state,
which is the heat involved in fusion (freezing water or melting ice) or vaporization
(creating water vapor) or condensation with no change in temperature. For water,
fusion requires 144 BTU per pound and vaporization or condensation requires 970
BTU per pound. These values, which are for sea-level atmospheric pressure, vary as
the pressure changes. Latent heat is not the same for all substances.

Sensible Heat
Sensible means in this case, that which can be sensed. In HVAC usage, it refers to the
heat required to cause a change in temperature. The change is detected or sensed by
the use of a thermometer.

Specific Heat
This is the heat required to cause a one-degree change in temperature in a unit mass
of a substance. Common units are BTUs per pound (Fahrenheit degree) or calories
per gram (Celsius degree). The specific heat of water is 1.

The Humidification Experts

DRI-STEEM Corporation
14949 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: 952.949.2415
Fax: 952.229.3200

Terminology.indd - 08/07 Rev A Page 

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