Bond of Indeminty
Bond of Indeminty
Bond of Indeminty
Herein – after collectively referred to as “Principal Party” (Which expression shall unless
repugnant to the context means and includes their respective heirs, legal representatives,
executors, administrators and assigns) of the One Part:
AND WHEREAS at the time of the death of the above said Account Holder a sum of
Rs. ___________ Plus profit ( if any) is standing to the credit of the said deceased in the said
account and the Principal Party and the Indemnifiers have approached the Bank for making
payment of the said amount to the Principal Party and the Indemnifiers agree and undertake
jointly & severally to indemnify ABL and hold ABL indemnified, saved and harmless against
any claims, proceedings, losses, harms, determents, liabilities, demands and costs that may be
sustained or incurred by or made against the Bank by reason of the Bank making payment as
1) That in consideration of the Bank having agreed at the request of the Principal Party and the
Indemnifiers to make payment to the Principal Party of the above said amount of Rs. _______
Without production of the Succession Certificate, the Principal Party and the Indemnifiers
hereby undertake, agree and bind themselves jointly and severally at all times to indemnify
and keep the Bank indemnified safe and harmless from and against all claims, demands,
proceedings losses, liabilities, harms damages, detriment costs, charges and expenses and
consequences which the Bank may sustain, incur or be further liable for by reasons of the
Bank making the payment of Rs._____________ to the Principal Party.
2) The Principal Party and the Indemnifiers were explained the above document in
________________ Language which they understood completely and after having understood
the same signed this bond in our presence.
3) That the Principal Party and Indemnifiers further jointly and severally agree that two days
after demand they shall make payment of all their liabilities arising against them on account of
this Indemnity Bond without any question of any nature whatsoever.
4) That the Principal Party and the Indemnifiers further represent that the heirs mentioned
hereinabove are the only heirs left by the deceased _______________ and no one else is the
heir nor any other has been left out from the list of the heirs mentioned hereinabove.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Principal Party and the Indemnifiers have signed and executed this
bond in favor of ALLIED BANK LIMITED on the day and year mentioned hereinabove in the
presence of Witnesses.