Makalah Sosiolinguistic
Makalah Sosiolinguistic
Makalah Sosiolinguistic
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A. What is Sociolinguistic ?
Sociolinguistic is the study of relationship between language and society.
They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social
contexts, and they are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and
the ways it is used to convey social meaning. Examining the way people use language
in different social contexts provides a wealth of information about the way language
works, as well as about the social relationships in a community, and the way people
convey and construct aspects of their social identity through their language.
Sociolinguistics comes from the words "social" and "linguistic". Socio is the
same as the word social which is related to society. Linguistics is the science of
studying and talking about language, especially the elements of language and between
these elements. So, sociolinguistics is a study that composes theories about the
relationship between society and language. Based on the previous understanding,
sociolinguistics also studies and discusses aspects social language especially the
differences contained within language related to social factors (Nababan 1993: 2).
Based on several opinions above, it can be concluded that sociolinguistics not only
learn about language but also learn about aspects of language used by society.
C. Benefits of Sociolinguistics
Every particular field of science has uses in life, as well as sociolinguistics.
Sociolinguistic uses for practical life are many, because language as a means of
human verbal communication, of course, has certain rules in its use. Sociolinguistics
provides knowledge on how to use language. Sociolinguistics explains how to use the
language in certain aspects or social aspects, such as the formulation of Fishman
(1967: 15) that what is questioned in sociolinguistics is, "Who speak, what language,
to whom, when, and to what end". From Fishman's formula, we can describe the
benefits or sociolinguistic uses for practical life.
D. Language Society
As a basic unit of understanding and understanding of the language
community can hold on to languages, social groups, social networks, hierarchies and
individuals which at the same time is a hierarchical description of the stages of