Description: Shushenskaya Gidroelektrostantsiya) Is Located On The
Description: Shushenskaya Gidroelektrostantsiya) Is Located On The
Description: Shushenskaya Gidroelektrostantsiya) Is Located On The
The plant is operated by RusHydro.[3] As of 2009, it was the largest power plant in Russia and the
world's sixth-largest hydroelectric plant by average power generation. It provides more than a
quarter of RusHydro's generation capacity.[4][5] The plant operated ten type РО-230/833-0-677 hydro
turbines[6] manufactured at the Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod, each with a capacity of 640 MW
at 194-metre (636 ft) head.[7] The total installed capacity of the plant is 6,400 MW; its average annual
production is 23.5 TWh, which peaked in 2006 at 26.8 TWh.
The station's constructions include the dam, a power plant building located near the dam, and an
additional spillway which is under construction. The arch-gravity dam is 242 metres (794 ft) high. It
has a crest length of 1,066 metres (3,497 ft), crest width of 25 metres (82 ft), base width of 105.7
metres (347 ft) and maximum head of 220 metres (720 ft). It consists of a solid left-bank dam 246.1
metres (807 ft) long, a power dam 331.8 metres (1,089 ft) long, a spillway dam 189.6 metres (622 ft)
long and a solid right-bank dam 298.5 metres (979 ft) long.[8] It is by far the larger of only two gravity-
arch dams in Russia. Water pressure for the dam is approximately 30 million tons, of which 60% is
neutralized by the dam's own weight and 40% is carried to rock on the bank[9]
The dam is constructed to "safely" withstand earthquakes up to 8 on the Richter scale, and was
recorded by the Guinness Book of World Records for the strongest construction of its type.[10]
The dam supports the Sayano–Shushenskoe reservoir, with a total capacity of 31.34 km3, useful
capacity of 15.34 km3 and surface area of 621 km2 (240 sq mi).
Bendungan sayani-shushenskaya terletak di sungai Yenisei, Khakassia, Rusia. Merupakan pembangkit
listrik terbesar di Rusia dan pembangkit listrik tenaga air terbesar ke-9 di dunia.
Pembangkit ini dioperasikan oleh RusHydro. Pembangkit ini menyediakan lebih dari seperempat
kapasitas pembangkitan RusHydro. Pembangkit ini mengoperasikan sepuluh turbin air tipe РО-230 /
833-0-677 yang diproduksi di Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod, masing-masing dengan kapasitas 640
MW pada tinggi efektif 194 meter (636 kaki). otal kapasitas terpasang pabrik adalah 6.400 MW produksi
tahunan rata-rata adalah 23,5 TWh, yang memuncak pada 2006 di 26,8 TWh.
Konstruksi stasiun termasuk bendungan, bangunan pembangkit listrik yang terletak di dekat bendungan,
dan saluran tambahan yang sedang dibangun. Bendungan gravitasi lengkung setinggi 242 meter (794
kaki). memiliki panjang 1.066 meter (3.497 kaki) pada puncak, lebar puncak 25 meter (82 kaki), lebar
dasar 105.7 meter (347 kaki) dan tinggi maksimum 220 meter (720 kaki). Ini terdiri dari bendungan tepi
kiri solid 246,1 meter (807 kaki) panjang, bendungan listrik 331,8 meter (1.089 kaki) panjang, bending
spillway 189,6 meter (622 kaki) dan bendungan tepi kanan padat 298,5 meter (979 kaki) ). Tekanan air
untuk bendungan adalah sekitar 30 juta ton, di mana 60% dinetralkan oleh berat bendungan itu sendiri
dan 40% disalurkan ke batu karang di tepi sungai [9]
Bendungan ini dibangun untuk "aman" menahan gempa hingga 8 skala Richter, dan dicatat oleh
Guinness Book of World Records untuk konstruksi terkuat dari jenisnya. [10]
Bendungan mendukung reservoir Sayano-Shushenskoe, dengan total kapasitas 31,34 km3, kapasitas
berguna 15,34 km3 dan luas permukaan 621 km2 (240 mil persegi).