Udaipur Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Udaipur Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Udaipur Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Learning Objectives:
This course helps students to understand the different aspects of hardware,
peripheral interfaces & programming which are required for developing low cost
software based applications.
Lecture Plan
Sr. No. Topic Contact
Part I
Introduction to Microprocessor (4 Lectures)
Text: 1) R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and
Applications with the 8085/8080A, Penram International Publishing, 1996
2) B. Ram, Fundamentals of Microprocessor and Microcomputers, Dhanpat
Rai Publications, 2009
1. Introduction to Microprocessor, Microprocessor as
CPU, How does the microprocessor work,
Hardware, Software and Firmware, Memory, 4
Buses, Processing Speed of a Processor, Von
Neumann Architecture of Computers, Harvard
Architecture of Computers, Data Flow Architecture,
Types of Microprocessors, Evolution of
Microprocessors, Application: Microprocessor
Controlled Temperature System
Microprocessor Architecture (8 Lectures)
Text: 1) R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and
Applications with the 8085/8080A, Penram International Publishing, 1996
2) B. Ram, Fundamentals of Microprocessor and Microcomputers, Dhanpat
Rai Publications, 2009
2. Internal Architecture of 8085 microprocessor: 8085
detailed block diagram and working of the 8085 3
3. 8085 pin-out diagram and explanation of individual 2
4. Instruction Cycle: Fetch Operation, Execute 3
Operation, Machine Cycle and State, Instruction
and Data Flow
Timing diagram: Opcode Fetch Cycle, Memory
Read, I/O Read, Memory Write, I/O Write
List of Experiments
1. Study of Intel 8085 microprocessor kit.
2. (a) Write an ALP to add two 8-bit hexa-decimal numbers without carry.
(b) Write an ALP to add two 8-bit hexa-decimal numbers with carry.
3. Write an ALP for the subtration of two 8-bit numbers
(a) with borrow
(b) without borrow.
4. Write an ALP for the multiplication of two 8-bit numbers.
5. Write an ALP for the division of two 8-bit numbers.
Part II
Microprocessor Memory Interface (4 Lectures)
Text: 1) R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and
Applications with the 8085/8080A, Penram International Publishing, 1996
5. The Design and Operation of Memory: Accessing 4
Information in Memory, Tri-State Buffers, Basic
Memory Element, Memory Register, Group of
Memory Register, Design of a Memory Chip,
Enable Inputs, Steps of Writing into Memory,
Dimensions of Memory, The 8085 and Memory,
Chip Select, 8085 and Address Range with
Examples, Memory Interfacing, Interfacing Circuit,
Interfacing the 8155 Memory Section
Microprocessor Programming (8 Lectures)
Text: 1) R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and
Applications with the 8085/8080A, Penram International Publishing, 1996
2) B. Ram, Fundamentals of Microprocessor and Microcomputers, Dhanpat
Rai Publications, 2009
6. The 8085 programming model, The 8085
Addressing modes with example: Immediate
addressing mode, Register addressing mode, 1
Direct Addressing mode, Indirect addressing mode,
Implied addressing mode.
7. Instruction Set Classification: Definition of an
instruction, instruction set, Classification according
to the functionality, Classification according to the 1
size of an instruction, Instruction format
8. 8085 Instruction Set: Instruction details, Data
transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logical 6
instructions, Branching instructions, and Control
instruction, 8085 Programming Examples
List of Experiments
6. Write an ALP for addition of two 16-bit numbers.
7. Write an ALP for subtration of two 16-bit numbers.
8. Write an ALP to move a block of data from one section of memory to
another section of memory.
9. Write an ALP to arrange a string of data bytes in ascending/descending
Part III
Microprocessor: Interfacing Peripherals (11 Lectures)
Text: 1) R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and
Applications with the 8085/8080A, Penram International Publishing, 1996
2) P. K. Ghosh and P. R. Shridhar, 0000 to 8085 Introduction to
Microprocessors for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition, PHI, 2009
9. Interfacing and Programming the 8255: Architecture 2
and pin description of the 8255 PPI chip,
programming modes of the 8255 chip, interfacing
8255 with the 8085 microprocessor
10. Keyboard interface 8279 2
11. Peripheral Interfacing and Programming: 2
Introduction to DMA process, 8257 DMA controller
with operation and programming
12. Programmable timer and counter operation, 2
programming examples using 8254 timer chip in
different mode of operation
13. Serial communication interface and programming 2
using 8251(USART)
14. Interrupt process, Interrupt priority management 1
using single and multiple of 8259 chip
Introductory Microcontrollers (1 Lectures)
Text: The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems by Mazidi, Mazidi
and McKinlay, Pearson Education.
15. Microcontroller Definition, difference between
microprocessor and microcontroller, Types of
Microcontrollers 1
List of Experiments
10. Write an ALP to convert (a) HEX to BCD (b) BCD to HEX
11. Write an ALP to control traffic signal at road junction in a prescribed
12. Write an ALP to control elevator interface with the 8085 microprocessor kit.
13. Familiarization with the 8051 microcontroller kit and Keil uVision 4.
14. Beyond the Syllabus : Microprocessor based mini project
Total 36
Flipped Classroom Activity: Topic: 8085 Addressing Modes
In class Activity:
1. Discussion to video concepts
2. Student will solve example problems to identify addressing modes of various
instructions in class with groups of 2 students.
3. Final answer by teacher and solving more problems with groups of 2 students.
4. Think-pair-share (TPS): discussion with students about where they find
difficulty in getting addressing modes.
a. Think: (4 min) think various addressing modes of different instructions.
b. Pair : (3 min) Discussion with neighbor and combine the answers.
c. Share: Students will present his/her points to the class and final answer is
concluded by the teacher (Summarization).